Minutes-PC 1958/01/20_ __ _._____ ---.--------~._.,__~~____~..___.__ ~ - ,~ j t'~...~ ~ ~ _~B . ! ; .... . ~ ~ Cit~ Haii A~aheia, t~liforaia ~ Jaasary 20, 1958 - ~ MINUfBS OP THB ADJOURNBD RBGUTAR l~F3fING OF Tf~ CTfY PIA.-aiIN6 (7~0IISSIOh ADJOURNBD RBG- - An Adjourned Regular MFetiag of the City Pla~iag Co~ission r~s UTAR I~ffiSTING called to order by Chairmaa Summers at 2:10 O°Clxt P.l1.. a quortu being present. FRBSENf - CHAIRMAN S'JMMPfffiRS, C0~9~1TSSIOI~RS: Alired. DnBois, ~aner, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Thompson and Mungall, ABSBNf - None. MINUTBS - The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Jaauazy 6, 1958. cere approved as printed. RBQASSIFICATION - PUBLIC FffiARING, PSTTTION submitted by CLF.AR~tp~ I~1I~ ~P~ATIpN, N0. F-57-58-26 as applicant, 3404 Via Lido, Newport Beach, Calafornia; Geozge D. (AA~NDBD) Buccola as Authorized Ageat, sa~e address, reqnesting tbat the property described as being oa Broothnrst Avennt, 825 feet Nozth of Ball Road, on the west si3e of said street, bet~een Bail Read aad Oraage Avenue~ containing 15 acres. be reclussified frae R-A to C-3. Mr. Mark A. Sowden, as attorney for the C~eazbroot I,aae Corporation, appeared before the Commission affi preseated = ze~s~_of t2re propose! Motel aad Restaurant, whicb they desire to ezect on the subiect nro~rtg, it is gre~eep.~ t~ +r~ ~ha ±_±~e ,_c ,___~~ c~ :~~ project, but start with SO uaits as a begiming aa3 espand it to the rear as circumstances warrant. If it i~ fonnd tnat ihe area will not support a 150 reom Matel, then that portion u~eve~oped can be considered for R-3, Multiple Family Res3deatiai to snpport the nearby shoppiag center. Mr. George Buccola, as Owner~ appeazed ~~fore the Coa9ssion a~ stated tl•;at if the reclassiiication was allo~aed, canstruction ~oonid be starte3 on the first 50 uni#s within a cezy shor: tiae. I~a one a~p2ared in G~pG314i6I1 to ine reciassifitation, I~ gF1~BII~ 1Q~S CLOSHD. ! Upon a motion bq Commissioaer Gauer, seconded by Co~issi~er 'Fhoslr ~ son and carried, it was moved by Resolntion Ha. 162. Series 1957-38 ? that Reclassification No, P-57-58-26 be recauended #o the City ; Council for approval, subject to: 1. The deeding of 53 feet ta the Ci#y af Aaaheia fra~ tbe ceater ; of Brookhurst Aveaue for streeY widening. ; 2. The final pians for the Mote1 to be approred bT aa Ar:.2sitec- ; tural Committee of which the citp cvill have oae ~e~er. ~ 3, Hrection of the buildings esse~ially as per the senderi.ngs ~ submitted, i 4, Engineering reqniremeats. The vote on the above Resoiution was ~s folloies: AYBS: Ctkl~fISSIOt~RS; Allred, DnBois, Gauer, Sapgoad, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Tho~pscsa aa3 ~ga21. N~S : COhAt ISS IONIDRS : None . ABSHNT: COhQdISSI0I~RS; None. RBCIASSIFICATION - A message was received from A. Sandy Steiner, the apgiscaat, re- N0. P-57-58-27 questing permission to withdraw his applicaiioa far R-3 Zaning, ; inasmuch as he had aoid the property to a chusch g~oup. t Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, secended bq Co+sissioaer ~ GBIlEit fllld C8!l~Ed; i# (qaC me~oaA tf._ea ~~~ ~~y~~~ ~ ~u ~~i=~~ ~ be granted. ~ _Z_ ~ ., ,.~~.: ~ ~ , ---- -- - ~.. Y,".=~.. _. _ .~ ` 1 ^ i f i ' ~ ~ - ___..Y.._..... _.._ ._....0_ . . ... . _ . . . .._.. _. _..---'_- __ - ._....._.__-_.-----'---' . ' ~.,-~ 'L~ ~ ~ MINUfES OP AD TOURI~D RBGUTAR MHST ItTG. RIANNING COhAlISS ION, Jan. 20. 1958. CONf INUSD: VAR7ANGB N0. 889 - PUBLIC FiBARING. This variance covering a restaurant and cocktail lounge was held over from the Meeting of January 6, 1958, to get a~a opinion from the City Attorney with regard to property rights of the subject propert~. The Secretary was informed by the City Atto=- ney that, due to the pressure of business, he had not had time to prepare an opinion for the Commission. Mr. Fanl Witmore, attorney for the appiicant, appeared before the Commission and stated that they were willing to waive an opinion from the Anaheim City Attorney and requested that the Commission proceed with the application. THE HBAFtING WAS CLOSHD. Inasmuch as an opinion had been asked from the Anaheim City Attorney, a motion was ma.de by Commissioner Thompson, seconded b} Commissioner Allred aLd car:ied, that the application be continued until the Meeting of Pebruary 3, 1958.* 'VARIANCS N0, 894 - PUBLIC HBARING. This application for a directional sign to be u5ed _ by Disneyland and the Disneyland Hotel Company was held over from the Meeting of January 6, 1958, until the ownership of the subject property on which the sign was to be erected was determined. Mr. Woodrow Butterfield appeared before the Commission aad stated that the property was owned by the E1 Aquidor Water Company, and that he had negotiated a lease for the property for a sign. Mr. Robert P. Foster, resident legal counsei for Disneyland, Inc., appeared befo;:e the Commission and stated that they would iike to have this application granted, and that the sign would be very attractive and represent an expenditure of some $5,000.00. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Hapgoal and carried, it was mov+;d by Resol~xtion No, 163, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 894 be granted for a period of three years, unless the Santa Ana Freeway ber.omes a landscaped freewaq before this expiration date. At the time the freeway do:~ become a landscaped freeway, the sign must be removed. VARIANCB N0. 895 - PUBLIC HSNtING. Veterans of Poreign Wars; he16 over from the Meet- ing of January 6, 1958 far further information. Mr. Kramer, past Commander of the Veterans of Poreign Wars, appeared befose the Commission aad stated they purchased the property from the City two years ago and prepared plans at a cost of $600.00, and graded the property. and had requested bids for the building; but with the present state of finzncing, it was impossible to construct the type of building that they desired; but if they could use the property for a filling station, erecter, by one of the major companies such as the Texas~ Standard Oil, -~r Associated, they would realize enough funds to purchase other pro~erty ancl erect their building. He stated that they would protably have a bar in their building, and with the Boys' Club next do,~r, this might be objectionable, and rith a filling station acro:,s the street, it would appear that they should be allowed the same i~se for their property. As far as could be ascertained, the city ~uld this property to the Veterans of Poreign Wars for the erection of a club house; but no restrictions were placed on the property that this use had to be the only allow- zble use, No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the variance. THS HEARING WAS CLOSHD, Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Thompson and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 164, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 895 be granted for a service station only, and subject to; 1. A six foot chain link fence to be erected on the East and South property lines, 2. The deeding to the city of Anaheim of the necessary land for street widening on West La Paima Avenue and West Street. 3, Engineering requirements. -2- *Insert (per minutes for Peb. 3, 1958):"Mr. Whitmore, after ~~ommissioner Thom¢son explained his position on the o¢inion reauested from the City Attorney, agreed to have the Hearing continued," • ~~ ~ ~ `s .~.._~. .ys ~- - ~J~ ~~ ~ ~ r \ i 1 ~S DE~JOaRI~ffiD RBGUTAR I~BTING. PIANNING COA~IISSION, ~anuary 20. 1958~CONfINUBD: ~F~~ DIQ. 89? - p[TBL,IC I~IDARII~. T.his Variance and a Tentative Map of Tract No. 2872 were held over from the I~eeting of January 6, 1958, to be heard in connection with a Reclassificat3on for this tract. The Reciassification wil'! not be heard by tha Commission until the Mee#ing of Pebruary 3, 1958; therefore a motion was made by Commis- sioner Mungali, seconded by Commissioner Thompson and carried, that action on Variance No. 897 and the Tentative Map of 'rract No. 2872 be heid over to the Meeting of Pebru~.xy 3, 1958. ~I01~ - PtTBLIC HBARING. PSTTTION submitted by ORVAL M, and MARGH HALVORSSN, E49_ F-SZ-Sff-Zg as Owaers, 10021 Buciid Avenue, A,;aheim, California, requesting that the property described as being 10001 Buclid Avenue, and further described as lying on the west side of Euclid Avenue between Hali Road and Chalet Avenue, be reclassified from R-A to C-1. Mr. Halvorsen stated that he had nothing further to add other than that coatained in the application. No one appeared in oppo3ition to the grantir.g of the reclassification. THS HBARING WAS CL~.SSD. Upoa a motion by Commissioner Thompsor., seconded by Co~missioner Mauer~aa, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No, 165, Series 1~57-58, that Reelassification No. F-57-58-29 be recoemended to the City Covncil for,approval as C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, sub- ject to; i. The deediag of 53 feet from the centerline of Euclid Avenue for fusure ssrees widening. 2. The filing of standard C-1 Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim. 3, Bngineering requirements. 4, The erection of a fence along the West and South property iines, T~= vote on the above resolution was as follows; A~S: C0~4~lISSIOI~RS: Ailred, DuHois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Dlorris, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. NOBS ; COhA! ISS IOI~RS : Nane . ABSB1~: COMMISSIOI~RS: None. ~3~&~ 1~T. 849 - PIIBLIC HHARING. PETITION submitted by L. BARLB PHILLIPS, INC., as Owner~ 620 Vanca Street, Santa Ana, California, requesting permis- sion to SUBDIVIDB pROPHRTY and CONSTRUCf 1,000 SQUARB FOOP DN~LLINGS oa the property described as lying between Haster Street on the Sast, Orangewood Avenue on the North, Tract No, 2520 on the West asid South, The property is presently classified R-A. Mr. L. Harle phillips appeared before the Commission and stated that the subject property would be developed as a tract and be a contin- uance of Tracts already built in the area. The originai homes in these adjoining Tracts were built while the territory was still in the Countq~ which aliowed them to construct 1,OOU square foot dwellings. The Commission felt that, although there are 1,000 square foot homes in the area at the present time, additional a=eas should be up-graded to some extent. THS HBARING WAS CLOSHD. IIpon a motion by Commissioaer Alired, seconded by Commissioner Maucrhan ead carried~ it was moved by Resolution No, 166, Series I957-58~ that Variance No. 899 be denied without prejudice, but that if the applicant would come before the City Council with plans for dwellings with a minimum of 1150 squaxe feet, it would be the Coarmissiens'~ rec.mmendation chat these be ailowed in the aie a, -3-, ~ ~: ~ ---------..~__----------__...~._---------------__._~ - ~ :~;t ~~ AII~ BES~iiAS I~II~G,_PtAla1I1~ (.'~lISSIOK~ January 20, 1958. CONTINUBD: ~3P~1~ ~_ 4+~ - EE~LIC ~~4T~. ~aI01s submitted bq DOMNICR HASTIOI~LL, as Owner, 316ri ~Ioefield Aveaue, Anaheim, Csslifarnia, requesting permiasion to ~RIIQ A4p C~ffitATE A 50 UN1T MOfHL WTTH SWIMMING POOL AND l~~I~t*S QU!lBTI~RS oa the property described as lying 350 feet west oF ~tsE Stseet oa She south side of Ratella Avenue, having a 210 fca~E €=aatage and a depth of 250 feet, classified R-A, ler. Esstioaeiir the applicant, stated that he had nothing furt~her t~ sdd otLer tlua that contained in his appiication. No one agpeiced ia oppositioa to the grantiag of the Variance. THS HBARING YLS Q~D. II~ a sotioa by Cc~issioner Morris, seconded by Commissione:r Gauer aad ~±r3ed, it ras moved by Resolution No. 167, Series 1957-Sa :i-at ~rsaau lfo„ 900 be gzanted, sub jec4 to : 1. ~v_~ ezectioa of the buildiag in accordance with the plans greseated. 2_ Eagi~eeriag seqnireme~s. i83S'!f~ 3~. ~44T2 - REBLIC HEA~I~_ ~TfION submitted by MAGNOL7A DRUG~ as Owner, ZQkYf ~th Magnolia Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, re- qaestiag pesa+_a~ion to BRHCf A PBRMANBNf SIGN TO ADVBRTISB THB ~ 18IIG STQtE, on the property described as lying betwees~ Ia P~Ia~ aad Greenieaf Avenues~ on the west side of Magaolia. The penQe=t~ is pzeseatly classified C-1. l/s. 8ei~rsrdt and the owner of the Magnolia Drng Company, appeared Eefore tLie Carmissioa a~ stated that a drug store was a service [~asiaess, ~a3marily for the seliing of doctors~ prescriptioas, and tIFSt t~ef desired to have a sign which would be visible in both direc[ioas, onlp 2+~ feet wide, bnt 16 feet high, Such a sign would cal.t atteatioa to the residents in the azea that such service was ~*~~t+iP ~rithout rec~niring them to go to Downtown Anaheim to get smch pxescriptiaos filled. Mr. Harold Hillen, of 917 No. Magnolia A~ee, stated that he represented the property owners in the area ~~~a =~±i±_~ +~_*_h ~ azmes of pro~es+_~ owners in the srei protesting the gra~ing of the variance on the grounds that Ll~r drvg store already has two signs on the side of the buiiding, a~d t~at if Utis variance is granted, other businesses in the shop- ging area ni2l a3so request sigas. 11~ HEARING WAS CLOSBD. Hp~ a s~otion bp Cammissiona Mungali, seconded by Commissioner Da~sis aad carried, it was aoved bq Resoluti.on No, 168, Series I95?-'S8 thst Qariaace No. 902 be granted, for a drug store sign, 2~ feet r3de ~g i6 feet iu heiRht. ~3~13~ ~ID. ~Of3 -~i~.IC~II~iG. PQfTTION snbmitted bq T. 3. MIQ3AUD; 309 Bast ~ater Street. Aaaheim, Caiifornia, as Owner, requesting permis- sion to ffiEQ g SII~iE FAMILY Di~LLING ON THB PROH'f P(~~tTZON OP Ii~', a~ the property described as 309 Bast Water Street. The p~uperig ig pzeseatly classified R-1. ~s pcopezt~g o~mers on South Philadeiphia Street sppeared be- fcre tF~e ~C~iQ~ioa protesting the granting of this Variance. Also a.Iettes ras zeceived from Mr, and Mrs. Carl R. Harp, 609 South P~i.s~e2pd~a St=eet. aiso protesting the granting of the Variance. ~oese ressdeats al1 sap tdat they hatre been contacted by contrac- tars reqaestiag permissioa to erect a second dwelling on their pEOpezties. The coatractor in question, San Viceute Builders, Iac., stated that lheT d~id nmt beiieve that anq of their salesmen had beea goiag fro^ daor to door solicitiag such business. The lot in qaesli~ is oaly 48~ feet xiQe, and the proposed dwelling would b~ 725 ~qmie €eet. Tlie residents in the area who protested stited that ttre eatire azea was preseatiq singie family residen- tisi, aa8 they iragted it Ioept as such; and if this was granted, ~ , -4- ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - . - -• . . ---- -- . - ~ ~ ~ _ _ .,__ _...,_. .. ~ MINUTBS OP ADTOURPIDD 3tBGUTAR 1~SfING. PlANNIIJG t,'q~ISSION. Jaauar9 20. 1958. CONfIN[~D: VARIANCB N0. 903 - there certainly xould be others in the area tI~at xouid request the (Coatinued) same use for their properties. TF~ FffiARING WAS CLOSHD. 7 ! Upoa a motion by Comissioner Allred, seco~ed by Commissioner Mauerhaa, aad earsied, it uas aoved by Resolution No. 169, Series 1~57-58~ that Variance No. 903 be denied. RBVISN N0. 13 - PUffi.IC HBARING. PBTTTION submitted by NII1.iAM F. HDDY, as Lessee, % Fischer Aircraft Coapany, Lindberg Field, San Diego, Califosnia, requesting permission to OPPRATE A I~LICOPfffit SI(~f~SEEING SSRVIGB around the Disneqlaad area. The landing area raill be adjaeent to the Nonderland Hotei xith the heli.copter operating out of said area. The property is gresently classified R-A. No one appeared for the applicant at the Hearing, but at the start of the Commission Meeting a letter rras handed to the Chairman covering this application, Nhich ~ras presumed to have all the nec- essary iaforsatio~. Thr originai applieation from Wiiliam P. Hddy stated that they had received permissioa from the Wonder Bow:, Inc. to operate *his heiicop':er froee Lheir lot adjace~ to the Wonderland Motel near bisneyland to give rifles around Disneyland for amusement. This helicopter would be operated only during daylight hours on weekends and holidays, and the site ~ras carefuliy selected for safe take-off and approach lanes, and rould operate over a carefuily selected ro,rte~ sa as to avoid iajury to persons or property in case of emgine malfunction. This operation has beea approved by the District Safety Office of the C.A.A, located in Loag Beach. No improvements to the proFertq roill be made, and adequate exper- ienc~d persunnel would be provided to assure tbat people are kept clear ~f any dazfger invodving this oachine. Upon receipt of this original application~ the Secretary rorote to Alr. Nilliam P. Hddy and told hin t~at there could be ao flights directly over Disneq- land; also that we have had e~erieace with helicopter operation lauZing on unimproved space at the start of the postal operation ia Aaaheim, and found that the dust raised a-as vesy objectionab2e, There is at present a helieopter sereice from Disneqland to the Los Angeles Airpost; but they laa;i and tate-off on a blacktopped area so that the dust is heid drnm to a minimum. Tt was aiso stated that a fli~t plan must be filed. In going over the materiai left for thi.s application, we fiad a letter from Mr, H, D. Jacobsen, G~neral Safetq Inspector of the C.A.A. relati~ng to the helicopter operation somewhere near San Diego, California, and not near Disneq- laad. A map aiso was filed ~ oring a proposed rouLe whieh presumably goes over uninhabited territory, but ahich is now u~er development to quite a large exteut. No flight angies for asce~ and descent were shown oa any map. Mr. Robert P. Foster, r:sident I.egal Counsei for Disneqland, Inc., appeared before the Co~ission opposing the graating of this Specia2 Use Persit for the reason that there is a coaceatxatioa of people same~ere in the neighborhoad of approx- imatelq 30,000 people withiu a 60 acre area, and that if aaything in the aature of a salfunction of a heiicopter should oecur, it might be disastrous. He a2so stated that Disneyia~ coasidered a simi?.ar operation, but considered it too Lazardous. THB I~ARIPIG WAS CL06BD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Hap- good and carried, it ~wss moved by Resolution No. 170. Series 195?-58, that Review No. 13 be denied, and no Speciai Use Permit be issued for a sight-seeing heiicopter in the Disaeqland area. RB90W!'IO*1 N0. 161-This R°solution was presenLed to the Co~ission for adoptioa, where- bq Drive-In Restaura~s aad Malt-Up Restanrants aze placed ia the C-3, Heavq Commercial Zone. No one appeareG for or against the propose~ Resolutioa. Tf~ ~ARII~iG pfA.S C[,05BD, -S- __.:::.,:, _ _ ~-_.,. . v =-----r ~ e _____----------- _ ..,~:.~,,......--- ~~ ~ _~~ ~ ~ : ; MINUfHS OP AD~,~URPIDD RSGUTAR !~ffiBTING. PIANNII~iG CaB+lISSIOI~T. 7acmar~ 20. 1958. (]Q~'IP~Q: RBSOLUPYON N0. - Upon a motion bq Commissioaer Manerhaa, seeaffied by ~iaaer 161 (Continued) Allred, affi carri~d, it was noved that Resolatimn IIQo_ I61, Sesies 1957-58, be recommended for adoption by tbe City pomc9l. The vote on the above Resolution ~aas as follars: AYBS; (,'OU9dISSIOAIDRS: Alired. DnBois, Gaoer. Ha}r~od, ~ae~as Morris, Snmmers, Thc+oqasm asd ~al1. NQBS: COIrAlISSI01~ffiRS: Noae. AHSBNT; COD9YSISSIOI~RS: None. TSTTrATIVB MAP OP - A Tentative Map of Tract No, 3351 iaas preseated to tbe Oome9ssi~_ TRAGT N0. 3351 The aubdivider, LeRoq D. Owen Caapa~, 129D1 CcemmsLar HonEeiard, Hawthorne, Caiifornia. The Tract is located at ~lee Saa~heasS co;aCL of Bell ROad and SOUth Los AIIgeies Street, a~ cmahiias 12, M~1 lots. Upon a motion by Commissioaer Ganer, secoaded b~ r~__~icnes B(oa- gail, aad 'carried, it was moved that the ?eatatise Map af Tiact 1~To_ 3351 be approved, subject to the foliaviag conditions: l. That Los Angeies Street be a halflvidltb street af 53 feet_ 2. That Ball Road be a half-w3dth street of 53 feet_ 3, That should this subdivision be develop~d as moan than aoe subdivisioa, each successive sabdivision tLereof sha32 be submitted in Tentative for~ for approvai. 4, Bngineering requirements. TBNfATIVB MAP OP - A Tentative Map of Tract No, 1546 was preseated to tLe ce~~«i,~_ TRACE N0. 1646 The subdivider is J. T. Hintz, 9221 Carl Lace. Gazden t~we, (~li- fornia, Tract is located on the ~est side ot'lpestern ~scaoe, 675 feet south of Oraage Avenue, aad contai.ns 73, B-1 la~s. On accouat of a aumber of conditions that ~ere aot satisiEsetazy to the Bngineering Committee in their comsideratim of this taad, a mot:an was made by Commissioner Gan~, secaodrd bT ?~+=sinoer Mungali and carried, that action on this traC be ~~stposed uatii February 3, 1958, and tha~ the snbdiv3ders be notifr.~ ~ tbe ea- gineering requirements. TBNfATIi-B MAP OP - A Tentative Map of Traet No. 3303 was preseated to the ~issian. TRA4T N0. 3303 This Tract lies on the east side af Eaclid Aveme north of ~eaitos Avenue. The subdivider is'BdSar P_ James, 1407 1Qest 126th Street, Los Angeles, California, and ~he tracY ~flaYa3s 2g, L~ 1a~. 1. With the exteasion of the stree2 nmai~g al~ost in a stnight iine ~- to Buclid Avenue, 2. That there be a dedication of 53 feet fzc- tLe ceaterS+*r of Buciid Avenue far st~reet ~videaing. 3. Hagineering requireme~s. ADJOURNAffiNr - The Nieeting adjourned at 5:20 O*CiocY P.td. The tract vras considered at the Meeting of Deocmber 16, 14;a7, aa~ was held over untii this Meeting. IIpoa a~tim b9 ~'^~+~iaaes DuBois, aeconded by Co~issioner Munga33, a~ ~rr3od, it aras aove~ that the Tentative Map of Ti.act No. 3303 be appsoved:~ i j ~ ~ 1 t i ~ I ~# 1 / Approved ~` -6- ~.. •-i----