Minutes-PC 1959/01/19~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, c~o~s Jsmiary 19~ 1959 ADT~ ~ d~ @ff ~ ~IlTi~ P8~ ~~[ISSIOt~i ADJoURI~D R~UiAR fd~f,u~G - Am O~o~ ~e~m~s ~ of the City Piaaniag ~a~m a~s o.Il~ ttm crdrr aL 2:20 O'Cioct P.N. by ~aa.~m ~. a apa~sm befaB B=eseaL- pRgsg~ - ~;,aaa ~ra; ~~s~crs Nanerbaa, 3~aaers. ~ospson ~gn. aym~mmss BIlEred mtered the ueting at ~:Il~ ~°1~y~ ~~ ~i~r !to=ris entered the ~Sa~ att 2~ID ~Q7i~dt PJE. Co~issioner Hapgood • ~ ttmt ~ett:na~ at 2~ f3`CIoci~ P.1~[. ABSBNT - ~ ~s- MINUTBS - '~e ~lnmutbes mff 1t~e ~Ls= ~eetia8 cf laaua~7- S. 3959 wese a~e~ vmftffi oa~aect~ aa Yages 4.6, 10 and 11. va~u-r~$ xo. loso - ~ ~~. ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ J• ~ ~L . ~ ~_ ~. ~7l ~Ce~d S~ect, Anaheis, California. - ~~. me~i~ ~.i°a fo BOILD APID ~~tATL A ~10II~ ~4D ~ W~ $~~R .~~ CR thC prOpCZty d[3CLibCd as II~ Za~ 'II~seft Il41~Il, zad £usttse= described as 957 ~a 'C&~ ~ec~. is g=eseatly classified R-1, SFWCRf~IE#CRAAF '8~~ ~ e~,s ac~esed aL the 1(eeting of Jannazy 3, Il~ ff~¢ vr~na~~nc~tica ~der No. F-58-59-50 to ~-Il, GAO~E. tc pemit v~ radio and ~~,~•~*~~ aepnaa,s ~sce. Ft xas indicated by the gm~ss~g ~s aft ttmas mectiug t~at they opp~sed Ehe tt~e aec.~~=fffi¢attscm ~ if tltis buainesa; xas ~ s~me m4~es t~pc basineaa rbich night aot me suai~e wmL~ p sm. Ft Yas indicated that by t6e g~y ma~ess zft ttHnas deetiag t~t they ronld consider a wa "aamae ~'~¢ ft~ns ~gecs~ic ase as being not too ob- ~e~De_ ~ ~ic~at ss tberefor reqneated to ~ ~ ~~ :ss¢ ~ rec3=ssificatioa to a aas5~s+e. ~tt 1t~ms ~riaB aa t~ va=iaace, Nrs. P. C. yl~itt~oe, ~~„ agpease~ before the Co~iaaion~ ~dl ~Itatte~ ~ s~e s~ted t+ro other property ~s nm a~a1t,'amm ft~ lbesself, naseiy the properties at 9~ ~ 9~ ~~ ttrat theT x~re opposed ~ ttH~ ~~ 1~ ~. SLe staied t~at 4~~ virs+s m~se~ ~ a cCaage ia the atrncta=e of the ~ar,~ ~,as~e, a~c~ r~aSd ~slte it different ia a~easam~e ffamrm itme ~ Si"sag2e-Faaily reaideaces ia ~ ~..~_ ~ ~~3 ~ese ~~ ~eog?e ia +1+e 4r$ct ~~m r~a~ sm ltmeas g~ra~es. baf they have aot changed ttS~e a~s~e ~ 1tIDesr pso~erties affi Lave no advertis- nag saBms- ~E¢- A~m ~+ 6~itorneY. representing the ~tt Q~ms, Hai4dler o€ tl~c tract, stated that he y~s ~aes~t 1b~ ae~ t~ propertT or~ra and protect i~eas ~a9mes aeffi 1f3ait tt~ss gsoperty being tne first home, att tt9~e ~g 1t~ ltme ~t, it coald detratt f roa Lhe ~D~r Itaa~_ ~ sltaided t~t tLc applicaat ~raa parchasing tt5~ ~p am~ea a caod~stic~S asles contract aad ~a~ i~' ttmt w¢a~ct xas 'r~~e flseT wald be coa- ~99e~ tbs ~ee¢~ ltme c~sstt. Se alao iaditated that ~dESltamms ~ w~e~ a~cc un be granted rert m~1t ffmIIfffiBIle~. ~¢_ 9::~a, as apPlicant, stated VS~t~ ~ffi ~p ~~c up ta tHe raiiroab tracks sad 1t8sstt t~ese ~pi tme m~ c~e ia appearance of the ~~~- - _~_ -~t,•~~t•,w....~e.:e.. ~su~t~ aa~ m~a~saa wrc+c. ..--~ .,~b.. ~~ AD_TOURNHD RBGUTAR IdHBTING - CITY PIANNING CQhDdISBI~i_ -~ANUAAY 1~~_ 3~ -~ VARIANCS N0. 1080 would be a small neo~ aiga ia t.he ~viadwu.. ~ al~ (Coatinued) atated that if the variaace was graatt~ 3ee rmult! ~y off the coatract pxice of She prcpert~ Tf~ HBARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motioa by Commisaioner Morris; ~ ffi~q Commisaioner Allred aad carritd. 32 ~~~tlsy Resolutioa No. 142, Seriee 1~38-3A~ ~lsat'~ xia. 1080 be QeaieG. 3PHCIAL U3E- - PUBLIC I~ARING. PBTITION aubad~ted ~y ~Id~S ~, pBRMIT N0. 3-59 1604 8outh Medina Drive, Anaheim, ~a7~~, Purchasiag under contrsct, sequest3ag ~si~ ~a CONVBRT BXISTING WARHHOUSB ON ~.~fi~t USB AS CHURCtI, oa the property .fles~ed ~~Tl ~ certaia reai propertq eituslcd 3n t~e ~ao'f ~s„ State of Califoraia, describeQ as fn17~~ ~Il II.. Lot 21 of Tract No. 796, as ahown an ~~ap ~ in Book 24~ Page 28 Of M38Cellg*+~nnsey~., ~o~' Orange County, Califorr3a. B%CSPT #he ~~ ffi~ett thereof for road purposes onlq. ~arssel ~.. A4a ~m- divided 1/44Lh iatereat in the ~~ ;alam~t Ilnr~.~ on Lot 42 in said Tract No. 7~6, #ogether ~ mm uadivided 1/44ths iaterest im aad ~n ~e ~3.~s ~ f rom said pnmping piaat supplqiag ava~r 1~0 ~~q described in Parcel 1 herei;~ and ather ~ sa said Tract No. 796~ aad further ~p~~~'~ ~~3'/~ Orenge Avenue, rhe prr~periq 3s ~re~e~?y ~ P.-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULIURAI.. Considered firat under original ~ic. 3.. ~3$ ~g~t to use the subject property fer =hur~h ~~~ ~ held over from the Meetiag of ~anurxry 3,, 1~„ H'ss t~ purpoae of obtainiag a xeporx ~sAm ~he ~i~s~ eeat as ta the ~oad3t3cn of #~ 3r•~'+~"+~ ~^~~^^+* purposea. 1he Building Departmea# s~ ~~ strucLure was souAd aad that the ~rsepuseS ~ changes were verq good and ~l~at ~~eLm ~ c~ tf~ been completefl, as weil as the +_*~~ ~mca~,, the buildiag ahouid be aa 3mprov~ ~o tEi~ a~n. The Reverend Geo;ge R. Heapa. who ~ai?13~e ~ m'~ ~ Church of Misaion, atated that 3ie ~~t ~pp~ ~t the previous hearing, but lhat 3si~ ~~„ t~e ~ Jamea Heaps, repreaeated him, 3u ~ed ~~g expected ao opposition. He also ~~~ would be parkiag on the property ~ar 3D ~~,. a~ m~ liaed the chan~es to be made xo xhe ~fi+~1e 9~s~y. on the iaterior a new iloor; s aeav ~~»*~'+~'± ~n*~ new sanatation facilities, paiatiag, ~'arre~ ~ and modern lightiag. On ~he ~~~, ~he ~ wiii be made, a new roof wi~h nver~g e~ compietly peinted white on #he auY~e„ ~~r $•sa~t porch, a aew aide porch, new side 31ea~ a~i.`Eh ~„ aa 8 foot ateeple and landacapivg avit~ a7i1 ~3S ~- ings removed aad the entixe 1ot ~~~ a~. I~ie f urther etated that wlien he 3iearD ~~mm i~ii ~rmm filed with ~"6 namea in op~six3on ~e ~is ~ m'f ~a propertq~ he had circuiated aaot~er ~ aatlH~S outiined their plans for xhe s~e sad n~ a~! had a couater petition containing ~1 ~~- Mr. Glen H. Benton~ appearsd be~'.~ 7~e 4~3~3mm a9 stated that ther are aot 3n oppoait~an ~c ~opq ~, but opposed the uae of this parti~eul~r 3~nat1~ ~~ meeting place for any organizal3om. ~e ~%.~o ~ that aome of the petiticn in ~'aqnr mrno ~~n ~=mC t:.eir aigaaturea~ he aisa stated ~~e ~ ast prrsent is large eaough fAr fhe ~, lim~ t!~ -Z- } i ~ ~ ~ C~. : (~ . ~ ~~ ~ ~ . ADJOURNBD RBGULAR MBSTING - CIiY PIAIdNING CahA~fI33I0N - JANUARY 19, 1959 - CONTINUBD: SPBCIAL USB- organizatian will grow and that the size of the lot 3oea PERMIT N0. 3-59 not aliow for expanaioa aad there would be traffic (Continued) congeat3on eventualiy. He further stated this use would have aa effect on the property values aad that the homea in the area range from $15,000 aad up, and that there is ample laad available for church purpoaes elsewhere ia the area. Mr. M. J. Liebert, 2442 Orange Avenue, appeared before the Commissian and stated that two moaths ago they were before the Planning Commiasion fighting an apartment house which was propoaed for one of the ad,joining iots. He stated that Garden Grove requires two acrea minimum for a church site and that whea he ca,ae to Anaheim, it was stated that it was a well planned city and thsi he proposed to try and keep it well planned. He further stated that the homes in the area have a very high valuation and that the intrueion of a church would devaluate the properties. Mr. Heaps again appeared before ihe Commission and reiterated that they have an area sufficient to park 50 cars totaly fenced and blacktoped with a ingress and egresa and that they hatre churches all over the United 3tates and Canada. When theq get to a coagregation with a mixicaum of 100, they will start a new church in another location. Under their code, the maximum building permited is 70 feet in leagth and 40 feet in widsh wfiich wiii permit a seating of 100 persons maximum. He further stated that the present building is 12 years old and worth some $7,000 to $8~000, and that nobody is going to teaz down the building of this vaiue and that the only use that could be made of it wouid probabiy be some other organization, such as a teen-age club or Boy Scouts ar similar organization. THH HBARING WAS CLOSHD. IIpon a motion by Commiasioaer Thompaon; aeconded by Co~nissioner Allred and carried~ it was moved tha•t by Resolution 143~ 9eriea 1958-59, that Special Uae- permit 4-59 be granted, subject to: 1. The filing of a statement to the improvementa to be made to the present building structure. 2, The dedication of 32 feet .on Orange Avenue and Websles $treet from the center line of these streets. . 3. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvementa in accordance with approved standard pians on fiie ia the Office of the City Bngineer for both Orange Avenue and Webster Street. 4. The paqment of $2.00 per fr~nt feot for street lightiag purposes oa Orange Avenue and Webster Street. 9PHCIAL USH- - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by MILLBR HANSHN PBRMIT N0. 24 SANID & GRAVBL INC., 14292 Mar Lea Drive, 3anta Ma, Califoznia. as Leasee~ requeating permisaion to COAIDUCT BXCAVATING & SAND WASHING OPERATION oa the property deacribed as Parcei 1. Commencing at a point 31.40 r.hains Weat of the Southweat cor~ner of the "Mary C. ~omas Tract," as ahown oa a map recosded in Book 5, Puge ib8 of Miaceiianeous Records of Loa Aagelea County, California; ruanins theace Weat 16.52 -3- ~ _ _ .. .,,~~~ ~J .~ ;';' ~ ADJ~tN~ RaGUTAR MSHTING ~ CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - JANUpItY 19, 1959 - CONTINUBD: SPHCIAI. U38- - chains; th~nce North 14~ Hast 53.65 chaias to the PPRMIT N0, 24 Sovth line of the '°Travis Tract,°° as shown on a map (Continued) recorded ia Baok 5, Page 120 of Miscellaneous Records of Loa Angeles County, California; thence Bast 3.49 chains; thence South 52,02 chains to the beginning , containing 52.3 acres, more or less. Parcel 2, Beginning at a point 8.50 chains South and 44.01 chains North 89 3/4~ West of the Northeast corner of Lot 5 of 4he Glassel and Chapman Tract, as shown on a map recorded ia Book 5, Page 408 of Misceilaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California; running thence South 43,79 chains, more or less, to the North line of the "Lockhast Tract," as shown on a map recor3ed iu Book 4, Page 512 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California; thence Basterly along the North line of said tract, 4,20 chains~ more or less, to the West line of land conveyed to Peter ~chmitz by deed recorded in Book 88, Page 313 of Deeds, records of Los Nngeles County, California; thence North along said West line 34.80 chair,s to a point in the South line of said Glasseil and Chapman Tract extended Westerly; thence North 89}o Hast along said South line 2 chains, more or less, to the S;_::;~~rest corner of Lot 8 of said Glassell and Chapman Trac.;; thence North 2~o West 1.95 chains; thence North 10~ East 3,57 chains; thence North ~ West 3.44 chains; thence Westerly 6_80 cheir.s :o the beginning, containing 20 acres, more or less, and further described as Bast end of Orangewood, West of ~Santa Ana River. The property is presently classified M-1, LIGHT MAN[TPACTITRING. Mr. J. Anudzen, 801 Ken Way, appeared before the Com- mission and stated that some four or five years ago they had the properties in the area rezoned as M-1, LIGHT MANUPACTURING. He stated that he had owned this property since 1927 and that there are sand pits in the area, but only in the river bottom. The property sur- rounding the subject property are ail in orange groves at the present time. That the r emoral of the top soil to get at the sand is not constant and that he did not believa that a level parcel could be obtaiaed after the removal of the sand as this varies greatly in depth.~ He further stated that the property could be irrigated by a sprinkier system and be satisfactorq for agriculturai use. He also stated that the street which goes down to the property is not heavy enough to carry the trucks that would cart away the sand and that there is a question in his mind as to whether this is a dedicated street, alos they have a pipeline under the center of the small street which is very shallow and wouid be ruptured by the traffic of trucks going over the street. Mr. Blmer R. Hamilton, 1475 Wedgewood Drive, appeared before the Commission, as owner of 20 acres at the A'ortheast corner of Oraage- wood and Placentia. He stated that the road had not been dedicated street and that if you wili look on the map, you will see the proposed freeway will run through the subject property and that with the removal of the sand this would put the freeway at this point probably down in a hole. Mr. R. H. Bevins~ 1136 West Broadway, appeared before the Commi~,siott, and stated his property ad3oins at the Northwest corner of the aubject property aad that he appeared in oppnsition to the proposed Special Use Permit, Mr. Atlec, another propesty owner in the area also appeared before the Commission~ aad stated that there was no guestion in his miad thet . -4- ,1D~ Ag~AR ~- Q~Y FI~4NII4ENG CONAlISSI6N -~ANUARY 19. I959- ~CONTINUBD: cMaarrer.~ the pipeiiaes for irrigation will be ruptured by p~i pp_ Za{ tlne 12eavy traffic over the street and that the aubject t~ti~) progertp cauld be used for industrq which wili be - co~ireg inte the area. He further stated that they ha•ne given the railroad an easement to run tracks• into the area to serve the requirements of these iadnstries, U4t. Mess Milier, with the Miller Hansen (7omgaap, stated that they propose to excavate to a depth of approximately 21 feet and putting foot back ~ foot af top sail and then the laad could be again used €or agricultural without excessive water being arasted. There would be an average drop o£ about 18 feet is ievei between this property and the ~ ad,joiaing propezties. He further stated he did aot tno~r xhether theq have ingress and egress to Orange~rood over the present road easement. '1'fg's HBARING WAS CLOSBD. • 3poa a motion bq Commis~:ioner Mauerhan; seconded bp Coo~issioner Morris and carried, it wa:~ moved tIIat by Resolution No. 144, Series 1958-59 that Speciai Use Permit No. 24 be denied. y~t7pI~C8 II~p_ ip7Z - PIFB~.IC FffiARING. PHTI:ION submitted by ORHSTO Q~ElT10fAf 9972 Velare Street, Anaheim, California, as Owaer, requesting permission to OPBRATB CABINBT & zLY AST ciuro ;~ esis*__ag ge.rage o~ the groperty described as Lot 1, Tract 2529, and furthe.r described as 9472 Peiare Street. The property is presently classified R-1, SINGLB-FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL, fTresto Grottola, the appiicant, 9972 Velare Street, sgpea=ed before the Commission and stated tkat he is a ca=peater, but that due to an injury he is not able to persue his regular ;ine of work and upon the advise o€ Lis phqsician, Earl J. Milier, M.D., who recommended tIsat it might be financially and psychologically fiepgfa2 if he ~ould be permitted a temporary light shop in Isis gasage untii further recovery can be made so that he could go back to his regular work as a caspeater. No oae agpeazed ia opposition to the grsnting of the variance, although a petition containing names of 10 propertp ormers ia the area was fiied in proteat. The app2icatioa contained the names of 24 property owners fsf €avor of granting the vs~riance. 1~8 HBARING WAS CLOSBD. IIpoa a motion bq Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner ~mmers and carried, it was moved that op AesoFution Na. 145, 8eries 1955-59, tha~ Variance 1~Io. 1072 to tse granted for a period of 6 months, ~bject to, that anq sign be placed on the garage and smt be over Z foot bq 4 foot miximum and that the hours cf operation be limited to, from 7:00 0•Clock A.M, to 5:~0 O'Ciock P.M. p11$iA'tl~ Ilp0_ 1073 - PQBEIC HIIARING. PBTITION submitted by WILLIAM CALVY, M,D., I28 South Los Aageles Street, Aaaheim, Caiifornia, as ~ Lessee, requesting permission to USE HXISTING BUILDII~3 FQt D~DICAL & DBNPAL OPFICHS, on the proper~y described. as Lot 28, Tract 375 recarded in Book 17, Page 32, ltiscelianeous Maps af Orange Couaty, and further described as 801 North Palm Street, The property is presentiy classified R-2, 11N0-FAMILY RSS'tDSir'TIAL. _5_ l ~ ~".i ~\ ~ ' ~ ADJOURNB~ RHGULAR MHSTING CITP PIANNING CU1QdESSION - JANUARY 19. 1959- CONTINUBD: VpRIANCS N0. 1073 - Dr. Willias Caivp, appeared before the Comuission (Continued) and stated that the sub3ect property had previously been granted a Variance for two dental offices and that his rvort::is sinilar to that of a dentist, except that his work is coafined to the eqes. No oae appeared in opposition to the granting of xhis Variance. ' ~ HBARING WAS CIAS~. Upoa a motion by Commissioner Summers; seconded by Co~issioner Hapgood and ca~ried, it was moved that by Resolutioa No. 146, Series 1958-59, that Variance No. 1073 be granted, subject to: 1. ~e reaoval of a small building on the back of the property. 2, That the existing drivewa~ on North Street be removed and replaced with curb and gutter. VARIANCB NOS. 1074, 1075, - PUBLIC I~ARING. PBTITIOti suba~itted by HAROID L. SHANf~ 1076 and 1077 8544 31~aset, Los Angeles 46, California~ as Lessee~ requesting permission to ERBCf SUBDIVISION ADVBRTISING gc DIRSCTIONAL SIGN on the property described as Portion South half, Nor4h half, Northwest quarter, Northwest ~~a*ier~ Sec#ioa ~2, ;~? ~, :toage 24 :.n~' ftsthe* descrabed as 504 Pl.aceatia. The property is presently ciassified ~-A, RESID~TfIAL AGRICULNRAL. pETITI02v subaitted by HAROLD L. SHAW. 8544 Sunse4, Los Angeles 46, California. as Lessee, requesting permission to ~t&CT SUBDIVISi~J ADVBRTISTNG & DIRECTIQNAL SIGN oa the property described as the Soirthwest comer of Anaheim-Oiive Road and Piacentia. ~e p=operty is presentiy classified R-A, RBSIDffi~ie-L- AGRICULIURAL. pHTITIODI submitted by HAEtOLI) L. SHAW, 8544 Sunset, Los Angeles 46, California. as Les3.:e, reQuesting permission ~ to BP,ECT 3USJZYZ~I4.*I !lDY9RTISING 8c DIRHCTIONAL SIGN on the property described as Helea and Lynch, Subdivision West half (Hast side of filling station and North 200 feet) West 190 feet,. Lot or Section 4, formerly 81-030-30, and further described as a portion of property on South side of Lincoln Bast of Buclid. The property is p=esently classified C-1, NBIGHBORHOCD COi~M~IBRCIAL. pBTIfiIOt~I sumsi4ted by HAROLB i.. SHAW. 8544 Suaset, Los Aageles 46, California, as Lessee, requesting permission to BR~(,T SUBDIVISTON ADVBRTISING & DIRBCTIONAL SIGN on the property described as Tract No. 2688, Lot ?, and further described as Lhe Southeast corner of Placentia and Virginia. The propertq is presently c.lassified R-3, WOLTIPLB-FAMILY RB$IDBNTIAL. No one appeared for or against the granting of these variaaces rhich are for a directional sign to direct purchasers to Tract No. 1987, located on the North side of Bast South Street. We~t of Piaceatia Avanue, 1HB HHARING 11~AS CLOS~. Upon a motion by Co~issiuner Morris; seconded by Com~issioner Allred and curried~ it was moved that by Resolution Nu. 147, Serie~s 1958-59, that Var.iaace Nos. • 1074, 10T5, 1076 and 1077 be granted, subject to: -6- ~ _._ _._---~-- --- - ~ ti ~ ~ ~ .~.. _ ADJ~~ ~~ ~~ CI~ p~~ING CONAlISSIQN - J~~Y 19, 1959 - CONTIN[DBDn ~ VARIANCB N03. 1074, 1075, - 1. The Nine c~nditions established by the Citq ~ il for such directional signs. u C 1076 and 1077 (Coatinued) nc o City j ~ . That a deposit of $100 for each siga be placed ; 2 , with the Director of Public Works fos weed control { under~these signs. ~ That the sign malcer place the Variance No, and 3 . . expiration date on each sign in letters two inches high. . VARIANCH N0. 1078 - PUBLIC HAARING, PBTITION submitted by RICNARD ANffiUNY. ; 1200 West Ball Road, Anahein. G.liforaia. purchasing i under contract, requesting perm~ssion to CONSTRU~T , gggT~KpRA1~N1I1H COCgTAIL IAUNGB on the property described as beginning at the Northwest corner of 3ection 22, in Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the Rancho San Juan the City of Anaheim~ Couaty of i A a na, Cojon de Saata Orange, State of Califoznia; theace due Bast along the center line of Bali Roa.~; a distance of 330.31 feet. thence due ~outh at rifjht an~qies to the center thence due U0 feet tance of 2 di d , . s , a line of BaII Roa West ~+ distance of 130.31 feet ~araliel to the North line of Ball Road; thence d~s~- North a distance of 200 feet para].iei io ch~e Hast boundary line, and further described as 1050 Weat Ball Road. The property is m E ~*esentiy classified R-A, RHSIDHNTIAL A(~tICUL7tTRAL. Mr, Richard Anthony, 1200 West Ball Road, appea=ed be- ission and presented a rendering of the C omm fore the building he proposed to erect together with the piot plan. He stated that the present structure on the property will be remcved and that with the new plans the restaura:t will have four seats to one seat in the proposed cocktaii lounge. Mr. Harris, stated that this is the second time this has come up and while they are not opposing the restaurant and cocktail lounge they do want a restriction placed on the sign so that there will no shining of any sign from this development into their homes. The present signs in the area do shine into our homes and are very stated that the sign proposed thon A M y r. n anaoying. for his property would be 10 to 12 feet high facing Ball Road. THB HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris; seconded by Cormaissioner Thompson and carried, it was moved that i ~ by Resolution Nu. 148, Series Y958-59, Variance No. i 1078 be approved, subject to: I 1. That any siga on the property be not over 12 feet ~ maximum height. I j That there be a dedication to the Citq of 2 I , Anaheim of 53 feet from the cen4er line of Ball Road. That street improvement pians and installation 3 . of ali improvements be in accordaace with approved standard plans on file in tbe office of the City ~ Hngineer be made. 4, That a payment of $2.00 per frant foot be I made for atreet lighting purposes. -7- ~ ~ ~- -.- - _ • ADJ'OURNSD RHGULAR MBBTING - CITY YLANNING COt`1IldISSION - JANUARY 19, 1959 - CONTINUBD: VARIANCS N0. 1079 - PUBLIC HBARING. PSTITION submitted by GLADYS M. CALICINS, 7722 Craig Street, Buena Park, California, as Owner, requestiag permission to BSTABLISH A BBAUTY SHOP IN HXISTING GARAGB on the property described as Lot 85 of Tract No. 1931, in the City of Anaheim, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 54, PaQes 9 to il, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Ora:.~e County and furth2r described as 2119 West Ratella, The property is presently classified R-1, SINGLH- FAMILY RBSIDHNTIAL. Virginia Downing, appeared before the Commission as representative of the Rex L. Hodge< .Realty Company and stated that she had been trying ior some time to sell fihis as Residentiai property without success. There is an alley behind the houses and severai businesses along the stieet, such as Chiid care and Dress-Making. She further stated there is 6 parking spaces at thP rear of the property as shown by the photographs presented. There are no Beauty Shops within the radius of a mile and the property owners in the area have signed the petitioa stating they are desirous on having such a service in their area. She further staied that there wovld be a small 1~' x 3' sign as a lawn sign in front of the property aad that many customers would walk to the beauty palor so that the u parking in the rear should take care of anybody that drove to the beauty palor.. • No objections were received from anybody in the area. 1HB HBARING WAS CLOSSD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner Summers and carried, it was moved that by Resolution No. 149, Series 1958-59, that Variance No. 1079 be granted, subject to: 1. Any sign on the property to be limited to 1~' x 3'. 2, The dedication of 60 feet from the center line of Ratella to the City of Anaheim. 3, The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 4. Sidewalks to be installed when required by the City of Anaheim. -8- ~ ~ ;~ ~[ \ e1~y~ V . '~`. ~ ~J~ R~UTAR MSSTING - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - ANUARY 19 1959 - CONTINUHD: ~ R~CIASS=FICATION No, F-58-59-51 PUBLIC I~ffiARING. PBTITION submitted by ANAHBIM DBVHLOPMBNT COMPANy, as Owner, and RIQiARD S, HBALD, as Purchaser, % of Leonard ~ith Real Hstate, 125-D South Claudina Street~ anaheim, California~ as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property des- cribed as being that recorded January 18, 1955 in Book 2927, Page 522, of Offieial Records; All that portion lying northerly of the Northeasterly line of the land described as Parcel 5 in the Lis Pendesn, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, recorded November 10, 1942 in Hook 1170~ Page 140 of OFficial Recorda, described a~1 fqilows: Beginning at a point 606.95 feet Hast of the 3outh- west corner of the Southeast quarter of the South- west quarter of 3ection 9, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B. & M. Thence North, parallel to the West line of said Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, 823.48 feet to the 3outh line of the "Anaheim Homestead Tract"~ as shown on a map recorded in Book 26, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Records of Los !-ngeles County, California; thence Hast along said $outh line 393.18 feet; thence ~outh 821.59 feet to the South line of saiQ Section 9 and thence West 393.7 feet to the point of beginning, together with 8 feet paralie:. and adjoining the East side. BXCBPTING therefrom the following: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southeast quarter; thence North 890 14' 25" Bast, 606.95 feeY; thence North 0~ 44~ SO" West, b61.64 feet aiong a line parallel with the West Siae of said Southeast quarter to the poi^t of intersection with the Northeasteriy line of land described as Parcel 5 in the Lis Pendens, recorded in Book 1170, Page 140 of Official Records, said point of intersectiion being the true point of beginning; thence continving North 0~ 44~ 50" West, 46.32 feet to a curve, concave South- westeriy, and having a radius of 3528,00 feet; thence ~outheasterly, from a tangent which bears South 73~ 40' 51" 8ast along said curve, thsough an angle of 2~ 27' 12", an arc distance of 151.07 feet to a point of tangency thereof with a curve, concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 2028.00 feet through an angle of 7~ 55' 36", an arc dis4ance of 280.57 feet to a point in the Basterly line of land described as Parcel 2 in Deed to Randolph C. Mcginiey and wife, recorded March 7, 1946 in Book 1373, Page 584 of Official Records, distant thereon Nor±h 0~ 43~ 18" West, 77.70 feet from said Northeasterly line of the iand described as Parcel 5 in the Lis Pendens; thence along said Hasteriy line, South 0~ 43~ 18" Hast, 77.70 feet to said North- easterly line; thence along said Northeasterly line, Northwesterly along a curve, concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 2500.00 feet, throug•h an angle of 10~ 10' 40", an arc dxstance of 444.09 fzet to said true point of begianing, and f-urther described as 200-232 North Center P1ace, be reciasaified from R A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL to G1, NHIGHBORHOOD C~CIAL, Mr. Leonard Smith, as authorized agent for the applicaat~ appeared before the Commission and stated they proposed to develop the property with business and professional offices as shown on fhe renderiag, These are non retail businesses and offer the best protection to the valuabei single-family propertiea to the North. He further stated that where there is no biock wall at the r.ear of the properties they would install same and landscape aad uae trees as a sound berrier wha.ch will -9- e ~~ " ~ ~ - ~ i' . r _ , .-~-._-.-..-- ~,: ~ _e ~7~,;,~ gg~~ - Q1q PIAPIIiII'iG C~QSSION - JANUARY 19. 1959- CONTINUHIY: g~pgyZpIC~-Ti~i - teeip to rednce the preseat freeway noises to a No. F-58-59-51 ~+~+~. Deed Restrictions w~li be filed specifying l~n~~~j archiieciura2 coatrul and as these businesses usually close at 5:00 0'Cloct P.M., there is no need for lighted neon siga and there vnould be no lights from the pa.~ting asea that would sinine into the single- fa~ily residences. Mr. James D. Watters, 1454 Birct~ont Drive~ appeared before the Commissioa and preseateo' a petition c~a:s~i~ ?37 names which stated the condilions under rihich they like to see this ~eve2opnent restricted. Namely. 1. That no structure wnld be erected !o eaceed one-story in height or a raxi~na of 20 feet. 2. 1Lat no restaurant or any type of business manufacturing, processing or pre- paring food d~ether prisat:e or public should be allored. 3, ~at these caaditioas should be made a aatter of record as Deed Restrictions and should be ~ade t+inding until December 31, 1983. 4. That Deed Restrictions should be made remavabie at any time be agreesent of 90`~ of th~e property owners living within 300 feet of said propeity. He also stressed the point that the rear propertq line dces not have a sufficient set back Yo satisfy them. They believe that this ' set bact should be 25 £eet from the rear property line nezt to the residential area. Mr. Leonard ~niLh again appeared before the Co~ission and stated they objected to a 25 foot rear qard set back on account of the ~hape of the lot and the type of building to be oa saae. The restaurant facilities spo~en abouT is an patio area at the rear of the building where secr*;caries could go out and eat a sandwich or have a cap of coffee. Mr. Stan Mlhieldon~ developer of the tract di=ectly to the North stated that he of course ords very ~nch interested in tLe people of tT~e Westmont ~evelopaeat and that this was a sample of what might go sa the area and be the best protection that could be afforded. As it very evideat that these propesties rill never be developed as single-family residential aad and that someone might request that the property be developed for high density residential use such as llultiple-Family Resideatial. Mr. R. E Heald, the bnilder and rnmer of the professionai office buiiding that this xill be a low type of building and that he vould be vil2ing to keep the development to oaly one- story by Deed Restructions. Tf~ HBARII~ WAS CL0.SBD. Upon a aotion by Commissioner Ailred, seconded by Cooissioner Thompsoa and carried, it was moved thai by Resoiution Ho. 150, Series 1958-54, that the Cu~issioa =ecommend to the City Couacil that the snbject property be rezoned ~1~ NHIQiBORH00D-COI~IHRCIAL, subject to: 1. The bailding to be erected as per the rendering and piot plans submitted. 2. Liaiting parkiag to xithia 10 feet of the waii at the rear of the property. 3. Liaiting the building to one-stary or not aver 20 feet in height. 4. Eae fi.ling of standard C-1 Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim. 5. 1Le installation of sidexalks. -10- ~-_ ADJOURNIID RSGUlAR MHSTING r CITY PIAHIQING OOI~SSI~ -~ 39„_ Z954- ~: RECIAS3IFICATION - 6. The payieea4 of 52_~ per frcat farE €or street No. F-58-59-51 lightimt~smr~nses. (Continued) 7. That a 9D da~ ti~e limit be speu€ied for the tompletiam of items ~4,5 amd 6_ The vote on the abooe seealutaan aras as €ollars: AYSS: COI~IISSI~t~tS: Allre~, 6amrr, H~good. b(a~erhaa. ~orris• S~s~. ~P~. ~2. NOBS: ~SSI~tS: ~Ao~oe ABSHNT: CO~SSI~: AtHais_ R~CLA9SIPICATION - PUffiIC 3~A8I~1G. P8Y13TQ a~mibi.tted b~ 6~E A. ~Y No. P-58-59-52 , 2749 Bast 3ietcmd 3tnet, I,o~ Hear~ 3, r ~;fazay$, aa Owaer, Don L. Cesler. 8dS8f+ ~oxt A~e, ~••s~+•;s~ Califarnia, as At~orised Aaoet. re4eestiee6 tLat tve property deserSL-e+e~ aa Iaei~g !Le 3omth 75 feet of tbe North 6.00 acres of tbe ~est a~e-ba,i€ cf ttae Fractional West one-~alf of tbe IIQo~rest aoe-a~rscter of ffie Sonth- tve8t one-qt~ar+.,er of ~ectiau 18, ~p 4~, Range 10 iPeat, 3. B. B. ~!~ p~rceE 2. ~e lforth 10 feet of sbe iQest ame-~aif of iie ~~,•;,,Mr ~f~ narhalf af the 3Qort~est ooe.qsarber a~ t~e 5o~fh~~ oae-qnarYer of ~ec#3m 1g, '~ms~ip 4~utle~ gaage ip 1°~s., S. ~°~~., ~~~ ~e.~Y af ine Soria 6 acres thereof, ind fartlaer deacribed aa a p~uen on ~ Bast side ldagaoliz Stc+ee4 4aet~e~ ~11 ~d Osaage be reeiassif3e3 faom z-~, ~ to R-3, ~_ Mr. Doa L. Gesler appea:+c+~ brfare ~e (~ion, aa Anthorized 1lgmt for ~Le applica~t. l[r. 6eozge A. Hznry. $e st=3efl that tbe pxmpert' ys ~a~ately 85 feet 3a ~v3.dth b~ 2~5 feet 9a de~th sad tlseq ri~h ~ puY an ~partoeat ~ai~~ oa it oo~iai~ 22 ~.its. On aeconat of a smi7,1 franta~e a~d ~ depth it is not suitabie fos sis~gle-faealy de~elop~eat. T6ere are to the I~orth of t3~e psqpert~ a~ ~th of t~e ~z.~y two churchea ns~d ome 3sa~ ~~ced ~t ~e rear or the propert~. lEr. T. P. ~. 9G11 16t~aoli: StseE~i, appeareII before tbe ~issina objKti~ m~~ claasifiut3~a to lE-3, statins tffit ~e be~ie~ it tioold devaulste his Propert7. It vra.s 6rm~t aat tbat l[r. Ha~ owns 6 sues aeross the street mth a sfagle-faaiip dwelliag at t.be pz+esmt ti~e a~S tt~at Ix s ia 7C-A Zone aaC daes La~e tw inrses aa tme pxa~scf- No other protest8 rere reoei~, '~ ~lg~ ~ Q,p~p. Upoa a motion by pa~iasi,ame= ~~ ~~ Commissiones ~s affi carri.ed, 3t m.s s~s~ed tLtt lsy Resolutioa No. 151, tl~t tLe ~r,~ ~~.~...~e .~ the City Couacii ~t tbe ~ebject ~rt~ be apgroved i ~r $-3, !t[~.3TPIB-F16lfiLT ~AL est, seb,ject to: 1. 3hat t~e bniidiaa be e:ecmea ia acooxd~ xith t~e pl~as px,esmted- 2. 3he fa~~ af s~ar~ff ~ 3~~icEio~s of tLe Cit~ of ~nabe;,~. 3. That tbe app3icuat dedicatr S3 feet frae t~ee ceater 33ne of l/~p~lai Stte+rt to t~e Cit~ of Aaahdm. -u- ~ ~ ~ ~:~ `~ ~ AD_TOURNHD RBGUTAR MHflT~NG- CITY PIANNING COhAIISSION - J~1ARY 19. 1959 -~1TII~s AECIASSIFICATION - 4. That the applicaa* prepare street improvrmeat No. P-58-59-52 plans and iastall all improvements in aczardaace (Continued) with approved staadard r~=ans on fiie ia t2f~ of£ice of the City Hngic:ieer. 5. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street 23ghting purposes. 6. That a payment of $25.00 per unit in tbe apartment building be accessed for park and recreation aite aquisition. 7. That a 90 day time limit be placed on items - nos. 2 to 7 incluaive. The vote on the above resolution was as faiiows: AYBS: COhA4ISSI0Nn~'ti S: Gauer, Hapgood, Manerbaa, llorris, `t Summers, lhompson, *Sunga33_ . ` ~ NOBS: CObA93SSI0NffitS: Ailred. 3 4 s ABSHNT: COMMISSIONBR: DuBois. ~ RECT~-SSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by J. 8. kcYNxYAi and ~ N0. P-58-59-53 FLORBNCH C. McINTYRH, 8671 Magaolia, Anabeim, Ca3.i.£e~ia. ~ as Owner, Ted S. Hudson, 523 East Vermont, r9*~~~. California, as Authorized Ageat, requesYiag that tbe ~ property described as being: 1lie Hast l~alf of tbe irorm- ~ east quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 32, ~ Township 4 South, Range 11 West, 8. B. B. & M- ; BXCHPTING therefrom that portion lying North of a ~ line parallel with and distant 666.00 feet Sonth of ~e ; North line of aaid Bast half af ~he Noriheast qaartrr ~ of the $outheast quarter of Seclion 12. ~C8?TI1~ l3orss f d ib ~ as o e therefrom a strip of land descr Comv!encing at ~ point oa the South line of t.be Fast ~ h.lf of the Northeast quarter.of the Southeast qmr7er ~ of said Section 12, distaat 210 feet West from th~ . Bast line of said Section 12; running thence l~iorth parailel with the Hast line of said Section 32, ~ 22 feet; thence West at right augles 60 feet; tbmc= South parallel with the Bast line of said Sectioa 12, ~ 22 feet; thence Bast 60 feet to the point of begsimiing, ~ and further described as 8671 Magnolia, be reclassified from R-A, RSSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, to x-3, l~~II.TIP7B- 4 ~ PAMILX RBSIDBNTIAL. ~ - Mr. Paul Pierce, Presideat of Park Village BsYates, ~ Park Viilage Homes~ ia the immediateiy adjacen! a=ea = ~ appeared before the Commission opposing the sec3assi = fication and presented a petitioa signed by 29 psoperty 3 owners and stated that three city streets iaonld be ~ea3 - ended at this property if this project was ailo~ved ta be developed as ahown on the plans. He fnrt.t-er stated tha~ he hEliesed it ~s .::..° gcsit:~ ~f *?" City Lhat wh_n tract nos. 2303 aad 300? ~ere developai that these three atreeta shouid R~e eztenCeci to ~lis Avenue and developed as singie-family residential = properties. He aiso pointed that out on tbe Master plaa of the City shown on th~ vaall that there is no R-3 ahown near thia location. Mr. T~ed Hndaon, as applicant aad owner of the property staied tna~ ~ais ~ property had been in iheir £amiiy £or aaay yezrs a~i they would like to develop it as a self contaiar3 R-3, Multiple Resideatial unit of a ganden type, totx3ly isolated from any other tract. ~e nnits ~vill all 3~ -12- ___. ~.~..- ~_ ---~ . . _ ..~ _ ~~ ~ .. ~__ ~ , ADJ~i11tNBD RBGUTAAt MSBTING - CITY P7ANNII~G CQAAST3SION - JANUARY 19, 1959 - CONTINUHD: ~ kBCIASSIPICATION - one-atory ia height and each unit will conaiat N0. P-58-59-53 of four apartmeats on a private atreet which they (Continued) develop and maintain with service roads extending all around the perimeter.of the whole developmenL. The property is not beiag developed for resale, but will be kept as income property for their family, and naturaiiy wiil bring in more income to the family if it is R-3, rather than R-1. Mr, Pierce again appeared before the Commission and stated that it is proposed that there wiil be 128 uniLa on tea acres, whereas if developed as R-l, there would be a limit of 40 to 45 homes on ten serea, 'rlfit HBARING WAS CIASBD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, aeconded by Commissioaer Allred and carried, it was move3 that this reciassification be heid over for a study of the street developmeat until the meeting of Pebruary 2, 1959. RSCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING, PHTITION submitted by THHODORB ,J. No. P-58-59-54 pIH1ROS and JOpN H. FIBTROK, 905-A Scuth Lemon Street, Anaheim, Caiifornia, as Owners, requesting that the property described as being: Lat 7 in Block "C" of 1Yact No. 158, ia the City of Anaheim, as ahown on a map thereof recorded in Book 12, Page 8, Miscellaaeoua Maps~ records of said Orange County, and further describecl as 734 North Philadelphia 3treet~ be reclassified from R-2, 1W0 PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL to R-3, dlULTIPLB-PAMILY RSSIDHNTIAL. Mr. H. W. Epperson, 719 North Philadelphia Street, stated they had made a survey of the properties in the area and there are 23 residences ia the block in which 17 are owner occupied. He also presented a petition 15 names of property owners in the area who rdre o,pposing the reclassification of this lot to R-3. Sevaral other residences in the area voiced their opposition to the granting of this reclassification, Mr. Pietrok, ae the applicant stated that he was ashamed of the iot in its present condition aad the erection of a dupiex wouid certainly be an improvement Lo the area. THB HBARING WAS CIA9BD. Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Allred and carried, it was moved that Reclassification No. P-58-59-54 be denied. 1l~e vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYBS: COhfl~lISSIONffit3: Alired, Gauer~ Mauerhan, 3ummers, Thompson, Mungail. NQBS: COD4dI3SI0NBR3: Alorris. ABSBNf: C.ObAfISS&ON~t: DuBois. Abatainin~t from Aot:.ng, Commissioner Hapgood who has property located in this area. JUNIOR HIGH SITB: Upon a motion by Commiasioner Summera, secoaded by Commisaioner Mauerhan and carried, it was moved that the Commiasioa coafirm the action by the Secretary on January 6~ 1959, wherein a letter wae written to Mr. R. Sen Wiaea, Administrative Aasiataat of the Aaaheim Uuioa High~3chool Diatrict etating that the property at the Northeast eorner of Dale and Bsll Roads was suitabie for conaideration as a Junior High school site. -13- - . - ~~' ~,~,.--- > _ ~ ~ -14- ~ i ~ ~ ~ ADJ~ REGIIEAR MEHTING - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - JANUARY 19, 1959 - CONTINUED: ~E D~EEP~ ~fY,jOURNffi AT 6:10 0'Clock P.M. , a motion was made by Commissioner ~, secoaded bp Commissioner Mauerhan, that the Commission adjourn until FeEa~aaFg 2, ~459. Respectfully submitted, , > i R. W. MUNGALL, Secr ary ~ i 1 ! t i ~ ~ i I i i ~ ~ ~