1968-537 FSSOLUTIGlJ lJO. 68E- 537 A I<I:;SOLUTIOI: OF THL CI'l'Y COUI,CIL OF TEE CI'l'Y OF Al';.'\llLL1 AiILhDIllG RLSOLlJTIOi'J NO. 68H-449 ENTI'l'LED dJ'.~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'rHE CITY OF 1-\NAHEII"l PETI'l'IONILC 'rnE CI'IY OF OP,lll~GE FOR ITS CONSLN'I' 'fO TilE RELOC1:.TIOI~ OF l\ CERT1UN BOUNlJAHY LILJI~ J3ET\ 'LElJ THE CITY OF ANJI...IIEHr l'J'JD 'I'BF CI'l'Y OF OHJ.lYIGL; DBSCRIBIl-JG THE PF"PCEL OF PEOP:C,HTY AFFLC'l'I;D; l-'.:ND DESCRIBING TIlE PHOPOS:E;D BOUl'JDJ.-I.EY LINE." ~'ilibf:EAS, the City Council did on July 23, 1968 aCLopt I.esolution No. 68R-449 petitionineJ the City of Orange for its consent to the relocation of a certain boundary line between the City of Ana11eim and tli.e City of Orange, and \'JliLIllil\.S, the Ci tv Council finds that the parcel of property affecte~ by the pioposed change of boundar~ line and the proposea location of the new boundary line were incorrectly describe6 in saia resolution ana ~J;:il;IEi,.::;, tl12 City Council finds that said Resolution ;;0. 68:R-449 should, therefore, be al~1ended by correcting the descriptions of the 9arcel of 2rO?erty affected by the proposed change of boundarv line and the new boundary line. fW\' TJ1EBI;F01Th, BE 1'1' llliSOLVE:D by the City Council of tL.e City of l\Ilalwh- tha-t P..esclution l\Io. 68"1.<-449 be,- and the sarne is nereby aTilcndeu by correctinq tne descriptions of the parcel of,~,roE,erty afff~cteci ane: t.h2;;ro,;osed location of the ne'.-; DOl:rcdary line containec tllerein, to reac~ as follo'V-!s; ;.;(';scrirtion of l'arcel of_ \jro,.)ert:I affected: That ~arc8l of lan~, beinq a'ortion of the Southeast suart~r of Section 2Gr 7owns~1? 4 South, Ranqe 10 West, ::.D .,:. [< c. bciL,; a ,.~,c:.:.-tiol1 of I'_ancLo San Juan Cajon CE Santa ?'D.D, af; 3.l~lc-.m on a . :a'.:-_ recorded in Book 51, ":<:'((T~ ~ 10?f L:;ccll~:1,';ouS .,0.; ~.. rccorcs oE Oran-::ie County, CaJ..l:l..Crllli,l." Ci(;.;:;cr 2~; .LGIJ..(J~'"-3,. ~f=:JiiLil -r.he (~i t -,,!.J.- ":'"': Co_ \- C... --C:ii.:.t . . ~ '. ' 1~-1 -C1C ('::1.31..111 City Li~dt line of - t" 1,-, 1] 0Y- ...lC \.at:.c~ ~c1 ':) ,:~ 7'1-l ;-:ti ;(~; i ';' - r ci~j '23 tc;~._~ 1 i ~.).i:l ~'~ 1-' .1:"11(;~":c~_i: ie-. 'L C ti_._::' c~i -t:"=~'" ().J.,. ~L c.J-.i.,:'~ J. :!' F c_~~ S ~?(; D'.l Orain c..11 Cj~ 111S'.- :J;:~rUDX! ~>J.- IJ:.)7 i ~ilC'c ."1<::" t1-'2 Secretary of State ,J.J::"C>l ~'1 l;)~; 7; :::; :-.i ;c. iii. -c J)C~; i:~;, ,- 6i~} 'tan. t f rOL~ tile Sou-til ~ \-v~;~,~:;t cJ:LrJ.(\:C ().f t._~t...:~ wCiUt.) L,-~~t. (-{^a.rt:.:~I." c;~ ~saiC:~. Sectic;rl 26; t '::HCill.c,.:L ;; ,;( ,):i..-3 d".... ,_L:;t;c:"cc;:;. :e.Jorth 10 19' 07" "est 455.43 f'2ct ~wrtl: 710 Ie; 50" Last 42.04 feet, saici l.ust r.~erlticn.eo_ ~-;()-l1t-,.l\'iC~S':~ co~rlc2r (}l~~,;() J-)CirlS, for t:le [:ur- '.~__C,:;(~ c;-~ .,...-......i. ::~;::-.C2:'l ,~:.LC~: ~ 1_. L.._~ (::::-~j-~;:-~~:.}::j..ir;.(:; ir~t:::-::r~3c:.:ctior! 0= ~_" ;. '. ~- ...L.....; -.,- "..' J "_-'-- ',,' ___...~ C,-" .1.'. ---:'~\. i:-;~ '~.:C; r cl,:: s,:'licL irrtcJ:,s(:;ctio11 i:3 .0. ~41.3! r2cor~e(i in zoo}~ 73, i~ccllaneG~3 , rccoras OI ~'-r2 ,',,3 0}-~ a 2 - c; .(~ .._~J::-- ,~:.c-t ~..L t:... C:\l j.J ~ __ OJ: s .~ .i. ,~)\ _.. C~l:'(._lj:-~~-':?_' C"ClU:lt-l ~(11i}CGLL J~~ ,.::--:r_c..:c -- 1 -. '-"-j.",~"",<<~"""""-,,, ,; -__..,,,.....__~4._,,"_ ____~...,-,",,~^'~,,'_....-____._,_~~,_ ~ __ ~._Cn___"~ Followinc'- a1on(J a portion of the existing City Limit line or the City of I,l1ClheiIil: also being a portion of the exist- ing city Liwit line of the City of Oranqe, said City Limit lines ~eins a portion of the Southerly line of the Rancho San auan Caj on de Santa .AlE; Rancho line, the following courses and distances: lJorth 710 la' 50" East 729.14 feet,_ i.Jorth 71039' 05' J.:.:ast 613.18 feet, to the Northeast corner of t~at certain parcel of land in~icate0 as N0t a Part of saie ~ract No. 2413; thence Lcavirw tnC' saic., existincf City Lini t line of the Ci ty of 1'.nai.1eL,~, ani.~ t:i-1E' ci.ty of Orar:.ge: and following alone, ble i:aster1y line, SouJ..:~-;erl=.: line: and L)ortion 0.<0 tile :.e3tcr1:;. lin,~ o~ t):c ;)cd:"cel of lane; indicated 23 Not a Part or saiG Tract 2413. the following courses ailc Cls-tanccs. SOUbl 0012' 14 ~=ast 41.08 feet, South 890 ,19' 31" fef3t 4l.~JO fee-t tllence i-Jorth 00 12' 14" i,':;2t 1 < 31 :E2(';t: .;:c C.:le Soublea:3tcrl~! corner of Lot C of saic. Tract ;\,0. 2413 ti.,encE; Follovlinc alone the SouLlerlv lin,~ of said Lot C and t;lC Soub-wrl'T line of Lot B of said 'l'ract 2413, the following courses and distances: South 710 39' 05" ~'lc~st 562.23 feet, SOUbl 710 la' 50" ~;iest 616.41 feet, to the be:rinnin_:: of '" tarlCfEILt curve concave l;orthwesterl'l J ,_~ ...' _ and I1C'lvinr, ? rc-ccius or 19:~5 reet; t:1ence Southwesterly alon':, saL. curve tilrouC)~j a central anGle of 30 31' 58"' an arc distance of 121.7S feet, to t~2 Southwesterly corner of Lot ..~ of :;aLi l'ract.Jc. 2413; thence ~'JorL1 lO 19' 07 ,7est 3C .15 reel:, along tl1G~iesterly line of::"ot.J at ">a.icc Tract ;']0. 241.3, to the point of - , . .b(~ Cj ~11~1 1.11 '~~r . Dsscri-.:)tion of i)r(),O~)0C location of neVl Doun6.arv line: Tilat.;)arc(~l of lanG, DeLHi "'_ ;:'ortion of tile Southeast quarter of Section 20, Townsl:i; 4 South, Range 10 West, S ...J ..0. & ., bcir;.\~~ c.. ~!crtio11 of tl1C~ l-~ancho San Juan Cajon GC ~an.ta h.i.'1a, as Silm:n on a ilap recorded. in Book 51, ?2Ce 10 of .~sccllaneous ~~ps, recor6s of Orange County, California, describec as follows: deginning at a point in tne existing City Li@it line of the: ci tv of ;,nallcL:-~ T as es.tablishe,l DJ:' the Katella }"J.'1nexation-' to tHe: City of .AnaheiIF, ;~assed by Ordinance 1119, J2U1uar,r 30.. 1~)57, filcc. \lith the Secretary of StCitc 2 arch .~, 1057" s2.it ::,Oillt beinc distant from t~s Sout~west corner of tue Southeast auarter of said ..3cction 2 (:;," l..L.c IGIJ cy;/inc COl.rses anc!. distances: j~orth 10191 J7 ';cst 4:5-,.'D feet, >orth 71010' 50" East 4~.:. :).1 fc:c~t I ;::ai~,- last L1er~tic1:1(~C: SOUt11\'ICSt corner also beilY;, for t~le :uri~ose of this description, the center- line intcrs'2ction of IJel-1is Street ancl ChaprlLan Avenue, a,,; saie. intersection is SllOFr. on a j~a:) of Tract ~Jo. 2413 r recorC_G_. in ',OOl. 73.. acres 21 tIlrcuqil 23 of I:iiscellaneous 'a0s, records of Orange County, C21ifcrnia; thence South 10 13' 07' ~~st 38.13 fC2t, along the ~esterly line of Lot 2 of saie ~ract ~o. 24l~ to the Southwesterly corner - L: ~- ,......,~,.,..,.."...~."'"',....",.- .~,.. ,."...-..~.-.--"",,".._. '."-~"""-"'."-'^'"'-= .,.....-. .--.....---",.,.,.-.,... of 3ai~ Lot B, 3al~ Southwesterly corner being a point lil ;). curv::: coacavc . TortLdc3tel."ly anL having a radius of 1.92.'5 feet lD tllC Soutllcrly liI,."'-' oi said Lo.t B, as s:i.lO~'ln on t'lt.: C) ()f saiu i.'ract. .:c. 2"13. blence fOllmJin9 alone, tiC :~O,-JL rlv liL<.;. ()~ 0,:i.. I.o-c. G.,,') the Southerl::l linc-2 c - .Lot C of sale '.'r,clctJC. 2[;13 i tLe follmJii1c cours..:.:s cdi(~ ai:;t.(,;lC(-;S. .ortllE;asb.~rl/ alori~f sai(.( curve Lirouc~1 Zl cc;nt::-()l;::d"le of 30 Jl' 58' an Cl.-C ,':i.;lc-.;lC( 0:' L~1.7:, .[2C:: tl":l~ice .:ortll 710 la' sail I:ast 61G. ,n feet thence i.iort:ri 710 39' 05" East 5G2.23 feet to the Sout~easterly corner of Lot C (j ~:: S ("ll r.:c r a.c.t . .~. o. :-~ ll13! S i:ti, ~-,C;ll-::: .~\-= D~~:~ t corl12 r at ~:.rc:t ,__I D.l.SC' .,)(~:~~, D. ...:: J. II L L' ,-~:, i.::. ..~2.:;t lir12 of t:~u.t cr~::::-tai:l an:;,.;l icatEG as not a art of Tract 1. o. :2 41:j T G.:='; 311 CY~"/Il 071 tJ.1C:~ ..a-:~.; o~ S lli< ;:2 ru..ct:.; o. 2413, s~ic~ l>ciT:t,-,eLi. :_ic;ta:"1t -.;crt> 00 12 I It~" l'7est 1.31 1: (.'ct :fro [.,.18 ou.t~:\l8stcrl-,' co:...-ncr of that certain :arccl of 12n~t i~~icateL d3 not a ~art of s2i~ ~ract ;-<(). ~L21:~. t~_'i;;r:c2 .'::ollci-:.f' alC)i.-l;-;;:J. ",~ortio11 of t:1C .(:s.tc2rl~/ lilJG f t_-~1C~ ::')Ollt:~~..::;rl~:~ li~(12 (~j.1:';. tIle:: ~Casterly Ilj'( 0:: t:lC: laJ:-: in,..i.iCd'':'l:'. as not 2. tart of saicl 'i'ract ~'.~.13" t__:.,.c_ fcllc::,LF CC'1...n-::;;c.<,.: 2.;1(. 6i3 t<:illCOS: South So 1:.2? I/} i...."!s-L: 1. =:1 fc.(~':': ~ ,.-'Ol-t:.~. SSO 49 r 31~: l~as.t 41 . C U f c:;; c t, ,i o~' b, J 0 12' l':,.c; s .t 41. 0 8 feet F to b"s llortllec.cit CDrllEX c;: L:z:.-c certain l.Jarccl of lane: i.',.;.C:~ica.lc.2c~ a::;) l1C)t c.= ::~:r-c. ()f sL~.ic~ ITJ~(:ict 1"10. 2413 f sa~c~. ,.;ortnO(}:3~c cerner DeiIlc t.1C': )Oi:l.t of t:erninus of tIle h~rein ~c3crib0c li~0. Bl:'; IT FUH'ClILJ:;' I::>l.:SCT;V;,~ tl;at. L1 all other respects saL.: ~:csolution :~o. 68H..-449 be r alll..l :;;:-er;2,ln in full force and effect. TIL_ ':"O:J. GCl.,' ~ :j~'::J :~)J._, IJ~~.' I ()l; 1 L': a~:).-'roveo an(~ . '. Slcmeci Dy ]Te t.>.is 27th cl(J....,! of )\.ll'~:iJ~:3t:,. lS,i6 )\.~.HT L S T .. ~.1/ ._~~ (./' / . :' .~ c - --- ~~'__ _ _ ~~, ___ ;<l\YO" 0<- !Jii"" T OF r I ~I / ~ ...) '.r----:- . . .'. ,.' ." .-" ~_.;~ --j---.,,- _.~"::y.::;'~-<>c~"2:~""';:r':'_____ CI CLEm: OP ThE CITY Of' ;-::AllI.;I; ~ ") J ,...,,,......,_.,,..,_.,..-..-.....-.,...- .~,-~_.- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) OOUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~E M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 68R-537 was intro- duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 27th day of August, 1968, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCII1v\EN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 68R-537 on the 27th day of August, 1968. IN WITNESS WHERWF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 27th day of August, 1968. ~ )n l~' n.-~ ,/J~~ CIr CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 68R-537 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August 27, 1968. 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