Minutes-PC 1979/07/02~ Clty Hall A~~heim~ Caltfornia July 2~ 1~79 REGUl~1R MEET I NG OF TIiE At1AlIE I M C 1?Y PLANN I NG COMW I SS 14N KEGUI.AR - The re9ulor ~etinc~ of thc Anahcim Clty Plan?In; Comminsf~n fes,r1called to ME~TING ordcr by Chalrm.n tlerbst at 1:3~ P•m•~ July . 37.~ CherTber~ ~ ~!UnrUT being present. PRESEI~T - Chal rman : Ne rbs t Commissioners: tsarnr.s, aush~~re~ David, Fry~ K(ng~ To1ar ALSO f RLS~NT - Jack White Deputy Ctty ~ttorncy Jay Tltus Officc Enc~incer Jarrx~s Kawamura 7rafF!c Enginecring Assistant Anr.ika Santalahti As~(stant Dlreetor for Zoning R~bert I~cnninyer Asslstant Pl~nner Edtth Narris planning Cammisslon Secretary - : Pledgc ~f T'~ A1leyiancc ta tl,c Flag was led by Corm+issioner Totar. PLE:DGE OF c ALLEGIANCf. INTitf?DUCT1~)N G~ CUMMISSIONCR GLEIJ-1 FRY - Cha(rman Herbst introd~~ced the new1Y-aP~ointed d hir~ to his f(rst n ~" ~y omm Ss oncr~ enn ry~ re~> aciny e Glen Johnsor, and we ca r~ ng. qPP20VAL OF - Commiss(cxier E~ushore P~~~te d uut an e:rror in the minutes c~f the meGting ~n Resolution No. d T~~~ MItIUTES of June 1;~~ 1~79. page ~4~7~ yes sha-~rlnc~ he ~rote m [hc chAmber because of e conFlie.t of f PC7~-115~ ar~d he Nas a5sent d that a ro ction bc macie to the minutes. corrr intcrest. H c askc . Corxniss+oner i3ushc~re offercd a matio~i~ seconded by Commissloner King and MOTIO!! CAKRIED (Commissioner Fry abstaining)~ that the minutes of the rneetiny c~f Junr~ 18~ 1?19 be HPProved as c~rreeted. (T~M N0. 1 CONTI~~UED PUE+LlC Ni ~~RING. Request for ~movai ~NE, I~-E QECLARATI'~'~ of five specimen trPCS in order to construct a tennis cAUrt on approxinatcly 1.~ acre at 523 RE~~OVAI OF SPECIN~Et~ TRECS Peralta H111s Urive. Subject req~st aas :ont~nucd froM the n~eetings of February "~6, May 7~ a~d June 4~ 1479~ fn order for Lhe N~titioner to submit an EIR Negative Deciaratior~ and l~nciscaping and gredl~c~ plans. There was one person Indicating his presence in oppositl4n to subJe;g.~ewassn~taread at alt.hough thc staff report to t'~c Planning Cortmissia-t~ofetheum6nutes. the public hearing~ it (s referret~ to and made a p Hvw~rd Garber; peticioner~ inciicated a landsr.aping plan showing the locatior~ of the reRlaceme~+t trees had been submitted. Ne explai~ed the Lrees v+ill be replanted at even interve~R, Pointi~g aut the previous trees acre not evan and xeveral ware in vr,ry bad ~izi~s 79- 4$4 .,~ ~ ~+~ MINU7ES~ ANAHEIM GITY PUINNING COMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 1979 79-485 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND RE UEST FOR APPROVAL OF REMOVAL OF SPECIMEN TRE~ (c~^tinued) shapa. Ne stated scxne of the trees werQ diseased and have been cut down and I~e ls prepared to replant tt~em at the locattons specifled; that the replaccr+-~nt troes will be in accordance with tha specimen tree urdinance and wllt be selected from the approved llst. and probably wi l l be fnst-growing euc~alyptus trces +a~~d wi l l be minlmum 1';-gAl lon tr~Ps to be plenteu to tl~a ~ast of tl~c existing raw. Sam Vlyllone~ r>yl East Peralta Nills Drive~ stated there t~ave been nume~QVal~bg`the'local reg.ird(ng rc,rqval of thes~ trecs; that they were renx~ved despitc dlscpp Y committee in Anahelm Hllls (referring to tl~e NI11 ~nd Canyon Municipa) Advlsory Committee); and that the trce~ were rcrx~ved wllhout prior approval and were c~t down belc~ the acceptablP 1eve1 for coppin~~, lia state~ I~c~ would 1 ilce to ask about the EIR t~egaxlve~ D~claratlon and land5caping Pnd ~raeling plans to be p~r.sented a~ referenccd or~ the agenda~ and parttcularly the status of the 9r:+dfn9 p1~~n• Chairman Herbst explelnc~i thc Planniny Com~~ission is discussiny only thc removal of the trees and the ~Jradln~~ plans ~•+ould havs tc t~e discussed by ehc Engir,e~:ring Department. and Robe~t lienninger~ Assistant Plann~~~~~ndnthenpeticic~ne1r.{is~~c~lose ft?~havingsflnaltapproval8s he~n revicwed and is bcinc~ revised~ ~ay Titus~ Office Enylneer~ ~x,~l~iined the grading plan ha~s been chec~ed an~1 (z currently baek in thc office of thc cn~,~ineers who prepared it~ and that a grAding pcrmit has no! been lssucd as of this datP. Or. Garber statc~l the rcvisions to bc r~ade to chc yr~~ding pl.~n have nothin9 .a do with lhis speciflc. ar~~ of the barranca wh~•r~ tt,c [rees ~7re located. THC PU3LIC HEARI,~G WA` CLGS[.0. Commissl~nar Etarnes aske~f about t~~e iucatio~ of the rcp~t+ceme~nt trtes, point~ng out It c~ppedrs they are beir~g l~cated :~l~n; the graded re~aJ which Is somewhat ~n+n the barranca f rom the exi s t i ny row of t recs wh ~. ~:~, was removed. Or. Gart~r_r stated the roa~~ was ~,raded or•iginaf lY in order to gai~ access co che barra~ca~ but later dccess was yai~~ed at t~,c othcr end and th~e road wi11 not bc thr.re. Cpmmisgiuner 3arnes statcJ lt ap~~crr~ the repl~ccmr_nr. trecs wili kti~ ~~~proxfmately 10 fcet from th~. exis[ing rc,w and lndlcat~~d her c~~ncern reger~lny the lenc7th of time {nvolved before the trees wlll yrc.~~ tn sufficiont heiglit to be t~~n~ficial to the neighbors. Cor,xnissloner E3us~mrc asked whcn [he trees wi11 b~ repla~tccl and v:hat yuarantee we ~~ave [hey wi11 be replanted. 4r. Garber statrd the 9uarantec ts that he ts ce~rmitt,~9 ~~i~'if~hetdid'notekeep9hisdword~ there is a lcyal provistan (n che cp~:e which ki11 apP )'~ the City wou1:1 have recourse against him. lie stated he ts p~on~ising to r~plant che trees and wlli da it at the earl(esi timc PpSS~~I!' after tttie grading is approvecl. Jack Wiii te ~ Deputy Gi ty Attorney ~ steted t`~c c~~~~c~ reout res t.f~at ar~y trces remuved b~ ~eplanted Kiticestatcclfthe. Commiss onPc~ouldcmak~l~itimc limitation~aacondltlon ofRthe li~itatlnn. pefmit~ ff destred. Cornmissfonc~ Bushore sta[eJ hc agrees Chot prap rtY~ but chat he yr4uld want to sec the (f tha grading piens are nat ~pproved. a~.~at~erty arner has the rtght to improve his trces replanted~ and asked Nt,~~t would ?~appen 1/2/79 w• ' ~~ ~ 79-486 f11NUTCS~ ANIWEIM CITY PLANNIPIG C0~~IMISSION, JULY 2~ 1979 (~ntinup:d) EIR NEGA7IVE DE~LARATION AND KE UEST FOR APPROVAL OF REMOVAL OF SPECIMC'~ TREES He steted the Or. Gerber statad he cou1J ~ot do anything urtil tl,e pl~ns a~e epproved. t;•ses that were cut to 3y feet ar-• now bu:ht~g out and the trees further dawn Are much healthler. Nb stated thc oniy t_es to~~~ti~d were th~ tree~ that would bNe~$~ated theof deve'iapmei.t, and he d~es not expect :o do anythi ng :o any ~~ther tr~es. trees will be replanted in A ur~iform way and he could only yfv~ his Nese~laineddthcttrees be done cF soor- ~s plans arc a~arovrJ ancS the gra<iing is flnishad, have been tekGn uut~ heviny aec,~ cut to '~ or S fect~ ancf Are not growing and thls was done priar to the aduptlon of the nr~ u!~t'recsc~antuethat~,thedtrcesen~c removed andlwillibeaue any teeth and others hauc ta~.e planted In a much better wey. Commissione; Bushrarc 1n~+'cit~~cf ~s conccrn that thesc^ gradln9 ~l~ns may not ye tfpproved and ~sked Dr, Ga~ber to ass~a~~' ~~im thaL the trces will be replanted within slx months whcther thr. grading p1•rn ls apt~r~ved or nnt. dra~;,ed on for alrnost a ye~r and there are other Dr, ~~rbcr statc~J this yradiny plan ha~, , factors involv~~d which havea=e~~iiciwould~likc t~Pdo~it wlt` ln~~two monthst t~~t thaththiSUld ve a re++son~bia tirne and st has ticen ~ ~Q~~J~ miserablc or~eal for him, C:.mmissioner Tolar §tatcd he would offcr a rnotion for approval of tlic request and would incorporatc a ti~`~he1trcesrlwlllhbe~rcr lanticd~?~ daysraftertapProvalCofl~c.hemgrading plan. stlpu'atiun that CoiTMnfss~~n~r Bushore ~sked ~r• e~r~~~,t ~hetthany<s histmindW~egarJiny~~the~p~anrees evcn if th(s gracfin~~ plan Is not epprov 0~. Garber itated t'~e erc:a has to be arade~! ar,d the yrauin~~ hes to be complLted because it is a harard at the ~res~:nt [imc~ an~ t~~et thc tre~:s would bc rcplanted, tle stated he has do~~~ nothing illegal ar~d has ~r.uck t~~ che lettcr of the law~ cven thauqh the~e are some c~ue ~ns :.^cause o` thc wording of the l;~w at that *.ir,e~ i~~J stated he is disturbed by Lhe fact that there is ~wq'~S~~anin~~icat~dche~agreedVNl th a'timr_~plmit as~~Iscuss~d.~ stated he has given his o Cormissiuner Tol~r sta*.ed thc grading -~as to be appr~veci In some form whrther it (s ta Dr. Garb~r's satlsfaction ur not~ and Jay T(tus, Off(ce :ngineer~ stated thaL was correct. ACiION: Commit~~~i ~nCf Tolar offered a motlon~ seconded by Cormiissloner King ~nd MQTtO-j CRlICD~ th~~t the Analicirr, City Piannin~ Comm~ssion has rcviewed the r~quest far removal of flve specimer} ~ucalYptus trecs on an irregularly-shaped parce~ ~pGAted~approxirrx~telyf 55~ approxtmately 1.~ acre havin~ no front~ge on z+ publlc strr.et~ feet south of tf,c ccntr,r of che (ntersection of Peralta Nllls Drive and Stra~a Placx; and does hereby approv~ the Negat(vc Declaratlon from the rcquiremenc t~ prepare an environr,~e~tal irnp~ct report un the basls l'hat there "~~roveleaf thlsntJe~atlvei0eclaratlon; cunwlative adverse envi ronmental irpact au~ to the app th~t no sensitlvic enviranmentat irnpacts are i~volvcd i~ thr proposal; thAt che Init(al Study submitted by the petitioncr tndic.~tes n~~ sign'tf3wnt indlvidual or cunulative Adv~rse cnvlronrt~:nta1 Ory'fite~innthe`jCityhc~fr~Anohevm PlanninglDepartmenttiating the foreyoing f indln.~s ls The Commission discusse~d thc findings requirecS in or0er to approve removal of the trees and it was ger.erally fclt that finding (b1 would be the most apprapriate tn tt~is instance. A tirr~e l lmi t aas alao discussed and Ghai rman tle~bst su~i~csted G~ dayS Kould ba mnre •~proprl~ta than 30 days. 7/2/79 ~ MII~UTL'S~ AI~Al1EiN CITY PLAI~I~ING COMMISSION~ JUIY 2~ 1''~~~ 79•h8J EIR NEGATIVC DECLARATiON ANO REQUEST F~R APPaOYAL OF REMOV\L 0; SPECIMEN TRECS (cor~tlnued) Commi~sl~ne~ Tolar offered a motion~ seconded by Commissloner David dnd MOTI0~1 CARRlCD, that the Anaheim City planninc~ Commisslcm doCS hereGy gr~nt the request for remc;~al af flve sp~cimen eucalyptus trees on tl~e bdsls tl~at A ~~a~Ondble and practicai devtlorment af the proparty on which the treos arc located re~uires removal of the trees And that the trees wi11 bc replantea in accor~Jancc wlth the tree renqval ordlnance withln 60 days after issuance of !ha final greJin~ parmit by thr. City ~~f Aneheim. Commtsslan~r UArnes askc~cS what ~ictl~n cc~uld be taken b}~ the C(ty lf the trees are n~~t replantod~ and Jnck Whilc exp'.ilned thot wuuld be a crim{nnl a~~d civtl violntlon and actlon could be tnE:en ac~alnst thc property ciwner or an In}unctlon c~u~d he obtr~ined mdndattng the; propcrty awne~ c~~ replant tl~c trecs. Jae~. Nhltc~ Ueputy CiKy Attorney~ {~resentccl the writtcn right to ~~p~ca) the Planninc~ Commisslon's declsion withln ?.? deys ~o anyone not satlsfie~f wtth thc Conx~lsston's decislon. ITL'M N~. 2 COr~TI;~Uf.~ FUGLI C-~~ARI-ir,. O~~N~PS: ALFRED D. AND NC VE DECLAR/',TION JOSEPIII'~E. Pl11'10~ 711 Sauth aeor.h tloulevard~ Anahelm~ RLCL~ ASSI FI CATI0;1 I~O. 7-79-43 C!', ~2 iq~~, ~f,E~IT: G. D. GARU'IER. G. D. Gardner 6 W VLR ~D RC~UIR.N iJ As~,oclates, ?4~1~-E3 Glasscll Stre~t~ Or~~nye~ CA (t (~U;~ MI , 1'f7: ~2f~G$~ Propcrty drscribed ~~s portion A- ~ VARINICC N. 30';2 ~ r~ ccaryularty-sh,~ped parccl of lan~J Gonslsti~g of appmxlmately ~.3 acrG havinq a francage of at~prorimatcly 140 f~et ~n thc c~ist slde of Naywa~d Street~ hev(ng ~~ ma~lmum ~t~~pth of a~prox.imatcly 1~~ fc.et~ and bctng locaced approxtmatcly 11~)~~ feet sauth of Lhc eenterlfne of Orange: Avenue; dnd Pqrt~on D- A rectangularly-sh~ped parcel af land consistlny of a~,p~aximatcly 1.~ acrr_ havl~n e front~~gF of approxlmately 0~~~ feet o~ th~ wcst s( ~ie of (seacF~ Baulevar~i~ havinc~ a maximum depth of apnroxirnatcly 3~2 feet~ br_ing located approximateiv 11~~ fr~t south of t!~e centcrl ine of Ora~ge Avcnue, and further describe~f as 711 South Reach Doulevard, Pr~perty pre~sentl•, clr~sifled CL (C~MNCRCt~L~ LINITED) ZONE. REQUESTCU CLASSIf ICA110~~: (PORT1011 h) RS-71.~~ (RESIDC!~TIAL~ SINGLE~~ANILY) 70NE. REQUES7C0 C01lpITI0N,11 USE: (PORTIO'~ 8) TO Pf?`11T A BATTiP~G C~GE AM~ ^~CREATI~t~AI COMPLEX uITli uAIVER OF NAXIMUM STRUCTUP.A;. tIEIW~T. RCQUESTED VARIAI~CC: (PORTIOI+ A) 'aAiVER OF (A) MAXIMUM NALI ~~EIGIIT AI~D (~) hINIMUM LQT AREA TO ESTAIjl1S~l ~10 RESIDE'ITIAL LOTS, Subject petitions were contlnued f~om the meetings of yay 7 and 21, and June !~ and 13~ 1~79, at th~ requ~st af the petitioner. 7he~e was no one tnciic~t(ng tt~ei r presence (n appositlAn to subJect request, and although the staff resport to the Planniny Commissian dat~~d July ?~ 1q7~? was not read at t`~e public hear(~~. (c is re.ferred to and mad~ a part uf thp mi~iutei. Alfred Pair.u, awner~ statnd a saund study had bec~ prapared as requested by the Planning Commi ss i~ and they are t~l 1 1 i ny to corrq>ly wi th tl~e wal 1 recommended. Ne referred to the staff report, para~,~raph (11), polnting out the 3rookh~irst Street rcfercncc should be changed to Beach Boulevard. He referred to pareg~aph (22) and indicsted t~~e center pole is 30 feet hiyh rather thon ~.0 feet high, as indlcated. P1e stated they would be using 2~- foat high llght standards. 1I2/79 ~~ MiNUfES~ AfIAHCIM CITY PLANt~ING COhIMISSION~ JULY ?., 197~ 79-4~8 Elii NEGATIVE DECLAMTION~ RECL11551FIGAT101~ 1~0. 7H-7~-4~~ C011D11'IO~IAL USC PF.RM17 I~O. 1~72 ANO VARIANCE N0. 3092 (continue~ ~~ ~~ Rabcrt Ilenntnner~ A~;stgtant -~df111nr~ polnted out tF~ pl~ns atil) tndi~cnt~ r,hr. center p~le to bc Af1 ~~et ht~h~ nnd the engi~,..~~~ ~Mr. Gardncr) ~olnt~d ~ut that is ~ mistake And should read ;~ fc~t h (yh, Mr. Paln~ r~ferred to par.~qr~~+h (23) refcrrlnq to the Commission'S pollcy r~q,~rding n 2~1- foe~t wtck~ ful ly-IandscapPd setbacF buffr. r where corm~c~c.i~l de-vc lopnx~nts abut single- f~mlly ~esldentlal devrlo~~mr.nts and statcd thnir pl~ns Indicate a 5-fo~t w'ae l~indscnprd arcA betwecn thc propused rersl~icntla) lots anJ ihc battinq arra, 11e statr~l that Is wl~orc the 15-fac~t h(~_~h wall wou1J be IOCHLi~~~ ~nd nny lanclsc~ti{~Iny would ~~t br_ sar.n~ t,ut they wnu1J ue pi~~ntinq tr~,es ih~rr, Ile statecS thcy cc~ulJ better utl Ilzc tl~~ ~re~ If th~y did not hava to pr~vEdc that l~~ndscapcd buffer~ but thr.y woulcl pruvl~i~ lanris~.~~{~inr~ around all perimetars ~f thc batt(~i~t ca~tc. lie rcfcrre~J tu Int~~r~let~~irt~~~nta1 Cor,imittcc~ rec~rrx:nd,itian Na, 1 rr.quirinc~ Strcet im~rovements nnd p~~int~~! ~~t thcy arc bui l~Jin~~ ccindai~iniu~~g c~n the othcr sidr. ~f N,~yw~rd Street ond wil l be pr~vi~llnq thc str~*et impr~,vc~~nts w(th tha~t drvr.ln~~rrr_nt, Jay Titus~ Off(cc Engin~r.r, ex~~lained o~~c set of impr~~vrr~n; pi,i~S is ol) tn~t would be required ~nd if th~~y ar~ t,r-kcn ct~rc of, th~~rc woul~f bc na ~,rc>b1cm, but chis is a standar~f tondition an~! sltioulJ re^~aln on this pr~~jr~ct. TIIE PUIiLIC ~~enai~,c. WA5 CLOS~b. Corm~issloner Tol~r reFerred to the '0-foot Ian~scai~r.~! b~ffer ~~re~ and stated any timc residentlal property abuts commercial p~~~p~:rt~~ th~ Cc,mesissic~n has requirr.d this setback and inalcated he rec~qnizes these lots are cn~nef. t,y th~ sarsc owner~ but th~~t the discomfort hc has is ti~t~t nothing is fc~rrver and felt (n the fu[urc the propcrty owner m~y clect [o sPll thc resi~/ential ~ropcrty and tl~cr th~r~c wouid hc a corr~crcia) ~fevclopment abuttin~~ resi~lentfa) lots with a 1',-fcx~t h(qh well w(th no land;ca~r.d huffer. -~e steted he real i zed anyonc buyi nq •t~~~se housc s woul d be at> Ie to see ;he 1~-foc~t !~1 gh fe~ce, but t~C waS s t( 1 1 Cc~nce rned. Nr. Palno stateJ if the l~ndscaped ,~rea is for ~ppearanc~s~ then it would not be seen by Lhc resldcnts becausr, of the l~~foo, hi_yh wa11~ a~d if it is for sound~ then thc sound ts going to be ta~.en care of wi tt~ tt~e wal 1 and I~e coul d n~t see the benef I t of requi rt ng the landscap~:d arca. Co~nmiss(or~er Oarncs pointcd out appraval of tl-is requcst would b~e all~nyin~ a 15-foot ~igh wal) with reduced landsc~pin~ ~nd she was conccrned about a precedent t~eing set, and Chairman Nerbst pointed out the cnst of the wall would be mare th~n the landsr.apiny. Ne stated the sound stu~y was madc prlmari ly at his request and it SItdN/C~ what is necessary to attenuate the saund, and he felt thc aver:;ge corn~nercial use would not have this sound problem. F1e stated therc i; already a batting cage area faciltty in the area and the petttloner wants to relocate it to service the corm,untty~ and he felt it is needed and the new locatton w~ulJ solvc a lot of thc problr.m,. Commissloncr Barnes asl:ed if tl~r. rPSidents werc renatificd~ and Jack 1Jhltc~ Dcputy City Attorney, ~expleined il~i, was a continuerJ it~~m and no new notlces were sent to the res 1 slen ts . Mr. Palna Kxplained the reslden~s heve talked with the sound enginee~s and ere aware of the proposed plan end are gatisfied Nith what has bten destgned. Ne stated the only question t~e hes ls ho,r far llie sound well should bc continucd and staced they wauld like to bring tt to where tlie bull~itnc~ comes ta a point~ a~d Chairr~a: Nerbst explained that is what the plans show. 7/2079 !, MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC, COMHISS;ON, JULY 2. 1~179 ~`~"~+~A E I R NEGATIVE UECLARAT101~ ~ aECLA5S I FI CAT ~ O11 N0. 78-79-~+3~ CO~IDI TIONAL USE PERMIT t10. 1972 ANO VARIANCE N0. ;0~2 (contlnur,d~_,,, -- Co~missl~,ne:r E~erncs Ind'ieated she wo~~ld offer A mc~tlan L1CGAtISP. she felt thts is a onc-af- a-kinJ apcroilon ~~nd would not causr, nny pr~~blc~ms bclny lou~t~d ~~djacent to resld~ntla) In tf~ls perticulAr flrc~~. Commisst~,ner E~ush~~re was concern~d ahout epprc~v~~) of o Neg~itivr. Declaratlon with the fldverse impact of the sounrl nn thc surr~undln~ ~~rca~ onci Rohcrt Henningcr expl.ilnecl thc s~~und stuJy is considered as an a~endment to the inftlal stucfy submittecl by th~ p~titiane~ and the advcrsc envirv,nrnent~) im~acts wi 11 he aitcnu~iteJ hy t+~c wa1) nrnn~,sed, AGTI011; Cummissi~~ner [~arncs afferE~d ~~ ~~tlc~n, sec.c.~ndc~J by Conx~~issionPr Kin~7 ~~nd M071~11 GAR{tIEG, that Ch~~ An~~h~~im City Planninc; Conmissic~n has rr.vicwed thr. c~m~osal to reclassify a portloii of subJ~ :.t proF,c~rty f'rom t`~c GL (tommcrc.ial~ ~imiced) Zone ta thc RS-72(1~ (Resiclentiai~ Stn<~1~.-F~~rnilv) Z~ne tc~ establisli Cwo resi~fentlil l~ts with waiver of maximuri wall hei~~ht and r;inin~r, l~~t are~i cm a rrctangularly•Sh;~f~e~! ~arcel of land c~nsisting ~f a~~~roxlmntely ~).3 acr~ havin~~ A fPOnt9~)~ of apprc~xim~[~~ly i~i'~ f~et on thc ~ast side of Naywar~! Strect~ haviny .a maximum ~fepth ~'.f ap~rux(mat~~ly 1~1q feet.~ ancf be(n~~ locatcd ap~roximately 11`3~ fect south of thc cc~tcrl i nr of Oranr~c 1lvenuc; and thc proposa) to pertnit a b3ttinq ca~a~~ c~n~1 re~cr~~atlonal u~mplrx wit~~ a walver ~f rw~ximum structural helc~ht An a rectanc;ularly-shaned p~rccl of lan:j consi~t(nc~ af nppr~~~eiriately 1.~ aCre hav(n~~ a frantage of appraxir~atcly 14~ fc~t ~~n thewest sld~ c>f fleach Doulcv~rd~ havin~ a maximum depth of approxir~ate~ly 3n: feet~ ~i~d be iny Ic~catcc: ,~pproximat.rly 11~~ fcet south af t-~e center) i ne of Oran~_ac llvenue; and ~locs `~erel,y ,nnro~e thr. Neg~~t i vr Uccl.~rat ion f r~m thc requfremcnt tr~ prc~are ~~n enviranrn~•ntal irnpact rc~ort ~~n the bas(s that t`~cre woutr! !,e no sl~nlfic,ant in~livi~.fua1 ~r cumulativ+~ ~c~verse environmental impact dur_ t~ thr. apDrovai of this ~le~;~tive D~cl~~ration sincc t~~e Anatielm Gtncr.~l Plan ~ic~i!~natr_, thc s~d~ject property for rtx+dii,r~ dr.r.sity resl~lential and gener~~l corxrn~rcial land uses c~rrien5~~r'dt~: with the {~ropasal; that no ti~~r.sitive enviror~rn~•n~al Ir~acts are involve~i In thr. ~~roposal; th~i~ the Initlal Stucly suk~mitted by t~ic pet(tioncr lndicatcs no sl~)nific~~nY indivi~lual or cumulattvc advrrsr_ envimnr~c;nta! Ir+~acts; ar,~i th~t the Ne9ativc Dcc~~ration substanti~ting thc foreyo(n<~ flndln~~s is c~n fi le in t`~e ~Ity nf Anahelm Pl~nning Department. i,~rnmi ss loner (3arr~es ~f fr_ red Res~l ~~t i on I~o, P C7`?- lZ;i and rmvcd f~r i ts passa~e and ado,~tlon, that [r~~ Ana!~cim City Pl.~nning Cnmmissi~n docs herchy qrant Petltton for Reclassification No. ?~~-79-~+3, subject tolnterdepartmc:ntal Committee recommendations. On roll call, thr_ foregoi~~g resolution wns paSSe~J by thc following vct~: AYES: COMh115510'ICRS: EIARI~ES~ BUSi1a°E, DAVID, FRY, iIERBST, KItIG~ TQIAR NOES: C~MMI551~'IERS: ~~ONE ABSEt~T: CONt~SIS510~1ER5: f10NE Commissioner Barncs affered a motlon, secnnded by Cor~~(ssioner David and KOTIO~~ CARRIEC (Corm~issio:ier Elushorc voting no)~ that the Anaheim City Planning CommSssion does hereby grant the re4~st f~r waiver nf co~ie requlremcnt fnr maximum scruceural height ta permft a 1;-foot hi~~h wai 1 on the basis that thc propose~l use of the property is untque and stri~_t appl i cat f on of the zon i ng code w~~ul d n~t pe nr-i t the pmposed use, and the use has b~en existl ny '~, n t~~e yeneral vic~ni ty for sevcra 1 years. Commissioner f~arnes offered Resolution Ilo, PC79~~1?~ And move~l for fts passAc~e and adoption~ that thc 1lnaheim Ctty Planning Commission dcies f~erehy c~rant Petition for Conditlonal Use Permit tto. 1~72~ subject to the petltioner's stipulatton at the public hearing th:lt the cenYer pol~ of thr batting cag~s wl ll be 3~ feet rathe~ th~n 1+0 feet hiyh~ and subaect tn InterdepartmentaT Committee rr.co~ndations. On rol 1 cal 1~ che foregot ng resol ut tos~ was passed by the fol lowing vote: 1/2/79 :~. MINUTES, ANANEIM f,ITY PLIINNING COMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 197g 19'u90 EIR N~GATIVE DEGLARA710N~ RECI,ASSIFICATION N0. 7a-79-1~3~ CONOITIONAL USE Pf.RMIT N0. 1972 AND VARlAN~E N0. 3092 (continuad) AYES; C4HMISS1f-f~ERS; nAP,~~CS~ DAVID~ FRY~ HERItST, KING~ TOLAR NOLS: CQMFIISSIONERS: BUSNOaE AEiSENT: C~MMI SS I O~IERS ; NONC Commisstancr t3srnes oFfcrecf Rosolutian No. PC7'~-1;0 and r,ovcd for its passage and adoptf~n~ that the Anah~~m Clty Pl~~nning Commisslan dc~es hereby gran[ Potitlon for Vartance No. 3~`~2 on tl~e basis that us~ af thc ~roperty is unlqur, an~l thc property I~G~7t~d aJj~cent ta the res ( dent i,~ I 1 ots i s c~wned hy the san+e vwner nnd i t I c, i ntende~i that the r~sidenti.~l structures will be used by thc st~rx~ propc~ty ~vnCr~ and sub.Ject to Interdc~arC~~cnt•~l Conmittce recommencf~t(rx~s. On rc~l) eall~ the fnr~~wln~~ resoluticm was passcd by thr f~~lic~win~ vc~te.: A~E~: CO-iNISSIc~~IF.RS: BARN~S. pAVIU, FRY~ 1iERO5T~ r,I~~C~ T~LAR NOf:S: CONMISSIONERS: UUSHORE AUSl:~~T: COMMIS510NCkS: I~ONE I TE.M,~ ~N0. PUIiLi C HCARI'~G. QWNER; i ITY QF AtIAliEI M, f'AFtKS N~Lr/1TIVf: ~L'CLAR,1T10,~ nr~o RECREATI~'7 ~(,3~ North Anahcim Boul~v~rd~ Anaheim~ 'J ~. J:1-80-3 CA ~2~.~~, I1GE-+T: RILCO C~NPA'~Y E'~IERPRISES~ G~32 ~Ot101 fiONAI USE ~'ERHI'~ N0. 2~)~);~ L~~kevicw Avcnuc, Yorba Linda~ CA ~2f>~~G, Property dcscribed as a rectan~~ularly-sh~ped parcel of lanJ COt15I5tIftq of approxima[cly 3.~ 8C~C5 havtng a front-~ age of approxirnately 51~ ft:et on tl~c north sids of Ri verdal~ Avrn~~~ having a maxinum depth of ap~rox(mately ~~1) fect~ and bein~ locatc~~ approxir~.~tcly G')5 fcct west of the centerl(ne of La4:evi~w Avc~ue. Property preSently ciassificcf f~5-11-h3,nb~ (RESIUEI~ITIl~L/AGRICULTUft~L-SCCNIr CORRID~)R OVCRIAY) ZO:~E. PROPQSEU CLASSIFICATI^!1: P;i(SC` (PUf3LIC RECREATI~tI-SCENIC CORRIa~IR OVERL-1Y} ,'.ONE. REQULSTED CO!~UITI~NAL USt: TA PER-11T A PRIVATE RECREA~'IG-!AL fACILITY UITFi 01~-SALE OF ALCOIIOL I C t3EVERAf CS. There was ne one indlcating their presence in opposition to subJect request~ and although tl~e s[aff report to tfie planning Commtsslon datc~i July 2~ 197~1 was not read at the public hearing~ it ts referred [o and made ~~~fr[ of che min utes. James Ruth~ Parks and itecreati~n Dir~ctor~ statc~i this p~upnsal is the result of many m~nths of neqatiatlo~s between the devclaper, thr. Pa~ks anc; Recreat(on Deoartment and varlous departments of tf~e City. F1e feit the staff rep~rG det~tts tfte request th~rauglily; that the proposal lias beeit dtscussed at tt~ree public hearings with ihe residents in the area (March 1 and 1~+~ and l~1ay 1~~ lj7`.3) and has been revtewed by the Hi 11 and Canyon Nunicipal Advis.7ry Committee (NACMAC) and they sup~nrte~ the proposa) unanimously; that thls is a unique approach to development of oublic and priv,~te recr~acionat facilitles on publlc land by privz~te entErprise; tha[ [he dr_vcloper would 13ke [o devel~p a public nark for use by tt,e residents In tf~e area (n conJunct6o~ with e cc~mnerclal devclopment of a pr(vate ia~reat(onal ~'acility; that th~ City sould utillze the swimming poc~l two hours a day throughout the sumrier montf~s for public swtrtming instruction; that the proposal is cornpatible wi t~i [he land; that tt~e irtpuc and concerns of the citizens t~ave been pursued and the problena mitigateci; and th~t this will pro~+ide public and private factllties whict, are neeued in the area. t~e stated the arch(tect and Mr. Contreras of Rilco Company are present to answer questions. TNE PUULI C HEAP,111G 41AS CLOSED. 7/2/79 . ~ .~ ` ~ MINUTES. ANAIICIH f,ITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 1~79 7q-4~1 ~~R t~EGATIVE DECLAftAT101~~ RECLASSIFICA710N N0. 79-~0-3 A-ID CO~~DITIONAL USE PERMIT Nb. 20Q0 Commissionor Tolar sC~toJ h~ stmnqly supports the idr.a of public-vwned l~nd belnq devcloped by private enter~-riee a~id state~l he tl~ought thr innavations brought to thc City by Mr. Rutl~ are very good~ but hls one contern is tho ~~-sel~~ of beer an~i wlne. Ilc ~isked hc~~ tliey intend to control th~~t sltuacl~~ ~aintlnq out thls would be ~ f,~mtly-cyne dcvelopment. Mr, kuth statr_J thry had shared these some concerns nnd ex~lainecl the prfv~~tP fecl ll ty wil) be tot~~) ly enclosr.d wi th entrance by membership nnly; that the rACquetbal l cour[s wlll be inside tl~e 2G~~~~ snu~~rc font builciing; th~~t th: d(s~ensing uf ~ilc~holic bevcr~~qcs will bc strlctly lnside tl~e buiidin~ and patio ~,rca; tliat thcre wlll bc a wall around the tnti rc cor~plex an~.f r~nly mP~r~~ers w) l 1 bo al lcr~~ed tnslde tha fACi 11 ty; that therr. wi 11 n~t bc ~i ~ublic bar flnd service will hc by waitrrts only to lhose mrmhers with ,i mer~bcrship card. Ghalrman Herhst rr.ferrc~ to parayr,;~h (1~) ~f cl~~~ sc~~ff reporc which indlc<~tes thr on-s.~le of alec~hollc bev~era~~r..s wfll be pe~micted anywhr~r.r. on the t~riv~t~~ cluh pro~~erty excc~t in thc part;ing lot~ enJ Mr, Ruth replled it woul.i be accr~ptahlr for the Cc~rrnnissinn to includc the condlticm In thcir an~~rr,v~l, that alcoholir, bevrra~ea w~uld bc serv~d only in thc buildin~_a ancl pati~ arr.i, Cor~mission~r fiprn~~s p~~inteJ nut the del(cacessr.n ~roposecl woul~i he o~cn to tF,e ~cneral publlc and ~sk~dwhat woulcf prrvcr,t nr~r~l~crs of thc pul>lic In the dcli frc~m.~ing over and buyi~~ a drink~ anJ Mr, Nclmbcrger~ architect, ~~ointccl ~~~t thc dclic~t~sssn is located on the first flc.>or anc! will be a restaurant-typc uperatlnn a-nd ne-~bers of the put~lic would be perml Lte~i to Guy alcoh~~l ic beveraq~. s thcrc. Commisst~ner [iarnes stateJ she~ has a bI<~ qu~stiun (n I~cr nin~1 ahout this use an~ polnted out t}ie hospital adjacent to the },ropcrty has ber.n purchase~l by M.aiser, an~9 she could see a future request for expansian of tlie ~feli business whlcr~ Is open t~ the public and did nnt feel the parking wouic! be ~~ieyu,~tc anu su~+gested the del ic~tessen n~t bc open to the public. Mr. lieimbcrc~cr state~l tho ~ieltcatessen is fnr thc convenFence of the rnemt,ers, but in order tn make a project pencil out economically~ tti~y woulci n~~d t~ be ~pen to the public. Corxnissloner Iiushore referred to ar ordina~ice not allowtng alcohol(c beverages in a Clty park~ and Nr. Ruth noted [t~e alcoholic bever~~~es would not be in [I~e park and there would be ~a open windows to the parE: area where the public could buy sandwiches and drinks. I~e explai ~ed the only are~is onen to tlic pub) ic wil I be ttic upstal rs mc~eting rooms~ whtch are avatlabls f~r renc by anyone. and the delicatessen~ and a~ce,s to the f~~cllity is throuyh a rtiatn labby wf~ere some~ne woulcf be statfone~i to check the rrkmbership cards. ~t~mmissioner Tolar stateci he haci shared [hese same worr9es~ taut felt after reviewing the plans~ pepple woul<i not be corning I~ere Just to purchase a sandri(ch ~r drink because of the cfevetopment of fast~food restaurants (n the arca. Ile stated he woutd want the hours of Qperatlon tn be clarifl~d. Chal rrnan Iterbst I r,di cated h 1 s concerci regardl ~ g the park i ny duri ng tourn~~nents i f the other courts are befny used, and Mr. Ifeimbe~g~r stAted they would stipulate t~ close al) other courts when a tourn~~men t i s be 1 ng tie I d. Chal rman tlerbst stated I~ospi tals are notorieus fnr hav(ng parking problems and aska~i hvw they would suggest controlling the situation so that this facility would r,ot get the hospital's overflow of parking. 7/2/79 i ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTCS~ ~NAf1E:IH CITY PLAI~NIt~G COMNISSION~ JUIY 2~ 197~ ~`~'~~2 EIR t~EGATIVE DECLAFt11T10_N_RCCLASSIFIGATlQN N0. 79-8~-3 AtlD C~NDITIQ~~AL USE PERMIT N0. 2~00 Mr. (~uth state.l thcy arc neqol'luttng wlth the hasptt~~) ~t thl5 t(rx~ sa th.~t during thc weekcnds when this facillty ts havlrna a tAUrnoment they ~ould ~vcrftc~w thc p~~rklnq Int~ tl~e hnspltal perklny lot tf therc is ~v.~ilnble {~~frkli~y ther~~ ~nd felt ~n n~rcr_ment C~ulc1 Ge wor~:ed out. Cl~al rri~m Il~ert~st Ind(crteJ hv arould not want to sec e recinracal parkiny easenent ~~11«win~i tl~c hc~s~l tai ta usc tl~is ~~ar~:in~~ faci 11[y. Camrilssioner Tolar asl~r:d if ~ b1ocE. wall is prot~osed c~n thE e~st ~irc,perty Ilne~ t~nd Mr. Nuth stat~J a wai) is prop~~se~~ on thc west prc~E~erty linc~ nnd thiG lr~n~fec~~pin~ is t~ropc~sr.d betwcen thr, p.~~kin~ lot .ind [!~c hoS~si ta1 . The Commissinn in~llcatc~l thcir conccrn th~~t emnlaye~s of the ho~pital will par~. In th~~ parkinc~ 1<~t and wal~: to worE.~ and Commissioner Tolr~r su~~ycstecl a bern, rind w.~l) for thAt arca~ an~l fclt lf casy ac.ces, ls nvail~ihlc tn the hospitAl, pe~~ple ~~ill be usinq this par~i-ig lc~t anJ that [hc~ pr~~blcro shoulcf bc cc~rr~~ttc~a ~~ar. Ilc fclt a bcrm and wai) w~uld mAkr. a niccr-luc~ki~~y facllity ar,d wnuld divi~i~ th~ two ~~rorcrties. Chalrman Herbst stAt~sd '~e has w~rkecl with sever.il I-~~snital5 c~n parkJny plins ancl thr_y dc~ havc a doublc ovcrlo~~cl of pnr~.inq ai;d ~w~ry nursc har~ tc~ bc phv'~ica11Y rcltcvcd and therc is a ~eriod ~f tiirK, c,h~n~~in9 s~~ifts when there are [w(cc ~s m~~ny c~'+rt, in the lot, and Chr, nurses in evr_ry successful hpS~IC.l1 try to find altr.r~,ate ~~arl:iny on thc streets in the surround(n9 arca. Gornmissioner Tolar stat~+d [he~re is nc, on-street ~arG.inq alloweci an Riverd~~le or l.akevtew. Mr. Ruth stated thc a~v~loper has ayreed [o E>rc>vider Chr binSk. r~all to alleviatc that prob lern. Cortmi ss ( c~nc r E3ushore aske<i haw al coh<~ I i c bcvc raycs cuu 1 d br. sn i d ta thc pub 1 1 c on a private club license~ and JacE, whit~~ Deputy Ci[y Attnr~~cy~ state~i thr_y wc~~ld proba'aly have~ two li~enses~ onc for thr. sale of alco-~o1 to +the p~iv~~'c club members and onr for che salc ~f llquor [o thc publ(c in thr delleacc.ssen. Commisst~~ner Darnes pc~intr.d out there is a school acrnSS the street .~nd ask~d if there Is a problem sclling alcohollc brvcra!~~s thac close to the school~ and Mr. Ruth replied that matter had been dlscussed with tl~e school repr~sentative~ Mr. Larsr_n~ and inasr~uch ~s the alcoho) wl i l b~ serveJ wl thiii Ll~e enclosed f~ci l i ty ~ they vrould n~t protest tl~~ requcst~ but thaC the Alcoho7lc ltever~~~~e Contml Doard wc,uld invnstig~[e the situatian since It is that close to thc school. Ghalrtnan klerbst asked fur clarificatiun rc~g~rcfing the t~ours of operatian~ and Rohert Henningcr, Assistant Planner~ explaine~ the scaff repor[ ah~uld be corrected to read that the peal: hours of o~crAtion wout~~ be froM ll:~l~ a.m. to ::00 p.m, and 5:00 p.m. to 8:0'~ p.m.~ anJ Nr. Rutli explained ilie hours of opera[Son would be t>;~~ a.m, to 11:0~ p.m,~ with the llghts af the tennis cou~ts beinc} turned off s~t i1:Q0 p.m. Commissioner David asked~ s(nce this is Glty-o~wned property, ha~ it was det~rmined this would be tl~e bcst use of the property. and Mr. Ruth replied the City's problem is capital and there is an immediate~ critical neecl in the area for recreatlonal facilities for the residents, and that thQy had met with the residents and explained that the City does not have the capital an~i it wouid be three to four years before ~~nythinq could be d.~r. and wlth the rate of infiation~ tf~ey had looked for a proposat or concept whtch would ohtatn an irnnsdiAte result; that tlils proposal is for privatc enterprTse to make the improvementa end the City will glve up 3'1/'. acres cf land, but will get 4-1/2 acres devetaped 7/2/79 ~. M1~lUTES~ ANNIEIH CITY PLANi~ING CONMI5510N~ .IULY 2~ 1~-7!1 19~4'~~ EIR NEG!`~TIVL DCGLARATION~ RECLASSI~ICATIOtI IJO. 79-a0-3 l1N0 CONDITIUN/l1. US[ PCRMIT NQ. 2Q00 .r... Immediately; end that the citlxens had felt ir wou1J bc n yo~~cf trr~dc-off and when the ir~rovements arc: ~murtized ond tha propcrty re~~pprAised wlth the rental cor~inq in, it would more than offset the cost of m,~lntcnence of ~f~c perk. Cormilssioncr Tolsr stat~~~i thc CI tY wt I1 recain ownership of thr. pr~p~rty and wi 11 aventu~~l ly cn~l u~ wl th thc Improvemr.nts. Co+nr~iss(oner uavicl asF.ed i f any xh~~u~~ht was qiv~n in the dccislon-mf+kiny prc~ccss to Icwr- t~~'nqdP.-'8tc inconc housin, ~~n tf~at prc~pcrty ~~n ~crhnps ~ lc.isc-type hasis. Ilc stntcd thc~rc is an acut~ necd f~r lr.~w-to-mo~f~r~itc (nr.ur+c housin~~~ parttcularly (n thl~, ~rcr~~ an~ polntrd out there Is .i school acr~ss the strect and fclt it r+~iy bc n pr~rt nf thc City's thrust ond Commltrrr.nt t~~wa~d l~w ~nd rx~<fer,~t~ inccymc housln~. Mr. Rutl: st~'-ted tl~e~rr. ar~ othrr c~~r.~plieations~ c:x{~l~ilning when th~~ CI[y ~equlre~l the prc.perty In 1;'J~~ :hrau~~h a Joint +~ffvrt with Cc~unty r~~venucr-shnrtnq rioncy and City money~ It was sci~~;lateJ that thc propcrty rnust bc ~etainc~f fur recreitl~nnl uses~ whether coon~~ercl~l ~r pul,llc~ or the rnney w~ul~l have tca be refun~l~u tu [I~e C~unty. He state~l they had noc cons i~icrc~i us i ny tl~c I ar~d fon c~~us ( ng. Ile s tated thc rc~s i c!~n;s i n the arco wan~ recrcatl<,n f.,c~ l i tics. JacG; '.1h i(~~ ~ Ueputy L i ty At tnrney ~ exp 1:i i ned th~ re i s i ccm t rac t wi th the Coun ty anc~ the Ci ty has ~a~jreed te use ihe ~rc»erty for ~.~r~. ,~n.1 recreation purnc,sr.s. Co~~r:ilssion~sr f3ushore askcJ If tl~crc wlll h~ sc{»ratc i-estrex,r~s in thc p~rk for p~ibiic use~ and Nr. Ruth rep~icd tha: lhcr~~ wl ll bc separ,~te restro~~r+s, Commissioner tiushc,re stateJ t!~is pr~posal includes a heauty shc~p an~i ,iske~f i f that ~~ould be o~aen to che p~blic~ an~i Mr. Contrc~r~~s in~licated che I)CBULY s-~op will b~~ far ciub mc~~crs. Cornmtssioner liushore asl.cd if the Ctty is nr~pared ta allevi.~tc parkin~ problems that rnay occur in thr. future~ and Nr. l~uth indfc:~t.cd [hey havr. consl~ier~~i altern~itives such as controllin~~ thc {~arkiny ;it~:.~cion thrc~gh sche~lulin~~ uses of the fntility, Ne indicated they have dfscusse~i a pro~~asa) w{th t^e school discr(ct to use their park.ing facilities fc~r ov~rflow crr~wds when the school ~ar~.ln:~ lc-t is not befng used. Gartxnissioner lDushnre indicate~l his concern that the cluh could Uecome a huge success and if Lhe ~arkiny is nc~t adc~u~t~.: ~n,f p.~trons nre using tlic narking facilitles of the hospltal or the school ~roperty. cauld r~re ~ark land be utilized for ~+~rking If needcd. Mr. Ruth in~iicate~l Llicy w~uld be vcry rrluctant to give up ~~ny more publlc recreatlona! ~and and tl~at wou1~J not br ane of thr_ir c~nsicJerations, hut felt they could control it by ~chcdulinq the use of the facil(ty. Chairman Ilerust feit wlth Cfie r3pplitani stipulat(ny to c{osing the othr.r courts wh11e a tournament is In ~~rr~gress, Lhc rarking would be kept wlthin thc parking requirements, and Coranissioner Tol~~r potnted out c~nditional use perrnits can be violatc~d and if the use beco~rw:s a nuisancc to the hCaith an:f safety of the citizens~ the co~ditlonal use pe~mlt can be revo~:ed. Commissioner I3ushcre (ndlcateJ F~e felt this would be a super prnJect anei ~ success. but wanted to make surc thc Cor~ar,lssion is not being mare lenient with thts devEloper than thPy wquid bc with a priv~te citfzen who wanted thc semc ty(~e of use. ?/=/79 ~ ~ ~.~ , ~ J~ MIi~uTES. A~iA~iEIM CITV PI,nNNIN; C~-~ISSIOr~~ JULY 2~ t97~ ~~_r,~y EIR NEGf1TIVk UECLARATION~ RECl,AS51FICA71011 N0. '79-Ai1~j l1NG COND~TIQI~AL USE PERMIT N0. 2000 .,...._..~ Corwnlssionsr f~arr~es 5t~tcd 5hcs would not want to be (n thc pasitlun of tryln~~ to revol.e this ConcJltlcx~al use p~rmit after the ir~ruvemrnts arr in and c iJ not feel th~it would bt a rc~il ist ic ,i~pr~~ch. Cortx~lssioner Tal~r nc~inted out the Commissi~n woul<f hava a har~ile on the use wlth [he huurs of ~pernt (~~~n. ACTIO!~: Cor~un(ssluner Kin~~ offere~~1 ~~ rr~tion~ secc~ndrd t.,y Corm+issic~nr.r Tolar and H01fON Cl1Rftlk:U. th,~t the M,~h.r,im Clty Plannirig Commisslon h~s revie~~c~1 thc proposal co reclass(fy sub.ject properiy frc~m the RS-~-43~~~~(SC) (Resi~lcntl~l/Ayri~_ultur,il-Scenic Corridc~r Ovcrlay) 7onc to thc PR{,C) (Pu:.,! lc Recr~atiun-Scr,nic Corri~.k,r Overl.~y) ?onc to permi t a nr(v~~te rer,reat(un~~l f,~ci 1 i ty wl th the on-safe uf alcc~hol fc bever~<~es c~n a rectangularly- shapeJ parGr,1 cf land wntiistin!~ of ~~ppt'oxim~tr_ly f3,8 acrc~s havin~~ n fronta~c of epproxlr~tely ~1~1 f~~t c~n tfiP nor[h S1Jc! af Riv~•rcJalr. ~venu~~~ havinr, a maxiriur~ depth c~f epproximatcly `;1? fect, ~in~J bc.iny locatc~l a(~nroxiin,itr.ly G')~ fee~t wcs[ ~f the Genterl inc of Lakevit~~ Avenuc; end does herchy ~~~p~ovi~ th~ tlc~~~it i vr Uccl~~r~~t fon f rom the rcqui rcmcnt to prepare ar crivir~nr~c~nta~ (+~pact rc~,<~rt ~~n t~~c~ hasis tf~at thcrr. y~auld bc no siqnific.int inelivldual or cumulativr. adverse environn-,,ntal i~npact ~Juc~ to th~ ~p~iri~val uf tf~is Nep,9tiv~ Declaratian 5ince t!~e lln~~heim Gen~ral Plan ~1esi:~n;ites the subject propr.rty fr~r a locai park s( ta and a f 1 re s c~~t ic,n s i tc eor~u-cnsur:~tc~ w( th ef~e pr~p~~~sal ; tl~at no sr.ns I t! ve er,v) ronrtx:ntal i r~~acts ,ire inv~l vecl in the nr~a~~c>s~l ; thr~t thc In I t i il Stu~iy submi tted by the pettt(oner indlcates no si~~nificant indivt~Sual ur cur,ul,7tive adverrse e~nviranrx~n~C~l impacts; an~ that thc I~egativc Detlara[ion substAriti~tl~~J thc f'c~rrq~inq findinys is on fi le (n thc Ci ty c~f Anahcim Pl~snr~in~~ Department. ConM~ifSSi~ner Y.ing ~ffcred Resolution No, f'CI`~-131 ar~d rr.,ved f~r its passa~e ~n~ adoption, that the Mah~lm Clty Planniny Comr~issinn <In~~s her~~by ,rant Petitfon fnr Recl,isSifitation ~~0~ ~`~'~~'3~ Subj~~ct tp Int~~r~iepart-^ental Coru~lttcc~ r~rcomrrnd~iti~ns. On rol l e~l l~ ['~c f~~regoing resolut.ic~n was ~1855r!u hy the £nl l~wrinq vote: AYE:S: COr~NIS:.I^~iCRS; E3AP„~ES, UUSNOw,E~ DAVIU~ FRY~ ~iERESST~ ~I~Ir,~ T~LAR NQES : CQIt't155 I OI;ERS : ~~C~NF ~ilSLt~T: CO-1MISS I ~~lERS: NO~~E Camnissioner Y.inc~ off~~red ites~luti~>n tlo. PC7"~-13: and riove~y for i[s pa5sa~e and adop:ion~ that the l1r~~heim Lity Plannin~~ Commis5ic.xi dxs t;err.l,y grant Pet.ition for Conditional Us~ Permlt N~. ~0)J~ subject to the peticioner's sti~~ulat~ons to providc the G-foot high~ masonry acrecniny wal l on the cast praperty linc to pre~v~ent vehicular and pedestrfan traffic between th~: hospit~~l ~ro~~crty ~~nd subject ~rop~r~y~ that ihe hours of opere,tion shal l be fram G:0) a.rr, ,r, 11:On p,m, and tl~at the sa!e of alcohol ic heverages wi 1 I be 1lmite~! to the buil~Jlny and patio ,3reas of thc prlvate cluh~ a~c1 that all other racqueibal I cour•ts wi 11 be closecl ~urlny .~riy [ournar,x~nt or ,pectator events~ and ~ubject to Intcrderartr*iental Conriittcc rr.coimendations, On roll ct~ll ~ t`ie f~regoiny ~esolution w~s pat~sed by the fol lcr,iing vote: AYCS: C011M1551~~'lCRS: [lA?,I~CS, [~USi~OZE~ UAVID~ FRY~ HCRf~ST~ KI11G~ TQLAR tiOCS : CUNNI ~S I ONE:RS ; {~ON4: AIiSCt~T: ~0~1~!I SS I OI~ERS : NGi~E. 7/2 / 79 MIIIUTES~ AFIAIICIM CITY PLANNING CQhWISSION~ JULY ?.. 1~7~ 79-~~I; ITCM N0. J PUCLIC NEARI~iG. 0'~1NE:RS; SIL~~IA ANp JCSUS RESENDI: , E~~RIC~L EXEtIPTION-CLASS 11 !-;~~ t+nrth E:m(ly Strect~ Anaheim~ C!1 `~2Pn',. Petitione~~ V RII1t~CE N0. 3Q~+ requvsts 1~AtV~R OF M~,;(~NUH W~LL NCIGHT I~I A fRc1N7 YAfiO TO RET111'I AIJ EXISTItIG dLt)CF; '.~Al.l c~n property described as a rr.ctangularly-shared n~rcel of Ir~nd conslstlny ~f apProximatcly 1~1~8~~ square fcet haviny ~ fr~antn~3e ~f appr~~ximatcly '~!1 feet A~~ thc c~ist sidc a~ Em(ly 5tr~et, havln~ a ~~aximum de~th ~f A~proxlmately 1?~ fe~et. bcing located approximately 110 f~et r~urth ~f [ht centcrl inc of Adelc St~cet~ ancl furthcr dr:scriGed es ~+1~+ i~ortl~ E.mily Str~et. Property presently cl.~ssificcl R'1-^~~~~~ (RESIDf~lTIAL~ MULTIPLC-F,IMILY) ZO~aC. It w,~s n~ted the~ petitioner h~s re~~~:estr.d th~~t this ltem t~c hr~~r~1 becaus~ hc must leavc the mQeting, Thcre w~~s no o~e ind(catinr~ thelr prr_sence in c~p~xisiti~n to ~uhject rc~uest and onc p~*r~~o~ indicated ~hei r presencc in f~vor of the wal l~ nnd ,31LhUU~1h t-~c sCnff r,•purt ta the Plr~nning Coi~r~ission dateJ July 2~ 177^ was not rca~i at thc ~,uhlic 1~c.~r~~,:;~ it is rcferrc~j to .ind mode a part of the minut~s. TIIE PUULI C 11CAR1 ~~G U~5 CLOSED. I t was notau the P I ann (ny Di rectc>r ~~r h i s A~t.hori zed rr,or^~ t~[ i~~~~ !~as ~fetermiried tr1:+t the proposed project f,~lls withfn tl~e ciefinition ~f f,ete al [ x~~^~~tioris, C1~3ss 11~ as define~i in p~ragraph 2 of Che CitY of ~naheim C~virr~i~nx~~ ~-~na~ r Report f,u(delin~s and is, therefore~ catc,~orically exerr~t from the rrquircr~~- -.~n-,rc ~n ~lR. ACTI O!,: Cammi 5s i~,nNr Y,I ny of fcrc~J Resol ut ion ~lo. Pf,7^- - ~.. ved for t ts pa55agc an~i ac~opt~on~ tt~at thc Anehefia City Pl~ntiiny Cocimissi,~n ~~-~ •~ ~r.~nt Petition for Variance Ilo. 3~`~~+ Q~ the basls th.7t thc dlfferrnc~~ ~. s ins(~nifi~ant ~nd the solid partion nf tha wa~l is nnly 30 fnches hf ,h~ , ~ ~r ~~rt(o~ bcirg decorattvr~ wrougt~it iron~ and does not bl~ct: visf!~iilty~ .~n~ 5.;. ~!~+t~~rdepartr-~encat Cornmirtee~ rr~t~mnend~t ir~ns. nn rol) cAl l, the foregoiny resolution was passc~ !~• •~~~~ lowing vot~: AYLS: CONMISSIO~IERS; [3ARI~ES, UUSNORC~ DA.VID~ ~''' , -"aT, KI'IG. T^LI1R NOE5 : COMMt SS ~ 11~ER5 : !IOI~E ABS[t~T: CCi~HISSio~~ERS; NONE ITE11 t~0. 4 PU~,~IC NEA?~ a~~ ON!IERS: FRANF; PAGLIARI ~~T AL, EIR NEGA7tVE OECLARATION t?,J3;9 Rus~~-1 .'hltt~ ~r~ CA ~~E~OS. AGEtIT: UNIVE~tSAL - L A ~ 1.~j=8~-2 L~aNQ OEV.': ^~'tC ~T. 1' 1 West Li ncoln Avenue, ;.~A~ VAR ANCf. t~0. 3'~37 -~nahcim, CA ':' i~l. Pmpe~ty described as an irreguiarly-t'~aped parcel of land c~nsisting of ac+~roximaite` y t1.7 acr~ at the souGheast corner of Savanna St~sPt and Mt~rian ~fay, havin; apr~roximate frontages of 1h3 feet on the south stde of 5avann~y StreFt and 173 f~~e~t ~~~ the easc slde of Marian Way. Property presently classified RS-A-~4j.~~~. (R~5 '~F`~TI~L/AGRICULTU~AL) Z~NE, REQUESTED CL11551FICATIOt~: ;tM-2~"}~ (RE,t«C~1TIAl~ MUITIPLE-FAMILY) 7.alIE. REnuESTED VARIA~~CE: NAIVEa OF MAXihUM STRUCTUKIIL HEIGH'+ TQ CONSTRUCT A~i E.I.r,~~T-UNIT APARTMENI'. ,, , 7/2/79 ~ ~ MINUTCS~ ANAtIEIN CITY PLANNIt~G COMNISSION~ JULY 2, 1~179 79-'~~G EIR ~IEGATIVE DECI.ARl~TI011~ RECLASSIFICATION ~JO. 73-8~-2 AND VARIANCE _N0._ 3~97 (continucd) ._._.~_ - Thcro were seven pers~ns indi w[inq thel~ prescncc tn opposlti~n tc~ subJect rrqucst~ and al tl~ou~~h the s cuf f r~~port tr.~ tl~c P I annl n~~ Cornmi ss ton d~c~d July 2~ 197^ was not read +~t the ~ublic he~rln~.~. it is ref~~~reJ ta ar~~1 rnnclr. a part uf the minutcs. Grey UuJits, lJ~il West Lfnc:otn ~venu~r, Anaheir~~, statcd thc pra~~c~sal is f~r an cigh[-unit Apa~tmrn t c.or^4~ te x; t'~et thr. ~irc~ i s vaca~~t at thr. f~resen t t irxc and thcy he 1 i c~ve th i s w~ul d bc tho bes t usc of t~~e 1 an~~. Hc s[ated Chc ~~rc> Iect i 5 ~ n cocK~ I i ance r+i t~~ t.-~r Ge-icril Plan. Joan Tod~~ 3~2^i SAVi1f~:1~i Sireet, Anahc(rn~ statcl shr. lives ~'(rrctly w~st of the 5ubieCt prnperty an~l prescr,lcd a ~>etiti~~n containin~~ ipprc~xim.~ttely 1G si~~n;~turps c~f ,idjc~lning property awners, ~~n~l inclicate~S thcy wc:r~• not c.ontacte~! hy thr devrlc~rer ~~f ~his project rnJ iiave nut Seer~ .~ny plins; [li;yt st~~: h~c1 talkcd wir.t~ thc City staff an~f detcrr~ined they E1rl`. ~)1'f.)(1q5~~1~~ 3~WO'!'i~~1r/ Proj~~Gt ~7111~ ~~1P. ~Ut COVC~r3~~~' i5 ~~(~~rOXIfl~ltl'.~~/ 77+~ Afl(~ ~Ijl 15 a~IawecJ; that sh~: 'iaci not inquirc~) ahput th~~ parl.iny spaces nncl h~d .155~'~C~j ~~Ith the sr+all l~t covera~)e an~i thc previ~us prciblc•r~s ~1isc~asst+~1 rr..c,~~r~fin9 this area, thcre would b~~ adcqut~tc p~rkin~~ provl~ic~~,i, but thr_ plans d~ nc~t inclucic ony visii~r ~~arkinq 5p~~ces; that baslCtilly thc opnosfcl~~n is to [hc L~~o-5[c~ry pro,j~~Ct ~nd thcy ~1n ncit feCl ci<)ht ur,li5 is averb~i 1~71ny the prr.~i~r.rtY; th~at thc rr.siJr.n-s fc~•1 tl~rr~~ ls ~~~ re<~sc~~ ~~rhy ther~ shoutd he a secun~l stury; that ~~ precedcnt lias ~e~~n So~t on [he ~trect th,~t no two-story PI'QJCCS.S havr br_~~n all~rcd; that tl~c staff re~c,rt rcf~.rs tc~ ~ t~•rcrstvey con~k~r~iniurn projcct whlch was approvecf~ but t~~e secc~nd st~ry is ac:tually ~a I~ft .~~id ls nc~t cnnsiderecf a s^_cond story; that th~:y fe;r.l if a two-storv I~r~,j~~ct is ~~t~roved, future huilciers will t~e making the sar~~ requcst; and that it has bcen escel~lishc~.f the stre~t c,innot han~lle thc traffic and they are alrcacly havln<~ probleias bec,~usc of constructitm. She 5tatc~ they fec) the two-story projr.~t sfx~ui~~ not he al lc~we~f and that ~~c1d1 tion~~l ~~~ir~.in_a ~nust hc provi<lc~i on ih(s proJect so t`erF~ will be nu vlsitor5 p~rkin~~ an tf~e strr~e.t~ a~d stat~c~1 the street Is not ~~idr., envuc~h to hanclle par~.ing; that thr~ tr~~-story uriit ~.~oulc~ be fror~ >'1 to 31 fr_et a~w~~y fr~~i.~ a residence which has a s~air~,rnlny ~>o~~l and th.~[ woulcl t~r. an infringcment of thcir privacy. She~ asked why the ?~-fcx~t wid~_ l,~n~i~cape~l buffF.r required is not listed as A variancc~ anJ Jac~.'•~hitc~ Deputy City ALCurnNy~ ~nint~•d <.>ut that is a Planniny Corron(ss(on pol i cy and nat o CI ty or~inanc~. Chairman Herbst stated t`ic Plannin~ Cor~mission has the prero~~ativc of requlrin<~ ~h~~t 20- foot wicle landsc~ipe~~ buffcr ~•rherevrr t~~ey f~el it is necess~ry Getween resident(~I homes and comr.x~rcial uses or apar[nrnts, anJ th~t it ~irpends upon the circunstances concerning sound~ [raffic. etc. ;le stat~~f a nc~~ Jevcl~~per would noc ~.naw ali the problems that have been discusse~.! reyardin•~ this ~rca in the pa~t. Mr. Uudi~s 5tateJ they havc s~ent a lot c;f tirnr with staff concerninc~ the parking and stated thcrc is na parE:ing aiong thc str~~rt; that therF is a watcr h~ell on th~ property at tlic present [imc an~l this pmject would inprove thc ~irea; [h:it thc c,ff-site Improvements would all~w morr. par~:ing on thc strcet. arid stated the flow of thc ~ raffic wi l l be through and not in-ar,cf-out of the samc arc:a. Regardin~ the tr,o-story units proposed~ the only two-siory uni t~ arr. di reetly at thc e~+str. rly porLion ~~~i th only twa ~~ni ts abr~ve and thrt unit wos set bacl as far away as ~ossibl~ fr~m the adjc,tninq pr~n~~rt.y. Ne inJicated he Chought the ri~o-:;tory units were allcawahle adjacent to the property to the sauth. TIIE PUiiLIC HEARI;7G WAS CLOSED. Comraissioner ~arnes asked haw many parking spaces are proposc~d per unit and if any guest parking spaces arc prop~sed~ and I~r. Dudi~s replied two spaces per unit arc praposed. 11c st~ted he thougiit tl~erc were two aJditional spac:es in front. 7/2/7~ ~ ,~ MINUt~S, I1NAlIElt1 CITY PLAI~I~ING COMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 1'.1?~J ~ 79'~~7 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION. RECLIISSIFICATIOt! IiO. ]~i-$0-2 AtID VARIAt~CE t10. 3n~7 (conttnucd) Ganmi ss loner aarnes s tated thcre has always hcen o pari~ i n~ prob lem on Sav»nna St rcet ~ along witf~ a dral~aqe problQm~ and asKed if tl~ere Is ~ place ~n the pl~r, where guest parl:ing could be ~r~vided. Coi~mtssioner K(~ig stacc~l tho plan conforms to thc parl:ing rcqulrcrr~nts of the City of Anahefm~ snd Comm(ss(on~r Bernes state~i shc realiz~~d thc plan conforr~s to thc rcyuirements anJ stated the pirkfng issue is 6einy Jiscussed becaUSP. thcrc already ~xists a parktnc~ problem nn this strcet. Conxnlssioner Uush~,re stnt~~~1 tlicre i-, a p~rk.iny proc,lcr~ nn thls strr~ec an~. thc petitioncr h~~s aclmitte~l therc i, a problcM by indic~tin~ the sltuation will bc improved wlth off-site (mprovc:ii~entS~ and he felt the P18nniny Cornmissl~n sl~ould allcviat~ th~at probl~m and asked hr~w the parkln~.~ would be Ir-proved hy thr aff-,ite improvemr~nts on this proJect. (It w~s noted the strect would be imprUVr~1 witl, curbs ~nJ ~;utt~:rs~ Imprcvin~ thc situatlon.) CI~AI rman He~S; statc, th<~rc arc mi nim~xn cndc rc~ul rcmrnts ~ but th~~t thcy do not always t~~kc cAre uf the ne~~ds af a partlcu'~r ~rca and hcr~ lhe m(nimum ~foes not solve the exlstin~ parE.ing an~i ;:irtu~~tion prc~wlems~ ar~d hr_ fclt this has been discussed with other developers ~ r~.c~~gnlziny tl~e pr<~perty has Speci ~fc pr~hlerrri on~! the mintmur~ requi rements do not satl,fy thc n~cd~. Hc st~~ted two p~ri.in~~ s~~aces per uni t.~s requi red docs not m~et thr. necd of a~~~rt~mnt ho~ise us.r,rs in all areas of ~na`~~~iri, Mr. Uuclics stated he had had two or three different ~lesiyns ~vith thc o~timum nur~h~r of un(Cs ln order to mcet al l tlic othr.r rec~uire+nen[~•~ ~3nd that this layout was the b~*st sui ted fc~r thc prapcrty ~ and that the rc:qul rr.mcnts for im~rovcments c~n Savanna Strect wi 11 provide strcet parG:Ing w}~(eh is not av~~i lable at the present tir~c. Commtssioner ftarnes st~tr.d the Planning Gornmissic~n has heen lc~oking ~~+t apariment parkiny reyuiren~ents in ~~rhas wf~err. thcre is an rxlsting prol~lem and are rec~uiriny 3.> spaces per unit far conciomfniur~ pr~jects. She state~f two sp~ccs pr.r unit Are not adr_quate for ap~~rtm~ent 1 i viny. ~:omnissioner Uavid ~~ske~i [hc ~~ifferr..nce in parking re~uircments fe~r condominium liv(ng and apartr~ent living ard it was feit the ciiffcrcnce is tlic permanency of tlie occupAnts in that owners are concr_rneci whrn ~arl;ing is a problem~ but that a tenant can muve to anothe~ locatlon. Comr:~issioner OaviJ felt thcre shouid be sor~e ktnd of fFedback to the. developcr ;.o let h~im knaw the Cc>rnmtssiar is presently looking for more ~ar~:in~J~ and ~s~:ed if adcii tional parking could be pravlded on t~~e prajecl. Mr. Dudics stated he coul<f c;o ~v~r the pl~an with his ~rchitect to determine if there is avaltable Arca. 11e si~ted tt~cy have used ~he requlr~erPnts provided which stipulate two spaces per unit. C~mmissloner f3arncs asked if staff had sugye3ted mnre par-,(ng~ and Mr. Dudics replled that they had gonc over the plans several timAs and had usually taken staff's suggestions to heart~ but that mc~re o~rking had not beer~ discussed and he had felt tfiey have a workable proJect. Gommtssioner [3arnes stated tf~is is a gcod prcject~ but that it cloes have a c~up1P of problems. She pointed aut tt~e Planniny Cona.iission usually d~es not allow two-sto~y units withi~ 1S0 feet of adJacent residential uses. 1/2/79 ~ M MIt~U7E5~ AI~AFI~IM CITY PL~`,td1~ING C~MMI5~ION~ JULY 2~ 1~79 79-4~8 EIR NEGATIVE UECL~1MTi0Ni RECLASS IFICATIQtI I10. J9-80-2 AND YARIA~CC N0. 3_ 097 (contlnued) Mr. Uudlcs stoted across the streec orr thr_ corner there (s single-family property and the two~story units nrc 1;~~ foct awtry from that pro~erty, and a lc~t of the RS-A-~~3.0~0 propertlas adJacent to tl~e e~~st are beine~ converted ta muitlple-f~~mily end the Generai Pla~ c~~lls for RM-2~;~!1 or RN-12~~. Commissioncr Tolar sr.ateJ thcs General F'lan for thls are~a destynates th~ prc~perty for o~ult(ple-famlly uscs and tt~is is a narrow str~ct and dlfflcult ta cievplop; tl~at when impraverrx~nts are provl~Je~~ satbacks ~re im~rovcci on Savann~ pr~vidinc~ casir.r acccss and park tng on the s t reet ~ but thi s w i 1 1 com~ound the pra;, len; tl~at 1 t anpears thc o~pos i t(on egrecs the usc will be for multi~le units as desiynated; that thcre have becn extenslve stuJles reg~~rcftn~~ dr~inagc anJ the potential nun~er <~f units to be clevcl~~ed ln thr orea. an~f suy~~esteJ thc cievelo~:er rec~uest a continu~nr.r. in order to r~r~~t with thc~ homeowners (expl~lniny this has bcen su~a~~esteJ in rn~~ny cnses) ~nd p~ss(t~ly clir~fn~iting the oppasitlon; end that the value of tl~c~ pro~rrty for thr_ davcl~~per to develop does not necessarlly ma~e (t a y~ou prc~J~ct an~i rn~ybe the owner's ~rice wlll havc to be ~djusted In order to mal:e a fc~siblc pro.j~ct. Cur~rni ss ic.~ne r f~a rnrs fe 1[ a con t i n uince wuul J be a r~cx~J i ~iea ~n~i fe 1[ wl~en the h~i~~ec.wners see thc ~~I~ns with th~ o~en s~acc with thr. grcencry and landsc~~pinrJ prnpo5cd~ thcy m(ght conc i der thc crade-o( f bciwecn tl~e two-s tory ur~ i ts . Commissioner Tolar suy~~~•sted the hcxT~cowncrs yc~ icito the r~etin~~ with ihe ,fevelq~cr witt~ an oputi mind thot two~st~ry units are n~t c~lways nccessarily b~d~ esp~clally wlth th~ open sp.~ee pmvided alony witti othr.r am~:nitics. Ile statc~l hc has met scvcral of the peo~le ir tiie ne(~~hbarhuod anJ felt tl•~ey would bc v~ry rcc~~~tivr to the devcl~pr.r'S 1~1ea5. Chai~man He~st state~i i i ~ sin~~lc-f,~r}ily d~cvelonr~cnt w~re c:cinstructe~l~ two-story h~nes w~uld be ollc~~cc1 by right within l~ fect of the fcnce, Mr, Uu~'' c:s 5 tatec: he wou l ~' 1 i kc Lo havc a~our-wccl~ con t i n~.~~nc:c. AC~!Otl: Cc~r~:~issl~m~r Tolar offcred a nx~tion~ s~condc~! by ~orrnissloner Dav(d and MOTIO~I C Ft Cp~ that c~nsi<fcration of Rcclassir(catic~n No. 7~J-~n-2 ~~nd Variance No. 3~~7 5e e~ntinucd tu thc renularly-sthedulec; meetin~ of thc Plannin~a Comr+lsslnn on July 3~, 1~7^~ at tt~e request of t~~e ~e[it(oncr. Comraissianer Tolar ~x~1~3in~^d thcre will be no further no[iccs sent to the homcowners ln thr. are..~. 7/2/79 ~. ~ MINUTE5~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING CAMHISSION, JULY 2~ 1979 19'49`) ITEM N0. y PU~~.IC FIEARING. OWNERS: MARY ALILE AND C4RNELIUS EtA ATOEN ~ DECLA MTION OF RUY7ER~ 53~ Colqate St~ect, Anehetm~ CA 92801. RECLAS5IFICATION NQ. 7-$0-t AGENT; SFIIN-CFiUNG YU~ 2516 South Whttehead Lane~ V I N E N. 309 Naclenda~ Neights~ CA 917b5. Prop~rty ~esc~fbed as e rectangulsrly-shened ~arccl of l~nd consisting of approximntely 0.~+ acre tocateci approxlmately 400 feet west of the centerline of Brookhu~st Street and 24G feet sauth of the cn~terline of I.Incoln Aveiiue~ and having a maximum depth of approxime~tcty 100 feet. Property presently classifled RS-A-43~0~0 (RESIDEI~TIAI / AGRICUITURAL) ZONE. RCQUESTED CLASSIFICAI'iON; RM-12~~ (RF.SIOk.KTIAI~ MULTIPLE-~11MILY) 201~E. REQUESTEU VAR I ANCE : WA 1 VER AF REQU I RE~1~NT T!1AT ALL LOTS Af3UT A PUI3L I C STREET TO CUNSTRUCI' AN EIGNT-Ur~IT ANARTMENT, There wes no anc i-~J(cating their p~esence in opp~~sition to subject request~ and although the staff report to thc Planning Commission dated July 2~ 1~')9 was not read at the public heari~g~ it is rcferrcd tu anJ made a part of thc minutes. Cornellus Ue Ruyter~ owncr~ was present to answer any qu~stions. THE PUEiIlC HCIIRIEJG ~IAS CLOSED. Chalrman 1lerbst esked about access rights to the alley in order to provide for trash p(ckup~ and Mr. De Ruyter replied tliere is a 20-foot eesemcr-t on tF~e west side and the landscaping with the trash enclosures is proposed to che west s+de, tie stated the trash trucks are currently driving across the ca nvesli property from the resteurant. Cnalrm~n Nerbst irtdtcate~t his conc~rn if tt~e properttes were sold separately, ~~d Robert Hennin~er~ Assistent Planner. painte~i out the conditi~n requirin9 at the time the parcel map was approved an e++sement ~ither tu the existing 30-foc~t alley or ncross the can~+ssh propertr would havc to be ~rovided witf~ the parcel map. ACT14N: Commissioner Oavid o~fcred a moiion, seconded by Cortxnlss~~ner Ki~g and MOTION GARRIEO~ that thc Anaheim Clty Flannin Commission hes revtewed the proposal to recl~sslfy subJect property f~om the RS-A-43~OU0 ~RestdentiallAgrtcultural) Zone L.o the RM-1200 (Residentl~l~ Multlple-Femily) ~one to construct +~n eiqht-unit apartment comolex wtth walver of requirement chat all lots abut e public strGet on a rectangularly-shaped parc~l of land consistiny of approximately ~,4 acr~ located southa:st of the interseGtion ol` lincoln Avenuc and B~ookhurst Street~ being approximatcly 241~ feet south of the centerltne of Lincoln Avenue and 400 fieet west of the centerline of 8rookhurst Street~ ~+nd having a maxtmum depth of 100 feet; and does hcreby spprove the Negatlve Declaration frn+n the requlrement to prepare an er+vironmental impsct report on the basts that there would be no signiflca~t lndividuel or curaulative adverse enviro~mental tmpact due to the approval of th14 Neyative Declaration slnce the M aheim Generai Plan deslqnaCes the sub~ect property for medlum density resldential land uses comrnensUrate with the prApesal; that no sansiti~~e envi~onmental impacts are tn wived in the proposal; thst thc tnitial Study sub~nitted bY the petitioner Indicates ne stg~ificant indivtdual or cumuletive edverse enviro~aiental tmpacts; and that the Hegative Declaration s~rbstantlating the foregoinq findtngs is on file ln the City of Anaheia~ ~lanning Deparcrt~nt. Robert Henningcr asked that Conditton No. 8 of the lnterdepa~'tmenta) Commlttee recc*nmendations be cfianged to read, "That a perpetu~l nasemant egreen~e~t vrith the amer of Che praperty to the north or cast...." 7/~/79 ~~ MINUTES, EINANE~M ~ITY PI.~ViNING COMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 1979 ~~~~~ EIR NEGATlVE DECLAMTION REClAS51FICATION N0. 79-80•1 ANO VAI~IANCE N0._ 3~96,(conttnue~l Canmi~stoner O~vid c~ffered Resolutla~ Na. PC7'!-133 ~^d rtwvad for its passege end adoptlan. that chc Anohei~n City Planniny Commissio~ does hereby grant Petition fo~ fteclassii`Icetlon No. ~9-80-1~ s~b}ect to interdapartmental Gommittee re~amiendations. On ~~11 Gall~ che foreyoinq resclutlon was pnsscd by the folla+ing wte: AYES: COMMISSION~,RS: BAhNES~ ~USHORE~ DAVI~~ FRY~ NERBST~ rING~ TOIAR NOCS: GOMM13510N~R5: kQNE AHSENT: COMMiSSIONERS: NONE Cortimissioner Davicl offered Resolution No. PC7~-13~+ and mov~d for Its passage and arloptlon~ that the Anaheim City Plnnniny C~rnmisslon d~es her~by grant Pecitinn for Variance No. 3096 on the basls that thc p roperty Is surround~d by conxncrcial cntcrp~lses and on the basis of the sizc and sh~ape of tt~e ~~operty, end subject to lnterdepertmrntal Commitr,ee re ccxn~ne n da t I on s. On rol l cal l~ the fore~~iny reso~~~tion was pass~ed by the fol lowing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GARNES, BUSNORE:~ UAVIO, FRY~ NERBST~ Y.ING~ TOLAR NOES: CONNiSSIOi~ERS: NONE AUSCt~T: COMMISSIONERS: NQME ITEM M0. 6 PUt3LIC HCARING. OMdERS: KCNt1ETN ~. AND SNANNON S. EIR CAT ~~ ORICAL EXEMPTIOI~-CLASS $ ALBERS~ 7390 East Woodsbora~ A~aheim~ CA 923Q7• ' n. 0 Petttioner request~ WAIVClt OF MINIMUM REQUIRED REAR ---------~ YARO TO CONSTRUCT A SINGLE•FAMiLY RCSIDENCE on property described as an irregul~rly-shaped pe~cel of lsnd consisting ol' approximately 1.1 acres havtng a fronta9e of approximately 277 f~~t on the south sicfe of Mohler D~ive~ having a maxlmum depih of appr~ximatNj;'1R~~~et~ and bcing lucatcd approximately 9~75 feec east of the c~Rterlinc of Country Propert~ presently clASStftr;d RS-A•43.000 (R~SIUENTI.4L/A~RtCULTURAL) ZONE. 7here was one person 1~Jicatiny his presence snd intcr~st in chr. proJect~ and althou~h ths staff report to the Planning Commissi~n dated July 2~ 191`3 was noc read at thes public hearing~ it is rtferred to snJ macie a part of the minutes. Kenneth Aibers, c~wner~ stated this va~z•ncR is being requested tn order to construet a Qwelling o~ the corner of WnocSsboro a~d Tlmkan li~ad; Chst the property has s~ unusual shape a~d there is a private raad which goes through the mtddle of it; that they are r~guired to cunsido~ the side yarcis ~s front and rear yards because of the locatlon of the garage Mehtch Is off Timken Road; thet the v~lf~AnCe is actually for less than a 2S'foot back yard wt~lch is actually the sid~ yard; chat because of the shape of the lot. there is no place to construct a house without o v~riance; that this site wa~ sele:.ted because they wo~ld not h~vc to cuc down any eucalyptus trees mnd thcre would bG minimutn gradinq; and that the prevfous owners have tried to subdivide the p~'oper[y. but they do not plan to subcf( v~ de the proptrty. Daan NPSketh~ 330 SouCf~ Tlmken Raad~ Anah~im~ quasttoned the parking a~d stated the nelghbors are not opposed to the vartance and woule like to sea the property developed end felr this house. es proaosed~ is tn a~od locec~on and c!oes not tmpact the area~ but he was yu~stlo~iny the parking slnce ther~ is no pe~king availeble on Mohler Drive and on tha p~lvate Timl:en Roed. 7/2/79 .,, ~ ' l~~ MINUTES. ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JUIY 2~ 1379 19'SO1 EIR CATEGOaICAI EXEMPTION-CLASS 5 AND VARIANCE N0. 100 (conti~ued) Mr. Albars stated part of thetr !ot includes avatlable pe~king off Mohler Driv~ and potnted out the exlsttng pavod Asphalt rosd whlGh provides 3 parktng tpeces. Ne stated they have allowed the nei~hbors to use this for pe~king. TNE PUl3liC HEARlNG WAS CLOSED. Chairman Nerbst wes cancerned about subdtvision of thc prc~erty and asked the owner his (ntentions rcgarding subd(vlsion~ and Mr. Albars ~eplled he plans to enjoy the praperty et the pr~sent time~ but In the long-range futuro~ f(ve ar ten yeers from now, w~s not sure end explatned the lot Is one-hslf acre on eecf~ side of thC ~asert-ent. Chalrman 1lcrbst (ndlcated I~c did not think the lots would meet the minimum RS-HS-22~OOfl requlre mants~ and .leck Whlte~ Deputy Gicy Atto~ney, cxpleined the Cornmissfan could tel) the p~titioner that the other lot do~s noc mcat the mt=iimuin lot slze~ but that he rrould have the rlght to rcquest a vnriance If he wtshed to dlvicfe the lots and c~uld polnt out verlances are harei to come by in th~t arco, Mr. Albcrs stateJ he had pres~nted his proposel to the hrnnec~mers In the arse and they had no obJcct(ons. Mr, Nasketh po(nte~i out beh(nd that ~~~roperty there is a heavy water course during the wtnter ralr,s and tf~ere hove been ~~ lot of problems in tt~at area. Commissloner Darnes q~estioneA che condition concerniny the silt origlnattng from the project~ and Robert Henr~in~~er~ Assist~nt Planner, Qxpleined that is a standard condition for const~uctic~~ in che I~illside ar~a wh(ch requtres that the greding Nould be done In such a m~nner as ~ot to carry a(It (nto th~ Santa Ana kiver. It was noted ttie Planniny Director or h)s authorized represcntAtlve has determined that [he proposed proJect falis withi~; tl~~ aefinition of Categortcal ~xemptions~ Class 5~ ~s deflned in paragraph 2 af the Clty of Anehelm Env(ronmentel (mpsct ReFort Guideltnes and Is, therafore~ categorically exempt frum the requ(rement to pre~aare an EIR. ACTION: Ccxnmisslo~er Ki~g offered Resolution No. PC7°-135 and moved far its passage and a~tTon~ that thc Anahcim Ctty Planning Commission docs he~eby grant P~tition for Varlance No. 3100 an the basis ~hei ~ hardship exists due to the shape of the property and the fact thet a private roaC runs thrau9h the middte of the pro~erty~ and sub)ect to I nterdepartr~entol Cornmi ttee reconxr~endations. On roll call~ the fo~egoing resolution :vas passed by the following vote: AYCS; GOMMIS~IONERS: BARNES~ BUSHORE, DAVIO~ FRY, HEa85f~ KING~ TOLAR NUES: COMMISSIONER5: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 7/2/79 ~ MINUtES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUIY 2~ 1919 f 79w502 ITEM N0. 8 PUBLIC HEARING. OWf~ER: GULF OIL CORPARATION~ E R GATkGORICAL EXEMPTION-ClASS `~ 2~W52 Qulntana Ortve~ Misato~ VieJo~ CA 92fi91• N0. AGENT: JO~IN PRiCE~ 20001 Fe~ngicn D~Ivc~ Yo~ba Li~da. CA 32~~a6• Petitio~er requests WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMBEa OF PARKING SPA~'ES TO CONSTRUGT A COMMEi1:lAL SHOPI'ING CENTEa on property clescribed as a reclangularly-shaped perce) of land consisting of approxtmately 0. ; ecre located st tha southeast corner of Orangewood Avenue and Euclid Strect~ haviny spproximata franteges of 150 feet on the south side oP Or~ngewood Avenue and 150 fP~o e~<<heresantlydclasslfleddCL~(COHMERCIAL~rLIMITEO)cZONE~ as 2100 South Euc11d Strect. P Y P There were slx perso~s indicetiny thelr prese~ce in opposition to subJect request~ and although the stafF ~i t~is ref~frred1tonan,d madetagpartdofetheuminut~s~7~ Was not read at the pubilc heariny~ Joh~ Prtce, agent~ indicated they are in tl~e process of purchesiny this property and are p~oposing to develop a smal l retai l c~~venlence center; that they have met al l rcyui rements cxcept Parklnu; that thc developmcnt wl 11 hav~ no food so that tt Ni 11 not be sn ext~eme ly high parking use ~; that 1 i is re iai 1 and 1 n o'dcr to devGlop the lot w( th safe inte~iur traffic finw anJ conform to tl~r sctback requiremcnts~ thr.y need to d~velop along the 1 lnes proposcd; and chat It ~I11 be a smal l~ attractive center and wi 11 have more landscaplny th.~~ requir~dsur`roun~ied lytcormmerc(al~usesrand~thatj theisetbacks'onwthis a re on comn~e rc I a I co rne rs an particular propcrty do hamper devclopment. Dorothy t3ai I, 1C~~i2 ~le~t Ora~+gewood~ Anahalm~ ~e.xt door to subJect property~ indicated the~e is a wall separetiny tFieir proper[ics anJ staCed they had not hearcl abaut th(s propasal until Friday and ht~d hurriedly gotten tr~gether a pett:ion whieh c~ntalns 5a names. She stated ttie~ peti t ianer had i~dlcated there would be no food in the center, but the Alcohollc Baverayn Gontrol Board (ABC) i~-vestlgator hed told thr.m there is an appllcatian for wine and bcer for a 7-Cleven store and stated that is what they are opposlny; thet on the north side of Oranger+ooel thcre is a shopping center which includes a llquor and food sto~e; that she rc~cogniics thc IssuF 1~ere is the parkfng~ and stated they feel parking for their ap~rt~w~~t complex is inadoqustc; tt~at the bu~ldings are ~0 or il years old and slie did not knvw wl~at ttie parkin,y requlrem~nts aere ac the time the buildings were buil t, but ctzey do not heve adequate park(ny at the present time and even four or f i ve extra ears woul d be rrore th~!n itiey could handle. She inathei rho Inlon~,9plus P problem would bc enhanced wi th any kf~d of development with shops~ there Is a 7'Lleven store b~ing proposed and they al ready have °~t chr~st ~n Gerden Grove street. Also~ there is a continuation schc~ol for Oranye Councy loc~ted diagonally acrass the street, and they fee~ thase students have e~ugh problems without haviny [he temptatl~n of a 7-E~eve~ store tn tha area to be used as r hangout; thet there have been problems at the liyuo~ siore acrnss the street an~f there heve bee~ burglaries reguier 1 y and custo:ncrs have bae~ haras~ed at t.he 1 iquor store and the other shops. end the pol i ce hgve had to take act ion many tin-es; that also ther_ is a bt 1 t tard parlor wf~ich h~s b~er~ in ve~y deep trouble .vfth th~ FolicG DePertment and they have been trying to cltminate . very bad drug scene. She st~ted they feel tfiey have e~ough ~troub~e in tha area alreacty and th~tiahborhoodnchildren~'andCprACxnote~morctrobberiese ~t~~hborhood f rom the schoal ~ R 3 us the e g Cha~~rr~an Herbst ~~iatea th.: Commtsslon Is not consideri~g what Is across the str~et. but do understand the prublsm. 11e pointed o~~t this property is zo~ed CL (f,o~~a,iercial, Limited) and esked what usa the nc i yhbors vrou) d 1 i ke to see on the property. 1 /2/1`~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 1979 7g-5o3 EIR CATkGORIC~L EXEMP110N-CLASS $_AND VARIANCE N_0. 3A95 (contl~ued) Mrs. Bell stated there are meny bulldin~s on n~in thoroughfares in Anahelm~ such as Eucitd Street~ wlth small real estate or similar type offices ellawed and th~se people would not requlra the maximum parkiny specas and thurc would not be the truck~ motorcycle or vehicular trafflc in and out of the area AIl day and the parking p roblem would not be as grcat. Randy A~able~ 8691 8rooke llvenue~ Westminster~ representing tho owner of the Showcase Apertment comple;c~ stated the~e are parkiny problems (n thc~ ~rea; thnt th~y have e total of 113 units and tfiere is a yreet Inadequacy in the parking and thc requlrements were less when thelr complex was constructed; tl~at many of the apartment untts ere occupied by two or three people and most of tl~em have two cars and many af ttie units have single-garage pa~king~ which rneans they have to use the acfJacent streets for parking; thet they heve many othe~ obj~ tians tn tfie propo"I ~ but would address tl~e parktng issue nr,ty because they feel it t. a critical situet .,n and that the extra ~ spaces would r.re~te a conslderAble hardstiip to the apartment clwellers. Mr. Pric~ stated he certainly sympathiz~s w(th the opposition's concerns~ but dld not belteve a 7-Elevnn store Is the causc of real Juven~le problcros and he dld not believe Chis little centcr wfll have any need tn park on the street~ and 1F, on occaston~ they did use the scr~et tor parklny~ he did not bel{eve fivc adcfitional cars would create thet great a problem. He ex~lalned wt~en he had satd there wouid be na food tn the center~ he did not mean tn mislead~ but wes referring tn restaurants, an~J stated there wauld be food (n the 7-Eleven store. Ne frlt the opposltion's ytg~est concern is thet of the 7-Eleven its~lf and fcl[ chey are pursuing that tssue in the proper way through the ABC. Mrs. lsal) suggested the J-El~ven storc co~ld operatc Nithout selling beer and Hine~ and M~. Pricc indfcatc<1 a cond(Cion of his ayreement is thet if thcy Aa not obtat~ e beer and wtne licanse~ they wc,uld not take thc sit~; that he fclt the people In the netghbonc~~od would llke to continue usiny the vacant service stat(o~s Nhtch is an eyesorr. as a parktng lot end st~ted tlit site is avned by • large oil company end they could dectde to sell it or reopen it. and (f he cbes not dGVe~op t~~r propQrty~ he unde~stends thcre !s a possibiilty it could bc devcloped as a li--laul faclltty. TNE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Lhadrman Nerbst steted he (s concerned that tht p~oJeci (s abuttin~ apartment house developments on both sides and these are rexidential useS~ and he felt the type qf use should be considered seriously since there f~~eve been complatnts about 7-Eleven faclltties in the past because they operote late at nfght and sometimes operete all nlght with traffic In and nut~ and this site dqe3 havC s severe prqblem alreacly becsuse it (s surrounded by residential, He stated he recognizes the p~operty is zoned for conrnercla) uses~ but he wouid oppose thts request. Cammissioner Tolar a~ked Mr. Prir.e if he had considered ustng the property for conmerctal offlce uses ~ather than a retail use such ~s a 7-Eleven store, and Mr. Prtce replled that he had considered those type uses a~d steted he wlshed some of thc landowners would negotlate so that property oould be baught at a reasonable prtce so that a proJect could be developed at today's cost and rP~ted at a r~te to Juscify it. He stated this parcicular corner could not be develaped as offices at the current market vAlue ~f tha p roperty. Coamissio~er Bornes referred to the general retail uses refer~ed to (n the staff report, •nd Mr. Prtce explained the generel ~etatt~ hopefulty~ wo~ld be an Gstablishment such as a Chieg Auto 5upply, Shoe 5top~ or s(milar uses~ and that becausc of the parking requirements~ s donu; facility could not be developed, and explalned thmt he is not 1/2/79 ~~ MINUTES. ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIqN, JULY 2~ 19y9 EIR CATCGORIfAI EXEMPTIOIJ-CLASS 5 AND VARIANCE N0. 30q~ (contt~ued) looking for a massac~e pa~lor or pornogrephic studio or any of those ststed h~ does not have ony leases ~xecuted an the other portion. 79-504 klnds oF retall. t1e Commissioner Barnes asked I ~ dny studles of the retatl dnr-ands In the aree wer~ mada to determine~ that o convenlence merket and gen~ral retall would be the best use of the property , r~d M~. Prtce stated he hAd studied the area and It wll 1 support the retei 1. He state~i there is one vacancy across the street; thet the Kmart center is generating a lot of attivtty; and that thls sttc is located between two major a~terials and Ix an tdea) 7- Eleven locatio~ from thelr standpatnt economically. Chalrn~n Herbst stated 1000 squere feet of space would be lost In order to meet the parking requi rer-ents~ and Mr. Prtce stated t~e would not have app) (ed far e vartance if he hed not thought it was Important; that at onc polnt~ worktng w(th stafP~ th~ plan wss within one pat'klny space of the requirement which would t~ave meent losln~ 2Q0 square feet~ but ss the plen evolved with d~adenci parkiny spbces, more spaces were lost. He stated he has don~ surveys of nther ccnte~s and dc~es nat see this type of development betng enforced that strin9ently. Ne staced I~e did roc kna+ whether he could get enough rent out of the other sl~ops to yo Aheacl wl tl~ the proJect lf the arefls were cut 100~ square feet. Cheirman Herbst stateJ hc felt a 15a shortagc of parking for a small center such as this ts quit~ a lot. Mr. Pr(ee stated he had rPViewe.i a project at Lincoln and Ohiowt~(cli becks up to apartme~ts and the~e art no side s~tbacks~ and Ccvnmfss loner Tolar stated that was a County strtp whicfi the Cfty inherited and it has been a catastrophe, and he would be the f(rst to suppo~t yet t~ ng i t out, lir. Pri cc ,tated he did not bel ieve tl~is development would homper the perking in the area becauxe he did not feel they w~uld need that much parking; tt~at if they could eliminate deadGnd spaces by ~edesi,yniny th~ proJect, he cauld add 2 more spaces end explatned he ~ied lost ariother space ln orde~ to glve the trash a double receptncle~ and stated he had been honest r~gardlny the fact tiiat he was trying to design for a 7•~leven store and autcx-:aT ica) ly the Santtatio~ n) vision had ~equestad e double specc, whereas they would have ai lowed a stnglc space otherwisc~ and he felt he is being penalixed for hls honesty now. Commiss foner 8arnes state~ sh~ appreciaied Mr, Price's honesty and indtcated she understands the economic problems, but is concerned that the plan proposed is a 7-Ele ~en store plus addttlonal retail shops. She stated this st~eet is already averburdened r~ith perking~ recogi~izing it is not the petitione~'s fnult~ but f~it he could provtde the 5 park i ~g spaces w t tF~out los 1 ng too much s pace. Ccxronissioner Tola~ asked tf chis proJect v+auld have come before the Comnissfon if adequate parking wcre ~raposed~ and Robert Ile~~~inger~ Assistant P1ann~r. stated the petitio~er could have developed the ~roJect v~ithout coming before the Conmissi~n with the an-sale of be~*r and wi~e ~f the requirements had been met. Mr. Pr ice staLed at one polnt he was within one space of the requlremsnts and staff had requir~d th~t a vartanca be fl led~ even for that one space~ and indicated if h~ had thought there -+4ul~f bc this kind of problem, he woutd have reduted Che building by 200 square feet et that time. Gornnissioner Tola~ e~cplatned to the oppositfon that if the p~oJect had conformed to the zoning requi~ements~ this public hea~iny would not havc been held ~nd Lh~ 7~Eleven store could heve been developed. 1/2/79 '~, MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY P4ANNING COMMISSION~ ._. ~ JULY 2~ 1979 79•505 EIR CATEGORICAI. EXEMPTION-CU15S 5 ANp VARIANCE N0. 3095 (conttnued) Mrs. Ba11 stated she real izad he could devnlop •nd thnir only rocaurse th~~ would be through the ABC. She stated chey ares not trytng to stop M~, Price from batng in buslness and making maney~ but this is a very residential area and they fe~el thr_ro Is no nr.ed for ret~i l in this area at the present time. She (ndicated sl~e could h~ve qotten r-~re stynatures o~ the petttion In oppoaltion from the single-famtly homes tn the area if she had had more time. She statad thay al~eady have a Kmart, a 7hrtfttmart~ Albertson's and many other shops in th~ area end there have been many problems wlth thls locatlnn, Chal ~man He~bst stated in the pest s I tes were develaped wl th the corners cut aff for develppmunt of service stat(o~s because at thet ttme It was e gaod dcal for chose people~ but thst that prectir,.e was stupped and thts Is one of those parcels; that the property Is zoned commerclal and Is on t-~e Gonerel Plsn for commerclal uses a~nd suggest~d th~t anythtng to be buiit should be bullt to code. It was noted the Planning Otrector or hts authorized representetive has detenriined thet thc proposed proJcct falis wlthin thc deflr~tion of Categoricel Exemptlons~ Class 5. as defincd in parayroph 2 of the Glty of AneF~etm Envlronmental Impact Report GulAellncs and (s~ therefore, cdteyarically sxempt from the requtrement to prepa~a an EIR, ACTION: Commissloner Bernes affered Resolutton tlo, PC79-137 and movad fcr Its passage ~nd ~optTon, that the An~he(m Clty Planning Commtsslon dor,s hereby dcny °et(tion for Varlance No. 3095 on tt~~ basts thr-t no t~ardship was established by chc petitloner and the propossd developmenG would be overbutlding the proRerty. On rol l cal t. thc foregoing resolutl~n Mas passe~i by thc fol lowing vote: AYES: C6MMISSIONER~; aAR~'~S~ DUSNORC~ pAVIG. FRY~ NF^" '~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMIS;ION~R:,; NONC ABSEtIT: COMµI SS I ONE P,S : NOVI Jeck White~ Deputy Clty Attor•ney~ F rrsanted petiti~,ner ~ith tlie wrttten right ta appea) the Planning Cunwnissio-i's decisf~~~n wli',In 22 deys to the City Councll. RECESS Th~ rxeting n~ce5s~_d ar 3:45 p.m. ftEC4NVENE The meeting reconvencd at 3:~ 5 P.m., Gortemisslaner Tola~ bttng absent. " ~ ~9 ~` MINUTES~ ANIINCIM CI?Y PLAI~NING COMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 1979 79-5~6 I TEM N~0. ~ rliull C fiEAal tlG. OWNER: EARL J. L ITTI.E ~ 3~i~~~ V( a ~~EG~ITIVE. OCCLA° .'iON de Agua, San Juon f,aptstrano~ GA g2675. AGENTS; ~"~' ~ 1'Ii~NTS DON ANU CAROLYt~ WELLS ~ 205~ South Eucl i d Strc~t ~ CO~IUIT Ot1Al USC .C H~ N0. 1~~~ Anahelm~ GA 92ti0?.. P~titloncr requests permission ~""'~ to ESTAaI l Sli OFF I CE USf.S I FI A RES I QCNTI AL STRUCTURE WITVi WAIVkR OF (A) MINIMUM SITC AREA AND (B) MIIXIMUM SIGPJ AREA on property descrihc~d os a rc:ctAnyularly-shapeci parcel of lanrl consisting of appraxlmataly 0.~+ acre having ,~ frontaye of approximt~tcly ~S fee~ un ti~e east side of Euclld ~treet~ havin~~ ~~nnximur~ depth of approxlr~stely 1~1C feet~ ba(ng locatad Approxi- matcly ~9~ feet north of thc cr.nterl inr. of Oranqcwood Avenue, ond furthe~r descrlbed ~s 2,~;~ South Euclid Street. Property preser~ily clASSifieci CA (~OMM[RCIAL~ AFFICE A~ID PROFESS 10!111L) 70t:E. There was no onc• indicetin~ thr_ir prasenc•.r In oppdsition to su6Ject rcquest~ and alth~ugh lhe st~~ff re~ort t~ thc Pl~~nning Conm~lssion de[c~1 .luly 2~ 1^~^ wes not rtnd at the public hcartnc~~ It Is rr_f'crrc~ to ~~nd ma~Je a~~.irt of the r!inutcs, Carotyn Wclls~ ayent~ st~ite.i thts requ~st is to p~ r~~~it ~,ffices in ~ resident(~~I struGture and a waiver of the siqn f~r which she hacl rescrived .~ F~uilcltn~~ perni[ ~~nd later found out (t was too laryc c~nd a var(ancc 1~ nrc;~lr.d. THC Pt.I~;LIC rICAkII1G 1111;, CLaSE:U. Chairnan Hert,st askcJ wlzat typ~ pcrr~it had ;,e:en Issu~ci f~~r -,h~~ si~~n~ ari~' Nrs. ~Jells re~~lic~1 th~s sl~~n was sl~own on the plans subm~tted to ti~e f~~ildinq Divis(un and the permit was i ss~~c,.:. Cormissiunur (iust-pre as~:e~1 i f c,ri~inal ly there li;~d bec~n :~ lar~c ply~•rr,od siyn which was later repl.~ce~ with a nec~n-ty{~e si<~n (with Mrs. Nells ~n~iicatiny thc sign is nc~t neon). He inJicatecs he ha~l tn~uyht ti~e pro, crtv was in Grr~f~:r~ Grc~ve r~hich was Che reas~~n nothing had been Jore abou;. i t. Hp statcd hc wanted Co secr thc prn~crty cywner bc ahle t~ use the propr.rty ~n~ asl.e~f I~ow she plans t« ln;~rove an~i ~.it~gradr. it. Ne asG.ed abau[ the autornative worl. bein~~ Jone on v~hicl~:s outsi~~. Mrs. -1el ls repl ie:~i thc E~ropcrLy wi l l be ir•q ruvr_J wl th rn;rc l~nJscaplt~~; an~i eventual ly offi~es will be ~~~velo~~eJ throu~~hout thc whole proE~e~ty. 5he explained her pcrsonal vehicles were beiny repai ~~~d. Chalrrnan H~rbSt asked if Che busir~~ss had been starteJ without t},e proper p~~rmTts~ anJ Mrs. Wtlls replleci that originally th~ prapcrty hnd bc~n us~d by the nelghbart~od teenag~rs as a han<~out and th.3[ it 15 next daor to thr. sh~ppinr., • ~r dtscussed earllc~; that after thcy had R~ved i+~ and painted the structures~ they ,~ : for a business 1 icense and ther real i zed a u~ndl tlonal use perr~~,t t weul d t~e nec: . ;. It was noLe:~ tl~e apt~licatio~ ~s tl,e result of action taken by the Zoning Enforcement Officer~ ~~nd Mrs. Wells stateJ she felt a c~r~plaint had beer~ ft1eA hecause at one time h~- husband had 4;cpi sa;we he~vy ec;uipment stored an the prorerty~ but that it ls no lo~ger there. CorTnissioner ~ushore asl:ec: iiow iony tile property has been used for offlces and what the irrpruvem~ent plans are. Mrs . Ue 1 1 s rep 1 i ed tf~ey hmvc bee~ i n t~~ere fvr two and nne-hai f years and have been improving i t as they can. 5he stated ttiey wl t! upc~ra.ie the property wi th a chalnl lnk fe~te and will do a lot of clean-up work and finish painting the building. 1/2/79 ~ i MINUTES~ ANAIlE1N CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 197~ 79'S07 EIR NCGATIVE UECIARATION AIJU CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 195~ (contlnued) ~M~~ ~ Commissioner Bushore stated tt~at property has been used for two and one-half years and the only thlnq he coulcl see ttiet tias been d~ne Is a b(g~ expensive 51gn place~i out. front. Ne askecl 1 f th i s b us i ess ( s thc, on 1 y sourcc~ of 1 ncome . Mrs . W~ 1 1 s repl t cd tfie s 1 gn was not very expensiva, ar~d indicatcd her hus'~and is a truck d~tver. ChalrmAn Ilerbst state~t th~~ f.omm(sslon h~s allowcci residenci~~l properties co bc used for buslnesses in the past~ but the pr~~perty must be upgreded to the G~~nme~~c(al code requlrcments and tl~e sign(ng rr.quirements arc vcry (r.iport~'~r~t. Ile stated the fnct the Bul 1 cii ng DI vi s ion i ssuecl ~i permi t dues not nl le~i ate th~ re<~ul rement for ~ con~il t io~sal use pern~It. He seate~l tt~r. Co~rnisslr~n cak,es the particular area Into considPratlon and differPnt areas h~vc ~iiffcn~nt rcyuircnx•nts. Ne statr.d he woul~l h~ve no objectl~n to tne uae as lun~ as [he property ls uF~~ar,idc~~~ but fcl t there ~nust bc san~ sort af time 1 imt t placed un the iri(~rove~~ents. I~c stated he would not vc~tc in favc,r of allowing the sign because it woul~! create a dire prc~~e.cl~+nc. Commissj~ncr (3ushore ask~~d how ~ pcr~~(t was Issucd allch~iny this siy~~ and Rob~rt Henninyer~ AssistanC Pl.~rinrr~ ex;~lain~d norm:~l ly thr. Itui lding Ulvislon issucs sign permits and app~~r~ntly in this c.~se soiix:onc was Ic~~t:inc~ at thc C~ 7.one ~~~hich ~llc~ws ccrt~in typcs of slgninc~~ not rcallzinca th~r I,usine:s is in an existiny structure, Ile stated if a b~sinr_ss. is in a r~sl.lcnce~ slyniny r~~c~Uirc~~cnt5 arc ~.I(ffr.rrnt~ an~l evidrntly that fact was overlooked, Ilc ex~~laine~f th~ CQ z~>niny coJe rryulres a c~nditional use permit for u5cs in exlstiny resl c1~•nces and special re.qui rer,~nt` for siyniny are ir~pe~sed, an~-1 the allaw~blc siyr~ arr~~ is ~; sc~uarc f!~~~t. Commi ss ~ unc r Dav 1 d exp 1 a i ne d t!~c p~~~to~, r.~^I: shcars th rr.r s i yns ~ or~c Un to~~ af the othe r and one in thc win-ic~w, ancl Nr~. '~Jells StattJ the on~ In t.`~e wlncknv is no lon~;er thcrc anJ the one on top of thc othcr siyr~ wl ll hc rer~,vec:. lr.aving thc onc siyn, Cu~*riissiunr_r David askcd Mrs. Wclls t( sh;c livr.s at ~h~ r~rc~~c.rtY~ an~f shc replie~_i th~t she doeg~ inainly for prc,[~~tion of the praperty; Chat when they flrst starcec' reconditlonlny the Froperty~ [hc ic1~15 ~+cre ut~set hecaus~ this was t`~elr hanyo~t ~~nJ [`~cre wa~ a lot of trouble with thc prnpcrty ncxt ~f~xyr ar,cf tl;err. havc been sever~l rc~bhcrics in the nciqhborhuoJ. Commissir~n~~r [farnes s[at~d siie ha, na c~bjection to this usp, especialty In [hts area, and t~n understard horr it has taken this I~ny to imprc~vc thc pr<~perty. She Indicited he~r maJor problem is witt, che si~~n and stace~! the Plannin, CcNrmiss(an docs not allow si9ns over the maximum squ~rc f'ar~t~3~)c' ~~ IC1WP.~ bCCrIUSC they are wor~.ir;c; vcry hard t~ clcan up the sl~~ns in the tity. Corrnissloncr Busf~ore felt s~rn~:thin~~ should be done about ehe stgn. and if approval is yra~~tcd for Che ConAitic~n~~l usr pc~r~it~ a time limit should hc plac.~d on the irt-provements. CONI~ISSf~f:Ea T~)LAi: RCT~F,'+LD T~. T11C COUI~CIL CNAMitEK. Chalrman Herbst st~ted this is a ce~nditfonal usc perMlt and ~ tlmt limit could be imposed~ and if the conciitions arc~ not met~ the permit cc~ul~ be revokecf. Ne asked [he Cc~rmission the(r feF:~in~s ~caardinc~ 8 1'C~SO~~~c length of cirne for tt,e pctitioncr tc briny the sign f nto cc~nform~r~c~ ar~J to upyra~ie tl~e property. Gormissioner itusl-ore felt onc year would be rnasonable and the m~~tcer could !~e reviewed without a p~blic hc~riny if tl,e cunditlons arc mct. ACTION: Cammisxioner Bushore offered a moticn~ seconded by Commigsloner King ana NOTION C IFD (Comn+issfoner Tolar abstainin9; ~ that Lhe Mahelm Clty Planning Gortr.+ission has 7/2/79 ,~ .~. .,~ MINUTES~ AtJAf1EIM CITY PLANNING C011MISSION~ JULY T.~ 1979 ~9-y08 EIa NEGATIVE UECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PCRNlT N0. 195a (continued) roviewed th~ r~quASt tc~ permtt office uses in e residentlal structure wtth watvcrs of minimum :;tte araa ar~d maximum sl~~n areA on a rectanqularly-shaped parc~l of land consisting of ap~roxtmately 0.~+ ecr•e having a frontage of ~ppr~ximetely ~~ feet an the east s(cle of Euclid SYreet~ having a mAximum depth of epproxfmately 176 fe.at~ and b~tnn located ~pproxlmatcly 3~~ fCet north ~f the centerline of Oranq~woad Avenue; and ~loes hereby ap~~rove the Negativr. Detlarr+t(on from thc requlr~rt-~nt to pre~sre ~n envlronmentel impect report on the basis that thcr~~ would be na sl~tnfficant Indtviclue ~r cumuletfve, advcrse envtronmksntal Impact d~,e tc~ t:he opnrova) ~f this Neqatlve Declaration since the Anahetm Genera) Plan Jesignatr.s tfiC r;ubJect r~~operty far U~ne.ral cvrtrnercial land uses corrmensurate wlth the proposat; thnt no s~nsicive enviror-r+~ntal irt-pt~cts nrr. Involved in the propasal; thet the Initlal Study submlttr.d by che petitionsr indicAtes no slynlftcant InAlvidurl or ~umulative advc~~se cnv(rQnmr.nt«~1 Ir~q~acts,; and that the Nr.gative Dtclaration substnntlatin~ the forc.~oln~, flndinys Is on fil~ 1~ the City ~~f Anahelm Planninq Deportment. Comm(ssionc:r Dusho~e afferNd a rnc~tian~ seconded Ly Commissloner Qavtd and MQT'IOi~ CARRIED (CommisstAn~r Tolar at,staininq~, tl~at tiir_ rer~uest for wniver of codP rr.yuirement for walver (a) br, c~rantecl on khc basis th~t larqe:r surroundinq ~ro,ertics ~re zoned C~ rnci the structure is e,cistinU~ and d~^nyin~~ Nnivcr (b) ~.-n thr basi5 thAt no h~rdshtp wbs shawn due to Lhe slr.e~ sh~'~p~~~ t~~pc,qr~~ahy and lc~c~tl~~n of thc property~ an~1 ~hr. petitloncr must brinq the signiny lnt~.~ r,onfurT;~n~nc~ within a nr.ritiu ~~f nnc year. Commissi~ner t3ushorr. a~f~r~c~~ H~:s~~~ution ~~~. PC1`~-13t; end m~ved t~r i~s passage end ad~ption, that ttie Anaheim {i~y ~`~,,n~7(n!a Commis~s~on c.bars hr_reby qrint PPtitt~n for Condltlonal Use Pe~m!= No. l~~,u Fe:,r a perlo~ of oi~c yc~r~ subJect ta revt~w by the Planning CO~fpT1~SSIOn f~ar pnssihlc ex~r.nsfons of tinx~, and subJect to IntGrdcpartmental Gomml ttee recorrmend~~t (ar,s. On !-ol! call, the fcar~t:r~uin~ r~~s~:~~utian was pASSr.d by chr f~llo,~in~~ vote; AYES ; COMHI SS I~-~~ERS : IIARN( S~ tiUSHORE ~ ~AVI U~ FRY, tiERt!ST, KI NG NOES : COMMI 55I U~•CP:S : I~QNE AE35ENT: Corw~ sS to~~E~ ; I~r)NC. ABSTAIN; CONMf;51~~dEP.~: TOIAr~ I TEM NQ. 14 PU9L I C-iE.ARI t~G , Ou1~E.R5 ; B~R~ARA A. ANL' ROGER A. ~ R~~Yf. ~i:CI.ARAT I U' S EVLRS(?N ~ P. 0. Box 2 75~~ ~ laouna 11 i 1 i s~ CA 9265;, _~ 0. 1)~1 AGlN75; R,q,~R llPpit~COTT ANU BRIAN GELINAS. 2831 '-I~It~r Star ~-venu~~ FE~ Anafieim~ ~A '?2$~6. Petitione~ r~quests pcr-nixsirxi to E5TA8L15-~ AN EXTERMINATING SERVICE on pr~pr.rcy deSCriGed es an Irreg;~larly-shapc~d pr~rce{ of land consistinq af approxtmatr.ly 2.E~ acres InCF1CCC1 at 2h~ narthr_ast corner nf Wh( te Star Avenue rnd Dlue Gum S[reet, havinc~ a~{~rc~ximate frc~ntaaes <>f ~iip fe~»t on th~r r-hr~h side of uhite Star Avenue and j10 fect an the east side of E31uc; Gum St~eet~ and further descrfhed ds 233t White Ster Ave~eue~ r~E, PropCrty presently c1~as~iPlr.d Ml. ~INDUS7RIAL~ ~1MIT~0) 20t~E. There Kaa no one~ Ir~d3ca¢ing their prese~ce ir, ppppgition to sut~ject re~c~~sc~ anc! although the atef~ reRnr[ ta the Plannin~ Camr~fsslpn datr.d July 2, 19]y wes r-ot r~ad at the public heariny~ ic is rcfe:rred to and me,de a Part af tl+c minutes. Roger Lippincot[, ~gent~ stated the 11~10 nquare Poot buildinc,~ will basically or. used for storage of onr vQhlctc rvtth ea~ul~-aent; that they have cornplied with the Caltfornia Structur~ Pest GQntroi Acts ~nd all the County's rules and rtgul~tions for the storage of cfieraicrls and that the~re wi 11 neve~ be mor~: than 1;, r~at lons ~f chemtcals on the premises 7/2/19 ' ~ MINUTES~ AIJAHCIM C~TY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JULY ?.~ 1979 79'>~`) EIR NlG~TIVE UECLARATION ANO GONDITIONAL USE FERMiT N0. 1992 (conttnued) at one tlme and th~ chemlcAls wlll be in locked contaln~~s. Fle statcd they would h~ve no parkln~~ problems and that all three vehlcles wlll hn used durtng the day~ and at ntqht one would be sterecl on the premises enci two woulJ be ~l~Ivcn hume by eml~loyees. Ile steted the. facP l i ty wl l t be used fo~ the storaqe of ~ecorcJs and o yenernl off ice wt th a telepFx~ne answering servica, ~nd thAt they hAVe be~n In business for nine rmnthg nn~l heve no welk-ln customers. 11a statrcl tl'iey have epp~ iecf for ond receiveJ e buslness 1 icense ~ub,ject to the stlpulatlon that thcy w~uld epply f~r a conclitional usc permtt, THC PUl3Ll C NEARI NG 1~AS f.L~SLU. ACTION: Ccxnmissl~ner Kln~ offered a mr~tlon, srcondec: by Cexnml5sioner Tc~18r a~d MOT10~~ CARR~EU~ th~ac the Anaheim Ctty Plannin~~ C~mml~slc~n hns r~v~ew+ed the prapos++) to permit an extermindting srrvlc~ on t~n irreyulerly-sf~aptd pa~cel of land c~nsistinn af oppraximt~tely 2.G a~res locate~f nt tl~e nurth^ast cor~~er of Whltc Star Avenue anci dlue Gum Stroct, hnvlnq approximate frnnc~yes of 3L0 fcet on [he norch si<ic ut Nhite StAr Avenue a~d .31n feet on the east s{dc of t~lur f,um Strect; end d~es h~ret,y A~prov~ thr. Neqetive Qeclt~ratlon from th~ requlrernent tr~ prcparc an envirunmental irn~act rc~ort ~n thc hasis that there would be na siyniflcnnt I~clividual or cunwlatlve adversc r~nvir~nmentnl Im~ect ~iue to che approval af this Ncgativc UeclAratirn~ sincc thr An~h~;lm Gener~l Plnn desl~nates the sub)eci pr~perty for ~~en~ril in~~ustrlal Innci uses comrnen5uratP with the nr~nusel; that no sensftlve environrmntal impnc[s arc 1nv~lvcd in th~ nrc~pc~sal; that thc initlal Study suhmitted by the petitinner indicates no s'gnif(c,~nt Indivi~fual ar cumulatfvr. Advcrse envlronmentAl impects; and that the Ne~ativ.r. Ceclaratlon suhst.enttAtinq thc fo~e~oing findings is on fil~ in tl~e City of 1lneheim pl~nnin~i ;~partm~nt. Commissioner Kiny offcred Resolution Na, PC7~-139 and moved for its nassac~e and adoptlon~ th~it ~he Anahelm City Pfanntng Comnisslon cic~es herehy qrnnt Petition for Conditlonal Usc Permit No. 19'~2. subject :o thc petitioner's stinulation that ~nly onr vehicle would be Stored on the preml,rs overniqht~ and subjcct. to Ir.terc:apartrKntal Corx~ittee re cormr~e n da t 1 on s. On ro11 call, the furegotn~~ r~•,nlution was passed by the fo1lawinc~ vote: AYES: Cl?MMISi1~t1ERS: kiARNES, HUSNORf., D<<VID, FRY, HE:RIiST, Y,ING, TOLAR NOES : COHMf 5510NERS t til)NE AttSENT: COMMISS10t-;:a5: NOr~E 1 TCl~ N0. 1 I E ~~ ~~LG 1T~I VE. DECLARAT I QN I~D t AL J fiM t~0. 1~91 rectangularly-shape~ parccl ~f land PUE~LIG NEARINt'~. OWNLkS: C. DAP,Lf. HALE~ R(1~iER7 R. ALLEN ~ ANi~ N041ARD N. /1ND FLORENLC 1. HUNGEP,FORO ~ 3nl0 East Coronado St~•eet. Anaheim~ CA 92E07• Petitir~nCr requcsts permission to ESTABlISH A PRIVATE RACQUETBALL FACILITY nn propcrty descrtbed as a consisting aF approxim~tcly 1.1 mcras havinq a f~ontage of approxlrnatclY 2~1 Peei on the south sidc of Coronedo Strret. havinc~ a maxi-++um depch of appraximat~ly 31'.; frct. ~eing Ic7catcd a~proxlmatcly 71~~ feef west af ih~ centarline of Yen tiurer, Street, and furthcr dcscribed e5 391~ Eest Garonadc Street. Propcrty presr.ntly classifl~d HL (INDUSTRIAI~ LIMITED) ZO~If. ~herc was no one fndicatin~ th~fr pres~ence in opposltlon to suhject request. arid although Lhe sc~aff repart to thc Planntng Comn-issiA~r datcd July 2~ 1~7~ ~as not ~ead at thc vubltc hearlnq, it is refr.r~rd Lo ~nd neaAc a part of thc ntnutes. Darle Heie~ vwner~ statrd they have co~structed A r~ulti-te~ant fectlity Hlth tf;ree ~ecqu~tbell courts for use by their esnployecs and the tenants i~ che industrlAl compiex; 7/2/79 ~ MINUTES. AI~IWEIM CITY Pl11NNING COMMISSION, JULY 2, 1979 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDI_TIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 19~7 (continued) ~ 79-510 that they have plans for future devolopment )u3t east of the existinq fecility; that there is a greet deal of intarest in the racqu~tb~l) fac(Itty whlch is open only when thelr office is open and does not allow pe~ple xo use lt as much as they wnuld ltke. f~e stated tt~ey havo found the racquetball facility does not add more traffic to the AreH Fiecause most of tl~e usars ara from withln tt~e industriel cornnlex adJacent to it. Ne stated they have 67 on-site porkiny spaces and tliey heve plans for developing th~ 2-1/2 Acres to the east with mutitl•tonant complexes. TtiE PUBLIC NEARit~G WAS Cl.OSEU. ACTIO~t: Cornrnissloner Barnes offered a rr~tion~ s~condec! hy Commiss~oner King and MQTION RR L0~ that the Anaheim City Plar,nin~ f.ommisslon has reviewed th~ proposel to permit a p~lvate racquetball facility nn a rur,cangulArly-shaped percel of land cA~sisting of approximately 1.> acres havin~a e f~pnt~ge of approxtmatcly 207 f~et on the south side of Coronado Street~ haviny a maxirnum ~f~~ptl~ of approximately 315 fe~t~ and betng locetcd approximately 714 feet wsst of tt~c~ ccn[~rl lne of Van (luren Street; and dr.~es hereby npprove the Negatlve Occlaration frorn the rt.yutrement to preparc an environmental irr~act r~pnrt on the basis that there woutA br nn signlficant I~dividual or cumulative adverse dnvironmental impacc c~u~ ts~ t1~r. approval of thls Negatlve Declar~tlon since the Anflhelm Gcnerel Plan dr..signatrr, tl~c SJF)J@CC property for gcnerrl (nduatrial land uses co~ane~surate with the proposal; tt+ai nc~ sen~itive env(ronmental trt~acts are involved in thc p~oposal; that the lnltfa.) StuJ~~ s~~mitted by the petttloner tnr~icatea no signif(cant indivldual or cumulmtlye adver5c cnvironmental impacts; and that th~ Negative Declaratton substan[lating the foregoing ~in~fin~.~s is an file In the C(cy of Anahcim Pinnning Uepartment. Commisslone~ 9arncs ~ffereci Resolutlon No. PC7~•140 and move~i for Its passage and adoption. thmt thc; M aheim Clty Planning Camrnlsston daes h~reby grant Petition for Condltlonal U~e Pef~ntt ~io. 1~?97~ subjr.ct to the petitioner's stipul~tlon ~h~t the hours of opsrdtlon shAll be from J:A~ a.n. to 7:U0 p.m.~ ~nd sub~ect to lnterdepartme~ntal Ccxnmittec PCCOfI~nd~tTns~s. 0~ ro11 call, the foregolny resolut(on was pessed by the follawing vate: AYtS: COMMISSIONERS; liARtiCS~ (3USfi(1RL~ DAVID, FRY~ HE:RBST, KING~ TOLAR NaLS ; CCMMI SS I OtlERS : NONE Al~SENT: COMMISSI~NE~tS: NOi~E Commissioner gsrnes indicated she had offCred che rtsolution for approvaf on the bests that she felt this use wauld servlcc the tndustrial aree. 17EM N0. 12 N VE DECLARAI'IOt~ 1~ V .OD 14 NT ~R'ITR3" t999 ~~... PUBLIC NEARiNG. OblNEa: DIYEP,StFIED INVESTMENT CO., 270 South arlstol Street~ K201~ Costa Mese~ CA 9262a. AGENT: JONN GUARASCIO~ 605~ Saddletree Lana. ~orba llnda~ CA 92681• Petitloner requests ON-5ALE BEE~ AND WI NE I~~ A PROPOSED iiESTAURANT WI TH WA1 VER OF MINtMUM PIUI~iER OF PARKING SPACES on preparty descrlbed as a~ irregularly-sheped percel of land consisting at approximntely 7.1 acres locatC~ et the southcast c.orner of Llncoln Ave~ue aked f~llbert Street, having ~pprAximate frontages of 623 feet on the south side of Ltn w in Avanue and 4$2 feet on the east slde of Gii',ert Street~ and further descr(bed a~ 235~+ West Lincoln Avenue. Prape~ty presently classifled Cl (Gt~MMERLIAL. Ll111TEU) ZONE. 1/2/79 ~ ~~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 1979 79 ''~~ Ela NEGATIVE UECLARATION ANO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1~9 (contlnued) Thare was no one indicating their presenca In opposltlon to subJect ~equest~ and although the steff report ta the Plannin9 Commisaton dated July 2~ 1g79 was not reed a~t the public hesring~ it Is referrad to and rtwde a part of the minutes. John Guaresc(a~ agcnt~ pointed out the proposed reataurant would be a pi~za restaurant and they wauld llke to h~vc approval of thc condttlonal use permlt to permit on-sal~ of bcer end wtnc. TIIE PuEiLIC NEARING uA5 CLOSID. ACTION; CoMmiss~oner DavIJ offered a mottc.~i~ ser,onded hy Commissioner King and M1ITION ~LD~ th~t tl~e Anaheim Gtty Planning Commissian hes revlcwred the praposal to permlt the pn-sale of beer t+nd w(nc; in a~,ro~osed restnurant with wt~iver of minlmum number of parking speces on a~n irragularly-shaped parcel of land consist(ng of appreximetcly J.1 acres lo~ated at the southeast corner of Lin u:~ln Avenuc and Gilbert Street~ having ~pproximate fronteges ~f 6?3 feet on the sout~i sfck of Ltncoln Avenue and 482 feet on the ea~t side of Gilbert Strcet; ard does hereby epprove. the Nega4ive Declaratton from the; requlrement ta prepara an envlronmental impact reporc an the bssis tl~at tliera would be no slgnlflcant Indivldua) or cumulat(v~ edv~rse environmcntal impaGt duc to the npproval of thls Negativr, Decleratlon s(nce t1~e Aneheim General Plan deslgnates the subJect property fcrr general commarcial land uses commensurnte wit~~ [hs propusel; thot n~ sensitivr ~nvlr~nmental (mpacts are Invo1vo~ In the proposal; thec tlie Inltial StuAy submitted by the petitloner indlcates no siynif(cant individual o~ curnulative advr.rse environmentel impacts; and that the I~egativc Declarati~n substantieting thc fors~~ing findinys is on file in the City of Anaheln Plann(ng Uepartment. (t was notaJ the w: tvar for minimum nurrber ~f perL,ing spaccs was delcted subsequent to addltionnl inforrnation prnsente<i af[er the ~dvcrtismnent of subJsct petitlon. Commissioner Davi~ offered Kesolution No. PCI7-1G1 and moveJ for its passagc and adoptlon~ that the Anahe(m Clty Planniny Coruo(sslon does liere~y grant Petlt(o~ for Londitional Use Permlt tlo. 1999~ in part~ subJect tc~ the re~uest for wa(vcr of mi~tmum number of parking xpaces bei ng d~leteci, and subject to Interdepartn~ntai Cortr~f ttee re~omrnendations. On rol) call, the fore,yaing resolution ~ras p~ssed by the following wte: AYtS ; COHMI SS I ONE P.S : BAR+~ES ~ BuSfjORE ~ DAV I D, FRY ~ NERBST ~ KI r~G ~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONCRS: NOt~E ABSENT: CGMMISStONERS: NOt~E tTEM ~i0. 13 PU~LIC NEARING. OuNERS; NOIA T. AND NOEL F', HATCH, t N VE DECL11RAT101~ 251~ West Orange Aven~~c~ Anaheim, CA 92a04. Petitioner , 0. 19~G requ~sts permisslon to EXPAND AN EXISTlNG PRESCNbOL w on property descrtbed as a rectanyular0y-shep~d parcel of lond co~sisting of spproxlmately 0.8 acre having a frontage of approximatsly 151 feet on the south slde ~f Orangc Avenue~ having a mAxtmum depch of appraximately 21S feet~ betng located approximately 10~2 fe~st edst of the centeritne of M~gnol(a Avcrtue~ and furrhar described as 2510 11est Orenge Avenue. Prop~erty presently clas~{fteJ RS-A-43~000 (RESIDENTIAL/RGRICULTlJRAL) ZONE, There were twn persons indlcating thair presance i~ opposition to subject request and one p~rson ind(cating thelr interest in subJect ~equest~ and although the staff repo~t to the Planning Commission datcd July 2~ 1979 was not rr.ed et che public hearing. It is feferred to and made a part of the minutes. 7/2/79 ~*- ~' MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLAtiNING COMNISSIqN~ JULY 2, 1~J79 ~~~~12 EIR NCGATIVE DEGLARATION ANp ~ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1~96 (co~ttnued) .~~ r .~~~ I~ola Hetch~ awner~ atated they hsvP w ned and operated the exlsting preschool for 17 years end are bullding anothc~ preschool in Yorl,a Linda anJ ere mov(ng out of the present structure and wished to wnvert It for 18 more chlldren, Karen Vanckrwoud~~ representinr~ her parents~ Jos~pr, ~~d Sophle Vanderwaud~~ ~17 South Hamp[on Strect~ Anaheim~ reacf e portic~n ~f a letcer from her parents cf~ted June 25~ 191~; "The preschool referred t~ Is sf tunted at tt~e foot of a residentlal street tonsisting of singlc-family r~sidences~ excluslvely. As the sch~ol offers no facillties for parktny tu lt.s staff~ our street is a constent parkinc~ lot far teaehors and vis(ting parents, so that on thos~ occ~slons when a resid~nt family hosts Its own vis(tors~ there is no convenienc parkiny for thelr v~hlcles. At those timcs whon the schoc-1 has paren~s vfslting for open-housp~ our othenvise sedatc strect of better homes res~mt,les a st~opping tenter's par~.(n~J lot. This presthoc~) (s the onc end only nori-rc~idant(el entity wlthin the Imnxdlatr vicinlty, ancl as such Is contrary to~ and sherply datrimcntal to tl~c chbracter of ~I~c arca. Wtth Orangc Avenue, ~ setondr~ry trafflc ertcry~ haviny ~nly one l~ne in each d{rection, vehlcles enteriny the tlny courtyard of this preschool ta aischarge or accept pessen~~crs. crsnstitu[e a grave and cont(nu~ng hazarcl. Ne res{~ectfully submft that the petiti<~n to rntarc~e che scapc and size of thls non-resicience tae denied~ witl~ the h~pe that the petitloners mtght thercby be encouraged to seek rf~location to a s~te rnure icfeally suited to the oprr~~ti~r. of this comrrnrcial enterprise." She expandcc! on her ~arents' Icttcr and ind(coted 1lamptan ix an unusual street a~d stated there is a courcyard provided by tt~r. preschcc~l whtch woulA house ftve or s~x vehicles~ but it is never used for parkinq anA tl~c fl~-si fev+ spacxs availt~ble on Nami~ton Street are used every dsy~ bnd indicated she had wunted scven ce~rs parked along Hempton every morning for approxlmately one week (Cwo af tfiem fllegaliy parked Hhtch have been cit~d for violatlons by tt~e Po I i ce Depart~cr~ t) . She stated she has been blockeJ wi th parked cars an~ hss bc~en un~eble co n~aneuv~sr her vehictc out. She statcd there (s a lot of trafflc in the arr.a around 6:Or1 p,m. when the parents of these preschaol chlldren rush (n to pick them up. She stated the parents somettmes double-park wnlle picking up the child~en. She felt the chilaren at the preschou) and the childrpn and animals in the nelghborhaod arc (n con~tant dangtr because of the trat`ic and there is no place to let the children off safely. Sh~ stated wt~en the preschoo) has opcn house or spac(al acttvltics, the resldents cannot get out of thelr driveways. She stated n~~ne of the presthoul employees cvcr ~a~k on Oran9e Avenuc. Craic~ Jones, 2532 West Orange Avenue~ Anahetrn~ indlcated he v+as speaking for htmself and his father end that thcy are tha sale a+ners of fnur {~roperties to the west and of the prlvate water system, an~ stated they c,bJect to the request and feel the structure should no longer be used as a p~eschool because the preschool is using thr.tr water and It is a private water system and is not to be used by buslnesses or ct~mmerCial uses and was not intended for this ~s~. He statod the petitioner h~s access to City water and should use it. Lhatrtnan Herbst explatned ths Planning Coaanlssion is discussing the use of the propnrty and the watcr problem is not an item for discussion by the Commission. 1/2/79 ~ MINU7ES~ ANANEIM CITY PL.ANNING COMMISSI01~, JUIY 2~ 1979 EIR f~ECAYIVE QEGLARATION AND CONDItIONAI USE PERMIT N0. 1996 (conttnued) 79-513 WIIIArd Clark~ 2y1~ West Orenge hve~ue~ Anshelm~ referred to the g~apestakn f~nce which houses the children and lndicated ~n several occaslons he hos had to repa~. the fence end that ho h as two 1 a rgn dogs . Ile s te ted lie has liad no ob J ect f on io the use 1 n the pas t bocause the owners h~ve bnen tlierc 24 hours a day. but felt since they Hi 11 be moving eway~ a block wall should be provided~ pot~ttng out the propertr hA~ bl~ck walls on three sldes put up by tlie apo~trnent cornplex. Ile ~tated h~ loves children~ but would not want to have 200 pal rs of eyes looking ~t hlm every doy th~rouqt~ ~ ct~aini ink fence. Ne stated the existing fonce ls 20 years old and th~•se children can knock it down and he wll) have to repolr it and fe{t the block wall sl~oulc2 be prov(ded to protect the ct~ildren. Commissl~ner Tolar declarecl a confltct of Interest as <ie~ftned by Anahelin Clty Planning Gommission Res~lutton Na. PC7L-1!>7~ adopting ~ Conftlct of Interest Cac1e for LhQ Planning Cortmilsa(on~ and Govcrnrnent Codc Section 3625 et sGq.~ In that he has had dealtngs wtth Nr. Jones and his father and~ pursu+int to tt~c provisions ~f the above u~des~ declared to the Chel rmen that he w~s wl thcJraw( ng f rc~m t1~e hearl ny In conncction wi th Gondi t tonal Us~ Permit 1~0. 199G and would not take part in elther the discussion or the vc~ting thereon~ end has not dlscussed this mnt[er wlth any mami~or of the Planniny Comnission. TIIEREUPON~ COHNISSIONkR TOIAR LEFT TNE GOUNCIL CHAhWER. Mrs, Netth stated the water prc~blem is not ar, isst~e before thc Commission, Regt~rding the parktng situation~ sl~e fcit the neigl~bor ha~f drana[ir.ed the sttur~tlon and stnted thetr parking lot (s used by tiie parents and they do par~. tt~eir cars and take thctr chil~fren out; that this occurs far approximatcly three hours ln thc rn~rninq ~nd approxtmately threc hours in tl~e evening; [hat thcy arr open five days e week frcxn 6:3~ a.m, to 6:OU p.m. and are no~ open or~ weekends. Cha(rman Herbst asked thQ p~ti[loner to discuss Che c~mrr~ents regarcitng the teachers parking in front of the residencr.c. Mrs. Hatch stated scm~e tcachers do park on Hamptun Street~ but no driveways arc blocked. Shu stated thcy havc open house in May and ell the parents cvrtr at onc [ime on that nlght end (t is a dtfftcult situatlon. TIiE PUI~LIC NE!'~RING wA5 CLOSEU. Chairman Herbsi stated public schuols hAVe the same parking probiGrns when they have open house or special ev~nis. Ne stated tf~ere sre reccxrn~endutions fror, the Traffic Jepertmcnt regarding the circular drivr.way beinc~ enlarged to provide b~tter ci~culatlon on the property. -le asked how m~ny teachers will be at the premises after the Incr•ease, and Mrs. Hatch repll~:d there would be ten teachers there et one time. Nrs. Hatch stat~c! she had talkeu with Mr. Kawemura in the Traffic Department and he had indlcated he would nut suggest the tr~es be taken auc t4 enlarye the drlveway because that would a~ake the praperty look liks a co-~nercial usc rather than a residence~ and he wouid propose no on-strect par~.ing on che north side of Qrange Avenue and leaving the parking thc way 1 C i s. Mr'. Kaw~mura~ Assistant Trafftc Engtneer~ stat~d they had hed the Tr~ffic Safety Engineer teke a look at thLs prob!em and the circuler d~iY~way was ariginally racommended because of the loading and unload(rs9 of th~ children o~ the street. He felt parking in front of the facllity should be remaved~ whicti wouid force the parnnts to enter thz site to drop off and plck up the chtldren. Commissloner 9ushore stated he was concerned about the tr.+~chers' parkin~, pointEng out he had seen anly two cars pariced on ~he p~opcrty when he was the~e and wondered where the 7!2/79 ~ ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUIY 2~ ig79 ~9~i14 EIR NCGATIVE UECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1~96 (cnntinued) ~...,~.. --_..._..^ other six ca~s were pArked~ and indicated he had w~tched people coming and going at the stte. He stsced thera (s no parking for employeas and th~re are naw eight employees~ with two mare proposed. Ne felt there (s e posstbtllty of a perking problem and the netghbo~s should n~t b~ tnconvenienced because of thls prosperfng buslneas. Ne stet~d he wss co~cernoc! abaut the problemr;ith the fence~ ala~o~ and felt for Itebillty purposes the fence shnuld bc pmvided, Chairmen ilerbst asked about the parkiny sttuation~ and Rot,ert Ilenntnger expleined t~.ere are no speciftc code requlrements for dey care centers and polnted out the staff rep~rt rr.fers to the hours of ~peratton and the maximum number of cmployees end suggests tnat the Cumnlss lon r~ay wl sh to dl scuss th 1s 1 ssue. Commissloner klushore felt sfnce the Trafflc Engtneer ts will(ng to say meybe the circular drlvewdy is not needed~ pcrl~aps that area could be uttlized for nbre park.ing spa~es. James Kswemura steted th~re should be sufficicnt room on-s{te to provlde rt~re parking by posslbly renx~vin~~ the trce involved~ end Mrs. Hatch fe:lt rermving the tree would make the residenct loak more 1 ikc o cornrtierc(al use. Sh~ stateci there Is plrnty of roan for the pare~ts to come fn and aut wlth no problem beca~ise they are spre~ad out over e th~ee-hour pnriod. Commlssloner Davld was also c~ncerned bec~'~use there wltl b~ t~n teachers on the site and stated if thls were a commerctal enterprisp w1tF~ ien employees~ chey would bc requlred to pravlde parking Spaces for thcir cmployees. Mr. ~lenntnger explalned mnst of the parklny standards do nat specify employee or customer parklny, but certalnly in a co~nnerctal buslness p~rkiny spaces woul4 be provlded for ~rnployees wi th addl t(on.~l spaces for customcrs. Gommissioner David stateJ he understood that the parents drop ~ff the children and leave~ but fett on-site parking sliould be prnvlded for all ttie employees~ recoynlzing that eve~ if spaces ar~ provided and arr. avatlable, there is nothtng to prevent thcm from parking on the street. Chalrman tferbst stated one of the concepts of ellawing busin8sses tn residentlal areas Is tliat it does not lnterfere wlth the resldence~ and (f the~e is lnterference~ then lt does not belong there. He stated teachers are parking in front of, or to the side of~ these residences on a dally basls and ct~eir guests have no place to park. Ne felt this Is infring{ny upon the lfves of these people and (ndicated hc would not be in favar of en(arging the busin~ss unless on-sit~ parkinc~ could be p~ovided for empl~yees. Ne stated chitd day care centers a~e needed, b~t not if they infrinc~e upon other people's rlghts. He 5teted the preschoot has been lnterfering with these peoplc's rlghts ~r they would not be here. Commtsslonsr Bushore suygested the pntltloner request a contlnuance in order to revise the plans in order to provtJe on-slte parking. Mrs. Hatch explained the original request had been approved 12 years ago. Chalrman Herbst stated the petitianer is requesting an expansion of an existing use and these problems are apparent~ and this busincss dc~es not have the right to cxpand if it will infringe upor- other people's rights. Mrs. Hatch asked if the Commisston wouid be receptive t~ remuving the trees and rnaking the property look more 1 i ke ~ bust ness . 7/2/75 ~ a.. MINUTES~ ANANEIH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JULY :~ 1979 ~ 79•515 EIR NCGATIVE DCCLARAI'ION AND CON01'TIONAL U5E PERMIT N0. 1q~F. (contlnued) Cornmisslat~er 8ushore stated even though epproval wa~ g~anted nweny years ago~ there Is a questlon tn his own mind whether or ~u~ the use shaulJ contlnue because of the (~npact on the nelyhborhoc~d, and th~t thls pennlc (s besed on conditions which extsted at th~~ tlme it was grented and (s subJect to revlew st any tin,e. Mr~ Ilatch stated he wou1J admit they had not ce~~scted t,he pe~ple Nho llved on Hampt~n~ but everyone he had contactecJ except ~ne pars~n ~ad si,yneJ the ~~etttlon tn favor of the request~ and In~iicated he was astounJed anyane liviny on H~mpton would ob)ect. Ne statad thero is approx(matciy 17~ fe~t of vacant. unused prap~~rty which Is very unkempc an the r l,yh t-hand s(~!c of tl~e s t re~e t whc rc the teachers parl~ , Ile s tatecl he has not had s conplalnt filcd f~um the peopl~ on Han~tor~~ nor frc~m anyonc clse In the ne(ghbo~hood. Ne stete~f they tht~~k the trees in front of the rc~l~lenc~~ .~re vcry beautiful and felt If thc neighbors w~rc pollc•d indtvidually~ unblose~l, wlthouc Ar~yan~~ ~~etttng up a pctittun~ they would rathsr have the trer.s 1Qft chen parl~iny prov(~Jed and would not c~~e whether or nat any more children Are ac thc pre5c:hool. Ne stated thr.y c.an Icy~al.y park wtth no prob~ens of in~r~ss and z~ress c~~~ cither slJe of tf~e siyn. Ile steted they havc mecic n~ tomplalnts about the apartnxnt clwellers to the r.ast perE.(n? up And down thr street. Nc scatecf when mentlun was made tha[ Cftie curb wuld bc painted rec7 so the parents cannot 4~ark~ he was vgry agrecablc And fclt that would force tf e apartonent dwellers to park in thrir own garages. Hc scated if they were rcally ~r+rking in front of that lady'e (+roa~rty and she could not ~~et in and out ~f her driveway, she shc,uld teAVP cnmplalned~ but there have been no complalnts about this ap`ration. Chalrman Nerb,[ ex~lalnc~ ~ublic hcerinys arc hcld in nrder to allow thc n~i~3ht,ars the oppcrtunicy to voicc tl,c:ir u~+ln(ons. Cc~nmtssloner Bushore 3skecl what petition has ber.n siqned in favor of this -.~quest~ and Mr. Natcli explaln~d he had cir~ulate~l a petiti~n furnish~d by thc i'lanning Department. Ne s tated they ha~i not cc~~~ tactc~ci ~he~ aportnr.nt awnrr i n ihe rear an~i chat that owner had c.omplatnec: -~~ny years s~~o~ l,ut when they had yOnt (nto thei~ new buii~fing, he had indlcated willin~ness to s~~eAk tn favor of the rCqu~st. Robert Hcnnln~~cr exhlaine~i thc second paqc of the petit+on for a condltlonal use permit provides a place for endc~rsNr;~ents; tt~at tnis fs ~n ~Id form ancJ thet po~tion w( 11 be deleted on khe netiv form~ and It was si~~ncJ by ciyht persons and al) but one 11ve a+ . Orange Avenue. Cortmissio~er Bushore r~frrrP~i ta phatnyraphs of the property and (n~icatad he would like Lo see as much landscapiny ~s posstble left~ but (t appears to him there coulr~ be some tail-enJ parkinq with one car parF:eJ ir~ frc-nt c~f the otl~er for employces, Nith a planter placed around the biy tree and a lot of the landsc~pfng left. Ne felt a continua~ce sl~ould bc requested so that the petitioner cnuld rneet with staff and hIs nel9hbors. Nr. liatch stateJ he would ag~ec that acceptable parktng could be provlded 1n the frorst, but he did not want to impose anythinq on the neiyhbors and felt they v+ould aant the ~roperty left just lik~ tt is. Hc stated ther~e are thrce netght,ors present who might wish to wtce their optnion. Mr. Cla~k sta:ed he has no obJection to the school or the additlo~al chtidra~; that he has the seme size lot and thp circular driveway~ but tha[ he would ag~oe N(th the lady who spok~e in opposftio~ ti~at the teache~s a~e parking on fiar~to~ Street. Ne stx~ted he is st( i 1 concerned ab4ut the fenc,~. 1/2/79 ,~. ~ ~ ~ ' 79-516 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSiON~ JULY 2. 19~9 E~R NCGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONOITIONAI, USE PERMlT N0. 1996 (continued) ~..~.~~.~~. .~....~~~...~.~ Commlastone~ Bushore explatned the Trafflc Dapartmnnt h~s Indicated thst maybe the long~ circular drtvewey ts not necessary and the suggestlon Is th~t sane of tho landscaping be removed to provlde more perking in front. Mr. Clark stated he wpuld agree with the lady an H~mpton thet she hes rlc~hts ~nd that Hampton is belny used for parktng at th~ ~resent tlme, Mrs. Vande nvoude stated they h~ve na obJections to the presctic~ol; thst it has n~ver been an ayesore~ but that it does infrtnye uF~on thely dally llves w(th the parktny~ and that tFe teachers do pA~k thare every ~lay. Mondey throu~h Frtday~ and not )ust during speclel ~vents or open house. She stated they do n~t ubiect to the school as long as It can be conductrd withln the property barrlers~ but~ unfortunetely, their employees a~e not as tareful or conaide~ate as the owners and do park on their street, son~ctlmes Mo feet away from the curb, exp~alning thet the atreet is curved and it ts dlfflcult to park along the curb. Robert 1lenninger r.xplatned the Commtsslon cauld aNprove the request if they were so Incltned wich ths sttpulatfon that the petitionc r wauld pravtde mora on•site parktny~ and Commissloner Bu~liure stated hc would want to sec th~ parktng plan before epproving It. Chelrman ilerbst asked thc petitloner h(s f~el(ng regarcling the fcnce and explalned t~ Mrs. Vandenvoude that tf a contlnuance is granted~ it wiil be to a date crrta(n end no fu~ther notices wtll be sent to the property owners. Jatk White~ Deputy City Attorney~ explaincd the ernployees arc ~nder Ch~ dlrer.t contro) of the operator and a canditicm could be added ttiat thelr emptoyees would park on-site in designoted parking spbces. Mr. Hatcf~ stated he appreciated the concern and indicated he could (nstruct hts staff not to park in ~rant of the Vanderwou~ic's rexidencc~ and that he w~uld be hdppy to qo ahead and put in sufficlr.nt pt+rkiny in frcx~t~ but if he war~ e neighbor~ he wuuld not want (t. Comnissioner 9usliare stated if a q~estion Is pased to the neighb~rs Nhether or not they wouid prefer the landscaping or cha parking, they would naturally prefer tha isndscapinc~~ but if the plans sre presenced and tt is explained to them~ chey may profer addltional parking and would n~t rt~akr an ernotional declsion based ~n A stngie question~ and a pcll such as that wauld not ba valid, in hIs optnian. Ct»ii rman Herbst remincled the Cnrtxniss lon there is stll l th~e question of the fence. end Mr. Hatch statud the fencx is Mr, Clark's fence and if he wa~ts to share In the cos.~ that wr~uld bc flne wlth hirn. A~TION: Commissioner Bushore offered a rration~ seconded by Commissloner David and kOTION ~D~ that consideration of Conditlo~al Usc Pcrmit No. 1996 be co~tinued to the regula~ly-scheduled meeting of the Planniny Lommi~slon on July 16~ 1979. Chairman Herbst potnted out to the petition chat the revised pians would have to be submitted to staff by Frlday of this week. 1/2/ 79 MINUTE5, ANANEIM CITY PLANNINf CQMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 1979 ~g"S~~ ITEM N0. 14 ~1ET~~CAO RECOMr1ENDATIO-IS A. CONQITIOI~AL USE PERMIT N0. 59G ~ Requr.st for terminatton. Tha staff report t~ thc Planning Commtssiar~ dated July 2~ 197~ wes prescnt~d~ noting sub}~ct p ropcrty w ~sists of Portlon A- appraximatrly 3.; acres hav(ng epproximatc fr~ntayes of 27t~ fect ~n khe south sldr of Oranci~rood Avenuc, 554 fcet on the oest s'.de of Acarne Strcet, 270 fcet on t~~e narth sicfc oF Cllffwaoci 1lvcnue~ and S5P feet on the vrest s(de af Broden Strc~~t~ an~l helnc~ located appmx(matcly 315 fect cast of the cen*.r.rline of Harbor Boulevard; Portlon 0- appr~ximately 3.~ acr~5 h~ving npnr~ximatc frontaqe~s of 1.70 feet on tl~c south sidc of Ornngr.wood Aven~~c, 5~R fcet on thc east side of Braden Street~ 270 fe!et on the north sldc of Cliffwoc~d Avcnuc and ~58 feet on the weSt side of Camina Strect~ end being loc~tr..d approxlmatcly W+5 f~~et cast of the cent~rline of Hert,or Boulev~+rd; and Portlon C- approxtmately 3.~~ acres havln~ appr~xtmate frontAges of 27~ feet on the south side of Or+~ngrvioac7 Avnnuc~ 558 fc~t on thc east side of Camino Street~ 270 feet on the norti~ sl dc of C1 I f fwoocl Avcnue and ~SP, feet on t!~e west sl de. of Dan~ Street~ and be(nc located approxlm.itPly 97S `eet east o` the~ ccnterllne of Ha~bor Boulevard; that thc ~pplicant (Philllp H. McHamce} r~qucsts terminatlan af Condttto~c~l Usc Permit No. ',~9ti which wos ~ir.~nteJ by the Planniny Cortmission on July 2~~ 1~F,4 ta permit the conversion of cxtstin~ ~ip.~rtr~~nts Int<~ a hotel••mr~cel con,nlex; and th~it on May 7~ 1`~79~ che Plannin<~ Comrn(ssinn approved Tantatlvc 7r~ct Nos. 1~7~3~ ~~7~1+ an~i 107~5 (tu perm(t a GO- bUlld(ng~ RH-t'.0~ subdivision) un subJect ~roperty an~! one of ehe ccxiditlons of approvAl of sal~! tantati ve tract5 was the requf rement t~~a+t thP E~ro~erty owner submf ~ a leiter rcy~~esting terrninat(on of Condttlonal Use Permit No. `i~6~ and s~id l~ttr.r h~s been subrn) ttcd. 5ubsequent Ln .hc mectiny, it was Jctermincd Con,itional Use P~rm~ 5~3~ was terminated by the C~ ty Cou~ci 1 on Auyust 3- 1?l5 (Resolution No. 6;R-SG~~) duriny ~~ceeclings of Genera) Plan .lmendment No. `.,'1~ and that no actlon is requlred by t1~e Planning Cotm~issfon, B. C~NUITION~~L USE PERMIT N0. 17>G - Reyuest for apnrov.il af reviseci plans. ~._. - The staff report to [he Planning COm~~tssl~n d~ted July 2~ 1q7~ was presented~ not(nc~ subject property is a rectan,yularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of epprbx{mately ~.G acre ha~ing ~n app roximate frontage of i35 feet on the~ east side of Anaheim F3oulevard. hav(ng a max(mum depth of approxlmatc~y 2~0 feet, being located approximately 515 fert south of 'h~ ctnterline of pall Roc+c~~ and further described as 1300 South Anahelm BoUlevard; that subJrct propcrty Is curre~tly develaped wlth a new and used auiomobile sales lot an~1 is zoned Ml under Reclassiftcation P~o. 6F~-67-14, effecCtve September 27~ t9G6; that Condf:lr,n~l Use P~ n~it No. 47? was approved by the Planning CommlSSion on Septr.rtb er 4, 19~3 to permit a ncw dnd used automoblie sales facility on ~ parce) of land to the south anc! east of tlie s~bj~ct property; that the petitioner (lia~dtn Oldsmobile) requests approval of revised plans to construct an automobile showroom containing display area~ offices and restroorns to be located at the existing automobfie sales facillty appraved by thc Planning C~nmission under Conditional Use Permit No. 1756 on October 26, 1977. and the revised plans (ndicate 4; parking spaces in canforman~:e with cocie standards (13 spaces required) and vehlcular access to the slte Is provided by an existing drivcway on the properCy to the sauth of subJecc property~ and further fndtcate a 5~-fc~ot buildtng setback and an existing 10-foot wtde planter adJecent to Anaheim Boulevard; and that the ~evised ptans ir,dicate conformance with all ML sft~ dFVelopment s tandards . 7/2/79 ~- ~i ° 7~-518 MINU7E5~ ANAtIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JULY 2' 1979 itEP0aT5 AND ~ECOMI~ENDATI01~5 - ITEM E3 (co~t tnued) ACTION: Commisslaner DArnes affered e motlon . secondeJ by CAnxnissloner David end M~TIO~d ~U~ th~t the Anahelm Clty P1Anning Commission doPS hereby approva the revlsed plans far Condlcional Us~e Permlt No. 17;G. C. CONUITI ONAL USE PERNIT N0. 181?. - R~quest for en ex~ens lon of t lmc. Thc staff rcport to the Ptanning Commission d~ted July 7.~ 197~) was presented~ ~~ottng the subJect property is an trreryularly-shaped pa rcel of lan~1 conststing of Appr~xlmately 0.7 acre located at the northwest corner of lincoln Avenu~e anci Carletan 1lvenue. ha~ving approximata fr~ntages of 100 fcet or~ the north sicfe of Lincotn Avenue, 1~5 fect on the west side of Cerleton Aven~x~~ and 1;0 fect on t'~e south sid~ af Olsrrx~ncl Street; that thP applicant (Donald L. Shafer) requescs e retroactive extenslon of tlme f~r Condltional Use Perm) t Na. 1812 wFiich wa, ~~rantc~f on Apri 1 1~, 1`)78 to perml t thc expansior~ of A cocktoll louny~ a~d dance hal) for a pc~riod of onc year~ subJsct to r^~~(r.w and consideratlon far possiblc extension cf tirr~e by the Pl~innin9 Commission; Ch~~t the Znning Enforcement Officer reports thet there have been nc~ complain[s tnvolv(ng sub)ect propert~• and it has been the pollcy of khe Clcy that en r_xtenslon of tlme he grAnted ~nly for a pcrlod wi~lch dp~s not excoeJ the ir.ngth ot' tlme for which the condit~onal usc permit. waS orlginally granted. ACTI0~1: Commissioner David offered e mntton , scconded by Commissloner Tolar and MOTION CA- RRIEp (Comnisslc~ner Uushorc voting na) ~ t~+at the Anahc(m Ctty Plannfng Commisslon grant a retroectivc, one-ycar extenslon of timc for Condittuna) Usr. Pcrmtt No. 1812~ to exp';e on Apri l 10, 1'~60. 0. AdAt~D~Nh~.i~1 N0. 7$-1`~A - Rcquesc t~ aban~on an existing undcrground slectrlGal e~semr.nt ocated at the northrast eor~er of La Nesa Street and Kraemer Flace. The staff report to the Planning Carrnlssion <iated July 2, 1~379 was presrnted~ noting the appl icant (J. L. Narding of flunco Ucvclo~+men t ~ompany) has rcquested abandonme:nt of an cxisting underground electrical uaser.ient loeated at the northeast cornc~ of Le Mksa Strect and Kraemcr Place; that this request has be~n reviewed by all departments of the City and affected outside agencies ai~d appraval is r~commcnded by the Public ~lurks Uepartment/Enylnepring Dlvisio~; that the subject e:asement was acqUired by easement deed recorded October, 1475 In dook 11~~~+~~ pages 1771 and 1772, r~ ~ords of Orange County. and this easement accomr~dated the neecf for the utility tnstallation of a tennis complex with related facilit(es; that thts complcx has b~en sold and all extsting uttlitias and related facilities have br.en removed; and. thereforE~ this exfsting casement is no long~r needed; that the applicant proposes a new developme~t wlthtn the subject property and hgs dedicated a new e~sement as requested by thG Electrlca! Olv(sfon to accommodata the new electrical requirements needed; and that an environmentai review of the subJect sbandonnent indicates this request Co be categorically exempt from the filing of an EIR. ACTiON: Commisstoner K(ng offered a motio~ , seconded by Cartunissio~er Tolar and MOTION CARRIED. that the Anaheim Clty P{anning Comr+~isslon does hereby recormiend to the City Counci I that Abandonmcnt No. 78-19A be epproved. 7/2/79 ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS510~~~ JULY 2~ 1979 79-51~ aEPORTS AND aECOMMENUATiONS (u~ntinucd) C. PaOPOSCG "HL" 20NE AMENDMENTS P~RTAINING T4 QUA51-C( IMERCIAL ARE~S. The staff rc~rt ta the Planning Commission was presented~ not(ng after two w~~rk sesslons and exte~sive study Including the City Redevelopment Cortxnissian and the Anahetm Chember of Lommerce Industrial CAmmittee to consickr the prc~blem of cammrrclal uses encraachin~~ Into industrla) arcas~ a{~roposed amendment to tht "t1L" Ordina~cr. was presented Anc' the (ntent nf the arnendrt~ent E s to dclete Inappr~prlote USC4 from the I lsts of permlttcd and condlttonal uses and, most Impor[ant~ to more prectsely descrlhe such qunsi-comrnerclal uses as mey be anprop~lat~ if locatc~i on sultahle sltes, It was st~ff's rec~mmendatt~n that th i s t trm be eont i nu~:d four wocks to a) Ic~~ th~• proposed nmendrnen ts to be reviewed by other Interested persons (Redevclopment Commtssion and Chornber of Commerce Industrlal CommitteG~ bcforc a final recornnendation Is madc tu thr Clty Council. Fl~yd L. Farano~ 2~~; East Chapm~n Avenu~~ Ful lerton~ presr.nted a rnr~n of an area he had surveyed and indlc~ted appraximatcly ~5~` of the rctall est++bllshn,~nts In thc Industrla) araa ara ln the arca on La Palm~ bctwecn nlue Cur~ a~d Tust(n. Ne indicated study uf the trafflc In the Industrial area Ind(cates a lot af the traffic on La Palma could be the result of ~es(dentlal dcvelonmenc. Ile stated he suppc>rts the study and conclustons btc~usc bas(cally this ts where thc qu~asi-cmm~x~rctal uses +~ra l~c~ted at the present time and thls (s wherr_ they would irr~ect ai I the Industrial irca the least in terms of corrxnerclal traffic Interfertn~~ with industrial trAffic, Ile felt slic~t~tly less than one- half of thcm arc ~stabilsf~ed ~cyally with a conditlonal use oerr,tt. He ~tnted out several of the tndustria) uscrs have "Open to thP Public" si~ns on chem ~nci he felc alla+in~~ thc r_ert:~ln quasi-corx,x~rcial uses with ~pproval ~f thr. C~n~1ltlotlll use pcrmit would pcrmit a bcttcr handlc with the eanditlons ime~osr.~. Chalrman Nerbst fclt tl~e proposed orJinanc~ needs to be evalua~ed and a repor[ given tn two weeks to de[ermine whether c~r nc~t ~nother worh sessfon is needed before m.~~:ing a recommendatic~n to the Clty Cauncil. He fclt the Chamber of Cor,nxrcc and Redevelopment Commission should 6e yiven an opportunity to comment, ACTIOt~: Commissic~ncr Bar~ies oftered e mntfon~ sec~nded by Commissloner David and NOTION CARRIED~ that consideratic~n of tiie aforcn~nticxied item be continued for two weeks to the regularly•scheduleJ r~eetiny of July 1G~ 197^. DISCUSSIOt~ - PARKI'IG ^~~UIRFt1EtlYS FOR RACQUETBALL GOURTS, CHILU DAY-CARE CE~lTERS AND AP'ARTMENTS . Commissiuner Bustiore suygested the Cornnission discuss parking requlrements for child day- c~re cent~rs and ~acquetball courts ancJ possibly amend the ordinance. Gommisstoner B~rnes potnted out park i ng at lhe racquetbal I faci 1 i ty on Santa Ana Canyon R~ad appears to be qul te a prob lem. Robert Henninger, Assistant Planner, reported the Traffic Engtneer has been recommend(ng 4 spaces per court where there ts a potentlal for having two people on the court a~d two other p~ople tn the locker rooms preparing to use the courts. Commissioner Bushore Indicated he has no probie:rn with this recommendacion fur racquetb~ll courts and feit the precedent has been s~t and the code should be ame •ded~ and since the Cort~missian has been requirtng more parking for apartment complexes, even the smaller units, that the c_c~de should be amenriecl in that rega~d and that day•care centGrs should be requlred to provi de on-site parking for all employecs. 7/2/79 _ . , . ... ~' ~ • k MINUT~S~ ANANEIM CITY PWNNING COMMISSION~ JULY 2~ 19~9 79-520 . . ., ~ PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR RACQUETBALL CQURTS~ CNILD OAY•CARE CENTERS At~p APARTMENTS (contl~utd) - ~, _ Chairman He+ast rcparted he hes met wtth the Mayor and others reg~7rciing parking and high- rlse dovclopments werc discussed for the downtown nrea and tl~cy felt the required sizc of the perking spaces should be revl4wed because~ autnmobl les +~re shrlnkinq tr~ size. He steted ho had offerec~ to particfpato in cvaluettng the~ perkiny r~quiremen!s encl the possibfiity of tllawln~~ a certatn percentage (3~ to 4~~;) of the spaces to be des(gnated for corr~act cars. Robert Ne~ninger reported ihe CI ty ~ec~ul rements are t3-1/2 fcct by 19 fc~et, wl th 25 feet nf back-up are~ and that many shopp(ny <:enters rc~uir~ thc spaces to bc 1~ fcet wide. He (ndicated staff coul<i revicw the st~~ndards of several cicies, Ghatrman Nerbst ~StateJ thls cauntry is ~~oing throuyh some drnsttc chang~s and considertng the cost of I~nd and construction and thc posslbtlity of undcrground p~rking, thc rcyulremenks sh~uld be evaluated. Ile steted a fot of tn(nc~s would bc inv~~ived and tt (s posslble the code would have ta be amended~ but (t could be h~ndleJ with n con~llt(Anal use pcrmtt in thc bec~(nn(ng. Cummissioner f3arnes Inditatc~l concern that spaces deslynat~d tur compact cflrs are being utllized by the lar~er aucam~biles and askeJ how that could ba regulated, Cortxnlssioner f3~sF~~~~e statecf h~ felt In most familles wlth chll~ren there will be a big car and a srnalie~r car•~ and Chatrman Herbst felt by 1985 lArge cars wlll not be manufettured and thc avcragc largc car wi l l bp r~uc~r smal ler. Conmisstoner Tolar stated the llnes deltnealing the spaces could be repa(nted later~ and Chalrman Nerbst indEc~ced the cancern of those actendiny the meeting had been thP different construct(on requtred wlth the pillars for undergrounci parkiny, ACTIO~i; Commissioner dushore offe:reci a moCion~ seconded by Commission~yr i;(ng and MOTION ~D~ that the code be emended concerniny parkiny requirements f~r chlld day-care centers~ apa~tments ~nd racquetball fa~ilities. Mr. Henn(nyer suyyesxed since the Conmisston has usually ~equired more parking far a~>artment cornplexes in sltuations where park(ng was an ex~sting problem, that the code should be amended or it could be h~ndled through Commtsston policy in the sarrr manner as the landscAped buffer policy and eact~ case wo~lld be considered tndividually. ADJOURNMEftT There heing no fu~ther buslnes~, Camtssioner Fry offered a motion~ seconded by Commtssioner ~;fng and MOTIOt~ CARRICU~ that the meeting be adJourned. The mPeting adJourned ai $:35 p.m, Respectfully submitted, ~L~•K++ I( • ~~~v Edith L. Narris~ Secretary Anahcirn Ctty Pla~•ning Conmisslon CLN:hm 7/2i 19 .. ,., .. ' , . , . . , . .. . ~. . ~ ... .. . , ~ ~ . . . . ~ . . , _ ., ~ _ ~ .. . . .. ~. . .. ,. .. _ 1i,1~ . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . _. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . ~k ~