Minutes-PC 1980/05/19~ ~} > City HAII Anahelm~ Californla May 1~ ~ 1980 REGULAR MEETING OF TII~ ANANCIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION ~~~~ r~~.w ~ REGULAR - The regular meettng of tha Ana~eim City Plenntnc~ Commisston was called MEETlNG to order by Chatrwoman Barnes at 1:33 P.m.~ Mey 1g, 198A in the Cou~cil Chamber~ a quorum betng ~re:ent. PRESENT • Chairwanan: Barnes Commissloners: Devid~ F~y. Ne~bat. King (Commlssio~ers aushore end Tolar arrtvad at 1:~5 p.m.) ALSO P'RCSENT - Jack wh I tc Ass t sten t C 1 ty Atto~'n~y Jay 71tus Office Enginesr Annika Santalehtt A~sistant Otrector for Zontng Dean Sherer Assistant Planner Edith Fiarris Planning Commisston Secretery PLEOGE OF - The Pledyc of Allegtance to the Flay was led by Cnmmissloner F~y. ~LLEG I r~MCE APPROVAL Ot' - Commissfor~er qavtd offcrcd a motlo~. seconded by Corm~lsst~ncr lCing T11E MINUTES ancl MOTIOW CARRIEO (Commissioners Bushore and Tolar being absent)~ that the minutes of the mecting af May 5~ 19P0 be approved ~s submitted. Lamrnissicx~e~5 t3ushc-re and Tolar errived. ITEM NA. 1 PUOLIC tIEARING. 04J~~ERS: CIIESTER PETERSON AND ~~~RICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 3 BEVERl.Y Al~t~ COMPTO~~~ 221 florth Meplewood~ Orange, CA UAR ANCE N0. ~1 ~; 92G6G. AGEr~T: HERCURY SAVINGS AND LOAN A5S4CIAT~Of~~ P. 0. Box 1010~ Iluntington Seach~ CA 92647. Pettttoner requeats WAIVER Of MAXIMUM NUME~ER OF WALL SIGNS TO PERMIT 't110 WAII SIGNS on praperty descrtbed as a recLangularly-sheped parcel of land cnnsisting of approximately 0.7 acre lacated at the no~thwest corner af La Palma Avenue and Imperial llighway~ hsvtng epproxlmete frontages ~f 197 feet on the north stde of La Palma Avenua and 150 feet on the west stde of Imperial Nighwey~ and furthe~ described as 5677 Eest La Palma Avenue (Mercury Savings b Loan). Property presentty classified CL(SC) (COMHERGIAL. LIMIT~D} ZOHE. SubJoct pttition was cantinued from the meeting of M~y $~ 1~80 far revised plans. There was nu vne ir~dicating their presence in oppos(tton to subJect request~ and although the staff repart to the P1an~Ing Commtasion dated Msy 19, 1980 was not read at the public hearing~ it is referred to and made a part of the minutea. Mel Kapso~~ representing Fb ~cury Savings and Loan Assoclattnn~ explained at the prevtous publtc heari~g the Commission w~s concerned about the siie and nurtber of proposed signs and thr revised plans are in accordance with suggestions. TNE PUBLIC HEARING WA5 CLOSEU. ~:;, ar,_~r 5/19/80 ~ ~ 3 MINUTES~ ANANEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION~ MAY 19~ 19~0 Ela CATEdORICAL EXEMPTION•CLASS ; ANO YARIANC~ N0. 14~ (CONTINUED) ~~~r~~~w~~~ ~~~ ~~~ / 8~•297 Cortimisslo~er Ilarbst felk thts ~ovised plan co~forma to the Stgn QrdlnAnce~ therefore the varisnce fs not necessary. Jeck White~ A~sistant Clty Attorney~ explntned if Lhe Commisalon feels the ptans~ as modiflad~ do conto Rn to Coda, tf~ey mey wish to off~r A matlon to that effect and the petltioner m~y wlthdrew hts request for ~ variance. Commisstoner Tolar ai!ered a motion~ seconded by Cc~nr.ilsstoner Fry and MOTION CARRIEO unanimoualy~ thet the A~ahetm City Planning Canmission does hereby find that the revised plans do conto~r,~ to the Siyn Ordi~ance~ Mr. Kapaor~ ssked that the Petl tian for Variance ~~o. 311~~ be wi thdrawn. ACTIONt Commtsstone~ Ilerbst offered a motion~ seconded by Commisslo~er Tola~ and MOTION ~D~ that the Ansheim City Plenning Commissio~ does hereby grant tho petltioner's ~aquest to withdraw the Petitian for Varlance No. 314y on thc basis that submltted ptens~ es modifled~ do canform ta the Sign Ord(nance. Camrnisslone~ aushore asked ebout future simllar rcquasts ~nd Annike Santalehtt, Assistant Uirector for Zon(ny~ stated staff would approve plans for baslcaily the same proposal~ but any varlations wou~ld be brought before the Commission. ITEM 1~0. 2 PUBtIC HEARING. OWNERS: MEL':'t~ D. AIIQ ~T~~VE DCCIARATIOW ALIW RUTII HILGE-~FEIp~ 1<~~ E.ast ~roadwby~ Anahelm~ ~~ N. _g0•3b ~q 9Zp0y. AGENT: JOHt~ f. SWiNT~ 707 West North 1~~a` AN, E t~0~ 3 Strcec~ Anah~im~ CA 92805• Prop~rty d~:scribed ' es a rectangulerly•shape~ parcel of isnd co~sistlny of approximat~ly 0.35 acre having a fro~tage of epproxlmately 100 feet on the west side of Claudina Strcet. havfny a maximum depth of approxim~tcly 15-~ feet~ and t~eln~ lotated approximately lE1Q feet snuth of the centerline of B~oadway~ and further descrlbed as 315 and 319 South Claudina Strcet. Propert~+ presGntly clessified RH-12Q0 (RESIDENYIAL~ NUI.TIPLE-FAMILY) tONE. REQUESTED CLASSIFICATiQtI: CL (COMIIERGIAL~ LIMITED) ZO~dE. REQUESTEO VARIANGE: MINIMUM LW~IDSLAPCD SETBACK There was ar~e perscx~ tndlcating that he had a question on subJect request, and although the steff repr~rt ta the Planning Commisslon dated May 19~ i98o was not ~e~a. at the publtc heartng~ it (s refer~red to and made a parc of the minutes. Mielvin Hilgenfeld, awner, explained hls request ls to ex~and the wo~king portton of the mortua ry which has not chbnyed stnce 1g39; that they purchased p roperty south of the alley for future expanslon and it is naw necded; that they propose to remove one restdentla) atructure to p rovlde additio~a) parking snd they own the adj~ecant praperty snd plen a larga gsrage fo~ 1lmouslnes or cartege parking of the mortuary v~hiclex. He expiai~ed the walver of minimum landscaped setback for th~ garage is requested beceu~e the prope~ty immediately adJ~cent i~ overgr4-vn with weeds a~d the prope~ty to the west ts develoQed wtth e garage and carwash. The waiver of required site scraening is being requestad bau use the use of the residentisl structure will ~vt be changed nnd the only changss will be to the front po~tlan; thet the ro is a fence between the two and he dTd nnt sae eny raason for site screening; how~ve~, if the property is ever developed in any ather way, chen it Nould be ner.assary. 5/19/8p ;- ~~ i ; MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSION~ MAY 5~ ~980 80•298 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATtON~ RECLASSIFlCATION N0. ~9-80•36 and NARIANCE N0. 3149 (CONTINUEO) -----~----- - Mr. H1lgenfeld explsined he recelved a copy of the staff report late Saturd~y and In reviewlnq lt~ ~oticed a conditlon has been added that the existing r~sidentla) structure located on the southern po~tion of the property be brought up to minlmum codes; and that he had talked with a representativ,e in the 6uilding Oapartment who indicste!d there was no requtrement sinc~ It is not being changed. He polntad out that an omisslon ht~~ been made In paragraph (y) of tl~e staff ~eport. regerdinc~ the existing structu~e. Frances Howard, owner af praForty at 3z1 and 323 South Claudina, and ~AStdas st 1y20 Cerrltas Avenu~s~ Anaheim~ asked why a block wsll is not beiny required on the south prope~ty ltne~ indicAting concern that bodies wouid be brought in. Ile stated there is an old reaidenc~ on his p~operty which he will tear down eventually. Mr. tieward revlewed the plans and indic~ted he is sattsfted wlth the request. Mr. Hilyenf~ld explalr~eci na bodtes wtll be brought i~to the garagc and thAt the mortuary work wlll continue wlthin the confines of the buildiny and the entrance wiil be on thel~ ,oraRerty. T;IE PUUII C HEARI NG NAS CLOSED. Respo~ding to Commisstoner Ktny's quostlon, t1r. Hilgenfcld explained the south side of the garage wtll be on the south property llne and to Chairwoman B~rnes' questlon that th~re is currently a fenca~ but no wall~ on the sauth property line. Commtsstoner Nerbst stated if the axiscing re~iJenc~ ts evar changed from a rasidenttal use~ it wou~d havo tc be upgraded and Deen Sherer, Assistsnt Planner~ explsined a sCand~rd condttton is ~ecommended whenever a residential propc~ty Is fn+proved in this mdnner~ but if the 8ullding Deparcment does not think It ts necessary~ the Commtssion cen delete the conditton. ChatrwcMwn Bs rnes w as concerned because of the reclassification since a six-foot wall is normally required between residantial and conmercial uses and feit a wali should be constructed now or a stiputation can be made that tf and when the property is developed~ a wall wtll be constructod. N~. NElgenfeld did ~ot think a wall would help anyxl~ing at Lhe present time. Commissioner Bushore did ~ot see any need for a wai) and noted the neighbor has alre~ady indicated he will eventually develop his property and since it (s not not known how it w{11 be developed. e w~ll may not even be necessary then; a~d that subJect property Is surrounded by commercial usea and he felt thts ~vill vastly improve the area. Commissioner He rbst ciarifted that the variance Is only for the 44-foot ga~age anci de weiopmnr~t of the remainder af the property would requtre tho wall. Ch~in~+eman 8arnes wss concarned that posstbly the property to the south would be developed comrtiercielly and Oean 5herer clarifted that c.ommercial use of the residentla) structure would require a condtttonal uso permit and Jack Whjte expiained this veriance wiil only reiste to this parttcular development. Ne uiso expletned a conditto~ cauld be added that tha rvell will not be required until such time as the ~esidontia) structure Is oonverted to conrae rc ~ a 1 us e. ?~t 5/ t9/BO i~`':'~~".. . . . ~ MINU1'ES~ ANANEIM CITY PIANNING CQMMISStON, MAY 5~ 1980 EIR NEGl1TIVE DECLARATION~ aECLASSiFICATIQN N0. ~g-80-36 ANo VARIANCE N0. ;149 (CONTINUEO) ~w~ ~~r~~w 80- 299 ACTION: Commisstoner King offerad a motinn~ seconded by Commissioner David end MOTION ~D~ that the Anahelm City Planning Commisaton has revtewad tha proposat to reclassify subject proporty from RM-1200 (Rasidentidl~ Multiplc-Famtly) ionc to CL (Conrnerclel, Llmited) Zone to expand an existing murtuary with walvers of mintmum landscaped setbsck and requlred slte screening on a ~ectanyulerly-shepad parcol of land conststing of approxin~teiy 0.35 acre haviny a frontaae af app roximately 10~ feet on the west side ~f Cleudina Street~ having a maximum depth of approxtmately 154 feat~ and being located approxlmataly 1130 feet south of the centerline of ~roadway; and does hereby approve the Nagetive Declaratton from the ~equirement to preparc en environmenta) trtpact report on ths basis that there would be no significant indlvidual or cumulative adverse envtronmenta) (mpact due to the epproval of this Nec~atlvt~ peclaratlon since the Anah~(m Ge~eral Plen designates the sub)ecr property for medium-density residential land uses commensurate wtth the proposal; that n~ sensittvc anvironmental tmpacts are tnvolved in the proposal; thdt the Initla) Study submicted by the petitloner lndtcates no slgntflcant indtvidua) or cumulative adverse enviro~menta) Impacts; and that the Ncgattve Ueclar~tton substantlating the foragoing findinys Is on file (n the Ctty of Anahelm Planninc~ Department. Commissto~er King offered Resalution t~4. PC80-3Q ~nd moved for its passage and ~doption that th~e Anal~eim Clty Planniny Commissiun does hercby grant the Petltlan for Reclassification No. 7'1-80-36~ subject to Interdepartmental Conmittee recommendations. On roll ca11~ the foregoing resolution was passed t~Y the folivwiny vote: AYES : COFW 1 SS I Ot1ER5 : ~ARtIES ~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE AOSENT: COMMISStONERS: NONE AaSTAiN: CONMISSIONERS: QUSNORE OAVID~ FRY, ~IER4ST~ Y.ItIG~ TOLAR Cammiasianer Kiny affered Rexolutton No. PC80-81 and moved for its passage and adoption that Lhe Maheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant Petition for Varlanca Ho. 31k9 on the bssis of the fimited slze of the prope~ty and strict appitcation of the zoning code wc~uld deprive sub,ject property of a p~ivilege enJoyeci by other prope~ty in the ssme zone and victntty, and subJect Lo Interdepartmental Commtttee recomnx ndattons. On roll call~ the foregotn~ resotution was passed by the follvwing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: DARNCS~ DAV10~ FRY~ NERBST~ KIt~G~ TQLAR NOES : CQMMt SS IOFIERS : NOtJE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE AnSTAI N: COMMI SS IONERS : HUStiORE Commissioner Bushore explained he had abstained from voting because he was prevtously employad by the petitloner. 5/19/80 ~~ ~ , MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, MAY lg~ 19~ 80•300 1TEM N0. PUBLIC HEARINf. OWNER; Nt1ME5 E1Y LYTTI.E~ 12$31 ~VE DCCLAMTION NewPcrt Avonue~ Tustin~ Cl1 92f~60. AGEI~T: J. P. 1 ~ N0. 11122 KAF'P AND ASSOCIATES~ SQ1 Park Center Drtve, Suttc 20~~ Santa Ana~ CA 92~OS. SubJect property conitstiny of approxtmately 6.12 acres having a frontnge of Apprax{mately iGAO feet on tha west side of Country H111 Road and a frontaye oF ~pproxlm~tcly tn75 feet on the east ~ide of ~ld Uridge Road~ having a rnaxlmum depth of epp roximat~!y ~+~ feet end being tocated approximatcl 670 feet a~uth af the centcrltn~ of Mohler Driva Is propnsed as a~-lot~ RS- 11S-~2~t10f1(SC~ subdivlsl~n. Property presently clASSifled RS-A-43r~~1~tSC) (RESIDENTIAL~ SINGLE-FAMIIY) ZONE. There wes no onc Indicatiny their presence ln o~roaltlon to subJect request~ and although thc staff report to the Planniny Cc~~mission ~f~-tcd May 19~ 19~:A was not reac! ot the publlc hcaring~ it Is referred to anrf made e part of the minutes. It was noted the pct(tloner was not p~esent; hcnacver~ tt was the ~onsensus of the Cor.misston since thcre was no op~sltlon~ thnt thcy would act on Chc r~att~r, ACTION: CommissionEr Kln~ offered a rnatlon~ sccondcd by f,ommtsstoner Tolar and NQTION C t EU~ tfiat the ~naheim City Plmnniny Commfss(on hes revletived th~ ~ roposa) to permtt e f~-lot~ RS-HS-2:.'~OOn(SC) Zone subdlvis(rn on an ~rregularly-sl~apecf pArcel of lend consisting of approxirtwtely f,.12 Acres~ havinq a frontag~ of approximetely 1600 feet on the wcst side of Country Hllts aoad and n frontag~ of 10%y feet on the east side of Otd aridga Roaci~ havin~s a rneximur~ depch of ap~roximately ~-f3~ f~et a~d beinc~ iocated approximately G70 feet south of che centerllnc of Mahler Drlv~; end dc~es hereby approve the I~eyatlve Declaratian from th~ requireme.nt co ~reparc an environmental impact report on the basts th~C there would be no significant tndividual or cumulottve adverse environrt~ntal lmpact <iuc to the approval of this tlegatfvr Declaratton stnce the M ahetm Genera) Plan designates the subj~ct property for hlllslde estaCe density land uses c~mmensurate wiCh the proposal; thac no sensitive environrt-ental im~acts are involved in the p roposal; that the lnitial Study submitted by the pctltloner indicatcs no signlftcant indivtdue) or cumulative adverse environrnentnl impacts; that tt-e Negative Dacla~atton substantleting thc foregoir.y findtngs Is nn ftlc In thc City of AnAheim ~l~nntng Ot~ertment. Commissicx~cr King offered a mottan. sccon~ied by Commfssfoncr Totar end MOTION CARf~IED unanimously~ tl~at the A~aheim City Plann~ng Corn~nission does hercay ftnd that the ~roposed subdtvtslon~ tagether wlth its d~sign anci improvements~ Is consisttnt with the City of llnahetm Ceneral P1an~ p~rsuant to Government Code Sectt~n 66b73.5; ~nd cfaes~ therefare~ approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 11122 far a G-lot, RS•NS-22~~Od(SC) Xone subdlvision, subJect to the fotlawiny condttions: 1. That should ihis subdivision be d~vctopcd as rtare than one subdiviston~ each subdlvisiun thereof shail bc submitted in tentatlve fo rn- far approval. 2. That eli lats within thls tract shali be served by underground utilities. 3. Thot the o~lginal ciocui»ants of thc covanants, con~iitlons, and restrictlo~s~ and a letter addressed to developer's tttle company authortzing recordation thereaf~ shell be s~mttted to the Ctty Atta~ney's aff~ce and approved by tfie City Attorney's offtce a~d Engineering 7tviston prior to finel t~rct map approval. Satd d~cumnnts~ as ap~roved~ shall be filed and recorded in the Office of tha O~ange County Reca~der. 5/19/&1 ~,.~ ~C MINUTBS~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ MAY 19~ 1980 8~•301 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION ANO TENTATIVE MAP OF TMCT N0. 11122 (CONTINUEp) 4~ An e roslon siltation control plan must be submltted to and approvad by the Californta Re~tondl Watnr QuAlity Contral ~oard, Senta 11~a Region~ prior to issuence af a greding permlt. 5, That tl~e owner(s) of sub)ect proporty shall ~ay eppropriate dratnage ~i~assment fees to the City of Aneha ~ as cletnrmined by the Clty Ergineer prior to tssuanca of c~ building permtt. 6~ That the owner(s) nf sub)ect ~raperty shni) pay the traffic sic~ne) ~ssessment fee (Ordinence No, 3896) tn an am~unt as determined by the Ctty Council~ for each new dwelling unlt p~ior to the (asuar.ce af a butlding permit. 7. Th at the ownor of subJect pro~erty shall pay to the City of Anahetm the appropria'te park and recrcatton in-lleu fec- as dotarmtned to ~. appropriatQ by tho Clty Councll~ sald fees to be pn)d at tt~e tirt-e the bullding permit is issued. F1. That thc exlgtina storm drnin and entrance b~sin and structure shall be extended and relocated upstr-.?m es requt~•ed and approved by th~ City Enqine~r. y. That a fire hydrrnt sholl be installQd an Co~mtry t~tl) Road~ bA0 feet south of the exlscing fi re hydrAnt locate~ et Country I11 I I Road en '~ista Jel Sol. 10. That any speclrr~n tree ~emoval sh~li be subject to the regulaticros pert~+ining to crec preservetion ln the Scenic Corridor Ove~lay 2~ne. F'nllowing discusslon of Item tlo. 1~, tt was noteJ the petitionc~s were present~ t~nd Annika Santalahti ~ Asststant Ui rector for Zoning, stated che liorse Trat Is Ca~mt ttue had saveral concerns. 5he rclstcd thcy have ~sked far faur condi ttons as fol l~~ws: 1. D~tveway access fo~ lots 1 through 4 shail not cross the trati. 2. That a rai) fencc be (nstalled alnng Old Bridge Raad conslst~nt wlth an exlsting fence on Country tiill Road. 3. 7hat a low~r pad on Lat No. 4 could ~e eliminatcd t~y movfng the trail along the sautheas t end southwe,s t p roperty 1 i ne to e 1 i mi nate the ress t dUa 1. 4. Th at the accass road for the storm ctrain be paved with soi) cement. Jay Titus, ~ffice EngineFr. explalned it may bC posaibla to Just pave th~ access to the structure and not the entire resement area. Jim Mathews~ englneer, cxplained he had discusscd these recommcndetions wtth 14nnika Santalahtl and is s atisl`ted they can be worked out ~s requested. 5119/80 ~__ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ MINUTE~~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ MAY 19, 1980 3~2 I TCM ,.NO.,t ~4~ PUBL 1 C HEAR i ~~G. OWNEaS s NORMAN A. AND LORNA ~TI~~IEGATIVE DECLARATION ROBSON~ 6773 Tlkt D~tve~ Cyprass~ Cl1 90634. AGENT: _~ , 0~2018 PHILIP F. MIRAGLIA~ 2627 West Braadway~ A~ehelm~ CA 92aQ1. P~titloner requests permis~lon to PERMIT AN AUTO REPA1 R SNOP IN THE ML ZONE on property describ~d as • rectangularly-shaped pa~cel of land consisting of sppraxtmately O.WS ~c~es located •pproxtnwtely 370 feet north of Lincaln Avenun~ and 660 feet e~~t of Crescent W~y~ having ; a maxlmum depth of ~pproximatety 113 feot~ and further descrtbed as 1773 West Lincoln ; Avenus. ; There w~s na one indtcating thei~ presance in oppoaitlon to subJact request~ and although the stsff report to the Planning Con~nta~ston dated May 19~ 1980 was not read at, the public hea~ing~ tt ta ~efe~~dd to +~nd made a part of the minutes. Phlllp F. Mtraglla~ 2G27 uest Broad-ray~ wes preaent to enswer ~ny questtons. TNE PUBLiC NEARING WAS CLOSED. Respondtng to Commissione~ Totar~ Mr. Mlreg! te expl~+in~d hls leesc w111 be for 3 Ye++rs. Commissloner Toler f~it thc uso should b~ review~d In three years end Conmissioner King agreed. Commi=sloner Nerbst clsrified that all work and stora~e will be tnside the fscility. Dee~ Sherer~ Assistant P18nner~ statcd tha Tra`ftc Engtneor has requestod that the cc;~ditlon be adci~d requlrtng payment of trafftc signal fees of the difference beMeen Irniust~lai and commercfal rates. Cammisstane~ To{t~~ was not sur~ thts cost shouid be borne by the lesaee and Mr. Sherer explslned no~nuilly when thera !s a request for a c.cmdttlan~l usa permit for thts type attivi ~y. thts condi tlon IS add~d. Annika Santalahtt~ Assi~t~nt Dlrector for 2onl~g~ explained the dlfference in the fee 1: approxtmstaly SiAO per squa~e foot ,nd noted the tees wer~ r~centiy medifted and ~he w~s not ~u~e ot the exact f 1 gure. M~. Mi~ag1(a steted his ~~se would c~aate loss traffic thsn an industriat use s~d explained the property ewner is not present~ but he could call htm. Annika Santalshti e~leined it has been the Trafftc Engtncer's practi u to requnst the tees for this type actlvity ~nd that ho figu~es hls rstes o~ the sverage automobile rapalr f~ci l t ty. Jack White. Assl~tent City Attorney~ explalned if the traftYc signal assessment c.or~dEt{on ts added~ anather public hearinq wauld ba requi~~d to delete tt and M~. Nt~aglia stated he w)1) pay the tees 1 f ihe prope-• ownar wi 1 1 not. Chatrwome-n Barnas •sked the Commission to address the tssue ~f cc~n+iercial uses causing prablams in th~ industriat a~ea and Comn-tsstoners Bushore~ Tolar end Davld tndicoted they 5! 19/~ .-~ ~~ .z- ~. ~~ ~. MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNiNG COMMISS ~pN~ MAY lg~ 1980 80-303 EIR NEQATIVE DECIARATION AND CONDITIONl,I US~ PERMIT N0~ 2078 (CONTINUED) ~.~,.,...~._._... - felt automabilo repair facillttes shou 7d be located tn the tndustrlal a~ea and look nicer In ~n enclosed buildtna. Commi~tsloner Oavid asked if the Comr~ls~lon had not prevtously determined that cert~in uses ar~ mora Indust~lal than commerclal. Mr. Mir~gifa expleined he hes been In ~ mobl{e eutanoblic ~epalr busine~s, dotng most of the work at the customer's ho~ne from ~ t~uck and now wishes to have s fixed loc~tlon. Na stated he sarvices • smell fleet of pi ck~upa, etc. and m~st of his customers are the ~esult of '4~ord of mouth" contacts. Respondtng to Commissioner Herbst's question, he statad approxim~+tely ;0$ af his bustness would be to tho industrl~+l cammuntty. Canmissloner Tolar stated he haa no p r~b18m wfth tha uae~ but was cancerned whether the traPfiG signsl assessment fee should bo rcqulrad ond Conmisslo~e~ aushore tndlcated he did not bel tave the Ccxnmisston has ever walvcd those f~es. ACTION: CommisslonQr Tolar offered a m~tlon~ seconded by Conmtssloner Ktng and MOTION ~D~ thet the Anahc(m Ctty P~anning Commissian has rovtewed the proposa) to pennlt an auta ~epeir facility in the ML (Indus lrial, Limited) Zo~a on a re~tangularly-shaped perce) ot lsnd oonsisttng of approximatety 0_4; ecre having a meximum depth of appr~ximatoly 113 feet and being laceted approximately 370 feet north of the canterline of lincoln Avenue and 660 faot eeat of the c4nteritnc a! Cresent WeY; and does hereby approve the Neqetive Decle~ation from the requlrament to p lepdre an environmental impect ~eport on the basts that there would be no sign(ftcent individual or c~Jmulative adv~rse environmenta) impact due ta the approval of tF~is Negati~e Occlaratlon s~; ~.~ ~~P Anaheim General Plan designates the ~ubject property for general indu~triel land uses .~~~~~~Knsurate with tha propassl; that no sensitive environmental impacts ar e involved in th~ proposal; that che Inttlal Study submitted by the pet~tloner Indtcates no signiflcant individual or cumulative edvarse envtt~nmcntal impacts; and that the I~i~gativ~ Qeclaratlon substantiattng the fo~egoing findings is on file in the City of An aheim Plenning Department. Commisstonar Tolsr~ cffered Resotution No. PC80-82 and ~oved for its paaaage end adoptio~ that the Anahelm City Ptanniny Ccxnmisslon does her~by grant Petitio~ for Conditla~al Use Perm(t No. 207~~ for a 3-Year period subJect to review, snd subJect to Interdepartn+antal Committee recortrn~ndatians~ and adding o condition requiring payment of the difference betwemn industrta) and cartme~cta+ tralftc signal ~ssessment fees. p~ rril ca11~ the Eorego(ng resoluti on wes passed by the Following vote: AY~S: COMa11SSIdt1ERS: BARNES~ 9USHORE~ DAVIG~ FaY~ NERBST~ KING~ TALAR NOES : COMkI S51 ONERS : NOt~E ABSEtIT: COMMISSIOtIERS: NONE ~/I9/80 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION~ MAY 19~ 19~ 80- 304 ITEM N0. PUaIIC HCARIt~G. OWNERSt qCNNEA SHCET METAI~ INC. ~ ~~i~~ pECLARATION 2871 Ceat le C~esta Avenue~ Anahelm~ CA 92806. AGENTs NT CQNCR~TC GONCEPTS BIDC. CQ., INC.~ 3121 East la Palm~ N ~ . 2079 Avenue~ Aneheim, Untt "0"~ Anahelm~ CA g2806. Petitioner roquests permtsslon TO RETAIN A CONTRACTOR'S STORACE YARp WITl1 WAIVER OF REQUIRED ENCLOSURE Of OUT- OOQR USES o~ property desc~tbod as e rhetangularly-shaped parcel of lend consistinq ot •pproxlmotely 1.E~2 ecres having a f~ontage of appr~xim~tely 26N feet on the south stde of Mlratoma Avenua~ having a mextmum depth of epproximntcly 2G~ feet end being located approximataly q20 feet wast of the centerline of Red Gum Street~ and furthe~ described as 286~ end 28yZ Mlrolnma Avenue. Property presently classtfied RS-A-k3,0~n (RCS I OENTI A~/AGRI CULTUML) ZO~IE. There was no onn tndicatiny thei r presenc~ In opposttlon to sub~ect requcst, And elthough the staFf ~epart to the PI ann i ng Comm) ss lon dAted Ma~r 19 ~ 19af1 was not read et the pub 1 t c hearing, tt Is referred to and made ~ part of the mtnutes. Robert Benne~~ 2730 Victc~rta D~i ve~ laguna Deach~ stated he wents to have a construction yard ~t this locatton. He refe~rod to tnterd~partmentAl Commttte~ recommendations and expiained thts wi il ba e temporary use far 3 to 5 yesrs and the tmprovements would be made when the propArty Is fully dcveloped. TIIE PUDLIC t1EARING WA; CLOSED. Commissioner Nerbst clarlfied che petitioner will provicie cu~b~ end gut~ers for street widening and pntnted out a sldewalk weiver c~n be requested from the Cicy Engtneer and if athcr waivers have been g~anted in the ~rea~ tt is posstble the requcst would be granted. Jey Titug. Office Engineer~ statcd storr~ dra(ns In the stre~ts ar~ not Anticipated and the ~tp~~rein condltton Is normt+lly recon+rnend~d as e saf~gua~d ao th~ developer will not grad~- hls p~opr.rty so tt cirains onto che neighbar's prapertv and the City Englneer approves the pl~ns for water dralnage. Hr. Benner statcd there wi 11 be no ~,~radtng, Jack Wh i te, Ass I s tan t CI ty At to ~ney ~ s tated the fees are es tab 1 f 9hed by ord T nanGe and ~ven without the conditions~ the orclinAnce still requlres that the fees be paid. Jay Titus statad normelly the fees are peid when there is a buildinc~~ but in this case the fees ere sti 1 1 requi red based ar~ thc s i:a of c-;c property. He explained the requt rement is completion wlthin 60 days rather than at the time huilding permits are o~btained. Requlrement for slattincl of the fence was discussed and Mr. 8enner pointed out aqsln this wlll ba e temporary use end Coer~rnlssioner 8ushore not~d other similar uses in the area have bee~ required to provlde the slatting and Can~nlsstoner Tolar did not think thts requireme~t hes ever been waived for thls Cype ofi activtty. Ccx~missio~er Bushore stated the Commtssion has no problem wt th the use~ but scamme of these requtr~nts cannet b~ watved a~d sane wi 11 take c,ere Af themsrlves when the property is daveloped. Chairwanan Bernes refcrred to tha glacting and Nr. ~enner stated they wtll provide the stta screcning. Sl1g/80 ~ ~ ; , MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLM~NINQ COMMISSION~ MAY 19, 1980 80•~OS EIR NEGATIVE DBCLARATION~ WAIV~R OF CODE REQUIREMENT AND C~NDITIONAI USE PERMIT N0. 2079 (CONTINUED) ACTIQ~It Commia~lon~r Kiny offdred a mott~n~ secc~nded by Commisstoner David snd MOTI0~1 ~D~ thet tlie 1lnahaim Clty Plan~{ng CvrtK~istlon hes reviewad the proposal to ~etaln a contracto r's storage yard with a walve~ of ~equlred onclosure of outdoor uses on ~ roctengularly•~theped perc~l of lend co~sisting of approxtmattly 1.82 acres; hAVing e fronta9e of approximately 264 feet on the south side of Miralan-e Avenuo and havinq a maximum depth of epproximotely 285 feet end batng locatad approximetely 920 feet was+t of the cente rlina of Red Gum Street; and d~es hereby approve the Negative Oncl~ratlon fran che requlrement to prepare an environmental (mpact ~eport on the basts that there would be no signifitsnt Individual or cumulative adverse envtronmental tmpact due to the approval of this Negative Declarotion since the Ansheim Generol Plan design~tes the subJect p roperty for general lndustrlal land uses comr+~ensur~te with the propoael; that no scnsitiva environmental Impacts ~re Involved in the prop~sel; that th~ Inltial Study submitted by the petitio~cr tndicotcs no gigntficant indlvidual or cumulettve ~dverse environmental tmpecta; and thet the tlegacive Uecleration substantieting the foregoing findings la on flle In the City vf Anehei~, Planning Dapartment. Conmissla~er King affered a motior~~ seconded by Commissla~er David end I~TION CARRIED~ th~t the AnahQlm City Planning CAmmisston does hereby deny the request far welver of Code requlrement on the basis thnt th~ petitt~ner stipulat~d ta ~rovide the requlred stte screening. Commisslaner King offered ReeUlutton No. PCBA-83 end moved for Its passage end adoption that the Annheim Cfty Planning Commisslon cbcs hereby gra~t thc Petitlon for Conditton+~) Use Permit No. 2p79~ subJcct tn interdcportmcnt~l Committec reccxrmendattons. On rotl call. the foregoing resolutlon wes paasnd -~y the following votet AYES; COMMISSIQNERS: BAfltIES. BUSiIORE, DAVIO~ FRY~ NER~ST~ Y.ING~ TOLAR I~OES : COMMI SS IONERS : NONE ADSEIIT; COMMISSIQNEaS; t10t~E S/19/SO ~~ ; , MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CIT1f PLANNING COMMISSION~ MAY 19~ 1980 8A-;OG ITEM N0. 6 PUBLIC NEARING. OWNERS: RODERT GUYOT, PAUL KOUR1~ ~~1'~t,~Rl CAl EXEMPTI ON-ClASS 1 ET AL. 35~~ 4rangetho~~e Avenue, Anahetm, CA 92807• AGENT: MARY SUE SHELTON~ 19G~+3 Monta~no lsne~ Yorba . 2080 lind~~ cA g2b~G. Pettttoner requetts PERMISSION TO PERMIT THE ON-SALE OF BEER AND IJINE iN A PROPOSED RESTAURl1NT Witl~ NAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMES~R OF PARKING SPACES on property deacribod aa an Irrogularly-~haped par•col ~f land consisting ot app roxlmetely 2.q ac~es having a frontec~e of approximately 919 fQet an the sovth sidn of Orengethorpe Avenue~ heving a meximum cfepth of approximately 121 feet and being located approximataly ~45 feat east of the centa~line of Mill~~r, and further descrtbed as 3462 Ea~t Orangathorpe A~enue. Property prosently classified CL (COMHERf.IAL, LIMITEt1) 7.ONE. Thern was no one Indlcating thelr presence in oppositton to subJect request~ and although the staff report to the Plenntng Commission drted May 19, 1913n wes not read at the pubttc hearing~ lt Is referred to and made a part of the minutns. Mary Sue Shelton~ petlttoner, was present to answer nny questions. THC PU~LI C~1EAR1 NCS WAS GLOSED. Co+nmissioner Bushore painted out wt~en the rettasslficatlon wos eppr~ved. there was a selpulatian th~t the subJect center w111 no[ include ua~s suct~ as rest~urants and asked the petit(oner to ~elate to the praperty awncr that ihe Commtssion wes concerned. It was notcd the Planntn~~ DI•ector ar his authortzcd ~eprosentative hes determined that tha proposed pro)ect fails within the defin{tion of Categartcal Exempttans. Class 1, as define~d in pAragrsph 2 of thc Clty of Anahein~ Environmental Impact Report Guideltnes a~d is~ ther~efore~ categortcally exen~t from the requlremeni t~ prepare an Ela. Commissioner King offered a motion, secondrd by Commissiotser Tolar and MOTION CAaRIED~ that the Anaheim tity Planni~y Cortu--issi~n docs hereby grant the ~equ~st for wa(ver of Code rsqulrement on th~ b asis of the unusual ,hapc~ of subJect property and on the bt+s(s that the req uesC ts minimal. Canmissioner Kiny offered Rnsolutton No. PC80-8b snd naved for its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission cioes hereby grant Petttlon for Conditional Use Permlt t~o. 2~J8Q, subJect to Interdapartmental Committee recamn+endations. 0~ roll call, the foregofng resolutton wes passed by the folloatng votc: AYES: COHMISSIOt1ER5: BARNES~ BUStiORE, DAVIO~ FRY~ HERdST, KiNG~ TOLAR NQES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMNISSIONEaS: NONE 5/tg/8o ~~ ) MiHUTES~ ANAliE1M CITY PLANNIIJG COMMISSION~ MAY lg~ 1980 80•gp~ (TEM N0. PUBLIC HEARING. ONNF.RS: Nl3J ASSOCIATES~ ~W26 z2nd. R N VE DECLAMTION Strest~ Newport Deach. CA ~26G0. AGEfJT: HARVEY W. ~ L M 0. 2081 WOLFE~ 1141 North Cosby Way~ Suite "L"~ A~ahelm~ CA 92806. Petttloner requests permtssion to aETA1N AN EXTERMINATIt~G SERVIC~ on pruperty descrtbed ss a ~ecte~gula~lyshaped parcel af land conslstlnq of approximately 1.~~ acres havtng a frontage of ~spprox(mately ~12 feet on the wast sic7e of Cosby WaY~ h~ving s msxtmum depth of spproximately 346 feet and betng located approximately 2G3 feet north of the centerline of La Paimai Avenua~ and further described es il-~0 North Cosby Way (Tota) Exterminating). Property presently classffted ML (INOUSTRIAL~ LIMITED) ZONE. Thsre was no one Ind(catfny their pr~sance in o~positlon to subJect request~ and although the staff report to the Pla~ning Comnlsslon datcd May 1~~ 19a0 was not read et tho public hearing~ (t 1~ refcrrcd to end made a part of the minutes. Narvey Wolfc, potitionar~ wes pr~sent to answer any qucstlons. TIIE PUEILIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mr. Nolfe explained his Customcrs do not comc to hts placc of buslncss. ACTION: Commissloncr King offered a mocion~ seconded by Commtssloner Tolar and MQTION ~tR~fD~ tl~at the Anaheim Clty Planning Cammission F~as revlewed the proposal to rataln an axlsting e xterminating servico on a recxangulorly-shaped parcel r~f land consisting of approximately 2.1~ acres~ haaing a frontaqc of approximataly 312 feet nn the west stde of Cosby Wey~ having a maximum depth of ap~rnxirr~tcly 34{~ and belnc~ located approxtmately 263 feet north of thc cenccrlinc of La Pelma Avcnue; end does hereby app rovc the Negative Declaratton from the ~equirement to prepare on environmental ImpacC report on the basis that there would be na slgntficanc indivldual or cumulative adverae environmental Impact due to the approva) of this Negative Deciaratlon since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subJect p~aperty for general industrit~l tand usas commensurete with the proposal; that no sensittve Environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initlal Study submitted by the petitioner i~dicates no s(yniflcant tndividual or cumulative adverse envtronmental (mpacts; ana that the 1~egative Declaration substantiating the foreqoing findings is on file In the City of A~aheim Planniny Departrnent. rommtssioncr King offered Resolution No. PC6~-85 and moved for its pas~age and adoptton that the Anahcim Cizy Planning Commission daes hereby grant Petitto~ for Cor+ditiona) Use Permit No. 2Q81~ subJect to Intcrdepartmental Committee racommendations. On roll call, the fpregoing resolution was passc~ by the following vote: AYES : COMMI SS I ONERS : E3ARt~E5, BUSifORE ~ DAV l D, FRY ~ NEREiST ~ KI NC, TOLAR NaES: COMMISSIONCRS: NONE ABSENT; COMMI SS I ONERS : NOIJE 5/ 19/80 ~ ~. .~ ~ ~ ' ;~~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMNISSION~ MAY 19~ 1980 80•30s ITEM NQ. 8 PU9LIC HEARING. OWNERS: SAV•ON REALTY~ INC.~ ~~Tt'1;`~RICAL EXEMPTIO~~-CLASS 1y40 South An~helm Doulevarci~ Anahelm~ CA 928A5. 1~A CE NQ. 3 Petitlorter requeats WAIVER QF MAXIMUM FENCE HEIGNT TO ""~"-'"""'i""" CO~~STRUCT A FENCE on property descrlbed as an . trragularly-shaped parcel of tand consisting of approximr,tcly 18.6 acres located at the a~utheast corner of Cerrftos Ave~ua and Anehalm 8ouleverd~ having a front~ge Af approximately 1?.50 f~et on the south side af Cerrttos Ave~ue and a frontege of approxtmately ;00 fcct on the east side of flnahelm Boulevard~ and further described a~ f~00 South Anaheim Douleverd. Property presently classifled ss ML (INOUSTRIAL. LIMITED) ZONE. Tho~e w as no one indlceting thelr ~resence in oppositlo~ to subJect request~ end elthough the staff report to thn Pianning Cortmission dateci Mey 19~ 1980 was not reAd a~ the public hearing. it is refcrrecl to and made a part of the minutes. Joseph Byrne~ 1500 South Aneh~im Boulcv~rd. stated this request for walver of the fe~ce height along Corrltos ts for securtty purposes; tl~at they have no contro) substances d(stributcd~ but that (s not gcnerally known and there Is +~ problem wtth break-ins. f1e stated they havc no objection to any of the reca~unendAtlons. THE PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSEU. Commissioner Herbst asked tf che trees end screening shown wiit be provideci snd Mr. Dyrne replied they would and that is onc of the conditions. Commissioner Kin9 polntec~ o~t another security fence in the Area 14 feet high~ and asked tf the pctitfoner would be wtlltng to have the fence 14 feet to be wnsistent and Mr. Byrno explained that the 1y feet i~: Che stand~rd helght and he did not know if li~-feet would cr~ate a problem. Ile explained ihe highest portlon of the gate oparetes by a pulley to provide trafftc control. Commisstone~ 1~erbst was concerned that tf~e fence has not been properly engineered since any fence higher than G fect hes to be st~uctu~ally design~d and he did not think it would pass tnspectton~ and Mr. By~ne sttpuleted the fence will conform to all Code requirements. It was noted the ?lanning Director or lils authorized representative has determl~ed that the proposed project fails within tha definition of Categorical Exemptions. Class 3, as defined in parayraph 2 of the City of Anaheim Environmental impact Report Guideltnes and is~ therefore, cetegorically exempt from the requlrement to prepare an EIR. Cammisstoncr King offered Resal~tian No. PCBO-8G and moved for its passage and adoption that the Anahein City Planning Commisstnn does hereby grant the Petition for Variance No. ;1~-8 on ths b asts that strict application of the Zoning Code deprtves the ~rope~ty of privileges enjoyed by oXher property under identical zoning classification in the vicinity~ and sub)ect to Interdepartmental ConKnittee recommendattons. On rotl call~ the foregoing resolutton was passed by the fol~owing vote: AYES: CONMISSIOtiERS: BARNES, ESUSII~RE~ DAVID~ FRY, HERBST~ KING~ TOLAR NOE5 : COHMI SS IOIiERS : N~N£ ABSENT: COMMISSlOt~ERS: NONE 5/19/80 ~r MI NUTES ~ ANANE i N C I TY PLANN I NG COMMI SS I ON ~ MAY 19 ~ 19f10 8~' 3~9 IfEM N0. ~ ' I~D RC:OhWENDl1TIONS Tha following Repurts and Reconwncndattons steff reports were presented but not read: A. VAal11NCE t10. 1 11+ - Requast fnr approval nf specific use from BA~ry Manthe~ for a stu'~Tci ~~"or t~e nstructlon of chnss oncl beckgemmon at ~~01 West Katel la Avenue~ NC (Ten Doiler "H" Nour Studio). SubJect petlttan wes contlnued from the me~eting of May ;~ 1930. John pawson, attorney~ 1iC~50 Von Karman~ Newport Beech, askcd if there ore any changcs in ttie staff report and Deen Sherer~ ~ssitant Planner~ explalned the only clianye Is en additl~n of the paregraph pertnining to the contlnuance. Mr. Dawso~ contlnued that the request is for a backqAmmon and chess instructton business to be includeJ in Variance tfo. 131~+. Ne referred to the Poltce Dcpartn~cnt repo~t and did not tt~ink thesn arc problems the Planning Commission si~ould be cuncerne~ abaut end tt~ey shuuld only constder tl~e xoning; that the application was far the teacf~ing enci pl~~ying of backg~mnwn rn~ chass end there is a ch<~rge of S1G.0~ an hour; that in 19;~ Dean She~er approveJ an operatton for backgom~on end chess at this locatio~; tt~at the problem now is the passing of Ordina~ce t~o. ~~~7 which relates to the business regutAttons of d~nce studios and socipl studios and thls use ls to ~c considered one; hc~wever, Qrdinance No. 497 deals wlth business regulatlons anJ not zoning and under the headtng af "clefinitions"~ s~cial s~udios is (ncluded and alsa ciam~c instructlon for fees which fits this use precisely. Ordinance ~lo. 4079 which add§ Ct~apter 18.87 of the Code deals wlth adult entertnlnment business wt~lch is a zoning matter and any dance studio~ pt~ocoqrapf~lc or modeliny studlo~ or sc~cial club whose clie~tele is comp~sed solely of persons over 1~ year5 old fall into that c~tegory and an adult business requires a conditional use permit; hawever~ a revtew of such a permit as set. forth tn Section 1b.47.030.020 states you mey have r~ canditlon~l use permlt for adult entcrtainment bus(ness. except when tt is wittiin y00 fcet of a lot zoned for residentiai use, ond subJcct property is a residential lot; and except within 1000 feet af a church or educationa) institution end also he thought lt is wtthin 100~1 fcct of another ~dult entcrtainment facillty. Ne referred to the non-conforming provision to conform within onc year. pointing out they have until t~ovembcr 20, 1980 to conform or discontinue and stated it wi11 be impossible for them to confo rm under this ordinance and will discontinue on November 20~ 1980. He commented that the Policc report indicat~s there has been prostitution, etc. going an at this facility~ and he believed that is the conce~n of the V9ce Squad af the Palice Department ra[her than the Planning Commission. Ne felt this use comcs under tF~e zoniny for adult business and that they have unti) November 20th to comply. t~e stated the new Ordinance requires applytng to the Police Department fnr a pe~mit and his clie~~t, against his advlce~ applted for e permit. Ne dtd not think his client cauld at+ply for a permit to operate a busir,ess that is not properly zoned. Comm(ssioner aushore stated thc Commission should determinc whPther or not this ig a permitted usu. Nr. Uawson stated the Commisslon has th~ option of cither seying this use is included as a prop~r use ~nder Vartance No. 131~-, but he did not see how the use would fit within eny of those uses. 5/~9/~ ~ MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ MII1Y 19~ 19~ REPORTS ANO RECOMMENDATIONS (CONTINUED) 80-;1p Commisatoner Bu=hore stated ov~rything ha has haard todey and the fact that tho nsme is now "14 pallar An Hou~" indlcatas the us~ Is not for backgemmo~ and a condttlonai use pe nnit is required. Mr. O~w~on ~tated it la still a plnco for the pl~ying of backgammon and chesa~ but It also fells within the category nf adult ente~tminment and in his opinlon wouid havo to have e conditlonal use pe nnit. I~e stated it was recammended by the Planning Dapartnwnt thet the first step would be t~ see If it could be app roved as a proper usc under Vartancc No. 131-~. Commisstoner tlust~or~ Askcd if the petitionar would be wtlllny to take off the S10 An Hour and call it a backgnmmon and chnss playing establtshment with na agc r~strictlans where he could take his family. Nr. Qawson explalnad there is no age rostrictlon an this operation. Commissioner Bushorc fett a conditlonal u,e pe rn-tt Is required on the basis of thc testimony. Jack Whlte~ Assistant City Attorney~ stated the motlon should be the determinetlon as to whether or not the partlc~lar use as outlined ts similar to the uses permitted under Variance Na. 1314~ and if the ap~ltct+nt choses to apply for a conditlonal use permtt he has that Prerogative. Commissfoner Herbsc state~ orlginalty Va~~t+nc~ Na. 1314 tncluded a"studio" and r~lated permltted uses and in 197G a"dance studi~" was denteci and h~ felt the word "studio" is being misused. Ne did not think (t can be approved as a perml kted use. Commissioner Bushore clarified that the petitioner wants a determinatton that thfs is nat a permitted usc~ in order to apply for a condltional use permit. Commissioner Ktny asked lf the petitioner would withdraw his appitcatlon for a permft for a sottsl club with the petitioner indicating he wauid. ACT10!!: Commissloner Nerbst offered a motlon, seconded by Cam-issioner David and ~bN CARRIED~ that the Anaheim Ctty Pla~+ning Corm~tsston does hereby find that a backgarm~on and chess instructlon facillty does not c~onform to the uses pe~itted by Varlance No. 131b. Cortxnissta~er Qushore asked why the petttioner is being asked to withdraw h1s request for a social ~armit and Jack Whit~ explained that is not within the Commisslon's jurisdtction. S/19/80 ~ MINUTES~ AFUIHEIM CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSIDN, MAY 19~ 1980 80•311 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (CONTINUEO) 8. RECLASSIFICATION_N0. 77•78•5~ ' Re4uest for approval of extension af tin+e~ from Ro nrt ac:~ n ~rder to nait~c zoning on p roperty locat~d et 1000 North lomita Strcet. ACTION: Commissioner King offercd o motion~ secronded by Commisslaner Davld and MO ON CARRIED~ th~t thc Anohcim Clty Planniny Commissi~n does hereby grent the ~ec~uost for an extcnslon of tinx; to explre on 11pri1 24. 14R1~ for Reciessiflcatic,n ~lo. 77~74-aG• C. Al~l1l~pOtlHCt~T I~Q. 19-i~~A ' Req~est from Nals M. Ostrem to abendon a portion of an ex stl~ny ~na en p c utllity and slope easeme~t located t~t the aast side of Tustln ~vcnue from 50~ feet to Gly fc~t~ morc or less, s~uth of the Rtvorside FreGway . ACTIQII: Commisslancr Y.ing offered a motion~ saconded by Commisston~r Davtd and MO' TION C11RftIED~ that Che Anah~im Clty Planning ~ommissio~~ does hereby ~ecc~mmend Lo the Ci ty Councl 1 that Abandonment tlo. 19' 1~+~ h~ epprove-a es r~cortmended by the Ctty Cnglneer. 0. CONOITIOt111L U5E PERMIT N0. iG23 ' Requcst for an extenslon of tlmc from uoodrow J. McC ure~ 4r prope~ty oceted ~~ the southwesterly side of Nowell Street and northwesterly of the centerl~~c of Katella Avenue. ACTIO~It Commtssioner Kfng offered ~ r~ation~ secondad by Commissioner Oavid and NOT ON CARRIEp~ tt~at tho Anahclrti City Plonning C~armission does hercby 9r~nt the request for an extension of tlrr~ to expire on M+~y 24' 19n2~ for Condition~l Use Pcrmi t No. 1623. 07HER ACTIANS: Commtssioner H~erbst offcred a motton~ s~c~nded by Commission~r DAVtd and MOTIOH CARRIEO~ that the Anaheim City Pianning Gonnisslon does hereby rccammend to the Ctty Council that any publtc b~llding plans praposed tsuch as libr~rles) be submltted to the Plmnning Commissior, fvr their review ~nd com~entA~ similar to the pracedures followed by general lew citias. ADJOURNMENT SeG~ ~~~by ~~isslonebufrY~and MOTIONSGARRIEdetlrat~thermeetl gtben, adjourned. The ~neeting was adJourned at 2:;0 p.m. Respcttfully submitted~ ~~ A' /'~~~f'M Edlth L. Hsrris~ Secretary Anaheim City Planntng Comnission ELli:lm . S ~ , / 19J° _ ~ ,: ..M_ . . ,...: .__ ,..... .~ . .....,_.. r.. . ~7a"y ~M ~"Y 1 Pv .'~ ~' ~r~~ I ~ C e ~ i r` t_ _{ y ! ~ ` ~ ~~h ~Y~ ~~:?! r yi~i , ~.; il . . ' :4i ~Z ..1 ~ ~ . ~ . . ~ . . ~ _ ~~~,}' , - ' . . . ~ .. . . -. . . . . ~ ' ~ .. ' ~ .. . . ~ 1: .., . . . . . . . . . . ...~. .~.. ~~ . .~~-:, ~ ' . ..".. . ...- . . . ~ . . ~ ,.-1. ~':~ .' . .. . . . ' . . . . ~ . .. . ~ . . .. ._1l ~ . , . . . ~ ' ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . ~~ .9: ~:'. '.. ,, , . . , .' . - ~. .. . ... . .. . . ; ~., .. ~~.. '~~i , .. . . , . . . . ~ . .. . .. __µ. x . . ' . . . ' . . , . . . ;: - . . ' , . , .. - . ~ . . . iJ.. . ~ ~ ' , . ! ~ , , " ~ ~': y~ ~~~ ~~. '. ~ : ' ~~~ ~ ~ ' . ... ~ . ~~ . .. ~.. . _ ., ~. . . . _ ~. .. ~ . . ,~ . . 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