Minutes-PC 1951/12/03~ a ~r~ ka <3 G ffity Esll Ana~heim~ Oalitornis Dea~mber 3, 1951 MIPIITl;S OF B~QQLAH lmIDT2&b Op T~ CIT! PLANNIHa C01~lMISSIOIP 8~G11Ll18 A Rsgnlsr Neeting oi the City+ Plaaaing Commisaion ~re~s oalled to oa~der st 2t08 o~olocY I~TIAG P.M. ~ b~ Obairese4a Thoenpaon~ s qnoram bei~ rr~eeat. PB89EBT CB-IHM-g R~I~SOH. Oommiseionera Eapgood~ B~lyol~e,~Biotoel, Sahnmsoher~ Sohntte, Saa~mera ~nd 11nnBs11. Also in sttenQanae asa *,::. (iordoa Nhitmll ~ Pisaning Coasultaat. ABS~RT COl~S!lISSIOH~S tiAV81R. MI8IITL4 OBAIBIIAB 'PBO1~S(1B opeaal tha Neeting bg oa111ng ior ths epproval or ohanges ia the Mi~tss o! ths Meetia6s ot Ho~~ber 9th amd 13, 1951. Co~isaioner Scsmare maQe a motioa. seoond0d ~y Qonni~eionsr Ainta~l~ and oarried~ that ~sid Minates be spproved as nrittea. B~CI,A9- Thls vss th~ tims set !or the ~eaond pi:blio heariag oa tha Heaisssifioation of ~hd SIaIC~- Morales Aauezstion - Bo. T-51~92--2. Bo ons spp~~red for or agaiast the rsolasai- TIOB Ol' !lodtioa. MOBi1+ZS ~ d motlon vse made by Oaomissisaioaer Sbmmera~ seooaded by Commisaloner A£ntoel~ aad ~iy8~ ea~rieQ, thaL by Besolntioa Ho. 16~ the ars- e-loag 3oath Spadra Road for a depth of 150 feet be :oaed s~s C-2~ (~nersl Oommeraial. sad the balsaae oi the Annezstioa be aoned ae H-l~ bi8ht Naautaotnria6. The ~ate on Lhe sbo~e motion ~a-s as followt ~tESe Ct+1~[N!I~S20H~HSt Ha~cood. Hol~olce. Rintesl. Sohumaoher. Sohntta. Snmmers and --- - - Kna8s12. . HOESt COUMY53IOBEHSS Hoae. 118SEHTt COHMISSIO]iaBSt Qsner. . R~CI~6,S- This ~+sa Wis time eet ior the saoond publia hearing on the Hacisesifioation o! the SI!'IQA- ~nciid A~enue Aaaezstioa - xo. r-51-5z--3. No one appsared for or egRiast the re- TYON OF ciseeitioaLion. 16UCLID A~Lion rae made by Commlesioner Sahntte. seooMed by Commiseioner Bapgood~ a~ad s~ oarrisd. that by 8eaolntion Ho. 1~~ the portion on ths aorth side oi the propoeed ~' Ssats Aas ~reeway Bs aaned am IirA, Se9lQeatia± A~rianltural. tho portion on the eanLh ~I~~ s3de oY ssid ]'reeeray be aoaed ss C-2, G}ensral Qommeroisl, and the Sobertsba~r-9Y~ltc~.~ property b• soaed ae Il-1, Light Hamiiaotnring. The vote on ths above notion vse a~ followsa~ A~9~ CONHISSIOA~BSi Hapgooa. Solyoko, Hin~ael. Schum~cher~ Sehutte, Summero aad 14ungs1l. 2TOE3 t CO!lMISSIOI~RS i Hoae. ABS~T= C01~tISSIO~'sSt (iauer. ~To. ? 51-5Z--~+ B~CLA9- This ~ras 4he time ~et tor the ssoond pablio hsariag oa the Heolass±_*ioatioa/of the SI3'IC6- eaat aide of Sont:n Iaa Angelea Strsot betaeea East ~ermoat Aveane end the eouth oity TIOB RAST limite. SID~ S0. ~qo one sppaared Pua the pmposa~ reclaasiiioation. Los t-xaa- ygg gT~ ~Qr. Hols~~ia~ Berport See.ah~ appeared belore ths Cammiscion and presented a le~tter sigaed by Mre. b. Ao Burrove etsting that the eaning ehould ramain se a0 present. i , t ~ \~ ~":~ ~ :9 ~ a :~ ~ E t r ~ a i I i ; i ; ~ a i :; ~ ?a ~{~s Qf the le~aRe ore~ented at Lhe tro hearinga; a motion ras ma8s b~ Coa~iseioner ; Bniyoke~ aecoioded by Commissioaer Smhomacher~ sad oarrie0, that by Roeolntion Ho. ].8 - ; 8~rieF 1951~5'~~ ~e :oait~g oi thie sres ehoald remain as preaentiy toned~ namely as R-3~ Multiple-lemily Besideatial Zoae. The vots on the sbove motion wao as lollorst ~.T&SS COMMI9SI08~BSt Bspgood~ Holyo3u~ Hintoei~ Sohume~oher~ Sohntte, Snmm9re a.~+d ~ Mungsll. '~ ppEg t p(Fi~q~liS3I0gSRS s Boae. ,,.~~ ABSF~AT: COMMISSIO~St !}aner. ~ :~ ~ z ~~ ~, . t} ...._.~.__...~-----___------._...._._ _.----_-____.--- .__._..---- ----------•--•---. ,, ,sd. + a _. ~ !YT a a w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MINQ'~S 0~' ~ULdB t~I~it3 ~LD D~C~688 3r 1951 - Continnedt (Paga 2) ~IJ-3- SIlICA- TICa 0? D8:'.~Q3AN PBOP~BS! OH S0~'PB LE~l08 ST. Thia vas the tius set iox 9he s~cooa publio heariag on the 8eclaseitioation (No. B 51-52--5~ oi ths propsrt~r ot Dr. Trns~av on the ee-st aide ot 3onth bemon Street be- txsea Kest 9slenois l.~eane aaa Mest Vermoat Aienne. aith the esoeptioa oF Lhe aorth 116 iast. ~ Mo one appeared in ls~or o! the proposed roalassitiostioa. ;~ Ths ~o~e oa ths a~:.ve motioa ~ra.s as follovss ~ A?~.9t COMME3SI0li&B3s Eapgood, Solyoke~ RinLael~ Schumachsr~ Sahntte~ Summere end . Kuogall. ~ aoas: co~cissio~as: aone. , ABS]~4'Pt COMMISSI09883: (~sner. . ~ ~:.. ~ ;~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ";: :~ ~ d groap ~"~pprp=~sat~I,~r tr~aty property oMners in the srea sppeased ia oppocitioa to ~ ths reolassiffcation. Nr. Ostdiok. 121 Nidrsy Naaor, as~th•ir spokesmau, agaia voiasd < their ob~eatioas to the resoning o! this property to Br3, 2lnttiplm-?amily Hesidential ~ Zons. .~ Nr. !. li. SeaerE~ 120 1[idriay 1Kaaor and Mr. J. N. Pifer~ 893 Soath Lemon Streeti~ atao ~ .~.,r.~C~ .~i.~.C~: O~`~~+i~~~a ~ b motioa ve,s made by Commirsioner Schatte~ asaon~dsd by Commisaioner Sammere. aad oarrisd. thet by Besolntioa l~o. 19 - 3sriea 1951-52. the Commiesioa de~y the appli- ~ cation ror reolasaitioatSon. dne to thr~ tact tlrat oo ms~- propsrty oxnera in the e~rea ~i vish to haw ths sres retsiaed tor oaly Siagle-lemily Hesideatlal IIee. ~i YABIABO$ A pnblia hosriag ras held oa the ~sritiad petftion.o! Clsnde Q. Orosby. 11321 Chspmea ' H0. 198 Avemu~ aarbsn f~so~s, ss ovasr~ ioa permi~sioa to nae ths property a0 1005 aort,h Pa7~ ~ Strast !or s Cleaniag aad Dysing J-genoy~ a saoe nepairing ~aop. a 3ar~n and Loor and .~ HedMOOd S+sra 7hrai~are Dispiaq* 8oom. ~ The lsssee~ Mr. ~. ~,~~i.s~ appeared beiore the Commiasion ana statsd thst he ~ intsnded to improve the prop~rty snd sroa the Ser~ico Bn~iaea8es sa atate~l ia the _;~ peti4lon. Mith.r~t~rsnm~ to th~ Sash. Doora and 1~sva lhrafture~ or3era wonld be ;~ taken on the pramisss bat d~li~eries ronld bs mads dir~ot irom varehonsss. ~ A motioa Mse mede by Oommiesioaer Bolyoke, ssconded by Commisaioner Bspgood, sad carriod. that the Commiasioa delsr acLion upoa thie Yariaace until an opinion oaa b• ~ obtsiaea iram ldr. Preston 1lsraor~ Oity At~oraay, in viev ot the faat that Section 7 a oi Orainanoe Ho. 569 ststss: "It shall be unlsri~]. ior any pereon or pereone to eell, ~k ezpoe• !or ssle or oifer ~o esll~ ia ox aloa~ aa,y pnblio street~ lane or thoronghtsre ad~oining or ap~-rosohin8 any Pnblia psrk ia ~e City of Aaa~heim withia Cero ]mndred ~ (200) leet ot ssid parl~~ aay 8oods~ raree or nsre~adise of any kiffi vbatsoever~. ~ ltr. Tnraer was oon4scted and aBreed to oass to the Commission lleetiag and gi~s an ± opinion. ~ Mr. Tnrner aad Ms. ltnrdooh saterea the llestiag at this time. Mr. Tnraer atsted thstt ~ 1. Thst Ordiasnae Ho. 569 is ~ory brosd !.n i~a terms and ~roteld appeas !o ~ ssoln~s all Aatail Buainess near ths Parke. ~ 2. PoKer ts regnlste by s CiLy mnet be ezeroieed reaeonably. ~ 3. d prop~rt~ orasr sey not ba deprived oi the ase o! his property~ pro~ided j tLat 4enaral Meltare~ aeneral.Sststy affi Fnblic Hee-lth srm no~ ~evpsrd.iaea. ~ A moyioa Mes mada by Qammissioaer Schntte~ seoonded ay Oonmiseionsr Bintael. aad ; y oarrisd. tlfst by Eeoointion 80. 20 - Series 1957.-92, tlu Ysrisnce be granLed ~ps ths SPEOUIO.IIS~S onLiiaed ia ths petiyion and pro~ided t~at Setsil Ssisa maQs on the ~ premiaes bs rsatrioted ~0 0}ms~ in aoaneation rfth the sarvSaes ren$ered.. ~e vote oa the above mobian we-~ ae tollorat Al~Se 002~i~tISSTOH~HBs Hapg~od. Bol~oke~ Rintoel. Sohnme~eher~ Sehntte. Summan and Nangnll. 1~038 i OC+MMISSIOH~RS t ](oae. t~B3s~4: ~i§~iZ38F8~R5t G~n~r. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~'~ 1~ ~ x~~s oa a~avrsa ~riaa ~~ 3. ;951 - Coatiaueds (Pago 3? YdBIANCE A pnblio hearinE xas held on the wrified petiti4n oi (4eor~ anb Olive Soha~ter, ss ' B0. 159 ovners. 1940 Esat Center Street, ior pemissioa +Yo laaes or ssll ons IInadred (100) ~~ feet o! the sonth ead ei Lhsir psopertT to Bolaad Yeir. ~2-o desirea to move aa~-nto- ~ mobile Bepsir flarage n~or locsted at 13232 =wt 3atella ~~enae oa t~o ihe property. ~ Tha propert~ is nov soned as BrA. Hesirlentisl-,AgriaolLnral vitb s possible•.iht~e C-1. S aeighbori~od ~asfas~s Clsssfffestioa. i Pstitioas r~re reasi~~d tor aad a6sinsC Lhs grantiaa of the Varianoe. ~ Mr. Neir spp~aral before the Comffisaion aad statea tbat he xishea to roa s Oensral ; Bepair 8naia~ss for Anto~obiloa. bn! t1q~t there ronld b,a ao 'bo~ oa teffier York aor ~ paiating. H~ also pre~wted.to t~e ComYiseioa pbotos ot the baildiag he aesired to ~ mv~; bnt did mt i'nraish s plot plsa sbovia& the loostiion ot ths bnildin~ on the iot. : The Cemmiaeion reqnestea lls. tleir to anbmit s gloL plsa st the nezt maeting. F BIBdL Ths pinsl ltap of Traat Bo. 1560 vas prss~ated to the Co~iasioa. 'Phis is the Snb- 1~tAP O]' dieidon propesed b~ !(r. Balph lfw. eonsistiag ut 17 lots nesr the aorthrest ooraer j TBACT A0. o! Borth Me~t Str~et aad Bnrton Strsst. ; 15~ Upon a mo~ioa by Co~i.~sioaez Sc~Cntte. aeconded b~ Co~issioner Sohame~oher. aad carried a it ~raa ~oted ~o sppro~e the i'inst ~lap sob$eot Lo aq~ engiseeriag reqnirmeate. • a '~4TATIVE A Teatstive lteip oi Trsct lfo. 1563, P~Posed b~ llr. Retiymond !• ELsin, eonaistiag o! 8 `g !!AP 0!' lots on the aorth side o! Victor Street, ras prsseatea ta the Commiseioa. F T~563g~• IIpoa a moLioa b~ Commiseioaer Maa6a11. s~ooms~i b~ Cosoiseionsr Sohnmsoher. and : ouried. it ~e ~oted to spprore the Tentative l~sp anD~ect 4o eaginsering recuize- _ meats. . FIBAL NAP Ths ?iasl Nsp o! Tract llo. 1460 vss~r~s~at~to ths Coamiseion. ~-is i~ the Snb- 0!' TBUOT diti~ion propoeed bT ths B aa8 H PBDPSSl~3.~~,_ana con~ists o! 43 lots locat~d N0. 1w60 ou the nozth eid~ of ifest HorLh Strsst;" rpt o! Zorth'1fes~ 3tre~t_~Mt~ •M° ~ ~s'~ ,~, ~y5.: :o• ~p9 II&oa s motioa b~ Commissioner ScLa~mchsr, ssaomed by Commissioner Eintoel,Raaa carried. it vas ~oLa3 to spprove the *+~al !!ap o! ssid Tract Ho. 1460, snb~set to engiassriag reqnireaeats. O~~CS T~ =YSST PQB7~2C ~•s^.-,~°~ *.~are hsl~ a~ Ll~e tol2ov'.;ag revis~ani as8 a6dl#Sona Ca 4~a CSA'~fGSS $ Zoniag Orainenc~ Ho. ?74s 1DDITI083 1. ag~pt}ffi0 CL~SSIpICASIOB 0? +~5~ JBCK C-2, ~AL E05IffiS ZOHE TO li-1, LIaH4 M-FQ~'ACTQBIS6 ZOES. 2. OHAa@I~ I+QTIDD 0! ~TIlTIiO PBOPaBi'! 011aHS 07' IS'~iT 0! T~ PIJ~AIBG COUR~tI33I0B and T~ CISY COIIYCIL 4b 89?~D ~lHIBQS AB MAT'~S P~BldIBIHO TO I~ABD IISD. 3. ssviszea oa s~rmx i5 -- oom~c~, sr-vss. B~r oous.sss, suss~ e~ssss. src. 4. PHOHISITIOI D? I~QSiBLb PBOP~Blt ~bB BLSI~lIOL IISZ - dD~ISIOIf. g. ss~sa~is~n r~~rr isBns - vaars:io~i ra~x ~as~ n~sca~, s~crioa i5. 6. =3Y'ASLISIDt~? 0~ Sl~ (16) I00? SIDY ?A~S OB ALI. qB1~SB IATS. The Se~o*a Pe~2a A~~ss ~~ t*z e~seee r+~l ~z ~-.~ oz d-^^•~ ?, 295~. !.?!J~T.~S~ :~':t^ ~~i_•.~., w:~~"~.~.. .^.t c.~n ,^.~~IC~ m " ~:~~ :~,.^~' 'J "a /~ j~i;i ~ va~( f ~i~ ~ M• ~ ~ WOCiICA iY ~ ~ at~2 s00 0 ~clocl~ P.K. t~~~ fy ~, ~ ~ ., B. ~i. l[C Seoretar~ -- . ~' ~' ~ ~ ~