1968-616 RESOLUTION NO. 6~R-616 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did hold a public hearing in Reclassification Proceed- ings No. 68-69-23 to consider an amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to zoning, and to consider a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones nereinafter mentioned and described, and at said hearing did receive evidence anu reports from persons interested therein and from its staff; and WHEREAS, witnin a period of forty days following sa~a near~ng the Planning Commission did duly adopt a resolution containing a report of its findings, a summary of the evidence presented at said hearing, and a recommendation that the pro- posed amendment be adopted by the City Council and that a certain zone or zones be changed as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of evidence, report of findings and recommendation of the City Planning Commission the City Council did fix the 8th day of lJct-or;('r _, 1.9 tHo as the time, and the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim as the place for a public hearing upon said proposed amendment to Title 18 )f the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, and the exclusion of said property, hereinafter aescribed, from the zone or zones in wnich it is now situated and the incorporation thereof in the zone or zones hereinafter set forth, and did give notice there- of in the manner and form as provided in said Title 18 of the hnaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public near~ng the City Council did hold and conduct such public hearing and did give all persons interested therein an oppor- tunity to be heard, and did receive evidence and reports, and did thereupon consider the summary of evidence presented at said public hearing before the Planning Commission, its report of findings and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine Lnat the amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code should be adopted and that the property hereinafter described should be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now situated and incorporated in the zone or zones as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby, amended and that the following ~!escribed property, si tuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, to wit: -1- 68-69-23 Tdat i.Jarcel or lailc loeatec in the County or Orange, State or California, Dein0 a portion oft~e land allotte~ to Paula Peral ta ~d2 )or,lin~}uez in ;JecreG of Par-ti tion of the l\.dncllO ~;antia~jo ::';'2 ~~anta il.na, l.-ecoruec in Book B" of Judgments of L:e 17tJi Juccicial uistr ict: c.:ourt of Los l,mgeles County, t...:ali tornia, descri._,eLl '],S follOl15 ~ 3eginnin,:J at a point in tile e::ist.inq City Li:hit line of t11e City of ,mahe , as esta.clislled by the Santa Ana Canyon Annexation ~o. 1 to the City of Anaheim, passed by Ordinance ~o. 2471 January ~Jr 1965, filEQ with the Secretary of State February 2~, 1960 anu recoraed ~arch 4, 1968, in ~ne orfice of tne County Recor~er or said Orange County, C<.lliioruia, saio_'oint of uc(::innin'=J beinS-i the l'Jorth\tlest corner of the 1anG uescri.ccu in Parcel Two in tJ~ deed recordeo UecenL,er ~2 I 1961 in Look 5954, page 990 of Official :<ecoras or Urall']e Coun'ty, l"':2.1ifornia, said point of beginning anu saiL, ~,ortmlest corner ,:Jeinc distant Uorth 890 49 I 00" ~"as t d St:J , :2 ~ f e",t, :,LOI'e or Les s, froll', 'the common corner of Section::-, 1, 2, 11 anel 12 in:!.'ovmship 4 South, Eange :1 :Jcst, s."". ~. 6:.'1. I saic,c,ortln,.7cst corner bein'9' described. in saiL :::.ieecc a;,; DClllJ Jistal'lt 13. :)65 chains from said co.::mnon corners i tnenCl.. ,iortL 890 'is' :,0' Last 424.71 feet, lllore or less, along a portion of the saiL existin':.: City Lilni t line of the City or Analleirn, alsc ~JeiWJ theiortherly line of the parcel of land deseriLeQ in Parcel Two in the last mentioned deed to tIle r,ortnea:::;t corner of tI-le lanu uescribed in Parcel ~wo of saie ~e~~, Lienee SoutL. 8()0 30' 00 La:3t 36.11 feet, continuing along a portion of tne saiG. c}:istin,.:j City LiLli t linc of the City of Anaheim to aD intersection witn the South~esterly right of way line of blat ecrtaill service roae! conunonly kno'lrm as 'vialnut 2anyon ,.~oaQ (:;:J rE~et "Niece), as c.iescribed in Parcel One in tIle (,ecuto tEC ,~i b/ of ~~naheill recorded lJove:n:oer 19, LH:i~" in .000"~130~, pa:;e 770 of Jffieal Eecords, said point oi inte.rscction Dcill.c; a point in a curve concave l.'Jortheasterly and llavin':c: 8. radiuc,> of 2065.0:J fcet, a radial line bearing SouL 7,:-0 ...;;-,' 10' Jest. D<3S3(;3 tilroclrill saiL point, thence ;....ouLlcasterL leavin_ t,le saL, existins;: City LiT.1it line 0": t,::e .:.:.: i ty Or ,-\.na.lei... r rollo';in~i a Ion::" a portion of the .iOUL..lvlester ri~,t of way lin'..:: of saic..;Jalnut Canyon r~oaci, (25 feet wi~c) alons a ~ortion of saiL curve through a central an012 or 170 14' 5S an arc Jistance of 621.56 .:C:2t.! lnorc~ or le:)~-.J, tc. an i{lt(~I:~3ecti'~1) \1i tl:.. tl'le Basterly ,-,roluIL,d tier 0 I. LC .~OJt:,ier 1J Ii~le of t'le lan(:. described ill sai<:, :?arc 1 ,-"liC at t..1<::' J,torc".'.c'n tione" c~eeG; thence .~OU'C o -,.; j -- .v '!;":;::'it 06il. j:..: ::cet, Ii',oree or less, alon::; all..L ,)ou L.cr 1 line ofl:.lle land des cr ibeli ~3~i:~.;.:tc~:2_~! to t~,~2 Sout.ciV/Sst cornE::r of saiG DrolcnGat~on Ll 1',LCC',; 1 '~",:o elf salC Parcel~',Jo; [',1211ce .0rLl 0032' l),:;'.iest 56'3.71 feet, 'nore or less, along tile .les terl:y 1.1.11':. of tn(2 Ian.). cesCrLJc(.l in Parcel 'l''i.'10 of sdi~_~ uel..,~c~, t.Oi,:rL2 })oin.-t of De .Ji"n.r:ir':'Si . -- L. - .08 c::cludc", :i:ro,c, 'jE~\.'C:IL COln.;'l'Y H."I, AGIUCUL'l'URl\L DISTRICT ZOLL;G! arL. incorpora'cecc in :.~ -1, ,~G~;~IC'JLTU1(1\L ZO}\E. ~I~-.", 1'-2 l'\'UI(j__:i,_~-Il~ ~(:._~00~J\l~~-~}) .t.L-l<:i-t ti-le c:ity ..~\ttorne~f J)e i anG.,le J..S ;lerc~~J '-.,UL10l:ize." anc "il.-,~ct:eG.to prepare and sub;ni t to tl,e '''':it~ ...;ouncil all orc.inancc amendin~ Title 18 of t:ne l".ndllci::, .1unici2:.~al CQU.C to acco.lc,lis.! the objects herein foun6. anL! deterI1irleJ to De neC2S3ar an~~ craDer. '.idL, F): ."~U....L;l, .~-,-,.sU.uu'~'ICj, is aF"JroveCi ano. siS'DeG. by me tLJ. ;:;~t~._,_ ua j 0 E.Q<:;.1.Q...piU'__ ' 1 ; 6::.. . . ~~cY&/~ ~'r., """rrTJ p q1"'::.::"'. .,. :' _ "'!" .c.:LLV... 01. .d_E CITY OF A.'J .J. i'I. r\:lH.l.'~:31! ., .~i/ -)'f ----., '. .' _. /. -~ ff / . ./ L "', ,/ ^C<:.-<'~-~ 7'--=-- C 1'1 CL':';;R;:~ OF '.;.'liL C 1'1 Y OF ANl'Jl, L. SIi.t.':\.'i"L~ or C~~\LII'OI~I~Il'~ COU;:~'l'Y OF OP~_,:.JGL C I'.i'y or AIJ/\.HI; I,' , 5S. If D.c..:dL d. \HLLLLL:,,;! City 21erl. of the City or !\.nahei:Ln, GO _lcreuY certif:;;c that tIle fore;oinS:.f resolution was passed and ac.oi.:Jtec, at a ------- re.:;ular meetinST of the City Council held on -tile 8th' c.aj' 01---- October 1968, by the following vote OI --thc;~leLDers cflereo-r--.---- .i\-~{~...~ ~,~. : '.:O>,j~lCIl.JdJ."L, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley u LU:....~:.; ; COlUCI'::"d1"_ None i~DSj-,r.if{ .. COLL:CIL~jL;; Dutton Aid.J I FUF~'J.'LL1. C'::;J.;'l'IFY that the. layor of the City of ""na~le~L. apFrovcc, <lnc. s~s:neu saL.c resolution on the 8th day of October 1968. II; tT.I.':.LS:..o ,'hLL<,"OF 1 I have hereunto affi~e( the seu.l of t~e Citv of ~~ahei8 this _ .__9c tQ.ber _u_._r 1968. set my hand and 8th da'l of l ,l C I'~' f "'j I""( /L<:... // . CLLt"(K OF ~ )--'- , /;{/~.-/ ~ ~ -?7.l-~-/ THE CITY OF AN1UIEIY ( SL;)~L ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 68R-6l6 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on October 8, 1968. J, .,' - ~- ". 1t- ,-. ~~ );( -7 \0- /, 1.::(/~/-e':_--7?_____ City Clerk -- 3.,