Minutes-PC 1958/04/07I i I ' ~~ ~ ~ City Hall Anaheim, California April 7~ 1958 , MINUTB3 OP RHCIILAR MHSTING. CITY PIANNING COMMISSION_ Rg(~JypR I~B'pING - A Regular Meeting of the City Plauning Commission was called to order at 2:15 0'C1ock P.M. by Chairaran Gauer, a quorum being preaent. pggggNr - C~IAIRMAN GAUSR~ COMMISSIGNSRS: Mauerhan, Morris, Summera, Thompson and Mungall. COI~(1331ONIDR Hapgood entered the Meeting at 2:32 0'C1ock P.M. COU9dISSIONSR Allred eaterEd the Meeting at 2:34 0'Clock P.M. AHSBNf - CO1~tISSIOI~R DuBois. MIIVUTgg - The minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of March 17, 1958, were approved as printed. RSCdA38IFICATION - Held over from the Meetinga of March 3 and March 17, 1958. Mr. N0. F-57-58-3a Harry Rinkes~ of Lincola aad Weatera~ Iacorporated, which ia a sub- sidiary of the Tietz Coastructioa Coapafly~ appeared before the Commieaion aad atated that theq were ready to start the coastruc-. tion of a shoppiag center on thia property. Prom the research adiich they have conducted, they h~~ve eatabiiehed thQt thia ia a proper area for auch a shoppiag center. It is pianued to start with a auper market and drug atore, and erect 15 other stores in the ceater, He stated that they have asked for a C-3 Reclesaific~- tion~ but they realized after filing, that C-1,!Neighborhood Com- mercial~ wouid cover the necessary zoniag for their project. He had ao plana to preaeat for the developmeat, but was informed that bEfore any action would be taken by the City Council, it would be necessarq for him to submit such pians. No one appeared in oppos- ition to the granting of the Reclassification. THE HBARING WAS CI.OSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Morris, and carried, 3t was moved by Resolution No, 219, Series 1957-58, that Reclassification No. F-57-58-39, be recommended to the Citq Council for approval for C-1, Neighborhood Commerciai, subject to: 1. The filing of the Standard C-1 Deed Restrictions of the City o£ Anaheim. 2. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of the necessary land for street widening along Western Avenue. 3, The in=tallation of ail improvements as required by the City Bngineez of the City of Anaheim. 'Yhe vote on the above Resolution, No. 219, was as follows: AYBS: COMMISSIONBRS: Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson and Mungali. NOFS: COMMISSIOI~ffiRS: None. • ABS.BNT: COMNISSIONBRS: Hapgood, Alired and DuBois, VARIANC.B N0. 823 - PUBLTC F~'t:RinG. PHTTTION submitted by LOUIS HBNNIG, 200 South Los (Amer.3ed) Angeles Street, Anahei.m~ California, as Owner, requesting permiseion to operate 8~ tiOTOMOBILB SBRVICS PIANf, coasisting of suto painting, upholstery, bady and fender repairing, glass replacement, and ligbt automobile maintenance on the property described the South acre of the southec,st corner of Vermont and Manchester Avenues. The property is presently ciassified R-A, RBSIDBNfIAL AGRICULTURA::, -1- 'r i s F , ~ ~. ,~ ~ i ~ ~,. ~ • ~~ ~'~ v ~ AIINUTBS, ABGIJIAR IBBf II~'i, CTTY PLIHIJING OOAWISSYON. APRIL i, I+3 u- tiONf I! :.~'i£~ VARIANCS A1,;. •°•23 - lSr. Heffiig appeared :sf^re the ~ommiasioa an~: ssaiP.l tt~ctt 'ae now (Ameade.".) rould use only the Sout-s a:•_e of his proper.t!• for the >ceqtioa of (Contiar~ed') his auto~obile service plaa~t~ which insta:llation wil~ tx 400 feet south of Veraoat Aveane, Ni4h the ~atrance to t*e bui:LG3:tg facing Narth. The ~?3a bnilding will ioe 120 feet in width, and, :hexe will be appror.iratt3r 5;000 square fert of pai~kiag space plu,i attractive landscapi:ng ia froat of the buildiag. No one appea~:e3 :ln opposition to the grsntiag of the Varianee. THB F~3Ai::;vr was +:.~AF.HD. !r~a a motioa by Cnsmi.ssioner Morris., srcunded by Co~bmissioner Hapgood, snd cazried~ it was moved b7 Resolution Nc~. 220, Series ~957-58, that Var~`aace No. 823 be approved, subiecr to: 1. The erectioa of the ;ti~.ding in accesu:~nce •uith the plot plaa presented. 2. The filing of Standani M-~ Deed Restr~.ctions of the City of AnahPi~. 3. ~e erectioa of a six foot masonry wnll from the Basterly building Northerly to the front of the part, VARIANCB N0. 939 - FUBLIC HBARING. PfiTTTIOH submitted by SUNIiY HOMBS, INCOR?';)°4TgD~ P.O. Bax 509, Santa Ana, California, as a.pplicaut; C?g?4r,i. Out- door AdvertisiaR Corparation, as Author:zed Agent, cear,cesting per- missioa to ere~~t a TBl~ORARY DIRSCTION/~L SIGN to ad~ ~tise the sale of ho~es ars: ic~s in Tract No. 3i47, located ac Cerritos and Nu:hrood Avpanes_ sai3 Tract contains 42 lots, +~.: ;he prpperty dascribed sa ttxe ~ou#hv:est comer ol' Cerri' ~s and Buclid Avenues. The property is pzeset~stly classified P.-e; R18S:DSNfIAL AGRICULTURAL. No one appearRd'~r a:• zgaa~~t the gzai:tir.r, ui i.,'.s Variaace. THE 2iBARIldG Kr:~ i:1.fN3BD . T'his is the first sigm req:;~ested for Sunay Homes, incorporated, covering Tract No. 3147~ located on Cerrite~s, west of Huclid Avenne. T~ere are 42 homes in tne Trsct, lfpon a mo:tion by Gommissioner Mau~:rhan, seconded t,y C~issioner ~mmers, .an~ ca.~ied, ii was aoved by Re.solu::ir,n No. 221~ Series ~957-58, that Variance No. 939 be asantN , su~jecY to She nine conditions est3Glished for such direcsional signs Lw the City Council. VARIl1NCB NO„ 940 - PUBLIC i~ARIN~~. PHTTTION sul~Aitted bq CAiiMBN SCALZO, 1520 South Harbor Baulevard~ Anaheim~ Caliiornia, as Owaer, re{luesting per- ~ission 4o CON9'!'RI1CT AN B7~ANSION OF 20 UNTTS ta an existing Motel on tue propesty descri~~+ed as 1520 South Harbor Roulevard. The pr.oper:y is preser 1~ classified R-A~ RBSIDHNTIAY. AGRICULTURAL. lAr. ~~atxc, appeared befare the Gomm~ssion and stated that he had nothing further to adQ ather than that contained i.n his petition. '_lH8 FiP:+RING "wA3 CLOSBD . U~,~on a uotion by Coamissiou~r Alired, seconded by Comm3ssioner Atuagalz, '~d csrried., it was voves' by Resolution ivo, 222 Series 145?~58, t~eY :~rsiance Nc. 94'! De approv2d far an additional 20 ~mits for this Motel., an;~ject ta the erectian of theae unita in accordance rith the rlanrs oresenled. P[iBLIC ~BARII~, VA^U1NCB i.:,,. 941 - PATTTIOl1 e~~baiYted by ?Fl'8R ar,r STBLIA 'TURI~ffiR~ 1520 Zincoln Ave- :u~e, Anahe~a, 'i.aiiio~ia~ p~rchaolag under contract; Harve Iahida, as AuthorizeA Agent, re~uesting ~ermission to opera~° a TRA~'TOR SALBS .1PID ShR1iICB an the p:qper#y deQCritxd as 8332 Hast Lincoln Aven~w. ~ prapertq is pre.seatiy classified !;~A, RSSPJBNfIAL AGRIQILTURAI.. ilr. Pete:r Turaer appea~red befor the Commissiaa aad sta ted that the Case Coapan; a~ere in¢~er~sted ~; relocs:ing Lheir ~cales ..nd sc~vice -2- :,~ ~ ~ ~ -. _ _.,,._.r.. -- __ ___----- ---.-__ -.._______ ..._. __....... . - .~ _..___,.,.:.. ...____---.. - ~ ~ . -~- i ~ ~ i \_~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.l MINUTBS. 1tHG[JIAR MBBTfNG. CITY pIANNING C01~!tIS3E0N, APRIL T, 1958, CONPINUSD F ~. l ~ s ~li I ~ I ~a ii ;~ ~~~ ~ r h F ~ :.~ t~.; x~ ~1 ~y ~ i~~ i~~ ~i }~ ~3 S~ ~ ~:~ ~~ :7 ~7 ~ ~7 I L ~ ,~9~ ~ ._„~...a,~, ~ ~ ~ t f ~~ VARIANCB N0. 941 - building for agriculLura~ equi~seut ~ln an attractive building, and tContinued) that they proposed to erect such a building with a setback of 100 feet from Liacoln Avenue, ~rith suitable landscaping in front of the building. Mrs. Madison, propertq owner directly'fa Lhe Hast and the operator of a chickeii ranch~ questioned whether there ahould nat 3e a concrete wall ere~•'ted by the applicant betweea their property and nis in order to ~+rotect the criicken ranch, as it was their feeling that aervice of tractors wauld disturb the chickens. It was pointed out that their chicken ranch lies at the extreme south portion of this property, and there was a possibilitq thaS tha operations of the Case Company would aot cxtend tihis far back, H~wever, the applicant, Mr. T.urner, stated that he would be willing to erect a six foot mason~y wail wherever their operations might adjoia the chicksa runs, THE F~ARING WAS CIASBD. Upo~~ a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Hapgaod, and carried, it was moved bq Resolu:ion No. 223, Series 1957-53, that Variance No. 941 be grante3, aubject to the applicant ereeting a six foot masonrq wall wherever :ntir operatios adjoins the chicken runs to the Hast. VARIANC$ N0. 942 - PilBLIC IiBARING. PBTTTION suLm£tted by DAN COHB, P.O. Box 38~ Stan- ~ ton, Calizqr•..ia, as Owner, requesting permission to SPLIT A LUf, making two lots 65 feet by 135 feet, and 80 feet by 135 feet. on the property described as 3210 Teranimar Street. The propertq is pres- °:ltly a1aRPified ',t-A~ RBSIDHNPIAL ~iGRICULTURAL. Mr. Cobb appeared t~°iare the Commission and state@ that there was nothing further that he cared to add other than that contained in the petition. No one appeared in opposition to the grantiag of the Variance. TF~ HBARING KA5 CLOSBD. Upon a motioa by Ca~amissioaer Thoa~gsnq seconded by Commissioaer Ailred , r,nd curried, it was maverl that Variance No, 992 be granted by Resolcttion No. 21$, Series 19.'i7-58, that Variaace No. 942 be granted, r,,:bject ta: 1, i~he d~ading of 45 feet fr~ the ~enterl3ne of WE~tern Av?~ue t•o 4t:e Ctty of Anaheim ior street wideniug, 2. All imprnvements to be put in on Western A.ven~e as rec~uired by the Ci1:y Hngineer. VAR7AH(~ NC. 943 - PUBLIC HBARING. :?BTITION su}imit•ed bq '~IBSLBY METIiODISZ' QiURCH, 63~ Nort:i Los Angeles Street, ~?ttr.heio, Califoraia, as Owner, request3hg pe*mission to CONS;RUCf A~vI' ~iWSB A C'dUFCH on ' t 11~ Tract No. 2571; a previous .'uriaace xas grac,ted fur o:hia uae but eapired befo.~ the appl3caat took out H~uildiugl?e.rii:; on tre propertq deacrlhed as the northwast corner of .~cacia ~tseet aad Roer~eya Arive. The property is rresently classif ied R-1, STNGLE FAMi.,Y Ri1SIDBNr~AL. Mr. B173ott a~~pearec: before the Commission as represeatative of the Reverenrl Bent, pastor of the Methodiat Church, and stated that he wouid be glad to atts~ver any y,uestions regarding ~heir use of the property, :io one appeared in oppo;sition to tLe graating of the Variance. THB HSA.RING WAS CIASBD. Upoa a.noti~n by Commiss:~~aer Hapgood, secoaded hy C^mmissioaer Summers, and carried, it was yove3 that Va.riance No. 943 be granted by Resolution No. 22d, Series 195i~S8, sub,yect to the nine conditions contained ia Variance No. ?Z't, ~'AP.IANCS N~. 9~}4 - PUBLIG HBA1tING. P3T:ITION auhai'tted 1~q ..F:STAT. MflN2IB, 1032 Liberty I' Lane, Anaheim~ Ca.t:ifcraia, a~ Owuer, rPquesting permission to OPBRATB A RB~-L S8TAT8 f~FP'C8 out of an apa,rtment on the property described as iot 3 of Tract No. e}~, and f~zrtl:er described as 417 North palm Street. Tha property is preseni;lq c2,,~+a3.fied R-3~ M[tLTTPLfl PARtILY RBSIDBNfIAL. °3,- ,~ ~ t 3 J / ~ MIN[Tfgg, RBGUTAR MHSTING CITY PIANNING COMMISSIOY, APRIL T, 1958L_CONTINUBD VAR7ANCB N0. 4~}4 - Mra. Chris Menzie, as owner of the property, appe.~sed before the (Continued) Commission and stated that she wished to use the aorth half of the residettc~ for a Real Bstate office, and that there was ample off~atreet parking ava3lable. Mr. George Baxter, owner of the property to the ~iorth, stated tha.t he did not object to the use of the property as a Real Bstate office, provided only modest signs are erected and noL the type that are generallp seen arcund the city at such Real Rstate offices. Mrs. Menzie stated that she 3ces not desire to erect any signs except a small professional sign similar to those now in existance on Palm Street across from the park; namely, a small sign on an attractive standard pYacad in the lawn. THH HBARING WAS CLO6SD. Upon a motioa by Commissioner Allred, seconded by Cormuissioner - Summers, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 225, Series 1957-58, that Variance No. 944 be granted with a sign 16 inches hy 24 inches maximum, simiiar to the professional signs in 4his block used by the dentists and the Beauty Parlor, VARIANCB N0. 945 - PUBLIC HBARING. PdTITION submitted by MARY OLIVIA IARSBN, a minor, 900 South Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner; Claire Larsen, Guardian, requesting permission to OFSRATS A RBSTAJR- ANT and SHLL BBBR AND WIt~ffi: also appiicant stipulates the hours of business will be from 11:00 0'Clock A,M, to 9:00 0'Clo~k P.M., on the property described as 900 South Los Angeles S4reet. The property is presently classified R-3, MULTIPLB FAMILY RBSIDHNfIAL. ~.~ i Mrs. Larsen appeared before the Commission and stated that she pro- ; posed to lease this prope:ty for an Italian-type restaurant, opera- ting 3etweea the hours of il A.M. and 9 P.M., and that with these ~ Italian foods, there would be wine and beer served at the tables. There would be no bar in connection with the operation. Mr. A. H. Denny, 913 South Claudina Street, stated that while they know this frontage on Los Angeles Street will be commercial, they were objec-- ting to the use requested, and felt that such beer and wine might be sold later than 9 R.M. He oresented a petition from the residents ' on Claudina Street and oiher streets in the area containing 35 names in protest to the grantiug of this Variance. He stated thut he questioned whether there would be enough parking space available for i this restauraat. Mrs. Larsen stated that this operation wouid be ; 8imilar to llorothy and Wade's on 8ast Center Street, except that i beer and wine would be served with the meals, and that there would ; be 75 by 75 feet available for off-street parking, or 5,625 feet, 3 According to Code, only 1824 square feet would be necessary for ; off-street parking. THB HHARING WAS CIASSD, i i , Upon a moLion by Commissioner Thumpson, seconded by Commissioner ~ i.ilred, and carried, it wag moveQ by Resolution No. 226, Series >~ 1957-58, that Variance No. 945 be granted, and that the off-street ~j parking be black-topped. °, VARIANCB N0. 946 - PU9LIC HBARING, PHTTTION suhmitted by L. P.~+RLB PHIY.LIPS, INCORPOR- ATBD, 620 Vance Street, Santa Ana~ Califo::nia, purchasing un3er contract; C. W. Hester, as Authorized Agent, requesting a WAIVHR of the City Cate requirement for lot widths, on the property described as the southwest corner of Orangewood Avenue and Haster Street, and furihes described as Tzact No. 1965, The property 3s presently ciassi£ied R-A~ 1tHSIDHNfIAL AGRICULTI;RAL. Mr. Robert Harvey app:ared i~efore tbe Commission and stated that they proposed to erect the same type of dwelliAg as in tbe Tracts to the West, except that it would be buiit up to 1150 square feet of liveable area instead of 1,000, with depths of 120 to 130 feet, and that this was the unly thing that they could do with the Tract, on account of the development to the West. It was suggested that -4~ ~ F ~ -------__. _ _._ __ __ - -- - ..._ _ . --- _ - ____ . - --_. _ .-- ---- _ ~.~ ° ~ t!! 1 ~ , d I . 1 3 .~. ' ~l ~ '~ ~ ~ r MINUTB3. RB(ZTIAR MSS'PIIJG, CITX_PTANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 7, 1958, CONTINUBD VARIJWCB N0. 946 ~ if he dropped one lot out of each tier, he couid get nine Sots of (Continued) 67 feet, which would be nearer the C~de, for frontage requirements; but this he declined to do, stating ~hat thia would be a loss of 10% in lot~, and that with the development to •~he West and R~3 zor.ing to the Hast, he felt that this Variance should be permitted. No one appeared in opposition to the grantzng of tlte Variance. TF~ HBARING TNAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissic+ner Thompsoa, seconded by Commissioner Morris, and cazried, it was moved by Resolution No. 227, Series 1957-58, that Vax•iance No. 946 be granted. THNfATIVB MAP OF - L. Barle Phillips, Incorporated, 620 Vance Street, Santa Ana, TRACE NO, 1965 California. Tract located at the aouthxest corner of Orangewood Avenue and Haster Street; contains 70 lo4s. A Tentative Map of Tract No. 1865 ~as presented to the Commission. This is the Tract referred to by Variance No. 946, and is located at the southweat corner oi Orangewood Aveaue and Haster Street. Upon a motion by Commissianer Thompson, seconded by Commissioaer Morris and carried, it was moved thet the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1965 be ~pproved, subject to Bngineering Requizements. RBCSSS - Chairmaa Gauer called for a ten minu'ie recess at 4:00 P.M. RBCIABSIFICATION - PETTTION submitted by CHHZLSS PORTHR and HL'MBBRT and IRSNB SCATBNA, N0. F-5T-58-45 as Qumers, % B. Aabezt Le~kin, 126 West W32shire, Pullerton, Cali- fornia; 8, Robert Lemkin as Authorized Ageat, requesting that the property described as lying on the West side of Suclid AVeaue retwe~n La Palma Avenue aad the Riverside Preeway, partly in the City of Anaheim, be reclassified from R~A, RBSIDBNfIAL AGRICULTURAL, to R-3, MULTIPLE PAMILY RB3IDBNfIAL, and C-1, NSI(~IBORHOOD COMAfER~ CIAL, subject to annexation to the City of Anaheim. Mr. II. Robert Lemkin appeared before the Commission as Authorized Ageat for Charles Porter, and Humbert and Irene Scatena. He pre~ sented layouts of t.*.e proposed developmeat.ahowing Commercial stores along IIuciid Ar-enue; at the rear of the buildinQs, proposed medical center offices, and on the South portion B~•3 far garden type apartmenL•s. These facilities are proposed ia connectian :vith a hospital to be erected on the northwest portion of the propeshy. No one appeared in cpposition to the graating of the Reclassification. THB HHARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhon, seconded bq Commissioner Allred, and cazried, it wa3 moved by Resolution No. 228, Series 1957-58, that Reclassification No. P-57-58-45 be recommended to the City Caunc3l :ar approval in accordance with the plot plan submittAd, and subject to the completion of aaaexation of that portion of the property which is stili in the County. The vote on the ab~ve Resolution was as follows: AYBS: COMMIS5IOr~RB Alired, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson a~ Mungall. NOBS: CObAlISSIOI~RS: None. AH3HNf: COhA1ISSI0NSRS: DuBois. RBVIBW N0. 17 - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION aubmitted by CHARIES PORTBR, 126 West Wiiah3re, Fuliertoa, California, as Owner, B. Robert Lemkin, same address, as Authoxized Agent, requesting permisaion to erect a Class "A" Hoapital oa the property described on the West side of Buclid Avenue, just soith of the proposed Riverside Preeway. The property ia preaently clasaified R-A, RBSIDHNfIAL AGRICULT[JRAL. -5- ~ i .d~~ ~ -- - - ( v MINUTB3. RH(~JIAR A~BTING, CITY PIANNING COI~ASISSIONyAFRZL 7, 1958, CONfINUBD: RBV~1f N0. 17 - This Hearing was for a Special Use Perm3t to be graated for erec~ - (Coatinued) tion of a Class "A" Iiospital on the property considered u•,ider Reclassifica~"ion No. F-57-58-45. Mr. b. Robert Lemkin a~pea~.;d as Authorized Rgent for the property, and presented a piaf pian showing the laqr,ut of the proposed hospital. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Special Use Permit. THB FIDARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motion by Commisaioner ~ummers, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, aad carried, it was moved by Resolutioa No. 229, Series 1957-58, that Review No. 17 be approved, aud that a Special Use Permit be granted for the proposed Hospital in accordance with the iayout presented. RBCIASSIPICATION - P`JBL7C HBARING. PBTITION submitted by MAX P. HILTSCHBR and MAY H. NO. F-57~-58-31 HILT3CHBR, 7852 3outh Placentia Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Qwaers; Warren L. Schutz as Authorize.a Agent, requesting tha4 the praperty described as 7852 South Placeritia Avenue be reclassified from R-_9, RSSIDBNfIAL AQtICULTl3RAL, ~o Gl, NBIQiBORH00D COAAtBRCIAL for a depth of 147.5 feet, and R-3, MULTIPI.B FAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL mn #he zemaining property. Mr. Hiltscher a~peared before the ComFnission an3 stated that with the zoning of.the property to the South as C-1, ha feit that he also should be entitled to C-1 along the Placen#ia Avenue frontage, with a buffer of R-3 a: the rear. A study of the proposed layout was presented to the Commission. Upon a motiott by Commissioner Summers, seconded by Commissioner Thompson~ and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 230, Series 1957-58, that Reciassificatioa ~Io, P-57-58-31 be recommended to the City Council for approval, subject to: 1. The filing of G~1 and R~3 Deed Restrictions on the property, 2. The deeding of 53 feet from the centerline of Placentia to the Citg of Anake:~ far futsre street m~ideaing, 3, The installation of ali improvements required by 4he City Bngineer along Placentia Avenue when the property is developed. The vate oa the abave Resolution was as follows: AYHS: COMMIS3IONffiRS: Ailred, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Thompson, attd Mungall, NC~3S: COMINISSIONBRS: None, ABSBNT: COI+UlYSSIONSRS: DuBois, RHCIASSIFICAT10~i - PUBLIC HBARING. PSfITION submitted by WILLIhM GUTOSRY, 9831 Stanton N0. F-57-58-43 Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting that the property deacribed as being on the Wesi s3de of Stanton Avenue, approximately 400 feet north of Ball Road, be reclassified from R A, RHSILSNTIAL AGRICOLTURAL, to C-2, GBNBRAL COMhIDRCIAL. Mr, Gutosty appeared before the Commiasion and stated that he had nothing further to ndd other than 4hat conta~ned in the petition~ except that he felt that the building proposed would be an asset to the area. No one appeared in opposition to the graatiag of the Reclassification. THB HSARING WAS CLOSBD, Upon a motion bq Commissioner Morris, aeconded by Commissioner A31-- red, and ~arried, it was moved bq Reaolution No. 231, Seri~s 1957-58, that Reclassificution No. P-57-58-43 be recommended to the City Council for approvai, aubject to: -6- ,~~ Y f i -.--_---~ -__.____.___.. _.. _ ~ -,. _..__ _ ___-_..__. ____.._----_._.---------- --._.._...., ~~.1~` ', ~ . ~ ' ~ ------ ~ - - ~ t r ~___. ~ , ..._.. -a 4 ~ ; ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~, ~8G'IJL1t I~iIA~, C1TY PLllatIN6 OOi~[ISSION APRIL 7 1958 CONfINUHU RBCLI3SIFlCATL~ - 1. iLe erection of the baildiag ia accordaace with Lhe plans NO. F-57-58-43 pzeseated. (Conti~ed) 2. Filing of tLe Sta~azd C-2 Deed Restrictioas of the City of Anahei=. Tbe ~ote on the above Resolution ras as follows: II~S: C~lQSSIOI~RS: Alired, Gauer, Hapgood~ Mauerhan, Morris, ~rs, Thompson and Mungail. A1~Sz OOi~S3ION685: No~. AS~Pt: OdiQSSIQI~B: DuBois. R~IASSIFT'.~1TI09Q - A~LIC H~!$II~. PElITION subvitted bq RAYMQND A. EARI~ffiS, 11521 I~. F-57-58-44 Bast Rameya Drive, Anaheiw, California, a3 ONner, requesting that ffie property described as on the North side of Romneya Drive betreen lfest aad xobin Streets. be reclass3fied from R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AL~tI(AI2U1tAL to A-3, l4TLTIpI$ FAMILY RSSIDHNfIAL. 1[r. Barnes appeared before the Comeission, and stated that his prop~ erty ias snrrouaded by R-3 zoning, and it was his feeling that he sLonld be given tt~e sawe type of zoniag. No ose appeared in oppos- iticn to the graating of the 8eclassification. THB HBARING WAS IZA~D. IIpon a aotim bT Coaissioner Alired, 3econded by Commissioner lfae~eztaan, aad carried, it xas eoved by Resolution No. 232, Series 1957-58, that Iter.lassifiCatioa Ho. F-57-58-44 be recommen3ed to tt~e Cit~ Conncil for appzoval, subject to the filing of R-3 Deed 8estrictions of i;he Citcy ~f ~ta~eim. i~e ~te on tLe abave Besolution xas as foilows: ATE4: 170f~QSSIQffiBS: Alized, Gauer~ Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morr3s, ~ers, Thompsoa aad M~sngall. 1~BS: COmIISSIU~3: Noae. AB~: OCMQSSIOI'~RS: DnBoi.s. T~ATffiI~$ iii~ a3'r - Aay~ood 1i. Barnes, 11521 Sast Romepa Drive, Anaheim, California. TRACT l1D. 29?2 Locate~ on lto~oe'a Drive aad Narboro Aveaue. Tract contains 6 lots. A?catati~e lfap og Tract No. 2972 nas preseated to the Commiasion. 7[~is is tLe propert~ referred to ir~ Re,:lassification No. P-57-58-44. it is louted ~!he north side of Romneya Drive, just west of Robin Stmt. Upan a~otion by Casissioner 14tnga1l, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, aud carried, it ras moved that the Tentative Map of Tr7ct l~fo. 2972 be approved, subject to: 3. me dedication of 32 feet from the centerliae of Romn~ya Drive foz street ridening on Lot 1, and also the two westerly lots ~ich ue ~ari~ed "not a part of the tract." Note: It is our ~dersta.ndiag that all iaprovemeats have beea put in cn lta~eya Driw:, but the land has not been deeded, 2. Hmgiasez's~g s~~reF~ s. 1~ASSIFIC~TIOR - PQB~.IC lII,'J1RI1~. PSPITION snbmitted ty PTTMAN CONSTRUCfION COMPANY, 1~. ~57-58-46 1862 lfest Braadriy, elnaLeia, Califom.ta, as appiicant; Arthur Fa~er as O~mer, reqnesting that the pi.opertq described as lying at t~e santLeast corner of I/erdo~ Rveaue and Citron Street, be -~- I ~ ~' - -_ --... ___ _ --- - --~. _..-__ ------ -- _.__._ - _ _ '_ • +s --- -._.-__ _. - --- ' \ ~J ~ ~ ~ iriliVtlrBB. RBGUTAR l~SfING, CT~Y P7A1~ CDeQSSi~ ~*SIL ?. 2958. EXY~i~IIiUfiD RBCIABSIPICATION - reclasaified froa R~, BF3ffi~R'iAt ~L, tc g-3, 1~LTyPIg N0. P-57-58-4b PMlILY R8SID8NT3AL. (Continued) Mr. Pitman appeared befose tLe i7amissimn aad sCabed that he had nothiag further to add otber tLaa tLat contaiaed 3a tbe petitioa. 1~Ir. Heaaig ~pokt for himxlf am'i far ltrs. S1~Eh as a~mer of the parcel oa Yermoat Strcet, 3a fa~or af ~aEins tbe $~class3ficatim. 1Vo one appeased in opposita a to tbe ac=n¢iaa of tLe gec2assif;ca_ Lioa. Ti~ IiBARING lYf!!S C[A~. Upon a motion by ~issi,oner S1~ers, aecce~d h~ Co~s~;~er Alired, affi carr9ed, it ~ws ao~ed bj Se~olaticrn 1~[0. 233, Series 1957-58~ that Reclassificatim 1Co_ F-~7-Sa-~6 be ~raated, gpbject to: 1. The payment of SiOp. per acse for tLe ~~•;`;iiaa ef Part and Recreation sites. 2. The erection of tLe bnaidiaas ia accoida~e ~rith the plot plan presented. 3. The erectian af car parts ~:r gairages ia p2ace of iap=Q~ pazking spaces. 4. Bngiaeering requisemmts_ : The vote on the above Besolntion ~oas as €~ilwrs: AYBS: COI~lISSIOI~RS: l-llmd, Gaaer. Hap6ood. IfzaerLau. Morris, ~ers, ~ xad ~a.l1. NOBS: C01~4dISSI~BS: Nome. ABSE[1f : COl~lI3SI0I~ffiRS: Dt~ois_ THNfATIVB IdAP OP -~ Teatative Map of Trac! lio, lyg7 ~a p~r~....~.. to ~~ygyaoa. TR![CE N0. 1987 This Tract is located am Bast Saath Street~,app~ia~telp I322 feet east of Placentia Arenx, = ~~-__ ~ ~. ~ ~Svider is Haroid L. ShaM, bSp Sou~ ~riq~ Srleet: ios Aaaeles, California. Mr. xay Bowen, Vice Presxdeat of tLe Halm Dnelcp~nt Cp~Pm.Y. appeared before the ~iss3m ~ei~g x+e~~d to t~.is Tsaet. ge pre- sented a letter ahatieiag that ~has 3Yact ~s o~~~~~ a Qo~~~,Q of Tract No. 2688, a~oa stated t~t in ac,der to ad,~ast thyg ~~~ to the recentiq adopted ner stmt standa~ds~ i~ q,p~ ~~~~P to make a complete re-dts3ga at a.*_-~~ ~~. ~ T~~~ ~ re-deaisued, rou]d psobabl9 ~6 ~S ~der t~e cit~~a zeqn3re- ments of 70 foot framtage, aad 7app s~¢e geet~ aad it is tLeir feeliag that the pians for +LLe si~gie fa~ii' d~eui~s to be constructed on this Qevelo~mmt, tht ~i11 ~~a? a price af $22,OOD., ahould sot be oa a lot ltsa Ydna tL~t af tLe preseat city staffiazd~~; therefore he cla3as a h~~rds9~ip tLat t~e s4c~tt patteza ~~d be permitted as origiaaily 3aid q~_ aad ~~~1' ~~~~ ~~e origiaal Tract No. 2688. Upon a motloa by Co~isain,oer '~w~o~, ~~ ~ ;t~er Morris ~ aad carried, it ~s sose~ t~* t~- y~~~i~ ~~ g~ct No. 1987 be approved in acc~rdanoe ~ith t~ ~~~~ ~a~ of the tentative map, aad aiao s~jKt ~~~ ~~ts. TSNfATIVE Mpp OP - A Teatative ldir of Tnct 1Qo. 2757 ras ~~ m~ C~Si~. TR~ICT I~. 275? 1'he aubdivider is Bern3tr iteait;, 1014 So~th Las pa~eles Street, Aaaheim, Cal'uornia. ~e :'txct is located 111D feet soath of Qer- mont Streei, on the eas! gine ~ Sa~th ~ py~~s ~~~ ~ contains 1, C-2 lot am 1,3, g 3 yots. It was eapected that this Tnct roe7d ~aR ~,~ ~~_~ F~- vious to the MeeLing, b~nt this Lad mrt ~~~ ~nfo~~ ~ a motion bq Co~missiamer Aiired, seco~e,d ~~~r 1(0 ~S, ~ carried, it xas moved to pastpooe act3,p~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ Apr~ Z1, -,8- i 3 ~~~ a ~ - i - ~ ,, n.._ , _.__.~.._._..._.~.._...._......_..~...._...~.~._~..._._.,......._.,.....~...~......,_.~._._~ ~.Q ~ t:~' ~~ '~ :~~ ~ ~ MINUTBS, RgG~T7AR MggTING CITY P7ANNING COF~SISSION APRIL 7 145~ .~n~ ~ YARIANCB N0. 947 - A letter was received from Mr. Cari Arthofer, as Aathor~s~,~~ ~ a~ for Mr, George C. Gregory, 1021 Sonth H1 Moliao Avenne, pa~~ : RBCIASSIPICATION California~ requesting permisaiaa to rithdrax :heir app~ti~s i N0. F-57-SS-42 for Variance No. 947 aad Reclassification No. F-57_Sg-42. i ' Upoa a motion by Commissioaer Mungall~ secoaded by Ca~is~~ R Summers, and carried, it was moved that the applicanY be peaitted ` to withdraw Reclassification No. P-57~58-42 and yariaace No. yq~, ~ ~ ~J~RNUIDNr ~ - i:e Me~ting adjourned at 4:55 O~Clock P.M. ~ ~ -9- ~: . ". _~_._.,._.._._.._..._.... ._.. ,_.._.. -_...______.. _.____.___ .____._.___ ._____---- - - ___._._._. ~ a,. ~ ~ Y