Minutes-PC 1959/11/02i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ city saii D7ove'ber 2, 1959 Aaaheim, California B~ ~ ~ '~ C1TY P~ ~ISSIOii ~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~ ~~,piam~ing Cosvission Mas called to 1t8GQiAR 1~STIIIG - ~n Ganer. a quoram bein6 present. ozder at 2:02 O`Clnc~ P.ll. b~ ~ia~ers; IIoBois. Manerhaa. Susers. MunBali. PRBSffi~1T: ' ~_ ,~;s ~~~eting at 2:10 0•Clock P.M.. ~~r g~ ~ed tbe ~eetin~ at 2:25 U'Cloet Y.M. ~~ ~~ ~re~ t~e ~eeting at 2:25 O'Cloct P.M. Also psesent at #1~e ~6 ~ ~ ~=r• ~sistaat City Attozaey. ~~~8 ~~~~ gega~ar Meeting of October 26, 1959 MINU1~3: ~~~~ ~~ f~r this seetiag and ai11 be coaaidered at tbe mcetin~ °f ~ 16~ I959. ~~_ ~TIQ~ maD~itted b7 DQ'II'i H. ~~N~ 888 VARIANCS Id0• ' ~~ ~~les S~t. ~- ~fornia. aa Opaer, se- 1'~'-~ 9uestia6 P~°° tO ~~ ~~~~ oa this R-2 PAOP8ltT7t AND 40 ALi~ BlSiG~+ ~ 5 P~F ~ g?Dg ypRD LII~ on fhe properry . ~~~ ~ y~yy~ m~ Kst aide of Olive Street betWeea ~~~ ~~g ~~ aa,d fertker deacribed as 723 North ~R ~~- ~ p~p~~ ss presen2ly clasaified R-2. 1W0 I~i11ILT ~' ~ p~t~ ~. ~~y~ appeared before the Coe~isaion aad stated t~t rilth ~~~ f[x DuiZtron the p oF,erty aet deep a s~atiafaato~~ tiiW~ 7~5 ~tOrth ~Yive Stzeet appesred before the 9fr. C. 8. 1m~9• ~~~~~ ~~d ~ gg pLOp~=ty owuere in ~0~'~°° ~~ beyieved that the varigace if appsoved ~~ ~~~ ~~t~ aad f~e nadersirab~e to the arc~. ~~. ~,~ ~~y~~ T3Q ~oZt~e phila,delphia Stzee4 stated that ~~~ y' p~~t1T mmed for a daplea dxeliing and that a ~~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~p~=ty. ;lr. Rosa L. ~Segley. rn~~~lp~,= y~seet 12ao ~ciced hia op;,osition to the ~tit~ of tbe ~arianoe- '!~ HBARIIiG OfAS CIA~°~BD. ~~ ~aa cfEezed Heao2ntion No. 98. Se=ies 1959-60. t6at O+ariamce ~. 3164 be d~mied. . ~s x~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ner ~uBois and csrried. ~ ~~ ~ ~ symR ~~~tio~ rms aa follo~+s: w~: ~Q~,~,s: 11aHo,€s, (~ner, Manerhsa, Morris, Summera.. ~21• . Ei~S: ~~~= lfone' ~: ~pQ~[~,~: Dfooe. g~ ~_ a~~ ~t~ ~y, !lARTIN pSICB, 2642 VARIAI~CB 1~0~ ' ~,~~ ~, ~iiforaia. aa Oraer., requestiag 1165 ~ tm I4~LL 9iD~Q1~ P0~ Itf SIDS 9fAEtD oa the P=°perty ~ ~y ~~ ~ ~ ~sthtiest co=ner of Greenbrier Aveaue and ~s Y~rh Street aad f~~ ibeQ a~I~~ PAMIYbr~ID&ITIAL. me p~rtt is pzeseatl7 ~, glaas ai~Or xis•~~y ~t ~~SO~°~ ~ng pool is eom- p~~l~ ~ y~ ,~u ~r~,at t~e easteza end of the lot. There i~ ~~1j =~~ ~~ x~ e~t of• the lot and on accevat of the •? -1- ------~- _ ._ . . _ .. ._.._._._ ._ ~ _-- "- ~......._,_,_.___..-..-• - - l,~ ~ '~iF Rg(~J1AR MBBTING - CITY PLANNING CON~IISSION -NOVF~ 2 1'9~~9 -~= ~ ~ CH N0. VARIAN - oniy door to the rear being from t.he 3?~ 3~. att ss ~ a~~ ~$ l as far away from ¢hi~ ~o°= ~s ~~" 1165 '-'~- to keep the poo f or the placing of same at the ex*s~e east ~d ~' 1~ ~- ~ $a~ ~~~ °~ a s neighbor with the keq lot directly soarh s.~ the variance. ~i8 I~l-RZNG UiAS C~~ Commissioner Morris offered Resolnt3vn Nc- ~w S~ Il~"~• ff ted ~ciYh ~ ~ ~ that Variance No. 1165 be ;~an ~ line and subject to the plans ~- ert } prop aeconded by Commissioner Manerhan and ~""'"~ was 1Y-e vote oa the above resolution ~as.e as ffmb~~xaa ~. ~• ~' &aner DuBc3s 8 , , : AYB9: CAb4dI38I0NSit ~Aungall. NOB3: C~4xi3SI0N~tS: None. pgS~: ~pi~4~lI33IONffitR: Alired and ~apgamd- VARIANCS PTO. - PUBLIC FffiARING. PBTITION sub~it~eQ 3r~ 3t~'ff' S. &~S 3. ~~ ~ 722 North Pine Street, Anaheim, t~l3fmraia» as ~~ ~ 116b - to WAIVH RBAR YARD SaT ~ACf ~m ~~'~ ~~ i on perwiae amo~ as being on the east aide of Pine Strre3 8~e3~ ~~~ ~e d further described as'~1flesC~ ~3~ ~' ; North Streets aa reaeatlq classified ~-1, SI'PG7~ ~ ~ ia t ~ p y preper No oae appeared for or agaiaet the ~~~~ ~' ~ 1l~lg HBkItING WA9 CIA9HD. t ~ i This v~riance caiis for an eacraehmeat 3~a n~ s~~ ~~ ~ , 6" with a setbacY of 1' 6" from the ~r~epes~ i eonnect the gasage and the main d~ae113siS ae3~ a a~' ~° z~~ ~ ' rumpua room. 1liere is an exiatiaB f3re~~e ~m ~s ~'~~ ~n be ineorporated iato the new rcom- ~°~'1~ ~~~~~ wall aext to the propertq iine. TB9 ~.~ ~~~ Commias3oner Mauerhan offered itesoluti~m Il~c- 1'1• ~~ n~• that Variance No. 1166 be appravea, snb~t t~'~~iF~~ ~ that the aorth wall be solid, also ~a~ ~e ~m ~~g ~ froat of the propertq be repairtd. lbie reaolutioA wae aeconded by t~mmisd~es ~~~'~' The vote oa the at ~ve resoiution yras as ffo3b'e~+sc ~ A'189: Cq~9dISSI0NBR3: Allrea, Dn~ois„ t~+es. ~• Mozria, ~. ~n- Kpgs: CpPg,llS'IpNffitse None AB88NT: COlM~lIS~IONHt~9: Plonr. VARIANCB N0. - PUBLIC HBARIt~. PBTITION submil~Y~3 m9 ~~ ~* ~~a~ 1167 8sbins Street, Anaheim~ Califcra~is u~+ ~~ - to OPIDiATB A GUBST Ii01~ P0~ AGBD an ~he ~x~esltP ~~~~ on th^ east side of Sabiaa Sizeet bet~em ~~~m°II~ ~ Btreeta and further described as 730 N~ ~- '~ ~~ ~ preaeatiy claseified R-2, TWO ~~ Mra. Clarice Graham aa the aPPl~~ ~~~ ~~°°~ aad stated that she has four gueats ambn~s~7 ~~ ~~ ~'~ the dupiex and that there is ample raam $~r s~ ~~ ~~~~` like to hnve a vnriance gzaated far 3D ~~8 ~- Flr. B, M. Hradford, neighbor to the so~h slta~l ~a1t ~e ~~ ob,~ei:°cion to the preaent operation ~~his ~mmve. ~ 1~~ ~~'~ increcaed ta 10 to 12 persona 3= ~38h4 ~em~e a~~" ~" Graham again sppeared before the~~ ~~~~ ~° families might heve IO peoPlt 1~vi~8 ~ a~~ ~~~ ~ -2- -~---- ~-- - ~_-_ _ . . _____~ _. . ~ ~ .~^ ~ ggGUIpR MHBTING - CITY YIANNING COMNISSION - NOVBMBER 2 1959 - CONTINUHD: VARIANCH N0. - guests would be less noisy than families with chiidren. She 1167 further stated that she might turn the two garages i.nto lwing ~opNTINUgD) quacters. There are three garages on the property. TEIE I•ffiARING WA5 CLOSHD. Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution 101, Series 1959-60, that Variance No. 1167 be denied. lhis resoiution was seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. The vote on the above resolution wn.s as follows: ood, Mauerhan, pygg; CODIMISSIONBRS: Alixed, DuBois, Gauer, Hapg Morris, Summers, Mungali. NOB3: CUM~I3SIONBRS: None. ABSHNT: CQhAfISSI0N8RS: None. ... ~ i SPBCIAL USE - PUBLIC HBARING. PLTITION submitted by GBORGH BANHY, 1412 Damon pBRMIT N0. 53 Street, Anaheim, Califorr.i~, as Owner, requesting permission to gRgCT AN ICH S&ATING RINS p~ND A RHSTAURANT on the property described as being on the north side of Ratella Avenue between Zeyn and Ciementine Streets. The property is presently classified C-1, IdHIC•f~0RH00D CaN1MHRCIAL. Mr. George Baney appeared before the Commission and presented a render~ng of the building that he proposed to erect £or an ice skatiag rink and restaurant which restauran~t would not have a bar and stated that he believed that there is a aeed for this type of recreation in the area. No one appeared in opposition to the grantirg of the Special Use Permit. DiH HBARING WAS CIASBD. Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 102, Series 1959-6~, that Special Use Permit No. 53 be ~approved, subject to the erection of the bu~lding in accord_nce with the plans presented and that there be no bar in the proposed restaurant. The vote on the above resolution was as foilow:.: CONMISSIONHRS: Alired, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, ~ _ ~ AYSS: Morris, Summers, Mungall. NOSS: COMMISSIONffitS: None. ~ pB3HNT:C~A4dI3SI0NBRS: None. This resolution was seconded by Commissioner Ailred. _ RBCIA3SIPECATION - PUBLIC HBARTNG• pBTITION aubmitted by ROBBRT R. STBR'.tNS and 2936 West -3ncoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, as '* - N0. P-59-6q-38 WALTBR H. DUPP, requestiag that the property described as being on the - p ~ wners, south side of Lincoln Avenue between Dale Aveaue and Stanton 2922 to 2930 West Lincoln Avenue be ; ~ Avenue and further described as BIGHBORHOOD CODNdBRCIAL to C-3, I~AYY ~ " reclassified from C-1, N CONH~fBRCIAL. y, red for or against the granting of this reclassification. y Na one appea '1HH iiBARING WAS CIASHD. Commissioner Mauerhan offered Aesolution No. 103, Series 1959-60, ' • that Reciassification No. P-59-60-38 be denied. This resolution was seconded by Commiasioner Alired and carried. r f The vote on the above resolution was as foilows: COhA1ISSI0NBRS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Manerhan, { , ; py8g; Morris, Summers, Idungall. ' 3 1 Npgg; CO~fY8SI0NHRS: None. s ~ pgggNT; CphIIdISSION~tS: None. ; _3_ ? ~ . __ _ .~.~.~~. 3 S ~ .._ .. ~~..~_~-..__.__-__- - -.. _...._._,: _..~~ ~. -- .,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i gg(~TIAIt MSBTING - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION - NOVBMBBR 2 1959 - CONTINUHD: RBCIA3SIPICATION - PUSLIC HHARING. PSTITION submi'tted by RUSSSL O. 8s DOROTHY B. ROQUBT, 314 5outh Indiana 5treet, Anaheim, California, as Owners, requesting N0. F-59-60-39 that the property described as being on the west side of Placentia d Streets and further described as Avenue between Center and Redwoo th Placentia Avenue be reclassified from R-1~ SINGLB PAMILY 429 Nor . RBSIDBNTIAL to C-1~ NHIGHBORHOOD COMMSRCSAL• reclassification was held over from the previoas meeting. On This , accuunt of a 5 to 1 vote of the Commission. The Commission was ew ruling of the legislature, which ' b y a n iaformed by Mr. Geisler that law went into effect in Septemt~er, it is now not necessazy to have a ~ - two-thirds ma,~ority of the total Commisaion. Only a simple ma3ority i of the Commisaion is required. This means that the vote of the 5 to 1~ ith it an approvai of the reclassificatioa.~ d i w e at the laet meeting carr RHCLAS3IPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING• YBTITION submitted by ROBHRT J. DRAB&IN and HARVBY j 215 Weat 7th Strcet~ Los Angelea 14~ California,:' ite 1303 3 N0. P-S9-60-44 , u A. GLA98R, David S. Collina, 1130 West Lincoln Boulevard~ Aaaheim, ~ as Owtters , Califoraia, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the propertq des- i ast corner of Lincoln aad Carletoa th e cribeq as being on the nor be reeiaseified from C-2, ~L ~~~CIAL to C-3, ~AVY ~ Avenuas~ CONWIBRCIAL. ', Uader the aew ruliag referred to under Reclaseification No. P-59-60-39 ' l at the meeting of Oc4ober 26, thie reelassification met with approva 1959. AECIJ199IPIGTION - PUHLIC tIDARING. PSTITION aubmi~ted bq LHSLIS S. & MARIB A. GUTFIIIIH, Calif~rnia, as Ownera. Louis H. Anaheim N0. P-39-60-46 ~ 728 North Buc11d Avenue, Diainger, 1815 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, Cali€oraia~ as that the property deacribed as being i ng Authorized Agent, requeat on the esat aide of Huclid Avenue between J,a Palma Aveaue and RuAthRB5Ip8BNTIALdAQtICUL NIVAAL touC13a AHHAVYe, ~f e rom recia eified be COMMBRCIAL, (Motel uae only). ~ Mr, Jsmee H. Watere~ 348 Vailey View Drive, Pullertoa, California, ion and etated that a aurvey of the i ea appeared before the Comm ~ect property ahowa that thp oaly possiblE uae of aame wouid be eub h , for a motel with Buclid Avenue a primaxy highway aad a north sout Thia route between the Aiveraid~e Preeway and the SaAta Ans Pseeway. further stated thet the existing H • e prop•rty ia ceatraily located, dweliing would be removed from thepsoperty. Tf~ HSARINd WAS CYASBD. Due to the fact that no plane were px'eseated for the wotel or e tion waa made by Commieaioner Msuerhsn. aeconded propes plot plea, a mo by Commiesioner Muagall and carried that thia reclasaification be held over uatil the mteting of November 16, 1939 ~~U~ NQ. _ ppgT,I~ }~pRipd, PBTITION aubmitted by J~iN A. SHOGMMir 12631 Pletcher California, as Owaer, requeeting permiaeioa to den Grove G 1157 -----"'° , 4r Drive, gRgCT p gIpN 4' x 6' on the property deacribed as being on the west aide of Hrookhurat Btzest bctween Broadway 8treet aad Orange Avenue ead farther deacribed as 9301=9309 8outh Hrookhurat Street. The proparty ie presently claesified R-A, RHBIDSNTIAL AGRICULTURAL. Trtia veriance was held over frem the meeting of October 26, 1959, on accaunt of the applicaat at thet time being unable to ehow the ~ Cocimieaion what type of aign was propoaed to be erected upon the premieca. He appeared at thia meetiag before the Commie~ion and 6 feet4sdvertieiagetwo businea~es ingthe ad,~oining atorearwith~e~y cloek iu between the eigns. The ciock would be iig~-ted at eli 4imm and the advertieiag eigae would be shut off at aight after businaea houra. Tt~ HHARING WAS CLOS$D• -4- , ~ \ -------------- ~-~-------- ~..~ ----------------- • - - ' ~ ~ _ , ~ -- _. .. . __...,_,_. <. ~ ~~~ 0 ~~.~~ - Q~ p~ C~WISSIpN_.. NOV~NNB&R 2, 1959 - CONTINUSD: ~~yp. _ ~issioeer Allred offered Resolution No. 104, Series 1959-60 that ly~ ~ui~JMP ~. ~,yS7 be graated. (aQiT~D) '~e yo~e on the above resolntion xas as follows: sg~: (7~71I3SIOi~3; AlI=ed~ DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, • Morzis~ Summers~ Muagall. ppgq: a~tig3I0NHt3: None. dg~F= O~QSSIQV~S: None. ~is nsoirRioa ras seconded by Commissioner Hapgood and carried. y~~r~~~~ _ p~iC ~JIRING, pgTITION submitted bq IAUIS G. & MARY M. VANDffit SOOM, p~_ g„59~47 i3pg gonth groothnrst, Aaaheim, California, as Owner, requesting that . - tbe propert~ desuibed as being on the west side of Brookhurst 3treet y~t~een ga11 guad and (G~inida I.ane and f~rther described as 1309 ~onth Broothnrst Street, be reciassified from R-A, RBSIDBNTIAL A~I(~LIURAL to F1, NBIGHHORHOOD COMI~RCIAL, (Chiidren's Nursery). ltr. Yaader Booa. as Appiicaat appes.zed before the Commisaion and ~~ed t~; t.hey plan a schooi for 14 chiidren. The building wili aot be c~nged sad there wiii be no lighted sigas. No one appeared ia oppositioa to the reciassification. THB HBARING IU-S CLOSHD. C~mssiomer Hapgood offered Resolutioa No. 105~ Seric:a 1959-60 t~at Aec2assification No. F-34-60-47 be recommeaded t~~ the Ci.ty Cmacii for reclassifieation from R~A, RBSIDffiVTIAL AGRICULTUAAF. to ~1~ ~g0~ COlIHRCiAL, subject to: 1_ ~e dediution of 60 feet on Brookhurst to the City of Anaheim. 2. prepare stzeet p2ans and install ali improvements in accordance tdth approved standa=d piaaa on file ia the office of Lhe City ~ogiaeez. 3. ~e payaeat of SZ.00 pez front foot for street ~lighting purpoaes. 4. arat a 90 day time lim.it be set for the accompliahment of the above conditions. '~is zesolntioa ras secoaded by Commiasicaer Allred and carried, ~e wte oa the above resolution was as followa: s~; C~YI19SIONBR3: A21red~ DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, l~orr;s, gymmers~ Mungall. ~s: p~II~SIp[~ffitg: None. AB~ffiMi: C~liS3I~lt3: None. ~~~I~~; - g~,IC ggARII~DG. FBTYTIQd snbmitted by AWIBROSB G. ~ PLORA E. MC DONA'.D, ~, p_sq_~p_~g ~ D. ~ IpIS g, gC~FIppHR, 307 Cal3fornia Hank Buildiag, Anaheim, ~gornii~ ss Onaera, sequesting that the property described as being on t6e aorth side of Mlilshire Street betweea Loara Street and Lincoln p~e~e be reclassified fros R-A~ RBSIDHNTIAL-AGRICULTURAL to C-1, 1~I(~ORHOCD COY~tC3AI.- ltr. Niltoa S1ay, 1450 Birchmont Avenue appeared before the Commission and stated tl~st he xas natopposin~ ttsis zeclasaification~ but wanted to bt anre ti~e sau zestrietions xere impoaed as were requ3red by the recmtiy caapieted bniiding to the west. No one else appearetl for ar a{~s~nst the propoae8 reclasaification. T7~ HBARING WAS CL09BD. (7o~iasio~er Nauerhaa offered Resoiution No. 106, Series 1959-60, that p,eegassificstioa No. F-59-60-48 be recommeaded to the City Council for reclassificatioa froa R-A. RSSIDBNTIAL AQtICUL'I"JIFAL to C-1, NBIQiHORH00b q~~tCI,L~ anb3ect to: -5- __ _._- -------- - -- -•: - ------ --- ~ ~ ~.., •----_._..._._.. ~ ---- . ~ ~ , ~ .:.. _ • - ' . ~7 ' - -- - ` ~ ~ L1 RBGULAR MBBTING - CITR PLAI~II~Tifi1G Q~SSI@Y -~ 2„ Ig54 - CONrINUHD: AHCIASSIPICATION - 1. ~a# aIl1' ~araB~~s ~~~~'~ ~e subject property shall be ; N0. F-59-60-48 3~~~ ~ ~ S'~ 'a ~~~' ~ (CUNTIN[IBD) ~ 2. ~ar t~e a~+~~ ~g a~e sapj~e~t ~sopertg piace of reeord standard i Citg of 9~mma3aei~ C-aa ffi~cc~ ~est~ictioas approved by the City '• ~~,~~y~ ~i¢~ aesltsi,~ta~ms a~iIl~ Fimit t~he C-1 uses of the property ~ fa ~~,~c~ ~a„~;~ss pF~a~es, D~ncae_ aad Dental Offices, Pharmacys , aad PrDfessi~8 ~ffames, m~-Eetait sezvice businesses and any uses ; ~~~¢ ~~sam~s a~Ena¢~ ~ag me $ereafter authorized and permitted ~~ g~~~ ~img mf 1t~e (.ctg af A~aaheim in the proposed C-7, ! $usiaess am~ ~amffesss~aP ~f£iee zone. 3. mat tz+ees s~laafiIl ~e pB~4ecfl im ff=a~ of the 6 foot masonry wall to ~ e~~~ a# g~ seas ~ff tlhe Frope=tg as a sound barier. 4. ~at si~~aflBrs ~aSl ~e ims~aIlre~ ~s required by the City BngiaePr mf 4~e lrittg off A*~r+~'"" before final inspection of the bni3,clang ss ~- 3. ~a* ~~~ff ~ 1~e ~jiect pzepertg shall pay to the City of ~a~ei~ ~e smm of $2_~ ~es froat foot for street•lightiag purposes. 6. ~ax t~ere ~n~ ~ esg~t~A'c~ a 25 €oot minimum rear yard set bac3c_ 7. ~at asea SngBsftnmffi s~aL.Il tee ~ai~taiaed beiow the height of the yvaLi,s effetted at tffi seae ~f tEee prope=ty. g. ~a* ~~;A ;+~ tto be eaected essentially in accordance with the ~3as~s psesmted_ ~S =~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~g f~~issiouer Morris and carried. The vote on tl~e a~~e aes~flz~ta~n ~s ~s follows: Ay~. p~yg~~g- AEEredx ETaBmis, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan; DE~ss$s, ~ersr Munga].I. NaES: ~Y~S: 1~e- ABSBNi': CJO~~SSI~S: ~n~- RBCIA9SIPICATION - FUBLIC ~ABI~G- P~'I~ ~°~~~ ~F DBLFA P. MC CARTY, 211, South IdO. P-59-60-49 Phiia@.e3qahia Stseet• m'""~"""""• C~~~~a~ as Owner, Lew Sinor, 414 North P3sr.e~ti.a A~e~e. A~im~. C~Si~ornia, as Authorized Agent, re- questing tffit ~e F=opnert9 ~es~si~ as being on the west side of p~1~~~ ~~eeY bericeen g¢~rmg aad Center Streets and further descri~er~ a:> ~1S a~ 295 ~th P~aBaderPhsa Street be reclassified from R-3, lA1TL~TIIPI~ FsA-.SLY ~AL ~s P-P~ FARgING. ~. ~ g;y~,=, as g~,st~sized !lgea4 £ar the app :icant appeared befose the ~cmmissioa a~ staite3 rloat it is groposed to use these two 40' x 155' lots for off-stree~ ~Satimg tm ~e reated bq the day, week or month. ,Plt the preseat tsm~z zt °s Fz~pOSed to leane the dwellings on the fran4 of t~e propeYt9 affi 6=t oa~F t~e rear pc-tion for this off-sts+eet paririug. rhich L~s fII'~atage °a two alleys. •n pet3tloi- was presentefl by S4 pa~opertp a~oers an t~e asea protesting the use of this propertg #os P-II, Paxkan~, ~at that it was the opinion of the signers t~f r~9 ~g~ ~a~ mo omjeetimm to zoaisg the whole block for ~~r~;aa ~ses. It ras ~i~ted bg Mr. S±.aor that this would be a co~erciafl ase m t~e p=a~e~t9 ~ t~t it would be imp=oved with black tap so t~at tLere a~aid ~ee a° dan aeated. Mrs. Myrtle Holman, 208 Sonth Phila~dei~ii Street ~ a=eF=eseatative of Mrs. Hilda ~~~s~ ~~~ s~eaa yphia Street appeazed beforethe f~u~ission ~ yoi~~ ~eis objeetians im add'atiom to signing the petition ~~t ~ pya~osed rec3~ssi£icaition_ THH HBARING WAS CIASHD. -~- ~ . ~ r4.~...__------,_..- : __. _ .. .... .._.~~......_ E ~~ ~ i II ~ ~ ;,.~ ggGZJIAR MBBTING - CITY PLANNING CaMMISSION - NOVHMBBR 2 1959 - OONTINOHD: ~ ~ ~ i , I RBCIASSIFICATION - Commissioner Morris offered Resolution No. 101, Series 1959-60, that i N0. P-59-60-49 Reclassification No. F-59-60-49 be recommended to the City Council ~I ~~~I~gD) for reciassification from R-3, MILTIPLB PAMILY RHSIDBNTIAL to P-1, pARKING, subject to improving the p=operty with black top and with no ingress or agress to Philadelphia Street and that the lot be laid out essentially as per the sketch presented. Also subject to the i foilow=ng engineering requirements. ~ RBCIASSIPICATION N0. P-59-60-50 a 1. 17iat the sidewalk on Philadelphia Street be repaired. 2, That the proposed plan for parking be submitted to the Public ~ Works Department for approval and recommendation. 3. 11iat a payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes be made. 4, That a 90 day time limit be set for the accomplishment of the ~ above conditions. ~ This resolution was seconded by ~ormnissione= Alired and carried. ~ ~ The vote on the above resolution was as foilows: ~ pyBg; COMMI3$IONffitS: Allred, DnBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, i Morris, Summers, Mungall. ~ NOES: CONAlISSI~IBR3: None. j pgggNT; COMMISSIONBRS: None. ~ INC., ~ - PUHLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by MICBBY CONSTRUCTTON CA., 1545 Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, Arthur B. Hintz, 1545 Satella Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, re- questing~that the property described as being on the north side of Ratella Ave:we between Ninth Street and Carnelian Street and further described as 1515, 1525, 1535~ ~.;45 Katella Avenue be reclassified from R-1, SINGLH PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL to C-1, 1~ffiIGHBORHOOD COhOlHRCIAL. D1r, Harry Bniseiy appeared as Attorney for the applicant and stated that he had nothi.ng to offer at the opening of the hearing. Mr. John Phipps, 11341 Satella Avenue, owner of property next to the subject property on the west stated that it was only a short time ago when it was proposed to do this same thing with these dweilings, namely move them off tha propertY and build professional offices on the property and he was opposed at that time and he is still opposed to pro- ' fessional offices next to his home. Mr. Staniey Stobaugh, 1524 Holgate Place also stated that this is the second time that this proposed reclassification has come up and that the houses presently on Katella are the same as his home and can be lived in. He further stated that he would have never purchased his home from this company if he had known the houses on Batella would be moved off and businesses would be pu4 in their place. Mr. Paul 1lirner, 11339 Ra.tella Avenue and Mr. R. D. Crowl, 11322 Rateila Avenue also appeared before the Commission and voiced their oppositions to the proposed reclassification. Mr. Herry Kniseiy then appeared before the Commission au~d stated that it is proposed to buiid a single story office building on the property and that the offices would be used for business and prof°essional use only. There is no change in the plans from those preseiited in March of 1958 and no change in conditions in the area. Tf~ HBAR7:NG WAS CLASBD. Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 108, Serie3 1959-60 that Reclassification No. P-59-60-50 be dei-ied. This resolution was seconded by Cormnissioner Alised and carried. Zlie vote on the above resolution was as foliows: ood, Mauerhan, A]BS: C~lI3SIONffitS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapg Summers, Mungall. NOSS: COMMISSIONHR3: None. pgSBN:: COM~(ISSIOPTBRS: None. -7- --- •----. -~- - - -. -- . - -. -~~----;-,'_'"'r...,..____ ~ ..~ _ ~ -.;~ ~ I i i ~ RHGUTAR MBHTING - CITY PIANNING COD4~lISSION_- NOVBMBBEt 2, 1959 - CONTINUBD: RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by CLBARBROOg IANB CORPORATION, N0. F-59-GO-51 3700 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, California, as Owner, W. L. 1Vorthen, 3700 Newport Bivd., Newport Beach, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being on the northwest corner of Brookhurst Street and Coichester Drive be reclassifiedfrom C-1, NBIGHBORHOOD COI~AISRCIAL to C-3, HEAVY CON4dHRCIAL. Mr. W. L. Worthea, 3700 Newport B1vd., Newport Beach, Califoraia, appeared as Authorized Agent for the applicant. Iie stated that they proposed to build a service station on the front of this lot faciag on Brookhurst Street and that there would be 200 feet of commercial property at the rear of the service station. It was pointed out to the applicant that this property would be adjacent to single family dwellings on the north and that it was felt a lighter commercial use should go on this property. Mr. Robert B. Scott, representative of the Community Service Stations, Inc., appeared before the Commissioa and stated that other installations had been made of their service stations where they adjoined single family residential property. After a discussion which primarily covered the piacing of a service station next to single family residences and the fact that this station will be located in the middle of a block, a Rr_•solution No. 109, Series 1959-60 was offered by G~mmissioner Allred that the Coamaission recommend to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-59-60-51 for re- classification of the subject property from C-1, NBI(3~ORHOOD OOMMffitCIAL to C-3, HBAVY CQMl~tCIAL be denied. This resolution was seconded by Commissianer Mauerhan and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYH3: CO~SdISSIONBRS: Allred, DuSois, Guaer, Hapgood, Morris, Su~ers, Mungall. NOHS: COM~IISSION~tS: None. ABSBNT:COi~AfISSION~tS: None. ANAI~IM CITY - A letter was received from Harold L. Pranzen, Assistaat Superintendant SCHOOL DISTRICT of the Anaheim City School Aistrict requesting the approval of a site described as a11 that real property l~~ated in the Countq of Orange, State of California, described as Lot 7 of the Sellogg Homestead Tract as shown on map 8-51, Miscelianeous Maps of Orange County, aiso as shown on as Assessors No, 17, Book 81, Page 17 of Asse~sors Maps of the Countq of Orange. This site is located,on the south side of Sail Road, 439.40 feet west of Nutwood Street and contains approximately 8.8 acres. Upon a motion by Commissioner DuBois, seconded by Commissioner Surmners and carried, it was voted t:~at this site was approved by the Co~ission as being suitable far a school site from a land use standpoint. pDJpUgI~4BNT; - 14ie meeting adjourned at 4•:50 0'Clock P.M. -8- ~