Minutes-PC 1975/05/280 ~t C 0 MICR~~ILMING SEitVICE, INC. ~ ~ ~ C:I.ty Ha~l Anot~cim. Culifc~rnin '-"~,Y 2b. 19)S RI;CUl,AR MELTING OF THE ANAHI;. CI'CY PI.ANNING COMMT3STON ~ • RECULAtt - A regu] ~r meeCing of. the Anaheitn City Plannin~ Commieeion wae call~~d to I~F.TING ordor by Chairman Herbet aC 1:30 p.m. in the '~ouncll Cl~nmbcsr~ a quorum being pree~snt, PRESENT -- ~:IiAIMtAN: Herbot - COMMISSIUNERS: ~~uer~ FArano (who entered the meeting rit 2:12 p.m.), .inq~ Mnrley~ Tular. ABSL~N',. - COMMI5SIONERS: lohnaon ALSO PRESENT - Ronnld 'fhompeo~i Frank Lawry Jay 'Titus Charles Robc~rta Mnika Santalahti. Jack Judd Dill Young Patricia Scanlan Uevelopment Sarvi.ces birecr.or UepuCy Cit,y Att~orney OfFice F.ngineer Zoning Supor~ leur Aseietant 7,oning Sup~rvisor Civil Engineerin~ Aasial•ant Asaociate Pl,anner. (;ommisei~n SecreCary PLEDG~ OF ° Cotmnisaioner Gauer led in lhe Pledge of Allegiance to tl~e FlRg of the ALLEGIANCr United States of America. APFROVAL Or -- Commissloner l~ing o`fered a motion, saconded by Commisaioner Gauer. and THE MINUTF.S MOT'i0N CARRIL~D (~on~missionera Farano and .1ohn~on betng abaent) , to approve t•he minutea of the meet.ing of hl~y 1''., 1975, sa submitted. ENVIRONMENTAL II~AC'f - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING. ANAI~EIM HII.L3, IN~./TEXACO VENTURSS, REPORT N0. 111 INC., c/o HorFt J. Schor, 380 '•uat~eita Nill.s Road, Anaheim, Ca. ~'~ 92807 (Owner) , ~roperty desc rlbed as : An ~ rregulorly-shapea RECLASSIFICA_TION parcel of land consisting of P~>proximately 22 acres having N0. 73--74-28 approximate trontages of 83~ feet on the east aide of Hiddez~ ~ Canyon Road and 1580 £eet on the north stde of Avenida De `lARIANCL~ r0. 2566 Santiugo, and heing located apprur.imately 500 feet aoutheast _rly ~ of the interaection of Serr.ano Avenue and HiddEn Csnyon Road. TENTATICE MAP UF rraperty preaently classified RS-A-43,0~10 (RESIDENTIAL/ TKACT N0. 8520 AGKICULTURAL) Z~NE AND COUNTY OF ORI~NGB A1 ~G~;NE1tAL AGR'~CULTURA'L) DISTRICT. REQUESTED CLASSIFICATI.ON: RS-IiS-22s0~0 (RrSIDENTLAL, SINGLI?•••Ft1MTLY HILLSIDE) ZONE REQUESTEL~ VARIANCR: WATVF.R OF REQUIR~iENT 1'kIAT STNGLE-FAMILY RESIDEI3TIAL STRU:;TURES REAR ON t,RTERIAL HIGHWAYS. TENmATIVE TRACT REQU~3T: FNGT.NEER: WILLDAN ASSQCIATES, 125 3outti Claudina Street, Anaheim, Ca. 92805. Suh3ec t property is proposed fcr aubdivision into 18 RS-HS-22,000 lots. The subJect petitiuns were cantinued from the meetings of December 10, 1973. January 7~ Marcn 18, April 29, and June 24, 1974~ at the r~queat of the petiCioner; from Augii4t 5, ];14, for readverti...e.ment tn include aciditional property; and from Septembei 16, September 30, ].914, Febru~ry 3 and April 1k ~ 1975, at the request of. the petiCi ~ne; . tio one indicated their preaence in oppositi~n to subj ~et petiti.una. A1t~iouEh the Staff Report to the Planuing Comml.eaion dated May 28, 1975, was not read ar the public hearing, it ig t~ferred to and made a oar t of the minutes. 75-253 ~ ~ ~ Cit,y U.~11. Anah~alm~ Ca1.lfurnir~ May 2d. ].975 RR(;ULAR MEETING OF THE ANA}lGxhR CI1'Y PLANNING COMMISST.UN REc. ~.nR •- n regular meetiiig of. tha Annheim City T'lanning Commiaeian wne called to M~h°fING ozder by Chairman Herbet at 1:3Q p.m. in the Cuunci.l Chamber. n quorum being praeent. PKI:SEN'~ - ~1iAI~tM~1N: Herber. - CUMM:SSI:ONhRS: Gauer, Farana (who entered Che meet~Lng at 2:12 p.m.), King~ Morley, To~ar. pW~nNm - rnMMTSRTnNxRCc ,Tohneon ALSO PRESENT - RunnJ.d Thampson Frank Lowry Jay Titus Charlea RoberCe Annika Santalahti Jack Juud IIill Young Patri~ia Scanlan Developmenk Servlces Directar Deputy Ci.ty Attorney Off.icc~ Englneer 7.~ning Supervlsor Aesietant Zoning Supervioo~r Ci~•il Fngine~ring Aasistant Aeeociate Planner Commiaeion Secret~ry PL~1)Gs OF - Cormnisaioner Gauer l~d :Ln tihe Pledge of Alleginnce to thc Flag of the AI~LGGIANCE United Statea of Ameri.ca. APPROVAL OF - Commissioner King offered a moCion, secor-ded by Commis~i.oner Gauer and THE MINUTES MOTION CARRIEA (Commissiontra Farano and Johnaon heing absent), to appro~e the minutes of the meettng of May 1.2~ 1975, as submitted. ENVIRONMEN'TAL IMr' ^r;T - CONTINUED PUBLIC HCARING. ANAH~IM tiILLS, INC. /TE}G+'..0 VENTORES, REPORT N0. lll INC., c/o Horst J. Schor, 380 Anaheim ~illa Roady Anaheim, Ca. ~~ 92807 (Owner). Pt~perty described as: M irreg;~larly-ahaped [tECLA53IFICATiON parcel of land consi:~~ing of ap~:ox imately 22 acres having N0. 73--7~+-28 3pproximate fron~rsges of 830 feet an the eae` side of Nidden ~ Canyon Road and 1880 feet on the north side of tivenida De VARIANGE NU. 2566 Sant•tago, and being located approximately 500 feet sat~ttieasterly ~ of the intersectiuu af Serrano Aveaue and ~:idden Canyon Fond. TENTA'CTVE MAP AF Property presently classified RS-A-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/ TRACT NO. 8520 AGRICULI'URAL) ZONE AND COUNTY OF ORANGE A1 (GEi ?RAI. AGRICULTURAL) DISTRIGT. RLQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: RS-HS-22,000 (ItESILEN~IAL, SZNGLE-?AM7J,Y ~iILLSIDE) ZONE R~QUESZED VAR.IAPICE: WAIVER OF REQ~IIREMENi 'i'HAT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIL`ENTIAL STRUCTURES stEAR ON ARTERZAI. HIGHWAYS. 'TEN~'ATIVE TRACT REQUEST: F.NGINF~R: WI LLDAN ASSOCI.ATES, 7.25 South Claudina SCrePt, Anaheim, Ca. 92805. Sub~ect propet'~y ia propoeed for subdiviaion into 18 RS-HS-::2,OOJ lots. 'Phe aubject petitionr~ were ~ontinued from the meeCinga of December 1G, 1973, .?~ouary ?, Marah 18~ Ap:31 29, and June 24, 1974, at the requeat cf the peti.tioner; from AuAuat 5, 1974, f or readvertiacment to include ad.-~tt~.onal properCy; and ~rom Szptember 16, 5~ptember 30, 1974, February 3 and A~.ril '+, 1975, at the requzet of the petitioner. No one 1~-dic~ted their preaence in opposi~ion xo eubjecG petitions. Although the Staff Kc~~rC t~ the Plarnin2 Commie~;ion dAted May 28, 1975, was not _ead at the public hesring. it i~ referred tc and made a part of the minutes. ?5-253 ~J ~ MINU'f[:S. CI'I'Y PI.ANNINC CODiMTSSI~N, May 28~ 1975 ~ ~ 7S-^c54 F;NVJRQNMr;NTAL iDiPACT REPOKT ~10. 111, RECLASSIFICATION NQ, 73-74-28, VARIANCI; ~0. ?.56fi ANU TLNTATIVL MJ-F l~f' 'iRACT N(1.._ &520 Continued ._~`.~._.__._~--_---•____ -- •-- Mr. .John M111..ick, Vic~ Preaident of Maheim Hill.e~ lnc.~ uppeared hefore the Planning ~.ommiasi,on and stat~ed the praposal wae the second phaea of n continuing estate Pr~grr+m ~~~ AnAheim Hille and ha wne preeent to anewer queatior~a r.egnrding the propos~l. THC YUBLIC HEARIN(; WA.S CI.OSCD. CcvmieAioner 'rolar inquirad about the grading which would be involved 1.n r.he proposed devel~pment, ni~d Mr. Mi.l].l.ck stnt~ i Che grndi.ng would be in +eccordanc~ ~ai.tl~ [he new Grbding Ordinfin~~a of the Ciry~ with the contoured m~ Chod br~ng uti~.ired to provt~le the build~.ng pe~~1s: that the 452~000 cubic yards aE dirt indf.c l in th~~ E~.virunmental. Impact ReporC No. 111 wc-s probably a shocking figur~ to the ~ Ibn~ .~g Conimienion, howevc~r~ that tol•al inc].uded the grading for the propoaed reservoir I.n thc nub,~ect. area nnd the al•reete; thc-C ttiere was n ne~d to proceed with tha reaervolr grading [u coincide with the gruding for ttie RubJact development for ~~~~onomical and timing rene- ; and khat tl~ere would be a fill h~lance betwe~~n the pro;{ects. Mr. Mi].l.ir.k f~~rther indicnted Chai. approximately 20X of tlie Rz~uding wne for the reservoir and screets, and that appr~~ximately ]6b,000 cubic yarde we~ on County property; and thal khe;~ did not intend to import or export dirt ~a u,. froai othec a~~AS~ unl.ess they had lo remove rocke [a a landfill pro~er..t. L- reaponce to queationing by Commiasioner Morley, Mr. Mi;.lick etatad '~c prc,poHrd homea would be custom; that xhe time frame for completiun of the pro~ect was ~_untinAent upon the completion of r.he reservoir approximntely June, 1976; that they would obviously get into a pre-sales pra;;~ r,,,~, ; f problema regarding uvuilability of water were ree~~lv~~~i with the Rea1 Estate Cor,~mis3loner; that they had gauged n demand for the proposed r.y~e product snd the homes would pr.obably ~ell ver.y rapidly; a that they were opt~miet+~~ that ttie economy would be on Che upawing in thp near futu? also. Mr. Millick furthe.r att~ted Chey did noC wiah to see a repeat of the situation with Rancho Califarnia, where cuatom homesitea were immedintely purchaeed for real estate appreciation val.ues and the p;td~ ~rece not built on for aeveral yearo; that t~~ey liad interust from several cusr_om builder:~ (Bob Solom~~~ and G. L. Lewis, eCc.) and could seed the pro~ect ~~y bulldi~~g on IIppr.oximately 10~; ~f t,l~~ tots to get constructiun going~ or they could s<~l.l the sites on a deed of purchuse plan ~~I~ureby if the plans were not b~iilc on within a specified p~r.iod of time, then the lots would revert; and thut the pra~ect woiil.d probahly be completed within three ye~ra. In reaponse to quaF,tioriing by Commissiouer Tolar, Mr. Millic:• sCated thac if the ~ ut~ reverted back, whe~:her or net Anaheim Hills would develop or resell the 1nCe would depend upon Che marlcet at chat time; however, from the tenant deIDand at the prerten~ time, they anticipnted that the lot~ would be built on im~ediately. Mr. Millick entered into discussion with Ch+~irman Herbat regarding the atope l..idscaping in the subJect tract, and Mr. Mi~iick indicated thai• unless the pru~ect was seeded wirh u developer, then Anaheim Hills, Inc. would provide alcue land~:caping; that the landacaping would be installed t~ preven*. having ko poot banda for a lo~;~ period of. time, however, he did not wigh to n,o!ca a commitment in that respect nr. thie time since a determination had not been made as to which direction they would take in their s~lea program. Comm'.~ei.oner Tular noted that aume commitment regarding tt~e landacaping mi~,~t be easential to approving the tract, whet•eupon. Mr. Milliclc indicated tha~ they wou3i compiy with the Grscling Urdinance which included alope landscaping ~ndlor bonding therefor, etc. Chairman Herbst inquired regarding the grades that a;~peared to go through aome of. the 1oCs, and Mr, Milllck stated in those cases khe terrain wae baing left natural; and, furCher, that th= majority of the grading would occur wherr massive changes were being made, i.e., the reservoir site~ etc. Mr. Millick clartfied thaC a man-made slope ran through Lota and 4 and that slope was required to be plan'_ed since it exceeded 5 feet vertical height. Uffice Engineer Jay "'itus ad~iaed that the Grading Ordinar.ca requir~d extensive landscap- ing of the sJ.opes tu .,e insLalled at the time the homes were bui.lr andr prior to that time, bonda would be required in lieu af putting plants into the ground; and ehst at the ti.me uf gradin~, ground c~v~+r or grass wa8 required on t~ie slopes. Cc~mmisslor.ar Tolar indicated that he was not con~arned abou[ the heavy landacapinq going in right away, but that the ground covex would be appropriate For ex'oaion control; and that he was concerned about the problema w~th the winter rye drying out and becoming a fire hazard. Mr. Millick stated there were other type graeaes to be uaed; and ~hst in the S.I.R. d~'~e.lopment ;Lake Summit} with alones ad~~cent to the resprvoir., thcy had ingtalled some of tlie finb. ^*ouid cover at the time of the grading and~ with som~ waterinR, they ~ ~ ~ MIN.1'SE~, CITY PLANNtNC COFQ1I35ION, May ?.B~ 1975 75-255 EN'JIR~7NMENTAI. IMPACT KCPORT N0. 11I~ R1?CLASSIFT~~ATIU~ NU. 73-7b-28~ VARIANCE N0. 2566 ANll fENTATTVE ASAP ~I~ 1'RACT N0, 8520 (Continued , now had euca.Lyptus trQea growi.ng. Comm:esiunec ~ing noCed that by rupeeting the I.ake Surtuni.t etope planti.nG, the propoeal. woul.d benel'it from tt~c~ ~eautification i.n Chair ealea pc~ogrum. l.n rasponse Co questloning by Gommieei ner Gauesr, Mt•. Millick etatad they hnd eried to develo~~ u vai~ury of building pecl levels t:o al.low for ^~lit-•level ltotaaa c~nd, ulso,if the proparty ownarb wuuCed Co have horsee, th:n the pocCiune of tti~: lote used for thaL pur.poea cuuld be at different lavc~le than rhe homae themselves, c~mmi~~,i.or-eT Ganar Chen questioned thcs diepusi.tion of the oak treea in the pro~ect, nnd Mc. Mil,.ick etat.ed that thc lur~cs trees at the intare~ction of Hidden Ganyon itoad And Serrano Avenue were being proaerved for khe equestxian center; Chrit uny Cr~os on ti roeervuir site w~~uld be di.fficulG if not impoaelble to AHV~ beceuse of ttie mAesivu grH~ .ng; e~nd that ~ny ~.~•~es remov.:d in the sub,j~ct Crnct would ~errainJ.y be replac~d in co~'ormailce wiCh the TrEe Preservntion Ordinance. Chairman Harbst noted that it ~aould Uehoov~ Anaheim HiY.is. Inc tu duvelop closely to the new Gruding Ordicianr_~ Rinc~ the proposed develop~nent would expoae sald oi•dinarce ~o i.Ce Cru~~ worth. Mr, Millick thon stated that Anaheim Hi.lls, Inc. fiad taken the iaitiative in ~--.-•....~.....~ ,.~ rh„ „A~, r.radina Ordinance and that they had re-eculpturQd ti881etiTig wici~ ~iib ~.:.v..+..r..._.._ - - -••- --- - soma oE the aceao a~.ong Serrano Avet~ue, etc.~ ln accordance with said ordinance and thc improvement wes even gre~ter han they hed expected. Commi.seiotiar Morley offered a motion~ seconded by Commtasionar King and MOTION CARRTEll (Commiaaionere Farano and Johnson bei.ng absent), that Fnvironmental Impact Report No. 111, suppl mienting master Ellt No. $0, hAVing been conai.dered thie data by the City Planning Commiesicn and evidence, botti written and oral., having been presented to suppl.~ ent the draft of EIR No. 111~ the City Planning Commiesion believes thaC eaid drafC ETR No. l.tl does conform to the City and ~ ite Gutdelines and [he State of California Environmental Quality Act and. based upon such infurmacion~ does hereby recommend to the City Council Chai they certify aa.ld EiR No. 111 is in comp~iance with the Califor.iiia ~nvironmental Quality Act. CoTamissioner Morle,y offered Resolution No. PC75-107 and moved fot ite paseage rsnd adopti.on to recommend to the City ~ouncil that Petition for. Reclar~sifi.cation No. `13-74-28 be approved, au~~ect to condikions. (Sae Reaol~itlon Book) On roll call, the foregoing reaolution ~vas pasged by the f~llowing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GAUER, NOES: CUMMISS70NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIG`1ER5: FARANO~ KING, MORLr~Y , TOLAR, siERBST JOHNSON Commi~aioner Morl~y offered Resoluti~n No. PC75-108 and moved ~r ite passage and adoption, that Fetition for Variance No. 2566 be and hereby is grr~.ted, granting watvei of the zequirement that s:ngle-family structures rear an arterial highways on the Uaofa that the hillside topography a~~d large lot cizes juatify deviation~~rom the "flat-land" development standards as deline:ited in ~he RS-HS-22,000 Zone; subiect to condxCione. (Se~e Resolution Book) On ro11 call, the foregoing resolution was pasaPd by the fol'owing vote: A:ES: COMMISSIONERS: GAUER, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR, HERBST NOG~: ~QMN[ISSIANERS: NONE ABSEN'i: COMMISSIONERS: Fti}ZANO, JOHNSON Commisaioner Morley offered a motion, aeconded by Commiasioner Gauer and MaTION CARRIED (Commiss~oners Farano and Johnaon being ~sbsent), that TenCative [~4ap of Tract '~o. 8520 be and hereby ia upproved, to construct an 18-lot, kS-HS-22,000 sub:iiviRion} sub~ect to the following condltiona: (1) That the approval of Tentative Map of Tract Nu. 8520 ia grnnted sUb.je~•t to the approval of Reclassification No. 73-?4-28 and Variance No. 2566. (2) That should this subdivision be developed as mare than rne subdi.viaion, ~ach aubdiviaion thereof ahall be eubmitted in tentative for~a for appro~al. (3) That Rub~ecC property ehall ba served by underground utilitiea. E ~ ~ ~ MINUTES CI'lY PLANNINC COt~ITS~IUN. Mrty 28~ 1975 75-256 ENVIRUNMFI~TAL IMPACT REPORT N0. 111~ KI:CLA3SIFICATION N0. 7.3-74-29, VAi~ ANCB N0. 256G ANll 'TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 8520 ~ t('ont i nuad) _„ (4) 'ThaC a final tract m+~~~ of eub~ect px'operty ehell be eubwitted to and arproved by tha City Counci.l and then be recorcled in the office a£ the Orange ~ounty Rer_ordeX. (5) That atreet naa»s sha11 Ee approved by ~he City of Anaheim prior to uppro~~•=1 of n final trr~cC map. (6) Thr~C thN aubdiv~~ion c.ovenanCs~ conditi~na ac~~d rnfltricCions ehal] b z ~~ ~Lctad to and approved by tho City Attorney's Offic• prioL t~ City Counctl appruval of the final kraGt wap, and, further, Chat the npprnved covenante, condi.tiona and r.estrict~tonR ehu1~ be recurded con~urrently wi.tt~ t'he final Cract map. (7) Thnt prior r.~ filing tha final. tract map, the app ~~nt ahnll submit Co the City Attorney fnr arpx'oval or denial n compleCe aynopsit~ oE the pr~poeed functio:iing of the operatinR corF•oration inc:Luding, but not limited tu. th~ articles o£ incorporaCion~ bylaws, prop~sed methode of managemenC, bonding to insure main~ rQ.•AnrA of commnr. ~roperty Rnd buildi.ngs and such othzr information as the City Attorney tnay desire to protect the City~ its citizens~ and tha purchayers uf the project. (E) That the uwner(s) of suU'ect property ahall pay to the Cicy of Ax~aheim the npproprtate p~ark and recceation in-lieu feea ae determined to be appropriate by the City Council~ said fees to be paid at the time th~~ building per.mit is issueJ. (9) 'fl~:~t draingge of sai roperty bhall be disposed of i.n a manner eatielactozy ko the City Engineer. , in the preparation ~.f cne site sufficient grriding is required ta necessitate a grading p~rmit, no work ~n grading -~111 be permitted between OcCober 15th and April 15th unless all required off-~ite ~'rair~age fa~,ili- tiea have been insCalled and are ne:rative. Poeittve assurance shall be provided the CiCy that such drai.nage faci'_i~.iee will be c~mpleted prior to October 15t1i. Neceasary right-of-wsy for off-site druinage fr.cilitiea ahall be dedicated to the City, or ..he City Counci2. at,a11 have initiated condemnation proceedings ther~for (th~ coste of which ahall be borne by the developer) prior to the cram~encemeizt oE ~radiag operations. 'fhe requited drainrsge facilities shall be of a size and type suffi~iant t~ carry runnff waters originating from higher properCies through eaid property to ultimaCe disposal as approved by the City Rngineer. Said drainage facilitl^s ahall be the first item of conatruction and sha71 be cumpleted and be functicaal throughout the tract and from the downstreFUn boundary of th~ property to the ultimat~~ point of diepasal prior to the isauance of any iinnl Uiiilding inepectiona or occupancy permita. Drainage diatricC reimburaeme:~t agreementa may ba mane available Cu the developers of said property ;~pon their request. (10) That grading, excavation and all other r_anstructian activities shall be conducted in suct~ a manner eo as to minimize ehe possibility of any sllt origi.nating from this proiect being carried into the Santa Ma River by atorm water originating from or flow.ing thr.ough this proJect. ~11) T_tiat trash s~orage areas shall be provided in accordance with api'"ovad plana on file with the office of the Birector of Public Works. (12) That the minimum design apeed for Avenida De Santiago shall be 25 miles per hour. (13) That the alignment an~ terminal point ~f atorm drains shown on ehie tentr~tive tract map ahall not be cansidered finai. Theae drains shall be subi~ec[ to precise deai~;n conbiderations and approval of the City En~,ineer. (14) If permanent atreet name eigna have not been inatalled, temparar~• strePC name aigns shall be installeZ prior to any occupanc~. (15) That prior to apptoval of the final tract map, the r~titioner shall. make aome prov~sion. acceptable ta the City Council, for l~ud~caping and snai.ntenance of all slopea within and/or created by the development af thia property; H31d landacaping to be satisfact4rily maintained after completion of ~rading an.: pr'.or to ieauance of building permits. ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING CAMMI£SION~ May 2$, 1~75 ~ • 75-•257 F.NVIRANMF.NTAL IMPACT It~,PORT N0. 111, [tECLA3SIFICATION N0. 73-74-28~ VARIANCE N0. 2566 AND 'PENTATIVE MAY 0~' TRACT N0. 8520 ~or~tinued ~^_ ,.,~.._ ~~...-.._, (lh) That tho propoaed 10-Foot riding and hiki.ng trail. ehall ba coneCructed or the southeasterly eida of Aven•ida De Santiago~ and thaC said ridi.ng end hiking Crcil ehall be mnintainer] by formulation of a maint~nunc~ dietrict. (171 That the method oi rePl.dential mail delivery to nt1 lots within thi,~ tr~cr ehall c~.msi.At af "curb~linE ielive.ry" defined as d~livery Co mail raeeptacl~~e lncnted nt the curb line capable ~f being esrved by a r.nrrlar ~•f.thout dismounting fr~~ hid motor vet~icle, ;:18) That rhe f.l.e~~hreak(s) ehull be ~etructed subJact to the review and approval ~F the Fire ("~ief . CONAITIOtJAI~ USC - CON'fINUED PUBLI.C HEARING. ROBEkT HOSTETTER ANll WARREN C. PRQCTOR, PF.ItMIT N0. 1517 413 South Brookhuret Streel. Anaheim, Ca. 92A01 (OwnerA); The Colonial Manor Hulfway liousea~ Inc., Attn: F:anklin D. itose, 7Q3 :,; `ti:~am ~A. 92805 (ARent); requasting permieeion to vor~ii Law.,-~, _, ESTAIiLISH A BOARD ANL CAR~ FA.CILITY POR 'THG TIt~ATMENT OF ALCOHOLTCS on property descriheQ ae: A rectangularty-shaped purcel of land consiaCing of approximately 7700 square faet located nt rhe northwest ~orner of Wilhelmina Street and Lemon Streek, having approximate frontages of 109 feet o thP nortti eid~ of Wi.lhelmina Skreet and 71 feet on the weR~ side of Lemon SCreet. Property presently clasaified RM-1200 (R~SIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) 7.GNF. Sub~ect petl~:ion was cortl•inued fr~m thp meetinge o£ March 3, 197~, to allow the petitioner time Co improve the property, and from May 12, 1975, for additicnal informaCion. Na one indicated their presence in oppoe.itioi~ ;.o aubject petition. Although the Staff Report to the ~lanning Commiaeion dateZ May 28, 19'15, was not read at the public hearing, it ie referred to and made a part of the m;.nutes. Mr. Robert liostetter, rhe property owner, appeared befora the Planning Commis4t~,n and atated he had contacted the State Office o£ A.lcuh~lic Program Management and had confirmed that khe prnnt funds being requested by Mr. Roae were forthcoming pending satisfaction of some matt~rs related to the corporate organization and approv~l of the conditional use permit by the City; and that, if the matters per~aining to Clie grant were clegred up within the 3a days anticip~ted, he would suggeat a 60-day continuance be granted for the public hearing on ttie conditional use permit. Commiss~ottel 'Tolar notied that inasmuch ae it appeared substantial confirmation of the grant funds had been received, Che Planning Commiasi.on cou7.d proceed at this mesting t~~ grant the conditional use pei'mit with a time limitation .for the completion of conditions of approval; whereupon, Ueputy City Attorney Frank Lowry advised that Co~niasionQr To1ar's sugges~.ion would be in order~ i£ the Planning Commission Ao deaired. THE PUfBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. it was noted that the Director of the Develop~ent Services Department had detet,.~.ined thaC rhe proposed activity fell within the ~iefinition of Sec~ion 3.01, C1aes 1~ of tht~ i:iCy of 'lnaheim Guidelinea to the Requirements for an Environmental Impact Report and w~~~, there- fore, categorically exempt from the requirement to L•ile an EIR. Discusaion pureued r~~~arding the appro~ te time .limi~aCion which ehould be imposed in counectiott with the granting of the aut~ect conditi ial use peAmit~ duriiig which Commiasioner Tolar noted that if Che conditi~na of approval were not complied with wfthin 90 days~ then Che conditional use permit mighr Se termiaaCed. Thereupon. Commisa.'~ner Tolar offered Reo~lut}on Ho. PC75-1Q9 and ~c~ved for its passage and adoption, t1:a~ Petikion for Canditicnal Use Permit t7o. 1517 be ~nd hereby is granted, aubjer.t to the fol.:.owing can~liti.ona (,5ee Resalution Buok): (1) That the existin~ 'tiructure ahall bs brought up to the minimuai etandar.d.es of the City ~f Anaheim~ including the U~iform Buildir.g, Plumbing. Flectrical. Housin$, Mechanical~ and Fire Co~iee~ as adopted by the City of rlnahaim, ~ ~ ~ MINUTE~~ CI1R P1.ANNING COMMIS3ION. May 28. 1975 75-258 CONDITIONAL USS P~KMIT NU. 1517 (ConCinusd) (?.. Tltat the ~ub~~c[ pc~~erty ati~ll be dovc~loped substantially in accordc+Tice with plans Mnd •peciticar~-ons on file with the City of Anahei.m mArked CxhLUit Noe. 1 throtigh 4 (3) Tl~at Condl.tion Noe. 1 and 2~ abovo-ment.ioned~ ehnJ.l be compli.ed with prior to the coamdi~cament of tha ac~~vity euthorized under this re9oluCioci, or withln a period of 90 dey~ from dnt~ ~:reof~ or euch further time as the 1'lanning Commiepio~ ~uy gxant. (4) That '.hie conditional u~e parmit is ~ranted sub~eck l•o a grant bQing awarded Uy ~he UfFice of Alcah~lic Pragram Mnnagement within the next 45 days~ fro~n date hereof. (5) That a Cime limitaL•iou of two yeare ahall be granted for the ~iso of subjqct property and, upon writCen requeat by the petitioner, an additional period of time may be, granCQd upan approval by the Planning Co-amieaion and/or City Council. ._ t_...,..,,,.,,, _l~~i.~rinn wnR naedad by the following vote: Vil IU11 Layi~ i.~~a s.....p.. ..a AYES: l;Ur4lISSIONERS: GAUER~ KINC, MORLEY. TOLAR, HERAST NOES : COAR~IZSSIONERS : NONc~ ABSENT: CONII~tISSION~RS; FARANO~ JOHNSON (Request foc axtension o~ r.ime for Canditional UsE Permit No. 1470 ~~ae considered at thi.s puinC in the me~ .ing - soe pagee 269 and 270 ot tl~P~~ min~ites. ) VARIANCE N0. 2697 - CONTINUED FUBLIC HEARING. K~ B CTNTER, 725 Went Anaheim Street~ Long Deach, Ca. 9~313 (Owner); GOOD LUCK MAItKET, 1241 Sauth Knott Street~ Anahe:lm. C:a. 928U4 (Agent); requesting WAIVFR OF (A) MA}CIMUM A~GRFGATL~ SIGN AREA, (B) MAXIMUBC NUMBER OF SIGNS, (C) MINIMUM DIS'PANCE AE'TWEF;N SIGNS, AND (A) MINIMUM. GROUND CLEA.RANCE OF SxGN, TO PERMTT 15 E7{ISTING FREE-STANDING SIGNS on property describ~d as: M lrregulgrly-shaped parcel of land consiating of apprnximately 5 acres lacated at tke southweat corne~ of. Ball Road and Knott Street, huving approximate frontages of 40 feet ~n the soath aide of Ball Road and 390 feet on rhe weat aid~ of Knott Street, and further described as 1241 South Knott Street. Pxoperty pi~•:jencly class~fied CL (C0244ERCIAL ~ LIMITED) 20NE ,. The aub~ect ^etiti.on was continued from the Plaru~freg Commiasion me.eting of Msy 12, 1975, in order that the petitioner could re-eva3.uate the :~igning of 3ub~ect property. It was noted that the petitioner was requesting a further continuance Co the meeting ~f J~ane y, 1975. Commisaioner King offered ~ cnotion. seconded by Commisaioner Morley and MGiION CARRTED (Commiseionera Fa'ano and Johnaon bein,g absent), that the public hearing and coneideration of Yetition for Variance No. 2697 be and hereby ~s further continued to the meeting of June 9~ 1975~ as reque~ted by the petitioner. RECLd~.SSIFICATION - PU.KLIC HEARZNG, KQBERT S. BEASLEY, 1336 i3enedict Canyon Drive, N0. 74-75~33 Sevetly Hilla~ Ca, 9021.G (Owner); P. .T. HALLMEYER, 1304 South riagnolta Avenue, Anaheim, Ca. 92H04 (Agent). Property de~cribed aa: A VARIANCE N0. 2704 rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consieting uf approximat~ly 0.44 acre having a frontage of approximately 83 feet on the north side of Lanerose Drive, having a maximum depth of approximately 234 feet~ being lo~ated approximately 420 feet east of the centerline of Western Avenue, and further 3ee- cribod as 31~i3 West Laneroae DLSVe. Property presently classified RS-A-43,000 (P.ESIDENTIAL/ AGRICULTURAL) 'I.QNE. Gne person inuicated his preaence in opposition to sub~ect petitiun. COlRIISSIONER FARANO ENTEI~D TEIE MEETING AT 2:12 P.M. Aesiatant Zoning Supervisor Annikr ~anCalahti read tne Staff Report to the Ylanning Comaniseion daCed May 28, 1>7S~ anu said Staff Report is referred to as if se~ forth in full in tne minutea. ~ ~ ~ MINUTE3~ CITY PL.ANNLNG COMMISSiON~ Mny 2£. 7975 75-259 REC_Lt±SBIFICATTON N0. 74-75-33 AND VARIANCE NC. 2704 (Cortinuod) Mt. P. J. Hal.lme~er~ thu agont for the pr.opexty owner, nnd Mr. Will.inm H. Hockenberry. tt~e architacC~ appeared before th~ Plnnnlrig Commieeion a d offored to anewer questlou~ x•eg~~rd- ing th~. pr~poeal. M~. Uavidson Coll~ne~ 1303 5outh rtaeteraon P.oad, appeared before the ?lanning Commiseion ln ~~ppasition ko th~ sub~ect varianca and read fxum a prepared ~Catemant indicaLi~ig hi.~ oppoeition Por the following reaeons: 1) the available 1~~nd srea is not large enough tu accommodatn aight familiQS and the neceseary psraphernalia Chat go with them, 2) tlie gra~tinR oF eu~h a request ~ld be unfa'.r to ttie preceding apartmanr bu3ld~ra au~ -~t the tlme the neighboring apaxtmeuts ware built~ baoi.aliy the eame vari~nce was requesked and der,ied~ 3) the privacy of tlie single-family dwellinge acroes the erreet would bm oerioue~ly impsired if a C~o-sr.ory complex ware al].owed to Lront on Laneroee Dr.ive~ 4) tho eize uf the bui~dtog end appurtenant KtructurF~ n~ceesary to house eigtit unite would be enki.rely incompst~lble with the exieting Lui~d..-~ge or. that street~ and 5) an eight-unit complex vould creata an unbersrable Craffic pruble,n with ce~re parked on the street and r~o *oom for vi~itore~ etc., tu park. Further, that he wae not againet aparemenCn ncraes the atreeC from hie~~ but would like the eame restri.ctiona enforced which were appliad to thes existing ,,,....~„~..~...,. +., r-,p ArpA. narr.ic•~ia,rlv wiCl~ respect ta ~~siRht of buildings ena ~ff-ecxeet ~-•---~__.._ --- . . parki~;g. The Planning Comcntaeion entered into diacuesion wlth Mr. Col.llns regaraing paet px'acticea of tl~c Coaomiaeion to grant the height variaace when ~~diacent to RS-A-43.9Q0 proporty~ during wh•Lch it was clarified that Che praper+•v immedl.ately adjacenC to the eub~ect ~rop- drty on the weat was developed with a m~ltiple-ttimily~ two -etory dwellin~g camplex, and said propsrty separatad the aub~ece property frow tne RS-A-43~OQ0 aoned property; ard, further. Chat the two-etory portion of the sub~ect ~iev~lopment wa~ in exceds of 140 feet from ths adjar_ent RS-7200 development to the ~u,.:~, and thet n~ wai.ver of the parking requirement wae beinA requested. Mr. ~ollins ^_n revlewed Che plar.+~ anJ etated hie ~bjactione waul.d be withdrawn if the veloper was required to build ln accordance with the submitted plane~, only. Thereupon~ Mr. Collina submittad hi• ~repared statement for the record. Mies SanCalaF~ti read a letter of oppoaition dr~ted Mny 20, 1975. fro~c Mc. Itoy C. Records, 1302 South Masteraon Street, and the sasie ~e referred to ne though eet forth in full in th~ minutes. It was noted that Mr.. Records was oppoeing the height waiver and felt the proparty might be overbuilt with thP eighC unita proposed~ and thet ha wae cancernd about the parking being provided. THE PIiBLIC I~EARING WAS CLOSED. Chairn-aa Herbst noted that i£ Mr. Recorda hnd revi.ewed *.he propoaed plana~ then his ob~ectione mi~ht have been overcame, alao. Commiesioner King offered a motion, s~conded by Commiseiotter Tolar and MOTION CAItFi1ED (Com~aisetoner Farxno sbstain~ng since he was not preaent for the entire public hearing, a..d ^o!nmie~i~,ner Johnson *,e~ng absez~t), that the ~lanning Commission recommende to the City Cuuncil that the aub~ect pro~ect be e~.empt from the requirement to prepare -n Environ- mental Impact Report~ pursuant to the pr.ovlaions of the California Environmf ~ Qualit~ Act. Commiesioner King ofiered Revolutian No. PC75-110 and woved for ite paeange an~ adopcion, to re..ommend to the City Couricil that Peta.t~.oa for 'teclaseifica+Gio~. No. 74W75- 33 be s,pproved, eub;ect to conditio:is, (3ee Resolut:~.on Beok) On roll call~ the foregoing resolutic+~ was pa~c~~.~ hy ~he following vote: AYES: CQI~IISSIONERS: AUEk, KING, MORLEY, TOLA,R. KERBST NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ,JONE ABSENT: COAQ~iISSIONEP.S: JUHNSON pBSTAIN: COY4MISSIONERS: FARANO Commiseioner King offered Reaolution N0, P~75-111 and moved for ~te paseage end adopl•ian, thsC petitian for Variax~cs N~. 2704 be and her.eby is granted, graYiting ~raiver of the maacimum bcilding heighr. withi:. 150 feet of ~n agricuttural zonq on tt;e bxsis that the eul.~ect prop~_ty is aeparated from the RS-A-43,000 :.or.e1 propesrt, to Che weet by a parce]. ~ ~ ~ MINII'Pt;t;~ CI'fY Pi ANNTNG C~~IR~1ISSION, May 28, 1975 75-?.60 p!~:~:T.A;;SLFI'CA7'ION Nu. 74-75-33 AN~ VARIANCI's NO. 2704 (ConCinuad) devc ~ u~~~~d with :~ a~ulti.plc -familv, two-atory dwelling complex end~ furCher, it was cl.ari- fi~d that Che two-atory portio~~ ot Che eub~oct davelopment is in excase of 190 feet from the ticl,jAr~YlC RS-7200 dev~lo7aaant t<~ the eouth; Chat the sub~ect property sha~.l be devel- oped prec.-.Kely in accurdanc~r wi.~h ehe c~ubmitCed plana and Apecificatione; and eub~ect to condiCians. (See Rasoluti~n Boak) Un roll call~ tha foregoing reec.lution was paesed by the following vute: AXLS: CUT41I3SIONERS: CAUER~ iCING~ MORLEY, TOLAIt, HERAST NOES: COt~4tISSION~RS: NONF~ ABSI:NT: CONQ~tl.SSIONFRS: .TOl1NSON aHSTAIt:: C(~MMI~SIONEFS: FARANO CONDI.TI~`*~AL USE - PUBLIC HEARIhC. NIC~OLAS URSINI, 1338 Nor.th Podonia Avenue, Whittier, YERMIT NU. 1536 Ca. 906~3 (~wner); FREA B. WORl~~ JR., Melodyland Christian Center, l~~~ P, 0. iiox 60~0, Anz~haim, Ca. 92806 (Agent); r~queating permiasion to ES'rAllr.~^il A(;YMNARTiTM ~n ~x^;.crty dc~cribed as: A LP~tA1~g11~ATlf~shaped parr_el af land consleting ~f. appr~ximatoly 1.0 acre having a frontage of approximatel.y 150 fee~ on t.he north side of Kntella Avenue, having a maximiun depth of ctpproximately 300 teet, and being located apNroximu ely 834 feet eaeC of the centerline of Nart~r Boulevard, ar_3 further dedcribed es 403 ar-d <<~5 West Katella Avenue. Property pregently ciaseLfied RS-A-43,00~ (RPSIDLNTIAL/AG~tIC[ILTURAL) ZONE. It was noted thaC a letter dated May 23~ 1975. had been received from Mr. Fre3 E. Work, Jr., the agznt fur the reti.tioner, notifying the Planning Commisaicn of the petitioner's electiun ta withdraw the sub~ect c.onditional. uae permit~ Commisaione~ King off~red a motiun, secondFd by Commiesionpr Mor?.ey and MOTION Ct~RRIED (Co~mnisaic, .er Johnson being abseatt) , that tt-e Planning Cowmission does hprel~~~ a.:kn~•aledge the petitioner's requeat to withdraw PetitiAn f,r Conditional Use Permit No, i536, ar~~ the same ia hareby terminato..i, CONDIT )NAL USE - YUBLIC HEAP.ING. WILLIAM C. WAGNER, 530 Sbel?~^..:n, T~l~at l.ovina, Ca. PE:tMIT N0. 1537 y1790 (Owner); ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COZiPANY, P. 0. Box 226, Or~nR~, Ca. 92666 (AgeuC); requesting permiaeion to ESTABZTSH A MOBILEHOt~ FARK WITH WAIVER OF REQUIREMENT 'THAT ALL PARCELS ~IAVE FRONTAGE ON A ,'UBLIC STREET on property described as: A rectangu~Arly-sha~~~d parcel of land consiating or' approxi~astely 6.1 acrea located nor.t'~ and west ~~ Che corner of Lincoln Av~~ue and Be1 Air Street~ having a~aaximum width af approxamately 330 f~et and a maximum h of approxima*.ely 800 feet, and being ~ocaCed approximat~~ii 530 feet north of ~enterlin~~ of Lincoln Avenue. I'roperty nresenr,ly classif~i..~~ ::~--A-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/ACRICULTURP.L) ZONE. One peraon indic:ated their presei-ce in oppoeition to aubject petiCion. Haaiatnnt Zon~ng Supervic~or Annika Santalahti read the SLaff Report to tha Planning Commiss'.on dated May 28, ~975, and said Staff Repo~t ls recerred to as if aet forth in full fn the minute~. Mr. Jim Bret:nan, repr~aenting the agent for the petitioner, appeared before the P1$nni-ig Commission t~ answer questiona regarding the ~ropasal,. Cnai• m•ln .lerbst noted that b~ .ore ~he Planning Co~nmiesion could conelder the proposa~l m~~ lehome park at the subject location~ the peCi.tioner ahould be required Co submit more a-~ ~uste information to incl~tde a soi?.s engineer'e report, a repurt concerning the problemg methane gao, and recommendlCione relative•to solving the problems inherent in the development of. the subject propert.,~ in the macxnEr proposed. In response, Mr. Brennan atated the petitioner was aware o` t"ne problems ~nd ~hat e intPnt waa to do the necessary correctiv~ work, if Che ~onditional uRe peraiit were approved. Commiseioner T~7ac noted thgr in addition to the techn~lcal reporta, he wae also coi.cerned about the p~o~,oseu accesa~ which aas definitely not ~dequat.e; whereupon, Mr. Brennan renueated a 30-•day :onti.nuance i.n order to obtain the fddttiot:al informatlon and make nosaible moclificationa to the plans, etc. ~ .o.. ~ MINUTL~S, CI'TY PLANNING COMMISSION. Mny 28, 1975 CONUITIONAL USC PERMIT N0. 1537 (Con~inuQd) ~ ~ 75-2b1 Commiseioner Farano noted that when the propoeal wae conaidared at ChQ end of 30 days, he wauld be looking far clianges in tt-e plan~ to refl.cct the requiremente outlined in the StaEf Report nnd that eol'ving the soils prob.iam wax not all thut n~eded to he corrected, Me. Barbara Antocl, raprQeenting the Orange County Coneu~cer Affairs Office~ Huntington Beach branch, appeared before the Planning Commiaeion aiid etated tt-at the aiib~ect matt.e, was broughC to th~ir attention becauee of the mobilehome park that was approved by the Cit•y to the weat o: the sub~ect proparty; that there wer~ approx'naCely 124 mobilehomee~ in Cha ad~acent park wl~.ich wer~e i.a serious ~eopardy, and damagE had ..lraady occurred to thoea homes; that thare were sanior citizene living in the ad~aceixt mobi.lehome park who had no pl+~ce to move to; that the methane gas underneath thp exieting mobilehome park was wreck- ing those hrnnes; ttiar Lha State had tur.ned tY~e complainta and laweuits in connection with the exi.atin~ mo~ilehome park over t~~ L•he City, and thc~ Coneumer Affair~ OEfice found it hard to believe that Che sub~ect pro»osal waA being coneidered. In response to queationi.ng by Commie~,ioner Tolar, Me. Antaci atated the proble.me invoJ.vo.d were very coaCly to cor.rect; t'nat the owr~er of tl:e exiating mobilehome par?; had a budget of about $20U a nionth to adjuat the homes that were beiug snifted, u~-J tl-ai. was snl~, enough to al•!gn a few homeA aC a time and by rhe time all the hotnes were Ad~ueted, lt wao time to atart all over aga~.n wirh r1,c same proceduxer eince the ground had not settled and the problema reoccur.r.ed .Lnuing basis; chat Toupe Engineering was presently work- ing to try to reeolve C~. :m; that the people cou13 nut affora to walk away from their homea; that ahe was ~m~+I.ying that the ownera of the property were not t:ying to resolve the p:oblem; that the Ylanning Commi~;sion and City Coi~ncil were pxe~~iously warned by tl~e Buildin~ Dlvt~ion IiTid khe Orange County Con3umer Affaira Office regarding the problem~ however~ the exiating mobitehome park was appr~ ed anyway. She stated that the mesaage ahe was preaently relaying was :3n sdditional warning not to approve the use. Ma. Mtoci then requeste~: ~i~..~ when the sub~ect martei• came up in thP 30-day period, she would like to be preHent at thaC tim~. Commisaioner King offef:ed a motion, seconded by Co~..~nissioner Morley and MUTION CARRIED (Commiesioner Jolinaon being a~Rent), to cont:lnue the public hearing and conaideration of Condi.tiona? Use Permit Nc. ~537 to the meE:.ing of June 23, 1.975, Ha requeated by the petitioner. VARIANCE N0. 2701 - PUI3LIC HEARING. JOHN LLOYD AND ALICE n WATT, 546 Hazelwoad SCreet, Anabeim, Ca. 92802 (Ownera); reque"r.i~ig WAI\IER OF MINIMUM SIDF YARD T~ RETAIN AN EXi3TING HOUSE ADDITION on property described as: A rectangularly-:.hapPd parcel of lar~d consisting Af approximately 0.16 acre ha~ring a front- age o: appro~:imately 60 feet on the east. slde of Ha~el.wuod Streek, havi.ng a maximum depth of approximately 121 feet, being lor,ated approximateZy 115 feet north of the centerline of Elderwood A~c:~ue, and further deticxibed as 546 Hazelwood Street. PropPrty presently classified RS-7200 (RESIDENTIAL, SINGI~E-FAI~ILY) IONE. No one indicated Cheir presence in opposition ~o subject petition. Although Che ~taff Report to the Planning C~mmission dated '4ay 28, 1975, was not read at the public hearing, it ie referred t~ and made a part of t;~e minutes. Mr. .Tohn Wa~*~ the petitior-er, appeared before the Planning Cou,mi~sion to answer quesL•ions regarding L ~ propoeal. THE P1JaLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. In response to queaCioning by Commissioner Tolar, Mr. Watt state9 he purchased th~ sub~ect prnperty in 1968 ~nd the sub~ect house addition was alre~ly or. the property; that he had been required to ~~lcrease the ~lectrical amperage to comnlete the conatruction of a awim- ming pool or, the properr.y and that was when Che City disco~~ered that the room addition was i2.legal, sin•e the electr.ical meter was located inside said room addiCion. Mr. Watt explained tha~ he received an electric bill and the meter wae usually read when Aomeone was home to ].et the meter reader in or~ the meter reader lsft a card for thetn to flll out and return for billing purpoaes. Mr. Watt further atated that he had purchased the home through FHA and no queations were rei.sed at that t~ne regarding the room sdditior~. ~ ~ ~ i.INUTES~ CITY PLANNTNG COt4lI33ION, May 28, 1975 7S •?62 VARZ~+NC~ NQ. 2701 (Continued) In reeponea ta questloning b5~ Chairoaan Herbst~ Mc Wal•t. etipulatad to relocat~.ng the elsetrical earvice metAr from tbP liceide of the house e-ddition to an appr.oved exterior locntion and Co apyly fnr appropriate building permite for tha work i.nvolved. Ik wae noted that tlie lllrect~r of tht~ ,~avelopment Serv±ce~, Departmcsnt had dekermi.ned that tha propoeed activity feli within the defir~ition af SQCtion 3.01~ ~,.laeo 5, of Che City of Anaheim Guidelinee to Che Requi.rmneuty for an. Environmental ImpacC Rel~ort and wae, the:e- fore~ catego~'ically exempt f.r.,m thu ~equ' ~~me~t t~ f11e ..n F.IR. Co-maiasioner 'folar offared R~~eolution No. PC75-.112 and m~ved for. ite paseege and adu~,tion. that PeCirioc~ For Varirsnce Nu. ~701 be nnd hereby ie grantad~ granting waiver of the minimwn eide yard on Che basis that th~ eub,jact t~~usa addition was exieting when Che proporty wae purchasecl und, L•lierefor~, a-~.t: :ship would Le cre~red if said waiver was nor granted; eub~ect to the coudit~on that t~.c~ electrical aervice meter ahall be relocuced from the inaide ~f ~he heuse addition to an approved exteriur location snd that appropriate permlta ehall be 1pp21ed f~r ir~ connection there.with~ ae etipulated to Uy the per.iri~ner; subject t~ conciitiaiic~. (Si;e R~solution Sook) On roll ca11, Che foreguing resoluti~a waa pease~ by the f~~ll~wi~g vate: AYES: COMMISSIONE1tS; FAItANO, ~AUi.R, KING, MORI.EY, TOLAR, HERBST NOES: COMMICSIONERS: NUN~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JGH~iSON VARIANCE N0. 2.7U2 - PUBLIC HGARING. LEROY G. HARRISON, 156 Gra~t. Flace, Orange, Ca 9256$ (Own~r); LIONEL E. AABCOCK & SON, 1421 Eaat 28th St:eet, Signal ~1i11, Ca. 90806 (Agent); requesting WAIV~R OF (A) MINIMUM BUILDING SITE A:.EA PER DWELLLNG UNIT, (B) MINIMUM FLOOR AREA, (C) MINTMIJM SIDEYARD SETBACY,, (D) MTNIriIJM RECREATIONAL-LEISURE AREA, AND tE) MTNIMUM NUA'.BER P.ND TYI'~ OF PARKING SPA~ES, TO EXPt.ND AN EXISTI~VG .l2-UNIT APARTMENT COMPI,EX TO 16 UNITS on Froperty ~lescribed as: A re~tnngularly- ah~ped parcel of land conaiating nf approximately 0.3 acre l~avitig a ftoatage of approxi- mately 7U feek on the south side of Adele Street, having a maximum dapth of approxtmately 182 feet, being located approximately 165 feet east of the centerlin.e of Lemon Stre~e, and further described as 130 Wast Ad.:le Street. Property pr~sently classified 1tM-1200 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPI.E-F:~.*1I.T.Y) 7.ONE. Four peraone indicated their preaenc~~ i..n opposition to sub~ect petirion. Assiatant Zoning Superviaur Anni,~z~ 5an~alahti r.ead the Sta~f Report to the Planni.ng Commission dated May 28, 1975, and said Staff Report is reS.erred to as if set forth in full in the min~ute3. Mr. Leroy Harrieon, the proFerty ow~ner, appeared before the Planning Commission and etated he had purchased the sub~ect property about one year ago and the builditig was occupied by aingle se~iior cii:izena who w~re draWing Sacial Securtty or wer.e disabled and Iivlu~ on disability income; that th~ ~eople c~ere able to have some independance in thie type living arrang~uent and this was also a very econumical way of. life; Chat he presentl~ had a waiting lir~t of people wanting to move in; that most of the existing tenanCe did not have a valid driver's license and, as a reault, there were only four nutonobiles wi~h the twel.ve tenants; and that tt~e proposal would prov{de £our additional living q~sarters f~r senior citizens who could ].ive a respectable way of li:e on limited meana. Mr. Totn Casenzu~ repreRenting tha agent for the pe~itioner, appeared before tha Planning C~mntieaion and stated there wae a d~finite need for tlie type houaing proposed! and that the senior citizens could wa'lk to ahopping and eating placES without being crowded. Mr. August Vil~ak~ 316 North Lemon Street, Anaheim, appeared before :he Planning Co-amissicn in oppositioti to thp proposal on the basis that he did not want the two-story addition to ~iave ~i.nd~ws t.hxt would be oveY~looking hia property; and that there wa9 a parking problem ia ehe area alreany. Mra. August Viljak. 316 Nosth Lemon Street, Anaheim, appeased before the Planning Commission in ~~apueiCion and state~i she did nor. know how many units cauld be built spon the sub~e^_t property since it already h~d m~re uuita than were allowed; Chat there were also younger pe~ple living in the sub~ecC aparcmente; that she lived right next door anJ wanted to reta'n her privacy and for that reason ehe ob~ected to the prapoaed aideyard aetback snd any win3owa t:dat might be p ~posed facing her praperty• She concluded by etating the pro:oaed additi.onal unite wo~ild be too much for the subject pr~perty. ~ ~ ~ MTNUxES, CI'TY FLANNING COMMISSION~ May ~8, 1975 VARI/WCE N(!._ 2702 (Conta.nued) 75-263 Me. Bertha M. Addle. 127 Wept Cyprean 5tr.cet, Matioirq~ appeared before r.he Pl.nnning Cammisnion in oppueitl.on and etated ehe xented out her guragew thaC fxc.ed the a].rdy in back of th~ Hubject property. She questioned how closp tha propoeod addit:lon woul.d be co thu al~ey and etated ehe ;~ould not li.ke to lose hur tc+nentn ec- a reeult of. tlie propoeal~ eioce the rent kron~ eaid garagAe wae her only incom~. T.n ranp~nsa~ Mla•~ Santalahti. ad:~isad that ~he alley r~ferred to wae abandoned aiid wae now o~~~lvate all.ey, eince the pzopcrty rev~r.tM~~ to tha property owners~ and thae there weA eome queAtion regardin~ the ~cddicior...l 10 ;ee~. thAt would ba needed on the north sida of the abandoned mxtey to pro- vide an adaquate slley far access to th~ gar~lgae owned by Me. ~AddiA. Lllksa<1Up~'.1~ the petltioner stipulated to radesigning the pr~posul to eliminate aiiy ~aindows along Che weeterly property line. TNF F'UBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSFU. In responae to queAtioning by Commissioner King, tt~e petiti.oner atated lie wa3 uware thxC L~~e all~:y ~~;,r~„~ s+ANr and weet at the. southerly end oF the eubject propert~' had been abendoned by the City and that it was now a privute al.ley, and LhBt the p~vy~~+Ki a;.1a::cd for rs 20-fo~t wide prlvate alley. Commiasionar Gnuer nuted that if l•he subject proposal was approved and consCructed, nnd the pro~~~~~ ~~y w~s e~•er. eo].d. it would not b.: legal in any r~ense of the word. Chair.mau lierbgk ud~l~d that the pr~pogai to have SS unite per acre was in conili.ct wi~.i the Cicy'~ ordinan.;: which parmitted e waximum of. 35.2 un~ts pes acra; that, al~huugh he realized seni.or citi~ens needed ~~aces to llve in the City, he dicl not think ehey should be provided at CtIP. expense ~~f other praperty ~wnere; and that the property waa already overdeveloped and the pr~posal would crowd it even more so. The petitioner atated they co~ild reduce the propoeal to ha~re only two addilional uniCa and increaae the par'~cinR, alttiovgh ~ny additiona]. par~:ing space.s would not be utilized aince the people would be walking. Chn'rman Her.bst noted that the petitioner waA r.equeating aix aubatanttal variances from rhe Code and the otze of the property did not warrant expanaion. ~•,mmis~ioner King rscnlled Chat when the senior. citi.~ena propasal on Lemon Street (Variance *o, `G637) was conaidered by Che P].anni.ng Commission, ~here was much con~ern ~bout the ~a~•king being pro•rided. Cc..~missioner Tolar theri .^.eted that consiatent with [he approval ~f the complex on Lemon Sereet, he did not eee any proble~-s with grantiug the waivera of thP minimum recreational•-leisure area and the minimum r-uiaber and type of parking spaces, as requPStpd. Misa Sant~lahti reviewed the approval of Variance No. 2637 for the Planning Commission for comparison with the sub3ect propoAal, and noted thnC 26 n~rking spaces or. 27% of the requirement waR granted for Variance No. 2637. Commission~:r Tolar no~ed that the proposa2 on I.em~ .l 5treet di~l not offer as much buil.ding eite area, fl.oor are ., recreational-leisure :irer , and perhapa parking, ar~ was being proposed on the sub~ect pr~perty ancl that th~ propusal would probably offer a better living envi.ronment. Chaiz~~an Her'ost took er.ceptiou and noted that the Lemo~i Street pro~ect was for fuur erorie~, with elevatora; Chat if the propoeal was for a aingle-story additior., it would be ~x better living environment, hawever, tne people would huve to walk up and down th~ stairs and would also b~ living above garages; khat, additionally, the City would have tto control over Che aubject developmenl i£ ir was conatructed and °~JPIICUSLly sold and occupied b~r young maxried couplea, etc.; that granting *_he proposal would aet a•rery ~indesirabte prec~dent for future aimilur proposals within the Ci.ty~ which could become wideapread. Commissioner Morley added thaC lt w~uld be difficult to actually compare the su`.~ect propueal with the complex on Lemon Street since the Lemon Street pro~ect deaJ.t wi.th in-nouae care for senior citizens and was also different in otl~er ~-~specta; and th;-: 55 uniCs per acre wae very extreme. ~ammisaioner Tolar then noCed that there wae a iteed 9.n do~antown Anaheim for seaior citizen type ho~ging~ and that the Flanning Commiasion ehould act wi~h eom~ np*_imi~m; that the petitioner was willing to atipulate to meiintaining privacy to the abuttin~ properties; and thRt the CummissioC1~~88aonereMorle~~noted Chathaddingafour uniCSetou~n~ngub~ecLr~ro~e1Ly dawn. Thereupo~,i, Y ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY Y1.ANNINQ CUMMISSION, Mny 28. 1.975 VAItLANCE N0. 2702 (Continued) 75-264 wae not an answer to Che problam. Chairman l'erbeC added that t}~e~ unly wHy tlie eubject property could ba a~ded oRto wae Co go up becauep fihe Qroussd lovel was alxuady ovarbuilt; that he cauld not compat~ ~.l~e eub;~ect px~poeal with the L~mon 3Creet pC'O~@CL'~ whnteoQVer; eud that the eanior citiz~,ne at L•hR eub,jacC location ware baeicnlly on thei.r own and a.iHn therg waA na j~UATfll4tpa thaC the o~cupants ~aould ramain ~eaior ~itiz~ne. Thereupon, Co~ip~aiunar 'folnr noCad that he had mixnd omotione r~sgarding th~ propoeal yince there wae n def.inite neod in ti~e (:ity for eenior cltizen typa ha~iai.ng; li~weve~:, the :r,.^.wcr might be tn tinvA che propoac-l. r.ut dawn a littl~s in numbere ot' unite. CommiHxi.oner Mc~rla~ nff.ered a motion, seconded by (:ommi,eei.aner. Kt.ng and MO'CIUN CNtkTEA (Coa~mieaioner Johneon being abeent), that Che Plan~ning Coamii~slon rr.commende to the C1Cy Councll that ttie aub~ect project be er.emnt ~rom the requiremo~t tc prepare an Environ- mental Impnct RapnrC. p~t9uant to the provieiona of thE Cal.ifor.niR EnvironmenCal Q~iality Acr. Crnnmieaioner Morley off.ered Rec~olution iJo. P~75-113 c~nd u~oved for ite paseage and adoption~ that Patirion for Variance No. 2702 be and her~by ie deiii~d on the ba~is t1~uG r.he prupuaul would ovorbui~ld the proparty and, therefare, be detrimenkal Co che durruunSl~~g p:<ypGitica; and~ further~ that the proposal would not provlde ~ good living environment for the tenanta who would occupy khe apartmot~t unite; that the granCing of ~he waivers w~u1d se[ an i~ndeair- able prc~cedent for futurN eimilar reque3ta in ttie Ci.ty; tha.: ChEre nre no exc~ptioaul or extraordinary circumKtances or conditions applicable to the property invol.vad or to tt~e intended uee of tVie proparty L•hat do not apply genero.ll.y t~ the property or c'..~csA of use in the eame vlcinity and z~~ne~ that Che request~d variance is not necess~ry for the preservation ana enjuyme,nt of a subst~nttal propPrty right possessed by oti~er property in the same vi.cinity and zone and denied tc. ':he property in question; and that the rPquested variance will be mgteri~l.ly detrimental to r.he public welfare end in~urioue to the property or imp.rovemente in eur.h vicinity and zone in which Che pruperty ie located. (See Resoluti.on Bo~k) ~3n roll call. the futegoing resolution wae passed by the fo?.lowing vote: AXES: COI~SISSIONERS: FARANO, GAU~R, KIP1G, M0~'tLEY, HrRBST NOL5: COMMISSIONERS: TOLAR AliSL~NT: COt~tISS10tiERS: ~0~1SON RECBSS - At :3:15 p.m., Chairman Herbet declared a receas. REGONVENE - At 3:25 p.m., Chair.~an Herbat rPCOnvened the meer.ing ~•rith Commfysioner Johnson being absent. VAItIANCE N0. 2703 - PUBI,IC kIEAItIN :. VASILE KELGMEN, 700 South Euclid Streat. Anaheim, Ca. 92802 (Qwner); requesting 41AIVER OF PERt1ITTED USES TO ~STABLISH A PRINTING SHOP on property c;escribed as: A rectangularly-shapen parcel of lanc' conaistiiig c>f approximately 6200 square feet laca~ed at the southeast corner of Alomar Avenue and Euclid Street, having appraximate frontages of 100 feet on L-he souCh side of A7.omar Avenue and 62 feet on the east aide of Eucltd Street~ and further described as 700 South Euclid Street. ProperLy presently claeaified CO (CArII~3RCIAL, OFFICE AND PROPESSIONAL) ZONE. No one indicated their presence in opposition to sub~ect petition. Although the Staff Report ~o the Plxnning Commiasi~n dated May 28, 1975, was not read ak the public hearing, it ia referred te siid mnde a part of the minutes. Mr. V'asile Kelemen, th~~ petitionery appeared before the Planr::.:.d Corm~-isaion and stated he had purchased the sub,ject property a few monthe ago in order ta be able *_u provide hia customers with faeter de].iv0ry servicea on printing ordera, inar~much as he felt the build- ing was appropriate ta house an offset printing presa. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOS~D. In reaponee to quseticning by ltie Planning Commisaion~ ti.e petition~r atated they wera propoein~ t.o have e prfntfng press. a camera, a cutter and table. ete.~ aC the eubject location. r-nd he etipu?.ated that the press would be approximakely the aize of a photo- copying maehin~+ and wo.~ld generate nois~ not nuch etronger than a mimeograph duplicator. ~ ..~.. ~ KINUTHS~ CI11( PLANNINC COhL'`1I3SI4N~ M~ty 28~ 197~i VARIANCE N0. 7.7U3 (Ccnttnued) 75-255 '~t~e petitiunar further atatod thaC ~~ff~ex printere ranged 1n niRe fram a mirocsogrr~ph machine to AN big ae a room, a~id khnt the c~~~cter would have an approximately 20-inch lor.g blads to handle u~ to 17-inch papur, Comm~sNtonr:r King noted tliat t~e and Cominis~tonAr Morley had. checked thr,. eub~ect property ln r.l~s fiNld nnd it appaared from a noise etandpolnt that Chere would bc no prublem eince therc wns alxcady noisQ being gsnerated f.rom t:he h~avy t~~affic i.n Chr~ nrca and, additionally~ aa alley separn~ad ~thc: Hub.1c~~t property i'ram Che naighbo~ to tha endt ~~~d n d.:iveway and/or gar.uge scpurated t~~e sub,ject prop~rty from tliN neighbor to the sou~h. In resp ge t~ queatfoning by Commisei.oner Morlc~y. the petitioner titipulaCed to ramoval of the ben.,~y shop eign that wuE~ exieting on the property. UE~puty City Al[ornay Crank ~owry inquired if tha pQttCioner wae willing to terminatF. Variance No. 2412, which was exieCing ~n Che aubiecl property for n wig ehop eitd beailty ealon; whereupon, the petition~r etipulated to termi.nating eaz•1 Variance No. 2G72 as a co.^.3ition of ~pprnyal nf Huh~ect neti.tian~ ~ince therc was no longer an inhent to proceed with thaC u~e on Che propertp. In respon~e to further quentionir~g by t:he 1'lanning Commiseion, the pe~i.tioner stipu.lated Chat muat of the printing would he done off~premisea, except far amu11 quantttir.s of offset printing (such as letCerheade and envelope~) which waul.d be do•ae on-aiCe for fASter delivery to the cuytomere. Coa~misaioner. Farnna then noted that it apPeured ~,ppropri.ate to limit the uae in oome manner, and he questioned the adequacy of the huilding from the viewpoint of. the variaua building codes; whereup4n, Aseistant ?oning Supervieor Annika SanCalahti adviaed that, in 1973, the building had underEone building per~it3 t:o meet the couunercial zone requi.remente. Tt~e Planning Commis~+ion entered into di.scu~sion regardin~ thQ appropriate signing f.or the propo:aed uae, during which Commiesioner To1ar noted Chat the Plannln$ Commi~ston had grarited a m~ntunent-type ~ign for prop;~rty to the norCt- and Chat type af. yi.gn wou~d be agreec-ble Co him at th eubject l~cation. Chairman tlerbet noted tr~at he wuuld also prefer ehe monument-Lype s!gn to a wall slgn, In responqe to questtonin$ b~ Staff, the Plannin~ Comni.ssion indicated Char the eub~ect structure had been c~uf£icientl.y modified Co be classified aa a commercial buildin~ raCher than a r.esi.dential building, eince it r.esembled a commera~al structure more than the properl-y to the north which was gr~nted the monument-type sign and, ~urther, that the subject pr.operty ahoul~l Ue uble to havc at least a sigt~ aca large ae the one to the nor.th. 'L'he P].anning Commission furtlier ind3cated that plana for signing of. the subject property would be requiz•ed to be submitted to the Develapment Services Departmene for revie.w and approval, and the petitioner Av stipulated. It was noted that the birector of the Ueve.lopment Ser~~ices DeparCment had deL-erminPd that the proposed activity fell with:ln the definitian of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the City o.` Anaheim Guidelinee to the Requirements for an Environmpntal Impact Report and was, there- fore, categorically exempt trom the requirement L•o file an EI?t. Commissioner King offered Resolution No. PC75-114 and ~noved £ur its passage and adoption, that Yetltion for Jar.iance No. 2703 be and :~ereby is granted to establish n printing shop in the CO 'l.one on the basis that tlie petitioner stipulated that most of the printing shall be done afE-premises~ except foz snw 11 quantities oi offset printing (auch sa letterheads and envelopes) which may be done on-aite for faster. delivery to Che cuetomers, and that the pcinCing press ehall be approximately the size of a phokocopy machine and generate n~ise not much strunger than a mimeogra•;h duplicator; sub~ect to plane being aubmit[ed for the signing £or the proposed use~ sr~id siguing to be in conformance with the CO Zone standards, on the basis that the Planning Commission determined the sub~ect etructure hae been suffi- ciently modified to be cZassifi.ed r~s a commercial building rather than a residenCial building, und that said plans ehall be reviewed az~d approved by tlie Developtnent Services DepartmPnt~ e~s stipuJ.ated to by the p~titioner; subject to the petltioner submitting a written request to te rinate Varian~e Nc. 2472 on the aub~ect property aad eub~ect to conditiona. (See Reeolution Book) Oo roll call, Che for~sgoing rQaolution wae paesed by the Foll.owi.n~ vote: AXES: COMMISSLnNERS~ FARANO~ CAUEP., KING, MORLEY, TOLAR, HERBST NOES : COl~A!ISSIONERS : NONE EIBSENT: COMMISSIONEIiS; JUHNSON ~ ~ MINI?TES. CT.TY P1.ANNINC COMMISSION, May 28, 1975 75-2fi6 AMI:NOMNN'C 'f0 TITLI' 1$. - T~ conAidar amo~lJmentd Co '1'itle ls-Zoning ('ode c,E Ghe Ana}~eim ANAHF.IM NUNICIPAI, l,0'Dl: Municl.pal Cade pcrCnininp, to rogulntton af bueiness eckivi[ies ~ ~ limitad to pareonx l.8 yr..are of sge or old~~~. No ~iia lndlcxteci tt~air pr~~eence i.n the r-~,c~ic.;nce tn cannection with ~fi~a prc~poaed Co~ie amendmants. Aesociate Plannc~r Dil.l ;oung prPa~nted the SCaff Re:port to the Planning CommJ.seiuc~ dPted May 28, 1975~ and enid SCuff ReporC ie rc~Eerred tu and mHde a pnrC of ~he minutes, I~r. Young noted tl-at the Plaiuiing CommieAian~ in conNi.dPri.ng Condltion~l Uxe i'crmit No. 1514 on M~rch ].7, 1975, reconunended to the City Council th~it an amendment to the AnahQ•lm Munir.ipal Code be ini~iAted to reqtire all a,plicntions f~r mussagca and thernpy parlc,re~ modeling agenc'_es, photogrtiphy etuc'.i.oa and air~ilar uaes be p~:ocessed through the condiCtonal use p~:rmit procedure~ rather th+~n permitt~d as a matter af ri.g:.t in any zone und n further. am:.~r,~lmanC Co amend the age proviaion i.n ersid Code frqm 21 years of age Co 18 yearA of nge, -;~ al].ow for co~krol through tl~e condi.tional uee pexmit procalurc of usea requirinp that an age Lim1t be ~ffixed, 18 year~ of r~ge being CIl3 legr~l. adu1C age. He Eurttiez n~Ced Chat the City Council, at their meeting of April 8, .1975~ canc:urred and so directed Chnt khe amendment bc Prepared. Deputy City Attorney Frank I.owr.y nd~~iaed th~t alttiough the propoaed amendment~e dtd not axtend ae far as the Plunning Commisai.on had origine~ly auggented, it waa the opintion of the Cit;~ Attorney~s Offlce that naid amendmente, as pr.oposed, were appropriate and wauld be l~g~'.ly clefen~ible; nnd that in some rrspecto, said runendmenCa were more exCenei.ve than requesced by the Plunning Commtaeion and City Counci.l. Mr. Lowry explained thar. rherapy, for instance, was practiced by doctore of inedicine and that they r~houl.d nol: be required to have u condiGionu.l u3e permi.t and, there£ore, the age l.imitation criteria should be npplied for the regulation of the acti.vitlea in question, in lieu of "binnket" reatrictione on all auch uses, :in oL~er to pr~vent undue hardahip on the conducC of 1eg itimate activitiea of thr~t nature, ~dding to zoning case loads ancl, in the City Attorney's opin:lon~ to avoid enacting legally-questionable oxdinances. Ile furtl-er explained that although the standarde of all commercinl. zones presently cont~eined pr~- viaions pertaining to the regulation of. business activitieR limited to persona 21 years of uge or older, not only wa~ Che apscified age limit inconsietent with State laws pertaining to the legal adult age~ but locations of referencea to such age restrictions were rslso in- conaistently organized within the Zoning C~de; and, therefore, the proposed amendments would lower the uge limitat~lon to persona lf3 years of a~e or older (the current legal adult age) and would organize and star.dardize the location of said praviaions within appropriate chapters of the L'ode, Co aid in the location of ~ucl~ provisi~ns. Mr. Lowry continued by noting thar. in th~ recodification of the Zoning Code, csrtain uses specifically liar.ed as permitted uses in the CO Zone and permitted by reference in ~+11 other commercial zones, were inadvertentl.y omitted and, therefore, nonsubatantive "housekeeping" am2ndments were also contained in the proposal.. Commieeiouer. Farano indicated some di.ssatisfaction with the pr~~posed amendment~ slnce he wlahed to fur thet pursue the conditional use permit procedure ~o control the uaes in question, and that he was particularly concerned about the. wotels with X-rated movies, Chairman Herb st nuted that massage parlors~ fc>r instance, were legal. activitiea and he wae just concerned about the location, ii cl.ose to a school, church, or other p].ace where young people might become exposed. T!iE PUB~IC HEARTNG WAS CLOSED. Commissi~ner King offered Resolution No. PC75-115 and moved for its passage and adoption, that the Planning Commission does i-ereby recommend to the City Council amendmenls to ChQ Anaheim Munic ipal Code~ Title lf3-Zoning, pertaining to the regulation of business activi- ties related to peraons 18 years of age or older, ae aet forth ~n "Exhibit A" which shall be attached t o and made a part of this resolutinn. (See Resolution ~3ook) On roll call, the foregoing resolution was pasaed ~y the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO, GAUER, KING, MORL~Y; TOLAR, HERBST NOES: COI~IISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JOHNSON Commissioner Tolar offered n motion, aeconded by Commissioner Morley and MOTION CARRIED (Commisaioner Johneon being ahsent), that Staff be and hereby ia directed to proceed with a atudy of t ne location of the exisCing unea, as mentioned above, in arder to detertnine whether it is appropriate Co permit such uaes in c~rtain commercial zonES and require a conditional uac permit in ather commercial zonea. ~ ~ MINUTL~8, CITY PLAI~NING CQMMT48IOH, Muy ?.8. 1975 75-267 RLQt1EST FOR EIIt - For a grading permie Eor singla-Pamily rasidance at Ai~(3ATIY6 DECL,ARA'rION 2G5 3outh Peralta Hilla Uriv~s. It wes n~ted thar, en appllcaCiot. for a grading peratit had been file3 P.ox con~txuction of. + 4ingla-fa-ui.iy ra~oidence ~t the sub~ect address; that an avaluatlon of cha anvironmenCal 1mpa~C of gxadin~ ar thla lacation wea raquired und~r the provisione of the Califoz~nia Environm~ntnl QuR11Cy Act and the 3tate EIR Cuide].inee, A~nce the prc~,~ect wae located in the 3cenic Carridor; and that a study of the pr.opooed grading by the Enginearing Diyleion and rt~e Develorimdnt 3ervicea Department indicated it would have no eigni£icanC environ- m~antal impsct. Cammiseioner King ofEered a motion, secnnded by Co~m-iss ioner Tolur and M~IQN CARRIED (Camwiseionar Johneon baiag absnnt), that the Planning Commission recomMende to ttie (:ity Council that tlie eub,~ect pxo~e~t be exempt from the requirement tn prapare en Enwirozi- mentr~l Impact Report~ pureuant ta th~ pr.ovisione of the California EnvironmenCal Quality Ac t: . REQUEST FOR EIR - For a grading permit £ur single-•family rec+idence and NEGATTVE DECLAItATION Cannis caurt at 5140 Eask Cr~scent Drive. It wae r-oted that an a~,pllcaCion for a grading parmit had been filed P~r construr_tion of a einglo-£amily rae:.dence and tannis courr. at the sub~ecr addrese; ttiat an evaluation of the environmental impect of grading at this location, was required under the provieions oE the Callfornia Envirc,nnwntal Quality Act and the State EIR Guidelines becauAe ths prAlecC was located iu the Sceiiic Coxrid~~+r; and that a atudy of r.he proposed grading by the Engineer- ing Di.vision and tt~e Developmen t Servicea D~partment indicated it would have no aignificanC environmental impP.ct. CommisaionQZ King oi`f~red a motion~ eeconded by Commissioner Tolar and M(J'TION CARItI~D (Commiseioner Johnscn being absenC), that the Planning Commiaeion rNCOmmende to the City Council that the eubjecC pro~ect be exempt from the requirement to prepare an Environmental Impact Report, purau~~nt to the provisiona of the Calif ~rnia Environmantal Quality Act. ~_~~1 ~ ~ ~ MINUT~S, CI1Y PI.ANNING COMM'ISSION, May 28~ 1975 ?5-268 R~PORTS .AND - ITEM N0. 1 RSCQAIIdENi)ATIONS CUNDITIONAI. USE PERMTT N0, 297 - Re ~.iest to expand an ex•lArina ~' priva~e echool - ProperCy cnneieting ut approximaCely 9.3 acree~ having a Erontage of approximatel.y 110 feet on the west eide af I3rookhur~t St~eat ~nd being locaked spproximr~teXy 990 feet soutti of Che centerline of Ball Road~ and further descxibed as 1309 South Brookhuret SCroet. Asr~i.stant 'Loning Supervisor Az~nika Santalahti presented th~ Staf f Report to the Planning Commisaion dated May 2A~ 1975~ and ~atd Staff Report is raferred ko and m~de a pa:t of the mi.nu[es. 3he not~d tl~nt Cnnditional Uso Fermit No. 297 was granted by the Gll•y Council on September 25, 1962~ to purmit expansion of an exiating nuraery achool~ aub~~ct :o condi- tione; that tt~~ appllcanC wae propos3ng a 1303-squr~re foot building addition to tho exiat- ing achoul facility and wae requeaking clari~ication us to whether a new c~nditional use permit etiou.ld ba processad to permit said expRt:eion. Misr~ Sant~lahti. furCher noCed that, the Planning Commiesion should conAider (a) tlie £act that the proj~oeed expatiaion amounted to 39X of the exist~ng floar opace; (b) the number of children who can adeyuste]_y be nccowmociated 1t Che sub~ect facility; (c) the minimal of.f- al•reet parkinR propoaed; (d) the propoaed setback from a reaidential zone which woLl,d neceseitate a waiver from t;~e CL 'Lone eite development etandarde; and (ul LLa Cud~ rCquir~- menr that a 6-foot block wall be provided a~jacent to ad~oining reaidenti~t zunes. The Pl.annin~ Commiasion enCered inCo di.scuseion regarding the proposal, durinR which it was genorul7_y agr~e~. ~hat additional waivera were Ueing requ~ated in the proposal and, therefore~ as a l~gal r~quirement~ the mattez could only be considered at a public hear- ing. Chairman HerUst noted that the people in the area should be awsre of the proposal. Mr~ Karl Kocek, the properCy owner~ appeared before the PJ.anning Commisaion and atated that he was L•he awner atid reeident of the ad~acent aingle-family residence and that~ additionall.y, he had a petition signed by the other ad~ar_ent property owners who were concurri.ng in Che proposal. Thereupon, neputy City Attorney Frank Lowry advised that the patition of concurrence could be submitted at the ~ime of the public hearing as evidence. Commiasioner Farano offared a mo ti.on~ aeconded by Com.~niesinner King and MOTION CARRIED (Conuniaeioner Johneon being absenC), thaC thc propoaed expansion does not fall within the scope of khe Planning Commiasion's ariginal approval of Conditional Use Permit No, 297 and, therefore, a public t~euring will be required. ITEM N0, 2 VARIANCF NO. 2349 (Parcel A) - Requesr. for exteci~ion of time and approva 1 of use - Property conslsting of approximately 1.~ acrP lo cated st the southweat corner of Broadway and Adams Street, and further described as 151~4 West Broadway and develop ed with the "Pepper Tree Faire." CONDITIONAL U~E PERMIT N0. 1.408 (Parcel B) - Request for exteneion of time - Praperty consisting of approxi.mately 0.6 acre, locat.ed at Che southeast curner of Broadway and Adams Street and developed with an industrial building having a"Pepper Tree Faire" sign painted on the west wall. Aasistant Zouing S•ipervisor Ann ika Santalahti. reviewed the Staff F.eport to the Planning Cowmisaion datea May 28, 1975, a~d aaid Staff Report is referred to and made a part of the minutes. She noted that Va~~iance No. 2349 was granted Uy the Planning Commissian on April 1'1, 1972, for a period of une year siib~e.ct to r.eview to determine 3.ts compatibili.ty wiCh the area and whether. the parking being provided was adequate, to establi~h a center for the sale of handcrafted art ob,jecta and related werchandise, with food sales; that~ with the exr,eption o£ Condition No. 3, the conditions of approval had been met; that nn com- plainte regarding the actlvitfea of the "Pepper 'free Faire" had been received by Staff and the existing parking appeared to be adequate; and that the applicant was requesting an indef inite period of tlme be granted for said variance, and f urther that approval of plans for a lunchrac>m with indoor and outdoor geating at the "Pepper Tree Faire" be granted. Miss Santalahti further noted that Conditional Use Permit No. 1408 was granted by the Planning Commiaeion on Ju1y 9, 1973~ for a period of one year with possible time exten- siona, to establiah a billUoard exceeding the allowable area at other than an authoriced location; thxt the billboard was pai.nted on the wa11 oi a building ~nd advertised the "Pepper Tree Faize"; that the t ime limitation was establish~ed in order that the Plsnning • CJ MINU'!'~S ~ CI'TY PLANNIN~ COA4tISSI(iN ~ Muy 2l3 ~ 1475 ITBI~ N0. 2 (Continuad) ~ ~ 75-269 Cnmmieeion could deCer~oi.ne whettaer Che billboard would hava an Kdverae effeet; and thae the applicant wue requoNting that an lndefin.tCR period of time ba granCed for said condi~ional use perm:lt. Chaiccnan Herbst inquired xeK~x'ding tl~~ HN,alth Aaparrment raquireme,rite pertaining to toad sales~ nnd Mise Santalehti note~i thaG the ~pplicant had indicatad Chat the Healtt~ DeparC- caent wae ~ati.ofiad with th~ (~1'Op09AL. Ueputy Ctty Attorn~sy Frank Lowr~y advieed th~it if the propoea~ met th~ food liandlin~ and ~aixikation requtr~.menta~ thpn ~he applicn»C would bo enr.itled Co a licenee to aerve .food~ if~ the use wae granked by the Planning Comcnfsa•lon. !n responae Co furthar questtouing by Chairm~n Nerbgt. Mt. Lowry adviaed that there had be~n no police cepor.ka of any kind rQgarding Che "Yepper Trae Baire" operation~ to hia knowledga. 'Che Ylunning Co~tesiun entered lnto diacuesion with SCoff regarding the prnposal ln relatiunet~:lp tu Che pr.evioua fuod-servinR +~ctiviCies at the eub~ect locnkion, during which ttie Planning Commiseion generally concurreci that the pruposed use and details were nor, sim~.lar to any oCher approved usee of the ~~roperty and that the proposc~l i:o have a l.unch- zoorn F~o+.~l ~l requlrp a public hearing. Commisaioner Fnran~ offered a motion, seconded by Commisaloner Tolmr. and MOTIUN CARRIED ~Commiaeioner Johnaon beinE abaent), that the propoaed ].unchroom at ~tie subject ~ocati.on doea not fall within the ecope of the Plann3.ng Commis~-ion'e arl~inal apprc~val of Variance No. 2349 and that said propoeal wi1Z rey~ire r~n addl~ional public t~earing; and~ furCl~er., that the requeaC for extension of time £or 'Jarianr.e No. 2349 aliall. be co~s:.dered concux'- rently at the time of said addiCional ~ubli~~ liearing. The planning Commiaeian entered int~ discusFiion regarding an appr.opriate time er.tension L•or Conditinnal Use Permit No. 1408~ during ~~hich Commisaion~r Faraao noted that it would not be appropriate. in his opi;~ion, to make the aign permxnent which was authorized under said conditl-on~l uae permit; and Commiasioner 'Polar noeed that if aparhments were con- alruct~d in the area~ the si.~n might ceot 'bn appropriate at that time and, therefare, a five-yPar ~xtenaion of time would be too ].on;g. Commissioner Morley ofPered n motion, aecond~~d by Commiasioner Farano and MOTION CAR.RIED (Commisai.oner Johnaon being abuent), that a t:wo-year extension uf time be and hereby is granted for Conditional Uae Permit No. 1~.08, retroactire to July 9, 1y74, to eacpire on Muy 28, 1977, subject to review and consideration for. further extensi.ons of t2me, upon wzitten requeat by the petitioner. ITEM N0. 3 CUNPITT.ONAL USE PERMIT NU., 1470 - Request for extension of time - Property consistinf; of approximately 0.8 acre locatec? on the west side of Anahei.m Boulevard apgroxlmately 154 feet north of the cenCerline ot' Vermont Avenue, and further described aa 887 SouCh Anaheim Boulevard. (This item was conaidered with Conditlona.l Uae F'ermit No. 1517 earlier i.n the meeting.) The Staff ReporC to the Flanning Gommission dated May 28, 1975, was preaenCe~1 and made a part af the minutes. It wae noted that the applicant (Mr. Frank D. 12ose, Director of The Colonial Manor Halfway Houses~Inc.) was requeating a six-month exCension of tlme for completion of conditiona contained in Resoluti.on No. P~74-126, adupted in connecti.on with Conditional Use Permit No. 1470; and Chat such an exteneion would allow time f~r receipt of a financial ~rrant fro~: the Off ice of Alcoholic Program Management. 'lhe aubject requeat was cantinued from the Plsnning Commission meetings af February 19, 1~'lS, in order thar Sr.aff could abtain additional daCa relative to the conditior. of t.he reaidential atructure, and £rom March 3, 1975, in order te provide some time for the petitioner to obtain ~unde for the propoded use and~ thereby, be in a posit~on to comply with the Code requirementa for the propoaed location, and that the petitioner ahould take imaoediate s~eps to "clean-up" the facility. u~ n ~ ~ ~ MLNUTF:S, CITY I'1»4NNTNG COh41I'iSION~ May 28~ 1Q75 ITlsM N0, 3 (ConCinuad) 75-7.7U Mr. Frank D, Roen appoared baFore tha Plnnning Comwl.sei.on and etated thal• the financial gr,int wae awarded by tbe Off:~Lce of Alcohol~.c PraRran~ Management; however~ thev had heen unabl.e tu negotiate an axten»1on aP Cheir leaoe on che sub~ect property to meet Che raquir.e~ents for ~af.d grant; and thaC h~ wae etill puT~suin~ the pc~aeibility of liaving tt~e lease~ e:ctended. nepuky C2ty AtCornay krenk I.owry advidad that he under.sxo~d ..lie applicant waa saeking a i-ew location t'or Che eub~ect uAa, since tl-ere appeared t~ UP r~:~~a~ ineurmaun~[ab].e problems related to the requiremente of che Fire M~xehal ai~d the property owi~er. Chairtaan Herbet noted that th~ Ylanning Commissi~n cuuld not C~lex'ake allowi.ng kh~ paoplr•. to live in Che exi~ting r~tructur~ at Che sub~ect location, eiuce lives were being en- dangared; and that the Commlgoi~:+ should 86Cnti~.~Dll a definite and conc].usive time limitA- tion regarding this application. ~ir. Rose confirmed that they werc nlso preaent].y ateking a new lacalion tor l•he sub~ecC ueF and t•hat grant funds were uvi able when attd if thPy could obtKin n euttable l.ease for Lhe uee; and that thay t~ad l>ecomQ m~re knowledgeable nbout the approprir~te procPduree to TO.Liuw ~n a~.~ampl~:s!:ino telei.r mPana, howevar, it miAht be too late to do anything abouk the 3uU~ect lo~at:ion. Chairman Herbat nated thaC Che Planninb C.ommisaio~ was ii~ favor of thF use, however, the strucCurea would have tu be made safe foz rh~ae peopl~~ who would be residing there; where- upon, Mr. Rose atated he wishad to attempt Co further negotl.ate with ~t~e o~:b~ect properky owner for An approprtate exten3lon of e~,eir. lease, especial.l.y aince the property had a lot of land and was purticularly suitable for ttie uc~e. The Planning Commiseion entered i.nto diacuasion wi.th Mr. RASe regurd•Lng satisfaction of the conditions of approval of the conditional use permit, wt~ereupoti, Mr. Rose indi~ate~i c.hat if they were aUle to obtain a sati&factory lease, then they would definitely be ahle to obtain the grant funds to do the neceasary corrective work to ::l:e property and that etnce they were more knowl~dgeable regarding applications for grant funds, that porC~o~i ~f khe matter would not take as 1oz~g as previously experienced. Commi:~sioner King reminded Mr. Rose that pri~r to any wozlc being done at the sub~ect location, As well as the location on I.emon Srreet, rhe plans for said worlc should be brought to t?~e Building Diviaion f.or review and ~pproval nnd they should not proceed unde:r any circumatancea witliout fol:lowing that procedure. Commissi.oner Mor.ley offered a motion, aecnnd~:d bq Commis:;ioner Tolar an3 MOTION CARR:LED (Commiesionera Farano and Johnson being absent), that a 30-dxy extension of time be and hereby is grunted for cor-pletian of the conditions of approval f:or Conditional Use Permit No. 1470, said exCension of time to expire ari June 27, 15175. ITEM N0. 4 VARIAIJCE N0. 2599 - Request for exten.aion of time -- Froperty consisting of approximatel.y 1.4 acr~s, having a frontage of approximr~tely 260 feet on the ncrthear~t aide of Anaheim Boulevard, being located approximutely 200 £eet tiorCh of the centerlina af Puc~fico Street, and fu~'ther describec'. aA 1922-30 South Anahai.m Boulevard, The Staff Report tu the Planning Commisaion dated 2~iy 28, 1975, was presented and made a part of the minutPa. Commiasionex King noted that he and Cc~mmisaioner Morley had checked the sub,ject property ln the field and they could confirm that it was kept nest and clean, and the spplicant was apparently living up to Che conditi.ona of approval. It was noted thae Variance No. 2599 was grunted by the Planning Commiaeion on Mr-y 13, 1974, to eatablieh an ~tuto leaeing agency on khe sub~ect property, eaid approval being granted for a period of one year in order. to determine whether an adverse effect would result from the granting of the Variance~ and sub~ect to review and con°ideration for extenaion by the Planning Commission upon written request by the petiti.~,ier; that 5taff ~ .... ~ ^~ ~ MINU'1'L:S, CITY ~'1.ANNING COMMISS70N, May 28~ 1975 75-2T1 I1'EM N~. 4 (Caiiti~iucd) hrad inspected the sub;~ect pzoperty in the ficld fmd ttie ueN did not ~ppeer to be deCri•- mental to the eubJect pruperty nor to have en adver~e t.mpact c,n th~ eurro+.inding l.etnd u~c~e; Cl-et parki.ng w,~y adequnr.e tor the existin~, LndueCriiil ru~plex; thHt ttie cxiRting c~igning was in nccurdu:ic,e wtth Code requir.ementg; ttiar *_he properCy appeared to be utilized in acr.ordnnce with ehe conditione oP appzovRl of the ve-riunc~; und that thc flppl.ican~ wae requasCi~g an indefi.nite extension oE tlrae be granted for Vnrlance Nr~. 255~9. (:ommiseioner King of.fered u motion~ ~ecanded by Cocnmiasionrar 'folar and MO'I'1UN CAR1tIED (Commi.esionet .lohneoti being absent) , ti~nt a two-yesr. extene~ian o[ time be nnd herPby ir~ ~3ranted for ~ari.flnce No. 2599, eald exteneion ~f time Co be retroactive to t~lny 13, 1975 nnd ko expir~ on May I3~ 1977, siib~ect to riview nnd conaiderAtlon for f.ur.ther c~xten~~ione of kime~ upon wri.tten request by Cl~e ~etitiuner. ITEM N0. 5 kLACS AND BANNERS - City Council Yolicy adopted Muy 27, 1975. 7.oning Sup-;rvisor c:liarles Robects noted for information only, Cliat the (:ity Council in their meet inf.; on i~tuy 27 ~ 19'S, a3~ptQd s pelicy ~l~ni+.ng with the plucement of fla$a r~nd bannera nt mo~lel home complexeH; that eaid policy woul.d allow two f].aga or bannera per mudel uni~., or a maximum o£ 1Q fl~ge or banners per co~upl~:x; that said pulicy appl.ied to mulCiple-Eamily ss well as si.ngle-family developmeoCs an~ included a height and time limikaticn, w~th Che flags and banners to be flown only on weekenda and holidAys; that no chat~ge, ~-~hatsoever, was made or directed to the Sign Ordlnance; that the palicy relaCed to identificatlon at the model comple z Co attract peoplP; that flag5 and Uanners were pxohibited in the FresenC Code and recent c~nforcemecit of the requiremente by Staff. had hrou~ht the mutter to the attention of the Cit~ Council by a developer; and that SL•aff wa~3 directed to ~~udy the tutal issue for review and consideration b,y the City Counci.l at a laCar ~iate. tTEM N0, 6 REDEV~LOPA~NT PROJECT ARFA BETA Assistant Development Services Director Charlea Robe~ts noted £or the Ylamzing Cummission that at the City Coun~=it meetiitg of May 27, 1975, Mr. Claude Pomeroy had made a narrated slide presentation regarding tbe public x~eJ.ation~ aspects af rede•~elopmen[; that the City Council ha~. appeared to be quite impressed with th: presentation and Mayor Tho-n it-quired of Staff what the ~lanning Commission'3 current thinking was regar.ding revis3on of the proiect area boundaries f.or ltedevelopment ProJect Seta; that Stat•f tiad adviFed r.he Ma,yor Chat the matter had not be?n considered E,ince the Work Session which was held on May 14, ].975, wich the communit:y, however, the Planning Commieaion wauld make a rer.ommendation to the City Couiicii a3 30G'1 as po:~sible on that matter. Chairman Herbat noted that the Plannin~s Commisaion was under rhe impreasion that the presaure for Beta was oft, time~wise; wtiereupot~, Mr. Roberts noted that the July 1, 1975 target date previ~usl~~ considered wus to free~e l•he assessed property valuatior. within the project area Be*a, however, it was e~ident that auch c- deadline could not poasibly be met due. co the uncertainty of the bc~~mdaries ar thia poinC in time. Mr. Roberta further noted tt~flt ik wa~ the Mayor's desire to s~•e Beta proceed as eoon as possible. Cheirman Eierbst auggeated that ano~ner work sePSion be scheduled to for.m.,late dir~ction in wh~ch to proceed, and noted. that {~r.~iox to the Flenning Commission mee.ting witt~ the com- arunlty aga•ln. a preaentat~on shou;.d Ue prepared [o include visual ma~cerial.s; that the Planniag Commission needed to gi~z specific direction to Staff for preparatinn of the preaentation~ which would includ.: modela to demonatrate to tk-e people exactly how many h~uses~ stre~te~ etc., would be involved in the corridors; that alternatlve mo3els might demondlrate the expansion of. Al,~ha to include the corridors; and, in his opinion, the City Coiincil was waitiitg for the Plr,nning Commiseion to make amended recommendakions regarding the boundarieo for Beta. Commieaioner Farano noted that: he hoped there was no inferrence of urgency with reapect to Che City Council's wlsheA in t}te matter; that the P3anning Commisaion was unde'c the impres- sion el~at they could proceed in keeping w:Lth good prackicea; that he was not sure to what extent the Planning Commiesi.on could makP recommendations until the conaultant's report ~ ~ ~ ~ M1NU'I'LS, .r,ITY P1.ANNIN~~ CUMMT.SSTON, May 18, 1975 7,-~7z r.~TGM No. 6 (co~f.i.riuc:d) and recommendation reg~rding A.lphA wc+re ~vailublc~ and er.udl.od, oin~:e the r.onrcnt.+ of Ram~ would be ia-p~rCane to know; and, therefore~ any •rFCO~raienda41on4 frc~m the I'].c~nn~ln~ Commi~:- ei.on ~hould be f.oreKCalled on Ghat baaie. kle contin~~ed b~ euggeNCing that when lhc~ Pl.anning Co,nmiesJ.un makee any further recomm~md:-tionn ka the Ctty Councll, Haid recaimn~nda- l•ions ehould be r~ccompanied by u con~ploto pA<:k~ge4 irtcludlnq recomcnend~stiona II,y to the manner in which the prugrcun nhouJ.d he prea~nt~~'. to t.hc~ ~.iti.zgnca; khat the mann~:r nn~.1 mutariala p~~sented to the citizens tl~us far 1.£t HomeChing ko be dseired; nnd thnt poesibly u~i unofficlul prn~ert nrei~ commi.ttee ar ad ho. ~itizer.ca group Ahould bP f~oz-~n~eci wl~ich w~.,,r.d decide liow thQ program wc~a tu Ue pc~eenCed, i~~c].udAnR whn[ informat~on wa:a nec~.a~enry to bQ relayed al1LI t`,e techniquee necedeary to clenrly nnd complQtely convey the px~ ~grum to ch. community. Commissiouer Gnuer noCed that :i pr.ojec~ area c~m;nitCr.e hnd heen formed for A1pha and thnC there would also l,e a homeowiiera group formfd i~nder Che direction, o[ Mrs. Mary Dinnd~~rf frum the Sanr~.a An~- Canyun TmNroveroent. Ae~soctnC~on, 'nc. Chalnnan Herbet noted Chat iie w~oiild like Cn aee eowe w~rk being doiir.. witti re~pect to prov:iding rhe ~Lnimal corridura that were needed ~or. A1i~hK. and a larQer corrido1• deve].- aped if Che people bnck:i.ng up to the ~vrri.dor wiehed to nave it; that many alternat.ivea d~.Rpa.3YE'.d on epecia.l maps, and not ;Juat o~:~ map ehowi;ig ~:vQrything, ehou.td be utili.zed in the pr.ogrnm af detc:z~minin~, che bounduries ~nd d.irectfon f~c prQp~ration of the mape coulr, be genc~rated s:id developecl through Flanning Comm:LsAion work seeaions wlth Staff on the marrer, Comm~s~lo~~er L'arano inquired as to wt-eti the con~ult~nt's preliminary repor.ts on A1phA were for-:}icoming. Deputy City Attorney Malcolm 5laught•er xeplied thaC Co his underdtandi;ig the preliminxry dr.ufts would be reaeivEd i.n Che~. next cuuple of: weeks. Commisaioner Far~no sxpiAined thnt many times when the Comniasion pLalted towar.d de.adllnaso kt~ey ended ~ap having t~~ repeat their efforts and, additionally; coc~ting the Caxpayers money; thnt he did not feel uue step should be tak.:n reg:irding [ieta unlese and unCil r.he Comm.teaiun knew Eor. sure where they were going; that he w~uld suggest that tne Planning Commiasion ~~end a mensc-ge to tt~e City Cuuncil that no recommendatfons be required at this time, pendii-g receipt ~nd study of the ,~relicuinary reports; and that the Planning Commission would proceeG to formu].at~, plans aad recom~nendaCione as to how the pr~gram ahould F,e preaenr.ed Co the ciCiaena~ .ncluding informat~.on as to the selection of ~.he Projpct Ar.•Pa Committee. Commiasioner Farano further noted Chafi it apgeared the program was proc~ed~ng in a ver~ whimsical fashion; and that, in his opini.on, each portion of Che progrnm :.hould be acted upon by the CiCy ::ouncil. Mr. Sl~~uahter n~ted for the Planning Commiasion that the procedure bei.ng impZemented was accor~ .ng to the strict guidelines aet forth by the law; that the City Coiincil had Acted uporl statement of policy~ in which the Staff hud reconunended that 10 members of the Pr~ . Are~ Coaenittee be elected by the property owners within the project area and the 5 r~"tij, r..ng members he Kelected by the City Council; and that all :.~embers of the committee ~ -~,;ul:•,~~ to meet the atatutory requirements, having a veated inCerest in the area. mr,~ fi~--b~t then noted that the legal posaibility and financial burden should be .. ,,r,a. r• cnns•lder ezcpanding tilpha to include the corridora; that other cities had .•,~~it~ :aeir pro~ect ureas and Anaheim shoui_d be able to do so also; and ~hat he was ,~~~~:., rur every alternative available tu provide t~~~ necessary corridors. He referred ~ - recent expansion of the Clty Qf Santa Ana's redevelopment pro~ect area, ~~r. .'la~ghter advised that aome time ago qiiestione were raiaed regarding the poasibility ~_ ~xpanding Pro~ect Alpha and it was riecided to Leave it aloi-e in ita present form, !rnough he did not know preciaely what legal problems might arise if th~~ Citv Council ~a3 ~~~ re,open said project. ~'~mmissioner Tolar inquired if the six ma~or redevelopment pro~ects in the City of Long ;~~h, the least of which was costing appro•~imate].y ~6 millian, were being conetructed wi:h redevelopment funda or through privatE enterpriae. Mr. Slaughter advined that unlesa ::ie building would be occupied by a public tenant, then the redevelopment funds could not -e spent, ~,ice said funds cnuld not be used to build private structures, however, [he redevelopm.:nt funde coul~ build aitea for private structures. ~ ...~ ~ ~ ~ !f]NU'TIs5~ CI.T`l 1'1.ANNING COhiMISSION~ May 28. 1975 15-273 L'1l:M N0. 6 (CuoCinui:d) Coaw~esionar CAUer diecuesed o~-ae o£ the pr.oceedln~;s uf ineecings ~f the citlzene Ch~l hnd nlxa~dy benn lield in whlr.h ballots hud been caeat for citi.^.en~ to esrve or~ the commitkee for Alphf- and Eal.7.owi.ng the above in~ui.ry of Cominioaioner Tolor and Ghe responee khereto, he nok9d that ~nmc: clari£icr.Ci.on wae apparently •need~d einc.o mrmbere o£ thc~ Hartfleld family were preRent at th~ l~teet of euch mceCinga anJ wae eF ihe upinlotl thnC redeve'1- op;nent funde w~~uld bc~ uaed to improve their buildinga within tt~4 pr.~j~ct are•~ nnd that Chey would r~:Cain awnershi.p thereof; and that, in his opinion. Che propartq m~ty be acquired by Cha City, cleared off, and eold bnck to the property ownec. Mr. Slaughter then cl.~ri- fied thtt deaisions concerning acquiAiti.on, Ptc.~ had not yet beem m~dcs. Commiseianer Farano poeed a hypothetical situation~ i.e., if he awned property wi.thin Frojeck Alpha~ he could go to the Redevelopment A~ency with plnne and r~queec and receive redevelopment funde Co improve hie property, and thnC he ~rould be aLle to retain legal ownarehip in auid proparty. riz. Slaught~r advise~l thnt aofluming khaE: the auppused use of the property compllad with the redevelopme.nt p1An, t.he pxoperCy owneX could conceivably enter into an agre~ment aettl.ng fortc- ~•ighto and obllgaCions whereiu the Redevelo~:ment Agency might oblig~ite itaeZ£ to spending mociey for.~ public impravemenCe adJacenr. to the proparty~ atc,, howaver, the Agency might u].so rr_~trict the use uf the property tor a certain period of time~ etc.~ under th~ wntract• or agrecmcnt; ~nd that thp Agency could not make improvemente ka the building ltself, only public i.mpr~vementa. Commiseionsr Farano made an ubaervation that the;re would be eome very definite advantages to the individual property owners in the projecC area if they decided to redeve7op or Co give their properCies a£RCe-lifting; how•~ver, tt~e citizena did ttot presently understand the program and that wa~a the prime problem invol~~ed. Thereupon~ Commiseioner Facano offered a motioii ehat the Plam~ing Commisaian docs t~ereby convey to the City Council that an amen~~ed recc~wnsndation regarding Redevelopment Project Beta sh~uld not be forthcaming from the Planning Cammiasior. until such time as the pre- Ii~inary reporta from Che consultanCs regardl.nK Pro~ect Alpha have been received and studied by thie Commisaion; that, :1-~ the -neantime, Che Commission will meet in work aeseiona with Staff to dirpct and organize the furmulati~n of recommendations for pr~sentstion to the Redevelopment Agency f~r adoption and util.izaC:Lon by City Staff in orientinE and educating the C:ltizena of the City of Anat-eim, saicl recommendationa to include, but not be limited t~, procedures for se~.ection uf the P~~o~ect Area Committee, communicaCion programs to adequately and effectively inForm the commelnity, and maps and/or modela to demonstrate poasible ~lternative plana or solutions for b~~undaries for ProjecC Beta and/or ex~anaion of Alpha to pr.ovide adequaCe coxridora to ser~:e Project Alpha. In reaponae to quesCioning by Commieaioner Gatier., Mr.. Slasghter confirmed tt~at the Redevelop- ment Program could be atopped by the Ageucy at: any poinC in time, c~onaistent with any financial obligations that might have been inr.:urred pr.ior to that time. Thereupon~ Commieoioner Gauer seconded the fot•egoing motion and said MOTION CARRIED (Commi.ssioners Morley and Tolar voting "no", and CommiF~eioner Johneon being absent). Chairman Herbat suggested that a work session be acheduled for Wednesday~ .June 4~ 1975, at 7:00 p.m., in r.he Council Chamber and that the Redevelopment Department Staff be invited to atCsnd to ~ain input for the preparation of the material being sougnt by the Planning Commiaeion and as aet forth in the foregoing m,otion. AD.IOUN.NMCNT - There being no further business tu di.acusa, Comm~iet~loner King offered a motion, seconded by Commisaioner Farano and MA'TION CARRIBD (Commieaioner Johnaon being abFtient), ta udjourn the meeting to a Work Session on June 4, 1975, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cnuncil Chamber. The meeting ad~ourned at 4:45 p.m. R.espectfully sub~niCted, /~ , ~ ~' . ~.~~.~.J ,~ Patricia B. Scanlgnti• Secr.etary Az-aheim City Planning Cummisaion PBS;hm