Minutes-PC 1958/07/21v ~ ~ City Hall Anaheim, Calif~rnia July 21, 1958 ADJOUR2~D RSGUTAR h~BTING OF Ttffi CITY PIAHIJING :;r,~4rqIS~tON nnJarRr~an Rsa;:AR - An Adjourned Regular Meeting was calle~` to order at 2:25 O'Ciock I~ffiBTING P.M, by Chairmaa Gauer, a quorum being present. PRBSBNf - CHAIRMAN GAUHR, COhQdISSI0N8RS: D~Bois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, aiid Thompspn. ABSSNf - COh1MI3SI0KRRS: Allred, Mungall. MINUTB3 - page 3, ParagraFh'3, change lines 8 and 9 to read, "proposed lot "B" would be 60 feet by 85 feet." With fihis correction, the min- utes of the Regular Meeting of July 7, 1958, were approved as printed. VARIANCB N0. 989 - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by MZLLIB RBMLANID~ 9422 Stan- CAmended) ton Avenue, Anaheim, California~ as Owner, requesting permission 4o OPBRATB P. TRAILSR SALHS AND RBNTAL IAT on the property described as all tha•t certain real property situated in th~ County of Orange, state of California, described as follows: The North 100 feet of the South 396 feet of the Vitest 330 feet of the SW~ of the SW~ of the NW~ of Section 13, T4S, R11W, S.B.B. & M. Bxcepting therefrom tl~e West 9?, feet thereof~ and further described as 9432 Stanton Avenue. The property is presently classified as R A, RBSIDHNPIAL AGRIC[JI.TURAL. Mr. Remland appeared to answer questions. He clar}fied that the property under consideration is the 100 foot by 330 foot parcel immediately north of the gas statioa. THB HSARIIdG WAS CIASBD. It was moved by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried, that Variance No. 989, as amended, for a trailer sales and rental lot be approved by Resolution No. 22, 6eries 1958-59, subject to; • 1. The Bngineering Committee~s recommendation of dedication of necessa-; right-of-way on Staaton Avenue to satisfy the State Highway Department's requirements. 2. The preparation of improvement plans and installation of ail impr wements as required by the City Bngiaeer. 3, Complete paving of 4he lot with blacktopping or other suitable surfacing. 4, A building or trailer setback caaformiag with other commer- ciai uaes ia the area. (Gas station setback is approximately 35 feet from ~ha new curb line, and is the only structure which might eatabliah a setback,) 5, The erect3.on of a wail adjacent to the residential area. VARIANCB N0. 1007 - PUBLIC 1~ARII~G. PBTITION submitted by WAGAIDR RBALTY COMPANY, 1022 Bouth La Cienega Blvd.~ Los Angeles 35, Califoraia, as Owner, requeating permisaion to OPBRATB A COCRTAIL BAR on the property deacribed as: That portion of the NW~ of the SW~ of Section 12, T9S, R10W, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Saata Ana, County of Oraagc, 3tate of California, as said section is shown on a map file~i in Book 51, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the Countq Recorder of said Gounty~ deacribed as foilows: Beginaiag at the intersection of the West line of said NW~ with the centeriine of Anaheim-Oliv~e Road as described in deed recorded in Book 275, Page 85 of deede~ recorde ~f said couaty; thence South 0~ 11' 45" West, aion~ the West line of said NW}, said West iine also being the ceaterline of Piac~ntia Avenue, 272,SO feet; thence South 89~ 48' 15" Bast 150.00 feet to the Tzue Point of Beginning;,.thence South 89~ 48' 15" Sast 102,50; thence North Oo il~ 45" Bast paraliel with said ceaterline of Placentia Avenue; -7.- . , r; I i ~ ~ z 3 ~ ~ E ~ \ ; ~ 11D30tTRI~D FcBC,R1IAR MfiBTING. CITY PIANNING COMMISSION, JULY 21, 1958. CONfINUED: 9AAIA1~8 N0. 100T - 223.74 feet, more or less, to the point in the centeriine of (Contiaued) Anaheim-Olive Road; theace North 78~ 52~ 26" West along said centerline of Anaheim-Olive Road 54.66 feet, more or less to a point distant thereon South 780 52' 26" Sast 202.50 feet from the iateraection af the West line of said NW~; thence South 0~ 24' 19" Sast 134.85 feet; thence parallel with said cer.terline of Anaheim- Olive Road North 780 52' 26" West to a point in a line parallei xi'Iti the said centeriine of Placentia Avenue and passing through the True Yoiat of Beginning; thence along said paralle]. line, South 0~ 11' 45" West to the True Point of Beginning, and further des- cribed as 24~8 i+naneim-Giive koad. The property is presently claseified C-1, NBIG~iB0RH00D C0t`AlBRCIAL. Mr. A. W. Glass, representing the applicant, appeared to answer questioaa end anbmitted plans indicating the proposed restaurant aad cocktaii louage development. Mr. Glass stated that he had no parkiug problem since he had the right to use the parking area of the adjaceat ahopping center. Mr. Leiberman, who wili operate the '. aew faciiity~ also appeared. Mr. Thomason and Mr. Coolidge, who . live in the immediate area~ and were in attendance for another sgea~a itea, opposed the proposed cocktail lounge. THFi F~ARII4G ; SiA3 CLO~D. It was moved by Commiasioner Mauerhan that Variance No. 3007 be ' deaied. The aao7ion died for lack of a second. It was moved by ~ Coonnissioner Thawpeoa, seconded by Commisaioner DuBois, and ~ carried, that Variance No. 1007 be approved, by Resolution No. 23, ~ be~ies 193@-39, aubject to the development of the property accor- diAg to the piaas preaented. ~ YA1t~ NA. 3008 ~ Pl78LIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by OLBN KBSTBRSON, 1270 Bast Hat! ~or.d~ lltzshei~a, Califoraia, as Owner, requesting permission to u~e existis~ resideaee for e RBAL BSTATB and California Sound Compaay Snsiness Offiee, on the property deacribed as: Lots 10 and 11 iel Block A of the Lottlei Tzact, as ahown on Q. m8D thereof recorded ia book 29, page 24, Miacellaaeous Records of Los Angeles Couaty, Californis; assd further deecribed ae 920 Sast Center Street. Z'he property is preseatiy cteseified R-3, MULTiPLB PAMILY RSSiDBN- TiAL. Vir~istia Bli~~~ represeating the applicant, appeared to answer qua~tions. There was ao oppoaitioa. THB HSARING WAS CLOSBD. it aas moved by Con~:Sseioner Thampaon, asconded by Commisaioner Hap~ood~ sad csrried, ~Ehst Variaace No. 1008 be approved, by Ra~oiution No. 24, 9eries 1968-59, eubjecb bo the apFroval of a piot ~isa of devaloptoent by the Planning Director. i-A~~A1K3 1~0. 3009 -~lfBLiC HSARINd. PgTITIQN submitted by MURRAY WALRSA, 774 Louis 6treot, Los~~ Hmach, Cslifozr.is, pvr~haeiag uader contract; Joe P. Pusr~ ss Authoriud A~ent, :equesting permiesion to CONSiRUGT aad O~BAA~'8 A ASST HOb~ oa the property deecribed aa: The Weat 194 t'o~'c oi the North 10 scres of the 8outh 20 acrea of the ~rl~ of the NFf;; of daction 21, T48, R10W, B.H.B. & M.i excepting therefrom the N~~rth 100 feet. Al~o exceptiag therefrom that portion iaciuded e~±tl~trt tlee propoeed Trect No, 3303, in addition to the above des- eribad property is inciuded Lota No. 26 and 27 of Tract No, 3303; a}td turthes described as 10412-10416 Suclid Avenue. The property is presentiy eis~~ified A-A, R88IDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL. Mr. Waites as~d Mr. J. P. Purr, h±s authorized a~gent, appeared to aasMOr qua~bioes at~1d p:~e~eated elevations of the propoaed buiidings. Tisoro wss no oppo~itioa. T1~ HSAAING WAS CIASBD. -2- --~ ---s- ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . _ __ . . ._ ' ~....~~ {_~ ~ ~ ~''; ~ ~ozss, an~oo~n ~r~ ~~ ~ a~ aa~ai. .~x af, i4sa. corrrn~rsn: ~ oARI1WC8 N0. 10a9 - It ~ras ao~ed b~ C~iaes efam~am, secmded by Co~ssiones ~ (Continued) Sm~ers, am~ caxr's~l. tFeact Tasiamce ]So_ EiF4t9 be approved, bq Reso- 2cttiom lio_ 25, ~es I91S6-5~, aetr~~ toc ~ 1- ~~fim6 C~itldee*a seca~dat~oa of ihe prepaza- i Y3~ af ~ qa3aas a~f +"~~-_~atiou of aIi improve- ~ats as aeqmae~ ~9' tme Citg ~eer oa Ecciid Avenue. 2. ~e dcIIisat"sam af 53 ffadt far stseet ~ddeaia8 P~Poses. 3. ~e p~yamt ~o t~e Catp af-Aaameia a€ ;2.~0 per front foot ' ~ ~~~i a."a~[s ~c~e ~•-:~~ 6ve~e. ' 4. ~e ~se~ag~rat af tt~ g~sapegitg sccc~d~ag to the plans Pn~- 5. ~e t:+e.~t3mm a~ a e**~u~ar Ma11 asaa~c2 the mbject property. T~ ~P~ ~~ Eoe be seat a copy of these requirements. ; VRAIANC:S N0. 1A10 -~OBI.~ ~~ ~~ Dqr ~IID ~. SHA-i, P. 0. Box ~37 Bevezll ~iUs, C~Eaff~asas, parc~sicg ~der coat=act, request- ~B P~ 'm ~~ ~YT C~e ~iremea~t pert~iaing to honse ~~s~a f~as ~?~C ..r--r .~a w s'.'nsv ~Ec ~[tG4~ oa ~ae property described as ~c 'rsact ff~. P'3i1, 6e~ag s po=tiaa of the South ba3f o~ tLe ~} c~ SecTi~ 32. '5~6, R209f~ aad fc:sther deacribed as 17~ ~~~~ a~ ~~C~ Sltreet, betneea Placenti.a Avenue am p~i~e Sls+ert_ '~e ~ta is pFeseatTp classified R-1, SII~ I~1[iiT ~H~7AL- (C'mdle se+~iaemeaG ia the area of the ~J~ ~9 as a~imYa7 fl3~ s~sa~ €er[, by Ordinaace 991.) Nu moe a~ sn be~aSf aE t~e ~icast_ Mr_ Hany cooiidge aad lir. O. ~. ~osascm ~emsan a~4 presea4~ getitfoas signed by res3d~ts in t~e asra a~tis~ 1t~_ ag~stioa ta LLe propased Qu~- ~r- 3~ ~. ~+ 0was ~ettT soatl~ of the proposed Tract, als~ state~ ~as ap~sitscm. ~ e4~ pfAS CLOSSD. It tias ao7eil b~ Oa~amer e6~~3'is, seco~ded 6q Co~issioner ~~, ~~, 1~s ~`ssiamce lfa. Pf)If? for the waiver of cit'! ~ode s~s~ ~ t0 ~ria~e s3xs ix Qeaied. b9 ltesolat3m ~o, ?b, 3ezses 345~99. 9ARIAI~B I~PO. 3011 -~Q8Z7C ~. ~'~i a~i#4ec4 Df .g~A~S FAffi~i3, 425 South I~l.sxat~ ~be~e, !ma'be$e, QeLafa~tas~, as Etar~er, r¢qt~stiag Per- dssim to ~ i~iY.~ SI6'~ am t~e p=operty described ~s ~ Fo~e~ o~' a~ S~1ta ~ea S'treet ~ FZacentis Aveaue, aad far4ber dect~'~rd as ~TS So~mr~ Plscmt~s Aveaa~. The propertq i~ ps+esmti~ c3s~df3ed ~rA, ~LIL ~ICQLTIIRIIL. ~1r. 7~mz a~ ~ mm~er ~!~;~. ~e sigsc fs approximateiq 3L- fee! v33e at 3ts ad~eslt ~OSemsia~, aa~ 23 feet high ia its hi~hest Q~ams3m- ~trs. ae~ ~ei'ime~e, 34ft Ash 3treet, who iives ~3~~e17 ta '4~e atas aE 1t~+e sa~j,ect grapextT, atated her oppoai- tioa !0 3~e ~a~p~aaff a3P- llrs_ H~ttle, ~a lfves ia the area, al~o abt~ed ~es a~#im_ ~~ I~AAS CFASBD. IS ~s ~.'~ ~ ~ '~os~m, aeccim~e~ by Coaisaioner D~ois, and ~, t~t ~sa~e l~e_ ~•_P €er ~ com~rciai aeon ~i~ ~. ~~ a~e..e...s~~ ',i,~~ 2t, 3~f.~s 2533 34. VA$IJli~B A10. 10~Z -~I1~ ~. '~°~'~'~ a'a~2tsd te~ ~E86L /i. aad a~TH -[. STIN50N, aBU "'""`'" Ba~9e~. ~. E~.E£fa~, as Oaaers, reque at iag D~ ~~~' Al'iD ~ E~ from aa exist- ~L ~ ~ ~ P~t7 ~~ ~a: ~C 1Po=th 240 feet of t~e 11est 3sD feet af tbe ~a$t ~~ fert oE t~e li~ of the NH} of the of tLe ~} c~ ~mn ]3, Y~6, Rl]!1, S.S.S. k lE., ~PPIN6 TI~RH- PJlDI !be'Fost~ b5 feet, as ~ ta tbe State of California by Qea~ xeeoaded ~ 7i, 34~r7, ia tbao~ 3a7f, gmge 136, Off ic3al 7teeosQs, '1Le Pr,a~t7 as ~t1~ clsssffie~ ~ I, A~It~i80tEi00D O~CIat.. -3- ~ . -- ------_ __--- ---- ~ .,.---- ~ 1 s~r - ~ crm ~ ~ . _ ~ MINtlTB3. AD10jTRI~D RBGtJIAR MB~TING.--CITY PIANNIN~ ~S~ VARIANCB N0. 1012 - Mr. Stinson appeared and stated lhst tbe co~t3i1 ~ ns (ConSinued) now under construction, aad thet tbe res~ aad ~ 3mm~e is proposed to occupy oae 32 foot by 47 foot ami2, mat ~haR s~c reataurant portion might expa~ iato a secaod ~it_ 3~ ~B.R'. WAS C:ASBD. . It was moved bq Commissioner Korris, setaedal by ~ Hapgood, aad carried, that Vaziance No_ 3D72 fox 22~e m~m~tamm ~ a cocktail lounge in conjunction with a res~t Le ~~yP Resolution No, 28, Series 1958-59, snbject to t~e ~els~r~ ~ff the propertq in accordance wi~h ihe plias pzrsm~eu. VAR2ANC8 Nd. 1013 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION snbmitted by TBAtIHi~.~4~¢, ~IDRS Moore Street, San Diego. California, purthasimg a~a8er ~. requesting permission to CdNSTRUCf A 69'Ui~ 1~., !~S QUARTSRS, SNiI2~tING POOL APID A SIGld, 39 ~mite ~a Le ~~-~. and 30 units in the future, on Lhe property ~eser3bed a~ ~~es- t ion of Lot 1 of the 1~[alnut Colony Traet as ~ho~m. ~m ~ mff Surveq~ book 1, page 14, reeords of Osasge Cannt;. !~?i..-~ as said parcel ia shown on a Record of Snrvey #31ea ia ~oaT~ ~,. ~~ S0~ 3ii the Countq Recorder's office. Oras~ge Oo~mty. ~=~~**+~ Begianing at a spike affi tin as showa om sa3d Ber,amd ~~. boot 38~ page SO;,at the ceaterliae i~rsect3an a~ ~~n~~ ~r- nue and Casa Vista Street; theace North 89~ ?3` ?2" ~!~3~11 feet along the centerline of gatella Bvm~ ta a po's~; +'+~^~ aouth 0~ 34' 38" Bast 60.00 fcet to a 2-inch ircm ~e, ~ point being the true poiat of begiani.ng; ~hnne, ]J l~a~ ~B° 25' 22" Bast 179.68 feet to a 1-iacl~ iran pig; t~e, 2D ~ 0~ 48' 38" Bast 249.93 feet to a 1-iach 3ron p9~e, ~~~.sn being in the north line of a 20-foot aliey is ~hm am ssa RtcorB of Survey, book 38, page S0; tLesce, 3~ ~~= ~~" Weat 194.93 feet to a 2-inch i=am pipe, ~3d pedat a~enths~ mm the 8amt iiae of Gsa Viata 3treet as sbcra am ~93 ~'i a+ff Survey, book 38, page S0; thence, 4) Neith Oo 45~ S2' ~t 2~1~5 feet aloag the east iine of sa~+d Cs-sa ~1sfx Sireet so $ a-a.a~- iron pipe~ eaid point also beiag the begiffiia~ o~ a~~~ conCave aouthc~:s;eriq. having a ee~ral.ansle a~ 9D~la• S40" affi a radius of 15.~Y,1 feet; 4hence, S) Nerl6eaaterly 23:51 ~ a~s eaid curve to ::hs true poiat of beg3aa3aa. Sz3d paraea ~sats 1.114 acrea, aad further deacribed as t~e soat~t ~s aff &atella Avenue sud Casa nieta Street. T~e pxoperi~ 3s ~ elaasified R A~ ABSIDBNPYAI. AtTtIWL'l~AL. Mr. Bob Lutes, repreaentiag thc spplizaat, ~peamr~ ~ aas~e~s queations. There xas ao oppoaition. 18~ ~#BII~ 7~S ~_ It ~a moved bq Co~isaioner llorria, secondea 3~9 ~n~s Hapgood, aad esrried~ that Varisace No. 1D13 fn~ a~3~+miatt ~eIl,. ~ M~ager's Quartera~ Bw3.amiag Pooi. affi Sign be a~pzu:e~, ~ + Resoiutioa No. 29. 8eries 1958-59, snbjeet to:f~ .,k- ; .. . • ~ . ~ ,. _~ i,i,_a„~~,.-~~s~-l-"~' - - ;; .. ~ 1. ~The Bngineeriag Committee's'reeo~3mi mF ~ g~ ~ to the Citp of Anaheim of 52.00 per fsamt ffa~t. +fa~ ~ ~ lights oa Satella Aveane. ` 2. The developmeat of the property 3a ~~~ ~ plaas prexate~. ; ~:. The eppiicaat requested thst Yu3aace Na_ 1D33 ~e ~t asr ~e August S Council ldeeting, ApJOUgI~NP - The meeting r~aa aCjourned at 4:00 O'Cloet ~.Ml. ~~~9 ~,. ' : ~~ ~ ~ ~ _4