Minutes-PC 1960/06/201 s ; i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. City Hall Anaheim, Calif. Juhe 20~ 1960 E~ ~~ ~T~ ~F 1'HE CI:Y PLANNING COMMISSION ~~$ ~'~^'0r -~8 ~~r 6f~tfag af the City Planning Commission was called to order ~it gQ~ ¢"Clac[c F. l~. Isy Vice Chairman Morris, a quorum being present. ~ - ~~ ~T*~**l~farrfe, Commissioners: Allred, Marcoux, Mauerhan, ~~s ~~ a~ S~mmers. Commissioner Hapgood entered the mwmf~rmm ~~ ~ - ~~a~r~: ~Snis and Gauer. ~ - IIi~e 9P's~.t~~ af the Meeting of May 23, 1460 were approved as read. IIf~ ~~ af the b[eeting of June 6, 1960 will be presented at the PIl~cnm C~~~iaR Meeting of Jul; 5, 1960. ~~~~^~T - dP~nmg gL~aaiag Director - Richard Reese ~~""""'" r~~~~ - Gordon Steen "~~"~"''' ~t1t' ~~Q~~Y - Joe Geisler PIl~~~x ~eat Secretary - Irene Shaw IL~ms 31a- '1'1 ~'L~ uv~a~ ~ r~ fir_t= and after finishing items 1 through 13, the me~tia9 ~~~ ttm 6~'~g, ,Tv~ 2T, 1960 at 2i00 0'Clock P. M., to be held in f.~e .CDUaz31 ~~ t~ ~crr,~r,a.Tm CI~r EFalI. y~aaTapr~ ~- ~_ r~=i'- ~~~='- pETITION submitted by ROBERT L. CLARKy ~ Y6'- f~is~aga Ftrllerton, Calif., requesting permission to establish ~~~ ~ TRASH TRANSFER STATION an the property described ~s ~~c~I Lac~tecF approximately 355' west of the intersection of ~ a~na ffam~eya Dr. and running westerly to the easterly right- o~-w~ af tIt~ L~tcfrieaa, ?opeka and Santa Fe Railroad. The property ~s ~ea;tlg zane~ N[-I, LIGHT MANUFACTURING. ~ ~Ilrc~.t ~u~ present. ~x'- ~~a_~* af Homneya Dr., stated that he was against the proposal ~ af th~ children ir. the area. B~- Enam af Sasemood also spoke in oppos'tion to this request. B~- P.~e~r~rc~, af Ke.nwood, spoke in opposition also, She stated that ~ af tlte~ Iack of through r,treets, the truck~ going to this Il~nam WsflL F~ve to go throu3h residential areas. 8~a'- Q~,~rIl~ ,TuLian stated that, the stxeets in this area are not built ffa~r tti~ ~ trucke which wo~ld be traveling to the trash transfer st~Ham ~cE fI~t eventually the City would incur the expense of ~t- .~ :~ ) i : ~'- ~f~g a~f FuLlerton repr=sented the applicant, and stated~that the ~mll~ Gntxus ~icf nat feel that the Julianna St. site was a good Ilo~cmn £ar tf~ traeh transfer station being that close to their ~Ilmmti v~A:~ i~ ~ fnad orocessirg plant, therefore, we offered this =ntt~ tt~ ~ Citg= as an aTterrtative : It ~~roulc~ !,e the !°e,:t:.:'ly 4 of 6 r.c*es. ~Dr~ ~ Pnt~rfer~ w~th the area,an the west we have the railroad, ~m ~ gan.tFa tI~ Cavnty Flood Control Settling Basin and 500 to 600 ft. ~~ ~~ ~t-a tF~ praperty to the na:th is zoned M-1. Mr. La Barech, ~'- ~, ~ I~'r. Channel were also present. llhc'- ~L~i'c, tF~ applicant, spoke, and said he felt this was the best ~€~~ ~t~ us this azea. - 1 - ~ VARIANCE N0. 1258 (Continued) ~ l~ ~tING C~YtISSI~JlII~ 20, 1~ - COAifINUED= ~ )drs. Lawrence spoke a~in - sfiating that *hen ~hey purchased the t land they ~ere -told about tbe ~range CountY Floed Control section, t how^ver, they ~eere told that wbes- it vras €inishecF ft wouZd be landscaped;S which hasn't been done. 1 tdr. Brun of Belmont Av~. said that at caald !ae sa'sd, if this was i granted that ~ve live out 3ry tf~ durag~. He stafed they would suffer loss for this reason in the v~lue of their property. l~dr. Jenson of Aoma~eya Dr. ~d that since ~he tal& of the trash transfer station coino in, he has lost the ~ryer for his home. A man representing t}~ Fast ~a.n Shopoinc Center etatecf that the traffic is heavy enough as it is a~ad ~th tau~ks in addition the children xould be in danges. Eie felt at eUoutd not be located near resident3al axeas an amr ee-e~t. Ke made mention of the petitions that rrere Qresented, stating there were 1100 signatures on them against t~e raquest• Mr. Jack Dutto*_~, also spo~e aaaanst tff-as r~c}uest. f~dr. G. itosenbelm also sooY~ acaanst the sequeet anc~ stated he believed his C~par~}; Zau~a Sclzisls o~u13 6e against it, he said thQy had planned to ~a~t8fy the area. Mr. Koch represented t~ C~g. Each one of the C~messiomers ~rese oresent~ a copy of the Master Plan for this use_ :dr. Koch stated that t~r~ are Yoas trash transfer statians praposed, and thas o¢~ ~raa~ld sesve the gseatest number of people to start out sith_ He shov~ed the aud"nence pictvres of the South Gate ?rash Transfer Statian- Eie said this one would be at groumd level. Mr. Koch presented a letter ~x~o~ w~^ ~ of Qranae, erhich stated the opinion of the depart~etst aras that. the instal2atian and operation of the faciiity x~u2c aot create a public health nuisance. The letter also stated that t~ landscapnng of the eite would do :auch ~oward improvsng t~ o~s~r~t unsagt-tp~ness. A letter from State of California -~epaxtment of Pub2ic Health was ;lso presented which stated ~th ce~aan recoa~endations they would anticipate s..hat dena~al fIy mlmErers would prevail when the transfer si~e ~ld i~e in opesatian. The t:~ird letter Yr. iCoc~s aa~esenteds K'as fsoffi County of Orange Air Pollution Cantroi District, shach stat~:d that it was their opinion that this facslity ~rwld no~ nreeent an air oollution pro'nlem resulting from tt~ creation ofr excess dust. ?he abave lptters are also osesen#ed for SpecfaF IIee Permit No. 76. lAr. Koch stated it is to be desig-ed to handde 400 to 500 tons a day, this rrill mear- 25Q trnscYs a day. i# was stated they ~ron~ld 6ave to hava a road easement to East St. Mr. Koch stated tt~ cost af all the ~vmps in the County are from the General taxes, the f~ yrns are payin4 the Caty are collection costs. THf_ HEAEiYNG IIAS ~. Co~issioner IEanwu affez~3 Besal~stian No. 279, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passa~ a~ adoptaon, seconded by Cammissioner ; ldaverhan, der+ying Variaace No. 1258. ~ ! On roll call ~the foreoaing aesolutian was paesed by the following vote, py~.>s CAiitISSI~BS: ~i H~~g~n~Msrcoux, Manerhan, Morris, ; N~ES: O~IYSSIO~S: ~ A~SENT: O~EISSI('8iEB5: fhn8ois aa~d Gaue~r. i -z- ~ ~ __ _ _ _ - ---- __ ~._._.__-____ . ~ F. t t ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ REGULAR MEETING - CITY NNING COMMISSION - JUNE 20, 1_ - CONTINUED: SPECIAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submitted by CITY OF ANAiiESM T~~.n~ No. 76 permission to ESTABLISH A COUNTY OPERAI'ED ?RASH T~ANS~ 3~ on the property described ass i,~-__:.21 with a~snn~age ~~BD" on Julianna St. and located on the north side of J»i~~ ~t-; its southwest corner being approximately 310' east v~ #~ ~t corner of Julianna St~ and Olive St. ?h~ property 3~ ~~nt7y zoned M-2, HEAVY MANUFACTURING. Mr. Koch represented the County and again present~d i~e 1~tt~ which he previously had rsad in regards to Variance 2~D- 1'~iB- He stated he felt this to be the ideal location. There were many peoola in opposition to the request. Mr. Koch read 11 conditions which they would meet, 3~ ~-e request was granted. Mr. Chaffee represented Golden Citrus and spoke against ~~~!~*- Jack Dutton spoke in favor of it. THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo ,.~ ;~ ~ Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 260, Seri~~ 1~~iD~ and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded ~y ~nmm~3v~s Hapgood, granting Special Use Permit No. 76, subject tv ~ following conditionss , 1. Preparation of street iroprovement plans and install~t3~ s~' ~7Il ; improvements on Julianna St. in accordance wi~~ ~~rDV~i1 standard plans on file in the office of the City ~-^-T__~*- 2. Enclose the entixe property with a 6' block wall ~zras3 ~~mn'~t„ ' and a 6' chain link fence along the remai~.ng ~r~ ~it~. 3. Plant and maintain solid windbreak of Eucalyptvs m~ ~r suitable trees around entire perimeter of pronertq v~nt~ ~~ of access openings. ' 4. Construct curb and gutter and widen existing pav~eat an ~ , side of Julianna St. along the property frontage, ~r ~ and alignment established by City Eng:neer. 5. All transfer operations shall be con3~ctedat, ns i~elaw, ~ts~ grade. ~ 6. Pave all arezs subject to vehicular traific. 7. No refuse shall be stored over night. 8. Maintain a general standard of cleanliness in ~e int~ mi public health in accordance with proc~dures apprnv~8 3ny ~ County Health Department. 9. Maintain adequate water supply and equipment ~Dr ~3r~ s~Il ~n'.; ~ ger.eral sanitation. 10. Limit operations to the hours between 6 A. M. ~nd ~~ ~1-~ Monday through Saturday. 11. No salvage operations shall be condu~ted at t.3~e ~-1t~- 12. The facility shall be operated by thc County n~ Dr~n~ ar ~ governmental agency approved by the City of Anah~im. _ 3 _ ~ 4 Xy E __...."'__........ . ... . . ... . .. . . .. . . _. _.. .. _ . . _ __ r ~ .Z.'-_._ -. _ .' ~, _ ___ __- i ~ e • ,_. .,, ~. ,. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -~~~2- PUBLIC HEARING: ~VARIANCE N0. 1246: Denied. ~= ~' PUBLIC HEARING: RECLASSIFICATION N0. F-59-60-36 (amended) . ep re r p oveme p d instail improvements on both Stantor~ and Lincoln Avenues in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer. 2. Payment of ~2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 3. (a) That all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim, along both L3ncoin and Stanton Avenues, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks~ and p(aving drainage facilities, or other pertinent work be complied with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; and (b) that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim be posted with the Cit~ io guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements. 4. Deed restrictions for a service station. 5. 90.day time limit on items Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. PUBLIC HEARING: RECLASSIFICATION NO~F-59-60.97: Denied. PUBLIC HEARINGs RECLASSIFICATION N0. F-59-60-111: 1. Development in accordance with plans presented, with the following addition: access drives only between Crescent and Westmont Drives. 2. 6' landscaping parking setback along Euclid Avenue, Crescent and Westmont. 3. Dedication of 53 feet from center line of Euclid Avenue, since Euclid Avenue is a primary street as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways for the City of Anaheim. 4. Dedication of 32 feet from the center line of Crescent Avenue. 5. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 6. That the owner of sub3ect property place of record standard City of Anaheim G1 deed restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, which restrictions shall limit the uses of the property to business and professional offices. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 0& JllNE 20. 1960. u ~.,,~~ VARIANCE N0. 1249: 1. Development in accordance with revised plans presented. 2. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements of Katella Avenue in acc<~dance with approved standard plans on fi?e in the office of City Engineer. 3. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. VARIANCE N0. 12511 No conditions. VARIANCE N0. 1252s No conditions, covered by Tract No. 3611. VARIANCE N0. 1253: 1. Waiver of sidewalks. 2. Development in accordance ~..ith plans presented. VARIANCE N0. 1254z 1. Dedication of 60-feet from centerline of Harbor. 2. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer. 3. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street iighting purposes for southerly 85-feet. 4. Development in accordance with pians presented. VARIANCE N0. 1255s 1. Dedication of 53-feet from centerline of Orangethorpe. 2. Pre~:are street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer. 3. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 4. Development in accordance with plans preser.ted. VARIANCE N0. 1256s Denied. ~, ' a. ~ . . 0 I . ~~ 3 ~c~ . ~ ~ ~ ~. SPECIAL USE PERMIT N0. 75: 1. Dedication of 53-fee+, from center line of Magnolia. 2, Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer. 3. Recommend approval of flood control for alignment and drainage. 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot fcr stxeet l~ghting purposes. 5. Development in accordance with plans presented. ~ REMINDER TO THE COUNCIL WATERWORKS DISTRICT N0. 3a Hearing to be held in the Chambers of the Board of Supervisors, Court House, Santa Ana, JUNE 29, 1960, 11:00 A.M. , ~ -~. f ' i ' -_.-~ ... _ - . +_=-- -. . _ _. ~~~.~.,,,r:~~~,.,. . .,..~a:...~:.._,..,~: ..,n.,-. . r ~~ i , r ~ ~'. REGULAR MEE?ING'- CITY~LP.NNING COMMISSION - JUNE 20, 19~ - CQNTINUED: ,~ ~ { ! SPECIAL USE PERIulIT -?he foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite ' No. 76 to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety a~d ; (Continued) welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. On roll call tlie foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:; AYESs COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Hapgood~ Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Mungall and Summers. NOES: COMMISSIONERSs None. AHSENT: COMMISSIONERS: DuBois and Gauer. RECORD OF SURVEY - A portion of a 10 acre parcel located at the southeast cerner of Western and Lincoln Avenues. Lands and Building, 1517 E. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles 21, Calif., as applicant. Mr. Jacobsen, represented McDanjel Engineering Co. The map was presented to the Commissioners. Commissioner Mungall made a motion to approve th~ Record of Survey. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Allred, and carried. VARIANCE No. 1249 - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submitted by JAMES H. HODGES~ 10542 Katella Ave., Anaheim, Calif. requesting permission to CONSTRQCf AND OPERATE A MOTEL OF APPROXIMATELY 40 UNITS, on the property described ass A parcel 150' x 205' with a frontage of 150' on Katella Ave. and locat?d on the south side of Katella Ave. between Harbor Blvd., and Haster St.,its northeast corner being 350° west of tfie southwest corner of Katella Ave. and Haster St., also described as 130 W. Katella Ave. The property is presently zoned R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. This application was held over from the Planning Commission meeting of June 6, 1960. ~ ; The applicant was present and submitted Revised Plans. , There was no one in the audfence opposing the request. ; d s ?HE HEARING WAS CLOSED. f Commissioner Mungall of~ered Resolution No. 281, Series 1959-60, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner ! /',llred, granting Variance No. 1249, sub~ect to the following conditions:; 1. Development in accordance with Revised plans presented. 2. Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements on Katella Ave. in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer. 3. Payment of $2.00 per front ft. for street lighting purpo:as. The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the nse of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYES: CONWIISSIONERS: Aiired, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, Mungall and Su_mmers. NOESs COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT': COlMIIISSIONERS: DuBois and Gauer. - 4 - --------. _.. -r... _ . __._. __ . _ _. ... ___ _. . ___. . _.__.. _ ~ ~ ~ . ~~r,p-~~:~»~~~.: ~ ,.~-_.~s,..:r..,.,,...~...: , ~~ :~ ~ "~~. CONTINUED O S JU ~ : I N - NE 20. 196u - .ANNING COMMIS REGULAR MEETING - CITY ;i r VARIANCE No. 1251 - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION subruitted by AMCO BUZLDING AND INV~:STNlENT i ~ INC., 700 W. Orangewood Ave., Maheim, Co?i.f., requestino permission to WAIVE MINIMUM HEIGlif REQUIREMENTS TO PERMIT CON'o7RUCTTON OF TWO i STORY APARTMENi BLDGS., on the property dascrib?~ as: A parcel on ~ the east side of Loara St. between Ball Rd. and Palm La~~:•, ~lso a described as Lots 9, 10, ).:, and 14 of Tract No. 2802~ The property ~ is presently zoned R-3, MLILTIPLE FAMILY R£SIDENTIAL. _ This Variance was held ovar from the Planning Comnaission meeting ~ of June 5, 1960. ~ Idr. Balen :epresenbe8 the applicant. He st:ted the lots wnich had ~ been bui~t on in this subdivision wereu:.der the old R-3 Code. The ~ lots which already have buildings on them, are twc :stories. :? ~ No one in the audience opposed the Variance. ~ • THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo ~ ` Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 282, Series 1959-60: 3 ;~ and moved for its pas•~~ge and adoption, seronded by Commissione~ 4 Marcoux, granting Variarice lVo. 1251. ~ On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes ~ AYES: ODA~MISSIONERSs Allred, Hapgood~ Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, ~$ Mungall and Summers. `~~i NOES COMMISSIONERSs None. ~ABSENTs COMMISSIONERS: DuBois and Gaue;. VARIANCE No. 1252 - PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by SUPRFNIE INV., C.O., 2180 Harbor ~ Blvd., Maheim, Calif., requesting permission to WAIVE MINIMUM a` HEI(~IT REQUIREMHNTS TO PEP'AIT CONSTRUCfION OF TNiO STORY APARTMENT BUILDINGS on the property des~ribed as: A p?rcel 645' x 6E5' with a fronatage of 665' on Oranaaw^~d Ave. and located on the narth side of Orangewood Ave., its 6nuthwest rarner i±?:ng 635' east of the northeast corner of Haster St~ sn;i Orangewood Ave., '~ excepting a parcel 240' x 300' with a f~:ontage of 300' uu ' Orangewood Ave., its southwest corrie~ being approxim:,tely i000 '~ east of the northeast cori~er of Has~er St. and Orangewood Avp. •?Me propesty is presently zoned R-;1, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. „g Idr. Knisely represented the applicant. Plot plans were •res~ented to tha ~ Commissioners. ~ ~ There was no one in the audience opposing the Var3ance. '~ ikiE HEARING WAS CLOSED. "~ ~ Commissioner Mauerhan stated that he felt it was ridiculous to hold x this to one story when the R-1 across the street can build two s~ox•ies. s Commissioner Mauerhan offered Resolution No. 283 Series 1959-60, ar.d ~ ~ moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Swnmers, granting Variance No. 1252. ~ 1 On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following ~ vote: ; , AYES: COMMISSIONERSs Allred, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Mungall ~ and Swnmers. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENfs COMMISS70NERS: DuBois and Gauer. - 5 - v _..~....._......_...F_ _------ --- -~ ,; ,.....~..,,,,,...,:.;~ :.:.. , ~:~;.::~: . . - ---._------------ -,-- ~ • 7~-.._-.-_ . _ _ . '~ '~ '~~~ ~ REGULAR h~ETIiQ~i GT;:,~LANNING COMh?iSSION - JUNE 20. 1'~SO - CONTINUEDs VAR7hNCE J~t:-;: :~253 - PUSLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by C. F. & W. Y. BFiAME£~, 2110.Judith Lane, Anaheim, Calif., reyuesting permissiun tc WANE 25' REAR YARD SETBACK REQUIR~N~NTS T~ PERMIT 4' ENCRCIACHMENT INTO SAID REAR YA~.~ on the property desca•ibed as: A p;rce'1 64' x:OT ' witt~ a frontage of 64' on Judith Lar~~ and located on the south side of Judi'th Lane; its northwest crrner beinc approximately 260' e~st of the southea:;t corner of Judith Lar:e and Ga•rden Dr., also described as 7:.10.Judith Lane. Tha property is presently zoned R-1, SINGLE FAMIL'f fiFSIbENTIAL. The apnlicant was presen~:. T~:4 ;:r,quesi. w~s t^ ar:;:roa~h imlo the rear y yasd just 4 ft, ; .~ , i Tne.re was no one ~n the audience oppcs:.ng the Variance. ! I'HE HEARIP;ii WA.S CLOSED. 1: ::as c.tated tiiat since there are no sidewa.lks a: Judith Lane i~ wo..~ld be impractical to requi:e ihem in this ca~e (as recommende:l by the Interdepar:mental Committee). ~ Commissioner Allre•9 offered Resolution No. 284 Saries 1959-60 ond moved: for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commission Mu~gall, gran~?ng ; Variance No. 1253, sub~ect Lo the follaNing conditions: ; 1~ Development in accordance with pians presented. ` 'i ~^•~~ ~oll cail the foregoinn res~~l.ution was pass • by the fo~low9.ng vote: a a AYE'cz COMMISSIOta~i;S: Allres], HaE~good, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, ' Mun.ga!'_ artd Summers. ' NOE:: COMM3SSIOt~RS: NonE. ~ ABS'=f:!': Cc)61MISSIOI~?~RS: DuBois and Gauer. ~~ VARIRNCE No. 1254 - PUBLIC HEARI~'~3. PETITION suhmitted by CARMEN SCAI.~Q, 1912 Kathy Lane, ~ P.naheim, Calif.., requesting permission to C~NSTRUCT :,:~ OPERATE A s TWO STORY 40 U1~IT N.1TF.L WITH MANAC:cR'S APARTIu@NT, on the property = described as: A par,;zl 170° x 610' wfth a fron•tage of 170' on 3 Harbor Blvd., ar..d located on the east side of Harbor Blvd.; its ; nortliarest corner ,~.eing 1170' south of the southeast w~rnex of `; Harbor Blvd., anu Midway Dr. The property is presant:y z~ned # R-A, RE~ID'cNTIpL A,GF~FCULTURAL,. ' ;< The applicant was present. He said that ~the motel Nill be built on the southerly S~° x 61:1'. There was no on~ in the audier~ce epposing the Variance. ; THE 1-;,:.~nING WAS (:LOSE;~. ~ I Commissioner Mun•;all offered Reso.lution No. 285 Series 1~59-60, ~ and moved for its passage and adoF~tion, .for ~I~tel on ~aoutherly -~ 85' x 610', seconded by Commissior,er Swnmers,: gra~:ticig Va::iance Na. 1254, subject to the following conditions: .i 1. Dedication of 60° from centerline of Harbor for e~tire parcel. v` 2. Prepare stree+. improvement plans and install. all improvements on entire parcel in accordance with ar•proved standard plans on file i in office of City Eng3neer. ~ 3. Development in accordance with plans presented. 1 4. $2.00 per front ft. for street lighting purposes on the southerly ; 85' onlyo ~ 3 The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequis3te to ~ the use of the property in order to preserve the safcty and welfare $ of the Citizens of Anaheim. ~ ~7 On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the folluwing vote:>: AYES: COMMISSIONHRS: Allred, Hapgoa4, Marcoux~ ~das~e~fian, Morris; ~~ ~dungall and Swnmers. d NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERG: DuHuis and Gau2r. ~ -6- ~~ ~ .~~ '~ 3 . i' _ . _ _....~ ~--- _.__ _.. - --- - ------ ^_~ ...,.:. „ _ . ---- _ ------.. ~. ~_ i, _ REGULAR ~ ING - CZTY~ANNING COMMISSZO~ - JUNE 20~ 1~ - CONT.iNUED: ,.I VARIANCE No. 1255 - PUBLIC HEARIA'Go PETITION submitted by Jo W. McN1ICHAEL, 454 A West Valencia' Dr., Fullerton, Calif., requesting permission to CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A 75 UNIT MOTEL; ALSO TO WAIVE 60' BUILDING SETBACK REQUIREMENT TO PERMIT 50' BUILPINu SETBACK on the property described as: A parcel 76' x 630' with a fro:~tage of 76' on Orangethorpe Ave. and located on the south side of Orangethorpe Ave. between Raymend St. and Lemon St., its northeast coxner being 306' west of the southwest corner of Orangethorpe and Raymond. The property is presently zoned M-1, LIGHT MANUFACTURING. 7he applicant was present. Mr. McMichael said they had purchased some more land for parking. There was no one in the audience ooposing the Variance. THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Marcoux offered Resolution No. Z86, Series 1959-60 and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mauerhan, granting Variance No. 1255, sub3ect to the following conditions: 1. Dedication of 53° from the centerline of Orangethorpe. 2. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer. j 3. Payment of $2.00 per front ft. for street lighting purposes. 4. Development in :iccordance ~vith plans presented. I'he foregoing conditions are found ta k.e a necessary prerequisite , to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anat~.m. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:• AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan~ Morris, Mun9a11 and Summers. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSEM: COMMISSIONERS: DuBois and Gauer. • VARIANCE' No. 1256 - PUBLIC IiEARING. PETITION submitted by LANDS AND BUILDINCy INC., 151'7 E. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles 21~ ~alif.9 requesting permission to CONSTRUCT AND OPERATL' A COCKTAIL BAR, the property described as: A parcel 100° x 320' with a frontage of 320' o~ Topanga ilr. a~d located on the west side of Topanga Dr. $etween Lincolr. Ave. and Del Monte Dr., its northeast corner being 150' south of the southwest corner of Lincoln A~e. and Topanga Dr. The ~roperty is presently zoned C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL. Mr. Kelly represented the applicant. There was no one in the aud~ence coposing the Variance. The size would be 75' x 100'. THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo CommissionerM~;uerhan ~'ereci Resolution Na 287, Series19y9-GD,and moved ; for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, denying Variance~No. 1256. ' On roll call the foreoing resolution was passed by the following vote:; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mauerhan, Morris, ~ Mungall and Summers. j NOESs COMMISSIONERS: None. i ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: DuBois and Gauer. _ ~ _ - ----__..._....~_ . }- ~. _.,v..,, .,. ' .f t VARIANCE No. 1257' - PUALIC F~ARING. PETITIQN submitted by ARLEE INDllSTRIAL CO., 860 S. Rose P1., Maheim, Calif., requesting permission to OPERATE A RETAIL AND MANUFACTURING BUILDING on the property described as A parcel 50' x 150' with a frontage of 50' on Manchester Ave. and located on the westerly side of Manchester Ave. between Katella Ave. and Orangewood Ave., its northeasterly carner being approximately 123~° southerly of the southwest corner of Ka•tella Ave. and Manchester P.ve. also described as the property north of Culligan water Service. The ~property is presently zoned R-A, RESIDENT'IAL AGRICULTURAL. The applicant was not present. ihis item was held over to the end of the Agenda. SPECIAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC F~ARINGa PETITION suhmitted by C. F. STEINEN, Trustee, No. 75 561 S. Main, Orange, Calif., requesting permission to CONSTRUCT A 54 BED SANITARIUM on the property described as: An irregular shaped parcel with a frontage of 150° on Magnolia Ave. and located on the west side of Magnolia; its sbutheast corner being approximately 345' north of the northwest corner of Lincoln and Magnol.ia, extending westerly i:o the proposed Flood Control Channel. The pr~~perty is presently zoned R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICllLTURAL. The applicant was present. This is to be an old folk home not to be ambulatory. The buildings is to be U shape. There is 50' left. He was told that it would be, difficult to build on so small a lot. The app:icant said he f.irst must get approval on this app~ication and perhaps later request amendment of boundaries as he didn't wish to delay financing. There was no one in the audience opposing this Special Use Permit. Commissioner Allred offered Resolution No. 288, Series 1959=60, and moved for its passage ar.d adoption, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood granting Special Use Permit No. 75, subject to the foliowing conditions: 1. Development in acccrdance with plans presented. 2. 1)edication of 53° from penterline of Magnolia. 3. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer. 4. Recommend approval of Flood Control for alignment and drainage. 5. Payment of $2.00 per front ft. for s~reet lighting purposes. The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequiste to the use of the pi•operty in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the ~itizens of Anaheim. On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: ~ AYESs COMMI5SIONERS: Allred, Hapgood, iNarcoux, Mauerhan, htorris, Mungall and S•:~mmsrs. NOES: COMMISSIONERSs Nope. ABSENTs COMNIISSIONERS: DuBois and Gauer. BROADWAY-GILBERT - Located on the north side of Broadway east of Gilbert. ANIaEXAT IOI3 Commissioner Allred made a motion to approve the Broadway-Gilbert Ai~nexatton. ihis motion was seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. ADJOURNMENT - This meeting adjourned at 5s30 0'Clock P. M. and the rest of the items will be taken up at an.Ad3ourned Regular Meeting to be held at 2:00 0'Clock P. M'., June 27, 1960 in the Councll Chamber of the Anaheim City Hall. Respectfully submitted, -? ~ .. •.. , -•-~.~x_~_ .- : ~HARD REESE~ Secretary _ g _ _._~._, _.. .: , ~. ., ~ ~.' ' ~~ ;~ ~ ~ REGULAR MEETING - CITY PLANNII~ COMMISSION - JUIdE 20. 1960 - CONTINUED: