Minutes-PC 1981/03/09( ~: ~ - Civic Centar AnahF• I m, Ca 1 I forn E r March 9, 1g~1 aECULAR MEETING OF TNE ANAIIEIN CiTY PLANNI-JC COMMISSION ItEGULl1R • The reguler me~ting of the Aneheim Ctty Pisnnl~g Commfsslon wes MEETING calicd to order f~y Chel~man Tolar at 1s32 p.m.~ Mar:h 9~ 1~~1 In the Councll Chamner~ e quorum belny present~ PRESCNY - Cfiairman Tol~r Cc~mmiss(oners; Barnes~ Bouas~ f3ushore~ F~y~ Herbst~ King ABSENT • Gomm(ssloner; NONE ALSO PRESENT • A~ntka Santelehti Asslstant Director for Zoninq Jatk uh(te Asststant City 1lttarney Jay Titus Offtce Engincr.r Dean Sherr.r Assistant Planner Edith Narris Plenning Corn+tsslon Sccr~tary PI.EDGE OF ALt.CGIANGE TQ TIIE FLAG lED 8Y - Commissloner iiarn~s. APPROVAL OF TIIE MINUTES; - C~mmissioner Kl~g offered e motton~ sccanded by omm ss oner le st nn MGTIOti CARRIEU. that the minutes of the February 23, 1g91 meetiny be ~~proved as submlttc~. fi0. 1: E1R NEGATIVE DECLARATIQN RECLASSIFICATION N0. 8~-81-2 WAIVER OF M NT AN .Of 0 A E M N. : OWNERS: TITL~ If~SURANCE L TRUST COMPANY~ 7Q~ WI Ishire Boulevard, P. 0. Box 54998~ Los Angeles, CA ~3~~54. Af,ENT: RUSSELL JAY~ bg71 Ltncoln Avenue. Sulte A, HuenA Park~ GA 9Q620. Property described as a rectan~ularly-,ha~ed parcel of IAnd consisttng of approximately 1 acre. 147 South Besch Boulrvard. Property presently classifizd RS-A-43~~nn (RESIpENTInL, SIHGLE-FAMILY) ZONE. REClA55I f I CATI ON REQUEST: Cl CONOIYI~NAL USE RE2UESi. TO PERMIT !~ 43-UNIT MOTEL WITN WAIVERS Of NINIMUM NIJNDER OF PARKIt~G SP/lCES ANp MINIMUM LANDSCAPED SETBACK. There was no one In'~cattng their presence In oppositlon to subject request, and although th~ steff report was not ~Qad, it Is referrad to and mede a~+ert of the mi nutes. Russell Jay . 1111 Dolphln Terrace. Corona Qel Mar. agent, explained the only chanqes to the plan were on tfie westariy stde where th~ zn-fc~ot wrtde setback was changed to 5 feet bacaus~ of the existing 25-foot wlde street and that the pnrking ~n the north has been et imin:~ted end two units added. Mr. Dai ly, Space p6 ~ stated he no longer hes any ob,~ection to the re~uest. THE PUBLIG HEARING uA5 CLOSED. 81-tZ9 ~ ' ~ ~ MiNUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, MARCH 9~ 1981 81-130 ACTION: Commissloner Ktng offerad a motlon~ seconded by Cammtssione~ Fry and MOTIOtJ ~U~ that the Anehetm City Planning Commisslon has reviewed thc propost+i to recl~sslfy s~bJact property from the a5•A- 43~~~c1 (Residentlel/Agricultural) Zone to the CL (Commarci.~l ~ Liml tad) 7.one to permt t a 45-uni t motel wl th w~ivers of mi nimum nunber of pnrking s~dces and mi~imum l~ndsceped setback on a rect+~ngul~rly-shaped parcel of land consisttng of approxinytely 1 acre, heving a frontsge of ~pp~oximately 21~ foet on the west slde of Bee~cl~ Ooulevard (11~7 South B~ac.n Doul~va~d); and dc~r:s hereby ap~rove~ tha Negative Declaratlon from the re~ulrement co ~repare an envlronmental Impact rep~rt on the basis thet there would be no significent indivlduAl or cumulative edverse envlronmental Irt,pact due to the approval of this Negative Decleratlon slnGe the Anahelm f,eneral Plan designdtes the subJecL proporty for general comrt~rctal lend uses commensuratc wlth thc propos~l; thet r~ sensltive environmentel impucts are Involvec+ in the p roposal; that the Init(al Study submitted by the petitl~~ner 1ndlcAtes no ~.y~~iflcant Individual or cumutettve adverse anvironmtnta) im~r~cts; and thAt the Negative DeclAretian substantlatinc~ the faregoing findiny~ Is on file ln the Clty af Analieim Plenning UepRrtment. Comntssl~ner King offereJ Re~sAlution No, PC~1-50 and rmved f~r (ts passage enct adoptton that the Aneheim City Planning Cc~mmisston does horeby grant Reclasslfic~tion No, 80-81-2;~ sub)ect to Interdapnrtrr~ntal Corrriittee recomnendetions. On ro) l cal l~ the fore~oinq resolutlon was passccl by the fol lowing vote: AYES: CQMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ DOUAS~ 9USIIORE. FRY, HERHST~ KIIIG, T(1LAR NOES: COMMISSI~NERS: NANE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: t~ONf Conmisstoner Ktng offered a motton~ seconded by Commissloner Fry ~nd MOTION CARRIED~ that che Anaheim Clty Plenning Commissl~n does herehy g~Ant welver (a) on the basis that d~nial would deprtvc subJect property of prtvileges cnJoyed by other propertles in the same zone and vic~nlty anJ on the basts [hac the requese ls mtnimal t~nd a percentage ~f guests arrive t~y transnorta*.lon ns~des other than prlvate vehlcles and grantin,y watver (b) on th~ ~~asis that there Is a 25-foot prlvrt~ st~eet abutttng the wcs t prop~rty 1 i~ e. Commissian~r King offered Rcsolutlon No. PC81-51 end moved for (ts passage and adoptlon that the Anahelm City Planning Commisst~n does hereby grant Condirtonal Use Permit Mo. 2170 pursuar~t to Sections 1~.O~.n3~J; .~31; .03z; •~33~ •~3~+ and .035, Titlp 18 of the Anahelm Munlcipal Code~ and subJect to Interdepartrr~ntal Committee ~ecomrtondat' :. On roll cali~ the foreqc~ing resolution was passed by th~ follo~•ring votas AYES: COMMISSIONERS: 9ARI~ES. POUAS, BUSHORE~ FRY~ NER~ST~ KING. TOLAR NO~S: COMMISSfONERS: NONE A85ENT: COMMI SS I Ot~ERS : NONE Jack White~ Asslstant Clty Attorney, i,resented the rritt~n rtght to ap~eal the Planntng Commission's decision withln 2?. daya to thL Ctty Cnunctl. 3/9/8t ~y ~ } MINUT~S~ AWIHEIM CITY PLANNiNG CQMMISSIQN~ MARCN 9~ 1~81 81-131 ITkM NQ. : EIR CAT~GORICAL_ EXEMPTION-CLASS 1 AND CONDITIONAL USE NERMIT N0. 21a1: PU9LIC HEARING. OWNER: 9ROOKMORE ARNS, 1641 Lnngley Avenu~~ Irvina, CA 92714. AGENT: UAaDARY COAST RESTAURA-~T~ INC. ~ ATTENTION: CfIRIS 8A7.It~~ 80~1 South Brookhurst Street~ A~~~helm~ CA g2804. Property deacrlbed ~s e rdctenqularly-shAped parce) or lanJ wnsisttng of epproxlmetcly 1.~ acres~ locAted at thc no~theast corner of Brookmarn Avenue and Drookhu~st Street~ BOS South Brookhurst Street. Pro~serty prasently clessified CL (Comrtwrcial, Limlted) 'nne. CONOI TI Ot~AI, USE REQUE S i: TO PERM I T OH-SAIE OF ALCOHOt.I C 9CVE RAGES I N AN EX I STI NG RESTAURAI~T. There waa ~ne pe~rs~n indicatt~g her presence tn ap~sltl~~ ta subjec[ request. and although che staff report wes not read, It Is refcrred to and mad~ a pa~c of the minutes. Oernadlnc Detweiler, 214G West Uanbury Circle~ stated slie 11ves In dr~okmore Arms and is not opp~sec; to the request, but would Iike clarification because the petttt~n I s f rom i3raokrrqrr Arms and sho thought 1 t should be f rom Brookmore I nc. which (s a 1 and 1 eas~ cornrany . 51~e s ta t~:~ she was a 1 so concerned beceusc~ the n~t 1 ce t r;dl cated It is for an exigting restaurant and the prop~rty only hes an empty butlding, cven though there is ~ slgn (Dlg A1 S~ndwicl~ Joint) IndtcAting there Is e restaurant. Dr. Robert Nevin, 7002 West Occan Frant~ Ncw~ort Beach, explained this Is e trust propcrty leased originally on a 99-Year lease to Orookn+ore Arms +~nd Brookmore Arms subleased It to him. Ms. Detweiler ex.plalned shc ~ioes not want the rcyuest for on-sale liquor to be from B,ookmore Arms. Or. Nevin explained the request indicat~d an cxisting restaurent because there is a re,taurant there~ even though it ls currcntly closed and thc pians dr~ show whcre the se~vice bar w(11 be located. ~le stated the property Is prop~rly zoned for thls use and the restaurant will be re•opened with thc issu~ncc of this 'tcense. Hc stated Brookirort_ Arms is not involvcd~ but the owner had to be shawn on the application. Ms. Detwciler statcd she f~l[ f3rookmorc Arms is involved because they ere the ad)aintng property and they are particutariy concerned abaut the trafflc and stated they al reacty have a ba~i t~af f i c prab 1 em. She stated tlie t r proJect is not secure w) th no gates. 5he stated thcy opposed thf~ lir,uor ltcense for the Sizzler~ but did no! do (t properly and nothing was done and now t-~e Sizzler's customers are parking in their praject and using their streets. Cheirrr~an Tolar exr~laireed this proposed use can be there by right without the alceholic brverayes and asked if Ms. Deteller is opposed to the alcoholic beverages being served wl th meals. Ms. Uetweiler replied she is only objacting to the fact thc request was made in the name af Brookm~re Arms for an existing restaurant when it is not a restaurant. She stated~ howev~er, thoy wlll appreciate a good ~estaurant at this location because they do nead one~ but would 1(ke the request reworded. Chairman Toler explained the request has to be mi+de by th~ awner of the property and the C011KtfISS~pil only revtavs the use of the property and has r-o aontrol over the tltie. 3/9/8t ~.-' MINUTES~ ANAFiEIM C~Tv PLANNING CO~MISSION, MARCH 9, 1981 81-132 Ms. Detwtli ler atated the r~tition atetes tt was rcR~etted by Orookmore Arms end thcy do n~t r+ant a liquor license In thet nome end do not went ta be rezpunsible for It. Ctiatnnar. Tolar sta~ted th~ condominium proJect Is dtfferent then t-,c~ ~and use company and the~e ts no way the awners in the condominlum proJect could be helo •~sponslhle. TNE PUBLIC IIEARING WAS CLOSEO. Commtsgioner Nerbst noted the restaurant wes prcviously a sendwich shop and dsked whet klnd af oparatton it will he in tl~e future. Or. Nevtn explained the restaurant will be exaccly tt~e same with the additior vf a service bar ~~nd the cocktoils wil? be served ~ the tabi~s by a wattress and there will bo no seats at th~ bar. Ile explalnad the operation ts a sandwich resteurant with a salad bar~ and w{ 11 sel) sandwiches~ soups And s++locls. Commissioner Herbs~ indicated I~Is ~oncern rather than a sandwich shop. He felt the baverages wl 1) be servod wi th fond only. 58R1C COnCern. th~t the use cculd becomc a cocktal) bar petitinner should stlpul8te that alcoholic Commissioner Rarnes tndicated she has tha Or. Nevin stated he wou1J be wtlling to make that stipulatlon end explalned this parttcul~r license wlll anly permit the service of alc~h~lic beverages with food. Commissi~ner l~erbst clarlfied the hours of operAtion are 1~:0~ a.m. to 8:00 p.m.~ 7 days e week wlth e maximum ~f ; employaes and Mr. Bazin inAicated thAt is cor~ect. IC wes notod the Planning ~Irector or his authorized representative has determinad thet the proposcd project falls wlthln the deflnitiQn of Categortcal E.cemptio~s, Class 1, .~s deftned in paragraph 2 of the City of Anaheim Environmentat (n~act Report Guidelines and ts, therefore. categoricaliy sxemnt from the requtrement to prepare an EIR. ACTION: Commissioner Nerb,t offc~~•d RQSOlutlon No. PC81-52 and rrpved for its passage and a-doption t•hat the Anahcim CICy Pla~ning Corm~ission does hereby grant Conditional Ust Permit No. 21i1, pursuant to SectEons 18.03.~30; •~31; .032: .033; •034 and .0?i, Tttle 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ subJect to the petttioner's stipulation that the hours of oncration shall be 10:00 a.m. to L~:00 p.m.~ wit~, a maximum of 5 employeas and tf~at the alcot~oltc beveraqes shal) be served with rrMals only and subJect to I~terdepartmental Committee recommendations. On roll cali~ the fo~egotng resolution was passed by the foliowing vote: AYES: COHMI SS I ONC RS : DARNES ~ DCUAS ~ aUS110RE ~ FaY ~ 11ERBST, KI NG, TOLAF NQES: COMMISSIOI~ERS; NONE ABSENT: COMM15510NERS: NOtJ~ Conrnissioner ;ferbst explained tf ell conditions of thls co~dlttonal use pe~'mit are not complied wlth~ the Comnisst~n can revoke the p~rmlt. 3/9/ttt ,: ~-` ~3' ~,s i MINUTES~ ANAIIEIM ~ITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ MARCH 9~ ~gg~ l 81-133 I7EM N0. t EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATIQN~ WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT AND CON~IT;ONAL USE PERMI N0. 21 ~ -__. ~ PUBIIC NEARING. OWNER: RODERT M. TEPpER, ET ~~~ p~ p~ Box 21~. Northrl~ige~ Cq g~g2t,~ AGENT; pERRICK NEI~/TON~ 1121~> Psrk Straet~ Cerritus~ CA 9A7~1, P~operty deacribed at an irreyu)arly-~heped parcel of land consistinq of flpproximstely 1.2 acres Linc~ln Avenue. Property presently ~lassified CL (COMMERCIAL~ IIMITEp) zONE~43~' Nest CONUITIONIIL USE REQUEST: TO PERMIT A COCKTAIL LOUNCE WIT11 WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES. There was no one tndlcating their prtsence in opposltion t~ s~~bJect request~ .,nd a 1 thouy!~ the str, rf rcpc~r t was not re~d, t t t s referred to end made a part of the minutes. fkrr(ck Newton, agent~ was present to answer any questions. THE PUf~:.IC HEARING wA5 CLOSED~ Comnissfoner Ilcrb~t tndlcated cnncern betause the kitchen area ~s only 7~ of the total floor area and ~sked what type f~x~d would be ~erved. ~ean Sherer~ llss(stant Planner~ staced by code .~efintt(on the operatlon is not classified as e restaurant and is a c~ckc.~i I loun e bu- serving food and the Alcoho) ic Deverage Control Bot~rd wi ) Ihissue~t`ioner wi 11 be ~~ proper 1 icens~e. Mr. Newton stated fie will not need a lar~e kitchen erea and explained itsh E Cht~s~ sl~rimp~ harrburg~f5 ~ etc. wi 11 be served. ACTION; Commisstoner King off~red a moClan~ seconded by Con*r„ssloncr pouas and ~~ CARRIED~ tha*. the Anaheim Ct ty Planntng ''ommissi~n has rcvie.wed the to permit a cocktail lounge wlth waivcr e~ minim,m numf~er of parking spacesponpeRa) Irreyularly-shapec! parcel of land consisting oF~ approxtmately 1.2 acres havtng a frontaye of approxfmately 253 feet on the east sile of Knott Street a ~91 fe.et soutli of the centerl ine of Lincoln l~venue ~ pProxlmately does hereby approve the Neg~t tve Declarac ic~n from theGrec~ui rement~~~n Avenue) ; nnd envi ronmenta) impact re prepare an indivldual or cumulativead~ersehenvironmentalthmpa:t~due to thegaQ~iftcant Negative Declaration since the Anahetm Gennral Plan c,c_i~,r.ates thepsubject~prohert for yeneral commercjal land uses tommensurate wfth the p y env(ronmcntal im acts are invoived in the Droposal; that no sensitlve p proposal; that the Inttial ~tudy submttted by the petitton~r indicates no ~igniftc~nt indfvidual or cumulative adverse anvironmenta) impacts; and that the Negat~ve Declaratlon substantiating the foregoing findinys is ~n file in the City of Anahelm Pianning Oepartment. Commissioner King off~red a motlon~ s~conded by Commissioner I3ouas and MATION CARRIEU~ that Lhe Anaheim Clty Planning Commission does hereby g~ent wafver of code rcq uirement on the basts that denial would deprive subJtct property of a privilege ~n~oYed by other properttes in the s~me zone and vicinity and ~n the baR•is that the petitioner has submitted documentation that a recipracal perking agreer~nt extsxs with the rematnder of the compiex for mutua~i access to all an-site parking. 3/9/81 MiNUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ MARCN 9, 1981 81-13~+ Commissioner Ktng offered Resol~~tlon No. PC81-53 and mc~ved for tta pass~ge and sJoption that tha Ansheim City Plsnnin Cortmisalon does hereby g~ent Condltlonal Usa Permit 1~b. 2182 pursuant to Sections 1~.03.~3~i •A31i •~32; •~33i •~~~' and .(135~ Tttle 18 of the Anahelm Municlpal Code and tub)ect to Interdepe~tmentai Committee recommendatlons. On rol) call~ the fc~regoing resolution wA~ pASSed by the foltowing vote: AYES : COMMI S510t~ERS : BAftNES, BOUAS , BUSIIORE ~ FRY ~ NER~ST ~ KI NG ~ T6lAR NOES : COMh115S I ONCRS : NONE ABS~NT: COMMISSIONEiiS: NONE ITEN N0. ~~s EI~R NE_GATI~E_~+~ `r~~N. WAIVER_OF CODE RE uIPEMENT ANO CONDITIONl1l U_S_E ERMI N0. 21 3~ pU~I.IC NEARING. OWNER: GRACE CNAP~L OF SOUT11 GATE~ 9~~~+1 Vlrginla Avenue, South Gate~ CA 90260. AGENT: 7NOR HOLM~S. i;3~ Rid~e Vlew Terr,ce. Fullerton~ CA 9263'. Property desc~ibed es a rectangularly-shaped c~arcel c~~ l~nd cc~nsistin~ of ~~;;~r~,.:.~~a:.:ly 0.3 acre~ locatecl +at the northrest carner af Br~edway and Nelena :.treets~ 3~5 West Broadway (Church of His HoIY Presence). Property presently ~lesslfied RM-1200 (RESIUEt~TIl1L~ MULTIPLE~FAMILY) ZON~. C~?~.:'TIONAL USE REQUEST: TO PERMIT A PRIVATE SCIIOOL Itl AN EXISTING CHURCH WITN WAIVE-~ OF MINIMUM NUM9ER OF PARKING SPACES. It was noted the petltloner has re~uestcd th~t subJect pr.tition b~ cont~nued For twn weeks. ACTiON: Commissloner King offered a mc~tion~ seconded by Commissloner B~uas anJ ~N CARRIEQ~ th~t consldcratton nf thet^a~~at~theQ'requesttof thefetitlonero the regularly-schedulcd mo~ting of March 23. . 3/9/81 e ~ ` 'k, MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. MARCH 9~ 198i 81-135 ITEM N0. 5: EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND VARIAtiCE N0. 32~2= ,._.._.~ . _..._...~.__...~_ OWNERS: MARIA VALOEZ SALAZAR~ GT AL, 101f> No~th Pett Street~ Aneheim, CA 92801, Property describsd as a rcct~nc~ularly-shep~d p~rcel of I~~d consisting of approximately 805C squere 'Feet~ 1016 Nortl~ Patt Strnet. Prope~ty presently classifted RM-1200 (RE~IU~NTIl1L~ MULTIPLE.-FIIMILY) XONF. VARI~NCE REQUEST: '~IAIV~RS OF: (a) MINIMUM FLOOR AREA~ (b) MINIMUM Lh~tDSCAPED SET9~CK~ (c) MIN1MU11 D15TANCE BETIJEEN BUILDIN~S. (d) MINIMUM SIOEVARD SETBAf.K~ AWb (e) MlNIMUM NUMIiER OF PARKING SPAGES TO CONSTRUCT A DETACIIED DWEI.LI~IG UNIT. Commisstoncr Bushore decla~ed e conflict of i~teresc As defined by M nhetm City Planning Commission Resolutlon tlo. PC7(~-1~7~ ad~ptinq e Confllct of Interest Code for the Plenning Commissien. and Gavernment Code Sectiun 3F2'~ et seq.~ In Chat the property is in the redevelopment area and t~e hos act~ci as real estate agent for Co mmunlty liousing Department and~ pursuant to the provist~na ~f the ahove cndes~ declared to the Chairman that he was withdr~wing frcxn th~. hcarlnc~ t~ connectlan wlth Vartance ~10. 3202 and would not take part (n efther th~ Jl;r.usston or the votin9 thereon. and has not d) scussed th i s nu~tt~ r w t th any member of the P 1 a~nt ng Commisdla~. Thcreupon~ Canmtssioner fiushore left the C~uncl) Chambrr. There w as n4 one indicating their presencs in opposit(o~ to subJect request~ and although thc staff report was not read~ it is refcrred to and made a part of the minutes. Cerlos Solorzan~~ 181a west Chapman~ Suite a-1 Orangc~ Califernl.~ '1Z6F8, representin~; the ~wner, was present to answer any questions. Dean Sherer, Assistant Planner~ clarifiad t-~at even though thc petiti~ner has indlcated therc are five parking spaces, one: is locsted In the alley a~d is not tonstdered a legal spoce complyinq with code. 'TI~E PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. ACTION: Commtsstoner King offered a motion~ secnnded hy Cumnissioner Bouas and MO CARRIED (Commisstoner Bushore befng absent), that the Anahe(n City Planning Cartmissio~~ has r~viewed :he proposs) to construct a detached dwelling ~nit with waivers ~f minimum flc~or spnce, minimum landscaped sethack~ mir'mum distance between buildings~ minimun sideyt~rJ setback and minimum number of parKin~ sPaces ryn a rectangularly-shaped parcet of land consisting of approximately 8450 square feet, havlnc~ a frontage of approximately 57 feet on the east side of Patt Street, appr~ximately 190 feet norkh of th~ centerline of La Palma A~e~ue (1n16 North Patt Strcet) ; and does hereby approve t-~e Ncgative Declrration from the re~ut remar,t to prepare an cnvironmental impact ~epart on the basis that there would no significant individual or cumulative adverse envtronmental impact due .o the approval of this Yegative Decla~ation since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subJect property for medi~mrdensity residentlal land uses commensurate with the p~opasal; that no sensitive environmental impacts arc involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitlonor indicates no signtficant individuai or cunwlatlvr adverse environmental impacts; end that the ~~egative Declaration substantlatinc~ the foregoing findtngs is on file in the City of Anaheim Pias~ning DepF~rtment. 3/9/81 ~ i ~ 0. = MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CiTY PI.ANNINO COMMISSION~ MARCN 9~ 1981 81•1;6 Conco rning ti-n h~rdships for granting the requetted waiv~~s~ Jack White, As~istent City Attor~ey~ explained the proposed naw structura will conform to code requirements and exl~.ing st~uctures cb not conform; tliat if the~e were no new ~anstructlon~ the axtsting atructures could continua; that tl~a taw is somewhat unclear as to whether or ~ not the verlancn is necessary t~~ sicuotlans wl~e~e non-conformity of existing ~ struccures doos not changa. Ne stotod he would not be uncomfortable If thc ' Commistlon ap~roves this varimnce on tt~at basts. ~ . ~ A,CTION: ~o~ntsstoner King offered aesolution t~o. PC31-55 And maved for its passage ~ a~Ta~Tcc-ptlon thot the Anahelm City Planning Commisston does hereby c~rant Varl~nco No. E 3202 on the basis that tl~ore are two existing Icqel non-conf4r~~.ing dweliing units on ! the praperty and the p roposed addltt~nal construction will rot Increase the de~ree of ` non-conformlty ttnd does confortn to zoning code req uirements~ and sub)ect to Interdepartmer,tel Comnittee reconmondatir~ns. ~ On roll call~ the fore~~uing resolution was passcd by the follaying vote: AYES: COMMISSIONEaS: BARNES, ~QUAS, FRY, HERgST~ K!~~r,~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: fJONE ADSEN7; COMMISSIONERS: 8U5110RE Gammissic,n~r Fry clerified tha* if the ncw structure required the same wa(vers as tne existing structures~ there would be a probiem rnd ~ck Whitc further explained tf the new constructton requtrad walvers~ thRn the lega) ardshlp findings Nould be necessary. Commtsstoncr Bushore rctu~ned to the Council Ch~rnb~r. TEM~NO~: EIR NEGATIV~ DECl~4RATI0N (PREVIOUSLY A~PRGVEO) AND CONDITIQNAL USE ERMI T N0. 1555 R- D ER SEO : PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: DICK ~AN ECK, 3550 Miraloma Avenue~ Anahelm~ CA 92806. Property described en an irregularly•shapr.d parcel of land cO~sistlnq of apnroxlr.iately 4.6 acre~ locatPd at the southwest corner of Miraiome Avenue and Tusttn v~nue~ 3550 East Miraloma Avenue (Fleet 5ervices). Propert~' presently ciassified ML (INDUSTRI~L, LIMITED) ZONE. PETITIONER R~QUESTS DELETI~r~ OF CONpITInN ~i0. 2 OF PLANNlN~ C~MMISSIQh' RESOLUTIUN N0. PC7$-1;G PERTAI;~It2G TO OUTDOOR ME~HANICAL MAINT..NANCE. It was noted the petitianer has requested Lhat the propused amendment t-~ wlthdrawn. ACTION: Commissiorer Mtng affered a motir~n, s~ ~nded by Comntssioner I~erbst and MO~IO~N CARRIED, that the request for d~lstion Condition Na. 2 of Pirnning Cortmission Resolution No. PC15-il~~ p~rtainin~ ,o outcfoor mechanicel melrttenan~~ be wtthdrawn as requcsted by the peti tioner. s s 3/9/61 ~ ; i. I M I NUTES ~ ANAl1E I M C I TY PI ANN I ~I~ COMM I SS I ON ~ MARC~1 9~ 1981 $1-137 i T~M N0, 1~ p RECOMMENQATIONS Tho follawing Repo~ts t+nd Recommendations staff repc~rts were presented but not read: A. TE.NTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 9~~ (aevislon No, 1) - Requesst for extcnston of ~~.~ r ~.~.~~ tirtie ~rom 58Tkin E~ginoertnq CarporatTon an property lecated ~n the narth si~e of Simrnona Avenue~ 295 f~et east of the centerllne of Haster Street. ACTION: Commlssionar King offored a motfon~ scc~ndP~~ ~~~ '' ~misstonar Fry and M~TION CARRIED, thet th~ Anah~im City Planning on doGS hereby grant a onc year extension of time f~r Tentative Map act No. 9A1~ (Rovision tlo. 1) to expire on NArct~ 1~~ 1~If32. 6. CONOITIONl1L I;SE PERMIT N0. 122~ - Request for extenslon of time from Charlas a magc or ~ onalt oT naT~sc ~ermit Na. 122~ on property located at 2280 East Katell~ Avenue. ACTION: Commis~loner K(~g offered A motfon~ secAnded by Commisstaner Fry and MOTION CARRIEU~ that the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission does hereby grant ~ 5-year extcnsion of tl~ for Conditional Use Pcrmit No. 12?.9 to exp( r~e on Aprt 1;. 198f,. C. RECI.l~S51 FI CATI~N NQ. 7b-79-32 and VARIAFICE N0. 3~78 - Request for retroactive extens ons- o~me o~r`~'ecTass~ caT CTon No. 7~-79-32 and Variance No. 307o from Davi~~ 1lhitahead for 1,4 ecres located at 21~82 Santa Ane tanyon Road. ACT10N: Commissioner King offered a moti~r,~ se.onded by CoMm(ssioner Fry and MOTION C1IRRIED~ that thc Anahctm Ctty Planning does hereby grant retroactive extenslons of time for Rezlassification No. 78-7~-32 and Variance f~o. 307E3 to exptre on February 2h~ 19~2. D. RECLASSIFICATION N0. 71-78-1~~ - R~qucst for extensian uf time from Calvin hk ekho ~ ~r Rec css cat on No. 77-78-4; for property located on the west side of western Avenuc~ north of Ball Road. AGTION; Comnisst~ner Ktng offered ~ rt~itan~ seconded by Corrrmisslo~er Fry an TION CARRIEO~ that th~e Anaheim Cit~~ Planning Commission does hereby grant a three year retroective extenslon of time for Reclasstfication No. 77~7~•~+5 to explre on March 1~~ 1982. E. VARIANCE N0. 31~4 - Requcst for retroactive extcnston of time from Duanc ~;.avnicka~ or liariance ~~o. 3134 on property l~cated at 2F,48 Russell Avenue. ~rTIOW: Commissioner King offerecl a motien~ seconcir~.f by Commissloner Fry and MOTION CARRI~D~ that the Anaheim City Planning Coamission does hereby grant a one-year rctroactive extcnstan of time for Variance No, 3134 to expire on Februar~r 25. 1982. 3/9/8t { ; ; 1 . MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINR COMMISSION, MARCk q~ 1981 ~1•138 F. VARIANCk N0. 0 ~- Request for ta rn-inatl~n from Clycie E. Sti~es for pro~ y at S orth Wilshire Avenue. ACi14N: Ca~nissinncr King offered ar.solutlon No. PC81-5, and .aved for tts passeiyc and edvption that the An~helm City Pinnninn Gam~isslon doea hereby te rn~inate V~rlQnce No. 3~3~• On roll cell, the f~rPgoing reSOlutt~n was p~ssecf by the fo1!owtnc~ vote: AYLS: COMr11 SS I ONERS : BARNES ~ 6~Ul15, UUSIIORE ~ FicY, 11CRDST ~ KI h!~ ~ TOLAR ~~OCS : CO-tM 1 SS I QNERS ; 110NE A:lSENT: Cn~~M15510~~ER5: NONE G. COI~DITIONAL USE. PCRMIT N0. 2G~ - Rcqucst for terminat(~n from Gordon E. Gray or pro~~erty ocated 5~ eet weat of the nortf~west carner af Bal) Roed and Gilbert Str~et. AG710N: Conxnissioner King offr~ed Resolutinn No, PC81-$f, and n~oved fo~ its p~ssagE and adoption th~t tl~r Anahetm City Pl~~nninq Conmission does hereby termin~t~ Conclitionnl Usc Permit No. 2f~9, On roll c~~l)~ tt~e farenoing resolutton was passed by the folihwing vote: AYES : COMMISS I Ot~EaS : EiARNES ~ t~OUAS ~ dUSNORE ~ FRY ~ HERaST, KI ~~r ~ TOLAR UOES: CONMI,SIONEf'S: NUNC AbSi.NT: CONMISSIONE:RS; ~IONE H. CON~ITIONA~ U5k F'EP,M17 N0. lhi9 - Renuest for ap~rov~l of ,p~~tfic plans r~ L~urr i- e l~~Sp+nk tca ~ermit a ha(r styling snlon At 5~3 West South Strcet. ACTION: Cortxniss~oner King offered a motlon, secondcd by Lommissioner Eiouas and MOTION CA~RIEU, tliat the Annhelm City Planntnn Canmisslon does hrreby find this specific use is not in c~nformance and a public heariny would be r~nuired. AUJOURNii~NT There being no further business, Cor~tssluner Fry offered a motion~ secondcd by Commixstoncr Nert~st and MO1'ION CARRIED~ that the meettng be adJourned. The m~eti~g w~s adJoutned e+t 1:5~ p.m. Respettfully submitted, Edith !. Narris. Secr~tary Anaheim City Planning Ccxnmission ELji:lm 30g18~