Minutes-PC 1959/09/21~ ~ I ~ ..~ _ `.~ ~ . ~ City Hall September 21; 1959 Anaheim, California pDJQ)gNHD RHGULpR M53TING OP Tf]H CITY PLANNING CONAIISSION i ~ pDJpU1tNED RBGUTAR MHHTING - An Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning , S Commission was called to order at 2:1~ O Clock P.M. by , i~ . Chairman Gauer, a quorum being present. - ! p~; ~ - Chairman Gauer; Commissioners: DuBois, Mauerhan, Summers., ~ ~ Mungall. Commissioners Alired ar.d Morris entered the meeting i at 2;15 O'Clock P.M. Commissioner Hapgood entered the ~ m~eting at 2:25 0`Clock P,M. p~; - Comm?ssioner Thompson: p~~; - The minufes of the Regular Meeting of September 8, 1959 were approve~ as printed. VARIANCE NO. 1149 - PUBLIC HBARING. PSTITION submitted by J. DYMMHL, R118 ' ~ Guinida Lane~, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permissi~n to OPERATH A NEW AND USED RETAIL AUTOMOBILfi ~ CAiRS on the property described as the west side of i Los Angeles Street between Ball Road aad Vermont Avenue. g The property is presently classifiPd C-1, NSIGHBORHOOD ~ ~ COMMERCIAL. ~ Mr.~A1 Roberts, 1080 Garden Grove Blvd., Gar.den Grove, ~ California, appeared before the Commission as the j present ~wner of the property which was purchased in ~ 1959 from J. Dymmel. He stated that the property would ~ be used for a new and used retail automobile sales and ' possibly a service department at a later date. He :urther ~•- stated that he was a dealer of foreign made cars and in- i tended at a later date to erect a suitable building for j the display and service of automobiles. At the pr?sent ~ time there are no used car sale lots ~uth of South Street i except on the Truxaw property at the southeast corner of • South and Los Angeles Street and as outlined by the applicant this would be for some time only a used car lot. In tfie opinion of the Commission the location would be directly south of the Royal Paims Restaurant. No plans were presented ~ ~ far any buildirig except a small sales office that wouSd be considered as a used car sales office. There will be ~ shortiv built at the northeast corner of BalJ. Road and Sonth Los Angeles Street a branch bank for the Bank of Amerxca and it would appeas that 4iiere could be a better use made of this property than a used car lot. THB HBARING WAS CLOSED. • Tlpon a motion Ly Commissioner Mauerhan by Resolution No. 60; , Series 1959-60 tkat Varia~ce. 1149 be denied. This resolution ~ was seconded by Commissioner Mungall and carried. i The wte on the above resolution was as follows: ~ RYES: CONAlISSIONFRS: Gauer, Mauerhan, Summers, Mungall. ~ NOH3: CObA'.ISSIUNffitS: DuBois, Allred, Morris, ABSSNT:COMMISS`IONSRS: Thompson. SPECIAL US& PffitMIT - PUBLIC HBARING. 2his was an action instituted by the . NO. 50 Planning Commission to cover•land•at the southwest corner of Santa Ana and Walnut Streets which is being purchased 5r an eiementary school. On account of the present owner ; haning a right to build on the 330 feet next to the school j site,'by prior righ4, as the complete property was zune~ i ~ I -1- . 1 ~ ' ..::; ~ ~- ,.~ - --- ~ ~-.-=--,.- - - __ _......_ _~ ~ )Ir, Aibert Healer, Oraer. 1472 South Buclid Aveaue appeared before the Co~ission aad stated that wiLh the improvement pregru on Snclid Aveawe and CerriSos thia places the sesideaces eo close to the atreet ~~:at the traffic bothera llrs, Aealer at night aad she is uaable to aleep. T1ieY ha~ a party rho is iatereated to uae the prop=rty for a beanty shop and it is in Baaror aubject to the reclassification. No one appeared in op-,,.•=itioa to the granting of the re- eiaasifieation. TH~ e1BARIN3GG T~IAS CY.OSHD. gcse tise ago sescintioa of inteatioa was pasaed to rezone this corner to Crl, Neighborhood Commercial together with 3 other properties oa the corner, but this recia}asification xaa never consmrated. Cflviasioner lforris offered Resolutioa No. 63 tk Reclasaificatioa No. F-59-60-25 be denied. -2- ~ ~ ~ ADJOU&K'~ R$GOI~R MBHTING - CITY YIAIiNING C~l~lI3Si0N - SHPTB[~ER 21, 1959 - CONTINUHD: ~, \ f i i I SPBCIAL USH PffitldlT - M-1 and rhereby tLis right has been abrogated by the N0. 50 acquisition of the property by the (CONTINUgD) school a~sthorities, it xas believed that by listing the propose~! nses that conid go on this property the school wouid be a~ply protected. ~e school au4horities were in favor of granting this proposed xaiver. Mss. R. S. Heller. 620 Sonth Mainut Street appeared before the Co~ission and stated that she beiieved many of the uses are noisy. IIpon the advise of Attorney Geislet the wording nnder "Gecerai° xas snggested to be changed as follows: Provided that none of the above uses of the property shall ae~ be fonnd otinozious, offensive due to the•ommission of odor, dust, seote. gas, noise or vibration. With this change Co~aissioner ldanerhan offered Resolutioa No. 62 that a vaiver be ~iven this Special Use Permit No. 50 for a perial of five yeazs. 1he vote oa the above resolutioa xas as follows: Ay85; C1y9QSSI0t~ffitS: Aiired, DuBois, Gauer ~• Hargood, 1Qauerhaa, Morris~ Sumwer~i, Mungall. Npgg: OOIYQSSIOi~IDtt3: None. ABSgNf: OOIMISST~1~t3: Thompsoa. RBCU193IPICATION N0. - PDBLIC ~ARII~G. PHTITIOPi submitted bq JACg AND HBL~iN PUQUAY, P-59-60-24 7362 Ball Road, Aaaheia, California, as Owners, Robert L. Henrq, , 219 llidxay Drive, knahe3,m~ Califcrnia, as Authorized Agent, reqnestiag that the property descriUed as being on the north si~2 of•Nidray Drive betaee~: Los Angeles and Palm 9treeta i be recla~sified froa R A, RBSIDHNfIAL AGRICULN~tAL to R-3. l !d[TLTIpLS PAIQLY RPSIDffi~ifIAL. ~ No one appeued for or against the propoaed reclaseification. 1 ~iB HBAR:NG 1fAS CLOSBD. , Iasseuch aa tl~is ~ras a reciaaeification Commisaioner Nungaii offered a aotioa~ aecoaded by Commisaioner Mauerhan aad curied that this reclamaification and the accompaaied 1~eatative Nap of No. 3555 be heid over uatil the next meetiag. ASCIASSIPICATION N0. - RIBLIC ~ARIIiG. PBTITION aubeitted bq ALHSRT HSMLBR, 1472 P-39-60-25 South Buelid. Anahein, Cniifozaia, as Owner, requeating thst the property drsczibed aa beiag oa the eaat aide of Buclid Avenne betxeea Cezritoa aad Palm Lane aad further deseribed as 1472 4outh Buciid be reciasaified t'rom R-A, RffiIL~IAL AGAIQJL'1VML to C-1~. NSIQiH0AH00D COMMBRCIAL. ~ - .._. . . ~ ~ . \~ ti ~ i. ~-DJpUgIVgp RHGUIpR MBETIIdG - CITY PLANNING C~AlISSION - Sffi'~Mt 21, 1959 -~= 'ItBCI~lSSIFICATION - 1he vote on the above reso7.ution was as follrnas~ N0. P-59-60-25 (CONTI-v~'?3D) AYBS: CObA'IISSIONERS: ?illr ed, lAorris, 3ianerLan. NOBS: C0~9~lISSIONBRS: DuBois, Hapgood, Ganer, Sm~ers, Mungall_ pgggNT; COMMI~SIONffitS: ~ompson. This resolution was seconded by Ca~issio~r dAanerLaa, bat did not carry because there was not Lwo-thir3s majorit~_ Commissinner Summers offered Resolusia~ No_ 64, that )te- classification No. P-59-60-25 be granted. The vote on this resolution was as follows: AYHS: CQbA4ISSI0I~itS: DuBois, Gaue=, Bapgoo3, Sm~ess, ~ lriungall. NOBS: COFMISSIONffitS: Allred, Mauer~an, dAorris ABSBNT: COhPlISSIONBRS: Thompsoa. This resolutioa also did aot carry, because of a lact of a two-thirds majority of 4he total t;ommissioa. ~is reclassificatioa will be placed on suceedir~g age~as a~ a vote taken at each meeting until t3~is is resolved one way or another. If at the end of ~-0 days ~ de~ision is reached it becomes an automatic approval. RBCIASSxPICATION - PUBLYC HEI~ItING. PHTITION submitted by J~1 ~1.IA A~ N0. P-59-60-26 HARRY SILVHRSTEIN, 4040 Coco Aveaue, Los Angeles 16, California, as Owners, Mel Mack Realty Companq, 2966 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Aathori~eal Agent, requesting that the property described as being on the south side of Ball Road t~etween Buclid Aveme a~ Alutrood Street and fus•ther descsibed as 1720 Bast BalY Road be reclassified from C-1, NSIGEIB~iOQD C~A~CIAL to C-2, GENSRAL COha1HRCIAL. A representative of the applicants appeared before the Commission and stated that they aze receiving applications for lessees who require C-2 zoning. 1]ie a}~licaats ~ere questioned regarding uses going in on the prs~perty and also questioned with regard to an alley sho~ oa original plans. Under Rec~assification No. P-57-58-23, this property was rezoned with the stipulation that it be developed in accordance with precise plans submitted to the City Council mazked Hx,~ibit "A•' and on file ~aith the City and by rPference made a par"t of this reclassification_ The plan submitted did not agree xith Exhibi~ nA~'~ affi it was the feeling of~+.he Commission tha# t3sat this propertm should not be given a general C-2 classification, t tt if any G•2 uses were involved they conid be conside. ' under variances so that precise plaas ~aonld be snmaeittecD. Tf~ HHARING WAS CIASED. Comaissioner Mauerhan of:ered Resolntion ido. 65 that Reclassification No. F-59-60-26 be denied_ This resolution was seconded by Commissiaaer S~ers and carried. The vote oe the above resolution xas as follahcs: AYHS: COhAlISSIONSRS: DuBois, Ganer, Hapgaod, dlauerLan, Morris, Summers, Mungall. NOBS: COhAfISSIObffitS: A12red. pBgSNT: OQAAlISSIONTBRS: Thompson. -3- ,.~.,...,-.-.,. ...-.......~~..._... ~.,.. ~_-- - - - - ~r' i i i I This property was considesed under P-58-59-11T, which was subsequently withdrawn. Mr. A. R. McDaniel as Authorized Agent for the appli.cant appeared before the Commission and requested that the le~ter presented to the City Council dated July 31. 1959,'~be reafl by'thc secretary as foliows: 'Your attention is calied to tentative Tract No. ~365 located on the southeast corner of Crescent and Magnolia Avenues ia the City of Aaaheim. We are submitting herewith an applicatioa for chaage of zone for this property. Our plaa is to develop R-3 lots for sale with commerciai frontage oa ldagnolia. po=tions of ~rhich we propose to build out As you know, the City of Anaheim propoaes to acquire portions of our property for the purpoae of conatrncting a municipai golf courae. It this property is sold to the City without changing the zone of the remainder of tha property we wiii be nnabie to make a liviag groaring flowere on the remaiaiag acreage. If~ oa the other haad, thia application ahould be approved we rrill be ia a poaition to immediately negotiate the saie of the golf courae property- If this application ia approved we are williag to atipnlate that Lota 1 through 9. ad3oiaiag Tract No. 2721, be liaited to one-atory conatructioa and, further~ that no portion of Lot 10 ad,~oiniag said Tzact No. 2721 contain ~ny atructure other than one-atory." Mr. A. R. McDaniei appeaL-.d before the Commisaion and atated that the sale a portion~of thia propar4y to the City will not cnable the owuer to mate a liviag rsising flor~era on theramaining portion ao that the parcel of laad left should be deve~oped to become a ~ource of income that xill offset the insome formerly derived from the raiaiag of fiowera. Mr. Lcoa Sta11, Mr. John Ryaa aad Mrs. Geo:ge Richardaoa, reeidente on Fiarcourt Street appeared before the Commisoioa proteatiag thz graating of the reciaeaificrtinn on the grounds the,~; 1. It wouid depreeiate their property. 2. There ie preaently eaough R-3 ia the area. 3. ~ey fel! they had m~ved into a aingle famiiy residential area and that there arouid be too much traff~c geaerated by the proposed C-1 on Magaolia Aveaue. Mr. McDaaiel agaia appeared before the Commisaioa and atated that Magaoiia Aveaue be3ng a pri- mary highwaq muat aad is expected to earry heavi~r traffic aud for thie reaeoa is not auitable for R-1 use aad that the uitimate beat'uae of the property is R-3 and C-1. fdre 3ta11 agaia appeared before the Commiasioa aad stated that due to a 1,ack of land av+:iiabie for R-1 uae he~ believed that the same value couid be obtained if the iaad rras soid for R-1. TF~ HBARING WAS CLOSSD. Commiaeioner Allred offered Resoiution No. 66, that Reclassificatioa No. P-54-60-27 be denied. This resalutiaa was aeconded by Commisaioaer Morris and carried. -4- ~ ~ ........ ~ ~ pD_TaURNBp g8~[TIpR MBSTING - CITY PLANNING CQbA1ISSIQN - SHPTBMBffit 21, 1959 .- CONTIN[l~: RBCIAS3IPICATION - PUBLIC 1~ARING. PBTITION submitted by GIACOMO LIIGARO, N0. F-59-60-27 8512 South Magnolia Avenue, Aaaheim, California, as Amer, McDaniel Bngineering Company, 222 Bast Center Stzeet, Anaheim, California, as Aut~orized Agent. requesting that the property described as being on the southeast corner of Crescent and Magnolia Avenv ,'+e reciassif3ed from R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL b(ULTIPLS PAMILY RBSIDHNT7AL, for Lots 1-19 and C-1, Nt~ OD CCl1~4dffitCIAL, for Lots 20-29. f i ~ ----_ -'-'i ~__.~ . -. .___ ~,'' ~ j ~ ~ _~, ----- - --- ---- ~ ~'` ~ 1 /~D~ppgNHp ggGUTAR MSBTING - CITY PLANNING COP9NIS$ION -_SBPTHMBBR 21. 1959 - CONTINUHD: ky+CLASSIPICATION - The vote on the above resolution was as followse :10. P-59-60-27 AYBS: COA9~9ISSIONBRS: Allred~ DuBc~is, Hapgood, Mauerhan, ~~~~gp~ Morris, 4ummcrs, Mungall. NOBS: COD4tISSIONBRS: Noae. ABSHNT: COMMISSIONBRS: Thompson. Ms. A. R. McDaniel requested that the maker of the `: resoiution and second state their reasons for the motion i to deny. Coaimissioner Allred stated that he could not , see any reason to allow commercial uses to the extent ; shown on the Tentative Map on a primary highway, he 1 further stated thaf he was not *~articularly opposed to the ; R-3 use on these streets. i I Commissioner Morris stated that refering to the annual report ~ of .the Planning Commission for 1958-59 there are more multiple family units built im 1957 and 5S than single familq units which is not a good condition. He further stated that on major highways such as Ball Road it probably will be necessary to permit such development but that Magnolia Aver.ue is only a primary highway. ~pTTVg Mpp pp - A Tentative Map of Tract No. 3365 was presented to the T'RACT N0. 3365 Commission. The owner and sibdivider is Giacomo Lugaro. 12ie tract is located at the southwest corner of Crescent and Magnolia Avenue and contains 29 lots. This tract was submitted in connection with Reclassification No. P-59-60-27. At the request of A. R. McDaniel Authorized Agent for the subdivider a request was made that the tentative map of tract 3365 be held over for two weeks. Upon a motion by Commissioner Allred, seconded by C~mmissioner Hapgood, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract 3365 be held untii the next meeting of the Commission. RBCL9SSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION suUmitted by MONTERBY MANOR, INC., N0. R-54-60-28 1850 Benedict Canyon D~ive, Beverly Hills, California, as Owner, J. C. Whitman, 1850 Benedict Canyon Drive, Beverly Hilis, Caiifornia, as Authorized Agent, requestxng that the property described as the east s3de of Harbor Boulevard between Chapman and Orangewood :.venues be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL h:.~tICULTURAL to C-2, GBNBRAL CUbA~IBRCIAL. Mr, J, C. Whitman, 1850 Benedict Canyon Drive, Beverly Hills, California appeared before the Commission and presented an artist's rendering of the proposed development of 25 acres, north of Chapman Avenue on the east side of Harbor Boulevard. The main department store would have a square foot area of 80,000 and cost appsoximately $1,OOOp000 to build. The Charles Luckman Associates are the Architects for the development and plans will call for an outstandiag deveiopment of the propertq with the final"costs between 3 and 4 miliion dollars. Wilken Way will be wadened and the frontage on Harbor Bivd. fuliy improved anll work wi11 be started immediately upon the completion.of tue proposed reclassification if granted. Several property owners residing on the north side of Wiiken Way appeared before the Commission and wexe interested to find out what the treatment wouid be along this street. Mr. Whitmaa stated that he intended to keep i~eavy fringe of Orange trees along Wilken Way to screen the commerciai development from the r esidential homes on the north side of the street. ~rffi HHARING WAS CLOSED. -5- -_-- -r--- ----_ -- -Yr,, -,-~.,~- .._/... .. _ ~ __ ~~_ . . . . ;-~-- I. 2. 3. 4. 5., 6. 7. 8. 9. Completion of annexation proceedings to the City of Aaaheim. 1he dedication of 60 feet from the center line of Harbor Blvd. to the City of Anaheim. ~at street improvement plans be prepared aad the in- stailation of all improvements be made on Harbor 81vd. and Wiiken Way including Lot A ia accordaace with appzoved standard pians on file in the office of the Gity Hngineer. That there be a dedication of 30 feeL from the ceater line of Nilken Way to the City of Anaheim. 1l~e payment of $2.00 per front foot for street light3ng pur- poses on Harbor Bivd. That sidewalks be coastructed on Wiiken Way. That there be a 90 day time limit estabiiahed for the compietion of the above conditioas. That the developer piace upon the property standard C-2 Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim°and approved by the City Attorney. That complete plans be presented to the City Couacil for their approval. This reaolution was seconded by Commisaioner Hap~;ood and casried. The vote on the above resolution was as foilowa: pyBS; COMMIS9IONBR3: Allred, DuHois, Gauer, 2inpgood. Mauerhaa~ Morris, Summeru, Muagall. ~ Npgg: COI~fI~3lOI~R3: None. i pHgBNT: CONAtTS9I0NffitS: Thompaoa. j ~ ~U CITY pIANNING COb4dISSION - Sffi'TBMBBR 21, 1959 - CONTINUBD: 0 ~g~y~Egg _ Commissioner Morris offered Reaolution No. 67 that ~~,~28 Reclassification No. F-59-60-28 be approved for a C-2, ~~) Geaerai Commerciax with a 50 foot P-L zoae on Harbor Blvd. and subject to the foilowing conditions: ~i - PUBLIC ~ARING• PBTITION aubmitted by 1CIRiC-UITBRB~ICK RBALTY, ~~~~~~ eCOwaerapArequesting that~the propertybdeacr bed~a.e eiag nia, oa the west side of Brool~hurst Street between 8roadwsy street and Ozaage Avenue and further deaeribed aa 413 8outh 13roothurat Btreet be reclaesified from R-A~ R88ID8NTIAL AC.EtICULTURAL to C-1, NHIGHSORHOOD COMMBRCIAL. Mr, Jim Utterback~ ~sppeared before the Co-nmiaeion as~d atated thst the property on either aide of the aub,~ect property is preaentiq zoned as C-1, sad that they have s private aileq to pxovide parking at the rear se weli as putiag in front. TFIS H~AAING WA8 CL~,9BD. Commissioaer Mauerhaa offered Reaolution No. 68, that the Commiasioa recommend to the City Couacil that the sab3ect proper4q be rezoaed from R-A~ RBSIDBNTIAL AGRICIJLNRAL tn C-1~ NSIGFID~tH00D COMM3RCIAL, aub,ject to: 1. The filiag of C-1 Deed Aestrictiona as standaxd with the City of Aaaheim approved by the City Attorney. 2, Zisat there be a dedication of 60 feet from the ceater line of Brookhurst to the City of Anaheim. 3. That aidewaiks be inatalied. 4. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for at:-eet lighting pusposee. -6- ~ ! I ~ ( . ~ _ , _ i 'i,. ~~. ~ -------- ---------- ~-- - _ _ . . _ --- ---- ~,~ 1 - ~ ~ t`~j \ 11 ~ I i I I i ~ __ . _ ~ C~ ~ , f . I ~ AD_TOURNBD RBGUTAR. MBETING - CITY PLANNING COi~IIdISSION - SHPTBMBBR 21, 1959 - CANTINQiBIk: RBCLA33IFICATION - 5. 11iat a 90 daq time limit be set for the accomplishment N0. P-59-60-29 of the above conditions. (CONTINUBD) This resoiution was seconded bq Commissioner Mun,all and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: pyBS: COhLMISSI0IVffitS: flllred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhaa, Morris, Su~ers, Muagall. . NOES: COi~9~lISSIONffitS: None. AB3BNT: CONFAISSIONBRS: Thompsoa. RHCLASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITIQN submitted by DAN AND AIMA S. BffitHIiAEtT, NO. P-59-60-30 .8212 Larson Avenue, Gardea Grove, California, as Orraers, requesting that the property described as being on the east side of 8uclid Avenue between Bateila and Chapman Aveaues and further described as 11712 Huclid Aveaue be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDSNTIAL A(atICQI:IVRAL to C-1, NSIGFIDORHOOD COMMBRCIAI., for the 150 feet east froatage and the balaace in R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RHSIDHNTIAL. Mr. C. Smith, Attorney for the applicant appeared before the Commission and stated that this 5 acre parcel is showu on the proposed new zoning map as R-3 and C•7. The C-? classi- fication covers Business and Professional offices. He Purther stated thst the front 154 feet from Eu~iid Avenue is propased for G1 and the balance for R-3, He also sta~ted that the owner Mr. 3ernhart had been waiting for the s-doption of the new zoning ordinance, but this appears to be s~~me time awe~y and that the pzoperty to the south3s in Garden Gro~e and pres~~medly zoned according to thei= R-P zone on Buclid Avenue with potential R-3 at the rear. He also atated that the land value was ~12,000 an acre which mak~s it prohibitive for R-1 and with the anticipa:ed growth rate there is g need for R-3, He further stated that there are fine homes on Della Lane at the rear of this property and that the propoaed It-3 development would be high class aad ia keeping rrith the preseat homea in the area. A petition was preaea4ed to the Commiasion eigned by 4a property ownera in the area protesting the ceclassifi- cation for the foilowing reasona: 1, xhe devastatiag devaluation of our property. 2. The iacrease of sutomobile traffic due to the multiple drreiliag unita and the reaultiag in eadangeziag our childrens` ~safety. 3, ~he transient type of people the propoaed multiple uaita will briag. 4, i~le would like qou to take into conaideratioa that thia iG a cuetom buiit area with homea raaging from $30,000 to 545,000. Mr. ~eorge Purkovitch~ Attorney appeared for the proteatantis aad stated that the single familp homes in the azea have livabl2 aseae of 2000 aquare feet and up and are now valued ia the $40,000 to a50,000 class. He fusthe= stated that the properfq in question now apparentiq has a value of $60~000, but wa~3 sold a year ago for ~33,000. Mr. Steve Warickap 2213 Delia Lane atated that the traasient type of people that multipAe famiiq units briag ia aot good for a single fa~ily dwelliag area, Mr. Graham. 11742 Delia Lane stated that h~ has hia busiaesa in Los Angelea~ but came out here to live on account oi it being a quiet area. Mr. B. Mu~mna~ 1626 Sroadway stated that the parcei to the south will be up for rezoning by Garden Grove and the r esult of Anaheim*s action may determine how these wiil bp zoned. Mr. Bea Ciays, 1167 South Huciid Avenue appeared b~~for.e the Commiasioa and stated that he owns -'1- ~ ~ ~ °- : r_ ~.-r,~ _ - - - ._ ~ __._._~ -,_. .. _ _~. __._ ___.. - -...._ - - - . _ _ _ ,.._ _._ __ . ___. ... _ _ - ~ _~y ~~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ - p~Jpqgl~D ggG[TIAR MHBTING - C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION - SHPTEMBER Z1 1~3~ -~'~`'~` RBCIASSIPICATION - 5 acres to the north for which he had been ~offeres~ $a?,~ N0. P-59-60-30 per acre. The attorney for the appiicant agaas~ a~Pe~~ (CONTINUHD) befor~e the Commissioa and stated that the additionai 't~ffic in any area is caused by the general popniaticam ancreas~ ~ is to be expected and that streets are bni~t to be ns~ f~r traffiic. He further stated that traasien= w~s a P~s ~~° for o~iposing the reclassification as 'were are mma~3 s~°°' citizens among these people. Also that devaiuatiahn ~as mentioned which is not true as values are $ciug nP c~t~mt'g' A gent.temen appeared before the Commission fr~an 2243 De13; Lane and stated that it appears necessary ta get Bz°~ a~uc~ to protect their homes and if they had kno~au ap~z~~~ ~~ ~S would be erected at the corner of Chapman Aveaae aad ~e9.3~ a"P they would have been at Garden Groae Yo oppose same- ~ further stated that Mr. Bernhart is a busiaessaa~ ~~ ~"-t some of the single family home~ on Deila Laae a~ zoaLd ~=h the price of single family lots going np con3a~ stitl ~se ~ffii` property for high class single family resisleaces_ ~~ WA3 CIASSI). ~ yi ~ l i i i Commissioner DuBois offered Resolution No. 69 ze~B to the Cit;+ Council that Reclassification No. F-39-~ID-~ be denied. This resolution was seconded by C.o~nissau~s Morris and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as fo33o~ass p,YBS: COMMISSIONBRS: Mauerhan~Morris,~Summess: ~~~'~- NOSS: COMMISSIONHRS: None. pBgHNT: CONAtISSIONERS: Thompson. PUBLIC HBARING• PETITION submitted by BRO~ST ~1-= ~3nm RBCIASSIPICATION - ezcme F. N0. P-59-60-31 Brookhurst Street, Anaheun, California, as O~es~es~~~~ ~ Stehly, 10126 BrookhQuesting that th eP s~tyfa~~=~ `S Authorized Agent, being on the east side of Brookhurst Street between B~~ Road and Cerritos Avenue and further described as 13g~ 3outh Brookhurst Street 'be reclassified fso~ ~-~~ ~~ivi AGRICULTURAL to C-1, NSIGF~ORHOOD CO~FRC7~- Mr, Jerome P. SLehly appeared before the C~isssoa a~ ,~Le~`=~ a Sayout of the present buildings on the propert9 ~~~ that all mill buildings of the old Brool~hnrst ldi1H 'au~nE~~ removed with the exception of ..,e mill office ~-~-n that he would like to have this rezoned to C-i for Bnsaae~s and Professional offices together wi'th t3ie thx'ee ses~a~`es to the south of the new office. He fui :her stated tt~~~ ~~`t' to take down the barn now on the property- No one appear;,d in opposition to the grantiag of t~ =e- classificatir,n. THE ABARING WAS CLOSF.D- Commissioner Morris offered Resolntien No. ?a re~=~B to the City Council that the subject prapert9 be ~~~fi~ from R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICULIURAL to G1, ~I(~~ ~~'' subject to: 1. The filing of C-1 Deed Restrictions limitimB the a~s 40 those found under :.-7 ia `.'sa II~= ~iflF~~~ ~1L~ °sa~aaamce. 2, That the C-1 extend a depth of 150 feet fra~ Bn~lsd 0~e- 3, Dedicate 60 feet to the City of AnaSnei~ aa B~°°~5~ ~=~t' _g_ ~ ~' .T-.-.-------~---- ,~m ..~ . ; ~ , ,:' . . i ~ '7:f . y:; ~~~ ~~. ...~.. . ---'- ~ ~N ~ ~ ~ ~e \i i I ~~~D ~~~g MggTINC, _ CITy pI,ANNING COD4~'IISSION - ~°_P'•~~ 21 1959 - CONTINUHD: j RHCLASSIPICATION - 4. Psepare streei• improvement plans and install all im- N0. P-59-60-31 provements in accordance w.::h approved standard pians i on file in the office of the ~:ty Bnsineer. ~ (CONTYNUHD) i 5. 1he payment of $2.00 per fronk foot for street ligh~ne I purposes. i+ . . „ ahment s. ~„ ..,..~ C~~ ±hn ~a~rnm~]~i~ ~~ O. 'LIIaL 'd YU LLisy i.im2 ii:u~~ ! of the above conditions. RBCIASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. [B~3TION sub~uittec+ by 1~IARR~ $• BOTI~ ~ j Np, p-59-60-32 DANIBL A. MUND18 7R•. 915 5uit° B Buclid Avenue, Anaheim, ' California, as Owner.s, Louis B. Di.singer, 1815 West La ~ Paima Avenue. Anaheim, Caiifornia, as Authorized Agent, I requesting that the property described as being on the north ~ side of West La Palma t+venue between West Street and Mayfair ~ Avenue and further descri5ed as 1035 West La Palma f.venue be i reclassified from R-A, RBSIDSNTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-1, ~ NBIGHBORHOOD COhA~SRCIAL. i Mr, Louis B. Disi.nger, 1813 West La Palma Avenue appeared as ' i Authorized Agent for the appiicant. This is another parcel ~ of property to be nsed in connection with two others directly to zhe east and which a reclassification was granted for a ps~cbology guidance center. No one ap~eare9 in opposition to the granting of the reW classification. 1HS HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Commissioner Mauerha,: offered Resolution No. 71, recommending to the City Council that Reclassification No. P~59-60~32 be approved for reclassification from R~A, RBSIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL ,, to C-1, N~IGHBORHOOD GOMMERCIAL, subject to: I 1. TY:e dedication of 53 feet to the City of Anaheim on La Palma Avenue. 2, Prepare st=eet improvement plans and install a11 im- provements in accordar.ce with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Hngineer. 3, The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 4. 'lhat a 90 day time limit be set for the accomplishment of the above conditions. TBNTATIVH MAP OP TAACT N0. 3562 Tliis resolution was seconded by Commissioner Alired and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: ood, Mauerhan, AYSS: CONA9ISSIONBRS: Mo=sis, Snmmers,GMungallaPB ppg3; COhA~IISSIONBRS: None. pggglyq';, CpMMISSI0NBR3: Thompson. - A Tentative Map of 1Yact No. 3562 was presented to the Commission. This tract is located 660 feet west oi 5uclid Avenue on the north side of Broadway. The subdividers are Arthur C. Kosn, 1791 West Broadway and Wayne Davidson, 1769 West Broadway, Anaheim, Californi~. This will ma~,ce a self contained sub- division of R-1 ].ots, but does not,~c°~~e of the possibility of extending Hiwatha Avenue which presently dead ends at the wr,.st end of tbese properties. p,idr, Whitaker represeating Mr. Sorn appeared before the Commi~sion and stated that any other street entering into this .g_ , ,' ~: ~ ~ ~._---- --- 0 AD_TOURNHD RHGUTAR MBBTING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - 3HPTSMHBR 21, 1959 - CONTINUHD: ~..,,e,~~ I I ~ ~ i TSNTATrvg Mpp - tract would defeat the purposes for which they intend to pp ~q~ develop the tract namely as extremely high class residences.~• NO. 3562 1HB HBARING WAS CLOSBD. (CONTINUBD) . Commissioner Alired moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3562 be approved which motion was seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried, suDject to: 1. That Broadway be 45 feet half width. 2. lhat "A" street be 64 feet in width. 3. 1Yiat portion marked "'not a part of" be dedicated for 45 feet and fully improved. 4. That pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. 5. Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivxsio,a, each subdi.vision thereof shaa.l be submitted in tentative form for spproval. 20I1ING - R-3 Copies of the Inta im Ordinance covering the R-3 zone as adopted , by the City Council on September 15, 1959 were received by . the Planning Commission, but it was the feeling of the Co~ission that more time should be given to the ordinance before finalizing same, and upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, seconded by Commissioner. Allred and carried, it was voted to hold this over one week and'. adjourn the present meeting to September 28, 1959 at 2:00 0°Clock P.M, at which meeting, this wili be the ~nly item considered, A Resolution No. 59, Series 1959-60 was offered by Commissioner Morris that the Commiasion recommend to the City Council the adoption of the Interim Ordinance in its present form but that leniency be granted to those with a just cause. This resolution was seconded by Commissioner Summers and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYBS: C0~4~tISSIONHRS: Al]r ed, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers,.Mungall. NOBS: CObAlISSIONERS: NoIIe. ABSBNT: COhA~lI35I0NBRS: Thompson. O1tANGB COUNiY - Upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, seconded by Commissioner pI~NN7~TG C,~MMISSION Hapgood the secretary was instructed to answer requests no. UV 4384 and UV 4382. ppJp~~T - The meeting adjourned a± 6:35 0'Clock P.M. -10- _~`..._--,_.._-~ _~ . ~ ~ ~~+~ ~~~ ,.. . .-_______.__-.-ai:__ ---~ . . _ ~~ - : ~, ~' ~-- . . , . . ...__.._,