Minutes-PC 1981/01/26t ~~ ~ Civic Ce~ter An~he(m, California Janu~ry 26~ 19$1 REGULAR MEETING OF TNE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR - The ~egular mseting of the Maheim Ctty Plannin9 Commisaton was MEETING called to ordar by Chstrmen Tolar at 1:30 p.m.~ Janua ryr 26~ 1981 in the Council Chsmber~ a quorum betng present. PRESENT - Chalrman Ta1s~ Commiasioncrs: Birnes~ @ouas~ Bushore~ Fry, Nerbst, King (Commtssione~ Nerbst a~rived at 3:05 p.m.) ABSEN7: - Commtsttone~: NONE ALSO PRESENT - Annik• Santolahtl Jack White Jay Tttus Paul Singar Da~n Sherer Greg Hastings Edith H~rris Asaistant Director for Zoning Assistant City Att~rney Offtce Enginoer T~afffc Engtneer Assistant Planner Assistent Planner Pla~ning Commission Sscretary PLEDGE OF - The Pledge of Allegi~nce to the Flag wss led by Cammissloner Bouas. ALLEGIANC~ APPROVAL OF - Commissloner King offe~ed a motion~ secondtd by Commtssloner Fry and TNE NINUTES MOTtON CARaIED (Commlssioner 1lerbst being absant and Commtssioner Barnes abstaining)~ that the mtnutes of the meeting of January 12~ 1981 be approvad as submitted. ITEM N0. 1: EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTIOti-CLASS 8 ANO CONDiTIQMAL USE PERMIT N0. 2Q56: ~~~ - - ^.~ ~~~~ r ^ PUBL~C HEARING. OWNER: NICHAEL J. CRUCIL~ 2920 Eist la Jolla Streee, Mahetm~ CA g2806. Property described ss ~ rectangularly-shaped percel of land consiating of approximately 1.1 sc~os, 2920 Esst L~ Jolla Street. Prope~ty presently classified !IL (IN DUSTRIAL~ LIMiTED) ZONE. REQUESTED BY THE CITY OF ANA~IEIM: UNDER Al1THOR17Y OF CODE SECTION 18.03.a9~. rHE ClTY OF ANAHEIM PROPOSES TQ REVOKE CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. ~056, FOR FAII,URE TO CWIPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. SubJect petitto~ was cantlnu~d from the msetl~gs of Ottober 2b~ 1990, December 1, 1980 end January 12, 1981 at the request of the petltio~er. ~lsiter Shook~ owRer~ expiained he has canplied with ali conditions of approval. THE PUBLIC HEAAING HAS CLOSEU. ACTION: Comalsstoner King offered a awtion~ seconded by Cam~issioner Fry snd MOTtON C~ED (Commisstoner Harbst being absant) ~ that ths Anah~im Cl+ty Plan~ing Coamisston does hereby t~ nainate all proceedings to revoke Conditlonal Usa P~rmit No. 2056 for failure tn coapiy aith wndittons of approval on the basls that tnsp~ection of Butlding and Plannin9 Ompartn+ent files and ~e fteld investtgation bY stoff indicstes a11 condittanz of approval h~ve bes~r satisfied. ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ' ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JANUARY 26~ 1981 81-54 ITEM N0. 2: EIR CATEOORICAL EXEMPTION•CLASS 3. IW D CQNDITIONAI. USE PERNIT N0. Z154s --..r.---- - ---~^---~ PUBLiC HEARING. OWNERt ROSERT EUGENE AND SNARON L1fNN BENTI,EY~ A33 West Lincoin Avenus~ Anaheim~ CA 92805• AGENT: GARY SCHROEOER, ~10 North lemon~ d~enge, CA 92667. Property deacrtbed as an Irregularly-shaped parcel ot lend consisttng of approximeitsly 2.1 ecrea~ located at the northe~st cornsr of Lincoln Avenue and Ha~bor Boulevard~ snd further described as 100 North Harbor 8oulevard (E) Camtno Bustness Center). Proparty preaentlY classifled CO (COMMERCIAL~ OFFICE ANO PROFESSIONAL) ZONE. CON~ITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST: T4 PERMIT T1~10 FREE-STANDINf; SIRNS IN THE CO ZONE. SubJect petition was contl~ued from the meeting of Qecemb~er 15~ 198o in order fo~ tha petitio~er to be present. Gary Sch roeder~ ACS Stgn Company~ egent~ explai~ed the proposal Is for two loMw p roflle~ monument-type signs and that the plens have been approved by the Redevalopment Conmissian. THE PUDLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. AC`TI.ON: Cnmmissloner King offered Resolution No. PC81-23 and maved for tts paasage end sdopt(on that the Anahaim Clty Planntng Commisslon doe~ hereby grant Conditianel Use Permit No. 2154. SubJect to Interdepartment~l Committee recornnendattans. On roll call~ the foregoing resolutlon was passed by the follawing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES. BOUAS~ BUSHORE~ FRY~ KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HER~S7 Chairmsn Tolsr explainod these mon wr~ent-type signs are Nhat the City has been seeking even though they do not conform to the Sign Ordinence. I TEM N0. 3: EfIV I . MPACT REPORT N0. 113 (PREVIOUSLY APPROVEa)~ WAIVER Of 1 u MI . i'~ EN ~~1 1~~~`~1L~ Nl'~~ READVERT15E0 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: N. J. BROCK AND SONS, INC.~ 6767 Forest Law~ Drive~ Los Angeles~ CA 90068. AGENT: M. J. BROCK AND SONS~ INC.~ 1698 GreeRbriar. Suite 224~ Brea~ CA g2621. Property described as an irregulerlY-shap~d parcel of land consl !ing of approxia-atety 1~1.3 acres~ havt~g approximstc frontages of 300 faet on the narth side of F~lrtwuth Avenue a~d 900 feet on the sauth stde of Coronet Avenue. having a mexlmum depth of approxtmatoly 1500 feet and betng located approximat~ely 650 feet west of the canterline of Romneya Orive. Property presentlY classified RS-A-43,000 (RESIDENTlAL/AGa1CUltURAL) ZONE. CONOITtONAL USE PERKIT REQUEST: TO PERiiIT A 125'UNIT DETACHED CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX WITN WAIVER OF MAXIMUM STRUCTURAI -1EIGHT. TENTATIVE TRACT REQUEST: TO CONSTRUCT A 125wUNIT 153-LOT SUBDIVi5~4N. 1/26/81 ~:~ MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI~SION~ JANUAftY 26, 1981 81•55 SubJect petttion was continued t~~m the meeting of November 1~~ 1g80 at the requsst of tha petittonar~ from the meeting af December 1~ 1g8A for re~dvertisement a~d from the meeting of Ja~u~ry 12~ 1981 ot the request ot the petittoner. Ther~ were two persone indicsttng their presence in oppositlon to subJect ~equest, snd although the stsff report was not resd. it ls refe~red to and msde a p~rt of the mfnutes. Mike Conlon, M. J. B~ock 6 Sons~ Inc. ag~nt~ exnlalned revised plsns were reviewed wtth tho netghbors to the west opoosing the previaus plens e+nd a p1An acceptable to everyone (nwlved has been developed. Eleanor Bay~ 2148 West Grayson~ explai~ed after meettng with the developer and working out the differenoes, the people at thetr end of the tract are na longer opposad to tha proJect. Max Engle~ 1181 No~th Catelpa~ steted he is a lo~q-ttrt~ reside~t of this n~ighborh~od. Ile referred to the staff report reference to surrounding land uses end dld not think the descriptton makes it clear thet the maJor portton af surrounding lend use to the west Is single•family residentlal and they NI11 be affected by this praJect. Mr. Engle was also concernmd about the two-story structures even though hls property (s not i~miedlatcly adJ~cant and felt they would be an Invasion of privecy fo~ anyone 1 I vi ng adJ acent to thcm. Chairman Tolar explatned rGVtsed plans have rccttfled that sttuatlo~ and there are only four two-story structures within 130 feet of the property line. Mr. Engle stated he still was not sure of the impacts of the (nvasian af prtvacy becAUSe the staff report does not give preclse descriptlons. Ne stAted~ fra~kly~ he sew no reason why the people who live there should in a~yv+ey be affected by th~se capricious economicatly-based tdeas of the developer. He felt tf the developer convlnces tht Commisslon and adjacent prope~ty awners that thia w111 work~ it wtii be to the advantage of the developer and the dlsadvantage of not only the single-family~ long-term residents who Are trytng to matntsfn an orderly, non•transient type nelghborhood, but to the elementary school immedtete{y opposite. He statad the treffic probl~m has already been (ncreased by devetopment to the east a~nd thts project will contribute adversely Co the enttre character of the neighborhoed and epprova) would be e favnr to the developer e~d a terrible disfavor to the people who iive there. M~. Conlon steted he belteved they have mitlgated all tha ad~erse ocndttions along the western edge and th~ only w~iver required would be on the setback for the structure heighC; and that only four two-story units are wtthin the 150-foot setback. He stated hc wouid be happy io reviaw the pla~s with Mr. Engte and explalned the density wili be less than prevtously approved. Gil Marttnez~ ~'lortan Escobar Ma~tinez~ Planntng and Landscape Archtttcture~ explained the origtnal plan called for 18 unTts per acre and this plan is desfgned at 8 untts per acre and stated they fael It will minimfze the tmpact to the ar~a. 1/26/81 '~5 ~ i MINUTES~ ANAN~IM CIn PLANHING COMMISSION, JANUAaY 26~ ig61 a~-56 Mr. Conlon ststed the nelghbor~ have requested that thmre be no 'ti+eep holes" In the six-font n-isenrY w+~t~v°~ tfromeelghtHf ~tsto alghteen teet1~~dscape setbacks el~ng Falmauth snd Corone ary pean Sherer~ As~istant P~~~~o~~totthadvaried setb ~~jectlon to the stipulatton for no "weep holes" In the we) TIIE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner King indicetcd he is happy the develeper work~d out the ~roblema with the nelghbors and stated he soes no p~'oblem wlth the p~oJect. Chalrman Tolar expleined tn Mr. Engle thet he felt the devaloper has workQ~vingt1tha best Intnrest of •~e notghbo~s wh~ose property backs up to thla proJact by two-sto ry structures and provlding the landscepe buffer; that the density is 1ower than previously approved and that the weter runoff concnrns will be taken care of with engineerins'~^Hedfeltnthls pl~n~does1answera concerns~ofithehcltyrandtwill be an currently exist asset to the commun 1 ty. It was noted Environmentali^mCQntuncPiQn with1th~w apProval~af,thecArahelm Shores Clty Co uncll on March 16~ 1974 1 P) annnd Commun i ty . ACT~, ON; Conmissio~e~ King offered a nr~tlon~ secondod by Commisstoner Fry and NOTION CARRIED (Commissloner 1lcrbst being absent), that the Anaheim Ctty Planntng Commission doas hereby grant waiver of code requireme~t on the basis af th~ shape of subJect property andro~ se~ w~th~~t~00 fertr fuad}acenttsinglc fsmtly1z ~ed P oPerty. structures p Po Commtssioner King offered aesolution No. PC81•24 snd m~ved for its passage and adoptlon that the Anahetm City Plsnning Commission does he~eby gr~nt~ in part~ Conditional Use~Permit Na. 2143~ subJact to the petitioner's stipulati4n Lhat there shali be ~~~cePto~~nterdepartment 1~Car+mltteeereteo~me~dattonsng the west prope~ty 1 ine and subJe t On ra11 call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the followtng vote: AYES: COMMISSIpNERS: BARNES, BOUAS. BUSHORE~ FRY~ KING~ TOLAR ~~OES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN7: COMNISSIONERS: NERBST Comnissio~e~ King offered a motlo~, seconded by Commissloner Fry and MOTION CARRIED (Commissloner Herbst being ebsent)~ that the Anaheim City Planning CommTssian does hereby find that the proposed subdivtsion~ together with its design and Improvement, is consistent with the City of Anaheim General Plan. pursuant to Gove~nme11347dfor a Section 66;73_~Q~°deteched condomtnlumesubdivisionatsubJecc ta thecf N~OMf~^9 125-unit, 53 conditions: i. That a~l enginec~ing requirements of the City of Anaheim alo~g CoronGt Avenue end Falmouth Avenue including preparation of improvement plans and installation of all improvements such ss curbs and gutters, atdewalks• street gradin9 and paving~ dratnage facilities or oCher appurcenant work, 1/26/81 _ ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JANUARY 26~ 1981 A1-5~ shsit be coa~piled aith +~s requircd by tha Clty En9lneer ~nd tn •ccordence wlth spactficatlons on ftle In the Offlce ot tha City [ngt~~er; thst strent llyhting F~cllittes •lonc~ Coro~et Avenue ~n~ F~lmouth Avenue ~hell be (nstallad as requirad by the Offfce of Ut111ttes Genorai Manager~ a~d In eccord~nce wlth speciflcatlons on file In the Offlce of Utllitles Cene~el Msn~ger; snd/or that a bond~ certificate of deposit, lette~ of credit, or cash~ In an emou~t and form satlsfectory to the City of Anaheim sheil be posted with the City to guarantee the tnstellation of the above-mentioned requlrements prtor to occupancy. 2. That t~ash storage erees sheil be providad in accordance wlth approved plens on ftte with the Office of the Executive Dlrector of Pubiic Works. 3. Th~t fire hydr~~ts shsll be Instelled end charged es required and dete~mined to bs necnssery by the Chief of the Fire Departr-~nt prior t~ ~:ornrnencement of structurai fr~mtng. 4. That subJect ~roperty shall be served by underground utilities. 5. That drainsge of subJect property sf~all be disposed of In a menner satisfactory to tha City Engineer. Private storm dratns shell be constructed to toilect the on-slte drainage and canduct It to exlsting drAins9e f~cilities. Temporary desilttng faciltties shnil be constructed as requf ~ed by the Ct ty Englnezr to prevent si i t from entering extsting dralnage facilitles during constructton of the propo~-•1 developme~t. 6. That th~ aw ner of si~bJect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the epproprtate park and retreation t m lleu fees as d~termined to be rppropriate by the Ctty Council, aa~d fees to be paid s; the time the butlding pe r~it is i ssued. 7. That the originat documents oF the covanants~ conditions. and ~est~tcilons, and a letter eddressed to devetoper's titie compeny suthori~ing ~ecordatlon thereof~ shail be subrnitted to the City Attorney'a offlce and approved by the ~Crty Attarney's Offlce, Public Utilities Dept., Bulldinn Oivision~ and the Enginerring Oivistan prlor t~ final tract map spproval. 5aid documents~ as app roved~ shall bn filed and reco~ded in th~ Off!ce ~f the OTange County 4tecorder. $. That all prtvate streets shell be developed tn accardance with the Ctty of Anahcirn's Standa~d Detail No. 122 for private st~eets~ lncluding inscalDation af Street Name s-~~s. ~lans for the private street lighttng, as requtred by thc stand~rd detail~ shalt bP submitted to tha Bullding Otvi~lon for approvaS and inclusion with the butlding ptans pri~r t~ the tssuance of b ullding permits. (Prtvate streets are those which provlde primary ac~esa snd/or ct~culatton withtn the proJect. 9. If permanent street nan~ signs hAVe not been installed, temporery ~t~eet name signs shall be instailed prior to any occupancy. 10. That the arner(s) of subject property shall pay the traffi~ stgnal esscssme~t fee (Ordinance Na. 3896) in a~ amount as determinad by the C1ty Council, for ea~h nsv dvelling unlt p~ior to the tssuance of a building permtt. . '26/81 ~S ~ MI NU~'ES ~ ANAHE 1 M C 1 TY PUINN 1 NG COMM) SS I ON ~ JANUARY Z6 ~ 1981 81 • 58 11. The selle-r shall provide the purch~~er of each co~do~ninlum unit with aritten tnfo rmatlon conce~ntng Anahelm Mu~tcfpal Code 14.~2.;0~ pertalning to "perktng ~estricted to fecilitatc street swaapin~". Such w~ttten information will clearly indicate when on•street pa~kin9 ~s prohibited ~nd the panalty for violatlan. 12. Thst the ssnits ry sewa~s within ths prtvate stre!ets shall be p~ivate and owned and nwintafned by the haneewners ossoctatlon. 13. That ell ralsed I~ndscapad arees ln the propoaed cul-da-sac she11 be modtfied per the requlraments of the St~e~ts end Sanitetion Depertmsnt. Jsck White~ Assistant City Atto~ney~ prescnted the written rtght to appeai the Plenntng Commtssion's declston withtn 22 deys to the City Councfl on the condttto~al uso pennit and 15 days an the trsct. Commlsslone~ King end Chalrnwn Tolar compllmentrd .he developer for working ~~11th the noiyhbors to rosolve the problems. I7EM N0. 4: EIR NEGATIVE UECLARATION AND RECLASSiF1CATI0~J N0. SQ-81-22: PUBLIC tICARING. 041NER: EILEEN A. ORUIFF~ 316 North Sieste, Anahelm~ CA q2801. Property described aa a rectangularly-sh.~~ed parcel of land consisting of epp roximately 0.15 acre. 123 South Gran~ Avenue. Property presently classtfled RS- 7200 RESIDENTIAL. SINGLE-FAMILV) ZONE. RECLASSIFICATION ttEQUEST: RM-2400 Thero wen: ftve peraons indicatln~ tl,eir presence in oppositton to subject rec~uest~ and although the staff re~c+rt was nat rcad~ it is referred to and made a c+art of the mir~~tes. Elleen Drulff~ awner~ stated she wAUld like to const~uct a duplex consisting of two 97o-squa~•e foot units on thi~ vacent propa~ty, with attached two-ca~ garages and two open pa~k(ng spaces and a 10•foot w6de drlvesvay the depth of the o~operty. She stated the design of this structure wlll ~rchitectu~aily match the new homes in the erea and from the front will appear as a sfngle-famlly residence. ~`e stated no variances are requi red and the p~o,ject C~f1fOf'14S to the Genera) Plan designatton for medlum den~ity; that there is an apartment four-plex ecross the street and there arn existing duplexes in the neighborhood; that o~e of thess units will be awner•occupied by either she or her son and will ba~.~e)1 maint~in~d. She felt this wili be an asset to the neighborhood; that it wlil be m~re fitting than a twa•story single-family structure; snd that there is a houstng shortage in A~ahetm. Ms. Druiff stated she has been a teacher in Orange Cou~ty for 25 years and as retire ment approschas~ feels she should be ~ilowed t.a devetop her property in this manner. Sha stated she has sig~atures of p~ople who stronglw support her appitcatio~ and a letter from a~n origina) resident v+ho has been there y6 years~ Ynrnon a Evelyn Bobst, 136 Hardtng~ and Larry- Evt~r3d~e 1s present to support he~ request a~d thac she also has photographs of the property and neighboring homas. 1/26/8t ; ? MINUTES~ ANIIHEIN C1~1f PLANNING COMMiSSION~ JANUARY 26~ 1~81 81•59 Kathy welnh~id~ 131 South Crand~ steted she has a petition of opposttion and photographs to p~ese~t; that thay are obJectl~g bec~uae the existing structure s are ell owner•occupled stn9le-family; that they bought into the netghborhood becsuse It is singie-family~ awner-occupled homas; that the existtng homes are all similer and sll have garages 20 feet from the sidewatk and this proJect right In the middle wlll have walls t~ the aidawslks and she felt tthat would be ~ h~sard for the ch{ld ren playing; thet thts is the only lot fQesibie for multi•famtiy untts; and that the spertment complex Is well dasigned with high walls and landscaping and that there ere occastonal parking problems on weekends because of visitors. She stated the aree to the west has single and multlpla-faml ly residentie) developments~ but thetr black is all single-famlly a~d they want to keep It that way. Ms. Welnhold stated they are Narding water users and their by-lr~ws proh(bit concrete with(n ftve feet of the mbtn waterl ine which is et the west end of thls prope~ty a~nd a part of thc drivea~+ay fo~ this proposed proJcct would be wtthin five feet. She er.plain~+~~ the watcr facllitles are malntAtned by the usc~s and there are no funds, ~qutpment or personnci to make repalrs. Ms. Weinhold stated she did not think two vehic.las could park tn the 12-foot area prOposad. She stated the hcxnes on this s;reet are new a~d they bought tnto thls nelghborhood because it was s urrounded with singie-famtly homes. She explained sh~ does not obJect to the rental untts~ but ta a duplex on a 5~-f~t widc lot. She presented the peltition contalning approximately 1S s~gnetures. Ms. Oruiff atated this st~ucture wtll look Identicai to the structure imnedia tely to the ~oi : and the block wall wtll be identical to other block wAlls on the s t reet. Chal rman Tolar state~l the block wal l daes not crome out to the street and wf 1 1 be Just 1 Ike the ~est of the wal ls In the netghborhood and wi 11 conform to cade. M;. Urui`f stated she has a letter from the operetor af the water nucn~. Vernan Bobst~ who has lived there 5G years and '~e sees no problem and stated shP has been a water user nine years~ paytng the rate on this vacant l~nd. She stated the propa rty is an eye sore at :he present time. She stated !hn opposition was cc~rcer~ed about the chi ld~en's safety, but thei r properties are fecir,g apartments; and that she or e rteember of her f~m) ly wi 1! matntain the p roperty and make sure it ~s kept in good condtci~n. She stste d this proJect ts very practicai and conforrr~ to code and she did not feel the obieetions v+ere legt tlmete. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Darnes stated the parkEng appears to be ample and that she fei.. the pro,ject will be~efit the area. She ask~d tf the opposttion has seen the plan. Thcre was a response frum th~, audience that ~e person has reviewed the plan , but their obJecti~n is not to .:ie plan. Commissione ~ Bushore poi~ted out in reviewing this property not lo~g sg~~ it was noted the multi-fdmily units were there before th~~ property was annexed to Anaheini. Me revta+ed the stgnatures of th= people suppo'ting Lh~ request and the opposittons' petition. Ne stated he is concern~d about breaktng dow~ the tntegrity of tine neighborhoo:' '~ noted most of signatures of people supportl~g the re~quest are on Nardtng~ which ia the next street aver. 1 /26/ 81 ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CIT'.' PIANNING CGMMISSION~ JANUARY 26~ 1981 81-60 Le~ry 121 South Nsrding~ ststed there are three du~texes bulit within the last th roe years on th• st~eet behind Hsrding. Mr. Reese, 1;1 Hardln9r st.. d the duplexes referred to are on Topanga and there have been no dupl~xes bullt i~ this area since the property was annexed to the city; And th~t tho s(gnstures oppostng the requeat are from peopte on Harding and they want to keep the area single-family. He clarlfied that his residence Is 45 years old. Commissioner Bushore feit even though there is a large mulil-family developrtwnt across the street and the city does need housing~ bec~use the exlsttng duplaxes wern ther~ before the proparty was sn~exed and the hor,es in the area ~re fairly new~ he felt thts proJect vould be bad for the neighborhood end would bresk down the integri ty of the netc~hborhood. Chatnnan Tola~ stated he did not thtnk this dupiex will be dctrirt-ental to the existing rnstdentia) homes; that this is a nice netghborhood~ but th:s development wil) conform to the destg~ation of inedt~m density snd he w~~uld support the r~quest. ACTION: Comnissioner King ~ffered a mntlon~ seconde~d by Commissloner 8o4~as and MOTION CARRIEQ (Commlsslaner fl~~bst betng absent)~ that the Anehelm City Planning Commissian has ~evte~ved the proposal to i±classify subJect property from the RS-7200 (Resldent~al, Singie-Family) tone to the RM-12~~ (Residenttal. Multtpl~-Famlly) zo~a to construct a dup{ex on a rectangulorly-sl~aped parcel of land consisttng of approximately .15 acre. havtng a frontage of approximately 5~ feet on the west stde of Gran~ Avenue~ approx(mately 365 feet south of th~ centerline of Ltncoln Avenue (123 South Grand Avenue); and docs hereby appr~ve the Negativa Declaracion from the requtremnnt to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse envi~onmental imp~ct due to the appraval of thts Negative Declaration since the Anal~etm Generai Plan designates the subJect prope~ty for medium density ~esidential l~nd uses cc~mmensurate with the proposal; that no se~sttive r_nviro~n~ental lmpacts are involved ln the proposal; that the Inltial Stu~iy submitted by the petitioner i~dicates no stgnificant Indivtdual or cumulattve adverse environmental tmpacCs; rnd that the Negattve Declaratlon substanttating the foregotng findings is o~ file In the C1ty of Anaheim Planning D~epa rtmen t . Commtssioaie~ King offered Resolution No. PC81-25 and moved for its passsge and =doption that the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commission does hereby grant Reclassificatlon No. 80-Q1-22, subJect to Inte~departmentel Committee recorm-endations. On roll call. the foregoing resoluttan was passed by the follc~wtng vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ 80UAS~ FRY~ KING, TOI.AR NOES: COM!"~SSIOMEfiS. BUSHORE ABSENT: COMMISStONERS: HERBST Jack White~ Assistant Cicy Attorney~ presented the writte~ rtght to appeal the Planning Commtsslon's deciston within 22 days to the City Council. 1/26/8' ~ ~~ ~. MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JANUARY 26~ 1981 81'61 ITEM N0. t~IR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONOITIONAL USE PERNIT N0~ 2162: PUgLIC HEARING. OWNER: BANK OF AMERICA~ NT b SA, c/e McMORGAN t COMPANY. 50 Catifornia Street~ M3150. San Fr~ntisco~ CA q4111. AGENT: WILLIAM K. DAV1S~ 140A Bristol Street North. Suite 2~+5, Newport Aeach~ CA 9266t1. Property describcd as a ~ectangulariy-sh~ped parcel of land consistlnq of approximetely 2.G acres~ having a frontage of opproximstely 315 feet on the north side ef La Jolia Street. havtng a mexinium depth of approximately 268 feet, end belnq located ap~roxlmately 23~ feet eaat of the cent~rline of Red Gum Street. Pronerty presentl~r classlfled ML (INUUSTP~AL~ LiMITEU) ZONE. CONOITIONAL USE REQUEST: TO PERMIT A TRUCK TERMINl1l IN TIIE Ml 20NE. There was ane p~-son i radi cai 1 ng h I s p~esr,nce i n oppos I t 1 on to subJect request . and althounh the st. `f report waa not read~ ik Is referr~d to and made fl part of the minutes. Charles auchanan, agent ~epresenting Davis Ikveloprr~nt~ explained thls proaosal Is for a smal) truck terminAl to eccommodale 1~ to 12 loca) trucks, and 3 trucks to transfer metcr(al to Los Angeles. George McCa~ 351 Hospita) Rnad. Newt~ort Beach~ owner of property at 2990 La Jolla~ ~tated thc~r building is part of en industrldl a~rk a~~d this truck terminal is a new concept for the entlre industrial zone and he dio not fael It would conform wlth anythtng In the e~ea; that I~e w~s af~rid, desri t~ the fect th~ petitloner ha tndicated there would only be 1~ to 12 local trucks using the terminal. that the use would resuit In excessive on-s.reet parking and traffic In the area. Me stated he thought this northesst induscriol area has developed into ~ model indus triAl ~rea end he wanted it to stay th~t way ai d was conccrned how the type and number of trucks ustny the termfnal cauld be controlled; that with 3F dock-high doors there is a potentlal for heavy truck trafflc in and~aut of this property; that he wes concerned there will be o~-str~et perking; thsi he did not Chink a truck t~rminal should be ane mtle fram the freewsY on e s~condary scraet with no traffic stgnal; that he felt the traffic would be a haza~d to the pre-schaol and residentlal uses (n the area; and th~t enother local b~sln~ssman wroce his cc~nce~ned about notse In the area~. N~ polnt^d out he did write a letter to the Planning Commission deted Jsnuary 21~ 19a1 and a copy of [hat lett~r is in the Planning DepArtment file. Mr. 6uchanan stated they have not IndlcaCed there wil) be on-street pa~king; that they have adr~uate parktng spaces on tha property for aTl automobilCS And trucks~ that any industriel use wl 11 have trucks in a~d out; that a normel tndustrial use would probably add 80 automobiles to the pcek hour trafftc in the ~s and that this use would be lower; and tht+t the salvage yard immedlately behind th,~s property has i~eavy truck traffic. He stated tha proJect wilt have slatted fencing so that it will not be seen from the street and the landscaping in the front wil) be very attracttve. TNE PUBLIC NEARING W AS CLOSED. R~spo~ding to Commtssioner Barnes' questlon relating °o thc nwnber nf trucks, M~. Buchanan statad there wi 11 be 10 to 12 trucks picking up merchandise in the local srea and transferring tho products to approximately 3 l~rger trucks which would then take the products to Los Mgeles daiiy. He cauld not answer why 36 c3ocks are needed except that the local trucks would bc unloadin g a lot of different rtw terlals. 1/26/81 ~ •` ' ~ ~ MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNiNG COMM15S10N~ JANUARY Z6~ 1981 81•62 Cammi~sioner Bushore ~sked if they would be subteasing to ocher trucking Ptrms and Mr. B uchanan snswa~ed thers is ~oChing in the lesse to prevent ,bleeatng, Commtssioner Busho~e stated It ts nocad In thn st~ff reporc thst there will be 25 smployea: snd there ~~e oniy 22 parkin9 spaces proposed~ ~ie esked the petitione~ to •tlp ulate that none of the trucks o~ employees would pa~k an th~ street at sny tfine snd indicated that would be one of the conditlons of approval. Mr. guchan~n ststed he woutd be willing to make that atipulatlon and +~nswered Commisstoner Bushore that the leese Is for 25 years. Chair man Tolar referred to the TraPfic Engineer's conce~n regarding the g~crs being located 60 feet from the skreet snd rematninq open durinq regular working haurs. Peul Stnger, Traffic ~nylner.r~ explalned anytime e gate is Inst~lled for security purposes the d~veloper Is requested to move the rtn beck 60 feet from the street to acconwnodote trucks And prevent them fron~ stoppt In th. st~eet. He stated the appltc~nt has complied wtth thst request. Mr. 8 uchanan responded to Cheirmen Tolar that the grtes could be left open during workiny hours. Commisstoner King asked the ho urs of operatlon and Mr. Buchanan responded the loca) trucks will be makinq delive~ies until 5:00 p.m. and the three larger trucks will be opera ttng until g:;Q p.m. Chair man Tolar steted there is na place tn this city for truck termtnals and that they are needed and will cut down on the amount of tra~'f1c In the industrlel erea beca use each Indivldusl oparation wtll not have to have their awn delivery trucks. fie felt this would be a good use for this property. Comrnissionar King potnted out the Radevelopment Agency hes recom~nended approva) of this appllcatipn. Commissioner Barnes stated she is concerned ahout the Increase in the amount of trucks in the area and about parktng on th~ street~ but wouid h~ve ~o obJection ta the use if there is some way to control the number of trucks. etc. She suggested a time limiG for revl~w even though the Commisston can revoke a pe~mit anytime the us~ becom~s a prnb 1 dn. Chairnwn Tolar stated he does noe sgree because no induatrial user~ to his knowledge~ has e ver been required to ~develop property with d time 11mlt spend(ng this kind of money. He ~elt also th~t the hours of oper~tion are not a problem beeausc Industrlal zo~es have been treated so businesses can work eraund the ~lock if necessary. Jack -~hite~ Assistant City Attorney, ststed tF.e Pi~nning Commisslon could place a limtt on the numt~er of trucks that could be us~rd at thta faciltty. Commissioner F~y did not think Ilmitinq thc number of trucks could be enforced and felt it would be a waste of time. Commissloner Bushore indicated he had concerns if this terminal could be leased to other trucking companies because the property could become overburdened. t/26/8~ } ~ ' ~ HINUTES~ ANANEIM CiTY PLANNINd C~MMISSION~ JANUARY 26~ tq81 81-63 Chairman Tolar falt tf the parking is controlled there wouid be na problem end pointed out agaln th~t a trucking terminel Is nceded tn tl~ls area. Commtsstonnr bushore indicated he would egree but does not want to see this property ove rtexad . Commlasioner Bushore stated he has no problem with the ~2 parking s~aces and the 36 bays with 15 trucks and does not wiah t~~ deny the pr~Ject~ but wants the petttior~er to realize the Commisslon is c~~ncerned about the fecility becoming a burdon on the area. He stated he would not agree wlth a time limit end polnted out aqain the Planning Commisston can revoke a u~~~dittonal use perm(t if the petitioner does n~t !iv~ up to the terms imposed. He pointed out the neighba~s wtll be wat~hing the use. ACTION: Commisslone~ King offere~ s motlo~~ seconded by Cnmmissioner Boues and ~N CARRIED (Comntssioner I~erbst betng absent) ~ that the Anaheim City Plan~ing Commission has revtc,wed a proposal to permlt a truck terminel In the ML (Industri~~l, Limlted) Zone on a rectangularly-shdped parcel of lend consisting of approximately 2.G acrns~ hr~ring ~ front~ge of ep~-roxl~ately 315 feet an the north side of Le Joila Street~ havi~~g a meximum denth ~f approxtmatcly 2f,8 feet. and betng located approxtmately 23~ feet cast of the ccnterllne of Red Gum Strect; and does hereby approve the NegAtlve Declaration from the requlrement ta pre~are an environmental tmpact report ~n thc~ b~~is that ther~ would be no stgniftcant indivldual or cumuletivc adverse environmenta) impact due to the approval of thts Negative Uaclaration since the Anahefm General Pl~n designates the sub)ect property for gene~al industrtel land uses corta~nsurate with the proposal; th~t no sensltiva enviromm~ntal ~~acts arP involved in the proposal; thnt the Initial Study submttted by the petitioner indicates no signiftcant ind(vidual or cumulAtive adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Ueciaration subetanti~+ting the ioregoing findings is on file In the City of Anahetm Rlannl~g Oe~artm-nt. Commissianer King offered Flesolutlon t~o. PC~1-2h and moved far Its passage and adoptton that the Anaheim City Plan~tng Commission does hereby qrant Londitional Use P~~rmit No. 21~2~ subJect to the petittoner's stipulatlon to instruct all employees to park an•site and that no trucks will be psrked on the street a~d that the ga~es will -sm~in open during normal working hours and subJect to Interdepartmenta) ~ommittee recommendations. On roll call~ the foregoing resolutlon was passed by the followl~g vote: AYES: CONMIS510NERS: BARNES~ 60UAS. BUSHORE~ FRY, KIttG, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIOMERS: t~ONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: t1EilBST Jack 4lhite, Assistant City Attorney, presented the written right to appeal the Planning Commission's deciston within 22 days to the City Councii. ~ i26~a~ l MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUARY 26~ 1981 81•64 I(EMPTION-CLASS ~. WAIVER OF CODE R PUBLIC NEARING. OWNER: J. KENT BEWLEY~ ET AL~ 621? Hiit Avenus~ Whittie~, CA 906A1. AG~N'~ RALPtI F. I.EPRE~ 117 South Western Avenue, Anahe ~, CA 92904. Property describd~+ as a rectangulArly-shaped pArce) of land consisting Af approximately ~.9 acre~ 117 Sauth Western Avanua (Don Clsco Rest~ursnt). Property pr~sently classifled CL (COMMERCtAL~ LIMITED) ZONE. CONQITIONAL USE REQUEST: TO PERMIT ON-SAIE BEER AND WINE IN AN EXISTING DRIVE- TIIROUGN RESTAURANT WITH WAIVER OF MINIMUM DISTIWCE OF DRIVE-THROUf+N IA~~E. There wea one par~on indicating his p~esence In apnasitlon to subJect request~ and although the staff report wes ~ct read~ it Is rn!erred to and made a pert of the minutes. Ralph Lepre, agent~ was p~es c to answ~r any qu~stions. Bernice l.en~aster~ 3212 CAbot Drive~ stated she has lived there 7 years: that her property Is an owner-occupled four-piex; that there is a llquor stare directly across the street from the restaurant; that Cebot Crlve is only ane blotk long and in the last 3 years~ two cars have bee~ hit whlle parked; that there are many small chtldren on Cabot Orive who are constantly cross,ng the street which would be a hazard; that this ts close to 4lestern Nigh Schooi and there ts a lot of debrts In the area and this would add to that problem. She stated she did not feel the beer end wlne would enhance thts area. Mr. Lepre stated he cleans his p roperty ~ve ry mornin~ of the debrts and that there is a lot of debris from other areas durt~ed onto his property. He stated the customers are the ones who actually cc~nvtnced htm to apply for the beer and wine llcense because they wented tt with the Mexican fnod he served; that he cannot sell the beer and wine uniess he salis food; that he daes have a drtve-through window but cannot sell beer and wine through the wi~dow; that he has a patlo (n front but canr~ut serve beer and wi~e on that patio. Ne explatned these conditions a~e regulated by the Alcoholic Beverage Controi 9oard. Ne stated he has s dining room and serves eight diff~;rent corabtnation plates And he (s thc only indapendent restaurant operator in the sr~a with five 'iffercnt fast food chaln operattons located there and feels he need!; the beer and yrine to serve with his authenic Mexican foods. TNE F'UBLIC HEARINC WAS CLOSED. Chair•mon Tolar stated thls is a very unique operatlon because of the Inctdential drive-through windaw which he felt complicates the request; that the Commission has granted many requests for beer and wtne with Mexican foad and he has no problem with that; but he was concerned ~~ut control of the nperatton wtth relattonship to seiling beer and wine th~ough the drive-through window. Mr. Lepre stated his employees are all over 1a years old and he is there deily. Chairman Tolar explained a conditional use permtt stays aith the property and the business could be sold ta someo~e else who would not watch *.he operation as close. He stated this ts the first such request in Lhc City of Anaheim and he is concerned that there wili be other requests if this is approved. 1/26/81 C~ ° t ~ ,~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMIS510N~ JANUARY 2b~ 198t 81-65 Mr. Lapre ttsted he dtd not thi~k the fast food oper~tlons such es McDonelda a~d Wendya wuuld want to sal i bea~ and wine. Chal~men Toler steted th~ere •~e lot of young people who go through the drive- th~ough windnws and he felt silowing be~~ snd wtne tn the fast foods restaurantt woul~i be c~ndoning Lh~ k~ds gettinq Into mnre p~oblMna thsn they alrescJy have. Mr. Lapre expl~tned his restaurant is not e fest food reatAUrant and he doas not wsnt to be Identtfled as ons. He stated the ABC is wllling to go along with this request (f this candttiona) use requ~st ts approved~ but that the other fast food resteurants would not neceas~rlly get approvel because of the diffQrent ragulations. Ila stated ha felt he deserves a chance to prove that thia wlll work. Ne stated the average age of h(s cuatomers is 3~ years old because of the prices. Cha(rman Tolar asked why the drtve-throu9h window is necessary. Mr. Lopre stAted it was hts Idea to ylve people a goad quaiity Mextca~ food with a drEve-through because he was ttred of food from a cha~in ~peratlon and also that the facility was a twin-bey car wash when he nurch+~sed it. Commissloner Bushore steted he does not havc thc ~aam~ concerns because he knows the AaC wtll regulate the operation and reailses thts is the first requ~sL~but did not think bee~ goes with McDonald's french fries and does go with Mexican food for those who like It and thought McDonalds would not want to ruln thetr (mage by selliny beer and wine. He stated he Is not cnncerned bcceuse e conditlonal use permtt can be revaked and that thts restsurant has been there far fou~ ye~rs and he has not seen a problem with the drlve-through. He stated he has questioned why th~ drtve-through window is there and it does give the impression of being a fast food ooeratlon. Ch ~i~man Tolar stated he would support thc request with a time Ilmit b~~ause there would be no additiona) cost to adding thts use end if the CUP ts violated, tt can be reooked. He stated if the request had been to enidrge ~he restaurant and eltmtnate the drive-through window~ he would have no problem supporttng it. Mr. Lepre stated he does intend to remadel the dining room to provide more booths~ etc. AGTION: Commisstoner 9ushort offered a mc~tion~ seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION CARaIED (Commisstoner Nerbst being abse~t), that the Aneheim ~ity Planning Commisston has reviewed the proposal to permit on-sale beer and wtne tn an existing drive-through restaurant in the CL (Gommerciaa~ Limited) 2one with walver of ininimum dtstance of drtve-through lene on a rectangularly-shaped parce) of land consisting of approximately 0.9 acre. having a frontege of appr~ximately 130 feet on the west side of Western Avenue~ having a maxfTum depth of apuroximately 295 feet. and being located approximately 200 feet south of th~ centsrltne of Lincoln Avenue (117 South Western Avonue); and does hereby epprove the Negative Declara~tlon from the requirement to prepare an environmentel lmpact report on the basis that there would be no signiflcant indtvidual or cumulative adverse enviranmental impact due to the approva) of this Negative Oeclaration since the Anahelm General Plan designates thn subJect prop~rty for general commercial and medium d~nsity residentlai land uses commensurate wtth the pra~osal; that no sensitive environmental imp~cts are involved in the proposal; that tho Initial Study submitted by the petitio~er indicates no stgnificant tndivtdual or cumulative adverse environmental impa~ts; and that the t/26/81 ~ ~ 1 ~ MINUTES~ ANAI~EIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION~ JANUARY 26~ 1981 81-66 Negative Decla~atlon s~bstantlating tha foreqoing f~ndtngs is an fil~ tn the City of Anahetm Pienntng Department. Commis:loner Bushore offered a mot(on, secondsd by Commissioner Fry t~nd MOTION CARRIEn (Commtssione~ Narbat being ~bsant)~ that tha Anaheim Clty P1anning Commisslo~ does heraby grant the request for weiver of code raqutreme~t on the basis that the existinq drive-through lane was developad prio~ to the adoptfon ot the ordinance ~equirtng a 1A0-feet longth and that the d~ive-throuqh has not ceused any prablems tn the srea. Commlsatuner Bushore offered Resolutlon No. PC81-27 and moved fur tta passage a+nd edoption that the Anahelm City Plsn~tng Cortmisslon doos hereby ~rant Condtttonal Use Permit No. 2168 for a p~riod of five years~ subJect to review for posstbla extensions nf time, snd subJect to Interdepa~tmental Committee recommendetions. On roll call~ th~ forsgoing resolution wes passed by the following vot~: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ dOUnS~ BUSFIORE~ FRY~ KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONEaS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: FIERBST Commissioner Bushore statad he did not think this use w~ll be a problem because It will be regulatr.d and stated tf the opp~sftion has any probler,;s they should repo~t them to tha ctty. Jack White~ Asslstent Clty Attorney, presented the written rtght to appeal the Planntng Commtssion's decision withtn 22 dnys ta the City Council. RECE.~S There was a five-minut~ recess at 2:55 P•m• RECO~NVEN~E The meetiiiq was r~convened at 3:~0 p.m. COMMISSIONER HERBST A~t~1~E~. ITE+ M N0. 7: EIR CATEGORICAL EXEM 1 N-CLASS ~ AND VARIANCE N0. 3193~ PUBLIC HEARING. 011NER: WEN 7SUP~ WU. ET AL~ 1538 East Lintoln Avenue~ Anaheim. CA 92805• Proparty descrlbed as a recrongularly-shaped parcel of land consisttnq of approximate=v 0.4 acre. 153a East lincoln Ave~ue (Anchor Motel). Property p~esently classiffed CL (COMMERCIAI, LIMITEO) 20NE. VARIANCE REQUEST: wAIVERS QF (a) MAXIMUM NUMBER~ (~) PERMIlTTED LQCATION~ (c) MINIMUM D157M~CE B~TWEEN SIGNS AND (d) MlNlMUM GROUND CL~ARANCE TO RETAIN TWO FR~E-STANDING SIGNS. There was +~o one indicating their prosenc~ tn opposition to subject requast~ and although G~t staff rrport was not ~eaa~ tt is ~eferred to and made a part of the minutes. Me ry- Wong stated she is a f~tend of the vwner who does not s~eak Engllsh and ts preseRt to explain fiis request. She explained M~. wu pu~chased the rtwtal a few aanths ago and it has an "AAA" membe~ship and the AAA representattve suggasted a new sfgn. She explained the Iight from the sig~ will he1F tha whole area because it is very dark in that particular ares and at least one person has failen; that khey have never recaived any comp'aints from their ~etghbors; and that the owne~ ha~s Fsinted the motal stnce he purcnased it and has improved the area. t/26/~' { 1. f 1 ~` ' MINUTES~ ANAFIEIM CITY PLANNIN~ COMMISSION~ JANUARY 26~ 1981 TNE PUBL I C HEARI NG WAS C~OSEO. 81-67 Chalrman Tolsr stated he has naver sewn so rtu~ny signs on a m~tel ~n this city and that the Ctty of nnaheim (s tr~-tng to ellminaLe signs. Ne ateted one of the Commlasloners indic.at:~d he counted nine slgns on that one property; that thc Commisslon wants to help the bustness community but he dId not t~ink stgns would necessarily hclp the business and t~~nre are areas in Csitfornla where no stgns other than nbnumentpl type slg~s are permittRd and those businesses do well, He stated he haa a ~eal prob tem w) th t1~e number nnd s ize of st gns and he f~l t k~~ere is al ready a p~obiem with too many ~tgna In thet area and if this ts allowod, every ather business In thet area will be raquesting the same thing. Mrs. Wong clarifted thG he~yht of the ~x;sting stgns. She stated there a~~ problems w-th younqste~s congregating in tf~is area and the awners feel the 1(ghx from the sign wili help that problem. Chairman Toler dtd not thi , the erea should be lic~hrPd with siqn~; that ther~ ere too meny signs the~ now and he felt they detrect f~am the business. Ne referred to the high sig~s which can be seer~ far a long distance. Mrs. Wong stated there are three motels In th~ nafghborhood and the area has hardly any 1lghttng and she felt thc sign wi11 help the ~etitioner end will not hurt anyo~e else and pointed aut the old sign was faded and the awner simply put up e new sign. Gommtssione~ Bushorc potnted out that stmilar requests have been denled to other businesses in ~he are;,. He stated hc canrx~t suppo~t the request because it Is an overb~irden for the .area and felt the petitioner should live withln the ordtnance; and rhat a reliable sign c~r~trACtor would have only sold him what is all~-ed by code and that mayba he has a recoursd with the signing compeny. He stated he did nat dgree that the stgn should be allowed to provida the lighting bescause there is street lighting ln th~~ clty which Is ~o~stantly upgraded to provtde adequate lighting. Cortgaissloner Barnes agreed snd felt the slgn ordinance sho~ld be complled with. Mr;. Uong stated Mr. Wu ;s a privatc businessman trying ~ ~mprove himself and the netghborhood and she felt thts will definitely be an tr~ r-ovement. ~.,mmissione~ Bushore stated the petitioner Is only trytng to improve his own sltuatlon ar~d that is nat w~ong but no one else in the area has heen all~.~ed to do the same thing and the ~ommisaio~ has to be fa'r to everyone. He felt this (s an eyesore in the neighborhood. He statcd staff wil) wo~k with the petltioner regerriny whtch signs can remaln. He stated someone did make a campleint and it was protr,Dly a compettcive business down the street. It was nuted the Planntng Director or his authortzed representative has determined that the proposed p~~.ject falls wlthTn the definitidn of Cstegorical Exemptions~ Class 3~ as defined in paragraph 2 nf the Ctty of Anaheim Environmentai Impact Report Guidelines and is, theref~re, cetegorically exernpt from the requirement to pre~a.e an EIR. 1/26/8t ~'` MINUTES~ ANIWEIM CITY P1.ANNING COMMISSION~ ~~w w-ar ~6~ 19~1 81-68 1 ACTION: Commisslo~o~ Busho~e otfe~~:d Resolutlon No~ PC81•2A and movad for its pa sa~~ge and adoptlon tha~ tha Anahulm Clty Pla~ninQ Coamisston daes hereby deny Variance No. 3193 on the basis th~t no untque circum'tences a~e a~plicsbl~ to subJoct props~ty as to tts sixe, shape~ loutlo~~ topography or surroundings. On roll call, the foregoing resolutton was p+~ssed by the follawinq vote; AYES: COMMIS514NERSs BAitNES, BOUAS~ BUSHORf~ FRY~ NERBS't~ KINC~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS; NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE Jeck White, Asslstant Ctty Atto~nay~ presented the wrtttr~n rtght to appes) the Planning Commtsslon'~ deciston witl~ln 22 days to the Clty Council. iTEM N0. 8: EIR CAT~GORlCAL EXEMPTION-Gl.ASS 5 AND VARIANCE N0. 3194: --- PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: ANA~IEIM INSURANCE LEASECO~ 601 West ftfth Street~ Sutte 120~'1~ Los Angeles~ CA 90017. ~GEHT: E. E. RQ~~NDS. LEaOY 0. Q4lEN COMPANY~ 5~0 South Maln Strent~ Sulte 5~OCT~ O~ange~ CA 92G68. Property described as ~n tr~egulerly-shaped pa~rcel of lend c~nsisting of approxtmately 0.7 ac~e~ 2165 So~th Manchester Avenue. P~operty presently clr~sstf led Cl '"G:iMERC~,4~~ LIMITEO) ZONE. VARIANCE REQUtST: WAIVER OF MINIMUM LANDSCAPED SfT9ACK TO ~R~CT A CANOPY. There was no one Indicating their presence ln opposit!o~ to ~ubJect request, and although the staff report was nnt re;~d, it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Gene Rounds ~ agent, wa6 present to answer any qucst ~ :. It was notod the Planniny Oyrector or hts authorized representatlve has determined that the proposed proJect fells within the definttion of Categorical Exemptions. Class 5, as def+ned ~~ paragraph 2 of the City of Anaheim Environmental impact Renort Guidelines a~d is~ therefore~ categorically exempt from the requtrement to prepare an EIR. tiCTl~N: Comnissioner King offered Resolution N~. PC81-29 a~d moved for TCs passage and Ado~~tion thnt the M eheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant Variance No. 3194 on thc basis of the shape of the property and on the basis that thts c..nopy is tempora ry and can be removed and subject to Interdapartmental Commtttee recommen'ations. Qn rotl call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the follawing vate: AYES: COMMI~SIONERS: BARNES, BOUAS. BUSHORE~ FRY~ HER85T~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMI5SIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 1/26/St ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PIANNING COMMiSS10N, JANUARY 26, 1981 at-69 ITEM N0. : EIR N~GATIVE OECLARATI~~1 VARIANC~ N0. 1 6 AND TENTATIVE MAp OF TRf~~T Aa.~~'~ RE . t PUBLIC HEAa1NG. OWN~R: CHERYI, J. MATLOCK~ 1821 Derby Orive, 5anta Ana, CA 92705. AGEN7: SUNOAIr b COMPANY/TOM MATlO(.K~ ~8a~ Derby Orive~ Senta Ana, CA ~2705. P~operty descrtbed aa en irregulariy-ahaped percel of lend ccrosisting of approxirt~tely 2.Ei7 acres~ G49 South 8each 9ouleverd. VARIANCE REQUEST: WAIVER OF REQUIRED LOT FRONTAGE. TENTATIV~ MAP REQIIEST: TO ESTAdL1S~~ A A9-l.~T~ 44-UMIT CONpOMINIU-" SUDDIVISION. was no one tndlcetl~sg their pr~s~nce in opcwsitlan to subject request~ a~nd o. ~ough the staff report was not read. tt Is ref~rred to and made a part of the minuc~s. Tom Matlock~ Pres(dent of SundPy Company~ stated previously this proJect was before the Commission for a 60-untt proJect but beceuse of the f(nencing market~ he has reouced it to ~i4 units and thc variancc will allow the units to bc sold Indtvldually. I~e steted fedar~l financing is availablc only fo~ units to be sald as a planned untt development~ a~d that t~~e numbe~ of affordeblr units is reduced~ but will still be 25$. TNE PIlB~IC HEARING WAS CLOSED. AC,,,_ TION: Commisstoner Ying offered a motton, s~conded by Cvmmfssioner Boues~ and MOTION CARRIED, tt~at the Anaheim Clty Planntng Commisslon has revicwed the praposal to establish a 4~-lot~44-unit subdiviston with walver of ~equired lot `rontagc on en irregulariy-shaped parcel o~ land conslsting of approximately 2.8'1 ac~es~ Ic~cated at 64q South Beach Boutevard; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaratlon from the requirement to prepare an environmental tmpact ~eporc on the basis that there would be no signtficant tndividual or cumulative adverse environmental tmpact due to the approval of this Negative Oeclaration slnce the Anahetm General Plan designates the s ubJect property for general commercial and/or medtum density fand uses c,~mn~ nsurate with the p~oposal; that no settsitlve environmental impacts are involved In the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petlti~ner indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental in~acts; and that the Negative Decla~ation substentieting t{ie foregoing findings is on file in the City t~f Anaheim Planning Department. Cortmtsstoner King offered Resolutio~ No. PC81-30 and movtd for its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Cortmission does he~eby grant Variance No. 3196 on the basis that the develope~ has ayreed to ente~ into an agreement with the Ctty af Anaheim pursuant to Gove~nme^t Code Sectio~ 65915 to provide 2$$ of the units as lew or moderate incame housing with appropriate resale controls as approved by the City of Anaheim and sub,ject t~- interdepa~trxntal Comnittee recomnendations. On ~otl call, the foregoing resulution was pasaed by the following vate: AYES: COMMISSIANERS: BARNES~ ~OUAS~ FRY~ NERBSY~ KING, TOLAR NOES: CQMfMISSIONEP,S: BUSNORE ABSEN7: COMNISSIONERS: NONE 1/26/81 ~ ~ J MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNiNC COMMISSION~ JANUARY 26~ 1981 81-70 Commi ssioo~ar KI ng of fer,~d a mot ton ~ aaconded by Commi ss f o~ar Herbs t end MQTI ON CARRIEO (Commtssloner Bu~hore voting no)~ that the Anahelm City Planning Commisaion does hareby find that the p ropos~d subdivislon~ t.ogethe~ with Its desiqn and Improvemant~ is consl~tent wtth tha Clty of Anahetm's Cen~rsl P1an~ pursua~nt to Government Code Sectlon 66473.5; end doea~ thernfore~ app~ove Tentative Mep of Trac~ No. 1121• (kaviston No. 1) for a 49•1ot~ 4b-unit condomtniun+ ~ubdt~'titon~ subject ta the following conditions. 1. That the aoproval of Te~ta~tive Map of Traet Na. 11211 (Revtston No. 1) ts g;ented subJsct to the approva) af Va~lanca No. 319G. 2. That should thls suhdivision be developocl as nWre thsn ane subdivtslon, e~ch subdivtsion thereof shall be subMitte~ ln tentat!ve form far taaroval. 3. That all lots with(n this tract shall be ~erved by u~derground utilities. 4. That tho artgina) documcnts of the covenants~ cot-ditions, And restrictions~ and e letter addressed co developer's title company authoriz!ng recordation thnreaf, shall be submitted to tho City AttorneY's office and approved by the Ctty Atto~ney's Office~ Pub11c Utllitie~ Dept,, Rutlding Divisio~~ and the E~gineerinu Dlvision p~lor Co fina~ *.ract map ~pproval. Said documents~ as approved. shall be ftled and ~ecordtd in thr OFftce of the Ora~ge County Recorder. 5. That street nanrs shall be approvcd by the Ct!y Planning Departn~nt prlo~ to approval of e final t~act map. G. Th at trash storage are~s shall be pr~vided in accordance with approved pians on flle wtth the Office of the Executive Director of Public Works 7. That fire hydrants ~hall he tnstelled and c~~rged as required and determined to bC necessar~r hy the Chief af the Fire DE rtment p~tor to ccxnmencement of struccural framing. ~. That dratnage of suaJect property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Clty Engineer. 9. That the c~wner of subject prop~rty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the approprlate park and recreation in-lteu fees as dete~mined to be aFpropriate by the City Councii, said f~es to be peid at the tirt~e the builuing permit is issued. 10. Thet all private streets shail be developed in accordance with the City of Anaheim's Star~lard Detail No. 122 fdr prtvate streets, Including installatton c~" Street Name signs. Pians for th~ p~ivate stre~t lighttng, as requtred by the standard detall~ shall be submittad to the Butlding Dtvision for approval end inclustan with the bulidtng plans prior to tha issuance of building pe nnits. (Private streeis ar~ those which provide primary access and/or circulation within the proJect. 11. If permanent street name signs have not been i~s=alled~ tesnporary ~treet name signs shall ba instailed prior ta any occupancy. t/26/81 ~. MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINR COMMiSS'ON~ JANUARY 26~ 1981 81-71 12. That the owna~(s) of subJect p~opa~ty thsl) pay th• traffic signal as:~ssment fee (Ordtnance No. 3g36) In an amount aa determined by the City Council~ for each naw dwalling u~it prior to the issuance of s buitding permtt. 13. The seller shall p~ovide the purcha~er of cach a~ndominlum u~it wtth written information concarning Anaheim Municipal Code 14.;2.500 pertal~ing to "p~rking rest~tcted to faciiltbte street swesping". Such written l~formatlon wfll ciearly indicste when on-st~eet parkfng is prohibited and the penalty for vtoldtion. 14. That appraprtate water essessment fees as determined by the Offtce ~f Utiltties General Ma~age~ shell be patd to the City of Ansheim prior to the issuence of a buiiding permit. 15. That the developnr sha1) enter I~to an eqreement with the City of Anaheim pursuant to Governmont Code 65915 which agreement sha~l be recorded concurrently with or prior to the approval of the Final Map and whtch sl~all provide thAt 25~ of tha unics s~~all bc sold es low or moderate income housing as daflned (n Govsrnmant Code 65915 and with appropriate reaale contrals as approved by the CttY of Anaheim. 1G. Prior to (ssua~ce of building permlts~ the applicent shall present e~idence that the sound attenuation conditlons specifled tn City Council Policy No. 542 have been s~tisfled. Comntssloner Bushore ~xplained hls negative vote refiects his feeling that i~creasing the unit sizos ~nd prtces~ even though tf~e monthly paymonts are less~ does not create affordabin housing; that he liked the proJect but felt government is stepping in end ha did not believ~e there is no flnancing availab~e fo~ constructton ~f condominluma. Fle falt the payments being tower far a certefn ~unbe~ of yesrs adds to the problen-a. pointing out the previous range of S57-300 is r~ised to S72~000 and the market priced units range from $~2.000 ta S105~000. 1/26/81 ~, ; MINUTES. ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUAAY 26~ 1g81 81-~2 ITEM NG. 10 RECOMMENDATION~ The fotla-ring R~pores end ~tscanne~~!~tions staff reports wera presented but not read: A. VARiANCE N0. 28fi4 - ibquaat for termin~tlon from Abel end Carol Mendex~ for prope~ty at~lorth Anahelm 6ouleva~d, AC~ TIO:t Cartmisstoner King affe ~ed kesolution No. PC81•31 and moved for its passegn and adoption that the Anahetm City Planning Comnission does hereby terminet~e all procaedings in connectto~ with Vartanc~ No. 28fi1~. On roll call~ the foregoing ~e s alut(on was passod by thn fallawlnc~ vote: AYES: COMMISSfONERS; BARNE 5. DOUAS~ QUSIIORE~ FRY~ HERHST~ K{Nf,ti TOLAR NOES: COMMI SS I OtiERS ; NONE AffSENT: C4MM1S5IONERS; NONE B. VARIANCE N0. 9~_- Requast for term(natlon from Lincoln Group far property st 1 3 west Tcol~ Avenue. ACTION: Commtsaionor King affered Resolutlon No. fC81-;2 and me~ved for its pa ss a~ge and edoptton that the A~ ahcim Clty Planning Cormisslon does hrreby terminete all proceedings in c o~ nection wlth Yeriance No. 979. On ~oll csll~ the foregning resolutlon was pnssed by th~ follawing vate: AYES: COMMISSIONERS; BARNES. ROUAS, BUSHORE~ FRY~ HERBST~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS; ftONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE C. TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N05. 10 ~_09_and_10410 - Request for extenslona of time Zr~aTie m s.~nc.~or p~opertr o1 ceted qn the south side of Wlllowick Oriw:. ~pproximately 865 feet s outh of the cencerline of Nohl Ranch ibad. ACTION: Conenisslo~e~ King offered a motion~ seoonded by Conmissioner Boua~ an~bTION CARRiEO, that th~ Anaheln Ctty Planning Car~miaslon does hereby grant ono-yoar extenslo~a of tin~e for Tentative Map of Trect Nos. OA409 a~d 10410 to expi r~ on Febrwry 28, 1~182. 0. RECLASS t F) CATIOk N0. 80_2~ AND VARIANCE N0. 3136 - Request for extensiona o~t~me ~rom na e m s~ nc~or property ocated s~uthwesterly of Nohl Ranch Road between the inters ectian of Nohl Rench Road with Canyon Rim Road and Sorrano Avenue. IICTION: Cona~lastoner KIn9 offered a motion~ saoonded by Co~nisstoner Bou~s an M ION CARRIEO, that the Ae~ahei~n City Pls~ning Con~misslon daes hereby grant one•ysa~ extensions of ti~ne for Reclasslfitatlan No. 7q-84-25 sr.d Variance I~te. 3136 to exp(re on F'abruary 11 ~ 1982. 1/26/8t , , ; MINUTES, ANAFIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUARY 26~ 1961 81-7,'i E. TENTATIVE MAP OF TkACT N0. ~n78k • Raquast for an extensl~n of time f~an ~na e m s~ nc. o~ praperty lorst~d on the nn~th st de of Carryon R1 m Rosd, •pproxlmetely 600 feet wast of tha cente~l tne of Serrano Avenue. ACTIONt Cammisslo~er King o}fered e~notlan, seconded by Camilssfoner Bouas ana~TION CARRIED, that the An~hetm City Plannin9 Commisalon does hereby grsnt a one•year extens ion uf time fo~ Tentative Map of Tract No. i0784 to oxpt ro o~ March 1~ ~ 1982. F. TIME RESTRAINTS FOR CONOOMINIUM CONVERSIONS - Follawinq e brief discus~lon~ ther~ w~s a genera co~senus o~ t~e ann ng Cam+l ss lon ta di scuss th I s matter further with the C1ty Council at a scheduledwork session. Commtsstoner 6arnes stated recentlY the Commisslon h~s rnce+ived requests for condominium converslon for unlts less than one-year old and slnce other c( t t es have t 1 me res t r i ct ! ons and th i s c t ty's pr 1 mary concern i s to upprade ~xtsting structures~ she felt e time restriction should be adapted. Cl~alnnan Tolar agroed and ~oted recently the~o was a request for conversion for units ~ot yet constructed and felt the staff should be instructed to add restrlctinn to our ondcs for condomi~iw++ converston. Commissloner Nerbst fete possibly the Cortn-isslon should diecuss thia with Councii t~ a work sess ton and staff should provide figures on what other cities are doi~g snd vace~~y factars. etc. Ne did nat feel conve~sions Increase housing and the ow~ership 1 s the anly thing changed. Cornnissloner Barnes stated she wouid l ike to know whrsn scructures start deterlorating. Chairmnn Tolar stated this matter wi 11 be discussed with the Clty Councll at the work Yesston to b~ held on February i7th or 18th. G. RECLASSIFICATION N0. 8-7 •2~ AND CONDITIONAL USE PCRMIT N0. 1 35: Request or one-year extens oRS o ~ me rom na e m li s~ nc. or propct'ty loceted on the east sidc of Imperial Highway~ spproxirt~tely 165p feet south of the centerl ine of t~lohi Ranch Ro~+d. ACTtO~J: Conmisslc,ne~ King offered a natton, sec.a~ded Gy Commissioner Bouss and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anahe{m Ctty P1Anniny Commtssion does hereby grant on~-Year extens ions of time ~oi~ Reclasstftcation No. 78-79-25 and Condittonal Use Per'mi t No. 1935 to expfre on JsnuAry 29~ 19~2• H. VARIANCE N0. 311~ "~2quest for review of revised plen~ for property locsted at ~ast VaTeneia Avenue. Dill Wehunt stated he Nouid Ilke the ~mmissian to revlea revised plans for a four-plex. Cheirmon Tolsr e~cp~ained this proJett will have ta be advertiso~ and a public hearing held before the Commission can aieke a dectaion. ACTION: Corm~issloner King offer~d a motian~ secnnded by Carmissioner Bauas an~8~'ION CARRIED, thdt the A~aheim City Pianning Cammissiorr does hereby d t rect s taf f to advertl se Var 1 ance Na. 3175 for the febcuary 9~ 1981 ~ meeti~g. 1/26/81 -. . . . ,....._.a ... ..... .. ............ 4 ~ MINUTES~ AHAH~IH CITY PIANNINC COMMISSION~ JANUARY ~6, 1981 g1w7W I~ TE~~iHtIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 8N18 - Requast fo~ approvei af specific pl+~ns~ A~nika Santalahtl , As~iatant DI recto~ for Zor-ing~ explained ~ffected resldents In the Pe~sita Hilts area ware nottfled of this ~equest. Jerry 5hulman steted he recently acquired subJect property fran Presley and thsre h~s been a minor misundarst~+nding In the deed re~trtctlons; that since they ente~ecl escrow ta ~urchase the property. they have been in touch witi~ ths Planning Uepartment steff and it was ~nly last weak thet thcy v+ere told about this deed restrtction; thet he assumes the Perelta Hills peopie are her~ to o~pnse the two•story structures besed on the 1975 deed restrictlon end he would likc the opportunlty to work something out wtth them a~ the city. 11e stated he understands there is a single-story rest~ictlon and his two storles w) l l be under 25 feet. He dld not think it ~hould mske any difference es long as they stay withln the heiqht perlmete~s as approved by tho Associatior- of Peralta Ntlls. He steted when that single-story restriction was mede In 1975. the~e wera no houseg above~ but they are therc. now and from th~eir visu~l Inspectlon af tt~e property~ the houses canrwt be seen end he dtd not belleve even the ~oofs wi 11 be secn. Ne stated, in his op i n lu~ ~ the houses ~bove are the eyesor~. He added he fee 1 s tho re 1 s one structur~ they wi i l be encroachfng upon and he i~ r+l l l ing to ~~gotlste dlrectly with that pr~perty nwnar, Chalrman Tolar stated this a~recment was made in 1975 Nith M~. Lusk anc! propert; in Peralta 1lills and he was on the Commtsslon at that time. He stated I~e woulcl not consid~r this request with~out satisfactory agreement bacause there was a trasxnci~us amount af time spent on thls matter. Ne steted he would hear what the oppo~itio~ has to say, but his in(cial rcactlon ts that this matter would have ta be set for pubilc h~Artng. Mr. Shulman statGd che stnylrstory restrictlon did not appear on the flnal tract map. Jack White~ Assistant City AttorneY, steted normally deed restrictions ere not rer.arc3ed on the praperty, but ~+r~ an the map and he dl d not know why this one dtd not spPea~. Chairman Tolar stated Presley should have spelled out the restriction whnn thc property was purch~esed. Commissione~ Barnes read the fol ic~wtng letter from Wi l l ian+ l,. Lusk to !he Planning Otrector, dated Jenuary 23. 1981; "Thls lette~ is being submitted to clarify our egreemant~ not only with the City of Anaheim, but wtth Mr. and Mrs. Krugcr~ ss it relstes to the developmont of hanes along the lower t(er of T~ect p8418. John 0. Lusk b Son agreed to restrict the lawer tier to cne-story homes so as not io invade ths visuel pr(vscy of M~. a~d Mr§. Kruger. Hvwever, to meet certel~ market demands for two-story homes and sti l i not i~vade tfie Kruger's pr~vecy~ vae designed e 1-i/2 scory home, by putting the wliidavs for the seccmd story ta the s i des. ~nd or~ the f ront I n the forn+ of dormers. 1/26/81 e 3 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIN CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUARY 26~ Ig81 81•75 We worked thi: progr~m out with the City snd Mr. b Mrs. Kruger and 1 would suggeat that ths devsiope~ epplicant in hla ~eque~t seek the same cooparetion for his solutlon." P,olend K~uge~ statsd he Ifves Just belav thts proposed developme~t and in 1975 M1+any months were apent working out this agreen+ent; that origlnally they wanted 18rger lott there tnat we~~e rrora tn amform~nce wt th persl ta Ni i ls, but over a period of tlme wArked out a comp romise wlth Mr. Lusk to provide a reeson~bla return on hia (nvestment and provide them some privacy. He had a letter frQm the har~ownc~r's essociatton af the trect to tha west supporting their pos(tlon and. i~ effect, It stet~s they support the ortginal plan fo~ ane•sto ry houses along the area bordering Perelte Nills and feel It will Impact thet~ property a~s wall. I~e felt after spending so many mc~nths working out a conpromise agreement with the doveloper he did not want to be asked to go back anci start over ageln. Fle stated whnn the property was first transferred to P~esley~ he contacted Mr. lusk and was (nformed that Presley hed been made awere of this restrictlon a~d felt it was Prealey's respcroslbillty to pass the Information on to the new owner. Mr. Kruger stated Mr. Josef asked him to finci out lf a cantllGVer swlmming pool wlll be constructed overhanging the slope as rumored and stated they feel that would be dangerous. 11e stated again they dn not thtnk they should be expected to start ne~tiating aqaln. He add~d there are s(x propertics to the west who will be asking for this same thing if this ts app~oved. Glen Johnson~ G44 Peralta Ilills Oriv~~ stated he Is famili~-r with this ar~reament made in 1915 and it was a resldue of a tot of negotlations end bscktng dow n on the part of the peapie in Peraita Hlll~ and there were a lot of things Mr. Krugcr compromised on and the ngreement has already been negottated and t~e felt it shauld stsnd as approved. Mr. 5hulman steted they would not build a cantllever swtmning pool and do not plan eny swimming pool; and that thQSe would be custom hrnnes s~d the slopes are not thel r propert;~. lie stated he has just been (nfo~med of a few mir-or changes which Presley shoutd have made him a~+bre of; that he finds tt (nteresting that the Board voted an Janua ry 6 nat tn relax the singl~-sto~y, ~y-foot htight restriction even If the City af M aheim cndes were ch~nged. Me stated he dtd not understand the obJection to Mo stories; that he does respect the prtvacy of tha peaplc innnedtstely behind anc! wi 11 do everythlnq possibie to mitigate thst situatlon. Chairman Tolar explained many hou~s were spent with the Lusk people and Peralta Htlls homeowners to esteblish santthing good for the community~ not only betause of the visual tntrusi~n~ but the water drainage, etc.; snd thls opposttion is not against Mr. Shulman personally and thc agreen~nt was created After a lot af thought end t~e feit Mr. Shulma~ ls e vi~tlm of something not revcaled; that he would not have a problem ~rith o~e story. but 1/26/81 , ? MINUTCS~ ANAH~IM CITY PLANMIN4 COMMISSION~ JANUARY 26~ 1g81 81-76 ha~ as one Commistion~r~ cannot tuppo~t the change wtthout s public hearing snd would find it hard ta be totolty obJ~cttve to change sometht~g thet has been dectded, Co mmistinner Be~nes st~ted most of the give had been on the part of the Peralta Nills people because before they had a qe~tle slope and compromised far a highe~ slopa and a lot of other tliings and she dld not think tt shoutd be ch~nged. Commissioner Nerbst stated the o~dinances on alopes h~s chenged and the Commission was adament that the slopes be brought up to present code and if the prasent ordi~anc~ had been ~dopted these lots would probably not be usable. Ile agreed single stories must be adherod to~ and stated he felt the ma rket 1~as changed ta s I ng 1 e s to ry. Mr. Shulman a~Ked if this restriction applias te a11 the property abutting Paralta f~t i is ~ why two-story honies were al lowed in the Lusk Tract ~xactly 100 feet from his p~o~erty llne! Chairmsn 7ols~ st~ted he cannot enswer that questlon; that the Commfssla~ carefuily revlews eve ry t~sct ~nd it is p~sslbie the two-story structures werc allowed beceuse of slof1e dtfferentials. Chairman Tolar stated Mr. Shulmnn has heard what has hsppPned o~ this ~roperty and knaws what recc~urse he has with Mr. Presley. Ne stated he cannot support any va~iation from the original agreement. Mr, Shulman asked tf 1-1/2 story structures would be ,occeptable. Commlsstone~ 8ushorc aaked for a clear defini~tan of a stngle-story structure snd Annika S~ntalahtt~ As~tstant Directo~ for Zoning~ repited 25 faet is a Scentc Corrldor requlation whlch overrides underlying zontng. Mr. Kruger stated there wss s gene~al agredne~t for 1-1/2 storles aiong the northern terrain and there were ; or 4 speciftc altoz which were aliowed to heve i-1/2 ~tories. Responding to Commisstoner Barnes~ Dean Sherer~ Asslstant Planner, explained plans w~re apparently su~mttted to the 8uilding Division for r~pproval and ln checktng the tract file condltions agalnst the plans, th~~ stipulatton for one-story structures wes dtscovered. Jtm Uennison, 255 Peralta Wav. stated he has been t~ the process of building a new home for 2-1/2 years; thac he purchdsed Che property k years ago snd did not Lhink tt~e financial implicatlon of thts to the petitianer should bn a confideration and the prop~rty avner's finanr,tal implicatlons sre more important. He stated most af the comment4 h~ve been made by a~e-1975 peralta Hills property arners end he is a post-1975 property owner and when he purchased the property, he gave ccrosideratlo~ to haw the hillside behtnd him would be develop~d snd noted stngle-stnry structures werc to be built there and it had e beari~g on buying the property. sl26l81 l ~, i MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINO COMMISSIQN~ JANUAR1f 26~ 1981 g~.~~ Gr~ce Korsbedlan~ 26S Peralt• Way~ ststed M~. Shulmen hed stated he did not think two•story •t~uctu~es on th• perimeter wauld be encrnacfiing upnn enyone's p~ivacy~ but that ~he h~d obs~rved a person (n thA straet teking e vitu~l scope of what he thou9ht would be an invasion of prtvacy end he dtd not con~ tnto her yard or house to see If he~ vislon rvould be interfared with. Shs stat~d she dia not think making s vtsu~i Judgmant f~om thr stree! i: ad~quete and notsd the~e are throa or four lots which actually abut :ubJect pfoperty which Nouid be AfPected. She statad there is a houae acra~s th• street now which 1= tnvadtng tha privacy of her yard snd she hated to think there wt11 be more. Chairman Tol~r stated he felt thls ts ail the information the Camilasion can 91ve the petitione~ at this timo. Deen Sherer~ As:lsta~t Planne~r~ expiatned the Conmtsslo~ can elther deny thia requaat for ap~roval of apacific plans or requesc a public hearing to consider ~mending tha conditlon of the t~ac: ACTIONs Commisslo~er King otfered a motlon, saconded by Commissioner Boues an InN CARRIEO~ thet the Anehelm City Planntng Car+imissinn does hereby de~y app roval of specific plans for Tentative Map of Tract No. 8418 and doea hereby ~econrnend that only singie-story dwallings be permitted on tha northern perimeter of Tract 8418 as orlginatiy stipulated to by the developer as e conditton of ap~praval of satd tract. ADJOURNM~ENT. Thmre being no furth~r business~ Commissfoner Fry offere~l a motto~~ seconded by Cominissioner Barnes and MOTION CARRIEO~ thet the meating be adJourned. The meettng was adJourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted~ ,~~ .~° ~~,~:. Edlth L. Harris~ Secretary Anaheim City Plenniny Commisslon ELH:Im 1/26/81 ~....• r~ ~ i-c r^RCt°°'S fl^r; ~ F,~ '~P` v+s. ~r ~::a'~ °ryi7r4'~ ~, ~,., T.:,^~,~ r.t^s , i •; ~-T'^r, ~'~~ f ~H a . y {" s ~ , ,, ~ , ~, ~, ,'