Minutes-PC 1960/04/04. ~---- _ . ~ `~ i - ~ ~~ ~ ~ !~ City Hell Anaheim, California April 4, 1960 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~: ~ n &~ILAF~ MEETING - A Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to order at 2s05 0'Clock P. M. by Chairman Gauer, a quorum being'present. PRESII~II' - Chairman Gauer, Commissionerss Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, and Swnmers. Commissioner Dugoia entered the meeting at 3:35 P. M. l~BS~iT - Commissionerss Allred, Hapgood and Mauerhan. BY.IlVII'LES - The Minutes of the meeting of March 21, 1960 were approved with the following= Page 2- Variance No. 1217 - before the resolution, ?HE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Page 8- Rec.lassification No. F-59-60-85 - seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, also omit No. 6. P&~ - Acting Planning Director - Richard Reese ~ • Planning Technician - Gordon Steen Assistant City Attorney - Joe Geislei ~ Planning ~epartment - Irene Shaw BEGZ~4SSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by David HGck, 1913 Robert Lane, ~. F-59-60-93 Maheim, California, requestfng that tha property described asj A parcel 310' x 630' with a,frontage of 310' on Haster St. and located on the northwest corner of Haster St. and Orangewood Ave. be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, to R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. '.' • ~ Mr. Knisely, represented the applicant and asked for this Reclassification to be held over until the meeting of May 16, 1960. No one spoke in oppositiori to tlais application. Commissiorar Mungall made a motion that Reclaseification No. F-59-60-' be held over to May 16~'19b0, this motion was seconded by Commissionei Mosxis and carried. 4~2EffIRNCE No. 1213 - PUHLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by CLEARBROOK LANE~ CORP., 3700 Newport Blvd., Newport~Beach, Calif., requesting permission to CONSTRUGT AND OPERAYE A RESTAURAN'T.AND COGKTAIL LOUNGE on the property described ass A parcel 121' z 226' with a frontage of 121' on Brookhurst St. and'located on~the northwest corner of Brookhurst and Cdchester Dr., also described as 815 S. Srookhurst St. The property is presently zoned C-1: This Variance is being taken up at thts time for a vote, the previous vote resulted in a tie decision. Jim Utterback representing the appiicant, submitted a revised plan to the Commission. No ane spuke in opposition to this Variance. . THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. The reason for the tie vote before, wes that the bar and the restaura appeared to be a single, unseparated unit. Commissioner Morrts offered Resolution No. 208, Series 1959-60, and moved for its pessage and sdoption, seconded by Cortuniesioner Mungall, granting Va^iance No. 1213, sub3eet to the following conditionse 1. Development in accordance with the plane presented. ~ -1- ,``, ~,. _-~e {~ 1 i i ~ i _ _ _ _ _ _...,:, r,... __-s~''' ~,.,,-..,.,,.,..__. -.~ _.,, ~ _ v `-~ ~ ~ '~g RE(i[JI.AR 1~EfItiG - CIlY PIAIa1IN~ (:OIiOIISSION - APRIL 4. 1960 - CON?INUED~ Variance No. 1213 - On roll call the foregoing resolution was paseed by the following (Continued) vote: AYESs COW~7ISSIOI+~RS: Morris, Mungall and Summera. tiOES: COA9lISSIONERS: Gauer and Marcoux ABSII~TI: C0161ISSIOI~RSs Allred, DuBoie, Hapgood and Mauerhan. VARIANLf No- ;,222 - RIBLIC f~ARING. PETITION submitted by RALPH PEiRENY, 1112 Dewey P1., Maheim, Calif., requesting permiaeion to CONSTRUCf AND OPERATF A 39 UNIT IbiEL, MANAGERS SUIiE, SWIMMING'POOL ANB SIGN on the property described as: A parcel 150' x 290' with a frontege of 150' on Katella Ave., and located on the south side of Katella Ave. between Mest St. and Harbor Blvd., and its northwest corner being 350' east of the southeast corner of Katella Ave. and West St. The property is presently zoned R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICUI.TURAL. The applicant, Nr. Petreny, was present. No one spoke in opposition to this Variance. 2'f~ F~ARING MA$ CLOSED. Commissioaer ltarcoux offered Resolution No. 209, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage and adop#ion, seconded by Commissioner Morris granting Variance No. 1222, subject to the following conditions: 1. Dedicatfon to 60' from eenterline of Katella Ave. 2. Prepare street improvement plans and install all impravements in accordance with approv~d standard pla}~s on file in office of City Engin~er. ' ' 3. Payment of $2.OC per front ft.•for street 13ghting:purposes. 4. Development in eccordance with plans preeented. 5. Iandssaping in front (min. of 20'). The foregoing conditions are found to ba a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preseiwe the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. - On roll call ~the forego3ng resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: UOiO~tISSIONERS: Gauer ~lar~oux, Morris, Mungall and Summers. h~,S: C0141ISSIONERSt None. ABSENI: (~Oi1~WISSICNERS: Allred, DuBois, Hapgood and Mauerhan. YARIANCE Ho. 1223 - PUHLIC }~ARING. PETIiION submitted by PAGEANT REALTY CO., 1138 S. Broadway, Los Mgeles, Calif., requesting permission to ERECf A FREE STANDING SIGN on the property described as: A parcel 75' x 150' with a frontage of 75' on Lincoln Ave., and located on the south eide of Lincoln Ave., and it's norEhwest corner being approximately 340' sast of the southeast corner of Lincoln Avee and Empire St., also described as 2020 W. Lincoln Ave. The property is presently zoned C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COF~IERCIAL. 1[r. Robert Riley, represeated the applicant. He stated that he felt it wauld not be a detriment to the neighborhood. The sketch of the sign was pres~nted to the Commission. No one spoke in opposition to this Veriance. ~ ?~ F~IRIHG WAS CLOSEJ. -2- ~. S ~ REGIJLAR MEETING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - APRIL 4. Ir,bO -~GlT:.:'l~Ce VARIANCE No. 1223 - Mr. Morris stated that atudies have been presented to the Commission (Continued) in regards to free standing slgns and he said that the feeling of the Commission is that signs should be along or on the face of the building in accordance with the ordinance. Commissioner Morris offered Resolution Ho. 210, Series 1959-60, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mungall denying Variance No. L423. On roll call the foregoing resolution xas passed by the follaring voteR AYESs OQMMISSIONERS: Gauer, I~Larcoux, lbnis, 14utga1l an~ Summers. NOESs COMMISSIONERS: None. i 3 ABSENT: G'OMMISSIONERSa Allred, DuBois, Hapgood and Itauerhan. VARIANCE No. 1224 - PL'BLIC HEARING. PETITION subm3tted by IiIISUR J. OOQiC and JOFII4 J. BUSCH, ; 617 Alvy, Anaheim, California, requesting permission to ERECf 2 HOUSES ~ on :,he property described as: A parcel 100' x 102' aith a frontage i of 102' on Charieston Dr. and iocated on the north side of Charleston Dr. ' between Hlder St. and Revere St. and it's southrest eorner being 265' east: from the northeast corner of Elder St. and Charleston Dr., also described ; as 1731 E. Charleston Dr. Ti~e property is presentely zone R-2, SINGLE ; FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. , ihe applicant was present and stated thatr they wouldn't be building tract homes. One is to 3:~e an Early .+merican and ~h2'3U18Y R3~812i6t}~l@. The plans were revised which shawed 1232 sq. ft. fn the houses. The app3icant showed the Comanission pictures of the land as it exiBts. I'here Kas a petition in the file against this Variance, sfgned by 36 home owners. No one spoke in opposition to the Variance. THE E~ARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Morris offered Resolution No. 211, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commiss3oner IAarcoux, granting Variance No. 1224, sub~ett to the follorring conditions~ 1. Development in accordance with plans presented. 2. Replace driveway. 3. $25.00 per dwelling unit Park and Recreation fee to be co]lected as part of Building Permit. 4. Record of Survey to be filed. ~ The foregoing conditione are found to be a necessary prerequisite to:the use of the property in order to preserve the safety anci xelfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. On ro11 call the foregoing resolution ras passed by the fo3l~ing votes AYESs COMMISSIONERSs Gauer, Yarcouxs ilorris, dimgall and Su~aers. NOESi C~JIMISSIONERSs None. ABSENTi f~NfMISSIONERSs Allred, DuBois, Hapgood and Mauer::an. - 3 - i i • I _._ _ ._..-- -- --- ~ _ . _ ... _---.__ _. . _ ~ _ _. _ ------- - _ ~: ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,_ ~ ~ ~ REGULAR MEETING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - AI~RIL 4. 1960_- CONTINUSDs VARIANCE No. 1225 - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by ~UGENE A. FAHRION, 625 N. Claudina St., Anaheim, Calif., requesting permission tu WAIVE SINGLE SiORY HEIGHT LIMITATIONS TO ALL04Y 2 STORY UNITS: ON R~AR OF PROPERTY; ALSO WAIVE 17~ GARAGfiS PER UNIT GARAGE REQUIREMENTS~ on the property described as i4 parcel 125' x 130' wi.n a frontage of 125' on Broadway and located on the northwest corner of Broadway and Fahrion P1. The property is presently zoned R-3. The applioant was present. He stated that he had built the other apartments on Fahxfon P~ace. A peti'tion was submitted to the Commission against the Variance it was signed by 7 property owners in tha area of the sub3ect property. Mrs. Ralph Lynston, 1252 E. Broadway, Anaheim, Calif., and another lady in the audience spoke against i~ and was apparently confused as to the intent of the garage provision in the Ordinance. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Morris in order to clear the co~fusion explained to fh~ ~ audience that 1~ garage requirements per unit, would not make each i space larger, but it meant that 5or eveiy 4 units 1 more " _ ^ ~ gare 2~r.is required. He also stated that property owners who ~ purchased their land before the new R-3 Ordinance was put into effect ~ are'~ustified in applying under the old ordinance. ~ Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. 212, Series 1959-b0, y and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner ~ Summers, granting :rariance No. 1225, subject to the following ; conditions= ~ ; 1. DeveTopment in accordance with plans presented. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYE$: WMMISSIONERSs Gauer, Marcoux, Mor:is, Mungall and Summers. NOES: f~MMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT= COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois, Hapgood and Mauerhan. VARIANCE No. 1226 - PUBLIC HHARING. PETITION subn~i•tted by CAL-11U.E INVESTMENT INC., 700 W, Orangewood Ave., Anaheim, Calif., requesting permission to WAIVE SINGLE STORY: HEIGHT LIMITATIONS TO ALLOW 2 SiORY IJNITS on the property described as= A parcel described as the vacant 6th, 7th, and Sth lots south of the southeast corner of La Palma Ave. and Anna Dr. East, also described as Lots No. 11, No. 12 and No. 13 of Tract No. 3328. The property is presently classified as R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. ~ Mr. Bob Balen repre-ented the applicant. and stated that this request ~i is for 2 story apartments ac~binin~ 2 stories. ~ i' Commissioner Mungall offered Aesolution No. 213, Sesies 1959-60, and ~ moved for its passage and adop•tion, seconded by Commissioner Summers, y ?~ granting Variance No. 1226, sub~ect to the following conditions - f~ i r. 1. Der lopment in accordance with plans presented. a ~J y~ On roll call the foregoin; resolution was passed by the fo2lowing votec ~ ' AYESi COMMISSIONERSs Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers. ~ NOESf COMMISSIONERSs :Vone. ~ ~. "'~""~ A&SENTi CQ~IMISSIONERS~ Allred, DuBois, Hapgood and Mauerhan. ~ - 4 - ~ ~ ~. ~ 'r t „ ` ~ v -----._. _.~ ._ _._~ - -._ _.__ _ _ ....._ ._ __._ _ _ _. _ _ . ._ _. _ --- ---- •-.. ._. ~ ~ - .. , ~ ~ ~~ ,~ ,~ _ ~ ~-~ REGULAR MEETING - CITY PLANNING CONIPAISSION - APRIL 4. 19b0 - COAiTINUEDt ,~ VARIANCE No. 1227 - PUBLIC HEARINGa PETITION submitted by CERRITOS HOMES (c/o Griffith Bros.), 922 W. Center, Anaheim, Calife, requesting permission to WAIVE FRONT SETHACK REQUIREMENTS ON CERTAIN LOTS OF TENTAT::JE TRAGT No.~2446 TO PERMIT 20' MINIMUM SETBACK on property described ass A parcel located on the south side of Cerritos Ave. with a frontage of 1290' on Cerritos Ave. with its northwest corner beinu approximately 1300' east of the southeast corner of Euclid and Cerritos end extending southerly to the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way. The property is presently zoned R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. ~ The applicant was present and stated the Tentative Map had been before the Planning Commission and City Council. He also said that they have found people prefer a larger back yard. The depth of these lots run from 100' to 105'0 A petition, signed by 16 home owners, was on file protesting this Variancee No one in the audience spok2 in opposition. THE FIEARING WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. 214, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage ar.d adoption, seconded by Commissioner Summers granting Variance No. 12270 On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERSs Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers. NOES: COMMISSIONERSs None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois, Hapgood and Mauerhan. ~ SPECIAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submitted by DR. R. WASH, 12271 Christine ~ No. 70 Lane, Garden Grove, Calif., requesting permission to CONSTRUCt' AND ~ OPERATE A TRAfdPOLINE CENTER; THH CENTER WILL CONSISI' OF A FENCE~ {- PROPER LIGHTING, OFFICE AND A SIGN (5' x 10')9 on the property + described as: A parcel 50' x 335' with a frontage of 50' on ~ Brookhurst St. ar.d located on the west side of Brookhurst St. and its northeast corner being 260° south of the southwest corner of ~ Colchester Dr. and Brookhurst St. The property is presently zoned ~ C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL. ~ The applicant was present and said there would be two entrances to the parking lote No one spoke in opposition to the Saecial Use Permit. The appliaant stated the setback is going to be 45' from the sidewalk. The applicant also said they ~lan to park 5 or 6 cars in the front. In the rear there would be 200' for additional parking. He believed they would be open until 10 P. M. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Morris offered Resolution No. 215, Seri~s 1959-60, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, grantfng Special Use Permi.t No. 70, sub~ect to the follawing conditionse 1. Development in accordance with plans presented. 2. P.dequate parking. 3. Fence and landscaping in accordance with plans. 4. Constant supervision and adequate insurance. The foregoing co~ditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property i.a order to preserve the saFety and welfare of the Citizer: of Anaheim~ - 5 - `' ~ ~ `~~ . ~ . --__.._. ..._._ ~ ~ REGULAR MEETING - CITY PLANNING CAh~N'.2SSION, - APRIL ;~y,_'.l_,~:;;1 -- CONTINUEDt ~ SPECIAL USE PERiri:': - On roll call the iore;~oin~~ resolution was passed by thE rollowing vote No. 70 (Continued) AYES: COMM7SSIONERS= G~;er, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers. NOES: COMM.iSSIONERS: None. • ~ ABSENTs CrMMTSSI0NEF9e Allred, DuPois, Hapgood and Mauerhan. ~ SPECIAL USE PERMTT - PUBLIC HE,aRItIG. . PETITTGN submitted by FHC~~?ES Ea RULE, No. 68 2835 Gilroy 5te, Los An~3eles 39y Calif., cequesting permisefon ~ to USE l%ROPERTY AS A TRAILER COURT on tht! property descr.ibed as: s A parcel 990' x:2RJ° vaith a frontege ot' 990' on Leu~or~ St. and ' ` ~ • located on t}ie ea-,t'side cf Lemon St. and ~ts sovthwee~t corner beiny y ~:~oproximatel}~ ~~'7' north of the northeas'. oornez• of Lemon St. ~ ` anci prangethc'-_~e Ave. The property is pres~:ntty zonei: id-1, LIGFiI MAN[tgACTU:iTNG. The applicanti ~:as present. The plans which v~e have ~ubmi:;ted have been revised, it has been made to conform to the new T•railer Park Ordinance, He stated, that some people in tra;ler pa:cks like services within walking diF~anceo ' I There is a P-L Zone in t`is asea. Mr. Brovm of Ranchu La Paz statc~ he didn'* rael that commercial wualc: ~ be good. in the front. Mr. He~rbsi alse s~ako against this Special Jse Permit as he dtdn'~~ r~~el :3 i:rai.l••~r paJ k;hould go into the M-~ Z„ne. iNr. Ftule st.ated •chat they are ready to sp3r.d $100,000 im~nr•dlately. THE f~EAKING WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Marcoux of.fered Resolution No. 216~ Se~ies 2959-60, ; and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded Ly Commiss;r~ner ? Mungall denying Spec'ial Use Permit No. 68. On roll ca.ll the foregoing resolution v:aF pass.d F~y the following %; votes • " .~ t AYES: COMMTSS20NERS: Du3ois, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and ; SUD7meTS ~ ~ NOtSs COMMISS~O~~ERSs None. ~ AASE?JT= COMMISSIONEkSs Aiired, Hapgood and Ma~erh:n. f . i y RcCLA:~SIFICATION - FUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submi'cted by N. J. DOVALiS, 970 S. Magnolia,j No. F-59-60-86 Anaheim, Calif.. .re~uesting th~t the property descriL-ed ds: An ; irregular parcel with a frontage of 116' and an average depth of ~ 358' located on the north ci~de of Ball Rd: :.nd its southeast corner b.ri;~g 810' w;.st of the nortt,west corner of Ball Rd. and Knott Ave., also described as 6801 Ball Rd., be rrclassified from R~A, ; RESIDENTIAL - AGRICULTURAL, to C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMEk:CIAL. Y ! The applicant was present. i No ane 3n the e~dtence was against this Reclassification. s ~ THF HE1~e:ING WAS C•LOSEDo ~ The plans wera oresented to the Commiss:on. ` i (,mmissioc~~r Morris offered Resolution No. 217, Series 1959-6Q, and ~r.cved for i:s passaye and adop,.!on, seconded by Commissionex Marcoux, ; recommending +:u the C3ty Council that Reclassificr~tion No. F-59-60-88,,. for C-1, NE2GN30RHQOD ~SdJIERCIAL9 be approved sub~ect to the fc?lowing ,~ .~ condition~. ~ i' 1 ~ i _6_ t .~,' ~ ._._. ---- - x~ ._....._.-.4~ - .. - - - -- -- •------ ~-• -- ----._. ..._....._....._ ._ ,. .._.., _____.: ~ ~` ~_ % ~ ~ +~' ~ ""' ~ ~- ~, _ ~ ~ :~ ' ~ t~ ~ REGULAf MEETING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - APRIL 4 1960 - CONTINUED: RECLASSIFICATION - 1. Development in accordance with plans presented. No. F-59-60-E?8 2. Dedicate to 93' from centerline of Ball Rd. (Continued) 3• Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvement~in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer. 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lfghting purposes. 5. 90-day time limit on items No. 2, 3, and 4. The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisfte to the use of the pxoperty in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheimo On roll call the fcregoing resolution was passed by the following votej AYES: COMMISSIONERSs DuBois9 Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summerse NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. _. ~ i ~ I i i ~ ABSENT: CONVdISSIONERSt Allred, Hapgood and Mauerhan. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by ~'ONY JULIAN, 2566 Wo Lincoln, i No, F-59-60-89 Anaheim, Calife, requesting that the property described as: /. parcel located on the south side of Lincoln Avea having a frontage of '..00' on Lincoln Avee and a depth of 270° and its northwest cornex beir,n 270' east ! of the southeast corner of Lincoln Aveo and Magnolia Aveo, also described ~ as 25E6 W. Lincoln Aveo be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAI,j to G1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, , The applicant was present. No one in the audienc~ opposed the application. THF. HEARING WAS CLOSEDa The p?.ans were presented to the Commis:ion. The anplicant stated, Parcel 1 is for the ;:~+ildings and parcel 2 will be for more parkinga The building in tne rear will be moved, but the housc~ :oill stay fo•r awhile. The house now has a Variance allowing an a:;cordian studi^. Mr. Juliar, state~' there ~vould be one sign for the particular businesses~ it will meet with ~ity Codeo ~ C~mmissfoner Mungall asked ai~ou'-. a proposed stre:;t yoing through this tand, parallel with Lincoln Ave. "".r. Steen said he didn't recall a study havina b:.• made for ^treets in this area. ' ~o,~n;isaio-~er Morris offered Reso:;~tion No. 218, Series 1959-60, and moved fo~ its p~ssage ar:d adoption, seconded by Commissioner DuBoi6, recommend9ng to the City Council that Reclassification Noo F-59-60-89, for C-1, NEIGHbORH00D COMN~RCIAL, be approved sub~ect to the following condicions: la De~~elopment in accordance with plans presented. 2. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with aporoved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer. 3. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street J.ighting purposes. 4. C-1 Deed Restrictions. 5. 90-day tims limit on items No. 2, 3, and 4. The rorsgoing conditions are found to ba a necessary prerequisite to the use cf •ti;.r; property in order to preserve the s2fety and welfare of the C3.ti::e:tis of Anaheim. C.:.mmissioner Marcoux made a motion to delete Parcel Noo 2, this motion ~yas secondEd ~y Commissioner Morris,and carried. 7 , . --- ------_ __ --- ~ ` r ~' ' '~, ~ ~ :; ~ ~~ '.~ REu'ULAR MEETING - CITY PLA'~1#NG CLU9~SSi(J~7 - APP~.iL 4, 1960 - CONTINUCDs RFCLASSIFICATION - On roll call the foregoing r~solution was passed by the following votes No. F-59-60-89 (Continued) AYES= COJdIdiSSi(~[dS: DuBois, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Swamers. NOES: C~M1dISSIO~NERS= None. AASENT= OOAMQISSI~tERSs Allres], Iiapgood aud !ilauerhano RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARIi~G. PEIiTI~i seaF~itted hy R. £.. ANGLE 8 Do J. ANGLE, No. F-59-60-90 6741 Miller St., Placentia, Calif., requESting that the property described as: A parcel 65~ x 145` arith a frontage of 65' on Miller St. ~ and locate~ on ths rvest side of I~fiillcr St. and its southeast corner ~ ~,}~' ~ being aQproximately 580T north af the northwest corner of Anaheim F~. i:,,': -~ii and Miller St., also described as 6741 LF.iller St., be reclassified ~ ~ °1„~ ~ ~~- ~ ~ ~ ,~ from R-A, RESIDc'NTIAL A(32ICiJLIURAL, to M-2, LIGIiT MANUFACTURING. ., ~ ~ ~~ The applicant and his attorney ~sere present. ?he attorney said, in regards to the setback, it will not be any closer than the buildings to the sovEn= MEr. Angle has had his manufacttiring there for 10 years. He proposes to move in a building and improve the appearance of it. Yt is a prefabricated steel building~ it has been checKed by th~ Bi:ilding Department. Zt is a frame building~ and is plastered inside. No one in the audience oppc-sed the request. THE HEARING WAS CLOSm. Commissioner A6~mgall offered Resolution No. 219, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner DuBois, . recommending to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-59-60-90, for M-1, LIGHI' AEANl.iFACI[1RING, be approve3 subject to the following cc~ditions: 1. Development in accordance with plans presented. 2. Dedication to 45' fram ~:enterline of 1Niller St. 3> Prepare street iogrove~oent plans and install all improvements in accordance with app~oved standard plans an file in office of City Engineer. 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for sfreet li9r.ting purposes. 5. Waiver of P-i. - 50'. 5~ Adequate parking. 7. 90-day time liait on ite~s Ho. 2, 3, and 4. The fcregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheisn. On roll call the foregoing resolution wa~ passed by the following vote: AYES: C01~9~ISSIOHEAS: DuBois, Gauer, bfarcoux, ~torris, Mungall and Su~ers. NOES: O~tdM2SSI~lERS: l~one. AHSF.Id!': ~OMEdISSIONERS: Allred, Hapgood, and Mauerhan. Com¢:issioner N.uc-gall made a sug~estion that the Council meke a motion to have the Cuunci.l rezone all the land Dl-1 in this area. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARIho. PEI'ITI@1 sub~itted by 3. A. 8 R. MARTINEZ, No. F-59-60-91 124?2 Jerome St., Garden Grove, Calif., requesting that the property described as= .Nn irregular parcel xith a frontage of 82' and an average depth of 504' located on the north side of Ball Rd., its southeast corner being 102U' west of the northwest corner of Ball Rd. and Knott Ave., also described as 6761 Pi. Ball Rd. be reclassified from R-A, RESIf,~T!'IAL AC~tICUL7URAL, to C-1, NEIGEIDORHOOD COMMERCIAL. - 8 - ~ ------•------------------ -----------.._.~------ • ~:, , ~ . ~ • ~ i - ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~,~ ~~ ~ - , , REGULAR MEETING - CIi~ PLANivI~IG C0IAMISSION - APRIL 4. 1960 - CONiINUED: RECLAS3IFICATION - John Harris, attor~ey fnr the applicant, was present. He su~it~8 a No. F-59-60-91 petition which was infavor of this application as well as ~or (Continued) Mr. N. Dovalis' Reclassification Nu. F-59-60-8B. This applicatirn~ is far Medical and Professional Offices. There will be a pharmacist i~ adc~ition. No one in the audience opposed the application. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Summers offered Resolution No. 220, Series 1959-50, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by ~ommissioner lEarcrnac, recommending to the City Council that Reclassification No. P-59-5D-9fl for C-1, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Dedication to 53° from centerline of Ball. 2. Prepare street improvement plans and installall_ is~rovements in accordance with approved standard pl?ns cn file in of~ice a~ ~i~q Engineer. 3. Payment of $2.00 per front foot ior street lighting purposes. 4. Development in accordance ~4ith plans presented. 5. 10' landsc~:;:~ing from property line. 6. 90-day time limit on 3tems No. 1, 2, and 3. The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prereqnisite 3a the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and wel~are m~ the Citizens of Anaheim. On roil call the foregoing resolution was passed by the follaaaing vat~= AYESs COMM~SSIONERSs DuBois, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Id~mgali, and Summerse NOESs COMMISSIONERSs None. ABSENTs COMMISSIONEf~S: AYlred, Hapgood and Mauerhan. The meeting ad;journed at this point for 10 minutes. RECLASSIFICATIOI~ - PII~LIC HEARING. ~E1ITION submitted by DAVID S. COLLINS, 1130 ~f. 3i~acmlm, No. F-59-60-92 Anaheim, Cali'r., requesting that the property described as: ~i ~azr~fl 257° x?0~' with a frontage of 257' on Los Angeles St. and l~cated mm ti~a ~ast side of Los Angeles St. and its southwest corner being 12D• north of the northeast corner of BaZl Rd. and Los Angeles St. ~sD a parcel 30' x 182' with a frontage of 3C' on 3a11 Rd..and locafed c~ the north sfde of Ball Rd. and its southwest corner being 230' east m~ the northeast corner of Ball Rd. and Los Angeles St., also descri~ as 1116-1156 S. Los Angeles St. be reclassified from P-L and C-2 ~o C-3~ HEAVY COMA~RCIAL. The applicant Mr. Collins was present as was the attorney Mr. 3Cling representing the Chrysler Corp. Mr. Kling stated that Chrysler ~ora. is in the process nm~v .cf om~r2i~ aza ground purchased by them and *.o be leased to dealerships. _nis is ~ae of that group. Mr. Kling also stated that since the application was sul~itted tD t~ d~~r by the owner (Mr. Collins), it has come to his attention that, apparently through some misunderstanding on his part, the propcs~ n3~ aas represented to be a model agency facility in conjunction with L~rys3er's West Coast Training Center. Mr. Kling said that he wanted to clear this up since this is not ~e case, and did not want any misunderstand3ng to arise bebveen i~rysi~r am3 the City of Anaheim. The plot plan and elevation was presented to the Commission. -4- ~ . ~ . • i I ' .l ~ j ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ REGULAR MEE?7NG - CI7Y PLANNIh'G COMMISSION - APRIL 4 1960 - CONTINUEDs RECLASSIFICATION - The Planning Department requested 30 spaces for off street parking No. F-59-60-92 and Mre Kling said they agreed to that and also some 6 feet of (Continued) landscapi.ng with low shrubbery. There was no one in the audience against a.hie °eclassification. Commissioner DuBois offered Resolution No. 221, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, recommending to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-59-60-92, for C-3, HEAVY COMMERCIAL, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Development in accordance with plans presented. 2. Dedication 53' from centerline on Ball and on Los Angeles St. 3. Remove existing improvements; prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer on Both Ball Rd. and Los Angeles Stree'c. 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting puzposes. 5. 90-day time limit on items No. 2, 3, and 4. The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the usQ of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote= AYES: COMMISSIONERSs DuBois, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer. ABSENTt COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Hapgood and Mauerhan. RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by H. STEVHNS, T. McLAUGHLIN, No. F-59-60-94 J~ B~L~RwINHE1920 E. SouthEStJ, Anahe'~im,NCaWifg,Erequestingc~o that the property described as: An irregular shaped parcel with an average depth of 250' located on the west side of Placentia Ave. between South St. and Morava Ave. be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL-A~'?ICULTURAL, with one lot R-3 Variance to C-19 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL. The applicant v~as present. A gentleman from Morava Place representing 6 ether property owners who live next to the property and other property owners in the area spoke against it. There were 11 others in the audience against it. He submitted an application against the request. He was against the parking problem it might create and also the heavy traffic. In the deed he said it rea~ that this land could not change zone until 1979. The applica.nt also submitted a petition si9ned by the neighbors in the area who were in favor of it. The applicants stated they went around io the neighbors discussing with them this request. Mr. Drake pres~nted a study to the Commission and an elevation dr.awing was also included. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. 222, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage and adoptio~, seconded by Commissioner DuBois, recommending to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-59-60-94 for C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, be approved subJect to the following conuitionss - 10 - _---- .__~_- __ ___ _ _ _.___ _. . _ __ ._.. _ . . _.._ _ _.., - - _ _.. _.._____ ... ___...._. .. a~:; ~ y~ _ _ ___ , . ^ _ - -~; i i ~ . t ) ~~ ~1 ~ ~ REQ]IAR MEETING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - APRIL 4. 1960 - CONTINUEDs RECIASSIFICATION - 1. Dedicate to 53' from centerline of Placentia Ave. No. F-59-60-94 2. Dedicate to 32' from oenterline of South Sta (Continued) 3. Installation of sidewalks on South and Piacentia. 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on Placentia, South St. and Morava. 5. Development in accordance with plans on file. 6. Removal of present buildings. 7. Landscaping of 6' on South St., Placentia Ave., and on Morava. 8. Precise plans for all 6 parcels. 9. C-1 Deed Restrictions. 10. 90-day time 13mit on items No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 9. The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. ~n roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYESs COMMISSIONERS: DuBois, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and NOESs CpMMISSIONERSs None. ~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Hapgood and Mauerhan. REVISED TENTATIVE - A Revised Tentative Nfap of Tract No. 3614 was presented to the MAP OF TRACf Commission. The tract is located on the southwest corner of No. 3614 La Palma Avenue and Rio Uista Street and contains 57 proposed R-1 lots. Developer+ Marjan Development Inc., 9562 Ball Rd., An~3heim, Calif. The applicant was not present. Cortunissioner Morris made a motion that I'entative Map of ?ract No. 3614 be Denied, this motion was seconded by Commissioner Marcoux and carried. CODE REVISIOfJS - Mr. David Collins, from the Real Estate Board and Mr. Kimes of Bryant Industries were present, they both would like to review the studies. Commissioner DuBois made a motion that the Code Revisions be cont3nued until a later date, this motion was seconded by Commissioner Summers and carried. Commissioner Mungall st~ted that at the top of this resolution, it mentions setbacks, but in the body of the resolution nothing further is stated about them. Chairman Gauer requested that Mr. Reese arrange a meeting betvaeen the City Council, City Manager and the Planning Commission in regards to setbac!c and P-I.to discuss the establishment of standards which will protect the appearance of our highways and establish setbacks and landsca~~ing for commercial zones and developments. Mr. Collins made mention that the C-1 property on South Los Angeles is the only commercial property with P-L and it is for 60'. - 11 - . i ~ ~ ; ~ ; ; ~;: ~:-~ ~ {_) • i REGULAR ~lEETING - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - APRIL 4, 1960 - CONTINUED= INITIATE ACfION ON - Commissioner Morris made a motion that the Planning Department A NEW MANUFACfURING prepare a study on a~ew manufacturing zone, this motion was ZONE se~onded by Commissioner Mungalle (With the support of the Realtors and Mr. Kimes and others that are interested in a Co~nercial-Manufacturing Zone.} REQUES? FOR EASEMEN7 - The High School District is requesting abandonment of the ABpNDOM,~I1f easement for the continuation of Baxter Street. Maheim High School District Mr. R. Reese said the City Departments feel this street is not necessary. Commissioner Suanmers made a motion to abandon the easement ~ for Baxter St., this motion wa~ scc;a:tded by Commissioner Marcoux and carrieda pLANNING CONGRESS - Dinner to be held in Los Angeles - Sub~ects Helicopters. Names of Planning Commissioners going were tak~ to make reservations. ADJOURfINN~NT - 7he meeting adjourned at 6s00 0'C1ocR P. M. Resr~ectfully submitted, ; \1~~~~ T3~ ~ ~ RICHARD REESE, Secretary ~ - 12 - .% --- -._.__-__-_----~--._ .._.-,.-.:-_-..~.:.-;.:..,,.-... _. . _ . _~y . -~