Minutes-PC 1957/12/02...-- _. l .. t ~ ~, ~ ~ ~~ ~~ .Aita2t~im„ cCaT=~.^~^m~ Dec~mb~~ ~., ~7 MINUfHS OP THB RBGUTAFt I~STING OP THE CTTY PIAN..ING .COI~SI~~ RBGUTAR t~ETING - A Regular Meeting of the f.ity Planning Coarmissin~n aaa~ vaZ~fi tfm order at 2:10 0`Clock P.M, by Chairman Summers, $~yvnrum ~'sag present. ~'RBSBNf - CHAIItMAN SUt~ffiRS, COMMISSIOI~RS: Allred, Dulioi.~, ~auer, :i~n„ Morris, Thompson and Mung~ii. COMMISSIOI~R Hapgood entered the Meeting at 2,3D O'~:1:vr3~ ~~VL MIN[TTBS - The Minutes of the Adjourned Regulas Meeting n~ 'Nov~es ?L~. ~~?„ were approved as printed, VARIANCB N0. 874 - PUBLIC HEARTNG. PSTTTION submitted by MP.RLIN J., aad.~~ ~„ as Owners, 12142 Meade Street, Garden Grove, Ca:i.~n**+~A„ t~ permission to CONSTRUCP AND OPPRATE A 20-UNII' M~I. mm ~i° ~~+~tt49 descritxd as lying 400 feet east vf West Street, an 3~e ~:au~h ~ of Ball Road, having 100 foot fror.tage on Ba11 3t~ad ~ad ~~ aff 290 feet, and further described as 1042 Ball Road_ '7~Se ga-.a~9 a$ presentiy classified R-A. Mr. Hightower appeared before the Commission and ska~rsl ~~~- lieved there was nothing further to add, as the przat3 ~ covered the erection of the Motel. No one appeared ia ~~m tlm the Variance. THH HSARING WAS Q,OSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, secondefl ~tCa~~:rs Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved by Resolut3vn ]QD_ 1~7„ ~=- 1957-58, that Variance No. 874 be grante3, subje~ 3o- 1. The erection of the building in accor3aace ~w3~ 33~ ,~p~~ presented. 2. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 30 ~eet iFs~nm ~ centerline of Ball Road for street wideaing.. 3. The installation of street lights in acr.ac•1anr.~ ~~ specifications of the Power and LighS Depar.!:+~rt aff m.'~ City oE Anaheim. 4. Hngineering requirements. 1 VARIANCB N0. 875 - PUBLFC HBARING. PHTTTION submitted by JAI~S ~E~?3'~ad ~~ ~„ purchasing under contract, 9351 Dale A,venue, Aaa'he3m, 4:a1~~„ requesting permission to PREPARB AND PACSAGE ~~'l~Wt~ 3~R ID~t~ BiTPION TO MARKETS on the property described as beiag =~+++p'++~+ am the west side of Dale Avenue, between Orange aad Ia'rrn~r ~~„ and further described as 9351 Dale Avenue. The ~ro~?y 3~ ~- entiy classified R-1. Mr. Parks appeared before the Commission and sta~ed ~a¢ 3~ na~ stood some of his neighbc~ra objected to the ~rapnsr~ ~„ ~ad ~ had signed both for arid against the graatiag yF ~~+ar^~**P_ ~ presented a petition signed by 12 property rnaner~ 3a ff~vax m'f' granting the Variance, He statec that the house av.mil3 H~ ~n."4~ a dwelling~ and that they would put up a fence ,aad ~~~- daws. 'fhere will be ne noise, odors or traf~'i~c a~s~ 3~+y tt~ granting of the Variance. Mrs. Tackett, 9331 33e.avm~ ~r~„ appeared before the Commission and stated that si~e ].3~v~ sT1~ immediately behind, anc~ it was the feeling of ~-e ~eap3~ antt8~ area that if this Varience was granted, it would apen ~~x~ for r~her commercial uaes within this tract. ~e ~~~~++ a pct?ti~n containing 154 names of reaidents ia the ~s~a a~~ -1- • ~ ~~ J I ' (' ~ \ r ~ ~~ _J ~.J I MYNUfBS Op THB RSCs~JLAR Rffi?:~?.'.:C UF_~_i'FIS~CTfY PIANNING COMMISSION HELD DECHMBSR i, 195i: !~t1t:IANCE N0. 875 ~• to +.he ,gzFnking of the Variance. Mrs. M. J. Milton, 9341 Lale (CONfINUBD) Street, i.~4. Thompson, 9331 Da1e Sfiraet, and Mrs. Harriet LYberator, 9?Jl Be~iv,>>~sd; also voiced t3ieir objections to the granting af the Varianc~:, Mr.'Parks said in abuttaY chat no traffic would be created a~~d although he feels the 'ousiness will gra4:; a` t~-~ present timr :it wciuld not warrant him going out snd renting ~ bui?-?.r.4 in a co~ :~e:ciai zone. He sta2ed he would have ade•ii,:te #r.a.3h cans ~n~± that +.•2.king over of this property would be of 1rre:is tn the neigh- t~orhoa: as this particulai p:operty and grcunds hav~° never ioeen kept up. THS HPARING WAS CLq6BL~. iJpon a ~r~tien by Commis.sioner Gauer, seconded by Co.nissioner TSomp- son, and carried, it wktts moved~ that V'ariance No. ts75 be denied fo~ the rPason that aithougl:. 4:he •::.,,. _nuln be classified as a home occupation, it is not pe~mitted by the Health Department in the s2me building where people are livin!„ and that the granting of this Variance would tnrn a single fr.mily dweiling into a stric4ly commercial use, *by Resnlution No.128, ;ieries 1957-58. VAR7ANCS N0, 87F - PUBLIC HSARING. PETTTIOr~ submitted by R. J. BRUC6, RALPH KAZARIAN, and RALP;: B!~R7AN as 4wncers, 8377 South 99 Highway, Fpwier, Cal:- forni~;, r.eyuesting pei i'_ssion to CONSTRUCr A 1G2-UNTT, TWO STORY MClfRL .';OPPHB SHOP, MA1:4q',R~S APARTM`?Nf AND OPPICS, Wi_H SVlIMMTIaG p00L., un the property c'•~:,cribeci as lying 250 £eet r.orth of Ratelia Avr:me on the west side •:f Harbor Boulevard, having 21~ feet frontage on Haroor Aoulet,:r3o and a deptk~ of 600.73 r~e~t; and further described as 1747 ~outh Harbar Boulevard. i:'~e property is hr: se::tly classif ied C-1. 3n ~tii„2 over the plans for •c;:e• ~~ropased !dotel, it is noted that a Coffee Shop and future sua31 .;ocktail Ha.r were apparent ~n these plana. The applicants were request~:d to add these two nses to their application, whick they did. Ne, one appeare~ agai~:~t the granting of the Variance. TF~ HEARIPF<3 WP.t~ CLOSH;;, Upen a motion by Commissior.°r. Morris, secoa~3e;i by ~~ommissioner A?ired, and carried, it was r~oved by Resc•?utio:~ No. 129, Series ~957-58, that Variance No. 876 be a:~:ted. .~ubject to; ?.. The erection of the b:+ildings in ac~oadance with the plans presented. ~ 2. The instailation of street lights in accrrdance ~xi.t~ speci- fications fu,•nished ~y the Power and Light P.:•uartment uf thr City of Anaheim, 3, Bngineering reqnirements. aa ~ 3~ ~' t~ 31 ~ VARIANGB N0. 877 - auiLT_C HHARINv. PBTiTION submitted by RAYMON[3 SPFHAR, as Owne.r, a571 Ratella Avenue, Anahein, California, requesting p°•mission to ~tBCP TWO 4 Ff, BY 6 FT. P.T3FtMAI~Nf SIGNS oa the propertiy describe~ as being situated on the north side of La Paima Avenue, between Brookhurst and Hucli~ Avenues, anl further descr.ibed as 1761-69 West La ?alma Avenue, The property is nresently classified R-A. Mr. S~ehar appeared before the Commission and stated that l~aca~se of the EO foot set-back of the property line,-he would like to have signs up front advertising the type business in the~e stores, and would iike to erect these signs at the east and west end of the ;?r~pertq, No or.e appeered in opposition to the granting of this Var3anre. THB FIDARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by C~mmissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood~ and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 130, Series 1957-58, that Jariance No. 877 be granted for signs to be erected at the east and west ends of the property located at 176i-17b9 W. T,a Pa?me Avenue. -2- i } c e r ~ :_1 .._. _. _.. ... ..... . . _. _ . . ~ . _..- -'---.. .. _.. . -._ .. ~.__..--'--.._... .._ ._._._..____....._.....-...... .. _ ._ . , ~ ~ T ~ • ~_._ ~ ~--/ :. .~ 1J M~rB$ OF '~~ I~~R MB~rING.(~P 1HtS YlANN1Mi l.'1071K1JJ1VP1 llnl.u UBl'.arinoi~ ~~ i~`/i ~ ~vi~i ~i: RHCIASSIFICATION - PUHLIC RH-F~ARING. pBTTfION submitted by H. MARIBI~ and FRSD A, N0. F-57-58-9 COOPBR, 1531 East Center St*eet; DORCJfFffiAL E, STANLEY, 1601 East Center Street; CLI~fON B. BAILSY~ 1611 East Center Street; BDWARD A, and BPPIS B. SIAGLS, 1619-1617-1607 Bast Center Street, all of Anaheim, California~ as Oo-mers~ requesting that the pzoperty des- cribed as; Starting at a point, said point being the centerline intersection of Center and Hvergreen Streets, thpnce West along Center Street centerline, a distance of 262 feet more ar iess, thence North 407.32 feet more or less to a point, thence West 434.26 feet more or less to a point, thence South 437.15 feet more or less to a point, thence 720 feet to point of beginning, excepting the South 50 feet for Road Purposes; be reclassified from R-A, RfiSIDHF7TIAL AqtICULTURAL, to C-2, GBN&RAL COMNIERC7AL. This Re- Heazing is due to the fact that the wrong description was given in the originai Legal Notice. This was a re-advertisement ef reclassification which was approved by the Commission and the City Council, but had to be re-advertised on account of a fauit in the Legal Description. No one appeared for or against the granting of the Reciassification. THH HEARtNG WAS CI.06SD . Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Hap~~od, a~ carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 126, Series 1957-58 that Reciassif'ication No. P-57-58-9 be recommended to the Citq Council for reclassificatioa to C-l~ Neighborhoal Commercial, subject to the original conditions imposed. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYBS: CON4fISSIONHRS: Allred, DuAois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhast, blorzis, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. NOHS: COMMISSIOI~RS: None. ABSHNf : CO?9~tISS IOI~RS : None . REQ ~.SIFICATI~JN - PUBLIC HBARING. P3TTTION submitted by RAYMOND PERRIfiR and RAYMONil NO. T-5~-53-'l3 SP~HAR, as App].:cants, 8$71 Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California, reqtN:st:np that the property described as being situated on the south side of Ball Road, 250 feet west of the centerline of Euclid .Aven~!e, having a depth of 250 feet and a frontage on Bali Road of 57~ feet~ be reclassified from R-A to C-2. Mr. Spehar ap;~cared before the Commission and was questioned as to wny he r:ad asked for C-2 zoning, rather than C-1. He stated that Y~e tho~~ht tliis would be a better use for ~he property. It was pointed u~~t that 'f he insisted on C-2, General Commercial zor.ing, ir. s21 probabiiity the Reclassification migh4 be denied. Mr. Spehar then stipulated that he would be willing to accept a C-1 reclassification. Mr. Halvorsen, ~wner of property to the Hast, appeared before the Commission and stated that he was in favor of the granting of this reclassification, and that he expected that his own property wonld eventually be rezoned for commerciai use. No one appeared in opposttion to the gran#ing of the Variance, THH iiBARING WAS Q,06HD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, secondFd by Commissioner Mauerhan, andi carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 131, Series 1957-58~ that the Commission recommend to the City Councii that Reclassification No. P-~57-58-23 be approved for C-1, Neighberhood Commercial~ subject to: 1. The filing of Standard r-1 Deed Restrictions of tY.e City as Anahe i~q. -3- 1 t +. (~_~ n U ~~~~/~,~/~~~p ..,..~.,.. ,~..,....TCesnv nn nFr~uaRR ~. 19$7 CONfIN[JED: ]R1lW1Y~ Yi" LY~ ~~E1m1.1 Vr 2B3' riL~l~lf !N V~n•u.~.wrrav~• ~~r~g _ 2. 'Flee dedication to the City of Anaheim of 50 feet from the ~. ~;17 Sg 23 ceaterFine of Bali Road for street widening. ~Q~I+l~D) 3_ TLe iastailatioa of street lights in accordance with speci- ¢ications of the Power and Ligh# Department of the City of Aaaheim. q,_ &sgiaeering =equirements. '8~e saEe oa the above Resolution was as follows: A~FSz C06im[[ISSIOI~RS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, ~ Morris, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. L~S: C06flKISSI0I~RS : None . ~r: ~ISS IOI~RS : None . g~g~,~l~'i~ _ pQE~iC ~E,EARIl~G. PETTrION submitted by ROHERT B. RBID, as Owaer, Pp. F-57-5g 24 7~".sI Sa2Y Road, Anaheim, California, requesting that the property described as beiag situated on the north side of Bail Road, between iaott Aveaere and Western Avenue, having a frontage of 85 feet on ga2~ goacp, aad a depth of 365 feet, and further described as 7031 gaya Roed, be zeclassified from R A to R-3. a ~ .~ ~ ~ D~s_ geid appea=ed before the Commission and stated that he built mis bo~ oa tcis property two years ago, a~ that with the Sarge 2alt at the =ear, he feli that by the exection of two duplexes he rvnid be gettiug a use of the iand ~that he was entitled to, inasmuch as ather propesti.es in the area had been granted rGclassifications ¢~ com~ercial uses. Mr. McConneli, owner of property direcl:ly to 1t~e 1~Lost&. stated that he aas a chicken ranch and doesn't want co~2aiats from the resideal:s of the duplexes with regard to the fhactea raach. Mr. Reid fµrther stated that although the plan gcesenEed stcovred fonr duplexes, it was his intention to build only tvni dmgBeses. T~ flEARING WAS CLOSBD. ~;~ a motsoa bs~ Co~issioner T*..w~is~a, seconded by Commissioner D6~xhsa, aad cazried, it was moved by Resolution No. 132, Series g957 58, tliat Reciassificat3oa No. P-57-58-24 be recommended to the Catig Cc~cii for reclassification to R-3, Muitiple Psmily Residen- ts2Ti, ~~2jeCt to: a. 'Efce deediag of SO feet oa Ha1L Road to the City of Anaheim for street wtdeniag. 2. gagiaeering requirements. 'E~ee wte oa the above resolution was as followa: AlESe CObtiSSY01~RS: Aa.lred, DuHois, ~auer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson a~ Mwgail. 1~,5: E~44I.~SIOi~RS: None, ~l~~: ~tISSIOPffiAS: None, ~g~~-_ ~~g,R~. PETiTION submitted bq HOWARD W, and R~GHR W. ~. ~5~ 58-25 g1~FB, as Oamers, i1611 Buclid Avenue, Garden Grove, California, aod HeKard Af. Panaier, as Authorized Ageat, of the same addreas, re~aesfing tteat the property detscribed as being i;~e Southeast 10 acyes, more or less, iping b~tweea Huciid Aveaue, Ball Road on the Pleyt ani Nort2t, aad Paim Iaae on the South and Bast, be reclassif ied fs~ R~E1 to 8~3 and C-1, i i e 7{, i 1 :t 3 ~ ? w ~ t a < e 3 3 3 3 , i -4- _ . ___ / ___ { i i..) ~ e ~ MBflT7I~]('a OF 13i4's PlA~ ~~1lSY tlr ~'- 2:.>,~,~s nnrvrTw~mn. MIN[JPBS OP Tf~ RHGU7AR - - RBCIASSIPICATION - irir. lioward Panaier aPP~~'°a ~fOT~ ~~~1OII ~ presented a N0. P-57-58-25 study of t~e manner ia ~ich Le Pr~pos~d to ase the pzoperty with ~ (~p~I~gD) C-1 along Ball Hoad aad Eaclid A'~ewe, ~ith R-3s 6[nltipie Family ~ Resideatial on the iateri,~ lots- !Cc- Hxlvo~s~. as owner of property across ttie str~et+ a~e~~ed 1PP~O~Z of the Reclassifi ~. cation. No ome apPeared ia o~r-Sitim to the granting of Che Reeiassif ication. ~ ~AB~ 1~S IZ~D- Upoa a motion by Ca~i~vaer ~ala. ~°~a ~Y ~O~~siorier Thompson, and ~,arried+ it ~as n°°ed ~9 ~soieltioa No. 833, Series 1957-58, that Rec]assificatian IIQo. F57 58 25 be recomaiended to ~ the City Couccil fer approvaa fa~ reclau~~tioa to C-?, Neigh- borhood Commerciai, aad g 3, leolta~le F~ilq Resideatial, sLb3ect ~ to: I~, 1. The develop~ent of the gsopezt7 ia accordaace with the sYady preseated. ! 2. The giiiag of tLe Staadard C-1 aad R-3 Deed Restrictions I of t2ie City of ~aheica. i - 3, The dedicatiam tm the City of Amheim of 50 feef al.ang BP11 ~ Road aad Enciid A~e~e fa~ strect xideaia8- ~ 4. The installatian of straet liBhts in accordance with the specifi.catians of tite Pwe~r a~ Light DePartment of the City ~ ~ of Anaheim. I I S• V.~wi~w~~~ TYAA1TMIrRtySa ~ LYar~ ~ ~ The vote on the above Aesolntian ras as follors: ~ 1 AYBS: t~AdISSI~ff1tS: wi~.r.~, DoBois, Gaaer, Hapgood, Manezhan, ~ ~ Dfocris. ~ers, ThomPsoa aad Mungall. i i NC~S: OO~Od7SSIOl~Sc IIQme. ~ ~ ~ ABSSNf: L76i~3SSI~E?1tSs No~e- E AMSULAN(~ SBRVICB -Dne to the facY tLat th9s esa.s caaside=ed bY the City Attoraey as a ~ change of zoae, a Pnb13c Hearin6 !nd to be adve=tfsed. am this was ) the date set. No a~ne sy~eared foz Q ag~s~s~ ~e propoaed piacing E of ambulanu sezvic~ is the ~mciassified Zo~. 2ffi ~ARING WAS 4 c:[,osBn. ~ Upon a motion 3ry Ca~iss9:ooer Gaacr. ~ecooded bv Commissioner Hap- ~ ~ ga~~ ~~=3,ed, it ~axs ~~ed ti~a2 xesoiation No. 55, Series 1957-58, be reca~~ed to tLe Cit7 vo~asca2 for adoPtion, placing ~ Ambulaace 3PZVit= ia Sec+tioa 9~D_13, Bnclassified IIses, as No. 9 ~ under.A - IIse. The vote on t~e above Aesolutian ras ~-` follwrs: ?3 ~ ood, Mauerhaa ~ A]~S: GOA+IISSIOAFR.S: Allsed, Ih~B..is, Ga~r, Hapg . ~ lbzris. S~me=s, Thaapsoa and Mungal~. ~ ~ ~s: ~issiart~s: n~. ~ AHSBNf: ~7SSI~ts: lfine. TSNfATIVB MAY - A Te~ative ilap of Tract 1Qo- 3348 rss P~~IIted to the Commissioa. ~ pg Tgp~ The Snbdivider is GeorBe lI- HoLstein ~ S°°s. 266 Bast 17th Street, NO, 3348 Costa besa, Ca~ifa~'nia- '!be isut ss lacaEed °a the North side of Cerritos Avemie, 717 feet resterly fza Eac3.id, and tontains 65. ~ R-1 lots. ~ •,s 1 3 ~ a ~ ~ ~ j i i .. -~ ----- _ _ _ _ --- ,,, .,.,...._.._---~ -'~t I ~ ~ ,` ~ ~ ,1 ( ~ ~ ( ~ , _ •.~ •~ MINUfBS OP THB REGUTAR MBfiTING OF T_H8 PIANNING COMMISSION OF DE('~lSER 2, 1957 :~::~',TINUID: TBNPATIVB MAP - Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Co~issioner OP TRACT Alired, and carried, 3.t wa~, moved to approve th~ Te~ative Alap of N0, 3348 Tract No. 3348, subi~e;:~ t~~; ' { 1. The extensian of King's Court Drive Northerly to the property line ia order that the vacaat property to the North may not become iand-locked. 2. The extension of the Westeriy North-South street in the tract to Chalet Avenue, with a 64-foot right-of-~waq. 3, The paymeat of $25.00 per Sot for the acquisition of Purk and Recreation sites. 4, Sngineesing requirements. TBNfATIVB MAP - n Tentative Map of Tract No. 3350 was preaeate3 to the Coamniasion. OP TRAGT ' The Subdivider is George M. Holstein & Sona, 16b Baet 17th Street. N0. 3~50 Coata Mesa, Caiifornia. The tract ia located aouth of Bail Road aad weateriy from Suciid Avenue, and coataius 15~ R-1 lots. Upon e motion by Commissioaer Mauerhaa, secoffied by Commiaaioner Ailred~ and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No..3330 be approved sub,~ect to the extenaian of Bowiing Street easteriy to Kiagts Court Drive and extending Bowliag Street at its easterly boundary to the South between lots 9 a~ 10 ±o coanect with the street in 'che oid tract, 2779. ~tANGS CWNrY - The Coinmissioa was in receipt of a broehure eatitled ^Orange Cauaty STRBSr NAMING Street Naming Committee~~, The purpose of the Stnet Namiug Coamat- C~AlTfTBB tee is to ideatify by a siagie name Oraage Countq's 42 arterial highwaya which are currentiy known bq 129 namea. The nany names given to our arterial highwaqs makes drivera bewildered and proae to accideata, and otherwise effieient fire~ poiice and poatai servicea are unneeessariiy hampered in perfonaiag their dutiea. ~- If theae arterial highways have oniq one name, it wili eaabie people aad goods to arrive at a destinatioa with as littie eon- fusion as posaibie. Thii.t Committee has been working for aimoat a year now, and severai c° theaa arteriai highways have been chaaged to one aame. The Committee has rsquested the enQoraement of this pro,~e ct . Upon a motion by Commiesioner Gauer, secoaded by Commisaioner Mauerhan~ aad carried, it was moved•bq Reaolutioa No. 134, Seriea 1937-58~ that the Commisaion endorae the aetion of 'the Oraage County Street Namiag Coarmittee in tryiag to aasiga one name to s11 of the 42 arteriai highwaya ia Orange Cuuntq. The vote on the above Resolution was as foilowa; ~ AYBS: COI~iISSIOAIDRS: Allred, DuBois, Geuer, Hapgood, Alauerhaa, Morrie, Summera, T3iompson and Mimgaii, NQHS; COMMISSIONIDRS; None, j AHSENf : COhAiIS3IOPIDRS : None , f ; R81VI~LS - Resolution No. 125~ Seriea 1957-38, was presented to the Commiaaioa, ~ whereby Keaneis-Maintnnaace be removed from the M-1, Light Maanfac- : turiag Zone, and be piaced in Section 9200.13, Unciassified Uaes. ~ whereby anq appiiraat for euch uae wili be aub3ect to a reviex of ~ the proposed iocation aad the iasuance of a Special Uae Permit. i z -6- ----- z , i _: , • ' ~ ~ ; + ~~ ~_~ .T.,.,,.ne nc m~,,g n~n,rr ~ea ua~m;r~,r_ np TH~ P~NNING COM~M1fISSION OF DECBNBER 2, 1957 CONfINUED: M~...,~,,.. • ggNf~ffiI,S - Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner ~ (CONTIN[IDD) Thompson, and carried, it was moved that the Co~ission recommend ! to the City Council the adoption of Resolution No. 125, Series 1957- ' S8, placing under the Unclassified Uses in Section 9200.13, Animal ; Hospitals acd Kenneis with outdoor runways. f ~ • The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: A7~S: CO~iMISSIONIDRS: A1lred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. NOBS: COhlNIISSIONBRS: None. AHSHNf : COMA~IISSIOI~RS : None . pARK pLAN FOR - Mr. Ralph Summers, Chairman of the Commission, presented a letter ~tANGS COiJNPY sigxted by Mr. John T. McInnis, of Orange, California, requesting that someone be appointed from the City Planning Commission to serve on a Committee of a ParL Plan for ail of Osange County. Mr. McInnis has accepted the chairmanship of this Committee. The Chairman appointed Coamissioner M. A. Gauer to serve on this Committee, THNfATIVB MAP - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3325 was presented to the Commission. OP TRACT The tract is iocated at the northwest corner of Cerritos Avenue N0. 3325 and Nuttvood Street. The subdivider is Moore Built Homes~ 10401 Magnolia Avenue, Anaheim, California, and the tract contains 80, single family lots. This tract was held up previously on account of having no proof of ownership. A letter has been received showing proof of ownership by Moore Built Homes; therefore, the Tract Map was again brought up for consideration. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mungall, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3325 be approved, sub3ect to: 1. The improvement of th~~t lot marked, "Not a part". 2, The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition af Park and Recreation sites. 3, Engitieer3ag reqn3sements. ADJOURi~AffiNf The Meetiag adjourned at 4:30 0'Clock P.M. Approved /~~~~,~,~_ ' ~- R. Ed. MUIVC~LL, S cr tary i~ C ~~ J ~+ C{ ~ ~ ~7~ ~_'_'._.~_._'-' ~._..._..___'_ _'_-__.___....._..._. .._._._..___.._~.",__..-___.._... . - .____.___'~"_.':1~.