1968-604 RESOLUTION NO 0 ..5d SI{-604 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT~ LABOR~ SERVICES:! MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION~ INCLUDING POWER~ FUEL AND WATER. AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECES~, SARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT; LIPROVLIili~':'J.' OF U'l'Ii.I'l'Y YAEL (P1U.~II) ~'l'-;OT l:..AST VEP1'IONT AVENUE, Ii, TEL CI'l'Y OF' AO:'Jl'\.JlE.I;)L ;JORI< ORDEP. NO. 1952. ~~.- ~,-~--~~~:~~~ WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to Wlit The Anaheim 3ul12'(.L~ . ..., on 22ncl and 29th days of l'-.ucrust, 1968 ~- ~- -~--_ a notice inviting sealed proposals tOr~urnishing tne forrowing~ <.:..1.1. ,J.~hl-C. L.u__ur s-_Tvic,,-3, ",xLcTials :Uh, equipment, and :J..tl.llt.:.i:2'::: ~J.Il,_ t.i-:"Q,:~-;..s]>ortcL-ci.o:-~;, "i[~cluclir.i.~r l?o'\,}er r fU21 oJ/a LCl- ~~~l~L~ ~j:,_rl.cjl.-c :.i.<~ al.~>i()r.. -iC;C2:=3scir~...-. to con.struct c;..,~ ~ ~...... " , C C~:' .t,.; J..:'" L'.._ ...L~ L '-- ;:':,i-~~_;_ '/~r:-)r- "-~ ',c)...(ij.i~~,f; ,.,::~l'.lrlOr r irl. stri(~t. Z:... ,.~: ('~ i._':::- "-' .:,~ 1 i C.,- :i t~, "'---. J. \..:._ ;.;. " , i.,"-~""" ,-~ ,I.~ ~ ,~'_.,', " ....... cO',",. .... -'- ',~f...."';, ; jl (~tlJ.:'3 ("lrlCl Jr a".i ir.:.~f s .~::".',__Ll.!l.~ \.). .Ll.l....~ ~~..~c: ",",;.L:f..'it~-: i~)t: .......~.~.: c'i t~;~ J,~11,=-rineer or C' ...__i....~~::- ;', ;"j t -;:.. l L. ..".'L.' - (; f ,~. ~ ',-;. L '"~: i '{ t.'" l C.: f ()llo"'\'l in.s l:~llb Ii c L ,.,i'ov.:nc, ';:. '--u i;-;. I",_ rov,~;,1(-2;,t:)f Vcilit.y Yard (Phase III) at J 1 Li:l.3t 'Je):."llloLt hvellue, in 'Cile Ci.ty of J'..::1aheim, C':_-,~1.~:')l~,tll1:~ ()f C-J~- 3tJ:.lICt.ic'.~1 ~=)f 3_~1_1~irl(~) 1-~..~: a t.ilt-uJ.:) or ,,-,otl.r 2 C.. l.iL ~;.L i.....C ~ ;.. C, . C,. ~:) f f i (>_~- j '~c ~'uil~ing; construc-- ~..i.:")J-~ C. ....) ~,:. i J.~.. i .d.. ,. , ;.r ;;::; f \:-~ r i C 0.t ~~:~''-'- ~3 -::.~~ c..: 1 I~ e..rJ-:s ancl , ' ~ ~~ }:,- .-_~ :~,:_l;~ _ __ 1.1 ~L':'" ..,:. ..L i"1 _,~~:, :-.~ ...."c. r u \_..:: 1:. l () ~ c; :F c :: -t;..;. 21 ~E r clinc~ ~..:.~ 0 c k~ . ..~ J. '.~ '''';:dlLld''; ,..lC>" , ' ......' ..... ...,.. '~. Ii' .~ . _.utcE~r, CUrlJ ~n~ gutter and Et.~L ,::"ic CC;~lcrctc~ par}~inST urea. .....! .l..,,-,,_,: ~-./c...~.: C,c:, cr "'''';Cl,,.,", _'.,. ,.,_, ~,j'l.::) tI':..,tC-c. j_ ():_~ ..'~...._ ~.. ..., ..L ,'" "-. ... .i.. '-' ..1._ .., .L'~J ; CGl1~truction of a ....~ .-) - :, ~L,1..', '::,. -;-..i __t. '_~ .F -'-_,",_ C,i,. ,_~ 0ci~i~e j Cj.!~ sail, cor.;.s'truc.-- "11,~.--~~. ":.~;,.~1 t:... ,.'-J()l-,~ _-~3 1~clr'2 ~.)a"rticu~- ",,~<c;:;icica.tions en file i'J .' .") , .: '~'-- ......'- 'o. ':'.l _'- ~',- j r c_...~,_.L ;. .,- , ._~ .~~ ..... l.i '""",,:,-,,,,..,,.:;: -, Ji l.,>~. _, \....i. ~r. t.,,", C~i T~..t~ .'._;1."~~:irle(-:;r, T-for};: Ord.c:~l.. 1- ;..... .. in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica~ tions of said public improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim~ and WHEREAS 9 said notice inviting sealed proposals for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2~OO oGclock P.M. on the 19t~1 day of Se,:;te;fLbe:r- ~, 19 68 , for the furnishing of all plant, rabor, services, materials ~equipment, all utili= ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more > l.~ p~rticularly mentioLed dnd Ge8cribed, and which notice did state 2~d declare that pursuaLC to the provisions of Section 1770 of tne labor Code, the City Council of the City of Anaheim had as- certained the prevailing rate of wages in the locality in which :~is type of labor 18 to be ~erforQed for each craft or type of ~orkmar or ~echanic.~eeded, to e~~cute ~he cop~ract, and whic~ wage scale 18 O~ f~~e lr the Oftlces ot the Clty Clerk and Clty 1: gi:-':'?er. WHEREAS, tne C1ty Cl.erk of the City of Anaheim did re_eive the follmd:g se.aled prcposcilspricr to 2 00 o"clock P.M. 0: t:1€ __ 19th .. day of _SeuT..e.L.Il,H;;t" _.> 19..6-'L_' in response to the acti~e aIoresald inviting sealed proposals, to wit: '\:AME TOTAL PRICE . ,-. r.i'yp~~.;j\L CO.; liC. $387,777.00 ;.).iJL;Y CO~'JSTPIJ(~TI(Jij 394,792.00 ~-lL I:UP.LI~r.r L. ..J!\,_G~<EF. C~Or:l)O:r~\~;IC)L.. 397,772.00 403,999.00 ':;';:li;ODOH..i::. ,J. Pr:CTROL L.r~', U }~~J CQi,STFiJCTI OL~ ~.~OI:P Jury 404,000.00 ~.,. 7, ~-.J ~ 1,'.J.~,..I.. co~ IS 'T Ruc:rr I ()l~. {':OI' IP lliJY: 418,286.00 i../~."-Ji.-J CO:\JS?L~.uc~rIOt~J CO..~;:..:..-,~'y" 419,900.00 ~;--ONI,rw;:~. SOJ'l'L 0i SON 430,B95.00 .4.NL WHEREAS j 'C Cl.:::y Engineer did thereupon examine J- late said sealea ~ropcsdls a~a dia report to the City ~~Cl~ ~e result of his examiDatio~ and tabulation; and 'WHEREAS, toe Clf':! CGJ.rJ.cil fiTlCS tbat the sealed proposal :; -1 br.:-~.i. t t ,2 d ;JV~~~_.I1..-eJ;J;~kL,..Q"i".,..L_I~iC~5lLd-.-Cpn r p r ~ +- re:> 9 t .i~Lill~,,- ~....l il.Q];Jli~'--_L_"_'_"~'~___~_'_~_~_~'_ ' . :. s t1::::: lo'Wes t res FO~~S iu Ie pnJ;:Osal. s.lbmitted fOr the furnishing ,.' 21.1 pl6.,.-.t, ::'di.bor, ser,ri..:.es ,:1::Jl~ ,en.dls ar-Ld equip:nent, all utili- " "',"!:-~'d' t'r~r'-""','r':---"t,' .,.~. '..r,;"c,-,.,,,,~ (,,"",,-c.-L- .c:~'e1 a'nd' "';'''1ter a'nd per- ,:::, ....-;.' -_".....'.-:;,!:-v 1t~a.-.LL",j ,.JL-.A.(;...L."'o e'....tl\'-,- , .~~_~..L 1..'1 wo... JL!I. rrn g all ~crk -ecess6LY rc CO~8trcc~ d~a complete In a good and ,,;,: rkC:J5:- i ike m6.L-.A'"r, 1.D. :3 tric',r ac::;raar!ce 'With the spec ifications , ;: L:.:,f sa:"d draw i::-cgs tberefor ~y f L l~' b, tt1€ Office of the City Clerk i t~e City of A~aheimt the ~~blic imprcvemenc hereinabove mention- ec a~d described, together ~ith the appurtenances thereto, and as sC2cified in tne ~ctice inviting sealed ~ro~osals, and that said :rcDcsal of said above-~a~ea bidder should be accepted and a con- r r~c!.' 2c.:arded to Sd id bidder in accordaLcecherewith; and WHEREAS the Cl.t<y COU{gcLl fi""GS that the above~mentioned sealec proposal is t~e IGw~st responsible proposal received and r~at t~e person, firm or corporation submirting said proposal is a r~5porsih12 person, firm or ccrporation and that the proposal sub- l1t~ed is tne b~st s~itea and _i~ted for the public improvement to b'f:p (~()r::str~lc.ted" :,JOW, THEREFORE.i BE I.T RESOLVED by the City Council of 9he City of Anaheim, that the sealed propcsal submitted by -&~,_L-",-~~L<L~,-,jii',~- eCl___ '--..c_.l...i~"I--__ . ~_______~ _ ~___ tor the tarnishing ot all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, all utilities and transporta- tlO~, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work "'-, i.:.. r. cecessary to ccnstruct and complete, in a good and workmanlike man::1.er, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor OD file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim and the notice ir'viting sealed proposals, the public works and improvement hereiLabove more particularly men- tioned and described, together with the appurtenances thereto, be, an.d the same is hereby, accepted, and that a contract for the cODstructior and completion of said public improvement be, and the same is hereby, awarded to the said above-named biddero AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the successful bidder or bidders upon each contract awarded as hereinabove set forth, shall be, and they are hereby required to execute a contract in the re- quired form with the City of Anaheim upon the terms and conditions specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals and the proposal submitted by said successful bidder or bidders and in accordance with the plan.s and specificatior,s fcr said public improvement here- inabove described, a~.G in accorda~ce with the terms, conditions and [:-rovisiors of this resolution, and that said successful bidder or bidders tc whom each contract is awarded shall be required to fur- cish a surety bor,d in an amount equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the contract price for all labor, materials and equipment to be furrished and performed, as set forth in the sealed proposal sub- mitted by said bidder for the construction of said public improve- ment together with the appJrtena~ces thereto or such portion there- of as is covered by said contract, as security for the faithful ~erformance of said cO"".tract and a separate surety bond in an annunt ~q~al to one hundred per cere (100%) of the co~struction cost of Said p~blic improvemert covered by said contract, as security for ~ :12 payme-c:t of .a11 persm s per t'orTrirg laber and furn.ishing material for said project AND BE IT FI}RTHER RESOLVED that said successful bidder or tlLed,ers be.~ ar d they are hereby required to. furnish to the City of A'.Ciheim in compar i=8 satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, public liabUity, property damage, comp:eEsatim~, and other insura.nce in the amonr ts an,d for the [:.lrpcses &3 set forth and specified in the ~otice irviting sealed proposals, and subject to the approval of .... "".2 City Attorre)r dS to fo1"'Tr cmd sufficie"J~cy AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City C~ erk of the City or k''1bi.hei'11 be, dDd they dre hereby, authorized .=.en.d direc ted to make, exec .Ire a:Jd 8Lt er i:'~to, for and on behalf of :he City of And~heim,a~~lritte~:' ::::ortracr: with said successful bid- d~r or bidders for the fJr~is~irg of all plant, labor, materials, an.d equipment a~!.d performing all wcrk~ as hereinabove more particu- larly described, for the corstructio~, installation and completion of said ~ublic improvement ~ereinabove described upon the terms a~d conditions as specified i~ the notice inviting sealed proposals, tt)e deta.iled desigu. f'la';~s, profiles, drawings and general specifi- -:ar ior san.d det8. iled speei ficat i0LS ard drawings, and all addenda thereto, and all modifications incorporated therein prior to the date of the opening of bids, o~ file i~ the Office of the City Clerk ~f t~e City af Anaheim &rd i~ strict accordance with the terms, :o'fditio~'s and previsiors of this resolu:tioD, and in accordance ~ith all of the cortract documents ~erein specified, this THE FOREGOING RESOLUT~.ON is signed and approved by me L~t day of _ ucj:.o.oer ~~~__.' 1968~ ..../.~-_...... / / I /" // /" . L/... AJ,''r'EST: ~~riif' dF('~CllYOF ANAHEIM =3'~ STATE OF GALIR:>RNIA OOUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ) 5S. ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resilution No. 68R-604 was intro- duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the city of Anaheim, held on the 1st day of October, 1968, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: mUNCILMEN : Dutton, Krein, SChutte, Clark and Pebley NO ES : CDUNCILMEN : None A13SENT: OOUNCILMEN : None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 68R-604 on the 1st day of October, 1968. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 1st day of October, 1968. ! \ x \ --)' J( J ''----; / . ;-' ....... ~-?-J.-^__ - - L/t..._/---<,~~..t..<~~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DHNE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 68R-604 duly passed and adopted by fue Anaheim City Council on October 1, 1968. J '-)-)''0-- /f( i.<-/.~/~,~l~ City Clerk I,. l..-- X~7""'<",