Minutes-PC 1953/02/02:~_::. _ . . City Hs7.1 ~:~~; Aasheim, Qalitorals ~ebr~ary 2, 19Sj MI9IIT~9 OF ~f~QI+AH 2~Tffi6 0~' TH& CITY PbANHffiti 00l41ISSIOH ~: &E16tJI,sR A Eegu].e,r Mestiag ot the Cit~t Planniag Commissior_ ~ oslled to orber at 2:48 o~el~et ; MEETI~ P.M. b,y Cheirman Summsrs~ a qwornm being pressn4. :', P~S~B'1' CHAIBMAR SUI~!DB3, CDA4iISSI08E86 6auer. Holyoke, Eiatcel, Schamacher, 14~oap~oa aad '' Muagali. Co~iiesioner Bapgood eatered the Meeting at 2:50 o~cioc~c P.M. ,; ABSE9T COMMISSIONER SCHDTTE. `f YARIANCE This Naa the tims eet tor eonaiderati.e~n of Y6&Il1N08~ A0. 180. snbmitte~ bl B~Ri+~ Y• A0. 180 SDMt~BS~ 1648 East Center Street. for parmisaioa tro ont tw (23 lota Srom t~e psreal "~ ^ locatsd at above e~ddreee. IIo one appear~d i'or ar agsinst the 4ABI3HGE. I The Heari:~g ~rae aloaed. ao action Mas 4aken on aai3 9~SA8C~ E0. 39U. pARIdNCD Thia vras the time aet 4or the Publio Hearing oa 9ABIAACS H0. 181. sabsii3e3 b7 JO~ N0. 181 D. I,IISg & SON3~ 1594~4 ~as~t Whittier Boiil.evat+b, Whittier, Califorais, reqnesting per- miesion to c~e 8[tILDI27(~ I,I1~ SET-BACg FBDM 2~est to 20 Seet oa 4raet 30. 1@+8. Co~nieeloaer~Holyoke atated thst the Petitioner reqneated tbst the Tarlaace be held up pending iurther atudy to aee i4 the dve7.linga cotil.d be locsted oa the lots so as to aoaform to the standard aet back. E~CLASSIFI- Thie xas the time set for the Secoad Publie Hea~ing oa the proposed ~.iS7~iCd'!'ID~ CATION N0. ot ~pprozlmately 1'ro (2) dcree lying aloag tieat Sonth Street belveea Sonth 7,e~on ~'-52~53--6 Street aad Sontll Dickel S~rset. Mr. A. H. Shipkoy ~rae preaeaL represeating the Aaalleim Epiecapal Chn~rh. No one appeared a~ge~inst the propoae3 BECLASSIFYGATIOH. The Hearing vas closed. IInon a motion b~ Qommiesioser Holyoke, aeconded by Commisaion~er lisa~r, aa~ carriad. it vra~s voted by BESOLIITYON N0. 27 - S&RIFS 1952-53, to recommnad to ths CitT co~cu tba.t tha properby be RECI~ASSYB'II~D rrom ~,-1~ Stnt~f,a ~'ai83.Y.s aac+Wass+ai~.i~ss, io ~+c. TifO-BAMILY BESIDffiB'1'I6L ZOH&. The vote on tho abova R~SOLUTIOB ~0, 2? - S~BIES 1952-53. ~~~01~= A7~&Ss COMMISSIOHEBSt f3suer, Holyoke, BintceZ, Schumaoher,/'2'homPson a~d }Im~ll. HOID3: COMMISSI09E8Ss Noae. , ABSEIQT: OOMMISSIO~St Eapgood aad St~itte. PHpPOSE~D Mr. A. H. Shipke~ preseated s eketch ot the property oYaea by th~ Anak+eiv b~iscaPnl SUBDIVISION Churoh diroatiy to the aorth of above dasaribod property, aa~ it ia prapoaed to snb- divide se~id Church Property into 141ne (9~ Siagle Family Beai3eatial 7~o~s. Commfeaioaer Bnlyoke etatAd thst the sketal~ ooula not be oaaeiderea as s 4~~t'_r_ Ffap ~ bnt tYu-b su,ch a Tente-tive Map mast be preseated to the Sngiaeeriag OFti'e tea (10) deya previons to a meeting of the Commieaion. Mr~ 3hipkey ststed tl~t due t~ Escrox Co~itmente. a Tantati~e ~'iap moat be preseated to the City Cooaail at their meeting oa Febroary 10, 1953. ~~t ~~~ti°° Map rrould be availsble for thia meetiag. Commieeioaer Tho~apeon snggeatsd that the Church property el~etch bs conaides'ed as azhibit pA~ aad move~ that the "3nbdl~isioa° portion oi ~zhibit '>~ be a~prorea aaa that a Teatative Nap be prepare~ by aa Engineer aad anca 4enta~ire ~S ~e Pz~~ to Ehe Oity ~a81neP' aad the ~ity En8lneer be s.ntl~orized to pres~at t~s Seatsti~a Map to the City !'.~naail at ite meetin8 oa 8ebruary 10. 1953 ~~~ts appao~al prnvided thst suah Tentative Mrip concnre with Ezhibit "A~ as to Sogiaeeri~g Beqntremeata The mo.ion ~rsa ssconded by Commiseioner Mua„pa7.1 ar.~. csrried. EFCI~ASSISI - This vas the time aet ior the Firet Pnblic Hearing oa the resoaing oS tbe paopertT ~,,.~:p~ g~: ~~~th Q~ g~g~ Senta Ana Street tbat xaa inclnSed ia the PL9CEBTL AYF~ITS a~I~lIO~. F-52--53--7 A mimber .t ~~ ornera af property ia thia arae- ha~e reqneste~ t~at fi~eir yunpa~ties be resoned to &~0, 3U8URb.~B-HF+SI~EHTI~I+• A maP *~as presmted saoriag ~oe p~gos~d - ' soaiag. . Mr. Otto Ahlere. ~?6 Sonth Cembridge Straet, Orange. Calitoraia. sppaa.~ibda;re'~a - Commiesi~a and stated t,~at hs ownal the property direct,~p to the wath a~ 4sret fo. 1y.E8 r.nd th~ls hs l~. anbmi~ted a Teatative Nap oi Trwet ~o. 1696 to tbe Cii1 Coemucil _ ' an~ it Nae not sppsrovea due to opposition o! sarroundiag P~PertY o~~• ~ s~~ _ tl~t he d3d aot believe that hie proper~y atwtil.d bs irtlneaeeA bF ~~b ~~ north aa no aonaection ranld be m~de to the ad~aining ProPertY as.no streets ~re _ ----~ pl~aaed, to aonneot to iy. _; Mr, I+arry 3hields ~ of the Shielde Coas~rnation Cs. . statsd t~+.t 2~e bad pY,.a..~d to ds- =a - velop ~tr. 6hlere~ property ritb uo atreet iato Tract Bo. 2468. a~l er~ 1!fiiQ sq- it. ' ~adx+oa~s :s homee baaking up to ~hie Treat rith ameller honee - 850 aad 875 Rqr f4:• =op 2 - to the south, aad lOQO aq. it. homes far 3 bed.rooma. 3e also staSed. EZrst ne- ~.H.A. ~ ~ i ; .; . . . . 2 ~ .: ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =-_ MIHi1T&S OB ~~LBH I~TIIi~ HLLD O~T lEBHIIAHY 2, 1953 ~~ostti~edi (PA4E Z) BECLASSIB'I- loana sre svsilsble for larger typa homes in tihie aras. CATIOg N0. Mr. Ar~l Morris, 1h~00 East Santa Ana Street~ appeared before the Commtssion aad pre- ~=52~-53--7 eeated a petitioa eigned by property ovnere ia ~rma~ Ho. 1468. aud other oraers oY b8 (Coatinued) ~ree ia adsoiaing areas, requeatiag th~t the aoaing be ohanged to BrO~ S~IIRBADfBffiI- DE9TW+. He t'nrther stated tbat this xas the oaly area withia one miie oi Ansneim Khere 100 acres rere avai].e~ble for &-0 type homea~ and tbnt the present 8~.0 Zoniag vas continsd to a amall srea ia the Narthreab Seatioa ot the CiZy and tbe-t more t~sn ons area ehould be reserved for B~-0~ SUHUR8A8-B&SIDENTW~. In de~elopiag Tract Bo. 1468~ all lote coata~ia 9~000 equare See:, or better, aacl the homes ars 1300 sq. ft. aad up. Also that hs reeeated the F.H.A. dec~ibing the eise of homee tkiat oan be bnilt / Y~inA. io . ':.~Q,~,~et,. ~ ~~ Qµ~l. ~Jla~ \Mrs. A. Baraett, 19612 Eaet santa ens street~ etated tl~t as the omar o! 17.$ acres ia the area propos~i to be zoned ae E-0, ead baHag reoeatly bnilt a bome or i635 sq. ft. oa Fast Santa !-r~s ataeet, +heg belas~ :'s-.: ph47.a the s:se a: ~,:ffiv~ s~ould 'ae asia- tained~ it ie poseible to build a good-ai$ed home oa loEe o~ loas tbe-n 9~000 ~q. it. Ths First Publio Hearing vsa cloaed~.aad the Chairmsn aeL the Second Pnb21o Hearing ior Moad~y, Febroary 16~ 1953. at 2:00 o~clook P.M. ffiCI,ASSYB`I- 'Phir was the time eet ~or the 9eoond Pnblio Hearing oa the petition oi fieaeral NoLore GATIOB ~0. Corp.,••Delco-Een49 Divioioa, for the ~CI~AS3I8'ICAT?ODT o! bhelr property at the aortYnreat ~ 52°53--8 ooraer oi t~gnolis Aveaae aad West I,a Palma Avenne~ alno tihe arese inclnded in the HJUSTOB A4FNtTE ANNESATIOB betreea Magnolis and. Dale Avemies, and also betreen ailbert und Megnolia Avennes and slong the east aid.e oi Megaotifs Aveane. ~fo oae sppeared tor or againot Lhe BaOLASSIFICATIOS. The Hoaring vas oloeed. IIpan a motioa by Commiseioner Hapgood~ aeeoaded by Commiaeioaer Schumeaher, sad carried it wne voted by ~SObIITION NU. 28 - sEBI~s 1952-53. t,~at the sbove areaa bs recomme~ea 60 'sue uiyy i:onaaii zor iiav3~e~auYusT3un Co !~-1~ LIQHT MA~iIJ!'AC'P~TB?Ff} ?qHS, upon can- olnefas a£ ,lanax+-zfaa Proasedings~ and anojeot to a~y engineeriag recommendatioas. The vote on the sbove RESOI,UTIOB N0. 28 - SEB.I~3 1952-53~ tlaa a~ ioliows A7E3s CCMMISSIO~TEBSt (ianer~ Hspgood, Holyoke~ Aintoel~ Snhumacher, Sna~sra, Thoa~eoa and lAuagal.l. H~$St COMMISSIOHEBS: Bone. ABSffiTs COMbSI3SI0BERSt 3ohatte. ~CI+ASSIFI- Thie xss the time eet !or the Second Pablia Hearing oa the Petitioa o= 8. a. ltitchell, CATION N0. 347 xeevse Drl~e, Be~erly Hills~ for aa a$ditioaal 42.50 leet on the north ~:,de of 1;he ~-52 53--9 property recldesitied uader ~CI+A3SIFICATION 1C0. 8-51--52--23. 'Phis to bs reaoa.ed as C-1~ HEIa~OBS00D COMN~EOIAb tPOffi &-e~ B8SID8~^I6b-AtiBI~~BBI,. Mi~s Thelma Heagen appeared as the r~reeentative ot S. (i. Mitehell. Bo ane appeared agsinat tha RECLASSIB'ICATIO~. Tha Hsariag vas cloeed. IIpon a motioa by Qommieeioaer Muagall~ aecon4leQ ~y Commiaeioner Eint~sei~ and carried, 3t xae vobed to reoommand to the City Couaail~ by B~SOLtJTIOB H0. 29 - SES~SS 19$2-53, Lhat the above area ba H~CLASSIH'IED enb3eot to proviaion beiag made ior a street to the eaet at same fntnre time. ~e rote ea the abose ~SOLII'!'I4~ N0. 29 - S~tIPJS 195z-53. rrae ao tollovres 9YES: COMMISSIOAp'.~H3: hner, Hapgood~ Holqoke, Eiutael~ Schwonoher~ S`nmmers, Tu~~~oa and F~'usgall. BOS.4s COMMISSIONEBS: Hone. ABSEAT: COMMI93IOHEBS: Schutte. BECLASSIFI- This ~ras the tima eet tor the Firat Pubiio B~ring on the Peti4lon by P. T. Eambeth. CATIOB N0. ~~81 Aoacie- Street . , 15112 ~aet Orange dvemie sad Lee S S-j2-j3--x~ Cea~er 9%reac re ue~e~Z~~i et e + . ' 9~0~s+ ~36 $ast ~ q ~ gort_oa oi t~e 1.~3 in the tr3sagle at ~ast Cr.nter streeE ~ ths An~helaWl±ae ~e~, be ohered from BrA~ BESIDERTIAL-~tiBICIII,TifB11L 7ARc~ = to C-1 ~ NEIa~OR~OD COMF~J.tCIAL ZO~. Mr, I+ee Symoad.s appeared beiore the Commieeioa repreaentiag the Peti'~imzer,eand stated that thay proposed to build on the property, 1! reclssaifis~cl~ a Small Qeneral t9ar~et~ - a Servioe St~tion and a Drive-Ia ice Oream 3taad, Mith iarprovc,~l P~rking. No oae appeared againe~ Lhe 22&CLLSSI~'IC.1T~Oa. T~Se Searing rrae olose$. The Seoonb Pnblio Hearing xill be hel8 on Monday, March 2~ 1953~ at 2:00 oAClock P.N. BECI~ASSaI=. This uae the time aet for the i'irat Publfc Hearing oa the Pet3tion of David S. Collina, ~_~ CATIO~ N0, g952 Sonth Los Angeles Street~ requesting *,t~at the prnperty at the aortheaet corner oS F 5z-53--1~ Ball Road aad South I,oe angales Street~ be HECI,ASSI!'fED aloag Sonth 7+oe Angelea Street - ?or a depth of 300 4eet to C-Z, asa~z co~ac~ zoa~, and the baleace oi the lsad baak to the sailroad traoko~ be soned for M-1~ LIf~HT HANO~AC3'UBI~i ZA1~. The property ooneiate os i3.92 a~xes. ~, , a. ~ .k` E L • i ;~ ~ ~ . _ . ;: . .r . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MI1PfTTES OF B~4LAR I~ETIAQ~ F~LD ON SEBEIIAFtY 2~ 1953 - Contiaued: (PA(~E 3) ItECI+8S8D'I- Mr. David Collins eppea.red. before the Co~mniesion and stated he ]~ oontacted property ~IliIO$ BTO. ownerb in the aeighborlwod. rho had no ob3ectione to the ~C7.ASSIFICATIOIQ, and tLat B 52-53--11 bhe Parchaser of the property might abandoa the Service Station at the corner of Ball (Contimied) Hoad and Son4h Loe Angelea Street. i~o oLe SFipEet=e4 ~t ojiy'vni$ivu ~8 iw'v ~Ca°~n`.SSuivaTi'3°i. auo aai~6u i'u`vii3 ag'voT1i~ wesd cloaed. The Seoond Pablic Hearing will be held on Mond~y~ ~agc~ z, i952, at 2:00 P.M. AI,LISON- A propoeal to annez an e-res at the northeast coraer of Brookhnrat and Mancheater ~REE ARDiER- aveanee- coasieting of approsimately 70 aoree to be lmoxa ae ths ALLISON-~DTER ARI~ICA- ATION TION. - A motion rrae made by Qommiesioner Schumacher, seconded by Commiesioner Bolyoke, and aarried, that the Commieeion recommend to the City Couacil that the asea be conaidered for Anne~tion. A portioa of this area wa.s conaidered at the meetiag oi January $, 1953. BTYISID d Reaised Teate~tive Msp o~ Traat No. 1721 wae preaented to the Commission. Thia Map T~ATATIVE covere 4he westera portion oP the AI+LISO1~~1~8 ANPExATION. The Orgina]. Tentgtive Map MAP 'PRACT vras approved at the Meetiag oi Jam~ary 5, 1953, but due to a ol~ange in the Stste~s N0. 1721 requirements for the FBEEf~IAY~ a revleioa wss necassary. IIpoa a motioa by Commieaioaer Eplyoke, aeaonded by Commisaioner Schumacher, and carried ' it was vot.d to approve the Bevised Tantative Map of Tract No. 1721, Bub~eat to com- pletion of ~nsiezatioa Proceeainge aad Eagiaeeriag Eequiremeata. Et1CYIEW The Seviex :o~' the USE oi the propArty at 1222 14orth bemon Street ~a hald ovar until the Meetiag oY Febraaxy 16. 1953~ due, to the illness oY Mr. Baecom ~tueh~ the leesee o! the property. vv~~ vIIdi.~~~v.~. u~'iis ww5 ~wv ~~+.:. ~~v ±' v»v" .C.w w~ '~D~~.'1~7 ~~ Aa~ww~~ ~~ i~.. A~Cf11D~TAT~~M ~9~ wCwMLl7J1~T~ T. . EWS~:~ T'.~ ~~S IS T~ M-1,~LIQHT MANCSACTOHINQ ZONE. Ho oae appeared Por or agaiast the CODE BESTEICTIONS CHANaE. IH M-1 ZONE Upon a motion by Commiesioner Bnlqoke~ aecondecl by Commiaeioner Mungall, tbat thie ~ CHAN(~E be incorporateQ in the COJ'F. Commiaeioner Thompsoa stated tl~at before aRy aatioa rae taken on this motioa, that the m~tter should be referred to the City Attox~ ' aey~ who ehould be requeeted to drax np the CODE CHAN6E the-t he Monld be rilling to deiead 3n Oonrb. The motioa and seaond vere nithdrarra~ and the matter will be referred to Mr. Preaton Tarner~.0lty Attoraey, vith action to be takea at tha Meeting of Febrne~ry lb~ ~953. it poeaible. CO,~E cast~aE Thia was the bime set !or the 8'irst Publio xearirg on the COAE ~9ISION of P~BK~ ppggIga g~ Ii~Q,UIHEME6TS. 1Qo oae aiTaared for or against the proposed CODE CHlINGE. The Heariag Q,~~ wae cloeed. The Seaonfd Riblic Hearing rrill ba held on March 2, ~953• ,. CODH CHl1N6E Thia vae the tims eet Yor the 3'iret Pnblia Heariag for the CODE CHAN4E OB A DDFII~ITIOa ; ng~~~pn B+pg e aBIIIIaDIB(~".. Ho one appesred. for or agaiast the dODE CEANaE. DffiH'IIPITION Tha Hearin~g Maa a~loee8. The Second Pnblio Hearing will be held on Moade,y. March 2~1953 ; TEAIL~H It Se propoeed t~~ bvild a Trailer Park in the tr+a~,?e et !lanaheeter Avenne, SalY Boed . PL~BS and Harbor Boale~var3~ ao~r in Conato territory bnt posaib~y eoon to be annesed to the Ciby. The San~a Ana Preewsy will 2iave raffips a~ Barbor 8oulevard and Hall Eoad anr- ronaa.ing this prnperty. Mr. C. ~'. Chaney, Santa Aae~. appeared beYore the Commission ralative to the proposed. firailar Park and etate~ tYiat it Nonld be vary "High Claea" ~ as private etr6ata~ p::.:~w+l aites Yor Trailera~ ss~rer ooacectioas roa1Q be evailab3e and the lote taovld be ?ar,;ea f~arbage an~l Tra+ah ~+au1Q be buraed rrith no areatioa oY amoke~ J1ue to the el.tuatioa ot tho p~~6rty~ ohi6 QS~ a~p~.ra to be oae oY tho !ex tl~t conl.d bp ~ada c= thct propa.rt~. , IIpoa a motioa Ly Commiesioaer Hapgood, eeaonded by Commiaeioaer 'Plsomp„oa~ aa~ oarried, ~ it xas v~oted that the ANA~IB[ P7~ANINa COi~.^,KI3SION rrould be ia iavor of this IIS~ at '' 'hiu loaa~tion. ~3 tbat it aonld be aoaeidered for ~++~p~tion to the Oity to provide water~ se~rerage ead poxer ior the Txailer Park. ~,Q~~_ ~s P~~ge~ ?~f!3~ORE.gpEf~T ,AR~''7CATION vas held over to the Meetiag oY Febraary 16, _ CBESCE9T 1953• ~tliae of the area involved will be givsn in the aezt A(1EBDA. !~ A8~7CATIOH 001~4SISSIOBER (+AIIER retired from the Meeting at 4t35 o~olock P.H. i` ,f. CHARa~ IH The propoeed name cbnage ot BIIETOR ST~EET to ~iBSTHONT D&I~E rraa prsgented to the =_ S'~ET ~AMB Co~~eaion. ' ~~ pBUtiTON ST.~~ ~00a a motion by Commieeioner He,pgood~ eecande8. b~ Commieaioner 8lntce~, anb cerrie3~ ~~ ~ n~~o~ it ~as votea. to reooau~ena to tha cst~ counasi~ by ~SObIITI02~ 1~0. z6 - s~~s i952-53~ DHIOFi" that the name ot BUHTON STBfl~ BP1 OHA~f(~ED 'ln of~S~4I0HT DEI4~. ~ . ,.~.-~'y . . . - .--_.-. . -- . ..:_. ._ . --- - . . . - -- --i-`•-- ~ , ~ ~ ~..,~,_ . : ,~,.. ,~.,b~ - ~ . . ~ . . . yj.aP ... . ~,~ .. ~' - ~, _ -' .~~ _ . .- I: _.... .... ..,. . ,; . . . : .. ,.... ,~..,. . ...-.-Y„ .. «,.r..,.s:~-.~,..~->,~. _ . ,,:..~-. . .._.T.. -~.<.~-.i.y...,.,. a_ . . . ~`~ ~ ~ . ~ ~.: ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ _ ~ w~ ~`• MIBUTES dF ~UZAR I~~EmING ~I,D ON FEHHVABY 2~ 1953 - Continueds (P6f3& 4) ~ ti "BURTOH ST.p The vc;te on the above ~OI,UTION N0. 26 - SEEI~S 1952-53~ ~B ae Yollo~as ~ ~ ; TD ~WE9TMOHT ' DBI9ffi" A41~ A?~St WMHISSI09EBSt Flspgood~ Holyoke. Rintcel~ Schumacher~ Summere~ Thoa~eon and ti CHAAaB )+tunga7.1. s~ (Contianed) AOES: C01~4IISSIONEBSt Hone. !` ~S~N'Ps OOMMI3SIOHSBSi f~aaer aY-d Sohntte. ;' ~CI,A3SI~'I- The BECLbSSIFICATIO~ o:f the area boundeQ by Yermoat Avenne~ South I+oa Avgelea Str~et~ 4 CATIOH N0. Ba11 Eoad and South ~emon Street~ vas reterred by the City Council to the Commiesion ;; F-52-$3--12 for aotioa. Also to be incinded in this R$CLASSIFICATIOB will be the area on the Last - eide oi Sonth I+os Angolee Street trnm the ~briner City Limit Line to the area nader _ coneideration as ontl'Lned cuoder EECLAS~IFICATION N0. F-52-$3--11. ~ Publio Hea.ring dates aere ee~ for February 16. ~953 ~ 1~tarch 2, ~953, 1n accorde~noe ~: with LFAAL NOTICE and a MAP xhich rill be a1`ar~ised ia the 6RA~IIH BIILI,~TIH on ~' BridewP, Febrnary 6, 1953. CODE CBA1~f}ES Consideration rrill be given oa February 16, ~953. to a etudy of IISES in the M-2, ~A9~ MAHVFACTUHIN(i ZO~~ vrHich might be obnoaions~ wfth a vie~r to placiag ench USES in the "STJBJECT TO BE4IEtip Seotioa. ADJOUI~NT The Meetiag ed,~ouraed at 5~35 o~clock P.M. to Monday, Febrnary 16, 1953. at 2:00 o~oloak P.M. /p~/~\ y~~/~ ~~ ~ ~~j ~ ~ '/K~~owiva.CV • . W. MQN6AT,I,~ oretary ~~o~ . iG ~ f3. '~--_ __ ..__. _ _. _ _... _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ 3 ~ ;i ~