Minutes-PC 1960/03/21----- - -_ ~.- ~ ~' . ~ City Hall Maheim, California March 21, 1960 RE(UL/tR I~ETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION H~~ ~ - A Regular lteetfng of the City Planning Coaunission was caTled to order at 2s05 0'Clock P. M. by Chairman Gauer, a quorum being present. p~ - Cdairman Gauer,~Commissionerss DuBois, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, limgall, and Summers. 6i~iY - r~ammissioners: Allred and Hapgood. ~ - The 1Minutes of the ~teeting of March 7, 1960 vrere approved a~ printed. the conections of the Minutes of February 15, 1960, however, should xead Varianc:e No. 1201 instead of 1205, Commissioner Mauerhan stated the only motel is across the street and has been there for a long time, and that it would establish a precedent. ~ - Acting Planning Director - Richard Reese Assistant City Attorney - Joe Geisler Planning Depastment Secretary - Irene Shaw ~~a~ ~~ ~~,5 - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by JEROME A. 8 JOAN L. BENOIT, 575 Century I~•, Maheim, Calif., requesting permission to ADD R001! TO EXISTING HWSE on the property described ass A parcei 60' x 123' with a frontage of 60' on Cantury Dr. and located on the xest side of Cent.ury Dr. between Sycamore and La Palma Ave. and its sautheast coiner beidg 63' north of the northwest corner of Century Dr..and Sycamore St., also described as 575 Century Dr. Fne property is presently zonsd R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. The applicant was present., No one in the audience opposed the Variance. It xas noted that there would still be a 19 ft. rear yard and that there was ample outdoor living area to the rear of the home.• IHE FIFARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner DuBois offered Resolution No. 197, Series 1959-60, and moved fo= its passage and'aF~b~ition, seconded by Commissionei Mungall, granting Va~iahce No. 12~5. On roll call the foregoing iesolution was passed by the following vote= pyFS: CONANISSIONERS: DuBois, Gauer, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, ~ Mvngall and Summers. I~OES: ~ISSIONERS: None. pBSENfs (;OIWYIISSIONERSs Allred and ilapgood. ~mars~ ~~ I TFi _ pQgy~C ~ING.. PETITION submitted by BROOKHURST SHOPPSNG: CENTER~ I?20 H, Paim St., Maheim, Calif., requesting permission to CONSTRUCT MID OPERATE A TE~ATER on the property described ass A parcel 150' x 300' with a frontage of 150' on Ball Rd. and located 04 the north side of Ball Rd. and its southeast corner being 1140' Kest of the northwest coiner of Brookhurst and Ball Rd. The property is presently zoned as C-1, NEIGHBORHOOp COMMERCIAL. ?he applicant was present, 7here xas no one in the audience opposing the Variance. The plans rrere reviewed and the applicant was informed that signs were only permitted when attached to the building and that a request Vaiiancaeappl~cat~~n~r~~sign would require review under a separate -1- ~ ~ f ~ t ~ s Y , 3 q 4 ~ i h # . ~ _ ___.. _ .__. _ __--- _.._._.._.._-----.~ . ._____- - -- . -._ -_------------d .. I3EC~lU1E l~'3~1G -~ffHl. ffiJ9~ ~4IDG - AFRAGEE 22. I960 - COM'INUED: VAHIANCE No. 32~,5 - ~ ~HIDiS Ii~6S ~aPIIffi. (Cont~e~? ~ .. . _ _._.__ _....._. _. _.. 1 1 ~ ~ ~'. ~ ze~ a Be~r co~~ng recoa~aenda'tions of the Orange ~~ PDa~~~ ~ fce regards to this request. ~m~mr$ I~n co£fere~ Resolution No. 198, Series 1959-60, a~ ~ ffa~ ~Ss ~ssage anc~ adoption, secondec~ by Commissioner Morris f a~-amttEmr,i ~aae~e ~. fl21~, sub~ect to the following conditions: ; fl- ~fi~ s3'i~ ~ncP ~bIIvm~nation of the parkiny area shall be so a~7i~ as i~ i^z~trfct I~gE~t rays to the premisis. 2. S~Il~am m£ ~td~Eks elang Ball Rd. 3. ~ mff£ si~t par&fng for both the 'theater and commercial s~~ ~ fie g~av~e~ fn accordance with code requirements. ~. ~S~ca~ icn accarcEaace wfth the plans and rendering presented. ~. ~Il ~~ ~ be s~ 6ack from the westerly prc~,erty line a ~~me ~fr 44D ~- tm pexmft one tier of parking as a buffer ff~ iti~ ~-S ~£eaeflapmecit. ~ ff~~ ¢~tt8~~feca's a'rer~ found to be a necessary prerequisite ~ it~ mffie ~fr i~ p,ca~t-c~r f~t order to preserve the safety and welfare mff ~ Q~itfizem~ mf ~Finake~. ~ '6.~ a~mSl saflfl fitme €s~~gaoBag resalution was passed by the following vote: ~ ~~s IIvHofs, 6auer, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, 1[~tt;gall and Summers. ~ ~~~~s Notv~. 0~~'= ~SFO~'ss l4P~recE and Hapgood. VARIANC£ No. ]217 -~~ ~_ ~t]K s~rbmftted by CONVENiIONLAND U. S. A., INC., ~~. S. ~G. 9~IEEL C]OL~F., 7805 Svnset Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., a~s~m~ pe~~am to G01~4IRIICf A MULTI-S?ORY HOTHL OF APPROXIMATELY 3IDID ~~ID 66 ~ CEI~FIER WITH FACILITIES FOR APPROXIMATELY ~i5i1 ~~+mu~ Sfi~ e~a ff~ property described as: A parcel Ily BZd~° z~° xrfth a frontage of 125C' on Katella Ave. am~ l~satbe~ ~n tEee QcxtEn ~fd~ of Katella between Walnut St. and ~ 3At., ~c~g a parceL 420' x 570' on the northeast corner s~ff YII~D~ft ~tt_ ~~atePta Ave. having a frontage of 570' on Walnut St., a~ ~ a~ceE I5Q~• x I50' on the northwest corner of West a~ ~~1Ila, aHso ~ce~ag a percel 270' x 300' with a frontage a~ff ~• mm ~ S~. a~ncE Pacated on the west side of West St. and nits ~ oa~er Tiesng I50' narth of the northwest corner of ~~_ amd ~eIl&~ Ave. Tbe property is presently zoned R-A~ ~SOBiL ~ff4:~FkP~L. ~r. ffa~fl9~ ~ r~sea~ng the applicants. • ~r_ ~~ ofr ~fly FB., /usaheim, Calif. submitted a petition a~ t~e tx~at~sE af ~falnut St. established under Variance No. 800 ff~r ~~a ~s3 be eo~ffnued. There were also 8 other people n~ 4~ ~esnre ~a~ were ~represented by Mr. Bassit, and there were nj ~~~e~ o~ the petition. ~mmrs es££~re~ Resalvtion No. 199, Series 1959-6U, and ~ ffs~ i-its ~ a~md adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, ~~ar5aoace DBo. L2EZ,, suFsfect to the following conditions. 3• ~ae sta~ei~ ~xave~ent plans and install all improvements ~ ac~aoace v~tEn app=avad standard plans on file in office oi ~ift~ E~ees ms 6at,Fn Ci~2nut and Katella. - Z - ---------------- ---•--------- _..__._.__ . ~ _._~.._ _. ~~ REGULAR MEETING - CITY PIANNiiJG ~~[ilg - ~ ~. fl9tl~ - ~s VARIANCE No. 1217 - 2. Dedica#e 4~' an ~est. (Continued) 3. In6tali sidewa~irs aa ~s3 St- 4. PaymBt~ of ~2.OD per ~~'t_ ~ s~ae+e~ Pfg~ng pErxposes an 411est, Kzte3ia aad i9a3~~. 5. Detlitate 6D' am ~a~. 6. Developanen~ aa at~^~?~~ r~3~ gH~ ~. 7. Continue ~+rall and 3~m~ alasmg Yl~~at as xe~re~ of the Wonder Bow1 deve3o~ea~ ~ ~ 8~. 8. No eccess ar ~~ sm~e iPa~ ~ The foregoing aflndi#i~a+s ~ ffmas+d ~ Fse ~ mea~~satq pzereq~sfte to the use af the prag~ea~~ i~ ~~~**~ t5e sa€e~r aRd welfare af t.he ~itix~ns ar= 1~~m. On roll cali t.3~e ~~*a*~ ~sa9as33ca ar~s ~ iay ~Ese folFa-ring vote: AYES: ~SI~ ~as, C~ase¢', ~ceerc, A~aaer~ratt, ltorrf 5, ~H3 a~8 S~is- NOESs ~S53~: ~_ ABSEITls ~SS~~: .~L3sa3 ~] H~o_cm~- VARIANCE No. 1218 - PUBLIC F~. ~~~~ c~g F~E~ S. l~ES~, 1130 W. 23nco3a Aveo, ~.m, d33aff_, *~-~~ ~ss~oa to OPERATE BUS~SS A2~3 ~ ~nc ~~ E6~ ~ ~ ~ on • the property descri3~ as: A~P ~` z 3~a• aQ~h a frentege of 65' on FlorP St. anr] 3~a~ asa ~~ caeae: af Flore St. and Ba33 ~d. 3~ ~o~4v i~s ~tP~ zotse~ R-f, SINGL£ FJ~ILY ~.. The applicant ~ras gu+es~rt- ~r- Ha+3Ena~ s~ 6e c~ees cceE plan to alter t~e appeazance o~ it~ ~ m~ ~~ide cs€ Flore St. ~ ?he sign will ~e on ~ ~aSl ~7- sna'~_ There was no one in #~e ~+~ a~mmst t~s xe~~t. The applicant ~ras a~s~d 33s~ ~e a~ r~x~s ~o~ to be attached to the bt3lding and ~ a~ sftgs uea~zE~ xec~Exe review under a separat~ var3aa~. TFIE HEARI2iG I~YYAS ~. Commissioner ~Aanerbaa as~ ~f' 3~ .ea~ ~p ~ restrfcE~ons on ~ this praperty? !fr_ i~ili~ sa~d ~s. i Commissioner lYlar~amc ~~~r~ ~~a.~~ ~_ ~ cn,-s~ ~a~o~n~ ! and mwed far its ~ssage a~d ~ea, s~_o~ecP I~q ~ssfoner ~ l~auerhen, graating ~araaa~ ~ic~ l2~„ ~ect to tEoe €~allowfng ; conditionss ~ 1 1. Dedioate ~3' iz~s~ ee~~.~ee a~s ~31 ~. 2. Payment of $2.4~D pes ~s,~. fs~ ~~et 1€g~ng pvrposes on Ball and Florg St., 3. Since no pians vrse ~, ~~~- al~oas or s~gas must 3~e i~evierrd aa~a ~.~ Eay ~e P!~€ag Ca~€ssfote pxicr to ~cros~suctism_ 4. ?he ~ppearaace of ~ ~ $s ~o ~m fts res~dentfal character. ' -3- `--' ~ _, :%~ REGULAR MEETING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - MARCH 21. 1960 - COM'INUED: VARIANCE No. 1218 - The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite (Continued) to the use of the pzoperty in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Ar~aheim. On roll call the foxegoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYESs COM~NISSIONERS: DuHois, Gauer, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Mungall and Summers. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENTt COMNIISSIONERSs Allred and Hapgood. VARIANCE No. 1219 - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by K 8 M INVESTIuI~NT CO., 2180 Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, Calif., requesting permission to CONSTRUCT M~TELS WITH KIiCHEN FACILITIES on the property described ass A parcel 325' x 552' with a frontage of 552' on Los Angeles St. and located on the west side of Los Angeles St. betwee^ Vermont St. and Ball'Rd., its northeast corner being 366' south of the southwest corner of VeFmont and Los Angeles, also described as Lots 11 to 19 of Tract 3222. The property is presently zoned C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, and P-L, PARKING-LANDSCAPING (60'). Mr. Knisely representing the applicant, asked that this request be held over ur-til the meeting on !Aay 2, 1960, for the presentation of new.plans and elevations. Mr. Burrows stated that he had come a distance to attend the meeting and feltthat it should be heard now. Commissioner Mauerhan made a motion that they hear the opposition now and hold the rest over until May 2, 1960. Commissioner Marcoux seconded, and carried. Dr. Burrows stated he didn't feel the proposed development would be a satisfactory motelo He felt that the structures were being called motels to get around the zoning and Bu'lding Codes. Dr. Burrows submitted a petition against this request. There were 26 names. Mr. Burrows Jr. of Canoga Park also spoke against the application. Mr. R. Neison of Santa Ana, a property owner in the area ~lso spoke against it, he said they had no ob3ection to a good motel being there and that the "P-L" setback should be maintained. Mr. George T:.~kar of Los Angeles St. stated he fe & that he believed the same units built in Fullerton by this company were called apartments. Mrs. Burrows also spoke against this Variance. Mr. Knisely stated they would bring in new plans which would ba acceptable to the City and to the people. THE HEARING WAS CONTINt1ED UNTIL MAY 2, 1960. - 4 - ! M. .._ 4_ - i i ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ . ; i • . _,_.__.~__..._....._.__--•- - __... .._ _.. , ., .. . . . ~ rS` _~ ~ ~ ~ .: REGULAR MEETING CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - MARCH 21 1960 r CONTINUED: VARIANCE No. 1220 - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by ROBERT Ke WONG, 1701 E. Sycamore, Anaheim, Calif., requesting permission tu WAIVE THE 50' BUILDING SETHACK REQUIREMENT IN THE P-L, PARKING- LANDSCAPIA'G Zone on the property described as+ A parcel of 1'and located on the northwest corner of Lincoln and Loara St. and south of the Southern Pacific Railroad, extending westerly a distance of.234' along Lincoln Ave. and 160` north to the southerly 13ne of the Southern Pacific Railroad. The property is presently zoned M-1, LIGHT MANUFACTURE, and P-L, PARKING- LANDSCAPING. The applicant was present and said the property was a pie shape parcel which created a real hardshipe As far as the 50' P-L requirement was concerned. THE F~ARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner,Morris offered Resolution No. 2019 Series 1959-60, and moved foT its passage and adoption, secon~~^d by Commissioner Mungall, `. granting Variance No. 1220, sub~ect to the fnllowing conditionss 1. Prepare~~`treet improvement plans and inetall all improvements in accordanCe with approved standard plans on file in office of City En~ineer on both Lincoln and Loara. 2. Dedicate 32' on Loara. 3. Paymen~`of $2.00 per front ft. for street lighting pruposes on both Lincoln and Loara. 4. Development in accordance with plans presented. The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the.property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citi'zens of Anaheim. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes pYES: COMMISSIpNERSs DuBois, Gauer, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, , , Mungall and Summers. NOESs COMMISSIONERSs None. ABSENTi COMMISSIONERS: Allred and Hapgood. VARIANCE No. 1221 - PUBLIC HEARING, .PETITION submitted by BROADWAY-HALE STORES~ INC., c~o COLDWELL, BANKER 8 CO., 900 Wilshire Blvd., Los Ar.7ales 17, Calif., requesting permission to PROVIDE AUTOMOBILE PARKING FACILITIES FOR EINPLOYEES OF BROADWAY-ORANGE COUNTY SHOP~ING CENTER on the property described ass A parcel having a frontage of 326' on Weetmont Dr. ar.d 551' on Loara.St. and located on the northeast corner of Loara S~. and~Westmont Dre The property is presently zoned R.O, RESIDENTIAL-SUBURBAN. Guy Mize of Coldwell Banker & Co., represented the appliccnt. He submitted a new plot plan, tha driveways were changed. Mr. Linke representing a group of residents of the Westmont area spoke against the Variancea Mr. ~lize stated the additional parking was needed to meet s~~:sonal demands and to provide for propose@ expansion of the center. ' Mr. Linke noted that there was additional parking north ofthe bank. THE HEARING WAS ~LOSED. ~~ ~ ~ i I t ~ -_~ . Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 202, Series 1959-60, ; and moved for its passageiand adoption, seconded by Commissioner Marcoux ~ denying Variance No. 1221. • ~ On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: pygg= COMMISSIONERS+ RuAo~~~~~er, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, MungaIl~ NOESs COMMISSIONERS: ldoP4e. ,~ ABSENTi COMMISSIONERSs Allred and Hapgood. - 5 - ~ ~~ - ~,., RF[atr sR MEE'fING - CITY P eNNING GONL~TSSTON - MARCH 21._1960 - COMINUEDs SPECIAL USE PERINIT - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by R. E. RULE, 2835 Gilroy St., No. 68 Los Mgeles 39, Calif. requesttng oermission to USE PROPERTY AS A TRAILER COURT on the property described ass A parcel 990' x 1280' with a frontage of 990' on Lemon St. and located on the east side of Lemon St. and its ~eouthwest corner being approximately 277' north of the northeast corner of Lemon St. and Orangethorpe Ave. i The property is presently zoned M-1, LIGHT MANUFACTURING. ; The applicant appeared to answer questions. Mr. Rule stated I they wanted to have•a nice trailer park and would comply with the provisions of the proposed trailer park ordinance and that they '~ would submit revised p2ans. ~ The•a~olicant was asked about the property indicated as future cortunexcial de~elopment on Lemon. ; Mr. Rule said the plans for this were not certain. Commissioner Mauerhan maved ~hat Special Use Permit No. 68 be held over Uptil the meeting of April 4, 1960, so that revised plans could be submittedo The motion was seconded by Commissioner Summers and.ca~~i~a:. The Commission advised the applican~t that they were not partir,ularly : ; in favor of commercial aloqg Lemon. ~ ~ SFECIAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC HEARINu. PETITION submitted by L. V. BOSTWIC(C, 200 W. Midway Dr.~'~ No. 69 Anaheim, Calif., requesting permission to EXPAND OVERNIGHT TRAVEL iRAILER PARKING.FACILITIES on the property described asj A parcel. 2 i00' x 113' with a frontagQ of 100' on Ze7n St. and located on the west side of Zeyn St. and its northeast corner being 150' ~ south of the southwest corner of Midway Dr. and Zeyn St., also ~ described as 1451 and 1455 Sauth Zeyn St. The property is presently e zoned R-1, SINGLE FAMIL'! RESIDENTIAL. The applicant was present. No one in the audience opposed this Special Use Permit. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mr. Bostwick said they now have 250 spaces and 15 over night ~ parking spaces and that they will want 12 more over night parking spaces. ( 1 Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. 203, Series 1959-60,, j and moved for its passage and adoption, secondew by Commissioner DuBois,; granting Special Use Permit No: 6~ for Lots 4 and 5, ~lock 2, Tract No. 419r sub~ect to the following conditionss 1. Sub3ect to development in accordance with the provisions of the proposed trailer park ordinancee ; 2. Replace and/or repair curb and sidewalk as directed by Director of Public Workso On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote= ` AYES: COMMISSIONERS: DuBois, Gauer, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, ' Mungall and Summers. NOESe COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred and Hapgood. -6- (~~ REGULAR MEETING - CIlY PLANNING COIAJiISSIOI. - IAARCH 21. 1960 - CONTINUED: ~__......._,_... ~ ~ ~ t i RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARIAIG. PETITION submitted by WILLIAM 8 GENOWEFA HURLEY, ' Na:"'F-59-60-83 1703 Crone Ave., Anaheim, California, raquesting that the property described as: A parcel 68' on Crone Ave. and lI2' on Euclid Ave. and lacated on the nnsthwest aorner of Grone Ave. and Euclid Ave., also described as 'i703 Crone Ave. be reclassified from R-1, SINGLE FANILY RESIDENTIAL, to C-1, IVHIGHBOlui00D COMMERCIAL. The applicant was present and submitte~ a petition bearing signatures indicating apprcval of the applicarsts proposal to operate a T. V. Repa~r Shop in his homes, but not approving C-1 Zoning. ' Mr. Hufiley stated the sign would be on Euciid Ave. Mr. D. McCathy spoke against this request. He also submitted a petition bearing signatu:es in opposition to the proposed C-1 zondng. Don Cannon, of Falcon St., also spoke against it. There were 4 others 'in the audience against it. Commissioner Morris offered Resolution No. 204, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage an~ adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, recommendiny to the City Council tha: Reclassification No. F-59-60-83, for G 1, NEIGI~ORHOOD ~RCIAL, be denied. Ou roll call the forego~ng resolution was passed by the followir,g vote: `:Se COMMISSIONERSs DuBois, Gauer, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Mungall, aad Summ~!rs. NOESs C'~MMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: C::MMISSIONERSs Allred aRd Hapgoo~. RECLAcSIFICATTON - PUBLIC FIEARING. PETII'ION submitted by C. L. 8 E. C. STMMONS, No. F-59-60-84 121 Coffman St., Anaheim, C lif., requesting that the property describea ass A parcel 200 x 115' with a frontage of 115' on Center St. and located on the norih side of Center St. and its southeast corner being ~85' west of the northwest corner of Center St. and Coffman St., also described ^s 1809 E. Center St. be reclaesified from R-1, SINGLE FAMZLY RESIDEN?IAL, and R-2, IWO FAMILY RESIDF.NTIAL, to C-3, HEAVY COMMERCIAL (Motel only). Mr. D. Frazer represented the applicant. Mr. Cook of 123 Evelyn Dr. spoke against this request and presented a petition bearing signatures in oppositio:~ to the rezonfng. A letter from a Mr. Duncan Powers was read requesting denfal. Mr. Nathan, who owns a lot on Coffman spoke in favcr of the rezoning. Mr. Frazer again spoke and also presented a petition bearing sign~tures in favor of the zoning. Commissioner lfimgall offered Resolution No. 2~5, Series 1959-u0, and moved for its passage and adoption, seaonded by Commissfoner Morris, recommending to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-59-60-84, for C-3, HEAVY COk."N~RCiAL, be denied. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYES: COMAlISSIONERSs DuBois, Gauei, Mauerhay Nlorris, M~ngall and ~ummers. . NOESs COlu~ISSIONERSs MarCOUx. ABSENTs OOMMISSIONEBS: Allred and Hapgood. - '1 - . f a i i I , ~ ~ E _ _.. . - ----- .,,..,,.._--- --- - - ~ __ _ . _ -- ----- , .,-. _„ . _ ... _ _ -:., -- -_ - , ~ . _ - .~ ! ~, . • ~.,~ , ~ ~ ~ _ '.. ! REGULAR IY~ETING _ CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON - MARCH 21. 1960 -~s Commissioner DuBois left the meeting at this time. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submitted by IdR. 8 l~. H. ~ASS, No. F-59-60-85 8961 Ca.ro2 Dre, Anahelm, Califo, requesti~g t}w~t ~6e propesty described as: A parcel 200' x 115° with a fra~tage of 115' ~n Center St. and located on the north side af Cen3.~s St. and its southeast corner being 185° west of the northwest corner o~ Ceeetes S~aed Coffman St., also described as 1609 Em Centes St. 3~ aeclass4ffied from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULI'URAL, to R-3, ~Il~..gd~ ~WI~LY HdFSSD~FfIAL. The applicant was presento It was noted that the two story apaztments s~rill be aQe 1tl~e ~sant ofr tEee lot with single story apartmen~s and garages tfl the seas. Mr. Aeese presented a study indiczting haw ~e e~taa+e area south of the R-1 could be developed eff9ciently as ~?-3, xi~h aci alley io the rear. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Morris offered Resolution No. 206 ~s~l a moved for its passage and adoption, and secarad~l a~c~e ng o ' the City Council tha# Reclassification No, ~'-~9-fi~ID-85 fos H8-3 be approved sub3ect to the following conditions: 1. Development in accordance with plans presente3 .2~ Dedicate 53' from centerline of Ball 3~d. 3. Dedicate 20' for alley along rear psoperty i3na~. 4. Prepare street improvement plans and i~s~ali ~aa ~mtS ~m accordance with approved standard plans on ff~i~e im offfice ofr City Engineer on BOTHa 8. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for s~reet lf~t~ng ~mpmses. ~(r. $f25s~69 ~es drre~Hltg e~i#, ~erk -ar~d '_'__=_ __ ='- = -:aa t~a b~- selivstad ~ae ~ar.t e~ .Bu3~ld3a9 -pe~ ~°",.~~ } 7. Standard R-3 Deed Restrietions. 8. 90 day time limit on items 2, 3, 4, b, and 7. The foregoing conditions are found to be a nec~ssaay paesecpaisite to the nse of the property in order to preserve the safety aeid ~oelfaae of the Citizens of Anaheim. On roll ca11 the foregoing resolution was ~assed 6y t6e ~ollowing vote: AYESs COMMISSIONERS: Gauer, Marcoux, JAaae~~san, 16mrsis, bSmgaP1„ and Summers. NOESt COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENTs CUMMISSIONERS= Allred, DuBois, and &1aps~a~. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by G. DE. ~6'6Y, 26A2 M. Lincoln Ave., No. F-59-60-86 Anaheim, California requesting that the prapesty descsibed as A parcel 150' x 595' with a frontage of i5t3' an 33au~3~ Aave. a~ncD located on the south side of Lincoln snd 2ts saut6~oest coanea 6eing ; 123' east of the southeast corner of Lincoia~ Rve, ansl Strie~son St., also described as 2642 Lincoln be reclassified ~aro~ &t-A, RESImE:SITAf. AGRICULTURAL~ to R-3~ MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDII~3'di4B.. The appl~cant was present. A study prepared by the Planning Departmen~ Sia~£ oras pzesented. I indicating how the deep lots in this area migh~ ~e developed thsa~u~gh , t the cooperative efforts of the property opness or t4-rough t6e Ortran j Renewal processes should the owners be f3narzcially unable to ' develop the area as a subdivision. The propase~ street ~oa~ld aequi=e ! moving the existing home near the front of the psop~aty westerly. j It was noted th~t the plans presented d~na# ana~t~t~ flt-3 Cade Rec{~nfae~tnts~ requested the hearing be :ontinued to a iater ~eeting to present ne~r plans.~ - 8 - ~ _ ..~..._ ~ ~ : ~ 3 ~ i f ~. _. _ ... _.._- r-____.___.--.._.__ ._._._. ____. .._ _._ _~_ _ ._.. .---_ __._...__ J _.__._~''i1 _..._, . _ .~ ~ -. REGULAR MEETING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - MARCH 21. 1960 - CONTINUED= RECLASSIFICATION -Commissioner Morria moved that thie application be held over to tha No. F-59-60-86 April 18, 1960 mee+ing, it was seconded and carried. (Continued) ' RECLASSIFICATION- PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by DAVID S. OOLLTNS, 1130 W. Lincoln No. F-59-60-87 Ave., Anaheim, Califo, requesting that the property described as: A parcel 190' x 250' located on the northeast corner of Ball Rd. and Lemon St..with a fFontaQe of 190° on Lemon Sto9 also described as 145 W. BalZ Rd. be xeclassified from C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COHWfERCIAL, and P-L, PARKING-LANDSCAPING, ta C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL. The applicant was present and submitted olanso There was no one in the audience in oppesitiona The applicant was advised that signs were required to be attached to the buildf.ng and that any free standing sign must be reviewed under a separate Variance. • Commissioner Mungall offere~ Resolation No. 20(1, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage and ado~tion, seconde,. cy Commissioner Summers, recommending to the City Council ±hat Reclassification No. F-59-60-87 for C-.1 be approved sub3ect to the follbwing conditions: 1> Dedicate 53° on'Ba,a,~, Rdo 2. Dedicate 32° on Lemon St. 3. Install sidewalks on both Ball and Lemon Streets. 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lig~i.,q.g purposes on both Ba11 Rde and Lemon Street. •.,..~ 5. No left turn from the exit on Lemon 6. 6 ft. set'back and landecaping on Lemon and a 4 ft. wall to be erected at the setback lineo 7. 3 ft. land~ceped area along Ball Rd. 8. Development in accordance Vvith plans and rendering presented. 9. Filing Of C-1 Deed Resiri.ctions. ,0. 90-Day timo limito The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary pre.requisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety ar.: wel:are of the Cit3zens of Anaheim. On roll cal'1 the'foregoing resolution was passed by the follow~.ng vote: Gauer, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Mungall and Summerso None. - ACTION INSTITUTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL to revise Section 9200.11 "M-1", LiGHT MANUFACTIJRING Zone of the Anahetim Munieipal Code by adding certain permitted uses and by adding certain conditionally permitted uses and by eliminating desi~~ated use No. 1, "dny use permitted in the 'C-2° Zonee" Mrs. Peters and Mrso L. Jamers asked if they could be shown where it says a service station can be erected in the present M-1 2one. The,~ complained about the service station that was allowed in M-1 on South East Streeto Mr. Geisler Arplained the conditions and interpreta~ions under which service stations aze permitted in the M-1 Zone. The Code Revisions were continued until the mseting of April 4, 1960 for further studyo ' r~. ~ REGULAR MEETING - CITY PLANNING'COMMISSIONI- MAR~H 21 1960 - CONTINUED: REVISED TENTATIVE -'A Revised Tentative Map of Tract Nu> 3706 was presented to the MAP OF TRACT Commisaion. The tract is located 660' south of Wagner Ave. on No. 3706 the east slde of Sunkist St. and.contains 38-Proposed R-1 lots. Owner and subdividers Ben Ge Martin, P. 0. Box 265, Yucca Valley, California. Commissione.r SummArs made a motion that Tentative Map of Tract No. 3706 be approved,t~ie motion was seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. TENTATIVE MAP OF - A Tentative Map of Tract Noo 3691 was presented to the Commiesion. TRACT No. 3691 The tract is loCated on the north s3de Orangewood Ave. on the west side.of Haster Street and contains 12-Proposed R-3 lots. Subdivideri Rom Investment Coa, 2180 Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, Calif. ' and TENTATIVE MAP aF - A Tentative Map of Tract Noa 3692 was presented to the Commission. TRACT No. 3692 The tract is located on the north side of Orangewood Ave. 667' west of Haster St. end c:ontains 26-Propoaed R-3 lots. Subdivider: Rom Investment Coo, 2180 Harbor Blvd., Anahe;m, Calif. It was noted that no Reclassification for R-3 had been reviowed by the Commission or even filed by the ownexs of the sub~ect properties. Commissioner Mauerhan made a motion that Tentative Map of Tract No. 3691 and 3692 be d~nied, this motion was seconded by Commissioner Mungall and carried. ~ ADi~OURNN~NT - The meeting ad3ourned at 6:16 0°Clock P. M. Respectfully submitted, ~~81~m~ RICHARD REESE, Secretary - 10 -