Minutes-PC 1958/10/06~ ~ ~ ~Peeiey liet~ad3st C~ Anabein, ~.fa~~ia October 6, 19~8 RBGULAR hIDBTIN(3 OP THB CITY PIANNING CO1p/ISSION RBtiULAR MSSTING - A Reguiar Meeting of the City Pianaiag Coaisaion xas calied ~o oe+~s at 2:10 0'Cioclc P.M, by Chairmaa Gauer, a quorum be3ag p~rtseat. °DW°..•°..:^_' - C'r;nI 'AmnY G+UFuZ, t~;w;IS~id'noe~8s ianutraan~ idorris, ino~ amd ~- ge.11. Commiaqioner Hapgood entered the Meeting at 2:Z1 O'Cloct l.1~ Cocmnisaioner DuBoie entered the NeeLing at 2;4p G'Cioc~ P.l1. Chairmaa ~auer retired from the Commission lieeting at S:7LS O'CI,o~ P.M. MINUT83 - The Miantea of the /!d,',ouraed Regular Neetiag of 9epieaber ?2, 395a were approved aa ps~iated. VARIANCS N0. 1031 - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION aubmitted by PR~SRIC[ A. ffiS~~ 9[i~ >aAe Way, Anaheim, Califoraia, as O~er, reQueat3.ns permisaim ~0 8!Q' A AS~~T(,~`6T~TAr/PATr OPP:w.° CA :u2 jfa~j~ca~~ tace~Piueia as: ioc ~ii~ 30 feet of the foiiowiag deeeribed lanQ: Thit portion o€ Ae~eia 9treet (vncated) and Lot 1 ia ~lock 2 of the Eoeffler Tract. ~a tie City of Aneheim, ae ~howu oa a oap thereof reeorded 3a Boot 30. Page 17~fNieeeii~neous Reeorde of Los At~eles :amt~, Cal3foes~a~ deecribed ae follawe: Hegianin~ at e point ia the lkaierl~ li~e ef Palm 9treet aa ehown oa said map; S feet NortIIwes! o~ t~e ~st Northerly corner of Lot 3 in Hioet 1 of said tract; t~mx ~- vaeaterly paraliel with the Soathe~ateriy ii~ of Aeaeia ~(we- ated) 119.33 feet; lheaee Northxealerl' psrailr3 mi23~ ~e ~y line of Paim 9tree~t~ 100 fee!= theace Nartseaatezi~ paral~ei w!~ the ~outherly 13ne of Acpcia St~eE tvaeRted- 119.33 fert to !ie We~terly line of Paim Slreet, 100 feet ta i*~ ~+=i ~~ BXCBPTINa THBRSPROM the Northeaateriy 10 feet adjo3ai~ !ae M~et~ line of aRid Paim 8treet. The Soutbesiy SO feet of tlae fo1l~rLs deecribed lande Thst portion of Ae~cia Street (vautea~ d Lst l in Block 2 0~ the 8oeffler Tract~ in the CiL~ of Aa~a~a. ss alwo on ~ map thereof recorded in Hook ~0~ pa~e 17. Nisoel7~eco~s 1~~~ of Los Angeiea Couaty, Califoreit~ deseriDeQ am f~liop: ~ at a poin4 in the Westerly liae of Pali Street. as s~o~t aa aa~'i~ 3 feet Norlhweat of the most North~rly coraer of I+~ 1 3~ !L~l:.L# said tracti thence 3ou4•hrre~leriy ~arailei ~ritli tbe Sa~es2~'~ r line of Acacia Btreet (vaeated) 110.SS feQti t0mce ~1~ pas~12a1 wilit the Nerleriy liae of paid 8treet 100 Eset; tl~aae Northessteriy parrilei -tith !he so„cnerir i~ae of ae~s. ~es (V4cat~d) 119.35 Eee4 to 4k~ Rfe~letiy ltae dfr ,?si~ 3t~ti timoe eoutheaeterlq ~lonr the Ne~lerir iiae of paL 8treet 100 E~e! b 4he point of be`innia~~ 8XC8PTIt~p TEtaRtl~Ilptt th~ NorR~er1~ ~. feet ~d~oinin~ the Mesteriy lin~ o~ Pal~ Stseet, aed ~~ i~r cribed ae 947-931 Norlh Pala Stre~t. T!~ propatt~ 3r ~tstiRi~ citseified R-1~ T9V0-PANTLY R83TDSMrW.. Dr, Ruech appe~red before the Co~i~sion aad alatsd tDat ~e ~d aie a~urveq of the ~ra-~ and th~! !h~ ps~ptstr oNnera le ~l ~ e~ere is~ favor of graaliua !be dariaaee. Se~rat rg~ ~~t area appe~red b~eEore !he Cossi~~i0lto aot Milh n~ard to p~. d~3•s Variance, but with ra`ard td t8e '~arianee ~ranted so e~e ~ etore on !he corner oE ~s Yerne es~ ?a~~ 8:-xs:, ~~.r n~s'.~,z was ~ranled in 1951~ ~ub,~ec! !o Mr. Miikenten putti~ is a eerla~s nu~nber of off-s-ree! prrkin~ ~pace~. T!-is aas aot b~ea A~e, a^~ they xere requeatia~ !ha! the 8laeeio~ Co~issi~ seNdre !M-t 11r. Wiikeneen oeet the ter~~ of lhis prerio~s Yariaaee. a!i ~l1~ AG1B CL099b. Upon a molion by Cami~sioner'Kauernaa, r.e~~oeaed b~ S~e~r Thompa~on, and c~rried~ i! ~s i~red br Re~oi~lim 100, 6p, ~Oes 19S8-s9, Zhet Variattce No. 103i De ~ranted, snD,~eet !o: Y 1a . _._ _._..._____.._.....'_"_'__"_'__'"_'_'_'-"__"'."__"-_'__"_""'~__. . ~n~ _ _f_-" ~~ ~ ~ ;~ ;~ :~ 3 ~ a < i i ~ ~ ~ ~F . i 1 ~ ' - ---_ _ - - - - -_.~. ~~ ~~ - ____ ____~.__. - _ "~ i I i` I __. _.~.~. ~ ~. ~ RHGUTAR MBSfING OP THB CITY PIANNING COMMISSION MINUTSS, OCTOBSR 6, 1958, CONTINUHD: VARIANCH N0, 1031 - i. Repair sidewalk and curb where necessary on North Palm Street. CContinued) 2. Ylace a sign at the rear of the property entering the alley, entitled "Stop and Turn Right Only". 3. Place a sign at the end of the alley at La Verne Street labeled "Stop". 4. Srection of the building and off-street parking as shown on the plot plan and elevation presented. Vf-Ri~Nt.fi N6, i032 - PtTBLIC ~i~,RI;r'G. PHTTTION submitted by SIDON H. GIBASON, JR., of Culligan Y.'ater Conditioniao of Orange County, Inc „ 1106 Bast Pirst Street, Santa Ana, California, as Authoraaed Agent, requesting per- mission to HItBCT A BUILDING FOR OPPICSS, SALB, SBRVICH and RHGHNBRA- TION OF WATHR UNITS and HQUIPI~Nf on the property described as: Aii that certain real property in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, being a portion of the NW~ of Section 26, T4S, R10W, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana as per map thereof recozded in Book 51, Page 7, et seq., Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southwesterly line of the land conveyed to the State of Califor- nia by deed Filed Aaril 9, 1952, as Document No. 25258 in the office of the Registrar of Titles of said Orange County, distant thereon North 40~ 50' 15" West 273.85 feet from~,its intersection with the South line of the Northeast quarter of said Northwest quarter; thence continuing along said Southwesterly line North 40° 50' 15" West 120.00 feet; thence South 490 09' 45" West 457,95 feet to said South line; thenceNorth 89~ 51' 35" Bast along said South li.ne 18~.04 feet to the most Westerly corner of the land described as Parcel 1 ip the ueed to Blake M. Cowaa et al., recorded April 17, 1455 in Book 3477, Page 412, Official Records; then^e North 49~ 09' 45" Bast along the Northwesteriy iine of said Parcei 1, 318.41 feet to the point of beginning, and further described as 1910 Manchester. The propezty is presently classified R-A, RBSIDSNfIAL AGRICULTURAL. No one appeared for or against the granting of this Variance. THS HBARING WAS CL0.SHD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mungall, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved by Resolut3on No. 61, Series 1958~59, that Variance No. 1032 be granted, subject to: 1. The erection.of the building in conformity with the plan presented together with the off-street parking as shown. 2, That there be a minimum front yard setback of 17 feet from the property line. 3, Prepare street improvement plans and 3nsta1l all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Bngiaeer. 4. That all such improvements be instal.ted before final inspec- tion is granted on the building. VARIANCS N0. 1033 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITIGN submitted by IBYiIS L, and CAMILI.H S. SINOR, 916 W. North Stseet, Anuheim, Californ3a, as Owners, request- ing permission to BRBCT a 16' by 24' RBAL BSTATH OPPICS SUIIDING on the property described as: That portion of the NW~ of the NW~ of Section 12, T4S, RSOW, 3n the Raacho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, City of itnai-eim, ~ounty of Orange, Siai.e ai Cali:~raia, :.& sa:.''. ~ectian is shown on a map recorded ia Book S1, page 10 0£ Miscell- aneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said countq, described as follows: Begianing at a point on the West line of said secti.on, South 134.25 feet from the northwest corner of the South } of the northwest ~ of the NW~ of aaid Section; thence South 85.00 feet along said West line; thence Bast 150.00 feet; thence North 85 00 feet parailel with said West line; thence West 150.00 feet to 5 i ~ S 3 3 the point of beginning, aad further described as 414 North Placentia ~ Aveaue. The property is presently classified R-A, RBSIDBNfIAL AGRI- ~ CIJLTURAL. i -2- i . i ~ ~ ~ ~ RHGUTAR MBBTING OF THB CTTY PLA.NNING COMMISSION~ OGTOBSR 6, 1958, MINUTBS CONfINUHD: VARIANCfi NO. 1033 - No one appeared for the applicant with reference to this Variance. (Continued) Mrs. V. C. Starr, 855 N. West Street, appeared for the property owner, Mrs. Wark, whose property adjoins the subject property on ' the North, and presented a letter reading as follows: "L will be happy to have Mr. Sinor buiid his Real Bstate Office on the lot , wh~tch adjoins my property on the South, provided that all parking areas be hard-surfaced in order to prevent the raising of dust." This letter was sigied by B~ith Wark. THB HBARING WAS CIASSD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Mauer- han, and carried, it was moved by Resol~ation No. 62, Series 1958-59, that Variance No. 1033 be granted, subject to: 1. The providing of five improved parking spaces on the property. 2. That the applicant dedicate 53 feet from the centerline of P2acentia Avenue to the City of Anaheim for street widening. 3. That the applicant prepare street improvement plans an4 in- stall all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Bngineer. 4. That the payment of $2.00 per front foot be made ior the instaliation of street lights on Placentia Avenue. A furiher motion was made by Commissioner Mungall, seconded by Commissionez Mauerhan, later in the meeting, that any sign on this property be limited to 4 feet by 10 feet; also another condition was established by a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Morris, that the minimum setback from the property line be six feei;, and nothing be permitted in this 6 foot area except 13ndscaping. VARIANCH N0. 1034 - PUBLIC HHARING. PETITION submitted by ORANGBWOOP HONffiS, 620 Vance Street, Santa Ana, California, as Lessee, requesting permission to BRBCT A TBMPORARY DIRBCfIONAL SUBPIVISION SIGN on the property des- cribed as the Southeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and Orangewood, and further described as 11568 Harbor Boulevard. The property is presently classified R~A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL. No one appeared for or against the granting of this Variance. THE HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Hap- good, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 63, Series 1958-59, tha: Variance No. 1034 be granted subject to the nine (9) conditions established by the City Council for such directional signs, and also that a deposit of $100.00 to insure that weeds are kept down under the sign. Any work necessary for the City to do will be charged against this $100.00 deposit, and any balance at the expiration date of the sign will be returned to the applicant. VARIANCB N0. 3035 - PUBLIC HfiARING. PHTITION submitted by MARVIN N. LILBS, 50 0 South West Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission io ENCLOSS CANOPX aa3 S!'cBGT A PIDW STORH FROhT on the property des- cribed as Lot 1 in Block A of Tract No. 217, Map of Nut Grove Tract in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as pe•r man recorded in Book 13, Page 2, Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the Reco:der of said County, and further described as 500 South Citron Street. 'Pne.property is presently ciassified R-1, SINGIE PAMILY RBSIDHNfSAL. No one appeare~l for or against the granting of this Variance. THE HHARING WAS CIASED. It was brought to the attention of the Commission that the nnload- ing of trucks to this store was being done from Citron Stseet on account of not having an adequate door at the rear of the store available an Santa Ana Street. When questioned about this, the -3- -~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ { ; a ~ i i i ! ~ ~ ~' ~ i ~ gHGUTAR I~EfING OF THH CTTY PLANNING COMMISSION, OCTOBBR 6 1958 MINUTBS COATINUSD: VARIAAk.B NO. Y035 - applicant stated that he would arrange a door on Santa Ana Street (Coatinued) and unload his trucks at this point. Upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 64, Series 1958~54, that Variance No. 1035 be granted, subject to: 1 The r?~ai~ of sidewaiks in front of the property. 2. That the owner give consent to the removal of trees on the property where it is felt necessary by the Public Works Depastment. 3, That a door be made on Santa Ana Street and trucks unloaded from this point. I VARIANCB N0. 1036 - PUBLIC HBARING. PETITION submitted by &DWIN A. WSSTON, 9961 Mag- nolia Street, Anaheim, Caiifornia, as Owner, requesting permission to ERBCT a 3' X 5' SIGN perpendicular to, and 11 feet in from the ` existing c?irb, on the oroperty described as: County of Orange, Lot ~ 125 of Tract No. 1951, and further described as 9961 Magnolia Street. f i;~e ~,~ay:.;;~ is psesAntly classified R-1, SINGLS FAMILY RBSIDENTIAL. ~ Mr. Weston appeared before the Commission and stated that there was nothing further that he could add to that contained in the applica- ~ tion. He has had a license and a Use Permit for a Home Occupation for the repair of television sets, and now desires to place a sma11 E sign in front of his dwelling to advertise the fact. No one ap- 4 peared in opposition to the granting oE the Variance. THH HHARING 1 WAS CLOSSD. t Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner j Thompson, and carried, it was moved by Resalution No. 65, Series 1958-59, that Variance No. 1036 be granted for a sign 3 feet high and 5 feet long to be mounted on 2 X 2 posts at a maximum height of 5 feet, and such sign will be located 32 feet south of the North property line, and the front edge of the sign will be approximately i il feet west of the existing curb. VARIANCS NO. 1037 - PUBLIC HHARING. PBTITION submitted by MORAGA FULTON BUILDING CODf- PANY, 1333 North Highland Avenue, Hollywood, California, purchas- ing under contract, requesting permission to WAIVS CITY CODS RSQUIRB- [~ffiNfS of 70' lot width on the property described as Lots 1 to 9 inclusive ia Tract No, 2567 in the Citg of Anaheim, and further des~ cribed as being on the West side of Moraga Street between Crescent Avenue and Valdina Avenue. The property is presently classified R-3, MULTIPLH FAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL, subject to recording the Tract. Mr. Nerenbaum appeared before the Commission as engineer for the Moraga Fulton Building Company of 1333 North Highland Avenue, Holly~ wood. Califo=nia, and stated that this application for a Variance w~s a re-application of a Variance granted under No. 776 on which the time limit had expir.ed. The tract map is *.he same as was originally filed under Variance No. 776. Mr. Worth, Mr. Lenz, and Mr. Lyons, property owners in the area, appeared before the Com~ mission and a discussion was held with regard to drainage across their properties. It was pointed out to them that the subdivider could not drain any water from his property onto theirs, and this appeared to satisfy them. THB HfiARING WAS THHN CIAS$D. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Hapgoo3, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No. 67, Series 1958--59, that Variance No. 103? be granted for Lots 1 to 9 in Tract No. 2567 with frontages of 62 feet with a depth of approximately 134 feet, except for Lot 9, which will have a frontage of 68 feet. .. S.. ---- -- - ----- - - _ -- --• -------- --~ _, ~ ~ - ----~------ ~ +~ . ~ RBG[TLAR MBSTING. CITY PIANNING COMMISSION. OCd'~ d~, ~1~a8,. ~'a ~: VA.°.IANCB N0. 1038 - PUBLIC HBARING. PHfITIt3N sn~mitS~~ ~]~ ~Qi~' H,~S 1~2, ENC., P.O. Box 1229, S2nta Ana, ~Caii~oim~„ as ~s„ ~aa*'_T*+a perm=3- sioa to WAIVE CTTY CODE R~QII~S tt~ ~Emr s faaat gard setbacl~ of 20 feet instead af 25 fee~ oa ~~a~sa~a.f ~¢s~e9fi as: Ecsts 8-12, 15-20~ 24-42, 49-56 afTrart 3~~12, ~ ff~tt~r dessibed as the 3300 block of Orange Areaue, Ivnrth sn~d ~~*R*+r aad gaett. The property is presenS ~~3.~si$n,~ fl~-Ilp ~~F ~~`Tar_. No one appeared for ar agaia~ 1~e ~na~g ~ t~~ 4'ari~+*^P. ~ HBARING WAS CLOSfiD. Upon a motion by Commis::ioner ~ga3Il, ~ tS' ~~==sr DuBois, and carrie3, it ivas mvv~d ~~~emtnmm 60_ fiFx, S¢ies Z458- 59, that Variance No. 1038 ~e ~ram~ed ffma ~D-ff~ frc~E gasd setbacts on all interior lots, but t~at s31 3a~tts ~~~~ aiaaId tsave to remain at the 23 foot standa~_ RHCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HHARING. PSrTT3LEd ~u~m=w*'~*~ ~?9 ~II' La- iWT@.~T~. et al., N0. P-58-59-5 1767 West Orange Avenue, ~aa~i~m, Ca3af~~„ ~s rnu~rs, zeq¢estin8 that the property descrined as ~~s~ffi ~~affs aa cae ~st ES acres of the W} of the ~£4 mf xhe 7~ ¢cF S~cs~ aZ'. 'F4.Se gFoFI. S.B.B. & M., divided inYs pas,ce3s 33„ 39„ 3~„ 3i's. ~~ad 3g as found in Assessor°s Book 81 D3D an3 IImds Il„ 2~ 3 af 'Eract P!o_ 775 as recorded in Miscfllane~ ~ a~z ~~tg, He~i~ l~io. 23-1, be reclassified frnm ~~, ~~H. ~~B'~'m ,F to B-£, SINGLH FAMILY RBSIDHNTZ~l3.. This petition was sent ta ~3se .9aa~e~ (Ca~~ ~'~ar~'*A rit~eut zeco~ea- dation and was remrned ~~y ~e ~=a7L ffma fr~ ~~ratiou ty the Planning Commission ~eiih ~e ~ ffer ~~cflfrsc reca~enda- tion. Mr. Wolverton, a~ ap~]itaa~~ ~~~aes~l~aae tise Ea~ss=oa aLd stated that conditioa$ ~aff mc~3 ~ c*^~ tme ~st ffeariag. except that Lots 4 aad ~ af fira~ 9a_ Td3 H~a'1 ~m ~£t eat of the proposed Reclassification. $e ~Ys~d xa~& sna~Pe f~~fg resideaces on the Bast and oa the San#3-, 3# a~a~ a~~ ~~ ~ 2cgicaF ci..re for ihese properties s3ionld ~~sa~ ~~-g s$tt~c t~m ~-~_ ~ zepres- entative of Mrs. Meredith ~*+~~~++¢++ ~s tta r~a a~c ~ cauld be placed an the front af ame ~£ t9~ese ~trses_ Ft a~ goiated out that if the property st•+~A~~A as ~„ aIl~ c~ Fina.se c_*er acze would be permitted, nnless a W~r*~*+~ w~s ga~; ~t •'sf the property was R-1 aad ther~ was suFff*m^~+* Pas~ a+~*r~TM~e Eos a 72UQ square foot lot with privat~ ~~~~_= am3 eg¢es tr~ tia~ grcQerty, ar frontage on a stree2, it wnn]~ me ~rA~+'~~_ ~_ ~.g, ~ atte=aeF for Jehovah's Witaesses, appeaxffi ~sue a~ C~n~ic~ aud stated that whea an Ordinance iaas adapS.~d fnmmag tt~ ~ aa faad, it had been done with care ~ad Y3iongh~, and a~s m~tt ~;~t to c6aag~. He also stated that the amonnt ~£ ~s ~~fl ~emit aa mags. etc., together with his fees, aisa ~at fie srrm~ $e ~ tFe qaestiua of ihis church site inc3vded iu a~e~ ~a~asn~s to L3ne SaQe=ior Court, and requested t~at t~ ~,-3 Zamn~ ~~_ DEc_ Y~Ivertoa again stated that there aaas ~~~*~~+ n~mS~ as oa aag actioa that is presently undez ~vay, ~~t3zAy reae a~ Eo aggrade their properties in the area and ff~3t j~s3a$'a~d ~~ia~ ~Z Zoaiag. Mr. Guy stated ihat ihe ~enzis ~ me~ ~Q ~ c~ of aay denomination is gno3 #'ns ~~?~_"~+~- 'Il~ ~,D1~G 44i.S CEQ~D> Upon a motion by Commiss~^^PT ~samA ~ L~S E'~=~?.~er Morris, it was moved t.ha~ ~er9a+~=+~~aita~m 3em_ ~~~5 ~ deased, The vote on the abotire mai~r ~vas as ff~SIle~: AYES: COMNIISSIONSBS: ~anes, llloxs~s, ~ ~. NOES: COMMISSIONEItS: DuBDis, ~mdl, !~„ ~ MiargalZ. a$saxr: co~+issior~x.s: ~~ ~a ~_ _r_ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i i ; ; 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ . ~y 4{ t 1 { $ ~v ., ~~ -_ - ~ ~ 1 ' ~~ ~ ~ RHGUI,AR MBBTING. CITX PIANNING COI~AfISSION, OCT08BR 6, 1958, MINUTBS CONTINQED: RBCIASSIFICATION - Inasmuch as it takes a two-thisds majority of the toYai Commissioa N0. F-58-59-5 to approve a recommendation for Reclassification, this Reclassifi (Continued) cation still remains in status quo, and will probably have to ~e set for another Public Rearing at which time it is eapected that all members of the Planning Commission can azrange to be preseat. RHCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC'HBARING. PSTTTION submitted by ROS.9NA CENDBJAS, 2145 fLaple N0, F-58-59-17 Street, 5anta Ana, Caiifornia, et al., as Owners, requestiag t.~at the prdperty descr~ed as being: Parcel 1(Rosana Cendejas): The Bast 66 feet of the West 462 feet of ail that certaia rea3. prapez"sy situated in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, in the City a£ Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, and described accazai- ing to a sectionized survey af said Ranciio as the E~ of tbe N~ o: tbe N~ of the NW~ of the NW~ of Section 12, in T4S, R10w, S.B.~. & ll., and further described as 2220 Hast La Palma Street; Pazcel 2 iRay- mond J, and Violet M. Moore}; 'The Hast 66 feet o: the ~Vest 528 feet of all that certain real property situated in the Rancho Saa Jaan Cajon de Santa Ana, in the City of Anaheim, County of Or3IIge, SYate of California, and described according to a Sectionized survey of oaiu °nIICi1C So ~iac a°+2 '~i ~i.:ia^. ::y 3: ~.til.' :':Z ^C ~~e v~ial yi ~l~n Wa _F v furtt~e_ described as 2224 Section 12, in T4S, R10W, S.B.B. & M., and Sast La Palma Avenue; Parcel 3(Harry A. and Ethel S. Larson): 3'!~e Bast 88 feet of the West 396 feet of ali that certain real propErty situated in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, and describefl according to a SectioniZed survey of said Rancho as the E} of th~ 3~1} of the N~ of the NW~ of the NWa of Section 12, in T4S, R1OW, S.B.B. & M., and further described as 2214 Bast La Palma Aveaue, be reclassified from R~A, RBSIDBNfIAL AGRICULTURnL to R-1, SINGIB FAMILY RHSIDffiVT7AL. Mrs. Cendejas, 2145 Maple Street, Santa Aaa, ~:alifornia, appe3re~ before the Commission and stated that, together with Mrs. Ethel E. Larson, 2214 Hast La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, and Mrs. Violet bf. Moore, 2224 Hast La Palma Avenue, Anaheia, had requested that theiz properties be reclassified from R-A to R-1 to permit them to build rouses on the lots facing on North Redwood Drive. She stated thaY th; house they propose to build would contaia 1730 feet of liveable area with a stone front and sell for between $26,000. aad $27,OOD. A petition was received from property owners in 3'ract No. 2491, Prudenta.al Homes, signed by 109 property owners stating that they were petitioning against the proposed construction of Haz~~ Ho~s on the North side of the 2200 bleck of North Redwood Drive. 14ie Petition stated, "It is our understanding that five lots have been sold for the purpose of building hoaes not comparable ia price, consiruction, appearance and value with existiag homes in the area. We feel that we must protect our property values aad that the coa- struction of these home^ would be detrimental to the valves of onr property." Mrs. Larson stated that she did aot expect to baii3 an her pzoperty before 1959. Mrs. D. K. O'Neil, 2208 Hast Sycamore Street, appeared in opposition to the granting of tY.e reclassifica- tion for the reasons stated in the petitioa. However, iY ~oas apparent that from the two homes proposed for the Cendejas and I~Eoore properties, these two homes would be equal in value aad jnst as attractive as any homes in the area. THS tffiARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, secoaded by Co~issioner Hapgood, and carried, it was moved by Resolutioa No. 58, Series 1958-59, that the Commission recommend to the City Council that Reclassification No. P-58-59-17 be approved, chaagiag these prap- erties from R-A, RBSIDHNfIAL AGRICULNRAL to R-1, SINGIB FAfIILY RHSIDHNrIAL. The vote on the above Resolution was as foliows: -~6• -~ - .._.----~ -._.__ ..__.----`----'----. _...._.__.._ ~ - -- ~ s~ 3 Y a ~ a ~ } 3 ! ~ a ~ }~ J ~( 4 ~ l RSGiJLAR MHBTING. CITY PLANNING COMAlISSION, OCTOBER 6. 1958. MINUT&S CONTINUBD: RBCLASSIPICATION - AYSS: CANASISSIONBRS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, N0. P-58-39-17 Thompaon and Mungall. (Continued) NOSS: COMMISSIOPIDRS: None AHSHNT: COMMISSIONIDRS: Allred, Summers. RBC IAS3IPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PSfTTION submitted b A OBBAT S. BSGOLB, 722 North y ^ a~iV• a~~Su°S~s°1~ ~,~ ~ / . ~~i~~ 5:~.~..~.i~ ~iZ~ii~~w~ ^.~1iFQ~::=.ai~ H.~. V_"'P~, ~P~I1P~}'~~10 t~At *~e property deacribed as being the South 150 feet of the H} of the N} of the N+~ of the NW} of the NW} of Section 12, in T4S, R10W, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as sho~n on a map thereof recorded in Sook 51, Page 7, et seq., Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, SXCSPTING THHRBPROM the West 528 feet; ALSO EXCBPTING THSRBPROM the Hast 66 feet; ALSO BXCSPTING THHRHPROM the North 30 feet for road purposes, (Covering property on the North side of Redwood, Bast of Piacentia) and further described as on the North side of Redwood Drive between Placentia and Whittier Street, 1•° reclaseified from R-A, RHSIDBNfIAL A~RICULTURAL to R-1, SINGLB PAMILY RESIDBNTIAL. Thia recleseification covers a lot directly to the Hast of Lhe lots conaidered on Reclassification No. F-S8-59~•17. A representaLive of the Owner was present and stated that a Harmony Home wouid be built on this lot, which would contain approximately 1350 square feet of liveable area. THS HBARING WAS CIASHD. Upon a motion by Commiasioner Mauerhan, who atated that from the plana presenLed, aithough the house did have 1350 squere feet o£ livesbie area, the plana presented do not show a house in appear- ance that will be comparable to others in the azea, and that Reclaebification No. P-58-59-18 t>e recommended to the City Councfl for denial. This motion died for lack of a aecoed. A aecoad motion was made by Commieaioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Morris, and carrie~, that Reclessification No. P-58-59-18 be recommended to the City Council for npproval by Resolution No. 69, 8eriea 1938-59, chenging the proFerty from R-A, Reaidential Agricultural to R-1, Single Pamily Reaidential. Inasmuch ss the houee containe 1350 aquare feet, and inaamuch as the Commission had no architec*.urai control over the sppearance of the building, it did noL aeem reaeonable to deny the request. The vote on the above Reaolution was as followa: AYBS: COMMI6SIOI~RS: DuSoie, Gauer, Hapgood, Morri~, Thompson, and ,~.ungali. NOn~:: COMMISSI01~ffiRS: Mauerhan. AHBBNf; COMMISSIOI~IDRS: Allsed, Summera. RBCIAaSIPICATION - PUHLIC HBARIi~(3.. PBTITION eubmitted by HDWARD W. and HAZBL A, P8T8R~ N0, P-38-39-19 ~ON, S11 pfneway, Anaheiai, Caiifornia, aa Ownerai Audrey A. Warnoff, 1311 9vu#h Loa h:g~ite St:tet, Annheim, California, as Authorized Agent, reQ~eeting :het Ehe pro;~e*!y deacs~bed as bei:ig Lota SO and il in Block "A" of "Thp Loreiei Tract", as ahown on a Map recosded in Hook 29, page 24 of Miacellaneoue Records of Loa Angelea CounLy, California, Byb,~ect to reeervations, reatrictiona, covenantn ~nd cond~tions of record~ and further descrlbed aa 920 Sast Center Btseet, be reclseeified from R-3, MULTIPLS PAMYLY RS3IDBNTIAL, to C-1, I~IOHBORHOOD COMMSRCIAL. ~~.. .'~~;.y,k~ ~~ ~t ~ ~ 3 j ~ I I i ~ i . _._..- . _.._..___-- __ :a ~ ~ ~ 1~. ~58-59-19 Reclassification, and stated there is no use for the dwel~Yng on tCoatiaue~i) the lot at the present time, and that buiidings on each side of this property and also across the street a:e being used for commercial purposes at this time; that improved off-street parking would be provided on the property. No one appeared in opposition tc the grantiag of the Reclassification. THB HHARING WAS CIASBD. Ugoa a mot3on by Coa~3ssioaer Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, and carried, it was moved that Reclassification No. P-58-59-19 be recommended to the City Council for reclassification from R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential to C~1, Neighborhood Commer- cial, by Resolution No. 70, Series 1958-59, subject to the providing of off-street parking on the property and the remuval of a present garage and make repairs on driveway and sidewalks within 90 days from the issuance of a Use and Occupancy Permit. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: _ . • } ~ t . _ .._. , _._._._. _ __ _ _ _.. .._~........_.~.~...._.~ - _. _. d ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ $~GiJI~4R b~BTING, CTTY PLANNING COAR~SISSION, OCfOBBR 6, 1958, MINUTBS CONrINUBD: BBCIASSIFICATdON - Mrs, Audrey Warnoff ~ppeared for the applicant with regard to the _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ ~~ AYBS: COMtdISSIONBRS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Thompson, snd M~_ngs 11. NOBS: COMMISSIONBRS: None. ABSHNf: COMMISSIONBRS: Allred, Morris and Sucomers. B~S.SIFICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by ROBHRT R. STBARNS and WALTHR N+D_ F-58-59-20 H. DUPF, 8192 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owners, re- questing that the property described as being The Northerly 180 feet of that portion of the NW~ of the N4Y~ of Section 13, T4S, Ri1W, ir. the Rancho Los Coyotes, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 51, Page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said Couaty, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Section, North 89~ 41' 15 °' Bast 978.00 feet from the NW corner of said Section; thence South 0~ 10' 15" Sast 1338.43 feet parallel with the West line of said section to a point on the South line of the N+~ of the NWa of said section, said point being North 89~ 37' 30" Bast 978.00 feet from the intersection of said South line with the West line of said Section; thence South 89~ 37' 30" Bast 978.00 feet from the intersection of said South line with the West line of said section; thence South 89~ 37' 30" Weat 141.30 feet along said South iine; thence North 0~ 10' 15" Wes`, 1338.59 feet parallel with the West line of said Section to the North line of said Section; thence North 89~ 41' 15'.' Hast 141.30 feet to the point of beginning; BXCHPT the North 66.00 feet thereaf, and further described as II192 Lincoln Avenue, be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDBN- TIAL AGRICULNRAL (Operating on Variance No. 934) to C-2, GBNERAL CONA1&tCIAL. The applicant had propose@ to have the North 180 feet of this prop- erty reclassified, and erect a commerciui building. The complete property is 1338 feet deep, back from the south side of Lincoln P.venue. At the present time there is a Reai Bstate Office operating on the property under a Varianc~e. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Reclassification. Upon a mokion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, and carried, it was moved by Resolution No.71, Series 1958-59, that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the subjec~ property be rezoned from R-A, Residential Agricultural to C-2, General Commer~ial, subject to: 1. The filing of standard Dead Restrictions of the City of Anaheim, approved by the City Attorney. 2, Preparation of street plans for t,hose improvements that will not be put in bv the State, ..g_ ~_W -i- --- ~~ ~t~ :~ ~ ! : , E~ . ~ ~ l~J ~~, ~ gI~lFIl1Fo ~Y@T, OCTOH&R 6, 1958, MIIvUfHS CONTINUBD: - ~, 'mor ~rt~a a£ tI~ building essentially in conformance 9~ID_ ~3~-~ ~ tix~ sea~eriag Pr°sented. ,~,~ 4~ ~~4tatr~tioa of aIl imgrovements before final inspec- ~, r~ tg~ ~n*T~i*+g may be granted. 'F!~ ~,a thg ahave Hesoiution was as follows: g~- ~z~i~~: DuBois, liapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Thomp- saa aad Muaga22. ~ c~rn~rc,crm~g: Noae . ~ ~@~H~: Allre.'c, Gauer and Summers. ~g . _~~!° ~"_ PFrTT~iO*[ submitt~~d by FRANK STILWHLL, 239 North Xp_ ~~-3z~~ II~,~Ie~ ~eet, ~4aaheim, California, as Owner, requesting that ~~.r~.-t~ ~e~¢=bed as AI1 that certain real property situated xm ~ Connt~ ~ Q=aage, State of California, described as follows: F~,: T is H~'.ar,.~ °C' ef Tract No. 143, Wilke Addition, as shown on a :~ ~~t ia tiaa~ ~, Page 38 oi i~iisceiianeous hiaps, records of ~ Gauatp, Caii.fo=aia, and further described as 843 North los ~~eet,. tre reclassified from C-2, GHNHRAL COMMBRC:AL to EL-~ , F~7E CFH16~I.. -~,., . ~ .~. :~ ~ ~ 3 1 i , i i I ~~,~rr, ~ applicaat, appeared bafore the Commission and «aa~ tir~t is~ iate~g to improve the prcperty with black-top and ~Lpc ars?t e~ct a smail building to display new Studebaker cars ~ v~ a.~ ~LL IIsed Ca=s. No one appeared in opposition to the ~ aE the HecIassification. THE HEARING WAS CLOSBD. tig,m ~ mati~ hg C~*~~ioner Iiapgood, seconded by Commissioner ~. ~ r~~~, it was m~ved by Resolution No. 7Z, Series 1958- ~~~ Ca~issiaa recommend to the City Co.ncil that Reclassi- ~-~-~~^ 1~_ ~~-~4-22 6e approved for C~3, HHAVY CQMMSRCIAL, ~ tac ]y, ~air '~s~w~k aa Los Angeles Street where necessary. ~~ Iat ~ci~th asptraltic paring and construct bumper ~,g ~ steel posts with chains so that the cars cannot ,-Rrr ~t oa the sidevralk. ~g,~r~ y~_ ~p ~~ort~rm'^ g,~S7~ F~TTTIOK submitted bp W. C. STSPPBNS, 14042 Hast ~~e. ~eim~ California, as Ownerq J. M. Wright, 218 ~ gtceett !4aahei~, CaYifornia, as Authorized Agent, ~~_~ ge~*~+R*~*~ ta coastruct a RBCRHATION CSNfHR consisting of mm r~ SiaTr, Caffee Shop, Snack Bar, Bowling Center, Swim- ~~L~D4~taze Golf Couzse, and other similar and related ~5..~ as tTs~ gtage=tp de~crihe& as: The South 321.15 feet of the ~~_'L~ Leet ~£ that poztion oi Lot 2, Tract 71, as per map t~£ Lrr~x~at ia Baof 20, Page 22, Miseeilaneous Maps, Records c~ ~ Ccim~t.y~, Califo=aia, described ~s foilows: Beginning at ~ g~ is tIn~ Sarttc iiae of ~ot 2, 1025.53 fee~ West of t:ie NB ~ a~ ~i~ Lat Z,, which point is the NW corner of land conveyed tm ,ZvTmz ~mr,tzea et ~.L. Ug ~Leed recorded in Hook 21, Page 117, c*+~'**-~*` Her~ af Osange County, California; thence West along the Sa~ Iia~ a~ ~i~ i4t and said line extended to the center of ~~vemce as ~scribed in deed to the County of Orar.ge, ]tegis~ tf~aH iiz tI~ UfEs`ce o£ ttce Registrar of Tities of Orange County, cr~.n~ „x_ ~x~ i2, ig20, Documen~ Nc. 601; theLCe South along t~ ~P++~~r~ a~ s~i~ =oad to a point in the South line of aaid Drt~ ~~G a2aag the South line of said lot to a point which i~TA?,~ ~t -fe~t ef the Iand conveyed to Jacob B. Schumacher e#c u~ ~~ ,[oE¢ Smitze~ et ai by deed recosde:i in Book 21, Page 117, ~-~r.. aa.-~~ ~ Oraag~ Cous,~ty, Caiiforniar thence in a Northeriy -9- ~ y ~ ~ ~ - ~ ..: ~ ~ ~ a RBGUTAR MBi'iTING, CITY PIANNING CO~IrAlISSIQN, OCTOBBR 6, 1958~NII~SS OOATfI11'~D: RBVIBW N0. 20 - direction along the Westerly line of said laad coax~ed to Jo~n ;~ (Continued) ICnutzen et al to the point of begianing. Slibject to co~eaaats. ~ conditions, res'..rictions, reservations aad rigmts of wy of retord. q and further described as the fiast side of Placentu Avenae betaeen Orangewood aad Chapman. The pzopesty is preseatly classified lhi. LIC~iT MANUFACf[JRH. Mr. j.`4. 84right, as Authorized Agent for tht ~plicaat, appeared before the Commission and stated that it sas proposed to start this recreatioaal area with an Ice Skatiag Ri~zt a~ later add sncII nses as a Bowling Ceater, Slvimniag Pool. lliniatnre Golf Caarse or other related Recreati.onal uses. Mrs. Robinsoa. 11563 Sonth Placentia AveAUe, nad Mr. Wilson. 11581 5onth Piacentia Avemie. vaiced 4heir opposition to the granting of this Special IIse Per~it oa account of the traffic, noise and light problems tbat ~voair be created. It ras pointed out that the property is AI-1 at the preseat tiae, xhich requires a 50-foot building setback fsoa the propezty liae. and that eventaally Placentia Avenue ~ei11 have a fnil right-of-~ray ~ridth of 106 feet, so that there rtould be xpprnzisatelv :'ini~ of 176 feet of distance between the residences oa the west side affi the proposed recreational building. THB F~ARING NAS CLO6ID. IIpon a moti.oa by Commissia+aer korris, seconded by ~issioner Hap- good, and carried, it was moved by Resolutioa ~io. 73~ Series 19~8-54~ that Review No. 20 be graated, anC a Special IIse Pe=ait issned for an Ice Skatiag Rink~ subject to: 1. The dedication of 53 fett froa the centerline of Placentia Avenue to the City of Anaheia fcr street rideniag. 2. The preparation of street plans and tLe installation of improvemeats as required by the City Eagineer. 3, Tha•c any buildiag erected on tbe property have a 50-foot setback minimum as reQnired by the P-L Zone. TSNTATIVH MAP OF - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3095 was preseated to the Ca~issian. TRACE N0. 3095 This is a revision of the original Tzact. It ~ras poiat~ed out by Mr. W. D. Deitrich of the Orange Cownty Flood Coatrol District that this subdivision lies wi•thin the fiood plane of the Cazboa Canyon Cr.eek Wash, a~ that the Froperty is swbject to infreqaent sheath overflow. It was also pointed ont that the location of the pro- posed Carbon Creek Channel as shown on the Tentati~e blap dces aot agree with the location of the pr.:perty oa ~ich tLe Flood Controi District has filed a coademnation actioa. It iras the feeling of the'Commission that the Ten4ative l~lap mzt the require~ents of the Citq of Anaheim as to lot size~ street pattern, and so forth, and that before the fiaal map is pz+eseated tbe points b=onght ant by the County Plood Controi District Hagineer wald Iuve to be resolved. Therefore, upon a motion bq Commissio~r llorris, seemAed Dy Com- missioner Mat~erhaa, aad carried, it ws aoved that tLe Tentatice Map of Tract No. 3095 be approved~ snbject to: 1. That the idesterlq slreet shall '~e deceZa~! ia its fc2l widsa, a minimum o[ ~4 ieet, designated as Sirees ~n~ oa L"ne Tentative Map. 2, That "A'" Street shnil be 64 feet in ridth. 3. Provide restrictioa of access if necessuy on aileys at des- ignated points to provide for utility ser~ice and ancLors. 4, Provide a biscnper curb aloag the sonth s3de of tLe aliep con- tiguous to Crescent Street to protect t~e concrete bioct wall to be censtructed parailel to Crescemt AvenuE. 5. That pertinent plot and bnilding plans be subaitted to the City Council for Revi4x. -10- "'...__~.._.._..._.. .. . _.... .. _....__. _... . .._. ..__. _ _._' _ w. ~ . . . . _... ~ i ~ n ~ ~ ...,,,r....~--~~ .. .,~..^r*° ~~ . ~ ~ gg(~IIAR MABTING CITY PIANNING COI~VdISSION OCfOBHR 6 1958 - MINfTfES CONfINU~: TBNfATIVB MAP OP - 6. Require that shuuld this subdivision be developed as TRACE N0. 3095 more than one subdivision, each successive subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. TBNfATIVB MAP OF - Subdivider - Mr. George M. Hoistein, of 7166 Hast 17th Street, Costa TRACE N0. 3361 Mesa, California. The tract is located on the south side of Bali Road west of Buclid Avenue and contains 33 R-1 lots. Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner Mungatl, and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3361 be approved, subject to: 1. The working out of the yroblem of the existing Bncalyptus trees with Mr. Oelkers, Director of Power and Water Depazt- ment of the City of Anaheim. 2. That pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. 3. Require that should this subdivision be developed a~ more thau one subdivision, each successive subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. RBCLAS'SIPICATION = This Reciassification was held up for better Plot Pian ~ici 3uii~iing N0. F-58-59-15 Bievation. These were presented at this Meeting, and the actic~n taken on October 6, 1958, res aded, and by Resolution No. 59, Series 1958-59, the Reclassification was recommended for approvs3 from R-A, Residential Agricultural to C-3, Heaey Comserciai for a Wheel Alignment and Brake Shop, subject to: THNfATIVB MAP OP - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 2534 was presented to the Commission. TRAGT N0. 2534 This tract is located at the Northeast corner of Buc1iQ Avenue aad Ball Road. Subdividers are Doyle and ShiPids, 831 .-~uth Mancheste~ Avenue, Anaheim, California. Th,.: tract contains 20 lots upon which a reclassification wiil be asked for, for R-3 Multiple Famiiq Resi- dential. The property is presently classified C-1, NPighborhood Commexcial. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner DuBois, and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2534 be approved, subject to: 1. The building to be built substantialiy in conformity with the plans preseated. ~' 2. The dedication of 60 feet from the centerline of Brookhurst Street to the City of Anaheim for street widening. 3. Prepare street improvement plans ~.3 instail ail improvements as required by the City Engineer. 4. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for stre~~t lighting Y_~sposes. ,~ :•.,~ 5, lhe above requirements to be met before fi.nal inspection o the bui:di.ng is g?ven. `;.. ~ ~ ~ s i 1. That the corner l~~ts must be increased to Ordinance require- ments, or a Variance must be granted. 2, Limited access shall be provided into the ailey for utiliY9 pol::s oa Lot '70. 14. 3. Perti:ient pio~ and buiiding plans must be submitted to the City Council for review. 4. Require that should this subdivision be deveioped as more t3iaa one subdivision, each successive subdivis~on thereof shail ~ submitted in tentative form for approv~i. nnJouxr~xr - The Meeting adjourned at 6:17 0'Clock P.M. Respect y s itted, R. W. MUNGALL, etazg -11- .,..,,.:. . ,~a.y __._..__ . _ _ ~ _ _---,.. ~~~_~U _.,.... ,_.. : a :, ~ i 1 4 ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~