Minutes-PC 1956/06/04 $ ~! ~ • r ~. t ~ /~ ~1. ) 3 i ~~ ~ I i . June 4, 1956 City Hall Aaaheim~ Cal3fornia MIH'JPFS OF THE REQJIAR MSflTING OP Tf~ CITY PIANNING COMMISSION REGUTAR The Regnlar Meetiag of the City Plaffiing Commission was calied to order at ~STIAIG 2:02 O•Clock P. M. by CHAIRMNN SUFAlHRS, a quornm being present. PRSSffi~if CfIAIRMAN SUTA~RS, 00-QIISSIOI~RSi Anest, Riutcel, Schssmncher, Thompson and Mungail. oQl~lISSIOI~R Hapgood entered the Meetiag at 2:40 0'C~ock P. M. QOi~Y~lISSIOI~R Ganer enYered the Meeting ut 3:00 0'Ciock P. M. 00l4tISSIOI~ffiR Thompson retired from the Nleeting at 4:58 O'Clock P. M. MINOTES The Minntes of the Adjonrned Regular Meeting of May 21, 1956 xere approved as printed. VARIANCB PQBLIC F~ARING. PETI?ION held over from May 21, 1955 meeting. MR. HAMAIAG N0. 548 C~RAB~IAN, 424 ?~arth Pine Street, Anaheim, Caiifemia, nppeared before the Co~isaion and stated that he had nothing to add, except that !he front of the bnilding xill be remodeied attractively and that the propose8 offices wnid be nsed solely for poctors aad Dentists. Tf~ HEARING MAS CiASBD. IIpon a motion by Co~isstoner Auest, seconded by Co~issioner Schumacher~ aed carried, 3t va8 POt4d b9 RESQIATION N0. 203 - SERIHS 1955-56 tQ p!~'1t Variaace No. 548 sub,ject to the rEatai of Lhe offices for oniy Doctors and Deatiats aad tbat the present setback of bniidings be msiatained. RHVIEft PtJBLIC I~ARING. PETITION submitted by DONAID D. WSLLS, of IVAN~WELLS AND ~NS, 2368 Honston Street, Anaheim, Caiifornia, reqe~esting a Speciai Use Permit to alirnr a aon-profit corporation to constrnct a 25 X 50 foo! miai- mmn Sxi~niag Poal sad Co~unity Cln1b Honse~ a! a later date. !(rs. Robinson, 1258 Aetna Street, Aaaheim, Caiifornia, appeared before the~ Co~ission represtnting some of the property oaraers i* Tract No. 2659 who ~es3r~ to form a non-profit argnnizstioa to build s sKi~ing pcai atid clutr^ houge. It is expected that fo~Ly per cent of the people in the tract will join this organization, which nili be limited, ss only 250 persons can be acco~noctated. It is expected that iots 102, 103 and 104 will be given by the :snbdivider to the non-profit organization for these facilities. 1i~ FiF14RliHG YfAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Co~nissioner Anest, seconded by Commissioner Schnmacher, aad ci^.rried, it ras voted by RHSOLUTION N0. 204 - SBRIHS 1955-56, to issue a Spec.ial IIse Permit that rili be granted to a nc.n-profit orgsnization rep- resen4.fag certain property oxners ia Tract ido. 2F.~9 having awimming poo2, accessocy bnildings and so forth on Iats 102, 103 and 104 and sub~ect to the foiioring conditions: i. A six (6) foot Masonry rall to be erected surrounding these faciiities. 2. lhese Faciiities may not be rented ouL to any othera not living ia Tract No. 2659. RBCIASSI~I- PfBLIC F~AR:.NG. PETITION snbmitLed b~ 1~fAI~'R snQ LBE, 4100 Be3lfioaer' Bonie- CATION vard, Loa~ Bear$, California, as ornera, reqnesting thnt the property at the N0. F-55-56-44 Southeast torner of Magablia and Lincola A~ennea be reclaeai~ied from R-A~ RESIDENfIAL A(~tICOLTURAL to C-I, I~IGf~ORHO~-COIrAffiRCIAL. The property is fnrther descri'aed as the Hsat 35 feet of th! West 168 feet of the North 16S ; feet of the NMT} of Section 18. T4S, R1011, S.B.B. & M. excepting therefrom S mt uadivided 3/Sth interest in tbe Sonth 13 feet of the North 165 fett of " thc Hast 27 feet of the West I50 feet of the NW~ of Section 18. ; !g. Lee of lfalter asfd Lee, appesred before the Co~niasion and staled thaL ~ :;,~ teaired to remo8ei tHe prearnt stractare oa the propertq and aee aaRe f~a a Resl-Bs:ate a~i Sscru~ offiee. li4 tLe pres~n3 t3me~ ao ~e::=~e s:a:3aa ~ i~ contes~-lat~d nr.d if, at a lnter daLe, they deaire to n~~e this propert~ ~ for sseh nse, a Yuian~e tf11 Ix reqaea4ed. ~ I~ARII~ iiAS CTASBD. ~ ~ ~ -1- ~ . . ~ .. . ~ .~ --- __ -- ,y ----- -- - ~ - - ~ ~-, _ _ _ ~ f. ~ ~ ,^~ ~..,~ ~' ; t ~ i R~~;~.SSI~i- ~gaa ~ motioa bp Co~issioa°r S~*~c*_er, secor.saed 6q Coma3ssioner Thompson, CATION and carried, it xns tlpted to reco~end by RESOLt1Ti0N HO. 205 - SERIBS 1955- iNO.F-SS-S6-44 56 to the City Conacii that RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-55-56-44 be approved snb- (CONr,) 3ect to: 1, Arranging xith the State High~ray Department for the land necessary for the ridening of Lincoln Avemie. 2. The deeding to the Citq of Anaheim of 20 feet along the East side of Magnolia Avemie for street ridening. 3. The instaiiation of cnrbs, gatters, and sidexaiks siong Lincoln and Magnolia Aveanes. 4. The providing of off-street parking on the s~bject property. The vote on the above Resolntion vas as foliaxs: AYES: COA4~fISSiONERS: Anest, Rintcel, Schcmacher, Suarmers, Thompson and Mnngali. DT4~HS; QONAfISSIONERS: None. ABSHNfa COM~lISSIONERS: Ganer, Hapgood- ~-ARIANCH PCIBLIC I~ARII s. PETITION submitled by PRIIDENPIAL HONIES, INC., 5534 Meirose N0. 556 Ave:rue, Hoilyxood~ California, Lessee, lIEIROSB SIGN SERVIGE, Same Addrass, as Anthorized Agent, reqnesting permission to erect a temporary siga at 1608 East Center Street to advertiae the first saie of homes and lots in Tract No. 1697. The sign xiil be 10 % x5 feet on property described as the Northeriy 305.25 feet of the Nest seven (7) acres of the NW~ of Lot 10~ Anaheim Bxtension. No one appeared for or against the grantiag of the proposed vsriance. Tt~ HBARI'r(G WAS CLOSED. UYaa s~: tian ~.^,.~,~s~~aaer 2`.~~sanz seca-..Ged ~ Commissioaer Riu.cel, and r_arried, it ~tas voted by REStliATION NC?. 206 - SERIES 1955-56 to grant Variaace No. 556 subject to the nine conditions. 1. Signs shali be a maxi~ size of 10 x 25 feet. 2. Signs wili be permitted for a maxi~ period of 6 months or less. 3. A permit must be taYea shY rith the Bnilding Departmeat. 4. The name of the siga company mnst appear on every siga erected. 5.. Sigas mnst be 10 feet bact of the right-of-tiray line of anp street or highwap, 6. At the intersection of the streets, the signs mnst be set back 25 feet. 7. Ali signs shall have a 6 foot ground ciearance. 8. The fee per sign shall be 525.00. 9. Sign variances sl~ail be pe=misted for direciional signs gdvertising onlq tracts within the city limits of Anaheim. ~ VARIANCB PUBLIC E~ARING. PfiTITION snbmitted by CHARLES R. HOSANSON, 844 North Clemen- N0..557. tine Street, Arahei~, Califomia, as ouaer. L. B. ROQUET, 127 West Broad- r~ay, Anaheim, California, as Anthorized Ageat, seqnesting permission to erect a drrelling, four (4) feet froa the property line. Tae propert; ia~ described as Lot 4, Biock B of Tract No. 399 and fnrther described as 813 North Clemen- tine Street. No one appeared for or against the granting of this Variance. TElE HSARING WAS CIASSD. Qpoa a motion by Co~issioner Anest, secoaded by Co~issioaer Mnngail, and carried, it aas voted by RESOLDTI0;12~D. 207 - SHRIBS 1955-56 to grant Yari- ance No. 55T. VARIANCB PUHLIC Fg'ARING. PBTITIOiS s~itted by TRIIDY RI(~ARDS, 305 Robertson Bonle- r NOS. SS8, vard, Beverly Hills, California, as Snbdivider, ORANGE OOUNTY ERPEDIIDRS, ; 559,560, 2202 Sonth Magholia Avemte, Santa Ana, California, as Anthorized Agent, ; AND 561. reqnestiag permissioa to erect four te~porary directional s3gas to advertiae the firsL ssle of hoaes a~ lots in Tract No. 2501. The signs, each 10 X 25 feet. Mill be located at the folloxing locatioas: 1. The Eest side of Brookhurst Street, 200 feet Santh of Broadxay. 2. The Southwest cor~er of 4 Bronkhurst a~nd Broadxay. 3. The Sonthrest corner of Enclid Avenue aad Broad- ' vray. 4. One-hnadred (100) feet Sonth of the Sonthxest comer of Euciid and ~ '~ Broadxay. ~ -2- ~ % ~ i ' ~ ~ ~, __. _..___ _ _____ . _._ __.. _. _ ... __. , . ,;_ -- ~ ~"~ ~ ~~ i ~ ~ ~ 1 F 1 VARIANCS NOS. 558, ~ 559, 560 AND 561. C00N'P. ) 1. Signs shall be a maximum size of 10 by 25 feet. ".. Signs wiil be permitted for a mat3m~ period of 6 months oz less. 3, A permit must be takea ont roith the Huilding Departmeat. 4. The name of the siga company mnst appear on ev~x~sign ezected. 5. Signs must be lfl feet back of the right-of~rap line of aay street or highway. 6. At the intersection of the sfreets, the signs mmst be set bact 25 feet. 7. A11 signs shall have a 6 foot ground ciearance. 8. The fee per sign shall be $25.00. 9. Sign variances shall be permitted fnr directional sigas advertising oniy tracts within the city limits of Anaheim. VARIANCB YUBLIC HEARING. PHTITION snbmitted by GEORGE M, liOLSYEIN aad SbRS, 166 Eass N0. 562 17th Street, Costa ~fesa, Califoraia, as snbdivider, DAI~ A. SC~INUSr, sa~e address, as Authorized Agent, requesting a renerral of sign peraits granted on VARTANCS NOS. 396-401 inclusive. Taese signs are adveriisivg boaes am lots in Tract No. 2425. No one appeared for or against these Variances. ~~RZPG 1tAS C7ASID. II~on a motion bq Commissioner Schumacher, seconded by Coaissioaer Rapgood. and carried~ it was voted b~ RESOLDTION H0. 208 - SERI£S 1955-55 to great Variance Nos. SS8 throngh 561, s~b3ect to the nine co~itions_ Dir. Dale Scheinost appeared before the Commission a~ stated that at tLe l;resent time they only had 155 homes ont of 250 contemplated ~der constrnc- lion snd tha: they aere as~i.zg for ~ e~~asioa of 5 ~a*rs cas *~° ~~~e ~€ tt;esehouse~ and lots in Tract No. 2425. THE F~'ARING NAS CLO6'ID_ Upon a motion by Commissioner Riatcei~ secondea by Commissioner ~cnowscber, and carried, it x*as voted by RESQLOTION N0. 209 - SERIFS 19~5-56 to grant an extension for 6 months on these sign variances at the iocaYions stated in Variance'No~. 396 to 401 iaclnsive. VARIANCS PUBLIC HBARING. PETITION snbmitted by DELBERT E. CLIIFF, 8129 State Street, N0. 563 Southgate~ California, as subdivider, JOHN H. MII7.FiT, 201 Soath Po~ona Street, Pnilerton, Caiifomia, as Authorized Agent~ reqnestiag a~~IVFlt of the 70 foot frontage reqnirements to 60 feet on Tract No. 2820 located bet- treen Romneqa Drive and West La Paima Avenne East of North Nest Street. Mr. ~~hn Miilett appeared before the Commission a~ statcd tbat Tract ito. 2820 h~~ been approved xhile stiil in the Coanty tezritory, bat before construction could start, the area was aanexed to the City of Anaheia_ Lots as originaliy approved by the Connty met their standard of Sti feet ;rant~gs. Tf~ HEARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Co~issio~r Sch~acher, and carr3ed, it r.~s voted by RESOLIITION N0. 210 - SERiFS ~S+SS-55 ~a g:.at Variance No. 563 for a minimum of 60 foot iots in Tract No. 2820. TSNTATIVB MAP The Tentative Map of Txact No. 2820 xas presented to tLe Caaissioa. Eais OF TRACT N0. Tract is iocated East of North West Street ia betreen Ra~ne~a Drive aad Mest 2820 7~a Palma Avenue. The subdivider is ~ELBERT E. CLIIFF, 8129 Stste Street, gouthgate~ Caiifomia~ The tract contains 35 lota. vpon a motion by Commissioner Auest, seconded by Co~issioner Hapgood, a~ ~arried, it was voted to approve the Tentntive Mnp of Tract ?Zo. 2826 sabject to: 1. The payment of 1~renty-five dollars per lot for the uqnisition of Park and Recreation sites. 2. Engineering Reqniremeats. VARIANCB ~UBLIC I~ARING. PBTITION snbmitted bq GEORGE J. ~L~ snd AS90CIAg,S, Nfl. 564 ~.44 South La Brea Avenue, Los Angeies, California, as svbdiv3der, reqaest- ing a WAIVER of the front yard setibacks xith the excention of Lots 1-21 inciuaive and Lots 43-59 inclusive of Tract No. 2489 a~ Lots 1-16 of Trsct No. 2575 nhich ~liali remain at 25 feet. Also reqnzstisg that detuhed garages on comer lots be elio~aed ei 10 feot setbact. -3- a ~ ~ ~ a 1 T ] e j ~ , I ~ ~ ~ i tt~ ,, r ~ __ ._......_ ..,..__..__.____._..._..__--- -..._---~~~~~ C ~ ~ ,~ ~f ~F + ~ VARIA.tiCS No ona appeureh for ok agai~st the grhnting bf this Variance. Tf~ HEARINf,• ~ N0. 564 WA5 GIASED. (CANf.) . ~` I *Jpoa a motion by Commissi~ner Aueat~ seconded by Commisaioner Mungall, and carried, it wab voted.by RESOLUTION N0. 211 - SERIBS 1955-56 that Variance No. 564 be gra~ted fos~ the variances bf the front yard setbacks and the ~ detached garag~s on corner lots as requested. ~ARIANCB PUSLIC HBARIHG: PETIT~ON submitted by DISNSYT.AND, INC., 1313 Harbor BonYe- NO. 565 ~ard~ Anahe3m „ Califor~ia, as oro~mer, UNITED OUTDOOR ADWRTISING CO:, 5350 Atiantic AvenuE, Long each, Califoraia~ as At~thorized Ag~nt, reqnesting permission to trect on. 10 X 25 foot ~oster pRnel on propertq iocated 235 feet North of Cerritos.:lvenne on the West sidb of South West StrCet. The aign wili be uked to c~rrq copy for Richfield Oil Co. Mr. Dedinger, representhtive of Dianeqland, In~C:~ appeared before the Commission and stated tAat the proposed sign wbuld be erected on Sonth West Street and wouid advertise the Richfield Service Station at the cor- ner of Winston Aoad and Sou'th Weat Street which is not apparently getting its fair share of b~~ine~s due Lo~the'fact that people leaving Disneyland do no't see this stat~on Which gt- presenti--is iocated in the coraer of an orange grove. 1~ HEpRING WAS CIASP:;.: Upon a motion bq Commissioner Schumacher, seconded by Commissioner Ganer, and carried, it t~ voted by RHSOLUTION N0. 212 - SERIHS 1955-56 to deny Variance No. 565 due to the fact that it has been the feeliag of the Com- misaion that no advertising signs except for the sale of properties shonld be allowed on s*.reets nea: D:sneqla~d. VARIANCB PiTBLIC HBARING. PETITION submitted bp PQSTER and RLEISER CO., 142g fAag- N0. Sb5 nolia etvenue, Long Beach, California, as iessee, GBORGE pAST~DN, P. O. Box 69, Anaheim~ Caiifornie, as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to erect an Advert3sing sign 12 X 50 feet on a portion of Section 22, T4S, R1Qh', S,B.B..& M, located ,just South of the Hdison Co, transmission lines on th~ Weat side of Aarbor Bonievard. Mr. George Easton appeared before the Commission and stated that he desired to have this sign erected on his property soleYy for the re*~enae ~rhich might be derived. 1HE HEARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Anest, seconded by Co~issiener Hapgood, and carried, it was moved by RBSOLUTION N0. 213 - SERIES 1955-56 to deny Vari- ance No. 566 for the same reason as that containe3 under Variance No. 565. YARZ~4NCE PUBLIC HHARII~. PBTITION avbmitted bq BIiTLER-HARBOUR CONSTRUCTION CO,, N0. 567 9741 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim~ California~ as snbdivider, MHRRILL BUTLER, JR,, Same Address, as Authorized Agent, requesting front yard setbscks of 20 feet for the following lots in Tract No. 2780; Lota 1-10, 21-30 and 34-38 incln- sive and tta t the rear yard be reduced from 2S feet to ; Lo4 5 io 12 feet, Lot 8 to 21 feet, Lot 21 to 21 feet~ Lot 27 to 21 feet, Lot 30 to 21 feet and Lot 35 to 21 feet. This trnct is located on the North side of Liacoln Avenue, Sast of Stanton Avenue. No one appeared for or against the granting o£ this Variance. TI~ HEARING WAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompaon, seconded bq Commiasioner Riutcel, and carried, it r.+~s moved by RESOLI.TTTON N0. 214 - SfiRIBS 1955-56 to grant -~ Variance No. 567~ for front and rear yard setbacks as stipuiated in the applications. VARIANCH P'UBLIC HEARING. PETITION anbmitted by GRIPFITH BROS., 922 West Ceater Street, N0. 568 Anaheim, California~ as subdividers, HSNRY JONHS CORPORATION, 2015 i~orth Main - Street, Sattta Ana, California, as Authorized Agent,.=equesting s WAIVER of the 70 foot :rontage requirement and 7200 square fcot area to 60 foot front- age and 6000 square foot are~tR in Tract No, 1886. This tract ir located Sonth of Crone Avenue and East of Loara Street. Mr. Harry Griffith appeared before the Commisaion and stated t~at this Tract ~~~ is a continuation of Tract No. 2155 and 4he honaes will be of the snme chnr- ~ ac4er. All tracta surr~nding this Tract No. 1886 have 60 foot frontaaea. I ; TFffi HHARING WAS CIASRD. ~ ; ~4 ' ' ~ y t, ----_... .--.__.__. ~ ....... ....... . ... . . . ..... _...... __.__..._.___ . .__.. _ 1 ~ _.__... -- -.. ~ _ -.. _ . .. .. . d~'; ~ i"i~ ' i 11 ' `~ i~ VARIANCE IIpon a mntion by Commissioner Aaest, seconded by Commissioner Schumncher~ N0. 568 and carrled, it was v~t~d b~ RHS(~IAJTION N0. 215 - SHRiES 1955~56 to grnnt ((~B,T.) Yariance No. 568 for th~e 1ot~ shown en a 1~ntative Map of Tr.act No. 1886. ffiNfATIVE MAp The Tent~ative Map of Trect No. ].886 was presented to the Commisaion. This )g TRpCT Np. tract is located on the Soath side of Crone Avenue between Loara Street and 1886 the S.P.R.R, tracks. The subdivider is the Crone Company,°6 Griffith Bros., ; 922 West Center Street, Anaheim, California. The tract contains 95 lots. Ugon a motion by Commissioner Auest~ seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Tract MapNo. 1886 be approved scb-• ject to: 1. The paqment of twenty~£ive dollars {~er lot for the acqnisition of Park and Recreation sites. 2. Engineering Requirements. .C.IASSIFI- PUSLIC HI:ARII~. PETITION submitted by OLIVSR G. BARER, 9131 Stanton Avenue, CA7ZON Anaheim~ Califomis, and three other appiicants, MARY JANE PFEIL, 9742 3. F-55-56-4d Lincola F,~eane, Anaheim~ Califo~ia, ROBERT E. STEELE, 114 Penfield Street, Pomona, California, and ELIZABETH IANCASTHR, 1338 Atlantic Avenne, Long Beach, Culifornia, as owners, reqnesting that their properites be reclassi- fied to C-1, NEIGFIBORHOOD-COhAlERCIAL. These properties consisting of approxi- mately 5T.14 acres are located at the Southwest corner of LincoYn and Stan- ton Avenues and are presentiy classified as R-A, RHSIDENTIAL-AGRICULT[JRAL. Mr. Henderson of the Aetna Development Company appeared before the Commission as the representative of the appiicant, Oliver G. Baker. He stated that the reciassification of the acreage at the Southwest comer of Lincoln Ane- nne and Stanton Avenue was reqnested originally, through the County, and the Gonntp was apparentiy ready to reclASSify sameo but, in the meantime, anneaation had piaced the prop~erty ir. the City of Anaheim. Many requests from prospective lessees have been obtained for the sub,ject property, but these are all subject to the reclassification of the property before any lessee wi11 sign the necessary papers. Under their surveq, an aren of 18000 homes appears to be availabie as prospective customers for stores and, services to be iocated on the property. THE HEARING WAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Schumacher, seconded by Commissioner Gauer~ and carried~ it was voted to hold off_Reclassification No. P-55-56-40 tiil the meetiag of Jaly 2, 1956o far f~re studq. CIASSIFI- PUBLIC I~ARING. PETITION submitted by IDA L. RHOADS~ 2949 Allred Street, CATION Long Beach, Caiifornia~ as owner, reqnesting that the property ~!escribed i. ~55-56-41 as the E~ of the NW~ of the NNT~ of Section 16, T4S~ R10N, S.B,3. & M., be reclassified as foilows: The~IJorth frontage for a dep~ of 250 feet to be ciassified as C-1, NEIGEiB0RH00D-COMMERCIAL and the rear 352,97 feet, more or less. be classified to R-3, MULTIPLE-PAMILY-RHSIDENTIAL. The property is presently ciassified as R-A, RESIDBNTIAL-AGRICULT[JRAf.. The property is further described as being 330.08 feet from the centeriine of Euclid Avenue. Mr. Rhoads appeared before the Commisaion and stated that they would like to nse the fronta~e on Lincoln Avenue for C-1, NEIGfIDORH00D-COhAfSRCIAL use and the rear postion for R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY-RESIDENTIAL'.use. Deed rea- trictions as to the character of the dxeliings to be erected on the proper- - ~ Yy. Mr. Bonkotrsky, otmer of the property Q3rectlq to the West, brought up the qnestion of drainage which might run through his property. Mr. Rhoads stated that "this questian would have to be resoived before any construction ~ erork vras done on the property. it was propa$ed to put a cui-de-sac atreet doxn the ~iddle of the property. 1HE HEARI*1G WP.S CLOSED. Upon a motion bq Commisaioner huest, seconded by Commissioner Mvngali~ and , carried, it was voted by RESOLUTION N0. 216 - S~tIHS 1455-56 to recommend to the Citq Council that AECIASSIPICATION N0. P-55-56-41 be epproved aubject to the rlevelopment of t2:e sv~+3ect property in conformity with a master pian mh3ch aiil br draaa ap for this area. -5- ~ ' ~ x: ' i .~ ~1 v~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1 ; k ._ ~ ~lSS~FI- ~e ~o!e om tbe above Resalntion was as follows: CATdON ND. P-i5-3o-ii ~+~: a+nt~s, i,sner, 8spgbod, Rt~tcei, Schum>ch2r, Summers, Thampson and (C~ORf_) Df~mB'a11. ~S: Yoae_ ABSENIc 1~Lane_ RBCLISSIFi- F6BLIC ~ARING. YETITIQN snbmitted by HARRY H. bfADLSY, 1819 West Ln Palma G4IpN A~e~e, Aaalfeiai, Califoznia, as oxner, requesting that the property des- A0. IL55-56-~92 cribed as Lot ZS of Tract No. 483 be rer_lassified fram R-A, RHSIDSNTIAL- A[BtIWLTORAL to e 1, 1~IEIGE~ORHOOD-CG'~lERCIAL, The property is further desrribe+d as being 1819 Nfest La Paima Avenne. aQo o~ appeared for or agaiast the granting of this Reclassification. TFIE wFSnnar_ ~ ~_ IIpam a~otion bp Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Rintcel, aad csrried~ it ras voted to recee~end to the ~ity Conncil by RBSOLUTION ~_ 217 - SFRiFS 1955-56 that Reciassification No. F--55-56-42 be snb,ject too i_ '~e deediag of 20 feet to the City of Aaaheim for street miAening. 2, '~e inatallation af cnrbs,- ¢utters and sidewaiks on West La Palm< Ave~e. me rote on the above Resolntion xas as foilows: Affi: Anest, Ganer, FIapgaod, Riutcei, Schnmacher, Summers, Thompson and Mcngall. 1~S: rCoIIe. snccvr_ na,._~ RBCI~SSIF3- P~BLEC ~ABiNG_ PETITION snbmitted by RUSSEL and DOROTFIY ROQUHT, 314 South CATIpN Imiana S3reet, Anahefm, Califoznia. as ormers, L. B. ROQUET, 127 West Broad- ND. F-55-35-43 ~, a+*~*~;A. Califozaia, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property deacribed as Lot 21, Goiden State Tract No. 2, lying on the South Side of ~e~a Drive betrem Acacia and Baxter Streets be reciasaified from R-A~ 1tESIDEd~SAL-AL~ZiC6L1VRAL to R-3, MIILTIPLE-PAMILY-RSSIDSNTIAL. The f rontage aloag 3a~a Drive iacindes Tract No. 3089 upon which a Tentative Map is filed_ ~ . ltnsael Roqaet appeared before the Commission and st~ted that the entire 10 aczes Lsd been seqaested for reclassification to R-3~ MULTIPLS-PAMILY-RESI- ~3wiTAL,-bnt tLat 7 of the 10 acree aass be3ag sold to the City for n Neigh- borbood Part Site #.a coanection xith the Edison Slementarq Schooi. A peti- ti~ aas presented to the Commission statiag that they were opposed to the reclassification of this property to R-3, MULTIPLB-PAMILY-RESID'ENTIAL due to t~e fut tMt the me2tipie dvreliings would increase treffic congestion ia t~e neigLtiorhood and thns decline in their ~roperty valuations. It rras ecldmt tha.t these peopie do not realize that 7 acres aronld be devoted•to ~ark p~tposes fur s pla~groand for their children. Actueliy, there are oni~ 8 lots to 6e considered xhich xonld act as a baffer between the single faail~ reaideacea urnss the street and the park site to the South. Ti~ HF~IAIIlR's 1L+LS CIUSFD_ Epea a ur~tiasi bg Co~ciss3oaer Rititcei, seconded bq Commissioner Hapgood, and ca:ried, it nas voted to recommend to the Citq Conncil be RHSOLUTION N0. 218- S~S 1955-56 tnat Reclas33ficstion No. F-SS-56-43 be approved anb3ect to the agpl3eaat fiiiag dePa restrictions for the.dwell±ngs to be erected on the iots liaiting them to one-story in;~eight. i ~~~ ~~~ abave Resol~xtion vras as foilows: ; i .1gS: Aaest, Ganer, Hapgood, Rintcei, Schumacher, Summers, Thompson and ~ ~ ~u- I ?~S: ?E~_ , ' ~: l~one. ~ t 18N1'ATIVFi lISP "mee 2~eutatice Nag of Tract No. 3089 xa.a presented to the Commisaion. This w ~ OF TB1l4.T A1~. Tract 3s facated oa the Sonth side of Romneys Drive. The aubdivider ie ~ 3t189 ~inase~ 8oqaet, 31~ Yffiiena S4reet~ Rnaheim, Californis. The tract contains 3 t~t ~$) iOLB. ~ '6' • ~ : ~ ~, -- .. ._ _ _ . ___ ,.J ..- ~ ,~ ' ~: __ ...__ _._...........~ _.... _ __.. _ ..__ _-- __.~---_._ ------ - --- _-._- _ __ - -~-- ---- -- f~ ~ __ ~ f ~ 7 ~ i ~~ ~~~,T:~m ~v nr~.. ,. mnx~,~~ bv Commissionez 1lst~all, secoaded b9 Commissioner Schumacher, ~p ~p~ N0, and rarried, it vas ~oved that the Teatative Map of Tract No. 3089 be approved 3089 subject to: CCONr.) 1. 11ie payaent of treaty-five dollazs per lot for the acquisitioa of par~ aad Recreaiion sites. 2. Engincering Reqnireoents. ~RBCIASSIPI- P[TBLIC HEARING. PElZTION sntaitted by 'ffiOMAS L. MC IAUGFII.IN, 855 South CA.TION Piacentia Avemie, Anaheia, California, as o~raez, requesting that per- P-55-56-45 :NO ~aission be given to cnt the propezty into thzee (3} lots rith a minimum of , 6000 square feet each and that the tw C2) lots facing Placeptia Avenue be reclassified to C-1, Affi(~ORfl00D-CO~fIERCIAL, and that the third lot on Morava Avemie be recla5sified to R-3, MTI.TIPLE-FAMILY-RESIDENTIAL. The propezty is described as the Korthrest corner of Piacentia Avenue and Morava , Avenue. Mr, McLaughlin appeared befoze the ~o~ission a~d stated that in 1954 he veas aear an agreeaent rith the City Conncil by ahich they were going to move the honse so that the 20 feet reqnired for the xideaing of Piacentia Avenue could be obtained. He stated that he had been offered E20,000.0a by the IInion Oil Coapaap for a sezvice station on the corner, but that he now proposed to art the ~roperty iato thzee C33 lots the two (2) fronting oa Placentia Aveaue to he for ca~ercial nse, other than a gas station and that the lot at the rear faciag oa jtorava Street xould be improved with a multiple dveIlliag. Be ~tated that ell bnildings erected wonld have resi- dential type eaterio= appearance. 1[r. Vernon f. Stanley, 2203 Viking Avenue~ appeared ~:pze :~~ c~ission r.a~ stated th2t he was presenting a petition rith 44 signatnres of seside~s opposing reclassification in that the property owners had bonght their ho~es ezpecting thatthe entire area would be Singie Family Residential aad that a very large shopping center would be established ~« t~e c~ut~Q,_* ~n~ewL ~f Plac~ntis Ae~ue and #he Anaheim-Oiive Road, No other co~erciai appeazed to be neces~ry ia 4:2 area. Rabez: F. ?ra°, 1820 Dinah Aveaue, presented a petition coataining 22 names opposibg thg~reclass!- fication. !~!s_ Dan Saaford, 1802 Verde Place, aiso appeared before the Com- missioa and preseated a petition rii~h 57 names opposing the proposed reclassi- fication. Mrs. Bob Yevorlcian aad i[rs_ Gilbert Hluth, 831 South Ylacentia Avenue, appeared befose the Co~ission stating their re~eons for opposing the reclassificatioa. 1he Applicant also preseated a petition containing 28 signa~~es of people in favoz of granting the reclassification, but some of these have evidently changed their miad as their names now appear on the pe~ition opposiag the reclassification. TE~ HEARING WAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Co~issionez Ganer. seco~ed by Co~issioaer Auest. and carried, iY was moved~by RESOLLTION( N0. 219 - SERIES 1955-56 that the Co~ission recaae~ to the City Counci2 that Reclassification No. F-55-56-45 be deai23. The vote on the abpve Resolation ras as follors: AY"rS: C~iISSIBI.u~S: :+uest, i~aner, iixpgood. Riutcei, Suaers and Mungall. NOSS: 00~(ISSIOA~RS: Scfi~~her. ABSENT: QOi1B~RSSIOdFFRS: ~aapson. ,CIASSIPI- P[JBLIC HFARIPG. PETITI01~1 snboitted by 1Qt. and MRS. J.W. CAIDWELL. 11272 Rom- CATION nEqa Qrive, /lnaheia, Califo=nia, and seven other applicants. They are ali i. F-55-56-46 requesting that their pzoperties rhich recentiy became part of the City of Anaheim, in the Ro~neya-lfest Anaeaation be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL- AQtICOL1VRAL.to R-3, ISJLTIPLE-FA1lILY-RESIDENfIAL. These properYies lie South of Rommeya Drive, Plorth of llest La gal~a Avemie and are bisected by North West Streefi. Mr, karningstar, Attoraey, appeazed before the Co~issioa representing Mr. aad Mrs. Tom Sison, tw of the applicants, and stated that this property became pari of the City of Aaaheia in the rece~t Romneya-Kest Affiexation and from the location of sase, it ~oald appear to lend iteelf to an R-3, reclassifie:ation. Aio one else ~peazed ~ Eor • or agaiast the proposed zecis.s~i€3~*iaa. ~uc uFS~T!~ li~~ CLOSID. -7- ~ a i t i ¢`~~ I RSCLIS$IFI- CATION 'N0, P-SS-55-46 (CONf.) ' ',TBNTATIVS MAP ~OF TRACT N0. 3091 CAHANAS IDT ANAHEIM anJouRrm~arrr ~-~ ti~ ~-~~ s Upon s motion by Commissio^.es ~e~ze*, seconded by Co~nissioner Ha~~eood, ard carried, it was votefl by RBSOLUTION N0. 220 - SERIFS 1955-55 4a recu~a'. ; to the City Council that this area South of Romneya Drive, incinded in the Romneya-aTest Annexation be leclassified to R-3, MIILTIPIF-FA1tILY-RESIDEYPIAL. The vote on the above Resolution was ns follows: AYSS: COMMISSIONERS: Auest, Gauer, Riutcel, Schumacher, Su~ers ~ Itnagall. NOHS: COMMISSIONERS: Noae. ASSSNT: CONAlISSIONBRS: Thompson. The Tentative Map of Tract No. 3091 was pzesented to the Co~issiaa. 7Lis is a resubdivision of a portion of Tract No. 2844, located at the Northrest corner of Gilbert Street and Ball Road and which rras recently reclassified to R-3 and C-1. The subdividers are LURURY HOMES, 303 North Vesaont Avem~e, Los Angeles, Calif~rnia. The tract now contains 7 lots. Upan a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissionez Hapgood, and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3091 be approved sub,ject to the increase of Roanne Street from Bali Road to Ernce Stseet tu 60 feet in width. Mr. R. PI. Rukoff, representative of the Califoraia Cabaaa Association, appeared before the Commission, but due to the iateness of the honr and the fact that several members of the Commission had previous engagements. ha utioa ~eas taken oa the sub,ject of erecting Cabanas in the City of Aaaheia. The Meeting ad,journed at 5:55 0'Clock P. M. R. W. M[JD7GALL, Secz~tar,~ ~, Y x s ;: y;: .z -8- - - -- . .--- ~s