Minutes-PC 1957/02/18~ ~ • ' ;~''. ~ !., ~ -;;. i ~ :~ . 'I a~i ~ ; Pebruary 18, 1957 City Hall ; Anaheim, California ~ MIAIUTES OP TF~ ADTOURNED REG[JIAR MSETING OF THE CITY PIANNING COMMISSION j ADJaORRI~D The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was i RBQJIAR called to order at 2:10 0*Clock P.M. by CHAIRMAN SUhAffiRS, a quorum ! 'siacaiiiv ~citig pzes2ac: PRBSBNf CHAIRMAN SUMDffiRS, COMhffSSIONHRS: Bates, DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, Thompson and Mungall. The newlq appointed Commissioners, DuBois and Mauerhan, were intro- duced to the Commission. -~S COMDSIS520NHR Hapgood entered ine Meeting at 2:47 OtClock P.M. f w,u;:~SI^P7°....°. ~L'n~is r?t_:o~t f~r„~ tho t~tPQtir_g ~t 3;2~ ~~~r].ock P.M. ~ due to a pxevi.aus commitment. COAAtISSIOI~R Bates retired from the M~eting at 4;50 0'Ciock P.M. MIN[TTBS The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 21, 1957 were approved as printed. The Secretary called attention to an ommission in the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Pebruary 4, 1957 on Page 6, next to the last line, there should be added " be reclassified to ~ C-1, NSIGHBORHOOD C'OhN~RCIAL. " The Minutes were approved as printed with this correction. RECTAS3IFI- Held over from the Meeting of Pebruary 4, 1957 for the submission of CATION further plans was placed upon this Agenda in error and a cont:inued N0. F-56-~7-42 Hearing was scheduied for the Meeting of March 4, 195e. VARIANCE PUBLIC HBARING. PETITION submitted by JOHN and HBLBN FUQUAY, 7362 N~. 694 Ba11 Road, Anaheim, California, as Owners, LOVBTT and TILL, 4921 Dur- fea Aveaue, Pico, Caiifornia, as Authorized Agents, requ~sting permis- sion to construct and operate a SERVIC33 STATIOH s.s the Southeast cor- ner of Ball Road and Western Avenue. The property is described as being: The West 170 feet of the North 171 feet of the NW4 of the NW~ of the NE} of Section 23, T4S. Ri1W, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, County of Orange, State of California. The property is presently classified as R-A, RESIDENPIAL AGRICULT[JRAL. Mr. Ralph Lovett appeared before the Commission and presented a peti- tion containing 31 names in favor of the granting of the Variance. Mr. August Zutter appeared before the Commission and present~d a petition contaiaing 35 names of residents in the area who were opposed to the granting of the Variance for a Service Station at this point. He stated that he owned a one-acre parcel next to the proposed site rontaining a$L4,000. home and that he plans to build another home on the same parcel, it was pointed out to him that his property was zoned as R-A aad that he would have to apply fvr a Variance before ke could build another home on the property. Mr. Vandruff, buiider of the Cinderella Hames, appeared before the Commission and stated that Ball Road and Western Avenues are primary highways and that, the nearest fillin.g station is one-haif a mile away and that there are over ~00 homes in the area. He stated that they have received a reclassifi- cation on their property across the street to erect a filling~station but they are aot going to build this statioa until some time in the future aad that it is constantly changing and that he would be in favor of granting this Variance, Other residents appeared before the Comenission voicing their opinions for and against the granting of this Varianee. Mr. Lovett again appeared before the Coimnission and stated that rorith this corner located on two major highways and no# suitabie for residentiai purposes, that a good station on the corner would allow open space so that traffic coming from either direction could be seen. TE~ I~ARING WAS CLASBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, and carried, it was moved that Variance No. 694 be Denied by RBSOLUTION N0. 155 - SBRIES 1956-57. -1- ,`.: ~ ~ t ~ ~-- .-_~ , ~ _.__ i ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ VARIA2~ICB FUBLIC HBAR3NG, PBTITION submitted by LBO CONWAY~ M,D., 749 Orange~ I~FO. 695 ~rood Ave~e~ Anaheim, California~ as Owner, reqnesting permisaioa 40 practace INIBRNAL A~DICII~ SPBCIALIZING in Allergy Diagnoaia by chan- ging the garage i.nto aa OPPICB at the above address. The property is deserabed as being: Lot 6, Tract No. 3029. The propertq is further de3teribed as being the Northeast corner of Oraagewood_and Bugene Avea nues, The property is presently classified as R~1, SINGLE PAMILY RBSIDBNPIAL. No one appeared for or against the grantiag of the Variawce~ however~ a ietter xas received from the Owners of the tract pointing out to the Co~ission that 4here were deed restrictions fiied on these properties lisiting the use on these propertiea to singie fami;.y residential uae oniy. Tf~ F~ARING lifAAS CL0.SSD. Upon a motioa by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Co~tiasioner Hates, s:a ^ - -~ :: -° - ^°3 :~..: : :'a:3:ace ':a 5°S w ~e: it3 by °WS~::T= ~ + v TION N0. 156 - SHRIHS 1956-57 due to the faet thot the lract has ' restrictions. VARIANCB p[tSLIC F~ARING. PSTITION submitted by W. 0, DAVIS~ R. C. SMITH aad ~. 5~; n. L. ?.:~:~ 124~ Bsst ` ~ A , Ce~~2r Stree,., a~eim, Caiiforaia, repues- ting permissis~a t~ coastruet a 34 unit MOT9L with a SWimmiag Pool aad txo bedroom iiviag quarters for the Motel Manager. The propesty ~ ia desr~ibed as 931 South Palm S4reet between Jermoat Street aad Bail Road. The property is presentiy ciesaified as R•A~ RHSIDHNfIAL A(T.iQTL1VRAL. ldr. H. L. Parsons aoxared before the Commisaion aad etated that he had nothiAg further to add other than that contained in the petition. It xas pointed ont that 10 £eet ~rouid be required from thia propert;~ for the wideaing af Harbor Boulevard which he agreed to deed to the CitY. 1i~ FIDARING 1VAS CLOSBD. Upon a aotioa bq Commissioner Thompaoa~ aeeonded bq Commisaioner Gmuer. aad casried~ it was motred by RBSOLUTION N0. 13T - SSRISS 1956- 57. tbat Variaace No. 646 be grsated, aubieet tot 1. The deeding to the City of Aaaheim of 10 feet for the , xidening of Harbor Bouievard. 2. The building line aetback to be 2S feet bRCt from.the adjuated propertq line after the 10 feet have been dedicated to the City of Aasheim. 3. Hngineeriag Requiremeata. VARIANCB RJBLIC EIDARINGS. PBTITIONS aubmitted by PRBSIDBNf MANOR INCORPORATSD, N0. 697, 1798 Neat Oraage Aveaue, Aaaheim, Califorait~ •e Owuera~ C. P. 698, 699 MIDDIBBROOH~ Same Addreaa~~s Authorized Ageat~ requeeting permideion and 700, to erect four temporary directioati 3i(3N3 to advertiae the eale o1f iats ancE homea ia Traet No. 3067. Tsaet No. 3067 is located oa tue Northeaat coraer of Oraage Aveaue aad Trideat StseeL aad the trae•b ' contaiaa 43 lota. Variaace Noe. 697 a:td 698 ~ theae sigae will be iocated at the Southetat eorner of Oraage Aveaue anQ 8uclid Avenue. Varisace No. 699 ~ thia aiga wiil be locsted 214 feet Bast of Dam~y'e Donut Shop oa Liacola Aveaue. Varitaee No. 700 • Shia sign will be located at the Southeaet coraer of Hroadrvaq aad Suciid Avenue. No oae sppeared for or agaiaat the graating of these V~r3aneea. T[~ 1~ARING 1fAS CIASSD. . Upoa a motioa by Cormnisaioner Muagaii, aeconded by Commisaioner Hapgood, ead carried~ it ~-aa moved by RBSOLUTION N0. 138 ~ SSRIB3 1956-57 that Vuianee Nos. 697 through 7Q0 be graated eub3ect !o the niae conditioas of the aign ordiasnce. ~y~. ~2• ~~ ~~ :,.' A . ~ ~ ~ i ,~ i ~ m . - ~ ~ . . .: . ~ _ . ---_.___.-- __ ___ ,. _._..... . . _ __._.. _ ._ _ _ __._ _ __._..----- , -------- .~ ~----. - ~ _. __ ____ _. t..~ V J i . i VARIANt~ PUBLIC HEARING. PEfiTION submitted by GEORGB A. BERLIN, % L. E. N0. 701 Wagner Reaity Company, 10503 South Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, Cali- fornia, as Owner, CBRRITOS-REM COMPANY, Same Address, as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to MANUFAC1URfi SYNTHETIC RESINS, Solvents, i and generally similar chemical products by Distillation, Polymerization ' and other treatments of cuke by-products and selected petrochemical ~ fractions and distillates thereof, and the manufacturing and preparatian for sale of miscellaneous chemicals. The property is described as being 2170 Winston Road on the South side of said street between Placentia Avenue and Sunkist Street. The property is presently classified as R-A, RHSIDFNTIAL AGRICULNRAL. Mr. Leo Pfankuch of the Pacific Scientific Company, who are building a plant directly to the West of this proposed site, appeared before the Commission and stated that oa accouat of the nature of the pro- ~GS2u uuoiTic'Sb~ it2 rivuiu iinc ~v Sub~cai ~'v ~iic vv~wuioaivu iilai. ~a'vycP screening be established between the two properties. Mr. Ray Kearn, Attorney for the Neville Company, stated that it was proposed to leave two rows of orange trees betwPen the ti,ro properties and as many orange trees ~s cauld be saved aronnd the office building on Winston Road. Mr. Pfankuch st~±ed that :~~y ~e:e askiag :a: tu~ sc~2ening fram an asthetic value only in order that both plants would present an attrac- tive appearance. THB HEARING WAS CIASED. The Secretary read a letter from Anthony F. Sidlow, Air Pollution Bngineer of Orange County in which he stated certain things that would be required for the operation of this plant. Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved by RESOLUTION NO. 159 - SERIES 1956-57, that Variance No, 701 be granted sibject to the six conditions as outlined by the Orange County Air Pollution Control District, namely: 1. The Catalyst unit will have to be vented into a clay bed or some other control so that the vented gases will not escape into •the atmosphere. • 2. A vapor recovery device will be necessary for the polmerized oil storage tank or tanks, 3. A vapor recovery device for the storage of ligh~ steam distillate wiii be necessary. 4. For the resin storage, a vapor recovery wi11 be reauired. 5. Por the acid storage a vent wili be reauired and this vent will have to be connected to a neutralizing system. 6. For the laading of raw and unraw materials, a vapor control will be necessary. These conditions will have to be carried out before an operating permit will be issued by the Oraage County Air Yollution District. 7. The buildings and layouts to be in conformance with thos~e presented with the petition which elevation and plot plan become pa2t of this application. VARIANCH PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by JOHN J, and TFffiRSSA MBRINO, 618 NO. 702 South Claudina Street, Anaheim, California, as Owners, reauesting permission to build a two bedroom HOUSS and gsrage. The property ~.s described as being: Lot 5 in Block B of Berger Tract No. 373, The property is further described as being 618 South Claudina Street. The property is presently classified as R-1, SIPFGLE FAM~LY RESIDSNTIAL. No one appeared for or. agaiast the granting of this 1'ariance. Tt~ffi HEARING WAS CIASED. A petition containing 13 name~ was received requesting that the Variance be denied. The survey of the entire street shovr that there are no properties with two houses or a duplex on any of the lots near the subject property, this means that a speciai pr'iviiedge would be granted which is not enjoyed by other property owners in the area. -3- f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -„ ~ _ __. _..__ .___ .... _.._ t~ ~ F va,xinxca N0. 702 (CONT.) Vi1RIANC6 N0. ?03 i; ,i ~ ~e 1~ i 1 ~ ~ ~ "' Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Co~.iss3oner )Aoais, and carried, it was moved by RBSOLUTION N0. iG0 - SHRI&S 19i8-37, that Variance No. 702 be Denied. PUBLIC FIDARING. PSTITION submitted by JOSBPH D: ~OPSHO, JR., 3762 Creacent Atrenue, Aaaheim, California~ ns Owner, requts~ing permiasia~ to operate a SSLP-SBRVICB IAUNDBRBTTB, Tbe property is descrid~ ae being: The South 2 acres of the .NW~ of the NW} of Section 9, T4S, Bl~i, and further deseribed as being 922 North Euciid Aveaue. 1he property is preaentiy classified as R A, RHSiDHNTIAL AQtI(QLNRAL. Mr. Aopsho Jr „ appeared before the Cammiesioa aad stated thst be ~aoa7d propose to use only the front 250 feet on Buclid Avenue fflz ttus launderette and off-street parking on th~ rear. He stated that l~ere was presently on the property a amall build3n~g which wonld ~ave to be ~Rlnrnpa[( hn+h i„etAn ew ...y~.+.~~ •~.y:.: .C ya:.y'vbcu i.ii uv. ~ R5 asked if he wouid dedicateY20 feet to the City of ~.nelieim for fntare widening of North Suclid Avenue which wiil be some tiu: in the fntare. on account of two homes presentiy in a tract to the North tbat rill aila~ at present oniy for an 80 foot street. The ultima•~e width of this street will be 1'JO feet. He wae sgreeable ta der~?~cn:c 2a fee~ to t~e City of Anaheim. TFID FffiARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motion by Comnissiones Thompson, seconded by Comrcissioner 8stes, attd carried, it was moved by RESOLUTION N0. 161 - SSRIES i9S6 57 tbst the front 250 feet facing Buciid Avenue be allowed for a I~vaderetle subjec~ to the dedication of 20 feet along the froatage of ~ucl~d Avenue ~a the City of P.neheim for future atreet wideniag. VARIANCB PUBLIC FIDARING. PBTITION aubmitted bq GBORGS M. ?iOLSTBiN ANID 5~5, AIlO. 704 166 Bast 17th Street, Costa A9esa, California, as Lesse~. s~ean~stie~ permisaion to erect seven temporasy dir!ctioaal SIGNS to aCvertise the saie of homes and lots ia Tzact No~. 2425 aad 2779. Trut iQo. 2425 contains 230 iote and ia located at the Southesat coraez af Nutwuad Street and Orange Avenue. Tsact No. 2779 contaias 145 ~.ots attd is located 826 feet Weat of Buclid Avenue oa the Sonth si3e a~' Bali Road. These aigna have presently been in exieteace for 6 moaths aad tbe Trut No. 2425 stili has 16 uncompietefl buiidiaga and 53 more to be bnil~. Tract No. 2779 ia about to be atarted. The total number of lota in Tract No..'2425 is 230, the'total in '~ract No. 2779 i6 So be about 145. Mr. Dale Scheiaoet ~gpeared before the Commisaion representi~ the Hoiateia Company and atated•thet they had aot aold aii t2~e lots in Tract No. 2425 and are atartiag to build oa Tract No. 2779 affi wouid like an extension on theae aigas. TFtB FffiARING WAS QASBD_ Upon e motion by Commiasioaer Gauer~ eeconded by Co~nis^ioaer korris. and carried, it was moved by RSSOWTT.t~N N0. 162 - SSRIBS 1936-57. that Yariance No. 704 be granted eub3ect to the nine conaitians of the aign oxdinance. , :'~°~:.::w niaiiC iianFc3irv, rts'ti^t38"ri au'omiited "oy ~iiCCOLA WNSTRIICP3~T ~dPAlOY, N0. 705 1242 Weat Lincoin Avenue, Aaaheim~ Cslif oraia, as Leseee, reanesti,a~ permieaion to erect a temporary directioaai SI@T to adv~rtise tbe saie of lots and ho~:te ia Tract No. 2995. The siga will be ioutea at the Southeast corner of Hroadwty aad Brookhurat Slrrets. No one appeared-for or agniaat the granting of thia Vari~ace. TBS I~IDARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Conmiesioner Thompeon, aecoaded bq Ca~isaioner Summera, aad carried, it was moved by RHSOLUTEON N0. 163 - SffitIBS 1956-57 thet Vesisnce No. 70S be gresited aub,~ect to the nine conditioas of thm aign ordinance. -4- ~ ~ ~~ ~ VARIANCB IvO. 706 ~ ~ i I 1 ' ~ ~ i • , i •4 :: . ~~ ~ PUBLIC HBARING. PSTITION submitted by DREAM HOMES iNCORPORATED, 1085 North Palm Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting a RBDUCTION OF PROAIT YARD FOOTAGB from 70 feet to 63.?5 feet or 64 feet. The property is described as being; Lot 1, Tract No. 2637 and further described as being the Northwest corner of Los Angeles Street and Winston Road. The property is presently classified as C-1, NSIQiBORH00D COMI~RCIAL. This property is presently classif ied as C-1, but it is proposed to erect on these lots triples and four-plex structures. Mr. A. R. McDaniels, as Engineer representing Dieam Howes, stated that rather than use the property for commercial purposes, it was now Qroposed to erect dwellings on same with the exception of that portion of the cor- ner of South Los Angeles Street and Winston Road which has been granted a use variance for a Service Station. This Lot 1 has been redesigned under the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2303 and while the iots are under the 70 foot frontage reauirements, they do contain well over the 7200 square feet required by the Ordinance. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. _ Upon a motion by Commissioner Summers, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved by RESOLUTION N0. 164 - SERIES 1956-57 that Variance No. 706 be granted with frontages to be as shown on the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3203 . TBNfATIVH MAP The Tentative Map of Tract No. 3203 was submitted to the Commission OF TRAGT N0, The subdivider is DRSAM HOMES INCORPORATBD, 1085 North Palm Street, 3203 Anaheim, California. This tract is located at the Northwest corner of South Los Angeles Street and Winston Road and contains 19 lots, Plot plans and drawings of the buildings to be erected upon the property were presented. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, and carried, it was moved that Tentative Map of Tract No. 32Q3 be a~proved subject to: 1. The payment of $25,00 Qer lot for the acauisition of Park and Recreation sites„ 2. Sngineering Requirements. TSNTATIVE MAP The Tentative Map of Tract No. 3204 was submitted to the Commission. OR TRACT N0. The subdivider is TIBTZ CONSTRUCfION COMPANY, 11611 Srookhurst Street, 3204 Garden Grove, California. The tract is located on the West side of South West Street, 660 feet South of Sateila Avenue. This tract contains 104 lots. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mungall, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3204 be approved subject to: 1. The elimination of those parcels marked planting areas which areas t~ould have to be maintained by the City of Anz:~ im.aft~r *he sale of homes _a the tzact, 2. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acauisition of Park and Recreation sites. 3. Bngineering Reauirements. RHCLASSIPI- PUBLIC 1~ARING. PHTITION submitted by MILTON NSIMAN and RUBfl TUCKER, CAT~ION 404 South Los Angeies Street, Anaheim, California, as Owners, H. Rl+LPH I30. F-56-57-47 TAVETT, 4921 Durfee Avenue, Pico, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property dea~ribed as being the Southeast corner of Raymond Avenue and Romneya Drive, be reclassified from C-1, I~IGHBORHOOD COMhffiRCIAL to C-3, HEAVY COMhffiRCIAL. Mr. Lovett appeared before the Commission and stated that on the West, the property is bounded by M-1, LIGHT MANUPACZURING~ and on the South and East lie C-1, NBIGHBORHOOD COMhffiRCIAL and sides on an old resi- dence on the North side. He stated that a Service Station would not have more traffic than any other development in the area. Mrs. V. T. ~ t ~ -5- -- - - ..,._.. , ~ R \ . 1 V ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~l ~ I ----- ---~ e _ _ f ~ • ;; . ~ ,:a ~ - ..-- ~ _ --- ~" 1 h -----_ _.. ----------- -~~___.. -°--- _. _.. \ #-'4, ~ i i is ~;% vr # ~ ~[3A3SIFi- Caruso, 1235 Bast Romneya Drive, appeared before the Commission and ~ 4~TI~ stated that vfiile they would welcome a shopping center at the corner ~_ ~56-~57-47 thep rere opposed to a Service Station aad she presented a petition (~4I'_) contain~ 33 names of pr~perty owners in the immediate vicinity. She stated that there are 10 Service Statiens within a mile and that if this one is permitted, the o].d house on the North corner could be tor.n down or moved and another Service Station located on this corner. T:~ F~ARZNG KAS CLOSED. IIpoa a motion bq Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved by RHSOLUTION N0. 164 - SERIBS 1956-57 to zecommend to the City Council that Reclassification No. P-56-57-47 be Deaied. j iae vote on fhe. above Resolution was as follows; AI~S: COM~IISSIOI~RS: Bates, Gauer, Hapgood, Morris, Mauerhan, Suauners, Thompson and Mungall. 1~UES: OOFflNISSI0I~RS: None. ABSENP: CaIWMISSI0I~RS: DuBois. ~IF7i- P[THLIC F~ARING. PETIITON submitted by EUCLI~ SHOPPING CENTSR, 1220 (1~lI@E North Palm Strcet, Anaheim, California, as Owner, H. RALPH LOVSTT, FD_ F-~fr-S-46 4~TZF Durfee Avenue, Pico, California, as Authorized Agent, re4uesting that the property described as the Southeast corner of Suciid Avenue aad SateiYa Av~nue and containing approximateiy 10 acres, be reclassi- fied fraa R-A, P.ESIDENf7AL AGltICULTURAL to C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMk~RCIAL with C-3, ~AVY CORA~RCIAL for a 200 by 200 foot parcel on the cc.rner for a Service Station. bir. Lovett appeared before the Commission and stated that this corner had been zoned for a commercial use by Orange County but aow that it had been anneaed to the City it has reverted to R-A, RESIDENrIAL AQtIQJL1VRAL . Tf~ HEARING WAS CIASED. , IIpon a motion by Commissioner Bates, seconded by Comr•issioner Thompson, and carrxed, it was moved by RHSOLUTION N0. 165 - SERIBS 1956-57 to recommend to the City Councii for C-1, PIDIGI~iB0RH00D CONPiERCIAL aad C-3, F~AVY COF4~RCIAL fcr 200 by 200 feet on each str•-:t at the corner for a Service Station. Tfbe vote oc the above Re:soiution was as follows: A7~S: COFAfISSIONERS: Bates, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. ~iS: COF4IISSIONERS: None. A.BSENf: COP4~ISSIONERS: DuBois. • ~FZ- A7BLIC HEARING. PETIIZON submitted by IAWRENCE A. MUGRENTHALER, 1530 Q1~FTQi Avolencia Drive, Fullerton, Galif ornia, as Owner, STEPHEN F. GALIAG[~ffiR, 11D_ ~56-5T-48 Califomia Bank Building, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, reqaesting that the property described as 11201 Crescent Avenue and being fnzther described as the Northwest corner of Loara Street and Cresceat Aveim,e, be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-1, I~IGFIDORHOOD COh~'RCIAL. 6[r. Gallagher appeazed ~yefore the Counnission and stated that Mr. Mnckenthaler had deeded and put in curbs and sidewalks on Crescent Avemie and azound the comer up as far as North Street and that he was rziling to dedicate 10 feet more from North Street to the North pro- perty ii.ae with the propezty to tha South being used by the Broadway- Haie Company and the property to the West of the subject property also being in their name and developed. He felt that his client ahould be aliwred to have the same ciassification on his property. T1~ E~ARING WAS CLOSED. -6- _..__ ; ~ __---. - ~ ---- - --- € (~~ ~ :~ " ~ '.J ~ RECIA.SSIFI~ Upon a motioa by Ca~issioner Tho~psoa, seccndeg CATION Mauerhaa, a~ carried, it ~ras zecaeeaded to the City Coruncii by N0. P-56-S7-48 RESOLUfION NO. 166 -- S~ERIES 1gSfi-57, that tl~e Reclassif?cation of <CaNT.) the subject property froa R a to C-1 bc apQroved sebiect Yo the dedicatior.. of 10 feet aloag tLe 11est side of Loaza Street froa North Street to the North property liae of the sabiect property. The vote on tLe aboc~ Resolatioa ras as foFlciors: A~: ~!lISSIOPff1tS: Ganer, Hapgpod. llauerhaa, Morris. Su~ers, 17~o~pson a~ 1(nngall. NOES: COaMISSIOA~RS: None. ~1B5ENr: OQ~MISSIQ~ff1tS: Bates and DuBois, 1tHGLASSIPI- P[TB:.i~ :3P',:.Y',i^u. rr t"1hi sub4itted bg LOQIS IESSER ENlERPRISES LTD. ~ reTrnu $73; „~~ui~~ ~iC~Q, ~~riy ~~~ ~ifomia, as O~mers, AL11xN N0. F•-56-57-49 IESSER, Same Address~ as Anthorized Ageat, zeyyestiag th~t tLe property described as tLe Sartbeast corner of Lincoin apd EnoY Avenues be reclassified froa R A, RESIDENtiAL p(~tI(IILNRpL to C-1. I~I(~HODD ~RCIAL. Mr. Alvin Lesser appeazed before the Cosnission and stated that this had been granted a nse variaa~e by the Cq~nty aad that a Service Statioa was in the pracess af being erected on the cornez. 1[r. ~,e~r stated that there wouid ' a serer arailable by the City of Anaheiw in June of this qear and i'dt tLCy ~~ g~~~ ~ aze ready to go ahead zvith this pro,ject and ~iie there is aaotmer Shoppiag Center in Buena Park right across the strect. a nmeber of tLe better lessee•s of Lhe property would rather locate ia thP pnaheis sectioa rather tLan in the Huena Pazk locatioa. TI~ FffAgIl~ 1/p„S ~. /fr" •`~~ Upon a motion ~ S'1~ by Co:issionEr Hapgood, seconded by Coesissioaer Thompsoa, ~~¢/ and carried, it xas moved to zeco~e~ to ttte City Conncil ~y RESOLLiTIQ1V i N0. ib7 - SERIES 1936-57 that Reclassification I~Io. F-56-57-49 be approved. RSCIASSIFI- PUBLIC HEARING PETITION sttbsitted tw ni_~Fay ~rc~ i~..~. ~•...•~;;~ iGSS CATION North Palm 5tzeet, Anaheis, CaiifornYa~ as pr~e=5~ J. C. gAYAN, Same N0. F~56-57r50 Address, as Authorized Agent, reauesting that the property described as being the Southwest corner of EaYella Avemie aad the Santa Ana Freeway, be reclassified fro~ R--A. RESIDENliAL AQtIC4L1URAL to M-1, LI~1T MANUFACNRING. There is appzmcimately 75 acres in this reauest signed by tweaty-{yo property ornezs in the area. Mr. Dana Smith, Attorney for Dreaa Ho~es, appeared before the Crnmission and stated that this property bad been Zoaed ~[-1~ y~Q~ ~FACIURII~ by the Countq previous to the a~exatica to the City of Anaheia, ppon a:mexation to tLe City, it be~a~e R-A, RESIDENPIAL AQtI(~1I,TURAL and tLey aze now requestiag a reclassificatioa back to that granted by,the Cotsnty. f~9r. Legay {q. Graf, 1IS22 Spiactar Strnet, Qrange, Califi~nia, presented a petitioa ceataining a iarge a~mt+er of na~s af ~xa~1e in this particular area rho aze a sini~ of 660 feet Sauth oF the snbiect PSOPerty aad the property under consideratioa~ voicing their disapproval of the graating of the Reclassification. Maay c*thers appeazed before the Commissioa both in fa~or am opposimg tbe granting of this Reclassi- fication. ~E AFARII~ HAS CLp~p_ Upon a motion bq Comissioner Ganer~ ~~~~ ~,y ~iuioner Hapgood, and carried, it was ~oved that the p~aheia Staff ~ake a study of ~the complete area aad present ~xch a pian at tbe first Meeting in April which will fall on April 1, 9.957. RHCIASSIPI- PUBLIC t~ARING. PETITION snbaitted by EDNARD L. ~lAID, 920 North West CATION Street and S~pf~N ~_ ~LiS~p~ g~g ~~ ~~ Strcet, Affihei~~ Cali_ N0. P-56-57-51 forna , as ~wners reqn~esging that tiie property described as being 909-935 Cambridge Street, be reclassified to x-3. ![JI,TIpI,E Fp}RLY RESIDENPIAL froa R-2, 11fp pp}QLy RESIDENlTAL. ~ -7- . ~ i ` ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ RBCJASSIFI- No one a eared for or a a' Pp g inst the graating of this Reclassification. CATION THS HEARING WAS CLOSSD, N0. P-56-57-51 (CONf.) Upon a motion by Commissioner Mungall, seconded by Com~issioner 17iospsoa, and carried, it was moved by RBSOLIITION N0. 158 -^,ERIES 1956-57 that r Reclassification No. F-56-57-51 be recomm~ffied to the City Canncil i ~ for approtn_1. The vote on the above Resolution was as foliows; ' AYES: COI~AtISSIOI~RS: Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Norris, S~ers, Thompson and Mungall. ~ NOES: CON9~lISSIONHRS: None. ~ AHSBNf; COb9~tISSIOAIDRS: Bates aad DuBois. ~ RnCIASSI'rI- e FUBLIC HEARING. PBTITION submitted bq FRAI~ gR0(~lAp~ 1005 North r mrnu uw...a:. n...,_..., ~a -,. •~ . 6••--.. .,.....~.., ..u,e~~, ~aii. o~~ia, a5 ~rxner, reqnestiag ii~at Tpe ~ N0. F-56-57-52 property described as being to the. rear of 1005 North ![agnolia Avernie, be reciassified from R-1, SINGLE FAI~IILY RESIDENITAL to R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RESIDSNTIAL, Mr. Brogman appeared before the Commissioa and stated that tbe property in front was Commercial, the property on the North was cavercial aad the rear backs up to an M-1 zone. He felt ±*~~t it ponld be snitabie for multiple fwu~ly use. Mrs. Louis P. Munyon, 939 ;Plieidad. appeared before the Commission and presented a petition u~ propesty owners on this street and La Perla Street and other streets in tLe area protesting the granting of this Reclassification due to 2h: fact t6at ail traffic from the subject propea!y would have to c;,se dc~rm Fel3cidad Street to Greenleaf, There is an aileq at the North end of the tract on Magnolia Avenne and Mr. Krogman stated that he propoaed tn pnt in a 20 foot ailey ieading to Magaoiia Avenue at the Sonth liae of his property for the resideats to use in gettiag out to kagaolia Avemie without ~ing down Felicidad Street. Thia removed the objection from~a trafficstandpoint on Felicidad Street. Aaother property owner brought up the auestion of Lots 3~ 4, 5 snd 6 sitnated on the South side of Tract No. 2911 being limited to ane-storq in beight. 3ir, Rrogman thought that this was a good suggestion and stated tbat he wouid so stipuiate. THB HgpRING }Vp,S CIASED. Upon a motior. by Commissioner Thampson, seconded by Ca~iaaiamer ~ Hapgood, and carried, it was moved bq RHSOLUTION N0. 169 - SF1tIES 1956-57 that the Co~ission recommend to the Citq Couacil tl~t Recisssi- fication No. P-56-~57-52 be approved subject to tY.e instsilst3oa of a 20 foot ailey along side the South property line of Tract No. 2911 and ~iiat the buildings erected on Lots 3, 4, 5 affi 6 be liaited to ' one-story in height. The vote on the above Resolution was as foilo~as; AYBS: CONAlISSIOPIDRS: Gauer, Hapgood, Maueraan. ldorzi~, S~e:s, Thompson and Mungall. NOBS: COt~fISSI0I~RS; Idone. ABSSNT: CONIlNISSI01~ffiRS: Bates aad Dul3ois. VE-RIANCB A letter wea rece3sred r.equesting that an extsn.~is~ bt e'=~~± ~: N0, 630 Variance No, 830 which was originaily greated to JERYtT Hl,RLS a~ ALBXANDBR PISFA1r+N on a parcei deacrited as the N~at +180 by 400 feet approximately 400 feet Weat of Bmpire Street oa the Sonth s3IIe of Lincoln Avenue. This Variance rvas for ti~ eonstrnc43on of a Hl1RDEfABg STORB as Fer their letter, they expect to begin conatznctioa rithin the next 90 C~;s. Upon a motion by Commiasioner Gauer, aecoffied by Camiaa~oater 17so~pson~ and carriPd, it was voted to grant an extenaion on pariaa~e No. 630 for six month~s, ADJWRI~NP The Meeting Adjourned a4 6:20 0'Clock P.M. ar~~~ +.... ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~~...~.~~-.~~ ~ ~___ ~.._.. ._.__ . . . _. _.. .--~- ..~i~ ..g.. ~ i l ~ ~ ~ f ~ /j /