Minutes-PC 1942/01/20~. ;~ ~ . ~ r E ~ ~6 i~ ~ `~+` ~ p~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ,. W ~~ ~ ~ ,,.. .c "_ -- - - - ' e-r ~-_..... :>:;~ `~~~=~ ;:4~-~ ~~~~~ ;`:f~; O~r s aeo~'b~ra#ra~a ~ea~a~ d' i~ #~a Git~ 3+3~niaP. Co~1~~ioa La~ be~ oel~'~ ~' ~~~ ~ liass ~or ~ ' ` 'B~t~a o=~ '~Qa te~.at3~ ot ti+r 3t ~~~ ari D}~,u~r1aP s°aeaat~ ~ 1~s ~a~i~`y ~~r ~~.!~,.~I~ ~ase~st BQ + i ~ ~ ' ~ , v .~ r w L ~~ ~ $~.~. ~z ~M~9 ~M1~ iia~~ ps~rad aa x~o@ix~ee ~d *~e~re s~'~T ai~ i~a !~#sa~iv~ea a~ei ; ; ., ; - 'zh~ pta~.*ez'L~r ~0 ~e ~d ~ ~e ~s. t~ toat pz~sr ctapa ~ to malce ~e p3s~ ~ae#bs. ~ie s~, s~^is7e7- ~mi ~+~ri~.s~d Z8'S. OII~B~~~Ss ~T~!' ~.s, 3 ~3li ~ 36Qiii ~~Y~ f3ft $O~' ~+y 7~+~s za ~3?i at~ A3 i h~st~ ZA - ~A a~~lee d[ sal.~ e0!-~ +~s ~iiialad: ~fli +~"s ~ with e~d uo~ic~, ~~~ ~~ 3s1d ae IIsa. ~, 19~1. ' ~tt A~a op~~ ~~r~ i~ ~as~d pa~so^s to apea3t. ~e ~_~ ~ ~~ ~ 3~ ~1~ a~i swt~ ~J~e~ , Cm Ja~ ~s 3~s ~ ~ ~ ~ s~ol~6 ~-~ Y s ~us I s ~ea4ad ~3l0 ~ass~a~ ~ +~s ~stS~s at ~ s ~a ~eaa~ ~€ti~ said a~o'liae~ lsished, ~. a ~~i~ '~~a~a ~ uas he13 ~tt Ja~.a~ 39, '~ ~ ~; ~~ ~ oppOrt~=7 ~ ~~o~, 3a~ ~ 'a~ast ma- ~tea~ #~ ~Qhe ~Q plsn as sa;d ~ia~. ~ ' ~ _ -s~.~ a~G #i~ ~*e i~eest~gedtiaa Cri' ~As ; ; n~~9~a~ity ~. i~ar~me~ vs '~e ~d- ~af~a~o~~ as ~s' oert~eu: !a ~ ~eed ~ ~'~s. ~, I , aaa Qas tA ' ~ - ; ~ tact t~s ~ }~ra3~s~ ~sr+e s~rrter~ s~ ~~r aT #k~a #wv pt~Si4 3s~as~a ~ ~ °~'"~'~"'~`-- ~ e~rsta~% aiti- ~ ;~'_. ~ ; ; 7ae~r~ ~De Qi~ 3 :.~ ,~.,~; ,,.rae a~ ~~ ~ of aata pst~e~ s~~ _ ;; ; ' ~lY bs ~e. " ' ~<; f a ~#30~ r~o~~ ~ s~tt~ saa ~i-- ~an~~7 ~erl ~t t~s ~~. ~"-' ~ ~' ~ ~esiaa~ beid a~ : ;, Jaa. ~9~. 39~~ '; ~~ ~.lg ~ltted ,.,~.. ... ~ft::' --T , , ~ ~. ~s SABg. ~ ~ ~ 14' i' p: f 4' O~DINANCE Nn. ~ HN OADINAI3CE OF THE CITY OF A1JAFiEiM AB€ENDING CERT6IN PORTIt?BS OF ORDTNANCE N0. 609 OF TI~ CITY OF ANAHEI~I, AND ADDING Pt}~,TI0:3 ~. THE CITY GOIJNCIL OF THE CITX QF ANAFiEI~I DOE3 ORDAIN A3 Ft~LLa~3: SECTION 1. 8eation. 1 of Ordinance No. 609 oP t,~e City of Aashsia, entitlsd: uAn ordinance reoealing Ordinance No. ~jll and pmvidinr for the areation in the City of Anaheim of six (6) zonea, conais~C- !ng of varioue diatricts and pres:;ribing Yor the aeveral zones, the olaeses of buildinga, atruatures and improvements; t,he use o~ auah bu3ldinga, atruetures, improvenenta, and premises; tne heights and looationa of buildinga and the area of lot covsred thereby; defining certain terms used herein and prescribing the penalty for the violation of the provieions hereo~", is hP•_~eby „, amended by the addition oP the Pollowing p~ragraphs: 1. Set-back: The term set-back shall mean the horizon- tal dietance between a mon~mented center line and a speci~ic set- back line, measured at right angles to said lines~ 2. Set-baok line: The term set-back line ahal~ be deemed to mean a line, parallel to the monumented cent+er line o~ ~ a. street, water alley or right ot way, or the prolongation af such canter line, and lyi.ng a speciPied horizontal distance Yrom sai~ , center line an4 measured at.right angles therefroa. ~ 3. City Limlt, or City Limit Line: The term Ci~y Liait ` or Gitv Limit Line shall ~ean and have re~erence to the city ~imits ~,nd city limit linee of the City oP Ana.heim. 4. Monumented renter Line: The te~ monumeated center line sha.ll be deerued ~o mean a line lying betweem ths longituc3ina'~ W•. boundaries of a atreety water alley or right c: Wayf or a3ong onE ',°:~~ oP the boundaries aP such street, water alley or right a~ say, :, , ~~'~ and directly conneating consecutive monuments or points set snd/or _ .A - reoognized by the City Engineer of the Cit:,~ of ~nsheim ae for:°„~ng the basie for surveye or. suoh atreet, wacer alley or right of ~rat_ 1 ;:, ~.'; ---w -- ~ ' ~ ~---- -- , - --~ _ _ --~-..-,~ - .. g ~ , ~`,' .I - i ..~ SECTIGN P. 3aid Ordinsnoe No. 609 is hexeby smended by the addition ~hereto oY a aew aeotlon whiaYi shall be designated uSeation 14.5.u Said 9ection 14.5 shall read as follows: ESTABLIBHMENT OF SET-BACK LINES (a) In order to provide ad3ltional proteatlon to the City of Anaheim during a confla,gration, to assist in the development of a cor~pr=hensive street system, to proaote traffic safety, to aid in affording necessary light and air for all existing buildinga and those hereafter erected, and to provide for the health and general welfare of tlie ~eople of the C1ty of Ana.heiu~, the set-back li,les describec~ and dePined in Subsection c of this Section are herery eatablished. (b) After the effective date of thia amendment no building, struoture, well, billboard, or portions thereof shall be erected, construoted, dub or placecl on any property between the set-back _ine eatablished thereon and the monumented center line from whioh said aet-baak line wae determined, prov~.ded, however, that thie pro~iaion sh.all not be deemed to prohibit sidewalks, or other slaba not over or.e ~oot in height, drinea, permieaible fenc;9 in any case, nor sho.ll thie provieion be cieemed to grohibit ordinary eaves, cornicea, dov~mspouts and similar pro~2ctione on buildings or strnctures in any business diatrict as defined by the said • Ordinance i~o. 609 0~' ths Cltg of 9nat!eim, or anens3menta thereto. (c) The aet-backs eetablished along the various atreets and water alleys or rights of way are as follows: 1. Gom:-nercial 8treet. The set-back a]_ong both sides of Commerolal Street ~hall be j0 feet. 2. Romneys Drive. The :~et-back along the south alde of Romneya Drive between Norf,h Lemon Street and the weet city limit line crossing Romneya Drine ahell be thirty feet. 2 ;~;:;~' . ;:;; ~ i_T~ ~ , 3. Ea,st La palma. Avenue. The set-beck along the southerly s3de of East La Palma Avenue, between the eagterly city - limit line intersecting the southerly side of said Avenue and the westerZy line of the right of Aay of the Los Angeles and 9alt I,akE Railroad Company croeain~ said atreet, shall be forty feet. The set-baok along the northerly side of East La. palma Avenue bet~een tne eas~,erly ctt~ limit 13ne 1aNers°c~'_^c the northexly side of said avenue and the monumented center line oY North L~s Angelea 3treet sl'sall be ~7.5 ~eet. 4. ~eat La Palma Avenue: The aet-back along the nertherly side o~ West La PaZma Avenue beta~eer. North ~os Angeles ~ Street and Ncrth Lemon Street shall be 47 Pee~. T:ie set-back along both aidea of ~eat La Palma ~~ Avenue between North Palm 9treet and the westerly clty limit lines o~ the City o~ E1nalzei~ crossi~g said anenue aha7.1 be ~ faEt. 5. ~ast North 5tz•eet: Tne set-back along the northerly liae of East North Street between Narth Orange Street and ttie westerly line oY the right of wa~ of ~he Los Angeles and Salt Lake Ra.ilroad Company ahall be 43:75 ~~eet. • 6. ~9est North Street: The se~-baak alon~; the northerly elae of ~eat North Street from North Janss 8treet ta West Street shall b,3 ~+3.75 feet. . The set-ba.ak. along t2ie southerly lina o~ West North Street from North Palm Street to ?~~rth ~Yest Street shall be 27.25 ~ feet. The set-back along both sides of West *.:orth Street between North '~Yest 9trest and :he westerly city li~it lines aross~ ~_. ing said atreet sha11 be 35 feet. 7. East Wilhel.mina S~;reet: The set-back alor~g ihe ~,•. P - ... northerly aide of the ~vater alle~ or right of ~vay ad~oini.ig t e ' southerly eide of '7lneyard Lot ~1-1 betweer.;~orth East 9treat and North Orange stree~ shall be 32.5 feet, 3 ---- - ri . ' ~ - ---- . - --- . , ~.~ , .. T~e set-baek along the southerly aide oP the water aTley or rig~t of way ad~oining the nartherly side of Vineyard Lot B-1 between North r^~,at Stroet and North ~range Street eha.ll be 27.5 feet. '.:~ , .~ ~ F ;:,;~ ~; ~ The aet-back along the southerly aide of Ea~t Wilhelmina Strc~t bet~een North Orange Street and North Olive Street shaZl be 27.j feet. ~~ West Wilhelmina Street: The set-back along the northerly aide of the ~vater alley or right oP way ad~oining thz~ southerly side of Vineyard Lot A~7 between North Citran Streat and North Weat Street, ahall ba 32:.5 feet. !~ The aet-back along the southerly side oY West Wilhelmina Street between North Clementine and a line parAllel to the monumented center line of North Palm Street and diatant weaterly, ~/ at right anglea, 159.Og feet therefrom, shall be 30 Peet. The se1,-back along the ~vater alley or right of way ad3aining the northerly side of Vineya•rd Lot H-7 between North Citron Street ~nd North West Stre~t shall be 30 feet. 9. East Sycamore Street: The set-back along both sides of Esst Sycamore Street between the East city limit line arossing `~~ sAid atreet and North East 8treet shall `~e30 feet. The set-back along the southerly side of East Sycamore Street between North East 3treet and North Orange 9treet ahall be 2~.25 feet. 16. Weat Syoamore Street: The set-baok along the northorly aide of ~Pest Syaamore Street Uetween NortY~ P~.lm Btreet and North ~eet 9treet sha.ll be 29.25 Yeet. The aet-baok along •the ~outherly aide of West Syca- ,~are Street between 1Jorth Janas Street and North West Str~et ahall be 31.75 ~eet. 4 .. ,'r`' _.. _... -i --.~ ~~ ~k 6II ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ .i ;~; ; '~ ; >; ~;; ~ ~; :;~ . -:i~~r ~:4r_ '.. ...~ ~ 11. .Eaet Cypress .9treet: The set-baak alon~ both eidea of Eaet Cypreas Street and ~.long the wate^ alley or right of way ad,~~ining the southerl~ aide of Vineqard Lot C-1 be~ween North Esat Street and North Orange ~troet shall be j0 feet. 12. West Cyprese 8treet: The set-baak along the eouth- erly aid,e of West Cypresa Street between t:ie aoutherly prolonga- t~.on of the easterly line of Trao•~ No. 200; ae $hoam on a map record~d in Book ].2, pa~e 50, Mieoellaneoue Maps, Records o~' Orange County, Californis, and North West Street ahall be 1~.75 feet. 13. Eaet Center Street: The sei,-baek along both eidea of East Center Street between North and Suuth ~ast 3treeta and the easterly oity limit line crosaing Eaat Center 3treet ehall be 40 Pee~. 14. Eeat Santa Ana 3treet: The set-back along ~he northerly sid.e of East 9anta ~1na 5treet betrveen south E&st S~reet and the easterly cit~ limit line crosaing the northerly part of East Santa A.na 3treet ehall be 35 fs- , The aet-baak. along the southerly eide of Ee.at 9anta Ana 3treet betwe~n South Eas~ Stireet and South 011ve 3treet shA11 be 35 ~eet. 15. West 9anta ~1na 8treet: The set-baok along the southerly side of VPest Santa Ana Street between the westerly end o~ said atreet ai:d 14~1nut S~reet ahall be 25.50 feet. The set-baok along both sides o~ Weat Santa Ma Stree~c between South Lemon Street and South Palm Street shall be 34.75 ~eet. 16. Water Street: The aet-baok along the northerly aide ef the water allsy or ri~ht of way ad~oining the sautherly sidea of Vineyard Lots a-1 and (~-2 between 9outh East Street and South Olive Street aha.ll be j8.25 feet. ~ ~,I• _.__._._~ .~~. - µ~~`{' ... ... ~ . . . ... . .-~t~^ . . . . . . . . , . . .. .'.' i ~ ' :~.~ :~ ~. . -~ '~ , . The set-baak along the southerly aide of the water alley or r7.ght of way ad,~oining the northerly eidea oP Vineyard Lots H-1 and H-2 between South East Street and 8outh Olive Street ahall be 27..75 feet. ihe aet-back slong the northsrly aide oP East and West Water Streets between 8outh Olive street and South Zeyn Street shall be 3~.25 feet. The set-back along the southerly side of VPest YJater Street bet~»eer; South Palm 3treet and South Weat Street sha.ll be 21.75 feet. 17. South Street: The set-back along the northerly side of East South 3tree~ between'South East Street and South Orange Street ahall be 30 feet. The set-back along the northerly 61de of Weat 8outh Street between 8outh Lemon Btreet and South Diclsel Street ahall be 32.50 feet. 1~. North Ea.et Street: The set-ba.ak a1on~ the weaterly side of North East Street betv~een East Wilhelmina Street and Eaet 8yaamore Streets shall be 35•5a ~eet. 19. Nortr Olive Street: The set-back along the westerly aide of North Olive Street between CommerciaZ Street and Julianna Street shall be 29~76 feet. 20. South Olive Street: Th3 set-back along tlze easterly side of South Olive Street betweei~ East Water Street and Vermont Avenue shall be 3~.75 feat. The aet-baok alon~, the westerly side of south Olive Street between r^,aet Valenc~a Avenue and Vermont Avenue e~aa11 be 3~•75 feet. 21. Patt Btreet: The aet-baak along both sidee of Patt Street shall be 30 Yeet. 6 ~ ~~. ~-4~,~ -----~---- ' -- ~ ~': i i ;..~ _:~ S.:I j','_! ~~: ~...~ r%! r.~.t -r yz~,~ ~.~. 2•2. North Los Angeles 3tireet: The set-baok along botn sidee of IZorth Los Angeles S~reet betwsen ~ast and West Syoamore Street and East and Weat La Palma Avenue ehall be 40 fset. 23. south Los Angales Street: The aet-baok along both aides of 8outh Los Angelee Street between East and Weat Broadway and the south oity Z1mit line shall be j~ feet. 24. 3outh Jansa Street: The sat-back along the east side of South Janas Street between CVest Santa An~, Street and Weat Water Street ehall be 29 Peet. 25. North Citron Street: The set-back alal~g each eide of North Citron 3treet between West La Palma Avenue and West Sycamore Btreet srall be j0 feet. 26. South Citron gtreet: Tne set-baok along the east eide of 8outh Citro:r Street between Weat Broadway ar.d West Santa Ar~a Street sha.ll be 27.7~ feet. The aet-back along each e;ide of South Citron Street between West ~9ater Street and West south 8treet ahall be j0 Peet. 27. North Weat Street: The set-back along the eaeterly side oP North VPest Street between Y~est La PaLna Avenue and tAQet 9ycamore Street shall be 35 ~eet. The aet-baok along the} easterly side of idorth Weat Street between Sycsmore Street and ~Yest Cy°presa Street ahall be 38 feet. The set-bao~. along the easterly aide oP North Weat 8treet betweer. West C,ypress Street and Weat Center 8treet sha.ll be 35 ~eet. . The e,et-b'aok along the westerly side of North West 8treet between West La Palma Avenue and Pearl 3treet sY,all be 35 feet. 8o~y.th West Stree~: The aet-baak along the w3aterly side o~ 3outh Wea't Street between West Broadway and Nlanohester Avenue, also knovm as State Htghway No. ~0, ehall be 35 feet. 7 -- ~. .. + ~ j 1 : . ~ ~ , _ ~ .' :.~ ._.... . .~ . . The aet-back along the eaeterly side oP 3outh Weat Street botween West Br•oadway and bdanahester Svenue, also known as 3tate Fiighway No. 10, ahall be 35 feet. (d) Vineyard Lota mentioned in this Section refer to eaid lots as shown oa a map reaorded ia Book 4 of Deeds, ~ges 629 and 6j0, Reaorda of Los Ar.geiea County, California. (e) Existing buildinge, wells, structi~res and billboards which ao not con~orm to the provisions of this ordinanoe sha.ll pe known as non-conPorming etructurea. No non-conforming atructure need be ma.de to conform to the eet-back linea establiahed by this ~rdir.aace until said nan conforming structure is moved upon the lot where it exists or to another lot. 3ubstantial additiona and additianal etories to said non-conformino atructures shall be -~-: made to comply with the set-baoks establiehed by thia ordinance. (~i In each case where a set-back line ia hereby established on any lot, eaid set-baak line shall be used inatead of the lot line or the street, water alley or right of way line for the purpose of: 1. Determining the Pront and/or exterior sida yard, as the case may be, or the width or depth of auch yarda. 2. Determining the looatian of maiti and aoceesory buildings, atructurea, fencea and heighta of fencea. 3. Determining the width and area of such lot, except ~ ,~ thai where any lot whiah exieted. on the•date skch set-back was ,.~ eatabliahed and which hce 3:ess tYian the mini~um width and/or area ~i as a result of eaid set-back, aha.l.l be aonsidered to posaesa the =''' re~uired minimum oP lot width and area. a, r•; (g) Wheneeer any street ahall be opened or widened in auch ;;~~ ..__ ~, a manner or to euoh an extent aa to aause tl~e established set- --~" baak line on any lot to Pall witnin " said ._ SCtCFj SCj' ~G.~ ~/rl~ S 1',1'@ 9 f.~ ~2~C~Y'9 $~gT9t''~1fl~~ 'x'six~=-iir~'B df! t 9S"n1 r..~.~3~~~ 8k1&.1~. cease to be effeative ae to suoh lot. ~ 8 • ~•- --- - ti ~;~_; „,~: ~ .. r~~~' .,.. . . ~.-,. . . . .. . ' ~ _-... 0. . :. f .. . . . . (la) *o pesmit ar license sba.ll be iseued in violation of tue gs~ovisiQas o: Lhfs section. 3hould such permit be lesued it s3-,a~? oe casi~. S3~EGS j. Aay persoa, iirm, corporation or p~,rtnership ~3SO s~:a?~ ~±o~te ~rey of the proviaions of this ~rdinanae or fail ~o ~1~ ~i~s aug arder or regulation made there~:nder, or who '^g~3 ~ni3~ o~ aoee in violation of any specifieation or plana eub- mi~~.sia ~ ~~~roged thereuttcler or who sha11 violate any permit or ~~e:e~se ~ssu..~ thereLmder is guill:y of a misdemeano^ and upon con- ~3.L~i~on. `~~a~ ~~~ be puaishable by a fine af not lesa than ~i~.~3 oF ~csre ~harz .~300.00 ar by imprisonme:~~ in ~aaZ for not less ~3~ 3~ ~s acr ~re khan three s•.onths, or bq both suah fine and 1~~*~s~~~~. ~rr gersQa, Pirc, corpor~?tion or r~.rtnership shall be deb~ed ~~.~ o° a s~g~rrte ogfen,se for eac:: and every day the provisions ox S~fs o~ic~aace are vio~atea, and Por every day during which any o~a eiolat3oa o~ tIzf.s ord~nance or its provisions continuea, such ~~~e~, ~*~, ccsrporatioa or pa.rtnership shall be puniahable t~~~o~, as h~refa grovided. SS~ECEi~ ~. ~Citg G7.er~'~; CertiPication) ~. ~ : 9 - - - - ~ _ - . 1 .. r~si