Minutes-PC 1959/12/07, ~ , _ - ~': . ,~ -.. ~ , f ~ City Hall Anaheim, California December .7. 1959 RgG[TLAR h~BTING OP 11~ffi CITY PIANNING COhQ+IISSION ggGUU-g I~gpING - A Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was calied to order by Chairman Gauer at 2:05 0'Clock P.M., a quorum being preseat. pgggg~ - Chairman Gauer, Commissioners: Mauerhan, Morris, 3ummers and Mungaii. Co~issioner DuBois entered the meeting at 2:21 0'Clock P.M. Commissioner Hapgood entered the meeting at 3:07 0'Clock P.M. pgggpT - Commissioner Aiired. ' MiNUTgg - 11ie minutes of the Adjouraed Regular Meeting of Notrember 16, 1959 were approved as printed w3th one correction: Page 7, under Reclassification No. P-59-60-55, second paragraph, liae 10; insert the word "out" between "bro~ght" and "that". VARIANCE H0. 1172 - PBTITION aubmitted by A. BIDSYSON, 11261 Harbor Houievard, Anaheim. Califo=aia, and DAVID S. COLLIN3~ 1130 West Liacola Avenue, Ana- heim, Caiifornia, as Owuers, requesting permissioa to INSTALL A DBLUXH 1RAILHR PAR& oa the property described as b~iag on the weat side of Harbo= Bouievard betweea Kateiie eud Orangexoad Avenuee aad further deacribed as 2001 South Harbor Buulevard. 19ie property is preaentiy classified A-A~ RHSIDBNTIAL A(3tICUL1VRAL. N1r. Uavid Collias appeared before the Co~iasion as Authorized Agent aad atated that he had cor.tacled Mr. Bideison~ the owaer of the sub3ec! property and fonnd°tttiat he was iaterested ia aating his land avaflable for a vacatioa trailer park. He further stated that by nationai advertieing, trailer owaera aii over th~ country would be made aware of thia facility aad whea arriving~in Aaaheim~ wouid go directly to thia park. He also atated that more tra;lera for touriate are coming to Aaaheim each qear and there are ao placea available for overaight or a few day's stay in the City. A property owner at 742 Bugene Piace appeared before the Commisaioa and atated that it was difficult to get P.A.A. loana on the tract dizectly to the South beceuae it was not knoxn how the property to the North wouid be developed. He further atated that he beiieved a tranaient txailer part would devaluate theae properties. Mr. Walter Jaasen~ 743 Sagene Flace. stated that Sugeae Place wae dead ended at this property with the pos- sibilitq that there wouid be further reaideatial development to 4he North. He further stated that he believed it should be kept as permaaent reaidential aad not t=anaient, A pstition was presented containing 68 names of pEOperty owners in the tract, Number 3029, directly to the South. Mra. Walter Jansea, 743 B;igea~e Piace, ~tated that the petztion presented repreaented 100% nf t~nc propexty owners in the tract, and that as this is in the bia~styiand area, and that aphere of influence, ahe believed a bei:te:~ use couid be made of this propertq. Mra. Robert Levris, 700.Lc~ ark Drive, atated she believed this would aot represent~a eatisf9ctory improvement to the residents of the tract. Mr. wllins was questioned as to what would happen in the winter time. He stated that this would be the same ss the Motel'problem, but thry did have enough busiaess through the summer to carry them through the winter. It was brought out that there wouid be 258 apaces in thds park on approxima.tely 14 acres of land~ wP~ich amaun to 18 spaces per acre. Tbie is far below the proposed atandards for traiier parka. Tl~ HHARING WAS CL03SD. -1- ~- _.- -_ . . . . ._ _- - !! ~ ~ _. ~ REGUTAR MHBT':NG - CITY.PIANNING CaNAtISSION - DHCffiNBBR 7. 1959 - CONTINUHD: VARIANCB N0. 1172 - Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 120, Series 1959-60~ (Continued) that Variance No. 1172 be denied. This resolution was seconded by Commissioner Mungall and carried. 11ie vote on the above reso- lu*i~n was as follows: AYSS: CObU~lIS3I0NHEt3: Gauer~ Mauerhan, Morria, 3u~ers, and Muagail. NOb3: CQMMISSIONHR3: None. AB3BNT: COMMI33IOPffit3: Alired, DuBois, and Hapgood. VARIANCB N0. 1173 - PUBLIC FIDARING. PETITION submitted by RUSSBLL JAY, 12835 Burbank Boulevard, Apt. 17, North Holiywood, Califoraia, as Owner~ request- ing permission to WAIVB MINIMUM LOT WIDTH RBQUIRBMHNTS on the property described as being on the east side of Baott Avenue ' between Lincoin and Orange Avenues. ~e property is preaently classified R-A, RSSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL. (Resolution of Intention for R-3). A represeatative of the subdivider appeared before the Commission with reference to Tract No. 3552 and stated that the cut-up of lots at 70 feet in width on eleven out of the seventeen lotis in the tract wauld compare with the lots in Tract No. 2225~ the tract to the South, aad that while they were only seventy feet in width, they did have 8~601 square feet of area which is canaiderably over the present code requirements. THS F~ARING WA9 CL09BD. Commisaioner Summera offered Reaolution No. 121, Series 1959-60 to approve iot aizea as ahown oa Teatative Map of lkact No. 3552. lhia reaolution was aecoaded br Commisaioner Mauerhan and carried. The vote on the above reaolution was as followa: AY89: CObAlI8SI0[VBRB: Gauer~ Mauerhaa~ Morris, Summera, and Mu~a~all. NQS9: COhAlISBIONBRB: None. AB~BNT: COhalI3SI0N~t3: Allred, ~~ao3a~ aa6, 3iapgood. TBNIATIVB MAP OP - A Teatative Map of Tract No, 3332 was preaeAted to the Commisaion. TAACT P10. 3352 Zhia tract ia loceted on Lhe eaat aide of Buott Aveaue ad,~oiniag the propoaed Ceatralia 8lementary School, end a portioa of the achool property was acquired by the aubdividera in order that Danbroak Street could be extended from Tract No. 2223 out ta Kaott Avenue. Commiaaioner Muagali offered s motioa that the Teatative Map of ~Yact No. 3352 be approved. 'ihis motioa rvaa aaconded by Commiasiones Msuerhan and carried~ eub,~ect to; 1, That IGiott Avenqe is to be 30 feet from the eenter iine. ' 2. The North aad 8set hsif of Danbrook Street to be dedicated and impz~vmd ae part of the deveiopmeat. 3, Pertiaent piot aad building plana to be aubmitted to the City Couacil f ~r rev4ew. 4. Require that ahould thia subdiviaion be deveioped ae more than oae eubdiviaion~ each aubdiviaioa thereof ahall be aub- mitted ia tentative form for approvai. VARIANCS N0. 1174 - PUBLIC F~AAING. P9TITION aubmitted by ROBffitT BBRNARD BOLBTBR, 560 9outh Revere Street, Aaaheim, Califoraia, ae Owner, requeat- ing permiaeioa to WAIVB PBlICB HSIC~iT LIMIT ON BIDB YARD OP CO~tNffit IAT on the propertq deacribed as being on the northeast corner of Aevere 8treet and Chelaea Drive, and further deac:ibed as Sb0 8outh Revere 5treet. The property io preaently clasaified A-1, SINGLS PAMILY F88IDBNTIAL. -2- ----- --•-~ss ~ ~ ~ , I ~ .F ~ ~. ,~: ' :°~ ~ ~~ gg,'~~/~g l~STING - CIT7t PIANNING COMMISSION - DBCBMBBR 7 1959 - CONTINUBD: Y6~IAt~H 1~0. 1174 - No one appeared for or against the granting of this variance; CCoatimted) Tf~ HEARING WAS CL03HD. •• After the Commission looked over the sketch presented of the pro- ; posed wall, a motion was made by Commissioner Mauerhan, seconded ' by Commissioner Morris, and carried, that this Variance be held :' over for one meeting, until December 21, 1959, and the applicant ! requested ta file a more complete plan. Qag7ANCg NO, 1175 - PiJBLIC HBARING. PBTITION submitted by JOHN JOSBPH RUNNY, 32271 t Vista De Cetalina, South Laguna, California, as Owner, requesting permission to OPBRATB ITALIAN RBSTAURANT, 3ffitVING WINB AND BBffit M-ITH M8pL5 on the property described as being on the so~.~neast ~',~ corner af Vermont and Los Angeies Street, and further described ; as 900 South Los Angeles 5treet. The property is presentiy classified R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RHSIDHNTIAL. y Mr, gnnny, as applicaat, appeared before the Commission and = stated that the use now requested was previously considered Sc granted,:~ but that the former owners did not go through with their + variance but withdrew before it reached the City Councii, and ~ changed the use to a schooi for instruction in Bridge. Mr. ; Robert Spurling, 205 W. Broadway, appeared before the Commission ; speaking for Mr. George B. Martin, a property owner in the area at 897 South Claudina Street, stated tha.t this use would be a detsi~eat to the area, due to the fact that such operation would depreciate~property values in tbe vicinity, create a potentiai traffic problem, and constitute a menace to public welfare and morals. A pet?tion was presented containing 64 names of property owaers in the area in opposition to the granting of the vaziance. Mr, ICunny again appeared before the Commission and stated that he believed that th~ls busineas would be no more of a detriment than, aaq other buainesa ia tb~ area, and cited the service atations ia the area, and that Loa Angelea Street was a mai.n street and ahould be a buaiaesa street. Mra. A. Watkina, 212 No. Los Angeles Street, ~ appeared before the Cortuniaeion and etated that they propoeed to i operate thia reataurant aad cater to a good class of trade. lhey ~ would aeat approximately 40 to SO people. ZHS HHARING WAS CIA3SD. ~ Co~isaiones Morris offered Reeolution No. 122, Series 1954~60, ~ Lhat Varianee No. 3175 be approved, aub,~ect to: ~ ~ 1. 1he dedication of S3 feet from the center line of Los Aageiea Street to the City of Anaheim. 2. Remove sxi~tiag improvea~eats, prepare atreet improvement plane, aad install all i~aprovemeate, in accordenee with spproved standsrd plane oa file ~a 4he office of the City Bnsinear on both Los Angelea Street aad Vermont. 3. Provide a bincktopged parking area ai the resr of the property. lhis resolu~ion was aeconded by Commisaioner DuBoie aad carried, 1he vote oa the above reaolutioa wae as foilowe: pYB,: COhA~lIa8I0NBRa: DuBoie, Geuer~ Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, ~ 8ummers and Muagail. ; NpBg; COhalIa8I0NHR8: Noae, a AB'ffiIT: CaNAtI'SIONHRS: Alired. Y/~RI11NC~ N0. 1176 - PUBI.IC HSAAING. PBTITION eubmitted by ROHBRT P. KARA, 2520 West Avenue, Pullertna, Californis, as Authorized Ageat~ requeating • permiseion to WAIVB SIDB YARI1 AND GARAGB RBQUIRBMSNTB on the ~ property daecribed ae being on the aorth e~,de of Juno Place 7 ; between Bmpire 9treet and the cul-de-asc. The property is prea- j ~ eatiy elsaaified R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY ABSIDHIVTIAL. ~. ~..~..rQ _3.. . a ~ ' • € ~ ~ r . _ ....__._.._. _....___" .__ ... .."_.,_..__'___- __ ..__. .._.... . ..._.__..~... ~ ~/ ~ .~_______~_- __I. .. .... . _ . ..... .. . ~C .. . aS . .. ........,.~_..~. ,_ . 1 t ~ i ~~s a£~xed gesolatioa No. 123, Series 1959-60 .~ ~~ ~ gm_ lIT~ sobject to the erection of the build- ~~~ mt~ t~ p2aas preseated. This resolution was ~~~io~r gapgood and carried. The vote on the efi¢~oe aes~mlta~ r~s as fa2lors e ~~_ ~~: D~Hois, Ganer, Hapgood, Mauerhan. Morris, ~ers a~I Mnngall. ~: ~~~ ~d- VAA.~ANCB,~ N~- u~ - ~~ ~'~- ~~ ~~ ~r~r~ g•p~ssion5toalma ~ Il4ra~. ~~. ~£~= g ~, ~~ g~q' ~,: N~IIgGEB`S RffiIDBNC6 ANID IAUAIDRY ROOM3 ~~~~ ~~~ed as 6eing on the north side of gatella ~~ ~~ ~ g~,ievazd and iiest St=eet. The property is ~Il~ ¢:gyssn£~ ~ Il~ LiEIi~HU~ C.~RCIAL. ~_ ~_ ~~~a~ed before the Co~ission and stated that the ~~~ ~~g~ ~~=s H,esideace and Laundry Roo~s would b~ ~~~ ~~•r~re~E~-' ltotei p=eseatip at 631 iCatella Avenue. ~~~ g¢~ed €or t~is n,ce wnder llariazce No. 950, but 1f~ tts:ae ~tt ~ms es~ired- ~E ~ARIl~iG IiAS CIASBD. ~,~ ~~a cffzred gesolutioa No. 124. Sesies 1959-60 ~~ ~ gt~. ~^B gC approved, subject to the erection of ~~~~~e rith the piaas preseated, and further, 1t~e y_ ~~ a~ QfD feet fro~ the center li~e of Yateila !y~ 1ux ftme Cutlr of Am~heim. Z. ~~,~t ,aE S~_42m ger £roat foot for street lighting purpoaes. ~. ~rr ~~ ~t p2sns a~1 inet~21 all imprwements ~~y~e ~4h aQpro~ed atands=d plaas oa file ia the mfff3mr m~' L'~t fait~' ~r• ,~~ ~~~ ~~r~ed D~ Co~,e~sioner E(orris aad carried. .,~ ~,~ ~~ s~os~ zesclgtioa xas as follora: ~g~_ ~H1~3: DoHois. Ganer. HaPgood, btauerhaa, Mor=ie, ~rs aad DlnaBall. ~8'_ ~~- Allzed. V~I~ ,~ ~~~ -~C ~- ~ ~&tbsittEd bg bQRA PL~lS3 r INC. , 1503 ~_ ~ ~s ~~~ ~~, (,siifornie, sa Authorized Ageat, y~~~3~ ~am tc ~ A l200 UNIT HOR~L. RH'TAURANT, ~~ ~~ ~ ~,~ 1~ ~IiYffii1TpN Rpp!!g (approuimately 3.~ ~~~'s a~+s~~nsss g~~ 5~000 GPACITY STADIUM ACQUACADB ~~ ~ q g~q ~g ~,,rg oa !~e property described as being ~~~:~e ~E ~est Stre~~S of gali Road and Cerritos Avenue. '~e ~'~y is guesmtSg c~aas.ified R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL. ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ - ~~ ~yt~ ~,g~~C - Ll~BISFB ? 1959 - CONTINUBD: V~~~ ~. u~5 _~_ ~~ ~, g~ aQpe~a=ed for her son who is the owner of ~~+;~e~D ~~~g ~itg•, amd sta,ted ihat they were one of the first ~~$~ g~ t~ y~est Aaaheim Church in this subdivision ~~~g ~~e tu gv, ahea,d, rith their plans for building ~~ ~~~,~;,~*~~ ardinaace rent iato effect. AS1 the ~~a Il~ ~ y~ ~t ~re bailt oa tmder the old code. The ~;_~~ ~ceTT t~ ~e storyr aad it ronld appear that there was S~,,,,R~,~ ~~ 1~g. t~e aecesssitp of revising their gians to ~ 1t~ mc+v ¢+mde_ ~ ~ ~ CiA38D. 1 I ~ ~ ' , ..__ . . _._..__.__.~~_ -_ ~ __ _. .."_ _-_" _.. ... _ _ . .._.._.____~'_.."'_"_ _ `._...~~_...... - -~ ~ ' S-~ ~...~. ' - . . ...~ ..... .. .~.~... ~~r~ ~ n ~ ~ i ~ R&GtlIAR MHBTING - CITY PIANNING C~ISST~4 - ~ '~ ~~ - ~'•~: VARIANCB N0. 1178 - Mr . Le=2n Yiagaer ~ppe~d ~ac ~~~ ~O1° ~~~d that he (Continued) t~Yieved tha! the3r ragne~ c~s ~~ ~'~~nyy in the appSica- t~c+n excapt that ~Yr:p merw ~~` ~3~ ~~~e 8°'~ course on the pro.perty ins~a3 mff 9 bIl~* a~ 1~~ ~~s ~te2 building would be 12 storie~ am ~ta~tt weatf~ 7/~ ~t^wIl amom~ emtIx conven~ion hall and banqnet:roc~s mm tt~e ~ ff~m~a. ~~~pPeL clab an the tweifth fiaar. '1'f~ ~8~6 -~ ~8@~- Commis~ioner inawerl~aa syfff~ ~Pmitnmm IItn- '-°a~, ~~ries 2959-60. that Variance No. 317~ ~e ~e ~~-'°~'~ ~= 1. ~e erection ~o~ ~ ~'~"~ ~ ~~~e °i~~ ~ gi~ presentE~t. 2. lhat a~~,:ir-'F~ao~ a~ea].Il &~e ~uec~ mm ~IlIl ~ aad Yfalnut Street witb ~c!:#abla~ 3av~d~~im~- 3. ~at there "acs a~r•~i'r~~nmm mff ~ ff~ ffac~ tr$e ceater iite ~,Y Ball RA~d s:~! ;'3~u: C5.4~ mff ~~ 4. Tna.t ttie~+: be :~ ~d~di~attamm mff $71 ff~1t fr'a-m~ t~e center ~xne of Wa:lnut Sh,e='~ ~a:.ms ~IlIl ~ ~38m ffmclt :~Lg_ 5. ~bat there ~:~ a~i~atta~mm mff ~ ff~ £n°ffi t~e ceater Iine of 1Valnpt ~*rs:e> ~'~:!m~ a,zs~atk~ Il~ ffeett a~s:'9eaAg. 6. Ths~ there be ~a ~e33~attn¢m ~' 4l~ ~mett ffEmrm CS:'. ceater iiae~:,.`~ Cerritos. 7. lnat there kr a c8e,d"aa~3mm a~ 4~ ffe~ fa~ ~ cem.~r ii .e of Wes•: Stree'Y_ 8. grepare streer i~ ~~ ~"~ a" imgrovemeut, ia accordanc~ ~ea.~ ~a'~ a'1t'~'"'H ~Ila~ em fiSe ia. the office of the 't"s1-~y ~, ~ ~Il ~• ~ ~ ~r=itcs. 9. Iastall s3dewaIl~s mm -~estt Sl~a~tt- 10. ~at a~<^~ a~ ~.~1 ~ ffa~t ff~tt t~e ma~e €or street lightin$ Par~o~ts mm ~aD.n ~ ~ P,taai~_ ~is res~lution yca:+ se~ E~ ~'~ ~~ ~ c.arried. 4he vote an the ab~~E ~~'~ ~~m~-'~= AYB3: C~.~'SI~P~4~': ~e ~'r ~`~+ ~~ItsJE~ 'a`~a~x£iST S~s ~ ~v.~,a~.Q_ NQBS: (~NUdi~SI~i~RB~ Dinmt_ ABSSNT: C(]~3SI~DI~S: ~1Il3m~- o BCIAL USB PBRMIT- PU6LIC ?~iARIN:3. ~'~ sa~mal~ltsGL ~og e~'~ 8.~~ DI~t~R. NUhIDgR Sd 1591 liest Mable °`~.r~~t, ~ea~. ~ff"~"'`"'= ~s ~s requesting permtssion io ~ttid3T ~H~f ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~L ~~~ POR SY3A.Il~L T,'SB ~MIH' ~nm it~e ~eaitS '~ as bei~ig oa the corth side of Ma3~3~ Sttssr~ ~.mi Hm+~'c~ ~~d~s ~K'~+ ~ fu:;her dcaadtr~ as ~~Il -Yesht eE~..:c: S'~_ '~e pzeperty is pre~ser~tiy e3assifi~d ~d-3„ Br'~8' - ~.n ageat appeurea ~~s lL~xa_ ~ar~rr ~ s~a~e~l~ 1. Mrs. Dierberger me3ft3~s be~ tt~Oe mcsaae ~' ^~e sb~~tY ~Q deveiop her proprsit9 -'s ~k-D., ~tt 1~att t'~e g~'~°ezt° is L'.~itea bq• tlu ~asbeim 7~'~~ 4baJs vd~s_~'• ~i`ea :_~+~t a~tg DI-t use muat be 33D f~et ~sa~ a s~mrmIl. ata0c. 2.. Uad~r Pr=sear ~cas~~-~s "'~ ~7 ~° ~as tIie street fram the achon3 s3~e ~ ltfie me~aea~ gamm~ u-""°~F ~e u0 feet frar fhe aeh~~ si~be. 3. Taey wa~•x?~ 3i~e ~~ a a~xs ~:^^~ra,^ !co it~t g~ated tg Reaoiu•rion No. ~2^ ~es3es Il~r-~ rmo~es Sgc"$rS~ IIae PermiB No. S0. ' i i ; ~ 3 i f 1 3-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _._____ . _._..._ .._ _------ - - - ~----- ---_~'` _._.__--- ----.--. =--_-= - • . _.. - ,-~ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ ti: ~ ~ ~~ f S~gL;pLt~n f.:;::~+TINC - CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOiV - DHCBMBHR 7 1959 - CONTINiJHD: SPHCIAL US8 PffiLMIT - Mr. Renneth Holi~ owner of the Fairmont School at 155? NUMBBR 56 West Mab1e Street,appeared before #he C~mmission and ~~p~I~gp) stated that he had been operatiag this schooi for some ~ 2~ years, and was interested to find out what protection would be given to his school. It was pointed out to Mr. Holt that :he propexty whereon his school now sits is pre- sPntly classitied as M-1, LIGHT MANUFACTURING although w~.ea iche school was started, it was R-A, which permitted schor,ls, that met: the S~ate H3ucational requirements. Tf~ HBARI!iG WAS CLOSED. Commissx•~ne~ DuBois offered Resolution No. 126, Series 1959-50, that a waiver be giTren similar to that granted under Reso- lution No. 62, Series 1959-60 and subject tc+ the following requiremen*.s: . 1, ~;:~ dedication o` 32 feet from the center line of Loara S?;e~~t to the City of Anaheim. L, Prepare street improvement plans and install aIl improve- ;:ents in accordance with standard plans on file in the oifice of the Cit~y Hnginees on both Loaza Street and Mable Street. 3, The payment of $2.00 per front foot for s•i.reet lightir.g r,±~rposes on both Loara Street and Mab1Q Street. 4. The dedication of 30 feet from the ~euter line of Mable Street to the City of Anahe~m. 5, Zhat a 6 foot wa1Z be erected ~~n tbe pro~.+erty line next to the Pairmont School. This resolution was seconded by Cn:amissioner 5ammers and :.arried. j The vote i:n the above resolution was as follows: ~ AYES: COh4AISSION&RS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, M~~rris, ~ Summers, Mungall. ~ NOES. COi~fi9ISSI0NERS: Noae. ~ ASSHNT:COh~MI~SIONBRS: Alired. ~ SPECIAL L'SH E~iri3T - Y11BLI~ HBARING• PBTITION submitted by HA*.cOLD S~JPIT, D.".M., (V[1Mgffit~57 _ 14b~'. Dalmatian Avenue, La Mirada, Colifarnia, Purcha3inp, nnder contract, reQueating permission to OPEAP~TS A DOG A.VD CAT HOSPITt,I. WITH NO OUTSIDB PBNS QR RUNt4. S(WNC ANl? ODQt PR~F, on the propezty described as being on the soul:h side cf Ball Road between Bmpire and IIrookchurst Streets and f!~ctYier d:s- cribed as 2106 West Ball Road. 11~e prope::tp i3 f+c,°~ntl.~ ciassified ~~-1, PTnICFIDOAHOCD :.L~LMERCW-. Mr, Harry gnisl.ey, attorney, a'~peared for tlte a~,gii::an:., u:d statE:t tha* .'og and cat hospi5~als zde consiierable diff.zrcat from those of the years g~ne bq. Taose erected today are now fully air conditioned, ador-~~roofedrnd aoisr.-proofed, with no outside runways. He submitted pictures of similar hospitais in the area, and stated that with the f:n~ building it was proposed tn erect on the property, he did not believe that this use would be detrimental to any uther uses in the area, -•6- ~ ~ ..~r.` .~rFwaaa.u:.:,d.~. . ,....„_._,....... .~- --i- ------- ---- -.. ~~ ' . ~ . . .. . . .. i 1 I i i ! ~ . ~~ L•F5.'A.~47,1.~~[~CwI~7~fV;1.~V~,..^},".N~-R1:V33TE:IC".FR`}J~IRaiiiri~.x~T+.:w¢r..m.+:n.~v....r.s.rc.rr~...._-- ___.,.r..___"~.'_ . ~' ~ ~ RH.a^UTAR MHBTING - CITY PLANNIA:i COh4~lISSION - DBCHMBBR 7, 1959 - CON1iNUHD: , SPHCIAL USH PBRMIT - A peti.tion was received signed by 10 property owners in NUMHffit 57 the area protesting the granting of the Special Use Persnit. (CONTINUHD)____ Dr. Kopit appeared before the Commission and stated that people bringing injured or sick animals to the hospital . would pull up directly in front of the building, and that ihe animals, being pet~, ar.e usually carefully handled by their owners. With no outside xuns and the new techniques, involved, he stated that he did not see where such a use could be de-- trimental to any praperties in the area. TI~ HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Mauerhan of.fered Reso.lution No. 127, Series 1959-60, that a Special Use Permit No. 57 be approved, snbject to: the erection of the building essentially in conformity with the plans presented, and that a ps~yment of $2.00 per front foot be made for street lighting purposes. This xesolution was seco..ded by Commissioner Mungall and ~arried. The vote on the above resolution was as fo]I~ws: AYBS: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, M~rris, Summers, Mungall. NOHS: COMMISSIONSRS: None. ABSHNT: CQNMI3SIONERS: Allzed. RBCIASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HEARINC', PETITION submitted by LAND BSTATES, INC.., N0. P-59-60-57 9101 Brookhur :: Street, Ansheim, California, as Owner, re- questing tha~ :;ie property described as being on the south side of Lincolr Avenue between Brookhurst Street and Gilbert Avenue be reclassified from R-A, RESIDHNTIAL AGRICULTURAL, to C-2, GENSRAL COMMBRCIAL. No one appeared for or against the proposed reclassification, and inasmuch as the applicant was asking for C-2, GHNERAL CUMMERCIAL, the Commis~ion desired to qaestion the applicant as to the proposed uses. Commissioner Mungall made a moti.on; seconded by Commissioner Mauerhati, and carried, that this Reclassification be held over until the meeting of December 21, 1959. RBCLASSIPICATION - PUBLIC HHARING. PSTITION submitted by f~tAIG JHWHTT & CO.. N0. P-59-60-58 511 South Nicolas, Fullerton, California, as Owner, requesting that the property described as being the southwest corner of Rnott Avenue and Ball Road, and further described as 11001 Knott Avenue be reclassified from R A RBSIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-3, HBAVY COMh1ERCIAL. No one appeared for or against the proposed reclassification. THH HBARING WA~ CLOSED. Commissioaer Morris offered Resolution No. 128, Series 1959-60, that Reclassificatian No. F-59-SO-SS be approved, snbject to: 1. The filing of C-3 Deed Restsictions limiting the use on the property to a service station only. 2. The dedicatioa of 53 feet from the center line of Ball Road to the City of Anaheim. 3. The dedication of 53 feet fsom the center line of Knott Avenue to the City of Anaheim. 4. Pre:~are street improvement plans and install ali improve- ments in accordance with appraved standard plans on file in the office of the City Hng3.neer on both Bail Road and Rnott Avenue. -7- ~.. T__. ---°---.~---__..__.._____.~._,~.-___,....__._ __~,.._._ ~y ~--- , Mr. Franic Sackett as ownex• appeared before the Commission ax~d presented a piot plan of the proposed development together with cwo renderings of the Proposed Buildii,g, and stated that the proposed owner of this brssiness has been located across the st_~eet for three years, selliag outdoor furnzture and so forth, and that in order to develop this property satisfactorily, it will require a C-1, Neighborhood Commercial zone. He further stated that the building will have architectural appeal, be considezably diffe~rent than a.ything hither`o afore erected in Anaheim, and that ther~ will be a block wall on the Hast and North sides af the property. All merchaadise will be soid within the buiiding. There will be no outdoor dispiay. Mr.•Predericks, owner of property next to Mr. Sackett's in- quired what xvuld happen to the alley which now dead end°s at his property. It was stated that as far as the Commission knew, thia aliey wouid still remain dead-ended, but that this was an Bngineering matter. THB HSARING WA3 CLGSHD. Commissioner Morris offered Resolution No, 129, Series 1959-60, that Reclassificat~on No. P-59-60-59, be approved changing the praperty from R-A, RBSID.BNTIAL AGRICULNRAL to C-1, TQSIGHBORHOOD COhQfBRCIAL, subject to^ 1. Brecticn of t~ae building in accordance with the pians presented, 2. The instalisi;ioa of sidewalks on Lincoln and Wilshire. 3. 1he paqment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting p~rFoaes on both Lincoln and Wilshire. 4. Improve drainage facilities along the western boundary of the property. 5. 1".~at a 90 day time limit be seY for the accomplishmeat of the above conditions. 6. T9iat standard C-1 Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim bE placed upon the property This resolutiou was seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried. _ g.. ~ ~ ~ '~ g~ bl&&TING - CITY PIANNING COMMISSION =DBCHMBHR 7. 1959 ~_CONTINUED: ar,a'*acc~CATION - 5. The payment of $2.00 pez front foot for street lighting ~ii_ ~-S~F-SQ-58 F_~~-poses on Ball Road and Knott Avenue. (C4S~E~2 ~ 6. ~onstiuct drainage facilities on both IIall Road and Snott Avenue . 7. That a 90 day time limit be allowed for the accomplishment of the above conditions. This reso?ution ~as secouded by Commissioner Mauerhan and carried. The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYHS: CONUlISSIONBRS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Mungall. NOES: COI~4~IIS3IONBRS: None ABSHNT:CGMMISSIONBRS: Allred. $~FlCATION - PUBLIC F~A1tING. PBTITION submitted by FRANK SACKHTT, 1313 Pl4D. ~~9-60-59 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, Cossid & Lorig, 1312 West Lincoln Avenue, An:.heim, C2,lifornia, as ~ Authorized Agent, r.equesting that the property as being the northeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Wilshire and further described as 1313 West Lincoln Avenue be reclassified from R-A, RBSIDSNTIAL AGRICULT'[JRAL to C-1, NBI(~IBORHOOD COMMERCTAL. ~ ' T .~nrtfvAY.~a. ~`+LA'.-:C.^.a1~ii'GfPf~ ~ ' rtiac~aa,.~. . . ~ ~ ~ t ~ ! I gH~TLAR MHBTING - CITY PIANNxNG COhIIdI3SI0N -• DBCBMBER 7, 1959 - CONTINUBD: 11 RHCIASSIPICATION - 14-e vote on the above resolution was as foliows: N0. F-59-60-59 ~ ~Cp~I~gD) AYBS: COMMISSIONBRS: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, I Morris, Summers, Mnngall, ~ i Npgg; COh4lISSIONBRS: None ; pggg~; COMMISSI01~'BRS: Al].red. ~ RBCIASSIFICATION - PUBLIC FffiARING. PBTITION submitted by LOCNIL CORPORATION, N0. P-59-60-60 12911 Belfact Drive, Gazden Grove; California, as Owner, W. P. Mason, ~966 Lincoin Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Authorized E.~gent, requesting that the property described as being on the south side of Lincoln Avenue between ICnott Avenue and Western Avenue be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGAICULNRAL, to Corner - C-3, HBAVY CODnDSHRCIAL, Lot 2- C-1, NBIGHBOitH00~ COMM~CIAL, R-3, MULTIPLB PAMILY RHSIDSNTIAL, ~n remainder. ~, W, p, Mason appeared before the Commission as suthorized ageat for the Locnill Corporation and stated that this property is located at an o~ening in the divider strip on Lincolr Avenue so that there could be access to the property from either eastward or westward traffic. He further stated that is is proposed to put a service station on the corner of the street with C-1 sarrounding it, and that the rear have eighteen R-3, Lots wiih a future st=eet projected westerly approxima#ely haifway dawn the property. He stated that this apparently wouid be the best ase that could be made of this parcel. The aeighbor to the west appeared before the Com- mission and stated that she had a chicken ranch and wondered what such zonzng would do to her chicken ranch. She was told by Chairman Gauer that the chicken ranch couid remain as long as it conformed to connty standarda for sanitation. Ti~ffi I~pR3NG WAS CIASBD. Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 13G, Series 1959-60, that Reclasaification P-59-60~-60 be approved for change from R-p~ ABSIDBNTIAL A~-.ICi1LTiTRAL to C-•3, FcB9VY COMMBRCIAL, Gl, pTgiGHgpRH00D COhQlHRCIAL and R•-3, MULTIPLS PAMILX RESIDffi4TIAL, aub,ject to: 1. 'fie fili•.~g af a aubdivision map• 2, The filing of C-3~ C-l, and A-3, Deed Rebtrictions ae atandard with the City of Anaheim, approved by the City Attoraey. 3, That the property be laid out in accordance with the map praaented, labeled Tentative Trect No. 3598, ~rhich hae not yt~ been filed with the City of Anaheim. 4. That a payaeat of 52.00 Qer fron4 foot be made for atreet lightiag purpoaea oa Lincoln Aveane,. S. Prepare atzeet impravea~ent plana and inatali ali im- provements in accordaace witk approved standard plaas on file in the office of the Ci4y 8ngineer on Lincola Avenue and on the propoaed etreete and alleya as ahown ~n the map. b, That a 180 day time limit be aes for the accompliahment of the above coAditiona. lhis reaolution wae aPconded by Commisaioner Mauerhan and earried. The vote oa the above reaolution wae as fallowa: pygg; COMMIBSIONBRS: DuBois, Gsuer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Sumwera, Mungall. pTpgg; CQMMI3SION8P.8: Nos~e. pgggNT: COhAlI3SIOI~EtB: Allred. _q_ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 RHGUTAR MBBTING - CITY PL-NNING COMMISSION - DBCBMBBR 7, 1959 - CONTINUBD: RTCIAS9IPICATION - P'UBLIC ?iBARING. PHTITION submitted by M. B. BIVHNS, 433 West N0. P-59-60-61 Center 3¢reet, Anaheim, California, as Oaner, (~arles B. Frank, same address, requestiag thai the property descsibed as being the southeast corner of Placentia Avenue aa3 ICatella Avenue be reclasaified from M-l, LIGHT MANUFACTURING, to M-2, F~AVY MANUFACIVRING. Mr. Jess Mcdaris appeared before the Commission as Authorized Agent for Mr. M. B. Bevins, and stated that it was his under- standiag that Idr. Murdoch aad Mr. Muagall had apent considerable time at the plant which it is proposed to move from Los Angeles to this new lo~ation in Anaheim, and that their £iadinga were that the plant would be a good addition to manufa~turing in the City of Anaheim. Thie piant makes die cast parts for such firms as 0'Seefe and Merritt~ who are to erect a sLove plaat in the City of Anaheim, and aiso auppliea parts to other planta preaeatly located in Anaheim. THB HBARING WA8 CLOSBD. Commisaioaer Muagall offered Resolution No. 131, Series 1959-6C t1~at Reclaasification No, P-59-60=61 be approved for reclasai- fieation of the aub,~ect propertq from M-1, LIGHT MANUPACTURING to M-2~ F~AVY'IdANUPACPITRING, except the weaterly five acres which will be Yept ae M-1, with a SO-foot P-L 2one •loag Piacentis Avenue aad Ratella Avenue. Also, aub3ect to: 1. 'llie dedication of 60 feet from the ceater iiae o£ Yatella to the C3ty of Muheim. 2. Prepare atreet improvemeat piana and inatsli sli improve- mente ia accordaace with approved atandard plana oa file in the office of the City Begiaeer. 3. That there be a payment of $2.00 per front foot for a4reet lightiag purpoaea. 4. 11iat a 90 dsy time limit be set for the accompliahm£ttt of the above coaditioaa. Thia reeoiution waa aeconded by Commiaeioner DuBoia aAd carried. 1he vote on the abave reaolution waa as follows: AYB~: C~fIaSIONFii3: DuHois, G~uer, Hapgood, Mauerhaa~ Morris~ Summer~, Mungail. N08S: COI~lI3SION8RS: Noae, ABaBNT: COI~lI88ION~t9: Allred. RBCIA9SIi+ICATIO~T - PUHLIC F~IIRING. PBTITION aubmitLed by LAWRBNCB W. ALI.BN & ABILF~IB N0. P-39-i.~-62 . AI,1,BN~ 2783 Weat Y.incoln Avenue, Aaaheim~ Califorais, as Ownera, requeating that the property deacribed as beiag the aortheast corner af Liacoln Avenue and Dale !-venue and further deacribed ae 2783 Weat Lincoln Aveau~e be reclesaified from R-A, RB3IDBN- TIAL AGRICULIVAAL to C-1, NSIGHBORHOOD COhAtffitCIAL. Mr. Ailen as owner of the sub,~ect property appeared before the Comm38aioa and atatcd that at present he had ao oae in r~ind for the development of the property, but preacnted a reader2ng which he ateted would be the way that he eveatually would propoae to develop the property. He further stated that there is C-1 to the east of him and C-1 to the west of hia property, and he feit that he was entitled to the same 2oaing. ~B HBARING WAS CLASHD. Commisaioaer Summera offered Resolution No. 132, 3eriea 1959-60 that Reciaeeificatioa No. P-S9-60-62 be approved for reclasai- fication from R-A, RHSIDBNTIAL AGRICULTURAL to G1, NBIGHBORHOOD COl~9`IffitCIAL, aub,~ect to: -10- ~__ , , _ _ . ....___- i RHCIA33IPICATI~i - 1. N0. P-59-60-62 (C~iTINUBDT 2. 3. 4. 5: 1he filing of standard C-i Deed Restrictians of-the City of Ansheim approved bq the City Attoraev. That there be a dedication~of 45 feet-f;em the center iine of Dale to the City of Rnaheim. ~, Prepare street improvement plans and install all iaprovese~s itt accordance with approved atandard pians on file in-the o~fice o~ the City Hngineer on both Dale and Lincoin Avenne. That there be a payment of $2.OO~per~~'ront foot-for street lighting purpoaes on both Dale and Lincoln Avenue. 'Yhat a`90-day time 13mit be set~for the accomplishnent of the above coaditions. This reaolution was secoaded by Commisaioner U6suerhen and carried. ' 1he ~ote oa the above resolution was as folioxs: AYB3: C~9dI3SI01VSR3: DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood~ ldauerhan, Morris, Su~ners, Mungail. NOB3: (~NAlI83IONBRB: Noae. AH3BNT: CObAlISSIONffit3: Alired. ~ICB CHpI1UdAN - Oa account of the reaignatioa of Commisaioaer Thompson, no .FLBGTII~Q vicc-chairman has been appointed to take hia place. A ~ motion waa made by Commisaioaer Mauerhan, aeconded by Commiasioner DuBoia that Lee Morris be•aomiaated for Vice-(~sirman of the ~~om-aiasion. Commisaioner Hapgood made a motion, seconded by - Commisaioner DuBois that the aominatioas be closed. Mr. Lee ~ Morria wae declared elected vice- chairman of the Commiasioa. BROADWAY-IA PAIMA - At the Regular Meetiag of the Piaaniag Commieaion heid o.n ANIl~IDXATION December ?, 1439~ aa area map of a propoaed aanexation to • the City of Anaheim to be tnown as the Broadway-La Palme = Aanexation was preaented to the Commisaion. ~This area rcill L heip to close up the Couatq territorq between t~ro sectioas of s' the City. ; ~.. Upoa a motion by Commisaiuner Summers~ aecoaded by Commisaioaer ~ Morris and carried, tt aras voted-that -thF- Co~~seion recoacnd to the Citq Couacii that~tlie area known as the BroadNap - La Paima ' ' Anaexation be conaidered for annexatioa to the City of Anahdm. ; ; OO~B~RHVISION ~tijl~ , Under Sectioa 9200.:l1, M-1, Light Maaufacturiag Zone of the Anaheim Muaicipal•Code, it is propoaed to eliminate under "A" that ~ "aay use permitted'in the C-2 Zone" wili be aliowed in the 1Q-1 Zone, and inaert undtr "A" that "ao dweliiag ahali be erected ia ` ~ the t~1 2oae txcept a Single Pamilq Darelliag, used ezclueively ' by t., ^aretaker or a auperintendent of the industrial use m the properLy, and hia familq". Commiaeioner Mttngall made a motion secoaded by Comvisaioner : Maueraan aad carried that the Commiasioa recommend that these two changes be iacorporated 3a the Anaheim Municipai Code nnder Section 9200.11. PIRBWatK9 AND - Coasideration atas given to the Resoiution 5644 set bq the City CHItI3'19~fA3 Council to the Planaing Commissioa to ascertain whether these TRHHS uses should be included in the 2oniag Ordinaace~ and it xas the consensus of opinion of the Commission that this matter ~e heid over to the meeting of Januarq 18, 1960 for further reviex. . . ~ ' 1- 4 ~ . ~y ,.. .e.~ ----...--.. . - - ~a i__ ._._.._.__..._~._---.._.---- , . .._.~_...~...~....:.-:,.-.-.,.-- . . . ~' ~. .. . . . . . . - - . . i i i ~. ' ~ ~ ,,~ i gg(~IIAR `M88TIItiGG _ CITY pIANNING C~IIBSION - DBCffidBBR 7. 1959 - CONTINUHD: pRpNGg CdIJNTY. - A letter was received from the Orange County Street y~gggp ~I~ Naming Committee regarding the name of.Bast Street in ~p~TTgg Anaheim and Raymond Avenue in Fullerton. On atcount of the confusion between these two names~at the Riverside Preeivay. It was brought out that from the Riverside Freearay north to Orangethorpe, which is ia Pu11~erYon on the east side of the atreet, the Street is still calied Raymond Avenue, aad on • ' the wesi. side of the Street which is in Anaheim, it is called Bast 3treet. On account of the histoiical significance of Hast Street; a motion was made~by Commissioner Mauerban; secanded by Commissioner Surmners, that as far as Anaheim is ~oncerned, this street should be known as'East Street ali the way to Orangetl:~rpe Avenue and the Secretary was in~tructed to in- form the Orange County Street Naming Committee of this action. ADJWRNMBNT - The meeting adjourned at 5:45 0'Clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, , l~[/i ~ ~"' l R. W. MUNGALL, Secr ry /ry~~,~, -12- ; ~ ~ , , ~ ~. / ~~