Minutes-PC 1977/10/26c.ity ~1a11 Anal~elm~ Cal ifo~ni~ ~ctober 2f>~ 1~77 REGULAR HEET I NG OF TNE AN~NE I M C I TY PLl11~t1 I IIG C011M ~ SS I l1N RCGULAR - The reyulAr n-eetin~t of the A~aheim Cfty Plar,~~ing Commission was called MCCTIt~G ta orcler by Chairman Pro Tempure ~lerbst at 1:3~~ p•m,~ October 26~ 1~177~ In the Council Chamber~ a qu~rum l~ein9 pr~senc. PRESEN7 - CPIAIRMAN PRO TE.MPORF.: Nerbst COMIIISSIOIIEaS: ttarnr.s~ vaviJ~ I:lny Commissioncr Linn arriv~d ar 3;05 p.m. AUSENT - CUMN 1 SS I U'lE (15 : Johnsun ~ To 1 ar ALSU NRESL~~T - Jeck Wh i tc Annika Sant~lahtf Jay Ti tus Faul Sinyer J. J. Tashira Ron Smi [i~ Editti Narris Dep,:ty Clty Attorney Assistant Director f~r Zoning Office Enyincer T~aff(c En~ineer Assistanc Pl,;nncr Associatc Planncr Planning Cnmmission S~cretary PLEUCE OF - The Pledye of Alleyiance to the Flag of the United Stntes of America was ALLEGIANCE led by Commiss:oncr King. APPROVAL OF - Gominissioner Davicl offercd a nx~tion~ s~conded by Commtssloner King and MINUTES HOTiON CARRlED (Conxnfssioners Johns~n, Linn and Tolar being absent), that the rnin~~tes of the Octaber 1~J~ 1~7; r+~c~ting be approved as tubmitted. ITEM N0. 1 Ef, RICAI. EXEMPTION-CLA55 ~ CONTIN!.~CD PUl~LIC IIEARING. OWNER: WRAT!'ER I~lf15~ y 2 INC., 1FS5 South Harbor Boulevard~ Anaheim~ CA -' q2~2. AGENT: ANDRF.N SCt1WEREL~ 115~ West Cerritos, Anahelm~ CA 92f3~2. Peti tloner re~uests 'vlA1VER OF MINIMI)M STRUCTUR~IL SEl'~3ACi: 70 tO~~STRUCT TWO PARKING ZICKCT DOOTIIS on property descrlbed as a rectangularly-si~apeJ parcel of lanJ conslsting of approximately 1(1.9 acres locatsd at the northwest corner of Cunventton Way and 1larbor (ioulevard~ having approximats frontages of 600 feet on the norti~ side of Gonvention Way ard 795 feet on the west side of flarhor Doulevard~ and further describ~.i as 13~5 South Ila•bor Qouievard. Property presently classi- fled C-R (COMNERCIAL-RECREATlOtI} ZONE. Subject petitlon was continued fror+ tt~e me~ting of Oct~ober 1~~ 1~'17, for revised plans. Chairman Pro 7empore Nerbst explained th~ petitioner i~as requested a continuance in arder to submit revised plans. ACTION: C~nwnisstoner David offered a motion~ seconded by Commissionor King and hlOTION ~D (Comnissioners .~ohnson. Linn and Toler being absent)~ that consideratian of Variance No. 2962 be corttinued co the regular meeting of the Planning Commisst~n of November 7, 1977. 77-677 to/26/77 MIt~UTES. ANAIIEIM CITY PU111NING COMMISSION~ October 26~ 1'177 '17-678 ITEM f10. 1~ EIwR-C~ORICAL E_XCMPTI011-CLASSf.S 1 b 3 1'UIiLIG HCARING, OWNER~: FRA~~r. H. l1!Ib L~UISF. ~jj~ ~, 1~ GERRY~ 62(~ South Euc) td Strcet. Anahelm~ CA 92~3Q2. Petitt~ner requests Nfi1VCR OF PE:RHITTCC~ USES~ TO ESTAhLISIi A COMpINATION RESIUENT111L AND COMMERCIAI U5C nn Fro~erty Jescrtbed ns a r~ctnngulnrly-sl~apeei parcel of land consistiny of apprc,xim~~tcly G2')8 squarc fect havin, a frontage of a~~c+roximatoly G~~ feet on th~~ cast slJc ~f Eucll~.f Streat~ havin~ A maximwn dc~th of np~roxir~atrly '~7 Peet~ being locate~l aprroxinw~tcly 3>'1 fect s~~uth nf thc centr.rl Ine ~f ~ran~~e Ave~ue. and furth~:r dascr ihed as G2~~ South Cucl ici Street. Pro~erty pr~~sently clctss(f 1~:1 (CO) (C0~111ERCIAL~ OFFICE AIU) PR~FLJJ1~~1l1L) ZOlJf_. Cha 1 rrian P ro Temp<,re Ncrbs t e ep 1 n i ned tha t~~ reques t I~as I~een rr~ce 1 ve~1 tha t th 1 s ! te~i be with<Irawn In arder for thc ~etitioncr tu rc:~~ue:s[ a rcclas~ific.ation of sub joct ~+rn~,~r:y~ dr.letlnq tl~e: newJ for .~ v~ri ~ncc, ACTION: Commissioner D,tviJ c~ffcrecl a i~x~tiun~ seconded by Gormi~ ~one-• Kine~ Anc1 M071~~N RR .D (Commissioncrs Joh~~~un~ Linn and Tolar bcin~ absent) ~ ~.I~at Petitio~ for Variancc No. 237~ ac wl tf~c~r~~wn. ITCM I~O. 1~~ REPORTS ANU RECOMNCt~Ul1T 10~~5 ITEH L. VARIArJCf. N0. 2')hf~ - Approval of vchicular c(rculation And parking plan. ..__._~. Cnmm(ssloner Ktn~~ not~cl that he had a possible conflict of incerest as defined by Anahcir~ City Pl~nninc~ Commission Rcsolutic3n No. PG7G-1~7 adoptinc~ a ~onflict ~f I~tcrest Codc for the Planning Commission an~l Govcrnment Codc Sec'ion 3f~25~ et seq.~ in that a member of his family is affilf~~tcd wit'~ Katella Realty~ Inc,~ and Katella Reelty is represented by Mr. Floyd Far~no, who also repr•esents the peticioner; [hat, pursuant to the provl5ions of the ebovc codes~ he w: ~ declarln~~ to the Chairman Pro Ter~ore that he was witt~drawing from the hearing ln cOn~cCtio~~ wi th Variance No. 294~ anrl would nor, take p~~rt in ei ther the discussion or voting thc:rcon, • ihe Ccxnmission discussed tl~eir decision of October 1~~ 1'1~7~ approving th~ revised vehicular circulation anei parkiny ~lan in con~ecti~~n wict~ Variance tao. 2~~a8. It was noted that after furtl~er physi~al Inspection of the site~ it was felt further eonsidei•ation sliould be ylven to this plan. Chairman Pro Tempore Nerbst felt it woul~ be advisable to recelve input f rom the NI11 and Canyan Municlpal Advisory Corrr~ittee concerniny tf~is matter. ACTIQt:: Cortanissioner Barnes offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Davt~i and NOTI01~ C~~t~U (Commissioners Johnson, Linn and Tolar being absent anc! Cortmissio~er King absCaining due to pc~~ ible confl ic[ of interst) ~ tliat tl~e Anaf~eim City P1 anning Commi~sio~ recvnsieie~' the revi , vetiicular circulation and p~rking p~an approved o~ O~tober 1~~ 1~77~ in connectlor wtth Variance :~o. 2~34a. Commtssioner Barnes ofifcred a motion~ seconded by Commissioncr David anJ MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Johnson, Linn and Tolar bcing absent a~d Commtssioncr King abstain(ng due to possible conflict of interest)~ that the Anahetm City Plan~iing Commission further review the revised vehEcular clrculation and parking plan on Va~lance No. 29~+$ at Cheir regularly sche~uled meeting of ~~ovember 21, 1977. to/26/77 MI~JUTCS~ ANAIICiM CITY PLANNING CQMMIS5101~~ October 3G~ 1977 11-(~7~ I TCM I10. 2 N ~M NTAL INPl1GT REFORT NQ. 2~ A PUI3LIC H~ARING. To consider I~incl usc dcslynations f~ ~ 1 M/1 0 t~0. 2~ U And lanci use .~lternatives for (a) property front~ng I ~~ f ~I . ~ Vermoi~t Avenuc~ c~ast c~f Harb~r Qoulev.~rd nnd west of Lemon Street, (b) 291~ t~cres locatcd g~nerally southcast of tha int~rsect(on of Nohl Aonch Road and the Southern Collfarnl~ Edison easement~ (c) '1~ ncres e~ist of the intersection of Canyun R i m Road anc! Ser r~,nc~ Avcnue ; ana to con, i cler an Open Sp~ce E 1 emc:n c wh I ch Idcnt i f I es th~ publ Ic ana prtv+ate open sp~ca and vacant area; of ten ncres ~~r nx~re wl th In the Clty and Its spherc of Influcnce. Ron Smith~ Ax~oclat~: Planner~ ~~resentc~i tl~e ,t~ff reports -:~ ihr. Pl~nning Commisslon dated Octobcr 2G~ 1`377. He explained t-~at General Plan Am~ndment Na. 1~+~i has bcen prep~~red ta eveluate pntentlal aitcrn,itivr_ land use eonfi~~uratiuns fur [I~ree 5itc;~ a.ni n the Clty of Anahe i ~n; th~ t<~nc of t!~c s i tcs 1 s ,~ 1 ~~nc; ~~oth , i d~s of Verm~nt Avrnur ~ ~~s t c~f Narbnr E3oulev,~rc1 ~~n~1 ~~t~St of I.ernc,r~ Street, ind thnt the sccond and thir~l sites are (n Anahelm 1~(lls adjacent to ttie City of M~~tteim bnunclary. Ile ~~Iso explaineci that this anendment includes a proposal fnr an Open Sp~ce Flrm~r~t to tl~e General Plfln and discusses qoals and policies for lony-r~i~~~~e directlon for the City ancJ is intendecJ to serve as an ofFic.ial quid~ far open space pertaininq to Anaheim. Mr. Smith prescnte~i exhlul ts for llrca I~ Vcrrnont Avenuc~ cast of Ilarbor (iou 1 ev~rd~ we5t of Lemcm Strcet and pres~nted exhibits A tnr~~u~h C shc~wing che ~ilternat(ves t~s pr~:pnred by Che Planning Department. Ile explalned t~• Planniny Commission had initiate~i this Genera) Plan Amendment stu~fy; that this particular area involvr_~i .~ total of 7.`3 ac~es of which 3 acres are on thc nor [h s i de of Vernx~nt and ~+.'3 acres on the south s i de of VCrmc~nt; that the existlny zoninc~ on the north side of Vermont is res(dcntinl, singlc-fami ly (RS-J2~0) ~ commercial~ limltecl (CL)~ and resiJencial, mulciple-far,ily (RM-240~); that on the south s(de of Vermont the zoniny is resi~Jentlal~ singie-family (RS-77.OQ}~ commercial~ limfted (CL)~ an~i residential~ multiplc-family (R~ti-120~); that tl~c existin~ Genera Plan Land Use Element designates the nortl~ sicle of Vnrmunt as low density residential or c:omrn~rr.lal, office and professional ~ on [he corner ~~f iiarbor tloulevard ~~nd low-medlum d~nsity at the eorner ~yf Lerrx~n Street; tl~at the soutl~ side of Vermont llvenue is designate~d commerc!al, office anJ professional~ and mediur~~iensity; that the Anaheim Gcneral Plan Land Use Element designates thc are~ north of the pr~posed study are~i as low density residential an~i souti~ of the project area as comrnercial ~ office and professional, ind med(um density. He pointed out that thcre are 37 indivldu.il parcels of land within the proposed boundary, and thesc arc develope<i gener~lly .3s single-family residenti;~) on the no~th nf Vermont and a mlxture of multiplc-family and instituti~~nal use on the south sidc. Mr. Smith explained that Extiibit A shc~ws commercial uses wou1.1 be adjacent Lo Ilarbor Boulevard with Ic~w-me~i!;,,i drnstty un to ifi units per acre adjacent to che rear of Hampshire Avenuc wt~ere sinyle-farnily homes exist; that the south side of Vermont A~~enu~: would be in rrv:dium-d~nsity with 36 units per acre c~rresponding witfi existing multiple- fam(ly on a portion of the areas. Exhibit B indic~tes corr~r'cial uses wc~ul d bc adJacent to Harbor Bou~ ~ar.1 with the remaindcr of the area in low-medium denslty up to 10 units on an acre. Exh~..it C indica[r.s commc;rcial uses adJacent to Harbor Boulevard and the remainder of the area In medium density (up to 36 units on an acre). Exhibit D shows genera) commercial extendlny east fr~m Narbor Boulev~ard or the south side of Vermont approxtrn~tely ;50 feet fr~m Elarbor aoulevard~ with the remainder uf the area deslg~ated med(um denslty (up to 3~ units pcr aere). This alternative woulci ~reate mi xed uses along Vermont Avenuc. Exhibit E indicates medium denslty (up to ;16 uni;s per ac~e) designatton would occur on the south side ~f Vernant Avenue west of Lemon Street in the vlclntty of to/26/77 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS510~1, October 2G~ 1977 77•~~0 EIR NOS. 20711 AND 207D AND GENERAL PLI1N AMENOMENT M0, 1~~4 (cont!nued) exlstlnc~ multlple-family resldential use~, wlth commercial-professi<~nr~l u~~~~s on the remalnJ~r of tl~e siCe. Th~ conmerclal-professionol desiynatir,n r_~;,Id fntraduce offlce uses sucl~ as reAl r_state~ accounting, etc, Mr. Smlth expl~i(n~~i that /lrca II In th~ An~hcir~~ illlla is 2''~, acres south of Nohl Rancl~ Road behlnd the Sadclle Club. Ile ~~xpl,~ined that .~ll of the subJect pronerties r-re currontly undevelop~d hillsfde BrC~~S with n~ ~.uhl(c imprc~v~rncnts (nst~l'ed, such as sewers~ streets~ ut(litles~ watcr, etc,; that Anahcim IIII is, Inc, lins requested to allocnCe dwr_11(n~a units ~~nd cc-.~~iqur~tion that would permi t ov~r<~ll re~iuction in the potontlal maxtmui:i number ~f clwe) Iing un(ts witf~ c~ncentr.it ion of un(ts In one nrea. 11e exp 1 al ned that a sc r I cs o f a 1 t~~rn;~ t i ve~s hava heen prepared ~ And that s 1 nc~~ th~ Canyon Genera) Plan was prepare~~ ut i I~ ~inc~ thc natur.zl contc~ur of thc land, thesc nltcrnrtlves have alsu be~~n c,rn~q~le[e:~l iii Lt ~I~~ 5~3rn~ GGil~l!X~. Hc explalned th~7c E:xhibl[ !1 p~ovidcs for Ic~w density (up to ~ dwclilnc~ un(is pcr acre) a~:ja~ent t~ tha exi5ting lc>w density which is ~resently ~~e in~ gradeJ anc.' mr_dium danSity (u~ to 1(; clwcll(n~; units pcr ~rc~ss acrc) cont,cntr~it~d on thr. r~stcrly porticn of thc sitc~ and that open spncE is c.icsic~natc~d fc>r the un(~~uc~ n.it~~r~~l fe~tures of the lanJ, Cxhlbit Il is the op~,osite af Exhihf t A in [liat thc n~rrav c4nyons ~~nd area soutl~ of the Saddle Club arc deve lopecf ~ wi th thc rr.ma i ndcr of thc area i n o~~en spac e; tha t che dens i ty has been set at medium (u~ to 16 units per gmss ~crc:) to provide fur rnaximum usaqe of the canyon, and that a rnajurity of the ,itc woul~i rcmaln (n a natur,~l state, Exhibit C disregarJs the lana character ,~nJ establishes [hc highest desir~nntion on thc Canyon G~ner~l Plan of mccllurn drnsity (up to tf, unit5 pcr ~cre) f~>r ;he entire si tc~ exccpt f~r [he school slte and powe:r 1 i nc cascr,~nt ~rc~~ . 5uch ai~ al tc rn~~ t i~~ r~ou I c! e rcate .i ex;ens i ve numher of housiny units; that thc ~~xist ~ny pl,~ns for *he iyon cireul,ition systnn ~nd public scrv(ces (sewer~ water) woulci need r~o,fificaci~~~ should sueh an increase fn ~lensity be contemploted, Exhlbi t D shows that estate efr.nsi ty (up to 1, ; uni ts ner ~~r~ss ~cre) is the pre~i~minance of this alt~•rnat ive a~~ci repres~nts a cfccrease from tt~e existing Canyan Gencral Plan of law density (up tU ~ uni[s ~er orc~ss acre~ , In this exhihlt~ open space has bcen ,hvwn i n the n.irrow canyony t~nd twa h 1 1 1 s i de cre s ts wi th es tate dens i ty surrounding them ancl woulcf create estate-slze lots across the en[lre uppPr ridge area oF tl~e sub ject s i te. Such an ~ 1 tcrnat i ve woul J i nt roduce es tate ~J~ns i ty i n an area surroundecl by low densfty on the Canyon Ger~cral Plan. Mr. Smith pulnted r~ut that the chart shawing the average weekday vehicle trlps ends and a land use cornparativc reuiew -r~; contained in the staff renort. The exhib(ts for Area I. ~- An.ilieim Hills - 90 acres east of the intersection of Canyan RIm Road and Serran~ Avenuc were presented, Mr. Smith explained Ana~~efm 1lills~ Ir,c. is proposing an omendment to r~place the exlstin~~ 23.3 a~res of open space and 4~1,^_ acres ~f estate cicns i ty (up t~~ 1. ~ Un i ts per gross acre) on the Ca~yon General Plan ~ e~:i th 5 acres of yeneral ccxnn~ercial~ 6~ acres of l~x.r Jensity~ ar~i 2? aeres of inedium density; that the property is within the County of O~ange at present and ls zoned ac~r~cultural (Al) and a resolutton of intent to RS-A-1~3,Q~0 has been initially approved for the area~ pending annexatlon to ~nahelm. Mr. Srnith explaineJ Exii(bit a proposes neigh6orhood comnerclal in the vlcinity of the ir.[ersection of Montc Vista Road and Welr Canyon Road~ law density (up to S units per gross acre) would occur on tt~e westerlY portion of the s i Le, wi th medium density (up fo 16 units per yross 3cre) in tf~e viclnity of tlie proposed comrnercial development. Exhibit 4 proposes commercial designation on the Canyon General Plan in [he vicinity of the proposed intersectlo~ nf Nei r Canyon Road and Monte V(sta Road. Open space desic~nations are 10/26/77 MI~~UTES~ ANANLIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ Octobe r 26. 1977 77-6A) E I R NOS . 207A AND 2078 AND GENERAI, PLA~t AMENUMENT N0. 14~~ ( Gont i nund) depict(ng unique figures (hills~ pea~.s and canyons). Ex~~{hit C prc,p~ses nn Intenslve use of the land ~f inedlum <fensity (up t~ 1G units pcr gr~ss ec:re). This would ereat~ ovesr 11~0 dwell(ng unlts ~nd open sp~ce amenit(es woulci not h~ drterrnlned .~t this t(me. Such ~ propasa) wr~uld he an cxtenslve ir~crease in the densitl~~ on h~e C,~nyon Gener,~l Pl~n. Exhlbit D Is a rr~ajar~ lcm,y-renge reyi~~na) nroposal. and, in essencR, it Is a+ssumed e major re91ona1 shoppiny center ~n thc sitc; tha[ thr. pr~posal Is hase~l upon lonq-rangc l~nd uses (n the area and thc~ County of Oraiiqr. study that Weir Cenyon Rond may be~corne an ~xprr,ssw.~y eonnecting to $~uth Or,~nge County~ and such an expressway woul~ offiet ~resent and projected tr~ffic volun,e, c~n tl~e Newport Freeway. Exhibit C fs ~i ri(nnr n~nclificatlon of tl~e existin~i Car~yon f,ener~il Plan, Thc estate denslty (u~ tu 1.!; dwelling units pe~ gross acre) is propc>,ec~~ with opcn sp~~ce designated for r~(I Isid~ ne~i4 are~s in~l m~J~r fe~turPs of thn sitc. Hc Indlcatc~ th,~t t!ic tr~~fflc chart ~~tal,lish~~s thc trlps th~t c<iuld gene~dlly bc expectc:el fr<~m e~~~' c~f khc allcrii~~tlvr_~, Thc Open Space E:Icr~en[ was explalneJ by hr, Smith. Hr.. st8ceci thnt. Ct~li fornia St~~e Law~ Section G53~2e of thc Governnxent Codr,, requirr.s ci~~ ~ielo~~tic~n of an Ope~n Space E~emenC ~f the Gen~ral Pl:in of ~~ich city; that in May r~f 1~~7;, the Clry of Anahr.im Adopted an Ape~~ Spacc and Gons~rvat i~_in Elcincnt; that un March S~ '~~; J, thc SanLa Ana C~nyon Land Usc Element of the General Plan was adont~d w+th cwcr 3~~~ ac~c,, r~f desiynate~l general c~pen spate land, Th i s ~~~en space i s not now i nc l uded i n the C i ty' S Opr.n Sp.~ee f: l ement ; that the new clement was prepareJ hased u{>.,n thc Genc:r~l P1an qui:lr.lines pre~t~rccl hy the Counc(1 of Intcr~overnmentnl Rel;~tions for the St~~tc of Galif~rnia. Hc explaincd thnt the text of the clertx:nt~ c~0AI5 and pc~l3cfes of thc• cicmr~r7t ,7r~~ set f~~rth for the lnnq-ran~~~ plannin~ aetivity pcrt~'~ininy to open space in Califorr~ia; [hat thrcc r,ajor er~as of open space have been ldentificd; those ~f publlc, private and ~~r, 'i~vent~ry cif v~~cant land In excess af 1~ ~~cres in size and that these araas are~ hir~hl i~~`~tc:~~ by three naps depictin~ the conditions of open spacc in Anohclm. He cxpia{ned t-••±c it thc October 11~ 1~77 meetin~~ of the Ni I1 and Canyon Municipal Advisory~ Co~m~ittee~~ thc~ (?-~n Space Element was reviewed and It was the recormmn<I~~tion of the Co~~'r.t~e th~c a::.'~ lan;~,l pol (cies I include~l r~n pagc ~ pcrt~iininy tu utilization oF ~;ower li ~e and utiiity •=~s~ments; t the Cc~mmittee ~isc~ r~~uested that ~t~~.cw~ays and equestrlan trail5 t~~ inclu~tec~ on r:ubli~ ;~arks and recreatlo~ r~aps; and th~~t in eval~~atin<~ tnis, the Plann~n~; Dfv~ c~~ staff w~uld recornmend inc:l~din~_~ blke~•~ays and rquc~strian trii I5 on [~ie <~pen spa,.e map;. Chal r;,~an r ro 1 empc~re Ne r~s t asked i f there was anyone des i r i ng tc spc.at: i n r eg~ rd to Area I , Vermont 3n,:i f~ar..~r. A. E. Roberts, ^3~~ Soutl~ Lcwis Strcet~ stAted he ownc:d property at the n~rthcast corner of llarbar anJ Vernx~~t and ac~reccl wtth the plan w~ich wo~~ld leave tiie property as 1t is. Ther~ was no one e 1 se cles i r i n~~ to spcak re~a rd i ng Area t, CIIAIRMAN PRO TC11Pf1RC 11CRa5T CLOSCD T~iE PUULIC fiEARING ON AREA I OF GEt~1ERAL PLAN At1EtfD11ENT N0. lu-+. Jack White~ Ueputy Clty Attorncy~ expialned the Commission could cake actian on esch indlvldual portion of this present~7tion, but that one resolution waulci incorpnrate it. Comrnl ss I oncr KI r+~ s ta ted hc 1 I ke~.i A 1 terna t i ves A and C, and Cha ( rman P ro Tempore Herbs t stated he felt this was a tran~ition ,~rca and it is Just a matter of w'~at would best su1C tt~e long-ranye plans of the prc.perty owners. Commissiuner Y.ing Indicated he was surprlsed there was no rnore pe<~plc at the neari~g. 10/26/17 { MI t1UTE:5 ~ I1NAI~E I M C ITY PLANN I NG COMMI SS I ON, Octobcr 26, 1~T7 77'h82 EIR NOS. - 207A ANU 207 1i AND GENCRIIL RLAN AMENOMF.NT ~~0. 144 (continucd) Cammissloner David t+sked Mr. Smlth to ex~~l~in it' fxhiblt E shc~ws the I,~n~f ns It exists now. and M~. Smith replled tl~at it diJ not~ nnd po(nted to thc cxlstinr~ r,~nera) Plan map an d(splay. ACTI0~1: Corrn»Issiun~~r David offereci a mutl~n~ seccm~lr.J by Cor~missl~ner Y,Inq ond M~T1f111 C!1 RIf.D (Commisslr~ncrs Johnson. Linn and Tolor helny t~bSenC), tl~at E~v(ronment.il Impact Repc~rt Ila. ?.~7A for thc Opcn Sp~'+ce Clement aiid thc amenJmnnt t~ the Land U5c Eler~~ent of Genern 1 P 1 an Am~~nJinent ~lo, l lif4, hav i nq Uecn cc~ns ( dr_reJ [h i s c1a tr. hY tlic Anahelm C I ty P 1 s~•~n i nr~ Comm( ss i c>n anJ ev( Jerice ~ buth wr i tten and ora I~ hav i ng been nr~sented to su~plcment Urnft Clit No. 2~7A~ finJs tl~at said CIR d.~es conf~rin to thc Clty an~1 St~tc Elt~. Gui ~1e 1 I res an~i to tl~c Ca 1 i fari~ i a f.nv I ronrrxrn t~'+! Qua ~ i ty ~ct and dor.s herehy recor,ti•~en~i io th~ City Council that thry ccrtify that saici EIR is in conformancc with thc California Ei~vi runun:r~tal Qual 1 cy l1ct. Commissiuner Eiarnes inJfcated she fclt Exhihit 11 would come cl~~scr to bcinq ayr~~able and compatible with the surroun~lln_y brei, and Chairman Pru TempUrr. Ilerbst a~rccd wf th Comm(sslc~ner aarnes [hat Exhibit /1 tivas epprop!'(ate at thls time~ ~~nd he fr_It the Comm(sston coulclrn~kc a chanyc. if ncccssary~ in the futurc. ACTIQtJ: Commissioner [iarnes off~red a motion~ secondecl by Commissioner Kin~ ar~~i MOTIO'I CARaIED (Corx~issi~~ncrs Johnson~ Llnn an~1 Tolar bc(ny ~ibscnt) ~ that thc Anahei~, Ci[y Planniny Commission do~s recc~mmend ta thc Clty Council that Exhif~it A bc approved for General Plbn Amen~lmcnc No. 11~~~ for Area I, as i[ seems to be morc compatil~le than any other with the existiny prc~perties and wo~.ild havc less impact on the surrouncling area. Chalrm~~n Pro Tem~orc Herbst as~:ed if tli~re was anyone wha dc~,ircd to speak in connect(on wi th Area I I of General P1 an Amendmer~t No. 1h~i, llnaheim 1111 1, :1rea, Phillip Elettencourt~ rcpr~senting Anal~ci,i tlills~ Inc,. 3~~ llnahcim 11(lls Road, Anaheim~ stated that Anahclm lii 1 Is is tlic pro~onent ~f tlic ~eneral Plan Amendment and the forthcoming amenJment tn tl~e Anaheim liills Ptanned Cortmuni[y Zane which (s prese~tly before tfic Commission, witti the acc:oi~~panyi~g envfronmental imp~ct document and supplement to that document. Ne stateJ that rather than speak to the alternatives w`iich staff h~s developed~ he woulcf likc to speak to the Anaheim Hills document which he fclt ~~as a more cc>mprehensive docurnent. lie pointed ~ut that cl~e two proposals~ on a cnnsoiidatecf basis, involve ~+77 acres anci if implemented as proposed~ would actually result in approximately a 497~unit reduction fror~ tl~e maximui~ units allowed under *_he c:urrent General Plan designation. Ile compared the proposed General Plan amen~lment for [he areA witti the Anal~etm fli l ls proposal ,~n~ indicated the base map i s the existing Canyon ArPa General Plan destynation for tf~at vicinity. and then polnted to the intersection of the existing Canyon P,im Road an~ Serrano Avr.nue with the propo5ed extension, t~e indicated the area to the northeast~ which is designatecf ~or hillside estatc density and tl~e balance fo~ general open space. He pointed out the ccxnmercial site loca[ion of 5 acres which rema~ns Che same and tt~e schc~ol si te of 17 acres which rema(ns the sarr+e~ except kt.e proposal for the area to the southwest to be single-farnily detaclied with the appropriate RS-HS-1~~0~0 zoninc~ with an are~ permit~in~ multipie-family attacl~ed f~ousing adJacent to the commercial site. Mr. Bettencourt referr~d tc~ a map depicting the 2~6 acres wV~ich woulcl permit a maximum of 5 units per acre~ alla~lny a total of 11Gq dwelltnc~ ~nits, and pointed out the Anaheim Hills ~roposal r~as for a[otal of 477 dr_tached dwelling units. He indicated on the ~ther ~;, F~r the ~30-acrc area tl~at the school si te rerna i ns uncfianged but that [he intr~ducLlon o~ • n~ew iand use is not iclentified in the ex6sting Canyon Area plan~ and that is the 5- acr~. neighborl~ood c~mmercial center~ and tl~e proposed units would be 25~ living untts per to/26/77 MI NUTES, ANAIIE I M C I TY PLAN~I) NG COMMI SS ION ~ Oct~~t,cr ZG, 1977 ~~"~'B3 E I R NOS. 20~A AND 207D AND GENERAL PLAN l1MEtl(~MENT NO. 144 (tnnt I nued) ~cre. and that under thc existing dcnsity~ nnly 7} units woulcl he pcrmittcd. Ile lndicate~l that unJer thc present pl~in, thc dc;sl~~n~itican is far 1233 u~~its an~f Mahcln~ t1111s has proposcJ 73(, units~ ur 49'7 less than ~arl,y,inally dr,sl~)natc~t for the central segment of the map and he stateJ theso numbers ~~rr_ subject to mure precise pl~~nnin~ stu~lles. He st~ted that thc r_nvironmental qucstians addressed hy thc staff and HACMAC ha~l hecn Answered~ but th~t th~; r~wrJ is open for any su~~plemcnt~~l lnf~~rmation they mny providr,. He stateJ the pl.~nneel com-nunity Jocument which proposeci the zoning and ~ensity designa" t~~i~ arc wcl 1 wl thi n the permi tted r~'~nyc5. Concerning the ~~eneral open sp~~ce~ Mr. f~ettencc~urt polntc~d out that the cxis[iny Canyon Area Cenara) Plan cc>vers 1~~~+~~ a~res and that the non-occuple~f~ non-Jevelo~ed areas and publ icly-c~wneJ IanJs shr~~,l~frr the burden of the ~~(~en space dc51~3n~~tlon~ ~nd that ns di.yn~n(~rMn t~mves furthcr tcn~rard thc Ri vcrs I de County 1 1 ne and the terra f n becomes deercr ~ more aren is dcsi~;~r~oteJ for oper~ spacc. He statccf Anaheim Ili l ls is th~~ unly property o~~ner [I~at hc (s .~v+arc• ~~f [haC lias a le~i~i1 r~,~nJ~te~ f~~r o~cn s~~~ce preserv.~tion which was a provision of thc cancell~~tion of th~ agricultur~~l preserve~ and that c~ut ~f 4~~0 acres. 1~00 acres must rertkiin :n purmanent open spacr, NP c~~~intc:~i ~~ux axtstl,~g corunerci~l are.~s are at maJor inters~;ctions ~( the freeway~ and that this did not seem to be realistic, and t~ assumc an area this I~~rge cuuld function efficlently w'thout ~iddltlonal nel~lhhorhoo~f ccxnmereial services wou1~J be ~ mis[ake. Th(s ~i-acre si[e~ canip~~r~~ble ta the cer~ter na~ bei nc~ de:ve loped ~~t P~oh 1 Ranch Road anci Serranu Avenue ~ wou i d be ~~+ conven i ence center to ailaw the only commercfal scrvi.e facility fur thc neir~hborhrx-d ~~nd provide more full- servlce shop~in~} ta thc people for :iay-to•day netessities. Ne ind(cate~f he d(d not fer.,) a shappiny cent~r of this sl.ce v~oul~i l~e ar, intrusion. Jan fla I 1, 5~~5 Tumb leweed Road ~ r~present i ny the II i I 1 and Canyon Mun i c i~a 1 11dvt sory Conimlttec (lil1C-1I1C)e stated that .i[ thcir mee[ing two wecks a~1n thcy had heen give the same presentatlon as staff h~J ~jiven the Gomnission tuJay~ ancf th~7t they had n~t rcce(ved a presentatinn from Anaheim Hills, Inc., and on a votc of 12-0 the iIACMAC Committee had voteJ not to reco~nrnen~l a chan~~e t~~ thc ex i s c i ny Gener~i 1 P 1 an as approved i n Narch of 1~77 by the City Council. Shc stitcJ therc were sor~e qucstions about t'~e EIR and that several members of the Sant~i Ana Canyon TaSk Forcc~ who are members of HACN/'.C~ fnlt that after two year5 of hard work on thc Gencril Plan; [hat Anaheim Nills had haci ~~n opportunity for thc I r i npu t~ tl~ i s was a t~ i t car 1 y to bc chany i n<~ tt,e Gener:i 1 P 1 an ~ and that they had received no satisf~ctiun as ta why, aftcr sittin9 witl~ tl~e Comrnittee f~r two years~ they Inc. had not indicatccl they alrca~Jy h~d devcloped a~lan. Shc in~iicatcd Anaheim Hil s~ haci a~ked to cc~r~e back to thc Co~nn,i tt~:u meetin~~ last night an~1 wantr_d to maL.e ~ presentation~ but that tlie Commict~:e had wante~i to revicw ~ill chr_ alternatives and at 10:00 p,~n.. they ~iJ r,ot havc timc.. She stated tl~e Lommitt~_e had made a r~tian to ask the Plannln~ Commission anJ ask f~r a continuancc until i1AChtAC coulcJ rcview all the alt~rnat(ves. She stated there ti,as a lor of strony feeliny that this particular request was quit~ ~*emature; ttiat Analiei;~~ i~; i Is liad had plenty of timc: for t~~ei r 1npuC and that if somconc : not put ~~ hal; to chis, thcy would be gettin~~ ~-+ re~uest Lhree times a year; that thcy,wcrc not satisfie~i witl~ what they I~ad seen since thcrc tivas a trcr~enclous amount of feeliny about commerc1al r~~~~ny in a ~er~+ density area and changing that area from low dens i ty t:~ h i yh dens i ty wi th ~~nerc i a 1; and that eve:n though the ciwel 1 i ng un i ts woul d be lower, tt~e Impact on the area wou1J not be lower. CI1AIRt1At! PRO TEHPORE IIERBST CLOSED TNE PUfiLIC HEARING. Chairman Pro Tempore Nerbst statec! ttiat as far ~s the EIR was concerned, tie felt it was a play with f(gures; tt;at Anaheim liills tiad tried ~to justify the c~~ange in the General Plan »/26/77 MINUT~S~ IINANEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSIpN~ Octaber 2f,~ 1977 77•6f~4 EIR NOS_. 20711 AND 2Q7B A~ID GEI~ERAL PIAN AMEtlDMENT N0. 1~~4 (continucc.i) by us I ng f 1~~uros and a I a~~ dens i ty of ~ un I ts to thc acre I n~ t~~.~d of ~ to a un i t.s tc~ the acro~ which dlstorts thc: EIR ancf docs not rerresent what cr+n actu~lly he t~uilt on the site and is ~ total dlslortlon ~f the flyures rcyardln~~ traffic ~nc! Schools~ and ttic wlale ElR, He in~itcatc~f hc was disturbed by the fact that therc is v~~ry 11tt1c s~~icf .~bout the qradinc~ except how it Is gotny to be done~ but ther~ is noth(ng tc~ shc,w where thr. c~~rth ts qoir, to be moved or liow the arca wlll 10~4, oftrr the qr~~ding F~as bcen donc, He st.~ted it appeared the develap~:r was qain~~ to mc~vc the hllls around to suit thc dr_vela~r~ent he wanted, and that the !_IR shauld deflnitely state~ the yr~~ciiny plan. Chalr-nan Pro Tempore flerbst Indicatcd the C~mmission ha~f cfiscussed sev~ral yrars a~ao the pnsslbillty that whcn develc~pment had r~;ached thc c~~ac of An~ihcim~ wherc it is riqht now~ wh<~t woulel more gradinc,~ clo to tlie at r circulatio~ in the Canyon; ~!~~t Santa Ana winds cor~e f rom Ri vers ( dc tlirough tl~e Canyon ~ ~nd i t appe~irs therc I s c~o i n~ tr, have cn h~~ s~mc lrc:u~nclc~us ~u15 Lhrc~uyh tlie Canyun~ ~nu iic was cuncerncd abuut wh:~t was g~~iny zc~ h~p~en ta the t~ir flow ~f the C~nyon and fr.lt it would t,e chang~~d drastic~illy. H~ i~dic~it~~i fie felt the rcport shuuld show what is yoing to happen to the alr flc~w and ~ir ~u~ility. He statcd hr. ag~eed w i th IIACM/1C that ~Iev~ 1 c~~men t 1 n thc Canyon i s gc it i ng aw~y f rom cs t~ te dcns i ty ; that when thc Hill and Canyon planning was first starLed sev~r~~l years .~~a~~ it Has fel[ thcrc was yoinc~ to be so-nc nl~• est:~tc-Jensily development therc~ but tl~,~t it his `~een whittled ~~way and !s at a higl,.:r ~i~nsity now; and tl~at there ar~~ no cst~~t~~~ br..ing bull[ at present. He felk that if therc (s ~oin~~ to he a rlannr_J corvnunity dev~V~~nme~nt~ estate ~1ens i ty h~~s t~~ bc: a part c~f f t. Commissioner [3arnes ~tat.ed shc would like to hc~r fr~~n Anaheim II(l1~~ in i vcry simric s taterien t why they fc 1 t they needed ~ change i n the Gencr~~ 1 P I r~n an~ why t~r..y proposed this type of Jevelopment on this sitc. ~4r. Detteiicourt state~, in re9arJ t,~ thc Genera) Plan amend~+ent r~~q~~e~~t being madc so ~cxin after the a~ioption of tl~c Canyon General f'l.~n in March~ which 'hid b~~en t~wo years in prcparat(on~ and whethcr it was two yc~rs c~r ccn years~ obvio~.,51y, dc>r_s nr,t guar.~ncec that it is a perfect dacument~ an~~ th~t it is expected that thc Plar will be u~+date~! ~nd changed as more l~incf use is avai l~ible. He indica[ed AnN-tieim ~~i l is ~ Ir~c. was a menber of the San ta Ana Canyon Tas k Fo rce and the N i 1 1 an~i Canyon hsun i c~ pa i Adv i s~ry Cocxni ttee and indicated tfiis is a do~.urn~nt which covers 1t+00 acres with mulciple own~~5hlp5. Ne ind(cated the Gener~l Plai7 a~endn~ent prucess is a norr~~al~ accepted governmental functic~n to keep the plan current. Ne indicated the planned cr,nmunity devel~prnent proposed for the 29G-acre arca under the traciitional residential~ Sir~g9e-Fa~nily~ hiliside zone wauld not require a General Plan arnendmcnt but thai [hc other area of ~30 acres would certalnly require ~n amendrnent because of the estate density desie~r~at~on, He indicated they ha~v~e a 250-1ot~ ~~lanned community estate area at the ridge top~ which is the top of Canyon Rim Road and another 31 lots which tlle Plannbng Commissic~n has approved at Fairrr~nt and Canyon Rim Ro~d. He indicated tl~is area has a very limited, snecialized R-arket and the only avallable inventory thcy have nvw is uni[s from 511~~'~Q~ to 52~O~~~Q, and in~iacated Chey need same sites for the average home buyer nr they wlil be pricecl out of thE market due to the improvemer,t costs of the land, fle indicated the rnarket for estate-density hor+~e~ ds very slender and as they mc~ve out into the CanyA~~, thc land is mr~re expensive to deveiop. Concerning the EIR questlan regarding tfie grading plan~ he indicated tha; they cfo not have a graJing plan before thc Commission because they wo~uld likc to have the land use consideration decideJ; that to havc a grading pl~n would be getti~g the cart before tl~e horse. Concerniny the ~uestton regar~iiny air circulation~ ~ie did not have the technical abtlity to answer that but would give tl~at question to his EIR consultant who wauld definitely gtve thc Comrnissian an answer. t0/26/7'! ,~ ,` M I ~IUTES ~ ANAI~E I-~ C I TY PLA~1N I NG COMM I 5510~~ ~ October 2G ~ 1977 77-G~5 CIR I~OS. 207A AND 207D AND G~NERAL PLA'I AHENDMENT N0. 144 (contlnusd) Gommisslonor Dav(~1 asked Mr. Bettencourt why there had beer~ no dlAlor~uc ~rr.sented ~t the NAC11/',C mee t( ng ~ and ,~s ~,cd wou 1~f i t nu t be reasonab 1 e to pos trone Ch i s hear i nc~ un t I 1 fIACMl1C has h~d tlrr~ to c~et toyether wiih Anahcim H~IIs~ Inc. to diswss thelr cuncerns. Mr. Usttoncourc replled that tlieir appltcotio~ is not i~is five or tan-minute ~resent~~tlon of pubilc teStln~ny but t.hat c~fficial d~cuments rc:qulred by law had been presented to the 11A1,11l1C Committr.e memhers taef~re thelr mr.etinc~; that this dc,cument was a rnore crx»prehenslve land use prorosa) ~ inclu~iln~~ a crm~pl~~tF.r cnvironr~ental d~cument ~howtng al l the potential publlc fR~cllftlc, and a coin~rclicn~ivc traffic stuJy an~l the imp~ict of chis devclopment and ather develof~m~nts tr, the ~~rra; that tf~e staff had rn~~dc a presentat(on which was rc~asonab I c and hacl ~1 i sc.us sc~~.i tha p 1 ann i nc~ i 1 tcrnat i vcs . Hc i nd i ca tecf Anahe i ~° II I 1 1 s h~~+ bcen surprisc~l ~tt thf, actlori ta{.en by [F,e HACMIIC Committec inasmuch as they had the informatlun beforr_ th~~~~; anJ t~~~it I~e fr.lt tl~clr ~iceisic~n ri,~y hav~ hec•n cluc tci thc arnount of thc pro~c~sais wlilch w~rc bcin~~ ~~r~~. cntr~.1. Ile statc~l khcy ha.l not res~~onde~J tn otf~thc- cuff qu~;;rions rcg~r~:lny envirnnmcntil c~~nc.crns but had ti~.cn tho,r. c~nccrns and givr.n khen t~~ th~ir r.nvironn~~nt~l consult.~rit an~i haci rr.s,onclc~i in writiny in a~~v~nce. Ne indientr.d Anal~ciri Ni l ls, Inc, hacl aske~J fc~r an u~i~xirtunity to l~c rchc~.irc1 anJ Cliat thc ma_j~rt ty of thc ntiembers h~~~i ~lecideJ therc was not cn~~u~~h timc to henr thei r propos.il. Nc i~~dicated tliey wcre rca~iy tu hc hearcl, ancf it scr..r~ed to him that thesc ~~rr. not normal e;ircumstances for ~i ~ontinuonce to be c~ranted. Ile indicated t~~e IIl1CNAC Commlttee had had a full a~~en~1a and that ar~otlicr land~~wner ha~l a proposal beforr. then~ <~nd that s~me membe~s felt that sincc the plan ha~ bcen a~lnpted in Narch~ and ev~n thuuc~h thc existin~~ p1An perr~its ~0~ more clwelliny ~nits than what AnahciM 11111s~ Inc. pr~poses~ they wanted to stay with the exi;ti~~y plan ancJ felt this was an unusual poln[ o~ view for people who are toncerneei about Che grc~~th an~J co~n~nuni ty developmen[ c~f Anahe(m, Choirm,~n Pro Tempore Hcrhst st~LeJ that Mr. Bettencourt w~~s refcrrinq to reducing the arca by ~00 units anJ that the nurnber of units he had used cuuld not be built ~n this area~ and indieated hc woulJ 1lke some[hin~ presr.nted in .~ rcalistlc rianner sueh as 3 or ~+ units to [hc acr~e~ and the EIR sf~ould be prepared on that basfs; that r~~yhe there are a f~w pieces of flatland where ; un(ts t~: Lhe acre could be eieveloned but tha[ (n the H111 and Canyon area this was lmp~ssible; and that the fic~ures ~re distorted to mal:c the proposal look. better, and felt t'~e EIR shr~uld be redone to makc it more realistic. Mr. Bettencourt replied th~t ~ units to the acre coulcl be built on the 2~?6-acre parcel because tl~at arca is not zoned; tl~at they would he allowed clustered housing, subject Lo zontng approval~ within t!iat arca provlded it was belanced and as lonc~ as tl,~ General Plan density was not excceded. tte indicateci ttie proposal far this area is at a gross density for t!ie entirc area c,f 1.G1 units pcr acre; that their proposal is for Ei77 llving units on 23f, acres, ~~ ~fer.si ty that i s at tl.e vcry low end of a law dens i ty ranqe. ~Ccxnmissioner Fiarne:, Indicated that if an environmental impact report had been presented based on ?. units per acrr.~ tfie flgures stlll would havc been wrong and would not be rea'Istic; ancJ tliat the Commissian would never c~et exactly what is going to happen ir~ the area~ and Ch~irman Pro Tempore fle:rbst indicated he feit the E1R cnuld have gotten closer. Mr. Bettencourt stated [hat on the ~0-acre parcel the density ls 2.88 units to the acra and involves 169 detaclied. single-family units and 90 attached units. Ile indlcated the E1R was prepareJ bas~d upon tl~e planned community zone amendment. He indicated they were stipuletin~~ to density that is a reduction over the ;,ermitted des'gnation of the General Plan; and that the assessment ~f ttie impacts is based on the ~Jevelopment proposal which they have submitte~i. to/26/77 ( M~NUTCS~ ANl11~EIM CITY PI,ANNING COMM15S1011~ October 26~ 19]7 77-68G E I R N05. 2Q A ANp 20~0 ANO GCMERIrI_ PL1111_l1MENUMENT N0. 1 ~i4 (cont I nued) Chalrman Pro Temparc Herbst indicoted there werc athpr th(nys tn the EIR hc w~s dl~turbed with~ partlcularly the fact that therr_ is no ~ir~~ding nlan mentionr.d. He felt thc ~c:port shoulcl show tlie am~unt ~~f earth betny mav~d, wl~ere tt wi I) I~e movcd, I~ow It wi I1 be graded~ etc.~ and su~»ested :I~et. even sir~pla ~rading plats wliich c~u1~1 be re~id would bc ~~f benefit. Iles state~i~ again~ chat he was concerne~l about alr and wind circulAtion in thc Canyon ancl felt movln~a the liill~ arc~uncl wnuld deflnitNly affect [hcse clrculatinns r~nd should t~c stressed ln tl~e~ Clft, an~ st~~ted tt~is was thr f(~st move to no ovcr thc rtdqe) ine on thc f ar r.nd ~~n~1 hc wou 1 d 1 i ke to knoar how th i s i s yo i ny t~ bc donc. Mr. Uettenr.ourt' statrcl that i f the planned conmuni ty tr.xt and thc l~~nd usc~ r~menJments proposed wera adc~pted~ thc ncxt step would bc to preparc an environmental impact with prects~ d~vrl~~pment ~lans; th~t th~y h~vc s~~ils ~n~i ~c~lo~ical data a~~a-1,3t~1~ alrcady. Chairman Pro Tempore flerbst was concerned about the circulation~ narci,.~~t,~rly Serrano Avenue over the I~iil and huw it wouicJ tic in[o Weir Caryon Roa~. Mr. S(nyer statecf that, ~vidently~ devc~l~pment has reachecf thc p~>int ~a'~cre s~xne chanc~es from the present yencral circul7t(an {,l.~n ~rc being rcqucstcd~ 3~d ;'iac hc is req~icsting that the parlies invc~lved iri pre~~aration of a cc~mprehens(ve r.~~c;u)atirn element and access study bc brouyht [or~er.her t~~ determine, based on several st.~c'ip~;, w~~~~c is going to he the ultlmato clrculati~n in the area~ s~ecific.~lly In the area c>F Ser;anc~~ Avenue, Canyon Rim Road~ WPir Canyon Road and othcr p~~ints rast of this area. ?t~ ,tatrd he was requesting that a meetiny uf thc Orange County officials, City of Ana!~cim offi.:tals~ Planntng Ccxnmi5sionLrs~ Anaheim Illlls~ Inc.~ thc ~auer Ranch pr.~ntn_ a,7J a~y other ii~terested developers in the area c~et to9ether and determine what +s ti,e ,lesirahle circulatlon plan. He tndicateJ anc~ther point c~f ce,ncern is the desic,n ca~a~~ty of the highw.~ys~ specif(cally in the Anaheim liills area as presented by thc Prin~tl~~ ~enart~ and refr_rred to the design scrvic:e levcl prepareJ at Level D~ and st~~tc~1 ttic•sc ~t\CIS nf service are the comfort of travel levels and ultimatrly determi~e whc~t typc of cnn~~est.ion can he expected, Ne stated he woulJ like to see the rr.p~rt preparcd :ac a hi.~r,er cCxifL~PC level which woui~i point out otlier areas of defic(encjes wliicti c~uld bc ta~~r.n ~.arc c~f G~rior to bui ldin~ thc road. and he stated the report sh~~ulJ also address Via Esu~l lc~, which docs not sh~~-v on the County plan. Chairman Pro Temporc ilerbst stated (t appc.~re~ t~ him that the ~ext Gener~l Plan amendment is scheduled for January~ 1'37~%, and that with Che Clrculatian Eler~ent wt~ich is going to be vitally important to this project and Uauer Rancfi prQ.iect~ he felt it would be wtse to abide by Mr. Singer's suygestion~ and fclt ,he r~aitcr should be continued untif that time to try to get the four bpdies to~~ether and dctcrmine how this area wtll be servtced wiCh thc I~aster Plan of Roada. Also~ tf~is woul~ allow time for morc tnforrn~~tion ta bc provided on th~ EIR. Mr. Bettencourt indicated the EIR information is rndnaqr~blP. and could be provlded before that time. Ile felt tfic Land Use Element could he dctc:rmined ot this time and the circul~tion plan a~nend~nent could he initiated at tl~e same time. Clia i rman Pro Temporc Herbs t s tated i~e d i sagreed arid fe 1 t that tl~e road and t raf f i c situatlon shoul~i be settled because how the area will he serviced cc~uld determine the Land Use Elen-ent. Mr. Bet[encaurt stated he ayreeJ that the Circulation Element should be lc~ol<ed at and whethcr or not Serrano AvenuF s:~ould be extended~ but that their proposal does not impact the area in such a marne~ that he sees a problem~ chat a nea~l~illside seco~dary road could to/26/77 1 ~ MINUTES~ A~~AHEIM CITY PLANNIFIG COMMISSIQ~1~ October 26~ 1~77 E1R NOS. 20 !1 AWD 2Q78 l11JD GENCML PLAN 11MENDME~~T N0. 1~~4 (continued) be provfdod~ but that roal ly, "~~hot wl I t be thc most ap{~r~~priate of thelr proposal. )7-6a7 is the devr.lopcr's res{~onsibi 1 ity. 11e stetr.~i thc yuestlon Is tt~e future ~rc~ss-connectlon on ~~n nast-west basis and where would be ro~~cl~~ay on a nor th-s~~uth bast s?" ~ but c11 d not fccl th { s w~s an 1 ssue Is ~~sl:iny for a density for Choirm~~n Pro Temp~re Nerl,st srated Anahei~,~ Hilts~ Inc. commerclal ap~licatlon which wtll affect tl~e roads~ and Mr. E~cttencourt polntcd out that thls Is a~incroad andrNohl Ranch,Roed~tland it~justnisfnot~a b{g dealeand did~not9feeltlts at Cenyon R R would be a nwJor fmpact on tfie a~ca. Cha) rman Pro Taml~~~re Herbst stated he fel t the cl rculation study would shc~w whether or not ~hi~ is a uic~ dea) or a small deal~ and that when you cc~nsi~ler the impact wlCh th~ tr~ffic c~oing t~ the Riversi~e ~~nJ mc~~intain ~~re~s~ tl~ese road:, cou1~J hP v~~ry hcavilY (mn~cted. Mr. I~ett~ncourt stotecl they do noC have any quarrcl with what was g~ing to he the connectiny link tu Weir Canyon RoaJ ana thc most apprnpri~~tc linka~~e on thclr property and how it was yoiny to ~ie'int"W~nutCthir~i4, the~dec`isionahad to wa~trunrtilPJanuary and~would Plan discusslun, hc rca ly c be burdensome to a devcloper. Ron Smith, Associ~te Planner~ stated the Commission could continue ihe matter Just until they fel t~omfort~b~ iont~matter coul in~t~ei Cab:tcn~c~renofrln` four torsixiweeksstated he fel t the traffic circul~t Cnrnmissloner aarnese'Analieimf111i l lstd~es ~not knowU~icx~ri theQArcai is going to~hergradedWOUld be a problem b~caus Mr. Dettencourt st~~ted tf~ey could not yrade until the mat[er of the land use determinatio~ is made and, in the~r j~Jyment~ a cletermination can be made and the circulatton el~ment process can beyi n at lhc sarnc t i mc~. ACTIOtJ: Commissioner Davi~f offerrd a motian~ seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION ~t U(Comrnissn~r~ent Nohnt4~~. Areasall andalllebe9continued toatheAregulartmeeting of General Plan Amc the Planning Commission on Novemb~r 21, 1~77• lTLM Na. 3 AMENpMEi~TU TITl.E l3~ PUDLIC FIEARING. To consider ~n Ope~ Space (QS OPEN SPACE (OS) ZONE Zone a~ a mcans for implementing the objectives of thc Open Space Element of thc Anahelm General Plan. It was felt that consideration of an Ar-endment to Title 13 af the ~r.~heim Nunicipal Code regardtng the Ope.n Spa~c Element should be considered witt~ a full Corun~ssion at thc same tine General Plan Amendment P~o, l~F~- is heard. ACT1~~1: Comr~issioncr Uarnes offered a motlon~ secon~!~d by Comm~1a~1oonsiderationd f~the" C~- RR~ED (~ommissioners Johnson, Linn and Tolar beiny absent)~ ~;:~n Space Element, Amendment to Title ls of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ be continued to the regular meetin~ of the Anaheim Pla~ntng Commission on November 21~ ~~77. tn/26177 ; MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October 26~ 197J 77-6II4 ITCM N0. ~~ E R NEGATIVE ULCLAftA710N PUI~LiC HCARING. O~JNCRS: UCVCRLY Atl!1 CCMPTON /1N0 RECI.ASSIFICATIOr~ NQ. 77-7~i-22 C1IESTER A. P~TERSON~ ;21 Nortf~ Maplewoo~~ Orange~ ~~~. q~ CA 926(~6. AGCt~T: PIIILLIP STIVERS~ h2~ South Euclid Strcet~ Anahetm~ C/1 ~7.i;02, Suh~ect ~roperty is ~ rcctangularly-shAped parccl of l~+nd consistincl af approxlmately 0. )~~cre loc~~ted at the northwest ~.~rner of la Pa1mA llvenue ancl Imperlal HiyhwAy~ havlny approximatc fronta~es uf 1~)7 feet on the narth s(de of Lo Palma Avenue and 150 fect on the west si;lc ~f Imperial Hlc~ha~ay. Property ~s ~~resentty cl~,ssificd RS-A-~-3~0~0 (SC) (RESII)EfITIAL/11GRICULTURIIL-sccr~ic CORRIUQR OVk:RLAY) i0t1~. REQUESTCU GLl1SSIFICATIO~J: CL(5C) (COMMERCIAL~ LIMITCD-SCENiC CORRIUOR OVCRLl1Y) ZON[. b'AR1~INCE RCO.UEST; u~11UCR Of (~) H11XIM!~t! STRUC'~UR11L IICIGi1T A~ID (I-) i.n-inscl-PFr, Sf.TBACY.~ Tn rn~~~~TRU~;T !1 COMt1f.RCIAI OFFICE L'UILUI~IG. Thcrc was no onr. ir~dic~~tin~~ chcir presence (n opposltion to the suhjec[ petitiun, anJ althougli the staff rec~ort tc~ the: Planning ConMnissic~n dateci Octaher ~(,~ 1977 was n~t re~d at the publ ic hearin~~, i t is r~ferrecf to on~ ciadc a p~irt of the minutes. Philllp Stivers~ agcnt for thc ~,etitinncr~ inclic~[ed th~~•c ~~c~c t~ro precloi~+inant f~ictars whieh aff~et this request, one beiny the 1<~cation of th~. site ,~hic~~ is constralned by (mpcrial fliyhway preclu~llny access tc~ this sltc from tiie cast side of thc propcrty~ and su~ject propcrty is in the Scenic Corridor ancJ is required tn have a 50-foot setba~~ off the street which dictate~ the location of the builJinc~, To facil(i~'~[e thr_ best ~ossib~e vehicui~r access to this sit~ anJ acces: ta thr. adj~~cent pro~erty to ihe north~ a G~-f~ot wide access easeinent runnin~~ nortli off La Pelrna Avenue was ~rovided and this nrovicles efflcir.nt inCCrn.~l circulation. Ile stated this is the predominant f~3ctor in the variance request for the structural heiyi~t lir~itat'on aJjacent to resiJr.ntial prnpFrty. Also~ the landscaped arc~ as pc~(ntc:~1 out by st~iff as bcin<~ under Code rc~~~ircments was more or less dlctated by thc con~traininy factc~rs. Ne indicate~ che staff repc~rt has se~~n fit to recognize tlu~ fact tha: pertinent tn [he reclassification a~f~lication anci the varian~e, while the property is <~cijacc~nt t~~ resl~cnti~lly zoned ~roperty~ said ~roperties are developeu nari or have been ~~pprovr_d for aevelopment as c,ommercial use. fSe indicatec: tf~at the eoneerns ricn[lonecJ in the st~ff report by thc Traffie Uivlsi~~n and Sanitation Division have both been res~~lvc:!, TIiE PUIiLIC NC1i',I;~~~. 4lAS CLOSE~). Corxnissioncr liarnes as1.eJ a~hat typcd of signinr~ hc intenJeJ to put on Che walls, and Mr. Stivers rcplied th~t t+ics~• were shu+~m as sin~_~lc-f~~ce~ ;nterior-illumfnate~ s~gns that arc slx~wn on the elevations; .,~at tliey are a11a~eJ t~ have u~•rs 51n~1e-face siyn for each entry to thc s tores , as we 1 1 as aii i ~1cn t i f~ ca t i un s i yn i n thc f ron t a rea as shtnyn on the p 1 an, . COMMIS~l01JER LI~tJ; EI~TERED Tf{E MCE71tIG A7 3;Q5 P.M, Coromissionc:r Uarnes askc~ I~ow many shop~ werc propuscd~ ariJ Mr. Stivers replicd that at the present tir~c he dicl not know, Commissi~ner fiarnes sC~teJ that was che reason she was conter~e~ ab~.~ul the si~ns a~.J aSE:ed about the other tE~nants anc! what types of signs they would be allowecl to Iwve. flr. ~tivers replieJ tf~at what liappens insicie the co~rtyard is not affected by the Si~~n Ordinance. Ilp statcd f~e was not a{~plying for a sign permit at t!~1s point anci ~iiJ not L:naw what they would be but th~~t they would be subtle siyns. 10/2E,/77 MINUTES~ AIJAl1EIM CITY PI,ANPIINf, COMNISSIOtJ~ October 2G~ 1~77 17-f,t3~ EIR ~~JCG_ATIVE UECLARATION. RECLASSIFICATIQI~ t~0. 7;-7F.-:7. ~P~D VARIAN~E:_ N0. 2 ~~i (canttnued) fle stateci he wos within the present ordinance ~~s far as sizc ~~n~1 ty~r.of the stryns. Paul Sinyer~ Traffic Enyineer~ stat~~d tlie plan~ shc~w ehc eJriveway is too close to tlie Intcrseetlon of Imrerial aiid La Palma an~l that hts concern wat thnt .iny Jrivew.7y sh~uld be.~ 11~ feet to any intcrs~:ctiun of an Arlcri~l strr,~t~ ancl COrxn1551~rtcr Uavid repl icd th~it thc petltloncr has agrer.d to this. ACTIOtJ: Commissiun~~r Klnq offcrc~f ,~ rr~tion~ seconded by Comr~issioncr D~vid and MQTIQ~! Cl1RR EU (Cortmissloners ,lohnson an~l Tol,~r heiny absent~ and Commissioner L(nn ahstalnine~)~ th3t the Anaheim City P1~7niiin~~ Cocm~(ssion I~as rcviewe~l thc subject ~roposai tc~ reclasslfy the property from RS-~-h3~~)~0(SC) (Resi~ei~ti~~l/Agricultur~~l-Scenic Corricior Overl~y) Zc.ne lu Clie CL(SC) (Comi~~crcial~ Limitc~f-`ccnic Corriclor Ovcrl~~y) ~onc on ~~pproxl~-~~tcly ^.7 :+rre lpr.~te~~ ~t thc north~•~e~t r,nri~~r nf I~ PAIm.~ AvenuP .'~ncl Im~r.ri~yl Hiqhwav. f•,<ivin~l appraxlmate fr~ntages of 1')7 feet un lhe narth siJc c~f La Palma Avenuc ancf 1~0 feet on tlie west side of Im~ertal Niyhway~ with waivers of m~x(mum structur~~l heiqht and landscaped sethack [o construct a cc~i~r~erci~il office huilcJiny; ~n~i does herehy approve the Negatlve Deelaration from thc requirement tn pre~are an enviranmr_nt.il im~act report on the basis that there wnulJ be no siynific~~nt individual c~r wrnul.7tive adverse environmcntal impact due to the approva 1 c~ f th i s Ne~,~at i vc Uc: c I a r~i t i c~n s i ncc the An~~he 1 m f,enera 1 P 1 ar~ des i c~na tes [he subJect property for genera) cc~i,r,ercial land uses conrirnsur.~te wi th the ~ropos~'~1; th~~t no sensitlve environment~~l imp~cts are~ invr~lved in tl~e pro~osal; that the Initial Stu~iy suhmltt~d by the petitioner indicates ne~ si~~nificant in~fividual or cumulativ~~ adverse ~nvlronmental (mpacts; an~i tiiat the Negative Declaration substas,ti~[iny the foregoinq fin:lings is nn filc (n thc City of Mahei+n Plarning Departmrr~t. ACTI(1~1: Commissioner Y,inc~ offcred Resolutian t~o. PC77-.'..'.3 ~'~~~ movcd for its passacJe and a~pt~on, that Pet i t iun for Reclass i f i c~~t i~~r~ IJn, 77-7~ -Z~ he ~~rantcd sub.ject to the peti[ioner's stipulation to (a) r~le~catc tl~c ~rC~pUSCC~ drivea~ay ~~n La 1'alm~ llvcnue t~ a mi~~ir~um of 11~ fe~~.t fror~ the curh ex[ension alo~g Imp~rial Ili~~hway ne~~r the east property Iinc ;.in<i (b) eorX~ly witti the requircrnents of the Strcets and Sanit~~tion Division eoncerning aclequatr ~n-site circulation for trash coll~ction vehicles; and suh1ect to Interdepartment,~l Cor~rnittce rccormien~i~~tions. On roll call. the foreyoin9 resc~lution was ~asse~ ~y the follcn~ing vote AYES: COM!1iS510t1CRS: E~I1R~~L'S~ DAVIU~ 1l~:RElST~ KIt~G tJOCS : CUMt11 ~S I OfIERS ; IiOI~E AUSEI~T: CONr1t5SI0~~E„S: JOII~~SON, TOLAR AUSTAIN: C011MISSIO~IEP,S: LINII (n~[ being present fur [he ^ntirc hearing) Ccxnmissioner Kiny offered Resolution No. PCJ7-2:4 anci moved for its p~ssage and ado~tion~ that the Anal~c~im City Planniny Cc~mmission docs gr~nt Petition for Vari.-~nce ~Jo. 237~+ on the basis thaL the petiti~ner ~femonstrated that ~~ hardship e~,ists ~n that althouyh the aJjacent property co tt~e north is currently zoneJ RS-A-~~3.~~~~~SCi (Residential/Agricul[ural-Scenic Corridor Ovcrlay) Zonc~ ie has a rese~lution of (ntent to thc: ML (InJustrial~ Limite.i) Zone and is designace~ for general coR~mercial land uses on the Anaheirn General Plan and is presently developed with a restaur.~nt. On r~ll c~ll, the foregoing resolution was passed Uy the following vote: AYES: COMMISSI~NERS: f3ARt~ES~ Dl1V10, IiERUST~ KING NOE:S; COMMISSIOMCFtS: NONE A[3SEtIT: COMMISSIONCR5: JCHf~50t1, TOLAR ADSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: LINN (nat being present ~or the entirc hearing) to/2h/77 M I I~UTCS ~ AN/11~E 111 C I TY PI.ANN 1 I~G COMM 1 SS 14N, Oc tober 2G ~ 1971 77-G9f1 I TC11 t~0. ~ N~G~ VC UL•I:LARATI0IJ PUtsLIG HEARING. OWNERS: DONALU J. At1U CIIARLEIIE t Cti N0. 2~ STULO~ 130 l3arbara, Anahelm~ CA g2~30f,, AGEIIT: D~r~IJIS NCLSON. 12 TAhoe~ Irvlne, CA 9?.71!;. Petttioner requests Wl11VER OF MIN111UH LQT ARE11 TO ESTAULISiI A TWO-LOT~ RS-115-'L2~()0~)(SC) SUl3DIVISIOtI uri property descrit,r,d as an Irrec~ularly- shaped pa~cel of land co~~sistiny of app~uximately 0.~7 ~'~cre hav(ng e frontage of approxl- m~tcly 12~ fcet on thc north 51de of Mart~lla lane (privatc street)~ havin~ a maximum depth of approxlm~tely jG2 feet~ anJ bciny lucated approximately ~GO fect cast of the centerifne of Martin Roa~f (private strcet). Propcrty presently classifica RS-A-~~3,~~~(SC) (RCSIOEi1TIAL/AGIZI~UI.TURAI-SGEI~IC CORRIDOR OVE:R~AY) 20-IE. There werc four pcrsons i-iJicatin~~ thclr presence in oppos(t(on to the subJect petition~ and althouyh thc ,t,iFf rc~~ort to thc f'lannir~c~ Commission ~1ateJ Uctol~er ZG~ 1~77 was not read at th~~ public hc,~rinr,, it is r~~f~rr~~~t t~ ,nd n,a,{e a part of thc minutcs. J. J. Tashiro~ Assist~~nt f'lanner~ rca~l ~~ Icttcr wl~ich had bcen received in oppasitfon from tfie San ta Ana Canyon P rc~pe r ty Uwne rs Assac i a t i on wti i cli i s on f i i e i n the P I ann 1 ng Department. I t was notec! tha t the N i 1 1 an~l Canyon Mun i c 1 pa I Adv i yory Canmi t tcc (iIACMl1C ) at the i r nx:eting of October 11~ 19;~7, -~ith 12 ~,~:n~bers present, v~teJ unanimously to recommend denial of Variance Wo. Z972, Denii(s Nelsun, ayent for the p~ti[iuner~ ir,dicatc~d this was the firsC timc; they had he~rd th~ lettc:r in oppc~sition and stateJ lie wuuld resp~rtJ to those concerns in the letter. Ne inJicated the staff report h~s becn reviewed anJ that they liave had no objECtion to any of tl~c polnts made i~• thc staff repc~rt. He statecl i[ (5 no[ the in[ention of the pet(tianer to establish ~ preceJent; th~~t tliey are no[ pr~pr~sin9 a[atally substandard lot but are proposing a viaLi4 buil~iin~~ site, !ie inclicateJ there fs onc: Jeficiency in the Code in tl~at tl~~: parcel map wf~ich was approved fn Marct~ v~u1J provi~ie for a Iegal lot as shown as Parcel 1 in tl~e staff repor[ which lias a smal~er net area than Parcel which is not in conforrr~nce with the Zoniny Code; that it was their position that yrarcing this variance would not place a h~rdsl~ip on cfie conxnuni[y; thac tt~is is a viable I~uilding s(tP and does not contain a larye, unattractive road. Addressing tlie second p~int~ ~~e stated he did not feel tt~e Plannin~ Commissi~n would necessarily be SeCti~~g ~~~recedent iii this case and if any additional iiomes arc proposiny locs tk~at are not viable buildinc~ sites and Jo not meet thP yross area~ tf-at the Flanr,ing Commission has tt~e rigt~t to deny such a request. The third point, he felt~ was sornewhat insigr~ificarit to the issue and he did nct tliink it had anything to do with this varianc:e. Ne scated tliere arc otl~r_r lots adjacent to [his lot that have smaller net areas than beiny proposed for Qarcrl 7.. He indicated he har~ reviawed tt~e rccomrr~i~JeJ cond(tions ancl agrees witi~ tf~e environmental impact finding in the staff repart. Tony GarksJale~ 181 Possum Ilollow~ Anaheim~ stated his property is direcCly adJ~cent to this property and tha*, he agreed ~v(th all the reasons stated by [he assoclation and ( nd ( ca ted he unde.rs tooJ that the H! 1 1 anJ Canyon Mun i c i pa 1 Ade~ i so ry Ccxnm i t teP (N11C11AC ) had voted 12-0 to deny tliis request because it woulJ be establishing a precedent in the area. He indicated he hacl spent four an~J one-t~alf years cut~ing down the eucalyptus trees to build his home in an art~a where he wauld not have a man living 10 feet from his property line. tfe referred to M~, t~eison's indication that it~is is a viable building site and stated ti~at one of the lots woulci be a good building site for a house but the other lot 10/26/77 MINUTFS, AIrA~iEIM CITY PLIINI~ING COMMISSION~ October 2G~ ig77 77-G91 EIR NCGATIVC UECLAMTIUN l1~ID VAaIA~ICE_N0. 2~72 (wntinued) dropped aff about 3(1 f~et~ ~ind tl~at I~Is beck yarJ directly ~iumped all its ~irainaye into this a~cs~ and makes a ~icc pond. He referred to Mr. Nelson'a statr.menl that there are l~ts around the area that a~e sn-aller than the CoJc allc~wed nnd indicated he was not aware ~f any sucl~ lots. tie presenteJ a Ictt~r in opposition wlth 1~ stc~natures~ two dlrectlY a~lJacont to tho property anci others Jirectly Involved In the i~roperty around subfect 51te. ind(cetiny they felt this would be establist~iny a ~rccedent. 11e stnCrJ there are oCher property owners witli Ju3t one Acr~~ who woulc! like tu Jlvide (t~ and he felt thaC If thls request is approved~ contractc~rs will be tryinc~ to devel~p in this area and requestin9 similar varlances. Sam Gaylord~ 2~; South Oel Glor!~fu R~aJ~ st~~ted there are a tc~t oF people tryln~ to g~t snalicr lots ond wante~~ t~~ ~~k the petitloner what the hardshi~~ was in this cas~; th~t thls ls ~.~l l~~icre lot and hi: could bui 1~1 a hcwse c~n i t; that tl~e hal f-~cre requi rement i s the minimur~ requir~ment. Hc statr.~l that mast of [he 5anta Ara Canyon Prupcrly Owners AssoetAtl<m members plus ~~~CM~1C v~cre a.yainst this prnposal ~ an~.~ ~sk~d if ~~ny ~f the si~~natures In favor of tl~c proposol werr_ fror~i the devclopers of the pr~~perty. Mr. tJelson stated hc woul~3 l i;;c t~~ ad~Jress Mr. Darl.sdalc~'s cnrxnents ~ inortheretfis A crce~: v(abtlity of the sile, He; statcJ that alony the, nc~rthcrly ~roperty which Is a natural ~~~~~tercc~urse for thc area, anJ tha[ a y~~oJ-size r~~nchhouse could be developetl un the site and woul~i r~ot bl~clc his vlew~ an~J that the site is n~tur~lly 12 f~et bclow Mr. E3arksJalc's propcrty. Hc in~llcate~l this is a vic~blc bu?lding stte and that the only issue that h~s been ralsed has bcen tF~at tliis ~•iould !~c ~ precedent-setting situatl~h. He in~ficated he did n~t see huw this coul~ be conslJered ~i precede~it as the Plannlnq Commission can revicw anJ rcfusc ~ny case. T11E PUI~LIC HfARI1~G 1Jti5 CLOSCD. Commissioner Y,iny indicated beforv he coul~i vote hc wo~ld want to be certain the two homQs next ~ioor to the east arc nnt less than 22~~00 squarc fcet, and Nr. Nelsc~n repli~d that they excee~l 22~0~~ square fcet gross and 1'i,~~0 squarc fcet n.r.t. Gorxnissioncr Herhst a~G;ed i f thc appl ican[ owns the ad.jacen[ pro~erty and suggestr=d i f ~ t is larger [han 22~000 squ~-~rc fect, why not move tl~e property 1 ine, ~nd Mr. I~els~n rr.Pl led that tliere j us t i s not en~u9ti acces~ tc~ move tlir, property 1 1 ne; that th i s ~ras attPmpteci but could not be Jone, CF~airman Pr~ Tem~ore Ilerbst indicated it ap{~eared to -~Im the only harcist~ip Is that thefe are too mF+ny lots on the parcel. He stated tliis area is prim~rily zoned ayricultur2~ to aliow far animals and that animals must he kept a certain distance away fran ttie dwell~ng. I~e in~licated he was cancerned about the fact there were several public heartngs concernin9 tfti s part i cu 1 ar area and ttie pe<~p 1 e hiad fough t any cl~anyes because they di d not want wi cler streets or ~ny inore roa~ls. Ile indicated tf~e Commission had known the property owne~s would come In .:~nd ask for smaller lots but t~~at they did not want the circulation improveJ, and indicated he could not ~~ote for smaller lots because that is not what the people in the area had wanted, Mr. Nels~n steted he diJ not feel that he was creatiny a lot so sn~atl thak it ~~ould not be in conformance witti the inter~t of tt~e Cnde. f~e indicated tliat a person buying the 1ot would i~ave difficult~ in trying to get ~ mortyage because the cntire property would be encumbered. 10/26/17 MINUTES~ ANIIIIEIPI CITY PLl1NNING COMMISSION~ Octoher 2G~ 1977 ~~"~'~j2 E I R IIEGAT 1 VE DECLARAT 101~ A,,o vna in~+cc ~~o. 29)2 (cont 1 nucd) Conxnissic~ner [3arnes InJlcated the Plonniny Cocmilsslon is requlreJ to c~mr. up wlth n articul.~r ee~sc. Mr. Nclson rr.plled is cl i harJship ancl ~sl.c~ wh~it the h h ar~s fact p ~ n hip was that the hullJing sitc is only 1')i1~ squ.~r~~ fec~t less c he folt thc harJShir~ was t u rc: h t h '~ l ar °u ~ a ~ :els as ycarly Income~ { q P~~`ci ~ An t L t t~~c~ usr wou1~1 prcf~ iL `, ~ ~rc bufl ilny lc viat~ << s that you Commisslc>ner Darnes statc~l thc hir~lshlr thc COi~xnlSSion h~~s to considcr ~hj~°~n~ionedrlsY tl~e size of thc pr~~party; that Ll~is is t1GCUFIIIy one parccl ni~~1 thc h~ru, than not onc~ thc Comri~lssi~n can lcy~lly rec~~~~nizr.. Shc st~~tcd she c~~u1J not votc for le~sa Z?,~0~ square f~:ek ~.~~'~~ss anJ ~ i n fnct ~ fc 1 t tl,,~[ :.'. ~'1~~ squ,~rc feet nct woui d ma~c a morc vioble bulldinq site. Shc statc.a cl~c Cai.xnissi~n h,is not grant~~1 any v~rianees In Peralta h~~y h,v~~ Mac1~ other Hi 11, or on Mo! '~~r U~ivc fc~r Icss tii~ii thc i~~ii~ii;wr.~ rr.~~uircr• •r~c; tl~at t propcrty cr~ncr~, ~,;o u~~l ~~~~~.1 ~~ur..hasc :ic;:;it.inn~f ; ro;,,~rty ~n~{ rhry w~~rr f~~r clos~r tu thc re,a~~ir~:r~~r.nt ti,,ii~ tliis r~~que~st. Sh~: st.~tc~.1 sl~c Jiu not fec.~l thr. Cor~w~,(ssion cuu1~1 ~~ront thls request to su~jecl pro~erty a•~r~cr For so~~~ethin~, which h,as not hee~n ~ar~nl~~i to anyone Glse In two an~J ~mc-half yc~ir~,, Caminls5lc>ncr U~vi~~ sr~~tr.c1 !liat~ t?y 1~',+~ the CO~~1mISSlltn has tc~ finci n I~ardyhip ~~c~iuse of s~~cci~~l ~'~u,~stancc~ or a~hen strict ap{~1 ic.~tion of thr.. Zvnin~~ Co~lc deprtves thc pronerty vwner uf Nr~vile~_~cs ~;rr~nted tc~ utl~cr ~ra~~erty a~ncrs in the vlcinity. fle sta*.cd the law is very ~xplicit. Mr. Ilclsori statcd thcy wcre askin~.~ thc Pl~7nniny Cor~unissi~~n to vicw this lot on its own me~its ~~n:l bear In mind t~ic splrit of ti~r_ 7.oninc; Co~le, ~n~ that if 22,~~~ Sc~uare fe°x is thc on ly cr i tcr ia to J u~iye tt~c ~f fect i vcn~:ss uf tt~e bui 1 di n~~ ~, t tr. ~ then tlticrc 1 s no nc ~d for a net ~~re~i re~~ui~cnx:nt~ an~) Cormissioner (larncs indir,:~tc~± shc a~~rc.:J with Mr, Nels~n on th~~t pol ~~ AC~ TI011: Commissl~ancr (3arnes offcrc~ a nx~~ion~ sr.condcci by Corn~issiuncr Linn aP;an~`n~~~ CARRIEL' (Cornriissloners Joh~~son an~f Tolar bcing absent) ~ that tf~e Anahcim City Commisslon has revicwed tf~c suh}cct ~~roJe:ct consisting of ~~ two-lot, kS-HS-22.~~~(SC) subclivisic~n wi [h minimum lot arca ~•~i th a waiver of mii~(rnu-n lot area an appr~xim~tely ~~.`~7 acre~ having a frontr3ge c,f approxir,~atcly 125 feet c~n [he nor[h side of Nartclla L~nc~ haviny a rnax(~num ~e~~th of approximatcly 3F~2 fcet~ and bcing locatcd approximately 8(~(1 feet east of the centerline of Martin Road; an~1 does hereby approve. the Ne~ative Qeclaration from thc requf rement t~~ preparc an c~vir~nm~:nt~~ impact report on the basls that therN would be no si~~nificant in~ividuil or cur~ulative a<lverse environmental imp~yct due to the approval of thi s Ney~~t i ve ~ec 1 a r~t i on s i nce thc llnah::? ~ r.a~~.ra 1 P 1 an des i gnates the subject pro(~erty for liillside estatc ~ensity resldential land uses commens~~rate wi[li the aroposal; that no sensi:ive environmenta) impacts are invulved in the proposal; tl~at the Initial Study submittcd by tliP petitioner indicates ~o si~nificant inclividua) or cumulativc adversein~SiiS~~onnfilcl(nattie~Clty ~faAnaheimPPlanningeDepartmentsubstantiating t~~e foregot n~ f i nd g ACTION: Commissi~ner Etarries offered Resolution No. PC77-22~ and moved for its passage and a'~optTon~ that tbeSAn~~Lhat theypeti~ionerCdimilin~t~~lemonstratebthatna F1~f~.j5~ ip exls~sriance No. 2972 on thc a On roll call. the for~going resol:,tion was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIOP~CRS: BARtJCS~ DAVIU, fIERUST, LINN~ KING NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NOt1E AEiSEi~T: COMMISSIO~l~RS: JOt~IJ5011, TaLAR Jack White~ Deputy City Attorney. presented Mr. Nelson with his writte~ riyht to appeal th~~ Planntng Cortmission's decision within 22 days. 10/26/77 Mi ~ru7E~ . ANA~~E I M C I Tv p~nri~~ i ~~r, tor~ ~ 55 ior~ ~ Oc tabar z6, t 977 77-6~3 1 TE11 N0. F IR CA L~~RIC~L EXEMPTI0~1-CLASS 1 I'Uk3LIC HCARItIG. OWMER: IMPERIl1l PRA!'CRTIES~ ONU tl l. U5E ERMI 1~0. 17~7 P, 0. Uox 72~0~ New~ort Beach, C~ ~2(.G3. AGCNT: DISCOVCRY NIINAGEMENT C~. ~ 1?.~1 South Ueach fioulevarcf~ La Ilal>r~~~ CA ~OG31. Petitlaner r~qucsts 0'1-SAI.E I3E~CR ANL WINE Ili !1N EXIS'TIIIC REST~UftA'IT on property descrlbed A5 ~n irregularly-sli~ped parr..cl of lan~f conslstiny of a~prnxirk~t~~ly 11 acres h.~vinc~ ~~ front- agc of approximatcly i3J'1 fcet a7 thc nurti~ siJ~~ nf S~nta Ana Canyon Road~ bcin~ located approxlmately ~+1; feet east ~f the c.entcrlinc of Imperlal Hlyhway~ ~~nJ furthcr descrlbed as 57~~ 1-F San ta An~~ Canyon Road, Prc~pcrty present ly c 1 ass 1 f i r.~f CL ( SG) (C011MERC I Al. ~ l.l HI TEU-SCLI~ i C CnRF:I DOr OVCRL~Y) ~ONL. Tli~:r~: was nc os,c (:zdlcatin, their pr~~5i`nrn in n~txiSltlc~n tu su-~1ect renucsf~ and ~lthouc~h tl~e Staff report t~ khc P1~~nnin~~ ConmiSSiun d~~tcd Octc~bcr 2(~~ 1`)'11 was nc~t rcad At the publlc he~~rin~~. it is rr_fcrre~! co anJ m~~dc a p~~rt of the min~~tes. THt: PUULIG I~CARIPIG WI15 CLASEO. It was notcd that Lhe pirectur of the Plann(ny Uenartment h~s dctr.rmined th.~t the proposr.d actlvity f,~lls wit'ilr~ thc definlti~~n of Sectinn 3.'>>~ Classes 1 and 11~ of the City of Anahci~n Guidclines to the Requir~ments for an Envirc,runental Impr.ct Report and ts~ therefore~ cat.^.yor ical ly exem~~t from thu rc:~ui r~~ment tc~ f i lr. an EI R. ACTI011: Commissioner Y.ing ~~ffereu Resol~itic~n No. PC77-?.2~~ ancl ~~ove~f for its passage and ac~' oTtron~ tha[ th~ Petition for Condltlunal Usc Permit N~. ~7;1 be ~rante~j subJcct to Interdepnrtmental Committee ri~conx~~endatic~ns. On rol) call~ the foreyain~~ resolutfunwas pas~acd I,y Ghc follawlny v~te: AYCS: COMHISSI(~!lCRS: BARIICS~ D/1VID, t1CR~5T~ KIIIG, LIt111 NOES: COMMISSIOtILRS: NOI~E: ABSEI~T: C~7NMISSIOIIERS: JOI~NS011, TOLAR RECESS A ten-minutc~ recess was called at 3:35 P•m- ~_ RECCtJVEUf The meeting recc~nvened at 3:~5 p•m. ~ w) th a11 Commi ssioners "'-'w~ except Johnson and Tolar being present. 10/2F/77 M 1 tIUTCS ~ l1NAItE IM C I TY PLA!INI t1G C^-~ I 55 ~~N ~ October 2f~ ~ 197 J 71•~>9~+ ITFh N0. 7 Ei~vlnor~r~EriTnl IMi'~CT REPORT N0. 1"~;~ PUIiLIC IICIIRING. 01JNCR: TCXAC.O-ANAIICIM NILI.S~ I~IG. ~ N~~, <<) 3t;~ Anahe(m III Ils Ro~'+cl, Anohc(m~ CA ~7.C~J. AGCIlT: CN A IVk: M P OF MGT N0. 1~1'~l At~Alltl-1 IIILLS~ IIIC., 3'~~ M~~heim Hllls Ro.~d~ M~~hcl~~ CA ~2r>~J, Suh.ject nro~arty Is ~an irrc~~ularly- shapcJ parccl c~f I.~nd cunsisttnq ~f approximatr.ly 17. ; aeres havin9 a fro~~tayc ~~f a~~proxirnatcly 1 IGI fect ~n thc sc~uth sl~1c of Noht R~nch Rood~ I,aviny a rn.~xlrrurn depth of apprc~xim.~tcly 1~,25 fc~[~ ~~r!cl b~:lny lc~c.~icd ap~~r~x(r+ately 1~~~Q fcet east of the cent~~rlinc c~( Im;~cria) Hi~alnvay. Prc,perty prr.sently classificd RS-A-~i;~~~~0(SC) (Rl.SIDCIITI~L/Af,RICULTUF!!1L-SCCNIC CORRIOf)f~ OVCRLA~) 7.O~IC. RFQUCSTCR COIIllIT10'l/1l USE: TQ PERI117 /1 7`!-I.OT~ 7>-UNlT PLAII'IE~ U~lIT DCvFLn~-+~~iT WITii WAIVi:f? ~F (A1 RE.~UIRC-1EtIT T11AT ALL LOTS A4UT A PU~LIC STRFFT~ (c~) r+nxi-~~u~~ uui~~i~~c ticic~~T, n-~~ (c) HIPIIMUN sioc: YAr~~ sr.Tanr,r,. Therc w~75 no one incJlcating tlieir presencer In opposlti~~n to su'aJect re~~ir_St, .inc1 ~~Ithouqh th~ staff rpn~rt to the Planning Commission dated Octol~cr .!(,~ 1~77 was not read ~it the publle he~riny, (t ls referrr.d to .~ncl ma~le ~~ p.~rt uf the rniii~ates. It wa~ natea th~~ fli ll .~ncf Canyon M~nlcip~~l lldvis~ry Conx~iittee (HAC11l1C) r~ iiew~d subject rec~uest at their mr.c~ttn{as uf Septeinbcr 27 an~i ~ctoher 11~ .in~~ with 1? i~er~hcrs ~~resent~ 1~ merrd~ers ind(cat4d they like~i the concf~~~~t~ .~lthc~ugli sever~il rier~hers hi~1 rc~servotions about thc pr(v~tc strect~ the lot wi~lths and t~~c two-story hames; two n~mbers indic~te~.: they did not lil:e t!ir. proposeJ {>Ir~n ci;ic t~> the proposc~i ~~r(v~~ke s[reet, Phi il ip tfettencourt~ r~present~~~~) Anaheim H( Ils~ Inc., scatr.cl therc were questions deal lnq with thc slopc plantiny ~nd r~ain[enance an~1 the corK~r~n fencc plan for thc area. Hc inrltcntcd tl~ese t~ .: aclditional E,r~~.jccts alony t~uh) Rancn RoaA ~nd Im~rri~il !li~ahway~ In addttion to the Gr.~nt Warmington Nr~~iccc~ Tract I~o. 1~~31~ r~ou1J cr~r~ple[c c~msicleratlon of these three projects. Ile i~~~ficated Anaheic~ Hi l ls~ Inc. has cr~at~:d a m~ister umbrel l~ con~unity assoc:latiui~ for thc re~~ional slapc m~iintenancc of thc Jlnaheim Hllls area whieh will allow for r+k~int.enance res~~onsibllity of tl~e S~nPCS. Ile indicated tney have pleniec~ the sl~pcs and have installed extc~siva irriyation systems ~nd therc will be no parkway maintenance responsibilitlcs for ttze City. Mr. Bettencourt inclicatr~d ths fence plai~ i}~rmally requires nnly staff approval as to the de5ign~ but ~ccause of th~• three differant ho~ buildr_rs involved, they have becn work,ing tn develap a coi~t~n fence pl~n al~ng Impr.rial Hlyharay and Noh1 Ranch Road. To c~nserve the home vi~:w~ son~e pnrtions wll) be developed with o~en constructi~n~ but kee~in~ the general wall tl~eme with stucce~ or tile with a b~ick course along the top. 11e indicate tl~e use of ~aJ extenders to givc some relief alony ~he slope ton, tie sta[ed t'~ere was a c.cxnmon fence plan and felt that was [he limit of Anaheim Hills' responsibilities. Mark Smyt~ of Smytl~ tir-,thers indic,at~d the petitioncr is applyin9 for approv~l of Tentative Tract No. 101~)7 and in,ic.ated they hacl reviewed tl~e staff report and agreed with it. He state~ their consultants ~r~ present to answer any cRuestfons. Tt~E PUt3LIC f1EARItIG 41AS CLdSED. J. J. Tast~iro indtcated there was a corrr.ction to the staff report; that th~ three waivers ltsted should be identified as (a)~ (b) and (c). l0/2G/77 MINUTES~ AI~/111CIM CITY PLANNiNG CONM15510N~ Oci<~ber 2G~ 1'-77 ]]-(,~~ Elft N0. 209, CONUITidNAL USC PEfZMIT N~0.~17~~ /1ND 7EfaTATIYE nAP OF TRl~CT ~JO. 101U7 (continued) Chai rrndn Pr~ Tempc~re Herbst ycAt~~f the purposc of al l~x~~inq GO~c~OfilIfllUfl devet~pment in thc fiill and Canyon ar~~~ illowin~ tl~c htyhcr dcnsity, wns that c~~ch slt~~ should pravlcfe somc sr~rt of rccreatlon;,l f.~cll(ty and indicated tlie only recreotional lot w~s Identlfied as Lo[ It. an~ ,tsked what ty~~e af fac.illtlas wcr~ ~ro~osed. Arthu r Daniellan, ?.~~., Cam~us Qrlvc, Newpc.~rt fieacf~~ pc~intr.~l ~ut thr r~creat(anc~) arcas on the nlon and po(nteJ [o thc slc~pes ar~~ tier levels c~f the proJec[. !le fndtcnted the acc.~:s s to t'~,e racreat i~n.~l f~~c i 1 i t icz ancJ st~~tec1 tl~at w~ikways Ar~ providc~i i n tF~e slope b~~nk arr..is .~nd ~~ny pc rs~n f r~~r~ ~ny housc c~~u 1 J wt~l ~. to tl~e ~r.crr_~~ t i~na i cen tcr. Ile indi e.~t~~! p I~ns Inc I u~le a[cnn i s court, swlnriin~~ ~~u) ~ Jscuxz( ~ sr~~) 1 cnbana wi th restroom5 i SIIUW41 ~Jl.~ I I~ICS~ etc. fie indlcat~~d thc~se ,irr.~is ~~re hr_avi ly landsca~~ed to nrr.~t thc requirc~~,crt~ of l1n,~l~c:i;,, !l111;, In~. Ch,~ir~non Pro lernrorc I~erbse asG;r.J Mr, Sin~~rr if tlie circul,itian rl.in wns a~lec~uate~ and Mr, S i nye, r rep 1 1 eJ t~'~~t thc~sr. ~ t r~•~~ ts. ~~av~~ bcen e, ta~~ 1 1 shccl on prr.vi c~us ovc r i 1 1 ~l ans ~~nd thcy arc i n cc.~nfor,a,in~c wi t!~ the Cer,c,ral Pl~n tl~at ha•; bcen develn~~~~l f~~r t'~~t arca. II~; st~~t~~ci he wc~ulcl lil-.e to fin' r,ut ~~~hrr<r tr.iffic J~~fic~.(encie, ire i~ cnlculntrd for Service Level C. P1r. :~~nicli~n repliu~ that tlic f'rtn~~lc tr.-ffi~ stuJy ha~ I>~~i~ ,u'amltt~~i tc~ tlie f'lanniny Dep~~rtn~r_nt ~nJ frl[ t:~c,c qucstion5 h.ici becn answ~recl~ ~n~1 Hr. $inycr rc{~licd that he h~d seai~ thr. repurt on~ th~~t wa5 w~;y h~, r~as ~sl.ing thc qucstions; ih~~t thc rep~rt adJressecJ itsel f t~ Ch~, tra('fic_ circul~ti<m and c,il~ulations basecl on ~~ ratlier hic~h conven(ence Ieval of traff(~ an~i haJ pUinted ou[ ccrtain deflciencies, and tl,at ttiis level of serviee i s h i~~hc r thaii norma 1 1 y usc.i, He s ta tc~l hc wou I ~ 1 i kc to havc tftic t ra f f i c s t udy calcul,iteJ ot ~~crvice Levcl C r,ithcr than U. J~eG: f',ecves, r.nylneer fur tl~e pctitioner~ repl iecl th.it hc~ is unaer t~~e impression th»t this infurr~atlon had hc~en ~~rovided tc~ the s~tisfacciun o~ the Traffic Cnryineer~ and Hr, 5 i nye r re~ I i c~l th;, t a. ~~im~,n~lm~ n t h~~d I~cen submi t ted bu t th~ t hc s t i 1 1 wou 1 d 1 1 ke to Sce the ealculatloi~s baseci on Servic~ Level C to sec what tFie tr~ifflc ~eflciencies would be s~ that they c~uld avoid scn~~e ~f thc tr.~ffic pr~,birris~ an~f Mr, Recves replied that this information woulJ !~c proviJrJ. Chai rrnan Pro Tempore I~erbst incf icated that in an,~lyzin~~ the pr~ject he felt the cul-Je~sat st~eets were ti~itit on circulation; [hat they had inacfec~uat~ ~~rkinc~ on :hat portion and asked if therc was any way to rnakc that arc~ more flexihl~~. Mr. Danielian replieJ tfiat several aiterr~atives li~d been tricd end the solution as sl~own wou 1 d prc~vi de four on-s 1 te parl: i nr~ spaces , two i n the _yara~i~ and ta~o 1 n tt~e cir i ve~.~y ~ and that the driveways have been cleepened tc~ ciiscouraqe on-strept parking. Ne indicated that there would be a curb-si~~e parL.ing space within 7~ feet of each unit~ providing flve parki~y sp~~ces pcr lot. Ile stateJ tt~at if units were inoved back to provide more parking, usab 1 e yard area in the back woulci be lost. Chai rman Pro Ternpore Nerbst askeJ how far the pr_ople would have [o carry thetr trash, and Mr. Danielian replled tt~at the four lots refcrred to in ;he staff report wou1J have deeci res t r i ct t ons raqui r i n~~ that the trasl~ be depos i ted on trash days i n order that trash trucfcs do not have to drive into ~t~at portion of khe developr~nt. tle al~o s.tated there was ~dequate turniny radius at the other end wi th a ful 1, sta~dard cul-de-sac; that there was no problem with the Fire Departr~~ent n~r tt~e irash people. Ne indicated the only prob 1 em wou I d bc wi th Lot Nos . 23 tlirouqh 2G, wh i ch wou 1 d be mi t i gated tf~rough deed to/26/77 ~ M I NUTf:S ~ fl1~ANE ~ M C I TY PLANN I NG COMM I SS I UI1, Octaber 2G ~ 1977 7~~~~E' EIR N0. 2Q9, CONpIT10NAl USE PERMIT N0. 1759 A~~U TEN_TATIVE Ml1P OF TRACT N0, 10107 (cantinucd) rastrlctlons~ and Chairma~~ Pro Temporc tlerbst asked tf thcr~ was any w~y t~ mitigetc thls otl~er than dead restrictirms; that trash is ~lways a prol,lem with the r.ommimity. Mr. paniellan lneflcate~i th~~t if the cul-de-sacs werc Incrensed~ It wou1J nece:ssitate cu[ting into the slape hranks, incrc~sinq the ~r~~cling, he felt the trnde-~ff wo-~Id he an Ina~proprlate one. Chairr~an Pro Teinpore Ifcrhst fnJicated tl~at I~~ fclt IC was t~ossihle thcre was ~~n~ too m~ny units In the pro,ject an~i tl~it the dcvclopcr could solvc thc problcm by r~movinq onc of thc units~ and ~1r. Daniellan re~~ilc~i that thcy would takc a hard l~ok ~~t th~-t hut frlt they could resolvc it wlthout losing a unit. Ci~alrman Pro Temporc Ncr~.;st str-t~~l tl,~t thc I~r~~jec[ cou1J I~e R~~~de viable wlth e~aod c(rcul~tian ancJ that Onc of Ll~c thinps that r~iu~~t bc satlsfl~~~i is the trash cc~llectl~n; th~t they Jt~f nat 1iL.c t~> sr.~, pc~~plc carry t~~r.ir 2rn~~h ~ wholc hlock an~i fclt the devcloper wulcJ rc5olvc th~it 4~rublern, Mr. Qaniclian renlieJ th~.it if ch~e Canmissi~n wc~uld trust him hc would wor~. with thc staff to satisfy af i thc ~o~~ccrns. Commissioner Linn indic.~t~~d he was concerneJ about ~~arkin~~; that even with a twu-car garage anJ o lony drivcway~ peuple woul~f still parl; in thc street. Ilp indicatcct he fclt xhere wcre too many units in thc prujr.ct. Mr. Uaniellan pointe~l to a chart which ha~1 been prepare~l indicating cars parL.e~f which would be as~fyncd t~ cach unit. He polnted out tl,at with thrcc~ four or flve cars per•ked parailel to thr. curb~ thcre still woul<i be sufficient room to pass. Ne indicated that with the drivewa~s clustcred as thcy are, ane drivew~y is scrviny :wn units, and Indicated that the elvil engincer was prepariny new schematic ~irawings which will he more precis~ and that the p~~rkiny conccrns wi 1 I be resolveci. J. J. Tashiro inJicafed that in this particul~r concioniniun, the parkin~ requiremenr was 2.5 spaces per uni t. Ct~airman Pro iemporc Ilerbst inciic:~ted tl~~t i: appcarcd the driveways were very narrow yeCtlny out, but tliat t~is concerns liad been ans~aered ln tl~at the~e 1~ sufficient turning a rca . Comrnlssioner Garnes asked Mr. Singer if he was satisfied with the EIR regarding the trafflc, and Mr. Sinyer repl ~ed that tl~e EIR is adequate as far as the traffic was coneernecl~ and in~iicated tt~at he had r*~rely asked for additlonal information for long- range developmen[. Comm(ssi~ner Linn askeu where the chiluren would be going to catch the school bus and stated he assumed i t woul J be tiie corner of Noh 1~tanch Road. Ne i ndi cated he fel t tf~ere would b~ an impact on tl~e schoo)s. Philllp (ietter~cou~t indicaied tt~is project is as close to Imperial Elementarv Schoo) as~ the curren: walkin~ ~Ilsta~ce is for Westridye. t1e indicated he pr~sum ~~hoo) ehildren would ~~~alk because the ~dastriJc~e cF~ildren walked the same dlst d dfd rr~t feel the district would provide buses. Ne indicateJ tt~e improvement plr~ ~.-r Nohl Ranch Rood already had bus stops designated. to/26/77 e MI NUTCS ~ I1t~AliC I N C ITY PIANN I NG COMMI 5510N ~ Octabcr 26 ~ 1~177 77_(,<~~ EiR 1~0. 2Q~, COI~DITIONAL USE PERNIT N0. 1_ AND TEN7'ATIVE Ml1P OiF TRIICT '~~. 10~~7 ~cantlnucd) Chai rmar~ Pro Te~nporc Hcrhst as4,ed when t~oh) RAnch Road woul d he imp~~oved, and Jay TI tua ~ Off~ce ~nyin~scr~ repll~:d tl~at Anahelm liills haJ some ot~lig~~tij;G~e~int~~l~eCv~rytneirvfuturc. in the widanin~~ af Nohl Ranch Road~ and it shoulJ he takin~ p Ch~lrman Pro Tempore II~rUst asb:c~f if there wcrc to he stdewalks in that arca, Anci Mr. Reeves r~plle~l Chat thcre will be; that tl~ey wi11 Ge put in alony with thc devela~ment.. f1r. ;inycr indic~~t~J tliat An~ihcim Hi Ils~ Inr_, lia~ en<~a~~r.d enyinccr(nc~ firrns t~~ put in thc traf f i c s i~~nal s at Im~~cr i al II I glroray and t~u'~ 1 Rancl~ Road. ACTIOII;Cummis5l~~n~`r liarncs <~ffcrc~7 a mntion~ se~ondr.d by Corv issioncr ICin~~ ~nd HOTI!?N enr,ai~:u (Lorimissic~ncrs Jo{~i~•~ui~ .~r~d Totar bein~~ n`~srnt). thot f.IR tJo, ?'~~ fc~r Trnt~'~tivc Tr~et flu. 1~1'); ~ c~~r~. ~~,~'~~~.1 ~,f ,~t;prc~xiriatcly 7`.; sinc~le-f,~r~i ly~ ~itt~~chc~l ~~n~l ~Jct~acheJ rc5lJ~nt~~1 unlts ~~n N~;~roxim~iC~'ly 11•`.; ,icres locatc•c1 c~n thc suull~ si.1c of !lohl R:-nch R~ac1 approxlrn.~t~:ly mi~way t~etwecn Im~eri~~l Illyhway anu An~l~rir~ Hi I ls Ro~7d~ I~avln~ bcen eonsi~Jcrc~ this datc hy thc~ Moh~ii~ City Pl~~nninc~ Coru~ission ar~d cvi~lencc, hoth writtcn an~ ur'al, havlny b~.en prescnte~! tu SU~~~~Icr~cnt said CIR Nu. 2"1~, `Iricls C!~it p~trntf~il proJect~~l~ncratcJ in~llviJu~~1 an~ cunulativc .~dvcrse ir~a< ts h.ivr. bc~n re~fuced t~ ~~n acceptablc lavcl by eunformrincc wlth Clty plar~s~ policlcs an~f c~rdinancc.. ~ind Draft CIR lio. ~0~ cunforrns tc~ thc Cat ifornia Quol ity Att and Si~~tc a•~J Cf ty CIR Guidcl lnes; ti-erefore~ basccf upc,n sucl~ lnforrc~itiun~ the 11n~heini City Planninq Carm~ission docs ccrtify E I R tlo. ?~''. l1C710N: Comr~issianer Ilarnes offere.f Ree+ulutic~n I~o. PC7]-27.J ~ncf rnovr.c~ for its pnssa~~e ~~nd adoptfon~ th~~t the ~naheim CI ty P1ann!ny C~rimission dacs hcrel~y gr.int Peti ticm f~r Condit(~nal Usc Permit iJu. 17~`.1. suhjcci tc~ thc n~titluncr's stlpulation Co pr~vldc adequate access for trash pict.-up servicr_ t~ i11 ""~t`'~SS~ef~b~~~~anteJ'~onstf;ecbasis~'that ;anitatlon D(visi~~~n~ and tl~at the r~r~~posed ~laiver (a) Y 9 each lot whi ch does r~nt aF~~ut a puh 1 i c str~.i:t i s~rc~vide~~ ~~~1 th aderyuate acc.ess by othcr privatP strcets or short~ prlvate drivcways; tl~at thc proposeJ Waiver (h) is hcrchy granted due to the hi lly terrain and thc ~)rade differenccs GCC'rJP_CIl thc proposed bulldin9 pads and tl~e future sir~qle-f~ini ly ~esiJenceS on ad,jacr.nt pro{~erties. sa1J di fferentit-1 rangin~ between L to 7_5 fect and tt~crc!~y minimlzing t~~e visu:+l impact ~f and visibilltY from the proposed two-stnry ciwel) inys; anJ c~ranted on tf~c basls that the attached urlts shariny a coix~n w~~11 have a zcro si~1c yard un ane siae~ that a sidc yard of 10 fect or greater is provicled for e~ich unit on the othcr slcle, anc! su-~Ject to Interdep.~rtmental Commlttee recoi~n~end~~tions. On rol l call ~ the foreyoiny resolution w~s passcd ~>y tf~e fr.~l lawbng votc: AYES: COr~MIS510~1ER5: BARIIES, UAVlU~ t~ERt~ST, Y.I~~G, LINrI NOES: COi1M I SS I 0;lL(tS : M01lC AOSE~17: CAI1MISSI~NERS: JOHN501~~ TOLAR Commissfoner Uarnes offered a inocion, seconded by C~mrnissioner David and NO?IQtI CARRIGD (Cornmissianers Johnson and Tolar t~einy absent). that the Anaheim City Planning Commis3ior does hereby find that thc proposed subdivis(on~ together with its cJesign and improvement, ls cansistent with the City of Anal~elm's General Plari~ pursuant to Government Code Section 6G473.5 and does~ therefore~ approve Tentative Map o` Tract No. 10107 for a 79-lot. 75- unit. Rt~-4QQ0(SC) condominium subdivision~ subject to the following conditions: 1. That t~~e approval of ?entatlve Map of Tract No. 10107 ts c~ranted subJect to the approval of Conditioi~al Usc Permit No. 1759• lo/2G/77 MI~~UTES. 11t1AFICIM CITY PLAN~IING COMHISSION~ Octo~cr 25~ 1~77 71~~~`~~ CIR N0, 20~~ CONDITIONAL USI: f'ERMIT N~. 17~9 I1Np TCNTATIVt: MI1P OF TRACT Nfl. 1~1~) (continucd) 2. That shuuld th(s subJfvisic~n be devclc~pr.J As more tlian unr suhdiviti(on~ ench subdlvlslon thcrcof shall hc suGmftt~tJ in tr.ntatlvc f~rri for ,i~~~~rr,vil, 3. Thot !n acc<~r~i.~nc~; wi th CI ty Counc( I po) Icy~ a~>-frN~t hic~h~ Opr,n~ dr.c~,r~~tive wal 1 Shall hc c~~nstruct~~d at tliu t~-~ ~~f Sl~~pc ori thc nortli pr~?r~:rty iinc~ sc(~~~r;tting Lot IJoS. ~~ th rou~~h 1~ f rc~rn I~oh 1 R~nr.l~ Road. Rcasonab I c 1 andscar~ I ny ~ I nc I uc11 ny i rr i~~,~ t i un f ac i 1( t i es ~ sliall bc inst~llc~ in tt~~~ uncemcntr.J p<>rci~~n uf thu arc~:rial hi~~h~~~y n.irkway ~I~u f~ill dlstance of sa1~1 w~ll; plans f~~r salJ lanelsc.~p(n..~ to be Sul,m([te~ to and Sub.IE~ct to the approval of tlie Superinten~fent c~f Parkway Mdintenance; anci f~~llc.r~in~~ installatl~n .3nd accept~~nce, the Clty of Anaheim shall ~~ssunx. tl~e re~spons(hility f~r m,~int~n.~ncr, of s~~ic! IanJscapiny, ~i, Tho: al l l~~ts wi thin rhis tract shai l bc scrvFJ by under~~rouncl uti 1 itles. '~, Th~t a f in•~~l tr~ict mi~~ of sut,.jcct ~rr~pcrty siial l b~~ submi ttc~f to and appr~vc~ ~y Chc City Council and tiir.n he recur~leJ in thc ufficc <,~ li~~. Or.~nyc Co;m.•; ~ccurclcr. 6. Th~~t thc tc~vuri~~n[s~ c:unditi~~ns~ nnd re;trictions shall hc cubr~ittcri Co and ap~~rovecl by the C i[y ~t [~~rney' s Of f i ce ~~n~1 the C I ty Cngl nee r~r ic~r tn C i ty Counc 1 1 dp~~rov~l of thc final i~.ict ma~> ancJ~ Furlhcr~ thaL tl~e a~~prc~ve~1 covcn~nts~ c~nditlnn5, ~nci reslrlctlons sh~~ll be rec~rdeJ c~>ncurr~,nely with thc final tract riap. 7, Tf~at street n,imc, shall be ~ppruvc~i Gy the City Planniny Department pri~r t~ approva 1 of a f f na 1 t rac t ~nap , i3, That thc ~~wncr(s) ~f subjr.ct propcrty shall ~.iy t~~ thr. Cicy of Anahefr•~ thc appropriate ~ark an~1 recreatic~n in-licu fe~rs ~is cJ~~terr,ined to t~e ~~;~rc~pri.~tr_ hy thc City Council~ ~~aiJ fces to be ~.iiJ ~t the tirx~ t1,c huildin~.~ pcrmic is issued. 9. Tiiat Jr,~iria~ic af sald E~ro~~crty shall be disn~:,c~1 ~~f in a ~~~~~nncr satlsfact~ry to thc City Lnginccr. If~ in thc preparati<~n of thc ~ite~ sufficient ~~rading is r~qulred t~ necessf tate a~~ra,finy pcri~i t, no +•~ork on yr~~diny wi 1 1 be permi tte~7 hetwcen Octohcr l~th and Apr 1 1 1 ~ th un I ess a I 1 requ i rc~1 a f f-s i tc ~ir.+i n~yc T~c i I+[ i~~s have bcen i ns t.~ 1 1 ed and are aperative. Pos(tiv~ ~~ssurance sl~all bc provideJ the C(ty that such ~ir,~fn,~~c f~~cilities will be cor,~leteJ E~rior cc~ October l~th. Ilece55ary riyht-of-way f~r off-slte draln.~yc faci 1 i tics slial 1!,e dedic.i[c~! to tlic CI ty. or 1he Ci cy Counci 1 shal l have in(tiated conJcmn~tion ~~rc~cc~~~finys tl~erefor (2he cc~sts ~>f wl~lch shal) be born~ by the devsloper) priur tc~ thc cor.u,x:ncr_r-x~nt of ~.~raclinc; ~peratir~ns. The requirecl ~Jrain~ye facilitics shall be of a sizc ~nd typc suffici~~nt to c~irry runvff ~•~atcrs oriqinat(ng from higher pra~ertics thr~u~~h saici rrc~perty eo ultinx~te disposal as a~proved by the City Englncer. Said drainayc facilitics sh.~ll hc the first itcm of construct(on a~ci shall bc eompictucl and be func:tionil throughuut tl~e tr,iet ~n~i from tl~c clcx.rnstrca^~ boundary of thc property to the ultirnitc pc,int uf disp~sal ~~rlor [o the issw~nce of any flna) bulldi 9 inspections or occu~~ancy permits. Oraina~~e district reimbur5ement ayreements may be made av~ilable to the devel~~pers uf sai~ Ezroperty upon tlieir rcc~ucst. ). That yra~inc~~ excavaciun~ ~nJ all o[her construction activ(ties shall be conducted in sucl~ a manncr sa as t<~ minimize t}~e possil~ility of a~y sllt oriyinatli~y from this pr~jec[ bein~~ ~arried inCo che Santa Ana Rivcr by storn water originatiny from or flow(ny throuyh this projeet. 10. That all priv~-~tc strc:cts shal) be dcvcl~ped in accor~iance with thc City of Anahcim's stand.~rcls fnr privatc strects. 1?.. If perr~anenL strcet narie siyns havc~ n<~t beer, instalted~ tempc,rary strcet namc signs sh~ll bc installeJ ~rior t~ any occupancy. 13. That t~~e owncr(s) of subjcct pro;~erty shall ~a~~ ~p~~ropriat~ dr:~inage assessmcnt fees to the City of Anaheim a~ determiried by the City Engincer pri~r to approval of a final tr~ct map. 14. That the ~ieveluper sh~ll dedicat~ to thc~ City of llnaheim a fifteen (15) foot wic~ pub 1 i c ut( 1 i ty eascr~enc from tlie cul-de-sac of "C" Street to C~verc•d Wa~on Trai 1, as required by the Uirector of Publtc Utilities. 10/26/77 M 1 NUTf:S ~ I11U~NE I M C I TY Pl./1N~1 I NG COMN I SS I(11J ~ October 2G, 1~77 71~~~3`? EIR N0. 20 COIJCITIOt~AI. USC PCRMIT FlO. 17~7 A~10 TCNTATIVE NAP OF TRACT N0. 1010 (cont(nued) 1~. That adequ~~t~ vlsi~illty °~r vchicics cr.itiny "A" Strec[ unto Hountain Lo~p Trail shall bc pruviJed~ ~is rcryulr~cl by thc Traffic Enc~inccr. lfi. That in acco~~lance with the r~.quirrm~nt~ of Sr.ctlon fE~.~^,~~-7, ~ert~lniny to the initial s~le of residentlal h~,mes in thc Glty af An~ihc(m Planning llre.i "U"~ the 5cllcr shall provide cach buyer with writteri Inforrnation ccmcerning the: Maheim General Plan and thc r,x(st1n~~ zonin~~ within 3~'1 fcet af tho bc~und,iries c~f s~hJect tr~~ct. 17, That rny s~ecimen er~re rerrx~val shnl) be suhJect tu thr. rr_yul~tions p~rtalnin9 to tree preservatloii in thc Sccnic Corridor Ovefl~~y Zone. Comnissic~ncr ~arncs c~ffcre~l ~~ i~-otion~ sccorid~~d hy Commissiancr Linn an~f M0710!! C11P,RICD (Commissloncr, Johnsun .an~ Tolar bcing al,scnt)~ tha[ thr. Mahcim City Plannin~t Commission dn~a hr_r~by ret;orunend t~ th~ Ci ty Counci I of ,hc CI ty of I1~ahcim that Lhr rcyucst for walver of thc ilillsicic Gr~~Jiny Ordin~incc rcyuircmwnt tl~at to[ tlncs bc lc~c~tcd 2 tn 3 fer_t from thc tr~p ot slupc be ~~r~+~~tc~i f~,r Trict !!a, 1~11~? o~~ rh~ haals i-~~t a cc~mrnunity assoelati~~n will bc respc,nsihlc for .ill thc ~ffectc~) sic~pcs. ITE11 tIU. ~ EI~V R r~t~C~IT~I I 11f'l1CT RLPOP,T IIQ. ?0~; PU:1L I C IIC11R I hIG. 0',~R~ER: Tf.Xl1C0-Atll1HE. I t1 li I LLS ~ I ~IC. ~ C IID tl/1L USC CFt~11T N0. ~:) 3%~ llnoh~~im IIl lls Road, Anahci~~~ C!1 ~?.~0/. AGENT; TC',IT/1TIVC Mn~ oF Tnn.T 11~). 1~1~G A'l/1HCIM IiILLS~ It~C. ~ 3'i0 Anaheim Ni 11s Ro~c1~ An.~hcim~ CA ')230J. Suhject ~ro~er[y is an irregu l a r l y- sf~apcd parccl of lan~i consistin~~ of ~~~prcixlr~ately 1~.~ aeres loe~~ted at tlie suutheast corner of Nohl Ranch Road and Imperial Iliqhw;~y~ having approxlrrx~tc frontaycs of lh~l~ (cet o,i Chc so~ith si~lc of Nohl Ranch RO~nr'~(SC)?(RESIDEoTIA~I ea~t si~fr. of Impcrlal Hiylw~ay. Pro~erty prr,sently cl<~ssificrf RS-A-43, AGRICULTURl~1.-S~L,~IC CQRRIUOR OVERLIIY) 7_0'1£. RCQUCSTCU COt~U1710N~1L U;E: TO PCRHIT ~ T'~10-LOT~ ~>G-UtiIT PLAtIIIEU UNIT UEVE:LOP-1E~IT WITIi ',Ji11VER OF Ml1XIMli~'. STRUCTURIIL NCIGNT. Therc was nu onr_ i nc1 i ca t iny the i r presencc i n cppc~s i c i on to sub ject reques t, and a 1 th:~u~h the staff report to the Planning ConYnission datr_d Octob~r 26, 1971 W~s not rea~i at the publlc hcariny, it is refcrrc~i t~~ and mac.'c a part af the minutes. It was note~ that the !ii 11 an~~ Canyon Munici~al lldvisory Corxnittee (-~/1CttAC) reviewed subject peti~i~n at their r~cetlny of Septer~er 1.7th and with 11 r~c~nhers present~ thc Comml ttee unai;ir,x~usly v~tr.~ to recorxnend ~~ppruv~l of Candi ti~~nal Use Perr~i t No. 176~ and 7entattve Map of Tract Ilo, 1~10(. J. J. Tashiro~ Assistant Plannur~ in~Jicated a correctic,n [^ the staff renort, Item 2(t.)~ should read a two-lot~ GE~-unit subdivision r~ther than ~ ane-lo~, ~~(,-unit Subdivisinn. Wade Cable~ 1~S 3r~oG.hollc~~~ San[:~ Ana~ stated the petiti~.~ner ac~rees w(th the staff report. THE PUE)LIC IIEARI~~G WJ15 C~OS[D. 11r. Cable pointe~l out tl~e recreational faci 1 ities cm t~~c• plans whicll i~clu~ie a pool, cabana~ tot-lot and mini-park. He stated thPy d~~ not anticipate a l~~r~e number of school- agc children in chic deve)c~pment. Chairman Pro Tempore Herhst asked the de~th of the recre~tional lot, and Mr. Cat,lc replieJ it is abaut (>0 feet, that it is a very narraw lat. Jaek Reeves, engineer for tt~e petitioner~ pointed out that ttiere are t~ro recreatlonal facl l i t(es proposed~ one wi th a p<,c~l . 10/26/77 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ October 2G~ 1977 77-7~0 EIR N0. 208. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1J60 AND TENTATIVE MAP_OF TRACT N0. 10106 (continued) Chalrman Pro Tomp~re i~erbst asked Mr. Sinycr if he was satisfic~i wtth tf~e plan~ and Hr. 5inger rapl tecl tliat he was. Chelrrnan Pro Tempore Ilerbst oskcd if the trash trucks would be able to ge[ down to the lower units~ anci Mr. Cable repl(eJ tl~et some residents woul~l I~ave to walk 200 feet to the intersect(c~n to dcpos I t thel r tr~ish. Commisston~r Linn was co~iccrned ~bout the ~~r~~dc of tl~e Streets and Mr, C~t>le replled there would be no strects wlth 12~ groJe~ and Mr. Reevc~ polnted out tliat thcre is one street which Is a bit over 10~ grade. Ccxnmtssioner Eiarne.s stated she was cancerred ahout che 2~Q feet distnnce far tr~~sh depastt and stat~s th(s was not gc~od pl.inning. Annika Santalahti~ ~s~istont DirecCor f<~r Zonin~, indicateci this rrnJect t,ad been revlewed by the Sanitatic~n Oivision anJ that ttiere appe~ircd to bc no probl~m with it. Mr. Reeves ind(cateci that iF they find there is a problrrn with trash pick-u~~ then thsy can move the buildings back to makc morc room. Chairman Pro Temp~re Nerl~st inJicated he would not iike to see someone carry tf,~ir trash Z00 fect up a hill oncc a weck. Commissioner Linn state~i that in all cases tr,~sh collectio~ must be ahle to serv(ce all units. AC710N: Commissioner David offered a motion~ s~conded by Commissioner Kinc~ and MOTION C t~t D(Commissioners Johnson and Talar being absent) that Environmental Im~act Report No. 208 for Tentative Tract No. ir)1~)6~ consisttny af approximate~y E~6 duplex units on a site of approximately i~.5 acres locateci southeasterly of the intersection of Im~erial Ilighway and P~ohl Ranch Road~ having been consldered ihis d~ite by the Anaheim City Planning Co~nnission and evidence~ bott~ writtcn ~nd oral~ having been presented to supplement said Ellt No. 20~~ finds that potential proJect-yenerated individupl and cumulative adverse impacts have been reduced to an acceptable level by c~nformance witt~ City plans, palic~es and ordlnances~ and Draft EIR No. 206 conforms to the Callfornia Environmental Qualtty Act and State and City EIR Guidelines and~ thereforc, based upon sucf~ information, tht Anaheim City Planniny Commisston does certify EIR No, 2~a. ACTIUN: Commissianer David offered Resdlution No. PC77-22~ and moved for its passage and adapt~on~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby grant Petition for Condttional Use Permit No, 17G0~ subJect to tl~e petitioner's stipul~tion to provide adequate access for trash pick-up service to all u~its as required by the Streets and Sanitation Dlvtsion~ and that the prn~~osed waiver is hereby granted due to the hilly terrain and the grade differences betwe~n the proposed condomi~i~en dwellings and the future single-family residences on adJacent properties~ s~id differentia) ranging upwards to over 3~ feet and thereby minimizing tt~e visual impact and visibility from the proposed two-story dwellings~ and sub,ject eo Interdepartmental Committee recammendations. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was rassPd by the following votP: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ DAVID~ HERE3SY, KIf~G~ LINN NOES: COMMIS510NERS: HONE A6SEIJ7: COMMISS~O'~ERS: JOltNSOW~ TOLAR 1o/26I77 MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY pIANNING COMNISSION~ October 2G, 1977 77-701 EIR 110. 20~~ CONUITtONAL USE PERMIT N0. 17f~0 AND TENTATIVE NAP 4F TR/1CT ~~0, 10106 (conttnued) Mr. Cablc asl;ed if there was a standard distance that ~oul~ be considered for a normal residgntial unit tu transfe~ crash, i.a., 3~ or ~~~ feet~ bnd Annika 5antalahti explalned tf~at thc Sanitation Divlsion wauld be able co proviJc thosc fiyures. Conunlssloner David off~red a irx~tion~ s~cr~nded by C~immissior~er King and MUTIO!~ CARRI~p (CommlS~lcmers Jc!;ns~n ancl Tolar ~eing Absent)~ tlia, the llnoheirn City Plannin~ Commisslon does h~reby f I nd tl~at thc ~~ropose~a subd lvl , ion ~ togc'her wi tf~ i ts ~I~s ic!n and Improvement ~ is consisCent with the City of llnahelm's Ganeral Plan, pursuant to Gov~rnment C~de Sect~on 6G~+73.5 and does, therefor~~ approvc Tentative Map of Tract ~~o, t~inG f~~r a two-lot~ ~(~, unlt~ R11-l~0~(3(SC) cundom(nium subdivls(~n~ subJect to the follawing con~iltions: 1. Tha[ t-,e anproval of Tenr~tive Map oF 7ract f~o, 101~(~ is ~ranted subJect tu the approval of ConJttlunal Usc Permit Ilo. IJG~1. 2. That shoulJ thi~ sul,dlvfsion bc dcvc~lopcd ~~ r.~erc th~~n on~ suh~ilvisinn~ ea~h subdlvisl~n thcreof sl~all he submittc~i in tcntative form for approval, 3, That in accorclancc with C(ty Council policy. a l~-foot hig,i, oren~ decorattve wall sliall be constructeci on thc to~ of s~ope on all locs ~~!~uttinr; Nohl Ranch Roa~i. Reasonable landscapiny~ inclue~iny irriyati~~n facilities~ shall t~e instal~eci ln the uncemented portion of the arterial liiyhway parkaray the full dfstancc ~f said arall; {~lans fc~r said land~caping to be submitted to and subject to the appr~~val of the Superlntendent of Parkway M~lntenanca; anJ foll~~in~~ inst.~llation an~l acceptanGe, the City of Anaheim shall assume the responsibf 1(ty for rnaintenancc~ ~>f said landsciping. 4. 7h~t dll units within this tract shall he srrved hy underground utillties. 5. That a final trac[ map of subject propcr[y shal) 6c sut,mitt~~i to and approved by the Cf ty Counci I anJ then bP rec~~rei~rd in tf~e office of th~. Orange County Recordcr. G. That thr_ c~venants~ conditions, an~l restrictions shall be submitted to and appr~ved by tl~e City Attorney's Oft'ice and the City Enyincer prior to City Council approval of the final tract map and~ further~ tha[ the approved covenants~ condltions~ and rest~ictions shall be recorJe~i concurrently with the final tract map. 7. That stree[ n~mes shail be appr~v~d by the CftY Planniny Ocpartme~t prior to apprnval of a final tract map. B. That Jrainaye of saiJ property shall be dispose~i of in a mann~r satisfacto ry to the City Engineer. If~ in the preparation of [he site, sufficient gracl(ng is req~ired to necessitate a graJing perr~lt~ no war~: on gradiny wEll be permitted between October 15ih and April l~tf~ unless all required off-sit~: cfrainar~e f~cillties have been installed and are operative. Positive assurance stiall be provideci the City tl~at such drainage facilities will be completed prior to October 15th. Necessary rlqht-of-way for off-site drainaye fac(lities sha11 be dedicated to the City~ or the City Council shall have init0ated condemna:ion proceedings therefor (the costs of wliich shall be borne by the developer) prior ta the commencement of grading operations. The requirecl drainage facilities shall be of a size and type sufficient to carry runoff waters originating from higher properties thr~~u~ah said prcperty to ultimate disposal as approved by the City Engineer. Said drainag~ facilities shall be the fir5t item of constructi~n and shall be uxnpleted and bc functional thrauyhout the tract and from ttie downstream boundary of the property to the ultimate point r~f dispo~al prior to tl~e issuance of any final butlding inspections or occupancy permits. Drainagr. district reimbursement agreements may be made available to the develop~ers of said praperty upan their request. 9. That yrading~ excavation, and all other construzt(on activ+ties shall be conducted In such a rr~anner so as to rninimize the pnssibllity of any silt originating from this ~roJect being carried into tf~e Santa Ana River by storm water originating from or flowing through this proJect. 10/2G/77 MINUTES~ A~~AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMh15SI0N~ October Zb, 1977 77~7~2 EIR ~10. 208~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1760 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 10106 (continued) 14. That tlie alignn~ nt And tcrminai ~oint of storm dr~ins shown ~n thts tentative tract mop shall nnt be considered final, These dra(ns shall be subject t~ precisc deslgn constde~ations and approval ~~f thc City Enylneer. 11. If pe~menent strect name signs have not been Installed~ temp~rary street name sic~ns shull bc installed prlor to any occupancy. 12. That thc owner(s) of subJect propcrty shall pay approprlate dr,iinagc assessment fnes to the City of Anaheim as determined by the Clty Engine~~r prinr to ~pproval of a f I nal tr~~ct map. 13. That thc c~wner(s) of subJect propcrty sl~oll pay to the City of Anahelm the approprlata {~ark and recrc:ation In-licu Fces as det~rminr.d to bc Appropriatc by the Lity Counctl~ sairl f~es to be paid a[ the timc tl~e bullding permit ts issucd, 14. That adequate visihil(~r ror vehitles cxitin~~ "h" and "C" Strects unto Mountaln L~op Trai 1 st~al 1 be provicled, as rec~ui re~i by thc Traff ic Enyi neer. 1a. That in accordance w(th the requirements of Sect(on iE~.O?_,~~h7 pertaininc~ to the initlal sale uf residential homes fn the CICy of Anaheirn Nlanninq Area "B", the seller shall provtde Each buyer with written infc~rm~tion conccrniny thc Anahelm Genert~l Plan and the extstiny z~~ning wleh(n 30O fc~c c~f thc boundaries of subJect tract. 1G. That any specimen tre~ rcm~val shall be subjec[ t~ tt~e rcyular.(ons pcrtalning to tree prsservation in tlic Scenic Corridor Overlay Z~nc. J. J. Tashiro poir~ted out that the waiver of I~t line requlrements of the tlillside Grodiny Ordlnance tia~1 been approved on a prevlnus tr~~ct which covered this tract also. ITEN N0. 9 EII2-CATE:GORICAL EXEMPTIOl~-CLA55 1 PUf3LIC liEARING, OWNCRS; KEN~IETfI DALE: At~O LOUIE a. O~~~IONAI, US ERNi N. ~ 55 CLAUSON. 2795 Nest Lincoln llvenue, Su~ te F~ Anahpim~ CA 32&O 1. AGENT; GLAUD I NE Y~, LEV 1 NS ~ 1~332~+ Alexandcr, Cerritos~ CA 90701. Petitioner requests permission for M~SSAf,E IN AN EXISTING FIGURE SAL0~1 on property described as a rectangularly- shaped parcei of land consistiny of approximately 0.~ acre loCated at the southea5- cornc~r of Lincoln llvenue ani Empire Street~ tiaviny approximate frontages of 2G~~ feet on ths souch side nf Lincoln Avenue and 1~0 feet on tlie east side ~f Cmplre Street, and further described as 2060 West Lincoln Avenue, Property presently classified CL (COMMERCIAL~ LIHITED) Z~~~E. There was no one indicatiny their presence ln opposition to suhject request, and although the staff report to Lhe Planning Coirnnission dated Oct~ber 26~ 1~77 was not read at thc public heariny~ lt is referred to and made a part of ttie minutes. Claudlne K. Levins~ agent for the petitloner~ was present and stated tr~c existing figure salon has been in existence for seven years anJ that shc wis~~ed to offcr massage facllities far tl~e ladies. C~iairman Pro Tempare Nerbst askc~~l if she understood all City conditian, and agre~d to tliem~ and she replied that sh~ did. THE PUE3LIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. Gommissioner King asked the hours of operation, and Ms. Levins replied the hours were from morning unt!1 10:0~1 p.m. Gommtssioner Kiny asked Ms. Levi~s if she .~ould be willing to stipulate to using oniy a licensed massage technician~ and she replied that she would. to/26/77 MINUTES, ANAIIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI01~~ October 2fi, 1977 ~~~~Q3 EIR CATEGOR_ICAL_ EXEMPTION-CLASS 1 ANO CONDITIONAL USE PCRMIT N0. 17 ~5 ~continued) I t w~s note~l th.it tt~c 01 rect~r of ti~e Planning bepartmcnt has determined tl~~t the proposed Class +~ of the Cit~ of Anahelm actlvity falls within the definitlon of Scctlon 3.~1~ Guldelines to the Requirr,ments fc~r an Fr~vironmental Impact Re~ort ancl is~ therefore, eatogoric~~lly oxempt from thc requfremc~~t t~ filc an EIR. ACTI011: Commissloner Kln~~ c~ffere~i Resolution Nn. PC77-22`~ ~~nel mc~ved f~r its ~assage and a~coptron~ tl~at thc Anaheirn Clty Planniny Commisslon docs I~cref~y grant Petition for Conditicm~l Usr. Permit No. 1J;5~ sub,ject to thc petltloncr's statements that thc massage wil~ be prov(~ied only tc~ ladics ln addltlon to thc cxrrcisc and weight rc~fuciny actlvitles in tlie existing flyure salon aile hrourssof~oper~tionWwill~benfrcxnrmc~rningYur~itirl 1~~t10spam.; massage tecl~n i c i an ~ anc1 tha t t and subJect to Intcrdepr~rtmer~tal Comini ttee recumncndations. On roll call, the foregoinc, rese~lution was N~~~seJ hy the follcwvin!~ v~t~: AYCS: C01111-SS10-1tRS: EsARNCS, U11VIU~ NERI35T, KIWG~ LINI! ~~QC,: COi1MI5S10'JERS: NOI~E AIfSCNT: COM-11 SS 1UtJ[RS ; J~HtI50~t ~ TOt.nH (TEM N0. 1~ p~~LIG NEARIt~G. OWIIER: THE 01~Ct~ COHPAI~Y, >23 West E:G~IG1lL CXEMPTIOt~-CLl15S 1 COtIDITIONAL USL PCFtNIT N0. 17~ Slxtli Strcet~ Suitc~ ~i~~, Los Angcles~ CA 9001~+, - AGENT: VICTOR Y.. HARDIII. 13~~~ South Anahcim ~oulevard, Anaheim~ ~A 92305• Petiti~ner rtquests permission to Ei(PAN~ AN AUTOMOUILE SALES AGCIICY on property ciescribed ~s a rect.~ngularly- sh~ped parce) of lar- cons(sting of appruximataly O.G acrc ha.in~ a frontage of approxi- matcly 1:;~ feet un tt~e east siJc of Anal~cim t~oulcvard~ havin~~ a maximun, Jepth of approxi- mately 200 feet~ an~l bein~~ locatecl a~proxima[ely 517 f~et south of the ccnterlinc of t3a11 Road. Prapcrty presen[1y class(fied ML (INUUSTRIIIL~ l~~~ITEU) ZONE. There was no one indicacing thcir prese~ice in opp~siti..~ t~ subJec[ request, anu although the staff report tois11referrednto and'maienadtpart ofitherrnZ(nutes77 was not read at ttie public hearin9~ 1t De~nis Hardin. rC~re~esiret~ttoaexpand,their1operationywithf an addttieonalodisp1ay51otelnnt and expla3ne~ th conformance with the general use ot the. area. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLUSED. Chairman Pro Tempore Nerbst asked abuut Ll~e proposed slgniny~ and Mr. Hardin replled that they were not asking for any cf~anges at tl~is timc. IC was noted Ll~at the Director of tl~e Plannin~ Department tias detcrmined that the proposed actlvlty falls withiii the definition of Section 3.01~ Class 1~ of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to themRtQfrommthesrequtremen[itonfileaanlEpRct fteport and is~ therefore, categorically ex p AC710N: Commissioner King offered Resolution No. PC77-230 and ~rantfPetition~parge a~d ecopt on~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission docs hereby g Condltional Use Permit No. 1756 on the basis that It is an expansion of an existing autanobtle sales a9ectytonlnterdepartmental~Committeearecoimmen~fationsa `~~ong Anaheim Boulevard; and subje 10/26/77 MINUTCS~ AWIHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISS10~1~ October 26~ 1~7~ 77-7~ti EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLA55 1 AND CONOITtONAL USk PERMIT N0. 1756 (cont(nucd) ___._.._ ~ On roll coll~ thc foregoing resolution was pesscd by the following votc: AY~S: COMMISSIQ'~ERS; DARNk.S~ OI1VIp, HER(iST~ KING~ LINN NUES : COM~11 SS I QNE RS ; NOPIf. A(3SE~IT : COMM I SS I OIIERS ; JONNSOtI ~ TOLAR I TE~t N0. 1 1 ~~I~ICAL EXEHPTI~IN-CLASS 1 PUDLIC -ICl1RIN~. OIJNCRS; fiCRRICY. AND J/1111CC W. CONDITI01lAL USC ~RMIT NQ. 175+ IIAtJ5011~ 131+~ North Grand Avr_nue~ Suitc GA, Senta Ana, CA 32701. AGENT: JONN D. ANUERS~N, 7.3~~7 Eilackfoot~ Placentia, CA 92670. Petitioner r~quests 0~~-5~1LC BEER ArJD wlr~E IN A PP,OPOSED RESTAUP~A~IT on propr_rty described as a rectongul~rly-shaped parcci of la,id wns;stlny ~~f appruxlrn~te:ly 1.5 acres locatECl at the northeast c~rn~r nf f1rAn~~~rl,nr~~~ Av~~n~~~ an~.i Post Lane, having appror,ir~atc fr~nt~gcs of 375 feet an the north side of Or~~~getf~orps Ave:nue and 1G> fr_e[ on the east slde of Nost l.ane~ ancf furtlier descrit,ed as y20> E~st Orangetl~orpe Avcnue. Property presently classified CL (CONMCRCI/1L~ LIt11TEU} ZOI~E. There was no onc Indic~tin~ their presence In oppositlon to the subJect rec~uest~ and althouyh tl~e sr.~+ff report t~ tlie Planning Gomnlsslon dated Qctober 2G~ 1~1)7 was not read at the publlc hear~n9, it is ref~rreci ta and mad~ a parc of the minutes, John Andersan~ agent for ttic petitioner, stateJ the proposal was for o new~ family-type t'estaurant serviny beer and wine~ wi[h Chc kitchen rer~u(rements being met. TNE FUDLIC IIEARING WAS CLOSED. Chairman Pro Tempore Nerbst aske~i Mr. Andersan what type of faod would he ~.erved~ and Mr. Anderson replied the faod woulcf be strictly sandwict~es~ featuring 11 sandwtc.hes~ and the name of thc estAblishment w(ll be "The Ol~i Stylc No. 11"; that ttie (ngredlents for the sandwiches will be prepared off the premises arid the sanciwiches will be prepared at the restaurant. Chairman Pro Tempare Herbst asked t~vw the 25Z kitchen facilities w~iuld bs utilized~ and Mr. Anderscn replied tl~at tl~ere would be st~~rage for the supplies and treer and that the s team tab 1 e wou 1 ~i be 1 oca teJ tlie re . He i nd' ca ted when he f~ad app 1 1 eci for the pe rm 1 t~ staff had tu1J tiim ttie woulei tiave co have 2;4 kitchen faci lities. Chairman Pro Tempore Nerbst askeci if he was trying to escablish e beer parlor and asked how he could call this a farnily restaurant anJ only serve sandwiches, and also the hours oF operatlon wouid not classify this as a family restauranc. Mr. Anders~n ~epl (eJ tl~at i t was because of the ren[ i n tf~e area that t~e desl i ed to stay open until 10:00 or 12;0~ p.m.~ an~ that he was aiming at the luncf~ trade. He pointed qut "I:nollwoads - Warld's E3est Namb~rgers" around tl~e corner from subject p:~pety and stated he wished to stay ~en past their ciosing time in order t~~ compete with them. Chai m~an Pro Tempore Nerbs~ stated that he was c~ncerned because the ~stablishment is ad)acent to residential horres a~~d f~e did not agrez with the hours of operation and was concerneci that this would turn into a beer parlor later. Commissioner King stated that the people within 300 feet had been natified and there was no oppositton pres~nt~ and Chairman Pra Tempore Herbst indicated he felt the reason was t0/26/77 MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PL~NNING COMMISSION~ Octobcr 2G~ 1977 77-705 EIR CAT~C,CRI_C_AL EXEPIPTIOtJ-CLA55 1 AND COND{TIONAI. USE PERMIT N0. 175E3 (contlnued) because th(s had bcen advertised as a restaurant and it Is a s~ndwich anci beer bar; ~nd thet lic fclt It had been misrepresented. Commfss(oncr Kinq asked Mr. llndcrson lf he would be wllling to close at ~;~~ p,m. during the wcel. and on tl~~e wcekends at lO:OQ p.m.~ and Mr. llnderson replied that durin~ the week he would ltkc to stay open until 1~:QA p.m. Commissioner Uarnes indicated she could find nu objectlon to the estal,lisnment st.~ying o~en longcr on weeken~ls and sugges[ed a closing tlme of 9:0~ or IC-:0~ p.m. during the week and 11:00 or 11:3U p.rn. ~n weekends, with a time llmit stipulation of one year for reviPw. Shc stoteci shc dicl not sec the diffcrencc in a rest.iurant that stays apcn untfl 12:~0 midnight and a s~ncfwich shop tl~at stays op~n~ and Chairman pro Tempore Herbst replled that he Jid not feel this u~uld bc c.:~lled a restaurant. Commtstioner King stated he was concrrne~l .-~bout the adi~3cent homes and would li~:e to see the restaurant close at ~:00 p.m. during tlie weeF: ~ncl 10:00 r~r 1~:3Q n.rn. ~n tl~e w~ekends, but no later. Mr. And~~rson polnte~ out there is an o-foot hiyh block wall adjacent to the homes and any noisc gener~ted w~u1~1 be mitiyated by the wall. Ccxnmissioner Y.ing sug~ested tliat the permit be approved subJect to revlew at the end of one year~ anJ Nr. Anderson r~~n~t~d tha[ th~~t would bc finc with hirn. Commissioner David asked if ttiere would be any ~ther typc of equipment o[her tha~~ chairs and tables~ and Mr. An~erson repli~~f ttiere wouid be a cigarette machine and a jukebox and that they had discussed having a~~~<>> tablc if they could fit it ~n without losing any seating; that chey needed ~i!; people in order to yenerate the incom~ necessar~r. Ct~airman Pro Tempc,rc Herbst stated, a~ain~ tfiat he ciicl not fe.el tf~ls prop~sal had been properly advertised and sugyested th~ matter st~ould be continued and readvertised since tt~c adjacent area is resideritial. Commtssioner David aske~t what determined whether or not ~n establishment would be calle~i a restaurant or b~:er bar, and J, J. Tasl~iro~ Assistant Ptanner, pointed out chat restaurants must I~ave 25$ kitchen area~ with Mr. Anderson adding that they do have a?.;~ kitchtn area. Commissioner David askec: if Che Code requlres that the kitchen area must be functional. He polnted out that "Knowlwoods - World's Best N~mGurger" prepares other items and does cook on the premises. Annika Santal~hti~ Assis[ant Director !'or Zoning~ stated that the applicant will be app ly 1 ny to tl~e Al1C aoard for a 1 i cense and tt~at i f tt~e es ta~ 1 i shment i s goi ng to 1~~~ a beer bar rather tl;an a restaurant selling beer and wine, a license m~ist shc~w that~ and Mr. Anderson rcplied that he had alrsady filed for tha license. Jack White, Oeputy Gity Attorney~ pointed out that this wa, a~ matter of interpretation; that since there is sufficient kitctien space, 21~e notice was legalty sufficient, but it was up to the Corru~ission to clecide whether or not they wanted to approve the request. Commissioner Ltnn s~ateci he could not support the hours af operation and felt the use had oeen misrepresented tn t1~e adverttsement and did nc~t think the surrou~ding resldents knew to/26/77 MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNIIIG COMMISSION~ Actobor ~~>~ 1~77 77-7~~> EIR Cl1TEGORICAI EXL'MPTIO~~-CLASS i ANJ CONDITIONAL US_C _PL_RMIT NQ_.__I~ (coi~tinucd) wl~at was real ~~ haing proposad for the s) te. ~le. fcsl t tf~c resteurant sliould close by ~1sQ0 p.m. duriny tho week and on weekends probably not past 10:00 p.m. Commi~sioner Harnes stote<I she cn~~l~i riot understand wliy tl~e praperty owners h~~d not bcen Intarrsted In the hours of opcratlon anJ felt maybe It wes bec~huse there hacl been no previoiis problei,~s at the shoppinc~ center~ and Hr, Anderson painted out "'~ere i~ a llyuor storc which stays a~en un;il rntdnfght. Corrunissioi~er ~avid in~licatc~~ he was rn>t concerned ab~ut the hours of ~peratian anJ couiJ support a mot!~n L~ut witli a timc limit for revicw in Unc year. Mr, And~rann strltCd tli~~t the nutlcc of intent I~as been posted on the window for 2a days and n~ one hAS been oppose~. Ccx~~missie>ner Kiny as4.eJ if tl~e appl icent had a s(mi lar operation which the Comrntssion could observP, an~l Mr. Andcrson replied that they diJ not. Comm(ssic~ner Linn asked the petitioner if he coul~l stipul~ite tha[ thcre would bc no pool tables; that if there is ~ pool table ik sl~ould definitcly b~ cc~ns(dered a bcer bar. Mr. Anderson repl(ecl that he had nut said thers weulcl he a puo! tahle anJ c1(d not want to ~ tate there wou I cl bc no pool tah 1~:, It was noted that the Directc~r of the Planninc~ D~partment has ~ietermined that the proposed activlty fall, within Ch~ Jefinftion ~~f Section 3.~1, Cl~iss 1~ of thc City ~f Anaheim Gutcfelines to the Requirenen[s for an Environr~u~nt~l Impact a~norc and is, tl~erefore~ categorically exempt frorn thc rcquirement to file an EIR. AfTION: Comrnisslo~~er Linn offered Resolution No. PC77-231 and movecl for its passaye and adoptTon~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does he:reby deny Fetition for Ccm Jltional Use Permlt No. 175:, on the basis tha[ the use was advertised as a~roposcd restaurant with on-sale beer an~i wine, ancl statements made by thc petit(oner at the public heariny lndlcatr:d the serviny c~f ineal~ would actually co~sist of sandwiches only, with a jukebux~ and that tf~ere would ~osstbly be a pool tahle and~ ttierefore~ the proposal was ^~t a restaurant as typically interpreted, but a san~lwich shop wich on-sale beer and wine. On roll call~ the foregoing resolution was passecl by tl~e following votr.; AYES: COMr~ISSIOrJERS: OARr1ES, IICKtiST~ N.ING, I.IiJI~ WOES : CON~115510t~ERS : DAV I U A(35Et~7: COMt11SS10NERS: JO~iN50i1, TOLAR Mr. Ancierson askeci the procedure if he were to apply for a conSitional use permit for a beer bar, and Jack White c:cplained that it would bP readvertised as a bcer bar and that the Plann(ng Cum~ission would not have the riyht to stipulatc that there would be no poo) tabie. Jack White prc5~~nted Mr, An.,erson with tne wrltten right to aapeal the Planning Commission', decisio~ w~thin 22 days. ~0/26/77 J MINUTES~ 11t~l1HEIM CITY PLl1NNING COMMISSION~ Octaber 2G~ 1~77 77'1~7 I T~M t~0. 1'L ~"~l~'f~C UEGLAItATIUtI PUtiLIC HEl1fiING. OWNLRS: UCRTIIA Q,, PIIY~LIS , ~. ~=7~-13 ELLCN~ FRANK A~ID IARRY M. HCR~IANDE?, 1 J25 E~st V R 1 ANCE ~~0. 2) ~ Sycamurc S trcet ~ Jlnahe Im~ CA ~28~ 5. I1GE1lT: JACK MULLER~ 2202 West DowniP Placc, SantA An~~ C~4 9Z/~G. Suh)cct propcrty is a ~eetanqularly- shaped parcel of land c~~n5lstin~~ of approxlmatcly O.z acre h~~ving e frunt~~c~e ~f approxl- mately J(1 feet ~n the norch sidc of Sycamorc Strcet~ hnvfng a m,~ximum depth of appr~xi- mAtc~ly 1~~3 fect~ bPln~~ lc~catcd ~~pproximatcly 1CU0 fcet west of thc cente~linc of Stete C~llege E~oulevard, And further described ~s 1J25 East Sycamore Street. P~A~CI'C~l presentiy c1:~ssl fieJ RS-A-~+3~()~0 (RESIUENTIAL/AGRICULTURl1L) XO~~E. REQUESTCU CLl1SSIFIC/1,'101~; RM-12Q~ (RCSIOL'~TI/1L~ MULTIPLE-FAPIILY) T_bIIC Rf~llf'STF~ VAR1A1lf.C: WAIVER OF (A) MAXINt11~1 DUILUIIjG I~EIGfiT nr~u (E3) FIIIlIt1UH LAI~DSCAPEO ~ SCT(3ACK. There were two pcrsons ( nd ( cat i nc~ [he i r prese~ce 1 n op~~os i t 1 on to the s ubject rr.ques t~ and althouyh tl~c stafF repurt tu thc Planniny Gornnission JateJ Octohcr 2~~~~ 1~17"J was not read at the publlc heariny~ it is refcrreJ to and madc a part of the m(nutes. Jack Nul ler~ t~~~ei~t f~~r thc peti tioner, stntecl the peti tloner agreed wi th the staff report w i th the except i on <~f I ta~~ ~ on page 12-a wh i ch i ncJ i cated a s i n!~ 1 e- far~i i y rrs i dencn to the east. He p~inted out thls residence ~ioes not gc~ bac~, to the proposed buildin~~ site and Cf~airm.~n Pro Tempore Ilerbst puintecJ out tnat .inythin~ w(thln 1~~ feet is t~~~~+n into consideration. Mr. Muller ind!ca[ed there is a school di~cctly e~~st of the subJect site and that to the nartheast~ within less than tOf2 yarcJs~ ttierc arc multiple-family~ two-story buildings. Mrs. Jahri F. McCauley stated she c~wns a house ac_rc,ss the street fr~m suhject slte and this i, a one-fami ly ncighborhoo~t, and she was c7eeply concerne~i to see this multiple-~ami ly devel~pment approved because there arc many safety factors involved and pointed out addlttonal traffic could cause a iiazard for the scha~l children. She irzdicated that all the lots un thc north side arc deep iots~ apprc,xicn~titely 1~+!l to iby feet , and 1 f one goes multiple-units orobably the othrrs will want thc same privilege. She. s tated that she, in faet~ would want to make i~er t~or~ie a ~luplex by a~7dinq a story. She state.~l she did not want to see this happen G~ thls neighborhood. Mr. Muller lndicateJ the property beiny discusseJ is zoned a~riculturally and tfiat he was talking ebout a duplex~ adding two a~artments~ and ti~~t the ~x•~ners woul d 1 ivP in apartments In the back and rent tl-c I,ousc out in thc front in~i d'd not feel there would be a traffic pr~blem, Refe~riny to the other houses in the neighborl~ood~ he indicatod there would only bc four rnore wh~ could requcst m~ltiple-farrily units for tl~eir property~ Ile indtcated there was adequate parkiny, both on-street a.~d off~5t~eet~ wh ich has heen reviewed. TI~E PUaI.IC IIEARING WAS GIOSEp. Commis5ioner Oavid indicatcd the Plar.ning Commission must find a hardship ~n arder to allow *his buliJiny, a~d Mr. Muller asked if i~e would be allowed to bui ld a single-story un i t to tfie rear ~ and i t was rpp 1 i ed that he woul d not. He then s ta ted he fe I t the 1 arge area to th~: back whicli (s virtually useless could be considered a hardship. to/z6/ 77 MINUTfS~ AI~Af1EIM CITY PI.AI~!~ING COMMISSION~ October 26~ 1977 17-7~a EIR NEG!-TIVE DECLAMTION~ RECLASSIFICATION N0. ]J•7S•la AN~ VARI!-NGE NQ. 2966 (contlnued) Chal rman Pro 7emp~~re Herbst sta t~d that A 10-foot by lh3-foot lot j s not an extreordlnarlly larga lc~[~ nn.f Mr. Mullc:r stated that ti-e owncr was bcin~ tAxed for an agrtcultural/res(dantial arr_~ which cou1J nut be used as an ac~rlculturat areo, Commissloner KI ng asked ' f thc neighbors on both the e~~st and west ,I~les had br.en eoi~sul te~l ~ ai~c1 Mr . Mu 1 1 er rep 1 i ad tfint tt~e I r s 1~~natures were prov i de~J ta the P 1 ann 1 nca Commisslon in eannec:tian wi th thc pet'tlon, Glen Ilincs~ 1Z35 East Sycamore Strcet~ Anaheim~ I~dicated the ~pertments referred to ear I i er were n~~t or, Sycarrx~rc S t reet but on Anna St rcet of f La Pel nk~, Ile stUt~ci he fel t th~t ta apprave this rec~uest would bo s~ot r.~ning; th~~[ his lot ts (~0 fcet by 1~-(1 fceC anJ hc Joes noL consldar it larye enough ta bui1J ~nathrr house on the back~ an~J he felt this would t,e setting a precedent and if f~~ Plann(nrJ Conr~l:,sior~ ~~llow~ t~~~S~ then th~:y should al law evoryunc lhu ya~~K: prlvi : cc~c. Chairman Pro Tem~c~rc Ilerbst askcd Nr, Tashiro the General F'lan desihnatiori fc~r this property, an~ Mr. Tashiro re~l ied tha[ thc Gencral Plnn d.r.si~~n.~tcs the area For a schot~l or meci 1 uni cJens ( ty . Comrnissioner Davi~ stateJ he d id not feel a h~rdship had bcen shown. Ile stated he saw no unusu~l ci rcwnstances on the ~~ ro~acrty a~~d the f~ct thot i t i s larqe does not ~ i n hl s opinion, classlfy it as unusual circur~s[arices and topoc~raphy an~i that no pr'vileges are denleJ. Mr. Muller asked what ccynsticutes a I~ardshiF~ and aske~i if :I~e;re were any c~uidelines. Jac~. White~ Deputy City A[t~~rr,ey~ explain~J thc applicant has the burden of provfny a ha~ .ship and could reaJ the zc~ning rcqui rements for yuidel inc~. Mr. Muile-• stateJ he was not spca4:iny only for Mr. Hernandez but for thc other neighbors who have decp lots; that thcy are wl l 1(ny to yo alo~~y w~ :~~ this; that he was asking that the north sfd~ of tl~e street be cfianged to allc~w single-family houses or duplexes to be bui 1 t, an~l that Mr. I~ernanJez Just liappened to be the f i rst one to request tt, i s, Commissic~ner Barnes pointeci out tl~at if this was a triangular piece of property In the middle and noth(ng else coulc: ~e bullt on it~ then therp would be a I~ardship, but this is a reyular~ rectangular lot wi th singie-farnily zoning and if granted~ in tl~is case, would be granting a special privile gc. ACTION: Gommissloncr David offerr.d a motion, seconded by Commis sioner Linn and MQTION GAaR~ED (Cornmissioners Johnson and Tolar beiny abs~nt) ~ that the Anaheim City Plann(ng Canmission has rev(ewed xhe subJect proposal to r~classify tlie zoninq from RS-A-43,~10~ (Residentiali~lgriculturai) [o R~1-12!10 (Residential, Multiple-~amily) on property consisting of ~.2 acre l~aving a frontage of appr~:cimately 70 fee t ~n the north slcie of Sycamore Street~ iiaving a maximum depth of aporoximately 1~+3 feet, heing located approximately 1~OU feet west of tfu~ eenterline af St~te Colleye 8oulevard~ with waivers of maximum bui lding height and minimum landscaped setback; and doc~ herehy approve the Negative Declaration from the reyulrement to prepare an envlronmental impact report on the leasis t•hat there would be no siynlflcant individual or cumulative adverse envlronmental impact due to the approval o~ th(s Negattve ~eclaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the su5ject prope~ty for a Junior high school site a~d medium density residcntlai land uses comnensurate w'th ~he proposal; that no sensitive enviromnental impacts arc involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submttted by tfie patitioner 10/2G/77 MI NUTE5 ~ ANAHE IM C ITY PLANt~) NG CUMMI55ION~ October 2G ~ 1977 ~~'~~`~ E I R NEGATI_VC_ UECLARAT 1011. RECLIISSI F I CAT ION N0. ~7•j ~l~ 1 8 I~tI,U VAR I ANCE ~10.~ ~cont 1 nued) indtcates ~~ signific_ant lnciividual ~r cumul.~tive nrlverse cnvironmental impects; and tl~at the Nagt~tlvc Decl~ration svbstantiating the foregalns~ findings ls on fila In the Clty nf Rnahcim Plannin~ Ueparcment. ACTIUtI: C~mmissloncr David offered Resolution I~o. PC77-23? ~nd moved for its pass~qe an~i a opt on~ that Petition for Reclasslflcatlon IJo. 7/~7~-~~~ G~ denied on the basls that surroun~ling proporties I~avin~~ a similar usa and shape are zoned both RS-A-~~;~~00 (Residantlal/llgrfcultural) and RS-72~A (Resldentlal, Singlc-Family) and are al) devclaped with single-far~ily residences~ and that the propos~l would~ thcrcforc. bc an intruslon of multiple-family residential uses (nto an estahlished singlc-family resicicntlal ne I ~~h borhood . On roll cal l~ th~: f~reyoin~.~ resolutl~n was pas$ed by [hc fc~llaying voie: AYCS: C0~1MI~SIOIlL"RS; U1IRIIES. Ul1VlD~ IIf~RBST, KING~ LINU NACS : COMMISSIOIlERS: NOt~E Al3SEt~T: CUt1HISSIOtIE~~S; Jo-ir~s0~t~ TOLIIR Commissioner pavid offereJ Resalution No. Pc77-233 and rr~vc~t for Its passa~~e and ~idapti~n~ that thc Anahelm Ctty Planr~~i~y Commissio~~ docs hereby deny Pecltion for Variance No. 29GG on the basls that Recl~~ssific~tion Ifo. 77-7~-tis accompz+nying suhJect vari~nce and propos~in~ reclasslficati~,n to the RM-120U (Residc:~~tial~ Multiple-Family) Z~ne was deni~d and~ kherefore~ thc waivers arc not necessary. On roll call, thc forcyoin~~ resolutiun was passed by tt~e folloar(ng vote: AYES: COMMISSIO'lERS: QARNES~ DAVIO~ 11ERll5T~ ~:ING, LII~N NOES: CQHMIS510!IERS: NONE ADSENT: COMM15510N[RS; JOIIf~5Ql1~ TOLAR Jack Whlte preser~ted Mr. Muller with the written right tc~ appeal the Planninc~ Commission's dec i s t on w i th 1 n 22 days . ITEr~ tJQ. 13 EIR II• ~A IVE DECLARATIGN PUl3LIC NEARIt~G~ 0'~JNERS; SHERRILL J. POIiLMANN, 2i301 CA ~ ~.~L..2~ . 9 ET AL~ 2333 West Linco{n Avenue, Anaheim~ ~7i R Atl N0 AGEtJT: A.S.A.W,A. CORPORATI01~~ 54~ North Galden . Circle Orive~ Suite 11--~ San[a A~a~ CA 927~a. Subject propcrty is a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consistin~ ot approximately t~ ~+ ~~cres lacated at tl~e northeast and northwest f corners of Lincoln Avenuc and E3elinda eet Circle~ having approximate fr4ntages of 13~~ d 23~ feet on the l on the north side of Lincoln Avenue~ e da Circle li f (~ e~ an ast and west of fielinda Clrc 33o and being l~cated approximately ~e ~ n e east and west sides o the centerline of Gilber~ Street. Pro t ~ ~RESIDENTIAL/ percy presently classifled RS-A-+3. AGRICULTUitl1L) ZUIIE. REQUESTED CLASS I F( CAT 1~~I: RM-120Q (RES I DENTI AL, MULTI PLE-FAMI LY) ZONE REQUESTED VARIA'ICE: WAIVER OF (A) MAXIMU~~ STRUCTURI~L tiElGli7 ~iID (9) MINIMUf1 RECREATI(1NAL- LEISURE ARCA~ TO ESTAEfL1511 A 6-LOT~ RM-1200 SURpIV151~'1. to/26/77 M 1 t1UTrS ~ ANAt1E I M C I TY PLAlJN I NG COMM I S51 ON, 0 ctohe r 26. 1977 ~~" >>~ EIR NEGATIVC DECLARATIO~J. RECLASSIFICATION N0, 77-78-21 At~q VARIANCC N~. 2971 (continued) There was onc pers~n indicatiny lio was lnt~:rest~sri (n th~~ subJ~ct petltion~ and although the staff rep~~rt to the Pl~~nning Commissiun d~~ted Qct~~l,cr 2G, 1~71 was not re~id at the publlc he~~rtn~_a, it !s refcrreJ to and madc: a part of the minutcs. f311) Asawa~ aycnt fc~r the Netitloner~ statcd thc pro~~crty is fully Irnpl'OVC~~ b(sected by ftelinda Circle on th~. north sicle of Lincoln Avrnue; th~t the property is presently zoned RS-A-43.110') an~l thc Genera I P 1 an des i~~n~~ t i on f s!~encra 1 cornmerc 1 a 1/mPd I um cfens I ty . Ne stated the pro~erty lends 1 tse 1 f tu th i s type of use because the ent ( rc ~~+re~~ on L(ncc~l n frorn Ileach lioulev~~r<i to Urookhurst Street has mixed conxncrcial and multiple-resldentlal use. Ile~ stateJ he has a map depictiny ti~e +is~es on bath sides uf Lincr~ln whlch indic.~tes use on tlils prc~pcrty as ci[hcr ccmracrcial or multiplc-reslcJential~ and t171s requcst is not unusua 1 l~r.causc otl~cr, cri joy tl~r: sam~~ r~r i vi 1 e_yes a 1 ony L i ncol n Avcnue. Ile I ndi c~-+ted he had an ~~xl~lhtt t~ prc!sent of r~ll the r;xlstiny uses c~n t~7~ ~ro{~erty an~l statcd he felt any type ~~ .~ew cr~nstructic~n would be a.~oc~d aJditic~n to its prese~t ~~s~• John 7.ylstra~ zj3t Wcst Lincoln llveiiuc~ reprnsentiny the cn~~nersliip ~f thc Llncoln Plazn OfFle~ I3uildiny~ lndic~,tcd thcy ha~ no ohJections to thc ~l,ins t'~emsclv~s l,ut were concerned abo~.~t the r~edlan c~n Linc<~In Avenue; h~: sta[cJ [here (s qul[e a traff!c problem wltliuut a turn poekek for (3elind~a Circle and witl~ a turn pocket imnedlately in front of the offfcc builJing ancl ingres~ and eyress for [hc f,emco storc across the strcet. Ile stated [he Clty. or whocver is resl»nsible~ should petltion thc St~tc [o h~ve thc medlan renx~ved 1 n th.it a rea and 1 ncl i cr~ ted peop 1 e inab, t i~~~ a I e f t tu rn i n tc~ E3e I i nda C i rc 1 e have to go down to thc turn pockct in frc,nt of the Genx;c~ storc~ an~ it is quitc a traffic problem. Paul Singer~ Traffic Lnyin~er~ state~ there i, a pro~>lem becnufc it is a dedicated street wi thout a lcft-turn po~lcet~ but tl~at he bcl icveci [~ic nex[ i tem~ i f apprnved, wi 11 sc~lve that prob lem. THE PUDLIG HCIIRING WAS ClOSED. Ccxnmissioner Linn asked Mr. Sinyer if he an[icipated ~iny probl~ros with the curb cuts and asked if therc wilt bc adequ.~te parking and po(nted out [he existin~~ motel adjacent on the wcst~ and Mr. Sin~~er replier~ that parl.iny is always a problem but he did n ot see any particular concc:rns with tl~is prqject. Commissioner Linn askccl aUout Law Elemencary Scho~~l wl th the driveway for subject proNerty being acljacent to tiie school ~ ancl Mr. Asawa poi n. . out tf,at there would be a block wai l. J. J. Tashiro~ Assiscant Planncr~ indicated thc strur.tural hciyht waiver was necessary becausts of the agricultu~al property to tlie sout~~ acruss Lincoln Avenue~ and as far ~~s the scl~ool was concerne~i~ ther~. was no t~elyht 1 iini ta[ ion, ACTIUIl: Commissioner King offered a nx~tion~ secanded by Cor~rnissloner David and MOTIOt! CAf:R1E0 (Gommissioners Johnsan and Tcior beiny absent), that the Anahelm City Plannfng Lommt ss ion has r~:vi ewea tl~e sub ject ~roposal +~ rec 1 as sl fy tlie zoni ng f ram RS-A-4? ~~0~ (Residential/Agriculkur~~l) ta RM-1200 (Resider~tial, MultiplrFamily) on property ~onsisting of 1.4 acres located at the northeast anJ nortl~we:st corners of Ltncoln Avenue ard ~elinda Circlc. haviny approximate fronCa9e of 13; feet on the north sic1~ of Lin~oln Avenue, east and west of Qelinda C•ircle, and being located approx(n~ately 33~ feet east of the centerlina of Gilbe.rt Street~ wlth watvers of ma;cim~m structur~-+l heigl~t and minimum recreational-leisure area; and does hereby approve th~: t~egative Declaration from the requlrement to prepare an environmental i~pact report on the basis that tl~ere would be no slynificant indivl~fual or cu~:~ulative aJverse e~vironmental impact due to the approval aF to/2G/77 MIIIUTCS~ ANlWEIM CITY PLAN~~ING COMMISSION, October 2(,~ 1~77 77-711 ElR NCGA7IVE DECLARATIO,~, RECLASSIFICATIOty 110. 77-7~-~1 AND VARIAt~CE N~. 2~'1t_ (ccmtinued) ~.~r this Nogatlve Declar~'~tion since the Anaf-eim Gcnerol Rlan designates thie sub,~ecc property for general •.ommerclal/medium denstty resiJ~nttal land uses commc:nsur~~tc wlth the proposal; tl~at no ~ensitive env(rprnnental impacts are tnv~~lvc~d In thr. praposAl; tl~at the Inlti~il Stu~ly sub~(tted ~y the petlttoner indlc~~tes no slynlflcant in~tividua) or eumulative adverse cnvironmentAl impacts; And thet khe Ne~atlvc Oeclaratton substantir~cinc~ the forego-ng f(ndings (s ar~ fllc iri the Clty of Anaheim Planning Dep~~rtment. ACTI~~J: COmmi5SlonC~ Y.Iny offercd Resolution No. PC77-231+ and moved f~r it~ p~issa<~e and a~~optTon~ th~~t thc lln~il~ef~n City Planninca Cornnissi~n dor,s hcreby grint Petitton f~~r Reclasslflcatic~n No. ~J7-7b-21~ subject to Interdepartmcntal Committee reconxnendations. On roll call~ the forectoln~.~ resolutiun was passed hy the follow(n~ v~te; AYE:S: C011MtSSIO~IERS: E3ARNE:S~ DAVIO~ tiCRaST~ KIr~G~ LINii NOES: COMMI5SIOIIEftS: NONC AliSCIIT: COIIMISSIONCRS: JOHNS(~1~~ TOI~R Commtsslcmer King nffereJ Resolutinn No. PC7%-?.35 and rnoved f~~r its p~~ss~ge an~l adoptian~ that the Anaheim City Plannii~y Conxnissic~n Jues hereby yrant Petiti~n for Vari~ince No. 2371, with Walver (a) beiny yr~~nLeJ ~n the basis that thc reason for th~ ~tructural height llmlt~tlon is a larye~ un~ievelupecJ RS-A-43,~~0 (Resi~~ential/llgricultural) parecl located at thc southwest c~rncr of Linr_oln Avenue and Gilhert Strr.et; that s.iid parccl ls deslc~n~~teci for yeneral commcrcial uses by the Anaheim Genernl Plan an:i that when eommereial rexoniny is ac~oi~plished, the I~eight waiver woul~f no[ be necessary; grantiny Walver (b) on thc basis tf~at a special 3~-fooc setbacH. is reUuired along Lincotn Avenue~ thereby reducinq the size of the us.~hle recreation-ieisure spacc in the lnterior yard; and subject to InterJepartment~l Comrnittce rr_cr~rnnend.~tions. On roli call~ the fc>reyo+ng resolutiun r~as passcd by the follawin~ vote: AYES : COMMI SS I ~NCRS : iiAP,!JES, pAV I U~ HERfiST~ KI ~~G, L I Ni~ NAES : COMMI SS l QI1LR5 : t~01JE ADSCt~T: COMMISSIOtlCRS: JOHNSON~ TOLAR 1 TFH IJO. 1 t- T~~G~RTVE DEC l~R ',T I 011 PUl3L 1 C~I EAR I t~G . OWNE RS : QONAL[) F. AND EL I ZAEIETN RECLASS I F i CAT I ON P~G. 77- 7~'23 C. RALSTOt~, EL I Zl16ETll tiNN RALSTO~~ ~ At10 MORR I S J. GARROLL~ 13~3 South Gilbert Street~ Anaheim, Cl1 )2304. AGEIIT: DIVERSIFIE'~ INVESTMC~lT CGMPA~~Y, tOQ~ Quail Street, Suite 1~0, Newport Beach~ CA 92660. Peticioner requests reclassifica- tion of pr~perty described as an irreg~~larly-sl~aped p.~rcel of land consisting of approxf- maCely 7.1 acres locate~i ~t the southeast cnrner ~f lincoln Avenue and Gilbert Street, having approxirnate frunta~es of 63Q feet on thc south side of Lincoln Avenuc and ~~32 feet on the east side of Gilbert Street from the RS-A-43~~04 (RESIUENTtAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZOt~E to the CL (CUMMERCIAL~ LIMITEU) 20t~C. There was one person indicatiny I~is presencc in oppos3tion to suhject pett[ion and one person incitcated his Interest in subject p~:tition, and although the staff report to the Pianniny Commisslon dated Octc,ber 26, 1?77 was not read at the puhlic hearing~ it is refe~red to and madc a part of thc inlnutes. Jack Tarr ~f Diversified Invcst~nent Cor~pany, agent for the petitioner, pointed out the architectural ame.nities of the project, featuring an early California Spanish theme with ~a/zG/77 M I r~UTts ~ A!~Alll I H C 17Y F'LAI~N I NG CONt115510r~ ~ Oc tobor 26 ~ 1~77 17~71 ?. E I R NCGAT I VE D~CLl1RAT I QI~ ANU RCCLf~~S! r! CAT IOh~ N0. 77- J~-23 (cunt i nucd) ~.~...~~ landscapiny surrc>un~lin~~ thc praject on threc ,IcJcs nn~ an avcra~Jc of 20 f~:et of la~nd,c~~rin~~ (n the re.~r c~f ti~r. pru.ject. -le st~tc~l that in 1'~7; this projcct was opproved by the t' (anriln~; Commisslon ~ubJect tc~ an access point un G( lbert Stree[ ~'~n~l a left-liand turn pc~cket un Lincc~ln Avenue, and tliac J~:c.lsion w.ZS n~>~ealecl to the City Councf 1 provirlln~~ thcre was nc, access on Gi Ibcrt Strect and ~i si~~nai Icft-turn ~ocN:et a~ shown, Ne statacl Chrit aftcr tl~is prn,ject aies rejected t~y the Clty Council, in attemrt h.is bcen mada tp w~~rl; with thc surroun~liny cummunity and with thc f,Ilherl Hor~cowricrs Ass~clatlon anJ cvcry ef Fort h~s heen maJc to '~alancc the hnr~c~n~+ncrs' ncc~ts wl [h thc Ci ty~ s necds r~n~J thc necds of I~is cl i~ ~t~ ~in~ they havc ccm-c a lung viay slnce thc ~ri,yinnl pr~~p~sat (n 19)~. Ile (nJlc:atnJ that tlic: Gill~ert tlomeown~rs Association is in ~qrcement with thc proJctt anJ that a Icttcr is av,~i I~ible frc~rn thcrn, Ile pulnted out sever~~l c~n~iltions whir.h thc hor~cc~rlncrs a:,suciat~c~n h.~~' rL'(~UCSCrti: (1) Th~r~ hc •.~h5nli~tely nn ~cr~.s ~~,n Gi Ihrrt Stre~t. (7) Tfr7t in ~3-fnot lii~~h ru~sonry wall continuc ~ilonq thc entire lr.n~~th of thc rx~st sAUtl~crly rrar propcrty I ine, Hc +n~Icat~~J thc prcvlc~us plan shc~wed ~(~-fr~ot wal l but tli.~t che develc~per concurr~;el wl t~~ tho +~^toc~t wal I an~i ~~lso a-~reec! t:~ wr~~~• the frc~nt around nnrtherly toward Gi l'~Hrt Street~ and that lhe ~~-faot wal l woul~l exten~l .: d(stance ~f 2~~1 fect an~) a[ tl~ t puint would re~lucc to 4 fcc[ ancl continuc t~ 45 fr.et sc~uth ~~f tF~e CoPner. He polntecl ou[ that in tl~e stnff repc~rt there a~as .~ tc~chnical oversi~~ht concerning the --- fc~ot woll~ which ~,[ate~i 1t woul~f I>e tcrc,in~~teJ :00 f~~ct further fror~~ where tffc~ (3-foot wal) terminated. Ile stateJ th(s shaul~l rcaci ~~; fer.t soutl~ c~f Lincoln Avenue. II~ s[ated the petitlonLr has agrcec! to tl~c 1')-fout 1r~nJsca~~ed buffrr r.~nc on tf~~ west side of thr. c~•~foot hi~h wal l~m~1 to provicle a berr~ed ,~rea cov~rec.1 w( th ~ar~~un~lcover and .i v~irl~ty c~f shrubs ~ and that the wal l wl ll bc plinted with creepin~,~ fig vinr_ to c~ver thc~ wail. (3) Thcy a~lrre thaC the pc~lc siyn at the intersec[ic>n o1' L(nculn tlvenue ~incf GI1l~ert S~reet shal l not Lurn or blink and bc no hl<~licr than 2'? fcet. (h) That r~~rG.in~_; Ic~t 1(yht st,indards sh~a11 not exceed 15 fr..et in hefyl,t and thr_ fixtures wi 11 he In keepin~~ wlth thc e~~rly Cal(f~rnla era. (j) That anutlicr ~~rca uf coi~c~rn was the su~crrn,~rket's r~x~st weste~rly tr~ish receptaclc an~f agrecJ tu ~~uve it to thc east sidc of Chc supcrmarG:et bulldln~~, (6) It was requssted tlie screen walls in tl~e arca ~f the supr_r~~i.~rke[ r+nd ~1ru~t ramps be lncreased to a hei yht of I~ fcet ~ an~J that thc wal I i s now cSes i ynecl at "? fect ~ 6 i nches an~i thcr~ rcduces to ~ feet~ ancl thr. pctitioner has a~reed to r~isc th~~ ~n 3 feet. Ne 5tateJ that as ~3rt of thc ~:roject~ ~ SupQlemc'rc:,l r~p:,rt frcxn th~~ acoustical en~7ln~er~ John Van Houten b llssoclatcs, upJating tt~eir ari9~n~1 rec~ort~ has bec~n submitted and simply states thc proposal as shawn with ttie ':-foo[ ~~:~~I' and prcwiJlny thc walls next t~ thr_ elock ar~~i ram~ :ire~ of the su~ermarket arc incr~:n~.~~~1 tn 1~~ feet wc~uld be a better situaClon than tf.e previ<~usly-approved plan with the 6-foot wall. lie stateci th~t the rnain issue of khls prc~ject is access tc~ lhe project; that it is very tougli to b~lance everyone's necds; that it i~ imperative they h.~ c a sl~nal with a left- turn pocket~ especially in light of the facc tliere will be no access on Gilbert Stre~t; that the plan was previously ap~~rovcd with a left-turn pocket and thcy have attempted t~ work out an ac~recrnent fc~r a c~mnx~n elriveway wf th the adjacent tenant~ and that t`~erQ is a letter in the file which is self-explanatory. Ile indicated [herr. was ~ re~resentat(ve present from Ralph's and a represer~t~tivc from the drug storc to answer ~ny questinns~ and tn arcf~itec: from McCletlai~/Cruz/Gaylord to answer any questi~ns regarciiny the architecture. Concerning souncl attenuatien of the project, fie felt that rcgul~tiny truck ~ielivery hours ~+oulci lielp mir.igate that prot~lem and referred to a letter t'rom Ralph's which indicates the truck delivery hours wili be from 7:On a.m. to l~;On p,n,~ ~nd the height of the 8-foot wall and tl~e fieight of the duck and well walls at 1~ feet will slgnificantly alleviate Somc of thc sound a[tenuatlon cuncerns. to/26/77 :~ .~..,.. MINU7L5~ AI~l~IEIN CITY P1.11~~I~ING COMMI5SION~ Octot~cr 2G, 1~)'17 11-113 EIR Nl:c, E DCGLARATION AI~U RECLASSIFICATIOt~ N0. 71-1~~~3 ~~ ~ntlnued) He rcferred to concern uf sume c,f tlie property c~wnera regar~ir~~ tllc dedication of tl~e 3~ feet from thc cun[crl lnc of C) lbe:rt Strcet for strr.~• ~iidenin~~ purp~>ses t~nd indlcated the pr~perty own~r5 ~daulJ rAther not dedlcate this j'l fer,+, unless it wa5 for a curF becouse tli~y ~iJ not want tl,u struct wi~lenc~l. 11 i chac 1~less i na ~ G~G!, Y.nc~t t llvcnue ~ Uucna Park ~ i nd i:_a ted hc w~s emp 1 oye~ by thc Lucky Stores and ti~at thcy were nc~t op{~use~l to the proJect ~ut that he was here tc~ v~~ce ~~ eonccrn af Gernco's reyar~iny Ghe siynalizatl~m along Ltncoln ~1venue~ and tha~ ~~~ey havc becn wvrkin~ ta ,yct a siynal for [heir NroJcct. 11e rcfcrred to ~~ letter to hir. Maddox datcJ Octobt~r 1'3~ 1',)ii~ frum Mlrhae) 1lahoney~ Constructiuii flanayer~ A<ircein~~ tc~ tha City's recomrnc:nciation re~,~ardln~~ the locatiun af tl~eir siynal, an~ was concernc~ chat if this project is appr~veJ~ it woul~ jeuparcli~e [he sigiial whlch has been r~~ree~l upc~n. Uc~~n Groham~ 13j Soutl~ Gi lhcrt Strcct~ inciic.atc~l hc was spe.ik(n~ as a rc;siclent west of the duvclopmi.nt ~nJ for sur~c i,ieiibF~rs c~f the a~sc~ciation; tliat they wc~re not o~~osed to the project but w~re concerneei about [he .i2-fu~t de~licaCion frc~M the cent~rlinr an~l wrmcferr.d wl~at tl~is JeJication was inte~~c1~J ~ur anu refc.rre~ t~~ tl~e~ ultirr-atc half-wiclth of GllUert Street~ and (nJicat~d they JiJ not ferl [lie s[reet shc~uld be wf~anc~. Jay Titus~ Office Criyinu~r~ repli~~ [hat the half-wlJth of Gilt,Rrt Struet a[ this pulnt is 3Q feet an~ in~Jicatc~l thc tr~vclway wil) nui bc chan~~eJ an~J this r.xtra width will be for curbs anci parL,way, Paul Sinyer~ Traffi~ Enyincer, ii~Ji~at~:~i thac wl~atever hapnens reyarclinq a signal at *_his loc~tion wou1J not interf~re wich tlie siunal halfway betwcen Urool.hurst ~ind Gilhert. Ne stated the conFllct is witl~ spaciny betwe~~n the Gllbert St~et signal and the proposed siynal at tliis driveway. Ile stace~ I,~ h~d discussed thls ~~n~! if tfie si~nal is installed, it will provi~Je s~~me in~onvcnicnce to tl~r: sho~piny ccnt~~r ~ccause of the spacing ancl will necessi[ate that tl-e "grc~;n" timc f~~r the ~Jriveway will no[ ~c uery cxcensive. Cliairnan Pro Temporc Ilerbst aske~ huw ~,~any cars could go aut ~~f the shoppiny center at one t(nie~ and t1r. Sinyr~r repl ie:.i that this wauld depenJ upon thu volu+nc of thc traff (c. He explaineJ the greates[ prublem woulJ ~,e at the F~eak hc~ur traffic when tl~e drivew~y siynal would be preernptud. -le exp lai ne~i I~c want~ed to be sure the nct i t ioner im~lerstood that 1 f a traffic si~nal is inst~711ee1 tl~~~t it ~~~ay l,e quite sliort because of [ha volume o~ trafflc on Lir~coln Av~nue. Ccxnmissioner Linn was concerneJ ahout the west exl[ to the property which h~s both inyress and eyress anJ felt (t s!~<w1J be closed except [o inward traffic because af a stackin~ prQblern ar~d p~ople sh~uld be (orced to yo out of the lot at the signal ln ordzr to elirntnatc the Icft-turn tra`fic pro~lem into t3elinda Circlc. lir, Singer polnteJ e~ut that if traff'ic c:oes s[ack up on the prQject duriny ~eal. hours, the people have thc option of makin~~ a riyht turn only and finJing another way out~ but it is very difficult to construct a Jriveway for entrance only and indicated the City could post ~"no U-turn" siyn if there is a probl~m. Gl~airm2n Pro T~mpore llerbst statecJ it ap~careJ that if the property is going to be developed at all that this is about as liritteJ access as can be m~ide and still get a vlable pro,jc:cc with nn acc~ss on Gilbert~ ~nd he felt ti~e traffic signals should be in conjuriction witl~ each utner in orJer to tielp tlie traffi~ situation. TIiE: PU4LIC Nf:ARING NAS CLOSE~. 10/26/77 MINUTkS~ ANAN~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ October 26~ 1977 71~71~+ EIR MEGATIVE UECLARATION ANU RECLASSIFIGATION N0. 77-1~'23 ~~ontinued) Chairman Pro Tempore Herbst aske:d if tlia hanecwrners wcre satisfied wlth tlie pro,)ec~, and a gentleman from thc aucitence replled that they were pleaseJ with the efforts mmde if thcre werr no f~iJden pitfalls. Gommis~luner Kiny referreJ to o sl~nal ~n Le Palrrw Avenue Just west of Dale at a sh~pping ce~ter anci aske~ if this woul~ !~e abuut tt~e same Jistance as the proposal, and Mr. 5tnger replied ~h~t those siynals wcre further apart. Ile pointed out there are ~IbG~S (n the City wt~ere tlie signals are equally close in spacc~ but that there is a time sac~lfice Imrolve~l; that a Craffir slyn.il is ~~ incthud of ~ssi~~ning time to th~ paven-ent and he wante~l co be sure tlial the petl tiuner ui~derstood there could Ur prol,lems ~t certeln [Imes uf ilie Ja~ anJ frlt this ha~1 beeiti i~~ade clear to thc petitioncr. Chatrman Pro Tempore Herbst askecl (f the petitioncr wc~uld havc to b~ar thr. cost for installation~ an~ Mr. Sinyer replic~i that there are no funds bu~qetecf for this and the petitianer will h~ve to bear thc ent're cost. Cha i rman Pro Tenq~~rr. 1lerbs t asked thc ~~~n t 1 ernan f ror~ Lucky S tores i f he was sa t i s f 1 ed ~ and he replleJ from [hc auJiencc that hc wa:;. Chairman Pr~ Temporc Ilerbst as4:cJ the rcpresentativc from the Ralph's storc co pleasc come furward, and t~ob Zumberye ca~nc to the poJiurn and reyuesteJ an ~mendment to thr, letter regard(n~ the truck deliv~rics beiny rnadc to in~llcatc that thcrc would bc no dcl(verfes made betwcen the hours of 10:00 p,~~i. and );U7 a,r~. Cl~alrrnan Pro Ternpore ~ierbst referred [o a Ralph's Supermar4.et on SunL.ist and nointed out tha t the C i ty has rece i ve~ seve ra 1 ce,mp i a i n ts abou t the c 1 ean i ne~ of tt~e prope r ty i n the early morniny hours anci wan:e~i Nr, Zumberye to yo an ~ecord as to Lhe hours the parkinc~ lot would be cleaned at the subject ~ocation~ fr.eliny this coulcl be a problem with the propcrty owncrs in tlic area in the futurr_. Chai rman Fro Tem~,ore llerbst pointed out tl~at several complaints had been receiveti that the sweepers were out at 3:0~ or 4:0~ a,m. and the neighbors were unhappy wlth the hours ~f clean-up. Mr. 'Lumberge repl ied tE~at f-e was n~t aware of tt~e problem and would be wi 11 ing to wark out sortx: tirne elerxnt. Commissioner Uarnes state~i tha~ cornplaints have been reporte~f [o the company but it k~eps happeninc~; that they clean up in the early morning hours on 5un~iay anJ that is the only day some of the residents car~ slee~~ in~ an~ asl:ed Mr. Zumberge to person~lly look into the matt~r and check with tl-is store and keep a~,:lose eye on the proposed stare. Mr. Zumberge stateJ i~e would go on recc~rd~ agr ~iny to do whatever he could; that he would take wliatever action necessary tu kee~ peace in tlie neiyt~borliood. Gommissioner Davi~i in~i(cated that Mr, Zurnberge could check with the Chlef of Police wf~o lives in the neighborl~ood to firid ou[ tiie nature of the canplain[s at the Ralph's store on Sunkist. Commissioner Linn indicate~i his concern that tt~is stare coulcl be closed in the future because the volume woul~i not be hiyh enuugh. Mr. Zumberge polnted out that an analysis has been done and the proJected volume at this location will provide sufficient volume to keep the store in bu,iness. Hc indlcated a large investme~t has becn made at this loc~tion. 10/26/77 MINUTE.S~ IINANCIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. October 16~ 1977 77- 715 EIR NCGA7IVE DLLLARA71bN A~lO RECLI1S51FICATI6N t~0. ?7'7~'13 (continued) .,.~..,~ ,... - Cammissiuncr Linn oskec/ thc len~~tt~ nf the leasc~ ond it was rc~lied tt~at It was 2i yc~rs, Commissioner Uav(d indicate~ his conc~:rn reyarcliny insiallation of a traffic s~~.~nal that would affect a lot uf peoplc ~nd would unly bencfi[ the de~velopment an~i wc~uld crc~te a hardship on the pe~ple travcling on Llncuin Avenue. He ~tAted the traffic flows nicely on ~incoln at th~ present tirnc. Hr. Sing~~r scated that he coulJ make tl~e trat',ic flow well as lony as the applicant understuod a traffic siynal displays "grecn tirne" and is a tirn~: factor; that n~rmally the tlr,ic is teken from the cross street~ but when there is poor spacin~~ hetw~en thc trafflc s4c~nal5 and the time is lc,nyer~ then the time will ~e taken from thc ~roJect. Corrxni ss i aner L( nn suyyes te~i that maybc tfie praperty shou I a bc c1r_ve lc~pe~l w i tli di~ of f i cc building which diJ not requirc a traffic slynal. Chairrna~ Pr~ Tempore Herbst sta[uJ that i[ woul~ clcpr~nJ ~pun tl~e t~pe uf oFfir_e space that would go in[~ the office buildiny; thal somc types~ such as a r,e~iical devetop~ent~ could creatc a lot of traffic. ACTION: Comrnissiorier Kiri~ offe~rc~i a rrx~tion, secondcJ t,y Commissi~ner David anci MOTIQN ~U (Cornmissioners Johnson and Tolar being abs~~nt an~1 Comrnfsslnncr lin~~ voting n~) ~ that the Anaheirn Gity Plannin~~ Commission has reviewed che subject prop~s~l to reclassify the zoning from RS-A-~3~Q0~) (Residential/Ayricultural) t~ CL (Commercial, Limited) on praperty consistiny of approximate~y /.1 acres locate~ at the sc~utheast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Gil~ert Street~ haviny ap~.~roxir~~te frontayes of G3~ fcet on the south slde of Lincaln Avenue and ~~~2 feet on ttie east ~icle of Gilbert Strest; and does hereby approve the Ncyatlve Ueclaration from the requircinent to prepare an environmpntal impact report on Che basis that khere wo~IJ be no siynificant individual or cur.wlafive adverse envlronn~:nta) impact ciu~ to the opproval of this Negative Declaration since the An~heim General Plan Jestynates tl,e subject Nroperty for general conKnercfal l~n~i uses commensurate witf~ tl~c proposa ; tliat n~ sensl[ivic envi~onrx:nta) ir~pacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initfal Stu~iy submitted by tt~e petitioner indicaees no si~nificant individual ar cumulatlve adverse environrnental i~npacts; and that the Negative Ueclaration substantiatlnq the foregoiny findings is on file in tf~e City of Anal~eim Planning Dtpartment. AGTI01~: Commission~r King off~red aesolution No, PG77-23~ and move~! for its p~ssage and ad pt~on, tl~at the llnaheim City Plannin~ Corrmisslon does hereby grant PP[ition for Reclassificatlon No. 77-7~-23, subject to the follnwing stipulations made by the petitioner at tl-e public f~earing; (A) That if tl~e petitioner wants tr~ffic signal(zation at the lntersection of Lincoln Aven~e and ltelinda Circle to control tr.~ffic entering subJect property~ [he cost of said installation will be borne wholly by the peLltionrr; (B) that the uroJc~ct will be developed precisely in acc~rdance with plans and exhibits on file with the C~cy of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1~ 2 and 3; (C) that there will be no truck deltveries betwe~n lO:OQ p.m. and 7:00 a.rn.~ and the maintenance and cleaning of subject property will not be in a manner nor conducted at such hours so as to disturb any of tl~e residential neiyhborhood; and (D) tliat in accordance with the Supplsmenta) Noise Assessment Report No. 300-75'S on file with the City of Anal~eim dated October 2~, 1977~ and prepared by J. J. Van Ilouten b Associates~ the following sound-attenuation measures st~al) be taken: (1) An 3-foot htgh block wall sh~ll be constructed along the south property line; (2) a 1U-foot t~iyti block wall shall be Gonstructed along the south~rly and westerly sides of tl~e truck-loading rarnp~ sald wall to be measured from th~ nominal grade of tl~e site; and (3) mechanical equipmNnt noises shall be mitiyateJ by (a) a suitable noise barrter at the souttec:rn po~tion of the sCructur~ to reduce roof equlpment noise~ (b) 10/26/77 MiNUTES~ AiIAHf.IM CITY PLANI~ING COMMISSION, October 26~ 1977 71'71f~ EIR NEGATIVC UECLARATION AND RCCLASSIFICl1TION N0._~~ 7~s-23 (continued) al l Inlct anJ exhaust al r~1u~t systen~s tc~ntaininy fil~rous 1 ining sh.il l be Incated behind said nols~ bar~ier~ and (c) exterior walls of tl~e equlpment room(s) shall be deslyneci to have a 5ound Trdnsmission Class (STC) of ~t Icast ~5; anJ sul~ject to Intrrdepartmental Commlttce recommcnJations. On roll call, thc foreyoiny resolut~un was p~isscd by Che f~~llo4iing votc: AYES: COM111SSIOI~ERS: UARNES~ UI1VtU~ tIEKUST~ KIr~G NOCS : COMMI SS I OIIERS : L I NII AtiSCNl': CONMISSIONCkS; JOIINSON~ TOLAR (T111 t~0. 1G EIR C TFf,ORIGAL EXE11i'TI0;1-CL~SS 11 PUIfLIG IIEARI~~G. OWNER: Sl1VC-NOST OfVELOFME~~7, VAR111NCC NU. 2~13 ING., 2a~ Newport Center Urivc~ ~~ewport Dcach~ CA jZt~6~. AGF.NT: MET7 CORPORATIO~I~ ~'~~ Brig,ys Street, Costa Mesa~ cn ~2G2G. Pet~tloncr requ~sts WII1VEIt OF ~IAXIMUM Slfl~ Nf.l(~NT TU COIISTRUCT A FREf:-STn~iUING SIGt~ un prc,~crty ~fescr(bed as ai~ Irregularly- shaped parcel uf lancl consistiny of ~pproxim~~tc~ly ~+.~ acres h~viny a fronto9e of apprux(mately 5~1~~ feet o~ the ~asC SiJc of E+roo~,hurst Strcet~ haviny a maximum depth af approxlmately (i)~ fcet, beiny Ic~cate~! approxiinately IOG; fce[ north of the centerline of Crescent Avenue~ and further clescribeJ as i~~~l Nortl~ Brook.l~urst Street. Pro~~erty presen[ly classifled ML (INUUSTitIl1L, LIMITEU) Z~IIC. There was no one indicatiny their prescnce i~~ c~ppasiti~n t<~ sut,ject petitiun~ and although the staff report to thc Plannin~~ CoR~~~ission ~ated Uctober 7G~ 1~7/ w.~s nc~t read at the public hcar(ny~ it is referred to anJ ma~1e a part uf cl~e minutcs. dill Jiles of Mett. Siyn Gon~{~any was present tu answer any yuestions. Chalrinan Pro Tempore Ilerbst asked tl;e nccJ for the extra height on tt~e si~~n, ~~nd Mr. Ji les polnteJ out tha[ the siyn must be raiseJ befora it c.an bc seen frrxn thc frceway; that it tould not be placed at the we~t encl of the property because of Etruokhurst Street and that was thc reason for plaeing ic at the east end of the property. Cha(rmari Pro 7empore Iler~st asked if s{yns haa Ucen discussed when the oriyinal applicatir,n had bcen submittc~l, and Annika Santalahti. Assistant Director for Zoning, pointcd aut stie -~id not believc thc siyn was ever cliscussed. She inciica[ed she had drivcn past the property and that the on-ramp ta thc southeascerly end ducs provide a barr(er f rom the f reeway . Conmissioner Kiny asked M~. Jil~s if fie kncw thc: i~eight of the sfyn for (3ob's Antique Sl~u{~ across the street~ and t~e rcpl ied tiiat he did not. Ghairman Pro Tempore Ilerbst asked if the s(yn waiver was to protect tt~e homes across the freeway~ an~i J. J. Tashir~~~ Assistant Planncr~ replied that t~~ere are some single-family residences locatecl to the northeast across che freeway. Cor.imissloner Kiny pointc, ~ut there is a higli b1ocE: wall and tl~at the helght of the freeway ramp does block the view. Mr. Tastiira pointeJ out tli~t staff has cliecked tt~e surrnunding area to see of there have been any siyn varlances a~d that no variances witfi(n 300 feet have been applied for and denied ar approve~. t0/2~/77 MINUTES~ AI~AiIEIM CI'TY PLANNING COMMISSION~ Octobcr 26~ 1977 77-717 EIR CATkGORICAL r...r..._--- ___ EXEMPTION-CLASS 11 AND VARIANCE N0. _..__ .. 2) 73 ~u~ntinued) Chalrman Pro Tempare Ilerbst inJicate~l hts only c.oncern was lhat the li~~hts be orlented sc- that they du not reflec:t Into tl~e f~umes across the strcet~ .~-id Mr. Jlles re~llec! that the siyns will b~ at ri~ht anyle wlth the frecway. TI;L PuULIC N~ARIr~G uAS CLOSkD. it was nuted tl~ot th~ Director of the Planninc~ Department has determinr.d that thc propased attivl;y folls within tlie definit(un of Section 3.~1, Class 11~ of tl~c City of Ar~Ahcim Guidelii~~s to the Requirer~ents f~~r an Envlronm-:ntel Impact Re~ort and is~ thr.reforc~ categorl,.ally exempt fro~~~ thc rcr~uircnx:nt to flle an EIR. AGT I U~~ : Gomini ss ir~i~cr ~;i ny uf fr~r,~~ Resol ut iUn No. PC77-2)7 and ~nove~l far 1 ts passa!~e and aJoptj~n~ that the Anaheim Clty Plannin<.~ Comm(ssion does hereby ~~rant Petition for Varionce I~o. ?.~73 on tl~e basis ~hat subjsct property is locateci ir+ close proxlmity to the Sanla Ana Freewdy and an approximately 6-foot hi~~h binck w~ll on top af a landsc~~prd berr~ blocks vislbility [o the cl~~sest resi~enccs; that the southbound freeway on-ramp is elevated and restricts visibility to che subjcr.t pronerty~ unless th~: permitted signing is modificd; subject to llie petitioncr's stipulation tl~at subject s~yn dlsplay arca wlll bc locateJ perpenJicular to tlie freeway and any siyn liyhts will be directe~l away from the residences located to tl,c northeast acr~~ss thr. freeway; and subject to Intcrdepartmental Cortrni Ctec recommencJations. On roll call, the foreyoin~ resotution was ~~~asse.i by the foltuwiny vote: AYES: CUhIMIS51UNkR5: BARNES, OAVIU~ NLRbST~ KIIJG~ Ll~~ti NOES: COMMISSIONf_R5: NOf~E AOSCI~T; COMNI SS I Ot1ERS : JUIit~SUf~ ~ TOLl1k 1'~E:M I~O. 17 EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLA55 1 PUEtLIC HEAP,ING, OWNERS: JONN H, AND BEVERLY J. R~1J E N . 297~ A(3k~0TT~ ~32"~ Coronet Avenue~ llnaheim~ CA 92801. Petitioner proposes NAIVER QF (A) MAXIMUN REAR YARU COVERAGE ANU (t3) MI~~IMUN REAR YARU SETtil1CK. Tn COIISTRUCT A TIIREC-ROOM AUUITIOIJ cn property described as a rectanyularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxtmately G13'3 square feet having a frontagc of apprqximately 63 feet on ttie i~orth side of Coronet Avcnue~ having a maximum depth af approxfmately 100 feet, being lacate~ aE~~roximateiy t33~ feet east of t~~e centerline of Gilbert Street~ and further Jescrib~d as 23'2y Coronet Avenuc. Propercy presently classified RS-7200 (RE:S 1 uErlTl AL ~ S I i~GLE-FAMI LY) ZoNE. Tliere was no one indlcatin~ their presence in upposition to subJec~ petition, and although the staff report to che Planniny Comnission dated October 2G~ i977 was not read at the public hearing~ it ls referred tc~ ancl ~~~ade a part of the minutes. John Abbott~ the petitioner, stated he wished to usc land which is presently not usable because of freeway noise~ etc. h1e indicated he had yatten siynatures from al) his neighbors and that no onr: was opposed. TI~E PUaLIC HEARIt~G WAS CLOSEU. It was noted chat the Girector of the Planning Dapartment fias determined that the proposed actlvity falls within the deftnition of Section 3.~1~ Class 1, of the City of Anahelm to/26/77 MINUTES. ANANEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION~ Octobe~ 26~ 1977 ~~'~18 EIR CATEGORICAL_ EXEMPTI011•GLASS 1 ANU VAaIANCE N0. 2975 ~c.ontinucd) GuiJeltnos t~ the Reyuira~nents f~r an Envirornnentol Impact Repart ~in~l is~ thcreforc~ catc~~orlcally exempt frorn thc requirenx:nt to filc an EIR. ACTIO~~: Cornnissloner Klny offer~d Resolutian No. PC77'23B ~~d moved for Its pASSAC~C nnd adop Tan~ that the Anaheim City Plt~nniny Commission docs I~creby grant Petitlon for Varlonce No. 2q75 on thc basis thai subJ~ct ~ropcrcy abuts tl~c Rivcrside Frsew~~y and thAt the exlsting trafflc no(ses an~i dirt efftc(ei~tly res[rict the usn ~f the rear yard for outdoor recreation~~l-lcisure purposes an~ that usable outdoo~ recreatic~nA1 space Is eva(lablc elsewherc: on the prorerty; an~ subject to Interdepartr~,en[al Committce recor~ncnd.~ t i on s. an roll call~ thc farcyoin~J resulutiun was passc~l by thP following vokc: AYCS: COMMI5SIONERS: flARNES~ Ul1VID~ 11CRUST~ KING, L11~1~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: tJONC AUSCIJT: COHMISSIUNCRS: JOIItJ50N. TOLAf~ (T~M N0. 115 EPOR S l1ND RLCOHMEI~Dl1T I OIaS ___.___-- -- ITI:M A. E ~ R NCG!-T I VE OECL~~~~T I Ot! - Construct ion of a s torm clra i n from ~arbon Creek Channel at West Street ~co Harbor Eloulevard. The staff report to the Planning Gonvnission dated October 2G, 1977 was p~esented~ nating that the City of Anat~eim Public Wor{:s department proposes to canstr~~ct a storm drain from Carbon Creek Channcl at West S[rect, soutl~ on West Street to Norih Street. cast on North Strect tu Cition Strcet~ soutl~ on Citron Street eo ChArtres Strcet~ ~nd cast on Chartres Street to ~larbor OoulcvarJ; that the pr~ject is part oF a mK~ster plan of starm dralns and i s des i gneJ to re 1 i eve d ra i n~yc prc~b 1 ems i n thc Jowa reMint~rc tf~e~EnP 1 neer i nyaD i v t s i onnand Initial Stuciy of Environm~.ntal Impact li~s becn prep y J the Planning pepertment~ tt~e stu~iy ir~dicating there wo~ld be somc impact on area residents as a result of noise, dust an~ traffic disruption which would be r~itiyatecl by control measures deslU~ie.1 to minimizc the impact; and that thcrc may be damayc to a few small trees which cou~d b~: replaced. ACTIQfJ: Commissioner David affereJ a motion~ seconded by CorN~lissioner King and MO710N C~U (Conmissioners Johnson and Tolar beiny absent), that ~.~e Anaheim City Planning Commisslon has foun~ that pursuant to tl~e provisions of the ~alifurnia Environmental Quallty Act~ the construction of a storm drain from Carbon Cree~: Channcl at West Street to Ha~bor Uoulevar~l at Chartres Street will not f~ave a significant individual ar cumulative adverse environn~ntal impact because ti~e Initial Study i~dicates that tlie project will cause ~nly temp<~rary inconveniences Jue to construction activity which would be mitigated by adherence to City reyulations and policies and~ therefore. appr~ves the preparation of a Negative Declaration from thc requi~ement to prspare a~ environmental impact report. 10/26/77 MINUTES~ AIJA~IEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ October 2G~ 1~77 77'71`1 REPUKTS At~D RCCOMMENDATIONS (contlnued) ITLM li, TENTATIVI: TRACT NU. 2~21 - Rcquest for a~roval of s~ecif(c Ip ans. J. J. Teshlro~ A~sistant Planner~ r~portcJ that subse~qucnt t~ prapar~[ic~n c~f the staff report to the Plannin,y ConHnission dateJ Qclobe:r 2G~ ")JJ~ specific plans had been submitted anJ some errors arc (nvolved; therefure~ staff requests adJi[lonal timc t~ revic~w these plans. ACTI011: Co~TMnissloner DaviJ offere~i a motion~ seconcle~i by Commissloner Linn and MQTIQII CAfiRIED (Commissioners Johnson ancf Tolar bein~~ absent) ~ t}i~t consideration of the speclftc plans fur Tentative Iract P:o, '.3721 be continucd to thc~ reqular meetina of the Planning Comrni ss i on c~n Novembcr )~ 1'17l, ITkM G. LAKCVIEU AVCNUE AI~D TUSTIN AVE.tJUE URIi~GE WIUEIIII~G - Request for detcrmination of conformance wlth t.ie City of Andl~ci~n Gei~~r~il ~'13si, _._.__, ._.__..r .~ The staff report to the Plannli~~~ Cornr+(ssion d~tc~ October ?.G, 197J was presented~ natlny the Oranc.~e County Environmental Manayeinent Ayency proposes to wiclen the Lakeview Avenue and Tustin Avcnuc bri~Iges a[ th~ Santa Ana Rivcr to accumnodatr current and anticipaked trafflc volun~es an~i t~ provlae for pe~iestrian Cravel; that in cornpliance wlth Secti~n 6!i402 of the Government Code~ t~~e Agency has requested thc Anahelm Planning Ccxnm(ssion to determine if the proposed pr~J~~cts are in conformance wi[h the City of Anahe(m Gr,neral Plan; that the existiny Tustin Avenuc Dridye fs a[wo-lane brtdge~ and it would be widened to provicle four 12-foot tr,ivel I~~nes~ two v-foot emer9ency parkin~~ l.~nes~ a li-foot median and a ~~-foot siciewalk; that thc existing Lakevlew Avenue hriJ9e i, a twu-lare bridge, and it would be wiJene~ ta provide four 12-foot travr.l lanes~ two ~-Foo[ emergency parking lanes, a 4-foot me~ian~ and [wo G-foot sidewal~.s; chai the Traffic Enyfneer has fndicate~i the eneiyency parkiny lanc~s m.iy alsc~ be used (or bicycle lanes; ~ncl that the f.irculation Element of the General Plan indicatcs that the Lakeview Avcriue .3nd Tustin Avenue bridyes are primary highways~ an~i thc pr~pose~i wiclening would be in conformance with this desiynation. ACTI '~: Commissioner Davi~1 affered Resolution No. PC;j-23) and mvvecl for its passage and adop [ f on , that the Anaiie 1 m C i ty P 1 ann i ny Conunl ss i on f i nd~ tfia t the prc~posed wi den 1 ng of th~: Lakeview Avenu~ and Tustin Avenu~ bridycs is ~n conformance with [he City of Anaheim General Plan. On roll call, che foregoiny resolution was passe:l by the following vote: AYkS: COMP115SIOIdERS: DAVIO~ KI~~G, BARNE.S~ iiERBST~ LIN1~ NOES : C0r1Ml SS I ONE:RS : Ir01~C AtiSENT: COMHISSIONERS: JOHNSOI~~ 70LAR ITEM D. COI~DITIOIJAL USE PERMIT N0. 1~G8 - t~eq~e.st fnr an exten5ion of time. ~_.._.._ Tt~r_ staff report ta the Planniny Commission dated Octaber 26, 1977 was presented~ noting the subjer.t property is a rectan~ularly-shaped parcel parcel of land consistiny of apprcxiM,:tely Q.79 acre IocateJ ~t the northwest corner nf Orangethorpe Avenue and Oranyethorp, Park~ haviny approximatr frontages of l02 feet an the north side of Oran~ethorpe A~enue ancl 215 feet on the west side of Orangethorpe Park~ and further descrlbed as 1713 IJorth Oranyeihorpe Park. The applicant (Gordon Howard) requests a retroactlve extensian of time for Conditional Use Permit No. 1>f>~3; that Conditional Use Per~nit I~o. 1~GtS (to establish an automobile painting and repair shap in the ML Zone) was approved by the Planning Commission on September 29. 197~~ subject to th~ stlpulatiors 10/26/77 MINUTCS~ ANAHEIN CITY PLANNI~IG COMMISSION~ October 26, 1977 71•720 ITEM U (GOntinuedj thn', the applicant provide sitc screenln~~ anJ that a~) phASes of thc proposed use shr~ll be conducted lnside the bulldin~. The Zoning Enforcemc~~t Off(cer Indicnlr.s ttiat [he above eonJitlons arc not belnq conform~d wtth. Ne ,tnt~s that some sitc screcnln<~ has b~on orovidsd~ but it doe, npt mee; thc m(nfmum Code stan~'~~rd:. lldditionally, scxne phases ~~f the use are be(n~~ con~uctecl outsidr_ the buildiny. lh e Zoning Enforcement Officer has asked the business o;~cra; r t~ conform with the stipulations a number ~f tirnes during the pas t two yeary ~ but these reyucsts havc nat E~rocfuced ttic des i red resul t. Thc appl 1 cant a:.knc~wiadyes that the c~~n~ittons liave nut becn r~et ~inc~ stated that he ~ as not been able to get hls tenant to confurrn~ an~ that ha is ett~mptin~~ to fln~i a new tenant fnr the subject prope~ty and would likr_ t~~ kcep thc us~: pcrmitted ~>y the t~~nditiona) use permit. C~nnle Fb eno~ 1713 North Uranycthorpr. Park~ the t~n~nt~ w~~s present and indicated they wuulJ 1(F.u ta havc a ~0-J.~y cxtcn:,lun of tir', on the can~~itlnn;,l u;e ~ermlt; that thcy are in the rrocrss ~~f rmvln~~; that the{r p~~rtiur of the fencc h;~s been covered nnd Lhr. other fence is nut theirs. She indic.~•ed thac t1~4 only aetivity which takes place outslde the bulldiny (s thc wa~ ~fny r,f vehi~les; ~~nd that all body war~: anJ paintiny is June In51de th~e bul Idl ny. Canmi ss ioncr Ki ny askeJ Jack ~Ihi tc ~ Ueputy C i ty At torney . i f the e:xtens lon was den i ed ~ how many days w~u l d thc ten.~n c-~ave t e l c~ca te ~ and H r. Wh i Lc rc[~ l i e~1 therc I s no se t numbr.r of days and each case is considere~ c.~n ar inJiviclual basis. ACTI01~: i.ommissloncr Li~~n offere~l ~~ ~~c,tion~ seconde•.1 bv Comnissioncr Da~,id and M~TI011 CARRIED (Commissioncrs Johnson an~1 Tolar beiny abs~~~t~. that thc request for an extenslon of ti,ne for Conc:itional Use r'~rr~iit t:o. 1>G8 be d~~nied inct that no prn~~~uti~~n of the tenan t Sha I 1 t~~.c p I acc for ;0 d~>>~s . IYl.M E. G)tIGITI0I~~L USC FE:R111T N0. 14~+1 - Requti`st f_r an extcnsioi~ of time. The st~ff re~ort to the Pianniny Commission clate~! OGtnber ~G~ 1'~;7 was pres~nted~ indicatin,y the subjeet property (s a rect~nyularly-shaped ~arcel of I~ind eansist'.ny of approximately 1). iG acr~ !oc~ted at !33 West Lincoln Avenue. It was noted t~e Redevelopment Agency indicates that re~ocat~~ arrangements have been corr~leted and ihat [he church has .~~cated tne suGject praperty. ACTION: Conr^,:ssioner L(nn ~~ffereJ a r,otion, secon~ied by Co~~missioner David and MOTI01~ C/1RRIED (Commissioncrs Johnsor~ an~f Tol~r beiny absent; ~ tha; the Anaheim C(ty Planning Ccxnmission Joes hereby ~eny the req~es[ fc,r extension of [imc for Condiilonal ~'se Permit No . 1 ~-!~ 1 . F. COIJUITIO~JAI IISE PERM17 ~~0. 13~~2 - Rec~~est tior extensiun cf time. The staff repo~t to the Plani~iny Conxr-ission dated Oct~>ber 2(~~ 1~77 was pres~~.~~ted, noting that thc propcrtb is a rectan~,~~~larly-st~aped parcel ~f land consisting of approximateiy 0.41 acre havinu a fronta~~e of ;~r,proximately 11?. feet on t~~ south side of So~th Street~ and beiny located approximately 270 feet west of the centerl ine of State Cci lege poulevard. I t was also noted Condi tional Use Permi t tlo. 13W2 { to establ isfi a chi ld nursery wi th waiver of minimum front yard deptf~ and minimum number of narking fpaces) was appr~+ved~ in part~ by tlie Planning Commission on September 18, 1972, a~d that sald nursery ha~ not yet l0/26I77 MINUTES~ ANAf1EIM C~TY PLl1NNINf CONMISSIO~S~ OctobQr 2G, 1~77 17-7?.1 ITEM i (continued) ...-_.. becn as tab 1 1 shc:d ; an~1 tl~;,t s a i d ~ pprov~~ 1 was sub jec t tu .~ 1 I cond t t i ons o f ~~~prc,va 1 be i n~~ corr~lied w(th wi lhin a periuef of cme year, l1CT I ON , Commi ss i oner l i nn of fer~d a nx~t i on ~ seconcleJ by Commi ss loner Davi ~1 and MOT I ON CARRICU (Co-amissioncr5 Johnsun anJ Tolar being ~ttasent), thak the An~heim Clty Plannlny Commissian does hereby r~rant a one-year extcr~slon of tirn~~ tc~ expire Oetubcr 1~~ 1~17~i, nn Condi tlanal Usc Perril t No. 1 jf+2. ITCM G. DUILUING PERM17 APPLiCAT10~1 - 11 j Norti~ Cml ly Strect. Thr staff rep~rt to thc Plannin~~ Commission and the llnoheim Re~lr.vclopment llyr.ncy dated Octc~bcr 2~, 1~7/ w~is pre~.,enteJ~ noting that ~i b~~(ldiny ~rermit Applicatiun has bern flled by the c~wner oF tlie Nru~yarty at 213 Nortti Cni ly St~cet~ ~nd thc prvpnseJ i~~~~r~vements consfst of rebui Idlny a~~~~r~~~.~ ar.ri , nt•w awimm(n~~ ~cK~l. It was noted that in conformancc w'th Section 42~~ of tlie ReJevelc~pm~nt Plan for Redevelo~Nnent Pr~ject Alph.~ • Revicw of App~;cati~ms for 155u~~n~e of Pcrrni[s - the Executive D(rector of the fte~~r.vr_lopmcnt Ayency, aFte' co~Ferrin~~ wi[h the Plaiini~iy Coi~timission~ shall flle wlth thc City a wr(tten report settinc~ forch his f(ndiny of f~-~ct, The Execut i ve D i rect~r lias rev i ewcJ th~, bu i 1 dt ny permi t ap~l ( cat ion and f i nds that the improvernen~s are compat ible wi [h the st•in~lnrds ser fortl~ In tlie acJevclo;>ment Plan and recommends that tfie subjr.ct b~i 1 din~~ pcrrmi t be ~p~~roved, ACTION: Con~missl~ner Kiny offr.r~~l a nx~tic~n~ seconded by Commissloner L(nn and NOTI~JN C~~RR~~EU (Commissioners Johns~n .3~~ Tolar bciny absent)~ that the llnaheim City PI~Snning Commission does concur with thf. Executiv~ Director of the Redevelopment Age~cy rhat the improve nt5 a~c compatible witt~ thc standarJs set forth in thc redevelopnent pla~. (TEM H. l1kiA;~Dnt~MEt~T N0. 7i-5A - Request t~ abandon apuroxima+ely t;3 feet of an exist~ ,; public utility easert+~nt Ic~cate~' east of Euclid Str,et~ north of Rorx~eYa ~riv~. __ 1'he s Caf f repor t to thc ~ 1 ann i n~3 Comnl ~s i on dated Octobcr 2G, 1977 was submi tted, ~-~cJ(:,atiny thie subj~sct rEC~uest for abandonir.ent ~f a~~ubl ic uti l fty easament is submltted for actian ty the t'~anniny Conunission (n compll~~nce with the ~~rovisio~s of Sect~~n 5~435 of the SCate of Cali furnia Gover,iment Code whicl~ reads .~5 fc~l la~s: "A vacatlon of an easemei~t shall not be orJPre~ wi Chin tl~e arca for whicl~ a maste~ ptan is adopted until the proposed vacation is subnii[te~i to and a~:teci uNon by the Plarniny Co~,rnisslon." The Enginecr{ny Division t~as reported tf~is request tias been rcvieweJ by all departments of the City and affect::d o~.~tsi~fe agencies~ .:^-_' approval is recor~mende~; that the apalltant des ires to constr~ct a curtire.•ci a! I:ui lding in this area, a porti~n of wf~ich wuuld encroach into tl~e existiny 5-foat overha~y e~sement; tl~at tf~e Electrical Division, at the expense of thQ ~ppl icant~ has ~'eiocated tl~ is ~ortiun of the extstin~~ electri~al faci 1 i t tes ~;ast of the subject propert [c a dedicated ,~ublic allcy; and tf~at tt~e subject 5••foot overhang easement was acquired at tfie tirnc df recordation of Tract ~lo. 339b• It was noted that the Olrcctor of t'~~ ?lann3n~~ De~arcrx:nt I~as determincd th~t the proposed activity falls wlthin the Jefin ieion ot Section 3.~1~ Class 5~ of the City of Anahein Gu idel i nes to *.I~e Requ i remen ts for an En•i i ronmental Im{~act Repor t anc! i s~ theretore ~ cate~~• ally exempt from the requirement to file an ~IR. 10/2G/17 MINUTCS~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ October 26~ 1977 77'72?. ITEM ~I (continusd) ~~ AC710N: Curtmiss(onc ir~g offereJ e nx~tl~n~ secunded by Commissi~ner Uavi~i and ~101t1)N ~~U (Cc~mmissioners Johnson and Tolar b~:ing absent) ~ that the Anahcim C i ty Planning Comm(sslcm does hereby rucomn~cncf t~ the C'ty Couiicll that Abandonment No. 77-aA~ r~quest Co aband~n npproxirn.~tely 83 fcet of on ex~ stiny publ ic utf i I ty e.~sement Ineatcd ea5t ~f Euclld Strect~ nor'.h of Romneya Urive~ be a~~prr.~ved, I7L'M I. AUAIJU0~I11EiJ7 N0. 71'6A - Reques t to abandon a{~ubl i c ut i 1 I ty casement located south of E3a11 Roa~i~ east of East Street. The staff repori to the Planniny Conunisslon cJated Uctoher 2G~ 1~)7] a~as nre~sented~ notlnc~ the sub ject requcst for abancJunnx:nt of a publ ic uti 1( ty c~~scmcrit i s submi t Led for t~ctfon by the Plann(ng Com+nission in cc>mpliance -vith the pravis~ons uf Section ;~t+)~ of the Stat~ ~~f Caltfornia Govcrnrnent Codc. It was noteJ by thc En,yinc~~riny Divisian that tl~is r~yuest has bcen reviewe~i by all de~artrnenCs of the C) ty s iJ affected aut5 icle ayencies, an~ i t i s recorir~ended that thls reques[ by a~~prove~; th.~t thc appl icant is ths owner ~~f thc lan~i on ear_h s ide of the sub ject easen~ent ~ ancl h i s proposeJ plans ~f deve lopment requi re ut i I i ty se rvf ce i n a new locatiun ~s detcrmine~J by thc Elec[~ icol D(vision of thc City; thac thc apnlfcant has dedicated the ncw easement an~J r~.quests abandonment of the s~bject easernent, inasmuch as the new bui ldinys wi l) he bui It c~ver the tup c~f samc. I t w.~s n~ted th~t the C I rcc[or of [hc P 1 ann i ny Depar tment has c1e t~• rmi ned t t~at the proposed eetivlty falls witl~in che definitian of Section 3.01~ Class ~~ ~t the City of Anahelri Guidelines to [he Requ~rements •for an Environment~il {mpact Report and is, thcrefo,-e, cate~~~rically exert~t frum the requirement to file an Cl~t. AGT1011: Gorin~issioner K1~~~; offcred a nK~cion, seconded by Commissioner Davi d and M07101~ CARRIEU (Gorrrnissioners Johnson and Tolar being absent). that the Ana!~elm Gity Pldnning Comrniss lon dc~es herel~y recommend to thr. C1 ty Counci 1 that Abanclonment ~~o. 77-GA, request to ~bandon a public utillty easer~ent located south of BAII Road, e~st ~~f East Street, be approved, iTEl1 J. AUAIJUONMEf1T N0. 71-8A - Request to aban~fon .~ ~ortion of an -xfst(ng oub! ic uti 1 i ty easement located west of Blue Gum Street, s~uth of Gretta Lane. The staff report to the r'lanniny Commtssion datcd OctobPr 26~ ly7] was presented~ noting the subJect r~queSt far aban~lunrnant of a publ ic uti 1 ity easeR~ent is subr~i tted for action by the Planr~ing Comi~iission in compliance with Li~e provisions of Section 5~~+35 of the State of Cal i".~rnia Government Code. It was r,oted the Public WorF.s De~ariinenc and Enyineering Division have reviewed th(s request and recommend approval; that the applicant requests tf~at a portic~n of an exls[ing public utillty easem~nt b~ af~andon~d to altow developmen[ of the acljacenc property to be constructed ~-~s planned; an~ that the City Electrical Division indicates that abandunment af this p~rtio~~ of tfie exi,ting easernent wl ll have no adverse effect on the existing facilitles and all future reyuirements In Lhis area. ~t was noted that the Ofrector of the Rlanni~~g Department has cietermined ttiat the proposed activity fails within the deftnition of Section 3.01~ Class 5~ of the City of Anaheim Guidclin.;3 to the Requirements for an En~iiron.~ental Impact Repott and is, therefore, categorically exempt fran the requirement to file an EIR. to/26/77 MIlJUTES~ A~+/1NEIM CITY P(,ANNING COMMISSION. Octobcr 2G, 1977 17-J23 ITEM J (r.~nti nued) AGTION: C~rn~~isslont:r Klny uffc:ru~l a n~,tlun~ secunJe~f t,y Caninissiuner Oavi~l and MOTION ~`~0 (Cominiss(oncrs Johnson anJ Tolar be(ny ~bsent), that the Anahelrn Clty Plannlnc~ Corrxhlsslcm daas hcreby reco~xnend co the Clty Cauncll that Abnndannx~nt No. )7-f;/1~ request to ~baiid~n a portion of an txlstiny publi~ utillty cosenx~nt lacated wcst of (11ue Gum Stre~t~ sc~uth of Grett~-~ Lane, be approved. iTEH K, PROPOSEU CSTAf3LISiir~CtlT OF GL~ICRIIL Pl.t1N FEE: STRUCTURE The s taff rep~rt to thr_ P l~r~nl n~, Conxni ss i un dated October 2~~, 1~)77~ wos presentcd. I t was noted thnt currencly a pr~son may requcst a Gencr~l Plai~ HmenJment and no charc~e is leviecl; ''iat the Plai~n in~a Departmcn[ current.ly estlm.3tes the tiroe expended for earh Gener~yl lon AmenJment to vai'y de~~enJiny on the dcyrcc of study, evaluatlon and i~.~ynlt~dc of ~!ach na!;lynm~nt, .il t,,r~ur~h c~r.nrrilly this r~nrJry u~+~~Ar~~ from /,l~~ S~nff hnur5 for each General Plen AmenJment ; anJ th,,t [he establisl~n~ent of a fee w~uld discour.i~e the abusr of thc current GP/1 nror.edure of attalniny Plannin~, Conxnisslon and City Council reaction to proj~ets rilCh~r lhan ~>~iy tlie recl~issifl~~~tiori fce. It IS recnnimended that b~SeJ up<~n surroundin~~ cities and existiny Plannir~r~ Uepartment fees that a fee of $3')q plu~, SS per acre ancl F:IR costs should t,c cstab) isheJ for homuuwncr-requested Geticr.~l Plan Amcn,lmer~Ls w~crc thc Pl~inning CoiTmission h.is authorizec! staf f to proceaci, AC710N: Cc~mmissioner -,t ,~ offered ~~ motic~n~ seccmded by C~rxnissioner Ua~~id ~nd MOTION CAfZRICU (Cc~nmissioners ~uhnson~ Linn and To~ar heing absent) ~ tliat a fee of S300 plus SS per aere and EIR costs bc- establist~e~i for General Plan Amendments where tlie Plannln_y Commisslon h.~s authc~ri ze~ ~tiff tc~ proc;eeJ, anc/ Jc~cs hereby authorize the Planninq Dcpar tr~~ent s taf f to wo~k wi th the C i ty ~t torncy tu preparc thc necessary Fee ordl nance anJ resolutlon f~r City Gouncll conside~ratic~n and authorize the Plann!nc7 Conx~ilssion Secretary t~ transmlt fee struct ure and nacessary ~rJinancr and resolution to the ~ity Counci I wt th Corrimisslun rec.ummendat iun5 fcr aduption, (CON51 UEMTION OF T1115 GENERAL PLAI~ AMLNDMCfJT FCE STRUCTURE ITEi~' 41A5 QISCU55CD IMME~Il1TELY FOLLOW I I!G C0~1 ; i DERAT I O t! OF I7Et15 2 A?~D 3 OF TI~E AGEWDA. ) 1 T~11 M, COMMI TTE E TO I HVEST I GA7E ELECTR t C~L U71 L I TY S I TE AND SANTA ANA/Af~AHC I M N t L L~ A FZ E~~ ~ Chai rman Fro Teinpore Herbst read ~ letter froi:~ the Clty Clerk indicatiny City Councll's actian of Octaber ~+, t 97J, appoinciny a special c~rnnit[ee ta cansider anJ evaluate altcrnatlves for the extension anJ expansion of electrica- utility substation and faci 1 1 tles requlred i n thc Santa Ana Cai~yon/Anaheim Hi I ls area. AnniG;a Santalahti~ Assist~nt Dtrector for Zoninq~ stated that G~orge Edwards wouid be the staff reprssentat(ve on tlic commlttce. Comnilssioner f3arnes ar~d f.hairman Pro Temoorc Hc-bst in~iltate hey woulc~ be willing tu scrv~ on th i s eommd tte:_e. AC710N; Commissloner Kiny ufiered a nbtion~ s<~conded by Commissionei• David and MOTION CARRIED (Commissi~ners. J~ohnson and Tolar bein~ absent) ~ that Commissio~ers Qarnes ~~d Nerbst serve on ti~e c-~mmitiee to investiyate tf~e e~ectricaf utility site in the Santa Ana Ganyon/Anahe i m li t I 1 s a re a. t0/26/77 . ~ ~ M 1 NU'~ ES ~ aNAHE I M C I TY PLANN I I~G COM~~ I SS I Ofl ~ October 26 ~ 1977 77• 724 AOJOURNMEf~T Commisaloner King offered e motion~ scc~~nd~~ by Commisslo~er linn and MOTIO~~ C1IRRIEU (Commissioners Johnson and Tolar bel~~g absent)~ th~t the meeting be ad,journed. The meeet(ng was ad,journed ~t G:30 p.m. Ptesp~ctfully submltted~ ~ '~ ~ ~iL~l.~.a~ Cdith L. Ilarris~ Secretary An~~~~im Ctty P1Annin~ Commission ELH:hnt 10/26/77