Minutes-PC 1975/12/080 R C~ f~ICROFiLMING SERVICE, IIiC ~.~. ~ • City Nall Anahclm, Callfornla Oecember 8, 1975 REGULAR MEE7ING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANMING COHMISSION REGULAR - A reqular nxset(ng of the Anahelm City Planning Cammisslon was called MLETING tu order by Chalrman Farano At 1:30 p,m. In t~~e Council Chamher~ a quorum belny p~esent, PRESENI' - CHAIRMAN: Farano - COMNISSIONERS: garncs~ Hcrbst, Johr,son, King, Morley~ Tolar ABSENT ^ COMMISSIONERS: None ALSO - Frank Lowry Deputy CitY Att~ ~zey PRESENT Ronald L. Thampson Planning Dlrecxor Pau! Singer Traff-c ~ngineer Jay Titus Office Englneer Allan Dae~m As<<st•~nt Zoninq Supervisor' Aletha H. Burgess Planning Commission Secretary Pro Tem PLEOGE OF - Comm(ssioner Barnes led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the F~ag of Che ALL~GIANC~ United States of America APPROVAL QF - Commissioner Herbst ~ffered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tolar THE t11NUTES and MOTlON CARRIED !i,ommfssioners Barnes~ Farano and Johnson abstain~ ing since they were absent at the meeting) that the minutes of thbe and regular meeting of the Planning Comniysion on November 24~ 1975, Fiereby are approved~ as submitted. CQND~TIONAL USE - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING. V. E. RENNER ANp M, K. SCNUMACHER, PERMIT N0. 1573 G/o Leonard Smith, 125-D South Claudina Street, Anaheim~ ca 9~805 (Owners); LEONARD SMI1'H~ 1?.500 South Claudina Street, An..heim, CA 92805 ~a9ent); requeati~ig p~rmission to ESTABIISH A MOTEL AND RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK W17H WAIVER OF (A) MAXIMUM BUILDING HEICHT, (D) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK~ AND (C) R[QUIRED SITE SCREENING on property described as: An irregularly-shaped parcel of iand cansisting of approximately 9.0 acres located at th~ northeast corner of Ball Road and Palm Street, having approximate frontages of 745 feet on the north side of Ball ftoad and 445 feet on the east side of' Palm Street~ having a maximum depth of approxi~nately 625 feet~ and further described as 400 West Ball Road. Property presently classified R~-A-43~000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL)ZON~. Subject petition was continued from the me~ting of October 29- 1975~ far advertisemant of an additional waiver~ and from the meetings of November 10 anu 24- 1975~ for the submission of revised plans. Commissioner t~orley noted that he had a conflict of interest as defined by the Anaheim Municipal Code Se~tion 1.1.400 and Government Code Section 3625, et,seq., in that he was related to the petitloner U. E. Renner, by marriage; that pursuant t~ the pro- v3sions of the above Code~ fie was hereby deciaring to the Chalrman that he was with- drawing from the hearing in connection with Conditional Use Permit No, 1573, and wauld not take part in etther the discussion or the voting thereon; and that he had not discussed the matter with ~ny member of the Planning Corranission. 7HEREUPON COMMISSIONER MORLEY LEFT TNE COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 1;55 P.~1•) Chairman Farano advised the Commission that the Public Hearing had been closed from the meeting of Ncvember 10, 1975• No one indicated their presence in opposition to subJect petition although petitions had been received at the November 10, 1975 meeting with 55 signatures in opposition to subJect petitlan, and 67 signatures in suppcrt of subJect petition, Although the Staff Report to the Planning Commission dated December 8, 1975, Was not r•ead at the pubilc hearing, sald ~taff Rep~rt is referred to and made a part of the mii~utes. 75-560 ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PlANNING COMMISSION~ December 8~ 1g75 75-561 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1~73 ~cont,) I.eonard Smith~ xgent for the petitioner~ advised that amended ~lans had been filed incllceting a decrease In t.he number of units and vehicle storage aree~ and adJust- ments to the interlar site pattern, mo~e trash area hed bcen provid~d~ and the dr(vewey widened. In discusslon, the Commiss~on noted there was sttll concern wlth the interior circu- l~tton~ and the turning radli for trallers and campers ln the rescr•eational veshlclo park, Mr. Smlth stlpulated that thc ~,~est drivaway would be posted for ~Ight turn only, to be usc.l for ingress and egress; that 8 faot trens on 30 foot centers would be planted for landscaping~ and that the chafnllnk fance on the northerly properly line wo~tld be screened witi~ ivy. In ~nswer to ,. query fr~m ttie Commission relative to the obJections previously rals~d to subJect petitlon~ Mr. SmiCh replted that the developers had spoken to many of the pe~ple and informed them of the plans and development for the recreational vehicle park. C~~~~missioner Tolar offered a rtation~ seconded by Commissioner Kiny and MOTION CARRIED (Gortxnissloner Morley betng absent) that the Planning Commission does hereby recammend to tne City Council that the subJect pra,ject be exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environ- mental Quallty Act. Commissioner Toler offered Resolution No. PC75~249 and moved for its passage and adoption, that Petition for Conditlonal Use Permlt No. 1573 be and hereby is granted wlth the stipulation by the pet(tioner to a rlght turn only on the westerly driveway; to the planting of 8 foot trees on 30 foot centers; to the screening of the chainlfnk fence abutting the property ro the north~ and subJect to lnterdepartmental Committee recammendations. (See Resolution book) Corronissioner Johnson suggested that thr. petiti~ner stipulate ta a time 1(mit to be place~l un the proposed use~ tu which Mr. Herbst advised a 15 year time limiC had been granted other similar uses around the Disneyland area. Mr. Sm it h advised tha: the developer had expressed a desire fnr a 25 Year tlme limit, that a problem would be created financially wtth a le~ser time limit. Commissioner JoF~nson withdrew his request for a stipulation. Commissioner Farano advised he did not feel the location of a travel trailer park at this location was the best use for th~ land~ :hat the specific locatton was the gat~- way to the city, that redevelopment plans wPre to expan~ Pro_iect Rlpha on Harbor BoulPVard, which is a main corridor to downtown and tnat the land c~uld batter be used for a commercial center or restaurant, that almost directiy across Ball Road t~ the south there was a motel with many vacancles, Commissioner Herbst stated that a number of people do come to An~tieim by motor home, trailer• and camper, that the location of this property was close to one of the more busy corners, namely Kate113 and Harbor Blvd.~ and that a trailer park would be an interim use. He f~arther stated that rche use prc,~osed was, in hls opinion, better than a commercial use, and suggested that the petitioner view the travel Crailer parlcs on W~st Street in the vicinity of Disneyland, which had been beautifully land- scaped. On roll call, th~ foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES; COMMISSIONERS:BARN~S, HERBST, KING~ TOLAR NOE5: CQMMISSION~ERS:FARANO, JONNSON A~SENT: COMMISSIONERS:KORLEY (Conflict of Ir~terest) Commissloner Morley returned to the Council Chamber at 2:15 P•M• VARIANCE N0. 2741 - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARIN6. SOUTNERN CALIFORNIA FIRST NA710ilAL BANK, P, 0. Box 1311- San Diego~ CA 92112 (OwnGr): VERSATILE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC „ 925Z Garden Grove Boulevard, H19, Garden Grove, CA, 92664 (Agant); requesting WAIVER OF (A) PERMITTED OU7DOOR USES AMO (9) MAXIMUM FENCE hEIGHT~ TO PERMIT OUTDOOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SA:.ES on property describecl • ~ MINUtES, CITY PLANNING COMMiSSION, Qecember 8~ 1975 75~~562 VARIANCE N0, 21~ ~~ont.) as: An irrequl~rly-shaped percel of land consisting of approximately 2.6 acres located at the northeast corner of Riverdal~ and Tustln Avenuns~ haviny approximate frontages ~f 4y0 feet on ths north side ef Rlverdnle Avenue and 20Q fcet on the east slde of Tustln Avenue. Property presently classifiCd CL(GOMM:RCIAL~ LIMITED) 7.ONE. SubJect petition was continued frum the meetings of November 10 ard 24, 1975, at the request of th~ petitioner. Chalrman Faran~ advlsed that a requcst had been recelved fr~m the petit(one~ for further continuance to Che mePCing of December 22, 1975. Commissioner Nerbst offered a motlon, seconded by Cortmissloner 7olar and MOTION CARRIED~ thaC Petttlon for Varianc~ No, 2747 be and hereby is continurd to the Plnnning Com- misston meettng of December 22~ 1975, at the request of the petitioner, CONDITIONAL USE - CUNTINUED PUB~IC HEARING. BF.TTy L. McLEOD~ ET AL~ 5557 Paradine View PERMIT NU. 15~1 Road~ Yucca Valley, Cp 922R4 (Own~r); THE BUBBLF. MACHINE~ INC,~ c/o Jerald Alford, 4500 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, CA 9Z660 AND 1'HE BUBBLE MACHINE, INC,, c/~ Thomas C. Thatcher, A4 Montgomery Street~ San Francisco, CA 94104 (agents); REQUESTING PERMISSION TO ESTABLISN AN AU70MA71C CARWASH WITH GASOLINE SALES, WI111 WAIVER OF REQUlRED LANDSCAPIN~ on property described as: A rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consistfng of approxf o%~~t~~frontagescofe~ at the southeast corner of Ball Road and West Street, having app 14G feet on the south slde of Ba'1 Ruad and 15~ fePt on the east side of West Street. Property presently clas~it~ied RS~A-43-000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL~ ZONE. SubJect petltion was continued from the meeting of November 24~ 1975~ at the request of the petitioner, Chairman Farano advised the Commission that a requesr had been received from the petitioner for• a further two week continuance. Commissioner Herbst offer•ed a motion, seconded by Commissioner To1ar and MOTION CARRIED PlanningiComm+ssi nQmeetingaofUDecembert22~~1975? at the requestiofcthejpet~itioner~ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT - DEVELUPER: A E C COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, 3400 IrvinE SoulP- REPORT N0. IS$ vard, Ne~rport Beach, CA 92660~ tNGINF.ER: ANA~:1L ENGINEERING COMPANY, :~:2 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 928a3• SubJect TF.NTATIVE MA~ OF property consisting of approximately 12.4 acres iocated at the TRACT "!~. 55~1 northeast corner of the Riverside Freeway and Miraloma Avenue, (ftEVtS18N N0. 5) having approximate frontages of 918 feeC on the northeast side -- - of the Riverside Freeway and 470 Feet on the north side of Miraloma W2y, is proposed for subdivision into 39 ~M°1z00 lots SubJect petition was conti~ued fro~r the meeting of November 24, 1975, for submission of revised plans. No one indlcated their presence in opposition to subJect petitlon. Although the Staff RPport to the Planning Comm(ssion dated December 8~ 1975~ was not read at the public hsaring, said Staff Report is referred to and made a part of the mtnutes. Ms. Katherine Alphln, agent for the petitioner~ A S C Commercial P;operties~ 340o Irvine 91vd., Newport BPach. CR 92660, was available to answer Guestions of the Commission, and distrtbuted coples o'F two letters, one from @io-Acoustical Englneering Corp., and one from Klrtxr~el and Associates, Traffic Engineers. Ms, Alphin advt~sed tfiat reviscd plans for Tentative Tract No, S5~1~ Revision No, S, indicate a proposal to develop a 39'1ot, 15i-unit, multiple-famliy subdivision in accordance wlth RM-1200 site development standards. The Commission noted that no elevation plans had been submitced for the proposed trar_t, and further a iack of recreation area for tenants~ that children would therefore be playing in the stre~ts and alleys; that landscaping seemed to be lackiny not only wlthin the subdivision but along the garage area for aesthetic purposas whPre the property abuts tho freeway. ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ Decombci 8~ 1975 15-563 ENV I RONMENTAL 1 MPACT REPORT NO . I 58 ~+nd TCNTAT____,I V E______~MAP OF 7RRCT N^ 0_,5501 (REV I S I ON N~ . 5) con t~~~ After conferring wSth members oP A s C f,ommercia! Properttes, Ms. Alphln stipulatc+d that Lot 3~ be onlerged from a portton o~ Lnt 32~ and thP bglance o1' Lot 32 could then be provlded as open space~ and playground eyuipme~t would be provlded for the recreation area. The Commisslon dlscussed the closing of Walgreen 5treet~ and tho installation of a traffic ylgnal at che lnt•ersectton of ~unshine Way and Mtrainma Avenue, wtth the developc~r paying his proporttonate share of the costs of such lnstallatlon. Mr. Paul Singer, Traffic Englneer, lndtcated that no traffic sfgnal would be requi~ed if W3lgreen Street is to rema(n open for access tu property to the north, The Corr~nission suggested, and petlti~ner st(pulated ta planting of Cypress tr~es on $ foot centers along ths Freeway frontage to screen the area vlewed fram tlie River- r,tde Freeway~ with malntenance to be by the ow~ers of the property. Commissloner Hsrbst offered A motion, secunded by CQmmtssioner King, and MGTION CARRIED~ that Environmental Impact Report No, 158, having been considered this date by tfie City Planning Cortmission (evidence, both wriCten and oral, presented to supplement said draft EIR No. 158), the City Planntng Cc~mnisslon believes that said dr2ft EIR No. 158 does conForm to the Cfty and State Guidelines and the State of California Environ- mental Quality Act and, based upon such information, does he+'eby recommend to the City Council that thevi certify said EIR No. 158 Is in compli~nce wlth said Environmental Quallty Act. Commissloner Herbst offa-e~ a motion, seconded by Commisstoner Johnson, and M0710N CARRlED, tl~at Tentative ,1~~ of Tract No~ 5501 (Revision No. 5), as amended~ t~- gether wlth its design and ,mprovement is consistent with rlie Anaheim t;eneral Plan, and is hereby approved subJe:r. to the following condit~ons: (1) That prior to the approval of the final tract c~+ap, Reclassiftcation No. 63-b4-5~ now pending shall be completed. (2) That should xhis subdivision be developed as more than one sub~llvision, each subdivision thereof shali be $ubmitted in tentative forrt~for approeal. (3) That all lots within this tract shall be served by underground utilities. (4) That a final tract map af :,ubJect property shall be submltted Co and approved by the City Council and then be recorded in lhe Office of the Orange County Recorder. (5) Th~t any proposed covenants, conditions, and restriGtions shall be submitted to and approved by the City Attorney's Office prlor to City Council approval of thp flna) tract map, and, furxher, that the approved covenants, canditions, and res~rictions shall be recorded concurrently with the final tract map, (6) That street names shatl be approved by the City of Anaheim prior to approval of a final tract map. (7) That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay to th~ City of An2heim the appropriate park and recreation in-lteu fee~ as determined to be appropriate by ti~e City Council. said fees to be paid at the time the building permit is issued. (8) TFiat drai~age of subJect pro~erty shail be disposed of in a manner that is satis- factory to the City Engineer. (9) if perm~nPnt street name signs have not been installed, temparary street ~anie signs shall bz installed prior to any occupancy, (10) That trash storage areas shall be pr~vided in accordance with approved plans on file ~ith the OFfice of the Director of Public Works. (11) That I.ot 31 shall be enlarg~d to 80.5 feet by taking 7 feet o~ frontage from Lot 32, and the balance of Lot 32 to remain as open space~ and as part of the CCBR's, duly owned and maintained by the homeowners group~ and ehat playground equipment shall be installed for the benefit of tenants. (12) That the area along ti~e block wall at the rear ef the garages~ backing ~~p to the Rlverside Freeway °`~11 be screened witfi Cypress trees on 5 foot centers. (13) That the petliioner stiNUlated Walgreen Street would not be closed, (14) That noise attenuation shall be in accordance with Co~ancll Palicy No. 542, Chairman Farano suggested to Mr. Ted Hale, Olympic Services~ 3165 Red Hill Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA. that the petitioner endeavor to comply wtth the conditions lmposed, and at such future date as ma~/ be nrcessary, he could return to the Pla~ning Cormiission and be heard under Reports and Recommendations for further clarification, ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANNIhG COMMISSION~ December 8~ 1975 75°564 RECLASSiFI~CATION - PUBLIC HEARING, JONN PRIEM, 832 South Knott Straet, AnAhelm~ CA N0. 59~60-20 92804 (Owner); ELL~N E, VAN SCHAYCK~ 2175 Mailul Drive~ N255~ Anahelm~ CA 92802 (agant)~ Property desc.rlbed a~t A rectanc~u- CONQITIONAI. USE larly~shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0,9 aGro PERMIT N0. 1583 locatecl at the southeast corner of Colchester Drlve ~end Colony ""-` Streat~ havl~g approximate frontages of 120 fe~t on the south side of Colchester Drive and 3~~ ~eet on the c~ast side of Co~ony St~eet., and furthar described as 821 ~outh Br~okhurst Street ~3• Property Fresently classifled as CL (COMMERCIAL, LIMI~'ED) ZONE. REQUESTED CLASSIFICATiON: AMEND CONDITIUNS OF APPROVAL REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE: PERMIT A BUSINESS ACTiVI?Y LIMITED ~0 18 PEARS OF AGE OR OLDER fhree persnns lndicated their presence !n oppohition to sub]ect petitfons, and (ndicnted they would walve the full reading ~~f the Staff Repart. Although the Staff Report to the Planntiig Commisslon d~ted Uecembar 8~ 1975, was nor. read at ±he pubilc hearing~ sai~ St~ff Report ls ref~errcd to and mado a part af the minutes. Ms. Ellen E. Van Schayck, agent for the petttlonPr stated that in close proximity t~ the subJect property was a b~r~ a massage parlor and a n-odeling studio~ and felt the r~quested usa should be granted. Mr. Joe Lowthoi•p, 821 S. Brookhurst 5treet~ Anaheimo CA 92g~~+, appeared ~n opposition, stating some other use would be more appropriate since there was a famlly orlented sports center across the street from subJect property. Mr. R. V. Miles, 2222 Colchester Dr1ve, Anahe(m, CA 92804, owner and operator of the sports canter appeared in opp~sition~ indicating ha had paid a larae sume o'~ money for the sports center complex. that the type of use proposed would be a det:riment to his buslness, whicn was family oriented (basehaositionmto,the~requestedmuse~Hhoweverer indtcated a petition had been circulated in app he had failed to bring the petition to the public hearing. The owner of the statuary business~ 821 S, Br~~khurst Street~ Anahelm~ CA. 92804, appeared In oppositlon, stating ehe requested use would harm her bu~iness~ that customers will not allow the'sr ~hildren t~ come to her place of buslness after y:00 P.M. because of the surrounding uses, In rebuttai, Ms. Van Schayck indicated there was sufficient parking in thP area~ and the requested use would not harm any businesses in the area. THE PUBLIC H~ARING WAS CLO~ED in discusston, the C~~rmission noted that the prQposed use is not consistent with the family r•ecreation area, that to grant khe cunditional use permit would be detrlmental to the welfare of the citlzens of the City of Anaheim, and contrary to the deed restrictions an subject property, and w~uld adversel~ affect the adJoining land uses and growth and develoFment of t~~e area. It was noted that the Directar of tiie Planning Department had determined that the praposed activity falis within the definition of Section 3.01~ Class 1 of the City of 4naheim Guidelines Lo tiie Requirements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, tt~erefo~e, categorically exempt from the requlrements to file an EIR, Commisston~r Johnson offered Resolution Na. PC75~250 and mcsved for its pdssage and adoption~ that Petitlon ¢or Reclassification No, 59~60-20 (Readvertised) to amend Resolutlon No. 5555 and Ordinance No. 1454 to deleta Corsditlon No. 1 of satd Resolution, is r~commended to the City Co~ancil for denial, (See Resolution Book). On roll call~ the foregoing res~lutian was passed by the following votes AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, FARANO, HERBST, KONG~ JOHNSON~ hlORI.EY, TOLAP, NOES: COMM155i0NERS: NONE A85ENT: CQMMISSOONERS: ~lONE ~ ~ MINUT~S, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Decembnr 8~ 1975 75-565 ItCCLASS I F I CAT I ON NU~~,',~-6,0-20 end CQND I T I ONAL 'JSE f'ERM IT N0, 158~ (cont, ) f,ommissloner Jahnson oPfered Resolutlon No. PC75^25~ A~d -n~ved for its passa~e and adoptfon, thet Petltlon for Condltlonal Uao Pnrmit No, 15~3 bo and Is hereby denled, slnco the requested usn Is not amdneblc to tho erea ar the r..itlxans tha: 11vC nr havo thelr b•.Iness~s in the area~ and tt 1~ concr-ary to the deed restrlctic+~~ an subJect rro{.erty, (See Resoluf.lon Baoki ~n roll call~ the forcyolny resolutlon was passed by the following voto: D,"'',^. ~ GOMM I SS I ON~RS : BARNES ~ FARANU , IiERBST ~.lU~";.;UN ~ Ki NG ~ MOR:.CY ~ fUL~1R k0.." CUMMISSIONENS: NONf AB`: ir~T ~ GOMM I SS I ONERS : NUNE FNVIRONMENTAI. IMPACT - PURLIC HEARING, TEXACO-ANAHEIM HILLS~ INC „ 38~i 4nahefm Nilis REPOR7 N0. 15~ Road~ Anahalm, CA 92807 (Owner); ANAH~IM HILL~, ING „ 3g0 RECLAS5IFICATION N0. Anahelm Nills R,oad~ Anahelm, CA 9~~~7 (Agent). Proper•ty 7~-76-7_0 descrlbed as an (rragularly~shaped parcel of lancl consistiny uf approxlmately 16,; acres having a frontage of approxl- CON~I710MA1 l'SE mately 2120 feat on t~e ~ast side af Anaheim Hills Ruad~ PERMIT N0. 1584 having a maximum dapth of a~proxlmately 900 feet, and being ~ lo~ated q22 feet south of *_he centerline of Santa Ar~a Canyan VARIANCE N0, 2765 Road. TENTATIVE M;P OF TRACT N0. 8905 REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: RM~4Q00(SC) (RESIDEN7IAL, MULTIPI.E-FAMILY ~ SCENIC CORRIDOR OVEHLAY) ZONE REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE: TO PERMIT CONS1'RUCTION OF A MODEL HOMF CUMF'LEX REQUEST~D 'JARIANCE: WAIVER OF (A) MINIMIlM RIIiLDING SETBACK, (B) MINIMUM UISTANCE BETWEEN BUI!_DINGS, AND l:) t11NIMUM BUILDING SETbACK FROM AN ARTERIAL HIGHWAY. TO ESTABLI5H A 2;-UNIT~ RM-~~000(SC) SIJBDIVISION 'TEN7ATIVE 'fRACT REQUEST: DEVELOPER: ADORADO VILLAS LTD~ i1661 SAN VIMCEN7E BIUD., LOS ANGELES, CA, - 31 lot RM-G000(SC) SUBDIVISION One persan indicated hcr presence and one letter was received in oppositlon to subJect petitions, and indicated she would waive the full read~~g of the Staff Report. Although the Staff Report to the Plan~ing Commissfon date~~ December 8~ 1975, was not read at the public `ieari~.y, said Staff Report ts referred to and mada a part of the minutes. Mr. Jim Barislc, Vice President of Anaheim Hilis, agent fc~r the petittoner, tivas ava(lable to answer questions of the Commissian, Mr. Andy C, Koltray, Design Engineer of CELS Corporation, 457U Campus Drive, Newport Beach, CA y2660, staCed the ~~evelopment wauld consist of single-family dwellings, 1,5 units ~er gross acre, and that tne RM-t:000 zoning would provide the opportunity for the best development of the ?~ untt, }1 lo~ subdivision. Mr. Koltray displayed a ren~ering of the proposed layout of the tract, stating t'~at all privat~ streets would be mai~tained by t{~e home owners associa2ion; that access would be from the extensior. or ~a Paz Way, and from two points which abut the eastern side of An~he(m Hilis Raad. He further noted that tlie houses would be so placed on sites as to minim6ze grading. The petltloner prop~ses to develop a four• unit model home complex, the locatian of which has not yet been determineu+, THE PUBI. I C FlEAR I NG Nf.S CLOSED ,;~~ Mary Di~idorf~ 131 La Paz, Anahelm~ CA ~2906~ representina the Santa Ana Canyon Improvement AssoctaCion inquired as to whether the units were to be two story, and she was advised two story units along Anahelm Hills Road~ anci interspersed wtth one story ~isewhere. She ~~s further advised the units would be 1} storiss ln helgi~t~ not the traditional two siary, and that multiple family dw~lling units h?d been appraved for the area to tho north and further to the east of subJect t~•act. ~ ~ MINUTES, C17Y PI.ANNING COMMISSION, Dhc:amber 8, 1975 75-5G6 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0, 159, RECI.ASSIFICATION N0, 75'~7b^20, CONDITlONAL USE PERMIY N0, 1 8~4~ VARIANCE N0. 2766, f~NO TENTATIVe MAP QF TRNCT NQ, 8905 (cont,) The Cammission dlgcuesed tho grading of 3ubJect property~ end the problem that mlght be encauntered by the Fire Uepartmcnt~ and wero lnformed thet ti~e F'ire Dopartment h~~s Indic~ted tho mntter can be taken cer~ of, Mr, Jay Tltus ot' tl~e AnaF-elm Englneering Civislon~ i~ivtsed the Comm~ssion tho drivos would be considered as drlvtwayz and not as private straets, since they do not meet the Cicy's privete streat sCandards, and at som~ future date,there can bo no possiblllCy of d~+dicating thnm ka the Ciky. In a~swcr co 2~ucry from Cortmfss(oner ~~orley, the petitloner advi~~ed thaC no trees were to be rerm~ved. C~nmtsstoner Morley offcred a mollon, seconded by Commissloner King~ and MOTION CARR~ED~ that Environmantal Impact Keport No. !59 supplementing Mbster Cnvlronmental ImpACt Report No. 80 having been consfd~:red r.his date by the Clty Plann(ng Cammtssion (evidence~ both wrltten and or~il, presPnted to supplement sald draft No, 159)~ the City Planning Commission bPlieves thaC said draft EIR No. 1S9 does co~form to the City and State Guidellne:, and thp State of Callfornla Envlronmantal Quallty Act and based upun suc;h information~ does hereby recammend to the City Councll that they certify said EIR ls in cornpliance with said Environmental Quaiity Ack, t,~ammissioner Morley offered Resolutlon Na, PC75^252 ~nd ~oved for• its passage and adaptlon t~at the Planning Cumniission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petitfan for Reclasslfication No. 75-76'•2~ be appraved~ subject to the Interdepart- me~ital Commlttee recommendations (See Resolution Book), On roll call the foregoing resolutlon was passed by the following vote: AYES: COFIMISSIONERS: f3ARNES, FARANO, HERBST, JOHNSON, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIUNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMIS~IONERS: NONE Commissioner Morley offered Resolutian No. PC75-253 and mOVe(J f0~ its passage and adoptlon that Petiticn for ~onditional Use Permit No. 1584 be and hereby is granted t~ permlt construction of a four-unit model home ccrmplex~ subJect to the lnterdepart- mcr;tal Cornmittee recommendations. (See Resolutlon Book) On roll call the foregoing resolut~on was passed by the folla~ring vote~ AYES: COMMlSSIOMERS: BARNES, FARANO, HERBST~ JOHNSON~ KING, MORLEY~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENi: COMMISSIONERS: NONC Commissioner Mc~rley offered F~solution Nu. P~75'25~+ and moved for its pass~s~~ a~~' adoptlon that Petition for Variance No. 2766 be and hereby is gr~nted~ on .he u:~~ the petitioner stipuiai.td the driveways were ~ot to be considered as private street~ that the pettttoner stipulated no trees would be removed; and that the requested waivers are granted In th~ interest of good planntng, and that the Planning Commission had previously granted such requests for waivers~ a~~d subJect to th~ Interdepartmental Committee recomnendations. (See Resoluti~n Book) On roll ca1) the foregoing resolutlon was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, FARANO, HERBST~ JOHNSON, KING, MORLEY~ TbLAt~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE Commissloner Morley offered a mntion, seconded by Comnissloner King, and MOTION CARRIED~ .hat the Plann~ng Commisslon does hereby approve Tentative Map of Tract No, 8905. on the. basis that the croposed subdivisi~n together wl*h 1`.s destgn and imprave- ment is consistent with the Anaheim General Flan~ subject to the following condittons: ~ ~ MINUTES, ~ ITY PLANN ING COMMISS ION, Uoternb~r 8, 1975 ~5~567 ENVIRONMENTPL IMPACT REPORT NQ. 159~ RECL/aSSIFICATION N0, 75-76-2Q, CONOITIONAL ~1SE PERMIT N01 1~84~,VARIANCE N0. 27GG. AND TENTATIVf. MAP OF TRACT N0. 8905 cont~ 1, That the, an^~:' .~ oP Tentativo Map o f Tract No, 8y05 Is granted sub)ec~ to the approva' o!' Ruclflssiflcarfon Nu, 75-76-20 and Varlanca No, 2766, 2, Thrt should this subdlvislon bo cleve loped as mor•e than one subdlvlsion, each gu~dlvision thereof shell be submiCte~j ln tontatlve form for npprovel. 3, Tl~at all lots wlthtn this trect sha~ 1 5o servecl by underground uttlltles, 4. That a f inal tract map of gubJect proparty shell bo aubmitted to end approvod by the Ci~y Cnuncll and then be rocordcd In the Offlco oF the ~,range County Rr.corder, . 5, That any prc,posed covena~ts, cond 1 t i ons and restr(ctlona shal I be submf CCed '~ and approved by tha City Attorney's Ufffca prlor to Clty Councl I approval uf t~~a final tra~t map, and, i'urther, that the approved covenants, condittoris and restr(c- tions shall ao recarded concurrently with the final traet map. 6. That prior t ~ filing the flnal tract map~ the applicant shall submit to the City AC~orney for approval or denl~l a comple~te synopsis of the proposed functio~iny of the operac{ng cc~rporatton Includ ing~ but not llmlted to~ the artlc;les of inr,orporation, bylaws, proposed methods of managamenl~ bonding to Insure mainten- anco of cormx~n property and bul Id 1 ngs and such other ~ nformation as the C1 ty Attorney may desire to protcct the Cl~y, its c(tlxens~ and the purchasars of the proJect . 7. That dra inage of said pr ,~rty shal 1 be disposed of (n a manner satlsfactory to the C(ty Engineer. If, i, the preparation of thr site sufficient grading is re- quired to necessltete a grading permit, no work on grading wtll be permitted be- tween Oetob~r ~5t}, and April 15th unlass all requlrad oFf-sfte dra(nage facllitles have 6een instal led and are oper~t i ve. Positlvo assurance sh~il be provlded the City tf~.~t such drainage facilit(es will be completed prlor to October 15. Neces- sa ry r i~ht-of-way for of f-s 1 te d r i nage fac 1 1 1 t f es sha 1 1 be ded 1 r.ated to the C i ty, or the City Council shall have in~ ~~lated condemn~~tlon proceadings therefor (the costs of which shall be borne by the cleveloper) prior to the commanc~mer~t oF grading operationa. The requlred c~ratnage facilitles shall be of a stze and type sufficient r.o carry runoff waters or(ginating from higher propertle• through said property to ultimate disposal as approved by the Clty Enginoer, ~',aiu draina~e facil it ies shal l be the flrst iter•i of constructlon and shal l be ccmpleted and be functional throughout the tract ar~! from the downstre~m boundary of thA property to the ultlmatc point of dlsposal prior to the issuanc9 of any final building inspect lons or o:.cupancy permit=. Draina9e distrlct reimbursement agreements rr~y 5e r~+~a available to the developers of of sai~! property upon their re iue_;t. 8, That yrading~ excavatlon and all csther constructlon activittes shall be conducted in such a manner so as to minimize the possibillty of any silt orfginating from the project being carried into t!~e Santa Ana Rlver by storm water originating from or flowl~g through this project. 9, That the owner(s) of subject N~~~pc rty shal l pay to thc Cfty ~f Anahelm the appro- prtate park and recreation in-1 iPU fe.;s •~s determinad to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid a~ the tlme the buildi~g permit is issued. 10. That tF~e roofs shall be construGted of fireprooF inaterfal and approved by r_he Ar,ahe i m C i ty Fi re Department, 11, That a fire fuel braak shall F,e provided at the perimeter of the tr~ct as re^ quired by the Anahetm City Flre DEpartment. 1:, ~~,at 38-fo~t radius turnarounds sl--all be provided for fire a~d trash access as requi red by the Anaheim City Fi re and F~bl ic Works Departments, 13, That a parcel map shall be filed and recorded In the Offlce of the Count~ Recordar prlor to approval of the final tract map, RECESS At 3~30 P,M.~ Chairman Farano declared a recess aECONVENE At 3:45 P.M. Chai rman Fa rano reconvened lhe meetlr,g wl th al t mPmbers being present. i • MINUTES, CIT7 PIANNING COMMISSION~ Decembcr 8, 1975 75••568 CQNDITIQNAL USE - PU~LIC NEARING. C HUaCH OF JESUS CNRIST~ 4706 Filmure 5tr~et, PERMIT NA. 1~ Dell, CA 90:01 (awner); CHURCH UF JESUS CHRIST, c/o Rcsve~end .~._Mr Heaps, 2446 W~st Orangc AvPnue ~ Anahelm, CA y28Q2 (Agent) ; requesC- tng perinlsslon to PEaMIT N CHU RCH EXPANSiON on propert y describcd as:A rc~ctangularly-shaped parcel of land canslsting of approximokely 0.7 acre. lacat.ed at the southeast curner~ af Oranga Avenue and Webster Avenue, having approximate front~ges or i,3 f~et on the south sidn ~f O~~ange Avenue and 22A feet on the east s~de of Webster Avenue, and Furthar descrlbcd es 244b West Orange Avenue. Property pre;enkly classiflod as RS-A-43~000 (RESInENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE. No une indlcat~d the(r presence in opposit(on to Sub.ject petltlun, Although the ~taff Report to the Pl~nning Cammisslor~ dated December B, 1'975~ was not re~d at the pu511~ hearing, saic! Skaff Report Is r~fcrred to and made a part of the minutes. Reverend Neaps~ re{~resenting the Agent~ advised the Comnlsslon thc Church uf Jesus Chr=st had been at this locatton fo r over 15 yFars~ that the requested ehurch expAn- slon would remove some unsightly buildings from khe arca which had bee~ there for 30 years, and that sufficlent parking would be available without reyuestlnq a variance, Reverend Heaps indlcatsd he had discussed the prorosal with the Clty En glneer and the Church w~uld `Ile an encroacnment permit, the Church being very favorable to aligning tle sidewalk because it infringes on the rlght of way. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED It was noted that the Directar of the Pla~ining Department has determine d that the pro- posed activ(ty falls wlthin the definltlon of Section 3.U1, Class 1 of the City of Anaheirn Gu(dellnes to the Requirements for an EIR and is therefore, categorically exempt fram the requlrament to file an E vironmental Impact Repor;. Commissioner King offered Resolution No. PC75-255 and mov~d for its pa s~age and adopt(on, that Petttion for Conditional Use Permit No. ~759 bP and hereby is grant~:1, based on the fact the petitioner has stipulatrJ that all impro.~ements will he made to the property as requested, and the proposed church expansion would be in conformance with all RS-A-43,000 site development standards. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ FAItANO, HE~tBST, JOHNSC~N, K1~lG, MGRLEY, TOLAR NOES: CUMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE CONDITfONAL USE - PUBLIC HEARiNG: ESTATE OF MABF.L A, YORBA, c/o Richard Winder~ PERM_IT N0, 1585 P. 0, aox 3b98. Anaheim, CA 92803 ~dWner); SOUTHERLANO dUILDING MATER I AL ~ c/o Tony D' Arcy , P, 0. Box 655 ~ San ta Ana . CA 92702 (Agent); requesting permission to PERMIT A LUMSER YARD, WITH WAIVER ~~ MAXiMUM SIGN AR~A on ~roperty described as: A rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 5.75 ~cres havin~ a frontage of a pproximately 275 feet oii the north side of La ?aln~a Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximately g10 feet, and beiny located approximately 280 feet west of th+e centerl ine of imperial Highway. Property presently cia:sified RS-A-43,000 (RESI~ENTIAL/AGRICULTURAI.)ZONE One person In~:icated herpresence in opposition to subJect petitlon~ a nd indicated she would waive the full reading of the Staff Report. Although the Staff Report to the Planning Commission dated Dacember• 8. 1975~ was not read at the public hear{ng, said Staff Report is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Mr. Tony D'Arcy, agent for the pctt~ioner~ anc also represanting Coldwell Banker, adviscd the Commission that the South~rland Building Material Co, had been faur,ded in 1932, there ars 60 lumberyard~ nationwide, and have proven t~ be good industrlal neighbars, and atl sites are free and clear. Mr. D'Arcy advised the sign size would confa~m t~ the co~e af 1~Q aG.f*--, thRrefore the requested wolver wa s unnecessary~ Mr. D'~~rcy requested thet the conditional use permit, if yranCed, be fur the p~riod through MarGh 1977, since lt is the policy of Southerlancf Bullding Material to hire and ~rain loca'. personnel to operatz the yards. ~ ~ MINUTES, CI1'Y PLANNiNG COMMISSION, Decembnr R, 1975 75~569 CONDITIOt~AL USE F_EitMIT' N0, 1 85 ~cont,l Mr, D'Arcy was advised to roturn ac. the end of ono year for extenslon of tlme !f subJoct p etitlon wore granted~ gince one year Is the maxlmum rerlod granted, Mrs, Mary Dinndorf~ 131 La Paz~ Anr~helm, ::A ~2807~ ropres~ntinc~ the Santa Ana Canycri Improveme nt Asso4lailan~ AdvlsAd that thclr only o{~positlon was ta the slgr~ ~ize, and that the matter has now been resolved. TH~ PUBL I C HkAR I t~G WAS f,LJSED The Commission dlscussed the location of the two driveways~ noting that the ~asterly driveway would be ad,jacant to the driveway o` ~n adJolning restaurant. Mr, Paul Singer, 7raffic Enginaer. noted the width of the driv~~:~ay shoul~' permit both tngress ~nd egres~, that ali cfrculation should tako place on the property rather than on the street. Mr, Jay Titus stated he vrould have no obJectlon ta a 36 foot drtveway~ and for t.he ~etitioner to work with the staff In developing the locaCion~ preferably on the westerly portion of subJect property, to wFiich the petitloner so stipulated, Commissioner Tolar offered a mution~ seconded by Cortunissioner Johnso~, and MOTION CARRIED. that the Planning Comnission recommends to the City Council that th~ subJect pTOJect be exempt from the requfrement to prepare an Envlronmental Impact Report pursuant to the provisions ~f th~ Californla Environmental Quality Act, Commtsstoner Tolar uffered Itesolutio~ No. PG75~256 and moved for its passage and adoption that Petition for Conditional Use Permit No, 15a5 be and hereby is granted~ in part, deleting th~ request fur the waiver of the maximurti sign area since petitic~ner had stipulated the pro~~osed sign wlll conform to Code provisions; that the petitioner has stipulated to one drlveway~ 36 foot wide~ to be used as ingress and egress on sub- Ject property, to b~ located at rhe westerly portion of the property and subJect to Planniny and Engineering Division approval; that the petiti~ner has stipulated to compl~tion of conditions within one year~ and subJect to Interdepartmental Cc~mm(ttee recommendations. (See Resolutlon Book) Un roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: SARNES~ FARANO, HERBST~ JOHNSON, KING, MORLEY~ TOLAR NOES: COMMlSSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE VARIANCE N0, 2754 - P~B~~C HEARING: WILl.IAM M, CLOW, 2 Rue Valbonne~ Newport Be:ach, ~A 9z660 (Owner); FLOYD G. BEOSAUL, 2A3 East Simrnons n~~en~~~, Ananeim~ CA 92802 (Agent); rEquesting WAIVER OF PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES, TO ESTABLISH OUTDOOR STORAGE 0~ TRUCKS AND TRACTORS onroximately described as: A recta~~gularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of app ,$8 ac re having a fr~ntage of approximately 1?.6 feet on the north side of Sim.mons Avenue, having a maximum depth of epproximately 305 feet~ being located approxi- mately 282 feet east of the ce~terl1~esentlySClassifiQ~~ aRS-Au43h000d(RESIC~ENTIAL/ 203 East 'Simmons Avenue, Prop~rty p AGRICU LTURAL) ZONE. No one indica...~i their presEncc in oppositlon to subject petition. plthough the Staff Report to the Plenning Commission dated December 8, 1975, was not read a t the public hearing~ said Staff Report is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Mr. Floyd Bedsaul, agent for the getitioner~ advis=~ the ~ort'anlssiar~ he had ltved at subJect pro~erty address for five years~ leasingthe p~onerty and l~ad been staring equipment consisting of dump trucks and trailers, or called construction ~quipment~ for t hat entire time, and tnat the variance xas needed Yo h~lp hlm pay the rent. He further stated that the complaint which had bee~ filed with the Zoning Enforcement pfFicer was probably due to dust rralsad by his chiidren riding minl bikes on the prop°_rty. ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN, qeccmber a,i975 15-570 VARIANCE N0. 2754 (c~nt,) THE PUBL 1 C HEAR I N;' WAS CI.OSED In answer to a question by Commissl~ner King, Mr, Bcd~aul statcd that the dirt surSNCe to the rear of the propcrty !~ad not previously h~an olled since no complalnts had been recclved by hlm, that no dwellings were close ta the property, only garages. Comnissioner Farano inqulred of Mr. B~dsaul If he had read the condltlons in tha Staff report, speclfically the deedtng nF a strip of land, and payment for lree plantiny purposes~ to which Mr. Bedsaul r~plied he w~s sure the ownPr of the property was aware of the conditions. Upan furthCr questioning~ the Commissian learned t1~~C the peL'(tloner ht+d orlginally leased tha property with the knowledyc~ that h~ wouid have to rent space to heip pay the rent~ and that thfs rental conditlan had exisled wlth priar• tenants. In dlscusaion the Comnission noted that the subJect location was not conducive ta a storage yard and in direct vlolatlon of the Zoning Code, anc! shouldtfi~ petitlon b~ granted for a one year period of t~me, that serinus consideratlon wauld be glven to request far extens(ons of time if Further complalnts were receivsd. It was nnted Chak the Director nf the Plsnning Oepartment has detarmtned that the proposed actlvlty falls within the definitlAn oF Sectiun 3~~1, Class l, of tFie City of Anahelm guideilnes to the Requlrements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, therEfore, categorically exempt from the rPquirements to file an EIR. Commisstoner Tolar offered Resolutlon No. PC75-257 and moved for iks passage and adoption that Petitic~n for Variance No. 2754 be and hereby is granted~ on the basis the petitioner has stipulated the rear yard storage area will be oiled clown to keep down the dust; that the petitioner has stipulated to the StoragP oF no more than ten trucks or tractors at any one time; and the ~~equested w~iver has been granted f'or a perlod of one year~ and subject to Interdepartmental Committee recommendatluns. (See Resolutlon Boolc) On roll call, the foregoing resoluti~n was passed with the following vote: AYES: COMMl5SIONERS: BARNES, FARANO, HERBST, JOHNSON, KING~ MqRLEY~ TOLAR NOES: COM141SSIONERS: NONE AB5ENT: COMMlSSIUNERS: NON~ Mrs. William M. Clow, oe+ner of subJect property~ addressed the Cortmissio~ stating that the condttions of Uariance No. 2754 had not be~e made9immedilate~~ttention previously, and inquired whether dedication would ha~e to Y• Mr. Jey Titus advised that khe conditional dedEcation is a deed signed for the 32 feet of land from the centerline of the street along Sinxno~s Avenue, that the depd would not be recorded untll such time as the street is widened, and that no improve- ments were planned ati the present time. Mr. Titus also advised Mrs, ~low that an improvement bond could be furnished for tree pl~nting purposes, Mrs. Clow advised she would like to discuss these conditions with her husband, 7he Commission stated that any property owner requesting a varlance for tl~eir property rnight be faced with the same cor.ditions~ and the variance would be granCed when the conditions are complied with. VARIANCE N0. 2759 - PUBLIC HEARING: NARREN L. MUNYON~ 2274 West Sequoia Avenue, ~ Anaheim~ CA 92801 {pwner) requesting WAIVER OF PERMITTED USES, TO ESTABLISH AN OFFICE IN A SINGLE-FAMILY RESID~NCE on property descrihed as: A rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.2 acr~ located at the southeast corner of Sequota Avenue and Ventura Street, having approxtmete frontages of 120 feet on the south side of Sequoia Avenue and 90 feet an the east side of Ventura Street, and further described as 2274 West 5equoia Avenue. Property presently classified: RS-7200 (RESIDENTIAL~ S!NGLE-FAMILY) ZONE. Fo~.ar persons tndicaxeu their presente~ and three letters were received in opposltion to subject petition~ and waived redding of the Staff Reporx, ~ ~ MINUTE:S~ CITY PLANNING COMMlSSI6N, Dec~mber S, 1975 75-571 VARIANGE N0. 2759 cont.) oug e'SFa'F'1'~ep3'r~ to the P1Ar,ning Corn~nlssioii dated OzGember 8~ 1975~ was nut reAd at the public hearing~ sald Staff Report is referred to and made a pnrt af thc +nfnutes. Mr. Warren L, Munyon~ the petltioner, adviscd the Commisslon he has a buslness llccnse wlth the Cily of Anatielm~ that I~a presently has an Accounting office ~t ?.141 W, l.aPalma Avenue, and he plans tu close that office and ~io accounting work fr~m his home by scheduled appolntmont only. He indlcated that !n this manner he could save $1800 rent per y~ar on tt~e office. His house wili retaln its ~ingle ~family Gharacter, ~nc1 i.hnt appolntments would be arranged so as not io cause any trafflc or parking probfems in kl~e area. Hc further stated he haJ read the Interdepartmental Commlttec canditlons and requested tl~at the sidewalk G~nditlon be waiv~d slnce hls home wo~~ld hr, the only on~ on Ventura in that vicinity wlth a sidewalk, Mrs. Robert McGraw, 1050 N. Ventura, Anah.^.tm, CA 92801, a~~peared in opposltion, stating that parking was .~t available on Sequola for the residents, and should t;~is requeyt be granted, the situation would become worse, Mr. Richard Sisson, 1004 N. Ventura, Anaheim, CA 92801, appeared in opposltion, stating thls location was not a proper one for a busl;ie~s. Mrs. Peggy Cooper~ 1007 N. Venr ~•a, Anahe{m~ CA 928Q1~ appeared (n oppusltion, stating thP traffic and parking situati, ~i was a problem. that if the petltion w~e~~egranted ol•her commercial requests would be granted for uses in the area, Mrs, Warren L. Munyon, 22J4 W. Sequola Av ;uc~ Anaheim~ CA 92801~ appeared in opposi- eion to her husband's petition, advising ~Fie Commission that si~e was maving fram the home, and that Mr. Munyon aias not being truthful about the volume of work he would be doing. Chairman Farano advised Mr, and Mrs. Munyon that thls pubilc hearing was not the piace to air their personal afrairs, that the prime consideration for the Commission, was r'e requested variance ~nd waiver, In ~:buttal, Mr, Munyon stated that the conduct of the business in his hame would be by appointment only, that there would be no employees uther than hlmself~ that over a span of a years tlme, there might be from 250 to 325 clients involved. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLUSED The Commtssion noCed in dlscussion that Mr, Munyon, the petitioner~ had another business address, that he wlshes to close that office an~ set up tfie same business at his home, that if such request were granted~ many other citizens would request the same prcPerred treatment, and a precedPn~ would be estahlishPd, It was noted that the D(rector of the Planning Department had detarmined that the proposed activity falls within the definitlon af Section 3~~~~ ~~~' '~ 1, of the City of Anaheim Guid~lines to the Requlrements for an Environmer~tal '~~p~~-~ Report and is, therefore, ca~egoricalty exempt from the requirement ~o file a:, EIR. Cortmissioner Morley offered Resolution No. P~75'258 ~~d ~ved fo~ i~; passaye and adoption that Petition for Variance No. 2759 be denied on the b~sis that the petitioner indicated the resldence would be used for office/accounting purposes~ which use ls not aermitted in a res(dential zorse, that the requested use would establish a precedent in spot zoning throughout the city, and that a paricing problem would be created by petitioner's clients. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foi•egoing resolution was passed with the following votes AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, FARANO, H~RBS7~ JOHNSON, KING~ MORL~Y~ 70LAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS~NT: COMMfSSI0NEA5: NONE ~ ~ MINIITES, CITY PI,ANNING COMMISSION~ December 8~ 1975 75'57j VARIANCE N0. 27~i1 - PUBLIC H~ARING; DEVERITY l.. GAINES, 535 Joonln~ Streek, ~ An~hcim, CA. ~2406 (Owner); requesttny WAIVE1t OF ENf,LOSEU PARKING, TO PCRMII' AN EXISTING GARAGE CONVERSION on property deacribed as: A rectangularly^shaped parcAl of land conslating of approximAtcly 7A88 square Fee~QX'_ located At the northw~st corner ~f Vlrgl~la Avenue And Jeanine Shr~et, having app make frontages <~f 105 feet on the north slde of Vlrg(nl~ Avenue anci Gb feet on the west side oF Jcanine Street~ and t'urther descrlbcd as 535 Jeaiilne Str~cet, Prnperty E,resentl}~ classlfled as RS-7200 (RESIDF.NTIAL, SINGLF.^FAMILY} 20NE Four persons !ndlcated their presenco in oppositlon to suuject petition, Asslstant Zoning Supervi Ilan Daum read thR Staf~ RAport t~ the Planning Comni~ 1~~- dated December 8, ~975~ anu .~id Stoff Report is referr~d to and made a part o~ ~hc: minutes. Mr. Dev~+rlty L. Gaines, petition~r, advised the C~mmisslon the garagt had been c~n- verted into a room which ha had equlpped wlr.h three barber chalrs for the purpose of styling his family's hair, that both he and his wife (a former bcautician) were 1Q0$ dfsabled, and in no way would a beauty shop be run from his home. He also st:~ted thati l~e ha~ good relationship with his neighbors, with the excepti-~n of ona dissentlny neighbor who ~Nas of the opiiiton the remodel~ing was for a commercial busfness and would datract frort~ the area. Mrs. Lols ~ice~ 519 Jeanine, Anaheim, CA 92$06~ appeared tn opposition, stating she did not feei s~~ch equipment was necessary if thc petitioner was not going to open a beauty shop. Mr. Del Bra~ford, ?_f161 Gerald Circle, Anaheim, CA 92806, appeared in opposition, statiny he had ltved in the area 12 years, and felt tfie remodelins gave the appe~r- once of a commer~ial venture. Mr. Garry Newland, ',?866 Gerald Circle, Anaheim~ CA 92806, appeared in opposition~ sl•atinc; that prior to readin~ nf the staff report, he was ~f the opinlon tfiat a beauty shop was hP1nq e~tablished, and he was opposed to the use. THE PUDLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. In discussion~ the CommissEon noted that the conversion of the garage had been accom- plished without the praper permits from the Butlding Division~ that a per•mit had been secured for a patio. 7hey also staLed there was insufficient parking for resi- dentlal us~, and at such future time as the property is suld, there might be a problem with a lending institution in that there would be no garagA, Mr. Ga~nes invited both the Commission and Council to inspecz his property, to asGertain whether a business was being coriducted~ and that his wife, a farrner beautician, was well aware of the State laws, and that if it were the desire of the Commission he would dispose of the three barber chairs, Chairman Farano inquired of thP opposition if anyone had proof or was aware of the operation of a beauty shop, and recei•~ed no response in the affirmative from th~~r. questlon, It was noted that the Director of the Planniny Department had determined that the pro- posed aGtivity falis within the definitian of Section 3•~1~ Class 1 of tlie City of Anaheim Guidelines ta the Requirements for an Environmental impact Report and i$, therefore~ categorically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. Gommissioner Barnes ~ffered Res~lutlon No. PC75,259 and moved for its passage and adap:iori that Petition for Variance No. 2761 be and hereby is granted, since the p~:titioner has stipulated the garaye conversion will not be used for commercial pur- F~oses and has stipulated to complying with the Building, Housing, Plunzbing, Electrical~ hiechanical and Fire Codes of the City of Anaheim and obtaining necessary permits and inspections and subJect to the Interd~partmental Committee recommendati~ns. (See Resolution Book) On roll catl the foregoing ~esolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ FARANO, JuNN50N, KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSION~RS: HERBST, MORLEY ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~ ~ • MINUTES, CITY RLANNING COMMISSION, Decamber 0~ 1975 75-573 VARIANCE N0, 2752 - PUBLIC HEARING~ NOLIDAY HARBOR APAaTMENTS~ 440 W~st OrangeNiood '- Avenue~ Anahelm~ CA 92802 (Owner); RQBERT M, TAYLOR, 1570 East 17th Street~ Sulte A~ Santa Ana, CA 92701 (Agant); rcquasting permisslan forWAlVEfI OF MAXIMUM SIGN AREA, 70 CONSTRUCT A SIGN on property described as; A rocta~gularly shaped parcel of land conslsting of approxlmatel 10,2 acres having a Prontage of approxlmately 950 feet on Che south slde of Or~ngev+ood Avenue, having a mt~ximum depth of approximr~tely S40 fect~ beln~ located approximately 2~~ feet east of tha conterlfne nf Harbor Boulevard,and furthar described ~s ~40 West Orangewoad Avenue. Property presently classifiod RM-12Q0 (RESIDENTIAI~ MULTIPLE- FAMlLY) ZONE. No one indlcated thair prasence in oppositiors to subJect petltlon, Although the °+taff Roport to the Planning Commisslon dated Oecember 8~ 1975 was not read~ sald Staff Report ls referred to and made a part of the minutes, Mr. Jlm Co~zatt~ 1570 E. 17th Streec, Santa Ana~ CA 92701, agent f~~r the owner~ aclvised the Commisslon the sign (n questl~n had been in exlstance o~i the property for 11 years, and had been erecked prior to the City Sign Ordinance~ t:hai the petitlon In questlon was far a stgn covering th~ee lots, r9ther than 3 signs~ one for each lot. Commissioner Herbst stated that this was a nonconforming slgn~ that there were thr~e parcels and each•could, by code, have a 20 sq.ft, sign, He requested a stlpulation from the property owner that should the property be sold separately~ lnta three or more lots, that the variancc~ wc,uld then become nonconforming and the sign removed. Mr. Corzatt so stipulated~ ind(cating tlie r•equested petition was based on the fact that the sign would remaln for the three lots. THE PUBLtC HEARING WAS CLOSEO Commissfoner Nprhst uffcred Resotution No. PC75'260 and moved for its passaae and ado~tion that Petition for Variance No. 2762 be and hereby is gronted~ on the basis that the petitloner has stipulated that should the property in questlon be sold in parcels other than as at present, the requested vartance ~riould become invalid, and subJect to Interdepartmental Committee recommendations. (5e~ Resolution Boak) 0~ roll call the foreg~oing resolution was passed by the following votes AYES: COMhIISSIONERS: DARNES, FARANO, HERBST, JOHNSON~ KING, MORLEY, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN~: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ENVIRONMENTAL - PUBLIC HEARING: ANANEIM HILLS~ INC., 380 Anaheim Htlls Road~ IMPACT REPORT Anaheim, CA 92807 (Owner); C. A. REYNbLDS~ CIVIL ENGIt~EEft, INC. N0. 161 3001 Redhill Avenue, Esplanade VI~ Suite 215, Costa Masa, CA. 82525 ~Engineer); requesting WAIJER OF MINIMUM I.OT W.IDTH~ TO VARIANCE N0. 2763 ESTABLiSH A 147-LOT RS^5000(SC), SINGLE-F'AMILY SUBDIVISION - on pr~perty descr-bed as: An Irregularly-shaped parcel of land 7ENTATIVE MAPS OF consisting of approximately 49 aeres having ~ frontage of TRACT NOS,9133, approximately 2323 feet on the soi~ herly side of Serrano Av~nue, 9134, 9135, 913b and being located approximately 7~ feet each of the centeriine of Nohl Ranch Road. Property pr~senrly classtfied RS-A^~3,0~0(SC) (RFSIDENTIP.LIAGRICULTURAL - SCENIC GORRIDOR OVERL~Y) ZONE TENTATIVE TRACT REQUEST: ~EVELOPER: PCB, Tract N~. 9133 - Tract No. 9~34 - Tract No. 9135 - 7ract No. 9136 , No one indicated their present in opp~siti I NC ,, 1850 E. 17 th Sl'REET ~ SANTA AtJA, CA . 44 RS-SQ00(SC) LoTs 29 RS-5000(SC) LOTS 44 R5-5000(sC) LOTS 29 P~S'S000(SC) LOT:: on to subJect petitions, Although the Staff Report to the Planning Commission dated December 8, 1975 W~~ not rea~S, sald Staff Report ls referred to and made a part of the minutes. ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY NI~ANNING COMMlSSION~ Decamber E~~ 1975 ~5~5~4 ENVIRQNM~NTAL IMPACT REPORT N0, 160~ V,9RIANCE N0. 2763i TENTATIVE MAPS OF TItACT NOS 91 j,~ ~1 4 l~,~i21,~6 (cont.) --- Mr. C, A. Rr,yn~lds, Civll Engineer Por the owner, advised the Commission that the average gross lot slze would be 1~~000 sq,ft,~ the avcrage pad slze would be 6800 sq.'Ft.~ wlth a~'reet wldth ranging from 45 to 5~+ feet~ and all streets to be dadl- cated; end that ~ I slCo developmant stand~r•ds would comply with the RS^5000 zaning~ and conform to th Nillside Grading Qrdlnanco, Mr. Orrin Bell~ principal in the pt+rtnership, presented a brlef snyopsls of the lot slze ranges of homrs, square footage prupnsed~ and noted that Lot A of 1'ract 9135 consisting of approxlmately six acres, wciuld be landscaped~ thnt it had a ve~'~ steep slope and would remaln as opon space. The Cortmiss(on noted thiere apparently was some concern from the Flre+ DepartrnCnt relative to rouf materlals to be used, to whlch Mr. Deum replled the Fire Depart^ ment has requested fire retardant roofing, and the measures to be taken to conform with this requssC were left open to the developer, and suggested the devclopar confer ~~(th the Fire Marshall ~~nd have the proposal reviewed by him. Mr, Lowry, Deputy Clty Attorney~ advised the petltloner of two added conditions which had not been lncl~~ded in the StafF Report~ and applicable Co each Tentat(ve Tract Map: "Prior to approval of final tract map, p~titioner shall secure a Superlor Court Order vacat(ng Final Tract hfap 8101 per 66499~21 et seq, of the Governmer~t Code of Calif~rnia." "Petitioner shall conform to all parcel map requirements of 66426 et seq. of the Government Code af Califc~rnia," ~ommissioner Herbst offered a ~notio~, seconded by Commiss?oner Tolar~ and MO'I'ION CARRIED, that Environmental Impact Re.port Na. 161, suppleme~ting Master Environmenkal i~~~pact Report No. 80, having been co~sidered this datc by the City Planning Commission (evidence both written and oral~ presented to supplement said dra~t EIR No, 16i), the ~ity Planning Gommission believes that said draft GIR No. 161 does r,~nform t~ the City and State Guidelines and the State of California Environmental Quality Act, and based upon such information~ does ~ereby recamnend to the Ci~y Council that they certify said EIR is in compliance with said Environmental Quality Act. Commissioner Herbst oPfered Resolution No. PC75-261 and moved for its passage and adoption that Petition for Variance No. 2763 be and hereby is granted on the basis that Che requested waivers are technlcal in nature and surrounding praperties are developed with similar uses and have been granted similar waivers~ and subJect to lnterdepartmentai Committee recammendations. (See Resolution Book) On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the followinq vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ FARANO~ HERBST, JOHNSON, KING, MORL.EY~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMM~SSIONERS: NONE Cort~rissioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissio~er King~ and MOTION CARRIED~ that the Planning Comisiissican does hereby approve T~ntative 14ap of Tract No. 9133 containing 44 RS-5000(SC) lot•s; Tentative Map of Tract No, 9134 cor.tai~ing 29 RS-5~00(SC) lots; Tentative Map of Tract No, 9135 ~dntaining 44 RS-5000(SC) lots, and Tentacive Map o~` Tract No. 9136 cc.itaininn 29 RS~5n00(SC) 1ots, on the basi~ that the proposed subdivision, rogether wit' its design and improvement, is consistent with the Anaheim General Plan, and that prior to the approval of the final tract maps, Che petitioner shall submlt final specific floor and house plans and elevatlons to the Planning Commissio~ for approval~ and subJect to the follow- !ng conditions: ~ ~ ~J MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Docember 8, 1975 75-575 ENVIRONMENTAI IMPACT REPORT N0. 161~ VARIANCE N0. ~763; TENTATIVE MAP OF TitACT N05. ~133, 9134, q135~ 91 b(cont. _, _ -...- TENTATIVE MI1P OF TRACT NJ. ~,1,~, 1. That the approval of Tentetiv~ Map of Trnct No. 9~33 ~s 9ranted aubJect to tl,~- mpprovel of Varlence No. 2763• 2. 7het should this subdivlslon be deyeloped as more than ane subdlvislon, each subdivlsion thereof ahall be subrnitted In tentative form for approval. 3. 7hat in accordanc~ wlth Clty Councll p~ltcy~ an open, de~coratlve fer-ce simllar to other propa~ties at the top of the slope shall bn constructed an the north p~qparty line scpardttng LoP. Nos. 1 through 2d and Serra~o Avenue. Reasonable lbndsc3ping~ Including IrrigAtlon facilities~ shall be lnst~lled in the uncemented portlon af the artnri~l highway parkway the full distance ~f s~id wsll~ plans fo~ said landscaping to be s~ubmltted to and sub)oct to tha approv~) of the Superintendent oP Parkway Maintenance; and following Installatlnn and acceptance~ the City of Anaheim shall a3sume the responslblllty gor malntnrtance of said landscaping. ~i. That all lots withln thls trar,t shall be served by underground uttltties. 5. That a flnal tract map of aubJect prope~ty shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council and thon be racorded ln the office of the Orange County RecArder. 6. That any proposed covenants~ conditlons and rest~tctions shall be submtttod to and approved by the Ctty Attorney's Offlce prtor to City Council approyal of the final tract map. and~ further~ that the approved covenants~ conditions and restrlctions shall be recorded concurrently with the final tract map. 7. 7hat prior ~~ filin~ tha flnal tract map~ the applicant shalt submit to the City Attorney for approval or denial a complete synopsis of the proposad functloning of the o4erating corporation inciudingo but not limited to~ thG artlcles of incorporation. bylaws, proposed methods of management, bonding to lnsure matntenance of common property and butldings and such other Information as tne City Attorney may desire to protect the City, its citizens~ and the purchasers ~f the proJect. 8 That street names shall be approv~d by the City of Anaheim prfor to approval oF a final tract map. 9. That the owner(s) of sub]ect property shall pay to the City of Anahelm the approprtate park and recreation tn-lleu fees as determined tu be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at the time tl~e building permit is issued. 10. That drainage of said property shall be disposed af in a manner sat(sfactory co the CItY Englneer. If, in the preparatton of the site sufflcient grading is required to necessitatP a grading perm(t~ no work on grading will be permitted between Octobr.r 15th and Aprll 15th unless all required off-site drainage facilities have been lnstailed and are operative. Positl~e assura::ce shall be pravtded the City that such dratnage faciilties wtil be comp~eted prior to October 15th. Necessary right-of-way for off-site dratnage facilities shall be dedicated to the City~ or the City Council shall have initlated cendemnatlon proceedings therefor (the costs of ~~-hicli shall be borne by the developer) prlor to the cortxnencement of grading operations. The required dratnage faciltt~es shall be of a size and type sufficient to carry runoff waters originating from hlgher propertles through satd property to ultimate disposal as approved by the City Engineer. Said drainage faclllties shall be the first item of construction and shall ~e complet~d and be functlonat throughout thn tract a~d from the downstream boundary of the property to the ultimate polnt of dlsposal prior to the tssuance of any final building insFections or occupanc.y permits. Drainage district reimbursement agreements may be made available to the developers of sald property upon their request. ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PIANNING COMMISSION~ December 8, 1975 75-57b ENVlRONMENTAL IMPA~T REPQRT N0, '161~ VARIANCE N0, 2763; TENTATIVE MAPS OF TRACT NOS. 9133, 9134, 9135- 9~3b (cant,) _ ''criiH~ IVE ri^.p Af TRACT N0. 9133 ~cont,~ 11. Thdt the allynment ~nd termine) polnt of storm drelns shown on thls tsnkative trect map ahall not be co~~idared finat. Theso drains shall be sub]ect to preciscs design c~nside~•nllons and approval of thn Cicy Engineer. 12. That grading~ excavatlon and all other constructlQn activitl~ss shall be conducted In such a mannor so as to minlmize the pos5lblltty of any s(lt originating from this proJect being carrled Into the Santa Ana Rlver by storm water originating from or flowing thtough this proJect. 13. If parmannnt street n~me slgns hav~ not ber..n installed~ temporary streeC name signs shall be Installed prlor to any occupAncy. 14. That all sanltary sewers 3ha1) be constructed wlthin pubtic streeC rights- of-way. 1S. Tt~at all roofing materials shall be noncambustlble and approved by thc Anaheim Ctty Fire 6~parkment. 16. That a fire fuel break shali be provided at the perimeter of thc tract as requlre:d by Lhe Anahelm City Fire Department. 17. That a final parcel map on subJect tract shal) be fiied and recorded with the Office of the County Recorder p~lor to approval of the final tract map. 'I$. That prior to approval of finat tracc. map, perittoner shall secure a Superior Court Order vacatirsg Final Tract Map 8101 per 66499.21 et se.q of the Government Code of California. 19. That p~titioner shall conform to all parcel map requirements of 66424 et sey of the Government Co~le of California. 20. 7hat prior to the approvat of the final tract map, the petttloner shall submlt final spacific floor and house plans and elevations to i~p Planning Commission for approval. TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 9134 1. That the approva' of Tentative Map of Tract No. 9134 is granted subJect to ;he approval of Vartance No, 27G3• 2. That should this subdlvision be develaped as nwre than one subdivision, each subdivision thareof shall be submltted in tentative form for approval. 3. That all lots witFiin this tract shail be served by underground utilities, 4. That a final ~ct map of subJect property shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council a:.' then be recorded in the offtce of the Orange Cou :y Recorder. 5. That any proposed covenants, conditlons and restrictions shall be submltted to and appr~vod by th~ City Attorney's Office prtor to Clty Gouncil approval of the ftnal Eract map, and, further~ that the approveo covena~ts~ candittons and restrictlons shall be record~~ concurrently with the final tract map. 6. That prior to filing the final tract map~ the applicant shall submit to the City Mtt~rney for spproval or denial a complete synopsis of the proposed functioning o~ the operaking corporation inclus~ing~ but not limitecl to~ the artlcles of tncorporatlon~ bylaws~ proposed methods of managemen:, bonding to tns~re maintenancn of common property and butidings and such other informatinn as thG City Attorney may desire to protect tF~e City, lts citizens. and the purchasers of the proJect. 7. That straet names shall be approve~ by the Ctty of Anahelm prtar to appreval ~f a ftnal tract map. ~ ~ MINI~T'ES, CIT1' PLRtJNING COMMISSION~ December 80 1975 75-577 ENVIRONMCNTAL IMPACT kEPORT N0, 161, VARIANCF N0, 2763~ TENTATIVE MAPS OF TRACT NOS . ~~ ~9134 , ~ 1_3.,5..t.~ 136_„S,con t . ,L,__„___,,, TENTATIVE MAP 0~ TRACT N0. 1 4 cant~ -~F~at khe owner s o s~c~,~~ct praperty ahell pey t~ t;,e City of Anahetm the approprtal'e park ancl recreatt~n In-lleu fees as detorm(~ed ~o be approprlate by the City ~ouncit. sald fees to ba paid at the tlme the building pe.rmit is Issued. 9. Thak dralnage of sald property shall be disposed of in e manner sakitfact~ry to the Clty Enginear. If~ in tho prepa~atlon of the siCe suFftclent grading is requlred Co necessitate a gradtng permlt~ no work on grading will be permitted betweGn October 15th and Aprl) 15th unles~ r!1 required off-slte drainac~e facilttties have been Installed and A~e operative. Posittve essuranc~ shall ba provlc:ed rhe City khat such drainage faGllities will be completed Rrlor to Octobar 15th. Necessary righe-of-way for off-site dral~iage facilltles shall oe dedicated tc- the City. or tht City Council shall have inltiated condemnation proceedings kherefor (the costs af whtch shall be borne by the daveloper) prtor to the commencement of gradtng operations. The required dralnage fa~ilttles shall bc of a size aAd type suFftctr_nt to carry runoff waters orfginating from htgner propertles through sald property to ultinatc: ~+lsposal as approved by the City Engineer. Satd dralnage factlitles shall be trie first item of constructlon and shall be c~mpleted and be funckiona) throughout the Cract and from the downstream boundary of th~ property to the ultimate potnt ef dlsposal pr(or to th.: issuance of any f1na1 building tnspectlons or occupancy permits. Dralnage dlstrict reimbursemenC agreements may be made availa6le to the developr of said property upon their request. 10. That grading, excavation and all other constructlon activities shal) be conducted in such a manner so as to minimize the possibflity of any s(lt originating fr~m thts proJect being carried into the Santa Ana River by storm water ortyinating from or flowing through this proJert. 11. If permanent street name slgns have not bcen f~stalled~ temporary street name signs shall be instatled priar to an) occupancy. 12. That all sanitary sewers shall be constructed within public street rights- af-way. 13. That all roofing materials shall be no~combustible an~i approved by the Anaheim City Fire Department. 14. That a fire fuel break shall be provlded at the perimeter of the tract as requlred by the Anaheim City Ftre Oepartment. 15. That a final parcel map on subJect tract shall be filed and recorded with the county recorder prior to approval of the final tract map. 16. That a minlmum 15 foot wtde paved vehtcular actess easement shali be provio::d to the inlet of any dratnage facilities alung the tract boundary which is intended to be dedicated to the city. 17. Tl~at prior to approval of final tract map~ petittoner shall seCUre a Superlar Court Order vacating Final Tract Map 810) per 6649g.21 et sec of the Government Code oF California. 18. That petitianer shall conform to all parcel map requirements of 66426 et seq of the Government C~de of Callfornta. 19. That prtor to the approval of the final tract map, the petltioner sha11 submit tinal specific floor and house plans and elevations to the Planning Commisslon for approval. ~ ~ MINU7ES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, Dacember 8, 1975 ~~"~78 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0. ~61, VARIANCE N0. 2763; TLNTATIVE MAPS OF TRACT NOS. 9133, 913~+~ 9135, 91~.~,cont.) TEN7ATIVE MAP OF 7RACT N0.__,~1,~ 1. That the approval of Tentative Mop ~f 7ract ~Jo. ~135 1s granted 3ubJect to the epproval of Varlanca No. 2763. 2. Thax should this subdiv~slun be developed as more tht~n onr, subdtvisl~,n~ ea~h subcilvtston thereof shAll be submitt~sd in tentAtivn form for approv::l. 3. That al! lots withln thls tract ~hall be se~ved by underground utllitles. 4. That a final tra~t map of subJect property shall be submttted ko and approved by the City Council and then be recorded In xhe afPice af tiie Orange Cour~ky Recorder. 5. That any proposed covenants~ canditl~ms ~nd restrt~tlons shall be submitted to and approved by tha Ctty Attorney's Offlce prior to City Councll approval of the final tract rnap, a;id, 1"urther, thAt the approved covenanta, conditlons and ~estrictlons sh~li be recorded concurrertly w1tl~ the flna) tr~ct map. 6. That prior to flling the final Cract map~ the appllcant shall subm(C to the City Attorney for approval or denlal a complete synopsis of the proposed functioning of tha operating carporr~tion lncludingo but not limited to, the a~tfcles of incorporatlon, bylaws~ pr~posed methods of management~ bonding to insure malnkenance of common property and buildings and such other informatton as the City Attorney may desire to protect the City, its citizens~ and the purchasers of tl~e proJect. 7. That street nam~~s shall be a~proved by the City af Anahcim prior to appr4val of a flnal tract map. 8. That the owner(s) of subJect property ;hall pay to the C1Cy cf Anaheim the approprlate park and re^reatlon in-lieu fees as determined to be appropri~te by the City Councll, said fees to be patd at the ttme the building permit is issue~. 9. Thar drainage ot satd property shall be disposed of ln a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. If~ In tl~e preparation of t~e stte sufFicient grading ts required to necessitate a gradtng permit, no work on grading will be permitted between October 15th and April 15th unless all required off-site drainage 'acilities ;iave been installed and are operat(ve. Positive assurance shall be pravided the City that such drainagc fac711ties wtil be completed priar to October 1Sth. Necessary rlgMt°of•~way for off-site drainage facilities shall ba dedic4ted r the ~lty, or the Clty Counct) sl~all have initlated conCemnatloR proc•edings therefar (the cnsCs of which shall be borne by th~ developer) prior to the commencement ~f grading operations. The reSuired drainage facilitles shall be of a size and type sufficient to carry r~noff waters originating fr•om higher praperties through s~id property to ultimate disposal as approved by the City Engineer. 5ald dralna~e facillties shall be the first item of construction and shal~ be completed and t~e functional throughout the tract ancl from the duwnstream boundary of the property to the ultimate polnt of dtsposal prior to the issuance of any final buildir,~ inspections or occupancy permits, f?rainage district relmbursement agreaments may be made ava(lable to the developers af sald property upon thelr request. 10. That grading, excavation and all other construction activities shali be conducted in such a manner so as to minimixe the possibllity of any silt originating fram this proJect being carried into the Santa Ana River by storm watcr orlgtnattng from or fiowing through th(s project. ~j. If permanent street name signs have not been lnstalled~ temporary street name signs shatl be Installed prior to any occupancy. 12. That all sanitary sewers shall be cons~ructed wlthin public street rtghts- of-way. ~ • MItJUI'ES, CITY PLANNINu COMMISSION~ Qecember 8, 19%5 75-579 ~NVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPURT N0. 161, VAFiIANCk NQ, z7631 TENTATIVE MAPS OF 7RACT NOS ~1~3~ 913~±, 9135~ 21~6 (cont.) _ ~- TEN7~TIVE MAP OF TRACT N0, 91~~ (c~~nt.) 13. That all roof(ng mater1~~15 s all be nuncombu~tible and app~nved by the Anahelm Clty Fire UeRartmcnt. 1~+, That a flre fu..+l break shall be prov(ded at the perlmet~~r• of thc tract as requl~eJ l~y the A~ahelm City Fire Depnrtmant. 15, That a flnbl parcel map on subiact tract shr~~l be flied ~nA rec~rded with tlie county recarder priar to approval of the final tract ^~^~ ;6. That a min;mum 15 foot w1~1e ~+aved vehlcular acce« ~•~men;. shall be pr~vtcled to ~ho inlet oP any dreinaq~. fACllltieR elonq the .~.: boundary whlr,h Is Intanded to F,e dedicated t-~ the tlty. 17. Tii~t pr(or to approval of final tract map~ petltioner shall secure a ~upertor Co~~ ~ Order vacatin~ Final Tract Map f~101 per 66499.2) et seq of thp Governm~..t Code of Californ(~, 18. That petltloner sh.il! conf~rm to ali parcel map rr,qulremanks of 6647.6 et seq of the Government Code of Callf~rnla 19. That prlor to the ap~roval of the f(nal tract map~ the petitioner shall submit flnal speclfic floor and house pl~ns and Gleva±lons to the Planning Commission for ADpr~val. TENTAT'IVF MAP "~' TRACT N0, 9~~F 1, That the approval of Tentative Maa of Tract No. 9136 is granted subJact to the approval of 1'arianr:e No. 2763. 2. TFiat should thls sub~Ivislon be ~evaloped as more tha:i one subdivi,lanti ~ach subdivision thereof sha?1 be subnitted in tentativ~ form for approval. 3. That in ilccordance with City Councii policy~ an apen~ de~orative fence sim;lar to other ~topert.les at the t~+p of the slope shatl h~ -ons~~ucted on th~ north property '1ne separating l.ot Nos. 1 thro~gh 4; Lot Nos. 7 through 9 and Serranc~ Aver~ue Reasonable ~~.ndscaping~ tn^lud(ng irrigatton facilities~ shall be i~stalled in th~ uncemented po~cion of the arterial highway parkway the full dlstance of said wall~ plans fur said landscaping to be submitted to and subJect to the approval of the Supe-~ntendent of Park~~ay Maintenance, and foll~wing lnstaliation and acceptance, the City of Anaheim shall assume the respc~~sibility for maintenance af said lar,dscaping. 4. That all lots wi;hin this tr.act shall be serv~d by unclerground utilities. ;. That a flna) tract map of subJect propPrty shail be submitted to and ,~nroved 'ur the CIt~ ~~~unc:il and then be recordea 1n the cffice of tlie Orange Gounir Recoroer. 6. ~'hat any propused covenants~ condttlons and restrictions shcll be s~~bmltted ta and approved by the City Attorney's Office pri~r to City C~uncil approval of the final ti~act map~ and~ further, that t!~e appr~ved covenants~ condltions and rest~lcti~ns shal! Le recorded concurrently with tne ftnal tract map. 7. That prior to f11 tr,g the final tract map~ tt~e appi tcant shal l s~~b~ tt to the City At*.orney for approval or denial a complr~`e synopsis o~ the proposed functioning of t:~e operattnc corporatic+~ inr~udtng~ but not limited to, the artic'.es of lncorporatton~ by~l~ws, prop..led rneth~ds of manage~~~nt~ b~ndtng to insure malntenrnce of common property and bui!dings and s~•ch other inf~rmat:on ns the C'.ty Af:torney may desire to rrotect the Clty~ its citizens. and ti~e purchasers of the proJsct. A, That street names shall be approved by t~~e City of Anaheim prlor to app~~~~al of a final tract map. ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ Deceinb~r 8, 197~ 75'a80 ENVIRnNMENTAI IMPACT kEPOR'~ N0. 161~ VAFIANCE N0. 2763; TENTATIV E MAPS QF TRACT NOS~~133 ~ 9~ 34, ~.1,~t..~~ 36 (cont.,~_____ •- --- TENTATIVE MAP OF TkACT NC. 9~36 (cont.) 9. That the owner(s) of subJeci property shall pay L~ t1~e Clty of Anahelm the approprtate pa~k and recreatlon in-lleu fees aa determinecl t~ ~: approprl~te by the City Councll~ said Pees to be paid at the time the b. ~ding permlt Is Issued. lU. That dralnagA of ~cald praperty shall be dispased of in a manner satisfecto~y c~ the Clty EnglnE•+r. If~ in the preparatlon of the slta sufficlent greding 1 s requ i re~ ~.~~ necess 1 tate e c~rad 1 n~ perml t, no work on grrd I nc~ wi l l be perrnltted bntwenn October 15th and April 15th unless all required off-:Ite dralnage facilftle~ have been installed and ar e operative. Positlve assurance ~f~~ll he prov(ded the City that such drain a gn frcllities wll) be ccunplated prlor to October 15th• Necessary rig ht-of-way for off-xita dralnagc facilitlos shall be dedicated to the ~Ity. or tha Clty Councll shall have (nitlated condemnation proceedings t.her efor (the cost3 of which shal) be borne by the dnveloper) prt~r to xhe commencement oP greding operations. The required drrinage facilttles shall ba of ~ size and type sufficlent to carry runoff watars originating from higher prapertles through said p~operty to ultlmate dtsposal as approved by the City Fngtneer. Sald dratnage factllties shall be the first Item of cons tructlon and shnlt be completed and ba f~nctlonal throughout the tract and from the downstream boundary of the p oQerty to the ultimate point of dlsposa! prlor to the lssuance of any ftnal building inspections or occu pancy permits. Dralnage district relmbursement aqrecments n-ay be made availa hle t~ the develop~r~ of s~id property upcn thctr raquest. 1',. 7hat grading~ excavation and all other construc tton actlvitles sl~all be conducted in such ~ ma~ner so as to minimize the po ssibil(ty of any sllt originating from t;ils pr~ ject being carrled Into thc Santa Ana Rlver by storm water or~ginating from or flowing through thts proJect. 12. If permanenr str~et name signs have not been ln stall~d, temFor~ry street n~me signs shall be installed prlor Co any occupeney. 13. That all sanitary sewers sh~ll be constructed wit nin public street rlghts- of-way. Ik. `'h,at Strezt "A" st~all be 5~ feet tn width. 15. That al' roofing ma;erlals shall be noncombu s tlble and approved hy the Anaheim City Fire DeNartmenti. 16. TFiat a fire fuei hreak shall be provided at the pesf~ieter of the tract a requlred by the Anaheim City Flre Department. 17. 'fhat a final parcel map on subJect trart si~all be filed and recorded wlth th~ lffice of the County Recorder prior t~ approval of tha final tract map. 18, That prlo~ ta appr~~val of fina! tract mao, petltloner ~hall ~ecure a Superior Court Order vacating Final Tract Map 810t per 6e499.2) et seq of the Government Code of Califo~.iid. 19, That petltiuner shal! conform l? al. parGel map requfreme~lts of 66426 et seq of the Gov.~rnment Couc of California, 20. That prior tu the apprcval of the final trac t map~ the petttioner shall subml~ fina! apeciflt floor ar~ house p~ans and elcvattons to the Pl~nning ^ommi~s0on ~or a~.proval. ~ • MINUTES, CITY 75-5~1 PLANNING COMMI~SI ON, Docember 8, ~975 Commisstoners Barnes and Jnhnson le1't l•h Councll Chamhcr at 5:55 P~M~ RECESS At 5~55 P.M„ Chalrm~n Farano der.lAred A rec~,ss RECONV[NE At 6:OQ P.M., Ch~irm~n Farana raconve~ed tl~c meeting, a quorum be ing present ~Commissione rs Ciur•nes ond Johnson being abse~t) ENVIRONMENTAL - PUBLIC HEARING t WOODBINE CORPORAT ION~ 8383 Wllshlre Uoulevard ~ Sulte. `~~IVER OF (A) MlNIMUM 1PACT REPORT ' Beverly H1115~ cn 9021~ ~Owner); requestlnc~ 700 . ~~U 160 , LOT W I D1'H AND (B) RkQU I REML'N7 THAT 51 NGLE-FAM I LY a,~t1CTURE:S REAR-ON ' . ~ '1 ARTERIAL NIGHbJAYS, TO ESTH9L~SH A 30-L~T itS-5000(SC), SINGLE-FAMII VARIANCE SUBDIVISION on property dasc^fbed As: An (rregularly-shaNed p~rc~l f N0. 2764 of land consi s;ing of apNroximatel y 15,4 acr•es havln9 a fro~tage o vin h A ' g a venue . approximatefy 1595 feet on the south side of Serrano TENTATIVE MAP a maximum dep th of appror. imate ly ~+ 7 5 fee t, an d b e i n g l o ca te d a p proxl- OF TRA~T N0 marely 430 f~--t we~t of lhe cantc ~Ilne of Nidden f,anyon Roa d, . ~080 Pr~,perty p ~~tly classlrled as R~-A-43,000(SC) (RESIDENTIAI AGRICULTURh~ SCENIC CORRIDOR OV E~I_AY) 20NE D~" SUIl'E 700~ ~ }OR' ' GODAIN 1'ENTATIVE 7RACT REQUEST: E 83 E ~ 2 JO R B~V~qLY L07S 5000(SC) HILI.S No one Indicated their presene~ i~ opposltlon to subJect peeitio~,s, Although tlie Staff Report t~ t lie Planning Commtssian dated Decembsr B, 1975 w~s not read, said Staff Re+port is ref erred to and made a part of the minutes, Mr. George Putnam, representir~g the owner, advised tf~e Cummissi~n of the de_velopment prop~sal, and that although pl oC or floor plans had not been submitted~ dFVelopment would c~nform to the aS-500~( SC) Code standards. THE PUDLIC HEARING WAS CL.QSFD The Commission requested information from the developer if it were expecte~i the City would maintatn the slo~es, and we~•e advlsed in the negative. Commissior,er Herbst informed ~he petitioner t~.,t ~rior to approval of Lhe f inal tract map, sneclfic plans should be submitked to the Commissfon, Mr, Lo~~y, Deputy City Attorney, advised the petitfoner of an added condition wh+ch had not been included in the ~taff Report, Petitioner shall ronform to al 1 parcel map requfrements of 66426 et seq, of the Government Code of Californla." Comnissioner- Herbst offered a mc~tion, seconded by Commissiener Tolar ~nd M.~TION CARRIED (Comrrissioners Barnes and Joti~son being a5sent) that Environmental Impact Report No. 160, having been considered ~ his date by the f ity Planning Ca~nmisslon (evi den~e, both written and orai, presented ~ o supplement said d raft of EIR No. 160), the Cit, Planning Commission believes that sald draft ~f EIR No, 160 does conform to the City and State G~~idelines and the State of California Environmei~t:al Quality Act, and based upon such i nfarmat i on does hereby recommend to the C i ty Counc(1 tha t chey certify Said EIR is in compl 'sance w(th said Envi ronmental Quality Act. Commissioner Herbst offered Resolution No. PC7S~2G2 and moved for its passage ~~~~d adoption that Petition for V ariance No, 2764 be and hereby is granted, on the basis that the requested waivers are tecfinical in nature and surrounding properties a~e ~'eveloped with similar uses and have been granted similar waivers, and subJect to Interdepartmental Comrnittee recommendations, (See Rasolution I3oo~c) On roll :all the foregoing r esolution was passed by thc following vota: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FAF ANC, NERBST, ~ING~ NORLEY, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NON E ABSENT : COMM I SS I ONERS: BARNES , JONN~^N Corr,missioner Herbst offered a motlcn, seconded by Commissio~er King, and MOTION CAFtRfED (Commissioners 8arn~s and .lohnson b:ing absent) Chat the Planning Comml~s lon does hereby approve Tentative MaF of Tract No. 9080 on the basis that the prc,posed sub- divislon, together wlth its desfgn and lmprovement~ is consistent with tF~e An~ielm General Plan~ and that prlo r tu the approval of the final tract map, the petitioncr sha'1 subi~it ~inal specific floor and h~use plans ard elevations to the Planning Corn~~~isslon for approval , and subject to the fol 3owing conditions: ~ ~ 75-582 MINUTES, CITY PIANNING f,OM~11S51nN, Dec~mbor 8~ 19~5 ENVIRQNMENTAI. IMPACl' RF.PORT N~~. 16U, VARIANCE N0, 2764~ AND TFN'fAl'IVE MAP OF TRAC7 NO 9080 (cont. ) ____ _ ___ ~------_------- 1. Tha~ the approval of Tentative Map of Tract Nn. 9oAo is grant~d subJect to tho apprnvol of Varlanc~ No, 2764. 2. Thet should th(5 subdlvision be developed as morc Chan ~ne subdivislon, cach subdlvfsion thcreof shall be submftta~l In tentative form for approvel, 3, That in accordan~:~~ ~~~I th C i ty Counci l Pol lcy, a b-foot opcn, dacoratlve fence at the top of th ~:,lope sF~al l be construct~od on the n~rth property Ilnas separ- ai ng L~t Nos, 1~ It and 14 - 18~ and Seirrna Av anue. Rosasonable landseaping~ inc~uding lrrlg~tlon fsacilltles, shall be Installed tn the uncementod portl~n of the arkerir~l hi~hway ptarkway the full dtstance of s~id wall. plai7s for sald land- sct~ping to ba submltted to and ^ubJect to the approval of the Supvrinte:ndent of f'arkw~+y Mainten:.~nce; and f~liowing lnskallatiun and acceptance, ".he City of Annhelm shall assun~e the responslbillty for maintenance uf said landsceping, 4. That all ~ots w'thfn tF~ts tract shall be served by under,yround utilitfes. 5, Thax a final tract map of subJect proparty shall be submitted r~ and approvE,d by the City Counc~l and then `~e rocordad in tl,e Uffice of the Qrange County Recorder. 6. That any proposEd subdivision canvenants, c~ndittons~ and restrictlons shall L•e submittad to and approved by the City ~~torney's Offir,e prior to Clty Councll ap- pioval of the f(nal *ract map, and, ~`urthier, that the approved covc~nants, condi- tions, anu re~*rfctions shall be recorded cor~currently wlih the final tract map. 7, That prior to filing the final tract map, the appllcant shall submit to tF~e City Attorney Fcr approval or denlal a complete synops(s of the proposed functioniny af :'~e aperating corporation, !~~cluding but not limite~ tu the artlcles of inco~- poration bylaws, proposed methods of msnagen~ent, bonding to insure rrr~inte~an,.e of common property and bu(ldirgs, and such other informatlon as the City Rctorney may desire to protect the Citu, its citizens, and the purcr,asers of the proJect, 8, That str- names shall be app~oved by the City of Anaheim pr~ior to the approval of a fir~~~l trzct map. g, That the owner(s) of subject ~roperty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the app p~tate park and recreation in-lieu f~ees as dete rmined to be approprtate by the City Councit, said fees to b,.aid at the time the building p~~mit is issued. 10. That drainage of <.aid prop~rty shall b~ disposed of in a m~nner satisfactory to the Ctty Engineer. If, in the preparatlon of the site suffiGient g~ading is re- qutred to necessitate a greding permit, no work on gr~ding will be permitted bctween October 15th and April 15th unless all require~ off-site drainage racil- ities have been i~istalled and are operatlve, Positive assurance shall be provlded the City that such drainage fac(Iltiz s will be completed prior to October 15th. Necassary right-of-way for off^site drainage facilities shall be dedicated to the City, or the City Council shall have initiated condemnation proceP~lings• therefor (the costs of which shall be bor~ie by the develc,per) ~rior to tne c~m- mencement of grading op~rations. The requlred drainage facilities shail be of a stze and typ~ surTicient t~ carry runotf waters originating from higher properties througn sald property ~o ultimate disposal as a pproved by the City Englneer. Said drainage facilities shall be the first itmm ofi construction and sh~ll be completed and be functional throughout the tract and from the downstream boundary of the property to the ultimate point of disposal prior to the issuance of any final t~uilding inspections or occupancy permits, D ra~nage district reimbursement agree- ments may be made a~ailable to the develapers of said property upon their request. 11. 7hat 9rading, ex.cavation~ and a'1 other const~uction activities shall be conducte~l in such a manner so as to minimize the possibility of any silt originating from this ~roJect being carried into the Santa 11~a River by storm water originattng from or flawing through this proJect. 12. If permanant street name signs have not ueen lnstalle~, temporary strpet name ~Igns shall be installed prior to any occupancy. ~3, That all saitary sewers shall be construc+ted in public street rlghts of way unl~ss cth~rwlse approved by the C'ty Engine~r, ~ ~ M I iJUTE~ , C I T7 PLANN I IJG COMM I SS I ON ~ Uocember d~ 1975 75-5$3 EN~~I~ONMENTAL IMPNC7 REPORT +~~. 1G0, VARIn~~CE NO, 2764~ AND TENTNTIU~ MAP OF TRAC7 N0. OSO ,~cont. ) ._.._. -- ---------- ~'- 14. That ali roofing materlals sl~all be nonc:ombustible and appr~ved by th~c Anoh~lm CiCy Flre Department. Iy, Yht~t a firc+ fiael breok shall be provlded at the perlmeter of the t~•act as re- quli~ed by Yha Anahelm Clty Fire Uepartment. 16. That a final parcel map on subJoct trac.t shall be filed and recordr.d with the Cau~ty Fiec~rder p; ior to tl~e appr•oval of the f InAI tract map. 17. Petitioner shall conform ta all pa r~:el map reyulrements of 66426 et seq, of the Government Code of Callfornla. 18. That ~rior to the approval of thc final tract map, the petitloner sh: 1 subnlt f(nal speciflc floor and house plans ~nd elevations to the Planntng Gomm~ssf~n for approval. REPORTS AND ITEM N0, 1 RECOMMENQATfONS GENERAL PLAN HANDUUT "AP ^ Proposed Addition The Commisslon was briefed on the Clty ~~quirement th~t all developers in the Car,yon Area are to provide a copy of the Gereral PIAn Map t•o new home purchasers, At the November 25~ 1975 meeting of Che 1,.,:~yuii ~~rea General Planniny Task Force~ concern was expressed that homebuyers may misunder~~tend the nature of a GenFral Plan~ confusing it wlth a rigid spaclfic pi~:-, Therefo re the Task Force took a~ilmous action to recommend to the Planning Commission anc! to the City Counc!1 ~t a stamp be prepared and affixe~ to the handout map with the following wordiny: THAT ANAHEIM GENERAI. PLAN IS NQT A F';tcCISE PLAN AND DOES NOZ SHOW, NOR INTEND TO SHOW, THE EXAC7 LAND USE PA7TERN WH{CN WILI iN FhCT OCCUR. INSTEAD, IT I~lDICATES TNE r,ENERAL LOCA710N OF LRND USES AND THE I N7ERFtELAT I ONS-i I PS OF VAR i OUS LAND USE AND GROWTH f AT'tERh~ TNE GENERAL PIAN IS PERIODICFI.LY REVISED ANO UPGATED. FOR MORE SPECIFIG AND Ui'-TO-DATE INF~:itMATlON, TNE G1TY OF ANAHEIi: AND THE ORANG£ UiJIFIED SCHOOL DIS7RIC7 SHOULD BE CONSULT[D. Commissioner Tolar ofFered a motion, seconded by Commissloner King and MOTION CARRIEQ (Commissloners Barnes and Johnson being absent) that the Planning Conmission does hereby recommend to the Gity Council that a stamp b~ prepared and a~fixed to tlie General Plan Nandout Map, as aforementioned. ITEM N0, 2 CONDITIONAL U SE P[RMIT N0. 1524 ~ Request for approval of a temporary redwood fence Commissloner King notec; that he had a conflict of interest as defined by the Anaheim Municipal Code Sec...lon 1,1.400 and ~overnment Code Sect(o~~ jb25, et seq., in that he is on the Board of Directors of the S alvaticn Army; that purs~ant to the provisions of the above Gode, he was hereby declaring to the Chairman that he was withdrawing fram the hearing in connection with Condltional Use Permit No, 1524 and would r.ot take part in either the discussion or the voting thereon; and that he had not dis- cussed the matter wlth any membe~ ,f th~ Plannfng Commission. THEREUPON COMMIS:IONER KING LEFT THE COUN":IL CHAMBER AT 6:15 N•M. Assistant Zontng Supervisor A1 Daum a. 'sed the Commisslon that a request had been recelved from the applicant for app''forlanfunsteclfiedyperaodofftime,taftfrewhiche north boundary of subJect property, P the fence wauld be replaced by portions of the ~~roposed buildl~g wall and a maso~~ry wall, af the 17,04§ sq.ft. Salvatlon Army Headquarters; that due to funding problems, construction would be delayed. The applicant +~as Indlcated that the c~ncreta olock wall speclfled in Resolution PC75~58 approvin~ Condltional Use Permtt N~. i524 would not be approprlate since the wall would have to be removed at the time of construc•• tion of the butlding walls, and would mean adde.d expense. ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLAkNING COMPIISSION, Decembor 8, 1975 75-584 REPQRTS AND RECOMMCNOATIONS (cont.) Commisstoi~er Morley ofPered a motlcn~ s~conded by Cammissl~ncr 7olur~ ~.n~y M0~'i0N CARRIED (Cortimissloners Berne~ and Johne~ii being abs4nt~ Commissi~ner Kirig being absant due t~ Cor,fltc~ of Inr.erest) th~t tlu Planning Cnmmisslon dae:s hnr•ehy rncomnand tu the Clty ~ouncil that apprav~l ~f a tempo~~ary rcd•,~ood fen~a on the n~rth property llna b~ yranted for a perlod o~ u~~~ ~~ear, subJect ta the follawing cord~~lo~, That ~+ bond In an amount and form satis~~actory to the Clty of hnahalm shal' oe po~ted ~rith the ~Ity tc g~iarentee the construction of the maeonry wall In tr~~ ev~nt thdt consXructlon of the propos~ed bufldtng walis adJaae~it to the north ~roperty llne doos ~ot take place, Co+nmissio ~~r King raturned to the Council Chember at 6t20 P,M, ADJOURN,+ICIT There being no furthrr busincss to discuss, Cammissioner King affered a matlon. seconded by Commissloner Morley, and MOTION CARRIkD (Commisyloners Bar~,ies and Johnson baing absent) that the maeting be adj~urned. 7f~e moetiny ad]ourned at 6:20 F'.M. Respectfully submltte ; ;~~ ~ ,/ Alet H, B~urgess~ Secreta r~ Tem Anaheim City Planning Comnission