Minutes-PC 1940/05/28 (3);~.. ~ ~. ~~..e ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ °~y ~ ~ ~laeN !w. ~! ~t !b Cit~ et 1~iie~ ~itLdt le~l~ #o ~tarr x~p~a~ ~ i~. ~1 a~ ~!~ !re a ..~... ,.~ - - - ~ .t_ ..s . ~ ~~L' .-- .e...n.~i. aa ~.. as~' !? ~se ~ ~t ~q a~, ~ap. sla'~sf~e~~ww~t ssr~ sla~aN a:t'~a~, ~~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ai 2east~s~-dr~. ~~~ ~ f,r ~uia d 7~k ao~~si. if~n~: ~ w~yda 1N~o ~ ~~a+e3a ari, ~eso~y~ i~ ~rt,,y !~e ri~ ~STatl~a ~ ~ ge~ ' ~isiws 8~e'srt, ft '~s~ ~ as ~ ~ir ti~L d a~ ~aa is ~ awi~i io sNt as tol2ews : Psw3L 9 sa~w i~r ~~~ ~ Aalti~o~ i~ ~1 ~ pe~ t~! ~ ~t ~ic~Uqa ~[ a~s ~ d welw~s dsstrl,sts aed grssrll~ ~ee +1~ ~a1 s~s. tar e~aeNS h c~dli- ~AP. ~ s~i i~,~ ~ vs a~ s~ir ~. at~ ~~s. +~s9s. a-d l~~i ib ~~i Lp~l~as d~ !ap aad 33r as+~a ~ 3~ a~va~ei ~; i~ ~s ~~ ~i ~!s ~ ~ yr~ ~3~ ~ ~ t+~6~ ~[ tis p+w~dws ~'~', 9sotit~ 1, o~[ ~ot~ as+~la~ is ~a~ assla3 ~ l1~s adl~p tim ot t~e t~ ~ Driiultiel4 ~i lles~ s i~ ~~. ~ d~ ao! a~ ~ aa~ ~~~ta1o^~, ae~i e~ i~ f~ ae ~i ~ ti~wt b ~ lsP, 1~ a~ +~rs~ ~ ~, * ~- ~ ; ,~~ ~ ~ e~s aa 3a ~9dti ~i ~~t s~ts a~ ~sa. ~~ ~1~i l~ a ps~ ai~~ ~~~. D~iiaiii~a !~e ~dSsd~ ~t i~s ~'fie~P ~s ~a~e 1. ~d ad4 ~ a~ ~lsri~ d ~ ae~, is 3~ia~ s ^idl ~~s i~~f~a ~ i7r ia~ ~aaf~ d _ 'a ~t 7Y~~ ~~.~ fA~~/A od~/i/~+~f ¢ ~c if~ ~d~leKC ~ccfartTe?~t i edelr~sn~h dzeqf sn/~t~r161 ~syfs 10~/.~ a,{iaw Y.~inE4 l~~J'r~ds .. ~'~ ~i~ w ~i~~ ~e~ ~Y ~ ~ ~ s~sa a ~''+ iWi~= ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~a~ Ll Ls~ ~N i~af~ai~,- s~7s'ie~ ~r ~i' s~~ ifr I~ aa~i... d aaYs~es... #^+1^~4~5. 1-_a~ai4., ~.^~., a~.ai..+.. Fl0~10sf taa' ~11l1~ar a~i f~ire' sp~!l~~1/~ 1~n r,~l m i~tl~p i~slpii~ !M!• jA~d!li~a1 !~~ ~~ a1~VJi !~S !~~ ~n1. ~ tlhe sse d~raaiws. aa~ Spi a~pjate ttr a~a ~~ ~si !~ ~b ~iB~ls l~~lii. ~tY~-. ~a't ~ ~em~~ l~s+e~ ari se~ ~wL~R s[ tr alir ~t ~~, ~d~t C~i~ !s ~ a~sl~i~i 3tR~ mwra ~ a~~ ~ 1~ ~~ a~s ir D-Z, f~r ~, ~!^! ~3j 4!~ ~. ~" =~ -' ~ ~. ~ :~: w, ~m iiai ii~ilaa !!~! . ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ !f ~ ~ i~ ~ ~~f ~~a'~I! elsti~lsls avd areTr ~[ 9id f~ ~ ji~a+oSa. t~~ ret~'it.a~ +~ ~. ~f. @~j .e ic.~~a~. i~.^~ a ~ts .i~ i~ tie~ iet~ et 1~ls ~a~e~s ~11, ~ ifr i~M ri.t ~e a~ ~~.....a 1Y~. ~~~ ~ s rs~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ i~~ ~~~ ~~1 ~~ R ~ ~~• i.~l _ ~ ~ ._ s . ~ r . ~~ S a or .~a o:as~,~oa~. .s ba:~ a^~i~~d ZoN~ :.~i3o~~;` (~) es Nsu.a Poslia~ ~= 1• lti- p~si~iK ga~lia as~ia~ O~uwe~ aa~ L~s U~ 1q (70~ Aqs ~ pri~ ~~ ~ dats, es h~sria~ s~a~i~°: '~ia~2t~li, neh m~tios~ s~all 1~ plae~d a~t ~~s tlnwa~ h~d (iA0) ?s~~ 4~st aiMi 1o~h si~ ~ ~ ad ~r~ sq~a~t ~ daieh peepusl~ ydra~o~i ~ w r~sla~s~!'i~i a~it,t~s~ 'and soeh ysstia~ sba11 ~stpa ~at~ taid s~t • di3~ ~ aet l~sa ~n tLs~t~ hueira~ ~i00) iN4 troe ~he ul~rSaa 1ld~ et smi~ pest- .r+~iia ~a ~ gr~peNd zas taea s+~oia~rszibafiaa. Snoh a~etiN ~3a11 ec~- si~t ot i~ ~ard~a ~btie~ oi. p~opswd .a~ q~ s~• p~.awd ia plala 4~rp~ with lsi~ ao~ i~~t ~aa ars C19 is~h Sa ~! affi la aAtlite~ 1~a~ts, s ot,~-l~eeai Sa toall typs t~~Lia~,4oPlh t~ b~d~l+N d i~ p~ is~elnd in t~ pa~o~ss~d W@~aa~ o! soas" ~as~ s d~~siplima a~ aeeh proZxrLy, asd f~a 41w aad ~3aea at thtch a pntilto 3~ria~ aa i0r ~- p~Nd qba~ dll ba I~sld= sx B-1 SIYl~ Y~D ;, ' ;~ .1 ;~ ., ,; j ~;~ ~ ;;:;; ~ ~r;: .. ..._ a-s s:a. 5 r.r,~,~ a. a, ~~, e~ s~o.~se~ (i) ~r s.Qa.. s~.~a ?ar8s ordia~na ~-re ~10~ a~-a~d to r~e~ rrsp~otir~7y, as rellw~: .8. 'lh~r~ aball b~'~i~ ~asd~ eaoh o! whiah ~11 hpe s s!a!h d aot le.. f~sai Zo~ur t4) i••t, e~.at to th. i~art~ pra~-isi~s ds a.e!!aa ls. ar-1 8~r T~S 3. l~sae a~ii ~~ resr ~ar~l ' ot ao~ Lss L~ !~s (LQl ~t 3n ~9~ath. :_:_ R-1 S4de ?~ras 4. Qa.aorae~ lo~~ Sn ayoptet to kha iad a3o~t~ tl~ sbw3, tiaili- oa doras~ Y~o1f ia~t e~s'1.1.0~ ~i 40 oe^p~ wi~h t~ _a~las~ ti'~t 7+ara p~i~i~ aad a1N si~ll b~ looaied so ~bat Uu dietsdes.l~e i~ ez4ssier si~s 1~! 1t~s !o en. n.ar..t if.a. or t~ basldiac a~ w gorlsaa el~r.o~ .~.u tis r.t La. et~,~ t.~.. !a? ~esl. NlB~ ]6~ SO~iM Yn- 8on~ L sald Oedta~ao~ ir ls~ral~ aoMa~d D~ tbs addiiiea ttirr~ta d~a- S~4 lioa'/.a~ -~iioh ~lYtll Piid Bf.~O1Z,11~t ~See sepa~a+e Copy) ~ ar~ ~toe ~8 ssa. rara~r.~. Z a'a s ot 8~ (f) .ar ..u .~ts~.a~e. .~.u 1. Ya~e ~ad~d te rs~d r~~eti~lr. as t073w~t ) _. !'Mr~ ~LLs11 ~~idA yasbs eaeL ~t s~leh sb~ll b~ bot Lp 3~ raar (4) !«e in .snth, .a~ .e~ eo sv. lartbar pro.ssso~. .~ ~!!aa 3~. ~d io lhsN ef Ss~Ston ~~ ed tMs ~lo~,. E~•~ a~r a. 5~.~. .b.u .1. `s ~.r yax~a o= ae~ 10.. t~ aa (]sf sso~ ss, Yux'~l.~ s~t3l~. ~ i: t~a ~ 13sa ~ :Y~ ~ ~ ~ .a y ':~ r•t2rr ~ C~ pa~lig a~aa ~-,i~a ss~r ~~d rfdits aq bs s+~8+~e~ ~~iw (~ i+r~~1 !s ~l31th~ ~orai~. h~eitrr ~ tlta-t tlss .1~a' ~pa~ds u~ ~~a~ na+~ ~l~t te ~l~ p~ls3qs d~b~etiaa (~ e~t i~is t~a'li~a. : ~ u.~'~' +`a'~& ~sst3ao tBj +~ ~atiao` •~ tiaid ~ral~ws L~ ~1~ ari3K 1~ r~d w lo7lssat ari Bi~ ~R7 ~ 00l~! leils if! 7N~p~OS {O !1M ~ itiattl~ ~ s~. ~7~ i~~ ~ ZA~M ~11~1~ ~~I t0 Q~p~ 4i7h ~~b0'r'~ t!'O~IPr rOl~ pI"O~tl10r ~~ i~M ~0! L0~ ~11 ~ 3vWtlb~Yd 110 ~11~ 1at/ 81f~~i0~ ~'l9t ~i ~~'iit /1~ ~ 1~ 1~! ~ ~tt 11~ 0? 4~ ~i11i~.Ls ~ asy p6P~iea t1~~1~Od 0~611 ~ aot ~+eM ~a ta~'N (~ !'i~it ia R1aph, atld v~l~!'~ ~~~t 8 a~ ~!~ e'~ta ~m s33~1~, tas raa~r ~rerd s~,u bs aet le~. l1~sa ws~s ~a~ !~t ia .ld~. ~,~, F~: ~_ ., ; i ~ . ~`... r ~ t ~ '~ 0 k~'`f ~ :_.. .. ' ~ ~ g°~ s ~ OKieas ES-: ~ _ i~ Larb~ ~e iye d a~s toile~: f o3 ~ s~a'siea 11 at sasa ox+diawo~ Zr !~C 7~3'~~ ~9~a!'@~~~! ~' ~"~~ a~l2r--0 Cr ~@.++ia~s.'~. =~!"~..~~ ,T".~'~'~~r ~..~.. ~.Ol'~•m : :: "~..:i~~ C: 'D"`..C~~L9 Y QC.T.~ '1~ di~ ~ vp..7o~ ,~.'«.eLf~.e or ~ 4~1a~b:, botTsra~da6, ..na i~ w.l~sar. '~A~L 1'SOTEOI~" ~ rs~n~ pisra~eap3.or .~s~oe,soo-z (1-j ot ~e~~~ u ot ~.l,~ ~sdia~o~ sball "bs a~d to 's~.as tella~st '1'h~ g~+o~ini~m o!!. ti.hi~ ordin~~ aHsll ~t 'b~ d~ae~6 0~ eq- seswd ~o ~aee~i)st !he ia~~~emii~g .aa~ora~qa nasQ sa a~p soa~. ~Daaesi~s (a) . or sqa~~q~ u ~ ..sd ~89.neno. .tssu b~ fasl~mr a^nd~d 1~ t~. ~tition ;t~ers4o ot. 'parag~aph 4. 4. ~~nporaiy riil s~ta~a e~~ss ap~pm~tea~st ta r~~i~sa1 ~log- aoas or ~o s~ulisa oie taranel~r3;s,~ ai~ly raal ~siat~ ia Ua ~a~di~i~loa aa ~3~?a aald ei~li~ ~s toosW~d, be't~~- ~~ a pe±~ee1 ~i eime ae! ~3Sag aaa IMr ta ~aq~uatiom wiih ea,q• o~ ~nbdi~ieioa. ~ 7~1b:~o#ipa (6) st 5eotien 1~ of ~sid erdia~'os Se l~ssby~"~nded _ ._ ...__ t.2..rad .ls t~liot~'t (~j s. Y'ard provi~ioas snall no~ exciuda waiKS, driveways; eaves, ^or feacss exoept that fences orer si.; (5) feet in hei;;ht ehall not be permitted in~any yaxdq~.~~~,~~~c~that fences be- t~een three and one h~,lf ;~) feet^~r eidh shall be psrmit- ted only in the rear yard, but nat cloaer to the front lot line than a distance o~ sixL firs ~ti51 ~eet in tne :c-1 •~,one; than a distance of sixt (60~ feet in the R-2 Zone; than a distance of fift;~ f.ive ~5j) feet in the R-; Zone. ~. Only passenber ~.utomobiles shall be hotiaed or atored on ~ ar_y a~~adin anyYreaidential zone. • .,e~,i4 ~h~ The f~Tst four ~axa.~raphs of subeection (h) of Section 1~ . of said Oxdinance a.re hereby a,mendea to read as fdllowa: ~ Yarde established by Sections 7, 7.5, and 5, ar~d t:~e ue8s thereo~ may be alterec in accordance ~itl~ the follocring pro- visione inso far as {;~ey apply to said respective zones. 1. In case of buildin~s :nore th2n one story in hei;ht in Zone R-1 or Zone R-z, the rvalls of ant* storp above the °iret cai: atory ehall be set back so ae to provide a side yard width ~i iav~ ~.aoo ~'trai3+i iIVC { Jj iC.'6 u. 2t~'~n aocessary buildin- or an attacLed 5ara5e (buc no other part oY a main building~ ma~ extencl into one interior side yard of any lat for w distance of two feet provided the ot~er eide yard remaine open and unobs~sucted, and provided f~zrther that no pa.rt of an attached garage which extende intp Ynir oitlp va'i•ri_ nr r~n ~n~r+ nf w,~~ w~~G~O~T1T 7~~~i~~1ir~ ~ anal7. be Iacated cl.aser tiorthe front lot line than a dis- tance of sixty-five (~5) feet in the R-1 Zone; tZzan a die- ta??ce ef eixty (60) feet in the R-2 Zone; than a distance. of S~fty-five (55} feet in the R-3 Zone; unles: there iF a main bui3ding esiatin~ on the 1ot ad~oining the eidA ,yard to be so ueed, 3.n which caee every acceseorg building or at~ached garage may be not closer thar_ six `uj =eet, merj.~- ured along eaifi eide yard line, to the rear of the estended :r°'`"} °'y ~°«..s'~°.~ r'~ i no ~fi' 4~..~8;- r3T- ..i o'.~. i , a... ~.. . .. ..~~s~ r~=,, ~.a~.. ~uild- inb cvnich lie~~in t~e half of ~~,~ lotvneareet such sids yard. ~ ~ i t ~ ~ ~ ~_ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r : ~:.~ ,-. ~ ~ r t, : ." '....... ~-~ i Y'. ~- ~,~ . i~ T. L r,. i 0 .. Y: ..~ u-... ___ {~,) There may be ~eceeeory buil~~in6a in tine reai v~ d pro- vided thc~i ao not oov°r ~nore tha.'~ fi~y per cen~ttm (~j0~n) o~ the reer ~x~ra area, sub~ec~ ]~owever ;? tbe ~it;.ti~:rr provisions of t hie aection. 3. (a) Accessory buildings in the.rear yard of any corner lot shall not be closer to tine exteriur ~iue lot 113se tha:~ the wiain speoifi.ed foT the exterior aide yard on said lot, a?}~i shall also be sub~ect ta the provisione of para~raph (~; of par~~raph '~. of thie subsection. (b) On any corner lot, the re~s line oP which a.buts the side line of an adjoininb lot, n~~ accassory ba3ldin;s ~n the TP:IY' ys~~d shall be closer to the exterior side lot line than the width of the tront yard, as e~tabliehec by thia ordinence on said ad~oining lot. (c) an a corner lot, the rea•r line of ~vhich abute the side lina. cf another lot, no accessory bu3ldin~ or portion tt~ereaf shall be located withln fotir { 4) feet or the com~;on lot line of such Iots. ~j,ja,~ ".-~` Si~t3ea 20 at~a3~1 b~ amea~ 1~- ~itri'ei ~elew p~io~as od; 1~ f~,,~livl~iaL ~~!!yla,t lrtias is alpl~b~tae~3. rs8iis ~4 ~t~11 b~ lo~o~a as snb~eelloas tist~sas pa~rlSamr~~ lell~ws d S~eat~aa 10 e~ nei~ asiia~t 4s 1~ tilL ia~s 'si~ia~s 3~ . ya~`.3oa ~ t,~a ~x~Saaylt S!~ er s~~d ae~i+oaao~ ~fen~ i~-A' s~mil m]aa~a as sob~8ti~o~ "(a~ . 'o ~i;Ld'Eoms S-1* s1~11,D"s ]ca~n:a~ ~QaD~~ls~~~,a. o~w pertio~t ~Oi~l~d •~ $-itr' il~all D~ ~AAiI~ and ldsai~- ~ s+~Ne#!om • o~ i'~ D~iea e~Rill~d ~~ps ~li~ ~11 b~ b~a~rn w saDteatlea »~~~~~ t~t Por4ies ~stii~d "~o~ ~--1p /~ ~, ~n if ~~M~Oy ~d~ ~t~~*~ ~ibi~ j~~ 0~' ~~~5~ M~01~` (f~. iI1LI1 ~ ~Ma a{ /0~01~~ ~~~tJ~~ fll~f ~~-~~ iB~ai~ti tl~~ tist d~.77 f~`~ ~ ~~ 0=~11~ ~,~ ~iM ~yg~ii~;~ Ngbt~ Y•3~ fha7L1 bH ~II01S1~ ~01/~OuOa _ • ~ c~~ , , ~ i~i.3-1 sLst poar~toa.et,_O~otioa 80 sa~i~gtd "~_~~..aaa ~arMi~t 4e 1~ ~ tiO ~a if' ~AOCZ~Of2 (fid~t. ls`~lAO~ ~ $'v ~ati iiG'.~iri~o`w~i . a~i f~ S„~ • t'~~• ~hs pee~a~s la~ol~dsdl iin Bo~r 8-1 ~a12 t~ u tolla~n~ ali par~rl7 0~d ia 8aa~~ I6-a, 3~~ 0,1~~ 0~3•':1f~!'+ ~i's~ ~ ~ aiqi l~i1s~ ao4 Aas1v dibia ~ t aet otbesd~ spaaitie+-~3~ ~r~i~d. 6~io~ ~ 9~al~iaan 90 is l»sab~ a~ad~d b~ OTu add4~iies +6f ~ to11o~laR 1~s~v Oh /~11 b~ ]~Illli 1~ ~bp0~10~ ~0~ i ~M ~'hl ~$ ri"'irLw ~i . , ="~!"'~-~ !'~~~~~~ 0~ ~~ '~~! ~~ ~ Z~' ~~. r=~r ~ i~1 (0) 'Phs propM~ iaelo~d ia SO~a ~-8 ~10~11 1N w~ .!Ol?.O~ i b~ i~wl~i~ell i~ ~H. ~ae • _ i. ss~wi ]~-. 166. ~i3c aa~3c ~r.at. .. .i~n o~a. a~ m~ :.~ tn soa~ 3~~ .I~r~a~ L •t ~YO~u~~ psN S~ Y.1[.t I~CiN:36 ~~ ~~. iaol'~fp~ ~+++11~wir~w.. I o~ ..~ ..~.~...@.~~ ~ ~:: :-= ~ s 9s ~~ ~, +-~?~~3~a: a~ ~.~ a= :: ~ ~. Tsaat"'lo. A~7. fieat~ fisA~•'!'ra0#, at sho~ra on ~- a~-p s~ee~8pd~ ia ~eeti iie piys li~~ x.lt.1 xo~ 1 to 16~ 1asla~iN, !a A1eot ~. . ~}.~.n,1,4 i~ i''. ~ ~ -~'.*' S` (' f. ~~av~sd ~obe .~ rnii~ar~ 70~.~ tM~ . oi' 41~s' ~sl~e1T ~:4'~.i6' tist~ ~pi '~ fdO~Ol~'~~' ~~~~ 0~ ~A4. ~~ ~ K ` _ . . ~ . !t'~tl.~~ ~ . . i - . . , . ~ . .,... .,'.: t } ~J € ~ "~, ' .. . ' ~ ~ ~ ~¢t.'~',~- /~ ~ ili ~' '~ D~t~ +~t s~i 9a~e~ :7~ ~1C~Q `~:~ ~~~ i#w ~!t ~ w~8oi t~ s~it a~ l~lt~s1 ~. 0~l~ ~i ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~i~i !N ~i~ ~ , ?~Osf u. ~.~r ~~ ~9r~ ~:~il~,~ 1/~!.'~~~~f1, ~~ ~b11i ~ dvi! !s ffiMI~t 0~ t~1 f~ ~ 14 p~ ~y ~~ ffi~ N~tliq~T e=ewr~w_r~ u~.+~r.t .M.Ir..~. a~anAd r..!'.~. ; ~ ~ S1C~e~~-^ ~~ ~ ~ i~ ~1d ~ ~~All ~~ ~m!#~~l M~40 i~ ~ ~L ; ~ a~ .~tuu.s ~c +~a. ~s~.~s:~.~wrr.t~ p..~'~'r°'~a~~ ~' ~ ~ ~t~- tz.~~~~~ ~ 1'~ ~. ~1~~~~ 1d!"+~;~l~e1~~R 1!a ~11! a0l!~ 48i,61(a,r ~~. ~~t,...~o~ ~ ~t eR~~ a! YA~-D~r ; ~~ . . ~ . ,. ~ $~ +-lM~~~. ~l. 't~aOR :v'~. ~~ ~+ $d~slM:Y ~#~1Zt~1~ M dltia ~ i llq ~fawedit~i~. ia i~it Ll. ~A1.~. Ii.T~t.t Lrir i ii 7s~ 3aolaa~wl~ ig ~. ls~as! zu. ~~ ~~f~~ ~s imrwt e~ a sq- ~~i !~t ~t 1'Pr p~6~ '1~. W W t ~4s x~ 4~ ~~ ~. 7~. fl1L ~e E~M 4~ A. !, ~d i0~ ~a ~aie i. , I l S i ~i ;:.:: $+', - .j _.~'~:~4' ~ :~ ii ."...._ . $ r. i: a: ~y~f!~ii~ ,•]lf-~'_:~ ~t~ 10 S~f~'~ ~~''~_p~lM~~Ia~at.W~~ ',~b,, v~~d ~~aM A•~s ~ a~oga ~! 1~~RMar t,~~ i~it ~t, #~M~p~+R~~}~ ~ s~~,lwaroi~0-: +rr~~ io- tlrir arlt leOY !~ ~ddt'!!aa a~~ ~' ~ti~: ~p~wdKiii~ p~ti~t ~M Q~ i6. .Oe~Q#! 'ihls~lt iili# ~a Ss ~~ a~t ~f !1s- ~11M~s ]P. . . / ,. I~ ana a~.~.~. ;5 ~L .~.-~c ~.~ / ' ~~ "~i "~z,r q Z- a,u C' Q - I / ~-c.,,~ c ~a ~~ D ~ , ~ .t'wit . ~ ~~,.~~~._.~_<-e-~.fr/._ ~ ~ ~~..tv~ cx.t la.~..!~atcZcR-.n~~e~,I~a. cr--.,..~..-..~ ef '~;c~ Jtea-a~ ~ti- -~-es~. ~E-0-ut/"~ ; . . L - ~/"_ ~ 5~ ~ u-`~+~'y Su~`o~.t!r`'1-'`'C-`^~ , Q-0.- ~- 6k ..~-J~ ~ he-t.-e `~R-OI .~ v ~r-a-ti 7. ~t'-2%c~ 2 3 ~ JYl ~ N~ . ~ /J..Q.Q P r u ` ~ , , . .. ~, f ~ ~ 1 . 1 ~ .~ . ...-~-~---~..-~ - .. . , f . . ~ Y R u 2~ , ~ = L e~ ~,~-~1 f.'-:~:- ; / ] ~ i ;'J ~ M1 Ilt M ~ ;r}~ ~ ~ `s.. ~ • . PROP09~ ~1i~S TO ~DI11A1P03 ~D> 609~ ~ ZesiaS 9:dl.naaae Osdl,naaas 1[4. 609 0! th~ Citr ot ~aabr•ia satitleds piy~bU Aa ~rdino~nas ~tiepeo~.iag Orbiaaac~ Ao. ~7. aa8 proHding for 6 sone• the creation in tLe City o~ J~asheip Q~ t'i~c (6~ sanes. oonsisZing o! vnrious flia~riato and pr~~oribiag f~r !1~ s~sal sonsa, Lhe alae~ss of buildingc, ~traa~CUaee and impro~ea-tsi ths nes oP anah bnfldings, , etruaturee, improve~a4a~ aab•proaisss; tk~e hsighSe and loentione oi buildings and ~he area o!' Ynt aowr~a lherrba; d~tining asrtain tsrms uaed herein ~nd presaribing tlf~ psnsity tor Lhe riolatioa of the p:o- vieiona hereo:f, i~ nsreLy ansndsa es follorst. The tttie of said orninaaao is hereby amn3ed to reaa sa folloasi Pseamble 7 ~ones ;: i i ., ~.~ ~. ,~ , `:S ;; .. ..._ ~n ordina,ace repealing Ordimnce l~o. 5A1 and grovidiag 3'o?r Che creation in the Oity o: Aneheim oi zonee con~iating ut various diatriate and pxausribing for the eevera? zoaeo. ths clasasa of 1~uild- i:tiga, aLruatur3s and improeemonta; Ehe uee oi such bniZd!nge~ etruc- turae, t~uravamenta. snd prssises; Lhe hei3lnte aad Ioastione of bniZd- ings snd the area oi l08 corered tL•vreby~ aetining aertaia tercie uaed hareia aafl preec.ribing the penalty tar tLe tiola4loa of ths provisions horooi. SseOion 1, of said ordiaarce ie horeby ameaded by the addi- tian oi the folloning psra~aphi Defiaition DUPISI[: llenas a bnildiag or ~tmatnro. eqnippet vith nat of "Duplez" more than two ~i.toheae. ztaea or d~eigneQ ar inta~s~ to bc ussd to houeo OM6~ bnt not mor~ than tro, faailiea living in&epeadentiy o.' es~ca other ea3 in Hhich bailding the Eoro houeekse~ir-g unite are com- pletely eapars0ed bq a psr4ltioa rithon.L ogsaiaga. • Definitioa 'Phs dei'lnibion of 4he Lesa "Tcrd" in Seotioa 1. o: eaid or- ot "Ysrdn dinanca, is harehy sa-~rsded. by the SeleLio:s of,tho lAat aentence oP said de31n4tiou, 8Ad ~j19 S~ZZ~OII OT tj18 ~OZZPM~.Ti; sentenoet Moanu~e- nenta cl~e2~. ve horlL~n~a! sad at a~1g3-x anglen ko the 2ot linea f,rom NbioY. tha zrdc ax~ 3a~c •". Seation 2~ o! ssid orbl.aana• ie hsrsby sasnd~d to resd ae tollowot 9s~tioa 2s Batablishmsnt oi Zones (s) In order to dosi~pnsl~a. rs~nlat~a, s~atMob, aad segre~-te the lo- cstiona o~ eaterprisee~ iaQuetriea~ bn~i~eesaF~ trad.sa~ apast~eatn. dWB~.ii~e~ ou.~i v~r'vS ~^r..'C~~~~ "..+~0 ~~~..Lf !~s 7wsilAiw~ra 1~a1~6d~ Ql}Q~i Providas Yor pSaO. and/or aaintained ~'or snch ueea. en3 Eae aee ot pramises. aad ~o AQditioaal rmgulatie the area oi yardr fcr ~ pnblic iisaleh. ~et~. gsaere~I x~:- Zoaes fsre. t-nS arderly devala~xanL ot :~e GiLg ~±' ^• is, seid Cit9 is hereby divid~d Sato ~ma (7) soaes ta D~ lmows sst Zoas R-1, Ti^ae R-2. 2ono R-j• Zono ~-2. ~one C-3. Zoat H-~~ sad Zans Lt-~. whiah ea7,r:. ceve~ral aones aa~! OYw ~tisbriols ot saaY. iharao~ asa hera~hy •s!s'rliahe0.; and Lhn praperty oompriaing eaid dieEriets and •soh oi tLem ie 3secribrd her~in. (b) 2srriEory anaex'A. to tLa Cit, at Sasuata Fa3aaquent to tine azzoa:i4o lTnrly bato of this orains~ae shr11. npAn Lha dsta that t2~ an:antion b~aom~e wna~~ud eYi.a41ry, bscmo~ a p~rt o! Eho Singls ?asi2y Reai3~na~ Zons. 8ot-s R-1~ Tersi4ory ot esid aiby. . ,y ~:, ~~:;~ f,,.~ ~ ~-~ ~ :aY. - --,-~----~ ' n--~ -- ~ L . s~oziox g Ths psragraph de~ignat~fl ss "1" tindor 3nbe!~tioa (~) of Ssat- ion 5 oi said orbiweaa~ i~ hsreby essndsd Qo r~ad a~ Sol2owt 8osting l. i~ poebiaR pmblic aollo~ th~rao! not l~as thaa t~n (10) day, paio~° to 02w d~is o! haariag e~a4ionr~ ~hsrein, suah noEiose shall bs plaaad ao! more ihsa threa Lw~d.rad (j00) laeti ap4rt aloug both aid~ae o! si-oh ~n.Q ~rry s~ra~4 apon rnioh prop~r0~ prapossd tn bs rsclssaifiod abnta~ and sneh pestiag ~~:11 ~zEsnd slong ssid strest e dSe4ena~ of not i63e ~+aw7a vurea ~~3*3: ~ j~vj iG`vi~ i~8m w~18 6Ti$6Yi~P iamiou "vi ai~oa j7Pp~ er~i~a s~ ars propoe~:~ ior snah zeols~aifiastioa. 9nah notice aLs11 ao~ •ist oY Ohs aords: "8otios ot propossd ohangs oY sons" printsd in plain tyga rrith l~~tsrs nob les• l2asn one (1) laoh in height and ia addiLioa thersto. a a~st~aent !n em~ll 4ype settiag forth ths 'Doundsriee o! ih~ • propar0y involvsa ia bhe propoeed "Ohsngs ot sone" nr a deeoription o: snah property. and the time snd plaos at vrhieh a pnblia hearing on ths pro- poaed changs wili b~ held; or Rrl SID~ $~S x 1 Sids Parsgraphe 2. 3, sad ~F~ of 8nbssctian t~) oi S~otion 7 of eaid TsrQs ardineaae sre hsseby amended to read reapsotiv~ly, ae iollowst 2. Thero ahsll be side yeards eswh of whiah ehaYl ha~e a riath . n'~'~ of not leee Ehan Ponr (4) leot, aub~ec*. 2u Lhs tY~rther provisiona o! Ssation ik. € Rrl Resr Ysrde 3. There ehall be a roo.- ~:ai,9, ai; aotleeA Ehsu ~en~10) iest in width. ~ R-1 Sida gar8s k. Oa ovrae~ looa la ra ^;?~~ ta ~ha end sbnt:ing the eCroe~, ~fld- ~ on Coraer Lota lags shnll bs mado to aonply rri~h t~,e above iroad y~rd provieion~ saa aleo ehall be lecete3 so that 4~e distaneei from bhe eater4or eide lot line to tihe aearsst line of the buildi~,~g or aay portion thereof ehaii de not less E. 0~ss fer~ (~i) i3ey. ~ 4 aTE~ R-2 ZON~^ '• ~ Hsr Zone 8aid Ordinsaoe ie hsra ~y smended by thm addibion thereto of E E 8r2 saotion j.5~ rhioh ahall rsmd sa foilowss (see separate aopy) R-2 SIDR YAi2DS ~ • 1 &-3 91fl~ Psragrsphe 2 aaa 3 of Strbesation (i) oi naid ordinaaae ahsll b~ - ~ 7ard~ amendmd ~o reaul reepoaEively aa follavst t ~ 2. '~sre ehail be side yards aaah oP whioh s2~a11 be aot less Lhsa ! , fonr (~S) ies~ in ~viabh~ aub~ea~t to bhe fur4her proviaions of S~otioa 1~+, '~ nad to thase oi Snbseot=oa (g) of this Saoeion. ~ x-J Ft~ar 3. Thsrs shsil b~ a r~ar ywr~ of not lo,~e than tsn ~lOj f~~t in • ~~*de ~ r!alh. :~d S_* .ae rear l:~ o! 4h~ rs:s~ ~~3 ab~ta s~b2i~ r.22ar c: ~'s~°= publio open~ aras the ree-r yerd aid~h mag be re8uaed to fise (5) ise! in ~'; width~ providsd~ hovsver. #l~t 4he resr ynrae oS eorner lots are snb~eo4 4o tlw provisione of Snbs~ction (g) of thie Seotian ¢ ~ R-3 omtx~ :~oTs ... $tt~~unkie~~ ~y~ ut 89Ad~nn R gt m1~i (,fYl~1TAMl1q 1~ haroLi~ asanA~ ~ ---~-- - r Lo ree-d as tollanns -2- ?~•~ I ~ -- ---- - . _. ' -,-r---.. _ ~ ~ R L P .;~• ~ ~`~ ~ f:~' c g ~ ,I ~ ~i ,~ =' ; ~s~ ,~: i ~ k~;; ~ ?~ ; ~~;; ~,:'~~. ~F"' 3~r~ ~'•,~ . .... a,•; Bi~s (~) Oa oara~r lo0s ia respea4 4o the e~d a~nx6tin~ bho str~~~. ba11d- ?ards oa in~s shali b~ aauU bo co~ply wi~h L}u abave ~soa: yarG pxo~i.:~ae am, also Gora~r i~o~a e1u~11 ba looa~~d w that Ols~ die0anos tromm t!-s es4~r3or sid~ lot lina io bhs aaass~0 13as oP 42re bniiding or any portioa 4~2ur~o! s~ull bo ao4 ie~e ~an tsr~v ( j3 iet~ 4s ~t44.lk+o sna F~re oao oat! e4 s ae~rar 1~# abe~e r~ ~~i~o: 8ha ~sar gard sh~S3. bs aot lese thati 8hrea (3) fee! in vidth. x-2 Paragrsph 1~ o~ 8abs~o0loa (o) 04 8~obioa 11 oi saitL ordinsaau is hsreby a~sadsd to rean aa follorst T~'/ ~ 1. Jaak yarQs. aatonobils wrea3dng yerde. l~nplstenb sr roe~ohinmry 1H2 rrrecldng y+srda~ blw etorage~ ~radiu~, or buainssR of Qealing ia ~w-k or w~ne~oed automobllee or implea~a~a~ boilermaldn6 sncl iron amsltin~. N0EIQ~RAI~ pROYISI0N8~ Th~ iirab ;,eragraph of Sub~eaEloa (b) o! S~atioa 14 oi ssid ozdinasos shall be wnended Eo read as iolloret 'Ybo pra*risions of 4hie ordinanaa ohall aot be deemed or oanetiriud to prohilbiL !he !aJ.iowin6 smssara~ed uaaa ia eay :ons. • 9siteer,4ion (b) o! sea4ion 14 ot asid ordiasnae shsli be i~rthmr am~ndsd ~y 41~s i3diti.on thsreto o! paragraph ~F. 4. Tsmpormry real se~aee offioe+s may be •~t~ablish•d aud ae~in0e-iasd npon say rnbdiviaion hereat~6er oras4sd provid~fl hoxe~sr, bhat ali eaah o!- fioss ebr7.1 'bs dieaoatianea auad remansd vilhin on. ysar tzwm the ett~blish- manb of ~he ftra~ of aay e-ta8 ot£icse eo4ab11eLs~ oa Lhe asme anbdivlzion. °1`hs acLivity oi' s11 real ea~a~s officer reterrsd to in 41uc ~oregoin~, csntencs ehall bs restriot~a tio !he ea1e~ ~raasier or e~hange of rssl estaee ia Ohe snbdivialoa pharain the otiice ie eitna~ed. Snbssctioa (g) ot S~o41on 14 oi esia ordimaae is hsraby e~en3~d to read as tollawat 1. Yerd prnvieione a2u11 no4 e~oolnde relYr~ dri~~eys~ savs~. nor fsnaen, provi8ed howwer, ths0 t~noes ovsr eiz (6) t~ot ia~rlig~-0 ~hall not ~e psraal04ed in ysrd ,as~a~ ~hs4 ien~oee in 41u tronC ~ad/or dds yards ehali :-at sxaeed 3~ ies4 in heigh4= b2u4 teno~s whioh ~zes~4 3~ !~~! in hsight~ 'but do not e~oo~~a & tse4 in kai~hC~ ~all' fse ptrm10t~3 oaly in B~~e rsar ~a-rd~ bu~ ao! oloaer Oo th~ froa~ Io~ iir~e 6~n a dio*nsioe a: fi5 toe: in ~he ~ 1 Zone. or a disbaaae o! 60 t~e4 in t}u &-2 Zaae, or a diats~-as of 55 =ss~ in the R-3 Zo~o~s. 2. Oa2y pteasnpa an4omobilee .ha11 ba hou~sd or eLored oa privh~~ propermy ia aay reaid~attsl sons. ~~1 ~,~ 3irre lener ~ar~xe~oha oi snbseo0ioa (h) o~ Ssobion ik o! ewid OrdiYUacs arr harsby a~wniad. to rse~! as iollores iar'~a eala~l!ehe~ bq S~o~ioge T~ T••5. and B, aad the u~es ~h~reot may ~e altas~wd in aooordane~ nith ths follovia6 provialoue ineoiar .a 4hsy a,-,-rlg La scal.d respeotl~ra uot~es. ' 1. Ia a-~~ o! lrnilding~ a-ors than oi-s s~ory ia heighb ~oa~. 8-1 or Zons Rr2. Ohs asll~ ot a~ elory~ sbo~ She firot -sM~s~ sLory ~hsll bs ~st o~wi~ so ae yc ps-~r a'~'a a s;.'~. Jo ~~~.~ r! ~o: .~.~T. ~t~, .., *~.. tr~l ~aes_ 2= (e) An aaoo~aory baildi~ or aa stbaetua s,sre-ae (bnb no o~har pari ot s min buii~lna) ~~ssend~ia~o one in0arior riQa ysrd o! ~ le~ !or s dietanab oi i~co ~Peeis ~rovided Bhe gther eid~ yakE. remins ~o2~n a~ "r M % mmstieti,.ci~d~ aad p~a~idad lbs0l~or Obai ao par0 0° aa sOtao~sd _a.~e xhio3i vst~nd~ into e~ wi~e ~-srd~ ar no psrt ot aay aeca~aory bnl.idlag, ~a~tl bs logai~d olo~ea to ~he t~on~ 101~ li~ ttban s aiwOsnca oi eiact~r~-ti~ (6g) ts~t in ths B~1 aoars 4baa a di~t{~eaao 04' aisLy (6d) t~et !a ~he &-2 Zoavi •*~w .~. ~iTr~arir8 ~ ~ii~ iiid `JJ~ .'oa= ia ~he R-3 ~s~; Ziuiri'ev ~r~a~ a8 g asia ~nildiag ~xistin~ on 4}~ Zo4 ab,ipiaing 4he aide yagd Eo 8e so nssd~ ia s~3ch ear~ aasry atcsam~ory ~uilaing or a~twchefi gara~a mey be no0 aios~r lhan siz (6) i~~t. mes~nx~d aloag ~aid eide yard liae, to ~he rsar o! 4h~r estead~d most riasv~-rd liae ot 4hat pars of the azi~0iag ae-ia buildins ~ohioh 1S~s ia tha hni~ of tk~ lot nsars~b auah eids ymx~E. (b) Thsre auiy 1~~ aoaoseor~r buildingn in Bha tsar yar8, rorari.dNd. th~y do xso4 oo~~r norai ~l~sn liity per centna (50~) of the rear ~e~, areae, xnb~sc4 howver to ths a4l~sr provisioas of thit e~o;ion. (c) In anp reaideatiai di~trice no :.cc~seory ~u4lding eball bs ~ooated or conatrno0~d oa r.~ iot so aa Eo be o~o~~r io Ohs troa4 io~ lin~ t~an • diotaaas ot ~j0 f~ot. bnt Lhie provialon ~hail »at prohibiE eaoh aaesssory Duildinga irom otherwita p~rmiaefble locatione Lhroughout bhe iwr oaa lulr ot say snoh xot. i.: ! ,,' • ;~• (a) Jlowasorg lretldfags i~ ths reor yax~d o! s~ny oorn~r 104 ; sLsll no4 ~a alaesr to the ozteriar efd~ lob liae tvaa ~hhe vidLh epsoified „~~.~~.)~''r.~~.' tor the qz4sridr sida yard an sai8 lot. e~nd shall also bs aub~aot to the '~~ ~~~~•`~ ~~~ ~rovisioas ot para~cagh (n) of paragragh 2, oi thie aubeecLion. ~~rr'"~• (~) a~ an~ oA~nor lot, Lhe rmar iine oi Mhioh sbuts the eide lin~ ~~` oi an ad~oiaiag Io!D~ ao aoo~eoor~ bulldings Sn the rsar yard shatl be olosar - to ths ez~srior eid~ loL liae 4ban 4hs ~-18~h o! E'tie Yron4 ye~rd~ as sstsbliahad ~y Chis ordinsaoe on esid ad~ol.aing lob• (aj Oa a aornar lot, Lhe sasr line of xh~oh abute ~khe ei8a liue of snofher lot no eacsseory bniiding or portioa thsreoi shail be loce,ted vi4h3n fonr (~F~ le~t of the aommoa l04 ~iae of euch Zoss. ~stioafor 8~ctioa 20 s~all be ammndsQ by giving sarions portioas of iL i- d~is3ding~s Ma4ltyin6 lstt~rs in alpha~s41ca1 ordor aad she~]..1 b~ lmoxa ae enbasa~io~e . oas portioasr as lo~lawo: ot ~ation20 . ~o ~ 'The portion fron the begianing oi ra-ia e~otioa bo ths Oitl~ "Zone - s~ati4ns ~-1' shai.~ 3sa ka~wa r~s t~esa~eio~" (a3'; E~a4 pos~kion of ~aid seotioa eatibl~~t - "~oa~ 8-1" sha11 be knora a~ anbs~ction "(b)N s nsN postion ea4141~d "Zone - ~2~ ~all be adQ~d aad knowa as ~eeotioa ~)Ni 4~a4 portios ea4ltied _ ~_ '~~oa~ ~j= ehail c~ icao~ ae sucssc~ioa x(d)~; bhat portiion eaii~led pSons C-2' r~11 ba knowa ae snbssc~ion p(6;)"; thaL ~+ortioa eati~lod "2oaa 0-3" ~Lall be lmoera ae anbs~aCgian "(t)"= thst ,~ortion satiEled. '~2oru Id-2„ ehall - bs moaa a-s anS~e~ct~on ~(g)"= thst porbion entiLl~d. "Zorte K-3" alfoll be sn- titlea anbs.s~ion "(h)". _ ~~1 'ms1 porti.a of S~c01on 20 eabi4lsd "Zons ~1" wd hersnfter bo e~a~d to aa h~ee ~e ~.~a~eettpp ~;~, t. l~s~Dy l..._~+.~~~.,a. •.e I~ssd as '.:.lova: ov ~ sd~l: Zona ': ; ~'-'~= ~'~S r~ hs propsryy iaal~a~d in Sone i~-1 shall bs ae toilons i Aii ~_ s-"QF'-"-'~~ '~-'±L~ !2`.O at:; 2'.,3::: :a: i:.a2ada@ iu ZoY1e~ R-2. B-3. v'-C~ Ci-3. 3.._ It-2~ K-3. aad aot o6hsrxiee apeoilioally ssaep~tc~. ~` 9~atioa 20 9se4ion 20 is ha~shy wesndsd by ishs a"J.~S41on oY snbseaEioa (a) i yµ~ ad~d to , f Zone -._____~~~ 2~ ~2 ~~ (a) 'rhe propsrt~- inciwd~d in Zone R.-2 eliall bo as Sallow~t ~?~ T±-? !_'~~! Ps. :.~, E2~ vrl: R`ar.caL. a~ a~evn bn A~ap reoorded in BooSc i2~ aags 8. M.It.: *,04• 16 to 30~ incluei~-e, la 81ook A~ ana Lobs 18 to 30~ iaclnsine~ !a Sloak C. -~ 2. '~Set to. 2~j, ~,i ;,, ."` .,•; iwa ~oxa oa a aoap reao~ded iu ~oolr 13. p~g ~I. H.3~.t T.a~tcs :. :s :u. ~:,~.ueire, ta Bl.oclc A. 3- ~~: ~~r~J 3~•~ ~~t oP t3s vea4erly k32.66 fss6. .~! t~s s~l,f i13 i~es. ot Let ~-2. 3~-; SBi~ I ;: 1 :, ; ~'. ~ ~.~ l y, _ ~,i7 ~ ~ iz ~ao~ ~-2 ~ ~ iY~s 7a~ ~3 Yass~aQk yTTj ot tina! portias of said Sse4loa 20 entitled "Zono ~3' !s ~elpr ai~isd Co r~ad aa follovs t ~_ i~r ~reatt 7.ota 18 to 25 bot}- inclusi~e, Sa Hlock Ai Sots 2~ te ~. ~eRk #arlnmi+re. ia Block H= La4• 1~1 !0 38. boLh inala~i~e~ im H4aet C: s1Z ef Blaelr H. sa3 L. ezcsptiwg the eonthsrly por4lone thsr~- md' ~fr~ a~s ;,•~•t,•s••z ia ~oae Ne-2. 'JeaLios ~ '~at ~ox~os ef ss#3 S~aiior~ 20 satitled "Zoae R-3~~~ aad h~re- ~ to s!~ #e ~w ~ra ae s~t3on •(d)". is h~rsby ssendad by the addi0i~i~ , ~ml~sae ~~ d tls ~A~e.t~ e~aaie~ para6zwahss Znas ~ ~3 Pav~rl;~ j7. 43as~r~ S+o4~t '!he Teesterly 130.22 feet~ an3 the oov.therly p1~e~ im la~ !leelt a~ t~o er~strrlT ~F32.66 iset o! Lot B-2. ~-3 ~ 5~. 'lsaet ~o. ~23. ~t. C~theriae~s Addi~ion. aa shown on s ~e,p ~si~ fa ~~, pa~s 30~ ?i. 1S. t S~ot~ 1 40 10, laclaaive, in ~~ ~ 5g. $~et fio. $26. ~cloeatBa2ir Addi3Son. sa ehoxn on a mo.g r~ae~.a ia ~ 17. pa&e 45, x. ~f.: bots 1. 2,ana 3. 6!!. 'If~2a Sssatt boto 7. s. 9, and 10. ia Biook B. ZCk~ C-2 C811~89 3~ali~ 2~ '~at p~ e~ s~dd. S~cEion 20. e.ntiflefl =~otts C-2". sad ~~ ~zod~r to tis ~ora as aa~a~rtfoa "(a)" im h~rsby ameaded by the a:'s:- ~d ~s t~ 3tSma ef i~Ot tb~ln+~ia,~ a~sd pat~grs~ph. Zam~ C~2 ~j. P~r'tteatt bata k. 5. 6,e~ad j!n Blook N. ~eea~g~ ~ ei o3d S~tioa 20 oatitiad "Zoas C-2" sad 'aere- stmez ~ t!s ~ us ao3a~s4fos •(e)• is ~reb~ aasn~d to resa e~s ~m~ors: ~. 7r~f~pr 9ab33~risioa. u shoa~a oa w arp reaord~d in Book 7. ~a ~3. ~.x.: tu as ssid. ts.at. ~ ~ 7 ~ 2 t' T i l .i - ----- _ -- ~._ _. ~