Minutes-PC 1958/07/07~ - - -_-___~~~.~ _~a~ j i ~ ~ ~ • . City Hall ! Anaheim, Califon~ia ; - July 7, 1958 RB(~TIAR I~SfIN~ OF 14~ CTTY PIANNING C0~4lISSION ~ RBGUTAR MBSfING - A Regular Meeting xas cailed to order at 2;20 0'Clock P.Al. by j I C~airman Gauer, a quorw being present. ~ pRBSBNP - Q~IAIRMAN GADER, 001~4KISSIONBRS: Alired, DuRois, Mauerhan, Summers ~ a~ Thompson. j 004WISSIONER Morris entered the meeting at 2:30 0'Clock P.M. ~ ABSBNf I - OQ~6~SISSIONLRS Mungal2 aad Hapgood. j MINIITBS - The miautes of the Adjoeuned Regular Meeting of June 16, 1958, vere i approved as printed. j VARIANC83, NOS. - PUBLIC HEARING. PEfTTIONS submitted by HUNZ SIGN CoMPANY and BROAD- i 982 and 983 MTAY SHPPPL~dG (~BR, 15312 Arrow Highway. Baldwin Park, Califoraia, ; as Lessee, requesting permission to BRHCT TWO 18 F002 BY 12 POOrf ~pr ~ZtaTC tn direct people off of Preer!ay to Broadpay Sho«ing i Center; signs xill be located on the properties described as: (1) ' The southeast corner of the Saata Ana Freeway and Nlest Vermont Avenue; a~ (2) 563 South Kest Street. The prope=ties are pres- , ently classified R A, RSSIDHNfIAL AQtICULTURAL. Mr. Smith, of tbe Buaz Sign Coapany, appeared before the Com~ission ard stated that these sigas would resemble Freeway signs in appear- ance, and wuld be directional signs for the Broadwap ShoQniag Cxnter. No one appeazed in opposition to thc granting of the variance, Tf~ FiBARING MAS CLOSHD. It was moved by Comissioaer Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, and cazried that by Resolution No. 1 and No. 2, Scries , Y958-59, Variances Nnmbers 982 and 983 be granted~ subject to the layra[t as gre&zate~. VARIANCBS, NOS. - PUBLIC HEARIIVGG. PSfITIOi~S submitted bq MOORB BUILT HOI~S, INCOR- 991 and 992 pORATBD, 10401 Alagaolia Avenue. Aaaheim, California~ as Owner, requesting peraissi~n to uaintain two temporazy SIQdS on tract property to advertise sale of homes in Tracts, Numbers 3325 a~ 2031, contaiaing a total of 80 R-1 lots; the two si¢n_s are exist- ing oa the property described as 11621 Eac19.d Avenue; and also permission to erect a teuporary directional SIQV to adrertise ~ale of homes ia the same tm :~acts, siga to be erected on the property described 3s 1d471 Varna Street. The properties aze presently classified R-1, SINGLB FAKILY RHSIDHNTIAL. No one appeared for or against the grantin~ of these Vaziances. These aze the first sigas requested for Tracts, Nos. 3325 aad 2031, ~ich cofftain a total of 80 lots. Tf~ HBARING WAS CLO~D. • It xas soved by Cosnissioraer Dlorris~ secoe3ed by Co~issidner All- red, aud carried, that Variaaces Nos. 991 and 992 be granted by Resolutioas, Nos. 3 and 4, Series 1958-59, subject to the nim. con- ditions established lsy the City Council for the erection of such siqns; a~ snbject to tbe further coadition that a$10(1.06 deposit be placed tiith the Publiz ~lforks Departmeat for ea~eed abatez~nY aad debris reaoval purpo,aes; the remaiader of this fund, if any, to be returned to the applicant upon renoval of the sign. -1- ~~ MINUTBS. RBC,UTAR h~BTING, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JOI.Y 7, 1~ VARIANC~S, NO3. - PUBLIC F~ARING. PBTTTIONS submitied by ~~~~~~ ~„ 993, 994 a~ 993 711 South Staaton Avenue~ Anahe3m, 3:alifmr+~~A, s~ IIs~„ mma~ permiasion to erect temporarq direct3anal ~II~ ~ a~ase tt~e sale of homes and lots ia Tracf No. 33UD. ~am~s~x~ ~~tts„ si~ to be located on the praperties descri'bed as: QWss9mm~~ 31a_ ~)- the Southeast corner of Orange and Staat~om ~~~~: 6W~sn"~~ 3v- 994) - the Southweat corner of Oraage affi ~agauIl3s.~~~ ~dt (Variance No. 995) 430 feet west af Magaol3s /BWmne ~ tt~e ~ aide of Littcoln Rveaue. The propert3es a~+e ~Il7y ¢~a~affss~ R-A, RHSIDBNfIAL AGRICULTQRAL. No one appesred in behalf of the applitaats. I6s_ ,~Jar~ ~„ operator of the Richfield Station at the Naxtfi~ ~ c¢ c~a~ Avenue and Aighway 39, appeared aad ~tat~ mis md~~9mms tLm tt~e sign Socated on the Southeast corner; as ~e ffaeIl~ stt r~Il~ ~e~ with the ability of traff ic moviaig fram Sa~n~h ma ~~~ 39 from aeeibg his atatioa. These art ~e ff3ast sSgas a~fi fro< Tract No. 3300, coatainiag 30 lots. 3'S~ H~G il~ t~_ It was moved by Commisaioaer Mauerhan, ~e~ 3Ay ~~ mers, and carried that Variances, Nos. ~~3 .aad ~4 IDe m~. mm that Varience No. 995 be approved, subje=3 ~ta ~he maae ~dfattaaa~s establis.hed by the City Couacil for t.3~e trrr~~m mff' ~ s~ ~5 subject to the further condition that a$1DD_~D ~1t ~~4 with the Public Worka Departmen# far Y~e ~m~s ma ~~ and debris removal; and that the r~maiader a~ 3~a~ ffamII„ sff'aem9„ would be returned to the appYicaat npom s+~moraIl a~ff 1~e sag~ '~ Revolutiona were Nos. 5~ 6, aad 7 re$pertiwzIl9„ S~saes n4~-St-- VARIANCS N0. 996 - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION snbmitted by Se~.~ ~~ie, ama Redondo Drive Bast, AaaheAm~ Califoraia, a~ ~~~, ~~r- miasion to erect a(~A9~ffiRCIAL I~ON ~~1 ~~ ffax~m~t ¢ff tt~s ~t~ in front of Restaurant, the ~roges#y ~.s 3.~~ $~ Il-~5 ~e~- 01ive Road. The propertq is preseatiy s]ass3gs"~tC-3„ COI~WlB_":~iAL. Mr. Spiao appeared before the Co~iss3on ~a aaswrr ~mms„ ~. presented a lnyout of the proposed siga. ~1a ~ a~ mm~- ition. THB FiHARING WAS CLO~D. It was maved by Commissioner Thompson, se=~Ged m9 ~o~ DuHois, and carried that bq Resolut3on i~la_ 8,. Srs3ss ,193~-~8~ ~a- iance No. 996 be granted. VARIANCB N0. 997 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTTTION submi~tted 3~y ~. ~. 3~, ~DD ~ Baa Angeles Street~ Anaheim, Caiiforaia, as H,essee, •~^~~~? m~ to operate a HSAUTY SALON on the prapertg ~a'~6eII ss tt~ ~ 4Lb feet of Lot 6 and the North 20.31 f~et ~ II.flt '~, 'Il~ 9~ ~„ Jewett Subdiv~aion~ recordad ia ~ooY 33, ~~„ ~.~rHHa~s HFagns of Orange County~ and fur4her deseribed as 8~ ~amttm II~3a~ebes Street. The property ie preaent3y ,ciasa3~'3m5 ~ 3, ~~F RHSIDSNfIAL. Mr. Iage appeared and preaentea a pet~r3~ ~s3~ ff~ ~ of reaidenta in the immediate area sYariag sh~3s ~a3 ~a tt~ propoeed beauty psrlor operation. ~r, 3sigz s~ ~ tt~e ~ area ehovm on the pian submitteQ ~vas ~a ~e ~ 3b ~ appeared in opposition. TF~ IiBARING IYAS rd~. Tt wae moved by Commiasioncr Alired, se~II ~~s ~- han~ aad carried~ that bp ReBalut3om Pc. ~, Ser3es S~. ~ No. 997 be granted, subjr:c4 ta: 1. The developmen: of the prapes3; 3a auaa~ ~v5tt~ vme g,~aas preaented. ~~_ I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ i - ' t' ~~ ,~ _ __-==~ - ~~4 ~ :, VARIe1NCS N0. 997 ~ 2. That the parking area be improved and bYacktopperl. ~ tContinued) ~ 3. The Bagineerittg Committee's requirement~ of dedi~ation of ~. 53 feet from the centerlise of Los Aageles Street to the City of Anaheim for street widening purposes. VARIANCB N0. 998 - PUBLIC HBARING, PBTITION aubmitted by DAVID S. HARIIBY, 1039 I.iberty Lane, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission to SPI.IT A LO~f facing on two etreets making a lot 60 feet bq 191 feet facing Liberty Lane, and a lot 85 feet by 60 feet facing Rosemont StreeY, on th; property deacribed as: The South 60.feet of the Nor4h 180 feet of the West ~ of the SW~ of the S8~ of the SW~ of Sectiam 2, T4S, RIOW, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, in the city of dnitheim, county of Orange, state of California, as sa3d aectina ~ is sh~~wn on a map recorded in book 51, page 10 of Miaceilaneous ~ Maps, ia the office of the county recorder of said county, and fnr- ther described as 1039 Liberty Lane. The property is preaentiy classified R-1, SINGLB FAMILY RBSIDHNfIAL. ; No one appeared representing the appiicant. Mr. Ernest Hhlers, of 1107 Liberty Lane, Anaheim, appeared in opposition to the Variance_ Mr. Bhiers noted that a similar requeat was turned down oa thia property by the Cigy Council in 1955, and that the proposed vaziance would result in lots of iess area than the minimum City Code reg- uirement. Mr, L. P. Canterbury stated that he would also oppoae the variance if the division resultefl ia lots of less area than the minimum code requirement. Pr.oposed lot "B" would be 60 feet bq 25 feet, or 5100 square feet, 1100 square feet short of code requirements. THB HBARING WAS CLOSHD. It was moved by Cormnissioner DuBois, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, and carried, that Varionce No. 998 be denied, by Resolu- tion No. 10, Series 1958-59. VARIANCB Iv~. 999 - PtJBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by SHSMA CLBAI~RS, 130 West Hlm Street, Anaheim, Califoraia, as Lessee, requesting permissi~n to erect a directionai SIGNto direr,t business to sto*e; siD~ #fl 2~ located on the ,~ronerty described as lying approximately 175 feet north of the Northwest corner of West La Palma Avenue and Buclid Avenue. The property is presently classified R~A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULNRAL . No one appeared in opposition to the proposed variance. •d'f~ Hi3d~R- ING WAS CLOSBD. It was aove6 by Co~missioner DuHois, seconded by Commissioner Thomps~n, a~ carried, that Variaace No. 999 be granted, by Resr lutioa No. 11, Series 1458-59. VARIANCB I~. 1000 - PUBLIC HFARING. PBTTTION submitted by WBST ANAHBIM MHDICAL CSNrElt, INCORPOAATBD, 9692 Osange Avenue, Anaheim, California~ as Owner, reqaesting permiasion to erect a commezGial neon ADVBRTISING SfRUG- T[JRB to advertiae pharmacy on the property described as 1842 West Lincoln Avenue. The property is presently classified R-A, RBSIdEN- TIAL AQtICULTUite1L. Mr. Lloqd Mannes appeared in behalf of the appiicants, and pzesent~d pictures of the subject area, a petition bearing five signatsu~s, and a le:ter from residents in the area statiag their approval af the proposed variance. Na one appeared in opposiition to the pro- posed variaace. Tt~ HBARING WAS CLOSHD. It was motred by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner 8ummers~ and carried, that by Reaoiution No. 12~ Series 195$-59~ Variance No. 1000 be gri.:lted, subject to tbz plans preseated, ~ -3- a ~ ~ s ~ MINUTBS. RSGITLIR AffiBTING, CITY PIA1VhIi3G COl~lISSION, JULY ?, 1458, CONPINUED: VAR7ANCB N0. 1001 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTTTION submitted by J. R. S(gi0L2, as Owner, % Leonard Smith, 125-D South Claudina Street, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to HRBCf A 2,000 SQUARH FOOT CONCRBTB BLOCB BUILDING aad OPBRATB A RBSTAURANr AND COCECfAIL BAR in the building; also to allow two SIGNS to be arected on the property described as 819 South Buclid Avenue. The property is presently classified C-1, NBIQiBORH00D CObA1BRCIAL. Mr. Leonard Smith appeared before the Commission and presented a peticion sigried by 8 property owners zesiding across Huclid Avenue opposite the subject properiy, sYating iheir approval of ti-e pro- posed variaace. No one appeazed in opposition. Tf~ HHARING WAS CLOSBD. It was moved by Commissioner Morris that Variance No. 1001 be denied. This motion died for lack of a second. It was moved by ~ Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner DuBois, and carried, . that by Resolution No. 13, Series 1958-59, Variance No. 1001 be granted. VARIANCB PiO. 1002 - PUBLIC HBARING. FfiTITIOY submitted by bt~, PAUL LfiITER, 1719 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Lessee, requesting permis-- sion to erect two commercial neon SIGNS, one to be located on the roof of existing structure, the other to be at front property line on the property described as Lot 6, Tract Number 483 in the City of Anaheim, and further described as 1719 West La Palma Avenue. The property is presently classified R-A, RHSIDENPIAL AGRICULTURAL. There was no opposition to the proposed variance, THH HBARING WAS CLOSHD. it was moved by Co~mnissioner Thompsoa, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and cazried, that by Resolution No. 14, Series 1958-59, Variance Nc. 1D02 be granted, subject to the plans presented and subject to the requi:em2nts of the City Ordinance. VARIANCB N0. 1003 - YUBLIC HEARING. PSTITION submitted by MARTHA M. MONfC~OAffiRY, 12?.0 Bast Orangethoipe, Fullerton, California~ purchasing under contract; Ralph {K. Seward~ as Owner, requesting permission to USE HXISTING RBSIDBNCS for a DAY NURSHRY and QiIID CARH; also to use an adjoining existing structure for PRE-SQi00L and RIAD BRGARTSN USB on the prop-- erty described as: A11 that certain real property situated in the County of Orange, State of California~ described as follows: The Northeriy 146.00 feet of the Southerly 476.00 feet of the W~ of the NWP of the SB4 of the SW~ of Sectioa 2, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. & M. Hxcepting therefrom the Westerly 160.00 fePt. Also excepting therefrom the Basterly 25.00 feet; and further described us 1133 Liberty Lane. The property is presently classified R--1, SINGLH PAMILY RSSIDBNTIAL. Mrs. Montgomery appeared to answer questioas, and statec] that the residence would continue to be used only as a residence; that it would be remodeled, and the entire property would be landscaped and fenced; and that the adjoiaing building would be the oae converted for the proposed school use, She stated that there would be a maxi- mu~ of 12 pre-schooi and kindergartea students; that there would be oniy on,: teacher. and that there would be nu signs. Mr. L. P. Can- terbury, of 1128 Libcrty Lane, appeazed and presented a petition bearing 28 signatures of propertq oxners in the vicinitiy opposing t:ie proposed variance. T1~ HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Tt was moved by Commissioner Alired, seconded by Commissioner Morris, and carried, that bq Resoiution No. 15, Series 1958••59~ Yariance No. 1003 be denied. -4- ...~. ... ~...,~~- -• -~-~--- -- -- . --~--~~.w~..,,....w..,...,.~:ii:t..W_.. ~r'~ t ~ ~ l ~ ~ _ ~ 9~ f ' /"'1 ~ .~ .,::._ - -- ~~ ~ ~ MINUTlTi3, RBQJLAR MflHTING, CITY PLINNING COMMIS!iSG~I, ~?LY 7, 19`6~t~J1II'.NU.~II: ~yo,;;:,s~g Np, 1004 - PUBLIC HF:i.P.:~.ll:. PbiITION submit:ed by 1D.4 CUNCAN, 1016 East 6road- way, Anaheic:, GalirorniA, as Ov.~!~:~, requ~ert'c;'.:~~r, permission to USB BXISTING RBSIDfiNCB AS A RHST HONiB, on, the pz^perty described as Lot 5, Block 5, Lorelei Tract, and furtY.er de:cr~ibed as 1016 fiast nr~:~lway. The oroperty is pr~ssently clas:tified R~2, TWO FAf~ILY RSSID1iNPIAL. Mrs, Duncan appeared to ans•.ver any que~ci~;,ns. She st•tited tr:.: .she now operates a Rest Home ai tY..is addres.ss, but the law permi~ts oniy four patie•r.ts. She wishe3 to have six p:~tients. No one ar~peared in opposition to the propos~td Variance. 1^H'3 HBARING EyAS CSA~~ED. It was moved by Commissioner l~:orri.^•., seconded by Commissi.uner Mau::r- han, and carriec , that Varianee i+:,, 10U4 be granted; this by Resr,lu-• tion No. 16, Ser.Les 1958-59. VA~ltIANCB N0. J.905 - Pl'ELIC IiBARINCs PSTITION submitced 1~}~ THOMAS L. McIAUQiLIN, 855 South Placentia Avenue, P+naheim, C::lifornia, as Owner, requzsting pezmission to USE BXISTING RHSIDSP~CB AS RHAL BSTATH OFFICH and to erect a 4 foot by 6 foot SIGN at right angles to Placentia /lvenue, on the property described as: That portion r_; iut ~6, of Anaheim Bxtension, in the City of qnaaeim, counl~ :,c" isrange, staFe af Cali- fornia, as shown on a map of survey mada t+c William Hamel an~d filed in the office of the countq recorder ~f ~.s Angeles County, a capy of which i<, recorded in Uook 3, pages 163 et seq., entitled "?.os Angcles i:ounty Maps", rer,ords of s::i~ Orange County, descriL,ec' as folla:vs: Beginning at z, point m the centerline of Placenti.a Avenue, South 0~ OS' 15" West 136..i2 ,feet >i?ong said centerline to s~a angle point ~n the easta~ly !.ine of ;"raci ho. 2205, as per map recor~Cd ir. *,,,k G^,, nag~.s 6•i et seG.,, ::f M~~scellaneous Maps, in the ofiice of the •.;Jr:ty rec~rder of saa.d coc,nty; thence at right angl.es N<~rth 89~ 54' 45" Westi: SO.Oi! feet to the beg3nning of a non-tangent curvc- coacave to the x~orthwes4 havin~•, a radius of 16.00 feet, ti~e cenier of which bears North 8~~ 54' 45" southwesterly, and westerly 25.13 feet along said curve ihrough a central angle uf 90~ 00' 00" to a tangent~ thence NorL:i 81~~ 54' 45" West 94.00 feet; thence North 0a GS' ls'° Bast ]'.07.79 fe~fi to the n~~rtb. line of the land described in <IPe.d to fhcruas L. McLaughl:n and wi£e, recorded July 22, 1954 in book 2??i page 596 of OfficiaJ. R~-cords of saiQ Orange Co~:nty; thence Noz2~ 7e^ 35' 45" Hast 166.02 along said north ].ine of McLaughl~~ liind to the point of beginning. Por the purpose of this descai~i- tion, lot lines are construed to be at the centerline of ;':reets; snd :;:~ther described as 855 Soutit Placei~tia Avenue. T;1e property is preQenti; cl2ssified R-A, RHSIDBt.TIAL AGRICULTURAL Mr. McLaughlin appeured before the Cor~i~+issio~,, and requested tha't the applicaC:on t~e ar~encied tu read, "...a 5 foot by 8 foat SIGN", -ather than a 4 fu~t by 6 foot sign. Mr. McLaughlin also stated that whereas he livec: in the residence at the present time and ma?ntained a Re~l Bstaxe Office as a Home Occupation, that he ~.ished the varil~nce to maintain a Real Hst::te Office so th:,t in the future if it~ dr:~ir~.~ to move and rent the facilitie~ to another 'broker, hr: would be free to da so. Mr.s. Betty ~anford, 1802 Ver.de P:.ace, appeared in opFosition to the proposeu variance, and stat:d t).~s± she :epresented the residents iiving to the rear of the subje~t n;oper.~y, Sh~e stated the residents wished to main- ta.in the sr_,;ident?.ai cha.racter of the area, and oppase any commer- c9.a1 use ur, cor~.~erci.l activity in :he area which might be the "foot in th~ docr" for additi~nal commer;.e in the future, She also statea tYat when the tesi:lential structure was moved back, it was not :set 25 feet from the property iinr, which is :equired for single fami:~y residen~~es, THB HSARING :iAS CLOSBD. _5_ _ ~,~~ . _.~^-~--•-- - ~ _ _ .. _ _ -- -- -~ . `~ ~ a ~~ J l r~ : : _ L-= ~ '~`~ ~ M~ ~! ~'II~, ~HHB ~~OK, JULY 7, 1958. COPIPINUHD: VARIAt~IC6 N0. P.~D~ - H~ a~s ~ L48' ~~*ca~- Summers that Variaace No. 1005 be ~ (Cont3aned~j ~. '~ mm~tscm ~ied for Iack of a second. It was ceoved by ~a~a BBmo¢ans, ~ern~ded bp Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried ~ ttffitt ~sHsmme ~. LQQ~ he deaied; by Resolution No. 17, Series 1958-59. ~ ggCBSg QB~aaa~ ~a ~~+~~ a IZ einute recess. 'IIH~e etle~it3sm~ a~s e~IlPe~ tm arder. ypRI!-N(~ Np_ 1~D5 -~~~ID~_ ~IIBRZGRF submitted bp WALTER C. and PATRICIA ~„ :,.._'g~ ,,._° ~^~„ Q^=~*p=m. California, as OMmera, reo,uesting ~ ~ rt~ -~FE f~e citg code reqairements pert ;,ining to house R $ns~$ $'a~ ~~S sa~re feet to 900 square feet; saic. house to be F ~~sIlIlsa!~ ac t~e suislect property, described as: The North ~r7~D ffe~tt mF_ tm~ ~:~t T~ Feet of Lot I4 of Orangewood Tract, in tt~ ¢~,g m~ ~a ~tate of California, as per map recorded in mmm~ r7„ ~~ e€ ~elSanernss Maps~ in the office ~£ the county s~n~rs mff sanr,l ca~; Y3se aorth Iiae of said loi: 14 being the ~~ Ilnme mff ~od o.reaae, as shown on said map, 40 feet wide. ~R'~ ~t ~£eet of the north 200 feet thereof, and further :~~~ ~= r'~~ ~xc~ ~veneie. The psoperty is presently ~n~~atFa~ ~„ ~IBcL.- A(RtICtTLT[TRAL. ~_ &mm~.s ~ ttm ~+*~~s questions. There was nn opposition to it~ ~ Q~s*~'~_ 'BS& kiEeSRING WAS CLOSSD. y~ av;~.s ~ 8rg Q'^~^~~*~Pr Allred, seconded by Commissioner Morris, ~! eaaana~a tt~~ Q~riaace Nu. I006 be granted, and further, that ~~ esceeit a w~i sruare faat dv,~liiag bc nade a part of the ~asnamna~ Q~ms ~^~~~*P aaip 882. square feet), subject to: 1. The ~esnec~ :a+~ga+~~^°-s-! af dedication of 45 feet from the centerline ~ff ~s~ Aee~ to t6e City of ~naheim for street widening m~-~s_ ~_ 'ID~t the a~glicant prepare improvement plans and ~+~r~ aLIl nc~r.maememts ~ reguired by the City Hngineer, This was 3s~g ~Il~itzmm ~a_ P~„ Series I958-59. Rgq~~~nwa,~{~I _ g~II,g~ ~. :~rt'rmc~x Snbmi.tted by HARRY S. RINKBR, 11900 Gil- N0. P-3&•:54-1 ~att ~~tt, ~ao.`~si CScovP, Galifornia, as applicant, requesting 4$.att it9.~ ~tt~ .;~sczibeC as beiag the H} of thc, SW4 of the SB~ ~g' e.~r-~tam+n ~, q~S~„ R;:C~. S.fi '. 'z M., in the C:ty of Anaheim, Sth~~_.a: ~' Q"a'aaffvamnar amd: fn=ther des~ri5ed -As Tzntative Tract No. ZP?2„ ~ a~¢•D~ssfi~ie~E ~=a~ R-A, RBSIDENPIAT. AGRICULTIJRAL, to G2, ts.,~~H. ~G9~~. ard .r.at 2, Txa.ct No. 2i22, und R•-3, MULTIPLB ff~7QS6C.T ~SA~'r'~'¢'B~C.~ ~am LQts 2 tt~ongb. 39 cf Tract No. 2222. ,~Ls_ H~.ria::~~. ~ cefore thP Como.issioa to s:.:~~ver questions, and ~ti~. ~aIla:1.~s c~fr' Ae'c~~ EagiuPr_::ing, al~u representing the appl3cant, ~Omea~~ a~:~.:t~:~ ~~1aa af Te•ntstive :'ract :Vo. 2222, which ~fl~$ qFj~;- L_r~,~i sm t~e area. xh~~~ w~s no op;~sition to the gn.~ arc~~n€iea!`',.oa. ']:ei~ FI9.s~1T.ING WAS CLOSIsu. I+t a~s ~ fla~ ~ioaer Thompsoa, scconded by Commiss£oner ~, aw~ ¢maried, that Aeciassificatior. No. F-58-59~1 be rec- ~ tdID ttme ~"attg ~~sacil fur approwal, subject to: ~'HB~att E~tcs 3Z'-4Il iacTnsive and Lat 20 be limited to one-story ¢vaos-tc'i'mcitiam_ s._ '~Y-~ Stmm~az~ S:~ Deeci Bestrictions be applied. "4~ee writ~ ~n ~e:snIl~num L~rn. I4, Series 1958-59, was as follows: affis d]~MpO~tfl~:~~BS: ~FlSred, DuBois. Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Tisompson. N~B~S. Q.'8~55'ru~: Kone. ~S-'~'= :%:d~S~Hftdred.Sc Hapgoad. Metngall. w`- C ;, : ,~ : ,. _, ;; , ; , , ~ ~ ~~ ~ NIINUTES, RBGUTAR MRBTING, CITY PIANNING COA9~lISSION, JULY 7, 1958, CONfINUBD: V~ ~ Commissioaer Mungail entered the meeting at S:UO O•Clock P.M. ~ 1tSCU1SSIPICATIO;i - PUBLIC HBARYNG. PSTITION submitted by JOFIId PHIPPS, et al., 11341 ~ N0. F-58-59-2 gatelia Avenue, Anahe3m, California. as Owners; iester J• Carden, Jr „ 209 California Hank Building, Anaheim, Califo=nia, as Author- ~ 3.zed Agent, requesting that the Qroperty described as being: That portion of Lots 7 and 8 in Block 17 of a Subdivision of the S~ of ~ Section 21, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. & M., in the county of Orange, State of Californiu, as per map recorded in book 1, page 33 of Miscel- g laneous Diaps, in the off ice of the County Recorder of said county, ~ described as follows: Beginniag at the SW corner of said Loi 7; ~ thence South 89~ 31* 10" Hast along the South line of said Lots 7 ,:~ and 8, 662.40 feet; thence North 0° 33* 10•' Ba~t 668.8T feet to a point on the North iine of said Lot 8; thence rarth 89~ 43* 50" West ~ along the North line of Lots 8 and 7 to the Northwest corner of ~ Lot 7; thence &outh Oa 33' 10" West aiong the West line of Lot 7 to the point of beginning. H}CCSPT the North 300 feet thereof, and further described as 11261, 11281, 11311, 11339, and 11341 Rateila ~ Avenue, be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDHNrIAL AGRICULNRAL to R-0, , RHSIDBNTIAL SURURBAN. ~ a Mr. Carden, attorney for the applicant, stated that each of the five ~ lots iavolved in the reciassification is aow improved for residential } i use, and that the applicant wished the R--0 zoning to protect the ~ I residential character of the area. Mr. Roberk Hudson, oae of the ~ applicants, stated a friendly opposition to the proposed reclassifi- i cation, since~ he said, he wished at some time in the future to i appiy for R-3 2oning, aad was conceraed that the R-0 Zoning might 3 ~ prevent him from doing so. Mr. Warren, who owns the property ~ leased for the church, appeared. Rev. Howe appeared aad stated ~ that he had leased Mr. Warren°s lot for a church, whick, he was { told, was a permitted use in the R~ zone, and statad thnt he was i ~ in opposition to any zoning which would prohibit the use of the f ~ property for church purposes. T1~ffi HBARING WAS CIASSD. 7 S p It was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded bq Commissioner Alired, and carried, that by Resolution No. 20, Series 1958-59, ' Reclassification No. F-58-59-2 be denied. The vote on the above Resolution was as foilows: ' ~ AYBS: COhQ+IISSIONSRS: Allred, DuBois, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers ' and Thompson. ;~ NOBS: COMMISSIONHRS: Noae. ~ E ABSHNf: Wh~IISSI0N8RS: Hapgood. ~ NOT VOTING: COMMISSIONBR Mungall. ~ ~ 3t8CFASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTTTION submitted by DR. ROBSRT L. CLIFFORD, 925 N0. P-58-59-3 Sast Center Street, Aaa`:eim, California, as applicant, requesting that the property described as being Lots 10. 11, 12 and 13 in Biock ~ "B" of the Lorelei Tract as recorded in boot 29, page 24, Misceilan- eous Recerds of Los Angeles County, ar~l further described as 1016 ~ and 1018 Bast Centez Stzeet, be reclassified from R-3, hNLTIPLB 3 PAMILY RH3IDRNfIAL to Gl, NBTQ~IDORHOOD COMt~ffiRCIAL. ~ ~ Dr. Clifford anpeared to answer questions. No oae appeared in oppoe- ~ ition to the proposed reclassification. TFiB F~ARING WAS CLQSBD. ~ ~ -7- ~ .- . ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~. ----- _~. ---r . . . .~:~,.:::,.-~:;'~^:x~.i«'.:r-~:-_.. .,~ ~ . i ^ .. • c ' y .w. , ` ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTSS, REGULAR MSETING, CTTY PIANNIN~ COMAlISS~t~i, •NLY 7, 1958, CONfINUBD: RSCIASSIPICATION - Tt was mo~ed by Comwissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner N0. F-58-59-3 Mauerhan, and carried, that by Resolution No. 21, Series 1958-59, (Continued) Reclassification No, F-58-59-3 be recommended to the Citq Couacil for approval subject to the building set-back being set by the City Couacil ia conjunction with the proposed uses now under study on adjacent properties in Variance No. 987. The vote on the above Resalution was as follows: AY°S: x,'•:i3SSICt~RS: A12red, DuSois, ~;auerhan, ;dorris, i~ungall, ~ Sumiders, attd Thompson. NQBS: COb4dISSI01~kS: None. ABSfiNf: COMMISS?:,.+BRS: Hapgood. TBNfATIVB MAP OP - Subdivider: Tietz Construction Co., 11900 Gilbert Street, Garden TRACT N0. 2222 Grove, California. Tract located 660 feet east of iVutwood Street, on the aorth side of Tatelia Avenue. Tract contains 39 lots. (Refer ~o Reciassif ication No. F-58-54-1.} Tract rvas review~ed by the Commission, and it was moved by Commis- sioner Thompsoa, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, and carried, that Teatative Tract Map No. 2222 be approved. ANAHSIM HI(3i - Correspoadeace was read from Mr. gen Winea of the Anaheim High SCHOOL DISTRIGT 6chool District requestiag the Commission's approval of (A) a six acre sdd3.ioa ta .he Jua3ar Ii3gh Sehool s3te at Nn:~oad aad Pali Aoad~ aad (B) a ten acre adGitioa to the High Scha~1. site at Gil- bert Stree4 aad Ball Road. The properties are deacribed as follows: A. The Sast aix acrea of the North 10.12 acrea of Lot SO of the ICeliogg Homeatead Tratit, ae per map re.orded in Book 8, page 51, Mieceilaaeous Mapa, recorda of Orange Countq~ California. B. The South ten acrea of the followiag deacribed land: Lots Thirteen, Fourteen, aud Pifteen and the North oae acre of Lot eixteen of the p. A. Steaton Tract~ as ahown oa a Map recorded in Hook 5, pages 23 aad 24 of Miaceliaaeous Ma~s, records of Oraage Couaty, Califoraia. ~ It wae moved by Commisaioaer Mauerhan~ aeconded by Commisaioner Thomp~oa~ ead carried~ that the Conimisaion approve tkse action of the 4lanaing Commiaaion Secretary ia approving the two sites. ADJO[1RNb~NP - The oeetiag wsa ad,~ourned at 5:30 0'Clock P,M. ~eapectfuliq submit~ted, ~~~X.~~s..~ ~ ~,,.~,~~ Richard A. Reeae, Secretarq Yro Tem - -8- ~ ,- --- ---------.------ -__._.-^..~---- _~.~._ ._ ~ ~ z~---_.