Minutes-PC 1956/05/21~ . ~ • ~ _. , ~ ~ ~,~ ,~ `.~~ ~?e? 21, 1956 i;~ty Hsll Ans.heim, California IKIN[TIES OF THE ADJOIIRI~D RE(~[1IAR MSSfING OP Tfffi CITY PLANMII~^~ COMMISSION ADJOQRI~D The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Plasming Coro~.aission tt~s called to REGOIAR order at 2:14 0'Clock P.M. br CHAIRMAN S[JAAlHRS., a qaosum being present. lSESTING PRESHNF CHAIRMNN SOb4~RS~ CO[~4~IISSIOI~RS: Aaest, Gan~r, Riu~cei, Schnmacher, Thompaon and bfangall. Cal-AiISSIOI~R Hapgood entered the hleetimg at 4:40 O*Ciock P.M. MIIIOTES The Flimites of thr.Re~ular Meetinq of Ms~ T,. 1956 were approved as printed. REVTEI~ PuBT.1C E~:ARING. Appii~ation of s Re-iew tad the isaecance of a Specitl IIne Pesit ras greseated b1- CL~E L, btILLEIT t~d ATcNITA MILLEIT, 2925 R37erside Dri~se, BscrbaEY, Caiifosaia, xea~sf:t~ :2~t t~ atss~ Spec3Q2 Usa Fe:-a9.4 ~ granted to allo~v thrm to caastr,sct a~a3~ing Pooi, Office etad Dresaing Rooms to teacTh swimming rrbich is sa ~mclas~.ified nae. The property is described as Lots 22 affi 23 of Trf~ct No_ 483 ~uul €grth4r described as 180? snd 1811 West La Palm~ Avenae. Mr. Mi?leit ~ppear.ed before the t;ommission arnd described the S~vi~ing Pooi wh£ch he des3red to bn31d. No oae appeared 3n oppas3tion to the grsaxing of a Special Uae Permit to Mr. Millett. 11~ HBAI!INCi YIAS CIASBD. IIpon a~otian b7 Co~issioaer Schmricher, s~coaded by Co~aissiones Ganer, and cerried, it xas voted by RESOLUTION N0. 186 - SBRIHS ]:955-SE to g1~Omt * Special Dse Permit fes a Svri~iag Pooi at the tbore t,ddreas and 8pb3ect to the instaiia- tioa of carbs, gatters smd sidewaiks on West Ls Palmt A~remre, VARIANCB PUBLIC F~ARING. PBTITION snbmitted by BYRON DAHI., 11232 Crone AveYme, Anaheim, N0. 544. Cal3foraia, as oxner, INIBRINSIIRANCE EXCHph'GB OF Tf~ AUTOMOBILE COMPANY OF 9~N CALF.FOItNIA~ 2601 Soeth Fignesoa StreeL, Loa Aageles, Caiiforaia. as ProspecRi~e Parc.haser, reqgerstiag that the portioa of Iaud described ss the BQSt- erip 200 feet of the Sonthezi~ 125 feet of Lot 4 of the 0l~cl~ud Puk Tr~ct be grsated a Variance to permit a brtidiag to be erected on thia property as a District Office for the Auto~nbiie Ciub of Sonthern Csiiforaia and the Interin- srcraace Hxcheage of the~Axtomobile Cinb of Sauthern Californi~t. The praperty is farther deseribed as 719 Sonth Pslm Street a~ is preeeatiy ciassified as R-~!, RHSIDSNTIAL AGRIC[TLTQRAL. Mr. Dahl appeared before the Co~iseion as the ovmar of the anb,9ect property ~nd statec: tLst the propert~ was nox nsed for the grooving of Citrns rind Lhia nse v~ss ao ienger a patiag propoaition, therefore, he wonid iike to seii s portion of his ' property to the Auto Cinb 3.n order tLat they eem erect a aew bnilding for their aeadqet?arters iR the City of Aatheim. A!r- Ba~ndon of t~e Saathera Califo rais Autoanobile C1ub xppetred befcre the Com- missicm and stated that the Auto Ciub came '~o Califoraia in 1920 with lesa than a 1000 menbers aad thst !he present memberahip is over 6000 a~scd their preaeat quarters are completly iasdeqnste. It is the poiicy of the Atrtcmobile Clrotb to ~nm lheir oaa gzaperty. : r ~ ~. ~~ Mr. 0'Oaanor of the REai Esta~`e Braach of fhe Antomob3le Cinb atat~d thtt they plaa to bnild a bttiic~3ng at preseat xith 3500 squtze feet afiich xi11 be in- czeased at a later da;~e bT iSQO sqnsre feet ~ing g total of 5000 sqaare feet. 1~e~ plaa a fo~[r to one (4-1) ia parkiag strea aad Wonid be xiiliag to hsre a seiback with landscaping fa iramt of the bailding. T~ i~ffiARING t4AS CLOSBD. IIpom a mation b~ Co~issim.~er Amest, aecuadeii b~ Cotmiaaioner Rintcei, mmd earried, it rras voted by RBSOLlT1ZON N0. 18? - SHRIBS i953-56 to gr~lnt V[rilmce t:o. 544 subjett to: I. The 3ns`,.s~ilekion of u aidewaik tm P~c].m Stxeec, 2. The bn3lding setback iine to be 20 feet bsck of the proper~y aine. -1- `~' . __._-- __._ ___._.. ._ ~ ~ i ; 's '; ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ y~ ~ ~: ~. r J s ~ :~ ~ VARIANCE PUBLIG IiEARING< PETITICt7 submftted 'by DAVID S. CAI,LINS, 9952 Los NOe 545e Angel.es Street, Anaheim, California, as~owner, P. H. SUNNES, ~1.illigan Soft Water Service, 1106 East First Street, Santa Ana, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting permisston to construct a building for the sale, service and regeneration of water conditioning units and equipment together with offices for the conducting of such business. The property is a Portion of Lot 25 ~f Anaheim Extension and further described on the Legal Notice in the foldere The property is presently classified as C-2, GENERAL COA4~'lERCIP.*..o Nao David Collins appeared before the Commission and stated that he pro- posed to sell this property on Ball Road to the Culligan SoFt Water Co. Mr. Pe He Sunne~ appear2d before the Commission as the Authorized Agent for the GUlligan Soft Nfater Service and stated that they proposed to build a 5,000 square foot building with ad?quate off-street parking. He stated that there would be very little ct:stomer parking required. THE HEARING WAS CLOSEU. Upon a motion by CaLsmissio:ter fichumacher, secor.ded hy Co~missioner Thompsan, and carried, it was voted by RESOLUTION N0. 18$ - SERIES 1955-56 to grant Variance No< 545 subject to the installation of a sidewalk on Ball Road in frontof the sub3ect property. VARIANCE PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by BRUCE COOK and ROBERT J. BARLETTA, N0, 546> 719 South Loara Street, Mahei.m, California, as owners, requesting per- mission to use the property and equipment for a Chlorination Station and Sewer Maintenance Yard. The property is described as being located on the west side of South Loara Street approximately 240 feet souin oi Alomar Avenue and consists of a parcel with 62 foot frontage on Loara ~treet and a depth of 82 feet. The property is presently classified as R-l1, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. _ Mr. Barletta appeared before the Commission and stated that he had notriing to offer other than the explanation contained in the petition. In as much, as the Joint Outfall Sewer is turning over the maintenance of their lines to a private contractor at a saving and using the present buildings which have been in existence for some time and are located on City property, it appeared that the Variance should be granted. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Upon u^aotion by Commissioner Schumacher, seconded by Commissioner Riutcel; and sarried, it was voted by RESOLUfION N0. 189 - SERIES 1955-56 to grant Variance No. 546. UARIANCE PUBLIC }~ARING. PE'fI'IIO*i submitted by VICT~R and ROSE TABAH, 8827 West N0. 547e Olympic Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California, as owners, L. E. KAGAN, Same Address, as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to erect and operate a Service Statian at the Southwest corner of East Center ~treet and South East Street. The ~roperty is further described as Lots 2 and 3 of Block C of the Lorelei TPact and is presently cl.assified as R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENIIAL. No one aFpeared in favor of granting this Var!ance for the appliciotosedtto a representative of the Texas Coe Appeared and stated that the, p p erect a Sezvice Station on this property. TF~ HEARID7G WAS CL0.SED. In as much, as a previous Variance was grarited for a Service ~tation on this corner to other owners but never materialized, it was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissi~ner Auest, and carrie9 by RESOLUTION N0. 190 - SERIES 1955-~6 that Variance No. 547 be granted. ; VARIANCE PUBLIC I~ARINGS. PETIiIONS submi..tted by F0.STER and KLEISER, P. 0. Box NOS. 549 1090, Long Beach, California, as rnmers, DAVID F.I. LARSON, Same Address, as and ~50o Authorized Agentr requesting permission to erect two 10 by 25 foot Outdoor Advertising Struciures at the following location:;: (1) To be located on Lincoln Avenue on the north side approximately 550 ~ feet vrest of CarleLOn dvenue. The property is presently classlfied - as C-2, GEtdBRAL CONDI~RCIAL. ~ ~.~~ ,~ • n ' ~ { ~ ; x{e~J' _...'""'_' __."__'___ _..__._..._....... ..._ ._ ._..._.. _..'_'..._-... _ ...__.. ....~.-' .... .. _ . ._. . ., ~ .___.. ~ - .v- ~.." ~ - _ ___' . ' '. _ ~ . ' ' z.+.i. r,yr .~~. ~arn-'.c.:.,..~..:v-..,-~r.-.,.-,.,e....~.1..... ~...... . ~ . _P„`. . . ~-r.. ~'L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'9 ~, f ~. ~ VARIANCE (2) To be located on Manchester Avenue on the east side of i~~ 5, i NOS. 549 iract No. 151. The property is presently classified as C-2, and 550 GENERAL C01~-~RCIAL. ,~, (CON7.) Mr. David Larson as representative of Foster and Kleiser appeared before the Commission and stated that the sites for these signs were leased at the time signs were allowed in the C-2, GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE. Since that time, they are only allowable in C-3. If.the City adopts an ordinance requesti.ng that the Santa Ana Freeway be- come a landscaped freeway, the signs will be removed. THE HEAFING WAS CLOSED. , Upon a motion by Commissioner Schumacher, seconded by Commissioner Thomp- son, and carricd, it was moved by RESOLUTION N0. 191 - SERIES 1955-b6 that Variances No. 549 and 550 be grantede VARIANCH PUBLIC HEARING. PrsTTIION submi~ted by DR. E. H. KERSTEN, 200 IVorth Palm N0. 551 Street, Anaheim, California, as owner~ requesting permission to erect a Service Station at the Southwest corner of North Palm Street and Y~est La PaLna Avenue, ihe area to be included would be 200 feet along North Palm Street and 200 feFt along West La Palm3 Avenue from the centerline of both of these streetse The property is presently classified as R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ~ No one appeared in favor of granting ~`.he Variance. ~ Mr, Ora Chandler~ lawyer; appeared for a atunber of the residents protest- ~ ing Lhe granting of the Variance anci b,ssed his arguments on: 1. There 3s a Se:vice Station at North Los Angeies Street and Palm Street, therefore, there is-•no'need for a Service Statiorf on this corner. 2. The sub~ect property is immediately ad~acent to the Horace Mann Elemeo- tary School and the added congestion on the street would enhance the danger to school children. _ 3. The property is not being denied rights as it could be used as present- ly zoned. , 4. According to the Anaheim Municipal Code, no one can offer arrything for sale in or along any public street, lane or thoroughfare adJoining or approaching any public park in the City, or within 200 feet of any Paxk ef any kind whatsoever, and for these reasons he beiieved that the Variance should be deniede A petition was also received from eleien (11) people jn the immediate area protesting the granting of this VariancP. TFIE F~ARIHG YlAS CLOSED, Upon a motion by Commissioner Auest, seconded by C~ommissioner Riutcel, and carried, it was voted by RESOLUTION N0. 192 - SERIES 1955-56 that Variance No. 551 be DENIED. VARIANCE PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by DONALD D, WELIS and EUGENE IH. WELIS, N0. 552 2368 Houston Street, Anaheim, California_, as owners, DONALD D. WELIS, Same Ad.dress, as Authorized Agent, requesiirag permission t~ construct and operate a Restaurant and a 10,000 square foot Shopping Center divided into approxi- mately eight (8) different stores. ':he property is described as the SautM east corner of Braokhurst Street and Orang~ Avenue and is presentl.y classi- fied as R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICIiLTURAL. The F~aperty is further described as being 385.73 feet on Orange Avenue and 660.3.~ feet on Brookhurst Street less the Service Station lot~ and is a portion o£ the NNf~ of the NW~ of th: SW} of Section 17, T4S, R10W, SoB.3. R M. _ Mr. Donald Wells appeared before the Commission and presented plans and an architectural renderirtg of the Restaurant and Store Buildings to be erected on the sub3ect property. Mr. Wells proposed to put sidewalks on Oranqe Avenue but norte c,R Brookhurst Street. TE~ HEARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Comaissioner Schumach~r, and carried, it was voted =,~ RESOLUTION N0. 193 - SERIFS 1955-5fi to grant ` _~ Variance No. 552 sub3ect to the installatian of improvements ~nd sidewalks ; as required by ordinance of the City of Anaheim, that is, n~ly, th?t a j si~eeralk be p:xt in on Brookhurst Street, as well as ota Orange Avenue. _~_ ~ : ~ r` ~r>> _ _ . _ _ _ - ~ . _._-- - ~ sh ~ ~ ' . I .6•.. 1 i ..... .. ~• rn. ~N ~~ 4 ~ .. . . ~i vpRIpNCE PUBLIC IiHARINGS. PETITIONS submitted by LEO FREEDMAN, 470 South Rox- f N0.S. 553, bury Drive, Beverly Hills, California, as owner, DAV'ID S. COLLINS, 9952 554 8 555 Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent. Mre Leo Free¢man, as owner of the property, appeared before the Commission and ~ttggested that the Commission consider Variances No. 553, 554 and 555 collectively. ~ VARIANCE N0~ 553 - Request permission to consti^act and operate a Commer- cial Linen Supply Laundry on p-operty describpd as the t South 140 feet of the North 425 feet of the East 430 ~ feet of the SE~ of the SE~ of Sec~ion 22~ T4S, R10W, S.BoB. & M. It is further described as being near the Nort}~west corner of Haster Street and Katella Avenue. The property is presently classified as R-A, RESIDENTIAL ~':~ i AGRICULTURAL. °~~ VARIANCE N0. 554 - Re~t-est permission to erect a building for Offices and ;~ Warehouse on the property described as beginning at a ;{ poir~t on Kate~la kv~nue, ~QO feet We~t of Haste~; thenoe a=; North 200 feet; thence West 200 feet; thence South 200 ;:i feet; thence East 200 feet to the point of beginning. ~; The property is presently classified as R A, RESIDENTIAL ;;{ AGRICULNRALo 1' VARIANCE N0. 555 - Request permission to erect a building as Orange County Headquartexs for the State of California Highway Patrol on property described as beginning at a point approxi- •~;; mately 645 feet North ~f Kat~~lla nvenue on Haster Street; thence South 100 feet; thence West 200 feet; thence North 100 feet; thence East 200 feet io the p~int of beginnirg. The property is presently classified as R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICUITURAL. '' Plans were presented for all three requests. THE HEARINGS WERE CL0.SED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Auest, seconded by Co~nissioner Schumacher, '~~ ar.d carried, it was vpted by RESOLUTION N0. 194 - SERIES 1955-56 to grant fI Variances Noe 553, 554, and 555 sub3ect to: 1 ;~ 1. The installation of curbs and sidewalks along Has~er Streete ?~ 2. The installation of curbs and sidewalks along Katella Avenue. 3. The deeding of 20 feet along Katella Avenue to the City of Anaheim ior street wideningo ',j 4. Building line setback to be in accordance with P-L, PARKIW-TANDSCAPIIT `l ZOlJE requirements, namely, 50 feet back from the proper~y line. VARIANCE PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by HAMAIAG GARABEDIAV, 424 North Pine~ .~ NOo 548 Street; Anaheim~ California, as owner, requesting permission to.convert a house located at 41'T North Palm Street into two Professional Offices. The ~; property is descrii~ed as Lot 3, Tract No. 426, Muckenthaler Addition and is presently classified as R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. .~i No one appeared for or against the granting of this Variance. ,_, ~~ Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Auest, and ~" ~ carried, it was voted to postpone th2 Hearing on this Variance until the - next Regular Meeting to be held on June 4, 1956. RECLASSIF~- PUBLIC ~ARING. PETITION submitted by WALKER and LEE INC., 4100 Bellflower :; CATION Boulevard, Long Beach, California, as Authorized Agent for GIADYS J. and +'; N0. F~55-56-32 RICHARD D. DEAR, 9082 Lincoln Avenue; ANGEiO J. and MARY A. SCAGLIONE, 9162 'j Lincoln Avenue; ERNEST H, and MYRTLE B. JANSSEN, 9032 South Magnolia Avenue; LENZI M. and MIIDRED I. ALIRED, 9052 South Magnolia Avenue; LEROY Ce and ;~ RUTH Mo WEIDNER, 9062 Lincoln Avenue; and KATHERINE WISE, 9044 Lincoln Avem~e, all of Anaheim, California, requesting that their properties at tFe Southeast corner of Lincoln Avanue and Magnolia Avenue consisting of approx- s: mately 660 feet along Lincoln Avenue and approximately 330 feet along Mag- ~:i _~,,,,,,,, ~ nolia Avenue; be reclassified from R A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-~, tIHAUY COMNIERCIALo -'~- ; ~: ~ ~1 RECI,ASSIFI- Mr. Wa],ker appeared before the Commission requesting that his property CATION be reclassif~ed to C~, in order that a Gas Station or possibly a Real H0. F~5-56-32 Estate and Escrow Office be located on his property at the Southeast (CON'I.) corner of idagnolia and Lincoln Avenues. It was brought out that several other property owneas in the area had sicr=~ed his petition but none of these proper•ty owners were present at the Hearing. It was also brought out that his salesman obtained their signatures on the petition after hearing that Mr. Walker was asking for a reclassifi- cation of his property and requesting that their°s be considered at the same time. He stated he had no knowledge of what these people wanted and did not know arry of them personally. In as much~ as the Commission is adopting a policy that a person or persons seeking reclassifications must present facts showing the necessity and the justification for their requested reclassification, that Mr. Walker file a new Reclassification for only his own property. Tf~ I~ARING WAS CL0.SED. Upon a motion by Commissicner Auest, seconded by Coum~issioner Gauer, and carried, it was voted by RESOLUTION N0. 195 - SERIES 1955~6 to recommend to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-55r56-32 be DENIED, The vote on the above Resolution was as follo~vs: AYESs COENNISSIONERSs Auest, Gauer, Riutcel, Schumacher, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. NOESt~ COMMISSTONERSs None. AHSEM': COMN[ISSIONERS: Hapgood. RECLA~~~I- PtJBLIC F'~..J'.R:NG. PETITIOH s•ahzitted by A7ILE3 A. S'ciF~i ~Y~ P. 0. Box 31, CATION Fullerton, California, as owner, CRAIG GRAINGER, 125 South Claudina Street, N0. F 55-56-33 Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as a portion of Vineyard Lot B, starting at a point of the inter- section of Wilhelmfna Street and the Union Pacific Right-of-way and runnirg in a Westerly direction 467.12 feet; thence 791040 feet an a Southerly direction; thence in an Easterly direction 354.71 feet; thence Northerly along~•the Uaion Pacific Right-of-way to the point of beginning be reclassi- fied from R~, MULTIPI.E FAMILY RESIDENTIAL to M-l, LIGHT MANUFACfURING. :I :% ; blr. G~aig Grainger appeared as Authorized Agent for the applicant and stated that he proposed to subdivide the property next to the railroad tracks for small'inclustrial sites with atLractive buildings that would be pleasing to any R-3, MULTIPrrE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL dwellings built on the west side of Pauliita Streeta He stated that R-3 would produce more traffic on the street if it•was kept in this reclasaification, and that the type of manufacturirg th?~: ~uld go in rould be rather light such as a CoAanercial Bakery, Electri- cal COntractor and so forth. ~ Mr. Ladi:g, 701 N. Paulina Stree~.;Mrs. Ed Langer~ 721 N. Paulina Street.; 1Nr. Glenn McCloud, 720 N. iopeka Street.; Mr. Joseph Thompson, 513 E. Syca- more Street and Mr. E. R. Nevins, 810 E. Alberta Street, all appeared before the Commis~sion opposing the grantiny of the Reclassification due to the fact that it was turned down three (3) months ago;that all the people in the azea are against the use of the property for marrufacturing due to the truck traf- fic that would be created on Eaat Wilhelmina Street and East Sycamore Street ~r~ that the applicar.t r~as arparently satisffQd with R-3 zonfng which ~ras allorrede TF~ }~ARIIJG lOAS CLCtiSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, and carried, it was moved that the Co~ission recotmnend t~ the City Council by RESOLlJTION N0. 196 - SERIES 1955~6 that Reclassi :ation No. F-55~6-33 be UENgD. The vote on the above Resolutian was as follows: AYES: CONU~IISSI0NER5s Auest, Gauer, Riutcel, Schumachez, Su~ers, Thom}r san and t~ungall. ~ NOF.Sa COh4r125STONERSt Hapgood. ABSENt: COMMISSIONERSs None. ..3.. ! g ; a i ~ . ~j y1 ~ 7 _ _ __ _ . _ _._ . ~ -___ __...___ _ _ _. _-~-_" ~ ~- __. _ _._. .._ ,~.~ , a ~ ~ . ~~` ~` ~ ) ~ T ~ ~ ~. , ~ . ,L I~CIASSEFI- Pl~LIC ~~Rn~r, PECITICN submitted by ARVO FALLQN, 11346 Imperial High- S:HTION way, Kanralk, Califar~ia, as assner, C. I. CI.AFtK, Same Address, as Author- 3~(3„ F~6~6-34 ized Ageat, requesting that the property described as the South ~ of the 1K~theast s of the Southeast 4 of the Northeast ~ of Sectior~ 12, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. 8 I[., be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-1, 1~Z(~ O~IAL. The property is further described as being approxi- matelY five (5j acres bounded on the North by Greenleaf Street on the West birttancata Street and bordered on the East by Magnolia Avenue. I~o c~e app~~ared to represent the agplicant for this Reclassification. 1lr. Ted B. Axtrey, 724 Yagrtolia Avenue and Ralph Wiens, 725 Nancita Street ~Qe~.~d before the Co~ission aad stated that in view of the large shopping aaea paojected for tDe corner of Idagnolia Avenue and West La Palma Avenue, tl~r ~'id uot feel that.one at the very middle of a large residential area at fhfs poiirt ~ras necessary. Tlzey presented a petition containing eighty- faa (84) naaes protesting against the Reclassification. TF~ HEARING rJIS CI~. ' ilpan a motioct b1r Co~issianer Gauer, seconded by Commisioner Hapgood, and carried, it wras wted by RESOLUfION TJO. 197 - SERIES 1955-56 to recommend to ~.~ C~ty Counci3 that Reclassification No. F-55-56-34 be DENIED, 7he vate on the above Resolution was as follows: AYYrSS: C~J9[ISSIOI~RS: Auest, Gauer, Hapgood, Riutcel, Schumacher, 5~ers, 'I~tompson and Mungall. ~: a i~+.~iv,~~: a~vi~c• A~Ls Q71YtISSIO~BS: Noae. R~U~IFI- P[~I.ZC F~JIFtIIK~. PE7ITION submitted by ROY W. SOLOMON. 219 West Hardy S'J-YI(IIt Street, Iaglewood, ~alifornia, as owner, requesting that Lots 1 and 2 N(3. F-56s.~u-~.~ of Bloet 17 of Fai•rview Colotvy Tract be reclassified from R~, RESIDENTIAL liL~~T~iLt-[JiliL to 8-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENiIAL. It is further described as beieer~ oa tAe Mest side of Ninth Street approximately 1337 feet South of Ceaitos Averwe and consists of 20 acres. itr. Taa UcLaughtin appeared as AutAorized Agent for the applicant Mr. ~q Salamon and stated that the property lying ~ust south and bordering on a zai2road tsact shonld be sost saitable for a R-3 Development. THE tiHARING LlS CLOSm. tipan a~otioa by Co~.issioner Thompson, seconded by Cotmnissioner Schumacher~ ~ ca:~~~, ~t ~s ~rated by RESOLUfI0i3 N0. I98 - SfiRIES 1955-~6 that the Co~issioct reco~end to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-55-56-35 be granted subject to putting an R-1 buffer along Ninth Street for the depth af aae lot. ine vote aa the =Uo~e Resolution was as folloxs: AYES: COIOfZSSIO[~RS: Auest, Gauer, Hapgood, Riutcel, S~humacher, Sti~ers, Thompson and Mtmgall. !6(FSs O~I~I~EiS: NoAe. Affi'E![fs C~N[ISSIO~s Morte. R~CIllSSIFY- PI&iL~ F~ARIlIG. PELIIIOii ~uh~itted by ELI7ABETH D. G~1AMg and ROSE D. GYI~ ~IDE, 24I9 North Amalfi, Pacific Palisades, California, as owners, t~. ~~55-j.~-36 ~ T~e~F- D. CflAft~, Same Address, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the propex~ty described as in the Yfest Z of the Southeast ~ of Sec~ica ].2, ~45, BY2Y, S.B.B. 8 F[. consisting of 303.59 foot frontage on Lincoln Avenue and 3QI.I feet on Hel Air Street be reclassified from R~, RESIDENT3AL AQtDCtdLTU~AL to: (a; 'E~e cxr.ar ca~isting af 200 fset on Lincoln Avenue and 300 feet on 3e2 Air Street to he C~, HEAVY CO110rIERCIAL. (b) 2he next East 100 feet on Lincoln Averrue and 300 feet deep to be slassffied at 2east as C 2~ GENERAL COGR~RCIAL. -6- ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ , ~ . ., ' ~ ~~ ~y -. -~ F?ECLASggI- '~ L4~ ~~~ Ca~i4~ian a~ ~tated that she wished to CATION ~av= ~~~**~*~~ at S~ ~s six~t ancY Lincnln Avenue reclassi- NOe F~~b-3b ~'~ 3:~ ~~r3 i_*~ ~~~c• ~~ri.~ ~'-~~ ~ tfz~ 6alauce of the property {CpNi,) ~ar L-1„ 1~C~3~~" ~hh~ ~tec~ that the service road along I.in~nln .~v~n~ ~~a~-~=~s ~sc ia Cacuzty t~rritory and tnat the service rDad srnul~ ~a~ s~ts ~a"c =T~F~= ~a~ Lead trafLic off of Lincoln Avenue. ?~ ~ ~ 'r-t~-~ ~nn ~ ~rotian fi,y ~=--~*n*~- ff~aar s~canded by Commiss.:oner Riutcel, ~nd s~, "~.+. ,.~ ~ fig• ~ NQ. L99 - SERIES 1955-36 that the ~~~ian ~~~ G~tp.c• CassnciL th~t the Nfest 200 .`eet alcng ?iT~v1a 3~~n~ ~-~--~~_ ~~- ~ar C~ amct that the balance of 100 feet be r~r1a~~~ i~ Tr~. ?~ ~mt~ aa ~ ~~ ~± :,+-r~••* +~ ~ fallaws: ~~ ~~- ~rr~ ffapaao~, Rfutcel, Schumacher, ~,--~-~T I~a~asz, anc~ Mungall. NQS: ~~ ~AIIa - - s-- ~a~t~ RECIJISSIFI- ~I~I.IC ~t~i~,. ~' ~T ~~ ~ l~g l4LEi~Ei3 P. and ELIZABETH D. CHAMIE CATION ~ad ~ T~'=C1~S ~i CQ_, L4Z4 Korth Amalfi, Pacific Palisades, N0. ~-55 56-37 rai~{*+*-*^~ ~, =srrr~„ ~`~ II~ C~r ~au~ Address, as Authorized Agent, r$~ ~~~*~-~~*~' m~ihe~ a~ ~ the West ~ of the West ~ of ~e T.,nut~ ~ iii ~~*~-~* ~ a~ ~ct~art I2, T4S, R11W, SaBoB. 8 M. con- ..a.,..+- ~ s s~. c,,ee+-r,,s .... c~~ ga c~ ?? fo ~."..~ ~ ,..._ ..~. r a^.ton Avenu zr.d 3 at ~n Z=+„~~„ m~m-^-~•_-, ~••°•-r~=~,~ ta C~T F~htl7t CON44~RCIAL. ~ 7Ers. L~ ~s-gsn ~~ tts~ Ca~s~ioa and stated that this propa~- fy ~~ ~~ a£ ~~~ ~s rra~ beinq handled by Coldwell ~ank~s ~n. ~nd ~=*~v~ns:~ ~g 6~ ~ Servfce Station on the corner, ~nss3'vs~y ~~ S~ ~~=~`a~~ a Hov~Iing nlley. TFiE HEARIi~G V~AS CLOS ED.: 11~vn ~~++~•+*+ fig ~~ s~ca~e~ byr Co~issioner Thompson, arrl zarr~'?~, ~~~~ ~~ H~ 7QQ - SERIES 1955-56 that the ~n~vn ~~~ G~'-go Ca~L tiiat Reclassification No, F-55-56-37 ~~~ ~~, ~- ~rr~t-r~ af curbs, gutters and sidewalks along .~it3~Dn ~ 'T~r.rr,-tT, ~Amrm~-- ~2 7/Dfp DII ~ ~~'s' ~53~ffiL VIff~'s ~s fQu~: ~i~5s ~~- ~rT ff~gaad, [~utcel, Schvmacher, ~,, 'Qiom~san ancf Iflnngall. NflSz ~ ~s ~ RECLI.~SI~'I- ~'TT~T~ ~ ~° ~- - CATION N0. F ~~-~6-3$ FiECLASSI~I- ~~. ~~T'~ ~ Fig ZEII~t L. DIER, Randolph Field, San CATION ~-*+f~~r, ~~x~., ~~r I~ ~ Y~, I05~3 South Los Angeles Street, NO> F-553G.39 ~3m, ~~~~tr s~~s'ciag that the PropertY r1~s~'+~ ~~~~` ~ a~ t~ ~ant~~t ~ of the Seutheast ~ of T~ztiva 17~ ~„ ~~ ~~~~ x~eIassi£~ed fram R-A, RESIDENTIAL ~, ~ 3i~, ~~ II~ ~I/4L_ The p~operty is further d~a3~ ~~ mn ~~~~ af H~.L1 Koad between Euclid Avenue ~d 2~tr~mmiri ~~ f • f 'M,.__ idr~ Z~n ~,. ~~ a~ ~d Etg~rrt for the owner and stated ~3sat ~ 3~d a~ =~- ts ~rE ~ wb~t was specified in the appli- ~ ~tia~.. :~s ~'•°',~ ~; ;-r~s 13~nn ~~vn 3sy ~~T secanded ~y Co~issioner Gauer, ~ad ~, ~~-•--- apc ~ 1~C7. 2QL - SFRIES 1955~6, that the ' ~an a~ ~~ ~ C~tac r'~*n--Fr ttsat E~classification No. F-55-56-39 { ~e ~av~ ~~~~ a~ ~I fe~t ~Iattg BaII Road for widening. i i e ~ ~ ~ ~ "._.-__'~ _ . . __ _.._ ... ..._. . . __ _.. __ _._. ._ _. __' _' - ~ , ~ u I ' _ _._ ~~ _ . : ~ ~ ~ : ~~ ~ 5 1 1 r ;.t n~ 'd ;a P~ . ~i i~ ~i ~.~ ~ ~ n, WHEREAS, Our progressive and hard xrc~r3ciag ~ity ~3T! ~~--~Z~ our Mayor, witr the help of the Chamber r~ ~~* ~~~.~ aQag . large Industrial Plants ar.d Disneyla~ ~~ ~~.~~ ~~ a~ ~rs~ c~ '~ze fastest growing cities in the United ~tat,ES; ~ad WHEREAS, We are located in the zent~r ~~~Dr~~ ~~ ~~a~ `~ prospect of becoming the largest playgrownd ~~~~si~ ~ cr~ i3a~ Pacific Coast, and perhaps by the end o~ t~e seatss; 3~ 3~s~.~ ~ United States, if plans are properly made; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED t2iat ~~~m ~~*-R Cr~g Cvuncil for their ~urtsideration ihe follrneixs~ x1~~ aa3 ~= A CIVIG CENTER, perhaps locatist~ it in ti~e ~sQat +~-~~ ^^ ^'K~ ~~ ~~-= _ it a combination of Civic Center and C317~ ~~ '~BD~CT ¢~ as:? ~iar streets leading into the heart of the Ci'L~ ~~.1 !G~m3ry ~s ~,.~ exten5ive lighting for these streetse ~0113I~ a 1~ ~:ag ~c.+t~ t~ acres or more, where oux• business pe~le sad t~3~ ~ z e~a ~ic `~*r cars using shuttie converances to taYe ti~em ~io ~c ~=~~T ~~~i ness, leaving our present parkitg spacss i~s i~ ~~st m~ 3~ ~'i~ ~r c~ta- mer parI:inge A CITY OWNED BUS system to 3~e ~~t,~3as~3 ~~~~ ar~. Time is the essence and we believe t~is ~giam, ia ~a~a, ~r~~ a~ ~ompleted in two yearse ~-8- REVISED TENTA- The Revised Te~tative Map of I'ract No< iB86 aras ~~ a~ ~-s~fa¢~ TNE !MP OF This tract is located on the South Side n~ L'raae ~~+~ ~'^~9 ~r~~t TRACT N0. 1886 and che SaP.ReRo tracks. Tt;e subdivider 3s t~he ,L~.~t'!:~ ~P"~~ ~ i~~ ~:atr~ Street, Anaheim, California. The tra~t cnntaans'95 3~"-.~. REVISED TENTA- TIVE MAP OF F TRACT N0. 2820 Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconde~ ~ir ~~MS.z~ ~-~-=...F--, and carried, it was moved to deny acceptance a~ ~~ri-~d 3~'..r`~ d~g of Tract Noo 1886 on account of lot si~~s ~nd i~at 33~ s~im~_~ c~ ~~- ted to file for a Variancea The Revised Tentative Map of Traot Noo 2B2D a~ua~ ~~? 3m ~~~=:ac. This tract is located on the South side af ~~a^3~ ~^~.~ ~auc~ to West La Palma Avenue and 536.4D feet Qast a~ 7Gas~h ~st 5~~.. ~ sia- divider is DELBERT CLUFF, 8129 State Stree~, ~a~~, tC~~*~*^~^r~.. ~ tract contains 35 lotse Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, se~onded ~y L~~~=i~-_ ~+~*+_"~. ar.c carried, it was moved that the Revised ?~a~tiv~ ~~ 7~ 3m. ~~e held over until 3une 4, I95o ai whicY~ ti~ ~ y~~~•~- ~.u~ ~:.~,:~: ,~ lot sizes in this tract. TENTATIYE MAP The 'fentativ2 Map of Tract No, 3D67 was ~~~~nt,~xl t~ 3~ ~~+++~+^c=~+~* ~~_ OF TRACT tract is located on the South side of Orange.~~ ~st ~ Z~ 3~. ~a s N0. 3067 and north of Tract Noo 2377 and west o~ t3ie ~~ry mm ~¢7~ ~v~~ ~ subdivider is C. P. MIDDLEB~OK, 2415 West ~rcarisa3+, ~a~m, ~~r~~T- The tract contains 43 lots. Upon a motion be Commissioner Thompson, serond~d ~y ~~n~ ~gaac, and carried, it was moved that the ?en~ti~ ~~ i~r* s~ 3~a, ~ approvice3. TENTATIUE MAP The 'Ientative Map of Trac'c No. 3064 was ~r~Qntad 3s ~~~~.~"~. ~s OF TRACI tract which is proposed for light ir~y#ri31. r~ ~_ ~* ~~~s' N0. 3064 Wilhelmina .Street and East Sycamore ~-tr~t jnst a~-~ ~ 3~ ~ 5.~ r T~ ~ tracks, The subdividers are MIIFS A. ~~3K£'Y, 3~.5 ~~ ~~ ~~ Drive, La Habra, California and IiUGi~ l~ABDEW, ~9 ~~ ~s~ c3Era~r ~=YT~~= Californiao The tract contains 10 lots, Upon a motion by Commissioner Auest, seconden 3~g ~~~~ ~~''T, ~ carried, it was moved that approval o~ ?~atat3s~ ldap a~ ~ r.~,-. 3(~t t~ DENIED on account of `he denial of Reclassi~izatiaa ~na ~-~~+-~'~'"s,. CIVIG Coimnissioner Schumacher presented a Resoluti~n ~~a7.3~= BETTERMENT ~• ~4 __._._~..._...___._._1 ... .. ........ ........ ... ................... i • ! .. .i . ' .,. ..,_,..__.. .... ...._:-,.. ..:..,.... . . .. _-- -' .._... ... . .. .. ....._. ._....__ ...............................~4.,..~ . .. ~......, . . . . . ...~........... .. ...~ ~^^ ' ~. ~, ~l~ w i ~ CIVIC TFiEREFORE we further reco~nnend immediate study of the above gETTgRMENT su~gested improvements and develapments, and also of the methods necessary (CONT.) to iinance all or any part of this program to be acceptedo We further recommend that a Committee be appointed to accelerate these studies. The above Resolution will be numbered RESOLUTION NOo 202 -•SERIES 1955-56. i 1 Upon a motion by Cownissioner RiutceZ, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, and ~ carried~ it was moved that &FSOLU'fION H0. 202 - SERIES ~955-~6 presented I by Comnisslvt~ Schmnacher be adopted and fonrarded to the City Council ~ for considerationo The vote on the above Resolution was as followsc ' AYESs COI~M!ISSIONERS: Auest, ~'iauer, Hapgood, Riutcel, Schumacher, Sumwers, Thompsan and Mvngall. NOES : CA1bYlIS5I0NERS : None. ~ ABS~N'Ts CO'MrviYSSIGivERS: i3u~~eo ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 6s15 0'Clock P. M. ~ , , 4cre ary APPROVED• ~ - ---,~ ~i- __ _ ~ ~ ^9- ; ~ , % . ~ s~ . _. ~ . _._ . __ . ~ __ ___.__