Minutes-PC 1949/12/19~ .~ ~ ~ 7 a 9 ~3 9 . 1 , ~ ~ 1 g~pm,s,g Begnlar Meeting of the City Planaing Commieaion rae aslleb to order ~ II~ETIHf~ at 2t05 P.M. by Chairmsn a~ton, a qnorom beiag preseaL. ~ PR~.4E~'1' Commiasioaers araiton~ (iauar, Eiutoel, Schvmaoher;~Suamere, Thompeon~ , Mnagsil and ~ng3aeer Holyoke. Commiasioner Mun~llacted aa Secretary Fro-~em in the absanoe oi Commieaionar Hapgood. MI9UTES The reading ot tha Miautea ~f the Maeting oi November 21, 1949 vas diepensed vith~ due to the voinme o! bnsiaee~ before the Commtsaion. YASIAAO~ A pnblio hearing r-a:: heid on the veriiied petition reqneated by Willinm A0. 116 S. and Base C. 7~kuda ~ 19111 Eaat Orange Street, ae ovmere. for permiseioa to ereat a trame and etnoco iouilQiag for the seZe ot prodnoe raieed on thie property and other property oorusd by the petitionere~ aleo to guro~aee snch irait snd vegetables as they did aot raise~ it there rrae fouad to be a demsnd ior t~em. Thie property is located at 1901 ~e-st Anatieim-Olive Bond~ in Ana,heim ~ztenaion~ a po~tion oi Lot 7, bonaded by ~ast Center Street, Aaaheim-014ve Bcad aa8 Placeatia Aveano, baiag Lhe vesterly portien o! the triangle. Thie property is n~ow in E-1, Siagle 8'amily Hesidenoe Zone. The property~ at preeent~ is alanted rith etrawberriea xhich will begin bearing in the Spring of 1950• There appeared at the hearing, a mimber of reaideats of Evelya Drive, ~set Center 8treet and Ple~ceatis Avea~e to protest the erection of a proQnce market on this property. Mr: ~uda proposed 4o erect t,he bnilding iacing oa the Anaheim-Olive Eoad. and it`Mae telt t2iat thie rould make a tratfic bsssrd,"on this vell travelled highMay. A motion ras msde by Commiseioner Qaner~ secoaded by Commisaioner Schu- me~cher~ and oarried, thst the petitioa be held natil the nezt meeting for inrther caasideratioa aad tbat the City 3ttora~y be eaked tor an ogiaioa relative to the eale of prednoe raieed on a pieoe oi propexty. YAEI6N0~ A pnblic hearing ra-e fiel~.t:on the veritied peLition o! Milton M. an& A0. 117 Marie Naomi Sell~as ovaer~. for permieeioa to extsnd the prsseat bnainees sone oa ~ , thei- property Yo~t~ (4C) feet to the sonth oa Horth Palm 3treet to allow the &eaf- ~~er BealLy aad Pipe Specialties Compa~ to add s tort~ (40) ioot adctitioa t~ their preaenE oYfioe bnilding. Thie property is loasted st 1081 8orth Palm 3treet, I,ot 13, oi Mile~ Hanoho~ sad la aor in 8-1, 8ingle ?amily Beaidenoe Zone. The pro- perty to the n~orth nad s portion of the property to the eonth 3a at prbaeat $oned as G-2, Aeig:~borhood 8nsiaese Zone. A motion v-a~ made by Commiaeionor 8lntcel, aacoade8 by Commiesioaer Mungaii, and esrried~ tl~st the petition be approvea, snb~eot to the reeer~atioa tYrat t~a buildia~.be used for office aad dieplay pnrposse only~ with no pipe ator- ege on the pr.emi0ee. Thers Nere ao ~b~e0'~ioasto thie petition. 4A~IA8CD A pnblic ~earing Mas held on tine verilied petitioa o!' Clair and 8etty `N0..118 Lisbhar~~ as orttsrs, $~+6 ~orth Neet Stree~, for permiseioa to apsrate a Commercisl- s~ s 4hlavo~ a.a3 Bsbhit ~'=rs ~E t~h! 8bC!! -e~!~i~39 .4~ *.~1! Si~BP. 4S t22e glOFeS~~ ~~!!~ _ property ie s.por~ion o! I~ot 39, Anaheim Ehctsnsion. beginaing 794,4 ieet soutF~ oP Nest Is Pa1ma:A~eaue ana ia_aow in Hrl~ Single ramily Hesidenos Zone. ~•~~ A peti4loa rsa :saeived Yrom thirteea (19) rssidemts protsstiag.the grant- ~'' iag of this ~arianoe: Dr. ~. i~. Jordt, Mrs. dordt, 9~8 Borth 9teat Street, an4 Nr. ~ - Wines, 819-Borth ~Teat'Streei, spoYe for ths protestante. • ~ ,Mr. David Oina~ 1014 North Nest Street, spoks 3n ta~or.of graatia~g ths ~ varieace. ~ •It xae bronght ont t2~t st present o~iakena ead rabbite ars being rsis0d aa the:propertyi;tha~t odors sre aotiaesble aad ritb t,,he proposed additioa to the , ::, ;m~es~: aC, ~00-aa%c~vas'aau j8'~afii~f~: 6aao~''raiie`~ronid :increase. ` . ° - - ~~. <,.; , __.~ , ;Q ~ ~ _ _ ~~ ~ _~ ~sav~s o~ x~vra$ r~aTiaa ~r,n mtc~sa i9, 1949 - contsnnea: (s~~ x~-~) YABTAACE After disaasaion. s motion rag made by Commissioner Schamachsr, seconded F0. 118 by Commieeioner Qaner, and carried~ thst the petition be deaied. tCoatinned) VARIARC~ A pnblic heariag vas held on the veriiied petition o! B. G. Mitahell, R0. 119 347 South Bsaees 3treet~ 8ever?y Hilla, se ornsr, Sor permismmioa to cLange the lonr (4) bedroom home ot 1201 ~ast Center Street, to trro (2) Single Family Apar;- ments. Thi.s property is the eonthrest portion oi 7+ot 4~ Aasheim ~zLeneioa. aad ia nor in 9r1, Single ~amily Eeeideaoe 2oae. There ~oere ao ob3eotore tc this petition~ present. A moLion xas made by Commieeioner f~auer, aeconded by Commisaioner Snmmere an~ carried, t~at the variance ba graaLed. VABL-HC~ A pnblio hearing re.s held on the veritied petitioa o! C. A. lgaskins~ N0. 120 ~201 8ank oi 1lmerioa 8nilding~ aleadale, Calltosais, ae ~avaer~ Delmsr Pebley as prospeotive ovaer aad bnilder~ fnr permiaeioa to arect a tvo (2) bedroom Daple:~ ~ separated by a donbla garage, at 320 Nills Drive. Thia property ie in 7+ot 6, Blool~ 3. Tract ao. 304~ and ie nox ia E-1, Single Family Seeideace Zons.. There rare ser~ral ob~eotore prev±ons to the hearing. bnt vith a cbange of plane makiag tha sst-~Daok the enme sa on llills Drive and ha~ing one entraace to oae apartmeat Srom ~iilla Drica and. the other eatraace an Horth Oli~e St~iat, the aQ~soent orners rers astieiied aad xilliag thst the variaace bs graated. A motion was made by Commisaioner Sintcel, eeconded by Co~iesioner Su~ere. and ce~rried~ that the variance be graated. 9ASIANCE A pnblic heariag vras heid on the veritied petition of b. Y,und, Sl,sin~re. H0. 121 Cslifornia, as owner, for permieeioa to erect s tno (2) bedroom singie family drelling at 112$ Keet Chestm~t Street. Thia property is I+ot ?• 8xock A~ Mest Conrt ~rsct So. 131. There ie av preseat on ths eztreme rear o~ tha lot a tl~ree (3) room hottee. 'Phe property is novr Sn R-1~ Singls Family Heaidence Zone. Ho ob3eoLare eppear~d rblative to thie peLStioa. A~tion rrae maQe by Coamaieaioner (3aner, eeconded by Commiaeioner Bintcel sa3 carried~ that the sartsnce bs graatsQ. VARIADTCL L•- pnblia hearing rrae held on a pe~ition from Morrie God~rzl.~ 778 SontY~ H0. 122 Central A.veaue~ Los Angelee~ aa orraer, the 6reater All dmerican Markei;s, ~le.yae HnLahison~ Preeideat, as leseee~ !or permieeion Loconti:tae operatiag a Nbolesale snQ Retail Vegetable and !'ruit Harkat at the northeaet coraer of I,incola and Man- chsater Av~anes. This prope~xty is x-orr ia Brl, SSAgle B'amily Besidence Zone. There vas conaides~a~Zn Qieenssion relative to the operatioa oi this Narke e~nd it vas felt that the pro~ieiane as ontiLaeQ in tihe City Connc~.l Beaolntion Bo. 168$ xere not being adhered ~o. A motion xas mada by Commiesioner 9nmmers, aecondad by Commiaeioner Thompeon, anQ esrried, bbat the variance be granted provided the conditions as ont- lined by Beeolrtion 1Po. 1695 oi the City Conacil be inltilled rtthin eizty (60)daya Qoamissloaar Hapgood satared the meating at 3s~0 P.I3. ZONffia The aecoad.pnblic heariag aas held oa the Ohsage ot Zons Petition Bo. CHANf~~ 8-49-50-2~ reqoseted by the Yardley Con9truation Company* fieorge H. ?ardlny~ Jr.~ = HC1.~~~KQ~D p*naiLi~~~ ~B~Zl4G C~li~pw~±1,' i4 S4n~ 7~w,tg 1~ h tr^.~,w7~aeL ~.". ~1~."....~ n ~ '- `_g ~, ~r~ from~8-1~ 84agle Family 8~esideaca Zone to Q-2~ Beighborhood Baeinees Zone. -~ ~ Thie.proparty ie ioeated ab 1009-1011 Soet.Center Street. A petitioa,: dgaed by io~rtsen (14) oxners oi property in the i~madiate vfoiaita pro~er~lag_agaiast th,e propoued,soning to C-2~ Ma-e anbmitbed, Several ` spoke at tixe hearing. None of the protestanta ob~eated to an 7r.g, 24n1tipls ~am32y ~ Besiflenab Zona Cisesifioatioa. ' - . ': ~ A mo~ion eias msds by Commiesiouer tiauer, seconded by 0ommiseioner Sn~ere r pad asrried~ tLat the petition bs deaied,' 1rat recommended tl~t the propert~ !a ~ qneetion be re-soaed to Br3, Multiale Family 3erideaee 7.ane. _ ~ - - - .~. __ ~~.~I ` ~^ .~ .. . .. ' . . I .~f,., ~ . . . . . , ' , . .. . . L _ _..._~ 7~OHIBfi Ths seaond pnblia heariag vsa held on the Ohange of Zone Petition • ~ CHA1P0~ ~Po. ~'-49-50-3~ requested by Lhe Y8rdley Q,~natsno•.ioa Compaay~ (ieorge Ho 7ardley,Jr. ~ H0.~-49-$0-3 Presidet+.•, 8slbos. Oslitoraia~ to soae JJ,!--ta 1- 5, inaldeive in Tract No. 11.57- ~ ~ Yrom 8-1, Si.ag].e ?amily BesidenCe Zone ta Rr3, Mulbiple 7'art~ily Eeaidenc0 Zon~e. This progerty is looated at 101Q-2103 Eaet Oenter SEreeC. There ~rere no ob~ectore ~ to the graaBing oi this pet~tioa. A motioa ~-aa ~mde by Ctsmmiesioaer Saaimasa, eeooaded by Commiesioner Biutcel~ and oarried, tl~t.thie propsrty be retoned to Br3• Mnltiple Bamily Beeidenae Zone. SIIH- Three enbdiviaioas rere bronght to the atteation o~ 2he Commisaion by mesas ; DIYISIONS of Tentativs 9ubdiviaion Msps. ; . i 1. Subdivieoa of Mr. E. iP. 8olonroa~ esst oi Esst Street on the north aide o! 9er~wnt A~enne consisting ot 103 1ota. Thia croperty ie ontside o1' the preaeat ! city limite. 2. Snbdivieion o:~ Mr. M. Csrscaaee-~ Traat No. 137~ ,~:`. the eonthvest eoraer ~. Weet ~Tater and South Citron Streeta coneisting ot 28 lcte. Cotim2salener Thoa~peon made a motioa~ seaondad by Commissioner Sahumaoher, +aad osrried, tha~ the Commiesion give its approval to the Tentative Map of this s~fii~iaian ~a eab~3tted. ' 3. Snbdi~ision of Dr. b. A. Burrouo~ Trsat No. 1379~ looated parbially at the eontheast ooi~ner o! I,oa 9ngelee Streat aad Buet YermonE Aveaue, coneietiag oi 93 lota.~ Thie gxoperty ie outside oi the preeeat aity limita. . All thrae snbdivi~sous Kere referred to the City ~ngiaaering Departmeat. AHA~IM • A letEer vse seceided by the Commi.asioa irom M. A. asuer, Dietrict ~uperin- SCHOOb tendeat~ Aaaheim Sohool District~ thst the Soard oi Truatees of the Anaheim Sohool ~ A38TRICT DtsLriat propoeed to pnrolvase 1.89 aares of land to the north of the preaeat p~o- perty o! the 8oraae Mann Sohool. 'Fhi,e praperty is a portion oi I+ot 40, dnaheim Tztenaion. Commieeioaer Summera tonde a nation~ eeeonde8 by Oommieeiaasr 5ohumacher~ ana asrried, ~that tha Commisaioa give ita approval to the purol~a~s oi thie property. At~JOU~Mf~NT The meeting ad.~ouraed at ~sk5 P.N. ~_.__._~, _~__ . - . , _ '` .:...~.~ =--=~w i i