Minutes-PC 1974/12/230 R C 0 MICROFtIMING SERVIL"c, INC. ~ '~ City HAlI. Anahc~i.m, Califc~rni~z Dec~+mher 23~ .1974 KF.C'.1LAR ME~TL[~C UF 'fN'~- ANANLIM CT'~'Y PLANNING COMMISSION ~tGCUI•AP. -• A regulcsr mea~ing uf tho Anuheim City I'1Nnning Commi~~eion wus c~nl.l d to MFETING ~rdcr by Chairm~n l{crbet ut 2:00 p.m. in the Caunci. (:hnmber, n y~~,~rum beinb preaent. Ptt~SENT - CHAIktMAN: Hezbel• - COhQ1TSSTONI:RS: FarAno, Cr~~er, Johneon King, Morley, 'iolnr AASENT - COMMISSIONE?tS: None AI,SO PItESENT - Ueputy City Attorney: Franlc Lowry Of'_lce Engineer: Jay 'Citu~ Street Deaign Gnginccr: Arthux D~w 7.onitig ~~per.visor: Charl~s I:oberta Ass~i~,t~nt 7.or~i.ng Supcrvlsor: Annika SanCulal~ti Aesa~ .~.Ze P:nnner: Bill Young Commiselon Seccet~sry 1'ro 'Cem: A1eti-u 5urgesa PLEDGE OF •- Conw~lc~~ioner 'lolar led in the Ple~ge of A.llagiance to [he Flag of tha ALLF~IANCE Unitec; St~tes of Atueri.cu. APPkOVAL OI~ - Coromieaioner Johneon offered n moCion, seconded by Com ssioner F;1nR and THL~ MINUTL'S MO'PICN ~ARRII:D, to xpprove the minutes of Che meeting of December y, 1974, as aut ted. G~NLRAL PLAN AMENUM~NT N0. 13S - CONI7.NUEU PIBLIC NEARINC. iNITLATED BY THE ANA1#ET.M ~ r CL'fY 1'LANi1ING C~Jr4113SI0N, 204 F.a$t Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Ca.; ta consider an amendm~nt tc the Clrculation Element - Highway Righte-of-Wny and Arterial Streeta and 1{ip,hways Map of the Mahe.i~~. Get~eral Plan to reallgn and/or reclaseify Meat3 Avenue/Lakeview /~venue anQ ViA Tsscollo and to delete portions of tiuculyptue Drlve and Coxl Canyon Road and to e~tablish Monte Vista Drive. Sub~ett General Plan Acnendmert was conl-inued from the meeting of Novemher 25, 1974, for fur[ber study. No one i.ldicated their preaence at the pub~ic heari.ng in opFosi;ion to sub.ject General Plan Amer~dment. Although thz Staff Report Co the Pl~nning Comm'ssior~ dated December 23, 1974, was not read at the pubtic hearing, it io referr.ed to and mude a part of the minutes. 7.oning Supervlsor Ch~rles Roberts advised the Cummissi~n that General Plan Amend~~.nr. Nn. i35 had been continued irom the meeting of Nuvember 25, 1974, to secure addition~.l tnfor- mation reg3rding the grading proposals; that t11e City of An~heim had entered inCo ~-n agreement with the County of Orange, the cities of Orange and Villa Park, and the Orange Ur.ified School Diatrict re~;arding the iutu~re a.li~nme~t of "1eat4 Avenue. The Commic~eion was advised that Art Daw from Che City Engin~~-cing Division was in attend- ance to answer questions. THE YUBLIC fiEARING WAS CLOSED. Commi:sionez King offered ReaoluCion No. PC74-2~-3 and m:•ved for its ~assage and adoption, tu recommend to L•he City Council. that Ceneral Plan Amendmenc No. 1'i b~ approved, amend~ng the Circulation Element of the Anahei.m Getieral Plan to in3lcate (1) a r~vised alignment of Meata Avenue~ (2) revised claoslfi~ation and alignment of Via Eecollo, (3) deletion of proposed Eucsl.ypt~is Drive and Coal Canyon Road (County area), and (4) ad~L,tion of aiign- ment and claseification of proposed Monte Visca Drive (County area), which changes are propos~d by the Co~lnty of Orange Circulaeiur~ Element. (Sec Resolution Book) On rolJ. call, the foregoing reaolution was pasaed by the following voka: t1Y~S: CUh111ISSI0NERS: GAUER~ JOHNSON, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR, HERBST NOES: COMMISSIONERS~ FARANO ABSENT: CQ1~41ISSIONER~: NONE 7/; -572 ~ ~ ~ MTNU1'I:S~ CI'fY PLANNINC (:OMMIS5ION, Dccember 'l3, 1974 7~+-573 MIENUMFNT 'CU '1'ITI,I~. lEl~ - CUN'PINUI.D PIIHLIC HfAR1NG. INI'l'TA'fI:D UY TFII: ANANI~.TM CTiY PI.ANNINC ANAHEIM MUNLCTPAL CUDC COhQ11SSIUN, 'lU4 Cnst Ll.ncoln Avenue~ Annhr.im, Ci-. ; ~c~ coneider ~ ~~ arnenrlmante to TiClc 18, 7.oning, Anah~~lm Mu:ltcipul Coda, pPrculning to Kener.nl requirements f~r temporary aigna udveT~tieing the snle or lease o[ individuc~l unic:~, lote or pnrepls in eubdivisi~~na (tx~c~ r+ig~~y), uncl spe~ ~~ rPyuiremant~ for guch eigns i.n the Scenlc Corrido~' OVaL'~IIy ;one. SuU~ect NnendmenC waa continued Erom the me~ting ot December 9, ].974, !..r recommendntiont~ f.rom thc~ Canyon Aren Cenexn]. Planning 'Cnr.+k ~orce. A1Chough the Staff. Repoxt to the Yln~,iing Comm..~~+lon dated Decemher 23, 1974, was not reud at thc public t~earing~ it is ref:erred [o bnd made a p~xrt oE ch~ n-inuteR. f~oaocie~t~ Pl.~snner D111 Young ndviaed thc C~ !sgic~n thsC aC the request of the C:~~y Council nn O~.ober 29, 1974, StaEf liad warked in c~.~~uncr.ion wi.th thc Canyon Area Task rotcc relutive to amendment co 'Cltl.e 18, tr+~ct signs in t'.~e Srenic Corridor Zone, and thac recommen~~ations of the f~int sCudy w~•re contained in tl~e Stuff Repor.l to the P].anning Commisaion duCed llecemb~~r 23, 19%4. THR PUKLIC H~:AKING WAS CLUSf;ll. T:r, WiJ.liam Lhrle, 2211 East Romneya Drive, Analiei.m, appeared representing the Cou].ition o[ Anaheim Leader~; (COAL), c~tating that ~t is the opinion o1' COAL that Anxh~,tm yhould be the lec~der; thur as Anaheim goes~ so goea the c,ther ciC1eA in the County; Chat Anaheim has u reaponsibility to the n~ighboring communi.ties and to th~ tAxpayers; and that CQAL are g~:nerally ncernc~d about the aestheti.c besuty of the community, and requesting that the Ylanning miasion yubmit rec~mmendutiona Co re.tain Anr~hi~.im as the number one leader. in the commun. y. Mrs. Mary Dinnd,orf, Preeid~nt of the Santa Ana Canyon Homec:wners Asaor.iation, lndicated that the ~veral.l size of s ~ie in ehe Sunta Ana Canyon wae too lar.ge and atgns were too nunierous; thnt in l•heir op:inion, nnly directional eigns were necessary. Mr. Julin Millick~ Vice Presi.cient, Anahelm Hills, advised the Commission of the work being done by th~ Canyon Area Task Force in i`4 Atudy of chis matter, indicaCinR that the ms.jor proble.m areafl are signs at tr~e j.nt^rse~.tione of the arterial h:tghways. Mr. Bernar~o Yorba, a resident cf the Santa Ana Cunyon area, ~::dreased the Commiseion, a<ivising of the concern o: his company in the trend of signs, particularly in the area of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Imper111 Highway since considerable time and money haa b~~en expend~.l in tl~e development of shoppin$ centers in khe area. Mr. Yo~b~ presented drawin.~a which indic~ted more Chan one sign could be included on a readerboard, poles and int_er- changeable pauels~ inserti.ng the names of companies, developers, etc. He further noted that another meana of consolidating ~fpns to cer.tain locatior.H was by means of an informa- r_ion center, to be staffed b;v develnpers, whl.ch would have ready ~.~cess to sales, rentals, shoppiag~ etc:, in Ch~ area, alChough r~uch an informational center coul.d be costly l.n terms of Rtaf f ing. In (~~SCll89~'tl~ the Co~nission noCed that the Task Force m~mbera and residents of the area were oppoeed to the size and number of signs and ~~ere of ,-he upinion ttiat many waivers woul.d be request~d in order that developers could erect si„ns to be seen fr.~m t.he frePwa,y. Commisaioner Farano nuted for the Commission thae he and Chairm.;n Herbat were members of the Canyon Area Task H'arce CommiCCee, however, that they had n~~~: taken pare in diacuseion nor voiced aay expresaiona, nor pre-~udged Chis ordinance while members of tt~e Committee. ;,ommiaKioner Fatano offered Reaolucion No. PC74-252 rsnd moved f~r its paASage and adcp~ion~ to recommend to the City Council adnption of Amendments to Title 1~, Zoning, A;taheim Munic~~pa1 Code, as follows: (See Resolution Book~ "A. Thst provisions of ~.hapter 18.05 (Outdoor Advertibic:~ - GenP~a11 ;,ertaining to real estate aigns be amend~d eo clarify~ that t;ao (2) oi.-site and one (1) on-site si~ns oi the same height and diap.lay area oE ~~rmltted of.f-»ite tract signs is permitted per !T.~ct. R. That Section 18.f4.030 (Sceni~ Garrido~ 7.~r.e; 3ite Developme~t Standarde - General) be amended Co provide for ].ir tationa on ~ract signs tc ~e permi.tted within th~ (SC) Zone as follo~re: ~ ~ MINUTt'.S~ CITY PLANNING COPQIISSIUN, Decamber 23~ 1974 AMG~iUME:NT TO TIT1.l: 18~ ANNIEIM MUNICIP!-L COU~ ((.'ontinued) 1. Th~tt one (1) on-eiCe lrnct sign of the eame hei.ght and 11.splay area uf of.f-eite c~igns permitted within the (S(:) 7.~~ne be p~~rmitt~~~l per trnct. ?., Thnt ofP-eik~• txe~t Fignd he permitted eubJect to compl.innce wi[ti ~i~o following atnndarda: a. Muximum number of ei.gne: nol moze tht~n two (2) ~>if-site R1gna per. truct. b. Maximum numb~:r of eigno per. percel. The maximum number. of individusl free-stnnding off-eite trucc aigne (sln~.le or d~uble faced) whirh muy be locaCed on nny individual parc~~l of land Nliall be depeiiden~ un the combined etreek or i~ighway frui~tapea of such rarcel na foJ.lowa: (1) Parcela h~viu~ a combined frontage of nine hundred (900) £eFt or lesa: not more than one (1) Kign. (2) Purcela having a combined frontage of more than ~ ~ie hundred (900) feet: one (1) sign for ear.h four hundred ~~ fi£ty (450) feet of l.in^al frontage. 74-574 c. Minitnum distance betwer~n of.f-eite tract signa: ~ t le~s than f.uur htindred and fifty (G50) feer. between any such ~';na ~ocated ur the sart:~~ parcel. ~1. Maximum height uf iree-standing signa: twelve (12) feet except ~s may otherwiae specifically be permitted by the City Council in inatAnces where the Counci]. may deem such add~.tional heigl~t L•o be necessary i.n view of topographical differences. e. rtaximum sign area: Sevent;-Cwo (72) aquare fept per face." (M roll call., the foregoing r.esolution was pat~sed by the following vote: AYES: COMMI;;STONERS: FARANO, GAUFR, JOHNSON, KING, M~RLGY, TOLAR, HERBST hOFS: COhIl~1ISSI0NERS: NONE A13SENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE NOTE: Aa legal notice ef public tiearing on this matter was not advertised in compllance with legal requirements, RPaolutfon No. PC74-252 is in~~alid. Therefore, said resolution is required to be r2sci•nded and any new resolution pertaining t~ this aub~ect matter be adopted at public hearing. RECLASSIFICATIOh - CON'fINUED PUBLIC HEARING. ILLUMINATED PRODUCTS, INC., 207 South N0. 7G-75-17 Helena Streec, Anaheim, i:a. 92H0"' MID ADRIAN J. 1,CNAIN, ET A~, 5908 Arc~o Crescent ~ Ar,aheim, Ca. 92607 (Ow:iers) ; PACII'I ~; SOUTHWEST REALTY COi~ATvY, c/o L. D. Poffenbe~ger., 333 South Hope Srre.et, Los Angsles~ Cu. 90017 (ageut); requesting Chat property described aa: A rectangularly- shaped parcel of land consistin~ of approximately 33,000 square feet located at the corners of Cak SCreet i;elena Street ~~~~1 Chestnut Street, having appL~oximate frontagES of '120 feet on the south :.1~:~ o£ Jak `'r.reet, 150 feet on the weat side of Helena 5tre~t and 220 feet an the north side of Ches;.,iut Street, and further deeccib~d as 207 South Helena Streei~ and 421 i~'est Chestnut Street ~ be reclassified from the P-1 (AUTOMOBILF. PARKI*IC;) 7.O:VE to the C-2 ((~GNERAL COrL'~!~RCIAL) ZONE. Sub,~e~l- petition was continu2d from the m~eting ^f December 9, ].974, in order to ceceiv~ j.nput from the Community Redevelopment Commission. Assidtant Zur.ing S~ipervisor Annika Santalahti udvised t*~e Commisaion a reques[ had beer r.eived fro~ the developer for further c~rtic-uance to the meeting of Januer.y 20, 1975. Cummiss~oner King offered a motion, aeconded by C~mmiasioner Johnaon and M0:'~N CARRIED, to continue Petitiun fer Reclassification Ne. 74-75-17 to the meeting of January 20, 1975, for re:~~iew by the Coa~t-r.ity kedevelopment Co,.~isaior. -~ J ~ S MINU'fES~ CITY YLNVNiNG c'~)MMISSIUN, llQCember 23, 1974 7:~-575 Ft~VIRONMENTAL IMPACT - Yl1DLIC HGARtNC. ANAHEIM NILLS, INC., AND TEXACO ANAH1?T.M HILLS~ INC,, RE1'OIt1 NO^85 380 Maheim 1'.111a Road. Anr~haim, Cri. 92807 (Owner~); .~M1ES L, BA1tISI.G, ~~ ~ 380 Mehelm llil la Rond, Aral-eim, G:t. 9~H07 (Ag~nt) ; requesting per- CONDlTIONAL USC mie~i~~~i Co CSTAI~I.SSH AN AUTOMOI~fI.L ;1;':VTC~ STATIUN WrTH WAIVrR OF f'GftMl'1' N0. 1.508 MTNLMUM LANDSCAPING ADJACBNT T~ LNTIsNIOR BOUN~JARI.ES on property "~-` ~ d~ecribed +rR: A rectangulArly-ehaped parcel uf lnn ~~~~~~~lietiiig oC upproximatel•• .67 Acre having ~ frontf~ge c~f appr~xLwataly 187 fc~c~t ~~n th~ .iet eide oE Aneheim liilla Road~ hnving a mnximum depth ot eippr~~xlmr~ .:ly 16k Ceet~ nnd being located npproximatel.y <<40 f.eet north ~f ti~e canterline o" N~~hl Ranch Road. Properi:y preser.t~y clnsai.fied C-1 ~~ENI;RAL COMM6RCIAL) ZON~. For t.he benef lt of nnyone in the at~di.ence concerne~ wiCh sub1ect pet i ti.on. Cha~lrmnn Herbst advised thnt u request had been rece:lved from the per.i.ti~n~r for a two-w~•~,k cont:lnuancc in order to -~dvertina an additional wai.ver concernl.~-g the permitted wall :+ f R~~ 1ri(; nt thi •, ~.ocat iun. No onc~ indicuted hio presQnce ln oppositlon to sub~ecC petiti.on. Commiseioner King offered a motion~ aecouded by Commiseioner Murley and MOTION CAItRIED~ to continue P~titian for Conditionel Use Permit No. 1508 and Environmentnl ImPact Repart No. 85 tu the meeting of January 6, 1975. as requested by the peCit:i~~ner. COMM'L5STONER FARANO LEI~T THE MEI:TING AT 3:20 P.M. R~CLASSIFTCAT.iON - PUDLIC HEARING. SHOICHI K`JBO~ 721 douth Beach Boulevard, Anaii~im, Ca. N0~ 74-75-1H 92804 (Owner); OSTRANDEIt AND KISHIYAMA, 2212 DuPont Drivc+, Suite r, lrvine, Ca. 92664 (Agents); requeeting that property described ar~: ~~ rectangularlv-ahaped parcel of land consiating of approximutely one acre locuted nort'~e~ly af. the current termirus of Hayward Street, having a maximum w1dCh of approximately 'L00 feel• and a maximum depth of approximately 220 feet, Anrl being located approximutely 270 feet nortli of the centc:rlinc ot Rome Avenue be reclaesifi.ed from the R-A (~1CRICULTUItAL) ZONE to the R-3 (MULTI.Pt,E-FAMILY 1tESIDT:NTLAL) ZONF.. Mr. Peter Ostrander, 2~12 I)upo~t Drive, Suite F, Irvine, agent f.or tha owner, advised thp Commiseion he was available to answer. questions. No one i.ndicated ttieir presence in opposirion to aub~ect petition. Although Che Staff. Report to the Planning Commission dated December 23, ].914, was not rec-d at the public hearing, it i.e referreu ~.~~ and made a part af the min~ites. COMMISSIONER TGW~R LEFT THE 6fEETING ~\T 3:25 ~'.'~. ~ffice Engineer Jay itus advi~ed that a etreet aligiv~«:nt had been submitted by Che peti- L•ioner whereby dedication would be made f.or street purpases to provide access from the north property 1.1ne. THE PI~BLIC HEARING WA5 CLOSED. Commissioner Murley offered a motion, seconded by Gummissioner King ..nd 240Ti0N CARRIED (Commissioners Farano and Tolar being absent), that the Planning Commiss.Lon recotnmends to tt~e City Counci.l tnrat tt~e subject project 'oe exempC from the requirement to prepAre an Environmentr~l I:upact Re~ort pursu:.nt r_o the provis~ona of the California Environmental Quallty Act. Commissioner Morley offer.ed Resolur..ion [~o. Yr,74-244 and maved for its passage and adoptio•n to ,grant Peticion for Reclassif.ication No. 74-75-18, aub~ect to conditions; and that the petitioner condition211y dedicate a strip of land 64 reet in total width for the extension of Hayward Street to the north propt~rty line of• ssb~ect property along an alignment as approved by the City F.ngineer; and ~haC the owne.r either pay the sum of 60C T~^r fronr. foot for tree planting purpoae~ or he u-uy install the trees himeelf in accordance ~.tth City specifications and aub~ect to the approval of. the Superintendent of Parkway ?:aintenance. (See P.esolution Book) COMMISSIONBRS FARt-NO AND TOLAR RETURN~D TO THE MEETING AT 3:35 P.[d. On roll ca11, the faregoing resolution was pasaed by the following vote: AYES: COI~41I3SIONEItS: rARANO, GAIIER, J:lHN~C~N, KING, MORLBY, TOLAR, HL?.3'iST NOES: CO~ISSIONERS: NON~ AB~t?NT: COMMI~SIONERS: NONF. C,.~raieaionc~re Faran~ and Tolar indicated tt-at although they were out of tlie public hearing at the time o.` discuseion, they 4•~~re both famil.lar ~ritl~ the pro~ect an.~, therefore, competent to voCe on the petition. ~ ~ ~ MIt1UTGS, CI7'Y PI,ANNING COMMISSION~ D~cemb~r 23, 1974 74--57G CUNUI'CIONAI, USE - YUBLTC tlGAlt1NG. MARIUN S. LIN1~S-:Y, 515 A Lview 'terrnce, '~~Kuna Rcnch, PE1tMl:T N0. 1317 Ca. 92651 (~~~~n~r); :IOHN KW~.J,\(;iC, P. 0. llox 3716, Anahelm, ~;,~. 928U3 REAi)VERTISED AND .IACh 11GNNETT~ Anaheim Juu~•~ j~~~~ Aseocie~tion, 3333 WeeC CcuaC Higl~way, ,iewp<~rt Fie~~ch, Ca. 92660 (Agents); r~~questing permi~yion to F,STAa1.TSN A CONV~NrR.:~~%I? MA[thT7' AS AN ACCESS~rtY US~ 'f0 MI FX'LSTING TRAVI.L TNAIL,i~:R P.~RK on property des~.rtbod ae: A recCangularly-shaped rercel of lnnd coneieting of approxi- mu[ely G.6 errQe liavlug a fro~itagc of appruximntely 330 feet on the east ~ide of I~est Straat, having a maximum d~•~,th af npproximuCe7.y 605 feet, and baing lucated approximatel.y 330 feet south of tl~~ cen~~rline of Fial.1 Rond. I'ruperry pieAently clnyRif~ed ~:-R (COMMGRCIAI.- Rf..;R[;ATIUN) z~NE. Mr.. John Kre,~acic~ I'. U. fSox 3%16, Anaheim, ugent for the owner~ waH presenl lo anewer que.stiond from tt~e Commla~ion. No oi~e indlcuted their prespnce in oppasiCion. to nubjecC petition. Althuugh the Staff Report to th~ Planniug Commisaiun dnted Dec.ember 23, ].974, wae not read at the p~.~blic hea~•t.ng, it ie referred r.o und mude a Nart of ttie minutes. THE PllBLIC '~EAF NG WAS CLOSEC. In answer to a.iestionir-g by Che Commiseion, Mr. Krajacic advised that theY•e would be no etgne advextis~ng the market to tt;e genF~rnl puUlic, that the health department had given apprc,va' fnr Ctie use~ and the use would be for tenant~ of the travel trailer purk un?~. It was noted tha~ the DtrECCor of llevelopment Services ~-ad 3ecermined that the proposed activit'y f.ell wiLhin the definition of Sectio~t 3.01, Clasa 1 of the City of Anaheim Guideli ~s to che Requirements for an Gnvironmentrsl Impact Reporr und was, therefore, •~teg~il~...ily exempt from r.he rpqui cment to file nn EIR. Commisoioner King offered Resolution No. PC74-245 and moved for its passage ancl adoption to approve 1'etition for Conditional Use. Yermit No. 1317 sub~ect to con~lit~ons :~nd ~ti.pula- tiona m.~d~ by the petitioner that there would he no signs advertisi-n~ the markec to the general public; that the market shall be for the convenience and uae of the park occupants only; that the mrarket ahall nut be anlarged beyond ite size at the time c,~ this approval; that there ahall be no doora from the market to W~~at Street; and thut Che ~rket use is granCed for a period of three years 4ub3ect to review at the end of that period for n dctei'mination as t~ whether it shoutc~ be permltted to conCinue. ~See Resolution Book) On ~0]1 call~ the feregoing resoZution wr.s pasaed by the following vote: AYES: COI~41ISS70NER5: FARANO, GAUER, JOI~NSON, KING, MORLRY, PUI~AR, IiERBST NOES: COMMISSIONE!'S: NONE ABSENT: C:ONtI1ISSI0NERS: NON~ CONDITION:.L 'JSE - YUBLIC HFARING. HENRY STEINBRINK, 506 Revere SCreet, Anaheim, Ca. PcRMtT NU. 1504 92805 (Owner); WALTr^ 'TEINTRINK, S16 South Rever~ Street, An~heim, - Ca. 92805 (Agent) :questing permier~lun to ESTAALISH A CHII.DREN'S DAY CARE AND PRF :HJOL FAC;ILITY WITH WAIVER OF (A) PERMITTED U~ES 2N RrQUIRED SF.':BACK, (B) MAXIMUM $l1lLi~iNG HEI~HT~ AND (C) r~tUC1MUr' MASONRY WALL HEIGHT on property described as: A rectang~ilarly-shape~t parce2 of. land conaicting of approxiciately onE acre ha~:ing a frontage of approxim:_cely 22i feet on tlie south side of. T.e Pa1ma Avenue, having r~ maximum depth of ap,:'~ximately ~3' ieet, and being located approxlui~,tely 46U feeC east of the centerline af Sunkist titi~eC. Property presently classifiea C-1. (GENCRAL COt~tERCIAL) 'LOi~F.. Mr. Henry Steinbrink, 506 Revere Street, Anaheim, owner of aubject property, was present. ~~o one indicated their presence in oppositiou L•o suojecC perition. Althcugh the Staff Report to th~~ Plannin~ Commiseion dat~d D~cemher 23, 1974, w9s not read at the public hearing, it is ceferred t~ and made a part of ~~~e minut~~s. The Commiasio•~ noted *_hr.C plana aubmitted for the estr~blishmenL of. the day carP ~nd pre- school facility indi:.aee~ ~. block ~~all abutting th~ high school, howeter, that the petition for Condir.ional Use Perm~` Na. : 04 did ilOl' contain an,y request for auch waiver., and thaC sl~ould _he pe[1.tione~ wlsh r.o include this block wall abutting ~he elementary echool, a two-week contit~uance would be necessaryrWO week~continunncee W`~iver. The petltioner indicated he did not wish to request A ~ • MINIf'f[:S, CT'fY PI.ANNINC CQMM[SSIOI~, Uecemb~~r 23, 1974 74-577 CONUITIONAL USE YBRMI'C NU. 1504 (Continued) Tlil: PUBLTC HFN:INC WAS C1.USl'sll. Chairman Hc~rbst rec~uoeCed infor~natian from Che peti~ioner. relaCive to conetructlon o£ the mns~~ry wr.ll. heigh[ nhuCtinn thc parking~ and th~ petitionar eklpu Lil'ed the requ4et for waiver wae i~o .l~nger necesnacy since the blor_k wall wauld be 30 i~ic!:ea !n height ae per- mitted by !'ode ruther thnn the 6 tee~ as propc~secl. Commiesioner Murlry oflered a motion, seconded by :,nmmiA~:c~ner 3ot~nron und MOTION CARRIEU, that the P.lanning c:ommisR.lo~i recommende to tlie City Cauncil. that che aub ject pro~ect be . xem~t from the req~~iren~ent to rcepure an Cnvlror.mental Iti~pnct Repure purAUant C.o the proviaiona of the C:-l.ifornia F.nvironmenCal c~uallty Act. Cor~ai~sioner Morley offered Resolution No, yC7G-246 nnd mov~d for ics paseage and adoption tu grant Petition for Conditiunal Use Perml.t N~. 1504~ in p~~t. auh;ect to conditi.ons~ approviug Waiver (c+) permitted uses in required aetb~cks ar~d Wai~er (h) max{mum building height; and Lhat Wniver (c) maximu~c mzaonry wall height was no lor.ger nccc•~o~~,iry since the petitionez ati.rulated to reducing t.he wa11 hei~ht to 30 ' ~hes !.n the f.ront setback. (See: Resolution Baolc) On roll cal], the foregoi~eg :esolution wa~ p..ased by the follc~wi.ng vote: AYE5: COI~IISSI:'~N: ~5: ~.UtE1N0, GAUER, JOHNSON, KTNG, MORLI:Y, TQI.AIt, HFRBST NOfiS: COMMIS:'IONERS: NON:: ABSGNT: COh4-tISSIONERS: NOIJE CONDITTON.;L USE - PUBLIC tIEARING. 30S~ SAUCEDO, 175A West Lii~ 0l1 Avenue, An~hei.m, Ca, PGkI•IIT N0. 1505 S2Fi01 (()wner); requesting permission to hav~ ON-SALT LTQUOR IN AN GXISTING RES9' `,URANT !IITN CJAIVER OF (A) DIINTMUM KIT(:HLN AREA, (B) RGQUIRED TRBE SCRF.EN, ~~) MTNIMUM PARKING AR~A LANU5CAYING, AND (D) RLQUIRL,D *fAS(`' ^Y WALL c>> pr.operty deacribtd as: A rectangularly-~shaped par~~~l of land consisting of approximately 0.6 acre having a fron~age af approximately I40 fcel on the south side of Li.ncoln Avenue~ having a maxiwum depth of approximately 185 feet, and being located approxim.ztel~ uo3 feet ~eat o.f the c~:+•.terl.ine of Euc11d Street. ProperCy present].y claasif ied C-1 (GENERAI. COP4~iERCIAL) ZO:~E. Zoning 3upar~•~i.sor Ctiarles Roberts advised the Commis9ion that [he petitioner was not in attendanc~: at the Nublic heari.n3 ~tid suggeaCed that a two-week continuance be granted. C,mmissiun~r Morley offered a mc , secondecl by Commiasioner Talar and MOTION CARItIED, to ~:on*.i[t~le con3ideration ~¢ Pe .lun for Conditional Use Permit No. 1505 to tlle meeting of .;:,i-uary 6, 1975, for the petiti~ner to be pres~nk. CONDITIONAI~ USE - PUBLIC H~e1RING. WILLI AND ~LISABETH GGRLACH, 2117 Hiawatl~a Avenue, PERMIT N0. 1506 Anatieim, Ca. 92804 (Owners); reyuesting permission r.o ESTABLIStI A CUEST HOMG FOR SENIOR CI'rIZENS WITH WATVGFi OF MAXIMUM SIGN AREA or. praperty deacribed as: 1 rectangul~rly-shaped parcel of land con~isC- ing of approximately u000 equare feet, navin~; a fr.ontaaF of approximately 60 feet on the east side of Magnolia Avenue, having a maximum depth of ayoroximatel;• 100 feet, and being located approsimnt~ly 770 feet north of the centerline of ~rescent Avenue. Froperty presently classiCied R-l (ONG-FAMILY WsSIDENTIAL) ZONE. One peison in the audience i.ndicated his opposi.tion to s~b;Ject petition. Assistant ?.onir.g 8upervisor Annika SanCalahti pi•e3ented the Staff Report to the Planning Commiseion dated December 23, 1974, and said Stafi heport is referred to as i.f set forth in fult in the r~~ +nutes. Mra. Elisabeth Gerluch, 2117 Hiawatha Avenue, Anahelm, the petitioner, a~lvised the Commis- sion ttie guest home for eenior citiz~ans had been established over a year and a licanse had been granted by the City Eo: ita ~perat.ion; that s:~e was now petitioni.ng for permisaion for iCs operation and for waiver of t.he maximum sign area. Mr. Charles Kish, 80'1 rr:~rrt~ Ma~nolia Avenue, Anaheim, appearen in opposition un3 a~viaed he wae repreaentinR other pareona in the n~ig1,1,.,,1,~~od whTOCeTld owners waagnot thE guest work. Mr. Kiah atated the cu.~ ln concern of sw ~~,ndin~ p p ty home, but the sign; that iE thsre were to be only four or five gueRta there wae no x•ea~~n for a sign, especially in the K-1 'Lone• aud thar it co~-promised the qualiryo uf the nrea. ~ ~ ~ MINUTh:S~ 1'I.ANNTNC CUMMISSTON~ December 23~ 197G 74-578 CQND1'f10NAL USr PL[tMIT NOi 'SU6 (Cont~nued) • Mrs. ~;~r]nch atated lliac it the sign wad Lhe onl.y protesk from the neighbore, she wuuld hnv~ it remov~~~1. THC PUiiLIC H~AItTNC; WAS CLOSCU. I~ wue noted that the Director of. i)ev~~lupment Servicea had dN[ermined rhac the pr~~pos~~ activi-:y fe11 w'thin the def lnitlon ~~C Section 3.01, Claea 1 u£ t}-e C1[y of Anaheim GuideLines Co rl.a ltequiremente far un Cnvironment3l Impact Reporr and wae, thereforc~, categorically exempC trom the requirem~~~~C to file an GIK. Commi.aeioner .Tot~n~on offerod [teeolution No. PG74-24~ and moved for its pnaAago and ndoptipn to approve Petition Eor CandiCional lisa Ycermit No. 1506, i.n part, s~~b~ect to condi.tiona nnd the ~ti.pulation l,y r.he petitioner thr~C there wcu'Ld be a maxlmum of tour senior citizen tenants plu~ one re3ldent rt~~nnager, an~ the btipulztion by the petitione:r to ~1~e re~aoval of the 7~i-aquare fuot sign. (See ~eaoluti.on Book) On roll call, t.he tor.egoing reFOli,tion w~~ paBaeci by the fo1lo~~riug vote: AYGS: COh1i~1I5Si0rIGRS: FARANO, GAUER, JOIIIdSON, KII~G, MOItLEY, 'TOLAIt, HERBST NOES: r,OhQ~tISS1.ON1:ItS: NONE AIiSGNT; COh4t1.5SfONLRS: NONE CONDITIONAL USF. - PUIILIC FIEARING. AI,DOR (:ORPOItATION, Alex L. Fiahman, 222 Eaehion Lnne, YERMIT ). 1507 Suite 106~ 1'~ietin, C:a. 92680 l~er); r.equeating permisgion ta R~- ~ ~~ LSTABLISH A SP,RVICL' STATION WITH WAIVRt? UF MINIMUM LANT,SCAP2NC AllJACLNT TO IN'T~I~IUR BOUNDARIES on property described ~~s. A rectangularly- sh~ped parcel of '3nd conaLsting of approximately 0.5 ~-cre located at *_he suuthwe,~t corner of Miraloma Avenue and Krae:ner Boulevard, having f.rontflges of approxiu,aCely 150 feet on tl~e ~.~uth side of Miraloma Avenue and approxi.muCely 140 feet or ~.he west side of Kraemer Boulevard. Propert.:~ presently classified M-1 (LIGHT INl>iIS'1'RIAL) 7.ONE. No one indicated their presence in opposition to sub~ect p~titior~. Although the Staff Report to the Planning Commibsion d:~ted December 23, 19749 w~e not read aC the public hearing, it is referred to and in~ide a part of the minut~s. Mr. ?.:~~: Fishman, owner of the property, advi.sed th.. Commission tt~at atreet lighking feea and provision of trash storage areas had been takett care of on February 19, 1965, at L•he ti.me ehe service station had been deve].oped; and that Lhere is nn existing service station oi~ the property which will be cleaned up and put back into operati~~n. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS GLOSED. Commissioner Farano req~estecl information from Mr. Fishman reiati.ve to inatal.lation of erees, to which Mr. Fishman replied that it would be a costly ~r.ocedure sinca holea would have,to he clug into the concrete to install irrigation ]..ines and the trues. It was nc~te~ that the Dirtctor of Develapment Services had detercnined that the proposed activity fel.l wi~hi~i the d~finition of Section 3.01, Class 1 of r.he City of Anaheim Guidelines tu tt~e Reqiii.rements for an Environn,enCal Imp~cC Report and was, therPfore~ cAtegorical.ly exempt fron~ the requir~ment to file an EIR. Commia~ioner 'Tolar offered Resolu~ion No. PC74-248 and moved for its paasage and adoptian Co grant Petiti~n for. Conditional Use Permit No, 1507 with the requeated waiver since Ghe property consi.sts of an exiRl•in;; service st~tion and no remode.ling was being done at this time, a•~d that there would be no Qubstxntial change in the appear~nce of the station b~~ adding uf trees. (See Resolution Book) On roll call, th~ foreEoing resolution was passed by the following voce: AYES: CON'Il~SISSIONERS: PAttANO, GAUER, JUHNSON, K.T.NG, MORLEY, TOLAR, HER~"~T NOGS: CONRIIS5ICNERS: NONis AB5~NT: CONII~fISS1:ONERS~ NONE R~;CESS: - At 4:00 p.m.~ Chairmun Herbs~ decl~red a recesa. RECONVENE: - P.t 4:1~ p.m. Chaitman klerbat reconv~ne~ the mePting wlth all Commifleionerb preaent. ~7 C~ MINU'IF.S, CTTY FI.ANNINC COA4~tIS:~i.ON~ Drscamber 23, 1914 74-579 VARIANCE NQ. 2660 - PU~LIC tiEAfttNG. WA'1Nl: HUST, 136 We.st Simmonn Avenue, Anahyi;n, (:x. 9~802 ~ ~r~ (t?wncsr); CE~JFCF JEFFERS~ 13411. Yor.ba Street, Santa Ana, Ca. 92705 (Agpnt) r~quest7ng WAIV[?R OF (A) MIr~_Ml1M ~LOT ARrA ANA (B) MAXIMUM 1OT COV~~tAGE, TO CQNST~tUCT A RUOM M~ITION on property daACribed ne: A rectangularly-sh~p~d purc~+l oE 1And conaisting af npproximntely 55QC aquare faet hevin~ :~ frontage of approxirae[aly 5G cee~ ~.>ri ~i-e soutt~ side oF. 3lmmona Avenue, having a c~oximun- depth of nrnroximately 11Q ~eet~ and being '_ocat~d upproxim~tely ~~Sb feaC wea*. of the cenCerllne of Flaster Street. i'ropart:y pr.edently classified RS-S000 (~NF.-FAMILY) .~F,. N~ ~~ne indicoted ttieir presenc~ in oppos~lr(o~~ c~ subJ~ct pe~icion. Alr.hough the 5taff ~teport tu the P:l.annin~ Commideion ctated n~ m~er 23~ ].974~ wos rot r.Qad ~a:: tt:e publi.c hezring~ it is re£erred to ~nd mnde u parL oi t.~e minu~~ ... Mrs. I1+- Huat, the petition~r~ advi~ ed !:,:r femily tind lived in the home for three yeAre; that the plr-n was to continue to uH~~ che xealdence fur dweliinE purpc,sea; and t.hat Che home hud tuur bedroume r.nd one bedroom t~ad been cunvexted to s torrul dining room. THE PUp..IC HEARING WAS CLUSED. Tn queationir.g the applicant~ Che Commis~ion observed th~t ttiere were no objectfcns from the neighbora; that the garage did not iace the atr~p'~ and :. a an ~~utomacic door opener.. 'Phe Commission II18G noted that thera w~~.s mi~nimum 1ot c~verag~ by the requested w~tver. It was nc~ted that the Director of DeveluRarent Services t~ad determined that t_i~e pcoposed acti/ity £~11 within the definition of Section 3.01, Claes 3 ~E the Cit:y ct~ Anahelm CuidA].ines to the Rec,uirementA ror an Cnvironmrntal Impacr Report and ~as, ~herefore, categoricnlly exempt from the raquirem~nt Co fi.le an GIR. Commisaioner Johns~n of.fered Re~niutini ?do. PC74-250 and moved f~r ita passa~e and adoption k~~ grant PeCi.tion for Vari.~nre Nr. 2f+60 on th4 t~asi.d that the requested waivers are mi:~'.mal for the use a~ proposed and •.~~ul.J ii~t be i:etriment~l to surrounding properties. (See R~e~S.ution Uook) (?n rol.l. cull, the foreg~~ing resoluti4n wa~ pasaed by the ~ollowing vor~~: AYES: COMMISSION~KS: F~1~iAN0, CAUEK, JOHNSON, KING, MORLEY, Tn;,AR. HERBST NO~S: C01~4~1TS5IONERS: NONE ABSENT: COr~iizSSl(1NERS: NONE VARi!_;CE N0. 2659 - pUBL7C HFARING. 1?RGD MOKR, 627 North Sabina S~reet, Apl•. B, Anaheim, Ca. 92805 (Owner); requeating WAIVER Or (A) MAx.IMUM COV~RAGE~ (B) MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACK, AND (C) MINIMUM PAFiKING SPACE WTDTH, Tn CONSTRUCT A DUPLrX on property described aa: A rectangularly-ehaped parcel ~~~' land consiating of approximarely 5500 aquare feet having a frontage oE approximately 48 feet oi. the eaet side of Sabin~ Stree[, having a ma~rimum depth of approximxtely 115 ft•et, and being located approximately 80 feet north of. the centerline of Wilhelmina S~reet. Fr~perty presently claesifie~ k-2 (MULTIPLE-FAMILY RF,SiDEN'PIAT.) ZONE. No nne indicated the3.r presence in oppoaiti~a co sublect pet{.tion. Aithough the Staff Report to the P].anninF ~%o~~~iaeion dated ?'~ecember 23, 1974, was not read at the pul•~llc hearing, it is ref.erred to a~1d made a uart oi the minutes. Mr. Fred M~-1~1, the peCitioner, wno preserit Co answer ques*.ions o; the Commisslon. THE PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. The Coromiasion notPd Chak Variance No. 2659 closely paralleled Variance No. 2660 in that the requested waivers were minimal ur~d the propoaed use was upgrad~.ng t`~e property. It was noted tl:at Che Director of Development Services had determined that the propoc~e~ activity fell within the daiinition of Sectian 3.01, Class 3 cf the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the Requiremente for an Environmen;:al Impact Report and was, ther~fore, categorically exempt frnm the requirement to fiie an EIR. L'ommiesi.oner King offered Reaolution No. PC74-249 and moved for i*_9 paseage and adoption r.o grant Petition for Variance No. 2659, cubject to condition~., on the basia that lhe requested waiver.s are minimal for the use as ~._oposed. (See Resolution Book) ~fn roll call, tt~e foregoing resolution was pansed by the following vote: AYES: COI~AtISSIOtlL~RS: FARAt'0, GAUER~ J0~{NSON, KLNG, MORLEY, TOLAR, HFFLSST NOES : COr4~I1S5I0NERS : NONE AritiL'N'P: CUP7riISSI0NER5: NONE ~ ~ MINUTN,S, C~TY PI.ANNINC CUMMISSLUN~ U~cemn~r 'ls. 1974 74-59Q COMMISSI~NIiR FARM10 Ll'sN1' 'CFiL MEI:'1'ING A'f 4:20 1'.M. VARiANCE N0. 26t,1. - PUBLIC l1F:ARINC. AI)M[N1S'CRA'TOR ~1F VETERAN A!~'FAIRS, 1t000 Wil.ahiru ~~ ~ Doulevard. l.oe Angclee~ Cu. 900'l4 AND T,YI~N B. AND ALYSQN E. TOSSFI~L, c/o Jerome J. Kolb, 2487 I:ast Ctti~.pman Avenu~:~ T'ul.lerton~ Cr~. 92G~1 (Uwnere); .I~ROMG J. KUI.B, 24A7 Grxet Chapm:in Avenue. [~'ul'lcrton, ~~a, 92fi31 (Agent); rcyueytinQ WAIVER OF (A) PGItMTT:ED U5lsS AND (1)1 MAXIMUM SIGN ARL:A, 'PO I;S7ABLI5N MI OFFIC.F. USE IN AN fXISTINC RCSIDENCE on pruperty dc~ecribed eiR: A rectengulnr.ly-shaped parc:el o: land conRlee.- ing of a~~proximately 6600 squnre feet huvin~ a Erontage of aFproximRtely 62 feeG on Ch~j eudt r;id~, of ~nst 3rreel•~ I~aving n mxximum depth ~~f: appr~~ximate.ly 11.4 Peet, and being locnt~~~i approximately 600 fE~et north of ehe cei~t^rline of Ramneya Drivi•.. i'rop~rty presently claeslfi.ed R-1 (UNF FAMILY RF.SIDENTIAL) ZONG. Con~mieAioner Johneon noted thut he had u r.onl'lict of. inter~Ht ae defined by the Anaheim Munlcipal Code Section 1.1.40U and Government Code Section 3625, et ~eq~, in that he ie ~ membc~r o£ the Board of tl~e Fir.H[. Nciznrene Church~ •at-ich is not adjacent but very close to sub;ject property; that purauunt ta t:he proviAione of Che above Code, he wns decl~rir~g to the Chairman Ct~at he wna withdrawing from the hei~ring in connc~ction with ztem No. 13 of the Pl~nning Commiasion Agenda und would nor take pnrt in either tha disc~.iesion or thn voting ttier~oii; und r.}iut he hiid not dlscussed th1.s mntter wiCh any men~ber. of the Plnrning Cpmm ~ :~Hion. TtiLREUPON~ CODIMISSIONFR JOHNSUN 1,E1'f TNE ML'G'tIN(~ Ai 4:22 Y.M. Three per.sona indic~sted thelr presence in opposition to sub~ect petition and w~ived the reading of the Sta~f Report. Altliough the Staff Report to the I'lanning ~.ommission dnt~d Uecember 23, 1974, wRS not rend at the public tie~ring, it ie re£erred lo and made a part of the minutes. Mr. JeXOme Kolb, '1~-87 ~ast Chapman Avenue~ ~uller.ton, age~k L•or l•he property ownere, advioed the Commi~sion that locaCion of the pruperty and av.rrounding c~~ise of trucke ta a IilndrancP to keeping the property occupied; that the use of an eac:ow office would coneleC af onc~ ful.l-ti.me snd une p~rt-time person; that there would be no aoliciting of bueiness off the str.eet; tt~at the premisea would b: used only M~nday through Friday, 9:00 a,m. ~o S:OU p.m., leaving the property Eree on weekends and Pveninge; that khe uae of an escrow offic~ is a privately owncd businesa; that ti:e propoaed use would continue tu give the appearance af private property, and there w~uld be no vehicle trAffic in connec tion with the propoacd use. Mr. G. E. ~mi[h, 1303 Norwood~ ~lnaheim, appeared in opposition, noting that there hud been other requeste for commercial use of property in th~t vicinity on East Street; thaC th~r.e w~u1d be considernble debris from commercinl usa~e and increased traffic and ac c idente in the lmmediate vicinity; and that if Che us? is ~rantedr nany other. properties would also requeHt commercial usage. Mr. SmiCh diso stated that a portion of the property to the immediate norCl~ was owned by the California S~tate Highway Denartment for fron[age to the Riverside I'reeway. Mr. Smith noted that there had been several diff.erent pEreona occupy- ing the residence at varioua ti.mes; that the hou.~ remains vacant and causea pr oblems in the urea. Mr. l~ewis, 1261 Fa:iC Santa Ana Streer.~ Pustor of the First Nazarei-e Church, appeared in oppoaitiun, not.ing that the church at 1340 Candlewoad wae i.n r.lose proximixy to the subjecC pr.operty, Mr. I.ewis sta~e.d the church's ob~ecCions were mainl.y the long-time p ~anA for the cl~urch expansion~ noting that property to the immediate north of suS~ect property is ~wned by pers ne who have indicated a wil.lingnc~ss for future acquiaiti.on of the property by the chur:.h for expansion purposes. Mr. Lewis also stated that to grant cammercial use to chs petitioner might result in potential vandaliem problems in the area; tha t thN character of the nei.~hborhood would be downgraded by comu~erci.al usea. One letter of opposition fro-u Ronald L. Doteon, 1327 Candlewood, Anaheim, was r eAd at the public heari~g. Mrs. Mxrgar~t Herrin~~ 1309 NorwUOd~ M~heim, appeared in opposltion~ atating ttiat Chere are many emall ch3ldren in the neighborhood; rhat if the sub~ect uee is granr_ed the }~ouae will be ~acant an weekends and eveni.ngs ~nd a cnuse for aanda~iam in the nei.ghborhooci; nnd that in recent months there have been n~meroue traff ic accldenta ': t1~e ium~ediate vicinity. THE PUBLTC HEA4tING WAS CLOSED. ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ CI'I'Y YLANN1Nu COA4~IISSION~ Ue~cemhor 23, 1974 74-~i8.1 VARIANCIi N0. 2G61 (Continued) '['t~o CommiASlon no~ed thrat both the r«~tilionar nnd opponente hn~:e vory good poi.nta for cor~eideration~ however, it might be paAaible ro grant a time period for uae of the vroperty~ removi.ng the elgn Erom the premitier+ ec~ rpteln the reaidentinl atmoephare since the npplicant had dtnted all hu~ilnoeH would be tr.nnHr~cted ~y phone und no r~utoinobile traEfic wouid bk~ 1avolvAd. It was notQd tliu[ thn Director. ok I)avelopment Seru tces hr~d deCexmined tli++k che propo~ed act:~vi.ty fel.l within rhe defi.nition of SecCiun 3.01~ Claas 3 of the City of Anxheim Guidell.nee to thc RequirNmenCd f.or an Eavironmentnl Impncr. Report und w~R, therefore, c.ategoricnl.ly exempt from tlie rdquirement lo file un EIR. Cortwii~sionar 'folnr ofEered Reso~.ukion No. PC7G-251 and moved for itA pctc~eag~ and ndoption to gr~-nt Pelltion for Vnriance No. 2661.~ aub_~ect to conditione c~nd etipul~tionH by t:he petlti.oner thuC Clu~rc would he n maxlmum af two employeeo, thak l•he eigning on Ch~ pYOperty ehnll be no greatc~r. thnn thaC shown on the photograph accompnny.ing ttie submitt~d plt~ns, th~t Che uye Kh~2.1 be for ur edcrow office only; and that thc~ varinnce is granted for a period of one yc~ar euh~ect to coneid~rution foc an additional period of tlme at the expirs- tion uf khe one-~~ear period, (See Raeolution Book) Un ~.'oll cnll, the foregoing redolution was paeaed by the fc~llowing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GAUFR, KYNG, MORLEI, TOLAR, HEItF1ST NOES: COt~SISSiOI~L(iS: NONE ABSRNT: COMt~tISSIONI:RS: FARANO ABSTAIN: COMMISSIbNGRS: JOIiNSON REQl1EST FOR IsIR NEGATIV~ A1:CT.ARI\'PI01~ FOIt CUNSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SE41~R FACiLITIES FOR THF, PRUPCISED UtiVGLOPMIQV~r n~ 'PHE NOR'fHWLST CORNER OF FFE AIiA STItEET ANll LA PALMA AVENUE It wc~s noted that tiie Public W~rkti Department proposes to cons;:ruct sanitary aewer facilt- tiea ~:o serve the~ propa~ed develupment of an i.ndustrial projc~:t oi~ the nortl~west corner uE Fee Ana Str.eeC and L•a Palma Aven~ie, located in thp Scenic Corridor; that the pr.o~ect rec~uires only a minor• c~xtension to the exiating facilities anci it wo~ld appear there w11Z be no ai.gnlficant environmenCal impucC. ~Commisaioner K.'_ng offered a motion. secanded by Commiseioner Tolar and MOTION CARRIEll (Commissianer. 1'arano Ueing absent), that the Planning Commiasion recommends Co rhe City Council thnt the subject pro~ecC be exempt irom the requirement to prepare rn Lu~~ru~~- mental Impnct Report pursuant to the provir~iona of the California Environmental Quality Act. REQUEST rOR ~IR NEGATIVE BECLARATIUI~ T'OR TRANSPER OF ~JWNERSHIP AND MAINTRNANCE RESPONSI- P,ILITI.ES OF WALIJIIT CANYON CHANNEL TO THE ORANGE COUNTY FI.OOD CONTROL DISTRIC'I Asaiatant Z~ning Supervisor Anni.ka Santalahti advi.sed the Commiasicn that the Yublic Works Department propoged Co transfEr ownerehip and mai.ntenance reaponaibilitieR of t~e existing Walnut Canyon Chsnnel to the Orange Gounry F~.ood Control District; that a chairlink fenca wil:l be constructed along the open channel sectiun sou:h of Santa Ana Canyon Road; that Che W~lnut C~nyon Channel betwecn ~he Riverside Freeway and the Santa Ana Car,yon Road was improved witti a combination of closed conduit and open channel by several developers as their responsibility for dtaiuage in the area. The City of Anaheim ttccepted the facility from the developere itpon complet•lon of con~truct:lon with the i.ntent to tran3fer it to the Orange County Flo~d Control Dtatrict for maintenance, an9 the OCFCD has agr~ed zo acce}~t the drain upon completi.on of certai.n legal procedures requii:d by Section b5402 of the Government Code of Ca].ifarnia. Commisaioner Gauer offeXed a motlan, seconded by Commisaioner Tular and MOxION CARRIED (Cormniaeioner Farano being Eibeent), that the P].anning Commission reconmende to the City Counc:.l that the subjact pro~ect be exempt from the requirPment to prepare ai- Environmental Impact Repor~ purauant to tl~e proviaions ~f the Californi.a EnvironmentAl Quallty Act, and further~ that the Planning Commiaeian find~ that the tranafer of properCy rights in the Watnut Canyon Storm Drain in the reach betwePn the Riverside Freeway aad Santa Ana Canyon Road to the Orange County F1ood Control Disirict is in accordance with ttie Ciey's adopted General Plan. ~ ~ MINU'fES, CITY 1'1.ANNING COMMISS[ON, I'~~c~~ml,er 23~ 1974 ~~+-5~~~ Itl'sl'OKTS ANU - I'I'FM NO ~l I~L~COhII~1F.NDAT 1c)NS CQNUITIONAL USF. i'GltA1I'1' N0. 1359 (1.E50 Freeilman , Hyn C t Hous~~ ~Fy~ Notcl.) - itequcr~t for nxtension of time -~ t'roperty coneiyting ~f apprc~x.l.ma[~ly E3. S acrQS lo~atAd southoaeterly of the ac~uthQnst corner of. Freedm~-n Wuy and 1lurbor Boulevar.d, and furl•har described ar~ 1700 SouCh Hnrbor 8oulevgrd. As~ic~tant 7.aning Supervf.sor. Char..les Roberts fidvised Chc Commieairn chat CondiCional Use Parmit Mu. 1~59 wa& grunted by the ~'lanning Commiegion on pecembcr 27, 1912~ to eRCnb.liRh a ten-eCarv hotel tower witli wi~iv~r ot thc minimu~ number of parking HnAC@FI~ sub~er.C to cerkain r.ondition~: completion of C-R zoning. payment. of tree planCing fee~ and inatal- 1atl.on of etreet lightLn~ fiicil~.ttee r~ncl poeting of u bond t:o guar.nntec Anid i.n»taLlAtian. Nane of these conditions huve Ueen autiafi.ed. Mr, Rc~ber.te adviaed x r~yueAt hxd been receivpd from thu ~igent for the applicanr. f.ar u one-year extension of ti.me in ordeY to camplete curr~nt negotlatlunR for. perman~nt f.inancir~q. Commisai~ner King oEfered n motion, secor~ded by Commiseioner Morley and MA'CION CARRIEU (Commisaic~ner Furano being abaent) ~ xo granC n one-y~nr ~xtenslon of time for GonditionAl Uue Perroi[ No. 1359, Co expire on December 27, 1.975. T'Cl:M NO , 2 VARIANCC NU. 2454 (Bil.l Allen~ ,Ir,, Thumnson Fool I'lumbing) Rey~ieat £or ext~nsion of Cime Prnperty r.unaist.i.ng of approximately U.85 r~cre on the eiist side of Mll.ler Stt~eet, ;~pproximately 397 feet north oP Miraloma Avenue, und further descxlbed as 1332 North Miller Street. Zoning Supervisar Ctir~rles Itober.ts advised the Commiesion thaL• Variance Nu. 2454 was granted by the Planning Commisaton on January 8, 1973, for a period of. two years, to permit the c:ontinued use of n nonconfoLming building in nn "M" zone and waiving th~ minimuia front Aetback abutCing a secondary arterial highway; that a reyuest had been received from the u~plicant for a two-year extension of time for Variance Nu. 2454, noting thaC the pre5ent economical rrEnds were not such as to request refinancing of his present loan arrangement on aub;eck property; and that l-he FresenE buildinga are suf:ficient size and condition to facilitate his pres~nt operation. Commisatoner King ul:ere:d a mation, s~:conded by Commtsstoner Tolar and MOTION CAKRTEI) (Commisaioner Farano being absent), to grant a two-year extension of time for Variance No. 2454, to expire on Janu;~ry $~ 1977. IT~M N0. 3 OItANGE COUNT~I US~ PERMIT N0. 3568 - Proposed maintenance und storage Sard for heavy equipment, and cat keanel - Loc~ted on the west side of Jefferaon Str.e~:t, aouth of Orangethorpe Avenu~, in r.he nortl~eaat Anaheim area. Asaiatant Zoning Supervisor Annika Santulahti advised the Commission the property is cur.rently ur-incorporated although annexation to the City of Anaheim is pen3ing (Jei'ferson- OrangeChorpe Annexation) and that the property owner has indicated hp dues not want the property to be annexed. The pxoposed facilities would include the establishment of two commercial coacheH for uae as an office and employee dreasing room in connection wlth a propoaed maintenance And etorage yard for heav~ eqi.~ipmPnC, and the establishmen*_ of two relocatabla atructurea for use as a cat kennel. TherP are two exiating o31 wella on the property. The submitCed plan indicatea that the easterly 429 feFt of suU~ect property wuuld be developed at the preaent time, the portion fronting on Jefferson Street would b~ developed with a truck pnrking yard and the cat kennel to be located to the rear, the two existing oil wells to rematn. The proposed developmenC of the property ia not in accordancn with the City of Anaheim induetrial site development atandurds and several waivera would be neceasar~~. Canditional use perm3tc~ have now been filed with the City for the propcsed u~ea with w~ivzrs, which will be conaidered by the Planning Commiesion at their meeting of January 6, 1975. ThQ Planning CommiESion recomm~nds tn the City Council that the Counci.l rec~mmend ta the Orange County Planning .^.ammiasion that either : (a) the Orange County Uee Patmit No, 3568 be terminated and appropriate petitions be proceesed through the City ot Anaheim, d~~e to pendin~ annexation of eubject praperty to the City of Anaheim; or {b) that eince subject property is within the ephere of influence of the City of Ar-aheim and will oventuall} be ~ •w~ ~ MINUTI;S~ CL'fY P'LANNINC COMMIS510N, Dc~cember ?.3, 1974 ITEM N0. :i (ConT.inued} 7~i-.G,BJ annaxed ro th~ C~ty o£ Analielm, that if the Or.ange Coi~nry Plann~ng Commi.aeion upprovea Uye Permit No. 3568. the propcrty ehou7.d ba devAl.oped i.n accorJanc~~ wiCh khe City uf Anaheim Mf. eiCa devnlopment staodarde whlch would include: (1) dedi.cat.lon c-nd im~srovemr:nt of n 45-foot half~wideli etrc~et along Jefferec~n 5trr.et; (2) that the froi~C 50 faet. ~f s,~b~ect propercy (aft~r dedicetion) Rhnll UP oitht:r enti.r~ly LAnJecaped or that a ml.nimun- of 10 feek of landecaping bu provided ad~ucent tu the JafEereon Street rlght-of-w~y and the r.ear 40 feeC improved and ue~ed for cuaCamer and/or employee perking; (3) k1inL c~ny prupo~ad fAncing excee:d.i.ng 30 inchr.s ln hel.ght ehall be 1c~ceted to the ze~-Y~ of L-he rey«irud 'a0-foat aetbi-ck along Jef fereon 5treet; and (4) that all ouedoor U8L'H shnl.l. be en~:loc~~ad by ~ither a b-foot eolid masonry wnil or a 6-fooC hlgh chainlink fence with ~~ither redwood or cedar slata interwoven into the foncing ta ohecure Che outdoor use urea from view from nd~acont praportlea or atreetA. Commiseioner Morley offered x muti.on, sc~conded by Commissloner King and MOTION CMRIiiD~ tti~t thP ab~ve recommeudutionH be tranaitt~d to tiie Orange County Planning Commi~eion. ITEM N~). 4 REQUESTED STY<L'r'f NAME CHANG~ - Stute College Kotilevnrd Cc~ University BoulNVard. Zoning Sup2x'visor Chr~rlea Roberts briefed the Commieai.on on background mfiterial and the Staff Report to the Planni.r~g Cammissiun dated Qecember 23, 1974, ralative to the requesCed atreet name change. In diacusaion, tl~e Commission nuted that this change would no doubt cause considerab.le expense to busineaseR having to change stationery and of.fice invoices and supplies; and l•hat if tlie change were to be msde fr~r enough in the future, ~hoae in oppositon might change their mind. The CommissiAn also notc:d thaC from survey re~ulta in the Staff Report, severnl bueinesaen wer~ in favor of the chan~e. Chuirman Herbst zequested tt-at the press giv~ Chie item some publ.icity to get further inp~t from bueinesses in Che areA, and f uYther study made r.nd Che matter eet: for public hearing at a later date; no date set at this time. Commissioner Morley offered r- motion, seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION CA1tRIGD, tha~ ths matter he continued and set for public hearing aftE~r further study. I'PEM N0. 5 ~iILLS:DC GRADING ORUINANCG Zoning Supervisor Charles Roberta udvlsed the Commiasion there have been a number of work ~easions by the Commission and discussions at the Canyon Area General Planning fask Force meetings relative to establishment of requirementR for mandatory maintenance and elope of tiillaid e grading, and that the City Council had requested inpLt. Chair.man Herbat etar.ed there was r_onaiderable enginaering data being compiled; that Mr. Roland Krueger had indicnted he was opp~sed to the 1~:'1 s'lope but would favor the 2:1 slope. He further adviaed that Anaheim Hills, Inc. wou.ld be doing an in-depth study. In discussion. the ConuniASion noted that Mr. John Millick. of Anaheim Fr t 7.1a had submit~ed a letter to James Maddox, CiCy Engi.neer, relative to bench recommendations, and ;:he question of when landscaping would be required to be inetalled. Deputy Clty Attorney Frank Lowry was ineCructed by the Commisaion to delete the sectians from L•he Crad ing Ordinance which required further atudy and prepare. a new ordinrsnce f.or submission to the City Council~ and at such kiae as slape analysis and benchea hnve been deresmined, th~ ord{_nance be amended. The Commission requested a joi.nC meeting cf tt-e Planning Commisaion and Canyon Area Ceneral Planning Task Force be aet fur January 15, 1975, at 7:00 p,m. in the Council. Chamber . COMMISSIONER GAUER LEFT TIiE MEET.ING AT 5:'S P.M. ~ ~ • MINUTLS ~ CTTY P1,ANNIIQG COMMI3SION ~[)acomber 23 ~ 197~+ IT~M N0. ~ (Continund) '14~5Fi4 Ghair.man Herb~t ~tated~ in hie opir-ion~ Ch~ devnlopar doae huve ~he rueponsibility af k~eping th~ slopea adequete].y plantRd unti.l euct~ timQ ae a Pinu1 uui.lding permlt is ic~µund on ths pruperty~ end par.hapd S.t could bA •pecified in the ordinunce thaC anv alopQe udaecent to undevelopod property muet be plunCedt that whi.chevor piece of pr.oper.ty devaloge f:rst. muaC he planted, reallzing tt~ere could be two differ~nt ownars ehoul.d Anaheim Hllte or any othar owner se.l.l the prnperky Eor davoloptnent. Mr. Lowcy advised that a resolution wauld bp praparad for Commi.eeion conuideration nn January 6, 1975~ and ~or Council coneideration ag eoon as po~di.hl.s. Mr. ttoberCe summad up thm itQrae whi~l~ had be~n canr+idered by r.l~P Coramise~,ot~ an: 1. 2:1 va. l~::l - meet with tlie Taek Forcn on Januxry 15, 1975. 2. Regaxding tha banch drain widtha ~ Anaheim Kille r~nd the Eng~nearing Diviuiun will be getting toRethor C~ diecues khoee aepecte. 3. Question o£ wlic~n are the el.opes L•o be planted; and that ie to be diecueRed beCwe~n Maheim Hille and Engineering Divisi.on. 4. '.fransitional areae. AUJOURtiMf:NT - There baing nu furth~:r b~ieineea to diecuse~ C~mmiseioner Morley ~ affazed a motion to ad~ourn the meeting. Co~nieaioner King secondod the moti.on. MUTION CAP~RIED. The meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Respecl'fully submitted, r-~+ Al.etha 1~. Burgess, Secretary ~' .m Anaheim City Planning C~mmiseion AHB:hm