Minutes-PC 1947/02/17f °'. i i i ~~ ..~~3 r~. Cltp Hall Anaheim, Galif. February 17, 1947 MINUTES OF TtEaULAR MEETING of the CITY PLANNIRa CO~AuiISSION RE(3ULAR The regulax meetissg of the City Plannittg Commisalon llHHEETINa wAS o+~lled to order by Chairman arafton at 2:15 P.M., ~ quorum being present. PRE3~NT Commiaeionera (3rafton, Summera, Mungall, Loly,Ridtoel and Hapgood. MINUTES The Minutee of the regular meeting held Janua.ry 20, 1947, were read and approved~ ""~'~' CHAN(~E This was the date a~i~ hour eaheduled Por the aeoond OF ZONE h~aring ia the ma.tt~r of oha~ging the zoning of the oset pArt KIRVEN of the Sirnen ?nnexation from the A-1 2one ta the M-3 Zo~ae, but ~ ANNEX. as no avritten or verbal ob~eatioas to the propoeed ahaage were `~~ p.reeented, it eae moved by Commiseioner Summers, aeoondad by Commissioner Riutael, and carried, tha.t tne Commiaelon reaommead to the City Counail that th~ propoaed ehangr+ of zone be affeated. 1 VARIANCE Frank T. Morenn praeented a nerified petition reques~~- ~ 900 No. iag permission to use the rear of his propsrty at 900 Nor'Zh T.oara . LQARA .9T. Stxeex, (being 2.45 acres ia Lot 3, Reaord of 8urvey Ms~p, Book 1, page 56) !or a aand pit, rri~h portable elevator and Amall bunker. As this propert~ ie in the "eand ~aeh" and le w~aPit for - ar-y other purpoee, it Rae moved by Commieaioner Summere, secsotxd~d by Oammiseloner Mungali, c~tid oarried, that the Commiesion reoom- :~ mend the ~anting of this v~rianae. 4ARIANOE ~Im. F. 9mith preaeated ~ verified petitian, aooompanied - 734 No. by p?.sns, asking permiasion to oonetruat a aeoond etory oa hie CLEMENTIldE garage at the rear of his propert'y at 734 North Clementine Street, ~ STRE~T ' Lot 22, Blook A, ORene & Jonee Ti~~st, and to uee the eame tor a y rumpus room and additional sleepin~, suarters for gueate. Appliaa- r.l tion wae aooompaaled by a eta*emeat eigned by the ma~ority o~ ~the ~;i owaera oP ad~aaent propertie~ that they had no ob~eotions to suoh ~ intended u~ee. I~ e~ae moved by Cemmiaetoner Riutael, seooxl~ed by Com- t5-; miseloner Summere, anQ oarried, that tha Commieaion reoommen~ the granting c~f thie varianoe eub~aa~ to the folloul.ng oondit2ona: That rent~.l of the proposed raew c~uarter~ be prohibitod; that the - ',~~ owner be ;rohibi~ed from mocing ~.nto the nG~ quartere and renting the.ma~.n front reeideno~; and that provieloa for the preparation '"' and eerving oP meals in the nee quarters be prohibi~ed. YARIAI~TCE Pe ~er J. Lehr and Aic1a Ei. Lohr praeeated s~terified - CENTEA ST. peti~ion, aoaomgenie8 by ~lot plari, aesl.ng permieaion tc use their ~ & PLACEN- proper~y, bouz:ded by tY!~_ Anaheim-Olive Road, Pleaeatia Avenue and :; TI,~ AVE. Ce~at~r 9treet? ~or the in~tallation and oneration ol a publio -f ~vei~hing saxle, aervioe etat~on and gaeollne storage.t~anke. ~ id[otion eas made by Commissioner Lols, eeooaded by Com- ~~ ~~• mieeloner Riutoel, and carried, that the Commission I~eoommend the : _ granting aP thi~ va~-~tanoe. '= ti ;" ,:, , :, ;:i ;; 'y,] ' ~~'E7 r~, . Y :Y. ~ ~ -" . ^~.: ; . , Li~, - .:?:I ~' ._.,.... :":Y~~ ~. ~ ~ ~, ~., s ; f. ~ ~. (~INUTES OF REaULAR MEETINa HELD FEB. 17, ~947 - Continued): ~CTION Eleotion of Offioera tc serve the Commiesion !or the OF ~neuing year resulted Sn the re-eleotiosa oi Rm. D. arafton ae OFFICER3 Chairman anQ the eleatiion oY E. F. Hapgood ae Searetary. A mo~lon aas made and oarrie~i that the C~ommigsion extend to Commissioner 8ahumaoher ite thanke and ~~.pprecis~tion Yor hie s2rviaee as 9eore~ary Yor tl~•e gsgt tao years, but tha~ it wae felt advisable, for oonvenienoe, that the saoretaryship ahould be returr.~d to the engineer'e offioe. gU~~g~p The following namee ~eere suggested tio the City Cot~noil FOR ior seleotion of the ninth~~ member of the vommission ta sucoeed 1QE1[BERS~iIP Rudolph Boysen: Henneth Hellyer Lawrenoe Jones Aobert Koont~ ADJOURN- ~'~ 3~~5 p•~• the meeting aa~ourned to 7:00 P.M., MENT. Thuraday, February 20, ~947. ~ E. . A~ d, 8eore ary P a .. ..... ~ Y.. . ~;Y -;Y~