Minutes-PC 1958/08/18, . ~ . ~ i • c~ ~ ~- ~.J - City Hall Maheim, California August 18, 1958 AA70URNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING CONWIISSION ADJOURNED REGULAR - An Ad~ourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning Coa¢nission was MEEiING cailed to order by Chairman Gauer at 2s20 0'Clock P.M., a quonan being preset~t. ~gggg~ - CI;AIR: ;N G:llEo~ ~1;A1;lTSSTONFR$= ih±Bois; Sumaners, 3'hompson, Mungall. Commissioner Morris entered the meeting at 2s41 0'Clock P.M. Commissioner Hapgood entered the meeting at 2s55 0'Clock P.11• ABSENi - COMMISSIONERSe Allred and Mauerhan. MINUTES - The Minutes of the Regular Meeting o: August 4, 1958 were approved by adding on Page 1 of the Variance No. 1015 that the motion xas seconded by Commissioner Allred and on Page 4, changing the word "meet" to "deed" under Reclassi.fication F-58-59-4. PUBLIC HEAR N VARIANCE N0. 1016 - PEiITION su m tted by GEORGE W. EASTERDAY, 271 North A~anchester, Maheim, California, as Lessee, requesting permissian to kANUFAG- TURE CONCRETE PRODUCTS for wholesale and retail on the property described ass All that certain real property situated in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follo~vs: The West 160 feet of the East 200 feet of that portion of the SW;~ of the SW~ of the SW~ of Section 9, I'4S, R10W, S.B.B. 8 Yl., lying Southerly and ti~asterly of the right of :vay of the Sau~ta~ Pacific Railroad. Excepting therefrom those portions described as Parcels 3-a and 3-b in final order of cond~~ ~ian ~~3~~? February 16, 1957 in book 3809, page 61 of Official Recosds; and further described as ?659 Lincoln Avenue. The property is presently classified as M-1. LIGHT MANUFAG7URING• This Variance was held over from the meeting of August 4, 1~58 far more complete plans. Mr. George W. Easterday appeared be~ore the Commission and presented revised plot plans showing the landscaping that he proposes to install on Lincoln Avenue, and an elevation of the office building he proposes to erect. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of +.he Variance. THS 1~ARING 1iAS C~-=Q6ED• Upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, seconded by Co~nissioner TF~ompson and carried it was moved by Resolution 35 that Variance No. 1016 be granted, subject tos .~ ~ ~ 3 1 ?a f f 1 f i ~ % s ~ ~ z ~ ; i 1. The erection of the building and the landscaping of the front as shown in the revised plot plan presented• 2. The dedication of necessary rights of way an L'aacaln Avemae to satisfy state highway requirements. 3. Prepare improvement plans and install all improveaents as •required by the City Engineer. PLfBLIC HEARING. VARIANCE N0. 1018 -PETITION submitted by CHARLES F. GATES, 870 South East Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requESting permissian to SPiIT A LOT, iNith the n:,e to be 6104 square feet with 56 foot frontage, on the property described ass ihat portion of Lot I5 oi Ar~aheia Extension, in +.he City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as ~hown on a map of survey made by 1Nilliam Hamel and filed in the office of the county recorder oa esS~639etese County, a copy of which is recorded in book 3, p 3 Q~ entitled "Los Mgeles County Maps", in the office of the county recorder of said Orange County, described as follows= Beginning at the northwesterly corner of Lot 1 af Tract No. 1683, as per map recorded in book 50, page 25 of Miscr:~laneous l~aps, in -1- i f S 1 ~ , ; ~ _____.-._--~-- - - --~ -- ~~ ~ d MINUTES. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, AUGUST 18, 1958, CONTINUED= VARIANCE NO.. 1018 - the office of the county recorder of said county3 thence North (Continued) 74° 36' 05" Hast, 206.00 feet along the northerly line of said - Tract No. 1683; thence North 15° 22' 55" West, 109.00 feet para- V 11R1 with the westerly line of said Lot 15; thence South ?4° 36' 05" West, 190.00 feet parallel with said northerly line to the beginning of a tangent curve which is also tangent to said last mentioned westerly line and has a radius of 16.00 feet3 thence westerly, southwesterly an~ southerly 25.I3 feet alang said curve to said westerly line; thence South 15° 22' 55" East, 93.00 feet to the point of beginning; and further described as o70 South East Street. The property is presently classified R-A, RESIDHN- TIAL AW2ICULTURAL. Mr Gates, 870 South East Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, 9 appeared before the Commission and stated that the lots in the } adjoining Tract are 60 x 98~ and contain 59.80 square feet. He ~ . proposes to cut a lot off, 56 feat in frontage by 109 feet deep, t containing 6104 square feet. :-Ie stated that his reason for cut- hich ~ ting it 56 feet was in order :o preserve a line oi ~rees w : had been many years in growir,g and would act as a buffer between the house ~ ~ his garage on the original ~:ouse on the lot and between this lot which he desires to cu~t t on which he praposes to erec off. Mr. C. C. Kent, a builder, came before the Commission and i stated that the dwelling to be erected on the property would con- ; tain a minimum of 1225 square feet with two bedrooms. No one ' HE appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variance. I HEARING WAS CLOSED. Upc1 a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner DuBois, and carried, it was moved by Resolution 36 that Variance flo. 1018 be granted, subject to the erection of a dwelling in accordance witt~ the plans presented and that the lot contain a % minimum frontage of 56 feet. ; PUBLIC HEARING. ~ VARIANCE N0. 1019 - PETITION submitted by VICTOR C. HARRIS, 1850 Harbor Boulevard, uesting permission to SERVE ra e L j'~ q , esse Maheim, California, as ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES in Restaurant on the pro erty described as: ' That portion of the NW~ of the NW~ of the NE~ of Section 27, T4S, R10W, of the San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of Anaheim, ~ County of Orange, State of California, described as fo3lows: Beginning at the centerline intersection of Katella Avenue and } i Harbor Boulevard, said intersection also being the Northwest cor- ~ ner of the NE~ of said Section 27; thence along said centerline of Harbor Boulevard, South 1° 21' 00" East, 265.01 feet; thence 89° 54' 30" ~ parallel with said cent^rline of Katella Avenue, North ~ East, 60.01 feet to the easterly line of said Harbor Boulevard to the true point of be9lnning3 thence continuing along said last ~ mentioned line North 89° 54' 30" East, 400.00 feet; thence para- 1° 21' 00" llel with said centerline of Harbor Boulevard, South East; 291.94 feet; thence along a line parallel with and 98.38 NW;~ of the NW~ of the f th e feet northerly of the southerly line o NE~ of said Section 27, South 890 49' 40" West, 400.00 feet to " ' 00 said easterly line of Harbor Boulevard; thence North 1~ 21 West, 292.50 feet to the true point of beginning; and furi:her ~ described as 1850 Harbor Boulevard. The property is presently ~ classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. y ~ Mr. Sam Collins, Jr., attorney, appeared for the applicant and stated that his client had employed Mr• C. I. Young as contractor ; to modify the present building so that it could be operated as a S conventional restaurant and to adequately serve the public, a i s cocktail bar was necessary. He stated that if the Variance t to the City of granted, the restaurant cou?,d be a definite asse Maheim, instead of an eyesore as it is at present. No one -2- . ~ ~ ~ --------. . ---- _-/ ... .~....._-- -._....-----~-------- - _._....__. ~„ -r--- v~ - r:: t :~ ~"1~ i'~ ti ~ ' ~ . v ~ ~ i ' y~IES~ pn7plH~+ff~ 8 j i i 8(TldJ1R l~TIIiG, CTIY PLArIl~IING COiINrtISSION. AUGUST 18, 1958, CONTINUED+ . ; WA8IIIAC:E ~D. 1019 - ~ a~peared in opposition ta the granting of the Variance. THE HEARIAiG i (Continued) ~ OiAS tIA6ED. . ~ Up~s a~otia~ by l:a~mfssioaer Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Miu~all, and carried, it was maved by Resolution'37 that Variance l~io. 1019 be granted far a cocktail bar at 1850 Harbor Boulevard in ~. ~Q~ w1tQ ZQe ~.~fT.a~alll.~ 611~ 04YjCV 4 4~: 3. 2be instalfation of sidewalks on Katella Avenue. 2. Ihe paymen: to the City of Anaheim of $2.00 per front foot for street rights. ~ R~LISSZE•ZGTIQ~ - PU~LIC ~~A~. P~TI?IONi su6mitted by FOREST P. WOI,VERTON, et al, ; li~. F-58-59-5 1767 Ifest O~ange Avenue„ Maheim, California, as Owners, requesting ~ that the property descrihed as beings ihe South 5 acres of the ~ gast 15 acEes of the Uf~ of the SE~ of the NE-~, Divided into Assess- or•s parce2s 33 to 37, Sectfon 17, T4S, R10W, as found in Assessor's ; book 81-050; 'iract lYo. 775, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 as recorded in il~scellaneous Yaps, book 23-1; and further described as i767, 1759, 1'AB9, and 1799 liest ~ange Avenue, Anaheim, California, be reclass- ' i#fed fra~ R-A, RE&IDENfIAL AGRICUI.TURAL, to R-1, SINGLH FAMILY H£SIDE~iI'IAL. /Lr. Fmrst ~olverton, 1767 West Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California, as the sigoer of the Fetftfon for himself and other property owners, apg~eared befare the Ca~£ssfon and stated that the legal descrip- ticn as fil~d contafsied txo parcels that were not to be included. ?tw~o t~.o ~arccels are at the extreme westerly portion of the pro- posed reclassification. A rev3sed legal descsiption would be as :asiwcss S..a.^tfeeg at a~fcet fn the cereier line of Fann Street aad going westerly al~g the nortlu:rly right-of-way line of West ~range Avem~e '133 feet to the trua point of beginn3ng; thence con- timu:ng r~s'..~~2y al~g the northerly right-of-way line of West ~ange Ave~n~e 495 feet; thence northerly a distance of 10 feet; t2ience e~esterly alcng this rfght-of-way line on West Orange Avenue a distauce of 297.60 feet; thence northerly parallel to the south- esly line of Fann Street a dfstance of 416.82 feet, plus or minus; tl~nce easterly parallel to the right=of-way line of West Orange llvea~ 792.60 feet; thence southerly parallel to tho southerly line of Faan St=eet a distance of 424.40 feet, plus or minus, to the po~nt of beginning. 6tr. C. Elmer Guy, attorney~ representing Jehovah's 1lifsiesses, aamess of one of the parcels included in the reclassiffcatim, appeared before the Commission in opposition to t6e proposedl rec2assification. He stated there was no legzl ~ust- ification for t.he reclassification, and that the present zoning shM~aid be pe~a~nt unless public F~ealth, safety and general welfare axe affected. He also stated that in this case there had been no change of cix~fances. He stated that the Flanning Commission and tbe City Cauncil had denied the use of his clients' property #or ct~sch purposes, .~nd that this case is now going to the couats. He also stated that to date tl:ey had expended, that is ~~h.,~-a ;`s '~~sses, ~.2~s93.OQ far maps, photos, et cetera, and that th$s fig~e dces not include counsel fees which will run consider- ~?; *;r t~ tlefs €fge~e, He again reiteaeted that there had be~ ao c}iange in circumstances in the property and so they were opposed to the r~classiffcatfon. TEIE HEARING WAS CLOSED. iJ~oan a aotion by Co~issioner ihompson, seconded by Commissioner lbnis, and carried, ft xas moved by Resolution 38 that R~class- if$catim F-58-59-5 be denied. -~- n , ~ ~ a ~ / / ..._` ~. ~ ~' ~ ;.~ ~~ MINUTES. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEE1'ZNG. CTIY PIAHIi~1G ~EOQII. ADCJST 46. I958, CONTINUEDs RECLASSIFICATION -?he vote of the Com~ission +.as as ~oLfla+s- N0. F-58-59-5 (Continued) AYES= C~9JIISSIONr."EiSs Du3ois, Gat~er, ~ra~s, ~ers, 'Fhompson. Noes: (A~%ISSIO~ESs 7&mga11. ABSENI': OOi~9~ISSIONERSs Ailaed, DEaaaea~an. NOI' VO?ING: (~IiISSI~Ss 4iao~os~. As a two-thirds majority af t2~e tdYal ~ssian oras Rat obtained, the reclassiFication wi31 go to tbe Ci3y Camcflfl vs€tkosst recammend- ation from the Planning Ct~issiaw. VARIANCE N0. 1020- PUBLIC I~ARING. PE7T!'I~1 su'~mi.~tea9 @ry ~7'i 1~. ~E, F032 Liberty Lane, Maheim, California, as tY~es, ~e~estia~g ~~e~ssfon to WAIVE City Code Requirements as :aiiussa II.,~t 'A' tm ~ a~rsxfmately 6,650 square feet 3n ar~a; i~mts '~ and '~ to h:ive a frontage of approximately 40 feet; on the pa~esty descs~bec! as: Farcel No. 1 being a portion of 13eccrd of Sauvey as gaea llap ££lec3 fn Baok 38, Page 11, records of Orange ~umty, State o€ Ca13.foas~a. Said Record of Survey being a portian of td~e H~ath ~e acse o£ tke Pfest 2 acres of Lot 24 of the Golden ~tate Ysa=t ~o. 2, i~n ~lne Ftarecho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shoam o~ a~lap aecos~ in Haflk 4, Fage 68, Miscellaneous ldaps, RecorBs of Qrange ~a~mty, S~ate of Catffornia, dssa.it~~ as :a33~:s= ~.~ -o.:=.~ ~ a~:,.~~ ~. ~ S:,..ut Ifne of Lat 25 of Tract No. 1603, lE.le. 4T-3, ~ t~e C~ty ofr ~ahe3~, California, said point being Sout~ 89" St3' 3D' Fast a distaQnce o€ l4.6~ feet from the Southpest corner of sa~d Lm't't 25; t]Decece Scrutte 0° 48' 10° East alony the £est line af said ~ewad o#' S~avey and the Pfest Iine of Tract No. 1364 as recorded ~~.lt. ~2-A2 and 43 in the Cfty~of Anaheim a distance of 140.U~D feet to t.~e Yz~ne Foin~ of Heginning; thence continuing South Ofl 46' 30` ~ast a dis#amce of 489.90 feet to the Southeast corner af said Paa~sel ~u_ 1 a~ also the SE corner of said Record of Survey; thenae Il~ast~ 89° 59' 3~r'4fest, F32.04 feet to the SW corner of said Parcel Jsa. 1, a~ sa~id EBecord ef Slsvey said ' corner is also 3n the £a$t line off Tsact lWa. 1'794, recarded in M.M. 52-20 and 21; thence Nor#3~ tD° 46• 25' Y~est alang t&e ~fest 2fne of said Record of Survey a disYas-ze of 189.40 €ee~. to the LVNt coraer of said Parcel No. 1; t}~ce ~ 8~° 5~' 3Qr' Fast, F32.Q5 feet to the True Point of Beginning. ~ccept theaefraa~ the l~' pertfore of said Parcel No. 1 as sho~an an a~rd af S~vey lfap filed fn baok 38, Page 11, records o~' Oran~ Caoma~y to be used fror street p~poses; and further described as iyiag a~a t~e East side of Eaden Dsfve between Liberty Lane and Acacia Street. 31ne paopeaty fls p~esentLy classified R-A, RESIDENtIAL AtaRIt~TI.~L. Mr. Robert N. ldenzie, iQ~2 Li3~er'tjr 7ane, Ama~e~, Calffornia, appeared before the Cormnission as L1mes of t~e sub~ect p~aperty anci stated that this parcel was origiaallp la~Hloc-~ mut tttat an entrance had been obtained from Boden Drive aaa~ ~t~at t!~ s~reet: ar4th ~ cul de sac at the end, had been co~plet.ed. Dene ~o t~e natnrae nf the property, it is about the only xay t}~at t~is parcel eaR be ceat up fnto satis- factory lots. THE F~A~ ~AS Q~~~D. Upon a motion ~by Commissiaoes IDu~is, secc~ Eiy lra~ssioner Summers, and carried, it ras m~ved B~r ~esoloatio~ 39 that Vas£ance No. 1020 be approved sub~ect to tbe plo~ pla~ p~esented. -4- .._- -r-- --~---------------..----- -----~s i 1 ' ~ ~~] ~ ~~ V ~ MINUTES. EIDJOURNED REGULAR MEETING, CIIY PLANNZNG L'O~dI~SIa9. 9~L-~II' Il~, Il~, ~I1~lUEIIs VARIANCE N0. 1021 - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITIDN submit~~d by 'I~D ~PB4ffi, 4~ ~. ~x6t,uy Drive, Beverly Hills, California, ~as~ n~m3es ~, ~~- ing permission to CONSTRUCT and ~7A ~~Q91IY~ ~II~ ~~mT~ APPURTENANCES on the property desar33~ed as= d~ ~Il ~fr Ila~cH 6o~ag a portion of the SE~ of Section 22, ia ~'~IS, ~~, S_~- ~ Ae., ~Sa the City of Anaheim, Gounty a~ ~range, S~ ~ 88~E~..s-~-~-s ~- cribecl as followss Beginning at t~e ~~a~s ~fr ~nr~ Se~iam 22, i:n T4S, R10W. said coint alsc beina ~e ~~,eaIl~ ~iom af Katella Avenue and HarLor Boulevarr~; ~~~ Il3' ~"' Yles~ 675.62 feet along the West line af ~~ ~~ff ~smim ~, ~m T4~, R10W~ and also along said centerline ~~~canflea-a~acH itm tEee true point of beginning; thence Noxii~ ~ 5~" ~~~ ~ fee~ to a point; thence North Oo 13' ?2' 'lYes't ~-~ ffe~it ~ a Fusnca~: thence South 89° 55' 19" West 720 i~t ~ a~ nm ~.n~ cesnb~r- line of Harbor Boulevard; thence ~cu~ ~~1~' ~" ~~S-~ feet to the true point of beginnia~; ~T~ -9esl~aSg+ ~ ffeeft ~£ said parcel being Harbor Soulevard and ~~Ilg ~£ee~ af said parcel being the possible laca33~ ~ a~ sCa~~; and further described as lying on ~e ~as~ sit~ ~ff ~~e- vard between Kate]la Avenue and l~Ai~dway. ~~sC.g ns ~g classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AC~AIC[A~T9BA'I.. Mr. Leo Freedman appeared be~ore t.he '~'+~++*++'1G4~~m ~~8 ~ photos and layout of a proposed deve3~ ~~rmitHn ~mr. I~ was disclosed that this will i~e a]Aotna~ ~Il or~3i¢~ aemIlfl g~ccsS~Plc ina?ude two restaurants. s la~ ~.._ -~M; ~' ~-=^s :~~*,.~ ::.:~.se Associates in which they state, ~e si~ ~m ~4m,~~m+ i.s ~fla~fi~rg similar to the one sharm an y..3~e ~3~. ~~.3d. a~..' :~ ~~~ are meant to convey to the viewing ~itn,es ~~r ~ type of the pro~ect which is intended ~ be ~ m~, a~lt~s {iem aa exact pro3ection of its layout and ~ar~ae. ~ avflIlIl ~g attempt to design it with due regaxd ~~e ~¢s ~Er~t. spe11 Southern California to the maaq ~~ aciro~~ frTmn~ p~iec~ will address itself, and we hope tu ar3~i~ a smIlcaitu~ mfr a~.fic.h #he City of Maheim, as well as ttie onaer a~ad itH~ m~saltm~, ~m ~ p~aarE:" T1vo owners of motels operating nesr ~is ~.g ~ 6efaxe ~ Commission and stated that they wou1~7 flSBc~ ~ 4no~v a~tt ara~ gafiag ~cs on the property. We beliave ti~at 70r. ~rm ~m~fl~~ itPre p~,~~ct to them but not in too much detail. T~ 9~~ Ye~ Q~~. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, ~~¢J~fiss~ame~ Thompson, and carriad, it was moved 3nj ~Ila~~ 4(ID ~~~aace No. 1021 be approved, subject to cna~~~ nan ~Il a-~i~Bn ttse prot~type plot plan presented yvit~ t~e a~fl~~atr.n~; ~Il~ $Pma~ a~f- cation be made of 60 feet from the ~e~s Il~ ~fr'~~ms ~aanIleuarcE, and the installation of sidewalks sm 33arbr~s ~mIlem~e ~ tHe Northerly 60 fe~t af the property ~e x~w~ ff~s s~ ge~ases, anci that any improvements within 3~is 6D ffee~ s~IlIl meeit ~CEoe G"nt~p specifications. . RECLASSIFI~ATION - POBLTC HEARING. PElITION su~unitt~d ~+ 94~9L''R~ ~t. ~ Af~ ~ N0. F-58-59-7 BREWSTER, et al, 11662 Loara Street, eAna9~~, Q~Anffm~iia, as 4'~ers, requesting that the property desarii~ed as ~~ 69IlIl ~~m real property situated in th~ Crnmty a~ ~, ~ ix€ ~£a~a, described as follows: The 2: _12.~D ~~ z~ ~ S~ ffc-~ ~' ~ 9~ of the YV~ of the 1N~ of the I~ a~ 3~ SI~ ~ff .~m~m ~, 'Lr4S, R10W, S.B.B. 8. M. (Brewster pr ~; ~rc7 'II~ 5'FE ff~ ~fr' ~Eee S~ of the Nf~ of the IN} of the a~' ~~~ff ~mrm ~, 4~s, R10W, S.B.B. 8 M. (Harrison propex~+~; amr7, ~1 Il. 'II~e S~'14 feet of the S~- of the Wf~ of fhe 7NN~ ~~ IDff~ ~ff ~~ mfr' Sec~aQ 28, T4S, R10W, S.B.B.B IN., EXCE~i3P7G ~ffa~ ft~ ~~£eet. Parcel 2. An undivided 1/80th iu~es~ 3~ ~~ a~L m~ IlaacE described as followss Beginning ~~fie ~ m~es mff t~e ~c~£ ~he SE~ of the NW~ of Section 28, ?45, ~1m1Y, 5.~.~. ~ Ae., ~nce ~'est -5- ~ , ~ \ `F MINUTES, ADJOURNED REGULA.R MEETING, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, AUGUS? 18, 1958, CQtTfIH[JEDs RECLASSIFICATION - 30 feet; thence South 20 feet; thence Eas~ 30 feet; thence North 20 ~ N0. F-58-59-7 feet to the point of beginning; (Syperda property); and further (Continued} described as II6o;c, II722, and I1702 ioara S~r~at,~ ~acia~~i:i~~ from R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, to R-3, MULTIPLE FAIAILY RESIDENTIAL. htr. Brewster appeared before the Commission representing himself and C. W. Harrison of 11722 Loara Street of 2244 Loara Street, Anaheim, California, and stated that they believe their properties are only suitable for R-3. The properties at the present time ao nave exisc- ing single-family dwellings on the front, but the lots are some 300 feet deep. The map showed that there was another parcel between the two requesting reclassification end Ae believed that this o~mer also wantcd rec2assification. Commi~sioner Thompson suggested that he find out whether this third party ~vas interested in reclassification, and if so, an amended petition a~~d a plan be presented for the development of all three properties and that the Planning Staff might be willing to give assistance in the layout of the properties. Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, it was moved that Reclassification No. F-58-59-7 be held ovex until the meeting of September 8, 1958. VARIANCE N0. 1022- PUBLIC HEARING. PETiTION submitted by McCARTHY and SANT, 1138 South Brodaway, Los Mgeles, California, as Lessee, requesting pex~ssi~ to use the property located at 861 South Palm Street for a SALES OFFICE for iract No. 1R86, located directly at the rear of the sub3ect property. The present dwelling on the property will be used as a Temporary Sales Office, and a sign, 15 feet by 20 feet, mill also :~ erected. The pruperty is presently classified R-A,~RESIDENfIAL AG3ICUI.?UAAL. Mr. Lawrence Fisher, age 62, South Palm Street, appeared before the Commission and presented a petition signed by I2 property owa~ers in the area as being opposed to the granting of this Variance. He objected to the color that has been applied to the old AE~,ttis resi- dence, being striped with purple and white, and the erec~:ion of a double-faced signboard 15 by 20 feet. Mr. McCarthy, 1138 South Broadway, Los Angeles, appeared before the Commission and stated that he covld sympathize with the residents in the area, as it rvas not his intention to have this house painted with these co?oas and ' this design, and that he would be willing to change the color of the house. A discussion with the Commission members brought out the # fact that the majority felt that a 15 by 20 foot sfgn was too large for the purpose intended, and that a very neat, attractive sign of { a much smaller size would adequately serve the iract located behind : this property and would probably attract more prospective custa~ers j than a large, garish sign. A motion was made by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Co~issioner } Mungall, that the Variance be denied. This motion did not carry. t i : A second motion was made by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by ; Commissioner Hapgood, and carried, that Variance No. 1022 be granted } by Resolution No. 41, sub~ect to the painting of the exisiing 3:a~~ > white, and sub~ect tu a sign that must be presented to the Commission : for approval. ' ~ This concluded the action for the afternoon on Variances and Re- ~ classifications, and for the next hour, consideration was given to ~ proposed changes in the new zoning ordinance. All the ciianges imder { . consideration were not taken up, due to a lack of time, and a aork ~ session was scheduled for ?ues8ay, September 2, 1958, at 2s00 0•Ciock : P.M. ~ > The meeting ad~ourned at 5s30 0'Clock P.M. ; ~ b ~ t .,. _'-T' . . . . - -~ ~ -- ~ -- -- - . .-. i t ~ ~ `~