Minutes-PC 1956/04/02I I i 1 . . ~` Jt . ; !S 3 `~ aprsl 2, ].95b Cit~ HA'17 ~nnhaim~ (!nlifp~g I~i~OT£~S OF T~ REGUL6R P'~TING OF T~ ~TY P7~ANl,lINt3 COI~IISSIOLT i i ;i t :~I ~J ,! ;~ '~ i '~ <: ~ j::l ;;~ ;'i ~~ ;.i ;'I ~ _; ~,:~ ;;i RSt3IIIJ1A, The 8egular Meeting of the City Planning Co~ni.asiott vas oalled to order 2~TINa at 2z13 ~~Clock P.M. by CHJIIRMaN SUNII~RS~ a quorwn being prese~. ~T CElIEtMAN SIIl~t3~ 001~4IISSION~S: An~at~ (iensr, Riutcel~ Sch~unacl~er~ Thnmpson and Mimgal].. Co~mnissioner Bapgood entered the Meeting at 3=~3 O~Cloclc ?.M. 1'~NU1'E5 The Minutea og the Adjourned Regulsr Meeting of March 19~ 1956 xere approved as priated. vARI~NCE PUBI.iC FII~ARZN(3. Thi.e t~as ~LD oV~Et from 'the Meeting of 2~arch 19, 1956. ~. 517. PETITlON subffittad bg 1~t3. MAY ~ATTY NB~Y(~IDO&S~ 7921 South I~clid Ave- nues Anaheim~ Califozmia. c: ~ N~. Esrl Nelleson~ 11332 W. Romneya Drive~ dz~aheima BPPeared before t2~e Co~aeion and stated that they propoaed to put a new '-ont on the pre~- aent dwel].ing and erect a 6 Yoot aolid Yence around tne property at the rear and to nee the rear por'tion for etorage of p3pe and other snpplies. He stated that neir conatruct~.on wou7.d be doae on the 3obs and not at this location. Tt~ere Will be adequate off-street parldng in fma~t of the buLlding and on the vacaat lot to the east which is also ovusd try I+lra. Neighbcra. 6s the area devel,opa~ Mrs. Neighbors propoaes to tear d~n the old building and erect a new one Yor this or other usea. The preaent lease is for a is~o year period. T~ I~9FC'C2iQ W/!S C3ASEu. Upon a motion by Co~iasioner Schwnacher~ seconded by Co~ssi,oner Biutcel, snd carried~ it was moved that Yariance Ido. 517 b.e gratrted snb~ect to the deediisg of 20 Yeet for the widening of West La Palma 6venue aad t,he installa- ti.on oP cwrbs~ gutters and aideWa]]~ on this partictilar ]at. Am m~endmaut.to the above m~tion xas oYfered by Co~i.esioner A~tests aeooaied by~ Co~mnissioner Riutcel~ and carried ty RESOLU'i'ION ND~ 1,58 - SF~t~S 1955-~6 that anrtss~ gutte~~ ar~ ai.ae~al.lrs be i~aLled id.thin 2 years. The vo:e on the ame~ied m~tion t.hat Var.Isnce No. 517 be graated vas anb3ect to: 1. The deeding of 20 feet for the xidening of Weat Ia Pa]ma Avenue. 2• That Curbs~ gutters aad sidevalka he inatalled xithin 2 yeara. VARLNCB PUB7.IC I~.ARIDiG. PETITIOI~i aut8nitted by JAl'~'.S F. aad RIEAZID$ EA'1+OA ~y 1~. 523. 719 North ~sst Street~ Anahe3m, CaliSornia, as oxaera, JO~T M. S~NT~ 118 Sonth ios ~ngeles 3icreet~ 6naheira~ Caliiornia~ as Autharized ~.gaat~ ra- queating a W~IV&t of Proatage 'md square foot area requiremeats on lots in Tract No. ,9021i. Thia tsact ie located n~rth of w?he~+^~*~ Street aad betreen North Eaet Street and DTorth Bush Street. Mr. John M. Kent~ attorney~ appeared as tY-e 6uth~rized p.ge~ for the appli- cant aad stated that he had ncthing PurtheT to add 'oe;,on~d that requested 3n the application. ~o otte else appeered for or against the ,~anting of the Variance. T~ F~AARING WWl£3 CIASF•D. IIpon a arotion by Co~¢nissioner Thompson~ seconded try Coaurd.eaioner (aaner~ and carried, it was moved by FtFSOLUTION ND. 159 - S~'~ 1955~6 that Variance No. 523 be granted for a WAIVIIt of lot frontages and aquare foot areas in Tract No. 3024. -1- .. -_ _ - --_ ~ _ _. . _ _ __ __ . ..___ . _ ~ ---__._---___--------~ ~-----,~--_._.___ - ,---- -- .- - . " ~,, ~, __ ~ ~ - ,* ~ ~,% - ~ ~ . ~ . . ,' . . ••. ~ . . c . . . , . . .. \ d ~~ i'~ ~ YARI`NCE PIIBLIC F~6EtING, PE~ITI017 su'banittF3 b~ FRN?CFS V. 1~VISa ~{L'O W68'fi Wi~halm~na H0. 521i. Street~ Ansheimy Cali~orni~a as o~r.r_ery rec~westing Parmisaion to use a build- ffinck B tof~ ~Center ~act ~Or the ~torage of insu'Iati.o~Wea h~str~.Pping snd9 other £ire~:^oot materials. The pr~perty i~ further des~ribed ae 123 3outh pl~,ladelphia 3treet. ~Off-street improved parking areas will be provided for Reatal IInits on the property. The property is preaently classi~`ied as R-3a MUI,TIPLE F6NICLY RESIDE2d'PIAL. psrs. Davis appeared before the Coimaission and stated that she had nothing to add beycnd that contained in the application. TI~ HEARING WAS CIOSID. Upon a mctioa by Comm3.ssioner Schumacher~ seconded bY Commi-SSioner Auesty and carried, i~ vas voted bY RESULU'1'ION N0. 160 - s~•s i955 56 to ~.r~t Variance No. 524 .for the storage o~ insu]ation, v~atherstri.pp3ng and other YireprooP materia].s sub~ect t~a 1. '1'he b$acktopping of an ar~~. fax Pa~'1~ for the rasidant.ial tenants of the dwelling in front. ppRIANCES PUBLIC HEAIttNG3. PFTITlONS submi.tted by DISI~YIADIDa INC,~ 1313 Harbor DfOS. 525, Bou7.-vard~ Anaheim~ Ca7.ifornia9 as ownars' UfTITID OUTDOOR ADVER,TISINa 526 & 527. ~•a 5350 Atlantic Avenue~ Long Bea~h, Califor.~aias as Authorized .`. ent~ requesting perm'~ssion to erect four (~S) poster panel sigr-s~ two ~ by 1t7 feet and two (2) lA by 25 feet~ and also tvo ~2} illwninated bu7letin ' signs. These signs ar~ 'to be lo~atad on the east• sid~s o£ Aarbor Boulevar~i appro~dmatoly 355 feet and 655 feet,~ alsa 1A~1 .feet and 12~:~ £eet south of Midxay Drive also on the srest side of West~ Str.eo~ :.35 feet ana 650 ~eet north Of Cerritou Avenue• At the request o:f United ~utdoar Adve:bising Cr~. 2nd Disr~eyland~ Inc.. theae varian~es were withclxawn fmm considera•tion at this t imee RBCLASSI- PtTBI.IC F~ARTN3. ~TIaON submitted by WAGI~Et REALTY C0.9 1022 So,ith 7.a FICA1'ION Cieuaga~ 7AS ~geles9 Ca7ifornisi as aWnery MARDIN~ GNE~t~descrljbed. sesa ~. F~5- as Suthorized Agent~ rc3questing that the PropertY ef1Y 5~7. the Southeast corner of Anaheim-0live Road and Sout~i Placentia RF~wa~,er. comprising oP approxS.matelY 20 acxes be reclassified from R•,A~ ~- At~tICIILT~tAL to C-~' (~1~(lL OOND~EtCIgL. Thia Reclassification vas requested to ba EEI,D UP b~ A~.'. S'te`-e (3all.agher~ attorney £or the ~+plicant9 until the Meeiing of Apri1 16a 195b, RR(!T.~.4ST~ PIIBLIC F~R~N(~~ PETI'!'!ON subuattted 1og N1RS. ~RG~ GRIFFITHs 91$ North FTC~TION PISCeIItiiS AVeAUe~ Anaheims ~AB~D 1'lII.IS~ lOO~T N0I'tll P~SC9IIui.8 APerlne~ 1Q0. 8-55- Anaheims 6RTHUR B. ~"h~'~~ 1020 North P1.acentia Avenue ~ Baahei~a~ and 56••28. ffiG SHIOTdNI~ 226 Z11s Roads Watsoavi7le~ California~ as oxners~ re- 'questing that their properties brie~'.~Y described as 8.622 acrea lying along North Placeatia Aven~ie be'Eween East I~a Palma avenue and East S~r~sa~sxx~ 3t;.eet,~ el~ven (L'.1 acren at the nortli-rest corner of North Placenti.a Avenue and East Ta Pa:ma Avenus and 3.21 acrea 1y3.ng at the mrtheasb corner of North F~cetrtia Avenue and East I,a Pxl~oa Avenue, ~e reclaesified frnm R-~A~ RFSTnENTreT. a~CDI,T~L ta C-l~ I~IGHBORFDOD COtR+~tCW,. 2~fro George (3rS..2~`lth~ z~epreseatinB hia m~theT~ Mrs. (3eorge (~if~ith; Mr. g,d Mi11s~ yrY~o alsa :°eprasents Sh~.g SMota~i.; and M~'. Arthur B, W37msen, aFp~r•? ~fQ,-e the L,~a~i.ssion and stated that dwe to the changed con- ditions in the areaa i~t xas their feel3.ng that their properties couid best be nsed for Co~erci.al uaos. pir. F~ederi~k C. Dalea 1916 East S~+eamore Street~ 9,naheims s'ta'ted tha~ he repreaeated the own~s ~ to t,~e Reclass~ication oEfsthe l~~iffith groPerty' and tLat t?~' vere opPo on S~an >re Street ~'or Cormnea'aial Usee in as much as al : of the homee on t,Fva aoraf ': si~de oP East S~rc~nnre Street were val.ued frora $20~000 aad uP• He pi~esa ~ste~d a petitthat East~camoreA3t,raet be~resaned to R-1} ST1d(3LL petitios. requasting SY F~LY RFSIDENTI.~i,. R~,_ ~ ~~ . ._._. . ._ . _.... --- - . . . _. ._ . . . . ~r...~._.. . _ . ~. ~ i ? ', a :; v ~ :~ ~ .k y..~ - - , ~ ~f, ~ ~_ '__ . _ ., . - ;\ ~ j ~ '. i~QJSSI- !~. ~iPl~th p~eswted the arg~ent that the soutk~east corner of La FTC~IAY Pa?az 1se~e aad North Placentis 6.venue had been rezoned for Conuaercial ~. F-y'S- ~ aad t~t ~e h~d the aucl,sns of a Ceater in mind star~ing with a ~ ~bod l~t. It ~s saggested to Mr. (~iffith that the corner ot Fast (Ooa~.j ~am~+e S~seet aad North Flaceactia Aveaua might be kept as Co~mner•ial sidth a str7~p r,es~ag xester],y 120 Peet deep that covld be cut ~.nM: :c ~~ h~r3aog 8i? toot tl~vntages for R.1 IIae. Thi.s ffight be satiefactory to t~Le p~t~ o~ne~s oa the aonth side of the streata xh3.a suggestion ; aQp~ly ~ vEth ttteir approval. 2Sr. l~i]ls r~emraked tbat the other properties in the ReclassifYcation v~~e mt coacer~d ~rith Sast 9ycamore Street and that he believed their ~ sbanld be considered at thts time. ~. (~ri!'P~tia t.be~a reqnested that he be given time to consider what the ~ ~R~i~~+~ cation ef Ms property might itteulee. T~ ~ARING ~pon a mat~n hg ~ssi.oner Schwaacher~ seconded by Cormnissioner Auesta ~na ~«a: it ~~~a ~ x~,soLVaor xo. ibi - s~ES ~955 56 tt~ts 3. Part I o~ t.his BeclassifYcatioa be 2,ela up. 2. ParEs 2: 3 aad I~ be granted subject to the installati.on of c~absa gatters aal sideQallrxt. 3~. ~eed Hes~ric+ions be filed by the Title Co. s~nil,ar to tha Standard ~eed ?.+ests~ctiovs oY the City of llnaheim for C 19 I~IEIGFID~E~OD ~ D~S. 1~. ~ dee~ ~,f 20 feet to tihe City of Anaheim along East I,a °alme. ~~ ~ ~±~ ?'~~.eont~ Agenue for street widening, ~ 5. ~Sn~ ~rements• 6. ~at aa a8reemeaD be f'iled. to coa¢nence development within a 2 yoar ~aQd. ~v.s a~mnt to be signed by a11 owners of prcperty ~rithin tbe aze~. It at the end oP 2 years the delvelopment is not started9 t~e pioperk3es ~1t revert to the preseni clsasification o= R~A~ ~AF. AC~FCffLT~t,-L. ~ vote oa ti~e above Besolutioa xas as follostsa A~S: OQ~IISSLO~S: dnest~ Gauer~ Riutcel~ Schwoacher9 Swmners' . Thompson a~ Mungall. Coamd.ssioner Hapgood ref~ai.aed from voting oa accomit of nnt being present at the time of the ~tart ot the Public Hearing. ~: O~SSION&iS: None. i8.~: QO~OH~iS: None~ ~G7iSSI- PO~iC ~. P&lISOH sul~tted by FRANg R. I~O(3MAN~ 8071 MagAO1~.a FIC-4ID~ Aveme: A~eF.~, Calttor~a~ AD'EI.II~ T. FECHTF~t and AI,BIItT ~,,, FECHTIIi,~ D. F-+$$- 1,$71 Bd~ Aveaves OraaBea Califorrda~ as owners~ raqueating that their , 56-~. nrooazt,i~ ~iaL~y described as 10.12 acres lying at the Southxest coraer a~f ~a23~ ~veane and trest I.a Palma Avenue and 5.09 acrea lying at the Sonthe~s'L ccxaer o,Y Magao],ia Aveaae aad West I~a Palma Avex~ue be reca.asai- i~ied 4a~ 8.,~~ ffiC~ A(31~ICtTLT~tAI~.to C].~ 1~CaHHORHDOD COMMEEtCIAL. !~a Flsehte~ agpeare~ before the Co~ni.aeion and atated that he and his rn~e a~a t~e Sonthe~st and SouthWest wrners oY West :Ga Pa]ma Avenua aa~ ~~a33x ~aeaz~. There :a at preaent c Service Statiott on the South- east oc~er o~ these tva atreets a~l 2~1~ LIGFPT M6NUFACTiIRIHa diroct3y I aR9ss iaB $fnL~Befti i7~ itZcj'u~cse5 it8'ra uooil i~'vi:317o3 Z'iy' ~a~ i8T Ouho'S' ~,.:22 S3t~fs~ 8or t~se ba2ance of the properties. lir. FYank Sro~raa also appeared before the Co~oission and stated that he ! ~md i~aded a 300 toot trontage s~l,ong Hagno].ia Avemae having a depth of ~aar3sxfielv 280 Yeet in ~Yxis Hsclassificatione TI~ F~tINa tiTdS CLOSF•D. ifpoa a:otion bp~ Com~ssioner Auesta seconded by Commisaioner Tho~sqn~ ; ~d arx~ed, it vas voted 1~ BESGLUTION N0. 152 - SERIFS 19~5-56 to recom- ; ~and to tlne Citg Co~ci2 tbat the proper;;ies describad belox be reclasa3.fied to C-1, 1~C~D COl~RQ1l~. k mr ~~ , ~ , ~ t~`' -_ . _ _ __ .. ~, ,l (' ' i 3.i~ •_ RSCI,AS3I_ parcel I. Starting at a poirrt 30 fee+., distant f~om the ce~er].ine FICJTION oY Ha~w:iA avemie azxi extnncling alang the Southsrly N0. F-55- ~B~f-~Y ~~ ~Y WASt I~a Pa]ma Avemie westor],y for ~r~29 a di.ataace oY 636 feet; thexe Southerly para71e1 to f~_,_) Magoolla Aveaue a distance of 33b feet; thenve E~sterly parv_~1e1 to '+Iest La Palma Avenue a dista.nca of 356 feet; tt~eace Southerly para7.le1 'to MaBnolia Avenue a distauca ot 300 Yeety mora or less$ thance Faster~y a distance oY 280 feet~ mor~ or leas; thence Northerly pars+]1e1. to I,a~o13a ~wemi. a distance of 636 feet to t~s poirit o~ beginnitsg; a~ py~rcal II. Starting at a po3nt 30 feet distant from the centerlinw of Ma~olia Avenn~e arri extendiY-g Easter],q along the Southerly rigYrt-of~t~v 33~ of West Ia Palma avemie , a distance of 636 feet; thence Sout'.Lar7y par~7.7.e1 to Mago~lia ~veaue a distance of 33h f.eet; thenae YTeatt- ~~r parallel t,o tdest I~a Palmse avenue a distancs of 63b feet; thence Northariy parallel to Mn~anlia Ave- nue a distauce of 33b feet to the poiab of beginning be reclassifisd ~to C-ly 1~IC~RFDOD COP44ERCIAI,9 sub~ect to: 1, The recording by ~he 1Ytle Coo of the Staredu~d Deed Restrictions oP the City of 6naheim for C-19 I~IGHBO~tHG~D COI~tCIAL USFS, 2~ q'he deeding to the Cit~y' of dr~heix~ 20 feet of lsud along the frontages of the proparti~es on West Y.s Pn.1mz Avamle and Magoolis A4em~e fo1' at2 ee$ t~r~deritvg~ 3~ The ~~+sta'!.3tion of c~bs9 g~sttexs and side~slks, ~:e ~e~W R89U3Temeats. i ;:; ~" ____~, ~. The eots on the above F.e~olution vas as fo]].otaso AYFS: COl~IISSIODIIsRS: Avest9 C~auer~ AaPBuod~ Riutce].9 Schwnachery Sw~rs~ Thompsoa and Mw~ga71. NOFS: OONII3'ISSIOI~FR.S: Hone. A'BSENT: CONAffSSIO~PS: None. AECL~S3I- PUffi.IC ~IlRIN(~. PETITiON sub~.tted bq G. R. P6RSONS~ 8072 Magnolia FICATLON Avenue~ gnaheim~ and GAS i~IINZBbi~ 91~2 I~ Pa]ms~ Avenue9 An~he3m~ Np~ g~sa ~a~i~~~rniay as ownezss raqusst,~ng that their properties deacribed SE..?p~ as oegi.wiiig at a poi.nt 666 feet from the ceaterl.iae o_° Magn~olia avenue o~.t the southerly right-of~aY line of Weat Lc~ Pa]ma Avem~e a~c1 runai+ng easterly 180 Peet; thence soutber~y at ri~-t ~as to West I,n Pulma ~vemae a distaace of 5~6 ?oet; thence eastsr~y para]1e1 to iTest La Paliaa dvenve a distance oY 816 feet; thenae northerly at right anp~:es to West I,a Palma 6venue s distance of 220 feet; thence eastezly Paral].el to West I.4 Pz1ma Rvenue a d3s- tance oY 636 feet; thance mrtharly parallnl ta Ha~nolia Avenwa a distance of 550 feet to the point of beginning be re~o:l.aesified £rota R~Le x~nsr~a~, ec~cur,~s to c-i, I~:LGFi~ORE~JD COMt+~Et~97. Th,e property coatains approsimnt,~]y ?.51~ acrea. This is s parcel snrro~ading t2~e propert~r at ths Sontheast ~orner of West I.a Palma Avem~e and Ma~olia Avenve re~lassifisd uadYr R~ni~s~cation No. F~55~~9 ~~--'' ~~8 of r.n I. sY~apa piece +svin~, fro~ges oY 180 feet on ilest I,a Palma gvenue and 220 ~eei on Magno~3a gvem~e. 1~~ (}~ g, pareons ygrpeared bnfore the Coau~Lssion represanti~g the twv or~ners and sta.ted ttiat vith ipe iuc3usion of these two parce].~' scbir,h rse too s~71 for snbdivisi.on pu~poses~ tlaie xould mtlce a bsttez corner Yor Co~ercial Usee i.f added 'to that rec7asaified i.a Reclassi23.crition No. P~5-~9. T~ F~AKING WdS CIA3ED. UFon z motion bg Go~ssioner ~aueYr~ seconled by C.o~d.saSouer ~PS~ud~ and carrled~ i~ was gote~d by R,Fa'OI~OTtOrJ NU~, 163 - a^i~RIFS 1955-~6 t~ reoom~-~~ to tne c~ty co~cs.t tt-at t~ Reciaeo~icat~an Of i;h~s abo'P5 pnaFsrt; ba sppmVed fer t;--? . N&Ld~01tE~OD COI~A~Ei.CTAL vrea sub~act taa ~ i 1 ~ ~ -.6 ~ _ / ' { ~ f i i ~~~- 3.. The deeding of 20 feet along West Ia Palma Avemle anci 2~faguolia FICATION Avenus for straet wiiinning. ~. F 55- 5~30 2. The flling xi.th the Title Co. oF Standard Deed Restrictions for C (~m l -~l~ 1~[aF~D&I~OD 0014mtQAL of the City oF aaaheim, I t 3 . ns . a]lation of c~bs, gutters and aideWa7.ks. ~ ~~~B ~4uiremeata. 5. Ti~at Aaron place be axterided to West I.a P~ gvam~e. The ~ote ott the ~bove Resolution saas as Yollowss ~ AYLrS: CONIl~IISSIOI~tSs Auest9 f3suera HaPgooda Riutce3a Schtuoachers S~nmarsa Tho~son and Munga7l. NOP~Y CONIl~ffSSIO1~RS; Nc+ne, - ABSENTs CONIlKLSSIO*1ER:3: None. R~ECIJSSI- FIC/-TION PUBLIC F~ARING. PTTITION aubmitted by L~~tY ~JMES9 INC.~ 903 Ncrth Vermont 0venue I,os Augeles Ca7 ifornia N0. F-55- 5b-31 ~ ~ . 9 as otrnere~ Spt1Tg EiAy ~T4I~ING C0. ~ 1326 North & oadws~y~ Santa 9na~ Califora~.a~ as AuEhorised Agea~t t . reques ing that Lots 1-3 iuclnsiv~eg 11 18 inclusive;, and 2li 33 ~3 usive . of ~act No. 28l~1~ be reclassified Prom R-1~ SIIJGIB F~lIII,Y R~rneNmreT. to C].a NEI(3HBORHJOD CO1~+~RCIAI, and that Lots 1~-9 inclusive; 20-23 ia- ' clvaiv~e and ~ and 35 ~f ~act No. 28lala be reclassified from R-19 SINGIh FAMiLY i?~IDENTIgL to R 3a MtJLTIPI,E FA~ffI.Y R85IDSNTIAL. Mr. William 7~ron appeared before the Co~mni.ssion and stated that he repre- sented Lu~tzry Ficm~s' Ina. ~nd that on acco~ of the Variar~ces ~s~nted bY the Coua't~y across the street on Gilbe:•b Street haying a Medi czl Center , and Snrnic~ Sta±iony he fp~ ~ t~st t'.s~-, Pront,aga on ~Zi Road smu3,d be ~~ed '~ P~t ~~ercial ~sea t~ith a buffer of R 3~ MIIL1'IPI.S FA1~III~Y RF~SIDF~JTIAL batween the.'Lr pcsstlzle Go:~ci_1 sa3 tt~i: Siag~e Famf~y fixact. No one appeared in oppoaiti~n to the gra:cting of the Reclassifi~at3.o~ TE~ HE6RINa taUlS CIASED. Upon a motion b~ Co~u3.asioner Auest, aeconded by Co~ssioner Hapgooda and c~rried~ it ~ras w~ed to reco~mnend ta the City Counci.7. by BffiOLDTION No• 16l~ - SERIES 1955 56 that Rec].asaif~catioa xo. F-55-56-31 be approved aub~ect to: 1. Restricting the R 3 dWell3.rigs to be.pzxt on Lots !~-9 inclusi4e~ 20-23 iaclvsive an,d Lota ~ and 35 to one-s; or,y*. '14~N2'ATIVI: The Tentative Map of Tract No. 3p21~ xas preeeated to the Co~iSeion MIIP OF . This tract is located betirean Ncrth Tast Street and North Bush Street TRACT N0~ 3027 2~?`th of ~~hwlm_~ Street. 'Phe Stlbd3v3deT ie JA1~ F~ OOWEE~ 719 N ~t }. oz h East Street, Annhe~n, Cs~7.iforni.a. The t,ract co~tains 17 l,ots. I tTpon A motion by Coimnissiotter Ga~:er~ aeoo~ed by Conmd.asiansr Riutsel ~ and curried~ it sme voted to approve the Teatative I~'ap of ~act No. 3021a aub~ect to: l, The paymettt of $25.00 per lot for t2~e acquisiti,on of Park rmd Raereation Sites. 2. ~ineering Requir~aent6. TENTATI9E The Teutative Map of Tract No. 2911 wn~s preseated to the Coaa~ssion. MAF OF ~C'~ 1~. ' Thie tract is loc~ted on th., .w.R± Q~ og ~r+,,,~ ~~~ 8venye }go feet south oY West I.a Palma Jivenue. The subdi.yidex• ia F~tANK ffi?~D(~1AN i1. 29 ~ 807~.Mlagnolis Avenue, gnaheim, California. The tract containa 13 lots. Upon examination of tnia tr$ct map~ it Srae foimd tHat the ]ats xere 60 feet in widtt~, I The ~pplicaat was told ta file for a Varianoe. ~~ TENTATIVE The Testat,ivo Map of ~act ldoe 301.t2 was pr~seated to t.he Conmisaion. 3~P OF This tract ia located an Eaet 9ermo~rt gvenue ttear East Street. The ~C'P No. eubdivtder is I~C ELROY and HII.L, 3360 EQai.r Drive, Hol7ywod, cali- 301a2. fornia, The tract ootttaina 12 3ndus~,~r3.a1 1Ota, ~ ~ S ! 1 . ,.~.... ~ .._.._.. _..... .- . .1 . . . . . . . ; .~ i t. t i ,~ ` F ~i,~ ' T~NTIITIVE Upon a mction by Co~asioner Se~hwaacher9 aeconc3ed by Oonaniasioner MAP OF M~mga119 u~d carried, it was wted to approge the Tentative Map TBACT NQ. of Tract No. 301~2 aub~eot tos 30I~2 :~out. 1„ The paymer-t of $25.00 per lot for the acquiaition of Park and Recreatioa Sites. 2, F~ginearing Requirements. TENTATIVE The ientaLive Map of 7Y~act No. 3029 xas presercted to the Co~mniasion. ; MAP OF Thia trac~ is located on tha north side of Orangawood lvenue 666 feet TRgCT t~J. Kest of Harbcr Bonlavard. The subdivider is TIETZ CONSTRUCTION C0.9 , 3029. 11611. Brookhurst Stre~eta f~arcleri (~~ove~ Califoraia. The tract ~rontains 38 lots. Upon a motion by Co~Lsaioner 8i.utcel~ seconded by Coaaniasioner Thompsona and carried~ it was voted to approve the Ta~ative MaP oS Tract No. 3029 sub3ect tos 1. The use of Anaheim City xater. 2. Tha p~ymerit of $25.00 per lot for tho acquisition of Park and Recroation Sites. 3. mB~eerirg Requirements. 11. The axteneion of the alley a].ang Orangewnod 9venue to the east property line. 5. Install.atiun of sidexs~lke next to the c~ab on "B^ street. I REPISED The Revised Tentative Map of Trnct No. 2370 wa. presented to the TEH'PATIOE Cr~~aai.ss3an. Thig tract is locate3 aa the north side of Cerritos MUP OF Avenue starting at NL-tt~mod Streat a,nd running Easterly 132g faet. TRACT N0, The snbd3.vider is Ct~.1,.,'F"1T C41~l5TRUCR'IOld CO., 170l~ t~ost lst Si;x~et, 2370. Santa Ana, Ca7.iforaia. The tract contains 38 lots as reviaed. IIpon a motion bar Conuoisaioner Thom~son~ aeconded bq Co~n3sea.o~ Gauer~ and carried~ it Aas voted to spprove the Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 2370 sub3ect tos 1. The p~ymant of $25.00 per lot for the acquisitiott of Park and Recreation Sites. 2. Ehgineering Requireme~s. , ADJOURNMENT Thc Meeting ad3ourned at 5:],k OtClock P.M. R. W. MUNGALL, Secrctaxy APPRAVID: -6~ i ~ t ; _