Minutes-PC 1954/01/20" . r:::: _ _ •:4 . :~:; ~pj, ,, ;, . , ~: b.f, ~:~ . 4 R' 1 • ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __~` ~ ~ .3 ~;~ City Ssll . draheim~ Qalitara3a ~ aaanaiy 20~ 195~ i u MIAII'~9 0!' AD~UI~ED B8(~4LAR I~&TI~TG 09' 'P~ OIlC^ P7~A~ffiI7~ COl4SISSIOB : ~ ; ADJGIJ~D 1-n Ad~onraed Regnlar Meating o! the Cfty Plana~ng Commissioa ves aallea to ordsr by ~mr-a C~~rmsa svmmere a~ 3:35 o~oiock p.M., a qnorum beiag preseat. '- ~~a PB615E8'P CHAIBMAH SD1~4~RS~ COMMISSIO~B3 Aneat~ (ie~ner~ 8spgood. Rintosl, Schnmaoher~ Sohntte. Thomp~emm snd 14ua~e-11. r 3~ffiDIYID~ The 8eoretary Saiormo~ ths Commiasion 4bat the City Couaoil vill iacinae aaQ aaopt :~ _ ss~ ~ s~e ssr Si~DI~ISIQB QBDIESHC~J. co-~v!~s- "(a) ~enty-•+_~e (~29.00) ~ou~~ _ per lot aoatsined in a Snbditisioa er Heooffi o! Snrver sbe-11 be psyable to ths City ;~ 6! Anahsim tor a pro ratia shars of the cos! of aaaniriaa Dbr1~ aaQ reastiational uesa sa,iaosbt to sohool ~it~s and Ll~e improv~en~ Q! enah srea~." All TsaLative 1~p4 nat pr~viowly appro~ed a~ all D[e~ps iileb dter this dats xill be anb~eaS ta thi~ t'~e. T~TATIYi A TenLatin 1~le~p of ~ssot ~o. ~%'~y ras preseate~ to the ~oms-ission. Thie Snbdirialon KAP 'FSACT i$ booaded b~- Ball Boad~ tLe S.P.B.B.* Cerritos A~saa~~ and I~oara 3treat ex~ended. ~D. 1979. The Subdivider is ~ 8. SV~TT~ 102b2 S~uth Victoris A~saae~ kh9.ttier, Calitorala, ~. a~ thc Traot oontaia~ 375 ~ts. Vpon s motioa by Commissioaer Sohumeaher, seeso~ded by Qonioaioner Aintoel. aad carried`~ 3~ ~..- eeLe3 ~~# :*e Tes's~Llee !w'.e~ c_+ Tb..rO ~o. ~974 =e :~zos~.: rr3~w. •.~.: ~ l. The ~eymeati of $2$.00 per lot tor the aoqniring oi sit~r ior Parl~a and Hearestion-:= sl sreaa a~nd Sor ths i~rovemsnt ~! raoh areas. ad.iaoeat to 801~001 Sitas. 2. The relooation of s~reet enteriag upon Osrrltos A~eane to a point ~rhere propsr ~ drainaga ean b• ~39~ained. 9. The Flanaiag Oommiseion rill aotiYy the Anahelm bllemwLsry ScLool Boat~b thst this traot hss been submitted. ~5. Tha ~le~antary Sehflo2 8osrd. laa,hsim Distriot. s2~n32 a~tS~[~ t.he Clty ~ - Commis~ion, ia writing, t~st s porEion ot the traa~ mrut bo se~0rnd tor so2»ol ~ pnrposee or forwar3 a rsiver to the eiPeot tbat no le,nd in lhis traoL 1~ neo~ssary; for e eahool aite. A reply shonld be reo•iTell.. irom th~ Sol~ool 8oaid as MriT as ; poesible aiter their moetiag oa Fsbrasry $~ 1954. ; S. ~aBiaeeriag Reqnireaneats. z T~BTATI4i A Tenlsti~s Ne~ of Traet Bo. 1981 ~ae preesatea to ths Oommiseion. ~is Snbdi~isioa ; NAP THAOT ie bounded by Ba13. 8oad. 4he S.P.E.H., Nalan.t Strest affi Cerriios Ava~ne. Ths Snb- 1Q0. 1981. divider is Z1i+~ ~. ~~TT. 1Q2G2 9~nth Yio4oria Aoeane~ Mhi4timr, Calitos~is~ and 'i the Traot ooabains 3~9 i,ote. . IIpon a motion Dy Comffie~ioner Sohatte~ seaoaded b~ Qommiesionsr Atioeet,~ an~ ~arriea, ~ i~ wss ~~~ed tu spprow ths Tentstive lfap o! Traa4 Ho. 1981~ snb~eet ~ot 1. The p~meat oi $25.00 psr lo4.ior aoqniriag sits~ !or Psrln snd Seoreationsl sreas aad tha inq~ro~e~ent of ~noh arews. _ ~ 2. T$J P1AIlII~B$ C8~8i18fi10i't 5~I acr~;;3 ;he Sao~lla =laeata~y Sa~t,3. ~er8 L~4 this trac~ he-~ been snbmit~d. j 3. The Eleae~t~g Sa2~oo1 8os~, Bat~a7.la Distiriot~ shsll aotity the Oi4y Pisaaiag ~ Oo~issioa~ f$ w,ri~fsg, ~~a~ a par4fa~ o~ $ae ~sc,~a0 maw6 ba ~aearFaa For~ ra~aoi : pe~rnos~^ or torsn~rb a~slTSr to 41t.e sffeot tbst ao isnd. ia thie traat i~ nec~assry~ ior a eahool sits, d repiy shonlcl be •:ae:.ved from the Sobool 8oe.:d sa eerl~ a~ ~ possinlo ar~er ~aeir aeso maeying. 3 4. ~ngineering Beqniremeats. ~ # ~ s~T~3: I- ~'eate-tive i1i-p og grao~ 'IIo. 1g48 vss preseated to the Commiasion. This Traat is ~ NAP TBACT looeted oa the ee~st side oi 1lagnolia Aieuns~ sont~h oi MesO 3La Palms A~eane and sztsaa~ :~ N0. 1948. esateriy s distsaoe oi 12C2 ieet, more or lesa. The Snbaisiaer is IAVIS LA8A140H8, 203 ~ ~ Sonth Ole~vaiias SbreOt~ Basheim, Ca11t.~ affi the tiraat oonsiats oi 122 Irote. :~ IIpoa a m~tioa b8 Commieeioner Sohntte, eeaondaa by Commiseloner 8apgood, aad oarried„ ~ it ~ss ~oted tbat the TeataLive Hap ot Traot Ao. 1948 be approv~l~snb,eot~tos ~ 3. Tha p~syment o! $ZS.00 per lo~ tor r.aqniring dtse !or Psrks and Reor~etionsl •~ sress sad Ehe improtsmsat oi euoh areas. ~ n 2. The L~-de-Saa 7,ots ~at aonform to the gae-he~l.m Muaioipal Code. ; ~-------~ ------__-- ---_____---- -__ _..__- --~-----_._._. _--_----_ __ _--- ~~ ~ € ~ ~ ~ 1~!!1'S4 0~ AWOIIBI~D BffitTLAB I~1CPI~ ~ JAlaO'AHY Lb. 195-i - Coatinnads _ PAQ& 2,~, IIpoa s motion by Oomffissioasr Sohnmaoher. saooffied Dy CoemLssioasr Mung~7.1~ and csrried, it Mae toted to sppro~s the Bevieed TeaLstiw t~tap oi Trsot No. 2021 sub~ecb to: 1. Revisioa of the etreet pattern at bhe eonth~reat corner oY the traot. ~ngiaeeriag Eequirements. Ths Ileetiag e-d~onrae~ st 5s15 ~a~ock P.M. i ~ t t $~ M• l{I3H(i~ALL~ eOTetaTy i i i i ; } s y ~ 1 . a ~ ~ ~ ------_ _-- . ___._ _._ .. _...._ _. ~ _._._ . ____-- - _-- -- . ~F----_-: -. .~~~ ~ 1 ; i *~''!~lAi'IYE ` lfA~ TRdCT + ~0, 19a8. ? '(Coat3ao~ed) ~*a~nTVs lfdP ZBACT lA. 2118. d S .~ ~ ',.~Y ~~ii' ~~ ~/ ~ ~ 7 '7 ~ 5 5 s ~ 3. Y'9~s a3.1aoent property Co the north anwt be aonefdered by ths Subdivi~ler j rith s~sffi to t,h~ nstnx~l drainegs ot th~ property. ; ; 4. '~ Clty Plaaaiag QommissLaa sLs7.1 no0lty ~h~ W~gaolis ~lemeiatary SoLool 8oard , Rhs! this ~raot is nm~r oonsiderabioa ia ~he area. ; S. ~$le~~at~-sy 3ohool Board. Nsgaolis DistMeO. sbnll aotity the City P1~nning { Cnmission~ ia xri0iae. tbe-t a por4ioa oi the lsaos ~ast be resex~sd ior aohool pnsposes or forrerd. s~asiver to the etPeot tl~at no land in this traat is neoaeear~`, for a sahool •ite. A r~piy shonl8 bs recei~ed irom the Sol~ool 8oara as eor1A as ~~ posaibYe st4er their aezt meetia~. , o. ~gisaegisg :.sqnf~~a4~. i T.nt~ti~s Ma~ oi Trsat ao. 2118 vss pxseemt~d to the Conmi~sioa. '1'bis !laes is ~nst° sonth oi Traet No. 1948~ aad ezteade to Creeasn8 Aiem~s. The Snbdivider ie IAIIIS I~RA~lOHB~ 203 3on4h Clandine- Street. llasheim~ Calit., am tha Traot ooaeists o! 163 Let~. IIpon s motion by Oommfsaioaer bnes~. eeaonded by Commiraianer Ba~o~~. a~r3 eaPrled, ; it ws ~ote~ Lo epprove ths ~eatative i~te-p oi Treot Ho. 211$ snb3sot tot ; 1. Tho pa:imea~t oi ~25.00 per lot ior aoaZniring 4itea ior Parks and Rserestionsl arass aad the impro~ement oY snoh ar~e-~. 2. 'Phs City Planaiag Oommisalon shsll notity ths lda,gaolia ~].ementsry Sahool BoarB E~st 6hie ~s~~ ie n+nder oonei3eration in ~hs sres. 3. 'a^ha ~leme~6ary Sahooi Soss~3~ Megaolia Diebsiot. abs7.1 aotiiy hhe 0lty Plsaaiag Commissioa. la vritiag~ tbat a poation oY the traot mnst be reserved !or aohool parposs~ or iostirard a va3var to the ef~eat Lhat ao land in this treat is neo~a~sr, Lor s sobool site. A reply ehonl3 bo reoei~ed irom ths Sohool Board aa early ae possible after their nezt meatiag. 4. ~agin~eriag Reqnireaeats. ~fIS~ A Eovie~d 'Pentative !+l~a-p o! Traht $o. 2021 vae pr~seaLeO. tio tbe Co~iaaion. Thia 1~aF 8~?ASI9s vaa origias~~~ approitd on Ho~embsr 2. 1953. bu4 dne to a o2~angs ia str~et pians ras ~AF 9ilCT rssnbmittsd. The Sabdivlsioa is leoated ,~t the northxest cornsr o! ~asoia Str~~t and i0. 2021. 7a~t Bomaeye- Drive. Ths Snbdisider is the EAffit-ST JQID~ CO., 219 HaNtl~oras Honle~arb. ixt,~orne. Caiitornia. The tsaat o~fntalaa 107 lots Nher~ss ~he originel plan ooa- tained 111 lots.