Minutes-PC 1956/11/05~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~ RHGZJLAR 1~ffiSTING Piazeeber S, 1956 (:ity u=~t Anahei~, California MINUTES nP TAH RB(~TiAR !S£~Td~ ~F 'Y~ CYTf PjA4~ Cf~QSSION The Regular kee~ing af tt~e Cits ~la~i~g ('.omais~ioa xas calied to order at 2:05 O°Clock P_!1_ by ~+lI11~L~II ~, a qaacnm being present. PRHSHNT CHAIRMAN SUMMEisS~ ('A1~5SSOP~3S~ 1SD~xisy J'--ir!saarhPL~ ThOmpSOn and D~aE2- COMMISSIOI~R Anest entereri ~ Mt~itimg at 2:25 O•CYock P.M. CONAlISSIOI~R ~~ao3 ~te~r1 x~z ~tisg at ~.Sg Q•Cloct P_1l. COMMISSIOI~R Gauer enter~ tlee l6eeti~ at 4:31~ O•C,tack P.M. MINUTES The Mimites of the ~lsijwa~e~ ~gaIIar lAeeticg o€ Qctober LS, 1956 were approved as prinled sn3~jozt ibo a~ac~e aa Ya~e 6, Liae 4, ahere ^ to R-3. 1`&TLTIPLE-FAkILH ~~ct~vrrms ~ slmald De iaserted. VARIANCB PUBLIC HBARING_ PETITI~1 snbuitt~e@ bp YZ~ EL. MAPiDtES, 96 Oraage N0. 648 Avem~e, Anaheim, Califoraia, as ~mer, ~estiug peaissio to erect a building for YROFESSI6~lAL ArTS com.sistiag ofF Five to niae uite at 730 South Bro~k3msst S+ts~t+t_ `I~ ~~eztg is desczibed as beginn- ing at a point ia tbe r.eaterlane of Bzoolt~rst Street distant Souther- ly along said cenier3.i~ ~_~ =mt €~era :~ c~*.~-2i.^°~ cf Oraage Aveaue, said poinY aisa beiog an 4Lr Ifesterig groEoagation of the Southerly Aveane a£ ~`ract alo_ 2537; t~ce Easterlg 300.00 feet along said Southerly tract liae affi its ~erYf prnioagation to a point; thence Southezly 100_00 feet patailei ~ said ~enteriiae of Broot- hurst Street to a paiat; t~eace ~slg 3Q0_QO feet parallel to said Southerly tza=t iiae to a poiat ia tie sa9d ceater2ine af Broothurst Street; thence Northesly lOD_W feet aimg said centerline to the point of L~eginaing. Euepfi~g t~aefrom tk~ ~fesEerly 30 feet for street purposes. The properiy is -~•+r~+*~g c2assified as R-A. RESIDENTIAIr AGRILQLTQBAL_ lHr. Maxmes app~ced beim=+e the Cc~+=~ian ami stated tItat he was pur- chasing this psoperty fra~ t~ H~oola (;a~aa~ aind vished to erect of f ices other thaa 4be llddital ~rofessim as Le tsad received many appiications far this type af nae_ '~ par~iug wwtid be at the rear of the resi3~atial Sats r.s~ 23s~sc pm-peaiir~ ue presentlp not occupied, bei-ng nsed as nodei hames aor tne 3mes~coad Fonest sabdivision, so that anqone purchasiae A~ese 6ames rvi?Y ~ t~at Prafession2l Offices will be located ntzt door_ !!s_ Do~ Sramer, 2162 Piiobe, appeared before the Cammission re~r~szntinr ~~~sf ss3 ~4L~r r~sidents in the area, primariiy to qaes#i~a the mct locatiae an the property of the uses proposed. It was e~laimci ~= tbe bmtaace at i~he property itt the rear ot the praposed Prafessioozl Offiees locatian ras proposed for a subdivi.sion by ~ccfllz ~_ '~E ~.~_~ itt4S CIASED. Upon a motion by ~'oemmissiames 'I~~+am, secoeded by Coa~issioner Schumacher, aad carsir~i, it ~vas ~ote~ c~y ~'tIOK I~O. 85 - SERIES 1956-57 to gsant 3iar»~~' IIFo_ W8 snm.pect 40: 1. The filing of a'iCeetxt3~e leap oi Tract tfo. 27l3 at ±he rear uf the p¢operty ~ir3~ sr~ laas not jet btm fiied rrith the Coui.ssian. 2. The erecYiom af a siz faot *~~*y ~21 along the rear 100 feet af trie pz+opert~ ne~sest+ed for t~e PzeFesaional Offices. 3. Eagiaeer:ag'~-sizr~trs_ -II- ~ . - ~_.,_....._.______._- . . . . . ,~T_.__._._ _. _. _. -. ~_ - _ ~ ~ ~; ~ • . ~; ~ ; _ ___ _.. __. i` _ ------. ._. _ --- -- . __..__ ._...___.~...~_.__ .__.~_-- --___ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ VARIANCS F'iBiIC HBARII~G. PSTTTION submitted by JAA~S IAMBARDO, 503 West N0. 649 Vermant Aveasse, Anaheim, California, as Owner. reqssesting per- mission to use the corner room of hia downstairs apartment as a one-operator BBAUTY SHOP. The property is described as Lot 1. Tract No. 1142 and further described as being on the Northwest I carner of West Vermont Avenue and Sonth Palm Street. The pro- ' perty is presently classified as R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENfIAL. ij Mrs. Monica Lombardo appeared before the Commission and stated that ( she wished to conduct a one-operator Beautq Shop in the corner room of the sub~ect property located at the Northwest corner of South li P~im Street aad West Vermont Avenue and recited the other Commercial ! uses in the area. No one aopeared against the granting of the Vara- ance. The subject propertq in Tract No. 3142 has deed restrictions limiting it to residential uses only. Mrs. Lombardo stated that she had contacted all the property owners in the arca and they were rill- ing to have these deed restrictions cancelled. TkIE HEARII~FG WAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Schumacher, seconded by Co~nissioner Morris, and ~arried, it was moved by RHSOLUTION N0. 86 - SERIES 1456- 57 to grant Variance No. 649 subject to arrangiag for a legal waiver by the applicant of the deed restrictions preseatiq on th~ property. VARIANCS P`JBLIC HHARING. PETITION submitted by ALTHA A. DTETSCH, 817 North N0. 650 Sabina Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission to continue to use the rear building on the lot as 1W0 APARIMENTS. A single-family dwelling has been erected on the front of the lot. ine property is describefi as Loi 23, H1ocK A, oi Tract No. 530 and is Socated at 81? North Sabina Street. It is presently classified as R-2, 1W0-PAMILY RSSIDENTIAL. Mrs. Dietsch appeared before the Commission and stated that she had recently built a singie-family dweiling an the front of the iot and desired to keep the rear unit as two smaii apartments. No one appeared against the granting of the Variance. TEID HhARING WAS CIASHD. ' Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, aeconded by Commissioner Mungall, and carried, it was voted by RBSOLUTION N0. 87 - SERIES 1956-57 to grant Variance No. 650. ;~ARIANCB PUBLIC F~ARING, PIITITION submitted by AMBSRYVOOD CORPORATION, 9362 N0. 651 Russell Street, Whittier, California, as Owners, PROJECf DEVEIAPMSNT SERVICB, 7422 Trask Street, Westminister, California, as Anthorized Agent, requesting variations from the code in RHAR YARD SETSACRS on certain lots in Tract No. 2370 :tocated at the Northwest corner of Nut~,rood Stree! a~ Cerritos Avenue. The propertq is presently classi- fied as R-1, SINGLB-PAMILY RHSIDENTIAL. Mr. Oberdorfer, of 4he Amberwood Corporation, appeared before the Commission and stated that due to the size of the dwellings which wili run from 1350 feet to over 1400 feet, it wouid be necessarq to shor- ten up the rear yards one to two feet in order to get these large houses on the 1ots. ZliB HEARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, aad carr3ed, it was voted bq RESOLITTION N0. 88 - SERIES 1956- 57 to grant Variance No. 651 for a waiver of rear qszd setbacts on the ~articular lots reqvested in the Variance. VARIANCE PUBLIC I~IDARING. PBTITION aubmitted by BANNEY THOELB, 10472 Lincoln N0. 632 Avenue, Anaheim, Caiifornia, aa Owner, requesting permis~ion to conti- nue with the operation at the above addresa Eor the RHTAIL SALE OP PINI3HSD PIRBPIACS WOOD AND SPLIT WOOD. The property is described as the North 32U feet of the Bast 122 feet of the NE~ of the NE~ of the NW~ of SecLion 17, T4S, R10W, S.B.$. & M., also the North 200 feet of the Bast 200 feet of the NE} of 3ection 17, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. & M. The property is fusther descr3.bed ae being on the South aide of Lia~- coin Avenue, 332.08 feet Weat of Broadview Street. The property is ~.- presently ciasaified ae R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL-AGRICITLNRAL. j _~_ . ,...~_._ _ _. _ _ _ . ._ .. .... . ~'_~,_ '~i__~. ~_______ . . ~ . ._. . .._. .. . ~' {~ ~ , 3 Y ~ ~ ~ YABIALICB PUBLIC FffiARING. PBTITION aubmitted bq JM~S IAMHARDO, 303 Weat lID. 649 Vermoat Aveaue, Aaaheim, Caiiforaia, as Owner, requesting per- misaion to uae the coraer room of his dowuataire apartmea4 as a oae-operator BEA*JTY SHOP. The pzoperty ia described eta Lot 1, Tract No. 1142 and further deacribed as beiag on the Northweat corner of Weat Vermoat Aveaue and South Pa1sn Street. The pro- perty ia preaently clasaified as R-3, MULTIPLB-PAMILY RSSIDBNTIAL. Mrs. Monics Lombardo appeared before the Commission and stated that ~ she wished to conduct a one-operator Beauty Shop in the corner room of the sub,ject property located at the Northwest cornez of South ralm St:ee: ..^.d :~:~s: :re~aa: ~:enue and .,.ci:ed *_he e±~er Cor:we:c?°2 uses in the area. No one appeared against the granting of the Vari- ance. 'The subject property ia Tract No, 1142 has deed restrictions limiting it to residential uaes only. Mrs. Lombardo stated that she ~ had contacted ail the property owners in the area and they were wili- i.ng to have these deed reatrictions cancelled. TEIS HHARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Schumacher, seconded by Commissioaer Morris~ sad carried, it was moved by R3SOLUTION N0. 86 - SBRIBS 1956- S7 to grant Variance No. 649 sub,ject to arrrnging for a legai wa~ver bq the applicant of the deed reatriction+~ presently on the property. ~ARIANCH PUBLIC HBARI2~FG. PBTITION submitted by ALTHA A. DISTSCH,,817 North P10. 650 Sabina Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requestiag permiasion ta contiaue to use the rear building on the iot as TWO APARZMENTS. A siugie-family dweiling has been erected on the front of the lot. The property is deacribed as Lot 23, Block A, of Tract No. S30 and is iocated at 817 North Sabina Street, It is presently classified as A-2, TWO•PAMILY RBSIDBNrIAL. Mrs. Dietach appeared before the Commisaioa and atated that ahe had recentiy buiit a singie-family dweliing on the front of the iot and desired to teep the rear unit as t-,ro ameli apsrtmenta, No one appeared againat the grantiug of the Variance. TFffi tffiARING WAS CIASSD, Upoa a motion bp Commisaioner Thompaon~ aeconded by Commissioner Mungali, and carried, it was voted by RSSOLUTION N0. 87 - SSRIES 1956-57 to grant Variance No. 650. BARiR1~8 PUBLIC F~ARZNG. PET~'I'ION submitted bq AMHSAWOOD CdRPORATION, 9362 NO. 651 Rusaeli Street, Whittier, Caiifornia, as Ownera, PROJSCT DBVBLOPMBNT SBRVICH~ 7422 Treek Street, Weatmin3ater, Cal3fora3e, as Authorized Ageat, requeating variationa from the code in RHAR YARD SSTBACRS on certain lote ia Tract No. 2370 located et the Northwest corner of Nutwood Street and Cerritoa Avenue. The propertq is preaently classi- fiefi aa R-1, SII~L&-FA'riliit R3SIDHFfTYAL, Mr, Oterdorfer, of the Amberwood Corporation, appeared before the Co~iasion and atated that due to the eize of the dw~llinga which wili run from 1330 feet to over 1•:00 feet, it would be neceasary to ahor- tea up the rear yarda one to two feet in order to get theae isrge houaes on the iota. 7HB FffiARING WAS CIASIID. Upoa a motion by Commisaioner Thompaon, aeconded bq Commieaioner l~tungaii, and carried, it wse vottd by RSSOLUTION N0. 88 - SHRIS5 1956- ;,7 to grant Variance No. 651 for a e,~iver of rear yard setbncke oa Lhe particular iots requested ia the Variance. YARIAl~B PITHLIC I~IDARING. PBTfTION submitted by BARNBY THOSLB, 30472 Lincoln P10. 652 Aveaue. Aasheim, California, as Owaer, sequeating permisaion to conti- aue.with the opesation at the above addresa for the RBTAIL SALH OP PINISF~n PIRBPIAGB WOOD AND 3PLIT WOOD. The property ia described as the North 320 feet of the Hast 122 feet of the NB~ cf the Pffi~ of the NW~ of Section 17, T4S, RSOW, S.B.B. & M., also the North 20~J feet of the Bast 200 feet of the Nh~ oE Section 17, T43~ AlOW, S.B.B. & M. The prapertq ia fuxtP~er dea~ribed se being on the Soutin aide of Lin- cola Avenue, 332.08 feet Weat of Sroadview Street. T:~e propertq ia prtaentiq clesaified as R-A~ RSSIDSNTIAL-AGRTCtTL1lTRAL. -2- ~ - ----- ~ ---- ~ae __-`._ ____._.__ ~ ,'~.~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s € ~ ~aa~~ ~ D1D iSt tC~'.) ~ v ~IHO ~_ 3 ~ ~ g g,,ruesr.~tsti~e of Baraey Thocle appeared before the Commiss3on sad ststed 8ba: thfs bnsineas had been iocated ~t the preaent eite for ~~cs aad tbat with the property comnletelq encioaed bq a fence, ft neooSd 3e aiiov~ed to contiaue. IL was pointed out 4hat Lhe buainesa ~ beea iocated there illegaiiy na no Varisnce wns granted either by tlie CooatT or the C~ty of Aaaheim for such a uae at this location, ~~gS in i955 a iicease xaa granted by the City of Anah~im, in error, foz this use and this license expired October 30, 1956. Mra. Jamea g_ t~saws. f903 Embassq, appeared before the Commiseion and stated that Mr_ ThaeSe had tructs pasted on Bmbassq Avenue and had brought fn trees aad Eogs and parkeZ these on the sid~walts and that there was no ~si~,evrag ia4o his propesty for trucks from Smbasay Street nnd that wdeats, te=e~ftes aad mice had been found in the new homes reeently erected bg the Centex Companq. Mr. Chavos filed with the Commission a petii~.;u :.ontaining 128 asmes ~f *eeidents in the area protesting ~e g:aatiag of the Variance and. outlined their objections such as: E. Devalnatioa of properties. Z. l~nisaace czeated. 3_ T=ncEs parking is: streets. 4. ConLim~ance of aa M-1, LIGHT-MANUPACTVRING use surrounded Dp residences. 5_ Daager to chiidren. 'Fwo s~tes~e~s af the Centex Corporation appeared before the Commisaion protestiag the gzanting of the Variance and atated that aome of theae h~` tfie# tteep have been unable to se11, was dne to the unsightly con- d,£tioas prevailing. A representative of Mr. Thoeie9 again spoke and n;~t ;bst Nz. Thoeie would landscape the property and en~loae the entire area vifa a F~nce aad that the only ingress and egress to the property roQ3d De €rom Ljncoln Avenue. Mr. K. Purcell, 203 Hmerald Place, statid LIsat tce sigaed Wr. Thoelea' petition in favor of the granting of this ~z~~-~-e bnt that in view of the conditions which had been brought out a£ter Le sfgned th~ petitioa that most of those in favor had now changed the3r positioa xith regard to the granting of the Variance and were now oppesed. 'FF~ IiEpRING I~fAS CIASHD. IIpoa : metion hy Cormnissfoner Aueat, seconded by Commiasioner Morrie, aafi carried, it xas moved by RHSOLt1TI0N N0. 89-- SERIES 1956-57 thst ~ariam;.e Ka. 632 be deaied in as much as it is an M-1, LIGHT-MANUAAC- 1gg'f1~G use but ttmt the appiicant be given three months to ciean up the road preseatlq on the Property. No additionel wood ia to be b•"~qht ia for processing. P[[HLIC F~ARIIiG. PETITION submitted by WILLiAM S. MAC TAVISH, 135} KesL Cmter 3treet, Anaheim, California, requeating that a Special IIse Yesmit be g:anted for the conducting of THBN-A(~ DANCIN6 CiJ~SSHS fiastxncEiona23 at the above adCress. The prtaent ciaseification of the property is C-2, GHNBRAL-OON4tSRCIAL. DIr_ 6[Nfa~aish appeared before the Commiasion and stated that he beli~ed 4haL sis 2etter eovered what he desired to do for TBHN-AGB DANCING C~tSSES and ontiined in the conditiona under which theye dances would De coaducted. Mrs. Rogers, 147 West Center, ob,jected on ac~ount of t~e aoise created and Mr. Sowder ob3ected on aceount of the nuisance crrsted in f=ont of his store after the dances were over. Mr. McTsviah stated that he would have two people from the Police Department on duty a~d that 4he thinga such as wlne bottles and eo forth mentione4 by Mr. 3c~cfer Qid not come from participants of his dsnce claasea. tte stated t~at t~~ had z Iesae from Mr. Youagbiuth and that Mr, YoungbluLh wenld nnt Rave granted thia iease if he Lhought anything ob~ectional wouid !ee crestecf. Tri~ HBARING FiA3 CLOSHD. -3- i a ~. ~j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~...,~ ~I RBVIBM N0. 5 Dpom a sotian b~ Coaiss3naer Anest, secoaded bp Commissioner Schumacher, (OpNT.) wd cazritd, it sss voted hT RE~ON I70. 90 - SSRIES 1956-37 to grant a Specisi IIse Perait for ?em-Age Dancing Classes s~bject to the conduct of these classes as ontlined b7 ihe appiicant and sub3ect to reeocat~,~ if these co~3~ians are nat enforced. RECIA.SSIPI- YL(SL'iC ~AAF3IG_ PEZ:TI~1 sab~itted by M. J. TfiIESEN, 225 North Bnclid CATION Averme. Ana.Leia, Califozn~ia, as Ormer, reqnesting that his property N0. F-56-57-23 and 4bosc of LIA~.+ Y_ f~I~Tll~e, 121 Mest Thi.rd Street~ Long Beach, Cali- fornia aad ~tlffST H. IATDgAAt, 8~31 South Euciid Aveaue, Anaheim, Cmlifornia, be recl~~ss~fied fron R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULIURAL to M-1, LY~-~il1~16F~1Cf6RIItG. if~e ~roperttES are described as: PARCEL 3.~- 1ha# poztian of thc S~ of the Noztherly rectangular 140 fees af zae ~e; o£ :ne ~e; of iae 3E4 oi tne ~Ea oi Section 8, T4,, R101f. S.iS.B. ~ b1. PARl,~L 2- 1Le I-a~t'- 4_50 ieet of the SF.4 of the SE~ uf the SS~ of the SE~ oi. Sectioa 8. T4S, R10Mf, S.B.B. & M. The South 45.50 feet of tLa4 poztioa of tr.r_ SEq of the SE~ of Section 8. PAR('4.L 3- The Sonth 65.~L feet of t)ie N~ of the North I40.00 feet of t~e SE~ of ~~ SE} 01 fhe.• SE~ of tLe SE~ of Section 8, T4S, RIfAP, S.B.E. ~ N_ T~e properties aze ~:sther de~ ribed as beiag oa ttr_ hTest side o£ Euclid Ave~e bet~reen Lincoln Aveane and Lhe Santa A.na Preexay. *b s~ =,.*;.~~:.v €c: ~r =gaiast tY~ gzaz3ti~~ of this Rzcl~s~i:ica:ion. 2he property zs svrznw~ded by /!-1, IZt~ii-ls.~4N~IFAC7lJRING, therefore, it 3s the oaig logial nse. ~ HTARI:iG NAS CIASID. U~poa a aotion ~ G.u~issioner Thaapsoa, seconded by Cor.rmissioner Sr~a~*~er, aad rarried, it ras vated by RESOLIITION NU. 91 - SE8'ES 1955-57 to reco~aem to the C£ty Canncil that Rec?assification No. F-56-S7-23 be upproved. 1~ce vote on tLe above ResUlatian xas as follows: a~S: a;OMQSSIUQff.RS: Aaest, Hapgood, Alorris, Schumacher, Summers, a-iio~psoa aad Mnngall. , NOES: OOMQSSI~Ss ' ne- ABSEItI: t'~IISSZQ~r1RS: Gaaer. RECIA~SIPI- Pit9LI~ ~i~i~G_ '~~?~F sa~tte3 by Ft. J. BELStIE, :,~56 Pashion CATION Aveaue, Long Bench, ('313faraia, as Owaez, requesting that the pro- I~TO. P-56-57-24 ~erty described as tbat portion of the S~ of the SW~ of the SiV~ of Sectioa 13, fi4S, k221t, S_B.B_ Qc b!. be reclassified fro:x R-4~ RESIDENTIAL- AGRI~L'[LiR11i. ta ~~-3, w~~w{rr~rF¢r-~rni _~n.e gs~g~zt; is f;:r*.hes descrit~d as being oir kt-r East side of Stanton Aveaue, 185 feet North of BaYl Road between firang:_ A:effie an:i Ball Road. 1H. J. Selsb,e ap~eared before the Co~uaission ~nc.+ stated that if the pro- pert?i is i~eclassif~ed, he ~Slaaa to erect a aoYel to serve patrons to Disseyland and rnott•s Becrr Fara. There is presently an access road n~ te t3ie sub,ject pze~erY~ and it vas the opfnion of the Commission +.foat *.Lis road s~aa3d be erte~ed across 'this property with an eatrance ta Hig*~s 39_ 7II~ &~:R,Z*IG ~tS CL.OS£B. U~on a aotiun by Cc~aissi~~r Bapgnod, second.r~ by Commissioner Auest, arrd tarriec"., it ~is roi~ -,~ ~£S6iiTTTON VO. ya - SERIES 1956-57 to seco~aeod to the Gity Oosmul thzt Reclassificatioa No. F-56-59-24 be reclassi£ie.d froa R-f1, RESIDII~'IIAL-AGFtI~TLTJRAL to G3, HEAVY- OCi~itCIAL sv3ject to: -~4-- f ~~ ~ ~ :~ RHCLASSYFI- 1. The completion of anneaatioa proceedings CATION 2. The extension of the presemt service rvasi through this N0. F-56-57-24 property to the South Ii.ne apd turning a# this point into (CONT.) Highway 39. The vote on the above Resolutioa was as folloxs: AYSS: CAMMISSIONERS: Hapgood, Morris, Schumacher, Suu~e:s, Thompson and Mungall. NOES: CO~I~IISSIONSRS: Auest ABSBNf: COi`CdISSIONERS: Gauer BALL ROAD N0. 2 Upon a motion by Commissioner 17~ompson, seconded by Coanuissioner Auest, MASTER YIAN and carried, it was moved that a small map be mac:e to be inclu.~ted rrith ~ne nex4 Hge~:a to the Commission so that they could study same ~efore setting a da4e for a Pub13c Hearing. SaNTA ANA RESOLUTION N0. 84 - SERIES 1956-57 was presented to the Comission PRHSWAY recommending to the Citp Councal that the Santa Ana Freexay be changed frum a Preeway to a Landscaped Freeway. This Resolution xas adopted with a change in Number 1. "i'hat an Ordinance be enscted to prohibit display advertising along the Santa Ana Freexay in accordance r~ith the provisioas of the Highway Department for La.ndsca?ed Freexays. This RESOLIITION N0. 84 - SERIES 1956-57 was adopted by the folloving vote: AYP.S: CObIIdISSIONERS: Auest, Morris, Hapgood, Ganer, Thomps~n, Schumacfier, Summers and Muagall. NOHS: COMhQSSIONP.R~: None. ABSETiT: COMMISSIOT~L';RS: None. VARIANCE PUBLIC HEARING. pETITTON submitted bq AfELYILLE P. SCHQELLER, 806 Narth N0. 537 Zemon Street, Anahei.m, California, as O+~mer, requesting permission to _ erect a Derfal Office Bufiding at 8pl North Palm Street. The property is described xs Lot 18, Tract No. 375. The property is preseatly classified ;s R-2, 1W0-PMlILY RESIDENTiAL. Request for an extensi.on filed by Mr, and Mrs. Schueller for six months. This Var.iance was for two dental offices on the co_ner of North Palm Street and West North Street. ~E HEARING NAS CIASED. Upor. a motion by Comm_ssioner Pfungall, secoaded by Cor~issioaer Thompson, an1 carried, it was voted to extead this Variance for a period of six a.~nths. TBNTATIVE MAP The~e Tracts are located at the Northwest corner of East La Palma aad OF TRACT NOS. Sunkist. The Subdivider is GIBRALTER HOMES IKCJS~DORATED, 720 h4tiitier 3167 AND 31b8 Street, Anaheim, Ca2iFornia. Tract tvo. 3Io7 c.oniaias t22 iots a~ Tract No. 3168 contains 91 1ots. They will have a 2.Q acre part site. Whom is to maintain it is r_ot ^,et ~own. Six foot fences rrill be a requirement on the South side of Lots 68 and 70 on account of the park- ing in front of the Park. Several property owners own an iaterest in a well xhich supplies irri- gation water to the property at the Notth and to the property to the West on Placentia Avenue, questioaed the subdividers as to urhat they r:eee ~ pronosed to do with the ~rril eqhich ie neL o~se~ at ___a: V- •,~~ ..;:~ dividers and is shown on the maps within oae of the lots on the tenta- tive map. The subdividers engiaeer stated that the well xould be moved and all pipe lines reloca.ted so that irr.igatioa service vrould be continued. There maq be a legai point involved here regarding the filfng of a tentative map wi4hout legal o~enership or having the pro- perty in escrow. This point will be chected rith the City Attorney. -S- I I ~ ~ ~ ; a ~ ~ i i ~ ! ~ i ~ a ; ~ ; ~d ~ '~ RBCIASSIPI~ 1. The completion of annexation proa~;edings CATION 2. The eXtension of the present servace road through this N0. P-56-57-24 property to the Sonth line and tu;-nin3 at this point inio (CONT.) Highway 39. The vote on the above Resoiution was as follows: AYES: COMMISSIOPIDRS: Hapgood, Morris, Schumacher, Summezs, Thompson 3nd Mungall. NOBS: COU9dISSIONBRS: Auest ABSBNf: COhAtISSIONBRS: Gauer HAIL ROAD N0. 2 Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Coffiissioner ~-aest, MASTER P7AN and carried, it was moved that a small map be made to be inclvdeG wit~ the next Agenda to the Commission so that they could study same befoa:e settinq a date for a Public Hearing. SANTA ANA RESOLUTION N0. 84 - SERIES 1956-57 was presented to the Co~issian FRSBWAY recommending to the City Councii that the Santa Ana Freeway be t~aaged from a Freeway to a Landscaped Preeway. This Resolution xas adoptrd with a change in Nwnber 1. "That an Ordiaance be enacted to prohibit display advertising along the Santa Ana Freeway ia accordaace sit~ the provisions of the Highway Department for Landscaped Freeways. ~3s RSSOLUTION N0. 84 - SERIES 1956-57 was adopted bq the followiag vote: AYBS: COMMTSSIONERS: Auest, Morris, Hapgood, Ganer, Thompson, Schumacher, Summess and Mungall. NOES: COMI~SSIONERS: None. ABSRNT: COMMISSIONSRS: None. VARIANGE PUBLIC HEARING. PHTITION submitted by MELVILLE F. SCHITE'LLER, 80b i~Tori~ N0. 537 Lemon Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting pesmission t,o _ erect a Deifal Office Buiiding at 801 North Palm Street. The property is described as Lot 18, Tract No. 375. The property is presentlq classified as R-2, 1W0-FAMILY RSSIDENTIAL. Request for an extension filed by Mr. and Mrs. Schuelier for siz maaths. This Variance was for two dental offices on the comer of North PaIlm Street and West North Street, THE HEARFNG WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Cnmmissioner Mungall, seconded by Commissioaer ~a~psnm, and carried, it wtts voted to extend this Variance for a period af ~ix months. TBNTATIVS MAP These Tracts are located at the Northwest corner of East La Pa3.ma aac! OR TRACT NOS. Sunkist. The Subdivider is GIBRALTBR HOMES INCORPORATED, 720 iPhittier 3267 ~*:D 3168 Strcet, Aaahein, Ca2ifornia. Tract 2~io. 3i67 coninins 12i 3ots nna Tract No. 3168 contains 91 lota. They wili have a 2.0 acre park si~e_ Whom is to maintain it is not yet known. Six foot fences rrill be a requirement on the South side of Lots 68 and 7Q on accor~t of tbe pask- ing in front oE the Pars. Several property owners own an ir.terest in a weil which supplies irri- gation water to the property at the North and ta the property to t~e Wast on Placentia Avenue, qnestioned the subdividers as fio wl~t t~ey proposed to do with the well which 3s not ot+mP~ a¢ ~TACPLI} M, f~~ ~.J+~ dividers and is shown on the mapa within one of the lots on the tmta- tive map. The subdividers engineer stated trat the ueli would ix moved and all pipe lines relocated ao that irrigation service wonid be continued. There may be a legai point involved here regarding t~e filing of a tentative map without 1e~a1 ownership or having the pro- perty in escrow. This yiaint wili be checked with the City Attosaey. -3- _ _ _ _--- ._ .__... .. _ . --.._._...--- .. _ .._.--- -- ~ __._... _._- __ , - - ._... I ' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TSNTATIVE MAP Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Co~issioner Hapgood, OB TRACT NOS. and carried, it evas voted to approve the Tentative Map of Tract Nos. ~ 3167 AND 3168 3167 and 3168 subject to: (CONT.) 1. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park aad Recreation sites. 2. Making arrangements that the Parks shown on the Tentative Maps wi11 be maintained by the Propesty owners and not by the City of Anaheim. • MASTER PLAN OF A Pubiic Hearing was set for the date of November 19, 1956. , EASf SYCAMORB HASTER STREET This Annexation was forwarded to the City Council for its recommenda- 1 ANNHRATION tion. The area lies west of Haster Street adjo3.ninR the present City ~ boundaries on the North aal West and extending Southerly along the prolongation of Siannons Avenue. Upon a motion bq Commissioner Summers, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, and carried, it was moved that the Coimnission recommend to the City Council that the area known as the Haster Street Annexation be considered for Annexation to the City of Anaheim. ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 5;11 0'Clock P.M. R. W. MIJNGALL, Secretary APPROVHD• ; z •s ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ i ~ i ) ~ a ; < , i ~ ~ -6- t ~ j ~ ~ ~ / ._......__.__ itc . . ._._ _