Minutes-PC 1959/06/02,- i i .~ ~ c~ty xaii June 2~ 1959 . Ar.aheim, California , RBGUTAR MHHTING OF 1HH CITY PIANNING COMNIISSION ~~ ~t RBGULAR MBHTING: - A Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to order by Vice Chairman 17iompson at 2:10 0'Clock P.M., a quorum being present. PRB3HNT: - Vice Chairman Thompson: Commi~aioners; Alired, DuBois, Hapgood, Merserhaa, Morris ead Ms!ngall. • Aa3HNf: - Commissioners Ga~~er and Summera. MINUTBS: - The Minutes of Ma~.y 18, 1959 were annroved as nrinte3. 3PHCIAL USH - PUBLIC HBARING. PETITION submitted by WBST WINDS TRAIlHR PBRMIT N0. 37 IADGH INC., 2170 South Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission to BXPAND TRAILBR PARR on the property described as 2170 South Harbor Boulevard and further described as the east side of Harbor Boulevard between Orange-• wood Avenue and Wilken Way, The property is presently classi- fied R-A, RESIDBNTIAL AGRICULIURAL. No one appeared for or against the granting of this Special Use Permit. Tf~ HBARING WAS CLOSHD. Commissioner Mauerhaa moved the following Resolution No. 235: Resolved that °5pecial Use Permit No. 37 be approved, aubject to: .l. The dedication of 60 feet to the City of Anaheim from the center line of Harbor Boulevard. ' 2. Prepare plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on fiie in the Office of the City Bngineer. 3: The payment c: $2.00 p~r front foot ~or street lighting purposes. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONffitS: Allred, DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Tnompson, Mungall. NOS3: COMMISSIONffitS: None. , ABSHNT: C(IDAfISSIONBRS: Gauer and Summers. SPHCIAL USfl - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by BVHtLSTT H. MILLBR, 220 PBRMIT N0. 38 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, California, as Owner, requesting permission to OPHRATB A SBLP-gBRVICB DRIVH-IN on the property described as the east side of Brookhurst Street between Baii Road aad Niobe Avenue. The property is preseatly classified C-1, NBIGHBOAHOOD COHAIBRCIAL. Mr. Miller, Owner of the property appeared befo*e the Commisaion and qtated that the Drive-In wili be operated by Mr. Carl %archer, who has simiiar buainesaes ia Anaheim and elsewhere. ~iE HBARENG wns ci.osBn. Commissioner Hapgood moved the foliowing Resaiutioa No. 236: Resolved that Speaial Uae Permit No. 38 be approved, aub3ect to: 1. 1he erection of the building in accordance with the plans preseated. ~ -1- ~ ~ ~ t 6lrs. Daisy Olmstead, 1731 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California appeared before the Commission and stated that she had discussed this business with the City Council aad they had intimated that they would approve a business of •:his nature in the area. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variance. 1HS F~ARING WAS CLOSBD. -2- ~ :~ RH(~TIAR MHSTING - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - JUNB 2, 1954 - CON":;,,~;~:.~3:,:5. ~ VARIANCB N0. 1114 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by MA:"-~ .`° 5~":~ °.a -: ... ~~~? North Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, California, ~.. o~>!' +. ~`+~.xue:::iag permission to use IDCISTING HOUSH POR AN ACt~'"':"''•'^:;> ~7~.'~~H on the property described as 1016 Magnolia Street and further des- cribed as east of Magnolia, between Greenbrier and La Palna Avenues. The property is presently ciassified R-i, Si~:GIa i~.+RaLY RESIDBNTYAL. Ora Hardacre, 1012 Magaolia Avenue, appeared before the Commission and presented a petition containing 35 names of property owners in the area in opposition to the granting of this var~ance. HP stated that ~o o~e in the area uses their home for business and that conditions at the present tiae on this property are bad and that the property has not beea kept up. Mr. Martin Sorkin, the applicant appeared before the Commission and sia~e~i ~hai. :e d:d nat x~at *_+±p b~±±1d'ang to look a business and that very little business wili be conducted at this po:nt, but that the building would be used oniq as a office and not for any residential use. He further stated being an accountant he does business on a conservative basis and is limited to a sign not over 8 inches in height and that h% further was not renting any of the building for other uses. HBARING WAS CIASSD. It was brought out that the property directly north of the subject property is presently zoned for commercial uses al- though not developed and that there is commercial propertq directly across the streAt, thereupon Commissioaer Morris moved the following Resolution No. 237: Resolved that variance No. 1114 be approved, subject to: 1. 1he deeding of 53 feet from the center line uf Magnolia to the City of Anaheim. 2, The payment of $2,00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 3. That the front yard be maintained similar to single family residences in the area. 4. lhat the off-street parking be as showa on the piot plaa preaented and improved. ~. That any siga be limited to 8" x 12'•. 111e vote on the atiove Resolution was as follows: AYSS: ~OhUlISSIONBRB: DuBois. Hapgood~ Mauerhan, Morris, Mungali. NOBS: C:OL4IISSIONSRS: Allred, 1ho~~pson. AB9BNT:CQI~tISSIONBRS: Gauer and 3ummera. VARIANCB N0. 1116 - PUBLIC F~ARING. PBTITION submitted by DAISY OIMSTBATi, 1731 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission to SBLL JBWBLRY MADB PROM STONBS AND DBSIRHS SIGN _ ON PRONT OP YARD, 2 feet x 3 feet oa the property described as 1731 West La Palma Avenue aad further described as the north side of La Paima Avenue between Buclid Avenue and BrookhurR± Street. The property is preaently ciassified R-1, SINGLB PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL. _~ ~ ( - _ . ____..._._: ~' _ i ~ ~ - ~:A . . . ._ ~ ~ ~ ~ RBQJIAR 1~6fII~ - CI1Y PIANNING COiFafIS3I0N - JUNB 2, 1959 - CONTINUBD: VAT~IANCB P10. 1116 - Co~missioner DnHois moved the foilowing Resolution No. 238: (Contimied) Resolved that Variaace No. 1116 be approved~ subject to: 1. a-e dedication of 53 feet from the center line of West La Palma Avenue to the City of Anaheim, ~e vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYBS: CO1-4NI3SIOIVffitS: Allred, DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris Thompson, Mungall. NQ83: CO[~AfISSIONffitS: None. AB3ffi~T:GOF9IISSIONBRS: Gauer and Summera. RFCIASSIPICATIQ~I - P[TBLIC 1.~ffiARING. PBTITION submitted by MILBS A. SHARKEY AND NO. F-58-59-87 BARL F. SITCHHL, dba San Juan Ranch, P. 0. Box 31, Pullerton, California, as Owners, requesting that the property described as being a paacel 1330 feet x 2600 feet, bounded on the North bq Anaheim Street and on the South by I.a Palma Aveaue just east of Dowling Street and further described as Lot 16 in Bloct g of the Braemer Tract be reclassified from R-A, RBSI- DID~ITAL AGRICULTURAL to M-1, HBAVY MANUPACTURING. Mr. Craig Grainger appeared before the Commission and stated that he had a petition from every property owner, except one adjoining the subject property who are in favor of M-1, Light Maaufacturing zon3.ng of this property as weli as their own. He further stated he contacted the applicants of the trailer park and he stated that he would be in favor,of M-1 zoning. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Reclassi- fication. Tfffi HBARING WAS CIASBD. Commissioner Alired moved the following Resolution No. 247: Resolved that Reclassification No. P-58-59-87 be recommznded to the Gity Council for adoption of M-1, Light Manufacturiag. Due to the fact that it did not seem possible that enough votes could be obtained to pass this resolution by a two-thirds majority, Commissioner Allred withdrew this resolution and moved the foblowing Resolution No. 239: Resolved that Reclassification No. F-58-59-89 be denied. ~e ra:2 aa thia P.esalutian was ss follows: AYBS: COhQlISSION~tS: Allred, DuBois, Mauerhan, Morris, Thompson, Mungall. NUBS: COF4NISSIONffitS: Hapgood. AHSID~iT: COFAlISSIOI~tS: Gauer aad Summers. ~is will allow the reclassification to be acted upon by the City Couacil, it should be pointed out that the Commission was not against graating an M-1 use for this property but that a committment had been made requested by Mr. Sharkey's represen- tative for a 90 day period before action was taken in order to produce a master plan for the entire area. VARIANCS NO. 1117 - P[TBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by HUCLID PROPHRTY MANAGBMENT, IHC., 941 North Buclid Avenue, Aaaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission to OPBN A PBT SHOP on the property dea- cribed as 941 North Huciid Avdnue aad further described as the ~rest side of Euclid Avenue, between Prances Drive and Catherine Drive. The property is presently classified C-1~ NBI(~iBORH00D CAb~CIAL. Mr. A. M. ~-inn, Preaident of the Buclid Property Maaagement, Inc., appeared before the Commisaion and stated that in one of their stores on Buclid Avenae they desired to give a lease for a pe4 shop which requirea a C-2 ciassifieation, he stated that ~ ~ --~-- ~3- -- ---- ._._,. ~:.... ~ ~ ~ y . i RHGUTAR AlHBTING - CITY PIANNIPG C01~9dI3SION -~~ ~959 -~: VARTANCS N0. 1117 - they had put extra so~md pa~f3s-g an this ~~*+mi~~ siore a~i (Continued) that the lessees of 2he stares am eatbes side of ttEoe ~nrnpcsed pet shop vrere in favor o£ graati~ tdaas ~e_ No one appeared in oppo:;dtion ~to tt~e gsammtasg d[ tYee ~a~+~~'~.. 1HB HBARING WAS CIASSH~. Commissioner Alired offere3 #~ fo3E~ ~-g~~~~!+ 234: Resolved that Variaace No. 3317 be a~ao~_ The vote on the above Reso?ataam aeas xs fofl8,~s: AYBS: COMdISSIQNffitS: ~.3se~1; LleoBmi~, ~;'~smcL: D~Saa, btorris ~soa. ~- NOHS: QObA~fISSIONffitS: None. ABSBNT: CQNMISSIONEStS: ~Ganer aad Sa~eas. RE~IASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTTTI~1 sss~imit4e~ bg 1f~S8' W~SY B~F'FISF N0. P-58-59-98 QiILDRffid' S H01~, A Corporatiam, as ~ri, NBa.liter 61~odea, sn~ West Liacoln Avenue, Ana~eimz Ca3ifo~na, as 9mtEoarizcd Ageat, requesting that the propertq ~~~~ as ~eiag a parce2 6a5_55 feet x 334.95 feet on t~e aort~ieasT ~~es ~ 9iaCEn aad East Streets, and further descrimesl as 1tl~e masit~nsit eo~er o€ Soath and Hast Streets, be reclassifaes~ facm ~-A, ~L AGRICULNRAL, and 3t-O, ~£SI~1T79L ~Q to g-3, ~srrrvrF PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL- - Mr. Walter Gooden, as ~lnthoriu+d 9~geatt ffos it~ ifest Cnast Baptist Children*s Home, appeareri be~aae t~e (]o~issioa a~ stated that this property ~cas ~t ~amy g~srs ago tv b~ ased for a children's home, bnt ~t a s~orat meeitimg af t~e ciaarch authorities it was deude3 a~s ta ezec~ smch a~e am this property and the property is navfor sa3t_ D~_ ,jamn Stiasaa, 1231 Crestbroot Place appesre~ ~oae it~e ~ aad gre- setted a petition agaa.nsY t3~e z+em~img og t~ss prage~fg to ~ 3 signed by 50 property awaess in t~t aaea_ ~e p~opertg is presently classified as ~-0, ~I.~HV93~ at t~e rear and R-1, SINGLE PAMiLY BESIDffiPl'L~L. aa~ iHae ffroatage of East Street. Mr. Stinson stated Yhat ~eit~ t3~e trype of tmmes in 4Sae area they are definately opposed to t~e grantiag of amg c~f irhis g=opertg for R-3 uses as iY wouid tPnd Ya ~~~~x ~esr g¢cge~iies aaa increase the deasity o£ popn3aticm ~esy gceatSp 3a t~ area. Hr. Goodea reappeared before the ~'0~5.~~*~ ~S stated tLat it is not the i.ntensioa af t3~e rn~ers of it~e panpesty to I~a~ aaf of the people in the area aad t~a1t me Foas Yeqmested tlr~t the 110f62 aSiZi 2ab ia1 i.~` :~8 ^.sF~~ ~r~:,~.~c ~~ iti. .~t .a...4e! M -•~ao---~ the best use for this property, Q~at no s~Zesttaoos ~av~e beea forthcoming. T.H9 ~IIQG ifSS Ci~~_ Commisaioner Allred offered t~e fa1Paeim~ ~latnan P5u_ 24Q: Resoived that Reclassificatioa laa_ F-58-59-98 be reca~ded to the Citq Council for deaial_ The vote on the above 8eso3ntiom aeas as follass= AYBS: COAY~SISSION~tS: 1-3.1reII. IDeHois. ~s~ood. Dfaaer~, Norris, ~s°m~ ~s31- NOBS: OONAlISSIOIZFIltS: Noae. ABSHNT: OOI~dISSIOd~ffitS: C~er aad ~s_ -4- ~ , 3 i \ ~ ''~- .^.__~ :.~: ~' ~ ~ ~ F F{ i RBGUTAR MHBTING - CITY PIANNI~IG COhAlISSION - JUNB 2, 1959 - CONTINUBD: RBCIASSiPI4'A.TION - PUBLIC HBARING. PSTITION submitted by ASA 8. CARMI(S~IAHL SR., N0. F-58-59-100 1329 Grang Avenue, Blsinore, California, as Owner, Pratt Bnterprises Inc., 7000 ~idgnolia A~enue, Riverside, Califami, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the propertq descrnbed as being Lot 5, Tract 2637, and further described as 136 West Winston Road be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDffidTIAL AGRICULIURAL to ~1, NBI(~-IBORHOOD COMbffiRCIAL. Mr, pratt of Pratt Bnterprises appeared before the Commission and stated that it is proposed to improve this property with a Medical building for which there is an appazent need in the area. The parkir, spaces to be provided will be in accordance with the new proposed ordiaance. A property owner of 113 Yiinston Road appeared before the Commission and stated that she was ia favor of the reclassification, but would like to see the plans. The plans vrere shown to her. No one appeazed in opposition to the granting of the reclassification. TH8 HBARING WAS CLOSHD. Commissioner Mungall moved the following Resolution No. 241: Resolved that Reclassification No. F-58-59-100 be recommended to the City Council for reclassification from R-4, RESIDffidTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-1, NBIQiBORH00D COMMERCIAL. It taas ori- ginally proposed that these lots between Iris Street and Los Angeles Street be reclassified to G1 some time ago, but the reclassification was never consumated, , RHCIAA;IFICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. At t:+e request of the City Councii the N0. F-58-59-69 property presently zoned as C-3, HBAVY CONAfIItCIAL described as the West 200 feet of the West half of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 11 West, S.B.B. & M. and having a frontage of 3~1.1 feet on Bel Air Street has been set for a public hearing in order that Deed Restrictions may be established on the subject progerty limiting its nse to a. Service Station only. The properYy is further desc*:t;~d as 8291 Lincoln Avenue and is at the north- east corner of Lincoln Avenue and Bel Air Street. Mrs. Blizabeth D. Chamie, 1419 North Amalfi~ Pacific Palisades. California, appeared before the Commission and explained that in 1956, under Reclassification No. F-55-56-36, the subject property was reclassified to ~1 and C-3. It was pointed out to Mrs. Chamie that the request for the reconsideration of the sub- ject property was requested by the City Council in order that certain restrictions might be ~+laced on the C-3 property limiting to uses which the City Councii in order that certain restrictions might be placed on the C-3 property limiting to nses whi~:h the City Council believed would be f or the best interest in the City instead of permitting all the uses under the C-3 (`,flde requirements. THB HEARING WAS CLOSBD. Commissioner Marerhan moved the following Resolution No. 242: Resolved that the Planning Commission recommend to the Citq Council that any deed restrictioris found necessary to be placed on this property be by action of the City Council. The vote on the above Resolution was as foilaws: AYBS: COhIlNISSIONffiZS: Allred, DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Thompson, Muagall. NOES: COMMISSIONffitS: None. ABSBNT:CONA~tISSI0NBR3: Gauer and Summers. -5- k' 1 f t i _ ~. ~ -- - ---- .. _ ~ ~ ~, !!~. ~ ~ ~ RBG[TIAR MHHTING - CITY pIANNING CpAqdISSION - UNH ' 1959 - CONTINUED° ~~ VARIANCB NO. 1120 - PUBLIC HBA.RING. PHTITION submitted by LIBORIO SCLIPO, 859 West 146th Street, Gardena, California, as Owner, requesting permission tn USH BXISTING HOUSB ON THE PROPERTY POR RBAL HSTATB SRORBR'S OFFICB on the property described as 8461 Ball Road and further described as the North side of Ball ktoad, between Dale Avenue and Gaymont Street. The property is presently , classified R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL. Mr. L. Sclifo, 859 West 146th Street, Gardena, California, as applicant appeared before the Commission and stated that the subject property consists of approximately 3 acres located at E the northwest corner of Dale Avenue and Aall Road. There is presently a small house on the property which the applicant desired to use for residential use and the opezation of a Real Estate Office, the balance of the three acres is pre- sently unimproved. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variance. THB HBARING YQAS CLOSBD. Commissioner A~~ted moved the following Resolution No. 243: Resolved that 7ariance No. 1120 be approved for a period of one year, subje•: ~ r.>: 1. The dedication of 53 feet from the center line of Ba21 Road to the City of Anaheim, 2, The cledication of 45 feet from the center of Dale Avenue to City of Anaheim. 3. That a black topped area be provided on the property to accomodate four cars. 4, That any sign on the property be limited to 4 feet x 8 feet maximum. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYES: CODMlISSIONBRS: Allred, DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerha, Morris, Thompson, Mungall. NOBS: COhAfISSIONBRS: None. ABSBNT: CQI~ASISSIONffitS: Gauer and Summere. Mr. & Mrs. Bedard, 2182 Catalpa Avenue appeared before the Commission in opposition to the grantiag of this Variance and presented a petition containing 73 names of property owners in the area against the proposed Variance for the following reasons: 1. It would depreciate the value of surrounding homes. 2, It would be a break down of good zoning principles. 3, It would be spot zoning. 4. That there is no possiblilty of off-street parking at the above mentioned address. 5. That the permiting of this Variance would open the door for other uses that could be l.ess desirabie. Mr. Brown, as Authorized Agent presented a photo showing that the praperty has a number os shrubs which were grown to quiet thF noise as the bedrooms are facing on La Palma Avenue. 6. That there is from the inside -6- VARIANCB N0. 1121 - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by HAROLD & BILLYE OLAA'DER, P.O. Box 244, Placentia, California, purchasing under contract, requesting permission to OPERATB Bt~AUTY ~IOP WITH ONH OPBRtiTOR AND LIVING QUARTBRS on the property descirbed as 2190 Catalpa Avenue and further described as Lot 1 of Tract 1721. The property is presently classifiecl R-1, SINGLB PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL. --....------------_._..---- -- ----------------~---_______-.,~ + , .; ~ ~ / ~ ~`'~~ ~~ ~ ~~ 1 RB(~JIAR MBSTING - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION -,JWi B 2, 1959 - CONTINUHD: Vl1,RIANCB N0. 1121 - of the building 35 feet available or 1700 square feet of CContinued) land that could be used for off-street parking. This land, however, is on Cataipa Avenue. THB HBARING WAS CLOSHD. Commissioner Alired moved the following Resolution No. 244: Resolved that Variance No. 1121 be denied. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYBS: COMMISSIONffitS: Allred, DnBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, 1liompson, Mungall. NOBS: CGMMISSIONBRS: None. ABSBNT: CONA`SISffiIONHRS: Gauer and Summers. VARIANCB NO. 1122 - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by WAYNfi fiARL SHULL, 1675 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Lessee, requesting permission to BUILD PROPESSIONAL OFFICBS, RHTAIL STORES AND A COCKTAIL BAp on the property described as the east side of Buclid Avenue detween Ratella Avenue and ~mac Lane. The• property is presently classified G 1, NHIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL. Mr. Harold H. Cline, 1775 Tiara Street, Anaheim, California appeared before the Commission and presented a petition signed by 73 property owners residing in the area objectiag to the establishment of a retail outlet for intoxicating beverages next to their single family residences. He further stated that there are single family homes adjacent to the subject property, that back up to the subject property and that the building proposed is two story which would be con- sidered as an invasion of their privacy. They also stated that next to the proposed cocktail lounge aad professional offices there is presently a Hamburger shop patronized largely by school children, A representative for the applicant appeared before the Commission and stated that there would be a concrete block fence completely surrounding the property in back of single family residences. Mr. Cline again appeared before the Cormnission aa3 said thep knew about the fence, but that the erection of a fence would not solve the problem of the cocktail bar or 2 story building. Commissioner Mauerhan moved the foliowing Resolution No. 245: Resolved that Variance No. 1122 be denied. The vote on the above Resolution was as foliows: AYBS: COMMISSIONPRS: ASlred, DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Mosris, lhompson, Mungall. NOHS: CObfMISSIONBRS: None. ABSBNT: COMMISSIONffitS: Gauer and Summers. RHCIAS3IPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by BRWIN H, W. KBRSTBN, 200 N0. F-58-59-56 North Palm Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting that the pro~erty describe~ as foilows: PARCBL 1: That portion of Lot 40, Ansheim fixtension, as showa on a map of survey by William Hamei, December 1868, filed in the affice of the County Recorder of Los Mgeles County, Califor^-ia, also shown on a Record of Suzvey 22-10, Records of Orange County, California, m~re particularly described as follows: -7- e ~S. ~~- K`Y ``' f ~5 i~ ii i ~ ~ 1 ~~ ._.i' ~~ ~ ~ r . ; ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~~) xB(1JIAR bIBETING - CITY FIANNING COMMISSION - JUNB 2, 1959 - CONTINUHD: R~L~ASSIFICATION - Beginniag at the Northwest corner of said Lot 40, N0. R58-59-56 Anaheim Bxtension, said corner being the intersection of the (Contianed) center lines of West La Palma Avenue and North Citson Street; thence 3outh 15~ 21' 00" Bast along the center line of North Citron Street 543.18 feet; thence North 74~ 41' 40" Bast 30.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing North- easterly along the last c.entioned course, North 74~ 41' 40" Bast 446.15 feet; thence Nortt: 15~ 21` 00" West 263,05 feet to the Northwest corner of the land described ia the deed to the Anaheim School District of Orange County, recorded January 24, 1950, in Book 195T, Page 518, Official Records; thence North 82° 35' 40°' Hast 348.14 feet along the Northerly line of said land described in deed to Anaheim School District of Orange County to the Nurtheast corner thereof; thence South 15~ 21' 00" Bast along the Basterly line of said Anaheim School property 215.20 feet, mo*e or less, to the Southeast corner thereoi; thence Norih 74~ 41t 40'° Sast 320.34 feet to a point, said point being 34.75 feet West of the center line of said North Palm Sireet; thence North 15~ 20' 40" West parallel to said center line of North Palm Street to a point in a iine parallel with and distant 30.00 feet South of the center line of West La Pal~a Avenue; thence South 89~ 39' SO" West aloag the last mentioned parallel line to a point, said point being 30.00 feet West of the center line of North Citrun Street; thence South i5a 21' 00'° Hast parallei with the center iine of North Citron Street to the true point of beginning. ID{CBPTING T1iBRBPROM PARCSL 2 described as: lhat portion of Lot 40, Anaheim Bxtension, as shown on a map of Survey by William Hamel, December 1868, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, also shown on a Record of Survey 22-10, Records of Orange County, California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point, said point being the intersection of a line parallel with and distant 30.00 fe~t South of the ceAter line of Wes+ La Palma Avenue and a line parallel with and distant 30.00 ~eet East of the center line of North Citron Street; thence South 15~ 21' 00" Hast along said last mentioned parallel line 150.00 feet; thence Hasteriy along the prolongatioa of a line that is perpendicular to said Sast mentioned parallel line 150.00 feet; thence Northerly along a line that is parailel with the center line of North Citron Street to a point in a line parallel with and distant 30.00 feet South of the center line of West La Falma Avenue; thence South 89~ 39' S0" West along tiie last mentioned parallel line to the pcint of beginning. A representative of the developer of this propert~ appeared before the Commission and stated that the only question before the Commission was the correction of the Segal description of the subject property. He furthex stated that in the devel opment of the property they would not put a service station at the corner of La Palma and Citron. THH HBARING WAS CLOSHD. Commissioner Morria moved the following Resolution Aio. 246: Resolv~~d that Reclassification No. P-58-59~56 be recommended to the City Council for zones proposed according to the new le~al deacription. The vote on the above Reaolution was as follows: AYB3: COh~tISSIONffitS: Alired, DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Thompson, Mungall. NQSS: COMMISSIONffitS: None. ABSHNT:COI~IMISBIONBRS: Gauer and Summers. -8- :` __..__., ~ .~ .~ 1 -~ ---- - --- ~.. - -- - --- ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ - ~ 1 ' ADJ~ RBi~lIAB I~TING CITY PIA~G O~QSSIQ'~ - J~ 8. 1959 - CONTINUHD: i , ' ~~IPI~I~ _~s~ioner DuBois mcved the adoptioa of Resolution N0. F-58-59-101 Ao_ ?SO ~.ic~ aeas se~oIIded bY C°~.ssioner Hapgood, (Coatim~ed) that tbe AnaL~imm Cit3 Fiamiing Commissioa hereby i ~d to the City Council of the City of Anaheim ; that lteclassificatioa lYo. F-58-59-101 be appr~ved ior ~3~ ~ultiple Faailg Residentia2, subject to: i_ ~at tLe baildings ta be constructed on the subject prr~pezt~ be e=ected essentiallp as the plans presented. 2_ Eaat the c~raezs of ttee subject propertq place of zecozd staarLd Citg of Anaheim R-3 Deed RestrYCtions aaarnyed by tLe Citp Attorney~ which sestrictions sbaii ~;^~;t alI buildings constructed on said property so ooe sto~ ia height. 3. '~at t~e ~r of the subject property deed to the Citq of Anaheia a strip of 2aad 32 feet in width £ras the center 2iae of Loaza St=eet for street ~ri~enin8 Pnr~oses- 4_ grepare stzeet imqprove~ent plans an~l install~all i~rove~enlts oa yeara Street in accordance with a,ppicved s#anda=d plaas on file in the office of tLe Citp Bngineer- 5. ~t i~he o~rs of tIne subject property pay to the C3t~ og Am~ei~ the sma of 52•00 per front foot for street lightaag. 6. mat xnditions ~bers 2, 3, 4 and 5 be complied ~eith rithia a pezicd of 40 days. VARIANCB NO. 1064 - PUBLIC ~. PEIITIU~T submitt~d by ARTHUR G.-AND YA~3I1~E C_ PEEIS~PANC~R, 824I South Euclid Avenue, An~,_w~n, (~lafornia, as Aaez, requesting permission tp ~F~A'~ S yiC~~igm ANID STAT~SUPERVISSD PRIVATB II-q ~,BS~Ity ua the p=opertg described as: Lot 18 of TYact Ato. 2161 in the CitY of Anaheim in the North 10 acres oi the Saath 22 aczes of the NW} of the NW} of 3ection 9, TornshiP 4 South, Range 10 West, as shown an gook 63, pages 33, 34, and 35, in the uffice of the Coaat7 gecocder aad further described as 1636 Catberine Street. 1he propeztp is presentiq classified ~ 1, SL~ FA~IIY.Y RFSID~iTYAL. me Applicants for Variance No. 1064, Arthur G. d~Teia~agtr aad tatberiae C. Neiswanger requested.an eztention on tLis ~'uiance due to the fact that ~p=o~ai i=m i~Le sta4e Lad ~t teea graated in time to aeet e~iratioa d~te. IIpon a~utian by Co~eissioner Morris, seconded bq r„~--~ ss~r ~~*~raa, it ~ras muved that Variaace No. 1p64 be granted aa eztension for 6 muaths. ppJ~q~p: _~e !leeti~ acljouraed at 4:15 O'Clock P.M. Bespect y sube.i.tted ; f ~ 3 S Ft. . D4T~C~II., etary ' ~ i I ~ I _~ ~ ~! ! I ~ . -------- -- --------- ----- `~_..~ ------ .t= __. ..._._.,.