Minutes-PC 1959/07/07aric. .::Y:MUI•tA~"17kirP' I ~ ~i ~ .. . ,J'~~ ~ ~ ~ City Hall July 7, 1959 Anaheim, Califasnia p~JOURNgD ggGUIi-R MHBTING OF THB CITY PIANNING COMF~IISSI0~1 p~JpURNgp ggGUTAR MSSTING: - An Adjourned Regular D:eeting of the City Pianning ~ Commission was called to o:der at 2:10 0'Clock Y.td. bY Chairman Gauer, a quorum beiag present. p~g~: - Chairman Gauer; Commissioners; Allred, Mauerhaa, ~~rs, Thompson, Mungall. AB~T: - Commissioners; DuBois, Hapgood and Morris. This Adjourned Meeting was to consider the items held over from the Meeting of June 29, 1959, starting with Item No. 17 on that Agenda. RSCIASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by LLOYD A• ~~S and H(7YVARD A. LUTZ, 96p2 ~r~6e Aveaue, Anaheim, (alifor- N0. F-58-59-111 nia, as Owners, requesting that the~ property describe as being on the east side of Brookhurst Street be~en Niobe Avenue and Bali IIoad and further described as 800 South Brookhurst Street be reclassified from lt~+, RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULT[JRAL to C-1, NHIC3~ORHOOD C~C~- Mr. Lloyd Mannes app2ared be£ose the Commissioa snd presented a rendering of the proposed development ai~ the gronnd layout aad plans for the proposed building. He proposed to set hi's building with the same set ba~¢ from the property line as his other buildings to the north. No one appeared in opposit~on to the grant"sng of the reclassification. 1HB HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Commissioner Thompson offered Resolution No. 2, Series 1959-60: Resolved that the Co~ission recommead to the City Council that RecYRasBSID1BNTtIAL AGRICUI-1~' tal be rec2assified from R-A, C-1, NH7i~-IBORHOOD COMMBRCIAL, sub~~°c: to: 1, The filing of C-i Deed Rtstrictions approved bY thF City Attosney. 2, The erection of the building and the providing of off-street parking on the property as showa on Yhe plot plan and bui~ding pian presented.. 3, The dedication of 50 feet from the center line of Brookhurst Street to the City of Anaheim. 4. Prepare street improvement plans arad instail ail improvements in accordance with approved st ~ d plans on file in the office of the City F.ng~ 5. The payment of $2.00 per front foot f,or stree~ lighting purposes. . 6, That a 90 daq time li~it be set for the accom~lish- ment of the conditioas 1, 3~ 4 and 5. This resolution was seconded bq,Commissioaer Allred affi carried. ' ~ The vate on the above.~usolution.~as as foliayrs: -1- , . ~ I i ~ ~ ~ . - .r__~ --,-_- - ~ ~ -- -------- --- - ~ -- _ . _ ~~ _ ..-- ,f' ~~ 1 { i ..__.._...r.._....,..._..,._ ._.~,.~,,,.~,.,~,.~~.~,..~ ~ ,..:~:,.,.,-.,,~m-~_,......o.._.~_____......_~____.______ _ ~~ ~ pDJpljgNgp RgGUTAR MHHTING - CITY PIANN£NG COMMISSION -~i1LY 7,__1959 - CC~riINUSD: RHCIAS3IPICATION - AYBS: COMMISSIONBRS: Allred, Mauerhan, Gauer, Summers, N4, P-58-59-111 Thompson, Mungall. (Continued) NOBS: CObA9ISSI0NBRS: None. ABSBNT:COhAiISSIONBRS: DuBois, Hapgood, Morris. RHCLASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HHARING. PBTITION subn._tted by C}iURCH OF (1~IRIST -- N0. F-58-59-112 CHILDRBN`S HOMH, 1722 Bush Street, Santa Ana, California, as Owner, Craig Grainger, 125 South Claudina Street, Anaheim, California, as Autharized Agent, requesting that the property described as being on the southwest corner of Jefferson and North Streets be reclassified fr.;,m R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL to M-1, LIQiT MP.'~it1FACTUR- ING. Mr. Craig Crainger appeared before the Commission and stated that he believed most of the information i•+.- quired was contained in the petition for reclaQaifica- tion. He further stated with the land lying ;iust easter- ly of the Santa Pe Railroad tracks that M-1, I.ight Industrial would be the highest and best use of the property. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the re- classification. THE HBARING WAS CLOSBD. A resolution No. 3 was offered by Commissioner Summers that Reclassification No. F-58-59-112 be recomruanded to the City Council for reciassification from R-A, RHSIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to M-1, LIGHT MANUFACTUAING, with a 50 foot P-L, PARKING - IAND~CAPING ZONB. 1. The dedication of 50 feet from the center line on Jefferson Street to the City of Anaheim. 2, The dedication of 53 feet on East La Palma Avenne from ihe center line to the City of Anaheim, ;. a 3. The payment of $2.00 per front foot fe~ atreeT. '; lighting purposes on both siree£s. ; 4. Prepare street improvement plans aRd install all improvements in accordance with ai~proved standard plans on file in the office ef ihe City :8ngii:eer, i 5. That a 90 day time limit be set for the accomplish- ment of the above conditions. ; This resolution was seconded by Commissioner Allred and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: i i AYBS: COMhtIS5I0NBRS: A11red, Gauer, Mauerhan, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOBS: COMMISSIONB[tS: None. ° ABSENT: COMMISSIONBRS: DuBois, Hapgood, Morris. ; / i RFCIA3~IPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by C. B. DRUMMOND, ~ ~ N0. P-58-59-113 c/o William T. McManus, 514 South Brookhurst Street, . Anaheim, California, as Ownex, Wiiliam T. McManus, ! 514 South Brookhurst Street, Anaheim, California, as Authori.zed Agent, requesting that the property des- ~ cribed as being on the east side of Brookhurst Street between Orange Avenue and Broadway Street and further ~ ~ ~ -- ~ , ' _2_ ~. ~ ~ : ~ ~ ____-_ ._ __..____ _ __. ____-.------. - . - - . , . ~ ~' ~ ~; ~ ~ ~d ~ ~ ~` a( ;~ ;i :{ ~~T Mr, Sill McCoy appeared before the Coaimission and. .iated tt,at the subject property consists of 3 parcels, 1. f- small lot 45 feet by 99 feet whicn lot could not be d~veloped for resilential use. He furthex• stated that there is a church on the southeast corne~r, at the nozth- west corner directly across tue street are single family residential properties backing up to Crescent Avenue with a 6 foot concrete bl~ck wall. The ncrtheast corner is also residential, but facing on Crescent without any wa.e?. He further sta~ed tha*. the adeantages to be gained by the granting of this reclassification would provide for the widening of Da1e and Cxescent to 90 foot Right- of-Ways, that there would be a greater tax revenue to the city, fhat the building proposed for medical use ~3- r ~ `~ ~' ~1 ,'lDJOURNgp R$GUIpR MBHTING - CI'.C PI~S:.i:T..NG COMM:SSIOiI - ULY "t , 1959 - C~JNTINUBD: RHCIAS`2IFi~.:d:ION - d~•scribed as 500 South Brookhurst Street be re- NO. F-'a-59-1s~ classified from C-1, NBIGHBORHOOD CODiMBRCIAL to b1~1, l.C~utiaued) LIGHT MANUFACTURING. Mr. William McMa!t::s appeared before the Commission an~ stated th:it there had already been a 60 foot dedicr.tion on Broc::nurst Street from the center line. af the street and a 32 foot de~'ication from the center line of Orange Avenue. He further s:ated th?t the use.i7:'oposed would Le commercial rather than M-]., th~t tYa.. or''. reat:on ior osking f..,~i was tha•:. this was t`:~ nni~ zone in wnich ca. use pz~•:cently appeared, a?.~nough ~ome i+.~ee ago i,t was permitted use in C-2, The solvents presen~ly used are not explosive ar:, non odorous. The pl;a:ls presented show a weta] b~.iiding with a bri~'• front. Mr. H~nzy Davidson owner of 5 acres tu the east prese•'.ed a pet~.~ion signed i,q 35 property owners in the area an,1 stated that the granting of an M-1 use next to R-•1 oi R-A or C-1 would r.ot ;5e conducive to good planning, also that hia had a per.ding sale of the property which would be devt+loped with Sa.ngAe Family F,esidential Homes co~ting approxi.mately $25,U00. Mr. Joltn Kent appeared for the applicant and stated that they are not seeking an M-1 nst o~ classification o` t,`,~ property, bi:: a revision of the f,'ode, to permit this use which is fou:id throiighout the ci±; pr~sent2y in the C-2 =ones., Mr. Baa. i~~ho proposed :~ oJ~erate ~:',e : stablishment stated t?:at they are opera'ing at the n~esent time directl•~ across the street ar..r. do noL• use car.~on tetrach.ivride which was fo~merly thz naninflammable solvent as•:d, 5ut they are using other types which are still aat i.nflaaunable and have no odor. THH HBARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Ci~mmisaioner ;~zuer.ha•:, secor,ded by Commissioner Thompson, it was mo-red that t.he hearin~ be continue~ until tl~e meeti.ne of July 13, 1459 to a12uw Mr, Geis:er, Assistitn*. Ci•ty Attorney to look into the que;ti~.n as to wheth.•r this would be a permiited use ir a C-2 2one. RECIASyIF:(:4TION - YUBLIC HfiAR,ING. PETITION submitted by MARTIN RLBIN, NQ. F-SS-59-.i14 BILL W. BBRKBS a^3 G",3L J. :QYMLA, c/o Bill McCoy,6275 Grand Avenue, Buena Park, Cali.fornia. as ixn:era, Bi~i McCoy, 6?.%5 Grand Avenue, Buena '~~rk, Cali:ornia, as Authorized GKent, requesting th,at t.':e property des- cribed a~ being on t4e scuthwesi c~..__ ~f Pale and Cresce,it Avenues be cecl:.ssifie3 from I`.-:., SZNGLS PAMILY R.RSIDSNTIAL t~ C-1, NBIGHBORHOOD ~;OMMBR~IAL fr~r use as a prot"essional bnilding and C-3, HP,!!vi CQMI~IBRCIA.L, for use as a service station. . ~.._.. ~ -- ---. ._- --.. _.. . ~'__---' . . . . . / ~ ~ i A~DTOiIItI~ RHC,UTAR DfASfING - CITY PIANNING ~OMMISSION - JULY 7, 1959 - CONTINUBD: RECIASSIFICATIODT - would fiil a need in the area and that the whole N0. F-58-59-114 deve2opment would imQrove the apgearance of this (Continued) coraer. At the service station there would be no major repairs, no noise factor and if is proposed to erect a 6 foot masonry wall entirely around the development and restrict the hours of operation of the service station between 7 a.m, and 9 p.m, The present owner of the property appeared before the Commission and stated that this would be a good im- provement for this corner and that with Dale, a 90 foot Boulevard the traffic which is becoming greater each day would be alieviated. Mr. Meyers, 533 Nortn Dale Avenue appeared before the Commission and stated that this wauld be spot zoning and that they do have fine homes on Dale Avenue which are in the $30,000 class on commercial acres. A representative of the church appear^d before the Commission an~ stated that they own a 3 acre parcel and have an investment at the present time of $300,000 on the property with plans for expansion. He further presented a petition containing signatures of 76 people, many of whom are parishioners, that the servi.ce station woeld disturb church services and that with the 146 children attending their Sunday school at 9 a.m., traffic to the service station might present a hazard to these children. Thep also have further servicss from 9:30 to 12e00 and an evening service. Mr, McCoy presented a picture at 11:00 a.m, on Sunday morning show- ing that the parishioners who attend this c`iurch do not use uff-street parking as both sides of the street far as one could see were lined with cars. THB HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Commissioner Allred offered Resolution Nu. 4 that Reclassification No. P-58-59-114 be denied. This resolution was seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried. . The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYBS: COhA1ISSI0NBRS: Alired, Gauer, Mauerhan, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOBS: COMhtISSIONBRS: None. ABSBNT:COMMISSIONBRS: DuBois, Hapgood, Morris. t S t 3 .~ :tBCtA3~IFICATI~JN - PUALIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by MR, & MRS. J. C. N0. F-.SR-59-115 JOHNSON and DR, and MRS. M. H. WAI.KBR, 1440,South Euclid Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Glvners, Dr. & Mrs. M. H. Walker, 461 North Loara Street, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being on th~: east side of Huclid Avenue betvreen Cerritos Avenue and Palm Lane and fur~her des- czibed as 1440 South Bulcid Avenue be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULT[JRAL to C-1, NHIQiBORH00D CQhf~ABRCIAL. Dr. M. H. Walker appeared before the Commission and stated that on Lot 1 facing on Buclid Aven~e is a duplex dwelling with a 3-car garage which it i~ proposed to use for medical oYfices and erect a pharmacy later.. These services will be used in connection with the Rest Home to be erected on Lots 2 and 3 and the residents in the area. The subject pruperty was proposed for a C-1 use some time aga, but -4- } f I , ~ i 2 1 ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~ i ~r i . . ~. ~ ~ ~,..1 ~ - ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Q ~ ADJ~iTRNHD RBGULIR MHBTING - CITY PI/1NlVING C~IIS~YOd~t - JULY 7, 1959 - CONTINUED: RECIASSIFICIlT~Q~T ~ ~he a~r at *Wa* F~ c'id assY gQ thzough to the N0, F-58-59-115 completion of the reclassification. 1HE HBARING WAS (Coatinued) CIASED. Co~issioner Allred offezed Resolution No. 5, 7hat Reclassification Na. F-58-59-115 be recommended to the Citq Council fo.- reclassification from R-1, Single Family Resideatial to C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, subject to: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1. That the ovcner file IITPed Restrictions limiting the use of the psoperty tc -nedical offices and a Yharmacy oalp. 2, ~at ,ri2.00 per front foot be paid for street lighting purposes on Euc2id Avenue. 3, That a 90 day time limit be established for the accomplistment of the above conditions. This resolution rras secoaded by Cammissioner Summers and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as followss A'YES: 00~1l~S~I0~7tS: A?lred, Cauer, Mauerhan, Suourters, T~ompson, Mungall. N~: 001~!!lISSI~+IDtS: ~Ione. ABSENT:~lISSfA~ItS: DuBois. Hapgood, Morris. RfiCIASSIFICATION - ~"'~u iiC iirAeTi3v~. t''~iiTIdF submitted by MC DANIHL N0. P-58-59-116 ENGIi~F~tItiG ~Dl~Qe1NY, 222 B.ast Center Street, Anaheim, California, as Authoriud Ageat, requesting that the proper~y described as being oa the southeast corner uf Broadway and Loara Streets be reclassifiPd from R A, RESIDFNfIAL AQtICULTURAL to M-]., LIGHT MANU- FACNRING for Lot 9 and R-3, MULTIPLB FAMILY RBSI- DfiNTIAL for Lot 10. A4r. A. R. llcl?aniel appeazed for tfie applicant and stated that the petition covered in detail the use he proposed to oeate of the property, namely a 20 acre development at the south end of the property of single family daellings to act as a buffer between the pr4sent siagle family dwelliags directly south of the subject property. He presented renderings, floor plans for the proposed dwellings which will sell for $18,000 to $20,000 xith floor areas of 1500 tfl 1600 square feet of livable azea, which are larger than the ?~aacs ta the santls. He farther stated that pro- spectiee purchasers rrill be told of the proposed de- velapment on the aorth 20 acres, namely 10 acres next to th.~ sa±3so~ Y_aeka 2s ~i+'gh--class light manufacturing and ~the 10 acres Mresterly as R-3, Multiple Family Resi- dential. Alrs. Ralph Maztin, 607 Gilmar Drive, as re- pre:sentati~e of t*~ Hovefaii Civic Association appeared bef~~*.e the Co~ission aad read a letter regarding pre- vious action taken by the Co~ission and the City Council on this progezty. She a_lso questioned as to who the legal ormer of the property was at present. 2he app2icant, bLr. H. ~i. Secrest. 1812 West Broadway, Whittier, California stated that Le was the optiflnee of the property. ;~e aiso questioaed. as to whether the property xas being purchased under a contingency, Mr. Secrest's aasxer xas °no". SeYeral property owners questioned traffic conditions and lack of ~idewalks on *.oaza Street ~nd the load that would be placed on the ~ i f ~ i ~ \ ~ ~.,,\ -5- ~ ~ ; :tiDJOURNEU REGUTAR MHETING - CITY PIANNING COAAlISSION - J[TLY 7, 1959 - C(~13'II11[TID: RBCIASSIPICATION - school facilities by the R-3 development. ]er_ ~6c Daazel N0. F-58-59-116 stated R-3 property does not place a laad on it~e s:~ls, (Continued) that R~1 daes, also tbat ia tha d2:ei~~ ~~:.:s property the city will reqnire sidewailrs om Loara Street. It appeared from thr plan presented t-aat trucks could go from Broadway aa~ eaiY on LDara Street or vice versa. Mr. McDaaiel stat~fl Yt~at t1~eP would change their pians so that there caa 93e ao exit to Loara Street for tructs. ~~ASI~f~LS CLOSED. Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 6~ Resolved that the Commission recommend to tise City Council that the north 10 acres direstiy aoest o.f the railroad tracks be reclassified from'@-~9, RFSIDENTIAL AGRICULNRAL to N,-1, LI(~iT ]~l~TftiF.~CfiT3tIII~7G and that the next 10 acres westerly be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAI. AGIZICJLTURAL to ~.-3, ?B7L?IFIE FAMILY RESIDHNTIAL and that theze be ao acrxss to Loara Street fzom the property propose3 for re- classification to M-1 aad sub,;ect to: 1. 11xat st~nJard R-3 Deed Restrictions be #iied and approved by the City Attor.iiey. ?. That the City AtForney prepaze Deed 8estsictaons to cover the M-1 property and uses. 3. The dedication of 45 feet fram the rxater line of Broadw~y to the City of Anaheim. 4. The dedicatioa of 32 feet from the ciJ.ite¢ li~e of Loara Street to the City of Anaheim. ' 5. Prepare street improvement plans and 3~+cta'+~ aa~ improvements in accordance with appraved standasd plans on file in she office of the Citg P~;iaeer on both streets. 6. The payment of $2,00 pe* front foot fos stseet lightiag purposes. 7. That a subdivision map or maps be fiied oa t3eese two parcels of preperty. 8. That a 90 daq ti.me limit be set Far ~he accamgrlish- ment of the above conditions. This resolution was seconded by Co~nissioaes A11red and carried. The vote on the above Resoiution was as folio+as: AYBS: COhAfISSI01~ffitS: Allred, Gauer, Sdaaer~a, Sa~:s, lbompsan, ~mgali. NOHS: COMWISSION~tS: None. ABSENT:COhAfISSIONffitS: DnBois, Iiapgood, ]8orris_ TBNTATIVH MAP - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3485 ~as preseate3 to ti~e OP TRACT Co~nission. This tract is located 664 feet soath of NO. 3485 Broadway oa the east side of Loara Street. ~e sab- divider is Associated Developers, 1832 iQest Broad~ay, Whittier, California and contains Si B-i lots_ YJpon a motion by Commissianer Muagaii, secondad bg Commi.ssiocer Thompson and cazried, it ~eas ~oved that the Co~ission approve the TenLative Jdap of -6- ~ ~ AD_TOiAtNBD RHGUTAR MBH'TING - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION -.TIJLY 7, 1959 - CONTINUSD: T9NTATIVH idAP - Tract No. 3485 subject to: OP TRACT N0. 3485 1. Pertinent plot and building plans to be sub- (Continued) mitted to the City Co:.ncil for review. 2. Require that should this subdivision be de- veioped as more than one subdivision, each sub- diyision thereof shall be subreitted in tentative form for approval. TBNTATIVB MAP - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 342t6 was preseated to OP TRAC;T' The Commission, This tract is ].ocated directly N0. 3486 east of Tract No, 3485 and contains 34 R-1 lots. Upon a motion by Commissioner Muagall, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried, it was moved that the Commission approve Tentative Map of Tract No. 3486, subject to: 1. That pertiaent plot and beilding plans be submitted to the City Co~~ncil for review. 2. Require that should thi~a subdivision be developed as more than ane subdivision, each subdivision thereof sha13 be submitted in ten- tative form for approval. RBCLASSIF7~.ATION - PUBLIC HHARING, PHTITION submitted by JAM~S A. N0. P-58-59-118 CURRIE, 14582 Jefferson, Midway City, California, as Own?r, Jack Milier, 10575 Stanton Boulevard, Stanton California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being on the north side of Catalpa Avenue between Mohican and Huclid Avenues be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICULNRAL to R-3, MULTI~LH PAMILY RBSIDENTIAL. It is proposed to develop a lot which wiil be on the ~ extention on Catalpa Avenue 1197 feet south of La t• Palma Avenue as R-3, Multipie Family Residential. This property adjoins tract 3008 which is developed s with commercial and R-3 dwellings. It is proposed to t put in a half stt~et extending from Mohigan Avenue easterly 310 feet from Mohigan Avenue ending in a half cul-de-sac. It is expected that the property ~ oxmert~ the south at some future time will dedicate the other half street. It is proposed to erect on ~ the property two duplex dweliings single story. s Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 7, that ~ Reclassification No. P-58-59-118 be recommended to the ? City Council for =ec.lassification ftom R-A, RHSIDHNTIAL s AGRICULTITRAL to R-3, MULTIPLB FAMILY RHSIDBICTIAL, sub- ~ ject to: g t 1. The recording of a Record of Survey as prepared r by A. R. McDaniel Bngineering Company. ~ ~ 2. That street improvement plans be prepared and all improvements installed in accordance with approved ~ standard plans on fixe in the office of the City ~ Hngineer. ~ 3, That R-3 Deed Restrictions be placed oa the pro- ~ perty limiting any multiple dwelling to one # story in height. ~ '~- E t ~ ~ -- ....._... __ _ --- --_. ._ ..._..__ ~ / N~ -------- - -- .._ . _~~ -------_~'_ .. -- ' ~ ..._ _ _ ..-~ ~ ~ /,, ~ ~1D~OURI~BD REGUTAR MHSTING - CITY PIANNING COhAlISSION - JULY 7 1959 - CONTINUED• RHCIASSIFICATION - 4. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street N0. F-58-59-118 lighting purposes. (Continued) 5. That a subdivision map be frled, 6. That a 90 day time limit be set for the accom- plishment of the above conditions. This resolutinn was seconded by Commissioner Thompson and carried. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYBS: COMMISSIONffitS: Allred, Gauer, Mauerhan, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. NOBS: COhA1ISSI0NERS: None. ABSHNT:COMMISSIONBRS: DuBois, Hapgood, Morris. RHVIS&D TENTATIVS - A Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 3017 was pre- MAP OF sented to the Commission. The subdivider is Homer TRACT N0. 3017 Toberman, 6763 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Californ3.a. This tract is located on the north side of Orangewood Avenue, 1980 feet east of Haster Street and contains 14 R-3 lots. A motion was made by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson and carried, that the Re~ Vised Tentative Map of Tract No. 3017 be approved subject to: 1, ^the dedication of 45 feet from the cent~er line of Orangewood Avenue to the City of Anaheiia. 2, Provide drainage to the west on Orangewood Avenue, 3, That SQinnaker Street be 64 feet in width. 4. That portion marked "not a part of°' to be lot in subdivision ur dedicate and improve frontage on Orangewood Avenue. 5. That pertinent plot and building plans be sub- mitted to the Citv Council for review. 6. Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivision thereof, shall be submitted in tentative form for appxoval. 7. That the property be subject to reclassification. 2S. That any multiple dwellings built on lots 1 and 2 be restricted to one stroy in height. This to be one of the conditions in the Deed Restrictions to be filed that will be subject to the approval of the City Attorney. CENT~ITIVH [~1AP - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3370 was presented to OF TRACT the Commission. The subdivider is Stevens Macy, NO. 3370 P. 0. Box 1923, Santa Ana, California. The tract is located on the west side of Placentia Avenue, 661 feet north of Hast La Palma Avenue. The property is presently classified as R-3 with Lot 1 as C-3 for a service station and does contain 27 R-3 lots. "g- ~ ~ O _ ~ ~ ~~ L~ -~E plgIIliiING CQdN1ISSI0N - JULY 7. 1959 - CONTINUBD: ~ i .; ~+s ~ - ~~otion was made by Commissioner Thompson, seconded I ~'~ 6p CommissionFr Mungall and carried, that the Com- j ~, ~,ID mission approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3370~ ; :jt~ sabject to: I_ That P2acentia Avenue be 53 feet from the center Iine of the street. 2. 1h~t a street from the east lot line of Lot 4 he 64 feet in width. 3_ That the alley on the north of the tract ter- ~ miaate at the east point of Lot 4 to connect with the alley in Tract No. 1353. 4. That there be denial of access rights on Placentia Aaenue from Lots 25 through 28 inclusive. 5. That pertinent plot and building plans be sub~- mitted to the City Council for review. b_ Requize that should subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for agproval. ~~L c,~ ~g ~ - A Resolution was offered by Commissioner 1liompson ' No. 262, secoaded by Commissioner Mauerhan and ~ carried that the following street names be changed: j Bruce Place to Mallan Place; Chesley Drive to Larch i Avemie; Date Street Bast to Bast Oak Avenue; Date i Street West to Hvergreen Street; Bmbassy Drive to j Westvale Drive; Pay Avenue to Paywood Street; Fern St=eet to Franklin Stieet; Verona Street to Medford x Street; Aurora Street to be changed to Primrose # Street oa the west, Clearbrook Lane on the north ; aad Cameilia Street on the east. Tiara Street to ; Madrid Street; Bronwyn to Oakwilde; Ruth Street to ~ Bapless Street. lhese changes will create less confussion to the ~ public, the post office department, the fire and ~ poLice departQents ared remove duplications of ~ names that have occurred due to a:mexations. j 2 The vote on the above resolution was as follows: 1 AYES: COMMISSIOIVffitS: Allred, Gauer, Mauerhan, Summers, Thompson, Mungall. ~ 1 NOHS: COD4~tISSIONBRS: None. hBSEN'T;CQ~AiIS~iOh'fiRS: I3uBois, Hapgood, Morris. I i This resolution set the date for Hearings on the I above changes for August 3, 1959. ~ g~ ~x - Hecommendiny that the aame of Palm ctreet to Harbor gouieva=d be changed to Harbor Boulevard from the morth city Iimi.ts to Vermont Street. This Resolution No. 263 was offered by Commissioner MauerhanL seconded I~g Co~issioner Summers and carried. The cities of Fis22erton and La Hazba are recommending the adoption of said.cIiange to take effect in one years time and that a sign be erected carrying the new name with the old name -mderaeath maiatained for a period of 3 years. -9- ~ ------------- - -- -- -- - ---- ------- -----_ __ ~ - ~ ~ ` ~ ~....--.....-_-.-~.. _ . _ .. _ _ _ ~^1 -- : - f . ~ ~ ADTOURNHD RBGIJIAR MHSTING - CITY PIANNING CONUdISSION - JULY 7, 1959 - CONTINUBD: ; :tP°:0:~1'iION h'0. 263 - Ttie vote an this resolution was as follows; (Continued) AYHS: COhAfISSIOIVffitS: Allred, Gauer, Mauerha, Summers, 1t~ompson, Muagall. NOHS: COI~AfISSIONSRS: None. ABSBNT:CQhatISSIOI~tS: DuBois, Hapgood~ Morris. 'Ihis resolutioa also set the date of August 3, 1959 for a Public Hearing on the proposed change. RSSOLUTION N0. 1, - A Resolution No. 1, Series 1959-60 was offered by 'SBEtIHS 1959-60 Commissioner Sunirmers, seconded by Co~issioner Mauerhan and carried, that that portioa of Stanton Avenue also . known as Highway 39 in the City of Anaheim be changed from Stanton Aveaue to Beach Boulevard. The cities of Buena Park, Westminster and Huntington Beach have signified their intentions to adopt said name. Said chaage to take place one yemr f:om date. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYBS: CO~ASISSIONFRS: Allred, Gauer, Mauerhan, Summers, Thumpson, Mnngall. NOES: COhAtISSI0I~F1tS: None. ABSHNT:CObMISSiONffitS: DuBois. Hapgood, Morris. Zhis resolution also set the date of August 3, 1959 for a Public Hearing on the proposed change. SUBJBCT: ANAI~IM - A letter was received from the Orange County Planning SQi00L SITS: Commission relative to a proposed Anaheim City Blementary Schooi Site located on the west side of Sunkist Street approximately 560 feet south of South Street SUBJECT: ANAHBIM UNION - HIQi SQi00L DISTRICT Upon a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioaer Thompson and carried, it Was moved that the Commission recommend to the Orange County Planning Commission that approval be given to this proposed site for an ffiemeatary School and also call to the attention of the Commission that Sunkist Street is proposed a 90 foot Right-of-N'ay. A letter was received from R. Ben Wines, Administrative Assistant of the Anaheim Union High School District requ~sting approval of 3 sites for Seaior High Schools and one site for a Jnnior liigh School. One site pro- posed was at the northeast corner of Dale and Lincoln Avenues taniaiaiag 40 acres. The second seaior school, west of Buclid Avenue on the north side of La Palma Avenue containing 45 acres. 1he third senior high school located oa the south side of Cerritos Avenue running northerly along the railroad tracks containing 44 acres and a sitE~ for a Junior High School located on the north side of Cerritos Avenue westerly of WalAUt Street containiag 25 acres. Iaasmuch as no representative of the school system ws~s present to give the Commission any idea as to why these sites were necessary, the secretary was instrucYed to write a letter to Mr, Wines requesting that either he cir a reoresentative be Dreser` __ ~~_ -10- 1 ^ Y~-_ AD,LURNBD RHGUTAR MHBTING - CITY PIANNING CON9NISSION - JULY 7, 1959 -~1TIA~: SUBJBCT: ANAH3IM UNION - Adjourned Regular Meeting to be held am Jnly 13, 1959_ HIQi SQi00L DISTRICT (Continued) ADJOURNMBNT; - The meeting adjourned at i:25 O•C~ock P_ lld_ Respectfully submitted, R. . MUNGALL, Se etary -11- c~ .~ ~