Minutes-PC 1979/10/22i City Hall Anahelm~ Callfornia October T2~ 1979 REGULAa MEET I tIG OF 7NE ANIIFIE I N C I TY PLA~~N 1 ~IG COMM I SS I ON ~_ - -- REGULAR ~ The reyular meetinv nf the Ana!~cim GItY F'lanning Commission was called to MEEYItJG ordcr by Chalrwaman 8drnes at 1:30 p.m,~ October 22~ 1~79~ in thc Counctl Chanber~ o quorum being prescnt. PRCSENT - Chai rwomanc tsArnes Commissloners: Buahore, Oavid~ Fry~ Flerbst~ King~ Tolar AaSE11T - Comm(ssioners: Nane ALSO PRESE~~T - Ronald Thomps~n Planning Dcpartrr~~t Director Jack White Deputy City Rttorncy Jack Judd Civil Engincering Asslstant Denn Sherer Zoniny Renre«ntaCivc Editli -iarrls Plannin~ Cortx~~ission 5ecretary PLEDGE OF - The Pledge of Al legiance ta thP Flag was l~d by rommissinnc~ Herbst. ALLEG I Ar~CE APPROVAL OF - Corrmissioner Klne~ offered a motlon~ seconded by Commissloner David and TIIC MINUTFS MGTIOtI CARRIEU (Commission~er aarnes ebsiain{ng)~ that the minutes of the mceting of SepT.~rtt~er 2~+~ 1~79 bc appr~ved. subJect to a correctton on page 7~-7~5~ second linc~ of thc second paragraph~ ren+~ving the word "not"; and that thr_ minutes of the mr.etinq af October $. 1979 b~ approved as submi tied. CUMMiTTEE APPGINTMENT Commissloner F~y nominated Gommissioner David to ser~ic as a member of the Communlty Development Block Grant Corrrnittce represcntin~ th~ Planning Commiss(on. Commissianer Tolar offertd a r•~otion~ seconded by Commisstoner King and MOTIOP! CARRIED, thai naminat(ons be closed, The motion that Corrmissio~er David servc an the Gomnunicy Uevelo~menG Block Grant Commi tte~ passed U!~At11M0USLY. Commi~Sioner Fry offered to serve as an al ternate when Commtssicx~er Davld could not atta~d. ITEM NU. 1 REPO~RTS A 0 RE:COMME~IOATIG JS .~~- -- The foilcawing Reports and Recommendrtfans staff reports werr presenied but not read: 79•76; to/22/79 ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNIMG COMMISSI0~1~ OCTOBER 22~ 1979 79-7~~~ REPORTS AND RECOMMENUATIONS (continund) A. CO~IDITIAMAL USE PERMIT N0. 144; - Request from Tri-Freew ay Business Corrplra:~ Ltd. ~or approva o a ch ropr~ act7 e offlce es a specific usP at 2115 West Crescent Avenue~ Suite B. The Commisslon briefly discussed thts particuler use at this locatton~ with Commissionar TolAr indtc~ting he would offer a motion far approval with clarlficAtion that this use not became a part ~f the list used to determine approprlatn uses in the fndustrlal area. Commissianer Herhst steted he hAd na obJectlon to this use at this lucotlon~ but felt thls type of use would heve adverse ~ffccts on other industrlal locatinns and felt the Commission sh~uld revicw each requcst on an individu~) basis~ nnd felt the petittonpr should be present ta expl~~in his proposal. Comr~lssloner l~ushore sugqestcd the use t~e reviewed aftcr a certain tlme limit~ and Jnck White~ Deputy City Attorney~ exp181nPd a timr. limi[ would he a modlfitation of the origfna) pcrmtt nnd the matter would havr. ta be rec+dvertised. Commtssionor Tolar indicated he has no cnncern I~ecause the C~mmission can revoke ti~e pcrmft if thr. use cret+tes an advcrsc effect on th~ t~calth~ safecy and welfare of the cltizcns. ACTI~N: Commissianer Tolar offererf ~ motion~ secondrd by Conmissloner David and M N CARRIEO, that the Anaheim City Planning Commi•:,s(on does hereby determine that a chiropractic office should be included as a specific use permlt~ed unde~ Condi[ional Use Perm(t Nu, 1443. f3. ABAf~DO~lHENT N0. 79-7A - Request from R. G. i;arlanci Corp. to t~handc~n a Cf ty sterm ra n easer+ent ocated c~n the ~ortheast carnzr of Tustfn Avenue and Riverdale Avcnue, consistin~ of a 10-fnot w(~iP strtp of lend approximately 19~3 feet long; thet tl~e storm drain t~as nat been c.r~nstructed~ sn relr,cating Yhe easement a~ea crentes no nroblems At this time; ar,d that an envimnmental review of the proposal tndicat~s tt to be categnrically exerr~,t from the ftitng of An cnvi ronmcncal irr,~act report. ACTION; Commissioner Y.inc~ offerr,d a motion~ seconded by Commisstoner Tolar and MCTIUN CARRIED~ that the Anaheim City Ptanning Commission dc~es herGby recommend to the C i ty Counci 1 thAt Abandc~nment ~ic~. 7^•7A be appr~ved as recommendcd by the City Engineer. C. ABP.NDOf~MEt~T I~O. 7~~8A - Re~a~xst from Bruce 8. Dow+man, lJni ted Cal i fornia 8ank~ ~rustees~ ta ab~ndon and quitclatm a portion of the north side of City-owntd fGe tiile to ~ight-of-way of Santa Ana Chnyon Road~ approximately 5500 feet tast and west of Weir Canyon Road~ tagethcr with reletcd slape eascn+tnts and, In return, the app~ica~f proposes t~ reallg~ Santa M a Cany~n Road with a n~r ck dicatton alang the south slde of Santa Ana Canyon Road. Cocmilssloner Nerbst po'.nted out he did not feel he property awntr should have to pay for that erea to b~ Quitclairrxd, bvt would vote (ro favo~ since it wi 11 be dlstussed by the C1 ~y Counct 1. ~o/z2I79 s a MINUT~S~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING GOMMISSION~ OCTOBER 22~ 1979 ~g~~6~ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATI0~~5 - ITF.M C(continued) AC~TION: Conmissinner David offrred a n~tion, sec~nded by Commis~lon~r Tolar ~nd M~TION CAItRIED~ thet the Anaheim Lity Plennl~c~ Cqmmtsslon does herehy retomrtx:nd to the City Council that Abandon ment No. 19- 8A be ~pproved, subJect to the following condltions: 1. That the City Counctl~ by resolutlon~ approve tht ahandonmenC. 2. Applicant to landscapc~ irri~atc anJ rnAint~in al! of thc ad.jecent slope a reos . 3. Appl i cant to dedf cate the addi tianal ri Uht-of-w~y requl red ta .~ccorr~l ish the proposed realignmcnt of Sant~ AnA Canyon Road. 4. All rnadway and slope area remaved and/or reconstructlon necessary t~ accom~,lish [he reallgnment wlil be done at no cost to the City, 5. Reserving a publlc util(ty easement unto the S~uthern Californla Edison Compeny and P~~cific Telc~~hone Company to ~ccari,~date their jaint us~ faciltties I~cated within the arei to bp quitcla(med, D. COIJDITIONAt, USE PERMIT N0. G21 - Reraucst from tiorman J. Priest, Executive rec[or~ ornmun ty eve oprnent pep~rt-nrnt~ to ter~~inatc Conditiona) Use Perm(t t~a. G21 on propcrty at 4'll West l.Incoln Avenue as a candition of approval of Reclassiflc~clon No. 7~-7q-44. ~CTI(;1~: Commissio~er Ilerhst offerrd Ri~solution No. PC7~-213 and mov~d for its passnge anJ adopti~n~ that the Anahr.im City Plannlnq Commisslon cioes her~by grant t~~e requcst for terminacion of Condition,~1 Usc Permi[ No. 621. On rol l cal l~ the foregaing resoluti~~n was ~assed t~y the follcawinc~ vote: AYES: COMMI5510NER5; GAR~~E:S, DAVID~ FRY, tICt~HST~ KING, TOLAR NoES: COIU~IS5I~NER~: r~Or~E AUSE.'~T: C(1MNISSIONERS: NONE At~STA I N: COMN I SS I ~t1ER5 : aU51!ORC E. CQi~DITI0I~AL USC PERMIT 110. 197.; - Request from Narrnan J. Priest~ Ex~cutlve rector. ommunity Deve opment Department. for termination of CondEtiona) Use Permit No. 1~~25 on property at 12~ North fielena Stre~t as a condition of approva! of Reclassi ficat(on No, )f.i-79-4b. ACTIOti; Cortxnissioncr tierbst offered Resolution No. PC7~-7.14 and moved for tts passage and adoption~ that the Anaheim City Pl~~nninc~ Cc~xrmissl~~n ciocs hereby grant tlie request far termin~tian oF Conditionai Use Permit No. 192;, On roll call~ the forec~in~ resolution was passed by the follow(ng vote: AYES; C~MNISSIQI~ERS: Cil~FiNES, D,AVIO~ FP.Y~ NERRST, KItiG~ TOLA~ N~JE:S : COf1P!1 SS OOt~ERS : NO"1E ADSENT: COMMfSS{01~ER5: t~Ot~E AE35TAI ti: COtiNI 55 IOt~ERS : 9USf10RE iQ!22/7~} ,~ MINUTfS. ANAHEIM CITY PLAN~~ING CQMMiS51~~)N~ OCTQDCR 22. 1979 79•76A REPORTS ANp RE~pMMCNDATIONS (continuec!) ! F. vARI/~~CC N0. 2~ 1- Request f~•om Pd~rman J. Prlest. Executive Dlrector, Community ev~ e~opmont ~pertment~ for t°rmination of U+~rlance No. 2>31 on pr~n~erty at 120~ 122 and 122-1/2 North IlArhor 9oulevard as a eondition of approval of Raclassification No. 7$-7?-t~1~, AC~ ~OPJ: Cocxnissioner Herl~st offered Resolution No. FC7!1-2~5 and moved for its pASSAge t~nd ado~tlan~ th~t lhe An~heim City Planning C~mmis~lon ck~cs hereby grant ~he request for termination of VArtancr Na. .'S31. On roll c~ll~ the foreqoln~~ res~lution w7s t~assed by the follcr.,in~ vote: AY~S; CnMNISSI~1NFi?S; Gl1R~If'.S~ Dl1VID, FRY, NCRII~T~ KI~I~~ 'TOLAt; N~E;: C(~MM1S ~ I'1-~ERS: '!0'IC Af3SE~.T: Cn-~r~~ 5~ IOi1E.P.5: ~d~,IC Af~ST~I!J: COM-•~I~~SI~-~CRS; t1USIi~RC G. V/1RIA~ICI. ~10, 1f1w: - R,~nucst from Nurr~,in J. P~irSt~ Executivc Dir~ctor~ Communtty eve onrrrnt e~art~x~nt, fc~r t~rmin~ti~n nF Variance tlo. 1~~+2 on ~~rn~erty IoCAted .~; 11'~ N~rth Lcrmn Str~•ct .~s t~ c~~n<;iticn uf ap, ruvr~l of Rcc.l.~+ss(ftcatl~n No. 7t~- 7`.)-; .7. ACTIi1N: Com~~,i~,sianrr Hcrhst offcrcd Rcs~lutinn !~a. PC79-~lc, and moved for i[s pa- ss.~;r ~7nd ~do~ti~n~ thit thc lln~hcirn City P!inninn Gc~i*riissf~r~ clocs hereby ~~~n[ the requcst for tr,rr~in.~ti~~n of Var•l~~ncr No, 2~~+2. Jn rol I cal) ~ thr. fc~rc~;~pin~~ rrsolution was nasseci by the fc~l laain~ v~tr_; l~YCS: C~N!til' S IO',CRS; E3~RiIC~, D~VI~~ f RY~ HEP,~ST', k.111G~ T^L~1R 'I~LS : C'~MMI ~~ 10';EQS : 11(;IIE A~SCtJT: C~MNIS~t~"~fRS: ~~011E AL`S?/11'~: COtt-!lSSI("IE~'S: 6U5NORE. I{~ VARIA~JCL N~l. 1`„'.i - RenuesC fror~ Norman J. Pr,est, Executive D)rect~~r~ Cammunity ve cprnent e{~artmcnt~ for t~~~~InAt1on of Vari~nc~~ r1o. 1°."~, on pronerty located et thr. northwr_st c:orne:r of l.~ncotn Ave~ni~c• end Nel~~na StrEet as a condition ~~f annroval of Reciassi fitatinn No, 7(i-7q-t+~~, ACTI~fl~ Cor~r+issioner H~rbs[ oFfere~ Resolu~ion ;fo, PC7?-~'17 ~nd maved for its pas~~~r and ado~tian, ~hrt th~~ Anahcim Cicy Plarminr, Cor,v~ission ctnes h~ereby gra~t tt~c request f~r terrin:~rlr~r, of Variance No. 1~2f. Cn ro) l cal t~ t~e fort~qpin~~ rr..solution was ~A55Pd by the fo) i~rrin~ vote: AYCS; ConM1~5~0!r~RS: ~/1R.r~FS~ DnvlO~ FpY~ ~~EP.tiST~ KI~~f;~ Yc~LAR tlOE:S: C~rtri1551~':-;Ci~ : `~O~;f. ADS~NT: Lc)NN~S51~-~~RS; iJQ`cE AEl57A1 ~~; CnM!1i 55IQ'IEFtS: k3U5tI0P,E ~~/zz/;~ MI NUTES ~ ANANf.I M C ITY PLMINI !IG COMMI SS IOta ~ OCTOBER ?.: ~ 1~17') 1~- 7G9 ITE1~ ~IU. 2 CONTI'IUf'D PU(3LIC IIE.~PIIIG. 0~lNEP: GUI.F OIL C~Rf'. ~ •I ~EGA ~'E UECL/1a~T1f1N 1~5~1 Avenue of the Stars~ Los Anqcles~ Cn An~;G. RCCLASSI ICl~T1f1!I NO~~ 8~-i~+ AGF.IIT: R~)ElCRT M, TEPPCP.~ P.O, dox ~1't, horthrlcfge~ ~AtIjW E N. CA ~1;?4, Pr~~~r~rty descrlh..~l ~~s a reGt~ingul~~rly- sha{~e~J nerc~l ~f lsn:~ c~ns(r,tin~i of ~~~roximetcly ~,1~ acrc Ic~catrd rt thr no~~thw~gt c~rncr of 5outh Strcet~ h.avln~~ ap{~raximite frc~nta~;e!~ of 17~, fcet c~n thc north sld~ ~f S~~rth Street and 15~ fcet on thc wr..st slde of f_ast Strer..t~ nnd furthr_r descrlbed ~~s 7:7 Soutl~ Cast Street. Pr~pr.rty presently clASSified 11L (IN;yUS~TRI~L,~ LIMITED) T.ONF. RE~UESTED CL~.SSIFIC!-TION; CL ~COI~MERf,IAI~ LIMiTLD) ?ONf. R[.QIIESTEp VARIAI;Ct : NAIVCR OF MINIh1U-~ NUM[ff.R Or RE.QUIREb P~P,Y,I,'f SPACES TO COPIS'rRUCT A C~N-~EF',CIAL ~f1f1PFItIG CCNTE.R., i~~b.)cct pstlt:l~;n was e~ntt~ucd fror~~ the ~rct~n~;ti ~f Sc~~tc~~t+r.r :!~ an~f Oc.tohcr ~~ SA79~ .it thc~ request ~~f thc~ ~r~t i t ioncr, I t w.is nc~t~d thc pet i t ic~ncr t~.~s rc~,i~~ ~s tP~~ t~~,~t thi :, ~~t i t ion bc ~ri thc'r~wn. l1CT1(111; Comr~isslonNr U~v(d off~~r~ a rmf ~~~n, Srcnnd~d hy Co~~if'I55I~~ncr Tol,ir and M~TIO-I C RI? E:D~ that the M.ihcim CI[y ~'' ~~{n~~ ~':r~r1x~~iSSi~n rl~~rs her~•l~y ~r~~nt the rery~x~5t by the petitloner tc~ ti~(chdrnw c~n5icie n o' ~?ecl.isslflcatir~n 'li~. 71-'>~-1~~ .'+nc; Varlance No. 31 iE,. I TE~t ta0. (~ EIP, r'~IEC,~TIVE UCCLnanTtn~, COrIUITIO~~AI U~E PER.r~1T -. rPCta~~gul.irly-sl,ar~e~l ~~;~~ ~ Southwc~5l CO~f1r~r of WI ''ii . of i~; fect on thc sa '; - Anahcim Go~levard, a~~~: ' . .~ ~resently cl.~ss(fic•ci CG i;•,~,~. '. PUE!LIC !~EP,F~I`If. O~INEPS: tiASOU~) DAF.K}#~R~ E7 AL, 73~~ ~ 1 tr Ur i vc ~ An.~hr.i r-. C!~ '?2b~ J, AGENT': JUSEPH J. Ti10RMP~-J, 17~'.~~1 Sk~,~~r~ C( rclc~ I rvinc, CA ~: )!4, Peti[ioner ~r~iuc~sts prrr~ission t~ E`TItRLlSr; "." AIiTCM~0ILE SALF~, ACE'NCY r.in ~ro~crty dcscrfbcd as a :,~, ; c~nsis,in~~ ~f ~~p~r~xlmately '),4~ acri~ located a~ the '~~et and P.r~~h~im E3oulevir~'~ h~~vin~~ ~nc+roxi~te frc,nt.~ges .:;lhclr•~ina Str~r.t an;! :~~ feet on che wtst sidc of ;r.scriG~ed as ~ 1`?-631 tJr~rth 11n,~h~,tc~. Uoulevard. Property I AL ~ GE~~ER~1L ) i Q~IE . It wa5 notc~l th~ pTtiti ~~~ ,~s rcquc°.,L~d ~h~t suGJect ~etition he cnntinucd for tr.~~wecks in o~der to Sub~~i t rrvi ••~ ~ns. ACTIOtJ: Cornr~issinncr ~ol,~ _~ffer ! a mc~tlon, scconclcd by COr~tI55ICr11Cf David end -~OTIOFI CARRIEf~, that the Anar~ '~ .. ty P' ~nn(ng C~mmission r.bts here~ay continue consideratlon of Condi t ic~na 1 Use Pe rmi ;'~~,. Zn2q .o the requ) a~ ly-schedul ed ^~eet i nr c~f th~ P1 anni nh Gomm(ss~an c~n N~vembrr _;, l~7!~, at thc request of thc petition~r. Pr~or to vr~ilr~: <~n t~~c prtvlous r.~otion, Ge~~n Sherer~ Zonin, Rr.p~eseniatlvc, explained thc peLitinner hacl inc}icated he would be chan9ing the plans which cr~uld r~:qulre ~-.~~vertiisen+r~nt c~~` [he entire macter~ and the ac~cnt was present and indicated thcy would it:e to sub~it tt~P orlqlnei plans a~d thcr~ wnuld bc nc.l need to rc,~~dvr,rtise [hls matter. 10/22l79 ~~ MINUTES~ AIIAl1E1M CITY PLANNING COMNISSI011~ OCTOBER 22~ 197'~ 79~770 I TCM NO• 3 PUdLI C NEI1R1 NG. OWNER~, ; SMI ftISfIE3At3U 11. PATEL N~~t` E~t ~1Et~71~~~VE QECL11fL1TI0N PUSIIPl1 tJ. PATEL~ 21-+; South tlarb~r Houle~vard~ RECLASSIFICA ION N0. 7~?-i~0-1~ AnAhetm~ Cll ~2(~02~ AGENTS: TIIOMAS CASE.NZl1 AND ~~~L U. ~ ft I I... 27 KEN-~ETII MC I ~~TY RC ~ 3~ 1 South R I chmond Avenue ~ Fullertun~ C~ ~2~3~. Prot+erty describcd as a rectangularly-sf~aped C?arcel of lnnd e~nslstlnq of Approximatety 0.~ acrc havinc~ a fronta~e of ~p~roxim;,tely 1f10 feet on the w~st s~de of N,arbor Boulevard~ hav(nq a m~ixirnur, depih of apt~roxtn~~tc~ty 27~ fcet~ I~einq locateci approxi- mately 6~~J feet south uf thc centr.rllnc af OrAngc~woc,c; f.venur,, and fur~l~er d~scribed as 21~+5 Sauih tlerbor Houlevard. Pr~perty pr~sent ly cl ~~ss ~ f ir~' RS-A-~~3,'~n~ (RCS I pENTI AL/AGfcl CULTURl~L) 7.QtlE, aEQU~STE~ CLASSIFIC!'1;~-!; fL (C0~IMCRCIAI, LINITCU) ZO~~E=. REQUESTkO COIIDITIO'cAL USf.: TO PCRMIT CXPA'I51~'I OF AN CXISTIrIf MOTEL. There was no onc Indicating thcir nrc~sence in o~~pc~siti~r t~ 5ubject r~quest~ and although thc staff rc~ort to thc Plnnning Commissinn d~~tc~~ ~c,~hrr 7: , 1~7~ was not read At thc publie hcarln~, lt (, rcfrrrcd to and r-,adc n part c~F thc min~tes, Thomas Casenta~ ~~gen[~ w85 ~resent to anS~~C~ t-ny qurstions. TNE FUULI C NCARI IIG UAS GLOSE:U. Commissloncr E~usharc aSke<I a;~out thc 1'~ fect nf l~ndsc.a~in~ ~roposcd betwr~en the existinq bulldin~l •~nd thc currcnt building, ~ind Mr. C~senza c+ointcd out thcrc is exlsting landsc~.~ing there~ L~ut thc fcnte is so hic~h you C.~nnot see it. Ne noint~d out the arr.as tc: be lr~ndsc~pc~i on tf~c c~lan. Lommissianer flusho~e~ pointec! out th~~ are~~ necds to be cleaned up and the tr,ash removed and the landscaping planted as pron~~sed, He askcd if thc trash nin ar~as would be moved bciween thc new manar~er's unf; nnd t`~e exlsting mar~a~er's unit, Mr, Cascnza pointcd out they wauld havc t~ get appmval of the trosh locAtf~n from the Sanilation Divtsion, but that they have thre~ dlffcrent locations where they ~.:ould place the trash areas. Commtssioner Fsushore asked about access for the cr~+sh and taunAry trucks~ And Mr, Casenza pointed out thcy are currently using tt~e access frnm the ad.~~~cent pr~perty and ootnted out thc management wi1) be doing thcir own laundry and there wll{ be no laundry trur.ks in the future. Ne explained there is an acc~ss in the back that wtll he cleared. Commissioner aushore ~ointed out hc was conu~rned about the overhang in the front and the dGGC55 fo~ the lhrge trucks~ and Mr. Cas~nza potnted out the ~verhann will be coming down wlth the new addlt(on. Commissioner Qush~re polnte~i out he had been to the sltc on the ti+cekend and a~ain today and that the pa~1 area was compleiely o~,en~ ~nd he w~s concerned about liaallity wlth n4 fenc~ny. Mr. Casenz~n pointed out they have had a ternpc~~a ry fe~c~~ but had taken it down to pour the foo;~~ngs for a permanenc fence and scated thr.y would replace It. AC71UH: Cortrolssfoner King offered a mution, seconded by Coeunissioner Davtd and MOTION C~I~D~ that the Maheln~ City Plannin<a Corsmtsslon has revtewed thc proposal to re~lassify tf~/22/19 .: •,~ •:, ... _, . . .. .. NINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, OCT08ER 22~ 1~7;) 79-' 71 EIR NCGATIVE DECLARATION. RECLASSIFICATION N0. 79-80-15 AtID CONDITIONAL USE'_PCRMIT N0. 2027 subJect property from the RS-A-4';~0~~ (Residenclal/Aqrtcultural) Zone to thp CL (Corm~crclal~ Lir~ltecl) Ione to permlt thP expanston of en existinc~ mot~l on a rectongularly-shaned ~Arcel of lnnd cnnsistinc~ ~f approxir»telY ~.7 rcr~ havinc~ a front~~ge of ~~p~roxim.~t~"1y 1Q~ feut on the WP.SL sidr of Herhor aoulrv:+rd~ hevin~ a m~xlmum depth of apprnxir,ately 27~ f~et, anJ beinq located A~proximately (,(1~f feet south ~f the cent~rl (ne of Orangr.wcxyd Av~>nue; artid docs hercby np~~rovr the Ne9ativP Drtlnrat(~~n from th~ requl rer+ent t~ ~~rtp.~re ,~n envi ronment•'~1 in,pact rc~~~ort on thr hASIS th<~t tF~Fre would be no sihniftcant ind(vidual or cumulAtive aevrrs~ ~nvlronmental ir.~act c!ue to tl~e a~~,roval of th(s Negative Ueclarati~~r- stnce thc ~nfiheim GenerA) Plan d<•siqnntes the suhjcc.t property for commr_rcial-rccreatl~~n land us~~s cnnx,rnsurate w(th thr nroposal; that nc~ sensitive environmentr+l (ripacts ar~ involv~d in thc pronosal; th~it the Initiil Study submlttcd by the petltloner indic~~tes no si~~nif(cant indfvi~iual or cumulativ~ adverse environrnental irr~acts; and th~t the tiegacive Dr.cl~~ratic~n s~~istantiaCiny che forr.~~otng ftndings is nn file in thc City of Anih;~im Plannin~a Department. Cc~nxhisslnner K(n~~ offcred Resolution -~o, PC7n-2~16 ~r~! nx~veci for its ~a5sacac and adeptlon, [t,at thc An~hcim Ctty PlanninJ Cor~riission docs hereby grant Pc~Ition for Recl.~ssiffcetion t~o. 7`~`~~'1 ~, subj~tt. tc~ thc pc[itioner's stipulatit~n t~ provicle trash location areas as ap~rove~ by the Sanitation Dfvision and subject to Interdepartmenta) Cc~mmlttr.e reco~xnendati~ns~ excr_pt No, 5 heinca deleted, requiri~g that the driveways be removed and/or rtwnst ruc;cd as rr~ul rcd by thr Ci ty Enqi necr and i n accorcfancr wi th s tandard plans and specificatlans an file in the off~ce of th~ Clty Enc~ineer pri~r to final butlding and zonlnq inspecti~ns. On roll call~ the fnrcqoing resolution was nass~d by thr foll~winc~ vote: AYES: COF!MISSI~~~E?S; FlAR1~E5, E3USf1URE~ D/~VID~ FRY, HER4ST~ KIN('~~ TOLAP NOF S; COMMI SS 10!IERS : NONE ABSEIJT: C011MIS~IONERS: NONE Commissloner Kin~~ offered Resalutian Nv, FC79-2~7 ~nd rnoved for its pass~ye and adoption~ that the An~heim City Planning Commisslon dc~~s ficrehy grant Petition fpr Conditional Use Permit ~~o. ?0~7~ sub_j~.ct to Intardenartr~ental Committee reccmrnend~tions. On rol) cait~ the foreyc~ing resolution r~as rassed by the followinq vote: AYES: COMHIS~IOIIfRS: BAR~lES~ DUSIIORE~ DAVID~ FFY, t1EP,~ST, KING~ TOLAR ~~OCS: GOFW I ~S I OIJf P,5 : NOt~E Ai~SEt~T: C~H11155 I OIIERS : t~011E Cc~mmissianer Dushcre as{~ed if [hc E:xistiny siyning would havc co be brought into conformance with code requlremenCs~ and Uean Sher~r, Zonin~~ Renresentative, ex~lained they would not have to chanqe the er.isting signs~ but any new stc~n$ would have to c~nform. to/22/19 ~ MI NUl'ES ~ I1NM1E 1 d1 CI TY PI,ANII l NG COMM I SS I ON ~ OCT0I3F.R 2?. ~ 1979 79- 77' ITEM N0. 4 PUQLIC HEARII~G. 01JNCR5: W1ILTER E. A!ID DLA~ICH:: ~~tEZ;'~T'VC QECIARAtION 11ANA~IAN LA FQRCE ~ P.O. 8ox (~2Q~, Anahcir~~ CA '~?(~16, VARIA~J E NO_ 11, AGLNT; JOIIN F. SWIt~T~ 7~7 West North Street~ TEI~TATIVE MAP OF TR~1CT Nc1. 1~~J77 Anaheim~ G!1 ~12f3~~. Property describec! as a reetangularly-stiapcci p~rcei of land eonslstinn of a~+nroxtmotriy 1.? acres hnvinc~ a frontage of Appraxl- mately 167 fect c~n thc north side of Lincoln Avenue~ havin~ a maximum depth of ap~ruxi- ma[ely 300 feet~ being lc~cated ap~roximately 960 feet M/P.SC of the centerline oP Western Avenue. and further descrtbecf as 3311 West Linc~ln Av~nue. Propcrty pre~ently cl~sstfted RS-A-G3~000 (RCSIDCt~TI~I./AGRICUI.TURAL) 20-IC. VAPIMJCE RCQ~EST: 11AIVER OF RCQUIfiCD LOT ~RONTAGC. 'TfNTAT!'!E TP,ACT RE~)UE~7: ~ 1~-L~T, lh-UNIT, P,N-3nc» SUElL`I~~IS!(1t1, There was no one I ndi c~C i ny tl~ei r presence 1 ~i op~~s 1 t i on to s ub ject reques t~ and ~1 though the staff rcport to thc Planning Corm~ission d~,ted Octobcr 2::~ 1~7~1 wds not read at the public h~aring~ it is refc:rred to And made a~art of ;he minutes. John Swlnt~ agent, was present to answcr any questions. THE PUBLI C IIEIIRI NG ~.lAS CL~SED. (t was noted thc CIR Ne~ative Uccl~~r~tinn has hcen ~r~~i~~usly a~proved For thts pro.ject in conjunctton wi th Reclnssi ftcatian I~o. 7~1-P~0-4 and Variance ~~o. 3117 on July 16~ 1~?7~±. Af.T10~~; Cotrnnissioner King offcred R~solutian '~~. PC7~-.~F, and moved `ar tts pass~ge and adopt~~on~ that [he Anahclm City Planning Commission do~~s hereby grant 1'etition for Variance No. 3111 on tlie basis that the retttio~er lntends to sell the -mit5 as 'ndiv(dual lots rather than as statutory ai r s~ace condominiur~s ~ therc are speci~~l ~:1 rcur!~stances applicable to the pronr.rty~ and provid(ng that al) lots front on a dedicat.ecl ~treet would mean a loss of the use of che land and make it impossihle to rrovide adequ.~te interior clreulation~ and aubject to ~nterdcpartmental Coc~mittee rrcnrnmendattons. On rol l cal) ~ the foregoiny resolutio-- was passea by the fol lowinq votr: AYES: COMM{SSiO!JERS: BARNES, BUSNORE~ DAVID, fkY, HERBST~ KINf,~ iQLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: tI0P1E IIBSENT: C~HMI SS I OPIERS : h!0-IC. Co~ranissioner Y,ing offered a motion, that the Anaheim City Planninc~ does wi[t~ its dpSlt~f1 and impi•ovcr+r_nt~ fs pursuant to Govc~rnment Cod~ S~ction Tract No. 10877 for a 15-1~t~ 14~un cor~ d i t i on s: seconded by Commissianer Davtd and MCTION CARRIED, hereby find that the proposed subdivislen, together consistent with the Cfty of l~naheim Gen~ral Plan. GGh73•5 ard docs~ theref~re, ~pprove TentaGive M~p of it. RM-30~(1 subdlvisian~ suhject to the folla~ing 1. That should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivislon~ each subdiviston thereof shat! be submiti.ed in tentative form for approval. 2. That all lAts within this tr~ct shall be served by underground utilities. 3• That the original documents of the covenants, condltions, and restr(ct(ons~ and a lstter addressed to deveioper's title campany authorizing recordatton thereof, shall be submi t ted to the C i ty .~t .~ rncy's Of f i ce an~i approved by the C 1 ty at torney's Of f i ce a~d En~ineering Divtsion prlor to final tract map appruval, Said documenCs, as approved~ shall be fi ltd and recordcd in the office of the Orange County Recarder. to/22/79 ~ MINUTCS. ANAf1EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOHER ?.2~ 1979 79'773 EIR NEGATIVE OECLARIITION VARIA~~CE NO 11 ANO TENTATIVE MAP (1F TRACT ~~0 10$ (continued) 4. Th~~+t street nnnx~s shal) hr, arprov~rl hry thr. Clty Planninc~ Depflrt~nt prtnr to apnroval of ~ fin~l tract rna~s. 5. That dratnage of said rr~perty sh;all bc ~~ispos~c, o~ In a m~~nner satisfACtory to thc City E:n~Jlnenr. If~ in che pre~aration of tt~c sitc~ sufflcient qraclin~~ Is required to nec~ssitatc n qredin~~ ~r.•rn,it, nc~ wor~: on c~ra~finc~ wi11 be permlttr.d h~t~~+c!Pn Octobcr 15th Ar-d ACrll 1;th unless all r~quire~f ~ff-site drainar~r. f~icilttl~s F1AV~ I~c~~n Installed and are ope~ative. Positlvc ossurance shell be provid~ci the City that such dr~ilna~c facllltles will br e~m~leted prior to Uet~er l;th. Necess.iry rl~ht-of-wAy f~r af~-stte dr~inae~e faci l i tl~~s sha) l l~e dedic.itc~~.1 t~ the Ci ly~ ~r the Cl fy C~~u~c( 1 sha) l have (nltl~ted condemr~tton procced'nys th~~refor (the cc~,ts of which sha11 he borne by the dcvr~loper) prir~r co th~ comn,cnc~~r,~ne ~~f qrr~~llnq o~~cratlnns. 'Thc re~tui rP~i dr~in.~qc facilities shall h~ of ~i sizc and tync~ sufficlFnt t~~ carry runoff watcrs or•i~~in~~tin~, fr~m hi7hr..r pro~+ertics throurih sai:i proc~erty to u1tiM~tr dis~sal as ,~~~r~vrd by the City Enr~inecr. S~~Id ~ralnr~~~e facili[fcs sh~~il ~c. the fir,t itcrn of cnn~;tructi~n .~nd sh~ll b~ completecJ ,~n~ be functinr~al throu~~h~~ut the tr~ict .~ncl fmm thc~ r!a•rnstrr~m boundary c~f the ~~roperty to the ultir~~itc polnt c~f r1(5('ttSAI prlor tc, the issuancr. e~f .iny final buf lc~lnq fnspetttons or occup~~ncy s,crmits. pra(na~~c district rcir~t~ursement a~recments m?,y be made avaflablc t~ [hc ckvrlo~ers of s.,i~i pr~~crty u~~n thcir rcq;x~st. G. That all privat~ streets sh~ll he dev~ln~~,*cf In .~ccordancP H~ifh the City of Maheim's St~~nd,ird Detail No, 1;? f~,r prlvae.e strc~ets. Pl.~ns f~~r t-~~ prlv~te ~~treet 1 ightinc~~ As requi rr.d by thc stinciard dctni f~ shal l he s~~hmittrd t~ .an.i ant~roved by the Clcctrie~~l ~ivision, Apprr~ved privatc strect li~~htin~~ plans sh,~ll then he Suhmitted to the f3ufldin~~ Uivisi~~n f~r inclusion with thc~ huilciinq ~jgns pri~r to is~,u~nce of build(nc~ pcrmits. 7. If permanent strc~~~t n~7rus St~~ns havc not t,ee~n inst~ll~d~ te~pc~r~ry stre~t namc signs shall be installed nrior to ony occup~ncy, 6. That thc awner(s) of subj~ct propcrty shal) pay the traf~iC siqnal assessrrx•nt fe~ (Ordinince No. ~G'?~~) ~ in an amc~unt as detPrm{ncd hy the Ci ty Caunci 1~ °or each ncrw clwclling ~ntt prior to thc is:uanch of .i buitdin~i ~~rmit. 9. That thc awncr(s) of 5!~b ject ~r~nerty sh~il l~,~y to the Ci ty of Artahrlm the appropriate parE and recrc:aclon in-licu fees as detcrriineu to be ~ppropri;ite by the City Countil~ said f~es to bF~ ~Ni~f at the tlme thc buildirg ~~r.rr,i; is issucd. 10. That the a~prova) nf TFntative Ma~ o~ Tr~ct '~n. i~°77 is ~~anted subject to the a~proval <~f VAriancP No. ~11'. 11. That prior tc~ the ~~Frroval of thc final map, .~ lettcr shall he suL~mttted to the Planning Corunission rr_questinc~ the termination ~f Rectass~fication No, 76-77-37 and Conditlon~l U~e Perr~it -lo. 1G~1. t0/z2/79 J' ~ MINUTES~ A~~ANEIM CITY PLAN'~I!~G COMMIS510N~ OCTOBCR 22, 1~7~ 79-774 ITCM ~JO. ~ PUEiLIC NEIIRI-!(', 0`l~~CP,: ~.Lr"i,~ !1. ~IOLVE b SONS~ ~1~E DECLARATI0~1 INC., P.O, tiox 41G, Llndsn~•, CA. ?3241. AGE~IT; SAN N IVER 0_ CODE REQU CM tlTS OSAQLI~E, P.O. Oax 3: 1?- IlewPort Oeach~ CA ~?6G3. CONU,~ I_ T 011l1L USE ERMIT t~0. 2024 PFtitloner requests 0-1-SALE AIC~NOLIt BEVERAGES AND EXPA'1510-I OF A Rf5~l111Rl~NT WITN WAIVER OF (A) MAXINUM sTc~uCTURnI HE_IRHT n~ir (f~) MINIMUM SIaE ~'ARD SET9ACY, on propcrty descrlbed ~s a r~ctanyularly-5h~~(~Cd ~r~~ccl ~,f land consistinc~ ~f apnroximotely ?..3 acres loeated at the northwcst corner r.,f f:atcl!a Avcn~c and Euclfd Strcct, havlnq ~pproxim~tc frontAges of 35~ fcet on t!~c nc~rth si<~e o,` Katella f~venuc .~+n~1 333 fer.t an Yhe west sldc ~f Eucitd ,,tr~~et, anA further ~i~scribecl as 172; West i:atella Avenuc, Propr.rty presently cluss(fic~± CL (C011MCRCIAI.~ LIMITCD) ZONF.. There was no o~~e Indicatiny thr.lr ~resenc.e in opn~sitlon to 4ubJFtt re~ur,st~ And althaugh th~ steff rc~p~rt to chr plannin~ Conx„iss(~~n ~1~~tcd October 2:', 1^7^ ~~as not rc~~r1 at the pub 1 I c hcar( n~; ~ 1 t i s re fc rrcd to nnd m~~d~ .~ -~irt ~f che rnt nutcs . Cor~wnissioner K(n, d~~cl,~rcd n conflict c~f Int~rest as dcfin~d ky A~aheirn City Planning C~mmisslon Resolution tlo, PC7~~'151, ~dn~tin~a a Conflict of Interr.st Code for thP Planning Cummdsslon, and Govcrrirrnt GoJc Section ~G,'.~ rt sc~., in that Y.atclla Realty~ Inc, ahu,s the proJeet on thc wr.s• ~nd !~(s w(fe ts associated wlth K~tella Realty And~ ~~ursuant to the provl s lons af ihe ahov~ codes ~ drel ~~re.d tc~ the Ch:~l rworwn tha*. he was wi thdrawing f rom the hear(nc~ in connectton with Conditi~nal Use f'ermlt N~. 2'1:° and w~uld not take part In elther the discussi~n or [I~c v~t(n~l thcrc~n~ And has n~t discu~~scd this f'~dtLPf wlth any mcrrbcr of the Plannin~~ Cormis~ton, TliEREI!P~f~~ CQ?1~tI~;InNE.R Y,I~If LEFT TIIE CQU'tCIL CHAl~OfR AT l:y~ P.11. John Uav(s~ agcnt~ w,s prescnt to an~,a~cr ~ny vucstions. T~{C PU(3LIC NC/IP,iNG W~; CL~SEU, Corm~lssioncr Du,hc~re in~ftcatcd the staff rr_~ort sh~+s ad~qunt~ n~irkln~~ is provlded hased on the pl.~ns submit;cd, but Lhat thc~ ~>ians suhmitt~d nre cilfferFnt than the property itself ~ polntln~~ out the>_ ~!arkinr~ spaces are. fence~i ~ff, rnd As4:ed what is behind the fence. Mr. Davis polnted out thcy will he cfeveloplny thr. pron~rty in acc~rdancr. with the plans as subrni tted. Comml~sioner fiushorc askcd i f the existin~ fence a~i l l be ren,ovec:. Ne also asked about tne tr~llers he h~d observec! on the property~ and Mr. Dav(s inciicated he would he willi~q to stlpulate that thc fc:nce and thr trnilers would be rerioved. Cornmissloner Nerbst clarified that there w~uld be no openinqs an the back wall and that the wall would be solld to providc adequate sound attcnuation. Chai rv+omsn Barncs I ndicated she was soncerned about the s~etk,ack, but fel t i t is n~cessary because the buildtnq (s existinq. SI-~e clarified that adjacent pro~r_rty owners werr. notified and that no correspondence has bn_en received. Hr. Oavls ex.plAlned the exlsting buildlnc~ ts alre~~dy In violatton of the code. AC710N: Commisstoner Talar offerPd a mocian, secanded by Cortr,issloner David and MOTI(~~~ R ED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commi:,ion has reviewed the praposol to permit on- sale alcoholtc beverages tr an ~xisting restaurant and to ex~+And an existing restaurant with waivzrs of maxinum structural height and ninimum side yard setb~ck on a 10/22I79 `~. NINUTES~ ANAfIE IH CITY PLAN~11-IG CQMtiI S51011, OCTOEiER 2?.~ 197~ 79-775 EIR IIEGATIVE DECLARATIO~! l1tlp CONDITIO~IAL US": PERMIT N0. ?.~?8 (continued) rectanyularly-sh~pe~l perccl o` t~nd con~istt nq ~f nr~roxlr~nt~ly ~.3 ec~es located a~ th~ northwcst corner o~ t;e•ella Avan~~ end Euclid Strcec~ h~,vin~ approxln+At~c fmncages of 3;~ fcot on the nortti sl~lr nf Katclin Avenuc +~nd 333 f~et on th~ weat slclr of Eucll~i Street; end cioes hereby e~prove th~ NegAlivc~ Oeclnr.~tlon fr~rn th~ r~ctuirement to ~r~~~,r~ nn cnvl ronrn~nta) i rn»ct report cm th~ bas Is that thcrc waul ~1 ~,~ no s i gn 1 f t cent. I nA) vl dun) or cumulotivr. AdvPrsc• ~_nvimnrtw~ntAl (m~net due t~ thc a~~~rnv,~l nf this N~nntlv~ D~cl.~r~tfon slnc~ thc An~h~ir~, Gi~n~rnl Pl,~n dest~~natc~s th~ subJc~ct rmc,rrty for ~~neral com~rrclA) '.And uscs corm~nsurntc~ w~ tl~ thc ~ro~~sal ; thnt no scnsf t i vr~ rnvi ronrrntn) irr~;ects ~~r~ (nvolv~d in thc p~onas:+l; t'i~~t thc Inltf~~) ~tudy suhmittnd fay tl~n pctit~on~r in~'icnt~s no sl~~n(fic<int Indlvldu~~l ~r curwl~'ttivr ndverse ~nvfr~nmrntni I~~nct.s; an~1 thnt th~ ~~enntlv~ ~elaretlon subtitanriatinq the for~ry~(n~~ fir~llnqs Is ~n f( 1~ In it;r City ~~f Annhcim I.~nnin~ d~~,~rtr-Mnt. C~r~mis~lc,~cr Tul~ir c~ffcre~l ~ mntir~n~ scr,~nrk-~1 I,y Cc~mrntti5lnr,rr Hcrt~st rnd MnT1~N CARRIf.O~ thAt the AnHhcir~ Cit.y Flannlri~~ CAmr~issf~n rk,cs h~r~hy ~~r~~nt rrqucst f~,r r~nivers of to~fe requi remrnts on thc bnsis that thc t,ui 1JInr~ i S rxistin~~ Rna Qx~an;lnn is tn th~ rear end thc~ c~ranting nf this w.~lvcr ~ka~s nut rcndcr thc I>rc,~~~rty any rK~rc ncmcnnf~rm(i~~ thAn cu~rently ~xists. Lamr~fssic~ner Tol~yr c:ffcrc~; Rcsc~luti~n Nc~, PC7~-?'1'1 ,~n~1 nxivccl far its (~~SSAqr and adoption~ tl~at thr. Anahcir~ i.lty Plnnni~~~~ C~rr~isslnn d~es hcr~t~y ~~rr+nt Pr.tltion f~~r ~unrll~lon~~) Us~* PPrr~IL tlo. ?02~i, ~;ubjrct t~ thc prtiti~ner's stlpul.~t~~~n th~t the f~nce and two tr~~l~rs I~~ thc re~ir wlll be r~•rnov~d, ~~nd sut,jcct to Int~r~lcrnrtrr~nt~l f,~rr~itt~e rccnmm~datfans. Qn rnl 1 c~~l 1, [hr. fnrc~~c~l n~; rc.sr~1 ut i~~~~ was ;~,'155Ct1 hy thr fc 1 Ic,wl ny vote: AYES: CONHISSI~1f~[R;: EtA^ilf.5~ aU~t10f~E, Dt•VID, rrcY, H~Rft;T~ T~LAR NQE.S: CANI!I55!0'IEfS: NONC ngsr~~T; cor,hissio~icrs: v.i~~r, COr~MISSI~N[R Klt-r, Rf.TU~~~E [i T~~ T~~E ~OUtICII_ Ct~AMCEP„ I TEM N'J. 7 PUI1L I C IiEAf~.I t~G, OWNF RS ; R 1 CI~f1ft0 B. A!1D NNt;CY Z. EIR NEGIITIVE UECLARIITIO~i NIHCHEST~R~ /,?~ Fontera, Pacific Palisades~ CA ~0272. CO!ID 01! L U:iE E HI N0. 1.~3h AGC~1T; RUSTY TURIICP ~ 1~G0~ Fai rr,hi l+i, Sui te 1;C~ Irvine~ C/1 '?271;. Pctltioncr req~x~sts permisston to ESTAeL I S~i AN OFF I CE 1 ~~ THE Mt. Z~NE ~n property described as a rectnn~~ulnrly-shapr~d ~arcr.l of !an~i consisting o4 ap;+rpxtr~tely ~.75 acre located ai the nor[t;rast corner of La P~Imo /'~v~nuc an~.f Tustin Avenue~ havtng epprox(m~te frontages of 133 fcet on the nnrth s i de of La PAI~'1A Avenuc and 17; fe~t on thP eas[ side of Tustin Avenuc, and further described as 38~1 East La Pr1Ma Avenue. Propcrty presently cl:~ssifled ML (11lDU;TRItiL, LIHITf.D) ZOI~E, There was no anr inclicattny tf~e~r presence in opposltlon ta sub)ect request~ and although the staff report to the Plann)n~ Commisslon dated October 22~ 1~7~ was not read at the publle hearing~ it (s rcferred to and medP a part of the r+in~tes. RuSty Turner~ ac~ent~ er~~ln(ned this is an existing~ abandc~ned se~vice stat(on on the corner and is presently bein~ used fo~ r~ fas; printinr~ ser•iice And ts a bft of an ey~sore. Fte explain~d they are prot~osing an industrla) real zstatr officc whiGt~ spettt~lizES fn tndustria) and c.unn~rGial prr~perties end tl~ey :rant tf~ls site for their Southern Caltforn(a headquarters. He cx~lained thcrc wi 1 1 bc no rstaf 1 uses in thls bul Iding and they would provide a l~cter to that eFfect. 10/22/~'~ i NINUTCS~ ANANCIM CIlY PLAt~NlNG GOMMISSION. QCTODER 7.?, 1~7~ ~3~~~~' CIR'~EGATIVE DECLARATION ANO C~NDITIOIUIL USE Pi.RN~T t~~• 2~3~ ~c.c-ntinucd) TNE PUGLIC H(.ARING WAS CLQ~C~. Cortmixsl~ner Kln~~ ref~rr~d t~ th~ s[~~ff rep~rt, p~intlnq c~ut this ~ror~rty la in the Pro~ett Al~ha ere~~ and th~t th~ Red~v~lop--~r~t Cormiceti~n'~withctheWc~ncfltic,nrthatclon and proposed usc~s and rtcomnrnAs ap{~rov~~) Af this »~r addlticxinl IandseAF,1n~ br ~src~vidcci In thc slte Interlor, er~d Nr, Turn~r in~llcat~~1 they woutd bc willin~~ to cor~~ly wltl, that r~can,rxrnd~~tl~n. hCTi~~l; f.c~rurl5sic,n~r KInc7 ~ff~rcd ~~ m~~tic~n~ scc~nclcd hy Co~missinncr 11~~rhst and !10T10-1 ~D~ th~~t th~ Mahei~ Cfty f'l~~nninc~ C~~mmissic~n hos rev(~we~1 thc re~~uest t~ c~crmlt an offlec In thc NL (In~lustrial~ L{mit~d) ?onc on ~~ rect~in~;ul,~rly-Shapcd narcc) of land e~nststtn<~ of aE~t~roxirrnt~ly Q.7; .~cre I~e~~trJ At the n~rthe~ist corner ~f Ln Palma Avenur. and Tustin llvenue~ hnvin~~ at~t~roxlr~tc front~~~rS ~af 133 fFet an the north si~fe ~f La Palma llvenuc and 175 feet an thc P.~st si~ic of Tustin flvenuc; an~t cfr~rs herchy ap~mve the Negatlve Declnr~itl~~n fron the rec~ul r~rrx~nt to prr.p~~re an ~nvl r~nmental in~ACt rr.nort on the. basls th8t ihcre woul~l bc no Significant individu~l ~r cum~~lotlvc adv~rs~ r.nvlronmcrnta! Irr,, aet Juc ta the a~~rovnl of thls Ncnati ve Dacl~r~itlon sincc the Anahcir~ Gencral Pl~~n designates thc subjec.t ~ropcrty f~;r grneral lndustrlnl land USCS corirw~nsur~te. with the proposal ; that no sensl t 1 ve envi ronmentat fnpacts arc 1 nvol ve<1 i n the ~roc~os~l ; that [he Inicla) Study 3ubmittrd by the ~Ptit(one~ lndicat~s no si~nifieant in~livl~fu:-1 or eumul~tive adverse envlr~nrrrntal ir~»cts; and th.it thc'Iccl~itivr Dcclaration s~~~~~tantlat~~~ the forcgoinq findln~~5 is ~n file (n thc Clty of M~heir~ Plinning De~~~rtr',~nt. Cornmissi~ner Kin~, offere~! P,esulutl<>n N~. PC7'I-21~ ind re,vcu for its nass~ye and ~doption~ that thc ~n~hcim Cfty Planniny f,c,mmisslon docs hcreby qr~~nt P~~titic~n f~r Conditional U5~ P~rmit Ila. 2030~ suhJect to the petitioner's ~tl~~ulatinn to f~vi>>~e~~ lett~trnin~lcating the recnmmendecl by the An~~F,elm Re~fevrlopment Conmission and to ~ proposed uscs fc~r thc~ r~m.~indr.r of the build(n~ ns f~llr.wrs: estrow c~mp~n(es~ architects~ contractors ~ en~i ne~~rs, real cstatc fi rms, lnnd dcvclopmnnt f i rms ~ nar.ufar.turcrs representatlvcs~ blue~~rinters~ r~il order comp~nies~ research and testing companles~ accounti~~ firms~ and Insur~~nce firn~s; ard subJect to Int~rdcpartment~l C~nr,ittee r e carnnen d a t i~~n s. On rol l eall ~ the forec~~~in~ res~luti~n was passccl by the fU11ow(ric~ vote: AYES: C~MI11 S~ I ~I~ERS : BARNES ~ BUSIIORF ~ UAVI D, FRY ~ IIERBST ~ KI 11G ~ TOLAR PIOES: C0~!MISSI~NFRS: NONf. ABSEIJT: CQhLMI5S10'IERS: «~~~~ ITEr~ ~ RE.ADVERTISED PURIIC HE~PINr,, REQUESTED DY: DONALD M, LOYPJD Laderbel ~ Inc. ~ 97~1 Wilshire aoulevard, EIR NEGI~TIVE DECLAR.ATION t3everl Hills CA n0212. Petitloner requests ~ ~~ L USE ERNI ~~~• ~~~~ p~~ETln~~ OF COI~DITION N0. 3 OF PLA~ItII~IG C~N~~~lSSION RC50LUT1(1!I NQ. PC78-215 REL~TI VE TO A RE2~1 REMENT FOR A FIRE ACC~SS EASEt+Cr~T on ~ro~erty de~cr(bed as an Irregularly-s'~at~ed Parcel of land conststing of approxim»eely 27.8 acres having a trontac~e of approximately 7~7 fe~t on th~c east slde of Nagnolia Avenue~ having a max(mum depth of arproximately 1(5~ fee4~ being located approxlma~tely 51> feet north of the centerl ine of La Palma Avenue~ and further described as 121?. North Magnolia Avenue. There was one person present in support of sub ject reques~~ and although the staff report to the Plannin~ Commission dated October 22~ 1~319 a~as not read at the ruDlic hearing, it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. 10/22/79 MINUTES~ ANAt1EIM C1TY Pll1~lNItIG COMMISSION~ OCTtliirR 22~ 1~7A 79~777 EIR NCGATIVC DECLl1RATIOiI AND CQt~DITIONAI, USC Pf.RMIT N0. 13F~~ (conttnued) Oonald Loynd~ am~r~. explalned that onc of thr. eonditl~ns ~f ~~+~mv,~l of Condit(o~al lls~ Parml t No. 18SG was th~t a fl re aeeets eASCricnt be provi dcd on [he e~st~rly portton of sub ject pro~~erty to fnci 1 i tat~ f i re truck eccess fr~m the Cal Comr pr~p~rty lacatcd to th~ east; that subJrct par~icx~ ~~f thc pmperty wll) not bc devel~~ed ~~t thts time and will ~ventu~lly be snlc.t; that the Ff ~e Dr.parr,mr~nt has indicate~l ~dcquc~te fire access Is ava(Inb1C for b~~th thc lr~lustrl~~1 can~~lr.x nnd ~he Ca) Comn ~rnnerty t~ the ~ast; and that a memo hns bcen suhmlcced by thr Fire De~ertnr.nt lndic~~tin!~ that the fire .r.ntry and ~~CGCSS eaSement requiren~ent Is not nec~ssary In Ilqht of the amendec! pl~~n ~f cl~vel~~r~nt, TiIE. PU(1LIC NEARII~G 1,IA5 Cl~',ED. It w~s n~~t~d ~in CIR Ne~_~ntlvc DeclArati~x~ had ber,n nrcviously n~~mve~ f~r this pro,ject. ~CTION: ~ misslc>ner -:in~~ r.ffe~e~1 R~SO~UL<<1n Ilo. PC%~-211 an<i ~avc~{ f~r Its ~assn9~ An~~ ~do~ti on ~ th, c the llnnhe t m Cl ty P1 ~~nn f n~J Commi ss l on does hcrehy grAnt thc request for dcletion of Condition 1~~, 3 of Pl~~nnln~a Carriitsfon P s~lutlon Flo. ~'C7~'-?.1; r~lative to A requl remr.nt for a f i re ACGe55 ~asr~rrnt. On r~l l ca) l~ the forc~~oin~~ reso~utlnn ~•~as ~~~issed by the foll~wtnq vote: AYES: CONHISSI'~~lfRS: EIARtiE.S. f3USHORC~ Dl1VIb. Ff!Y, Hf.R(zST, Y,iNG~ T1~LhR I~GES: C~'1M~11SSI~iIFRS: NOIIE AOSENT: CdM~~ I SS I n'~ CRS : t10'IC ITE.M N0. REA~VERTISCD PUI3LIC t!EItRI~IG, OWNEP; MAP,RIOTT CORP. ~ t M~~~TAL INP/1CT REPORT IlO. '1:~~ Att: Rilr.y Rot~fnson~ Construction Manayer~ 5161 CONDITIONAL USE ER11lT ~~0. 1 3+ Rivcr Roaci~ Washinc~ton, D.C. 2~~~~i, Petitloner re~~uc~sts AMfNDMENT TO CO~IDITIOtI N0, 11 OF RESOLUTION PC7C-12~! PERTAI~;ING TO E3LOCf; WALL NCIGHTS ALONG TNf. SOUTtI PROPF.RTY LINE on property describeci ~s .i rectrngularly-shaped pArcel of l~nd consistl~y of a~~~r~ximatel~, 1;.1 acres havine~ a franr~gc ~,f Approximatety 1115 feet on the south side of Canvention Way~ t~avir,g a maxlmum depth of approximatcly (~!13 fe~t, and being located approxir~ate ly ;0~ feet w~st of thc centerl ine of Narbor doulevard, There we~•e ftve persnns indlcatYn~ their presence in opposltion to subJect request~ and although thc staff rerort to thP Plannin~ Commissicn dated Octo4,er 72, 197~- was r.ot r~acf at the public hearinc~~ it is refcrred to and made a p~rt of the minutes. Alan Watts~ 105; Iiorti~ Main~ San[a Ana~ explaPned the Marriott Corporation is requesting that C~nditional UsC Permit tJo. t~~j4 be ~~rwnded pcrtaining to Cand(tion No. 11 requirinc~ the construction of a 1~-foot hl~h b1ocN. r~all afong the south {~ronerty line where the ho[el is presently under construction; that they were no[ requirPd t~ construct the wall prlor to the time of final bui lding inspection; however~ the petitl~ner fecls it would be appropriate to cunstruct the r~all at this time. He explained thcy I~ave met wtth the adjacent Shenrrood Village~ condominiwn owners on tl~c westerly portion and the single-famlly homeowners on ttie easterly portion and agreements have been reached with some of the a~ners to an~end the conditla~~ and that they a~r. still negotiating with others, Ne expl~~lned the urc~ency of thts request is the necessity to be~in constructlon of the wall immediately~ before the rainy season. Emery Kender, 7~+7 Eue~ene Place West~ Anahelm~ stated he is opposed to thc 10-foot htgh wall because it would black ai r circulation and that most of the property owners want a 6- foot high wall or na higher than 7 feet. Ile explained he is concerned about the safety of 10/22/79 MINUTLS, N~AHfIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOIi~ OCT~DER 22~ 1919 E1 R NO 21~ AND C01lDITIO~Il1L USE P~RMIT N0. 133~+ (tc~ntlnuGd) 79-77~ . ,~ ~..,~_ his walnut t roas becausc the footinc~s far A 10-fnot hiqh wa) l would be vcry cleep. He steted other ne(ghbors also hav~ walnut trecs. Do~ald Estle , 7~~3 ~uyen~ Placc ~./~st~ Anahetm~ explAinr.d hts is the n,ost Affected ~r~perty beeause the inc3ress and ~~~ress for tha heevy construction eaufnr*cnt is at his back. door and construetlan has been goin~~ on f~r four manths wlth nols~~ ~lust~ ~~nct brtlls ringinq from 7;Q0 a. ri, to 3:00 p,m. Hr. stated thc frnc~ ~~+as ~~ rec~uirrrr~nt ori~ii~il ly co allevl~-te noi se ond i i~hts f rom vls i tors ~t thc propc~ce~l '~c.~t~ 1 to thc s i r~~ Ic- fnrii ty res i dents . Hc statod he undcrst~inds th~ cc>nst ruction will nc~t bc cor~picc~~i untii A~rll, 1'~31, and th~ noi se~ dust An<i di rt hav~ he~~n eom~~let~ly unhe.~rable. He ex~>l~~t ncci thr ~~ feet of perforated fcncinq on ta~ o( L.he F-foc~t hly-,~ solid wnll w~5 ~ requlr~mcnt to alirnv for ~i r clreula~ lon Onc~ St~p son+~ c~f t~e no15~~ `~ut t~ d~itr nothin~ hns heen acCOmnllSf~~d t~nd nobody tnk~s any r~sponsi'~illiy. Nc ext+l~in~cl I,ir, ~•~ife ts ill and th~y c•inn~t open thelr windc~ws an<1 cloc~rs he~r,ause ~f tl:e dirt ~~+nd n~~isr. ~~e felt rhls eonstructl~n (5 dpvAluating hl s propcrty . Hc ~~res~~ntr.~~ .i 1 r~ttrr whi eh hc h~r1 recei veri frnm thc Marriott Corporat t~n StatlnywhaL they wiil r1c~~ but poi~t~•c! ~ut to c1atF~ n~t~,in~ h,is her.n done, (I[ 1s n~ted ~ copy of the lr.tter was not prrsente~f for thc file.) i-Ic st~te~1 hc has nc~ f~ilth In proml~e~ and feit sor+~eonr here h~~s nc,t dc.mr thei r j~h ~r~perlv, Commis5loner dush~~re <~s~.e~~ Hr. E5t1~ if hc~ ls In f,~v~,r ~f th~ 1~-fo~t hi~h fencc or the G- faot hlgh 1`ence~ an~l Mr, ~stlr re~liecJ he favors the f~nce is orlginallv ~~dopted (5 feet h i gh wl th b fcet of decor,tit i vc ~ pc rforatr~i fcnci ny r~n to~) ~ but that I~e woul d 1 i kr to have had tho wal ~ finished bcfr>rr construction brc~an, He A~50 In~ic~it~•d c~nc~rn fc,r his two walnut trecs, De 1(ght Nease~ 7~1 Lamark Dri vP ~!'.naheim, stateci she is in favor of the f~-foot hinh fence and th,~t thelr ma{n concern h.~d been that a i~-f~~t. hi~3h ~~all would be likF a nri5on wAll an d would h avc stopped the aI r ci rcu) ~~t ion alon , the back ~ and th~t they also have walnut t ~ees and were cancerncd bec<~us~~ thry ~3rr qui tc~ val uab le and the 1'1- foot wa1 1 cou) d damae~e t h cm, Jae~ White, Ueputy City Att~rney~ explained a cor~~unicatior~ has 4~cen receive~ fron the Communlty Center Au[hority~ owr-er c~f the aclj~cent pro~er-ty icxrcliate^ly to che west~ expit~tnin~J they E~ropose to cc~nstruct. a fencc which wi 11 he a continuation of the Marriott fence on the south propcrty 1 i nc and aske~J that the 9-foot high porti~n of the fencc match wi th their fence~ which would require that it be measureel from the ten of the footings. He stated he. understancls thc representatives fron Harriott have revie~.~•d r-~~ pia~~s submitted by the Communlty Centcr Authority and ar~~ in ayrePr~nt. t1r. Watts s Lated 1larrlott has revie~~r_d the CCA plans an~~ does eoncur with Che p~a~~s for tt~e fence. He stAted they have no signed agrecmr.nt witn the Sherwood V(llaqe homeowners re~ording Lhe '1-foot high, wal l~ but that they are in concurrence. TFiE PUDLI C HE/',RI Ilf, 41AS CL~SED. Commissioner Tolar asked i f the adJacen~ property owners present 4rant a 6-Foot high fence. Mr. Watts exQlained most of tF~e s ingle-fami ly awners except Mr. Estle do want the 6-foat high fence and that the petitioner is prepared to proceed with ~onstructlon of the wall immedlately. I~e stated Mr. Estle wants the 6-foot hi_yh~ salid block wall with 4 feet of perforated fencTng on top. Comnissioner Bu~hore asked if permisslan is needed from Mr. Estte for construction of the fence and i f Mr. Estle currently has a fence. 10/22/79 ~ MIt1UTES~ At1A~IL'IN CITY PlANN1NG COr~MISSInIJ, OCT08E~ 2?.. 1~7~ ~9~7~9 CIR N0. 215 <~ND CONDITIONAL USE PCRMIT tl0~31+ (continued) Mr. Estle repl teJ he has a st~e) wl re fence wI th s~me wa~d ~nd that thls ~r~p~sed fenee shovld have becn built b~fr~rc thr hqt~l Cc~~~stfuCtlon was s!.~-rted. Commissioner E3ushc,~~ ~x~~lalned once an ae~~c~e.~nc hns be~n rct~ched~ constructl~n of the wall can oe~~in, And it wes nc~tr.~7 by Mr. Watts that it could bc c~mpl~tpd wlthin 4~ days. Mr. Estl~ askecl tha Plnnniny Cor,xnlssl~ncrs to pcr5ont~lly visii his rrnperty In order to understand what Iic is tall,inc~ ~~bout wit» thc cyuipmcnt hcinn lo~~d~d an~.1 unlo~ded and delivcrtes b~~inc~ madc l~i f~et from th~ prorcrty 11n~• JeCk Whltc ex~~latneJ City sc~unr! r.~r~lin~+nct~s prrmit c~'~nstructlon r.quipmrnt to bcyin wo~ktng no enrl{er thAn 7:~~ a.~n. Chairwoman G~rnes ask~~~J w`~y thc constructi~n rclulPr~ent is so cl~se to the sinqle-ft~mi ly homcs~ indiet~tlr~y shc felt wit`~ .i ~~arec~l thi~, sir~~ they cc~ul~i h~ furthcr s-way. Ne Mr. Watts state~! this wl 11 I>e a lar~~r. strueture and requl res ~~ lot of cement footinqs, ercplalned th~ c.rment truc~.s are re~~uf red by law fn~ s~~fety ta h~ivr the bell rin~ wh~n they ~re b~cklny, He rx~l.ilne~~ t-,e foc~ti~<,~s for thc hc~tcl structure nre rclativ~ly r,lose to tt~c propcrty linc and that tl~~~ sinc~lc-farnily horu•~a arr_ also .~uilt closc~ to [h~ir rca~ p rope rty 1 I ne s. Commissicx~e~ Tol~ir statccl (t was rrc~~~.anizeJ from the bec~innlny th.it thcre would br_ a noisc prublem elurlnq construcricm. I!e felt tt~e hloc~. wT11 will hr_ip thc~ si[uatfon and shauld be can5tructed r]5 s«on is ,.~i55I~ If'.. Chnl rwcxn~in Oarnes fe 1 t tl~c ~~- ~`n«t +;i c~h ~ so '~f t, lock wal 1 shoul ~1 be anPr~ve~f ~ wi th no ex:ePtiUns~ indicatin~~ Sh~ di ' ~ t.~~ink A pr.rfc~rAtP~i fence adj~cent t~ Mr. Estle's crcperty woul d I~e ap~~i ..;,~•, ", ,c~ ~~tri5~ ionei Tol~ as~.r.~J !~rs. `~y shc hac' nc~dc'e~' '~cr head in conccrn~ and Mrs . ~~e~se re~licd sl+e rc.~li ~ ~~ L-f~~~t h~~~~ W~~~ ~~i 11 noc st~~~ tf~e n~(se and that the nolse wl~ i c~„rir;ue unt;l cc~.stt'uctiun is CUrT~~CC~'. 5he c~xplained there are fer~cc~s ther~ ncwr and ,~ _ p;opcrties hivc block ~+~~115 and there is no differencc in the notse level wh~re there ~re blu~.k wal ls ~ and th:~t they wi 1 1 h~vc tc.~ l ive wi tf, the n~ise u~ti 1 the spriny of 1~°1, ;;ul' wiil `~,ve [o live wit'~ thr bloc~ wall for ~ lc,nq tirr and felt they would be unhappy ~~ 1 th a 10- faot h i~~h wal 1. She fe 1 t thc' noi sc from the ctucs ts at thP hote 1, when eumpleted~ will be minar cor~pared t~ thc co~strueeion nois^ at the pre~sent timr_. She stated she is in favor of a G-foot hl~~~ wa11. M~•. Estle state~ the Cor~missioncrs t~ave nat visited nis partic~lar propcrty and are makin9 Jecisions n~t having s.~en tlzc pronc~rty~ And askc~i them ag~in tQ make a personal inspection and see the problem first!~and. Cammissioner QuShore expla~ned ti;^ C~rimissioncrs ~re familiar with the prnperty and stated if Mr. E~tle can car.~e to an a~rcement. the wall can be constructPd immediately, whTch will help the sltuatlon. Ne asked where the cor.structian vehicles ere entering the site, polnti~g out the entrances are on Conventian Way~ t1r. Estle stated the construction vehicles have never used Convention Way and come in o~ the back s i de of the p rop~ rty . Commissioner ~u;~r~es~~~ocatedcandttl~atiwouldteliminatr,~~ ~ ofpthe noiseMr. Estle's property ~ 1 t 10/22/19 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY f'LANNI~~G COMMISSIOM~ OCTQBER 22~ 197~ ~4'78~ EIR N0. 215 AN~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ~~0. 1834 (continued) Mr. Estle restated h(s conce~rn ~elating Co thc trees and possible pr~hterns wlth strong w(nds. He was afraicf thc f~ott ngs would dAma~7C thc troes And thcy would lose th~m ~ventually. Commissloner Ilcrbst stated tl,~: footings clo not t~avc to be very decp for ~(~-f~mt hlgh fence. Chairwoman Oarnes stt~teJ she Jlcl no',. ~:n~r~~ wh~.~t coulcl be dune about the construction nalse If the hotel ls t.o be i~uilt. She palntcd ~ut most of the ~ropcrty owners want t+ F,- foot hlyh wall. Comm(ssioner Herhst steted th e uriyinal cnncern had been nolse and lights from the quests and thc 10-fooc hiqh wall was intendcd to provi~le that rrotcction ~nd Marrtoct h~id agrced to prov(de that wa) l~ and nrn, the ownr_rs I~av~ circided [hey 1•~oul~f ~ refer a(~-fc,ot hl ~h wat l . Jaek Wh(te suyceste~l the ~ction be ~~ res~luti~n amendinc~ Conditiun '~o. 11 of Pla~ninn Car,rnisslon Resolution lJo. PC7B-~?~~ tr~ p~,rmit a(~-foot hlgh~ solid blocG: wall ad.J~iccnt to thc. sl~~gle-family resi~ence, .?nJ a~?-f~nt hi-~h~ solid h1nc1 ~ral) ad,jacent to the multi- family residences~ and that the: hel~ht of the ~-fc~ot hiryh wa11 ~,hall hr_ me~surec! from the top of thc footings. ~onxnissioner flusl~ore sug~,~este~i that thc constructlon sttr_ fnreman make certain no eonstructton n~acet-t~l, ~~~c storcd any closer chan ?!~0 feet to the single-family residences~ a~d Mr. Watts indicate<i they would comply with that su~c~~stion. Jaclc White clarificd that ttti,~t st(puiation is not ~ pirt nf thls actlnn. It was noted Envlronmcntil Im,~~ct Report !~o. ?1; had ber_n prevlously approv~d for thls project. ACTIOfI: Conxnlssloner Nerhst offered Resolut~ No. PC7~1-1.12 an~i r~oved for its passage and adopt~~an. that tfie Anahcim Clty Plcnnlnq Cc,~,~ '~,sl~n dr~es here~y grAnt thP reque~st to amend Condl!lon No. 11 of nesolutton '~o. PC78-12l~ :~.•rt•~ininc~ to the block wall heights aloncl the south property iine to pernit a G-foot high~ s~tiJ block arall adJacent t~ tne singte- family residences anJ a')-foot hi<af~~ s~lid block a~afl adjacent to the multi-family residences, and said 9-fuot }~igh wall shall he measured frc~m the top of the footi~gs. On roll eatl~ tt,e foregaing resolutian ~~+as passed by r~e follawing vote: AYES: ~Ot1MISSIG11ER5: OARt;C~, BUSHU'' , ~'!ID, FRY, NERdST, KINC~ TOLAR tlOES; COMHISSIO'IERS: ti~r1E ABSENT: C011~" SS ! ONE R5 :'t0'!E Jack Wl;itP~ Ocputy Clty Attorncy~ ~resenteJ th~e written right t~ ~eal the Planning Commissicx~'s decisi~n a~ithin ~? days ta anyonc agqricved with t+ :lecision. AaJ0URt1"iENT Thcre bcing no further busin~~ss~ Commissioner Tolar offered a motion, sec:onded by Curxnissioner [~avid and M07i0N CARRIED, that the meettng be adjourned. The meating was adJnurned at 2:30 p.m. ELH :h~n Resp tfully s~bmit ed, . ~ ~ . E t L. arris~ ecretary ~~~22~79 Aneheim City plannir+g Commissi~ . -'