Minutes-PC 1958/08/04city xaii Anaheim, ::giifaraia Auguat 4, ].958 REGUTAR M~STING OP THB ~ITY PIANNTNG COMMISSION - A Regular Meeting of the City Pianning Commiasion was ca11eG !a ardcr at 2:11 0'Clock P.M, by Vice-Chairman Thompaoa, a quorum being preaent. - ~ICH-CHAIAMAN THOMPSON. COMMISSIONSR3: Allred, DuBois, Summera, Mungall. Commisaioner Hapgood entered the meeting at 2:40 0'Ciock P.M. Commisaioaer Morris entered the meetiag at 3;07 0'Clocl~ P.1d. - The minutes of•the Ad,~ourned Regular Meeting approved as printed. PUHLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by COUNTRY CLITB BSTA'THS, 144 5outh La Brea Street, Los Angelea, California, as Leasee, requeatia~ permisaion to erect a 10 foot by 2S f~~ot subdivision SIGN on the 8ast side of Suclid Avenue between L3.ncoln and Broadway, and fssrthrs deacribed as lyii~g 200 Fezt south of Linca2n aad 50 feet eat af Huclid Avenue. The property is preaently classified C-l, 1~IQi- BORHOOD COMMBRCIAL. A represeatative of COUNPAY CLUB BSTATBS appeared before the Com- misaion aad stated that this is the first SIGN requeated for Trart 3204 which located on the weat side of South Nest Street, 56~ f~et south of Katella Avenue, and for Tract No. 2575 located at Niath otreet and Ratella Atznuc. No one sppeared in opposit3on ts~ ~ granting of a variance. THH HBARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motion by Commiasioner Summera, aeconded by Commiasioner, avd carried~ it was moved by Reaolution No. 32, Series 1958-59 lhat ~ar - ii';ce No. 1015 be approved, aubject to the nine conditione estab- '~ahed by the City Councii for auch directioaal aigns. PUBLIC HSARING. PHTITION submitted by GBORGS W. BASTHRDAY, 271 North Mancheater, Anaheim, Caiifornia, as Lessee, reauealing per- miasion to MANUPACTURB CONCRBTS PRODUCTS for wholesele anG reta3l on the property deecribed as: Ail that certain real property sitn- eted in the County of Orange, State of Califoraia, deacribeQ as follows: Tde Weat 160 feet of the 8ast 200 feet of thst porti~an af the SW~ of the SW} of the SW~ of Section 9, T4S, R1q1, S.S.B. ~ ls., lying Southerly and Westeriy of the right of way of the Southeaa Pacific Raiiroad. Bxcepting therefrom thoae portiona descr3beC as Parcela 3-a and 3-b in finai ordes of condemnatioa recorded ~ebrnuy 18~ 1957 in book 3809~ page 61 of afficial Recorda; anC furiher de~- cribed as 1659 Lincoln Avenue. The property is preseatlq c].assifizII ae M-1~ I,I(iHT MANUFACTIIRII!~5.~ . Mr. Bsat~.rday appeared before the.Commiasioa and stated,that 3u i~aG been operatiag the same type of buaiaesa for five years on Mancl:e~Ytr Avenue, and that there was no duet, aoiae, etc. connecfed with t,he operation. The buiiding thet he proposed to move ia one whieh 3s located at his preseat aite. It was poiuted out fhat there is a P-L zone along Liacola Avenue which apparentiy he did aoY realize. Mr. Rhodes, o~wrier of the property on the 5outh side of Lincola ~3r- ectiy acroea ~'rom the proposed manufacturiag operatioas, ata•~d that a weil-planned, attractive com~nercial deVelopmeat woniQ prab- abiy go in on the 3outh side of the atreet~ aad that this ia i~e entryway for Aaaheim to the central buaiaess diatrict aad t~aS this area should be made as attractive sa posaible. It would seem, according to Ms. Rhodea~ that dust aud noiae would be neuly 3m- poeaible to control with trucks moving in and out~ aad expeciai3y if gravei ia uaed in the manufacturing proceae. Mr. R1ialea also -1- ~ t ,, ~"1~ ~s f~ .,., ~ MINUT&4. RHGUTAR MHBTING, CITY PIANNING_COMMISSION LAUGUST 4~ 1958, CONTIiV~tBD: VARIANCS N0. 1016 - stated that he had looked at the buildiag to be moved in and he (Contiaued) conaidered it "un~ightly"; and that no indication had beea givea by the applicant as to what the laadscaping would be Sike or whether he propooed to eurface the parkirfg area and the drivewaya into his operation. Mr. Sasterday agsin Came before the Com~ai~aioa and atated that he propoaed to buiid a new building ia the apring, but that he had ao iateation of blacktoppiag the area, but wouid uae calcium-chioride to hold down the duat. THB HBARING WAS CLOSHD. Upon the motion by Commissioner Aiired end aeconded by Commisaioner DuBofa aad carried, it was moved thet Variance iU16 be deaiea withouL prejudice untii a more satisfactory plot plaa had been preseated for conaideration, which wiil include all improvementa to be piaced on the property. VARIANCB N0. 1017 - PUBLIC HBARING. PSTITION aubmitted by GRIPFITFI HROTHBRS, 922 Weat Center Street, Annheim, Caiifornis, purchasing under contraet, re- queatiag permisaion to WAIVB ~ITY CODB RSQUIRHM8NT3 from the minimum 70 foot frou;age to 60 foot frontage on lota 34 through 42 incluaive, and lot 6 of Tentative Tract No. 244i, on the property described as Lot 15 of Anaheiar Investment Company'a Tract, city of Anaheim~ couaty of Orsnge, atate of California, as per map recorded ia book 7~ pagea 33 and 34 of Miaceilaneoua Mape~ in the office of the county recorder of said county aad which is ahown on the map attached; and further described as beir.g aituated on the south s3de of Crone Avenue and the weat side of Loara Street. The property ia presently clasaified R-A~ RBSIDBNfIAL AGRICULTORAL. Mr. John Griffith appeared before the Commisaion and etated Lhat there are 700 lota in thia particular azea that have frontages of it$s that 70 feet~ deve2oped with single-familq G«~123r,go. He pro~ posea to erect the same houae that he placed on Tract No. 3310, having a price range of $16,000 and that oniy lota 34 through 42 were involved, which wouid be 65 feet ia frontage instead of 70, aad that there is a total of 42 lota in Tract No. 2441. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variance; TH8 HEARING WAS CIA98D. Upoa the motioa madc~ bq Commisaioner Aiired, seconded by Commissioner Mungali, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 30, Seriea 1958-59, that Varisnce 1017 be approved for a waiver of lo:s 34 ta 42 to 6S-foot frontage, ia Tract No. 2441. A lentative msp of Tracfi No.2441 was presented to the Commisaion. Mr. John GriffitTt again appeared before the Commisaion relative to thie map and str_ied that he had aLtended the meetiag of the Hilgin- eering Committee aad would try to negotiate with the property owner to get a dedicatir~n of S feet on Loara Street fronting that portion marked "aot a part of" ia the Trpct, and wouid put in the curbs and guttera if he was able to :,btain same. He also atated he would put in full improvementa on Crone Aveaue froati,ag on Z•ha: portion of the lot marked "not a part of" bu~! Lhat he did not feel that ap- provai of this Track map should be conLingent upon hie obtaining auch right-of-way f~om the preseat owae:. THH HBARING WAS CIASHD. Unon a moLion by Cowmiasioner Alired, seconded by Gommiseioner Mungali, anc carried, it was moved that the tentative map of Tract No. 2441 be approved sub3ect to: 1. The aub-diVider try to regotiate with the property owner to accomplish the following: a. a dedication of S fee4 on Loara Street frontiag "not a part of" with curb and gutter iaetaliation. b. The placing of full improvementa fronting on Lhat part of "not a part of" on Crone Avenue. -Z- ~ R i 9 ~ ~ , ~ f ~ ; ----__. _ -----_------- __--------------------------_ __._.~~ as ~ ~. _~ ~ ~ ~ BBf~fAR D~SPI~GFG, CTTY PLANNING CONAIIS5ION, AUGUST 4, 1958, CONfINUSD: VAitiAl~B I~. IOI7 - Z. Tinat pertinent piot anQ builfling piaas be submitted to (Cogtiaued) the Citp Couacil for reviek. 3. That if a anb-division be deveioped~into m~re thaa one s~bdivision, each successive su1>division thereof be aub- mitted in tentative form for appro~ral. 1tHP~1 !q. 18 .- PUBLIC E~ARING. PHTITION submitted by LIAYD B, aad MARGARST A. PBRRBLL, 13082 Hast Sateiia Avenue, Anaheim~ California~ ss Ownera, requeating permission to establish a TRAILBR PARx on the property described as: Parcel 1. The Weat 531.20 feet of the NW~ of the Nlf} of the NW~ of Section 26, T43, AlOW, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, county of Orange, atate of Califoraia. Parcei 2. The SNI~ of the NW~ of the NW} of Sectioa 26, T~SS, RiqN, in the Rancho 3aa Juaa Ca3on de 3anta c1na, county of Orange, state of Califoraia. BXCBPTING therefrom the following deacribed prapertq: The North 200 feet of the Weat 531.20 feet of the NW} of ~the NW~ of the NNt~ of Section 26, T4S, R10W, ia the itanck~o San luaa Cajon de Santa Ana, county of O~ange, state of California; and further Hes- cribed as 13Q82 Bast Ra:eiia Avenue. The property is presentiy classi,`ied R-A, RII'aIDHNTIAL AC~RICULZVRAL. Kr. Charles Praak appeared Leforr. the Commission as the repreaent- ative of the owner and stated tha•: this is beiag considered as a portion of a recreational arta arouud Disneyland and due to the fact thet M-1~ LIC~iT :«lANUPACT[JRING, was teasned down a qear ago on the subject property, that t3~is reqnest for a TRAILBR PARK shouid be allo~red, H. A. Deitschman, 11231 Haster Street, and Mrs. M. W, Bostick, =2=58 ~as:er 3:rea:, sppearad before the Commiss3on and atated they have no opposition to a TRAIL9R PAR~T at this location. THS ABARING pfAS CLOSHD. IIpon a motion bp Commissioner DuBois~ seconded by Commisaioner Sn~ers, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 33, that Re- viex No. 18 be graated, aitd a special use permit be issued for a TRAILBR PARg on the subject property oa ±h.. following conditioas: i. That the applicaat dedicate to the City of Aaaheim 4S feet from a ceater iine of Haster Street for street tvideniag. 2. That the iaq-out be as per the plot plan presented. 3. That a paqment of $100 per acre be made for the acquisition of Past and Recreational sites. 4. That full improvements be required on Haster Stree'c. ~Il~SSEFLCj.TIO~t - piSBLIC FIBARING. PSTITION submitted tq LLOYD B, and MARGAYtBT A, ti0. ~58-59-4 PBRRBL~ 13082 Bast Ratella Aveaue, Anaheim, California, as Owness~ Charles B. Frant~ SQ6 North Los Ang~lea Street, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent~ requesting that the property described as Deiag the West 180 feeL of the foilowing deacribed land: The North 200 feet of the West 531.20 feet of the NW~ of the NL~~ of the NW} of Sect:oa 26, T43, RIJYf~ in the Rancho San Juan Cajon c:~ s'aata Ana, c3nn~y af Orange, atate of. California, and furrh~r 6eacrioed ~s 13082 Bast Katella Aveaue, be reclassified from R-A, RSSIDBNlIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-3, HBAVY COI~RCIAL; aad that the Bast 351.2 feet of the Nest 531.20 feet of the NW~ of the NW} of the NNi~ of Sectioa 26, T4S, R1aW; ia the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, county of Orange~ state of Californis, be reciassified from R-A, RBSIDBN- TIAL AC,ttICUL2VRAL to C-1, I~I(~IBORHOOD COMMSRCIAL. .\ ~--- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S 4 ; { ! ~ ~ - DEr_ ~aaat sgaia appeared be£ore the Commisaion and stnted Lhat this II~. R.°~8-39-4 ~aIIg deQeBopmeat of five storea plus a amall market, tcr be located (~i~se~D cm ~a1ceIIla Av~eane. aould be for the convenience of the occupants of tme'~'R~ Pl~RS to a great extent, and that the buildings to be erecited on Satet2a Avenue would be as showu in the elevation pre- semtexL. '~ff fffi~t~ING AIAS CLOSBD. IIgmm a mcstnoa:::.de by ~ommissioner A12red, seconded by Commissioner ~ap~~, aad carried~ it was moved by Resolution No. 34 that the Cr_+amnfssion secomme~a to the City Council that Reclassification No. ~-~-59~4I be approved for C-1 and C-3, subject :o: , Il_ ::r.r dedicatioa to the City of .Anaheim 60 feet frqm a oeater iine of gatella Avenue for street widening. 2. T~e filing of standard C-1, NSIGHBORHOOD COFAlBRCfAL, meet restrictions of the Citq of ~,naheim, and C-3, HBAVY ~CTAL, meet restrictions of the City of Ananeim for a SLRPICE STATION only on the corner. ~. Ra1S imp=ovemeats on Katella Avenue Rs required by the ~iig zngineer. 'II~e w~e oa the above Resoiution was as follows: •E~S: ~1D4tISSI01~ffiRS: Ailred, DuBois, Hapgood, Morris, Summers, snd Mungail. 14~S: ~O6~tE~SIOI~RS: None. ~': ~060E.fSSIOPffiRS: Gauer and Mauerhan. -~LIC ~NG. PBTTTION submitted by FORBSf P. WOLVBRTON, et al; 1YD. ~58-54-5 Il76'8 -resft Orasge Avenue, Anahes:m, Califoraia, as (h:mers, requesting 4~nat tme gaopertp described as `~eing: The South 5 acres of the Ea.s~ IIS acres of the W~ of the SS~ of the NH}, DiVided into Aasess- ace•s p~cceFs 33~to 37* Section 17, T4S, R10W, as found in Asaessor's ~mmk ~P-W.54D; ~raet No. 775, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 as recorded in lEi~reEfla~earcs Mags. book 23-1; aad further described as 1767, 1759, 1'BS~, a~ Il~9q Nfest Orange Avenae, Anaheim, California, be reclass- nffiecD €~ R-A, RHSIDHNLIAL ~b'ZtICULNRAL, to R-1, SINVi.S FAMILY BE.S~f~4F._ D6c. if~iIlver-Eo~ appeared before the Commission and stated that he ~se~ nmlto tais area aad developed his particular lot as R-1, S~E EA~ILY RBSIDHNfIAL, aad that he, together with his neighbors, ~It 4o teep a22 the ~roperties in the area as R-1, SINGLB FAMILY SdS~.. A spokesman appeased representing the property owners m~ t~ne trac4 to the south, stating that their organization was very .~ ~cEa sm ff~vor of Eeepiag this whole area as R-1 SINGLB PAMILY RBS- . - ~rn'rAA _ ~g HBARZl~ Y~AS CEASBD. I1t rns bsae~t ov: by a check of the notifications sent in the mc~ii itt~~ ~+eit~er tIIe Sehovah's Witnesses Church aor The Church of the Iaittes D~sg Sa~iats aas notified of this pending reclassification. ~~ s~rtfioa bp Commissioner Hapgood, it was moved that Reclassi- fasa4imm ~58-~4-5 be recommended to the City Council for approval, ~ flixse properf.ies from R-A to R-1. Commissioaer Hapgood aaatt~odae~c 6s~ motaoa. A motioa was made by Commissioner Morris, ~ blr ~a~~ssioaer Aiired that this reclassification be heid ~nnes matiIl tIIe meeting of Auguat 18, 1958, and the new mailiAg be senlt ost tm :t2 parties. -4- a. BQS~S, ~I~S D~ES'Il~. CdTY PIANNING COM~tISSION, AUGUST 4, 1958, CONTI?IUBD: c ~ ~ ~ : ~, . ~ MINp'i'88;--~ILtR 1dg8TING CI~Y BL9I~ALi6 OQ!NISSIdi_~l~S`T 4. 1958. CONPIMTBD: RSCWeIPiGTION - 1iUbLgC HBAAINii. PST1'~Ii,~G ~itted D~' iSjf~T~i B• JA~ti~ 1aS42 N0. P-36-S9-6 Dnna~ Road, ~auta Ms. Caiifase,ia. as O~mez. reqnestin~ that the property deaerib~d as Lo31, Tr:~ Ko. 3~8. aad further deeeribed ns bein~ the Norttuut eorner af 'Piaeentia Avenne aed Westport ~rive, be reeLs~i£ied itaa Rri. SII~ FAlt2LY RES2DSbTIAL to C-3~ H$AVY COMlBACIAL. C?he snD,xet propertr xfil be =oned C-1, NEIQiH0At100D C~Ol01~tCIAL u of Ansuaf 7. 14SE. by O:dir~anee No. 1~39, dAted July E, 19~a.) No one spperted for or aga3ast the proposed ree~~ssific~tioa. ~r-ra uu~4T~xs trxfe ct~8b, Upon a motioe br Coimissfoner Su~~ers, seeoaded by Commissie~ner bu9oia, aad euried. it ~as ~oved Dr Reaolntion No. 31 thaS inae- mueh aa the vuianee ~ras Braated so~e tiiee aso on thia particuiar lot,that the Gom.'.aafoa reeored to tEe Citr Conaeii th~t Rreloae- ification No. P-SB-S9-6 be apprared, aubject to tbe oppiieoat fiiing atandard C-3 E1eed Reatri~tiooa for a 98Rti2C8 :iTA~IOrt oaiy ~nd 4hat the atation be bniit in ucoraanee ritn the pio~t plaa preaeated, The vote on the above Resointioa as as foliorrs: Affid: C01NISlIONBR3: Alired. OuBois. H~psood. Morrie~ 9nmmere, Tho~psoo. and Nnnadl. Ai~~9: (%~Al2S~I0~IBRS: NoDe. AgdBNT; ~i~FMi33I~18R4: Gaaer. W~eerhan. R~IAAQIPICA'~ION - A lel4er ras reteired fro~ Jol~n N. N~Isnr4n. Attorney~ for Mr, .Jerry Fi3. ~-.~.9=5o=1i ~~3e:. :t$t:23i~ '~_ ~~'-=-°!~~Gai3~ *!_. re_t~_tp~t~ !,e s~n~3nueef for an additionai gi~t ~eat~ period of ti~e= tne :eadoa for th~ re~ quest aa~ th~t is viev a: :Le a~s~r:~fatY :e2ative to tbe C3ty's doif ~.onrse pians, there d3A noi appe~r to be ,~ay =easoa why aua;h eontinuaaee eou]d aot be `ranted. Upan a sotion by Coamissiooer ~ua~ers. :seeoaded br Commisalloner DuHoie, and carrieII, it xas ~oved that the P.~tlas~ifitation, No. P-S?-58-ii. be eoatia~efl foY aa adeitfoasi aix aonths period oE time. t,~pC~NnLU~(~A1tIZY1'~ ~ A mv;, a~ the proposed area i~faa betreen Oraa`e A~eenue on the North~ ANNBXATIbN bt4keen Qilbert on the 8ost~ aaa W~nolin on tLe Keat~ and the ;~tanton City t.i~ita oas tDe 9~ontn. oE irrcania~ shape~ Mas presented to tbe Commiasioa. A petf.tim 5ad been aioa!tcted to the City requeet- !ng annexation D~ tLe propertr o~mera in this area. Upoa a motion br Co~issioner Su+~ers. seconded Dy Commissioner Alired~ eec! ~arried• i4 vas eoerQ tAat the Co~miaeion recommrad to the City t~unsii lLat 4Lc arca ss ontliaeQ on the msp be eon~ sldexed fos s*~mtion to tbe City oE Anahefa. ADJ~~ -'~he mee4ittg adjonrneQ at 4:20 0`Ciott P.M. _~. - ~,,, _-- ~---~---- ~------------- ~