78-541 .,-... ;- ! ~ ./,'..-.... A RES OF AN TO FI PROPO AND 5 RESOLUTION NO. 78R- 541 UTI ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY IM AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OF ITS MEMBERS A WRITTEN ARGUMENT FOR AND AGAINST A D AMENDMENT TO SECTIONS 500, 507, 508 1 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. WHERE~S' a special municipal election is to be held in the City of aheim on November 7, 1978, at which there will be submitt to the qualified electors of the City the following propo d amendment to the Charter of said City: , PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT It i~..' roposed that Sections 500, 507, 508 and 511 of the Ch er of the City of Anaheim be amended to read as fo lows: Section 50~. CITY COUNCIL. TERMS. I I The elective officers of the City shall consist of~a City Council of seven members elected from the C ty at large at the times and in the manner provided i this Charter who shall serve for a term of four years and until their respective successors qualify. The five members of the City Council in office at he time this Charter provision takes effect shall cont ue in office until the expiration of their respective terms and until their successors are elected an qualified. The number of City Council members sh 11 be increased to seven effective with general m icipa1 election held in Apri1~ 1980. Four members Of;,<..the City Council shall beelec.ted at the. general mu icipal election held in April, 1980, and each fourt year thereafter. Three members of the City Council sh 11 be elected at the general municipal election h ld in April, 1982, and each fourth year thereafter ~ --. The term of each member of the City Council sh1l1 connnence on the first Tuesday following election. :Ties in voting among candidates for office shall be s~ttled by the casting of lots. -1- ",....,. .-.., ! Section 507. SPECIAL ~ffiETINGS. ,.-.. i A special meeting may be called at any time by the $yor, or by a majority of the total members of t City Council, by written notice to each member .f the City Council and to each local newspaper Of~general circulation, radio or television station requ sting notice in writing. Such notice must be deli red personnaly or by mail at least twenty-four urs before the time of such meeting as specified in I he notice. The call and notice shall specify the ;ime and place of the special meeting and the busi ss to be transacted. No other business shall be con idered at such meeting. Such written notice may b~ dispensed with as to any person entitled thereto who~i:at or prior to the time the meeting convenes, fi . s with the City Clerk a written waiver of notice. . ch waiver may be given by telegram. Such written ~otice may also be dispensed with as to any person wqo is actually present at the meeting at the time ~t convenes. Section 508. PLACE OF MEETINGS. All meetings shall be held in the Council Chambers of he City Hall, or in such place within the City to whic any such meeting may be adjourned, and shall be ope to the public. If, by reason of fire, flood or ot r emergency, it shall be unsafe to meet in the place designated, the meetings may be held for the duration of the emergency at such place within the City as is d signated by the Mayor, or, if the Mayor should fail 0 act, by a majority of the total members of the City ~ouncil. Section 511. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. .....-...... With the sole exception of emergency o:rdinances w~ch take effect upon adoption~ referred to in this Arti~~e, no ordinance shall be adopted by the City Council Ion. the day of its introduction, nor within five days thieafter nor at any time other than at a regular or a j ourned regular meeting. At the time of its introducio.n an ordinance shall become a part of the proceedings f such meeting in the custody of the City Clerk. At t time of adoption of an ordinance or resolution i~ shall be read in full, unless after the reading of t~e title thereof, the further reading -2- ~ .-.. -. thereof is waived by unanimous consent of the Council members pres~nt, except that emergency ordinances shall be read in ftJ,ll. In the event that any ordinance is altered aftert its introduction, the same shall not be finally adop~ed except at a regular or adjourned regular meeting held~,inot less than five days after the date upon which schordinance was so altered. The correction o. typographical or clerical errors shall not constite the making of an alteration within the meaning f the foregoing sentence. i No order for the payment of money shall be adopted o~ made at any other than a regular or adjourned re$ular meeting. i Unless a higher vote is required by other prOv1~ons of this Charter, theaffirmati ve votes of at 'east a majority of the total memb.e.rs of the City Co oil shall be required for the enactment of an ordina ce or resolution, or for the making or approving of;,anY order for the payment of money. All ordinances a d resolutions shall be signed by the Mayor and at ,ested by the City Clerk. Any ordinance declared by the City necessary as an emergency measure for preservation of the pUblic peace, health d containing a statement of the reasons ey, may be introduced and adopted at one meeting if passed by the affirmative votes wo-thirds of the total members of the City Council to b . theimmediat or safety, for its urge and the same of at least Council. NOW, THSREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES HERE.Y RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SEG'TIONi1. , I Thatth~s City Council, being the of the City of An;heim, hereby authorizes Don R. Roth legislative body ,-. a member of said ~dY' to file a written argument for the City measure set forthln the recitals hereof in accordance with se.ction 5013 of t · Elections Code of the.' State of California and to change sai argument until and including the date fixed by the City Clerk.l. after W, hich no arguments for or against said measure may be sU~llitted. -3- .-., I .-.. the City SECTIO~. That t~is City Council, being of Anah;1m, hereby authorizes William I. Kott John Seymour members of said ~Ody, to file a written argument against the Ci.t.y measur. e S.e'tt' r ort. h i.n. t.he recitals hereof in a.C..COrda. n ce with Section 5013 of he Elections CodeQf the State of California and to change sa d argument until and including the dat~ fixed by the ~City Cler . after which no arguments for or agalnstsaid measure may be s bmitted. , THE FO*EGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City CouncllTof the City of Anaheim this 22nd day of AURust - , ~978. the legislative body of ..-.. . ATTEST: ~~~F JLW:jh Ii i ANAHEIM .' ..,..-... -4- .'1""'" --. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss . CITY or ANAHEIM ) I, LINIA Jh ROBERtrS, City Cl the'fOiego1ng Re'itolution No. ~::~~P::~::d~~u;.i7'l;~~ ) it'of the City o-fAnahei.t, db enemy cettify that tSR-541 was'!Bt:iedue~d and adopte&Qt,. 8'r-egular eCity Council 6Y the 'lrtty'of'Miaheim held on ; by the following' vote ':Of' the' ~1.b&'. tnereof: ',. ,- - ~. ... "-) ;. ~! AYES : COUNCIL MEMBERS: 0 ~rholt, Kaywood, Kott, Roth and Seymour NOBS : COIlHCIL.. MEMBERS : , ~ ....,.. ). ~_.._...' ..._~ --. '-'~'-' ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AND I :fURTHER CERTIFY that Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said R~lulLon1io,."'-:54Lon_th t22nd day of August, 1978. IN WITlESS WHEREOF, I have h teunto set my hand and affixed the s'.al 1)f the City of Anaheim this 22nd da of August, 1978. ~ ~~-.6).~. CITY ERK OF THE CI OF ANAREtM '~. :-- r' (SEAL) ; I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City C1~rk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the origina.. of Resolution No. 78R-54l duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council, n August 22, 1978. ~~/J~ J,E;).~ ~ CITY CLERK ) ri