Minutes-PC 1950/11/06V ~ ,~ ~ ,~ ,X . .~µ y{ ~.~ ~ , ~ c r < 3 ~ . • ~~ ~-.:.1 ~ , ~ f'~ f ~ r~ ~ i Cit~ Ba11 Amhaim~ Oalifora~a Ho~a~ber 6, 19So KI~NTES 0? ADJO'~B9~D B~6Ul~B 1~TI8a of th~ CI'17 PI,AHBIBa OOl~OIISSIOH ~DJOUBYED A~atILGR !tnlI~fi ea ~onraea 8egnlar Mostia6 0! ths Qi~y Planain~ Commiselon xaa called to ord~r at 2s16 P.M. bT CLuirmsa arattoa, s qnoroa bsing prsss~nt. ', JOII7t l~'l~ lhis ~i~etiag rss • Joiut I[eslfng xith the City C~naoil to x~inr th~ rrork ~ Il(6 MISS o! tL~ Pl,.nnia6 Qosmissioa eith rstersao~ ts th~ l~ea Soniaa Ordinaaae ixa~i ~o- CITi CODStfIL oospan~ia~ !bp b~tor~ ths Pab2io 8aarias oa a~,ae to b• hsld ba ths Cit~ Coanail on lfesnesday, so~eaber 8th st 7t30 P.R. 1~, ~ffi'1'H1LL SBISlI~O CI'Pt CO~CIL O~ PBOPOS~D 1Q11 ZOZI1Ci O~i- H~iCt 8 NAPS Ooa~a7.taat 4oraoa Mhittu~ll stid Nre. Ifhilaall. 19~;yor Psar~oa~ Counoilmsa Hs~1ng~; Yaa Mesoaor aad lfi~aer. 11so City Admini~tsaLor lln~+dooh, loting C10~ l~Ogiassr Soi~o~~ an~ Ple~aaiag Teshaiaiaa Shsrbl~. 1 l..~~ ~1.~ A~i.o 01~....i~s .y..~.:..:~: R~ ~~~w~.. ~rl~.... /f~~~~~~~~..~~ A~..~~ } ~~v~ w~ zavr ~~.r•.~ '~ ..r~ arvvr~ w ~eava~wa~ verva~ Sf~'co~i. Schoa~ohsr. 9os~~r~ aad ![na6s11. • Cosoissioaers Hspgood aad i'hoapson satimred 4hs m~sliag wt 2~40 P.M. C~odraioner Mun6a11 ~oted s~ S~orstsry Pro-OeA. ~itor openia6 th~ ae~ti~g. 10 w~ Lnrae~ ovar to Coa~nltant Mhitmli~ rbo stat~d tl~a! it rodld ~s iatoraal aad prinoipall~ to iatora 4h~ Ci~y Conaoi~ sa to tha propo~ed Or3iasaee aa~ Msp Sn orQsr tbst th~ Conaoii von1Q n~o4 ao b~fors !tu pnbiio tor e h~ariag xitlwnt bavia~ aa opportnaity to ~aow *:~ ooa~~!s ot the Orain~ao• aad bov th~ Zoain~ on th~ lfap vas wsri~~d at o~ th~ Oommission. , Mr. Mhitnall than proc~~d~d bo re~ier the OrdSnaaas aad ~plaia~d the bhr~s 1(sp~, a~a~l~ t~he ~LA1fD ~13"~ !he Map prersnLed wt ths tao p~sblia heariag~ ~eld by ~ Lh~ Ooani~~ioa oa Jnly 26 and ~ngast 9. 195~~ ~ Lhs retis~d A[ap inoorposatiag ; ths ohang~~ aaQ~ af4er th~es tro h~sriag~. '1'hi~ isst Ilsp vlll bs ths oa~ naed b~ ths Conaail st their hbsing oa 8o~enDsr 8. 1950. . i'hi Qonaoil att~r tbs pablia heariag se-y ~k~ snah ohsaa~~ s~ Ohq Q~sirs ia Lhs lf~p. Th~~~ ohaage~ Mill b• rdsrr~d 4o th~ Cammissioa for !'nll ia~ea4igetioa ~ aad th~ir lindings coa~eyed baol~ to th~ Qonacil. >; S'h,~ Connoil aad Co~lssto,n agr~sd on aosti o! the pro~isioa~ oi the Or~iaeaos ~ rith t~e ezorption o! th~ Rri- Zon.s. Mhiol- ss aox vrittw laalnd~s ponltr~ laras Q! `.: s oeasuroia-1 astus~. IL w,-a lsit t~st thsos shoniQ bo ezolnded nithia the Citr Doooasrlsr aad the Or~laa•oos dili be ~o o2~anged. Mu. lt~itns2l preseitted th~ i~,ot t2~t ~he Ordibsnae xas ~i no ~slno nulesr iL ' rRr poosible be pro~eaate rioloBorr o! th~ Orbinaaae aad r~oommemded t,~at a sepsrat~a ns~inamaa De prepsr~d a~wiatia~ • oit~ ~plo~ee Miih anthority to tile oomplsinLs ^. is the m~e o! tlu City i'or proq~ontion by the CiOy 11ltorney. Mr. Ifhitnsll aiso seoomnended t2ut the Zoning Ordiasaos Mh~a linsily e,dopted ; be priatef! ia boolrlt'a Zosa and ~oid to the pnbiio aL a oost ~o ao~sr the priating ~ of ~an~. J-a~thsr Ord4nsaae dsterni~aing the Street Smt Bnab awt be prepsred ia ac mneh i ~~he aet-be~ks ia the e2d Ardi~e ~13i nute~tiea!!= ~e repealrie 'P~hia shonld ; pe~~~ibl~ ~e d~tas~la~d tsos a nsp tn be s~ds l~ao~va a~ 0lricial SOrest Plw. ; JO~E9 BIi03. .- eesi~ed Tent~0lt~ Msp o! Traa$ l~o. 1233 at the aoraer of l~orth aad Citroa ~ TB4CS s0. SCreets w~ ~aDuitZ~d by th~ Jon~s Sro~. They prcpu~e to ~ubditide s portioa o! a ~33 th~ ths property st thistia~. astiag th~ lote oa Borth Oit~n Strest d~h s lroat- a~ a~ 86 t~st aad ths ~alpaoe ot the lot. 65.5 test. There sr0 thirty~-thres (33) ~ lots ia th~ re~ised pL~a. IIpoa s Rotion by Coamiesion•r Tbo~pe~oa. seeoaaed bS Co~~ssionss Solm~soh~r aad oarried~ it rao ~o~ed to approve t~ Tea,tati~e Me-p a~ ~ rubaitt~d pnb~ea4 !o rsriw b~ the 8ngiaeeriag D~partsenL. ~ ~DJO~11'~TT Ths NeeOing ad~onraed at Ssis P.R. ~ ~ i~ t ~! ~'~ ~ '_ , E. If. 1 S r ~ ~1 o stary Pro-Lem . ~. ~-----. _ .._ _._~ _ _ _ _.. ._._.....__ ____---....---___,e~