Minutes-PC 1975/10/13Cl ~ C 0 MICROFIIn~!NG SE.RViCE, iNC. ~ ~ ~ City Hall Annhnlm~ Cellfornla October 13~ 1973 RE~~Ul.l11t MFET~NG 0~ TH~ ANAItE1M CITY PLANt~1~JG COMNISSION REGULAR - A rcgul~r meeting af thc Annhcim City Plannincl Commissi~n was calted tu MFETINf arder by Ctialrman Farano ~~t 1:3~ ~,m. In the Council Chamber~ r quorum belnq present. PRESEPIT - CMA I RMf1M : Fa raro - C(1MMISSIb~IFRS: Rarner,, Nerbst, Johnson, King~ Morley~ Tolar AQSENT - CQMt11SSI0NFRS: None ALS(1 PRESFNT- Frank Lowrv Deputy City Attorney Jay Titus Office Engineer Paul Sin~er Triffic Enginesr Ar~nfka Santalahtl Zoning Superv(sor Al1an Daum Assistant Zoning Superv(sUr Patr(cla Sc~nlan Planning Commission SPCretary PLE~GE QF - Commiss(oncr Morley led In the Pledge of Ailegiance to the Flag of the ALI.~. ~Il1~lCE Unitecl SCates of America. /~PPROVf~L UF - Commissioner King offered a motion~ sec~ndecl ~y Commissioner Tolar and THE MINUTFS MOTION C/1RRIEU~ that the minutes of the adJuurnecl rec~ular meeting uf the P'anning Commission held on September 15, 1`.175, be and hereby are approved~ as submitted, E~4VIRONMENTAL IMPACT - CONTINUED PUE3LIC Hf.1RING. C. MICNAEL, INC.~ P. U. Box 278~ REPORT N0. 133 Mid.~ay Clty, Ca. 92655 (~wner); RAAR E BOYER ENGIPJFERING CO.~ 1~~~~f~2. Beach Bou:evard, Sulte R~ Westminster, Ca. 92583 (Engineer). VARIANCE N0. 2728 Property described as: A rectangularly-shaped parcel or land consisting of approximately 18 acres located at the southeust TEP~TA7IVE MAP OF curner ef Vermont Avenue and East Street, having approximate 7RACT N0. ~758 frontacles of 733 feet on the south side of Vermont Avenue ~nd (REVISION N0. 2) 118~ feet on the east side ~f East Street. Property presently classified RS-A-43~000 (P.ESIDEN71AL/AGRICULTURAL) ZQNE. Vl1R1 ANCE REQUESI': k~A I VERS OF (A) RE~U I{tFMENT THAT ALL LOTS FRO~IT ON A PU~L I C STREET AND (B) MINiMUM DIST~NCE SETWEEN BllILDINGS. TENTATIVE TRACT REQUEST: 116-UNIT, 117-LOT, RM-4000 SUBDIVISIOPI It was noted that the subJect items were continued from the meeting of August 4~ 1975, for the submisslon of revlsed plans; fr~m the meetings af August 18 and Septem~er 3, 1975, at tMe request of the petitioner•; and from the meeting of September 29~ 1975, for the su~mission nf revisecl plans. No one indlcated their presence in opposition to the subJect ltems. Although the Staff Report to the Planning Commtssion dated October 13, 1975~ Was not read at ~he public hearing, said Staff Report ls referred to and made a part of the minutes. Mr. Mlke Doty~ r'epresenting the firm ~f Ph1111ps Brandt Reddick and the petitloner~ appeared before the Planning Commission to answer questions concerr.~ng the proposal. Chalrman Farano recognized Mr. Doty for presentation of new evidencP conctrning the proposal~ nc,ting ehat~ although the public he~ring had been closed he was aware that a sl(de presentatlon had been prepared by the petit(oner which may or may not ret~te to the problems dlacussed by the Planning :ommissioi7 in connectton v~ith the propos»1; and that the petltionar reallzed the problems whicn invoived the fences~ buffer zone~ small lots, narr~v straets~ parking~ etr_. Thereupon, Chairman Farano reques~ed that Mr. Doty address the refercnted items. 75-4$2 • ~ ^~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PIANNING COMM15510N~ October 13~ 1975 75'G83 E~IVIRONMEMTAL 1MPACT ftEPOR'~ N0. 133~ ~ARIANCE N0. 2720~ AN~ TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 8758 REVI S I ON N0. 2 SCont i nued) _,_,,,_,~ Mr, Doty mAde the slide ~resentatlon whlch Illustrated thrce proJects similar to the proposal~ notin~ that althou9h the proJects we~e not identica) ta the proposal~ they contalned some of the elements of the proposed pro~ect; that the tt~ree slmilar pro,)ects were Tuuch Stone (n Garden (:r~ve hy Fredricks Development Company~ Stone Plne in Fullerton~ and 7urtle Rock ln Irvlne; that approxlmntely 3A$ of the propos~d units would have short drivaway aprons; and that the ather g(mllAr proJects had no evldence of deterioration or dlveralve uses. Chairman Farano noted th~t thc simflar proJects betng illustrated werc very beautiful from autward appearances~ however~ thcy wera subst~ndard subdivisloris; and he suggested that a reduced lielclht fence be constr~icted for the priv~Ce rear y~rd areas and r.hat at leaat 50~ of each yard be exposed. Commissloner HerbSt notzd that the indlviclual ,~roperty owners mlght put up thelr own fences~ whereupon~ Commissioner Toiar sugc~ested that deed restrictlons t~e utilized to control the constructlan of fences b•y the indivldu~l praperty owners. Chairman Farano then noted that lie was definitely riot in favor of the proposed 6- foot hlgh Pences and that he would favor walls approximately 30 inches In helght with decorative l~ndscaping and w(th at least 5~$ of l•ho yards exposed, to meet the splrlt of the z~ne and provide some feel(ng uf individual home ownership. Mr. Doty then stated the developers wanted the single-family detached feelinc~~ and would provtde reducnd height walls (n the front yard areas. Commissioner Herbst then noteci that the developer wa~t~ed the single-family zone~ but did not want to abide by the rules for sald type of development; thac tFiere wcre four areas on tltie tract map where cars could park only on one side of the street because ~f the narrow 5treets proposed and~ therefore, tfie h~uses on hoth sides of the streets would not have pt~rking In front of them; that, in his opinton, the homeowners would park in front ~f their homes even if they had to park an the s'dewalks anci with the rolled curbs~ they would certainly park on the siciewalks Commissioner Tolar made an observation that at least f~ur fsol~ted c:ases ln the proposecl proJect had n~rrrn+ driveway aprons in addltlon to having no parking on the side of the street ad~~cent t~ the front of the dwelling. Commissioner Herbst noted that in the future the homeowners may wane to turn the streets over to the Clty of Anaheim for maintenance~ especially when repatrs a~d other costly malntenance were needecl and~ for tliat reason, he also had reservations ahout the streets that were proposed, Mr. Doty stated that tFie open space and corrid4rs yained fram the narrowing of lhe streets for the private streets versus standard public streets~ overshadowed the issue. Commissioner Tolar inquirsd how the homeowners would benefit from tiie open space tn the proJect if they had to walk so far to get to it; whereupon~ Mr, Doty stated the topography created ~some difficulty, however, the common recreattona) areas were all within 200 feet of each dwellir,g unit proposed, Chairman Farano noted that in the past few years there had been studies conducted wherein the possibilittes of de~riation from narrow streets were explored to facilltate the garbage tPUCks for turning corners in projects, and it was repulstve to have a soclety predicated on the size of garbage trucks~ etc., that his mal~i concern with the propusal was :he individual property ltnes creating a single°family residential concept when the development had RM-~~000 lots; however~ if the de~~eloper took away the individual property llnes and constructed walls that ~vere part oF tha decorative landscaping but preserving the RM-4~Q0 zoning~ the proJect would be more favorable; and that he was fearfuf that the develaper was cmasculating the RM-~-OQO Zone. Mr. Doty then stated the developers felt they hacf complied with the spirit of the zoning; that they had other layouts which more closely addressed the obJections of the Planning Commission~ however, those layouts had higher densities rnd less oper spac~~ and provided the 2.5 ~arkln~ spaces per dwelling unit; and khat the other layouts had far less paricing and open space an~S were substandard compared tn the subJect proposal. Chairman Farano noteri that (f a less desirable proJect would meet all the criteria of the zone~ such a proJect should be presented for cflnsi~eration since he would ~Ikc~ an alternative fr~m a practtcal standpoint which would be far better for the City and better for the developer from an economical standpoint lf such a pro,ject would sell better; and that he hoped there was no doubt in the mind of the developer which choice I~e wauld vote for. ~ ~ ~ MINUYES~ CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION~ Qctober 1~, 1975 75-48N E!~VIRONMENTAL IMP~CT REPORT ~~0, 13;i~ VARIANCE N0. 272A, AND TF.NTATIVf MAP OF TR11CT N0, a75~ (RCVISION N0. 2) (Continued~~ ~ --- Cnmmiss~oner H~rhst fur~her roted that to rrw~et the spirit of cha zone~ a buffer xone should be added~ the incllvtdual propcrty Iines should be climineted, and a planned community developmont prnposed; Ehat the subJect prop~sol woulci b~e loflked upon as a single•fam(ly resldential development and the future cxvnera would be purchASing an IndlviduAl lot which they would treat as ~n RS°7200 lot; tl~at thc proposal was an "R-IJ 40d0" subdlvlston~ in his opinion~ with Clie develope~ wantinq tlie bast for himself and not the futu~e residents in thG proJect; and that he was not ln fov~r of the pronosr~l. In re~sponse to questloninc~ by Chairman Farano~ Mr, Doty r•equested tliat no further con'tinuances be granted for the subJect prap~~sal and that an acefon be tAken at thls meoting. it was noted Lhat Environmental Impact Report No. 133 whicfi was submitted tn conJunctfon with development of the subJect property was certifled by the City Council on October 1S~ 191~~~ and stnce no new environmentAl Impacts were involved In the revfsed development proposal~ the Planning Commissfon does hereby take no addttional act(on in connection wlth sald EIR No. 133. Commiss(onar lierbst offered Resolution No. PC75-203 and moved for its passage and adoptlon~ that Petitian f~r Varlance No, 272£3 be and t~ereby Is denied on the basis that the petitioner dld not demanstrate that a hardshlp would be created if the waivers were not ,yranted; that the developmc~nt proposal is designed to combtne two zones (a single- famtly zonc and a multiple-family zone) f~r the benefiC of the developer and not the futura homeowners In the proJect, satd proposa) Including private rather than public streets~ minima) l~t sizes which would be substandard RS-7~~~ lots, a lack of the amenitles requlred for a planned community development~ includin~ the lack ~f true open spacc due to the proposal Co have 6-foot fences encloging the prlvate recreation areas and preventing access and visihility to the common open recreational spaces, said fences to prov(de private yards typically associated with sin~le-fam'ly z~nes and not the R11-4Q00 Zone; and, furthermore~ that~ if developed, thc proJect would be detrimental to the City of Anaheim in the future, (See Resolution Book) Chairman Farano nQted that he would like to interJect seme explanation for consideration of the Ctty Council~ bein~ that the Planni~g Commission might have considered otherwise if the developer had abandoned the individual lat lines and the narrow streets~ more in kceping with the RM~4000 Zone standards. Commissloner Johnson noted that it appeared more waivPrs than those indicated could have prohably been found in the proposal; whereupon, Zoning Supervisor Annika Santalahti revlewed the Code requirements fc~r the RM-t~0~0 Zone versus the RS-7200 Zone~ noting that the RM-4~)QO Zone was not spec(fic concerning lot sizes. etc. Chairman Fara~io noted t~iat it appeared the RM-4~00 Zone needed some clartfication, In re~ponse to questioning by Commissioner Y.ing~ Mr. Ooty stated the subJect proposa) was noL associated in any way with the Fredricks Deveiopment Company. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: CQMMISSI~NEP,S: BARNES~ HERBST~ JOHNSOM, KING~ MOR~EY~ TOLAR. FARANO NOES: COMMISSIO~lERS: N~NE ABSENT: CQMMISSIOPJERS: NONE Commissioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Cortmissioner Marley and MOTION CARRIED~ that the Planninc~ Cammission does hereby disapprove Tentative Map of Tract No. ~3758 (Rev~slon No. 2) on the basis of the ffndings that the proposed map is not consistent with ~ppllcable general and speclfic plans; that tlie design of ~~~c subdivision or the type of improvements Is 1(kely to cause serlous publlc health problems~ ~ubstantial environmental damage~ or substantially and avaidably i~jure flsh or ~oildlife or their habitat; and~ furthermore~ the pr~posal does not meet the criteria for development in accordance with the zoning on the sub.ject property. ~ • ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOPI~ Qctober 13~ 1975 75'~~a5 REQUF.ST FOa STUDY RF.: CnNTINUA~~CE OF RM-4~0~ ZONE ~ND OPT111N5 ~f1p SMA! LER SINGLE-FAMILY LATS OR PROV I S 1 ANS F~R 07HF.R MnDF.S OF l. ( V I NG Commissloner Horbst noted thnt It was F,ecoming apporent th~~t a nee~l existed far anokher smell lot zone and thae the Clty Staff should c~nduct a stu~~y for some. ar to study the possiblllty of reJucln~ the RM-400d ?one requirements or provfding thc aptl~n whereln a smaller lat prop~sal~ if i•tiquestQ~1, could b~ considcreci by the Plannin~ Ccxmnission ~nd a detorml~~at(o~i m~de in accordance with the findtngs of tl-e abovn-mencloned ~tudy. Commissionor Nerhst crntinued hy noting that the davelopers were presently uslnci all ot tha zones to come up wlth whax they wanted and if the current mArket requlred morn optlons~ then the f,oda should p"ovlde them so that the developnr~ would be required to m~et some crlterlb f~r a g~oA stendard devcloprtrnl. Cc~mnis~laner Tolar notrd that he woul~ second a motlon tn the context of the foregotng suggestlon for a study; that~ however~ he was not sure that he woul~l want to se.e single- famlty devalopmencs with sMeller lqts than already provided f~r; thAt mc~st of the problems and vlolatians being expertenced were relAted to the RM-~i0f1~ Zone; that~ perhaps~ the RM- 4Q~~ Zone should be stud(ed f~r posslhle elimir.~tion from the Code sincc no builders had yeC come In to dev~lop In acGOrclance wtth the requfrements of sald zone. CcMmissioner Ilerbst added that the study would determtne whether ~he RM-4f1(10 Zone wa3 stil) needed. Chalrman Farano noted that iF all of the differsnt modes of livtng were rrot provid~d Por in the Code~ perhaps the study ahould r~cognize the needs ~f Che buying pub 1 I c. Commissioner Tolar noted that he had voted in favor of the new l~nAheim Shores proposal since he liked what he saw~ whlch was not 6-f~~t walts and 4~~~•Square fuot lots. Thereupon~ Mr. Doty, representinq the C. Mtchael~ Inc,~ proposal (Veriance No, ?.728), appeared before the Planning Cummiss(on and stated thair proposal was nbt for ~-foot masonry walls, but for decorative 6-foot wooden fences. The Pl~nning Commi~sl~n clarified that th-ey F~ad been concerned about the height and not the building materlals used t~ construct the fences, C~mmissianer Nerbst nuted that the RS-SQOQ ~one ~~+as the most flexible~ wlth so much square feet of lot area for ea~h bedroom, etc. ~ommtssioner Johnson noted that, at th~ present time~ the questiun was whether individual~y-owned (apartment) uniis should be m~de availahle as a new mode of living. Cha(rman Farano further noted that impruvements to the existing residential zones might be able to provide the variety of modcs of ltvtng that appeared to b~ neecled. Commissloner Fierbst offered a motion, scconded by Commissioner Tolar and MATION CARRlED~ that the Planning Department be and hereby Is directed to proceed with a study of the existing residentlal zones to determine whether all of the desirable modes of llving are provtded for and to make recommend~~ions for amendments, deletions~ or additlons to the existing zones, if desir~ble~ and whether any new zones should be created. RECLASSIFICATION - COP~TINUFD PUBLIC HEARING. RAYMOND SPEHAR~ 913 Paloma Place~ N0~7,5-76-2 _ Fullerton~ Ca, 9263; (Owner); WILLIAM C. MC CULLO~K~ ~~320 Campus Drive~ Newport Beach~ Ca, 9?660 (Agent). Property described as: VARIANCE N0. 2733 An irregularly•shaped pa^cel of land consisting of approximately 11.1 acres located at the northeast corner of La ?Alma Avenue and imperial Filghway, having approximate frontages of 208 feet on the north side of La Palma Avenue and 365 feet on the east side of Imperial Highway~ and having a rr~ximum depth of approximately 79j feet. Property pr~sently classtfied RS-A-43~OOQ(SC) (RESIDE~dTIAL/AGRICULTURAL-SCEN!C CORRIDOR OVERLAY) 20NE. REQUESTED CLASSIRICATION: CL!SC) (COMMERCIAL~ LIMt~ED ~ SCENIC CnRRIDOZ OVERLAY) ZONE. REQUESTED VARIANCE: WAIVERS OF (A) PERMITTED DISPLAY SURFACE~ (B) REQUIP,ED BUILDING SFTBACK~ AND (C) PRQHIf31TED ROOF-MOUNTF.D EQUIPMENT, TO CQNSTRUCT A COMIIERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER. No one lndfcated their presence to renresent the petitioner or in opposition to the subJect petitlon. Although the Staff keport to the Planning Commission dated October 13. 1975~ was not read at the meeting, sald Staff Report is referred to and made a part ~f the minutes. t ~ • MINUTES, CITY PLANNING CON~MISSION~ October 13~ 1975 75-~~~6 RECIASSIFICATI~N NO 7~76-2 AND VARIANCE N0. 2~,'i~, (Contlnued) It wos ndtnd thHt tho subJecr petltlons were continued from the Planning Ccxnmisslon me~eting of Saptember 3~ 1`~l1- for the submission of adcfitional cnvlronmental imp~ct information, and from ttie mactlnh of Septemhar 29~ 1915~ at the requcst of the pQtitionar. It wes further nuted that An envlronmenta) Impact repart (Nu. 156) had been submittad for an~lyzAtion by the E1R Revicw Committee on Gctaher 1~~~ 1q75~ ar~d would be submiL.ted far Plartning Cormnissi~n consider~tion ~n Octob~r 2A~ 1q75; and, therefore~ Staff was requestin~ th~t the puallc hearing and conslderation ~f the subject petitlons be fu~ther c~ntinued to the Plannln~ Comrr~isslon meeting of October 29, 1q75, C~ be heard in conJunctlan with Enviromm~ntA) Impc+ct Repor't No, 156. Commissloner Morley offered a motion~ secondecf by Commissianer King and NOT1f1N CARRIED~ that the public heartng ancl consideratlon ~f Petltlons for Reclassiflcatlon No. 7~a'76-2 and Varlance No. 2733 be and herehy are contlnued to the Planning Commission meetinc~ of Octoher 29~ 1975~ ~s requested. RECLASSIFICATION - PUf3LIC HEARING. I~IITIl1TE0 BY THE ANAIiEIM CITY PLlIHNING COMMISSION~ NQ. 75'7~-~- 204 East LtnGOln Avenue, Anahelm~ Ca. A?.845; proposiny that property '""-- dnscrihed as: An irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approrimate~y 2.5 acres h~v(ng a frontahe of approximately 2O0 feet on the n~rth side of OrangPthorpe Avenue~ having a maxlmum depth of approximat~ly 620 feet~ and being loc~ted approximately 265 feec west of the centerllne of Imperial Highway~ be reclassified from the COUNTY OF ORANGE A) (GENERAL AGRICULTURAL) OISTRICT to thn RS-A-~+3~~0~ (RFSIDENTIALIAGRICULTURAL) ZONE. No one indicated Chcir presence ln opposition to subJect petitlon. Although the Staff Report to the Plannin~ Commission dated October 13~ 1975~ was not read at tha publtc hearing~ said Staff Report Is ref~rred to and made ~+ part of the minutes. It was noted that the proposed reclassification was initiated by the Planning eomron~slon and would establish the City of ,>nahelm holding zone on the subject property p finalizatlon of a development zone; that the proposed reclassificatlon was in conformance with zhe Anahieim General Plan; and that the suhJecc property was annexed to the City o~ Anahelm under the "(`°angethorpe-Ntxon Free~.~ay Annexation." T~IE t'I,RLiC FiEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Johnson offered a motion~ seconded by Commissioner Herbst ancl MOTION CARRiED~ that the Planning Commtssion does hereby recommend to the City Council that the subursuant co~thetprovlsions of thehCalifornia Envitl nmantal QualityrAciental impact report~ p Commissioner Johnson offered Resolution No, PC75-2~4 and moved for its passage and adoptlon, that the Plenn(ng Commtssion does hereby recommenc! to ~'~e ~~~y Council that Petltlon for Reclassification Na. 75-7h-1~ be approved~ based on the forego(ng findin~s. (See Resolution Book) On roll call~ the f~regoing r~solution was passed by the follc~wing vote: AYES: COMM15510NEP,S: SAr~NES~ HERBST, JOH~~50~1~ KING~ MORLEY~ TQLAk~ F~1RA~10 NAES: COMMISSIOPJFRS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~o ~ ~ ~ I MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ Octobr.r 13~ 1975 75°+ 7 ~rIVIROFINF.NT~I IMPACT - PURLI(, ,1CARING. MORRIS J. CARROLL, 233~ W~st l.incoln Avenue~ ~Ep~ ~~p. ~5~ ~ Anaheim~ Ca. 92~0~; DONALD F.~ EIIZ~AETII C., A~ID [LIZABF.TN ANN RAI.ST(1~1~ 13R South Gllbert Strcot~ llnahelm~ Ca. 9284~~ RE'r.l.nSSIFICATln~1 ((lwners); RALPfIS GROCGRY COMPl11lY, A DIVISI~~I OF FEDERATF.D N~~ ~_~~,_y DEPARTM[~IT STQR[S~ 3~+10 West Third Street~ Los Angcle~, Ca~, "-'- 9~~2f1 (Agent); requesting that property described as: An irrec~uiarly-Shaped p~~rcel of IAnd cansistinn oP apPr~ax~mately 7.0 acres located at the southeast co~ner of Linc~ln Avenue and Gl~bsrt Street~ haNing approximate fronta~es of 62!~ feet on the south sicle of Llnc~ln Avenue and ~it~7 feet on the east side af Gilhert Street, be reclasslfte<1 fr~m the FIS-A-~~3,GQ0 (RF.SIpEPlT111L/AGRICULTURl1L) Z~t~E to the CL (COMMERCIAL, LlMITCR) ZOPIE. Fou~ persans indicated the(r presence In oppositfon to suhJect petition and~ upon fnqulry by Ch~irman Far~no~ saici persons walved tl,e full readtn~ of tlie Staff Repurt. Although the Staff Repcrt to the PlAnninq Commissiun d~-ted October 13~ 1975~ was not rnad at tl~e public hearing, salcf Staff Rnport is refarred to and m~dc a~art of the minutes. Mr. James A, Waud~ Ulce President of Ralphs Grocery CompanY, thc agent for the petitloncr, appeared before the Planning Commission and made a slide pr~sentatlon to outllne the scope of the proposal~ ~~~ting that the delivery trucks would enter the dock area along the west side of thc property and that the plans had been revtsed to provlde one-way truck traffic to the dock area which was a better circulation plen; that the landscaping berm was definitely a part of the proposal; that the exterior 119hting wou1~1 be conststent wizh the zoning standards nf the City~ being lowered and ~itrecce~i away from the adJacent streots; that they were w,lling to waive the rlghts ko have a restaurant on the property; and that~ although the C~de requlreci a 2b-Foat buffer area adJacent to residential properties, they were propostng to have 9 employee parlcing ~paces on th~ extreme sautheast portion of the property wl~lch was a 25-foot wtde strip of lanci; and that tF~ey did not feel that sald sma 11 pa rk 1 ng area wou 1 d create a proh I em for tf~e a~i J acent res i clences . Mr. Dean Graham~ 133 South Gi~~ert 5treet~ Anaheim~ appeare~i before the Planning Commisslon in opp~~ition and questioned whether the circulation pattern referred to in paragraph 1~ of the Staff Report toak ~nto consideration the traffic circulatian entering the subJect property or on the property itself, Zoning Supervisor Annika Santalahti advised th~t the Traffic Engineer had considered both aspects of circulatlon. Mr. Graham continued by stating thar.~ In general, Gilbert Street was a~i0-foot wide street, that the residents on Gilbert Street presently found it difficult to get in and uut of thely driveways; that there was hcavy traffic an Gilbert Street generate~ by the three schools In the immediate area; that the ad~acent prop~rty owners were not opposGd to dcvelopment of the subJect property~ per se~ however~ they were opposecl to any egress or ingress to the subJect property from Gilbert Strect; that presently~ right anrl left-hand turns on Gllbert Street were very d(fFicuYt; that he c~uld not speak concern3r~g the effects of the ltc~hting from the proposed dev~loament whlr.h might occur to the home~wners fn the area; and that the primary concern of the property owr~ers was the traffic flow on Gilbert Street~ if there was any increase. Mrs. Jane Oscid~ 237~ Mall Av~nue, Anaheim~ appeared before the Planning Commission in opposition and stated the property owners in the area wsre concerned abour the residential character ef the nelghborliood~ since the subJect property was surrounded by well- malntained homes; that the three schools in the area were within walking dlstance of the subJect property; that she was concerned abaut the noise from the traffic~ slnce she and the other homeowners in the area had absorbed abaut as much noise as they could; and that she was speaking In the bese interest of preservl~g a good neighborhood and keeping the traffic off Gilbert Street, and she would requesY that the ingress and egress to th2 subJect property be from Lincoln Avenue only. Commissioner Totar inqulred if Mrs. Oseid was not opposed to the commercial developme~t~ but to the traffic only; whereupon. Mrs. Oseid stated the homeowners wauld prefer residentlal development of the properr,y~ naturallyo but tl~at thcy were simply requesting that the subJect proposal be mndified in order to not deter•lorate the surroiinding residenttal netghhorhood, with the additional traffic on Gilbert Streci. Mr. James Ambler~ 134 South Land Lane~ Anah~lm, appeared before the Planning Commisslon in opposition and stated his property abutted tht subject property to the south; that the subJe~t propasal for development was very beauCiful, hovrever~ he was ca~cerned that there would be an abundance of leaves blawinq nver the fence from thc subJect property into his swimming Rool; the~efore, he was opposed to any tress ue{ng planted along the fence at the subJect south property llne. ~ ~ ~ MI NlITES. C I 7Y PLANN 1 PIG COMMI SS I~~•+ ~~)ctobar I 3~ 1975 ENVIRONMENTIIL IMPACT R[PORT NQ. 15~_AND RfCLASSIFiCATION Nn, 75'7b-~ (Continun.d) 75-~+t18 Mr. Fred Rull~cl;, 23~~`1 West Transit Avcn,. ~ Anaheim, appenreci bnfore the Plannln!~ Commisslon fn oppc~sitlon and stnte:d he also hnd a largo swimminq poo) ~dJ+~cent to the yub~~ct south pl'ope~ty llna and wr+s cc~nc~rned ahout thc icaves blowlnq ov3r the fence into hIs ~~ool; thne I~e owno:! the f~urth hous~ From Gilhert Strcet; and thnt he wos v~ry carcnrnerl About the nolse from the proposed st~ras~ since his prapnrty ~butted tho subJect pioperty. Clinirman Farono expl~lnecf that there was ~i sep~ratlon betwe.en Mr. qullock's property and the sub,ject property. THE PUBL~C HEARING WAS CI~SED. ChAlrmon Farano lnqulred~ (n vlew of the opp •itton's comments, whether the petftionr,r had explored acce:ss poss Ih I 1( t Ies wi tli Gemc~ to ~, e~~st of sub,Ject ~roperty, ~nd to have inc~ress and e,qre~s frcxr ~.fnr•o?n Avenu~ anly since it w~~uld be d~fficult to belleve that eh~ delivery trucks wcu~ not use an access c~n Gtlber: Street ff an access was avallahle on said strc~:t. Mr. Waods replled that the appl(cants had explored access from the east with Gemco sevci.~l months ano; Chn2 the proposed stores would be in competltior with Gemco and, froni the prellminary discussions wfth them~ it appeare.d that Gemco dici not want to approvr. access from the east; however~ the 3pplicants had no Oh~CCLIAn4 to cooper~~tinq with Gemr,o for khe benefit of the coMmun!ty. Commiss{oner Johnson nc~ted that the Plannin.; Commisslon's main ~~cern was t~ have the truck dellveries from l.lncoln Avenue anly; a~tiereupon~ M~. Wo~ds st~ited he ha~.i been advlsEd by his arch(tact that t:hr.re was a loacl 1(mlt on Gilbert Street which wo~ld protably prohibit most of the trucl: dellverles from using the Gllnert Strer.t accesses. ~halrm~n Faranc noted that the parl<!n9 area proposed at the extremE southeasT corner of the sub)ett pro~~erty created a difficult situatlon since. In spite of all the good intentions of the devrloper. he doubted seriously that th~~ •mployees would use said pa~rk(ng ~7rea and would be concerned about any female emplo,.:cs parking in that area after dark. Thcreupon~ Mr. Woods stlpulated to eliminate the praposed 9-space park(ng lot arra at. the southeast extremity of tiie suhJect property and to creatin~ a park-like area on that portlon nf tlie property, to be fully landscaped w-th nu trees ahutting the fences ad}acent to the residential lots unless the trees were of a non-shedding type and to have decoratlve sidewalks~ etc, Mr. Ambler (ndicatecl that he dicl not obJect to trees~ as such~ but wauld prefer that any trees atutti,~~ his property were evergreen or other non-shzdding type. Cortmissloner Johnson inquired if the applicant would consider negotiatincl with :,emco to seil the southeast ~:orner of the subject property to Gemco; whereupon~ Mr. Woods stated they cou~d not sell the land since they were only leasin~ !t 4`or the subject development. l:omm(ssfaner Y.Ing rioted that he had a savings account at Anaheim Savings and Loan and inqulred if the City Attorney's t?ffica would consider that he had a conflict of int~rest In votinc~ on the subJect p~tftlon; whereupon, Deputy City Attorney Frank Lowr;~ advised that he would not corsider that a savings account would r,onstitute a conflict of interest in the subJect rnatter. The•Planning Commission entered tnto discuss(cn regarding the use of the proposed access polnts nn Gilbert Street and on lin~oln Avenue, duri~g whlch it was noted that the trafflc generated by the proposed use would probably be no greater th~r by a reside~~tial devetopm~nt ~n the suhject property; that one of the proposecl drtveways on Gilbert Street should be ellm(nated and the remalning driveway to bc used for egress only; and that there were hazards Involved with trucks windfng around in a parking lot. Commissioner Barnes ~oted that !he sub)ect F.IR document indicaxed the primary source of noise generated by the proFased us~ would be :I:e heavy trucks delive~in~ goods to the market, etc., and further inciicated that the delivery hours would be from 7:Ob a.m. to lO:OQ p.m. In respanse to qucstioning by the Planning Commission, Mr. Woods state~ there would only be approximately two tractor trucks makin~ deliver(es each day and he stipulated that the dellve:ries of inerchandise would be restricted to tlie I»urs between 7:G0 3.m, and 10:00 p,m, • e ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLI1PlNING COMMISSI~iN~ Octobe+r 13~ 1975 ~S'~a9 ENVIRONMEN7Al lMPAC7 REPORT NO 1~5 AND RECLASSIFI_f.AT10N N0, 75-7G'S ~Contlnued) _ __._._...-..- - - Mr, Woods stated he cauld not qu~rantr.e that the delivery trucks would not ug~ the Gilbart Sxreet a~cess, howmver~ they woulcl be happy to pAy any traPf(c vlolations in regards thereto, f,halrmen Fareno su~gested that thc~ ~Ark(ne~ lot be redesigned with the accoss for dollvery trucks belncl ~ str~lght line from Lln.oln Avenue t~ Che south en~1 of the p~operty and r•eversing thc plan for in~ress to thr. well t'rom the ensk; whereupon~ Mr. Woods stated the plon as proposed was In ~~reement with the Trafflc Enqineer's recommenclotlons relat(n~ to alignment wlth Belincla f,ircle. Cnmmissioner 7olar noted that the sou therly drlveway proposed along Gllbcrt Street should be closed off~ since no heavy trucks wer~ permikted on Gilbert Street t+nd there wa!,no need for two drlvcways on sald street; whereupon, Mr. Woods so stlpulate~d with tlie ~r~visiun th~t continuous landscapinn would be provld~d Across sbid drfveway npCniri~, Nr. Grah,~m st.~tecl chac both of the proposed dr(veways on Gilhert Street could be cloaed ~ff slnce the pcople In the <~rea were alr eady accustomed to goin~ onto Lincoln Avenue to ~et t~ Gemco~ and on Llncaln the cars could mnke c:nly right turns, but on Gilbert the cars could m~ke ri~F~t anci left turns, creatin~ traffic hazards~ and the Increa~eci tr~fflc may he tc~o n~uch for the prn~erties aloncl Gi lbe~t Street to bear. Chairmar~ Fbrano noted that fr~m t~ safety stondpoint he was apprehenslve about routing trucks through and arouncl the shopping center; that by keepin~ ~nly thc northerly drivPway on Gilb~rt Street, che truck traffic m~y not he able to enter th~re; ancl that. perhaps a safe translt lane could he createrl to permlt the Crucks te travel around the periphery of the site for safety reasons, sin.e he was certain that the applicant did noc want ta ~•isk the ltves of the patrons. Commissloner Johnson stated that he shuddered at the possibfl(ty of trucks passing t~y the front door~ of the stUres. Commis sioner hlorley noted that an entrance and travel lane on the property for trucks only would p robably be Jammed with other vehicles most of the tfine. In respons~e to questiontny by Com,~iissioner Herbst~ Traftic Enqineer Paul Singer adv(sed that if 15U multiple-famlly units were constructed on the subJect arope rty, the average dafly traffic count a~ould be approximately 15~~ ca-•s. Commissioner Nerb st also noted that there r~ould probably be more access points on Gllbert Street if the subject proparty was developed resldentially; and that he would not want all of the access paint:s along Gi{bert Street eliminated for the subiect prnposal. Thereupon, Mr. Woods reite rated his stipulation that the southerly dr•iveway along Gilbett Street ~~ould be e~imir.ated~ etc. Chairman Faran~ noted that he did not receive Envir~nmental Impact Repo ~t Plo, 155 for review and since he had only read the Staff Report, he was reqaesting ad vice from the City Attornay's Offlc~ as to aihether o~ not he s~iuuld vote on tfie subJect ma*ters. Deputy City At:orney Frank lowry advlsed that voting on eithpr th~ EIR document or ths subJect reclasslficatian would be based on informatian cont~-ined in the EIR doc+~ment. Thereupon, Commissioner Farano stated he would abstai~~ from voting on the subJect matters. Commissioner 7olar offered a mo:ion, seconded k~y Commissfoner Herbst an d MflTION CARRIED ~~ommissioner Farano abstaininc~). tf~at Environmental impact Report ~~o. 155 having been consldered this date by tlie Planning Commission and evidence, both writ ten and oral~ having been pr•es~nted ko supplement said draft EIR No. 155, the Plannin y Commission b~lleves that sald draft EIR No. 1S5 does conform to the City and State Guidel(nes and the State of Callfornia Environmental Quality ~ct and, based upon such information~ does hereby recammend to the City Council that they certify said EIR No. 15 S is in compliance with said Environmental Quality Act. Commissioner Tolar ~ffered Resolution No. PC75-Z~5 and moved fc~r 'ts pa ssage a~id adoptlon~ that the Planning Ccammfssion does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition for Reclassiflcatlon No. 75-76-5 be appro~ed, subject to the ftnding that the proposed zuning (s !n conformarce with the land use designation on the F+naheim Generai Flan; and subJzct to the stipulatians of the petitioner and the Interdepartmental Commit tee recommendatlons. (~ee Resolution Book) On roll call, ~.he fore~oln~ resolution was passed by the following vote: RYES: C~MMISSIONERS: BARNES~ HERBST. JONNSOtI, KING~ M!?RLEY, 1'OLAR NOES: COMMISSIOrIERS: NnNF P.BSENT: COMMI 551 ~tICRS : NONE ABSTAIN: COMMISSION~RS: FARl1tl~ ~ ~ M I NUT~S ~ C 1 TY FLANN I N~ f,OMM I SS I ~N ~ Oc tober I 3~ ~ 975 ~ ~ 75-490 Rf'CLASSIFiCATION - PUPI.IC HFARItlG. GOW/1Rl) R, MER~F.R~ ET Al.~ 12~'7 ~ast S~rlt'1 Anro 5trcet, N(l. 75-'G-6 An~~holm~ Ca, ~2~Qh (4~rnor); E. J. CAMPE~EI.L 6 C~MPIINY~ 'J'I.Q ~ouCh Euclld Strcct~ Sut te ~, An~hctm, CA, A?.I?~~~ (Agenti). Propcrky VARIl1NCE N~. 273~ descrihed ns: !1n (rr~c~ulnrly-shipe.d pnr ~1 of land consisting of ~ approxlmately 1,Q rcrc, h~7ving a fron[agc of approximatcly 162 fo~t on the s~uth side ca} Orange Avenuc, heving a maximum depth of ap~raxlmately 29~ feet, hr.inq lac~Led approxlmately 113 feet en~t of the centerl ina of Vailey Street, an<I fi~rther deserlhcd as 212Q West OrAn~e Avcnue, Pro~erty presently class I f led as-n-~-3.~~~ (RESI DE1JT1 /1l/ARRICUI TUItP,~> zoN~. REQUE51'F~ t;LASSIFI CATIQI~; RS-720n (R[SIDF.~I'CIAI., SINGI.E-FAMILY) 20~JE REQUESTEII VARIANCE: WAIVF.ftS pF (r~) REQUIRCM~t~T T11AT ALL L~TS tiBUT A PUfiL!C S1'f~EET AND (B) 1"i1~11MUF1 I.OT WIDTII, TO FSTADIISII FOUR I.OTS. One pers~n Indir.nted hls ~resence in opposition to subJect petitlon, and fc,rt:hwith w~lr~ed thc full reading of th~ Staff Report on the basis that hc: ha~1 alrcady read siiid report, Although the Staff Repnrt to the Planning Commission dete.~1 October 13~ 1.i75~ was not re:ad at the public he~~rl~y, said Staff Report is referred to and made a part of the minutes, Mr. Rlchar~l l,utz~ representti~e~ th~ a~ent for the petitloner~ app~nred hePr~re khe Planntng Commisslon and stat~d the proposal was ta develop one acre oP land on Eucltd Street InCo faur RS-72q~ lots wlth homes; that they were requestln9 to have a private cul-de-sac street to make the propaeed homes mo~e ap~eil ing and lncrease lhe value and i~ver al l epp~arance ~f l•he area; and that each of the lots would comply wflh the req+ilrements ot' the RS-7?~~ 7_one, Mr. James Okazaki~ attorney~ 7.222 Martin, Irvine~ appeared before the Plannfng Commission as representatlve for the own r(Mr, and Mrs. Archihald Ktndrat) of the aci_)acent trregulariy-shaped "sllver" of lanci at the southeast corner of the sub.ject property, and stated that he had submitted a lrtter to the Planninc~ Commfssfon request(ng that the consideration of the subJect per.i tions be deferred until the parties had an opportunity to determine whether or not the Kindrat's parcel couid he acquired for a reason~hle consideratton; that accurdinc~ to his cl ients there had nev~r been any seric~us d!scussions r•egarding the addi tlonal land; uncf that tl~e aclditional land could give access to the subJecl property from another publ)c ,treet (Random Drive). TNE PUBL~C HEARI~lG WAS CLOSED, In response to questlon(ng by Cha irman Faranu, Mr. Lu~. ed there had been no discuss~on between hls clients and the Ktndr'ats regarding ~he additional land, Mr. Okazakt stated hfs cllent's property was an unreasonahle pie~e of land exce~~t ~r whatever use the sub)ect petitioners could make of it; that the adJacent tract of hamas was approximately 1$ years old anci hi s cl ient had owned the "sl iver" of land approximately 10 years. Commissioner Nerbst noted that he would not lika for thE Planning Commisston to create a problem wi th relationship to thP small piece of land, Comm~ssioner flerbst noted that a private street would be far more expensive to the property owners than ne~otiatiny 4,ith the owner of the "sltver" of land for a reasonabl~~ price. Commissioner Morley noted tl~at if a stre~t was put through the subject prop~rty from Barn~dale Street anci Random Drive, the entire exlstin~ tract miglit use that ~treet for ~ccess to Orange Avenue. C~mmi~sioner Herbst noted that the street need not go Lhrough the property since the south halr of the subJect propPrty could front on Random urive anri the north half could front on Orange Avenue, Cummissioner Johnson nated that the Plannin~ Commission sf~ould not put the petitl:~n~r in tlie position of hav(nq tc~ purchase the extra Qier.e of property. Mr. l.ucz stated rhat hfs client had developecl a proposal and a deviation was virtually in~poss(ble s(nce the cost of tF~e subJec*_ property was reasonable and any additional costs may cause no developrtient to tike place, f,hatrman Farano noted that the Gommission was trying to encourage tP~e two oart ies to negot(ate an sensible terms regarding the additianal "sllver" of land. ~ ~ MINU7ES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 13, 197 S RF.CL/15SIFICIITION N0. 75-76-h AN~ VARIANCE N0, 2739 ~Contlnucd) w s 75-a9i hir. I.utz then stete~l the prlce of I:he "siiver" of lAn~1 had been quoted as $I~~(10Q; wher~upon ~ Cha 1 rmen Fsrano i nqu I recl I f the pet i t io~er wou) d cons t d~r purchrs I ng the addltlonal land at ,~ rent~nable price. Mr. Lutz r r_pllcd that the g~neral ~nd over ell vlew of the propoaodhouses would be better, Ghalrrn~7n Faran~~ note~l, in his opinian~ thAt kho proposal wos batter than ~peninn up co Rend~m Grivc. Go~nmissloner Tolar m+9des an observation tl~r~t the ow~cr of the "sliv~~r" of lr~nd was asking be' ~r.n $5Q0 an~f $6Q~~ per squ~re foot f~r the approximately 20 x 90-foot sCrip of lend; th. ( t was un Fn 1 r to ~ianiper thc pc t f t i nn~er who wa ~ p rop~s I n~ a deve 1 opmen t i n excess of the requlrements of the zone; ihnt the petitloner did not nccessat'Ily n~ed thc strlp af land; that if Mr. Kin~irat wantn~i to keep tiie AdJ:~e.ent strip of land, he•_ sh~~uld be allrxvecl to do so; and th~~t Che develc,pment prop~~al was ~~ good plan and hr~ favared che lot slzes. Comm! ss loner Darne9 noted that she fa~~ored the devclopment as proposea and the pr i ce of the addttlanal strip of lancl madr a blg diffrrenca rs to whether it should ev4n be constdered for the subJect devcl~pment. Mr. Okazakl sCated lye agreecl that S1Q,0~0 was certalnly an exhorhit~nt pri~e for the "sl iver" of land; however, the only real vlahle us e of the strip of land was t~ be a p~rt of the proposed plan af <levelopment. Comnissloner Tolar noted that the asking price of the land was extremely unreasonable and that tf the petitloncr was wllling to walt twa weeks to negot~ate t'or thc land~ a two-week contlnuance woulci be considered; however~ he dicl ~ot wish to see the subJect development hurt when the proJect prc-pnsed ~•~as except lonal ; and that Mr. Okazakt should make i t very clear to hfs cllent Chat they should get ciown to the "nitty ~ritty." Thereupon~ Mr. Lutz stated a l~~-o-week continuar.ce woulcl be acceptahle to him and his cl ient. Commissioner Tolar o°fered a mc~tion, s~con~ied by Commissioner hbrley and MOTICPI CARRIED~ to r~open the publlc hearing and continue consideration of Petitior~s for Reclas~ificatlon No. 75-7H'6 and Varlance No. 27:~9 t~ the ^lannin g Commission meeting of October 29, ~975, in order ~For the petitioner to negotiate for the purchase of tf~e ad.~a~ent strip of land tu th~: southeast of subJect property. REC"cSS - At 3~3~ p.m.~ Chalrm~n Farano declared a recess. RECOP~VEPIE - At 3~~+~ P•m•~ Chalrman Farano reconvened the meeting with all '-""-"-" Commtssioners being present. RECLASSIFICATIOP~ - PU4LIC FIEARING. INITI~7ED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANPIING COMMISSION, NQ. 75-7h"7 2~~ East Lincoln Avenue~ Anah e im, Ca, 92805; proposiny ihat property described as: An irregularly - shaped parc~l of land consistfng of approximatAly 2.5 acres loca t ed southeasterly of the intersection of Santa Ana Canyon Raad and Mohler Drive~ approximately 1000 feet east of 'the centerllne nf hbhler Drlve, be ~eclassified from tha COUtJTY OF ORANGE 1QO~E4-20,000 (SI?ALL ESTATE) DISTRICT to the RS-d1-43,~OQ(SC) (RESIDEFlTIAL1AGR1 CULTURAL - SCEIJIC CaRR100R) ZONE. ;~o one indicated their presence in oppos(ti~n to subjec petition. Although the Staff Repor* to the Planning Commis sion dated October 13, 1975, was not read at the public hear(ng~ said Staff Report ts refe rred to and made a part of the minutes. It was noted that the proposed reclassification was initiated by the Planning Comrrlssion and would establlsh the Ctty uf Anaheim holddng zone on the subJect prnperty pend(ng finalizatlon of a development aone at a later d a te; that the propose~i re~lassificacfon was ln conformance with the Anaheim General Plan; a n d that the subJect p ~operty was currantly pending completlon af annexation to the City of Anahelm under the "Mohler nrlve No. 4 Arnexatlon." TNE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLQSED. Commisstoner Herbst offered a motinn~ secondeci b y Commissioner Tolar and MOTION CARRIED~ that the Planning Cortxnisslon does hereby recommend to the Clty Council that the subJect proJect be exempt from the requi rement to prepa re ai~ envi ronmental impact report, pursuant to the provistons of the California Envir~nment al Quality Act. ~ ~s.. ~ MINUTFS. CITY PIArlNING COMMISSIUN~ Qctober 1'i~ 1~7~ ~ ~ '!5-~~9z RECi.ASSIFICl~TI0D1 N0. ~5-7~~_~, (Continued) Corn~nissloner Tolar off~re~t ~lesolutlon No. PC7;-2Q~> nn~1 movecl for Its pdss~~c~e and adoptlon, that thu Planninq Commission ~ioes her~l,y recommend to the City Council thnt Petltlon for Rec ~~~ss I f i c~~t I on Ho. 75-7~- 7 be arprovr..~i ~ base~i on t!~e forego i n9 f I nd I ngs , StIE)] ec t to cond';lons. (Sce Res~l~itfon baok) On rall c,~ll, Lhc forec~olnq rns~lution was pa9sPd by thc followinn votc: AYf.S: COMMISSIONF:ftS; ~AR1lES~ IIFRRST~ J011NSON~ KINf,, M~RLfY, TnLAR~ FARANp NOLS : C(1MM1 SS I QNERS : lJ~~~E: ABSl.NT: C~)11M) SS I f~NERS : N~NE RF.CLASSIFIf,ATI~PI - PUnI.IC IIEARING. INITIATFD BY TIIE ANANEIM CITY PLANtJiN~~ COMMI~SION~ NQ. 75°76-A 2~~i EaSt Lin~oln Ave~ue~ Anahelm, Ca. 92805; proposing that properky describecl is: An Irre~ularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of apprnximately 2.5 acres lacated southeast~rly of tl~e intersection of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Mohler Drive~ approximately 100~ feet east of tFie centariine of Mohlar Drive be reclassifled fr~m the RS-A-~+3.~~~(SC) (RE`iIDEPITIAL/AGf!ICUL7URAL - SCE~IIC C~RRIDOR) ZQNE to the RS-HS-22,~On(SC) (RESIDENTIIIL~ SINGLF-Fl1PIIl.Y NILLSIUF. - SC~NIC CORRIDOR) ZQNE. No one lndlcated their presence in opposltlon to subject petition. Aitl~ough the Staff Report tu thc Planning Commis~•~ir,ri dated October 13, 19')a~ was noC read at the public heari~q~ ~aid Staff Report is refer~~d to and made a part o•P the minut:e3. It was notecf that the proposed recla~sification was initiated by the Planning Commi!aslon and was in c~nformancs v+ith the land use ~'esfgnation on the Anaheim General Plan. TIIE PU~LIC HEARING IJAS CL~S[D. Conxnissloner Morley offered a mc~tion, seconded by Cemmissioner Kin~ and H~1'IOM CARRIEQ~ that the Planning Commission dnes hereby recommend to the City Council tf~at the subJect proJect be exempt From the requiremen[ to prepare an environmental impaci: repart~ pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmenta) Qualfty Act. Commissloner Morley offered Resolution No. PC75-2~7 and moved for its passage and adoption~ that tl~e Planning Ccxnmisslon dues herehy recommend to the City Counctt that Petition for Reclassification No. PC75-76-8 be approved, based or~ the foregoing findin~s~ and subJect to conciitlons. (See Resolution dook) ~n r~l) call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AY[S; CONMISSIONERS: BARNES~ NERRST~ JONNSOPI, KI~JG~ MORLEY~ TOLI\R, FARAN~ NOES: COMMiSSiQNERS: NONE ABStt~T: CQMMISSIOP~ERS: NONE RFCLASSIFICATIbM - PUBLIC HEARING. INITIATED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIP~G COMMISSIGN~ N0. 75-76'9 204 East L,incoln Avenue~ Anaheim~ Ca. 92~~5; Proposing that property described as: An irregularly-shaped parcei of land consisting of approximately 1 acre located at the southwest corner of Frontera Street and Glassell Strset be reclassified from the CQU~lTY OF ORADIGE A1 (GENERAL AGRICULTURAL) DISTRICT to the RS-A-43~~00 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTUP,AL) ZONE. Nc one indicated thelr presence in opposition to subject petition. Although the Staff Report to the Planning Commisslon dated October 13~ 1975~ was not read at the public h~aring~ sald Staff Report is referred to a~d made a part of the minutes. It was noted that the proposed reclassification was initiated by the Planning C~ammission and would establish RS-A-43,Q00 zoning on the property (excepting the highway rights-of- way) as a holding zo~e pending flnalization of a development zone at a later date; and that the sub,~ect praperty is currentiy pending finalization of annex tion ta the City of Anahetm under the "Frontera No. 2 Annexation." THE PUBLIC HEARINr WAS CLOSEn. ~ ~ MINUTF.S~ f.ITY PI.ANNIFIG COMM~SSIQN, Uctobcr 13~ 1975 RCCLAS'SIFICATION N0. 75-7~-9 (Contlnued) ~^w ~ )~~--i93 Conrnlssioncr Bernes affercd a rratiun~ ^,ccondc~l by Commisslonc~r Johnson and MbTION C1IRRILD~ thnt the Planning Cammission does hcresLy re~ortxn~n~t to thc Clty Council tlint ~.he subJect pr~Ject hr exempt from the requirement t~ ~rapire ~n envlre:nmenC,il (mp~~cC report, pursuant t~ the provlslons af thc Californli Envir~nmental Qua112y Act. Commissinner Barnes ufferecl Rcsalirti~n P~o, PC75-7.~~ an~l move~l for its p~~ssage ~nd edoptlnn~ that the Plannin~ Comm(sslon does her~~hy recommen~l to the City Councll th~~t Petitlon for Raclr~sslflcaCion No. 75-76-9 be approvecl~ based on the fore~~alnq findings~ and wub.~ect to condltions. (See Res~lutlon Bonk) 4n roll call, lhe foreqoln~ rr.solution was pass~d hy the fallowin~ votc: AYF.S: Cf1MMISSI~NERS: BARNES~ HFRRST~ JOHNSON, KING~ M~1Rl.EY, TQI.~R, F'ARI1~~0 N(IES: C~MMISSIONFZS: NONE ARSE~~T: CQMMISSI~NFRS: NONE VARIANCC Mfl, 273(i - PU~ILIC HCIIRING, ROflERY P. A~JD FR1I~JCINF E. NAMM~ 177G Nolbrook ' Street, An~helm, Ca. ~1?.~n~ (Owner); P~RAGf1~~ BUILbf'ftS, 22Q North Brookhurst Strect, Anaheim~ Ca, q2~~)1 (~+9ent); -'equesting WAIVER OF MAX ( Ml1M CUVF.RIIGF TO CO~JSTRUC7 A Hi)USE ADDI T I 0~1 on prope rty descr i hed as : A rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting ~f approxlmately 0.11 acre~ having a frontage of approximat~ly 5~ feet on the south side af Holhrook Street, liaving a maximum depth of approx(m~~r.ely 1Q~ f~et~ bcing locar,ecl e~proxiniately 73~ feet north- east of the centerilne of Tanqlewood Avenue, and further described as 1776 Holbrook Street. Property presently classi fiecl RS-5n~o (RESIDF~I1'I~L~ SI~JGLE-FAMILY) ZONE. No ai~e indicatad tl~eir presence in opposition to subject petition. Alth~ugh `he Staff Report to the Planning Commisslon dated October 13, ~975, was not read ~t the public hearinc~~ sald Sta~f Report is referred to and made a part of the ~~~~,~~tes. Mr, b1i111am McCrae, representing the agent for the petitloner, appeared befor~~ ~he Planning Cortnnission and st<~tecl tha family of the petltioner had outgrown their home and there was need for a bedroam addition~ as proposeci. TNE PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. Cortmissloner Kirc1 noted that he was interested to know if there was any opposition from the ad~jacent property owners immecltately to the north ~ind south of the subject property; whereupon~ Mr. McCrae stated there was no oppositlon from any of the neighbors, Commisaioner Nerbst noted that at the time the new ordinance specifying S5~ maximum lot coverage was adopted, there was discussion concernin~l the sub,ject 2ract and it was generally felt at that time that the add-ons for the tract would be in the minor percenttle; that the subject tract was originally de~~~loped with lot coverage of approxtmatety 40~~ as permitted~ at thar. tlme; khat the additlon of a bedroom~ as homeownerst~and~that~einfhiseopinlon,saZprecedenk~would no*_tbessetisince theePlannEng Commtssiun had granted simllar requests in the past. Commissioner Tolar n~tecf that with the addttion of the s~~n deck~ the privacy of the neighbors would be affected~ and Commissic~rier Herbst noted that two-story residences were permitted in the RS-500~ Zone. ~hairman Farano noted thar the RS-5000 Zone was esCabtished to give the builders mare flexibility and, If they wanted a larger house~ al! they needed was a larger lot to accommodate It~ etc.; and the sub;ect proposal v~as contrary to the zone requirements, Commissioner Herbst noted that he agreed with the Chairman with respect to new tracts, and he reiterated his prevlous comments that poten~tal adc~-onc in the subJect tract and lct coverage~ etc.~ were discussed at the time the new orc~'nance was considered. CommisslonGr Herbst further noteci thr roposed room acldition wa•: within 6~ of whaL was oriqtnally approved for constructi~• : residence. In response to guesttening u, he Plannincl ~ommission, Mr. McCrae stated the surrounding property owners had all seen the proposed plans for the room addition and sun deck; that ~ ~ ~ MIPlUTiiS, fITY P~ANNI~~r. COMMISSEON~ OC!~~~)RI' r 13~ 1')7~ 7~"~~`.11~ vnainr~cr rio. 2~a (cG~ciR~ed) the existinq clwellln~ limited the rec~e<~tlonal space; an~~ th~ic t~r a~~n ~Ir~ck would n~r.rloolc the swlmmin~ pool. Commissl~ncr Johnson note<1 thit he rit,l not favc~r the sun ~ieck p~rtlc~n ~f th~ proposal. IC wns n~ted that the plreckor of the Plannin~7 Depirtment hri~i determinc~l th~it the propo~c~d acCivlty fcll wf[hln the def(nltJon ~f Section 3.~1, Clas:. 1, of thc Clty of Anoh~~fm Guldellnes to the Requ(remcnCs for r.n [:nvironn,rntal Im~act Rc~ort ancl was. therefore~ c~tegorically exempt fr•om thc requlrement t~~ file ~~n EIR, Commissloner Nerbst offcred Resol~alion No. PC7;-20~ and m~ved for Its passage ancS adoptlon~ that Petitlon f~r Variance Mo, 7_73£~ be and herehy is nrant~d, on the basis that although the prese^t f:ode spe~lf(es tFiat thc m~~ximum lot cavcr~c~e in t'e RS-50~0 l.one shall not excaed 35~ c~f the lot area ~'~r dwellin~ u~its with three hedronms or less, the dwellln~ was oric~lnally constructed w~th approxlrr~tely ~+~$ lot coverage and the proposed ~ddltlon would Increase sald ~~t coverage only 6~ which fs herehy cietermined to be a m~nlmal request; and, furthermoreo sim(lar requests have prevlously been granCed by the ~lanninc~ Commissl~n; subJect t.~ the condltlon that the subJect property sliall be developed substantlally in accord,vnce with plans and speclfications on file witfi the CICy of Ar~aheim marked Exhiblt No, 1. {See Rcsalution Boolc) On roli callo the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ NER~ST~ KItJG, FIORLEY~ TOL/1R~ F~,RAPIQ NOES ; C011H I SS I ONERS : JoHNSO-1 ABSENT: CQMMISSIQf1ERS: NOPIE REP~RTS AND ~ ITEM N0. 1 RECOMMENDATIQNS R C~11 ICATION N0. 74-75'2~- (REVI510~1 N0. 4) - Request ~ for approval of revtsed plans - Property consisttng of approximately 7 acres located north and west af the north- west cor~~er of La Palma Avenue and Statz College Boulevard, having approximate frontages of 265 feet on the nurth s(de nf La Palma Avenue and 7A3 feet on the west side ~f State (:ollege Doulevard (vacant property}. It was noted that the subJect rsquest was cuntinued from the Planning Commission meeting ~f September 29, 1~15, for the petitioner to submlt revised plans. Although the Staff Report to Che Planning Commfssion dated October 13~ 1975~ was not read at the meet(ng~ satd Staff Report (s referred to and made a part of the minutes. Chairman Farano noted that the originally aporoved commercial development for the subject property was for 9~~~~Q square feet of flcor area; that the revision submitted on September 29~ 1975~ was for 1~7-1q0 square feet; and that the revision presently be(ng cansidcred by the Planning Commission was for 105,4no square feet. in response to questioniny by Commis~foner Herbst~ Ms. Oiana Kolodzielskl, the applicant~ appeared before the Planning Commissic~n and stated general retail and no restaurant was proposed on the subJect property, since aciequate parking for a rest~urant could not be provided. In response to questioning by Chairman Farano, the petitloner stipulated that precise landscaping plans shall be submitted tc the Planning Comm(sslon for revi~w and approval~ said plans to indicate the plant materials, size of plants~ and spacing~ etc. Commissianer Herbst offered a motion~ seconded by Commissioner Tolar and MOTION CARRIEU~ that the Planning Commission does hereby recorrarend to the Clty Council that the subJect request for approval of Revision No~ 4 for Reclassific~.tion No. 74-75~2<< be approved, subject to the foregotng findings anci stipulations of the petitioner, said Revision No. 4 constituting pracise plans for development of the subJect property and being in substantlal conformante with the original approval of Reclassification No. 74-75-24. ITEM N0. 2 RK N- IEU FEE PROPOSAL - Parks and Recreation Commission reques~t for Planning Commission review. The Planning Commissinn generally concurred that the subJect requeqt be c~ntinurd to the Planning Commission meeting of October 29~ 1375~ for further study. ~ ~ ~ ,~1lNlfl'1~1;;, CT'I'Y i'IJ1D1f~ILiV(3 OU~;4viT~~~';T(~~', Uotobor '1:3, 1'~;'.; ~'~ •~`a~~ ~1'-i;M TJU. 3 VAIiIANUf~; T1U. ~`.~9~: - I1~yueot to nmend t;our:~ ~~L' oPorc~tiun - l'rc~po~~l.y q(lll:i~!1'r~ll~ ~1~ A~~I'OX~filEi'LffZY U.^ dOt'n;) ~.OOUI.HU Flt ~,f10 'tu11t,~1Wt131, ()UI'11Q1' ul' 1,e l'o7.nu~ P,~ nt~~.io and l!1n.~i; ;;t~~oet ( 7-1~~14v~u Mn~•ko c 1. 7:t, wan no~c>d t,hai t.}ie !+{ipl.l~en~, (7'om WhiL~ng, Dl~t,rioi MnneKer of ^~„ii~hin~nd Cur,~oratiuti) ~:•~;~ i~~quo:~ting an nmondmc+iil, tc~ (10I1G~~.C~.QI1 N~~. 7.1. c~f I'io:~alui,l~~n No. 1'C74-73, to pei•mit; the :;leveu ~,1ar•ket oi, '!ie :cub,}eoi; p,~ape-•t,y to ~•~~na1n opon ?_4 ho~.u^; e day; that prA~~ut1y t,tio hour:: uf uper'atioti wc~re :~ppoifiod to Lo fi~om 7:UU a.m. tu miQniE~irt; ancl I,het ~.ho applicar.~ }ir~d indl.oatod i;hai, of ~,he e3g;it i-1~,7.evon ;itore~ in /lnaheim, tt;~ ~11Y)~FlOt ;~tora was i,h~~~ on7.y ocio noi, open 24 t:oui•s a ctay . ~ommtcsloner Ilei~b;;t, noted i:hat he fol.~•, tl,er~ had be~n some proUlems wiLh :~o~~erel 01' Ltie 7-i7leven ei;oro~ ln Anahettn and if t,he hour3 were inore~ssc~d, pormission 3hoiild be for a i;ompoi•Hry per•iod uf tlme tn order i;o determine, if' there wei•e eny oompleirite OOt109C't1~11E,T noi.ae, e~,a. ; aiid that ho would ouggo:~1, a G-muntti period o1' tiate ba gre~nt~d f'or the roquoet. Chai rman i~'~~•ano noted i:hei~ by granting a full yoar , a better yauge of th~ impaot oould be u~tained, sinao there m~y be moro or loss oustomer~ during the difforent coasozis, i.e., 3p~•in,;, ~un¢ner, fa11 and wir~ter. Some oar~aerri ~ 9~ expr~c~:~sed regcsrding mot~~royol~y traffio at the sub,)eot type storeo dw•irig tho nigh~t hours of' uper~atiort. Commissiorior Eler•bst offerc~d t3e~olution No. PC75-Z.'7_ and moved for 11;~ paeyege end adoptlon, that ~Lhe Planning Cornmission doo:l hereby amend Condition No. 17. of Resolu~l;ion No. PCi4-~13 gc•anting Varianao No. 259U, to read: "11. That the hours oP opei~ation for i~tie ~roposc~cl rei;~i~ f'~~od market shall Ue for~ 2~1 hour•s a day, said hour~ of' opex•ation being granted for e period of one (1) year, sub,je~~t to roview and oonsideratioii for ext,enr3lon of ~tim~, upon written request by the petitioner." (~~ee Resolution Book) On roll oa17., the forogoing resolui;ion was passed by ~the following vote; AYES: COrMAISSTONERS; BAFtNES, HERL'ST, JO~II~150N, KING, MORI.~Y~ TOLAR, FARANO NOES ; CONQvIISSIONPRS ; NONE ABSENT: CObRv1I5S:LOPIERS; NO ~~ TTGM N0. 4 VARTIWCE N0. ~5.19 - Request for extension of tioe - Property ounsisting of approximately 3.1 acres, 1oae.tad at the northwest oorner of White Star Avenue and Blue Gum Way. It was noted that the applioant (John P. Tyler, Store Safe, Ino,) was requesting a one-yeer extension of tlme £or Varianoe A1o, 2519 in order to oomplet•e the requirements set forth in Rosolution No. PC73-139 granting said ve,rianos; th~.t the oonditions requiring (a) d.edioation elong Blue GL1IT1 Way gnd White Star Avenue for stree~~-widoning pur~,oses, (b) posting of a bond to guarante~ scr•eet engineering and lighting improvoments, and (a) the reoordation of a par~oel map, .~ad iiot k,een met; that i;he subject varianoe w8a granted on June 25, 1973; and that no previous extensions of i,ime had been rsquested or grented for the subject vat~ianoe, The Plgnriing Cowmission entared into disous~ion regai•dtng the sub,jeat request and an ~ appropriate amount of time ~Hhioh should Ue granted for ~the oomplotion of the above-went;ioned aonditions, following whiah Commissioner• Moriey offered a motion, seoonded bY Commissioner Kin~ and MOTION CARRIED, that an extension of ti~._ be and hereby is grs~nted f.or~ Variar~ae No. 2519, said extension of time to be retreaoi;ive to Tune 25, 19'14 and t~o oxpire on June 25, 1976, ~ ~ ~ t~1L~~tr['}~;;;, C:CI"! {'f,APIPiI'ifii Qi)P,1Mf:;;;;Tcli1, 1~a1,ob~i~ 1:3, 7.')7'; ~~~_q y6 r. rrr~i r~o , ~; i~ll.li t~D~~'i 'Tt`JP~ 3>I~~CId1ft11'1`7'~)PJ Rl~~l~lTl~;;1`I' - l~'r~i~ t,,i•rsding p~t'mit, 1'oi• ~~At•1; ~t'l.te rio~~i:V~eo;lt: ,~1' t,tie iiiter•st-ai;iori u1' Tmpdr~lal Iligliwey arid Null:l li~no}~ E~oad. T1, wac~ nute~i t,h.ti1, l,ha ~h•anga Unifi~d 3ohoul 1)i.sti~i~t wa:~ pro~uolnp to onn:~l.ruot e,~~ elemont~ry 90~IOUa. TIOI•Lhon:~t ot' i~ho inter~oot.ion of Imporinl Eli.ghwe-y and Notil finnoh Ror~d; thei; a oii,y park :~i1.o oi' t-pproxir~~ctoly 4.Q e,oi'b:l we~ luoatod ec~:~i; ol' the 3ohool ai.~e; i~hat durlnq sr•nding o(' 1;he ::ohool sii,e, t;tie :ioiiool Dist~~loL wen pr~opo~i.ng to move spproxicnately S~,UUU oubio yard~ ui' exoe~s mni,orla.l to ~.he perk ~i~-e; thet tY~c~re we,~ e hill on the park 3ito whioh rope approximat,ely H; fHOi; nbove the 1owe:~t poi~it oti the :iito; 1;tiet tiie i;op of i;he c~ofor•enoed h11]. wo~ald be remc~v~d end the mat~rial fi~on, t;h~~ hi11, to~etY;er with the exoesa tnaterial Yrom i~hu ~ohoo7 yJ.to, woul.d bo used 1,0 oraato ~, 1evo1 pai~k area; tha~ an evaluation of the environ- mAnLa7. imp~cl, ui' gradin~3 -st the ~ub,juot locetion was requirod under tho provl.sionn of' the Califo-~nict Lnvir•onm~rit~l '.,uatity Aoc r~nd th~, St~tte L~TfI Guido7.ines beosuse the pro~eot wna loaateci in thE :;ooni.~ Corridor an1 the slope oi tne land was grAC~tor ~Lhan 1.U;G; and ttie~t a ~tudy of' the proposed ~3r•adin~ by tho F~Jngineering Divi~ion an~l Lhe P].anning Uepa-~Ln~ent indineted tha~t; it would t~ave no ~ignii'ioant onvlronmental impa~~i„ C~mmisyi~ner King offered a motion, se~oonded b.y C;ommis~ioner• Mor•].ey aiid MO'I'ION CARRII?D, tha~ the Plentii.ng G^~.ti~~i~~ion dpos her~iby reoonunend i;o the City Couxio~]. ~tlia+; the nubject pro,}oot be ~xempl; from the requ:Lr`OWbTIt tu prepar•e 4n environmentr~l impao~t repor•i~, pursuarii; i:o the pro~rie:tona of the Cc~lii'ornie 1~7m~ironmeni;al ~luallty Aot. I'I`EM N0. 6 CONDITIODfAI~ U`~r; F'ENMIT N0. 1'L12 - fteque~t for tArminal;lan - 1'r•opAri;y ac~nsisting ~~' c+pp~~oximately O.f3 aoros, having e trontags of approximRte'ly 130 feet on the ee,st ~ide of arookhurst 3treet, buing looatod appr~ox- imat~ly 195 fee~; soutti of the oenterline o~ 'BY~oadway, and fut•~ther desor9.bed as 314 ~"iGUtll Brookhuryt Streot. It wds noted i:hat on Novombor 3G, 1970, the Planning CouGUi:: ~i.on grented Conditional Use Permit No. 1212 in i~esolution Nc~. PC70-213, to establish on-salo beer and wine in an existing Y•es~taurant on the s~.ib~oot property; that, aubsequent to thA appt•oval of ~;Y~e subJoot use permit, the aommeroiel building at the sub,jeot locai;ion was lioens~d foi~ a use other i;han a resi;aurant with un-sale beer e~nd wiiie, and when the appiloant (Thomas A. Dobbie, owner) sought •to re-est,ablish said use, a new oonditional ~zse permit (No. 1563) was filed and approved bV the Planning Commission on September 15, 1975; and +.hai; the applioesnt had submitted a wri•tton request 1;o terwinate Conditional Use Permit No. 1212, in oomp~.ianoe with the P~.anning Commission reoommondai;ions adopted in aonneotion with the approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 1563. Commissioner Herbst offered Resolution No. PC75-210 and moved for its psssage and adopi;ion, that the Planning Commissior~ does hereby terminate a.ll proaeedings of Conditional Use Permit No. 1212 oii the basis of the foregoing findings. (See Resolt~t,ion Book) On roll oali, Lhe foregoing rasolution was passed by the following vote; AY~S; CUMMSSSIONERS: BARI~IES, I-IERBST, ;l'OHNSON, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR~ PARANO NOES: r,OluL~,iISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NODJE ~ ~ ~ tdrMTl'1;:;, CI'1'Y r~1~ANDITI~ COp,1MIS;,.l'~DI, Ootober ].:3, ]~)'75 75-49% J.T~;M N0. 7 , l N ~'Al.~ TMPACT f2fLPOR'1' N0. 1>2 and COND~1'IONAL U;i}?; PI~fiMTP N0. ].~G2 - Iten~.tir~mation of eppi•ovel perte~iniii~ to the propo~al ta O~JT13tI•uot a publin oqueatrlan oanter~ on pr•oporty o<~nnisting of appc•oximatoly 6.U aore~ loaated at 1,he soutsh~rly oorner of' S~rrano Avenuo and Hidden Cdn~on Road. Mc•. Jol~n Mil.l~lok, Vioe Presidenl; of A-za},~im F1i113, Ino. , appoared beforo tho Plsrining Cummis~ion end a~al~ed thr-t iri v:tow ut the roquiT•od :3U-day revlew period fol.].owing rolea~e of F~~I:R No. 1.52, and i,tie premni,ure Qoi;ion taken by the Planni.ng Commi~eion theroon, a lett~; had beon eixbmitted bo the Ci+~y Clerk of the ~ity requesting thet the City Qounoil rr~.for Conditlori iJfle Yermlt No. 15G?. end L'ITR No. 152 baok to tlio Planning Caromts~ion f'or ron['f.Lrma~~OTI i'ollow- ing the requir~d l.ugal time for tha ETR to be roviewod by the genere~l ~urlio. Couu~~issionor ~,for~ley o~fered a motion, 9eootided by Commi;~oioner Herb:~t and tv1CYi`:ION cnRRT~D~ Lhat thc. Plannlt~g Oc~.resion doe,s hereby reaffirm its aol~ions i,aken on Sop•tembflr ].5 ~nd 29, 1~)75, that ~;nvir~runentsl T.u~paot l~opori~ No, 152 and Addendum thsro~Lo (;3upplement:irig ma:~ter r;~R No. 8U ), having beeti o~r~s idered by tho Anehbi.m Planning Copunl~eion and evidenoe ~ both written t~nd orr~l, ht~virig been presented to suppl.ement said dre~fi~ 1±~ZR No. 1:;? and Addendttm, 1•,he Plenning Comuii~sion bolieves thet; :~aid draft ~7..~ Nu, 152 Rnd Addendum ~on~orm to tl~e Cii;y and ~~tate Guideli.nes ancl the S~tate of California Environmon~ta'1 'lua:L'_t,y Aot and, b~~ed ~ipon suoh information, doe~ l~.erebf reoou~mend i;o the C~.ty Counoil that +.hey oerti.fy yaicl E:CR No. 15'L and Addendum are in oompli.en~e with said Fnv:S.ronmental Qualit; Aot. Couumi~stor.er Morley oft'er~d Resollz~.ion No. PC~5-211 and ~novod for its p998s~9 ar~~ auoptlon, that the Plo,nning Commission do~s heiaby reaffirm its sotion tcsken on Septembor 15, 1975, grani~ing Petitlon for Conditional TJse Permit No. 15F2, stil,,joct to i;he findings and oondil;ions se~ :forth in Rosoluti.on No, PC75-].89. (Seo Resolution Dook) On roll oall, the ioi•egoing resolution was passed by tho following voto; AyEg: COivIIufISSION~RS; DARNES, I~;RBST, KL'dG, MORI,E+~Y, TOLAR, FARANO N0~3s CONL"AZSSIONERS; JOHNSON ~1BSE;NT: C0;'dICSIONERS: NON~ ADJOUitNIv~NT - There being no further b~zyineos to disous3, Coa~isstoner Johnson oPferad ~-' ~ a motion, seoonded by Comm3ssioner King, and MOTIGN CARRTED, to adjourn i~he meeting. The meeting ad,journed at 4:15 p.m. Rospeotfully submitted, ~~~~,~~ Patrioia B. Soarilan, 5eoretar~y Anaheim ~ity Planning Commissi.on