Minutes-PC 1980/03/24~,~ Ct ty N~11 Anahelm~ Catifornie March 24~ 1~184 RECULAR MEETING OF TNE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIt~G CONMISSION REGULAR • The regula~ meeting of the An~heim Clty I'lanning Cammtsslon was catled MEETING ta order by Chelrman Pro Tempore Toler ~t t:35 ~.m., March 2A~ 1980~ i~ the Council Chamb er~ a quorum being present. PRESENT - Chairn+an Pro Tempore: Tolar Commissionars: Oushore~ David~ Fry~ Flerbet, King ADSENT - Commissloners: 8arnes ALSA i'RESENT - Ronald Thompson Jack Wh i te Jey Titus ~aul Singer Joe) Ffck Anni~a Santalahtl Jay Tashira [kan Sherer Edith tiarris Planninq Olrector Assistant Cfty Attornay Offlce Engineer Traffic Fnglneer Assistant 01 ~ector 1'or Planni~g Asslstant Dt reccor for Zoning Assoctate Planner Zonl~g Repr~~entativ~s Planning C ~mmlsslon `,ecretary PLEDGE OF - The Pledge of Al ieg iance to the Flag was led hy Commissic~ner Fry. ALLEGIRNCE APPROVAL OF - Commissioner Oushnre offered a motian, xeco~dad by Cemmissioner Oavid TNE MINUTES and MOTION CARRIEO (Commissloner Barnes being absent)~ that the minutes of the meeting of hl,srch 10~ ~96n be approved ~s submitted and corrected on page 204 t-~ indieate the p roperty locatton of Reclassificetion No. 79•80-16 to ba the northwest corner of Medical Center Orive and Eucl id 5treet end ~o shaw CcNnm{s~loner Bushore voting "no" on p~+ge 1~4 (Varlance No. 3122). ( TEM H0. 10 REPOR S IiD RECOMMENDATIONS The follewing Reports a~d Recommen dations staff rGports wc re presented but not read: A. CONDITI ONAL USE PERMIT N4. 1~69 - Request from Nemax ir~c. ~ for an exte~,sion of t r~ to r_xp re on pr ~ 1 an property located at 1a32 East Ball Road. AC?ION: Comnissloner Ktng offered a motion. seconded by Conmisstoner Davtd and ~~ CARRtEO (Commissian e~ Barnes being abs~nt), that the Anahetm City Planni~g Cammission daes hereby 9rant a"one-year" extenston of tlme for Conditio~a) Use Permt t No. 19~9 to expt re on Apri 1 9~ 1981. w~~y~ 3/z4l8o ~ a ~.;I MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMtSSION~ MARCH 24~ lg$0 W~Z~v ITCM N0. 1 PUBLiC NEARINC. OWNERS: PHILLIP F. AND F,MILY I~~~ IVE OCCLARATION PORRETTA~ 700 South Magnolta Avenue~ CA 9280W. p. .g~.26 AGENT: RO~IALD 0. MON7GOMERY~ P. 0. Box 1132~ Nuntington 8each~ CA ~2647. Petitloner requests property Ceacrtbed as a ~ectangul~rly-sh~ped psrcel of la~d conslsting of approximately O.hE1 acres, having a front~ge of approxtmeteiy SS faAt on the east slde of Magnolla Avenue~ havtng e m~ximum d~pth of epproximately 2b5 feet~ being located epproximetely 8A0 feet south of the centerltne of Orangc Avenue~ and further described as 70~ South Magnnlis Avenue be reclessifled from RS-A-b;0~0 (RLSIDE~ITIAL/AGRICUITURAL) 20NE TO RM-240Q (RESIOENTIAL~ MULTIPLC-FAMILY) ZQNE. SubJect p~titlon was eontlnued frc~m the rt+ett{n~ af March 1f1, 1980 fo~ revised pit+ns. There was one pors~n indicatinc~ his presence in opposltton to subJect request~ and although the steff re port to the Planninc~ Conmisslon d~ted March 2~~, iQ8~ wes not reed at the public haering~ tt Is ref~rrad to And m~dr ~ part of the minut~s. M~. Gunawardena~ G~-$ South Msgnolla~ stated he Is concerned about the hezardous traffic sltuatlon when makin g a left turn frem hls drlv~way and wanted ~ssurance that the situation will be co r rected~ Ile expiaincd his property is adJacent t~ subJect property. TN~ PUl3Ll ~ NEARING WAS CLOSED. Responding to Commissioner flArbst's questton~ Mr. MontgomerY explained they propoae to ~oof all structures end Commissioner Ilerbst felt the roofs add a iot to the praJett~ Commissloner 6ushore asked M~. Cunawarclene to clarify his concern and Mr. Gunawardena er.plained wtth cars p arked along the street left turns f~om their driveway are hazardou~ because they cannot see. Commissioner Dushore explalned the proJect pr~vides ample parktng on-site for those vahlcles and Mr. Gun awardena explained that wes the only obJectton he had. ACTION: Commtssioner King offere.d a motion~ seconded by Commissioner ~avid and MOTION C R EO (Commissione r Barnes being absent)~ that the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission ha~ revlaMred thc proposal to r~classify subject property from RS-A-43~000 (Resi dent) al/Agri cui tural ) to RM-240~ (Resi dentt+~l , Mul ti ple-Femt ly) Zone to construct en 8-unlt apartment com~lex on a rectangula rly-shaped parc~l of land consisting of appr~xtmately O.k8 acre~ having a frontagc of Approximetely 85 feet on the east side of Magno~i~ Avenue~ ha ving a maximum dcFth of approximatciy 245 feet and being tocated app roximately ~00 feet south of the centerline of O~ange Avenue; and does hereby approve the t~egatt ve Declaratl~n from the requl rement to prrpare an envl ronmental impact repo~t on the basis that there would be no s(gnificant individual or cumulative adverse environmentel impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaratton since the Anaheim General Plan desi~nates the subJect property fcar low-n+edium density resiciential land uses conr~xsnaurate with the preposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the p roposal; that the Initlal StuCy sub mltted by the petittaner indicates no slgniftcant individual or cumulative adverse environ mental impacts; and that the Negative Declaratio~ substantle,.ing the foregotng findings is on file in the Clty of Anahfim Ptanning Dapnrtn~nt. 3/2~+/80 ~` MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINO COMMISSION~ M~ac~~ 24, iq$A $0-209 E_IR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND RECLASSIFICATION NQ. 79-ti0-26 (CONTINUED) --------~- ------~- Commisstoner Ktng offered Resolutlon No. PC80-52 and moved for tcs passege and edoptton that the Anahetm Ctty Pianntnc~ Commisston doe~s heroby grant Petltlon for Reclassificatlon Na. 74-80•26, subJect t~ Interdepartmental Committee recomrt~endatlo~s. On roll call~ the foregoing resalutlon was ~ass~d hy the following v~te: AYES: COMMISSIf1NERS: BUSHORE~ bAVlb~ FRY~ NERbSI'~ KINf~ 1'OLAR NOES; COMMISSIONCRS: NONE ABS ENT; Cf1MM 1 SS I ONERS : BARNf ~ 17EM N0. 2 PU~IIC HEARINf. 041NEa5: PARC~S OF ANAHEIM~ I~IC., ~~.~rVE DECLAi~ATIQN Box 5~01~ San Jose, CA 951;0. AGE'~T: RICHARD IIUSTON~ REC A S IC ON t~0. -00-32 32E West Lincoln Avenue~ Anaheim, CA 9280y. ~ Petitloner requests that ~r~prrty described as an Irregularly-shaped parcel af tan<! consisttng ot approxlmately l.ba acres having a frontage of approxlmately 23~ feet on thr. west side of Narbor Boulevard~ having a maxtmum depth of app roxtmatcly 225 Peet and being located app roximately 552 feet north of Che cent~rline of Romn~ya a~ive~ be reclassifled from CG ( C~MNERC t AL ~ GENE RAL) ZOiIE A-aD RS-72~0 ( RES I UEtIT I AL ~ S I r~GLE-FAM 1 LY ) ZONE Tr..~ Co (CONFIERCIAL~ QFFICE Af~~ PROFESSIOt1Al) ZONE. There was no one lndlcattng their presenc~e li~ app~sitton to subject request~ and although the staff report to the P1anning Commisslon dated March 24~ l9~'~'J was not re~d at the public hearing~ it ts referred to and made a part of the minutes. Richard tluston~ agent~ referred to Condttfan tao. 3 a~d requested if it is nat possible to get the easement agreerient with the awncr of the property to tht ~outheast, that he be pe nriltted to work out an arrangemenc for trash pick-up on his property. L~ncerning the ~ondltlon re~uiring a six-foAt hlgh mason ry wall~ he requested that the chainllnk fence adJacent to the fre:eway be retained because hc felt the freeway landstaping blended wtth their isndscaping Ntli be more pleastng than a six-foot high maso~ry wall. He ststed the pa~k west of this propcrty daes not have a block well and he felt it aouid look nice to see the landscaping flow from one property to another. He refer~ed to the condltion requ(ring a deceleration lane, and explained after dlscussing this wtth the Traffic Engineer, he indtcated he would nc~t inslst upan this condttlon. He referred to the condition requirtng a boundary line adJustment to tnclude the northwesterly 1170 square feet af subJect property within the Ctty of Anaheim~ and explain~d the northwest corner is eurrently owncd by the City as part of the park and hc has no need for the land and thst he has sufficient parking. ~'HE PU9LIC HEARts1r wAS GLOSEO, Chatrman Pro Tempore Tolar asked if tnteriar circulation would t~e adequate if access `or trash pick-up is provided ~n-site. Mr. Huston stated the~e 1s a mechanica) ~nclosed area on the no ~thwest side of the building and if they cannot come to an agreement for pick-up at the alley, they would put the trash bins lnto the fencPd areA on the northwest corner of the building. 3/24/80 ~.i MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY P~ANNING CQNMISSION~ MARC11 24~ 1~80 SO'210 EIR NEGA7IVE DECLARATION AND RECL_ASSIFICATION N0. 79-80-~'~ (CONTINUED) Chairman Pro Ten~ore Tolar stated he feit this is a good p~a]ect and he wauld not delay It bec~use of tha easert~nt~ but if the easemer~t cannnt be acqulred~ he would want to see revlsed ple~a wlth the trash ~ick-up on-site if tt~ere Is ~ny cfianga in ctrculatlon and this coul~i be handled unda~ reports snd re~ommendations. Jsck White~ Asslatant City Attorney, pointed out there we~e sever~l persons present who may wlsh to speak and five paople Indicated thelr p~esence ln opposltion. CI~AIRMAN PRf1 TL•MPOkE TOLAR RE-OPEt~ED TIiE PUULIC IiCARING. Lois Wflkerson, 1~39 ~~prth Ralelqh~ stated she lives stratght across from sub_Ject p~operty. ~n tl~e west side nf Ralcigh and was concerned abeut the trASh bins being located at the northwest corner af the property~ whicl~ would be directly in front of her house. The five parsons revicwed the plans wlth Mr. Ilouston and the trash locati~n being dtscussed wss polnted ~ut. Linda Olackwell~ t?3~ North aaleigh~ stated they did not knc~w what the plans were; that she had gnne to the site while they were surveying ancl was concerned abaut s~me of the thtngs on the pians then~ but some adjus*.ments have been mAde to the ortqin~l plans, and ~ow they have to think about it. Shn stated they wanted access from Manzantta Park across Rreleigh Street which deadends at the freeway to Na~bor~ and the current plans have provtded that; and that naw there ts some Question abou~ thc 2-foot hihh fence. M nika Santalahtl~ Assistant Dlrecto~ for Zoning, stated the or(gfnal plans shc-wed a block w all behind th~ landscaping, but the Police Depa~trnent h~d trouble with th~t because they would have graffiti problems and they dtd not want d wall at all, and the develaper compromised with a lower wall. and staff would il~r. to seA a low wall to at le~st Shfeld headlights in the evcntng. Dolly Hall, stated she lives in thc fourth house from this propertY; that she is well acquatnted w(th what is going on in the Chevy Chase, RoDin, Wren and aluejay area beca~u~e she was an Avon lady there fo~ t5 years a~d knaws the people and they are destruCtlve. She was concerned about the 2-foot wall and did not think lt would stay there ve ry long because they would go over It and Lhrough the shrubbe ry. She felt if Mrs. WtlkGrson who lives straight across the street does not mind a chainlink fence with shrubbery, it might be a better solution. Mr. Iluston stated the Chevy Chase/Robin area described by Nrs. Hall is due west and any of those pcwple would walk throuyh the park to get to this property which is the rnason an aceess was left; that he realizes a ~ot of people living In the are~ will want to go to the Orangefair Shopping Center and can corne tt~rough the park and acr~as subJect lot. He stated he would rather have them walk through his property than ciimb the wa~l breaking it; that the existing chalnlink fence is In dtsrepair because people have climbed over it th roygh the years and he wanted to make something nice for them ta walk through; that thelr building wtll be secure and he wtil not mind them walking through his property; that he has apartments on Romney~ and has had trouble with peopie climbing over the wall and tearing lt down and he would prefe~ not to put up the wall In this p~oJect. Tt1E PUBLiC HEARINC WA5 CLOSEO. 3/24/80 ~ MINU'I'ES~ AN~HEIM CITIr PLANNIN6 COMMISSION~ MARCH ~~~, 198A EIR NEQAtIVE DECLARATION ANO RECIASSIRICATION N0. 79-~"~2_ ~CONTINUEQ) 80- Z 11 Rasponding to Commissiannr Herbst's questlon aa to whnther or not a 1~ndsc~pE berm hed been considered~ Mr. Nuston ~•eptied they era planning the Z' 6" high wall with le~dscapa be rn+ to u~mPietely htde the automoblies so thet visualiy from the residences tney wi11 only see th~ isndaCaatad itdisstheirdintention to,meke thl~ist~eettbeautl~ula~nd i t tn the lA•fc,ot +~r+aa, Nn st ~he aree will be greetlY ~tfiend~lt willwenhencerthe~p~~~~~~Y veluesof the p~oplenwho~l~ive arn~~+, w) th shrubs end tre there. Commissioner Herbst aske~ about the six parking stalls ~ff the ~;~roperty in the City of Fullerta~. Oean Sherer, AssistanC Plenner~ e~cplained Conditlon 'lo. 16 p~rteins ta thc are~ whir,re the et~ht p~rking spaces are lacated within the City nf Fullprton; therafore~ A beundary ilne adJustment or annexatlon is r~quested In arder to lncorporAtc thAt ~rreducinhathr_hsiz~ ef paricing spaces could be reloc~Ced otF that p~rtlon of the prope~ty by 9 the bullding~ but it has to be i~~neddthecp~~]ectaisrr~l~htttoithe~parkingn~~m~tClty of A~aheim's )urisdiction. E~e exP AnnikA Santalahcl~ Assistant Dlrcctor for Zoning, stated thc prable+n is that tP somr.ih~n9 heppens on that portton of the property, such as a stoler+ or burgiarlxed car~ etc.~ Fullerkcm Pollce Departme~nt would be involved and not Anahelm~ and thia canAition ts to try and resolve that kind nf ~roblcm before It happens; that thchut'feltpitewes notvn~arly bounaary line adjustment and she was not surr what is I~NO1vcd, as lnvolved as annex~tlon~ that it Is Just an a~reemen: b~tween the Mo citles ena she dtd not think it would take an unnecessa ry emo~nt of tlme. She stated if the Canmiss(an ls conce rned ebout the ttming, t1~e conditton a~uld be ti~d to final occupancy of the bul~ding. Chai rman P ro Tempore Tol ar was not opposed to that :.u~+dl e tan bei nn ti cd to f{ na~l occupancy~ but felt the matter has to be cleaned u~ because otherwise this is a parcel that Is unusable and if thewith~~t~~er neglected i* or decided to let It ga beck~ the City wou~d have to do snmeching Commissicx~er David G~affic~EnttneerhandeMrtiNust~nslndicatedthisragraemente~;ed n+edlan as recort~nded by the Tra 9 Paul Singer, Yraffic Engfneer, s~ated there is a great deal of under4round conduit unde~ the sidewalk and !t would not be cost effectiw:~ to provide the decelesration lane, especia~~ty tn vtew pFhthe u~dtrecaonKnendrthat CondiLion Non~l2hbeheitminate~lPand~Mrf~Huston parking . Ho stated .e wo has agreed to put in the me~tAn to p~ohibit teft tu rns. Comnissioner David statedchainllnk~fenceCatungpthe,northrprope tvtline•andgCommissioner suggestlon regarding the Fry sgreed. 3/24/80 ~' ~ MINUTES, ANAHEiH CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION~ MARCH 24~ 19~ 80~2~2 EIR NEGATIV6 DECLARATION AND RECLASSIFICATION N0. 79-80~~2 (CONTi'lUEQ) Annike Santalehtl, Asststent Directo~ for Zoning~ steted tha nason ry wall ie a code requlrem~snt and read tho requirQment from tha Comm~~c~r~i Offlce Zaninq Cock ~hich is more stringent ~s follows: "...e solld decorative mason~Y wall~ lendxcaped earthern be~m, or sny corrbination th~scnnt totthensl cotbound~+ry~of~anyfc:~mmerct~lQ~tevelopmenc abutting then9 ~nd Immediately adj f raeway " ... Mr. Huaton stated he vrould 11ke to have a chainlink fence with l~ndsc.aping that g~es with the f renway 1 andscep t ng, s 1 ml 1 ar to wh~t thr_ park hr~s done • Jack White, Assistrnt Ctty /,ttorney. stated the Commission can act o~ the~ preposa) befo~e them today and if the appllcant wishes :~ fli~ for ~ vartance~ thr+t would be a dlfferent hearing end notices rrould havr. ta be sc~nt out and ChalrmAn Pro Temp~re Tolar statcd the Commissic~ cehe9vorir+ncesithawev~r~nltnwould nottt,t~usecany~AelAy1AndSheQCOUld9go~e eadhr can esl. ar t wlth thts p roposAl. Comr-isSloners David and King tndic~ted thcy would hav~ no nroblem with th.~t request. Annik~ Santalahtl as-~~! If tt~e Mo-foot wa11 is satlwithtthe twatfoot'wallty O1Nners and Chatrman Pro Temc~orp 'dlar felt thcy would be happy ACTION; Commiss~F~~~ Javid offered a motion~ secondcd by CcrnmisslPl~nning~Cortxnlsston~,has ~0 (Commis~+ ~•' ~~r'nes bnl..g absent) ~ that the AnahPtm Clty revtewed the pn~~'~~ ~?'+~~~esslfy subJect praperty from the RS-72~0 (Rr,Sidential, Single-Fami ly) ''~^~~ ~*r~:+ `'r'*e CG (Co"x^ercial ~ Ge,~eral) 2one to CO (Comr+k:rcini ~ Office and Professtonal) "!'~+r rt~ ~s+~«+struct an offlce building an an ir~eguterly-shapecf parcel of land consisting a'~ ~c~'~-x~'~+e~t~ely 1.~-~ acres~ having a frontage of approxlmately 23~ feet o~ the west side ~` ~~~ °~~~levard, having a maxlmum de~-th of approxlmately 25~ feek, and being locatad apRr~'~°~~'**~t~•'~~ 557. feet north of the centerline of Rortmey~ Drive; and daes hereby epprove ttre: '*~~~~~ ~eclaratlon from the requi rerr~ent to ~re~are an envi ronn+ental impact report on th.t,'~a~-~ that thera would be no stgnificant individual ar cumulative ad~erse envt ronmen ts~ ~`~+~ract due to the appraval of th i s Ilegat t ve Decl arat i on s i nce the Anahe l m General ~'1~+ ~}~~-ates the subJect property for general ccxnmercial land uses commensurate with the pr~~ ; that no sensitive environrtrental impacts are invalved ln th~ prop~sal; that the In~t~~~~ Study submttted by the petitlonef indicates no signlficant indivldual or cumu1~6ive adw~rse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaretion substantiating the fo~going'~indings is on file in the Ctty of Anahcim Planning Department. Commissi~~e~ '~+~d offered Resolutfon Pto. PC80-53 and moved for tts passage and adoptlor- that the An~esm C1'~ Ptanning Commission does he~eby grant Petitinn for Reclassificatlon pb, ~q-.5p-~2 subje~. to Intcrdepartmental Committee rec~mmendations; however~ delettng Conditian Ne. 12 aiid modifying Condition ho. 3 to rGaA that if the perpetual easerrient ag~r~eemene wtthnterlarncirculationrshallybe~subJectutoeapproval~ofbtherPlannin98Commtssion. ~ra ens o'F the i t On roll call, the foregotng resolution wes passed by the follo~wing vote: AYES:: COMMI SS I O~~ERS : BUSHORE, DAV I D, FRY ~ HERBST ~ K1 NG ~ TOLAR Np~ ; COMNI SS IOt~ERS : NONE ABSENY: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES Jatk uhite~ Assiatant Ctty Attorney. prese~ted the writt~n rtght _to appeal the Planning Commission's decision wlthin 22 days to the City Councit. 3/24/80 ~~ ; MiP~UTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNiNG Ct1MM15510N~ MARCN 2W~ 1q~0 8~'2~3 (TE~N NA.,,,~ PUOLIL HEARI?~P,. (~NNERS: MICNAEI. J. CRUCI~ ANn ~T~ NEGATIVE UCCLARATI0~1 uALTEfi G. Sf100K~ 2~~0 East Lincoln Avenue~ An~heim, NU ( U E ERMI H0,_ 2~~G Cl1 ^2"~7. Petitt~nar requests prrmisston to RETAIN '~"' A LQtITRACTOR' S S1'OR~CC YARD t N TI1E ML Z~NE ~n prope~ty drsc:ribcd as a rcctt~nc~ularlyshnpcd prrce) of land canslstlnq of A~p~Oxlfnat~ly 1.1 ~cres hevlnc~ ~ front~re ef ~npraximAtely ly5 feet on thc south side af l.e Jolla Stre~t, having a maximum dcpth of Ap~roxlmately 314 feet and beinq located .~pp~oximatcly iS~ feet west of the centerllne of Red f;um Street~ and fu~ther descrlb~d ~~s ?.~2~ Cest L~ Ja11e Strect. Property pr~se~t1Y classiftecl ML (I~IOIISTRIAL. ~IMITED) ZnNC. There wAS no one inelicntinu their presenc~ in oppositihn to subJect request. and although the staff rcpart to thc Plannin~ Comrnissl~n c1.~tcd N+~rch 2<<~ 19~~ waa n~t reAd nt thc public heartng~ it is refcrr~~1 to ++nd made n narc of the minutes. Michael Lrucil~ owner, wa+s present t~ ~nswer ~ny c~uestions. TIIE PUIiLI C NEARI NG WAS Cl(1Sf•.D. pean Shercr, Assistont Planner~ statrd this is An existinc~ resiclrntiAl structu~~ being used as en offlce which is the reason for Concilt(on tlo. 5 and if approved, the existlnq st~ucture Must be brc~uc~ht up tA mi nimum aui lcling Code stAndt~~da ard th~,c the storac~e areas are alao a standard condttion and must be apprnved by the pirector of puhlic Works. Ile explt~ined the s~ecific~tlons are available from the P1Annlnc~ DeparLment. Gommissioner King referred to the Traffic Engineer's recammendatlot~ that the extstihq qat~ contralltng access be ralac~ted 60 feet from the front p roperty ond Mr. Cructl stated he di~ not undcrstAnd this recanr•-cndatlon because hc has mnre r~m than a normal drive!r+~y. He explained the gAte ts baek -~(~ feet an~1 is open all day and closed end locked r~ niqht. Commissioncr Busl-are ~uestioned tl~e :~ngtf~ of time normally al lowed for ttu property to be brought up ta Code, notin~ [his is an existing use. and Ocan Sherer explained ~ condition has been rccomrr~nded for 6~ days. Mr. Sherer explAined a comptaint was recei ~d from the property awners on the northwest corner of La Jotla and Red Gum about a dust t~roblem and the trucks enterinq and leaving the premises; hc~wever, the petitiener has tndicated he would provide landscaping to alleviate that prohlem and scaff has asked that thc yard bc asphalted. Mr. Cruci) stated the yard has base ~ock on it now and he will blackton it wh~n he ean; and tl~at therF is no d~.~st nc~w. F1e explained he is a Masonry contractor. Mr~ Crucil as4:ed ahout the drAinage assessment fees and Jay '~itus~ OfFice Engineer~ explained the nort~east industrial area has ~ad drainage probiems and several years ago a study was made and it wAS determined that a fee of approximately Sti,O~~ per acre would be required to take cAre of the dreinage problems; and that the Redevelopment Agency has agreed to pay one-half ~f the fee. Co+nmissioner Bushore pointed out these are rectuirements of ~nyone developing in tha~ area and if a conditlonal use pcrmit had been requested ariginally, the petitioner wauld have 3/24/t3~ ~S MINUTES~ ANANEIN CITY PLANNING COMNISSION~ MARC11 24~ 19a0 ~A-214 EIR NEGATIV~ DkCLARATI~N AND CON~ITIONAI, USE PERMIT N(1. ?.A55 (CONTINU~D) . ~~~.._...__.._ been aware of thnsa co~ditions and Cheirman Pro Tempore Tol.~r atnteci the Commission does nAt hrve tha Jurisdiction to delete these tondltlnna. Jack White~ Assistant f.lty Attorney~ rmdifl~ci Conditton No. R ta rcad As follows: "Thot ell ~f thc conditlons above-rnantloned shall be complled wtth ~rior to finn) building ancf xontn~ inspecttons o~ witl~tn e ~ertnd of sixty (GQ) days from the dat~ of Ap~roval of this condltlonal use p~rmtt~ whtchever occurs first." AC_TiON: Cormisstoner Qavid ~ffercd t~ mation~ scconded by Conxnissioner Klnc~ and MOTION CARRICn (Commissioner ~arnas heiny nbsent)~ that the A~~heim Clty Plnnning Cortrnis~l~~ has revlewcd tl~e proposa) to rct~ln a con~ract~r's st~rngc yard tn the MI. (Industriel~ Llmited) Zone on a rectangulerly-sheped ~erc~l of land c~nsistin~ of A~+~roxtmately 1.1 acres h~~ving a frontagp of Approximetcly 155 fect on the south side ~f La Jolla Street~ having a maximum depth of ~n~roximacety 3t~~ f~~t •~nd belnn locntcd ap~+roxlmately 1b~1 feet west of th~ centcrline of Red f,um Str~et; anci do~~s her~by approve the Negativ~ Declar.,tion from the requlrement to ~+rcparP an cnvironment.il impACt rcport on the basis thA~ there would be no slgnlf(crnt (ndlvidual or tumulrtivc ~dversc environr.~ent~) impACt ~iue to the approva) of this Negotive Declaratlon Stnce the Aneheim General Plan deslgnaCes the subJect praperty for g~nera) tndustria) land uses coimiensur.~te with the nroc,osal; thrt na senstttve environmental impacts are tnvolved tn the proposal; thnt the Inltial Study submttted by ttie petitioner Inclicates no stgnificant Individual or cumulatlve ndverse envtronmenta) Inm acts; ~nd th~t the Negat~ve Declaretlon substantiating the foregol~g findings ls on file in the Cicy of Anaheim Pldnning pepartn-ent. Commtssioner David offcred Rcsoluti~n t~o. PCE~-54 and movcd f~r tts p~~ssaqe snd adoption that thc Anahetm City Plannin~ Commtsslon cfn~s hereby ~rant Petttion for Cond(tt~nal U~c Permtt No. 7.Oa6, for a pcriod of three (3j years~ suh)ect to rev(ew and su!~Jcct to the petitioner's sttpulation to khep thc exlsttng g.~t~ onen at all times durln~ n~rmal workinq hou~s~ subJect to Interdepartrnent~~l Committee rec~mmendnttons~ rxcrpt d~let~ng Condition No. 7 requlring that the qate he rel~cated ancf modifying Condition Iio. 9 as rec~mmended by the Ctty Attorncy. On roll call, tl~e f~reg~(ng resolution was passed hy thc Following vote: AYES: COMMISSIOI~ERS: t3U5tI0RE~ DAVIQ, FRY~ I~ERE3ST~ KlNG. TALAR NOES: C~MHI SS 10-tERS : NnNE ABSENT: COMMISSIOMCRS: 6ARNES 3/24/80 'l~ ~ , ~ MINUTES~ At~ANEIM CITY PLANIIING COMMISS101~~ MIIRCN 24~ 1~f80 f10-215 ITEM i~0. 4 PUHLIC NEARINr. OtINERS; WOODNIIRO a. HRCHER AIID R~VE DGCLARATIf1N EUNICE l. ARCNER~ itt!~ North 91ur Rum Street~ An~heim~ 0. 2~G3 C11 92 ~16. Pctttloner requests pr.rmission t~ RETAItI `-~'"'~"~'~"' AN AUTO RESTORATIOE~ SIIOp IN TI~E ML ZOHE on ~roperty described As e rectangulerly-shrped ~ercel of lAnd consisting of ~prroximately 0.56 acrc locate~f et the south~est c~rner ~f Cornnad~ Street and Blue Cum Strcet~ hAVtnc~ app mxlmnte front~+nes of 13~ f~~t ~n thc south sidt of Coronado Street ond epproxlmatclv 17~ feet on the east stde of Blue Gum Street, and further described as 11~3~ t~orth 91u~ Cum Str~ct. Pro~,erty nresently classif{cd ML (IF~DUSTRIAI.~ LIMIT~D) 7.~IIE. There was no one indicAtinh thelr prrsenc~ in oprasltlon to subJ~ct r~~uest~ and Alth~uqh the staff reporc to the Planntnn Cemmisslon dAtpc! Mt-~ch 2-~~ 1~~~ was not reAd et the publtc hcr~~(ng~ It is refcrred to a~d m~~dc ~i c-+~rt ~f the r+inutes. Noody llrcher was present t~ answer any questl~ns. TIiE PUDI.IC HEARIN~ WAS CLOSED. Commissit~-~er David askeri why tl~c petitic~ner was denfeJ a Clty Bustncss Liccnse and Mr. Areher staecd he has coptes of the 1~7^ and 1~ ~0 City Husiness Licenses. Deen Sherer~ Assistnnt Plonner. statecf thls Is Qne uf those instances wh~ere an apnllcation was mailed to the eppllcant ~rior ta apprc+val of the Plan~ing pepartmen[ and oth~r departments of the City; anJ that norr~elly an application Is chec~:ed hy thc Planning DepArtment. He stated the llcense daPs Indtcate that it is valid subJect to appr~val of all departments. Commisstoner Bushore left tl~e Council Chamber tPrr~orarily. Annika Santalahti~ Aasistant Director for Z~ninq~ explnin~d the Tontng Enforceme~t Officer tcwk actio~ while conducting rc~utine field investlgntlon. ACTI~N; Ccxnmissioner Y.ing ofFered a motion, seconded by tomninsia-er QaviA and MATI~N CARRIED (Commisstoner Karnes bcing abscnt)~ chat the M ehcim Ct[y Planning Commlssion has' revtewcd the proposal to retain an antlque autortx>bile restoration shop in the ML (I~dustrtA)~ Limited) Zone on a recta~gularly-sha~ed percel of land cansisting of eppraxlmately (1.>B acre 1~cAted at the south~ast cr~rner of CoronAdo Street and Blue Rum Street havinc~ a frontage of approximat~ly 13A fcet on the south s~d~ ~f Coronad~ Street and having a frontage of approximAtely 170 feet on tl~e east s}de of i31ue Gum Strcet; end does hereby approve the Negativa Declaratfon from the rec~uireme~t to ~~epare an environmental impact report on the basts that there wnuld be no significant (ndividual or cumulative edverse enviranmental tmpact duc to the appr~vei crf this Negetive Declaratton since the An9heim Ganeral Plan designetes the subJect property for general industrta) land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensittve enviro~mental imp~cts are involved tn the p ropasal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicatcs na signlfitt~nt individual or cumulative adverse environ~+~entai impacts; and that the Negattve Declaratian s~stantiatiny the foregoing findings is on flla in the City of Anaheim Pianning Dcpartment. 3/24/80 ~z MINUTES~ IWANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ MARCH I4~ 1980 ~'21G Ela N[GATtVE QECLARAttON AND COHQITIOirAI uSE PERMIT NO. 2063 (COIJTINUFD) C~mmissioner King offered Resolution No. PCB~-55 n~d ~bved for Its pa~sage end adoptton thrt the Anahalm Ctty Planning Cortmisslon cioes her~by grant the Petltlon fo~ Conditlor-a) Usa PerMtt Ilo. 2AG3 for r~ perlod of three years, subJect ta review e~d subject ta the cenditlon that there shatl be no outdoor work or storege and subJett to Int~rdepertment++l Commi ttee recor+rt-e~dations. On rol l cel l~ the faregoing resoluticx~ was passed by th~ fol lcya,ing vc,te: AYES: COMMISSIONERS; bAV1D~ FRY~ NERflST~ KI~IG~ TOL~1R NOES : COMk11 SS I(1~IER5 ; ~iONf A9SE~1T: COItMI SSI ~NEFS ; FiARNES ~ BUS110RE Commisstoncr 8ushore rcturned to the Councll Chambcr. ITE,M.~ N0., PU~LIC HEARINr,, OW~IEPS: PR{SCILA PANRAtItBl,N AND ~T~, I~E~AT ~ VE D~CLARAT I ON P i LAR C. PA~If,A,-11 C' NI ~ 8~-+ North M~gnol I a Avenue ~ 0 D ON U E RMI N0. 20(~l+ AnAhelm~ CA ~23~1. Petitioner reqursts pe~mtss~o~ to EXPAtID All EXISTItiC GUEST NOME IN THE RS-72~Q Z~'NE on property described es a rectangul8rly-shaped parcel of land consisting of appro,c'.rn~+tely EbQO snurr~ f~~et h~~ving n fr~ntsc~e af epproximately (~~ f~et on che erist sid~ of Magnol ia Avenue~, having a m~+ximum depth of approxim~tely lA0 feet and hetng located anproxlmately 71~ f~et nerth of the centerlfne of Crescent Avenue~ and furtf~er descrihed as tS~b North Magnalia Avenue. Property presently classified RS-72~~ (aESIDEtIT~AL~ SIN~I.E-FAMII.Y) ZONE. There were two persons Indicattng their presencc i~ opposltlon ta subJcct request~ and althaugh the staff report to the P{anntng Commtssfon dat~d March 24~ 1~R~ was not read at the pubtic hearing. it is referred to end macie a p~ort of tl'ie minutes. Pilar PangentbAn. c~wner~ wes present to answer any questions. The two persons present in opposttlan reviewcd the p1a~s Ntth thc petttloner end the gentlemOn lndicAted he had no obJectfons and the ~ady inAic~+ted sl~p would want the area to remain residentl~l. TNE PUF3LIC NCARIN ~ WAS CLOSEp. ACTION: Commissicner King offered a motion~ seconded by Comnissioner f ry and MOTI~N ~D (Gammissioner Ba rnes being absent), that the Mahe9m City Pla~ning Commission has revlewed the proposal to expand an extsting c~uest home in the RS-72A0 (Resident~~l. Stngl~-!'atnl~y) Zone on e rectangularty-shaped parcel oP lr,nd consisting of approximately 6000 square feet, havtr~g a frontage of approximately 6Q feet on the cast side oP Magnolta Avenue. having a maxt~um depth af approximately t~~ feet and being loc~ted t+pproximately 770 feet north of the centeriine of CrescPnt Avenue; and does hereby apprave the Negative Dec:laration from the requtrem~nt to prepare an envlronmental impact report on the basts that there r~ould he n~ significant indivtdual or cumulative adversG environmentai im~+ect due to the epp rovat af this Negetiwe Declaretion since khe An~heim General Ptan destgnates tha sub~ecti prope~ty for low-densitY residentlai iand uses ccxrwnensu~ate with the proposal; that no se~sitive environr+ental impdcts are invalvCd in the propoaal; that the Initial Stu~y submitted by tha pettttoner indicates nu signtficant individual or cumulatlve adverse enviranrnental impacts; and that the Negattve Daclaration subgtantiating the foregoi~g findings is on file in the City of Ar~aheim Planning De~ertment. 3/24/8~ d.-~ MINUTES~ ANANEIh ,r.iTY PL,ANNING COMMISSION, MARCN 2k~ 19H!1 ~1'~11 EIR NEQA~IVE DECIARATIQN AND CONOITIO~IAL USE PERNIt IiO. 2~6N (CANTINUED) .. ...~..~~~..~.....~.~ Commissione~ Ktng aftered R~esolutton No. PC80-S6 end noved for lta pessega and adoptio~ thst the AnA~etm City Plnnnin~~ Commisslan dc~us h~reby grsnt thb Petttian for Canditlon~l Use Permtt ~lo. 206~ sub)ect to Interdepartn~cntal Conr~~tttee recomnMndatfons. Chelrn-en Pro T~mpore Tolar tndicetcd he woulu xut~port this resolution to blicaw edditlonal seniar cl ttze~ns housing wl th an exper~,~;,~, ta thc bui lding ~+eceusR the i~nc is n~t chAne~ing and ha d(d not thtnk it would c'honAc tl~c resictr.nttel charector c~f the nelghborhoed~ elso, becAUSe it ls located o~ h18g~a~ia. Commissioner Kiny potnta.f nut the guests wi l l not f~eve rutoex~bl les ~~ I~arklnq nn~1 traffie are reolly not n probl~m• Commissic~ner Ilerbst felt It is imrortant for the cldcrly to have A r~ACC M llve. On rol) call~ the fore~~oing r~solutlon wAS pessed by the follc~winn vote: AY~S: COMMISSIOf~ERS; PU511~RE~ D~1V10~ FRY~ IIER(-ST~ Kl~if<~ T~LAR NOES : ~~MMI SS I (11JCRS ; N~~I(: Af3SEtIT: ~~'N1115SIQNCRS; BARNF.S Jeek White~ Assistant Clty ~ttorney~ ~resent~ci the wrttten rinht tQ ApPca) the Plan~fng Commtsston's dectsion wlthin 2.'. day4 to the Glty Council. I TEM N0. 6 PU~JL 1 C IIEAR I NG. OWNE RS : RO'~ALQ D. PARK ANO Ml~RY T. ~~1~~1E DECI.ARATt4~~ PA~K~ :;~~7 East Ames, Anahcim~ CA 9280G. Petitloner C NDI ION L USE ERMIT N~~ 66 requests permission t~ RETAIH !1N OUTOOAR STORAGE YARD IH T11E RS-724~ ZONE on t~roperty described as a r~ct~nyutarly-shapcd parcel of land conaisting of aaproxlmately 0.2~ acrc having a frontagc of approxlmately G1 fe~t on ;h~ w~st sidc of Coffr±~an Stretot. having a ~naxlmum depth of approximatcly 19f1 fect and t?ing locatec! approximetely 20~ feet norch of the centerltne of Center Street, ond fu~ther descrlbad as 115 North Coffman St~eet. Property presertly classtfled ns RS-720~ (RESIDENTIAI. SINf1.E- FIIMILY) ZONE. There were slx persons Indicating their presence in oQposltlon tu subJe~t request~ and eithour~h ~he staff report to the Planning Commtssion dAt~d March Z~~. 19RA was not read at the publlz hearing~ It is referrcd to and mecSe a part of the ninutes. Mr. Park statad basically he wants a p~rmit for his construccton company to park a truck and store lumber in the rear yard; thr-t the adJolning property is being used for the 5ama purposes; Chat tha property d~"ectiy across the street and on the west stde is comn+ercial and tha property o~ the south is a ccx+xncrcial storage yard wl th A chair-1 ink fence. Ruben DeLeon~ 11095 Meats, Orange~ stated his f~mtly has had the property on Coffman fr~~ ovo~ ~0 years; that the street is very narrow and if a car is parked on both sides, another vehicle can hardly get botwaen; that he intends to sell someday, but for now he cannot sne anyfnore storage yards; and that thc netghbors do not want them. t~e painted out 3l24/80 `;;; . .~. . .,... _ _... _<*-=~ ,t \~ ' ( ~ ; MINUTES, ANAtt~IM CITI PLANNINQ COMM-SSION, MAaCH 2W~ 1~6A 80•218 EIR NEGATiVE DECLJIMTION ANO CONDITIOUAL USE PERMIT N0. 206~ (CONTINU[D) sub)ect p~~perty has en ~3' drivewey and nc~ds e 2~' drivewa~y +~t least and that th~ p~titlone~ parks hts truck In the street at n19ht• Margaret Ennis, EI Toro. Californis~ owner of pro~erty at 11R Coffman, stAted the ~trm~t is +~ mess and IooR.s t~rrlble ~nd shc dld not went t~ se~ any more stort~c~e ynrCs. Mrs. Sinmons. 121 CoFfr,u~n, stated she liv~s right next dc~c~r and can l~ok. riqht over into subJect proparty an~J she cic~es not epp~ectnte It. Ron Short. 9~~~ Topoka~ stated h~ avns the prorerty next clc+or to Ms. Slmn+ons ~nd egrees lt looks bed; thot there Is sc~~e lumber on hls prapertY whlch he a~l ll remave; and the whale area nceds te bc Cicaned u~; thAt thc pr~perty Is zoncsd for reslAentlal us~ ~~~ thr. potltioner Is using It comn~rcially; that this Is not e place t~ storc lumb~r and Junl: and tht~ CI ty Is be~ng cleaned up. Margar~t Ennls stated someune clean~d nff tha ~r~~+erty bet~ind her and knr~cked A portlon of the fence da~wn ond she was conccrned wha would p~iY f~r th~ f~~co. Nr. Perk agreed with the neic~i~hors ebout the qencral candltlon ef Coffman. He polnted out he Just recently purchase~i the property and f~lt it w~uld crente less problems than any of the other properties; that I~e has a six•f~ot block ~aall ton+pletely su~~aunding the pro~erty an d the Jun~. and d~brts cannot b~ secn fram thc strect; that he has ++ 32' wide access with a 22-faet ~ete and h~ does not par~~ trucks in the st~~~t; th.~t all equipr•~ent ls storeJ bcl~lnd the gate; t1~at the tr~icks ~(nto thn property once o~ twice a dey; thAt thet Mr Deleon h~s his tonstructlan th~re are multi-family camplexes an thc scr~ct; • business in the netyhborhooci with trucks in end out of tha aree; and that sublect Property ts surraunded on three sfd~s by cortrnercisl. He dtd not think the ndvcrse effects w~re e result of his mAl:inc~. He referrcd to thc cc,ndicivn requirlnq siclewol~s and pointed out thcre are no other aidewall:s in the arca; that the ad~oini~g property has ~ chninlink ~~nce ~ight on the curb and a sidewalk would encl into -9s. Simmons hedge. Ne felt the properRy should be rezoned and put to better uses bacausc thc lots are big and multi-story at~arti+~ents could be served. Ile did not fee! storing his lumber belo-r the fence liree wrc~uld creat~ an adverse impact. Mr. DcLeon realized I~e has been there for many years, but that the strect needs to be~ wiciened and felt the day wi11 corne when the others will want ttoscooperatetand~statedsts are frorri yvung pcoplc. ~ie stated lie would bc more than happy agaln right now the street is too narrc~w. TNE PUQI.IC NCAP,IF~G HAS CLOSED. Commissioncr Bushore asked tf the reslde~ce is used as a~ office rnd Mr. Park explai~ed the front unit is rented out as a resldence . but not to his employets and is not used as an affica; that concrete forming lumbe r~ a stakebed truck and camper shell are store' on t'~e propprty; that he has no problem with acccss and Coffman ts a stande~d size street and tf si;~sidewalks ifsevaryo~te~else~hadsthem!d Nn~was,concerned th~t~the~netghborhood,d i~sta 3/2A/80 ~.: MINUTE~~ ANIWEIM CITY PLAN~~ING COw~ISSION, MARCN 2~+~ 1~80 Pa"~~~ Eilt NEGATIV~, ~ECLARATION ANO CONDITIONAI USE PERMIT N0. 2Q~6 (CONTINU~O) chlldren would want to play on th~ sldcw~lk becnuse It would be the only one In the nelghborhood. Cammissla~er King felt the block w~il nbre effectlv~ly hldes the stored r~aterials; and pointoa out ac~oss the street ~rood Is stackecf I~Iqh~r thr-n six feet. Mr. Par~, falt +nc~st of the prot~artles In the ~r~e arc heing ~ented and It Is unfortunate fo~ the oldor peoplo who ltve there; th~+t Hr. beleon does net tive there and owns snd runs e const~ucttan company from there~ yet wentt~ chts req~est d~nied. I~e stated he wents to aea the property utitlz~d to its fullest p~tentiel which Is prahebly mu1t1-f~Mlly. Commissl~~er Bushore potnted out several of the existlnci uses nre legal non-conformtng uses. and ~ne of tt~ose i s Mr. DeLeon's. Ne fc) t the si dewetks are not necessery, but wl th a mixture ~f storane Ys~ds ~n d residentinl uses tn the Arefl~ fclt the dasl~natton wil) either hnve to bc changed~ ar thc prc-pcrty wi 11 have to be malntainc~! as residcntlal and felt the people ~~+oulcf p~ob~ly want their hono t~ stay as dncent resldrntl~l as possible rather than forcing them to sell. fle: stt+t~d he coul~t not supr~rt the use because this Is a resldentl~i street~ wtth non•conforming uscs which are probiems~ An~f nlso the~e are othar residential pr~hlems but felt allowing this use wo~ald be destroying ~ reslde~tlal netghborhood. 11e statcd uses have becn granted on Ce~te~ Stre~t. but not Coffman. Mr. Park pointed out he ts s urroundcd a~ thr~e sldes by cortmcrclal nroperty. Comm~ssioner Bushare stated those commerclal propcrttes Art offic~ buildlnc~s a~ci thcre is a bty dlfference. f1e stated he could not supp~rt th+e rrquest because it would destroy the i ntegrt ty of thc nei yhhorhood. Mr. Park statcci the~e is a well-maintalned residential property on the front of the prnperty Which makes this remain restclentie) tn charact~r. Responding to Chal rman Pre Tempore~ Tolar's question. Ruben Dc.leon ~lnted cut his properties on the map and stated originally they were farms~ and now he has a coc~st~uctlon t~us 1 ~GSS there . I1~swering Commiss(oncr tlerl~st's question~ Dean Shertr explatned all the zoning in this ere~~ is stngle-fami ly ~estdentlal uses and the~c is no rasolutt~n of incent end the exlstln9 multl•family ts leg~l non-amforming. Conxnissloner Nerbst suggested that this area be ccsnsidered a recycl ing aree because the lots are qui ce deep and tt~e hnmes erc qulte ot d, and because 1 t is aff Center Street and would be sulteble for multi-family us~s. 11e suggested a c~eneral plan amendment be advertised so the property owners can he no:ificd so they can give thei~ inpu[ to determine what th~y want to do in the future. Canmissioner Bushore agreed and felt unless tt+e entt~e areA is changed he would not support this requcst. 3/24/80 µ:~ ~.;' . ~ NINUTES, ANAtiE1M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ MARCII 2~+~ 19s^ 8A•220 EtR NEGATIVE OECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2066 (CONTINUED) Comml~sioner tlerb~t steted theae storage yercis in the ar~a are~ inte~im type uses rnd could be moved It the property avnora so desire. Fle would not support a cheng~ unless the ownars want it, but glven en opportunity to constder the alt~rnetives for y to 10 years fram now~ they mey w~nt te consider a chenge. Commissloner David ac~reed anJ felt the arca should be studled. Jay Tltus~ Offlce Engineer, discussed the condition r~qul~ing sf~walks and stated tf the Commisslon approvcs this request~ he would su~gcst the r.onditian be left on th~ acti~n and the petl ttener could reryuest ~ tertporAry waiv~r becnuse 1-e would agree they are nnt necessary at this time ~nd if conditlons In the Area chenge~ thc side~velks cauld bc Ir•telled then. Commissio~er Kinq suc~qesteci o~e yonr apNroval wit~~ a recornnxndattan tha~t the petittener lool: for enother property. Commissloner Nerhst sgreed with a ttmc ilmlt ~~nd felt the prdperty at th(s tlme ts approprlete for this use~ but n~t in the futur~. Camnissioner Dush~re stat~d th~re wlll be further requests and they will expect the same co~stderrtion end cansidering this wtth whAt is beinq d~-ne d~ntc~wn~ thls Is iust movin~ It f~~rther down the block and he ciid not feel thls is the rlght arc.~ f~- this use. Commissioner Y,tng pointed out tlie G-fc~ot hlhh~ binck wbll hides everytl~inc~ in the back yard and he Jld not fecl it downgrndes the area. Commissioncr Bushore stat~d he would support this request for onr yeor lf -,here were no other p~oblems tn the area~ but hc sces the ott~er uses caming In anci wtthout a master plan for tha area i~ thc future~ the residcntta) neighborhocid will be destroycd and he dld not think it is pe~ti~ent here that Mr. DeLeon has op~ratcd therc for ;~ years; thereforc, the Commis~i~n ls expetted to a~prove othcr simtlar uses in the a~ca; thAt In the futurr,, in fact~ M~. DoLecx+ wlll not be thcre and the Commission should try to abate the p roblem; that storage yards are herd to comc by and are more valuable than multi-femily uses. ACT10N: Commissioner ~ushore of~~red a motlon, seconded by Commissioner Kinq and MOTI~N ~D (Commissioner aarnes beinq absent), that the A~~heim C(ty Planning Commisston has revlewed the prop~sal to retsin an outdoc~r storage ~ard In thc RS-):0~ (Residentlal, Stngle•Family) Zone on a rcctangularly-sh~pcd parccl of land consistfng af approximately 0.29 acras having e frontegc of approximately bl feet on thc wcst side of Coffrnan Street, having a maximum depth of appr~xtn~tety 1g0 feet and being located au~roximatety 2~0 feet north of Centcr Street; and dr~es hereby spprove the Neg+~tlve Declaratio~ frc~m the ~equirement to prepare an envtronn~ntal irn~act ~eport an the basis that there wouid ba na stg~lflsant indivldual nr cumulative advorse envtronmental impact due t~ the approvel of thts N~gattve Declaration since the Anahetm Cenersl Plan designetes the subject pr~perty f~r low-denslty ~rsidentla) land uses comnensurate with the proposal; tha~ no sensttive envfror~mental impacts ere involved In the propasal; that the Inttial Study submitted by the petttloner indicat~s no signlficant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impaGts; and xhat the Negative Declaratton subatantiating the foregc~i~g ftndinqs is on file in the City of Anaheim Plenntng Depa~tment. .~ ' ; 3~24/80 ~~ ~ t* i MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLAfINING COMMISSION. MIIF~CH ~4. 1980 80-221 EIR NEGATiVE OECLARATION AND CONQITIONAL U5E PERMIT Nd. 2A66 (CONTINUCD) Commisstone r Bushare atte red a resolutio~ that the Ana~eim City Planning Cam~isslon does hereby deny Petition fo~ Conditional Use P~ nr~it No• 2066 on the batis that the use deatroys ths residcntial cherect~r af the neighborhood and would heva a d~trimentel effect on the sur~avnding area. Th~ resoluti.on tatled to cerry by the followtng v~tct AYES: C~3t~'!t~ISSI~IICRS: BUSIIORE NOES: COMMISSIOIIERS: DAVID. FRY~ HERDST~ KING. T4lAR ABSCNT: CAMHISSIONERS: BARNCS Commlastone r Ktng suggcstcd oleanders plented ]ust I~slde thc wall And Mr. Park stated he if wtliing t o do anything to onhance the value ~f the prep~rty, Commissioner I~erbst did ~ot t-~ink ~ieanciars lnside the wa~il would eccor+plish t~nuthing and suggested r~eJwood slatttng (or somethinc~ simil~r) for th~ gate. Mr. Psrk stipulnted to provide slazting for tlie existing ~ate, Commission e ~ King offercd Resalutio~ No. PC8~-57 and moved for its passa~e and adoption thst tht llnahetr- Clty Plannlr~~ Lommis~lon does her~hy g~ent Petltfon for Condtt(o~al l~se Permit Ho. 20~~G for a period of one y~ar~ sub,ject to review~ su6Jac! to the p~titioner's stiputatfon t~ ~rovide redwood or simfl.--r slntt~nh for the existing gt+te and subleet to Interdepbrt~cntal CoRmittee recomrt~ndAtions. On roil cal 1, thc for~going ~esolution was ~assc,l by the foilovring vot~: AYES: CC3Mt415SI0NERS: DAVID~ FRY~ t1ERE~57~ KiN~, TOl.~1R NOES: COt1N1 SS IOt1ER5 : BUSNOPE ABSEN7: CC?NNI SS IOt~ERS : BARNES Commissioncr ~~erbst offe~ed a motion~ s~conded by [orxnissicmer David ~nd MOTION CARRIED (Conmissiarser Darnes bein~ ebAe~t), that the Anahcim CitYforat-~Is9area on:tuffmansStr etY instruct szaff to prepare a generr~l ptan amendn+ent stucSy 3/a4/~ ~~ MiNUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINCf COMMISSION~ MARCN 24. 1980 8~-2xz ITEM N0. PUBIIC NCARING~ OWNERSs ROCK K. BRADFOaD AND RICAL EXEMPTtAN- CI.~SS LINO~ M~ Btll1DFORD~ 100; West Sycemore Street~ p~ Anahelm~ C!- 92~i~~. AGENT; MARK J. NEPP, S~. ~ 1111 Eest Conn~nwealth~ Sulte "E"~ Fullerton~ CA 92631~ P eti~loner requasts (A) MINIMUM S1DE- YARD SETBl1CY. AND (B) MItJIMUM REARYARA SCTdACK on ~~ope~ty deacribed as a rectangularly- shaped parcel oP land cons{stinq of a~proxtmat~ly 7~~~~ square feet having a Pr~ntAC~e of approximately fi5 f~et on the north sic!~ of Sycamare Street~ having ~~ mrxtmum depth of spproximatcly 11~i feet and bet~g located approximately 2GC~ feet e~st of the tenterline of West Street~ And further descrihed aa 1n~5 West Syeamore 5treet. Pnaperty presently ctassified RS-~20~ (RESIDENTIAI. SINGLE•F~MILY) T~t~E. Thare wss no one Indl cati ng thet r pr~sencc 1 n oppos 1 ti on to sub,~ect requ~~t ~ and al though the :taff ~eport to the P1Anning Commissicm doted Merch 2~-~ 1~8~ was not r~ad et the publlc hearing~ It is refarr~d tb and madc ~+ part of the minutes. Ma~k Hepp~ erchitect~ stetrd the petitioner wishes to construet a new garag4 end expand hls prmsent f^c111tie~. June Mcintyre~ ~17 West Sycamorc. revicw~d the pian and statcd shc feit this ts gof~g to be really flne end scated they are planntn~ to do Sh~,~~~ worth oi` rcmc~deling to their hcNne rtc~ht down the street. TIIE PUF~I.IC IIEhhINf~ WAS CL~SEO. It was noted the P1Anning Dircctor or hls authorizcd representatlvc hAS determined th~t the propased pro)act f++lla wlthin the deftnltlon af Cetegoricel F.xen,ptfons. Ctass 3~ ~s defined In p"~grap~ f thc Clty of llnahelm Envi ronmental ImpAtt Report Guidelines ar+c1 1s~ therefore~ c' elly exertpt from the requirsment co prepare nn EIR. p~~py; oeMn~Sf10~3r ~;; off~r~d Resotutlcx~ Fto. PtRn~5~ +~~d moved for i[s passage and d~c~optTon tr,at the NnAl~~in+ Gitv P1Anning Commisslo» dcies he~ehy grent the Petltlo~ for Varia~ce Nn. 31~+~ ~ the basis that existing d~vclapn+e~nt on the property lin+its expansion and the use wi 11 not heve an adversa effect ~n the neighborhood and subiect to Interdeps~tmental Committec rec~nrknd~tfons. On r~ll call, the foregoiny resolution was pnsscd by thc follawtng votc: AYES : CQMMI SS I O~IERS : 9USI10RE ~ OAVI D, FRY ~ HERBSt, KI lIC. TOLAR NOES: C~MMISSi01~ERS: NOt1E ABSENT: COt+NISSIONERS: BARNES 3/2i~/8o ~r~ t ~ MINUTES~ ANAIIEIM CITY PLA~~IIINC COMMISSION~ MARCN 2~i~ 198A 80•223 ITtH NO. ~ PuaLIC NEARIriG. ~~.JNERS: FRAIIK Dt?'~J1L0 l1ND LiNp11 ~~~+~RICAL EXEMPT10~1-CLASS ~ LEE l1SHLEIri1, 1!11 Strad~ P1ACe~ Anahcim, CA 9?.n!11 R NQ. ~ n~~o Jn~~~i A-in Dlnr~n -~~r~~~l-ir~ I1~ Bellez~ Lane~ AI~AIIEIM~ CA ~23~7. ~ctltianer requests WAIVER OF MltlIMUM STaUCTUML SETDACY. TO G0-ISTRUCT T1.~0 TE-INIS COURTS on propnrty descrlhed ~+s n~~ 1 rregularly-st~aped ~arcel of land c~~nsisttnc~ of apprc~ximately 2.~ t+eres located .~t the no~theast~rly terminus of D~ellezo lanr anci northwasterly of Strada Plac~, havin~ frontag~s of appr~ximatcly 5? fret on the e.~+st slde of 9ell~za Lane and approxtmately ;7 f~et OR the west slcfe ~f Str.~~i~i Pl~,ce~ an:l further d~se~tbed es 1~1 StrAda Placc and 11~ Oellez~ Lane. Praperty presently classifl~d RS-HS- 43 ~nn0 ( RES I f~E-~TI AL. S 1 ~~r,~~~FAttl LY) ZOt![. There wes one pergon Indicatinc~ hcr pr~scnce in op~ositt~n t~~ suhJect r~quest~ and Although tho s~afF re~~rt to thG Pl~nning Corritssion ~iated llarch ~~+~ 1~'l~ was n~~t read At thc publtti hc~~riny~ It (s referrecf ta and mi~le a p.i~c nf t-~~ minutcs. Fra~~k don~~ld /~shlefc~h, c~wner~ representlnc~ hims~lf ~nc1 his nelghhor~ st~t~d they w(sh to butid two tennis cc~urts and his nelghbor (s willln~ t~ move his trnnis cnurt to accommndatc this p1An; that other locatlons on the property tor o c~urt woul~ requtre ~~rr~v~1 of some vrry larye Cuealyptus trees; ch~~t this ~+la~ drops chc cc~urt d~wn About 12 feet below thc property level whith witl alnr~st cor+~,letely hic+.c Ic from th~ nelghhnrs direetly to thc south stnce t-~eir view in thls ~+r~a is ta the rx~rth +md wr.st; that the tennls Cou~ts wlll both be shiclded with trees c~Mplet.eiy ernun~~ them ~nd will he mueh more acceptable ~nd the large Eucalyptus tf~es !•+E11 not hnve tn he rrrx~ved. Jonnne Catn~ 1-~1 Cerro Vistb Way~ llna'~eim, r~vlewec! the nlan and Inuicnt~~d shc h~d no obj~ction. (t w+~s nated the Planntnq DI rector or his auth~rized r~~r~Sentattve h~~s d~termine~i that thc propascd pru,~ect f~lls within thc c!c~f{nttion ot Caccgorical !"x~mt,tic,ns, Class 5. as defined in parayr~ph ~ ~f the City ~f An~f~eiri Enviranr~ental Impact Re~4rt Gui~'eiines and is~ therefore, cateyorlcally e:xc•- ~ from t~~e requiremr~nt to pre~are an EIR. ACTIQN: Commisslonar Nerbst offc~ed Resolutinn ~~o. PCB~-59 and ~+~oved f~r its pass~ge and a`~'optT~n that the Anahci~ Ctty Planning Commission does t~e~eby grarst the Pctitlon for Variance No. 31~+?. o~ tt~e bas(s that tRe two c~arceis are adJotninc~ en~ ~n easement must be provided ~~nci the propos~~d orclinnnce currently being cons(derGd by thc City of Anaheim alloars a setback ef ; feet~ and suG)ect to Int~rdepartmental Commlttce recommendattons. Mr. Ashlcigh referred to Co~~'''~~ !lo. 1 rcgardiny thc liqhts and explalned the ltghts wi 1 i be di rccted down av+ay ` ~`lp neighbors and wi 11 be nn highcr than 18 and 2~? fect. Or~ roll call~ t~~e forcgoing resolutlon w~5 passed by thc follawing vote: AYES: Cot~HIS510t1ERS; aUSFioRE~ Ql1V16~ fRY~ tiER[iS`, ~'~C~ ToLAP. IIOES: COM1115510ttCRS: Pi0'IC ADSEttT : CQt~Mt S510NER5 : QMt1E5 RECE55 _.._._- The meMtin~ was recesscd at 3:15 p.m. RECOf1VENE _._,..~-.-. Thm mecting was reconvencd at 3:2; p.m. ~~z~~s~ ~- S MINUTES~ 11NANEIN CITY PLANNING COWI1SSIb~1, IMRC11 24. 19~f0 g~~22~~ ITfn ~~0. PUnLIC ~+EARIN~. Tn COr~SIDCR A-~E!iDME~it T~ TfiE l.~N~ USE ENVIR NM 11TAL IMPACT REPORT NO.~ ELE.•MENT: AlternAtc propos.~ls af ultimate land uses ~~T1C~L~1~~t~~MEtIT 11 . ~~ including but nut limitcd to Illltside EstAte~ Iltllside I,aw-Me~dium~ Hllislde MeJlu~n~ feneral Con-n+~rcial dnd ~,encrel Open Space fnr an ~rea of approximately qyQ acres gener~) ly locat~d south of the f~au~r Ranch~ west of the '~1e) lace ~+nd Dounl~ss Ranch~s~ northwest And nortl~ of the sauthcrn LaliforniA Edison Casemcnt end esst of the pr~sent Anehcim lillls Plannecf Community end to COtISIDER t1ME~lUNC11T TO T11E CIRCULATION ELEMEFlT; Prnpos~l to deletc hbnte Vista Rot+d hetween Senta An~ Canyon Road ~nd ':leir Canyon Roed ns a Hlllsidc Arterial t~tghway. SubJett peti tion ~~ras tontinucd from thc meet{ng of Na~ch 1-?, 1'~~~ at the rr_qucst of the pctitioner. Joel F'ick~ AsslstAnt Girector for Planning~ presentcd t-~e Staff rcpnrt to the Plt+nning Commission notiny tt~is is a property a~+n~r tnitiatea General Pten amencfinent whlch genero) ly c~ddresses Are~s I~ I I~ I I I, I X and X of the Mehcim H1 l is Ptanned Communi ty erea. The propcrty is c+ll atthin tlr~ CI[y of Anahet~~ with the exception of a very sr~all triangutar portl~n in thc nortl~wcsc corner of thc amen~lrMnt ~rea. 'fhe maJnr portion of the area was originnlly witl~ln the s{~here of influence of the CitY ~f Orange; h~w~ver. thc citles nf Anaheim anJ Orange entered into a written ac~reement which clelin~at~d a new boundary I~ January 1979 and as a result thrt ~rtinn of the iraa is ~res~:nt . not dcsignated un the Canyon AreA Genc~nl Ptan. The pl~n itsclf was ~repar~d by the City Counctl appointed Canyon Area General Ptan Tesk Forc~. Thls Task Forcc was assembled In Auyust~ 1~7u a~d (ts membersl~l~ was ~oripused of arca rPsid~nts, llnaheim City officiels~ local lanJawners and developers. The ;ext of thc adopted Cenyan Area ~eneral Plan states that the eonce rn in achfevin~ the yoals c+n~ obJectives is predicatr.d on the dwelling units per acre establisiied on the ma~+ which p~fmarily wcre Aetermined b~sed up~n the unicue geayrAphic features of the canyon are~~ which canstrain thc cerryin~ capabilitles of the land Itself; that the Plan tcxt further states that 1t is thc ma,~ar intention of the Plan that the density ran~es not be ex~eeded. Anaheim Hills~ Inc. has ide~tified a numhar ~f ob,Jectives that are Included in the staff report which thFy intc~nd to meet through approval nf tliis Ganeral Plan amendment e~d they wlll address those ot~Jecttves. In addition~ thc staff report also Identifies goais and policies wliich were r.,xtracted froM thc text of the Generai Plan whtch were felt Lo be approprlatr. to this ~ar~endment. Those ~olicles place particult~r interest on innovative zuning techniques, tlte desir~ for praviding housing at the lowest cost possible~ flexibilTty for planned untt type~ of develepment, preservation of signtficant areas And the establishment of neighbarhood conxnercial cen~ers. The htllside estate denstty designation carrtes hetween ~ t~ l.y ciwelling un{ts per acre and the ap~+roximate acreage of that deslgnation on thc prese~t ~cneral Plan is about 42n acres and the proposed .G-eneral Plen amendme~nt slivws the figure to be epproximately 273 acres. Ntllsfde low- density is presently ty acres~ and the Gener~l Plan amendment proposai would be for 12f+ aGres. llpproxlmetel~y 3~4!1 acres are presently designated as general open space. (n addttion, there is the "~o lano use" drsignation on thc p~rtion of the previo~sly adJusted spher~ of lnfluence boundary area which encompasses a~pp~oximately 177 acres. On Exhibit A there are approximately 71 acres which would b~s devnted to la+-medium density which would permit up ta 6 cfwe!ling units per acre; 203 acres of inediurn-density residential which would perr~i t up ta 1G ciwel l ing uni ts per ~cre and 13 acres devc,tecl to generAl commerctal. 3/24/80 ~. MINIlTES~ Af~11HEIM CITY PI,ANNINC COMMISSI01~~ MARCH 2k~ 1~b0 8~-7.75 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ~IO. 2~1 ANO GENEML PLAf~ AM~NDMENT N0. 1~5 (C~NTINUED) ~ ~ ~ '~. ,.._.,.~._. In an effort tn mr~~e fully ~vaiuate dlstrlhution of thc pronosed l~nd use desic~natl~ns~ staff rcview~d a number of thc An~aheim I1tIAS Exhit~its~ incluciin9 snils And slopes~ ~pen spaee~ conservatian, sefety. selsrnic and water and f~und therc were f~ur nrlnu+ry areas wherc th~re~ are conflictin,q cnnstr~ints. The stafF report noints out that thesc types of con~tralnts ne~ed not prcclude Ado~tion of che General Pl~n nr~enciment rro~~se~1~ n~r the apr~oval of subscquesnt c~nforminc~ land uscs~ but [rirs t~~ ~~,ln' ~ut In ~ gcn~r~) wry snme of th~~ canstrAlnts which are I:nc~wn nt e present tinr~ sc thit they can be more ~ccxnprehensively adrlrass~ci and evaluatecl In tnc r~vicw~ of cuhsc~,u~nt sn~ciflt d~velopment plan pt'opr.~5~15. The request of th~ proc+erty ~+ancr st~~tcs ~;~+t num~rous ch~inges in the Anahc(m H( lls ar~a have occurrcd slncr, thc Cr-nyon ~ren ~cncrnl Pl~in w~is I~~st am~nded. Those chnn~es whlch affected the plan InclucJr an expansion and suAsequ~nt a~nexAtion of an ~rea not prrviousty within ihe Ana~ieim s~her~ vf infl~entc. an incr~~~Sed demand for cluster•typc housing, AS opUOSed tn detached singlc-f~im{ly. and the anproval of Pro:nsitinn 13 and the resultar~ re-~vnluati~m of CA5L5 ond r~vPnues, The Envi ra~mentil C~a1 i tinn af Or,~n7F Caunty hes corr~sn~~ded wi th st~~ff an~1 in~tlcat~d there are a nixnher ~f concern~ reqardtny potential cJrvelorr+~r.nt in PlAnnin~~ Areas I~ II~ an~l I 1 i and tFaose ~JI fferent canccrns h~v~~ he~^n narnnhr~sed in thF staff rA~~rt. Mr. FICG'• {1dIACC~1 out ~-re GOf1CC~`; wl~ich has been di4cusst•d with stAff Invnlves trnnsfer of density ri~hts fra~i Plann(nc~ Area I~ I I ~n~1 11I t~ ~~ther ar~~s; th.~t the W~ter DtviSton h~s pointed aut the stzr nf tf~e wAtcr facilltl~3 was hased upnn the currentGeneral Plan. ~nap a~d additional .lwr.ll~ng un~ts inctudecl in chis are.~ would r~~uire re-evaluatlon and ~atehti~~lly ~~ newr a~ater sourcr. fnr the ar~.~; and that th~ Part•s ancf ReCr~atinn and Com~uni ty :?evalot~mr_nt '1e~~drt~ent has indlc~ted cnncerns ~~i th respect t~~ the riroposed designation on thc Genrr~l Pl,~n .~mendr-cnt Exhlbit A of thc r.,rt. site locatcd In the ~ecr Cany~n Are~ and tnelr stnff is avail:~ble tn dtSrUSS th~t issuc. Den Salceda~ represenxin~ A~~~he{m tft 11s~ I~c. ~!state~d this is th~i r finil ~encra) ptan amendment for t-~e l.~st '~;~ acres of a~~,3~~ ncr~ ~+lnnned cc~r~unity; t~~at in J.inuary 1^7q the City of Or.~nrc ~~n~! thc City of Annhetm cntr.red into a~ annex~tlon aqr~ement and sphere of Influcnce anrzencnt .is to houndaries nf hotM th~ cit{es an~1 !~ecause ~f ttiat part~eulr~ a9reernr.n[~ there~ ~,~s nn Additi~nil 3'1~ acres that wa~ to f~ll wlthin the snhere of i~fluence ~rt the City of ~~naheirn* r~ainly because of the existing infrastructures along AveniJ~ 5antiago and t!,e r~rr~+ter ava~ilt~bility cf the City ~f Anaheim to ~r~vide municlpal s~rvices t~o tl~at ar~a; tf~~~c due to tr~c constr~~ints of Pronositicn 13~ they have to .oak mare cnreful ly tc~ co;t ben~fl t an,~lys Is as t t 1-~,eet5 tF~e Ct ty. Pursu,~nt to Al tcrnate i which ts thc ar.istin~i Gencrat Plan, thc Grneral Plan amenci~ent es ~roposad provides a signific~~t relief to the City becausc of ccrtain unknawns~ but thet Alte~nate II hAs gremter cost be~ncfits to the Clty. Ne stated in t~~e last several months, there has be~n a si~niflc~n~ chzn~e~ in the economy of our cc~untry and Anaheim Hills~ Inc. is Attempting with this amen~:rr~nt tu proviciC a~reater spectrum ~f housinc~ availnt;ility to the community and r~thcr tha~ oltcwr for L; of the populatian to have h~using tn AnahciM 11111s, t~ apen it up to as rnuch as 2~~f of the population. He statec+ they will ~gain be espousing the notion o~ c1~5iereC 1~ous~in~ as they atterr~pt t~ develap the rernreining ~52 acres. t4c sca[ed ihe Gcn~rel F lan as 1 t p~csently exists al lnws for a density fact~r of approxirnatr.ly 12,~~4 units in the Lity of Anrhtim and they are ~r~sencly at buf Id-flut with ~,~3n~ untts. arsd they have dtscussect ~ith staff a Planncd Cormunity 7.one change that would allcyw for the drveaoprnent of approximatcly ?~h~~ units, end addtnc~ that to the 5~300 3/2h/80 '~V;i. ` MINUTES~ i1NAHEIM GITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN~ MARCN 24~ 1900 R~•~x6 ENVIRONMENTAI IMPACt REPORT N0. 231 ANQ CEIIERAI PLAN 11MENDMENT N0. 155 (CQNT~NUGD) units~ mekes s tota) dev~lopmant of 9~~f10 units within Anahelm whlch would keap them under the maximum alldwed per the existing fi~n~rnl Plan. tle stated they hnvr takan r~ algntficant amount of c~ncern es te those er~ae which they deem~d to be ecologically sensitlve and fe~ that particulr~r reason proposes the lawest posslhl~ denslty (RS-NS- 22,0~0) for those a~cas~ and because of ~tl~e sensitlvitles of the Welr Canyo~ Corridor~ they hsve deelgnated Planning ~reas 1~ It r~nd III as th~ir tow~st p~ssibie donsity z~nes with a minimum of d~mag~ or clit~nges dnne to th~ terroin. In fact~ It 1s thelr Impresslon thet for Arpas I. tl and Iil. thc unlts wlll be ro111ng type, htllslde-astate density. with p:+rcals of 1 to 2 acras per unit. They have alrr~ady constdered the l~sue of trensferred densiti~s anJ have determirrd tf~is ts the bcst way to mttig~tc thnsP a~c~as of conce rn . StevQ Kimple~ Celifo~nia Gepartment of Fish .~nci Gerr~e~ rcr~d the folic~wing letter from the Reytone~l Menngcr~ Fred ~. Worthley, Jr.~ to the Chairman of the Planning Cortml~si~n dated March 2~i~ 1^~0: "~Je con ti nue to have grave concerns wl th tF~e DC 1 R Ganera) P ton Arr~~dment ~ Planning Units I~ 11~ 111~ IX and X for Anaheim Ilills. 7he bulk of this cancern ls becauee of the proposacl proJects close proximtty ta WGir Canyon. 1Jeir CAnyon contalns some of the best aildllfc habltat remat~tng in the County of Orange. Accordinc~ly~ this canyon supports e cilvcrse wilditfe populatton to include numberous species of r~ptarlal birds. Wildlife I,abitat and wtldlife poputations af this callber have b~en disappearing at an alarming rate in SouChern Caltfornia, The DGIR and the respor-se to our lettcr ~~ December 31~ 197~1 iRCiicate that there wlll be no disturbancr to',Jelr Canyon As a result of this pro,ject. ~le are certaln that thls !s not the case. The proposed pr~ject tncludes devel~P hts that wi 11 er.croach upon ttie ridgel ines to the n~rt~est of Wet ~ Canyon. encroAChment will result in dircct and indlrect neg~+tlve impacts upc~n the flora end fauna of tl,e canyon. (Thase impacts wtlt be in thP form of grcater unco~trolled h unan intrusion~) damege due to domestic animals and increaaed runaff to mention a few. Addittonally. this pro]ect is considered a~ urban growth (~ducing factor that cQUld lead to further adverse impacts to the natural resources within Weir Canyon. 7herefore~ we o~,,x~se the certlficaovat uf the GeneralCPlan Amendmentgbecause of inadequate, and we ~ppose the apR the potent i al i mpact: ori We i r Cenyon." 11a1 Thomas~ Executive Dlrector of the Environmental Coal(tion of Orange Cuunty~ member of the Planning Commissian in ltewport 8each and member of the Callfornia Reglonai water Quslity Control Board~ st+~ted tl~ry have a slide presentAtian from the Sea and Sage Audubon 5ociety~ testtnnny from Pete Bloom~ staff blologist for Saa and Sage Audubon tastimany from Luis Nur~~ J uaneno Indlan 8a~nd~ and Marie Pattersvn~ staff rnember from the Juane~o ~and of Mission Indians, end Jacl~ Young, ethnologist, Californla Ethnologtsts. Muruta Hiegel• Sea 6 Sage Audubfln Soctcty, presented a s11de present~tton and noted the following: 3/2h180 ao-2z7 MINUTES, ANAHEIH CITY PIAN~~INC COMMISSION~ MI\aCH 24~ 198~ ENVIRONMENTAL iMPACT REPORT N0. 231 ~~ID GEh'ERAL PIAN AMENOMENT t~A. 1 IC~NTINUED) Wetr Canyon histor(c~lly was known as Canyon~te Los Bueyes~ or Oxen Canyon with slides ahawinq a nlaqur. pl~ced there by horsemen; srrinc~ flowers~ Coost Llfe Oaks~ grasses~ gr~und squirrcls~ bob cats, rm untain llon lnating thcrc ~rc three knowm m~untaln llons usin~~ the e~+nyon as ~art of thelr rAnc~P ond th~~t th~ glldc was g) ven to tl~em by Fish And ~li l dl i fe Servi cc and i s a coptivc r~ountatn l ion being rehabilit~ted tn Clev~l~~nd tlAtlO~~~ Forest)~ rnptors (nntinr t.h~re ~+re two pr~trs In the ca~yon)~ red•tall hawk, (notlnq [hcre are cWhtte'-tol) kites~ (which canyan) ~ ba~n c~wis, (whlch are numerous in the canyon) ~ were qc~tng ta be placed an the endan~erec.l specles Itst~ but makinc~ a c~meb.~ck~ (two palrs are nesting in the canyon)~ screech c~wls. (two pairs tn the eanyon), kestrels~ (nur~eraus), ravcns~ (2~0 rncast ~r st~~y overnightc~~de~'s~~aL~nqc~heeone s~litud~ so It is unusua) cn find tht+t many in one ~rca)~ sh~,wn In the s11~1c 11ves 1~ Clevelond tlntlonal Forest ond uses Weir Cany~n as p,~rt of his saaring r~~n~~e)~ hummingbird~ bott~m r~f c~~ryon deplctin~ mnstly C~~st live ~ak trecs nnc! st•~ted tliis Is r_xcellent h~~hit~t f~r humld d~~ellcrs and showed fcrns and ~mphibians~ a spring, an ~ilt~r stonc usPd by Indians (an~.! noted thc Juenenn Indian Dand feel this alt.~+r stcm c is ccremoni~'~~ fathcrs usec1,th~s lo~atrd dbout 15 fcet aw~y frem ihe sprine~; thnt the misslonary altrarstone on Journeys bCtwec~ San Juan Capistrano ~nd Ranch~ro Jurupn and Ranchcro L~ Stcrra and ~•+ould stop hcre tc~ rcfrrsh th~msclvcs and ~rAy) mortars, grouves~ (nocing tt,ey d~ not know what the groc~ves Arc'fcel th~c~g~o~v~scwere~ to pracess the acorn from th~ Co~~st Live (1aks; that somr probably used to process riule ~nd deer hides;) manm~~de "v" shaped grc~oves~ p~~lenot~ic+gic:~+) relics~ beds of scallnps, (provlnq this are~ was once part af tlie ocean)~ an oyster twic~ as la~9e as her h.~nd. She presented a slld~ of current development and noted thcy ~~~ afraid t~~ts kind of rim cicvelonrrr..nt wi 11 cause sevcre erosi~~n and ruin the r~elicate halance which is ahsolutely ~ssentt:al for the CoaSt Live Oaks; ~nd statr~l ~~ ro~~d is nl~nn~d throuqh tfie ca~y~n. Pet~ aloom~ 13(~11 tlughes, Sant~ Ana~ alaloyl~al Consultant for Sea and Sa~e Chapter of the National Audubon Soelety; stated he ~IMp~ In ~r~~g~ County 13 years and stuclled biota of thc S~nta Ma Plount•~ins~ is a gradu~~tc studcnt fmm C~lifarnla StaP~ndleton$Ma~ine Corps. f3each anci is in the pr•ocess of c~~leting a t'J-ycar study at Camp Base on the birds of prey (n tt~at are~ and vther portions of Oranqe County that his work experi~nce inctudes 5 years with the U. S. Department of the interi~r, Oureau of Land Me~ayement as a Wildltfe Dlologist. and in addition~ recentiy finSshFish~and Wildlife endangered pe~egrine faicon in South Pmerica sponsored hy the ~• ' p~ndleton and Servlce. Ile stated tfie resutts of his resea~ch in the area of Gam~ t~orthea3te rn Orange County~ specific~llY Weir Canyon, sfx~w the densities we have in these regions are sc~me of the highest in the North American and referrPd to the Snake River Bird of Prey area ln idal~o which was recently set ~Sid~ach oresurpass those~;dthAtaWei~rnCanyon stattd the densities tn tl~e Weir Canyon area app has a ve ry unique populatinn of nesting btrds of prey; ~nd this results from certein climactic features of the area which is the reason ~~e~ple came here; that the birds dc~ not need to m{grate becnuse t~ere i~ a plentlful fnod saurce; that Wcir Canyon has oak and sycamore groves which serve as an attraction, and is thc largest in Orange~ Los Angeles or San Diego Countles and is truly uni~ue as an Oak woadland; that the area in question, encomp~ssed by EiR N0. 235, adJolns Wei~ Canyon and would not affect so mu~h the nesting population of the birds through the destruction of n~~,tEng habitat, but the result w111 be the same; that by destroying the fUraging habttat of these hirds on the canyon ~im, the 3/24/80 ~# MINUTES~ ANAlIE1M CITY PIANNiNC COMMISSION~ hNRCII 2~~, 1980 84'22a ENVIRQNMENTAI IMPACT REPORT t~0. 231 AND GENERAL PLA~1 AMENDMENT N0. 15y_ (CONTINUEp) _..._~..~... ---.~..~~ -- effect wil) ba to ellminete thase birds thet nest in tl~~ cAnyon~ and eny btrds edJ~ining thrt ere+~ such as thn red-tai i hawk whitl~ hns ~ terrl tory of rouqhly two to thre~ squnre miles~ and if the torrito ry Is aff~ctcd by development, we losc~ three pairs pr~sently n~sting tn the canyon; thAt quite e numher of polrs ere alreody l~st tn the AnAheim Hills development Af Walnuk CAnyon end that he documente~i the actu~l allminotion of ~I1 peirs of ~ed-taila~ howt:s end other species ~f raptors in the canyon aincr. the development. !~~ steted that ubviously. ~hc I~Igh densttles of nrstinn r~ptc~rs in Or~nc~r. County ~re not goi~y to continuc to exist if we pcrslst in clevr.lopi~g all r~~tons wl~lch ere sultahle for both nestinr, rapt~:rs and housing ~~rojacts end we ner.d to presarvc surnr areas for wtldlife. Ne referred ~n Casper's Re~~lonel Farl~ which I!; an idenl sttuatlon and they think Weir Canyon could +~ls~ ftll that same rc~le becausr. It ~~es the typc of hnbitat that Is nectssery for breeding raptors and the typa of foragin~ habltat the s~me animals rcly upon. Ne stated not only th~ birds of ~rey~ but the mauntatn lion~ bohcet~ and cc~yote~s ere going to be oust~d out. t1C fclt If we develnp Welr Canyon r~nd dev~l~pment procceds inside the eenyon base~ lt Is J~st ~ m~tter of time before the rest of it is lost and plans for A county {~.~rk woul~f ~Iso l~c~ lost. He propos~d that the resc-urces th~t WOUIII f1C lost by tne d~vr.la~mrnt or Inrle~^e~tatlan nf EIR '.il woulci ~~ovid~ unmf ticlatahle d.~rnti~,~e to th~ rr.s~~~~rces; thnt mc~vi~g a enuple nairs of re~f-tei l hawks out of thci r nestin~_~ terrt tory ls the s.~r+~ ~~q putting a c~un t~ the) r head. I c is t l legel to sf~oc~t or ki 1 1 any bi rd of ~~r~y ~ yet there ;-re n~ laws th~it st~te that you can In a round ahput w~y ki 11 these hl yds by bumptng the-++ aff thci r icrri t~ry. The anlmnis ar~ territertal And OnCe thcy ar~ mc~ved frcxh an nre.~~ they da nnt Just rr~ve tnland as eo~n~~nty thought; that ihcre are at reAdy hl yds Inh~•~hl tin~ th~s~ :~~~~s; that t~ss of rese~urce is tnmit~lat~hle, and yc~u Zann~[ add rnre rrd-t~+il h~k~, ~,hite-t.~~l klte• greyl~rnr.c! owls. ~tc. ~ to the region and they are going to he t.~s~. He recc~m~+ended n~t certtfying f.IR t~0. 231. Marle Pett~erson, staff r+~ember of Ju.~n~no aand ef Missf~n Indlans~ stat~~f she hAS be~n involv~d wlth thc County of Qrange and othe~ groups tn the prescrvat~~n nf the cultural sctentific resourcr.s ~+l~nning process and vari~us ctev~rnm~nts, hut r-ore reeentlY hAs become directly involved with the Itand of Mission Indlans who are nattve to Orange C~unty areas st Camp Pendleton. She added ~ brief background of thetr history th~~t tt (s n~t ~Pnerally ~;nawn tn Orangc Gounty In that chere are stlli many M~eric~n Indidns livin~ hcre; thet they have kept their identt[y to themselvps for histnrical rcas~ns~ but )u5t on~ yeAr ago thts month they decided to beccxne formally or~Janire~l as a band of (ndlans and to get ~ecogni zed as such; that eo datc: they hav~ over lE~~~ ~eribe~s wi ti~ the posstbi 1 1 ty of 3~~~ to 1-00!~ members of Juaneno indtans tn th~ area arouncl San Juan Capistrano whe are eltgibl+e to join thc band. One thing they were vcry co~cerned abaut when they decided to take this step was to ~reservc their heritac~~; that they have noted th~ ±extbooks rnd library books snd anthrepologist~ sci~nce and historicAl writings h~~+ve aln+ost avoided thei r history snd in arder to corr~i le thts, t.hey wi 11 rely h~a~~i ly on these ktnds of resaurces whlch are found in the Weir Lanya~, in the archatolagica) and ceremor+i~) features that are p~esent khere; that for Chts reason, they fee) great concern that tht proposed development of Ar~as I~ II snd Iil ciown into the crnyon whic-, is going to in~act the archaealogical and u°erronial features will cause a severe hinciranc.e in getting these hEstoric~l thtngs to9ether for them. The draft EIR totally has no reference to th~tn~ian concerns, and the archaeoloc~ical description tncluded is limited to the site only wlth no attention to tt~e maJor Impact that lt will have on the ceremonlal fcatures and 3/24/80 ,. ~~. .~ ~o-zz~ ~.. ~ MINUTES ~~ANAII£IM~CI TYoronlT) NO.C231' 11NQ fiENEAM~I,NPLAN ~~~~N~~ (CONTINUEQ) h elo 1cA1 sites thnt sre aimost Ahuttlnc~ t~~~ Po ~p«d develop~~t +~~'~ ~+nything thet in t~ irt~act th~se sites. She st~ted ~rc e ~ comes over the rid~el ine da~-n Into the c+~nyonof$the si tos and agoln ~ointed out thc flaw they felt they do not hove a cor+~let~ survey ~~d the secondAry and in the EIR Is that It is 1lmitcd to thc prop~s~d F~rQ'~Lfe~~~tYghould be c~nsid~red In +~~Y Cursory ir~acts of whr.t ts in Wclr Canyon ~s 5p ~~ Whoc th~ I~uman hahitation was in o ment ov~r thP ridgelin~; that tl~e cer~r-nnsat~fcature itsclf hos bean givRn various devel p 1~ter{~retetians~ t+nd thcrc ar~ mony possc-ers,and tt~cy have timc span to b~ re!c~rched and O~angr. County anJ is dt~ted bacl: 7.O~A~~ Y ~m ~~t~~t P~rt ~f ct~at~ Shc st+~ted the vPry this sectlcx~ of Welr Canyon wnuld be a ~~rY ~' ~n trotl Indicates it was a1eLGUSed fnct thr~t histortcally the arca wes used ~s A"'~'J°~ Wejaces of c~rertc,ni~l worship, by many people who lived hcrG e~d nur~allY thcsr. arr p Uf ~ U«_~=t~~ ~~~9~~ And thc Seicntists h~vc identifled thesc g roups of people ~is h~~~9 rooves in the simllarltY of tf~e n~tar stone t~nani3~etfoundrnowl~crr~~clseeandnif~thescharc~~Psc~narYe~rs, rock ore so unlc1ue ~nd unusio're~illy stu~Jy and research~ wt~lch wi11 take y destroyeJ, the opportunity wauld bc ~I~stroyed ond the source docu~ s~~^ough tthceimportancento~nottheprivernothc~~Y Chance to sCuc1Y 1t~ She coulci not str ~rtuntty eo leArn the hlstory these pcopte of preserviny th~ feat~res t~~etc~ but t+1so thc ~enaral nuhlic; t at gcnera~ pub 1( c ~»S n°t hoen Cau~ht ~ i nforr+~ed ~ or had an ~PP of the country and it is c~f maJor concr.rn to them. ~h~ stat~~ ~fnf ~Aii~~ for thewn as ~o peaccful ~ qulet~ very sp) ritua) peo~lc ~r~d ~resenced ~~ coPY n c~re and if the l;.pmmisslon's revlew. She n~inted out t1~e~e i5 ~~iOi~~ntlfiedtas ~ctec~and cou'.d b~ 9roovt'S 1 n the rocks and tl~e ~1 trr stone are truly releted to development of an Aztec Galendau;~tbNnoft~m~Jor'i PRrtancc a~1 ~h~isc~yn~h~ k~nt anywtie~Q orou^~ the rim of Wel r Canyon wo qf research ihat must he dunc in the ictuia~GgdPiacAs essentlal that the s~urce ocume cd before that op{x~rtun Y not be destroy ,~~ny Indian lierita~e anci no consultant from the She agaln stresscd th~~t Lt,c CIR avoid~ In~finn groups wes usad ln thc preparat~c~noc a~d~~ssecininet:henElRn~nd~tthcrefo~o,tthe EIR secvnd~ry i^~acts w!~!ch Q~~ 5a m~ny w~ si~oul d not be appraveJ. fo~ the lsst stated i~e lives in Oa~.dale. but has bcen working in Orange County ~eny; that Jack Young, two years in cultural researct~ on a e°SC~acta ~af'whict,'lincludcdfueiraCanyonn tha~ hb~~g~n thelr most recent activi[y ~~~~'~~~~ ~ NlstoricallY it is wanted to ~dd tl~at t-,i~ a~t~a wf-ere We~ran~nL~~~ C.,AbriGlino territtory~,n the boun Y what uxed to be the Juaneno terrl tory c interesting that Jose Antonio Yorba end cannotdbe pooven,whetherashcfw~s fran the~ ~ v ry ~lc i r~anyon and i t t s not knoa+n fo~ sur~ f~brlellna tribe or the Juaneno trib~; thnt t~~ts 1s an a~ea wfiich req~~ires muc e~per Stu nthnalo9ica11Y: that tl~ey ha~e ^Q~ ~hafl~g~~een perfot'med;ethat nobody hasdbeen eted eth ography and na rrbdern arct,aeolyogoi~t ~f stgnificance is thet if this area ~snificance~ allowed in to do any study- so thc. p we are gotng to erase the evldence and wi~~ not be Able to find out what the s g real lY I s• d h Archaeologi ca1 Ilal Thomas stated hfsua~~Sthe Commissionnfr~m~hearingbtl~cg history will not pe today is the development at hand and the proposcd imp~cts and bees +~~ t e devcloP-r~nt; that the issue of development of Planninc~ Unita 3/24/Ao ~' NII~UTCS~ Af~A11~IM CITY PLANMIIIG CONMISSION~ MARCII ?.~i~ 19&1 g~•23Q ENVIRONNENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0. 231 AND RC~IERAL PLAN AMENQMENT N0. 155 (CONTINUFp) ~~~~r~r~~~r ~~~~~r r~~r~~~r~.~ I~ () and II1. In reviewing th~ CIR~ the consult~nt In ~espon4es clAlms development dld not Impect weir C~nyon over and over ag~in. He pr~s~nted two maps whlch sh~~- Aev~l~prtient ~f Units I~ 11 and III d~ encroach upon thc ~anyon and tmpart seconda ry and cursn ry effects~ Ile expl~~fned this (s a 1~177 trACt rt~p anci they were not abl~ to r~vlew the r-o~t recent tract map. Ne pointed out tha >>nn fcx~t c~ntour ~nd Plannl~-g Units i~nd 11 to the south Inslde WRir Crnyon. 11e stat~d there has hren son,~ c~nfusl~n ~ng staff a~d others ~+bout the EIR a~d the locAtion of Wrlr f.anyon end p~~inted out th~~t ar~r on the map and a18~ thc. pr~posed by the County for thet r rec~tonal park~ and the ~~rPa in the s) tdes. Ile steted thPre Is talk ohout urbanizing thc upstr~~m nart of thc cany~n end brenking the rldgeline. I~e stated developn~ent cou'd occur all tt~c way around the canyon ~nd ther~ would be nn impact As ~ ecolnc~ical unit; but that dev~lo~mcnt instde the water shed would cause dc~wnstroam n_ffects~ incre~isG the veloctty of runoffs, erosion~ ur~i~n pollutents Ir~to the blota and (r~ acts on thc oak trees~ ~tc. ~ncl this devel~pment essenti~illy wlll pretlude thc possibl 1I ty ~f tt~r. County devclaplncJ a wt tdcrnr.,ss regi~nal r~~rk an~ thc possit~ility of r~~int~~ining intact a eco•systcrn. -1r. Thom.3s referred ko corres~~cmdPnc~ forw~r<fe~f to the Ccxrrnisston wh(ch qu~t~d CF.Ql1 an~i passed out o mAp f~r the Cormissi~n's revlew shnwing Welr C~~nyo~ anJ thr. pro~-~.sed developr~ent. The referred to Sectlon ?108 of the CE~A gutdcllnes nn~1 the mandt+tn ry ftndtngs which must be ndaptecl whicf, are mentionecl in Lhc staff r~port, hut they w~uld contest recommend~ttons ln thr. findinc~s based u~on thcir suhmisst~ns And upon their testtnx~ny. s~ecif(cally the finding thAt ~fev~l~ynr~nt of the nrca ec~utd hnv~ n~ nd~erse~ impact upon the bioloyi.~il resources end they are saying It will ~ncl havc demonstrAted th~t. Ne adde~f they are contesttn~~ the fact t'~At the ~c~n~mic ~nd s~ci,~i considerati~n m~tke tt lnfeasihle to mlti~~+tc ~11 th.r, lmpacts Identlfied In thc EIR an~~ ~ursuant t~ the strate~gy of transfer of developmc~nk riqhts~ will~ ln ~ffect~ provide for r+itiqatic,n of those identlfie~l t-+racts. The whc~le ~ur~~s~ of CEQA is t~ actually ~Ilcyw thc devel~pment tc~ go fnrt~~ an~l t~ ml t i 9atc tfie i n~acts ; and that they are propos i ng th~t th~ developer recelve his economic benefit for his tand and transfer of deve~lopr+ent rights will Allow that and it 13 a fcasible alternative. T',ey would requcst, first that the Draft EIR is i nadequ~ite~ and they fcl t the ••~r) tten testlneony wi 11 nr~ve that p~int; thAt setondty they Nould ask that this be delayed and time be ~iven to worG•. out a cx~ssihle miti~~atlnn which wauld involve transf~Ar of de~~sity ric~h~s~ fen ~-cquisition ,3nc1 acquisitton usin~ easer~ents. In other words. they need to sit dawn with staff~ Maheir~ ilills. Inc. anc! the consNrvatlon organizatl~ns in the c~un[y and ses what kind nf packae~c they can come up with and hc~w they can negotiate a settlement to rcturn sor~ ~conomlc valur. co th~e Ir~nd cw~ner and protect the resources to tt~e public at larqe. They cannot ev~n nrgotiate if th~ developmen~ is a~~rnved today because the land value wtll bc doubled or trt~led; that the land ts only as valuable as its zoning and if this is approved with thc contested findings es identifted, negvttati~ns for acquisitlan wtll be precluded; that they have sp~ken with Natio~a) Audubon Society ~nd they have ex~+ressed Inter~st in acc~uiring thr. entire area as a reserve~ but tt will t.7k~ tlme. ~nd approval wauld pr~clude that option. He stated the:y realtze this proJect will not rne~t any of the housin~ ~eEds of the City becaus.r, of the prite; and probably the~c (s an ovrrsupply of housing tn this pric~ rang~~ and An undersuppty of Ic~w anci moderate income F~ousing in otl~er Orange C~unty ctttes; so this does not neet ti~e housing crttere and will destroy the archaeological ~esource~ etc. Ca~ol Marsh~itt, resident of Maheim for 4 yea~s. stated the thing th~t concerns `~er about thls proposal is the housing of scl~ool studer~ts and wanted It not~d in the record that thete is no cx~e present from Orange Unlfieci Schor,l District ~n their behalf; thet the ,~ ~ ; 3/24/80 l = ~ Mt-~UTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLAt~IIING tOMMISSION~ MARC11 2~+, 1980 ~~~31 ENVIRQNMENT:L IrtPACT REPORT ~r0. 231 AND GENERAL PLAN AMENaMENT f~A, t~; (C4~ITINUEO) ----- - --- school~ in tlie cnnyon are so terribly overcrc~wdP~!~ nnrJ th~re ls nc~ money to bulld ~ew sChoc~ls ~ and they ere betny forced Into a yenr r~unct ~rc~gram and in twd ycars 1 t wl l l be at th~ htgh schoal leval which wtit virtually cut all the students ~ut of Intramur~+i sports~ music~ enci actlvltles. Shn fr.lt tal4,tny shout the future citizens~ their educntion should ho considcrcd ~iher~ packin~ ~~1 children into a cl~ssroom or puttlno them inta porteblc clnsarnoms. Sho steted shc hes students who will not be ~~~ a ye~r r~und progrem because of her cholce ~ncf withi~ a yenr will h~ve to be hussed t~ the other slde nf Orange becauses thore are no sr..l~ool facilitles In Anal~eim Iillls ancf she fe~lt with more harnes, the numbcr of students tn tt~c canyon wlil be tncreased ~nct Chey do not need It. Jim Ruth~ Parks end Recrention and Community Services Ue~~~~rtR~ent, Ctty of Annhelm~ stat~d they do havc concerns about the proposaci locr~tinn of i fueu~e parL: sita (n thl!sGenera) Ptan nmendrient and have heen neyntfatl~g wit-~ Anahelm Hilts. Inc. and do not seem to be eble to res~lve thcir dtffcrence ~t this ttme with thc Infc±rmatlon that ts available to use. Dasicatly~ tl,eir cancern is the locatton af the future p~~rk site at De~r Canyon and wl th the proposed cc~ncr.ptua) pl~n they hove s~~en. Ile stated their fi rsk concern is the occessibility of tl~at ~ark sitc t7nc1 developahillty of it and the cost tu develnp it whtch they fae) Is excessivP~ and the ongc~ing tn~3lntenance c~sts llab(Iity whtct~ will be incumbent with its developmemt~ the e rosi~n p mblems whlch are g~ing t~ be e~c~erie~nced tn the c~nycx- area. In discussing the pro~osal w(th Policc and Fir~ Dep.~~nts~ they both havc p roblems wlth ingress nn~i cyress and the fire hrush Area and just general supervislon. Ile st.~ted they thi~k Weir Canyon dacs have some potentla) as open space~ but their concern i~ that t1~is is certainly nct a neiylihorhx~d ~ark and thPy do not feel they shuuld be absorbing G; BCfe~ of rclatlv~~iy unusahte lanci as n future ~+arksite. Ile state~f In looktny at sorne of the acreagr. thcy hAVC acceptecS in the past, there were somc bad deei5lons madc an~f the cost ~f develnning somc of tl~ose p~irk sttc~ ric~•Pd up In the 1973 a~rcericnC arc ln~rdlnate and they rP~~lly have s~me majc~r pr~l,lems with th~se and d~ iiot want to coa~p~und the problem hy ~cceptinr~ morr. than they fee) woulc! be nr~cttcal to develop. Their ~equest to the Planning CoMrnission Is tt~at they r~ive favorahle c~nstderation fn not putting thc symbal in Deer Canyon as a pnssihility of a future park site at this time, because the Farks Dcpartrx~nt dc~es not thinl: therp is enough informatlen to intelligently address that issue at this time anc! would like the symbol ~+1ac~d ad,jacent to the proposed ele~ntary school at Serr.~n~ s+nd Canyon Rlm, He stated they are not sure that is practical etther~ hut it is cert~~inly more practic~il than Deer Canyon at thts stage with the infurmaCion av~tlable. Ile stAted they havc attcmpted for ~ year to get infarmatton in answer to some ve ry basic c~uestlon5 and conccrns ahout Oeer Cany~n and that tnformation has not been forthcnming so do not feel on behalf of the City that they are in a p~sltlon to even cansider Deer Canyon as an appropriate stte. 7heir request (s thet they would n~t like to see that park syr~ ol ~+laced in Deer Canyan becAUSe that would be a committment to build a park tliere and the prescnt staff~ council or commissto~ may not be he~e tamorrrxv. Ne assured the Commission that thcy will be happy to work with the County and see if some of the land could be use~ for parks in the future and certatnly preserve i t as open s~ace, or maybe as a county rPyiQnal faci 1 1 ty ~ t~uC certainly not as a Ci ty facility. Or. Glory Luciwi ck~ Douglass Ranch. passed out a map wi th colc,red 1 ines on every 1~~ feet of elevatian which gave an idea of the terratn of Ueir Canyon. She did not beli~ve anyone tn their group is o~posed to the gener~l plan amendm^nt as such; that the Audubon Society has told what their feelings are. She Stated apparently when the positioning of Weir 3/2b/&3 ~ ~s.. 80-232 MINUTES~ ANANEI-1 Ct1Y PLANNI-~r COMMISSION, MARC11 2~~~ 1~1d0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPOIIT N0. 231 ANQ CENf.RAI PLAfI AMENDMENT ~IA. _1 ~~ (ChNT1NUED) -- ---.~...,..r..r..~ Canyon Road was decid~d~ hr.r group wes not shc~,n the topoc~~n~hy nf wh~re Serreno w~s going ta enter it ~md l•hey asked to be on record as saying tl~nt wh~~e tt Is prnp~sed m~kea It atmc;st lm{~ossible f~r them to cc~ntinue i t. S polnted out the hll) the rand is Suppc~sed to ocmtlnue through nnd stnt~d it weuld nevPr ~,o the!re end f~r them to brin~ it beck w~uld requlr~ e v~ry shnrn bend ~~! thcrc Is al re-ndy a 1~; rc~nd coming u~. Sha polnte~ct c,ut If they cAmr. in at the n~rthcrly polnt, Far ~~ss dlrt we~~ld have tn be move~l~ but i f the ~~s t tlontng c~f the roact t s to ru~ke en r.xcu!~e M-~x~vc th~ di rt, she thought that In Itself Is ~ 1lttlc btt difflcult. She s~~q~estrd the pcopic whn nrn ccx~cerned h,~ve furthe~ d) scussinns reyardt nn Serr~~n~ and wh~r~ I t Is n~in~t ;~ go hecause she noticed thare is sw~: eortrr~relal Are~ ask~d f~r o~ Sa~ron~ nnd thrre are densitles which they wotild I ike on th~ ~thcr stde ~f the road~ but wher~ the Intersoctinn actur~l ly falls is ir-portr~nt to them ~~nd ~~here thry are supr~sed to ~~~ wi-h SerrAno Road when it tx brought to Welr Conyon is af c~ncern anct fel~ th~ mnttr.r dcsrrves further st:idy. Dan Solced.~ stat~d It seGmcrt t~ h(n that m~st ~f the ~,tntrme~ts mndr by the ~nviranmrnts) qroup wGre bescr! on concerns af flora and f,~u~~n an~i t'~e wi ldl if~ ~t what he cnnsidere~~ t~ be tha bottom of the c~nyon floor; tt~~~t hc hnd made contaeC with SAr.rar-ento~ p~rtlc.ulArly, the Nist~r.ical ~'reservattnn Ac~e~cy ancf they hnve incllc,ir,ed thc~ area of conc~rn to th~rti and that p~~ttcul~~~ aresa Is outltned In green on the mA~ b~lnr ~11Splayed by Mr. Schor and that ts the Weir Canyon are~; th~t the ~r~-+ng~~ linc is tl~e ',.~hel~ Nlils Plann~d Community; that therc is min(mally 3~'1 to 10~n fret diffcrencr_ hcc++use ~f the Ldlsc,n eas~r!~nt buffer between that erea c,f c4ncc~rn ~nd thts pr~j~~ct; that untll he hears further com^ent they betieve thet they are satlsfled and the pro.ject wlll minir~nlly im~+act that area. He egreo~i in vi rtual ly every instonce~ whAtcver ~~nyh~dy does hAVr ~ curs~ry or secondary impact~ but the point fs to see whether ~r n~~t it has ~igniflcant detrimental envi ronmen ta 1( mp~cts . Nr. Satceda cxplained thc rcasons they put thc part: symbol whe~e wc did~ was because they havc becn ln contact wi th M~. Ruth~ and wcnt out to a particuir+~ p~irl; in La Flabra last May bacause thoy had told him of tl~ei ~ dcsi re ta do something In ~e~r Canyon. and thts park had a slmllar type of feel of wl~at they wanted for Deer Canyon; subsequent to that particular tour, tficy engagc~ a Park. Planner and he m~-de a raugh dr~ft~ but they wcrc not too irrpresse~! wlth his ingrnutty or creativity so they cammissioned the Plinning Center to do another draft. They are sttll in a very premature stage as to what can and cannot be done ln Dee~ Canyon; howcver, b~cause thcy recognlze the i r responsibi 1 tty under the law and Quimby ACC and because they have curmitted in wrlting ta Mr. ~uth in a letier dated March f, that they are not trying to shirk thetr responsibilitles pursuant to Ctty Code and ~tso the Act~ that they w(11 provlde a park or in-licu fees or In-ki~d services, ar any cc~rtibinaClon thereof Co development of these 95?. acres, The p~int he was making Is the reason the symbol was placed there was because for them it was the most ccsnventent location becauso thc-.y believe that there is avallabliity of a usable perk site for ~eer Ganyon, Ne agrees for the recnrd that this is a General pla~ and that p~rk symbol can rtave ~~ down, sidea+ays, or ~nywhere inbetwaen and he made ne rcpresentatton that this should commit this particular parl: site to Deer Canyon ~d only suggested that it is there for B~nerat Plan purposes and for convenience and expedl ency. 11e read portions of a letter to the Parl:s Depertment "Pursuant to our conversatfon yesterdaq regarding the Generel Plan Amendment ~~o. 15~~ Anahetm H i l is wi 11 provi cie us~blc real property for park purposes and/or in-1 te~ park fees and/or in-kind services or any comhination thereof...." 3/24/BO ~ MINUTES~ ANNICiH CIT1~ PIANNINf COMMISSION~ MARC-{ 24~ 1~&1 ~'Z33 EtIVIRONMENTAI. thPACT REPORT r~0. 231 Atlt1 GENERl1l Pl.l~t~ AMENQMENT N0. 1;5 (CO~~TINUED) He stetad at thts tlme both Anaheirn Illlls~ Inc. ~nd th~ f'~r~~.s Oepartmant recognlze the need tn keep :helr opttons open end he tl~ought tt~At Is n11 they are doiny snc~ wes not sure thera Is an lasuc at hand. in tcrms of the achcx~ls~ on -~rch L~lnaheim I11111~ Inc. dcdic~~te~1 nncl~ In fact~ the dcdlcation w~s acceptcd by thc Or~nyc Uniflcd School Dlstrict Doard of Trustecs. f~r an approxlmatc 1~~-acre scl~oc~) sltc which has c~r~+x~niy hren I:nr~wn ~s ~~chnc~l 51t~ ~~~. 3 on thc corner of Serrano .ind Cenyon Rlm Roe~i; that thir. Is thc last pnrce) thnt was ~feditnte~l by Anahcir~ Nllls~ ine. to thr Oran~c Unlfic~i Schonl Olstrtct .~t n~~ cnst to the sehc~ls ~nd pursut~nt to an t~greeinent t'i~~t wAS cxccutcd by thc lan~! dcvcloper~ the Clty of Aneheim and the (lr~n~~e Unlfted Schoal ntstrlct; t~~nt the CIR suq~ests thnt Oren9~ llnffi~-l Scho~l Dtstrlct end vtrtur-lly al) other schc~: ~Jistrtcts ~~rc ~oing mr~rc an~l mnrc to n y~ar round schc+c~l for mAny reas~ns suc-~ as Pro~~ostl~n 13; th~t thc school ~1lstrlcts are flndine~ they - cAn ~rovtde up to 27.'' more stu~lent p~t~ulatlon for thc s~~m~ ar+x~unt nf f~cilltles~ thnt some scnool offict~ls have indl~~~tCd ther~ is ~+ gr~~t~r r~t~~tl~n factnr a:ith the y~ar round schools e~nce~t; and that he was told Uy schoo) officlalS In the ~rAncie Unlfl~d School Distrltt that they would not be Inv~lvad in the yeer roun~.i schn~l c~ncnpt uniess therr w~s accep tancc at tt~Q c~~m~+un 1 ty 1~~vc 1. t1e s tatecl he t~e 1 1 r.vrs I t was ~i t the Feb ru~~ ry Board meeting of the !1r.~n~~e Unified School bistrlct where th~t i55UP was ~~~rtic~~inrly brought tc+ the atte~tl~n of thc Roar~l ancl Ch~~t tt Is his under5t~~ndin~ thnt thar~ were 11. pe~ple t~iere~ i) of ~rl~tch spoke si~nlficantly In favor of thr_ yr_ar r~und schnol concept. The Qrange l;nlfie~3 School Olsfrict has rlso d~ne s~mc d~r+r,~rn~htc studies of ch~ parents in th~ schac~l district and those stu~ftes havN also indicate~' that ther~ (s resoun~ttng su~port for that n~ttori. Roger Uesaut~~ls~ President oF Scientific P,r.s~~urce Survey~, ~n archacl~gic~l~ palenthologtcAl hiscarical firm on thc c~~rttfieJ (lrang~ County list, 4LACC~ hC ~r_rsonally supcrvisecl a crew In tl~c survcy of the Anahcirh Ili lls area in ~uestlon six or seven years ago and si~ce~ tt~at ttme, because of nn obJactian letter, resurvcyed tl~e aren; that results of thelr findt~gs in the areas u~~der ~iiscusslon were that therc is one ~rch~ielogical site right on the borderline af the proF~erty .just Ahove Wetr Cany~n which wouid be considered on the rld~e; that tt~erc are impo•:ant arcl~aclogicr3 sit~s be1~w in Welr Canyon; hcxvever, Anahiem I~ills has IndicateJ tt,~t the one siCe whict~ does exlstS wc~uld be left in open spaee and a r~itigatl~~n measure requeskLd lf this is not possihle Is that a total study of th~t site be undcrtaken to ev~luatc lts slgntflcance and a salvage or pr~servatton plan dr.veloped; that he Is not in disac~reer~ent with thr. Juanenc, Indian 9and staff mcmbers, hut academically, ~ccording to current archaeloyicat records. nat in~iian records, the area is n~t Juaneno Indian territory~ but Gabrlelino Indian territory; that there Is years of w~rk to do to ~rove or disprnve this and their firm has been ~•~r~;ing witt~ the Juanin~ to find out where they fee) thetr true boundarles are and this may tal~.e a long time and a lot of investl~ation. Ne stated these are sites in the ~-eir CAnyon area that have never been tnvestt9ated ~nJ it is not rcally dn kn:~wn what is in them because no one has ever excav~ted them and analyzed tlie material. {le asked htarie ar the Juaneno represent~tive if they cc~nsider this a sacred ce~~monial Area (and he would not advocate that nor dtspute it) and asked if they feel it is~ have they expressed this opinion offtcially. 1le stated he would pursue that ,GrSOnally to find out ha~~ they feel ahnut ~he sites of the lower are~, but tn the balance of the p;oFosed pro}eGt which they have surveyed twtce, there are no Indications of any stgnificant archaelogical remains, ather than tl~e ~ne site. mentioned in ehe report. TNE PU6LIC HEARit~G WAS CLOSED. _------3/z4/80 __~..~...~-~~ ~~ NINUTES, At~11NEIM CITY PI,ANNINf, G4MMISSION~ MARCH 2~~~ 19A0 ~~"?3~' E~~VIRONMENTAL IMpACT REPORT N0. 231 ANO GfNERAL PI.AH AM~NDMENT_N0. 1~5 (CONTINUCDy .. .. -~- Commissionar Yalar statad Ir nnpears te hlm th~t Altl~r,uqh the Cd~IS41~Jn~S functlon is to look et Ali th~sc plans In r~lUttunship to thc p~~~Qr~ high~st ~n<I best use of 1anc~ And while he certainly~ as one Camr+isslonar~ appretlates the fact that we noe-.: housing. h~s a tendency to ograe wlth the o>>poaiticm +~t th{s point anci felt it woulct be v~ry ~rerr~-ture to dlscuss this General Plan presented toclay because of th~ nume~rour~ factors tihnt h~ve be~n brauyht about ~~nJ If, ln f~+ct~ there arc posslhle ncr~otlatlon~ to reta{n srxne af this property far a County and/or reylonal parb:. (t waulcl mAke sa+~c sensc to him to ~ltow that type of latltudc for neyatlations to go on. There r,rc a lot of ~uestlons left unanswervd such as thQ eontlnuAnce of tJelr Cany~n P.oad and ~hether It wtll c~ntinue nn ac~oss the rldge end h~ dld not thinl_ thc County or the Superviso~s hav~ m~~de th.,t exact detcrmination yet~ and thc schools ~rc ccrtatnly ~ prohl~m, fl~ olso ~ucstione~! the Imp~Ct of thc masstve amaunts ~f groding ln this prnJcct nnd A4 he viewed (t, the grading would be of a magnitude the Commission has never seen; th~t the Corimission has secn a lot of c~radlny In the eanyon~ anci tF~e ~tetc of the art {s here And nll the land could be reduCed to flatinnds toclay without Any hesitatton wl~~ats~~ver~ c~iven a eertain pcriod of tirt-e. Ile stated he would nat sunpUrt any plan cliange until a task. force and/~r a w~rk cortmittee has studied thts proJect anct he dtd not sec the neccssity to Jurnp tnto a Generat Plan ch~-nge at this polnt wh(ch we pre g~ing tn l~ave tn ltve witf~ forever nnd c~rtalnly e lot of mistakes can bc macic with lt. Ha stdted ir~ Servln~ on this Commtssion f~r almost seven years na~w~ hc has been ahlc to witness somc of the ntce things that have been done~ but also ce~tainly socie bf the sharttomings ~nd sor-e ~f the ~hcyrts t~hte~.lness; thet wi th this p~operty being the last one that Anaheim llltls is 9c~ing t~ he cievel~pin~ toward the 1de(r Canyon area~ roughty 9~~ ecres. he v~ou1J likc to sec thts ~eally studte~l by a~ub- committee of ineifiers of ti~is Cor~m~issfon~ alang with tt~e Par4:s and Recre~tion Departmend, etc.; that 1t appears to him there (s ,just en Insurmc±untahlr ar+c~u~t nf prohlems thAt need to be answerea~ at le~ist t~ hls clarlty~ b~'•~~ he wfll su~~~rt thi~ ~articulAr issue, one way o~ thc other and therc has got to be e I~.; '° ior{ ct~nc heforP he w( I 1 supp~~rt 1 t. Cortxrissloncr Ilc~bst asked ~ir. Kim~lc if hc workrd f~r the State of Lalifornla and he replted that he ~fid. C~mmtssioner Herbst as~.e.~'. if therc has heen anythinq at the stat~: level for a stt~tco-~ide nark in th(s area ~f 1•leir Canyan~ ~r by th~ County. nr a federal reserve and if so, how f~~r it has ~onc and r~hat are thc nossibilitles o« it bring taken nut uf prtvate owncrshtp. Mr. Y.im~le replicd he had no idF.~ re~arding that~ exrlnining hc works far thc D~partment af Fish and far~c. lial Thomas stated fed~erai nomtnattor~s proJects have already bten listed in nriortty order and this ts r~tcaway on the pri~rity list bec~+use of the r~cent land and watFr trust funds, and if thla wa; to be e complete acquisition hy thc Federal l.and/Water Trust~ which at this polnt is not a reality because Carter Just cut s3o~,~~~~n~~ out af the budget lest week~ that it would probably be restored through the representative pr~cess; that the Netional Register des~i~nation as fnr as public montes for National Register is cencerned~ there ~re funds for posslbie recovery of s(te, but no money for Masslve acquisttion; that on April 17 ttiere ts the Propositi~n One hearing in drangP .ounty to lfst pri~ritfes for Orange County on ttie Proposition One bond which is proposed and is on the ballat; that they have been discussi~g t~~e state parks ar.d talking wi th representatives an~i there is a possibflfty of getting on tf,e Propositton Onc ballot~ but if It is defeated tn June, there will bc na park funds; that it is a 5 mtllion dollar park bond issue, and he felt there will be some support for it; that currently there are no funds for a county park because 3/24/80 ~.Y ' MINUTES. ANN~EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIAN~ MI-RCH 2W~ i~l3~1 tl0•?35 ENVIRONM£NTAL IMPACT REPOitT N0. 231 A";4 CENERAL PLAN AMENQMENT ~I6. 155 (CANTINUED) _.~ , .. ..~~ thoy are currently using thal~ funds far melntcnance; thrt they hav~ m~re tha~ Interest tn priv~tr ecqulsici~n a~d h~ve verbal corn+ittme-nts fror~ tletl~nal Audubon to dfscuss ~ ~egoti~ted settlament; but being real Istic~ t t w) l l be two yenrs before enything heppens~ and 1 t enti rely cleponds upnn the price. ile st~ted tran~fer developrt~ent ric~hks and eAS~ment acqulsttlon are re~l isttc; that government is saytnc~, "locals~ you da It yo~irself"~ and tlint thc tools ~+re thcre~ and aequtsition of easements and transfer ~f dr.v~l~pment rl~hts are tho best tc~ls for any part of 1 t. Respondin~~ to f,artrntssloner Harbst, Mr. Thor~as statcd they ere prepered to mnintaln th~ area. He staked their cor~porAti~n Is the l~~ndholclincl trust and they h~ve a 5~1C3 1 andho! dl nn trust corparAt i on ; and that he i s Amroar¢r~d by h f s BoArd to Make th~ of fer ~f guarantee to hnve an r~gency tn malntatn It; and the ~lational Auduhon Soc.tety, given three or fnur cnontl~s to dtscuss this and settlr AGCCSS questlnns, are willing to r+alntAln Lhc l~nd; and or ih,~t a prtvate conservation ngency wi l l r~slntain th~at land if they cr~n get title to it. Commissicmer Dusl~ore potntcJ out that Mr. Thom~s h,~s snid it will br. two years before any publ ic rtx~n(es w~uld be avai leble for acqulsi ttc~n; and tht~t the privat~ sect~r is the faster way to ~ it and nsked tf [hc rnoney is avallable tc~ ne~otlatc. Mr. Thomaa staked 1 t depen~~s antl rely on the zonin~ and the nric~. Ile stated th~y hav~ not hrd a ehnnce to make a realtstic offer and they have not ~nt.cred into any negotiations wi th Texaco-Anahel m-I1 1 1 s. Commissioner Ilorbst asked about acqui rin~ the botton af the c~~nyon ft rst ~nd Mr. Thomas st.~ted witliout the rld~eltne~ the hottom Is sa sevcrely Im~acted lt has no vnlue as an ecologi cal reserve or even a wl 1 dl t fe ares. CaMnissioner flerbst as~:ed about the circulation eler•~ent on thc currr.nt Gener~l Ptan which shows a scenic canyon road going through somewhere in tf~e area~ reco9nizing that Orange Caunty is gotng to yrow and ~irculation fs a rust~ ancf therc ts already an entrance to We t r Canyon at the RI vers i dc Frea~ray offranp and asked i f any ol ternat ive routes have been con s t de re d. Mr. Thomas stated~ speaking for himself~ they ar~ not ~pposed to a road going around the canyo~ ~ becouse goi n~ around I t wt 1 1 n~c Impact i t; that he understands a transp~rtat ton eor~idor is needed through there and whether ~~e can afford it, based on the topoyraphy~ is up to the County and tt~at is what they are grindinc~ through riqht ncw+ and 1 tml tcd right- of-way m~ay be a possibllity. Commtssioner Nerbst stated the ra~d has been on the Master Plan of Roads for at least 15 years and roads do have to be cons i de red. Mr. Thamas stat~d if the road can be kept out of that particular unit~ of r,ourse they wi11 give thetr suppo~t and pointed out the untt being discussed. Responding to Commissioner ~ushore's question as to wher•e the other area is tocated which they proposc to trade off, M~. Thamas stAted he has to laok at Anahaim Hi l ls' Genera) Plan 3/2a/~o `~ ~~9 MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLAPIt~INC COMMISS~ON~ MARC11 24~ 1g80 80-23G ENVIROIJMENTAL IMPACT N0~ 231 ANC GENERAL PLAt~~AMEM~ QMEN~T N_0.~ 55 (CONTINUED) of Development and telkedwlth s toff~ and he could not ~pecifically say whore it would be most edv~ntegaous tor Anaheim FI i i ls baceuse thcy wl l l have to set thc prtori tles ~ and the nu~ar of unlts may not be the sama becausc some ereas ml~hc be high~r donstty. Commisstone~ Ilerbst rePnrroJ to the edopteci f~enerel Plan and the qreen betts~ end ask~d tf thcre i s eny opp~s t t ton ta thc eurren t Gene re 1('1 an nncf Nr. Thomaa s tated they have no probiems wtth ~ny err.ss otl~er than t, 2 r~nd a parti~n of 3~ ~ncl wish t~ kePp the rtdgel(ne and ststed urbentzation over the ridc~eltn~ wi 11 cause chc seme impects. Joel Fic~: steted thc bulk of portlons 1~ 2 and 3 ere the t~reas currently uncl~slgnated on the current General Plon an~l came In under th~ Clty of Qranc~e and Ctty ~f Anahetm Sphcra of l~tluence Agrcement. Aos~nding tc~ Commissloner t3ushore's questlan os co who deturmines the ridgel ines~ H~. Fick stetncf llnahelm Ilt 11, Inc~ ts proposing ta do that In ccx-Junction wlth thts GnncrAl P 1 an Amenclment~ and tf~at is to give sort~ dcsignUtton to that aren which Is ncyw ln Annhefm's sph~re of inftuenc~. Cnmmissioner Qushore asked Mr. Thomas if he woulci like to see thiy ar~a as a{~ark and Hr. Thomes repi i ed thet thay wou 1~i 1 1 ke to sce I L e pc~rF•. ~ or open space area, or a nan- impacting type use. Cnmmtssloner Dush~rc axkedlx~~ they would kcep reople out of a park irtdtcatin!~ he had read in th~ EIR that or~e rx;~untnin 1 ion llve, thcrc and today he heerri threr r~ountatn 1(ons~ but wi th pe~ple in thc arco, Ch~.re wil I bc no rutiu~tnln 1 ions. Mr. Thomas stateJ therc Is noth i ng wrong wi tl~ havln~ penpl~ in the ar~a .-+nc! i f people use the area os a wi 1dCrness area~ the wi lcfl i fe can be E:ept. Commissi~ner aushore potnred out the lettcr froM the Dcp~~rtr~nt af ~'tsh ~md Gar~es refers to huruin tntruslon which is going to disrupt things. Mr. t;tmple stat~d tt~c I;ey Is "e~ntrolled" or "unc~ntrot led" human instrusions. Commtsslonar aushore referred to Ysllowstone PerE; wlth cc~retrolled human instrusl~ns Nhere same of the places are havinc~ to be shut hecause people were in ccmtact with then. Mr. Y.imt~le fel t that is a resul t of not enouqh controt ~ and rdmi ttadly to put a fence up would be ideal if the only concern was thc flora and fu~ina~ but hcrc thera is trterest in trAnsporation corridor,, etc. and therc hrs to be give-and-take and the likelihoad of fencing th~ area so no ~ne can use tt ever is very remote~ and he felt controlled human use of the area is arpropriete as a wilderness typP park. Cammissioner Qustx~re felt hurnan Ihtrusion under contralled sttuattons cauld ~~ far worse than ~idgelinc intruslon, M~. Kimple stateci another factor is wate; ru~off which can aiter the canyon conside~ably end is beyond the human Intrusivn and ts an indirect impact~ but the develapment over the ~idgelines definitely Impalrs the fiorr~ and fauna of that canyon untt~ and controlied input of human influence has a~ impect~ but it is controlled and wn be manag~d. Cnmmissfon~r Bushore asked why the letter was brought tn today~ anci whethar there wes not enough time to respond tn the ortginal response~ ~nd H~. K~mple stated there ts a resRonsc 3/2blSo ~!. NINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMHISSION~ MARCH 2~+~ 1360 ~0-237 ENVIROIIMEt~TAL IMPACT REPORT M0. 231 AND f,ENERAI PIAN AMENDME~~T 11A. 1~5 (CQNTINUEO) ~~.~.ww~r~~ ~ r baing preparcd to tha supplement of the EIR nnd they ncfdressed the rosponse And that hAs been recelved by the Comnisslon; that thls letter was hr~u~ht in t~dry because they knew thls would h~ an issue et ~tils meottny and tt.ey h~d c~nterns and wantect to give thelr input; ~nd that another r~s~~nsc wlll be recc(vect to thc r~s~~ns~ and point~~d out the revicw+ perlocl t~as n~t r~xpl rGd. 11e explained chc R~gional Mnnoqer is the monager of nl l wtldlife reglans Fr~m Senta 88rharn t~ thc Mextcan hordcr and frc~r~ F1ono County to the Maxican bordr.r. Commissi~ner Narbst suggested thls Is a masslve c~nslder~tion ~s f~r ~s the future of An.~helm nnd he was eoncerned ~hout the denstty proposed ~nd ,~hout which rld~~lines wtll be cut thro~gh, ~nd wh~~t r~r~AS ~~tli be levelcd flat~ ~nd ~hout the p~irkir~nds. ~e agreed with ~~r. Ruth that /lnahetm tlllls pmhebly h~~s thc htc~hest raPul.~ti~^ uf ktds in Orang~ County~ ~~d looktnc~ at thc hi~h us~'-ge ~f thc parks al~nc~ thc river bottc,M~ I~c was ccx~ccrned about ar~as for Llttle Lea~ue, Soccer~ ~tc. ond in Anaheim Hitls t-~ere Is n~ ~n~k thnt Is usnble for these typc USCS for thc ki,ls; th~t they havr naturc ~~7rk5 th~~t are c~oc+d to w~ll; th rough but no f1~tlAnd parl:s fnr kids on Saturday. Sundays anA aftrr sch~ol. Fle dld not ac~ree w) ih Mr. Ruth's suc~yestl~n for the area t~dJncent to clie c•xtstinc~ schnol s i te and w~~s concerncd about cutting throu~h ~ mn}or rlJc~eli~~. Ne t+sl:ed tf thr..y h~ve ~n r~!~ree-hent with thc school dist~ict. He stated he w~uld like to sce sc~me c~1or renc~c~rin~R of the actual tr,ide offs~ ~ointln~ out the nurbcr af homcs on this existing propasal is lh(,( units~ ~nd thc existin~~ r,eneral P i~3n sha+s 7~5 units; th<it hc rec~hnizes there 1s a changr in m~rl:etinr~~ buC did not know whether thc change tn the rwrl<et pl~ice Is ~-~ctu~lly neccssary when we have to r~duGe open space from 31~0 ~cres to 2(~6 acres. Ne stated he is very wi l l ing co l ist~n to cluster hous 1 ny I n a rianner to g~ t thc clens f[y up an J s t i f 1 rr-a I n ta i n thc~ open space w( thout cuttinc~ rldgc~lines and hill, Into flatland~ but from maps hc has seen~ there has ncvcr been sucli a nover.~ent of cftrt as heavy as this. I{e str~ted S~e would li4:e ta ste a topngraphic model to hel~ sf~flw the hills to be cut down~ where there is flat are~+S versus wh3t ls left~ ett. I~e was concerned this wilt chanc~a che whale living concept of the Area. He wanted the heartng contl7ued tc> allow Anaheiro Htlls time ta come up with a p~agram for 1~leir Canyon. shAwing slopes~ tnp~,qraphy~ possihle tradeoffs in denslty~ etc. ~o hc could visu.~ltze wh~~t the altcrnatlves ~~re because ric~ht noa- the~r ~s a Oene~al P?an, but no altcrnatives. 11e fclt what is donc is forcver anJ the CoRrnlssion c.annot ~ust make a snap declslon becau~c it is tao Irt~ortar,t co the City and the residents, reqarding the maintalnence, traffic, sciiools. parl.s~ etc. Iie did not wani to penaliza Anaheim Nills~ but right now they are asking for 1~~G6 untts~ and hav~ 705 units whirh ts qulte ~n increase of density in that area, and he wouid c~rsider sor-ething between and thrre is room f~r compromise. Ne stated there are ccrtain arcas whcre he would have strong opposition to the ~resent pi~n and wanted alternattve programs and wanted staff to come up with aiternatives noting Clty services planned in 1977 were planned for that dtnsity and now we are increasing that; that some of the services and needs for the City have changed but lool:ing at the overall picture~ felt this item should be cnntinued and altFrn~ttves shd+n. Ile felt some o~ the npposltion's arquments arc reasonable~ and they shouid have an opportunl[y to acyutre the p roperty in the future. Commissioncr King agresd wi tl~ Commissioner Norbst. Cn~ ''n~er Bushore asked Mr. Ruth 1 f a 1~-ocre si te woulci be ideal ~and Mr. RutE~ repl ied t ld take tess bec~use they realtze that would not be practicai. 3/24/80 ~~ MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY P~ANNI~If COMMISSIO~I~ M/1RCN AND GE~IEaAL 24~ PLAH 19~ AMENOMENT tIQ. 1S5 g0'~38 (CAtITItJUEO) ~ ENVIRONMENTAI INPAC~T EPORT ~~0. R 2 1 Co;nrnisstaner Dushorc asked the emount of land In con)unction wtth the school site and Mr. Ruth responded rtast alrmcntary schools own 1f~ Acros And picking up 1~~ acres seerr~ adequate consldertng th~ c~rodlny and consldering maintenance cost~ for both end it makes sense ta coa~bine thc twa uses bocause with thn passage of Propoaitivns 13 and 9 tliere are a tot of money problems ~nd Jevnlopment costs are hlgh In the canyon. Commisslo~er Ilorbst suy~esteJ shawing a dlamond on an altarnatE~ site ~ecogniziny once it shvws on th~ Gonerel plan~ even though there arc movam~nt proposals~ it becomes realtlty t~ someone's mind ancf t1~at ls where It ends up bein~ locateci. 1~1r. ituth stated they understand~ t~ut Felt that is the wrong locAtlon ~ncl did not want thAt syrrbol at Dacr Canyon bacausc oncc t t i s tl~~ re ~~ncl the Counci 1~ Conmi ss i ~n ond pcrsonne 1 chAnges, tt could hec~r~c a rcallCy. Commissloner IlcrGst su99ested a syrt~ ol on hoth sltes nnd Hr. Ruth statcd thc•y w~uld prcfer nothing shown tn D~cr Canyon~ beeausc tt,ay have nat h~en pr~vided tnf~~rmAtl~n substanti~ting th~~t the arce can hc• dc~vel~~ed. Cht3trman Prs~ Tempnrc Tolar stated (t mak.es s~mc sens~ that thi~ is the typc ~f inectlnqs tl~at are nneded to resalvr, the conccrns wl th Pt~rE;s .~nd Recreat~~~ and maybe even rcpresentatton of thc Coaliticn And Staff, Instcad af tryinc~ to rnvA n symbol at thts macttng. Comr+issloner E3ushore st~~tec1 there ts a park design~+ttan across the street ancf the Commis~ion Just approved 2~+ units there. !le stated he would lil:c to se~ %~ continut~nce, and whr_n we come hack, he would ltke t~ see s~xnethinr~ d~signate~! and not Just lcx~k At posslbilitles. He asked why we even put park sites on thc Gencral Plan? Jacl: White~ 1lssistant City httorney~ cxnlained whcn a subdivtsinn map is aprroved~ one of the rec~uiremr.nts ls that it conform to the Gener~l Plan a~d the City gets park sites dedtcateci un:ier the Qulnby Act~ or ln-lleu fees and in order ta hava sites dedlcated or In order for the developer to offer the land to the Clty in conformnnce with thAt requirer-ent and for the City to refuse to take tt and ta~-.c the in-lieu fces instead if they want another locatton or fecs Instead of the slte~ the site must be shown on th~ General Plan. Commissiac~er Bush~re st~~ted Ana~eim t1111s is saying they will try ~~d work out a plan and he would liN.e to see it further nursued and Mr. Ruth stated they will be abic to pursue it ancl will be happy to work with Anahsim lltlis; but that the site determination has to lie with the City and not wtth the developer and the Clty has bern put in awkward posittons In the past. Conmissioner Bushore stated with one par~: site avaliaf~vedWethere~isrgoin9 tovbe9some people what they need, that it appears if this i~ app - grading~ and ask~d if we are shorting ourselvcs on park sites. Mr. Ruth staced nabody has shown him that the area can be gr~ded. Commissloner Davtd asked how Pelanconi Park was acqutred and Mr. Ruth responded it was purthased~ but only 2.h ac~nedabefore~he was Pa ksSOi~ectnDavid asked why this happens and Mr. Ruth repli~J that app 3/2!~/80 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANf~I1~C CQNMfSSION~ MARCiI 21+~ 1~~4 84•23q ENVIRONNENTAL IMPACT REPORT t~0. 23) A~ID t+ENERAI P~,4N ~1MEMDMENT f~0. 15; (CONTINUCQ) ~rw~~ w~~~.~ ~ ~ Commissloner David polnted out 1~ acres werc purchased by the Clty cnll~<1 Olive 11111s and only 3.~{ acros a~n us.~ble a~d Mr. Ruth rcptied th.'t wes somc time ano r~nd thls Is whara the tenn la caurts arr. loceted. GAmmissioner DAVic~ fclt it appears the City has ha~i very littlc t~ say r~s to what ~+treag~ is set aside for ~+c+rl;s by 11nal~eim tillls~ Inc. Mr. Ruth statcd hc w~,,, nnt hcrc wh~n those necp~tiati~ns w~nt on~ but f~.nows thec Annhcim Hllls I~r~s c}Iven thc Clty ti~ acres~ a~~! of th~it °~ acr~s~ c-nly eihl,t are us~~~le In trrMs of activ~ rec~eetl<7n lon,l; and thnt park ~ievelc~pmrnt cnsts I~ this nre~a Is hir~h and the C(ty hes been c~ttized f~r nnt devel~I~ing ;~~rks~ but g~o~.l n.~rL; l~in~.1 is th~~t land ~+urch~sed by tt~~ Ctty wlth ifs orrn monc~y~ not thc ~~r^_o set asiclr_ hy thc ~lavetn~~cr. Comm~ssicx~er Nerhst statr.d when thc Comm(sslon first s~iw 11na~~eim III1ls' devel~~mr_nt map wi th so m~ny red ~lott ~ i t was total ly undavel~ped~ ~~nd thc Cortril ss I~n w,~s tnt~il ly inexperlenced .~s to thc nceds fqr park sltes and IL ~•1t~s hard fr,r ~nybody to see what would h~{~pen ~ but locik I n~ at wh~t wc have done ~ ~n~1 thcre have hecn sor~c f 1 nc deve lopr'~cnts ~ th~t thc area w~s overall t~'anncd and hcrc~ wcro so ~any pcoplc whn necd ~arks. Now we ar~ ic~o4;tng bac~: wlth Qxpr.rlence In devetopment of hlll~lde and c.~nyons, we do ~ot need to makc~ tl~e s amc m t s tol;es ; that [he Cnunc i 1 ~~nd P 1 ann i ng Cortm 1 ss i on though t i t was a gcwd plAn t.otally uncieveloped at the tir,,c. !~e ~tatec! hr riould mal:e ~~ Motlcm f~r tontlnuance for posslbly at least three rrontlti~, and in tl~a meaniime have~ sor~c public wark scsstons wlth staff ana Anahetm Hills and co~~c up wtth att~rnativcs; th~t the propcrty owner has rlghts, but thc ~eople w'~o want to protect thc e~vironr~ent havc ri~hts; that tr.~de-offs of density are passible and rldgelinr.s should be considerr_d And a15a clty scrvices. ~~an Salced~~ statcd they have bcen work.ing on this pArticular proJect for the better part of a y~ar ~nJ have had thrac ccrtlf}~:d CIRs ln the gcncr~l a~ca~ including that area touchioig this arca snJ asked how many more EIRs are requ!red. Ne recalled a comment made by Commissinncr Tolar os to ho~+ c~uch saving~ would hr, given the ultimate home~wners by expedtting the process; th,~t thc Aprt1 Tlme Na~azine reports that housing costs go up 3n~ a ye~r and one of thE naJor cancerns they had in ti~~is ~PA was co provicie rt+~re housirg for mare people and a tl~ree-mnnth cnntinuance witl cxtend ltsclf. Chairman Pro Tempore Tolar s[atcd he ts chairing a cam~lttc~e f~r thc St~te ~egarding lack flf housing~ and devclopmcnt metl~ods of Lity ~nd Countics to get higlur density and al) types of ati~Qr t;~ings a~e being studied to try ta bring costs clow~. Dut there are costs bcyond ciollars and cents +~hich m~iy ba too high and Chat i~ is noc an environn+entallst and belleves ln housing~ hut nc~t at the cost of ~verythtng else. ~~e stateci true,we have a lot of park xites, but w necd flat parks not thc "billygoat" acrPS we now have; that less density me~~n~ l~ss peoplc~ and maybe we do not necd this many housing units. tie felt the proJected bulld-out is over tf~e nex[ fivc yc~rs and the houses probably start at S35o~o00 or up. predicated on wtiat is happening naw, so they are not low ta mc~derate cost unlts and the cost mt~y be too l~igh if we destroy everytl~ing else t~ 9et housing. Dan 5altcda state~3 he would like a orie month G~ntinuance. Commissioner ~lerbst replfed he wants sa~-ethinc~ realistic; that he was surpriscd at one exhibi t and wantod al ternati ves and was conc~rned about densi ty and fel [ that there is not ...~ ~ i 3/a4/8o ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLAtiNING COMMISSION~ MARCH 24~ 1990 CuVIRANMEN?AL IMPACT REPORT t~0. 2~1 ANQ G~NERAL PLAtI ANENDMENT ~ f 8Q~ Z~i~ (CONTINUED) anough informetion on circulatlon and thera are a 1at of things he does net agree with on this plon. Dan Salceda statarl the density Is 2.7 units per acre. Conxni~sloner Ilorb~t indlcatPJ h~gda~statedrthasc'thin~s havc~notAbecn~dlscussedtand~ wt11 be A lot of grading and Nr. Salce potnted out thot this is a Gener.~l Plan amendm~nt anc~ not a specific ptan, Conmtssioner 1larhst ~tfltc~ WhatC~ edln~~w1~1~15beAd~ne,and~'where ltewillnhencloncrand there~~ before nnd hc wants to sec ~ e•c a iot of things whi~h~ L~~~`~n~tW~nis ~r~°5~~~lftchinfornntlonh1~lrn~S8lced~est~ted hc c~rad) ng ordl nancc was a p h~a shawn thc r~odct whtch deplctcd this araa. Chalrmnn Pro Temt~are Tola~ s~ftcd~ssroomsY but so~onc~c~scnwf Ilrlt+~kecc~re~af~itnl~tycr and rep~rts thera is a shnrtage a he did not think (lrangc~ Unifte~~ School Dlst~ict will toke c~re of .inything anynwre and e doos not h3ve m~~ch confidence In thei~abe ta~:entcnreaof.~rlie~wentad~stm~ple answcrs. Ne appr~vin3 plans and hoping things wl felt thc clansity is too htgh, doublcd from the current Gcneral Pl~n~ an~~ he dtd not scc thc t~ade-offs and thcre are nn parks or schaols. Ne wants sanrthing that n-t+l~.es sensa long after the develoPeb`i i~~°n~~nchat'Ic~d~tlanc~ttseei theturg~ncyrandcR~int d~outtthexaco and llnahair~ Hi ~ 1s wi l ~ 9. Commisslon just approved seven different tract ~+~~PS• CommiSSioner Nerbst stated as Planning Cormissi~ncrs, thcy w~nt to see a good ~~lan~ and felt tt sF~ould bc gtven furthcr stucty with work sessions And puhlit hearings to eonsider eluster housing, less grading the slnpes and riue~elines~ thc watcr shed, the open space~ and the tr~de-off,. Joel Flck statcd Mr. Salce~fa h~d mentioned they have been working on this for onc year, but Staff has been workheg ~ttcrethe~thought ttie CWOmmlssion wants~andtto,a~tuallyphotd alCernatlves and give t mectings he pGrson~slly bel(eved three m~nths Is conservative to rlevel~p varyin~ p ans. ~amm~s$tor~er 9ushore statcd he hnd qucstioned the thrce months +and wondered if that was being defin~tivc and wl~ethe~r tsltio~have donedthet~h~neworkrand havethad consultants and obviously these people in ppo Salceda to come up with the have bcen through this before. 11e fclt it ls ~p to r~r~ alternatives slnce thcy wil) f~c nef~~pptof one rronthrty~iE^Polnted outnpc ~lecmoving~intosh this in one rionth, he would be 1 this housing wit) be freeing up lower cost houstny~ Joel Ftck st~+ted Anahelm tlllis +~oi~~f~p'~~seSSions.¢ n~an to staff in two weeks and staff would revicw tn a few days an d ho Ron Thompso~~ Planning Dlrector~ sug~es~F.:~ NAy 5• Which is six +~eeks. 3/24/80 ~, . j MINUTES~ ANIW~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIAN~ MARCN 2-+~ 1980 $~•2h1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPOtIT N0. 231 AND G@NERAL PLAM AMENOMENT N0. t55 (C~t~T1~~u[D) .._..r.,..._ . ------~ Commisstonor David was concerned that the daveioper st++~ted wvrking one ycar aAa ~+nd etaff says they have been tnvolvad two months. Dan Salceda refe~rrecl to e particular lettar Mr. David 1Jilcox wrote steff date~! Soptembar 12 regarding tha fiscel impnct f~r the Ceneral P1an amendment f~r these pArticula~ ~re~s 1 X, X. I~ I I~ 1 I I- 952 +~cra parccl. ACTIONt Commtaslonar tlerhst offcred a motton, secondcd by Commtssinner 8ushore and NATION Att EU (Commissloncr f3arnes being ~bsant) ~ that cansiclerr~tion nf the eforementioned item ba c+~ntlnuQd to thc reyutarly-schccfuled moctlny of May ;~ 19C0. Jeek White point~d out there ~rill be no further notices and anyone Interasted shoulcl call the Plannlny DapartmQnt to moke sure tlie hearing wll) t~c hcld on Moy S. ADJ~URtIf1EtJ7 Tharo being na furti~er businass~ Commissione~ Bushc~re offercd a motlon, secondod by CommtsslonQr Fry and t1~TI0N CARRIEU th~~t the mc:cting be adJourned. The meeting was sdJournad at 5:3n p.m. Rosp~ccfully submitted~ Edith L. Ilarris. Secretary Anahnlm Ltty Planning Commtssl~~n ELll:lm 3I24/6o , P _ ~~.. ,~_ ~a~~~.,_ , ., _. . , „ ~ _ . , _ : .__.,_ , _ .