Minutes-PC 1960/08/15~ ~ ., ,' City Hall ~, ~ Anaheim, California ~ August 15, 1960 REGUT.AR MEE?ING OF TFIE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ' REGULAR Iu~ETING - A Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission :vas called to order at 2:00 0'Clock P.M. by Chairman Gauer, a quorum being presento ~ i na~g~uT _ rWnTaMaN GAUER, COMMISSIONERS: Allred9 Marcoux, Morrisrr ; Mungallr and Summers~ Commissioner DuBois entered the Meeting at 2:15 0'Clock P.Me 1 Commissioner Hapgood entered the Meeting at 2:45 0'Clock P..Me ~ ; ABSENT - Commissioner Mauerhan< ; MIN[JTES - The Minutes of the Meeting of August 1, 1960, were approved with the follow- 5 ing corrections= Page 1, last paragraph, th3rd line: Change Commissioner j "Mauerhan" to "Mungall"o Page 7, second paragraph, sixth lines typographical ; error, word "effect"o ; PRESENT - Acting Planning Director - Richard Reese f Planning Technician - Gordon Steen ; Assistant City Attorney - Joe Geisler ; Planning Department Secretary - Shirley Taylor ~ i VARIANCE N0. 1273 - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submitted by LOUIS LARAMORE and WILBUR CLARK' 1111 Beverly Boulevard, Whittier, California, requesting permission to CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A RESTAURANT AND MOTEL~HOTEL pn the property described ass A parcel 85 feet by 610 feet with a frontage of 85 feet on Harbor Boulevard and located on the east side of Harnor Boulevard between Midway Drive and Katella Aven+.~e; its southwest corner being 1690 feet north of the northeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenuee The property is presently classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. Mre Louis Laramore appeared bei'ore the Commissiono The question was raised regarding the sideyard setback, as the plans showed portions of the building built to the property line on both sidese Chairman Gauer inquired if there were to be windows on either the north or south side< Mr. Laramore stated that the intention was not to utilize the full width of the lot, and that the plans submitted were, in general, representative of what they intend to cio. He added that a Coffee Shop would be on the second level, and a cocktail loungs would be included in the building. It was stated that since the restaurant was to be 6,500 square feet, 33 parking spaces would have to be provided. The applicant stated he was mindful of this, and that all pro- visions of the code would be mete No one appeared in opposition to the granting of this Variance. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No. 43, Series ?960-61, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, granting Variance Noe 1273, subject to the following conditions: 1. Front yard setback 50 feet, with 20 feet of landscapingo 2. Where there arv windows on side and rear of building, there shall be a setback o: 5 feete The foregoing conditions are found io be a necessary prerequisite ~io the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheime On roll call, the foregoing rPSOlution was passed by the follawing votes AYESs COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Swnmerse NOESs COMMISSIONERSs Nonee ABSENTs COMMISSIONERSs Mauerhan9 DuBoiF, and Hapgood. -1- i i ~ _ _ __--- - .... ..---__..._. _ .- --_ --_ __ __ ----._._.._. _...____ _~ _ '`~---- __ _~, ._ _.---- ~ ~ ~ ~.1 ~ ~/ kIHUTES~ CIIY PLANNING COlYW1ISSI0N, August 159 19609 CONTINUEDt va~axc~ xo. `~, L281 - P(JBLIC 1~ARAVG. PETITION submitted by N~CCA INVESTN~NT COMPANY, a California Corporation, 2135-B West B;?2 Road, Maheim, California9 requesting permis- sion to CON5TRUCT RlID OPERA'C"c A% UNIT MOTEL on the property described ass A parcel 18? feet by 330 feet with a frontage of 187 feet on Harbor Boulevard and located on the west side of Harbor Boulevard between KateLla and Orange- wood Avenues; its northeast corner being approximately 290 feet south of the soutM~re6t corner of Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenuea The property is presently classified R-A, RESIAENTIAL AGRICULTURALe No representative of the Mecca Izvestment Company was prea~nt at the Hearingo It xas pointed out by the Commiasion that the required setback of 50 feet would have to be applied, which would reault in the loss of two to four unitse No one appeared in opposition to ~he granting of the Varianceo THE HEARING MAS CLOSED. Commissioner Morris offered Resolution No< 44, Series 1960-61y and moved for its passage and adoption9 seconded by Commissioner Allred, granting Variance No. 1281, sub~ect to the following conditions= 1. Plans presentedo 2. 50 foot setback rrith 20 feet of landscapinge 3. Interdepartmental Committee requirementse The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Maheimo On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votei AYES: C01~04ISSIONE~tS: Allred, DuBois9 Gauer, Marcoux9 Morrisy Mungall 4 and Summerso NOES: (~WISSIONERS: Noneo pBSENT: (~IYIISSIONERSs Mauerhan and Hapgooda VARIAN(~ N0. 1282 - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submitted by CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS 8 LOAN ASSOCIA?IQd, 5680 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, requesting permission to NAIVE MIINIMUM HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS SO PERMIT CONSTRUCfION OF A SIX-STORY OFFICE BUILDIAIG on the property described as: A parcel 75 feet by 150 feet r-ith a frontage of 75 feet, located 78 feet north of the center- line of Crescent Avenue, and a depth of 150 feet, located 79 feet _a~~ of the c2nterline of Euclid Avenue; and fu:ther described as 600 North Euclid Avenue. The property is presently classified C-1, NEIGHBGrZH00D COMIY~RCIALo Planning Te;K~nician Gordon Steen stated that the parking shown on the plans snbaitted rw3d be ample for the proposed building; however, when the balance of the property was developed, there could be insufficient provision for parking. A member of the architec~ural firm was present at the Hearing representing the applicante THE t~ARING WAS CLOSEDo Co~issioner M[orris inquired if the property description on the application xas of the entire G 1 parcel; this was found to be truee Commissioner Mlarco~ac asked hour many parking spaces were to be provided, whereupon Mro Steen read the Staff Reports,' which indicated that there would be a total of 914.* ~Mr. Lee Ylilcox, architect, called August 169 1960, and stated that the building is to be smaller than represented at Commission Hearing. The building Nill contain 54,312 square feet of gross floor area rather than 67,500 as supposed. ihis would reducs the required spaces to 363 rather #nan 450. Since the Variance was approved, there is no reason to refer this matter back to Commissiona -2- ,I i J ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ CII'Y PLANNING COIQiISSI~I, Augnst 159 1960, OQTffDHJEDs VARIANCE N0. 1282 - Ca~issiaser D~xBois offered Besolutiaa~ lio. dt5, SEries 1%0.61, and moved (Continued). for its passage and adoptim, seconded by Co~ssioner ltarcoux, grantir.g Variance No. 1282, subject to t6e folla~ing conditionss 1. Plans preseated. 2. Adequate parking to be p~avided £or ali futise development as xell as the subject bui3ding. 3. Itrterdepartmeirtal Ca~iittxe requixemesrtse " . Ihe foregoing ca~ditioos are fauad to be a necessazy prerequisite to the use af the property ia order fo p~eserve the safety and xelfare Qf the Citizens of Ana6eim. On roll call tbe #oregoing resolutian *as passed by the following vote: AYESs COiB~SSI~s Alireds DaHoiss Gauer, JI(arcomc, Mungall and S:*amnx ~ NOESs O~OdISSI~s JIAo~ris. ABSENI's C~SSiQ,ff~Ss Ma~x~an accd ~• VARIANCH N0. 1283 - PUBLIC F~ABil~. PETY?I~ soIIsitted by JIISEPH A. ARSENAUL?p 801 No. Loara, Apt. 220, Anahei~y Califa¢s~ia, reqnesting pez~ission to BUILD A RESTAURANr pNp COQCTpIL IAL~ on the p~operty descri6ed as: A parcel 48 feet by 295 feet with a#rontage o~ 4~ feet an Harbor Bo~levard and located on the rrest side o: Harbor Boule~ra='d betaeerc Oraaqesood and Chapman Avenues; its northeast coaner beir~g apprmcioately 345 feet soatF- of the soutMrest corner of Harbor Baulevard aad ~a~ge~ood Avecs~e, and fuzther described as 2125 gouth !~arbor Baulevard. 2he p~operty is presently classified R-A, RESIDEM- ?IAL AGRIQTL~AY.. ldrs. lleisner, i~epresenting tbe applicaut, appeared before the C~ission and pointed out that tffi subject proE.~erty is part of a larger parcel 117 feet by 280 feet. Ca~issionea l~mgall said he believed the plans should shar what was to bc do~ nith the balance of the property. Arse lY~isner stated any further developmoe~ there aoald be p~esented to the Planning Commission in the regnlar mam~er. I~TTo aefe appeared in opposition to the gxanting of the Variance. I~ H~AR~ ~AS CLO6ED. Commissioner Allxed offered Resolution No. 46, Series 1960-61, and moved for its passage as~d adoptim, secanded by Caumissio~r S~nmers, granting Variance Noo 12839 subject to the folla~r3ng conditionsa 1. Plans pres~irted. 2. Adequate parking to be prarided= 3. 50 foot setback ~rith 2D feet of lat~scaping. 4. Interdepartmzatal C~ittee re~ercts< The foregoing casditiaars a-'^e fa~ssd ta be a~cessary prerequisite to •the use af the property in aa~er to pzeseive the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. On roll cail the fo=e~oing reselutiae vas passed by the followir.g vote: AYES= Ca0[7SSY~: I-llred, A~Bois, Gauer, D[arcanc, Morris9 Mungall and S~ers. NOES: COI~IISSIQ~RS: No~ae. ABSENTs ~[ISSIQi~B,S: 1lauerilan and EIaPJ~- •\ ~ VARIANCE N0. 1284 - PUBLIC HEARIf~. PE!'E3?OU suh~itted hy DH~I- E. &EASQ~Bs 300 North Wilshire Avenue, Anaheia, California, reqoestinQ pexmfssion to ifAIVE NII~IIAQJ![ F~IG!{f REQUII~Fl~l1fS ?0 pEBIQ7 C~SI~IION ~ A 4-SIORY OFFIC~ BUILDING on the prop- erty descrYbed asa An iaregular shaped parce2 ai-ith a depth of 610 feet and a frorrtage of 2A8 feet oai Lincoln Avem~e; and located on the northeast corner of Lincoln and iilshi~~e Avenues, and fusther described as 1313 West Lincoln Avern~e. ??+~ rroperty is presently classified R-~A, RESIDEN?IAL AGRICULTURAL, ~rith C-1, HEI(~ 00~IAL, Ppiding. -3- 1 ~ ~ ,.,-- - --- ;~:. _----.- -- -~ ~--------: - \ ~ ~~ ~ I MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION9 August 159 19fi09 CONTINt,'EDs ' VARIANCE N0. 1284 - Mre Denzel Ee Reasoner appeared before the Co~is~3mm ~~ pIla~ (Continued) with a few revisions as suggested by the Plannin~ ~t,a~m Akr,~ ~ s4~ that thera would be 621 parking spaces provi~edn ~r~+^+~~~~ ~~~ ' when construction would start, and was informed ~a~ th~ ~~~ ~ I~m immediately when the Variance was in effect, ~cuncl ~ ff~.~tt ~~rm Dra Bouchelie, 1416 Sirchmont Drive, appeared 3~e3-~ ~~~ ~ presented petitions signed by 74 property araers i~n ~~~~ Drive and Dwyer Driveo Dr~ Bouchelle stated t,hat ~ a;ani~ ~vltan~ B~1CD s3u~ra- tures, if necessary; and that the proposed foiu~ ~t~ &~Il~nm~ a~mD~ me~m a loss of privacy to the citizens in the area, as ~e9.Il ~ a~.m~ ~F ttP~e~r property valueso Mre George Spencer, 1404 Bir~9 ~aa~ ~ff~ ittme Commission adding his objections on the same ,gr~dsa -i ac~ ~ft~aH ~ Ts~ the applicant that the building itself wwld ~e~b4D ~~ ffa~m tiae meaaest property lineo Dro Bouchelle stated that ~rrnn t~ei= ~ gu~.^e nm itB~ area could see even the single story baildings an y1~i~_~ 69~~; it~eefe~ persons on a second, third or fourth floor o~ 3ae ~~+*~~ acmmIl~ T~ able to look dir~ctly down into private rear yax~se 7Ery ~-~-= ~Il~ that there were two single story buildings and ane ~:~tes ~-~ms.'Eza¢ close to Loara Street; he added that the prapase~l ~-'~.:i~~, w~nIl~ ~ ffe~ from the property line~ was actually nearly l,ODD ~ ffa~tt~e ~aaes~. residencee THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Niun~all offered Resolution Noe 47,, ~eri~ Il~-~Ilm ~ mm~c8 for its passage and adoption, seconded by Comm~ssi~er AAn.~ns,,, ~+*~~ Variance Noo 1284, sub~ect to the follaring cor,diliars~ lo Plans presentedo 2, Interdeoartmental Committee requiremer.jse Commissioner Mungall stated his reasoa for appravaIl vr~s dm~ H~ Pa~~ieu~~ the building was far enough away so as not to i.,-t~e=~e~ a~~ ~i~ ~£ occupants of homeso The faregoing conditions are ~ tt~ ~ a~rg~ prerequisite to the use of the property in or~er ia ~+~ s~fr~.79 ~~ welfare of the Citizens of Anaheimo On roll call the foregoiag resolution Hras passed 3s~+ ~ ffmIlIlm~vnm~ m~tte= AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, ~Iap~a~s7, D~e~~ ~rfis~ Mungall and Swmmerso NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ?~oneo ABSENTt COh9NISSIONERSs Mauerhane VARIANCE NOe 1285 - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submitted by KARJALA ~, ~~$ Po Oo Box 2039 Anaheim~ California, requesting per~s~sin ft~ ~~ S~ F STORY HEIGHT LIMITA7IONS TO PERMIT C~IS?RUGTIDN DF ~iYD-~IIIG~ 64ff&~IISz on the property described as= A parcel 130' by 3D~' ar"s~ a ffa~~z~},e m~£ Il3(D" on Pampas Lane and located on the south side a~ aaa~s 1La~ ~m ~P~~ Avenue and Loara; its nortknvesi, c~rner being appraximsC~eIl~ ~u~ fr~'~ eas~ a~' the southeast corner of Euclid Avenne and ~'^~as II..~~ ~ ff~s ~ as 1652 thru 1660 Pampas Lanea The property is ~s~..--~Ilr x-~ssnffi~cH ~-!&„ RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURALo No one appeared in opposition to the granting ~o~ ~'~~ca~m ~iit vr~s pointed out that the R-3 Zoning applicatinn f~r ~e svb~a.~t ~~ait~ z~s granted by the Planning Commission July 18, 19b0~ ~~~~ Y!~ Q~~ Commissioner Morris offered Resolution Noo 48, ~eri~s b~LiD-BaIl9 ~~ for its passage and ado~tion9 seconded by Lo~iss3~s ~r ~-°rr~ Variance No> 1285, subject to the follaring c~zdi~im~= lo Plans presentedo -4- .. -----~------------- - -- _ _ ----- ----- ~_- _.----.-. .. w ~ii . ~ ~ ~ -- .__- --_".`-.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES - CITY PLANNING CONaI[ISSION9 August 159 19609 CONTINUED: ~ VARIANCE NOo 1285 - The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the (Continued) use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheimo On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: CO~INIISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer9 Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summerso NOES: COMMISSIONERSt Nonee ABSENT: CONUi[ISSIONERS= Mauerhano RECLASSIFICATION -~ PUBLIC HEARINGo PETIiION submitted by Ao Bo and Go Se CARMICHAEL9 Grand NOo F-.60-61-3 Avenue Station, Elsinore, California, requesting that the p.roperty described ase A parcel 107 feet by 120 feet with a frontage of 120 fe~~t on Winston Road and located on the southeast corner of Winston 2oad and Iris SLreet be reclassified from C-19 Neighborhood Commercial (Restrictecl), to C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, (Unrestricted)a ~ F ~ i ~ f+ f i This reclassification was originally heard before the Planning Commission on ~ July 18, 1960, at which time the Commission vote was tied; it was again ; heard on August 1, 1960, at which time the vote was four to deny, and three ~ to approvea On a reclassification, , full ma~ority vote must be attained ~ for action approving or disapproving; therefore, the matter was considered i again at this Hearing for the last time within +.he prescribed forty dayse Attorney Joe Geisler pointed out that originally the lots on Iris Street were reclassified to C-1~ however9 the subJect lot was withdrawn and zoned C-1 with restrictions at the request of the applicanto ?he Hearing was closed at the July 18th Meetingo Commissioner Marcoux offered Resolu±ion Noo 30, Series 1960-61, and moved for ite passage and adoption9 sseconded by Commissioner Mungal.l, recommending ~ to the City Council that Reclassification Noo F-60-61-3 b,e approved for ~ C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, IIrrestrictedo The vote on the above resolution was as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: DuBois, Marcoux9 Morris and Mungallo NOESs COMMISSIONERS: Allred9 Gauer, Hapgood and Summerso ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSs Mauerhan> Mro Geisler stated thatq due to the tied vote, this reclassification would autamatically be recommended to the City Council for approval forty days after the original July 18, 1960 Planning Commission Hearingo VARIANCE NQo 1~Z86 - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submitted by TIET2 CONSTRUCTION CONIPANY, 11900 Gilbert S~reet, Garden Grove, California, requesting permission to CON:~TRUCT ' A MOTEL AND A RESTAURANT WITH ON~SALE LIQUOR AND BANQUET ROOM FACILITIES on the propexty described as= Two adjoining parcels; Parcel 1 being an irre- gular shaped parcel with an average width of 650 feet and an average depth of 437 fset; its noxtherly boundary being 348 feet south of the centerline of Katella Avenue and its easterly boundary being 390 feet west of the centerline of Harbor Boulevardo Parcel 2 described as being a parcel 160 feet by 288 feet with. a frontage of 160 fee~ on Katella Avenue and located on the south side of Katella Avenue; its northeast corner being approximately 596 feet west of the southwest corner of Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenus, and its southerly boundary ~oining the northerly boundary of Parcel 1; and further described as 710 West Katella Avenueo The property is presently classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRIGULSURALo Mre Dick Guthery appeared before the Commissio: and presented an elevation of the proposed developmento He pointed out that thEre w~uld be an excess of at least 50 parking spaces over what was requiredo No one appeared in opposi- tion to the granting of this Varianceo THE I~ARING IVAS CLOSEDo -5- i ~ i \ ~ ~, ---- --~- - • ~_.` .._._. :% _. ~ ~ ~\ . \ 1 !dINUTES9 CITY PLAAINING COMMISSION9 August 159 19609 CONT:[NUEDs ~ VARIANCE N0. 1286 - Commissioner Morris offered Resclution Noe 49, Series 1960-619 and moved (Continued) far ite passage and adop~iony seconded by Commissioner DuBois, granting ~ariance Noe 1286y sub3ect to the following conditions: le Plans presented, with 20 feet of landscaping along both Katella Avenue and the proposed streeto 2. In'~erdepartmental Committee requirementss ao Record subdivision map in accordance with plot plan submitted9 OR b. Dedicate 60 feet from centerline af Katellao (existo 40') ce Prepare strest improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineere de Payment of $2000 per fr~nt foot for street lighting purposese eo Provide for disposition of drainage by recordation of a subdivision map or recorded drainage approvalo The foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheime On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYESs COMMISSIONHRSi Allred, DuBois, Gauer9 Hapgood9 Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summerso NOESs COMh1ISSI0IJERSs Noneo ABSENTi COMMISSIONERSs Mauerhano VARIANCE NOo 1287 - P1IBLIC HEARINGa PETITION submitted by ROWLAND AND JOF~ISTON9 203 South Claudina Street9 Maheim9 California, requesting permission ta WAIVE MINIMUM IiEIGtfI REQUIRENIENTS TO PERMIT CONSTRUC?ION OF 2-STORY APARiMENT BUILDINGS TO WITHIN 75' OF SINGLE FAMILY itESIDENCESt ALSOy TO WAIVE REAR YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS TO PERMIT ENCROACHMENT TO WITHIN 8' OF REAR PROPERTY LINE on the property described as= A parcel 98' by 203' with a frontage of 203° on South Philadelphia Street and located on the east side of South Philadelphia Street between Clifton and Charlotte Avenues; its northwest corner being 100 feet south of the southeast corner of Charlotte Avenue and Philadelphia Street, also described as 1020 South Philadelphia Streete The property is presently classified R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESI- DENTIAL. ;+ir. Rowland appeared before the Commission and stated that the rear yard area of the subJect property abutted the railroad tracks9 therefore the applicants turned the living room area to the fronto He added that this two story development would be further away from existing R-1 dwellings than existing two-story elements wereo No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variancea THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Marcowc offered Resolution Noo 509 Series 19b0-61, and moved for its passage and adoption, seccrM2d by Commissioner Summers, granting Variance 1300 1287y sub3ect to the following condition: Plans presenteda The foregoing condition is found to b,e a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. On ro].1 call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote~ AYESa COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBoi~, Gauer, Hapgoody Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Swnmersa NOESs COMMISSIONERS: Noneo n ABSENT: CONfMISSIONERSi Mauerha..e -6- i ~ ~ ~ - ---- ----------__.._____._.~_ _._-,-- -------..~._,. \ ~x -ti-- ~ _ ~ ~ .~ ~ .~ v~~~ ~~ ~~ 1~216ISouth Brockhurst,IMaheim,tCalifornia9 r questi gApermis 1on9toNC~9 ppERpTE A DANCE SiUDIO on the property described ass A portion of a parcel 260' by 420' witi- a frontage of 280 feet on Ball Road and located on the southeast cor~~e~c of. Hrookhurst Street and Ball Road, also deseribed as 1216 and 1218 South Brookhurst Streeto The property is presently classified C-19 NEIGF~ORHOOD COMMERCrALo ~ ~ , ~ , a ~ ~ No one appeared in oppoaition to the granting of this Varianceo THE HEARING IYpS CLOSEDo Coa~nissioner Morris asked the applicant if she had been operating a dance studio at the sub~ect location for gome time, and if any problems had arisen as a result; the reply was that the studio had been open for a short period of time and that there had bean no problemso Commissioner Allred offered Resolution Noa 51, Series 1960-6lrantin ~Variance fts passage and adoption, seconded by Commissicner Hapgood9 g 9 xoo izase On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote= AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred9 DuBois9 Gauer9 Hapgood, Marcoux9 Morris, Mungall and Summers> . NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noneo pgSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Mauerhano ;p~CI/lI, ll~ pERitIT- PUBLIC HEARINGo PETITION submitted by L%.WRENCE Ao MUCKENTHALER, 1530 NO. S1 Avolencia Drive, Fullerton, California, reqaest3ng permission to ESTABLISH A POS? OFFICE on the property described as= Two contiguous parcels! Parcel ls A parcel 230' by 630' with a fronta9e of 230' on Loara Street and located ca ihe west side of Loara StrRet between Crescent Avenue and Catalpa Drive; fts southeast corner being approximately 400° north of the northwest cornex of Loara Street and Crescent Avenue~ Parcel 2+ A triangular shaped parcel Iocated betMreen the northerly boundary of Parcel 1 and the southerly boun- dary of the proposed Flood Control Channel and its frontage located approximately 217° west of the centerline of Loara Str2eto The property is presently classified R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL (with C-1 pending)o b[ra Bank o£ the Postal Department appeared before the Commission ar~d stated that the proposed ~ost office would be no differe~tt from the present post•~ office in downtawn Anaheime Commissioner Morris inquired as to hax the truck traffic would be routedo Mre Bank explained that traffic tivoulcl leave the Santa Ma Freeway at Euclid and procaed to Crescent9 entering the reor of the sub~ect property throu~gh road easement which has already been obtained for that purposee There woul~~ be very little traffio on Loara Street, '~ addede Commissioner Morris aa;ked haw many trucks were anticipated to :.. ,usad for this facility, and Mro Bank replied app-oximately fifteen or here xo~uldlberappr ximately sixtyeemployeeshper shift,rand thecbuilding9 ~cculd be single storyo Commissioner Mungall asked as to the possibility of an easement to Euclid Avenue9 and Mro Bank replied that this po:aibility had not yet been exploreda Commissioner Morris asked how the post office department had happened to chose the sub~ect area for this facilityo 1~9~0 Bank explained that a very careful study had been made to determine popula- tion, future ,raxth, etc~; and he pointed out that the regular post office xould be offering the same sRrvices as it h~d always.done, the only differ- ence being that the post master°s office would probably be moved to the-new facilitya No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Special Use Permit. TF~ HEARIl~i WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Allred offered Resolution Noa 52, Series 1960-619 and mov.ed for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, granting Special Use Permit Noo 81, sub~ect to the following conditions: , 1. 15 foot landscaped area on Loara St< 2, Bloc: wall surrounding parking area for federal vehiclesa 3. Plans psesentedo 4. Interdepartmental Committee requiremeqtsP _~_ , '~ , ~ MIMIT'ES' CITY PLANNING COMWIISSION9 August 15, i9609 CONTINUED: SPECTAL USE PERNIIT -The foregoing conditinns are found to be a necessary prerec~uisite to tha NOe 81 use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the (Cor.tinued) Citizens of Maheimo Jn roll call the foregoir3 resolution was passed by the followin~ vote: AYESs C00~lISSIt~RSs Allred, DuHois, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morr~s, Afungall and Summerso NOESo CO~OdISSIONERS: Nonea ABSENTa COI~pIISSIONERS: kauerhano RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLZC I~ARINGe PETIiION submitted by MRSo LEROY H~ WATSON9 701 North Elm NOo F-60-61-12 Str~et, Beverly Hills, California, rpquesting that the property described as: A parcel 92' by 245° with a frontaye of 92' on Lincoln Avenue and located on the southwest corner of Lincoln and Dale Avenues, also described as 2800, 2802, 2804 INest Lincoln Avenue; be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-19 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIALo ?his appZication was held over from the Meeting of August 1, 1960, due to the fact that no ~ne appeared representing the applicant. Mro James Hodges appeared before tht ~omnission representing Mrse Watson; r.o one appeared in oppositian to the granting of the realassificationo THE HEARING WHS CLOSEDo Commissioner I~arcoux offered Resolution No~ 53, Series 1960-61., and noved for its passage and adoption., seconded by Commissioner Allred, recommend:r-g that Reclassification Noo F-6~-61-12, for C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, be a~pproved, subject to the following conditions: le Plans presentedo 2, Interdepartmental Camnittee requiremen~so The foxeooing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of t1 ~ property in order to preserve rhe safety and welfare of the Citizens of Maheim~ On ro:l call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the followir.g vote: AYESs 00119HT5SIONERS~ Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood9 Marcoux9 Morris, Nfungall and Siumaerso NOESs OOhQIlISSI~IERS: Noneo pBSENTs COMiMISSIONERSs Mauerhano RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARINGe PETITIGiV submitted hy FINLEY and MAXINE LEWIS9 931 South NOo F-60.61-13 1Wagnolia Avenue, Maheim, Californ#.a, requesting that the property described as= A parcel ~~7' by 116' with a frontage of 97' on Ball Road and located ,~n the northwect corner of Ball Road and Magnolia Avenue, also described as 927-931 South Magnolia Avenue, be reclassified from R-l, Single Family Residential to C-3, Heavy Commercialo No one appeared for or against the oranting of thtn reclassificationo THE F1EAFtING WAS CLOSEDo ThE Ca~nission pointed out that t:~e subJect property was teo small for use as a service station, and that it was ad3acent to residential propertieso Commissioner Morris offered Resolution Noo 54, Series 1960-51~ and moved for its passage and adaption, seconded by Cammissioner Allred, re~commsnding ~a the City Covncil that REClassification Noo F-60-61-13 for C-3, Heavy Commercial be deniedo On roll ca3: the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votet AYESs COI~L-;I~~IONERS: Allred9 DuBois, Gauer9 Hapgood, Marcoux, Morrit, 1V~nga11 and Summerso NOES: C~A~IIISSIONERS: None e pBSENTs COJ~M~ISSI~VERSt hiauerhano -B- i 1 `'. ------ ---~-. . _ _ _ _ __ -- _ ____ _ -- . ___ .. _--- -- -----•-----~ - ,.~ Mk _ . - ..__..._..- ~ ~~ ~ ~.. MINUTES' CITY PLANNING COMMISSION9 August 15, 1960~ CMTINUED: RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARINGo' PETITION submitted by ERNESTO S. OSIAdA, 816 South Olive N0. F-60-61-14 Street, Anaheim9 California, requesting that the property described as= A parcel 55' by 125' with a frontage of 55' on Olive Street and located on the east side of Olive Street between South and Vermont Streets; its northwest corner being approximately 196' south of the southeast corner of South and Olive Streets9 also described as 816 South Olive Street9 b~ reclassified from R-.1, SINGI.E FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, to R-2, T110-FA~[II.Y RESIDENTIALo No one appeared for or against the granting of this roclassificationo THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution Noo 55, Series 1960-61, and mwed for its passage and adoption, seconded by Coimaissioner DuBois, reca~ending to the City Council that Reclassification Noa F-60-61-14 for R-2, ?wo- Family Resi~ential, be approved9 subject to the follaring candition: 1~ Interdepartmental Committee Requirements~ The foregoing condition is found to be a nscessary i+rerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheime On roll call the foregofng reso]ution was passed hy the follaring votes AYESs COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcowc, Morris, Mungall and Summers~ NOES: CON',MISSIONERSs Nonea' ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Mauerhane RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC HEARINGo PETIiION submitted by ROSERT Lo BALEN, 700 Ni, Orangewood NOo F-60-61-15 Avenue9 Maheim9 Calif6rnia9 requesting that the propesty described acs A parcel 324' by 955', its westerly boundary being 220• east of the cer.ter- line of Placentia and a depth of 955' located 997' south of the cen•terline of La Palma Avenue9 be reclassified from R-Ay RESIDEN?IAL AGRI(~JI.2URAL, to R-39 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIALo Mro Robert Balen appeared before the Commission and stated that this pro- ~ posal was before the Commission for R-3 because it was felt that due to the i width of the parcel, if developed I2-1 it woulc! result in ext:•a large lots. ~ Th2 floor plans for the proposed apartments would include sa~me thsee-bedroan ~ units, which were rarely fAUnd in the City. He pointed out that the s#reet outlet had been changed so traff3c would not flow into New Avenue, and added that the Placentia Avenue frantage was zor:ed G 1. Alr. Halen stated that ~ fencing was already provided; there was a six foot block xall on the North, and fencing of various types was already in on the ether sides, whi2e access ~ would be mainly from Placentia Avenueo When asked by Commissianer t~iorr.ts ~ if Mra Balen's Company, Amco Building and Investment Ce~pany, fiad buflt y other developments in this area, Mro Balen replied they had done so a!1 over { Orange Countyo ; Mrse Mary Nicolai9 509 Whittier Street9 Anaheim, appeared before the Commis- ( sion representing the Anaheim Sunkist Civic Aesaciation. She s~ated that the Assooiation was comprised of 300 home owners located in the general j area of Sunkist School, and that the Association at its Board of Directors ; Aleeting had paesed a resolution opposing this reclassification because the R-3 2oning would not be in keeping with the single family residential nature of the areao Mrse Nicolai then introduced the Associatior-'s official apokeLman9 Mro John Julyr a resident of the 2300 block on East Sycamore ~treet. Mr. July stated that the area around Sunkist School xas an established R-1 area, and property own?rs wanted no more additional multi-family units for the following reasons: _g_ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES9 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION9 August 15, 1960, CONTINUED= RECLASSIFICATION - 1. Parking was a serious problemo NOe F-60-61-15 2. R-3 would impose more of a traffic burden on Placentia Avenueo (Continued) 3o Greater pol3ce and fire protection was needod for apartments than for single family ereaso 4o R-3 would be a detriment to the health9 safety and welfare of the citizens of the areao Mre July added that ther.e were over 79000 apartments existing which had been built in the City slnce 1950, and approximately 35% of them were vacant9 indicating that there was no shortage of multiple family dwellingso He referred to a Planning Commission "Community Survey Report9" and stated that the situation on the sub~ect property was not unusual9 not un- fair, and no hards!:lp eas ~nvolved; therefore he recommended that the City sustain the Association°s positiane . Mro Ralph Swingholm, 310 New Avenue, appeared before the Commission and noted that rezoning application from R-1 to R-3 had previously been con- sidered on the sub~ect property; and he added ~hat he had children playing in the vicinity, and he ob~ected t~ traffic hazards and the increase in densityo Mr, G. Oa Runs«old of Blanchard A~~enue appeared before the Commission and stated he was in comple~~ agreement with all statements which had been made in opposition to this reclassificatior.o He added his opinion that the noise created by such a development would be a r.uisanceo He cited the lack of City Park facilities for children, and also he felt that there was more than enou9h R-3 Zoning already i~: existenceo Mro Frank Mason of 403 South Redwood Drive appeared before the Commission and stated that the plans for the proposed development called for four families on each lot, with garages in the rearo Due to the elevation of his property, a six foot fence on the sub3ect property would seem like a three foot fence from his yardo He felt the alleys would become °race tracks" and that refuse would be thrown into the yards and swimming pools on the property along South Redwood Drivee Chairm~n Gauer asked Mr„ Balen if he wished to make reply to any of the opposition; hoeve~ery he replied he had no further statement ta makeo Commissioner DuBois ofrered Resoliiticn N~e 569 Series 1960-61, and moved for its passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, recommen- ding to the City Council that Reclassification Noo F-~60-61-15 for R-3, Multiple Family Residential, b: deniedo On roll call the foregq,i.ng resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood9 Marcoux9 Morris, Mungall and Summerso NOESe CONIMISSIONERS: Nonea ABSHNT: COMMISSIONERSs Mauerhar.a iENTATIVE MAP OF - A Tentative Map of Tract Noo 3912 was presented to the Commissiona The TRACT N0. 3912 subdivider is Amco Bui.lding and Investment Coe, 700 Wo Orangewc+od, Anaheim, Californiao The tract is located on the east side of Placentia Avenue, approxirt~tely 997031 feet south of La Palma Avenue9 and contains 23 pro- posed R-3 lots and 3 proposed R-1 lotse Mr. Steen pointed ou~ that the map was correct for R-3 Zoning; however, if it were to be developed R-1 the street width could be reduced by foi.ir feet, the lots could be redesigned9 the alleys would be eliminated, and the street layout would probably more properly be alteredo Commissioner D~Bois moved that Tentative Map of Tract Noe 3912 be denied, seconded b~~ Commissioner Marcoux, and unanimously carriedo ,.lp_ \\ \..~ , ....~. ._.._"._ .. ...... ....... . 1 -. !~! E l~ ~: ~ ~ r I MINUTES9 CITY PLANNING COMMI9SION9 August 159 19609 CONTINUEDs RECLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC IiHARINGo PETITION submitted by CITY OF ANAHEIM9 204 East Center NOo F-60-61-16 Sireet, Anaheim, California, requesting that the property described as: A parcel approx~mately 18 acres of land 6b0 feet by 1,318 feet with a frontage of 660 feet on Crescent Avenue; its southeast corner being ~pproxi- ' mately 660 feet west of the intersection of Crescent and Brookhurst Avenues, be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICUL?URAL to R-39 MULiIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIALa Acting Planning Director Richard Reese appeared before the Commission and stated that the subject property was land acquired for a Community Parko He noted that the property owner to the West had abandoned a final subdivision map and had agreed to trade a parael of land which was in con~lict with the community park for a parcel equal in size along the west side of the subject property> The trade would permit the integration and unified development of the park with the Junior High and E;smentary School, and would result in saviags in land acquisition as well as deWelopment9 operating and mainten- ! ance costso THE HEARING WAS CLOSEDo Commissioner Mungall offered Resolution No~ 57, Series 1960-619 and moved for 3ts passage and adoption, seconded by Commissioner Allred9 recommcnding to the City Council that Reclassification Noo F-60-61-16, for R-39 N[UL'i~PLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, be approved, subject to the follc~ving condition: lo Interdepartmental Committee req~iirementso ihe foregoing condition is found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizen~ of Anaheimo On roll ca119 the foregoing resolution was passed by the following votes AYES: COMMISSIONERSs Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers~ NOES: COMMISSIONERSs None. AHSENTs COMMISSIONERS~ Mauerhane \ i ~ ~ AMENDMEIIT TO CODE - Article IX9 Chapter 2, Section 9200013 was read by Mro Geislare Mro Reese appeared befor~ the Commission a~d pointed out that it would seem an amend- ment such as thiy was desirable to take care of the new uses and developments coming up from day to day which are not specifically listed in any portion of the Zoning Ordins:.:eo He stated that this would merely establish a procedu:e for processing an item the first time9 and that consideration could be given at the same time to adding the new use to a specific zone or establishirg the proper procedureo Mro Geisler pointed out that there was an interpretation clause of the Cods which also could be used for this purposeo Mre Reese stated that Mro Turner, the City Attorney9 had expressed doubt as to the legality o: that clause, that it may conflict with the State law, and there- fore thi~ amendment appeared to be necessaryo Chairman Gauer pointed out that the reason for this was to enable the City to maintain some control of new types of developmento After diFCUSSion, it was felt that the wording af the proposed amendment should be changed somewhat9 and the Commission recommended a study of the amendmer~t by the Planning Department and the ' ALZOrney°s office and the preparation of a resolution for consideration at the September 6 meetingo Commissioner Mungall moved t~ carry over this hearing until the next Meeting, ~ pending a report from the Planning Departrt~ent and Attorney°s Officee The motiaz was seconded by Commissioner Marcoux, and unanimously carriedo ; ~ REVISED MAP OF - A Revised Tentative Map of Tract Noo 3840 was presented to the Commissiono ! TENTATIVE ?RACT The subdivider is Holste3n Berger9 Inte, 166 Eo l~th Stoy Costa Mesa, Cali- ~ N0. 3840 fornia. The tract is located on the east side of Fuclid Avenue9 approximately; 1390 feet south of Ball Road and contains 34 Proposed R-1 lotso i I _jj_ I ~ ~ i, ~ 1 + . ~ ~ --•-- _ ___. _ _ ~ . _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ , :.r, _ ._-- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~NUIgg, pNpHEIM PI.ArINING CON9KISSION~ August 159 19609 CONTINUED= ; REVISED MAP OF - Mro Steen noted that the original tentative map was approved with three TENTATIYE TRACT cul-de-sacs, but now the street was placed squarely down the middle of the NO. 3840 propertyo Homes r~ould contain irom I457 to 1555 square feet, and would be ' (Continued} similar to the Anawood subdivision~ according to the Engineer, Mro McDanielo ' He added that on the property noted as "Not a Part of" on the tract map, - the awners did not want to dedicate any of their property for street widening; ~ therefore, the developers were willing to put up a cash deposit on that portion i of the property fox street widening9 in addition to their bond for the ; remainder of the propertyo Commissioner Morris moved that Revised Map of Tentative Tract Noo 3840 be approved, providing a cash deposit for "Not a Part of" was made condition number one ~f the Interdepartmental Committee requirements, and with recommendation that the lots would be made approximately the same size on each side of the streeto The motion was seconded by Commissioner Allred, and unanimously carriedo CORRESPONDENCE - A letter from Orange County Planning Commission was read, requesting a change of zone on the Northeasi: and Northwest corners of the intersection of Ball Road and Webster Street, still in the County of Orange, but ad3acent to Maheim property on the East and Westo Mro Reese read the County R-P 2one and noted that there were similar uses and zoning within the City in this areae Commissioner Morris moved that the proposed application for rezoning be recommended to the City Council for approvalo The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hapgood and unanimously carriedo ADJOURNIY~IQ? - The Me^ting adJourned at 5s10 0°Clock PeMo Respectfully submitted9 ~--5~ l1 ~t'~ . _ e RICHARD REESE9 Secretary ~ i , _-..~,, .,~ -iz- _...___._-_--, -- _ _ . _ _- --_._ _ _._ _ ._ __ . ~ .v ---_ ._ _--- _ ~ „ ~ _ ~:~, . - ~ ~- - _ . . ._ ~ ~~~