1968-486 LJ...SOLLi'l'IOi, L'~O. 0 01~'- 486 "' ic..;SOi...iJ'IIOi. or '.cilL CITY CODi:.-CIL OF THE CI'l'Y O:F: I~L\~..:~~...~I_l ;'~~.i'..i.'Li.O~<IZI:-,lG rijb.E .3r:~rl1f.rLE2~i<ST OF CL1~'I'1-.L. :S:.lL,L:i./l' Do:..".JlL~ LI'l'IGII.'l'IOtJ; AU'I'I-IORI Z- ILG j:..~L DIl~l::C'l'Ii.jG ThL :8ZLCU'l'IOJ:; OF .i~ SETTLE- LiL..'I' AGi.BL....J...li'I'; J.J.CCEP'l'If~G CEE'.CAIiJ DEEDS; AND Alf'l'IWRli:;r:i\G PAY. ill l\J '1' ItJ cmn<ECI'I01_ THEHmn'rli. >,Jll.sr~LAS T lkl:~-tGfor(,;! CLCIlC 9L;, c..ay of July, 1968, t.:.C Cit../ of Anci.l""i."l fils,-. 3ui ceo COllCL::;i:,Il certain parcels of L.:.....; ic:r'cclc viL;."'-i,ilL'C) ..JI,;esL:::n. l'WdlUC in the City of AnaheLn; b2l~S Su~cricr Court Ac~ion No. 151132, c~titled "City of l-\.l"ia.(lci~'\'l v. ..Rcs:rir...alJ. L. IJOfJ.Qva.:n i ct: ale f i: " 1111d. .JILHLl\b.. ccrtaiL c..v2Ienl,;,ants, hereinaft:er naIneQ; have agraec ~o settle taeir portions of such litigation for the amOWl~S set forta aftar taeir names an0 have tendered to the Ci t.y of Anan'",ilC, .LaSelth::::nt DcE.(,S coveri:1g L;,e dea.ication of rig:nts oIvlciY co Lne ul.t.i~nace \tJiC1.tn of said~Jest2rr:.. Avenue r anc.:. .Jtl:.:::r.J:..hS, .c.:.....-; Ci-..:y Cou.i:lcil finc.s that it is in the Des t ilLtercst:s of tlk Ci tyee acc2:YC saiu deeds, to execute the agreeme:lcs ill CCl1lieccioE t.lcre-.vi L;" ane.:. to r.lake payments to saiu re::;j,.Jecti ve uc:,fe"iuants in L1(;: al1.lOun ts nereinafter set forth. l~O.v, 'l'iJ..L.<HLl:'O.i<..u, c.YL 1'1' .f:LSOLVLD DY the City Council of 1:ne City of .Anaheim that it auti10rize anc. direct, and it does here~y authorize ane.:. direct, tile ~ayor an6 City Clerk to execute t~"ac certain agreemen't d.ateu August 6, 196(;, by and behv-een 'the Ci -ty of l\.lla~lCih; anc.. He<;illalcl :2.. Donovan, 'I'ommy C. Donovan ancL Artel Donovan l aIL, tn2t certaij,l agreemen't dated August 6, 1968, b:i c::.H.:..J. beb.;ecn i'lelvil1 L. AcGaugny ana. Nira E. ncGaughy r both of wnicl! aljreemeE-c.s ;lave bee-a presented to the Council and have been aL..:;roveu as to fornl DY tlle City 7-\t-torney. .JL I'J.' Fl.JR'l'l.:"';I~ Illi30i..,VED tl1at tile City of Anaheim accei::Jt, ano. it o.oes ilereLy accc0t, easement Qee~s in favor of the City of l-illcHleir.. executecl res~..:ecti vel'.1 b:-i l'~es ino.lc L. Donovan and Esther G. Donevan.. ...JY ':;:o"rrny c. DOi1ovan" Art.el Donovan and the Depart- bClle 01 VcteraLS l\.ffairs uf Cor2 btate of California, by iJl'~ L. i-lcGaugny anu l"ira 2vlcGauguy anel 0y ]:-181 vir-... L. McGaughy and ;'~ira 1>I. i;'cGaUs{n~:', and that t;lC Ci"cy ClerK be autnorized to have the same reccr~cl...A. . AJ:,j0 .J:L 1'1' FUl-~l'LL.i.~. ELSOLV.8D blat the Finance Director 08, ane nc is Lerc'oY aut.aorizcl,;, ana directed to dra'iv a City l^iarran.t J.?aya01e to r~eginalJ. L. ;Jonovan, 'l'omrny C. Donovan and j,rtel Donovan L-l the ar,iounc of $611.49, and a City Harrant pay- a,,::,1eto lvlel Viil L. r.lcGaugJ.J.J arK, l'Jira liI. ;'vlcGaughy in the amount of ~75tJ. '07.- an.... 'CHat saiuvvarrants be c.elivered to the office of tile City Attorney for transmittal. Saia warrants are to be cDargcc asainst Wodi Oraer ~o. 544-3. Till. FOE:LGOIi~G H.LSOI,UTION is a;.rproveCL ana signea by me G&y of August l%Ui'~~1fIi: ~};:;~~F ~~,21;{~ Llis 6th --~_..._-- A.hl\.LE IiI -1- "~-""""'-,'-.~..,,'_.~~--~_.~_.--......-,--=-_.--- ,-",",.-'-'-,,- M/H .6p::>V STATE OF CALIFORNIA) CDUNTY OF ORANGE ) 55. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DFRE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anahei. m, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 68R-486 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by 1'aw, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 6th day of AU9us~, 1968, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES : COUNCII.MB : Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley NOES : OOUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN : None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 68R-486 on the 6th day of August, 1968. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed thedficial seal of the City of Anaheim this 6th day of August, 1968. L '7K ;J:L-- / J ; , ' . / ' - /"LbJ~ GrTY cr.Eii OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 68R-486 dUly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August 6, 1968, ~ ::w 1 ')-- , L-HA!--' d.,,~&:.et~ \ City Clerk ""'.>;"".;y.'..'_--.-..-...~.- _.._, ....._...'-._-,~