Minutes-PC 1953/05/18City Hall Anaheim~ Qaliforaia ~ea- i9, zss3 MIHUTES Og ADJOIIHNED BEa[TLbS N~ffiTINO 03' TSffi OITY PI,ARNIHti C01+4i3SSIdN gDJOUI~ED An Ad.sonraed Aegular Meeting of the City Planning Commieeion vnsa aalled to order at ~4L~E 2~16 o~olock P.~I. by CYrairman Snmmers, a qwornm being preeeat. NtEETIHG pIiESENT CHAi~ SIIt~Q~fERS. C0t~4IISSIO~: (iauer~ Biu+.cel, Schumacher, Thompson ani Mungall. Commissioner Hapgood entered the Meeting at 2:35 o~clook P.M. Admiaietrator Murdooh vas preaeat during a portior•, of the Meetiag. • ABSP~QT CONAIISSICHES SCSQTTE. >,.~ ~ ~ x MIlN"'*'...+S Tha Miantss o4 t~~ Meei±~ aeia May~~~ i953, were approved sa vrittea with tKO ohangee. Oa Pege 2~ vnder ~CI~SSIFICATIOH ?~~. F-52-53--16~ the name of tae F.H.A. Bepreeeata- tive. Mho spoke, slwnld have been epelled N!'~. "I+~ENOV". On Page 3~ uader TE~TATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 1859~ this tract shovld have been located ae "west" of Traat Bo. 1691 iaatee~d of "eaetn . BBARg MILL88 Mr. 8'rank Miller~ Bealtor, appesred before ~he Commission sad atated tY-at he hacl tbree AEALTOH good proepeata Yor bight Iadnatry along Sonth East Street ~etwee"East Watar Street (if BE-ZOHIS(~ ezte~ed) and ~ast Son~th Street. He wov1Q like t~ have the soning changed Yrom the A~UEST present Rr~, MUI+TIPI,E F6MILY I~SIDENTTAL ZOAE, to P-L, PABgLIBti~-I~ANDSCAPI9(i ZOAE. He AIAHG SQ'Q'PS wae advised that auah obap3e rronld 2~ave to be a~°~ertieed and tro publia hearinge held. ~AST STBEET These Hearings vere aohodn~.ed ~or June 1~ 1953 ~ Jnne 15, 1953 at 2:00 o~olock P.M. oA~IAFCE The 8earing aa thie 9~SIAAO~ was held over at~d will be readvertised beaanee oY error HQ. 191. in deaoribiae looatioa ia l.he tormer LEt~A7, SOTICS. The iorthooming Eearing vill be he13 on Mea.~ag, Jnne 1, 1953• + ' ~'r YARIAHO~ Thfs wsa the tima eet ior the Publio Hearing on YARIANCE N0. 192, file8 by PAIIL PIE&C~, ~: N0. 192. Pioo. Calif.~ requesting that lote in Tract No. 1591, numbered from 46 to 117~ be pv~ ~; mitted rith iees tY~an the miaimnm e4nare Yootage oi 6,00o eqasre feet and t2~at the set- _~' backs be a1~6a1 Yrom the required 25 ~eet to 20 feet. - Mr. Lsrry Armonr, as 6ntlwrised Represeatative Yor Mr. P3erce~ appeared beYore the ; Commiesion and etated tbat becauae ~tolid Aveaue is being pxo~ea~ed as a dixeot higl~- i~ eia,q to the beachos Yrom the north, the Oity of Anahei.m Eagineering Departmeat iasieted ,~ that no entranaes to gsragea of lwmee taciag on ~uclid Ave~ae rrould be allowe3, thus ~ aeceasitatinB aa a11ey at the rear of the lots iaciag oa IDuctid Aveaue. 'Phis ohRnge a thsrelore reqaired the cut~in6 dora of the lot depthe to 97 teet with a 60-foot irnnt- ;~ age, bringing the area of these lote to 5,820 aqaare Peet. ;a It rrae anggeated that if one lot was elimiaated from each of the aix aoxs. the lots '; ~nonld all thsn be over the 6,000-sqnsro Yoot m~nimum requirement. This broaght ao :~ reeponse from Mr. Armonr. The Hearing was closed. Commieeioner Solmmaoher moved that QASIANCE S0. 192 be granted~ ullowing I+ota 46 to £ 117, iaciusive~ to be under the minimum eqnare footage per lot, and the-t 20-foot froat ,'<; yard eet-~baake be atlored oa thesn lots. Tk-e moti.on ~rae eeoonded by Commieaioner Thompson. ' After lt~rther dieauasion~ the vote oa the motion rras takea and did not carry. eo that '~ PASIABC~ H0. 192 Waa ~I~. b~ ~SOI,UTION ~70. 48 - SERIF.S 1952-53. ~ It ~tae snggested tbat herea4~er ali fntnre Sub8lvidera be inform~l tbat be4ore any ;~ Tentative Mep ~ill be oonaidered by the Commieaioa~ all lota mast be la.id ont ia ~a- ~% aor~anca rith the Zoniag Ord~.inanoe. i. a.. lots maet contaia n minimum oY 6~000 eqnare '.~ feet an3 l~ave a miaimam ~rie.th oi 55 feet. _ ° ~ I~;ge~ d B~i~ed Tsntative Map oS 7!ract po. 1$25 ras pre~sn~ed ~o bhe Corrmiraf~a. T1~ Subdi- ~~Ip~ vidsr i~ 68~OLD CO1Q3T8IICTfuN CO.. Ssa Diego. Oalifornia. and the 9ubdivieion. ae re- ~ ~p vised, aoatains 1$1 I,ot~. H0. 1825• IIp~n a soLioa by Gommisaioner,8apgood. eecoad~d by Commissioasr 'i'hamp~oa. and aarrSed~ it ra~ voted to appro~~ th~ ~6~ia~d 'P~ntative Map oY ~'ract Ho. 1825. ~ub~ect t~: l. '1'hat all lete centsln a miniensn oi 6.000 oqnars Yeet and m~et all the rsqnire- - mBIIii 03 ~L3 iiiiIIla~ UTt.3a~3+ZCi• .. .. ' 2. T2tat that partien, ngt iacluded in the Subdivieisn~ aL the ~onthesat corner oi 8eaae~a Dri~e and Bqymoad Avemis sball dedicat~ 10 feeb along Bspmopd.l`tr~s ~mr the Mtnre rid~aing af Baymond Aveaue. 3. Engineeriag Eequiremsate. _ __._ _ _ ..- . ~ ~ ------~-~-°-.--~ '... _ • , ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ . ~ ~ .~,: ~~~ 1 i; ~ i; ._ ~ R' . ~ /q'. `!~ .~i V. Z~~ ~ '~ 1-. • ..~ - ~. .: -v...•~- . _ ... . . .. .. . 1-:... : ~nl~ _ . ___~_~_~~~..~.~ . ..~..~~..........~... ur.. N~ ~'~=..~"~.rt':i~'~ta:t/ n. . . .. . ~ ~ ~ Y~: ~ ~ 7 1lIHOTi'3 0~' ~DJO~ 1~I~ HBLD I_I~i 1$._1~g53_- Ronbinu~d: (PA6S T&BT~'1'IVD • Tentati~~ Hap oi Tract Bo. 1?7~ ras pr~sen~~d to Lhe Commi~aion. This treat extends ~'~S ~ssterl~ irom Trac! Ho. 1969. along th~ eonth aid~ o! Eaet Braadw~}r. and thu Snbdivider N0. 17')0. in tl~ 8H0l~i7AY C~l~ 00. Ths tsaot oontaias 14-8 I,obs. ~, IIpoa a aortion by Commissioner ESid~Lcsl. secondea by Ooamieeioner ScLumschsr. and carried, iL vas voLed to spprov~ th~ Teatati~s btsp of Tract Ao. 1?~0. snb3ect to Sngiaeering Bequiresent~. _ °BZIILDffiQ" Cl~si.ri.va 9nmmsra propos~d th~ folloxiag d~tinitioa fer a BOILDIN(i, nA perm~snent ~~ ~~a= strnctn~v baviag a rooi and enclosed on all sidesp. tTpoa a aotiioa by Co~iseion~r Bapgood. seconded by Csmmiasioner Eintcel. and carried~ it ras voted 'b~ allSOLUTIOB N0. 4~ - 9~tIms 1952-53• tio recommend bo the City Conaoil tl~at Section Bo. 9200~~1 0! the A~Td~IP[ PtIINICIPAL CODa be ~o chane~d. , Ths vote oa s~o~~ ~S(lLt1TI0H R0. 47 - SS&I83 1952-53+ was se follws: 1~3: COlOtISSIOh'885: asner~ Hspgood, Riutcel, Schumacher~ Sn~e~s~ Thompeaa and . bhmga7.1. 110SSs COI+~tISSI0H8flS: Noae. ~83Z9i't COl~II4ISSIOHEItS: Schntte. "PAZiHI~fl BB- It is ezpectad tl~et at Lhe Mseting Fo be hsld on Jna~ 15. 1953. a11 Commiasioa~rs rill ; Q~IBD6lB'PS" ha~~ ~Lndi~d "PA88IlTa REQ~UIBSl~NTS" and bs readry thea to coBe Lo a deci~ioa on thia COD~ CHAITQS itea. B39IE~ I~ir. Murdoch prss~at~d a H~vis~d Propos~d QILB~RT STB~iT ~NN~LATIOH. ~ehich vill add to ' QILBL'82 SS. tba~t certaia ar~a racommead~8 !ar annssatioa at ths Msstins on Narch 16• 19$3. _ ~NNSLTIOH The e~vi4toa vill laclude. in addition Lo ths original prop~rtiss. ths propsr~w et Lhe + northeaet corass oi Qilb~rt SLr~et aad Cr~sc~at bisaw sonth ei ?rsera~ Park~ ezcludiagi yhn prop,ri~ of iae w. u. n. 5~. gars; inoindiag th~ nroperty so~.tlk.rlg tram Creecsn6 ~ tieans cslong the ~eest ~ids ~f Qilbert Street to Orang~ A~snna; thence northerl9 sloag certain lot lin~s Meetsrly of dilb~rt Street; a lYill a~ocrip~ion ai a~ch rill b~com~ a psrt of th~as Mimit~s st a latar daLs. IIpon s aot4oa by Commissioner Sc2mmach~r. eocondsd by Co~iaeion~r Hapgaod. and car•ried~! it var vated Lo recoamend to th~ C~ty Co~nc!? ~~+=~ the ~PE88D PHOPOS~ QILBEBT STB~T < aEEA, as otitlined. te conaid~re8 ios Ann~zaSion to ths City. IIS= 9URIA9CZ • IIss PeraiS lpplication No. OP-841 trom the Orang~ Ocnaty Planniag Conmiseion xav PSB1[IT dPPLI preeeated Lo the Commission. Thie 6pplicatio~a ie a reqnest by th~ Tesaa Co. to drill CATIOB N0. aa 011 M~11 980 iset ~ast of 81o VS~Sa Aiemu at a poiat approziaetely 725 Yeet eouth UY-841 of Eaat La Patsa Avean~. ~ Upoa s I(otion by Co~issioner Thom~eon~ ~ecoaded by Covmiseioaur Schnmoher. anQ carried. it ras voted to recommend to th~ Oraage Oounty Planning Commieeion that App2ication Bo. UP-841 b~ graat~d. {~ H~ILTH ffiS. Som~ tiso ago. the Commi~sioa~ra rsqnested t2~at they be iacluded in t2u Hsalth Insnr- "'~ P~ ~ ance Coverag~e en~o~ed b~ City ~ployeee. Hr. Hurdoch atated that this mtt~r raa die- HQ~B~8I0!! cnseed vith the Yasnraac~ Oompaqp and it rae fouad tbaS eaid Oompa~p conld not itarnish 7'CE PLABNIHQ this aervice. '~ C42"-'!38ST_~ ~Srt~: c23so~eataa Lrsught ant tha Pact tma2 th~ rapid groath of th~ Oity neceseiSatb;: ~~' consid~rabl~ aor~ nork oa ths ~:. part oi Lhe Coomission with added meeting~ incnrriag ^' addsd antomobil~ espena~ on Lh~ part ef the Coamieelonere. APD 11ffimA3. the Stat~ LaM proviQs~ i~r esrtaia ~BOBA8IIIM8 and ~985 to Lhs Ob~iesion. a aotion vas ~cad~ by r=' Gom~atssloaar 4ansr~ aecoaS~a bp Coamiaaion~r ~lutcsl. eaR earrisd. 'Phst a Committ~e a>. y con~irlis~ oi CLairasn 9nemers, Co~issionera 8apgood aad lAnngall. Mait upoa ths Mla~~ar ~~: and ths CilB ~dminietrator regarding a euitabl~ hoaorariw~ for t2u Oity Planniag Oon- "; ai~don. _.~ g 1-DTOIIRt+II~T 'A'~ Ce~!ae±o_ s~,jon.~ed aL 5:09 o~c].oc= P.M. APPBOYSD / / ~3 . !~ H: lf. lfQH011L , Secretary