Minutes-PC 1957/10/07v i • .: .~ ~' Ti ~,% t,~ ( ; ; ~ a c~ty xaii ; : Anaheim, California i October 7, 1957 ' MINUfBS OP TI~ RSGULAR hQiHTING OP THS CTTY 'PIANNING COhQdISSiON ` i ~ REV'OIAR A Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to order by 6~SfING Chsirman Summers at 2;10 O'Clock P.M. ~ pRESENP CHAa~tMAN SUhA~RS, COhGlISSIONERS: DuBois, Mauerhan, Thompson and MungalY. j CO[~II~tISSIONER Morris entered the Meeting at 2:20 O°Clock P.Mo ~ COI~4fiSSI01~R Hapgoofl entered the Meeting at 2;30 0°Clock P.M. ~-~-' MIlr'tTPES The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of September 16, 1957, were ~z approved as printed. Chairman Summers then announced that the Meecing would be closed at 5e00 0°Clock P.M, and the items not considered would be held over until an Adjourned Meeting to be held on Menday, October 14, 1957 at 2:00 0*Clock P,M, n~1R7ANCB N0. - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by HINf2 CONSTRUGTION COMPANY, Y545 833 gatella Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting a WAIVER of the front yard set-back requirement of 25 feet ta 20 feet on inter.ior ~ lots 12 through 105 inelusive of Tract No. 2903, on the property des- ~ cribed as Tract No, 2903, Lots 12 through 105, as recorded in the ofFiee ~ of the Orange County Recorder in Book 99, Page 21, et seq., and further described as the Northwest corner of Rateila Avenue and Ninth Street. ;; The propertq is presentiy classified R A, RBSIDBNfIAL AGdtICULTURAL. ~~ No one appeared for or against the granting oi this variance. T~HH - F~AR ING kkS C[.OSBD . V Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson. seconded by Commissioner Mauer- - haa, and carried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 69, Series 195?-58, Variaace No. 833 be granted for a waiver of from 25 to 20 foot front qard set-back on the interior lots in Tract No. 2903, ~ VARIAN(B NO, - PUBLIC F~ARING. PET TfION submitted by ANAHBIM BOYS° CBNTHR, INCORYORATED, a i 834 as Owner~ 117 West Chartres Street, Anahe un, California, requesting ~ permission to CONSTRUCf and HOUSB ADMINISTRATION OPPICBS for the Ba~y ~ Scouts of America, Northern Orange County Council, on the property Qes- ~ cribed as; Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 39, Anaheim Bxtension, Orange Cointy, State of California, thence Southe*4y aloag ~ the Westeriy liae thereof 235 feet; thence Easter7iy as measured at right angles from said Westerly line 282.02 feet to the true point of begin- ;; ning; thence, 1. Northerly along a line parallel with said Westerly x' liae of Lot 39 to a point in the Northerly line of said Lot 39q thence, :~ 2. Southeasteriq along said Northerly line 178 feet; thence, 3. Southerlg~ 7 parallel with the West line of said Lot 39, 100 feetp thence, 4. Wester iy :+ as measured at right angles to the true point of beginning. Excepting therefrom the Northerly 50 feet as measured at right angles from monu- ~ mented center line of La Palma Avenue, and furih er described as 1006 West ~, La Palma Avenu~. The property is presently classified R-0~ RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN. s~ ~ Mr. Rouland appeared for the Anaheim Boys° Ceater aad presented plans ~ of th~ proposed structure to be erected. No one appeared in opposition ;= to the granting of the varianee, TI~ HBARING WAS CLOSED. ~ ; Upon a motion bq Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner DuBois, ~ and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 68, Series 1957-58, that ?~ Variance No. 834 be granted subject to the erection of the building in - accordance with the plans presented. ~ = Q'~R7ANCE N0. - PUBLIC F~ARING. FETTTION submitted by QtIPPTTH ffitCJTHHRS, 922 West Center g 835 Street, Anaheim, California, as Owners, requesting a WAIVBR of lot ~ frontages from 70 feet t~ 60 feet (4 iots), 63 feet, and 64 feet in Tzact No. 3310 on the property described as Tract No. 3310p being a ~~ subdivision of portions of Lots 25 and 26 of Helen and Lynch Subdivision, and further descrioed as South of Crone Avenue and Sast of Loasa Street. The property is preaently classified R-A, RSSIDSNf]'AL ACdtICULTURAL. -1- ; I ~ ~ 1 ~ ; ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ f e i S ~ ` f pAR711NGti I~0_ - lir. ~amm ~3ffith apprare~ ~are t.~e Co~issioa and stated that this 835 Ca~tismed va=~a~~° pextaieaii[o'Y~act ao_ 33E0, M6ich xas the same tract preseated ander ~e ~es 18L6, amd apQroved bg the Plamiing Commission and the City r~r+~ saoe tme a6o_ Ebe ststed tIat the same houses that theq reze zamst:a~3mg at ~ ia atteer Tracts rould be used in Tract No. 3310_ To ~ apgea,red a cK,+pa~iti~ to the gsaatiag of the varisnce. T~ ~tIl6 ~!S Q~ED_ i3pam a~o~tir~ bs ~issBamer ~soa, second_,i by Commissioner Morris, aa3 rarziec~, it ~os ~cae3 t~ ~esolation No. 6T~ Series 1457-58, that ~aziaax 3u~_ 833 be gssate~ fur a vr~iaer of from 70 feet to approximately 63 feet am t~e ffr~age of lots in Tract No. 33I0. T8NIATIYE f~fl1Y-~ Teats23ve lta;r ~ Fs2ct 30_ 33142 ras preseated to the Commission. This OF TRAGT NO_ tr~-r ~ex~ tm ttl~e ~~*~+~ gcevioas2g graated, Number 835. The 331J tra..-s i~ 1ncs~ at t~e SaaF~rast cvaaer of Loara Street and Crone Avenue. Tbe ~'+'~~"°- is 4~e larame C~mg, 432 Yfest Center Street, Anaheim, t~3.ifo~ia_ 'Y~e saa.ct centaiffi &4, R-I Fots. il~pzm a mo2ia~ i~g~ G~fsss~rr T~Saa, secanded bq Commissioner Mauer- haa, aai ~rrici, st a0s ersaec3 t~rat tbe C~issioa approve the Tentat ive l~p c~ T~a~ So_ 33A0, snb,iect to. 1_ ~3e pa~ a€ 525_Q0 per Yot €or the acquisition of park and s ~^-~3ss s~es_ 2- ~ ~"ai~rs=~g regaizt.~emYs- RECIASSI~ZCA- ~.IC ~Il~F:_ ffiI3TQ~i sa~iiLed ty E. MARIENE and FRBD A. COOPBR, TION ND. 733i £a~# ~es Street, ~m=Foei~, t~.tiforaia; DORQfHBAL H. STANLSY, 1601 F-57-58-9 East ~esfes Saa+eeg; f3.IF~Qi E_ ~1IIIFY, 26Fi East Center Street; BDWARD 3_ ~3 ~~_ SL~s E62~S-2627-IfeEF7 Easi Ceater Street, as Owners9 r~sticg ~~z 2~e pcapes¢a Qcscrib~d as: Stazting at a point, sai~ ps+~ ~x~ ~^°°F~ai~ sstersrtiaa ef Ceater Street and Hvergreen Sutet, t3~e~,x Fssz aIIomg Cleata St=eei centeriine, a distance of 262 fe_°t ~, s~e~ ~ost~ S0?_32 €eet t to a poiat, thence East 434.26 feet ~ to a poistT 3~ SaatLn 38?_!S fert t to a poiat, thence West 103 feet ~ to a paimt, it~ce Sonth 28 feet t to a point, thence West 35 fcet ~ ta a~~iai, ~e~e 3erth 2O feet t to a point, thence West 316 feet ~ to a po~t„ t~e S~ath SO feet t to a point, thence West 262 feet ~ to ~Caaf eE bega~mg, be sec~ssified from R-3, MULTIPLB FAMILY 8£S3DEf8'Hi., ta C-2, ~AL ~RCIAL. ~s_ ~--~ r,:,~--- x~z-ed be€ure tEae C~fss,ca ~ ststed that she repa~ese~ a13 tme c~ess of parce2s ig tlr proposed reclassificaticn and 4ffit tme9 €elt t~ tbeir proQez2T shanid be recinssified for camer=ia~ ~s~es_ Ye~g lm~zsbnider, 206 North Larch :7treet, presented a peti#i~m 3n,~e~ 3~ ~ pea~le ia the area against C-'l zoning. It was stateS ~g tte ~*«a~* tleat 4~eg rocid not consider a C-2 classif ica- #ian ia t~is anea, ~ t~t tI~7r xooZd coasider a C-1, I~IGFIDdAfi00D ~1~1L_ ~_ CuaQc ~s asEed i€~s~earould be wiliiag to have a C-1 rr~3~~~ i~ti~, aad ~e stated that the property owners would be ~eilliag ta ffise a C-i cEsssificatioa_ This appeazed to take care of Scbe objert~ ~*~ ~ tbe people Eiving ia the area. Ttffi HEARING WAS Q~ID_ Ilpan a~tiem ~ tk~isss~er ~a~eson. seconded bp Co~issioner Mauer- han. aad urr~ed, idt ~os ~ed ~ Reso2atioa No. 70, Series 1957-58, t~- x~e ne~±~a.+~ reca~aai to the City Crnmcil that Reclassification ~. = 33-5..~+-? E~e ~*~~ €er e 2, ~ZE~HE'dtHOOD CabA1ERCL4L., subject to: 1. 3me f31~ af sitamc?asd C-i Deed Hestrictions of the City of ~m~em4 2_ ~e eaectim aE a.6 €aat comcreie b2oct rali on the West and E~a~t~ sides ~ea ~e ~sopeztg is deveioped for commercial uses, T~ wtt an t~e abex HesnIstian ras as folioxs: Affia t~55~S: D~is, Hapgaad, MauerLan~ Morris, Summers, T~oa ara! 1Ysmga22. ?QI~Ss ~D.rlR~S~: ~_ . A85~S: fJO~~I~'s: 3~me_ 2- 1 4 ~_ ~ --._._ .__- __ .._ . ___ ....___..__ .___._ .._ ____ ~_ ._-'_-__, i (~ ~ ~~.) ~ YARIANCB N0. - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTiTION subaitted by (~:~(L li. HCLSTEIK, 166 East 836 17th Street, Costa Mesa, Californ3a, as Oimer, reqoest3ng a 11l1IVER of frontages from 70 feet to 60 feet in Tract l~o. 3329 m tLe property described as Tract No. 3329 ia t6e City of Amheia, (Xlifornia, and further described as the Southrest corner of Sall Boad-aad 8nciid Avenue, The propertq is preseatiy chssified B-~1, BESIDEIa7AI. AQtICULTURAL. No one appeared for or against t he granting of lhis varisnee. T~ HSARING WAS Q,a6BD. This variance was reguested to eover Tract No. 3329, and an esaainatiaa of the map showed that over i0~ of the lota rere dora to 60 foot froat- ages. In view o: the fact that Lhere are larger lots ia t~e area, a motion was made by Commissioner Manerhan, secondM bq Comissioaer Thompson, that by Re~olution No. 71, Series 1957-58, Variance Nio. 836 be denied. TBNfATIVB MAP - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3329 ~eas presented to tbe Ca~issiaa. OP TRACE N0. This tract is located near the sonthwest corner of 8a11 RoaQ and Euclid 3329 Avenue~ aad was originally recorded in the Camty as a partica of Tract No. 2779. The subdivider is George M, Holstein !c Saos, 166 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa, California. The tract coatains 106, B-1 lcts. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhaa, seco~nded by Qa~issioner Th~p- son, and carried, it was moved that the Tentative lfap of Tract No. 3329 be disapproved until the lots are brought up to code reqnize~eats. VARIANCF N0. - FUBLIC f~ARING, pETTT20N submitted by lIZRA FLQtES, II~OQtPQiATED, 10503 837 South Los Angeies Street, Anaheim, Califoraia, as Ornez, LQtE1~i~E, MAC,i~R as Author3zed Ageat, requesting pes~iss~aa to C~Q+5IRIl~T aaa Q~RATE A Mt7THL, and RHMOVB TTID~lS 2, 3, 4, S, aad 6 fraa ~C7ARATIQ7 O'r RESTRIC- TIONS N0, 78152~ imposed by Lhe Citq of Aaalsei+a, m t*~ gzcperty Qescribed as Lot 10, Tract No. 3222 in tht City of Imaheia, Cslifornia, and fnrther described as the southweat corner of Larzaine Drive a~ Los Aageies Street. The propertq is presently elassified C-1, I~I(~tHO~ C~RQAL. Mr. Bert Lowen appeared before the Ca~ission aad preseated a piot plan and rendering o.° the motei eoataiaing 30 ~mits. Ito oae ag~peared ia opposition to the granting of the variance. T~ ~J1RII~G M6S CZ06ED, Upoa a motion bq Commissio~r ldanerhan, seeondM by Casissioaer Bap- good, and carried, it was moved that by Resolutim No: 7l. $eries 1957- 58~ that Variance No. 837 be granted snbject to tbe erectioa of ~tbe motel in aceordaace with the pians preseated, aad reawe itess 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 from Restric~ioas No. 78152 aa this lot. VAR7ANC8 N0. - PUBLIC FffiARING. PBTTTION submitted by (~Qt(~ A. and A1iN (~1II~S, 9692 83S Katella Avenue, Anaheim. California, as Qmers, reqoest3ag pereissioa to USB SXISTING DVOSLLING FQi REST"HOffi I~R AG~D, Coni~ aaooYatory cases wiil be takea)~ an the property described as: All t~at uztain land situated ia the State of Californ3a, Comty of Orange, City of AaaLeim, described as foliows: The Basterly 167,5 feet of t6e Sartherly 259.75 ' feet (measured to the center of streets adjoining) of Lot Eight in Bloek Seventeen of a Subdiaision of the South balf of Section 22, Township 4 South, Range 10 W~st, S.B.B. ~C11.. as sbcwm oa a 1(ao recorded in Book 1, page 33 of Miscellaaeons ldaps, records of Oraage Camtp, California~ and further described as 1:03 11est utelli Avemu. Ttee prnperty is presentlq elassified R~, RESIDBI~S7AL AQt2~'~4r. No one appeared for the applicaat regard3ng this variaace. Mr, R, D, Croweli, living oa %atella Avemie, and a lady liviag ia the area voiced their ob,jectiona to the Commission for 4he graatiag of this Pariance. They atated that while they d9d not d~ject to tl~e chcrch on tbe c~rner, they ~vere opposed to anq other eo~.erciai or seai-co~ercial ases ia the area, and that the area is noa siagle €aeily residea¢ial aad sheu2d be tept in this classification. In vier o£ tive fact that ao ~e app- eared for the applicant, s motion ~vas aade by Cesissioner Tizoogsoa, seconded bq Commisaioner Maiurhaa, a~ carrieff, tL~t tbe ~asi~ of V:~riance No. 838 be poatponed unYil the meeYizjg af Octw~r 22, 295;. -3- ., ' _. _ _ - -.- ~ :~ ~ z i i ~ .~ ti ~ ~ i i 1 3 ~ ; ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ (~ - ~, VAR7ANC8 N0. - PUBY.;u HBARING. PHTTfION submitted by S~:V~: ; ~:!= ~.~ '~~~ i•'~ v~'•~~, 5814 839 Holmes Avenue~ Los Angeles, Califoraia, ~~~°% ~_s;~,•.`.i' ,`.'qt~z~t~g Permissiaa to CONSTRUCf and OPERATB a MCIfBL an@ RSS`fti„~:~:9". ~'r~~ ~T:~ property desc~ibed as tlie North 200 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Sout6east qnarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 4 South, Range 10 l0est, S.B.B. & M., and further described as near the Northwest corner of Kateila Avenne aad Hartior Boulevard. The pxopertq is preseatly classi fieQ C-1, i~I(~iB~tH00D COMUSBRCIAL, No one appeared for or agaiast the graating of this variana , TF~ ~1RIIaG WAS CL06BD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded bq Co~missioner 3lauerhan, and carried, it was moved that bq Resolution No. 72, Series 1957-38, that Variance No. 839 be approved sub3ect to: 1. The buiiding to be erected in accordance with tbe plans preseated. 2, That there be a 50-foot front yard set-back from the properYy line. 3, That a dedication of 60 feet fxom the centerline of Harbar Bon1e- vard be dedicated to the City of Anaheim for futnre street ia3dening. 4, Bngineering requirements. VAR7ANCH N0. - PUBLIC 1~ffiARING. PHf TTION submitted by CIARBNCS B. aad OLC~ SATRE, 8791 840 Garden Grove Houlevard~ Garden Grove, California, as Owner, purcbasing under contract, requesting permission to CONSTRUCT a~ OPHtATE A 30 IINa MOTEL on the property described as being a portion of Lot 1 of "iPalnnt Calony Tract" as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 1, Page 14, of Record of Surveys in the office of the County Recorder of Orange Cossnty9 California, and more particularly described as follows: Beginniag at a point in the centerline of Ratelia Avenue, distant wssterly along saici centerline, 338.00 feet from the centeriine of IJ~st Street to the trae point of beginning, thence, l. Continuing southerly along said line paraliel to centeriine of West Street, 230.00 feet to a poi~y thence, 2. Westeriy aioag a line parallel to the eenteriine of Batelia Aieaue, 40.00 feet to a point; thence, 3. Southwesterlq, 28.28 feet, more or iess, to A poiat in a line parallei to aM 310.00 feet so~therlp, as measured at right a~gles from said centerline of Batella Avenue, tbence, 5. Northerly~ 250 feet aiong said iine parailei to centerline of itest Street to a point in said line parallel to said centeriiae aF Satella Aeeaue and 60.00 feet Southerly as measured along a liae parallel to sa3d centeriine of West Street; thence, 6. Sasterly, 130.00 feet to the true point of beginning, and further described as the South side of Katella Avenue, West of West Street. The property is presentlq classi f ied as R-A, RSSIDSNriAL AC~ItICULTURAL. Mr. Satre appeared before the Commission and presented a piot plan a~ elevation of the propoaed motei to be erected on the property. No one appeared in opposition to !he granting of the variance. TI~ ~ARII~G WAS CLO6HD. Upon a motion by Commisaioner DuHois, secon~~d by Commissioner Mrmgall, and carried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 73, Series 1957-589 Variance No. 840 be granted, sub3ect to: 1. The erection of the baildi.ngs in accordaaee with the plans presented. 2. Hngineeriag requirements. VARIANCB N0. - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTTTION submitted by JOHN W. HARTx,BY~ 1010 Beechwood 841 Street, Sar.ta Ana, Califnrnia, as Owner purchasing uffier contract, re- questing permission to CONSTRUGT aad OPBRATB a 20 tJNTf I~BL on tffi property described as: The Bast 150 feet of tlae Nest 190 feet of tbe Nort~rest quarter of the Northwest q~arter of Section 27, Trnvaship 4 South, Range SO Weat~ in the Rancho San Juan Ca3on de Santa A~, Co~mty of Orange, State of California, as per map thereof recorded in Boot 51, page 10 of Miscelianeous Mape, recorda of said Orange County. BRCBPTI~iG THBRSPROM the North 210 feet thereof. (Continued next page) -4- ~.~-----,__~ ______.---- _~~._. ~ ~._._.,.,. c~~ ~ ~% ~ ``~ ~~ ~~ ~ +'1 VAR7ANCB N0: - AISO BXCBPfING therefrom ail rights iuuring to or for the benefit of 841 CON1D. said land and the rnmer thexeof under and by reason of that certain agreement respecting water and~pipe lines executed by Wilhelm Bischof and others, dated May 22, 1920, a~ recorded June 30, 1920, in book 363, page 209 of Deeds, Records of said Orange County, which rights are hereby severed from sai~i land a~ deciared not to be an appurtenance thereto; aad further described as being located near the Southeast corner of Ratella Avenue and West Street. The property is presently classified R-A, RSSIDENfIAL A(~tICULTURAL. Mr. Hartleq appeared before the Commission and presented a plot plan and elevation of the Mote2 which is to be erected on the property. Nq one appeared in opposition to the granting af the variance. TI~ID HBAtt- ING WAS ~.O6SD . Upon a motion by Commiasioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner DuBois, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 75, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 841 be granted, sub~ect to: 1, The erection of Lhe Motel in accordance with the plans presented. 2, The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 40 feet from the centeriine of South West Street for future street widening. 3, Bngineering requirements. 4. The erection of a 6 foot wire fence along the Bast property iine fron the North side of the building extending to the service station. VAR7ANCB N0. - PUBLIC F~ARING. PBTTTION submitted by W. E. SULLIVAN, 1202 Haven Drive, 842 Anaheim~ Californa~., as Owner purchasing under contract, requesting a WAIVHR of side yard fence requiremen4 on the property described as Lot 59 of Tract No. 2652 as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book ?8, pages 24 and 25, Misceilaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, and further described as 1202 Haven Drive, Anaheim, California. The property is presently classified R-1, SINGLS PAMILY RSSIDBI~TIAL. Mrs. Sullivan appeared before the Commission represent3.ng her son, who lives on the sub3ect property. She stated that they lvid no objections from the neighbors regarding this wali, and in fact, the property owner to the South, Mr. Jimen~z, had paid for one-half of the waii. TI~ }~ARING WAS CLOSSD. Upoa a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Hap- good~ and cerried, it was moved bq Resolution No. 76, Series 1957-58, that Yariance No. 842 be granted. VARIANCB N0. - PUBLIC 1~IDARING. PBTTTION submitted by RBNI~TH B. KI~R, 9661 Oma Place, 843 Garden Grove, Califoraia, as Owner purchasing under contract, requesting permission to CONSTRUGT and OPERATS a 60 UNTT MQfHL on the property described as being: Property vested in: JOHN W. BOYD, SR., and MARJORIS ' A. BOYD, husband and wife as 3oint tenants, aa undivided one-half iTtx- erest; JOHN W. BOYD, JR., and HS'iTY JHAN BOYD, husband and wife as ,joint tenants, an undinided one-half interest. PARCBL 1: Beginning at a point in the North line of Section 13, Township 4 South, Rsnge 11 West, S.B.B. &. M., said point being 89~ 41' 15" East 978.OQ feet from the No~th~st carner of said Section 13p thence Sou4h 0° 10' 15" Sast parallel to the West li:e of ~said Section 13, 1338.43 feet to a point in the uouth line of the North haif of +the Northweat quarter of Sect ion 13, said point being North 89~ 37* 30" West a:ong said South line 141.30 feet to a point; theace North 0~ 10~ 15" West paraliei to the West line of said Section 13, and tt:ence North 89~ 41' 15" Sest 141.30 feet to the point of beginning. PARCBL 2: An undivided 1/5 interest in and to a pumping plant site on a portion o£ the following described land: Begin- ning at a point in khe North line of Section 13, Townahip 4 South, Range 11 West, S.B.B. ~ M., said point being North 890 41~ 15" Bast 1162.30 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section 13; thence South 0~ 10° ~ 55" Sast 1338.22 feet to a point in the South liae of the North one-haif of the Northweat quarter of Section 13; said point being North 89~ 37' 30" Bast 1162.58 feet frow the intaraection of said South line with the Weat lia~e af said Section 13; thence South 89~ 37~ 30" West along said South iine 184.58 feet to a point; thence North 0~ 10~ iS~~lVest~ paraliel to the West line of said Section 13; (Continued next page) -5- ~ ., ._._._-- ;-------..._._..---•-----. _ _..._..--.~._...__ _..__.......----•----•..._~ JI .-__ _. . . . .._ " - __. ~ ~ t _' 1 VAR7AI~C8 I~10, - thence North 890 41* 15'* Bast 184,30 feet to the point of beginning; 843 (~D, a~d further described as 8192 Lincoln Avenue. The property is presently classified R-A, RBSIDBNf7AL AQtICULTURAL. Mr. $enneth b. giter appeared before the Commiasion and atated that he had nothing to add abnve that included in the application. No one appeared in oppoaition to the granting of the variance, THB I~IDARING WAS Q.06HD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompaon~ seconded bq Commiesioner Mauer- han, and carried, i4 was moved by Resolution No. T7, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 843 be granted, sub3ect to: 1. The expansion of Motei units above that requested in the appii- cation at some future time. 2. Hngineering requirements. VARIANCB N0. - PUBLIC ~ARING.. PBTTTION submitted by CL-1RHI~iCH H. and LOUBNB I~ffiWKI1tA, 844 227 North Bmily Street, Aaaheim, l;alifornia, as Owner, purchasing under contract, requestiag permissi~n to CONSTRUCf an ADDTTION TO HOUSB con- si.stin3 of an E7~ERIF~IVPAL LABQtAT~tY, BUSIPIDSS OPFICB, CAR PORT. and RBCRHATION ROOM ON THH QtdUNID PLOCR~ with a TWO HEDROOM APARTMBNf UP- STAIRS, and ineluding a SUNDHCK OYBR TFffi CAR P~tT, on the property described as Lot Six (6) of "Sunrise Tract", as shown on a Map recorded in Boot 3, page 38 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, a~ further described as 227 North Hmily Street. The property is pres2ntly classified P-1, PARKING, No one appeared for or against the granting of the variance. TFffi I~ARI;FG !!AS Q.a6BD. Upoa a motion bq Commissioner DuBois, seconded by Commissioner Mauer- 1mn, aad carried, it was moved by Reaoiution ro. 78, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 844 be granted in accordance with the plans presented, rith a8~qpate off-street parking. VAR7ANC8 N0. - PUHLIC 1•ffiARING. PBTITION auvmitted by ROBHRT WOLPP~ 6838 Holiywood 845 Boulevard, Hoiiqwood 28, California~ as Lessee, requeating permisaion to OPBRATB a DRAMATIC and BALLBT SCHOOL POF CHILDRHN on the pro~erty described as Lot 152 of Tract No. 1825~ as per map recorded in Book 62, Pages 43 to 45 inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange Countq, and further described as being located at 1156 North Bast Street. The propertq is presentiy classi- fied C-1, I~IQiH0RH0~ COI~V~IDRCIAL• Mr. Warren appeared for Mr. Robert Wolff as hia rapreaentative, a~ stated that there would be no aoise created in this store except that from a small phonograph piaqed in a volume where the teachPr would be able 4o talk at the same *_ime it was beittg played, and give instruc- tions; and 4hat at no time would the=e be more than 12 pupils in the class. It is proposed to pick up the pi:pils and transport them to the studio aad return fxrna the studio after the classes to their haaes, No one appeared agaiast the granting of the variance, TFID FffiARING WAS CI.06BD. Upon a motion bq Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, aad cazried, it was moved by Resoiution No,79, Series 1959-58, that Variance No. 845 be granted subject to the closing of the studio by 10 P,M. -6- ~5 1 ---------.__.._._ -----...__._.._._--- -----~--~..__________ ---J` ~ _____. ra ----------------__~. ~ ~ i 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ S~ df ~ f ,,\ ~ ~ A s , ? ; ~ ~yt~~g Hp~ _ p~,I~ ~ARItiG, YSl2Ti0N anbmitted bq OEOItiaB C. ROBH~ 222 Weet 8a11 846 Rosd, Anahei~. Caiifo~ia, aa OMner, requestieg permis~ion to CONVBAT ypRTy~ pg 87t23TING ~ TO OPFICB Pdt PIJELIC ACCOtINfANT, oa tiu propertp deacri~ed ss beias Parcei i: T8e east 7S feeti of th~ North Z40 feet of the Northtast q~sarter of the NorthwFat quar~ter of the t~orth- east qwrter of Seeti~ 22. Ta~rnahiP 4 SouLh~ Range 10 Weet~ B.B.B. t4 M. ; the deseription be3ns the eaae as Rareei i set forth in deed of trust dateG Ananst S, 1957, esee~ed byr George C. Rose and Sylvia Roee,-to T3tie insnraace anQ Trnat (;ompaay, truatee, and Pani Mitre, and Myrtle L. llitre, as benefieiarp; and fnrther deaeribed ae 222 WeeL Hali Road. Tbe propertY ia preseatiy classified aa R-1~ 5INOLB PAMILY RB3IDBNfIAL. *s~ one appeued far the appiicaat rith regard to this varianee. Mrs. ,Jc1m gwe. ?AO lfeat Ba11 RoaQ. and Mr. Lopez, who livee eext door to the appiicant, appeared before the Commisaion and preaented a petition coataiaing four uares ia opposition to tne granting of the varisnee. Tl~r atated ihat this hoee ras ia the r~iddie of the block, and Lhat tt~ere rere no cae~ere3si naea near the enb3ect praperty, and that thie ho.e ws snrrowded on tbree sides by aingle family residentia! dwei- linga. T~ ~lARIIVG MAS QdSHD. Upon a~otim bq Coefasioner ltorrisi ~s~onded by Canmiesioner Mauprhan, a~ curiea, it ras ~oved by Resolution No. 80~ Striea 1937-58, that qar3anoe No, 8~6 be Qenied due to the fact that thie sub,{ect prnperty is am7omdeA bp Singie Fasiiy Residentiai unite. VAR7ANC8 N0, - FpHLiC I~ARItiG. P3TTTION dnbmitted by HOLIANbgR ~c HA1tCIAY INVHS'fMgNP g47 ~AI~Y~ as Oroer, 343 Hsxtnor~ Nap~ Hanihorne, Califoreia, requesting a 1~1ItIBlt of tbe 70 foot frontage requiremenL aed the 1200 equare foot reqnireeeat for honscs to 60 foot frontagea and 1,000 equare foot ltomes go be bnflt ia groposrC snbdivisiea on the properSq deecribed ae: Ali 4bat portion oE tot 19 of Aaafjeim BxEenaiaa, 3n !he city af Ansheim, couaty of Oran~ee, state of Giifornia, as anoam on a mnp of aurvey mede by tlilliaa ~ei, am fiied ia tbe office of the Countq Recorder of Loa Angeies Camty, a coP7r oi rhi~~ ia ehown in Book 3~ page 163, et aeq., eatitied "Lae Angeiea Caunty Mapa" on fiie in the office of the County Recorder of Oranae Camty, Californ3a, iyirfg Northeriy of the following described 13ne: Begiaaing at a poiat in the eenter line of SasL Street~ 66 feet ia xidth, diataffit thereoa North IS~ 23:• 06" West 1433 feet from the 3ateraection of aaid center iiae xith the ceater 11ne of Ba11 Road~ 60 feet 3n ridtb. as sail streeta are ahoam on ae3d map of Anaheim Hateaeion, aaA ru~iag tbeace North 89~ S6* 38" Eta4, para11e1 rrith asid ceater Iiae of Bali Road, 1396.06 feet to the Hrst:-_';• lirte of said Lat 19; aad fnrtber described aa be3~ag on Lhe Saet aide of Baet Street, betreen Yer~oat Street ard Haii Road. The propertq is preaextly claeai- fieQ as k A, RESI~IAL AGRICt1LTURAL. 11r. A3eharQ BarcLy appeued b~~fort Lhe Commiseion and stated that one of the eaoAitiooa to tbe 6raating of ltfe M-i reelaseifiention to !he Sw~th wa t9szt a Sie~ic t~uiiy Aeeidentiai subdivision be put in along tbe tiorth bonada:y between tbe p:enent Singip Pamily t=aet dieectiy to ttie North, ~rhieh ~eaas tt~t any pereoif buqirig a honee in thie tract wili realite tMt thep are aeat to an Ut-i aubdivl~eien. Thie propetty lies bti~iacea an A-2 ~,000 sqnare foai lot tract and M-i property on #he Soutih so that the sase s3se lot snouid bp aiiowed ati in the tract tio the North. !~, n~._*e~s. _.*.*e~ *_~t t~ t~rge ef he~e te !~ b~~it ~tf tihp ~ru~4 would eaots3n 1,000 aqnar~ feet per bui~dln`, aed that tihe hdu~p~ direeRly !o the eart~ tortta3n appro~timateiy 1,133 sqnare feet, but Sh~t flu~ Sd the ehnn~e ia deaip tbe honsea of thpse lole rrouid oppexr to be iarger tt~an tho~ directiy to th~ noreh. i~o oae appeared in oppo~itio~ fa tge `rantltfg of !he vori0ace, ~fig l~1WINO 1N3 CL~51ib. Upon a~otion b~r tbu3ss;:oeer /t~mgaii, e~eanded by Commldeioner 'C!-omp- sm, ,4ed ~arrled. -it ras moaed 6y Reso~utios~ No. 81, 9er~te~~ 1~~7~Sg, Viriaece No. 34~ bc draated for iots xith a minlmum rrea o~ e,000 ~gnare feet sad tbst the honsea to bt conatraeted on theee iota ba ~i],owed witih a sisi:nre~-f 2,Oa0 eqvsre faet, and that said houapc be eonatruo4pd in aeto~dinee rr.tth the piaas p=eeented. ~~° THNrATIVE MAP - A tentative map of Tract No, 3327 iras preseated to tbe C9aission. This pp TRpCT Np, is the tract referred to uader Variance No. 847, rhich conta~as 64, R-? 3327 lots. It is located on the Sast side of Srn~th East Street, 13T2 feet South of Vermont Avenne, and the subdiv3der is the Hollander-Barciay Investment Company, 343 Hawthorne Nay, Aarrthor~, California. Upan a ao~ion by Coaissioner Thampson, seconded by Caaissioner iGm- gall, and carried, it'was moved that the Cosission approve the Tentative Mafl of Tract No. 3327, subject to: . 1. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acqnisitian of parY affi recreation sites. 2. Hngineering requireme~s. VAR3ANGH N0. - PUBLIC F~ARING. FErTTION submitted by PRANCIS M. EILIOP, 542 Sonth 848 West Street, Anaheim, California, as O~mer, Don Schaffer as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to USB LQf 4 of TRACC N0. 2481 for PARaING PACILTTISS adjaceat to proposed restanrant on the property described as Lot 4 of Tract No. 2481, Citp of Anabeim, County of Oraage, State of Califomia~ as p2r Map recorded in Boot 72, page 29 of 1(iscellaaeons Maps, in the office of the County Reeorder of said Connty, a~ fnrther describeB as 1425 Bast Ceu`.er Street. The property is preseatly ciassified R-3, MULTIPIB PAMILY RBSYDBIa7AL. Mr. Prancis Blliot, :-.~ OKner, and Don Scl~affer, as Authotiud Agent, appeared before the ;;«mmission a~ stated that they proposed to erect on Lot 3 a building for the sale of food pradncts. This rould appear to be a restaurant, but c~ food wonid be eaten on the pre~ises, The cas- tomers waxid purchase Taeos or siailar prodncts a~od tate thea xith them In order to accc~modate customers aad provide access a~ iagress to tise propertq, it is proposed to use Lot 4 for partiag. 14r. Bavid Hea~a, 10998 Jackson Avenue, Lpnwood, Caiifosnia, appeared before the Caesis- sion aiui ab,~ected to the granting of the variance on accoant of it being a restaurant, danger to school children, odors, a~ a depreciation of properties on LaPlaza. Mr. Turner, the wmer of p~operty oa IaPlaza, appeared before the Commission aad stated~t6at he ronld not ob3ect to the pxo3ect if it would not devaluate the properties on LaPlaza, aad if La Ylaza was kept for residential traffic oniy with no e~rance iato the restaurant from LaPiaza. Mr. Elliot stated that be believed tbat theis plans could be changed so that ingress and egress wnld only be from Center Street. Mrs. Stanton, 1498 Bridge Stseet, appeazed before the Com~ission aad stated that :~ ~rassxsik to i~ Liaca2a Sehao2 is directly in front of this property so that there canld be no access to the propertq from Center Street. A1so tl~at tbe City Co~mcil agreed that nothing could be pnt up on this property bnt a tripiea, aad the peopie in the area want this triplex built. T~ HI~ARII~G MAS CL~ED.. It was pointed out that the use of Lot 3 xas not involved in this variance, as it is a permitted use ia a C-1 zone. The oaly qoestion vas whether permission should be graated to nse Lot 4 for pazking. 'Yhe crosswalk to the school can be chaaged, aad there vi11 bave to be access to Lot 4 from Oenter Street. This eaanat be~nied to the property owieer. Upon a motion by Commissioner Tho~pson, secoffied b~ Comissioner Hapgood, and carried, it was mmred to postpone fmther action on 9ariaace 848 untii 4he ffieeting of t3c~~t,z~ 21, 3~57. ADJOURI~Nf The Meeting adjourned untii Monday, October 14, 1957 at 2:00 O'Clock P.M. The time of adjourament of this Meeting Kas 5:25 O'Cloct P.M. -8- I f ~ I ~ S ~ 1{ / ~_ J ~ ~