1968-620 RESOLUTION NO 0 08.<-02 U A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT) LABOR, SERVICES ~ MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECES~ SARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT~ CONSTRUCTION OR APPLICA- TION OF SLURRY SEAL UPON VARIOUS CITY STREETS, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, ACCOUNT NO. 421-241. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit" The Anaheim Bulletin. . .. , on the 19th and 26th dars of September, 1968,. a notice inviting sea ed proposa.ls forrurnishing the forrowing~ All plant, laDor, services, materials ana equipment, ana all utilities ana transportation, including power, fuel ana water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike man- ner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans ana drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: Construction or application of slurry seal, complete in place, upon various City Streets in tne City of Anaheim, as more particularly uesignateu in the specifications and special provisions, and appurtenant work, in strict conformity with the plans, specifications and special provisions on file in the Office of the City Clerk or City Engineer, Account No. 421-241. in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS> said notice inviting sealed proposals for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2~OO oVclock P.M. on the 3rd day of October 0' 1968 , for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials ana-equipment, all utili~ ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more ~l~ ;~ ) particularly mentioned and Gescribed, and which notice did state and declare that pursu8Lc to the provisions of Section 1770 of tne Labor Code, the City Council of the City of Anaheim had as- certained the prevailing rate of wages in the locality in which this type of labor is to be performed for each craft or type of workman or mecha~ic needed to execute the contract, and which wage scale is OD file i~ the Offices of the City Clerk and City Engineer. WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim did re~eive the followi~g sealed proposals prior to 2:00 o'clock P.M. cr' the ._ 3rd .. day of . OctOl)l;~r. ' 19~) in response to the notice afores81d inviting sealed proposals, to wit: ~AME: TOTAL PRICE ,L.:>;:>.l(x. SLI,Fi~:Y 31:;,,1, '_:0, $16,392.25 C~':-l.ci\..._:.13Lr-.c,~il~ C()l;.jC:l~_;l1.'~', l~.,.C. 17,9l4.75 AND WHEREAS~ the City Engineer did thereupon examine ara tab~late said sealea rropcsals and did report to the City CCJLcil che result of his examination and tabulation; and ,. .. ~vtlEREAS, the City Council finds that the sealed proposal SJOITlltted DY _ hISSIlli1 s~"b.LL...J:;Q...........J'~ ih---BQX 20542. S;:m Lle..?W-L California, ;)212 U Is-..t e lowest respo~Bible pro::;osal s;-.J.brnitfedror the Iurnishing c~ all plant, laber, services, va~erials and equipment, all utili- .~es and tra~s~orcatloT, i~clJQi~g power, fuel and water and per- f rmir:.g all.-!ork:'^ecessary to co!';struct and complete in a good and ~crkmarlike maLDer, in stric~ acccrdance with the specifications, ~ldLs and dra'Vldngs therefor em file i:;!. the Office of the City Clerk of the Ciry of Anaheim, the ~Jblic improvement hereinabove mention- 8C an~ described, together with the appurtenances thereto, and as specified in rhe notice inviting sealed proposals, and that said ~roposal of said above-~amed bidder should be accepted and a con- t rdC t EF-fIIard.ed to said bidder in accordance therewith; and WHEREAS Ule Clty Council finds that the above-mentioned sealed proposal is the lowest responsible proposal received and that the person, firm or corporation submitting said proposal is a r€sponsible person, firm or ccrporation and that the proposal sub- mltted is the best s~ited and ~itted for the public improvement to be constructed. ~mw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim, that the sealed proposal submitted by .2~Q> SLGfZl.Y SL',IJ co 'J.. P ~o~. th~t~~~i~hi~~n of~11. p1~~~~n):~1~r, services, materials and equipment, all utilities and transporta- tlon, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work ~ L.- r,ecessar te cC'rst:r~~ct drc" ete, U d good and workmanlike rnar.'-er. S'r t 8cccrda'r-:;,:; ","1 t srecificaticrl's~ plans and Grawlrgs rherefor;:.- fl1p," <-!:-)P G!'f1.;:.~ cf rhe City Clerk of the ritv ~F A~ahpiw ~.~d. ~~Q ~~t1rQ ~ ..'rl. D. ~~~'Pd' ~~op-osals the ....., . -. '''~ ......~.';-, "".c', _ .-.j;....... _ 1!.-.li", ''''~, ......\,..'''--' _J.. V J..;- '_~ ~ ."C1.I,o".(., t'-I.I,. Q., pubi ic ~K rks 6xd lCCf-rov+?'I11E',' t tJ"'t."i:' eve mon~ rartictilarly men~ riCDed ard des=ribed, 7Gget~er ~lth t appurtenances thereto, r:e, a~,d t '"e sarr:e 15 ~e rebv, ace f'F,ted, ard that: a contract for :~e constrJcrio~ aDd c mple!Lc~ ~~ said pJblic improvement be, a.'"1d the sc~JTI.e i::; qcy ">.by, :::.',:.,iard2d t c t'"'e 36: io abov€=(]amed bidder 0 AND EE n FTRThER RESOLVED t:16t the successful bidder or bidders ~pon each contt~c! awa~ced ~s hereir;above set forth, shall be, a~a t,ey are ~~reb~ r ~irea rc ,~~~cutp a contract in the re- .:J.llred fcrmi,v'lt.'j t"1.p Ci~y ct At -2i:.r '.lpcr tr!.E' terms and conditions 3peCLfle(~ 1::: +-.", Cleo t',:<t:.'g ':?6~e..:;' f.roposals and the proposal ~b~irrec jy S~ "c:~~st ~ ~ldap~ Cy bidders and in accordance ~Lth t~e 91~ 9 ~ d 'pe(lil~Qtic' ~ :cr said [Jblic improvement here- LraOc",: des.''::I1,''>d" 6.-<: ,c.'_(}Y.:;;;i".:e with the terms, conditions and ~rovi.5lo' s cr ~tn,3 "':>8:1 ::r~:;-, J:1.~d tra'" s..s,id successf'Jl bidder or tidd?YS t w~c~ ~~- c ~rQcr l~ ~w~rdea shall be required to fur- ris~ & su:e"'v bc'c ir ~r a~(j-t ual t~ anP nundred per cent(lOO%) f' ~~~ ((:'~,:tYdCr' f'!l e tor ~~~ Ie r~ materials an.d equipment to be ~~rris~e~ b'a p?rto;~~d, as s~. tcrtr r sealed proposal sub- ~iU+-'?d b,v' 22,:"0 blGOP'r f r t./,o. ~: r~(Li(r:.C~" of said public improve- ~:ieTt tcget1"?y",Ltc Ire. 2.f.j: lr'e'.2.' es U.,ert:,tc Gr such portion there- : f:.:c, is~ ov-=>re:J \:)v 3D- e'e ....!''''.. , Ca.:: sec.urit'i for the faithful PY'~.'(~o.r e i .;;;,.d',."~c.-' .:,'C ..':i t::"'Pr'4L::it., sirety bon.d in an aroount l~;~l ~(..E' " 'cr'C'Cl r" "00 f -c,'Jp,:(.y'srr.1ction cost of ",~(; ;.>'~ .-.co.,.' ;p..:. ""c.Ld :r.rriict, as sec..n:.ity for '.,,,. f:t.;r-p t ,__:::L . Pt"- ;:. ;.' it! :a" v 2Trd f..r'C'lsbix:g material ( .,. :A. Q t r J P -, ~ A~iiD BF T. 7' I'.\.T-j~,< RF: 1 \~EO tr:;" s,aLd successful bidder or )Lc;:?rs t',~ 'jirU '.p ..:.."c""~cr"'-." Jir,,:G. :c.. fur:jlsh to the City of ;:., d:hI'C'lr:: .. i;"~ ,:: cd t.;,;fa(' ( ... '~' t hp CLty' cf An~aheim, public L. i. t r" !-;,~~': cC',rr' ., C.:i-;. 3? I':". cL,d other insurance in ':-v~ ",.r.( OJ' ; S 'c'" I: ~ .. r t .' .....'" 2." .:..,:.'" fee:'.J d.r,d spec tiied in the .; l' Jl.T:t g-" ;Pc !'. t .;,1::., ,;~c ".,..hjf'Ct to the approval of ..- ~~i.r PI. r t c~ 'or ,~;. ,..,~,'" (~ f r'" .~.r c :~: f tic t::~,.~.., t,,? ,,;.\..') BE '..;":;'VR-.'r+TR RE \FD tr.:it e Mayor -ond the City '~'e"::k c.t d.,,,, CHI ': j; "~ b1?, dnC V'P~ d.tE: herebV. authorized ~'Cl Ju'e. r ~'C · ,- ?x._o;\?~. C'.. 'ex" .... '.,_, fcr d.Dd at: behalf of "'0 -::!.C:\._ r'",'o.iT "" ,;rir :::c, . (. t>'cL' r ,..1[1]. Si:dd S:.":CE'ssful bid- ,. >.'r !: c:.:::.dpt:''-, 1: r "r L~d:,; P .t. 'L t: dt, abcr, ffidterials, aJ'C c _.q. T.E.:it d.:j f prt' ~ d... i, rk dS"1er2iraboV2 more particu- ,d':']'; {1e;crib8G. -,~i t <2:;' [-" (it \, 1..r stal1dtlc'1, if:ild ccmpletion f 3a1.0 ,.1blL-:. i.::.fL\I~:G'\~,:~ ..;:t~':.. <=1:"=;\,~~ s::.rilH"d 'Jpmo the terms .:.\'(1 C':::dL~i:,'r.s b.S sf.e::Lr';.i?.J:. ''''f'r :lC9 vttE\'g sea.led proposals, --;0 dPtf;t1ec dFsig:. ! a >~ f1>'<;, drd\J,:lrgs and general s~ecifi- ..::d:ic"s -;!"d c,,'.:'ll.';J. .~r:C"' ,"i <it l T.~ ;;..C nr6:.w~r,gs~ ain.d all addenda ~',e.-=-f''''-.._...'i.fCh..i ,"-"' :11'~:k,. otJ.C ..;.;: 'I _ft'..~:,rt:- r,Sir0;d t't".:erf:~in; p~'rior to the ~a:e cf r~~ a~p." cr ~1a~ fL.~ i the Office of the City Clerk f "i ,c r; 111<\ iA ,. , ,1,.': C:~ '. r ::lac: ,.:e- ''-Nt to th 2 t erdllS " ;Y'ot"l c; 2..'\0 t' '....';; .... ~.c<; c....~. a\cd accordanc.e ~it-. Ed 1 .,:f +"" .,..~, ..,." ~ ,"y.:.t' 1.flea " 'll.S 6tH Ga.~ .. RE SCi1 Octo,.Jer ~; 11?,. 190b a;l'Q 6cf'p1CGiije.d by me FOR'::e,C' -<-","-_ '-'-- _muo_.=,_ ~/ . ~'1/..- ".-". ' / &~-7~_ ~L~..... WCL<~ -;7-~':_~rw'" '.~~.~ ,el y"tr:eRK OF TiL. "';''t', OF A31\._. IM .2---- /' <;" (ji . . , jI'.' .: / /. ..--.; / ~4: ~" ..... ~ ._ ~._,~~.2~ 'L. / . /. " .,-,. MAYOR OF THE CITY o~ 1M A r-;-SST " .' STATE OF CALIroRNIA roUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ) SS. ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 68R-620 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anare im, held on the 8th day of October, 1968, by the follow- ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: roUNCILMEN : Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley 00 ES : mUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: (A)UNCILMEN : Dutton AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and sign~d said Resolution No. 68R-620 on the 8th day of October, 1968. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 8th day of October, 1968. . -j t.,--. 17 ~>( ~ ~ CIT CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ( SEAL ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original ot Resolution No. 68R-620 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on October 8, 1968. I, . 1/ I-w' <---, T-r-.. . ~~ //L. ,{.~-e:C~.r>1--~ Ci ty Clerk